Hioki 3511-50

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LCR HiTESTER 3511-50

Components measuring instruments

Minimum measurement time of 5 ms, built-in comparator and ±0.08% measurement accuracy

Improved for even faster and more efficient measurements !

The 3511-50 LCR HiTESTER features both high
performance, highspeed measurements with a low prices.
The minimum measurement time of 5 ms and basic
accuracy of ±0.08% makes the instrument suitable for use
on production lines and laboratories. The built-in high-
speed comparator significantly reduces production line tact
time and allows the construction of automatic production
The very compact body features a clearly visible LED
display that facilitates easy operation and allows settings to
be confirmed at a glance.
With its high-speed measurement, highly accurate
measurement capabilities and great cost performance, this
LCR measurement instrument is bound to satisfy the needs
of a variety of users.

Better Speed, Better Accuracy

■ Comparator function
Upper limit and lower limit values can
be set for both the main parameters
(any of Z or C or L or R) and sub-
parameters (any of θ or D or Q). The
measurement results are signaled by a
buzzer and LED indication and can
also be output to an external source.
The output is separated into main- and
sub-parameter measurement results
together with AND.

■ Memory for 99 sets of

measurement conditions
Up to 99 sets of measurement
conditions, including comparator
values, provide rapid response to
Powerful Functions for Greater Line Efficiency constantly changing components on
flexible production lines.
■ Minimum measurement time of 5 ms These conditions can also be externally
Three sampling rates can be selected: FAST, NORMAL and SLOW. The minimum switched via the EXT.I/O.
measurement time of 5 ms (with 1 kHz/|Z| display) gives rapid sampling for improved
production line efficiency. ■ Compact size
(Differs with the measurement frequency and display parameters.)
The small dimensions, 210 (W) × 100
■High resolution and high measurement accuracy (H) × 168 (D) mm, approximately 2.5
The measurement resolution provides a full five digits, and the basic kg (4.00"W × 8.30"H × 6.60"D; 88 oz.
measurement accuracy is ±0.08%. approx.), make it easy to incorporate
the instrument into production lines.
■ RS-232C interface as standard feature
The AC power supply voltage is selectable :
With the exception of turning the power on or off, all the basic functions can 100 V, 120 V, 220 V or 240 V AC.
be controlled from a PC. Use of a PC enables efficient data management, 9518-01 GP-IB interface can be fitted (optional).
processing, and setting of measurement conditions, plus a variety of other
functions. A GP-IB interface can also be installed as an option.
■ RS-232C interface specifications
Transmission method: Start-stop synchronization. Transmission speed: 9600 bps. Data length:
8 bits. Parity: None. Stop bit: 1 bit. Delimiter: CR+LF. Handshake: Hardware. Connector shape:
D-sub 9pin (male). Connecting cable: Reverse cable

Trigger signals, recording ON/OFF, and loading of measurement conditions EXT.I/O
can be externally controlled. Complete interface allows the unit to be used as
Rear view RS-232C interface
an automatic instrument where comparator results, measurement-completed
signals, etc., can be output to an external device.

Timing chart for EXT. I/O sequencing Chuck ON Chuck OFF

Circuit response time Trigger minimum interval
The following chart shows the timing sequence of the trigger α* 1 100 µs
(TRIG), and end-of-measurement (EOM) signals from the TRIG
EXT. I/O connector. 500 µs Measurement time 5 ms *2
EXT. I/O signals
● Outputs ● Inputs
• Internal DC power (+5 V output) • External DC power supply (+5 V HI IN LO Decision result
• Comparator result (main-/sub- to +24 V can be supplied by external device)
parameters together with AND output) • External trigger signal *1 α depends on the sample and trigger delay.
• Analog measurement completion • Memory setting selection *2 Reference value for 1 kHz measurement frequency,
• End-of-measurement (including comparator conditions) FAST mode, |Z| measurement.
Measurement time differs with measurement conditions.

... and Better Size !

Basic Performance
■ Seven parameters measured ■ Measurement signals
The seven parameters |Z|, R, θ, C, L, D, and Q can be Measurement frequency: 120 Hz/1 kHz. Signal level:
measured. The main- and sub-displays can be combined 50 mV, 500 mV, 1 Vrms settable.
in five ways: |Z|-θ, C-D, L-D, L-Q, R.
■ Printer output
■ Easy operation by simple selections Measurement values and comparator results can be
and LED display printed out on the optional 9442 Printer by connecting
To operate, simply select from the items displayed on this via the standard RS-232C interface. This is
the panel. Selected measurement conditions are convenient for attaching data to inspection reports, etc.
(The optional 9444 Connection Cable and AC adapter are necessary for connecting the printer.)
indicated by illuminated LEDs allowing settings to be
checked at a glance. Measurement results are also Printout example
displayed by LED indication that makes it easy to check
the values even in dark locations.
■ DC bias measurement
Using the optional 9268/9269 DC BIAS UNIT, voltage
and current bias measurements are simple.
The 9268 can be used for
voltages up to a maximum
■ 9442 PRINTER specifications
of DC±40 V. The 9269 can
●Printing method : Thermal serial dot printer●Recording width : 112 mm (4.41”)●Printing
be used for currents up to a speed : 52.5 cps●Power supply : 9443 AC ADAPTER or supplied Ni-MH battery pack
maximum of DC±2 A. (prints 3000 lines on full charge from 9443 AC ADAPTER)●Dimensions and mass: 160W
× 66.5H × 170D mm; 580 g approx. (6.30"W × 2.62"H × 6.70"D; 20.46 oz. approx. )

Resulting measurement data can be output not only to a printer, but also
Example of connecting the 9262 and 9268 / 9269 other media such as a PC or sequencer. Using the RS-232C interface
makes transferring the inspection data simple and convenient.

■ Specifications
|Z|, C, L, R, θ, D, Q Measurement range (Auto/Hold range, 5-digit display)
Measurement parameters |Z|, R : 100 m/1/10/100/1 k/10 k/100 k/1 M/
* Five possible display combinations: |Z|-θ, C-D, L-D, L-Q, R.
10 M/200 MΩ
Measurement frequency (±0.01%) 120 Hz 1 kHz
C (120 Hz) : 145 p/1.45 n/14.5 n/145 n/1.45 µ/14.5 µ/
Measurement time (typical values
FAST : 13 ms, NORMAL : 80 ms, FAST : 5 ms, NORMAL : 60 ms, 145 µ/1.45 m/14.5 m/1 F
for displaying |Z|)
Excluding time for open/short circuit SLOW : 400 ms SLOW : 300 ms C (1 kHz) : 17 p/170 p/1.7 n/17 n/170 n/1.7 µ/17 µ/
compensation, evaluation.
170 µ/1.7 m/100 mF
ranges |Z|, R 10 mΩ to 200.00 MΩ
L (120 Hz) : 130 µ/1.3 m/13 m/130 m/1.3/13/130/
C 9.40 pF to 999.99 mF 0.940 pF to 99.999 mF 1.3 k/13 k/200 kH
14.00 µH∼200.00 kH 1.600 µH∼20.000 kH L (1 kHz) : 15.5 µ/155 µ/1.55 m/15.5 m/155 m/1.55/
15.5/155/1.55 k/20 kH
θ -90.00˚ to +90.00˚
Dimensions, mass : 210H × 100W × 168D mm, 2.5 kg approx.
D 0.0001 to 1.9900 (8.30"H × 4.00"W × 6.60"D ; 88 oz. approx.)
Q 0.85 to 999.99 Power supply : 100 V/120 V/220 V/ 240 V AC ± 10%
Basic accuracy Z : ±0.08% rdg. θ ± 0.05˚ (selectable), 50/60 Hz
Max. rated power : 20 VA max.
Measurement signal levels 50 mV/500 mV/1 V rms (±10% ±5 mV)
Supplied accessories :
Equivalent circuit mode Serial- and parallel equivalent circuit mode, automatic/manual Power cord, spare fuse for power supply
Output impedance 50 Ω (in accordance with the ordered power
Display method/Max. count LED (5-digit display, full-scale count depends on range) specifications, either 100/120 VAC 1 A,
220/240 VAC 0.5 A)
No. of measurement
Max. 99 (including comparator conditions) Conformity : EMC EN61326-1:1997+A1:1998
condition memory retention
Any of the main parameters (any of |Z| or C or L or R) and EN61000-3-2:1995+A1:1998+A2:1998
sub-parameters (any of θ or D or Q) can be set to upper limit and lower EN61000-3-3:1995
Comparator comparison
limit value settings. The measurement results are signaled by LED Safety EN61010-1:1993+A2:1995
method indication and a buzzer and EXT.I/O output (main- and sub-parameter
evaluation results, AND output). Power supply; Pollution degree 2 Overvoltage Category II
DC bias Possible when the optional 9268 (±40 V max.) or 9269 (±2 A max.) is used. (anticipated transient overvoltage 2500 V)
Test terminals; Pollution degree 2 Overvoltage Category I
External printer 9442 PRINTER (option)
(anticipated transient overvoltage 330 V)
External interfaces RS-232C, (GP-IB is option), EXT.I/O for sequence use.

Measurement accuracy and range

Conditions of guaranteed accuracy :
Temperature and humidity 23˚C±5˚C (73˚F±9˚F), less than 80% RH (no condensation), following 60 min. warm-up after power is turned ON,
after open/shut calibration, use of 9261 Test Fixture, measurement signal level 1 Vrms, measurement speed set to SLOW.
The various accuracy specifications presume that θ< ±6˚C for R, D≤0.1 for C-D, D≤0.1 for L-D, Q≥10 for L-Q.
Q accuracy is defined by the calculation of 1/D.
Measurement range and accuracy differ with the used Test Fixture, measurement signal level and measurement speed.
Frequency Range
(|Z|-θ and
R have
100 mΩ 1Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 100 kΩ 1 MΩ 10 MΩ 200 MΩ

IZI ± (1.00+0.15/ZL)% ±1.80% ±0.35% ±0.08% ±0.08% ±0.11% ±0.14% ±0.30% ±(0.15+0.16✕ZH)% ±(2.00+0.11✕ZH)%
θ ±(0.10+0.09/ZL)˚ ±1.00˚ ±0.18˚ ±0.08˚ ±0.05˚ ±0.08˚ ±0.10˚ ±0.19˚ ±(0.10+0.09✕ZH)˚ ±(0.70+0.08✕ZH)˚

R - ±(1.00+0.21/RL)% ±2.10% ±0.39% ±0.10% ±0.09% ±0.13% ±0.16% ±0.34% ±(0.15+0.20✕RH)% ±(2.00+0.16✕RH)%

120 Hz 1F 14.5 mF 1.45 mF 145 µF 14.5 µF 1.45 µF 145 nF 14.5 nF 1.45 nF 145 pF

1 kHz 100 mF 1.7 mF 170 µF 17 µF 1.7 µF 170 nF 17 nF 1.7 nF 170 pF 20 pF

C ±(0.60+1.50✕f✕CH)% ±2.10% ±0.39% ±0.10% ±0.09% ±0.13% ±0.16% ±0.34% ±{0.17+30/(f✕CL)}% ±{1.70+30/(f✕CL)}%
D ±(0.0015+0.0108✕f✕CH) ±0.0179 ±0.0034 ±0.0016 ±0.0011 ±0.0016 ±0.0020 ±0.0036 ±{0.0020+0.264/(f✕CL)} ±{0.0120+0.25/(f✕CL)}

120 Hz 130 µH 1.3 mH 13 mH 130 mH 1.3 H 13 H 130 H 1.3 kH 13 kH 200 kH

1 kHz 15.5 µH 155 µH 1.55 mH 15.5 mH 155 mH 1.55 H 15.5 H 155 H 1.55 kH 20 kH

L ±{0.90+30/(f✕LL)}% ±2.10% ±0.39% ±0.10% ±0.09% ±0.13% ±0.16% ±0.34% ±(0.17+1.17✕f✕LH)% ±(2.00+1.00✕f✕LH)%
D ±{0.0021+0.264/(f✕LL)} ±0.0179 ±0.0034 ±0.0016 ±0.0011 ±0.0016 ±0.0020 ±0.0036 ±(0.0020+0.0110✕f✕LH) ±(0.0120+0.0100✕f✕LH)
* ZL is the sample impedance [Ω], ZH is the sample impedance [MΩ], RL is the sample resistance [Ω], RH is the sample resistance [MΩ], CH is the sample capacitance [mF],
CL is the sample capacitance [pF], LL is the sample inductance [µH], LH is the sample inductance [kH], and f is the measurement frequency [kHz]. ( |Z|, R, C, L : ± %rdg.)

■ Options for a wide range of applications

PROBE DC to 5 MHz DC to 5 MHz DC to 5 MHz FIXTURE Maximum applied voltage: ± 40 V DC
DC to 100 kHz DC to 5 MHz 9269 DC BIAS CURRENT UNIT
* All cable lengths are 1 m (39.37”). Maximum applied current: ± 2 A DC

3511-50 LCR HiTESTER 9165 CONNECTION CORD (for 9268/9269; BNC to BNC; 1.5 m/59.05”)
[Standard accessories: power cord, spare power fuse (1 A for 100/120 V 9166 CONNECTION CORD (for 9268/9269; BNC to clips; 1.5 m/59.05”)
AC rating, 0.5 A for 220/240 VAC rating) ] 9518-01 GP-IB INTERFACE
Test fixtures are not supplied with the unit. 9151-02 GP-IB CONNECTION CABLE (2 m/78.74”)
Select an optional test fixture when ordering. 9151-04 GP-IB CONNECTION CABLE (4 m/157.48”)
■ Options
9443-01 AC ADAPTER (for 9442, Japan)
9443-02 AC ADAPTER (for 9442, EU)
9443-03 AC ADAPTER (for 9442, USA) 9443-02
9444 CONNECTION CABLE (for 9442 / 1.5 m/59.05”) 9443-01
9262 TEST FIXTURE (direct connection type)
1196 RECORDING PAPER (for 9442 / 25 m/984.25”, 10 rolls)
9263 SMD TEST FIXTURE (direct connection type)

HIOKI (Shanghai) Sales & Trading Co., Ltd. :

1904 Shanghai Times Square Office, 93 Huai Hai Zhong Road
Shanghai, P.R.China POSTCODE: 200021
TEL +86-21-6391-0090/0092 FAX +86-21-6391-0360
E-mail: info-sh@hioki.cn 서울특별시 영등포구 경인로 775(문래동 3가, 에이스하이테크시티 3동 201호)
Beijing Office : TEL: 070-7872-0701 FAX: 02-2167-3801
HEAD OFFICE : A-2602 Freetown, 58 Dong San Huan Nan Road E-mail: sales@nubicom.co.kr
81 Koizumi, Ueda, Nagano, 386-1192, Japan Beijing, P.R.China POSTCODE: 100022 고객지원센터
TEL +81-268-28-0562 / FAX +81-268-28-0568 TEL +86-10-5867-4080/4081 FAX +86-10-5867-4090 TEL: 070-7872-0701, 080-801-7880 FAX: 02-2167-3802
E-mail: os-com@ hioki.co.jp E-mail: info-bj@hioki.cn E-mail: oft@nubicom.co.kr
HIOKI USA CORPORATION : Guangzhou Office :
Room 303, Profit Plaza,No.76, West Huangpu Road 대전 사무소
6 Corporate Drive, Cranbury, NJ 08512 USA 대전광역시 유성구 대덕대로 593(도룡동 386-2) 대덕테크비즈센터 203호
TEL +1-609-409-9109 / FAX +1-609-409-9108 Guangzhou, P.R.China POSTCODE: 510623
TEL: 070-7872-0712 FAX: 042-863-2023
TEL +86-20-38392673/2676 FAX +86-20-38392679 E-mail: inyeom@nubicom.co.kr
E-mail: hioki@ hiokiusa.com
E-mail: info-gz@hioki.cn
All information correct as of Jul. 19, 2001. All specifications are subject to change without notice. 3511-50E1-81E-00P Printed in Japan

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