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Mauryan Empire Notes

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the_noth- ues
Abaedes/s Arvas iohof
Snolin in tha eany, 41h_Cuatuny
Chandhagwe Momo to a he
t Embe 1h:32/_RCA
hundatòn e ' Mawya
uih dyaasty V o Magadha -_th
2h hen Ehavdneaqpta i
Nanda wa DveAthndwn
Kauiyo ,a aches
Mauna uth tha hlh
la -fhsm 321 h lis
heMauyan anaktynaled

ypahk chandnaguptalshugn ane

but MnAt
lew 0 a thibkl Ougtn
agAign eithe a Caste
tn e Mauyan teily
chandnagupta wa
Sorme hiatoaian beliue hat
Xost Aauda ing Chara Nada)_
0 Callgd Muna
Kbahn_ tn aos:bnn woman
and hnce ChMuthefaily na MaunA
h Ruddhut_fradihin descnbe Chandha apa
o s a M E n h L h 0 t the Maatya clan lutRbbh-
alayana Ond tha. Mauzyas wXhe Linked
fho tiihe thi Sakyas to whch he_
Buddlha Relonqed Thuooinblis that the
we Kahatuiyss
Acconalingn the Raddlhist_ wihuMauya_
Came wAENn
eacocks Aashy Mayha În SoumskALE_and Mahe
enethe be
soid thot Buddhists buid
e tCan poaithon ot Ashaka Page
eluat fe socLo Ca:

eJanhaduhonhedsta chondhagubta a the son o

aclaughtp chiu a Vwlag opla
tameha CMaumya-fosh&a.
The manas lucihe he Mawyaa to be Shudba
byobably du o fact that tha we
ton hatendexx sect
Thclaaital &Dhc mestionchondbhoqupta as
Sondnaiottu and b dascubau to be loo oi:onan
nthe Junapah Rock Snacaiption n Kudnadaman
ICD Rc.E)fhoh is azelinence tn Pusyaqapta J
ochovndnaaubho .uhidainpia
Hhe bantha An lamw_o
ishya O1u f Moamyeu
alo Aug4pkt tha hotitle Cupta m
chadhaguptals. äme and theata ebisode-di
AAhoRal_maxiag dauglatna oamodha
vieiha uppoxdhe_d tra fhe Mawnya
could_have baan NaÄshya oxgin

Hana pa chendhaqaupta. in the MAAdhonakzhasa

ALishakadata sugta_ fhoc wA_MEnel
nupstant a unkhouwn Rpamidy
*undeation_ of th Embihg
Chandroeup ta o ovethwowug tre last he
Joundo KUngs acceoled to the haone in anound
3 BCE ad toundud the Maunya Empe.
was was, Chanokyo, h ncouhogaol chandnagubta
Mamya and h ady o taRu 'dve fhe fhhon
Magaolha fr ke fhouht fhoDhona haundla
dadl nof
not dusuwe b R i r g uyma
The Polifial ris _choumdhaguhfa wa also linped
Akexandar Page

Th Ons 3S 8.E 323 B.CE

0 Mony ot he govemans who sttiond 1
the nothuwest t Alxandaals Snwasioh w
ahoztal 0 had to htthat

oTh enalled- chardhagubta n qaun contaox É thu

egáonquickly Haweeayi Ä notcectain
then chadhagubta. hDutea heniAguneas fut
o ans Case bath fhese tosks LAe Combul
321 -GE and the Atage as set a tut


XChandrogupta, Mawya 321-219 8.cE)
Hfnunded the Maunyan eplhe hyp deboxinga ho
Nanda hudeaDhana Nhada
nonth westtun pata o e
SnduanAubcontineut om he gek goea
nd Satrans ahpainthed byAluxanoloa
eOne the istmaia MUIfay ctoy
chandnaquhta in the aa th selkuaa
Nkatoh who uled ovea the anawet ofthe
Taolusanound 30S BCE
Evetually ho.oco aaA etaWiahod with
MlcLo in onound 303 B.GE
Sn ngtun tpn_S00elephada Sekucuaa
asn KanarAtan Kauchutanna t Q

Selaucus ambassadp Ca
Megasihens who ived An fhe COIANTL
CARanahaghto Masahyo oh Man_vea
o Detuls o the conaAt in oupkerit Page:
porta ot India ohe ac ping but ,

Maje thotavs ugufthorE Chandoqupta

tont rttoot
and th Mange-rin but atso in gtorn
Vda anol Fhe Deccan x e p t P u t day Krala
Tomul Nad ond ots ot Nocth Easlen Snoa
The Gnheue wes mention fha chandaagula
Mauya ovevnan the whol courdus, wth on
Laamyo 60o,o00
oTSubiugatinn oSawmashtua 0 Kathiawan u
latteshdnJunagadh Rock gnschipton Ruckna-.
daman aoundu 30-SD CE), also Rnpwn as
f hinhan, Roceinacaibtion Rudnadamon a
TisalD nelens to chandbagutals goeno_)_
Pushyagubta, who AoudAaid to houe Eonapa.ctad
tA mousSudashana Lak
OThi imhlis thalChandba9mhta daad Malwa.
oReandang Conziol ove-fh Deccan, fhen ane
emediwal, eábh4Infsingfhat chords
aqupta Áed ofe.ed ant D Kaanataka
Acconolung, to Jaina winqs Chandnaquta QA
whiu thaone. in tho atginning t h nd
CentuwR:CE whnhuKa Hakym yaan ok
H btame. an Acelic.And Aadao to
A .
ADh wih
Ahadrabahua tho aina saint
enolaod i s daysin Salephana Pdaath by
Hastng oc.Cbjding, to Toin Apiaitual radtion
Bolgola in_aent esy_Kaanatka
* Bindoo C28-d1a 8-oE) Date:

e Bindusaa he Aoh tchandhaqupta, i sd to

oLAde fh haoneh 24r :cE
H now to fa uk aAAmto chotu -
CSanaat Amitnaghaa th olahoy tte1 J
He had catac with fthe seleudo king cf Syalay
Atochus ha
h d a_ A0phut_
in_menkimthatha ptolomy, Philadeplus Dt_Fgyh
ambosade o Sndia
A&bn. Hhe w0n t h Bucdlkut Monk
ananah _ but Airduaaa A Aaisk to haxe
datanydkinga and nles ot abou Aixtoen
CHuand duced tn Aubmiun allthu teziley
behwen the eatoan and westy Acos ChRaALmab
Hho Aabidn Seaand fhe Ray of 8engak
oMaayschalang blioeHst te exbon a
Maitya empinebaand the angabhadaa to tha essae
paattaudaalay ho Miaone Plabau wut hae hu
he wowa f _ e kindusana
eTaasbokavadána mactipns h a t nesolk tou

in laxilo duniua tha hgn GRindusaha

a iheciHäas objected. th thi Debeeuion t h
higheh ottiualsAa
Binduaoho sntiu n Ahska Hhavicanophip
fa puo end to tha hwo hica.
ha dad Auccakhy
BinduAoha's helisgaols aainga g Aaid fo. howe
lbean thuahsthe
Raddhit AnLht
lEaddbi Auggesta thedsath of induaohe
asoundA*3-A 8.CE
Af hb death theaew_a Ataugal:
Uimakely , aound, J6-AR 8:c-E hoka as Caoded=
o Rinduuone' A AUCce0h
Ahoka (26-23 RcE)Z7
AAhoka emohggo ctoaious n he an d ACcesALOn
thot fallaused tta cleath Rindusaha in 212 Recea
eHAnown to have Rilad u inttiy-nL
Accoading t ndMathaAshoka shent eral
ahsn bleasuhakla u a t ala amding the
on and LAaA cosequitly call Kemashk
ato hiu exume wicRedness eoanaod him the
name chaAdashoka. and tinally n convenioD
o Budolhium_andand his adaption ot heaall poliaks
ee hm to becalled Qhammosholka
oAccohdng AokovadanaSubhadsongi wa thu
mothe oAshuka ond _dlacnihss hen a
he doaught a Bnahman chambo
Ashoka who baought_Kalinga unde
OAheegc immatanu,as it Castnnll
houes n South ndio both by Xond Ond Ata
The Rstnmost extonsion o theMaunyan Enpse
AaA foamud by kandahan.
Ashoran inscihona m a t i o n h CnardhaAAs-
Kamboia andh onau O he bohdah@hi e

meintoundcloe Contada with

hhough the noath-sue
0 he Seluid "Empin ond, vwk Kingdom
IMamyan inlluenca extndes a s as fh Gonga
elt in he ost
Bhooch tas onothe majo ot on ****

Hha w t coast at th mouth J+| Du

MaanyaAadao hadclose helatong wth_Si Lonka
oAahoka Sant ha AonMahindha ncodaugklsh Sungh
lamithato_ pheoch Budalhwm ÅnShi lanka.
Amuntianad in the Mioh Kack Edict LAsakon_
maintoinrfnisnaly helations whmany o
fh Aauth_Auch_aa he Chnlaufhe Poadypa, the
Satiyoshuthos anl fhe Kesoalabutha
Wiftha Concaion a the thind Buddhut
Councat_fatolibutain A50 R.c.E undenhe

choubmanahip o Monalliputta Tiasa

Thisshowathat AXhoka LwaACaneul_to
diatinction betwech hu berupnal Aupha f
Buddhismn. lad hu duty as mb0 toaMoun
lAnattached Ancd unbtaseo An tavow dt OM heluuom
OT hoA heonMentiontd in fhe I3 th mai0nRnc
E d i c t t h a t Ashakaexchangad_diplaraetic ahd otho
MiAAIDALAth hi Conlembnhanlu f fhe Hellonic
LanaldAAch o Antiochus I heos E Snialtesitp
the ghandson t Selkucu katan PEolemy lI,
Philadilphua ot Eyt (Tulamaya)Antizons Ganatus
DMaadonia CAithina)Magos cyaang (Maka
and Alaxandesnf Ehins(Aikyashndala
Acc fo a thadihon KaahnisLAG includla n the
Ashakan Emin Ond it waA Ashska. usha _builk
he city tSznagan
Khatan in comtaAsta wnAalag AupbnAta
havecom undlkh Maw Cotthal s
A hu thill ntheHimalaad a a AENLa_pa

the opibe h Mauhyans hadclass.ca

chionsuwifh ihaAr Modaan Npa
oTh adalhuut_fea e buohganiaed dun
h eAqms KutHht empeRA himie_doa n&
ulrtoi in hu insouptuos ******

Dne the Akan s olaughtes s said to have medhuta

|a nobleman tom the heion epok
Ashoaa buulk fow caves wlaaba hulls and
dledicated hent Hiika Sct
Ahgka mbaagauddbism
TheVensin hikþehAona iks humanmaga
fo Aoluha mendhants cloughta and thu buath
othuh two childhen Mahindha andSanghamca
saidsaid to hewe had agaatinfensnce i n -
HuningAshoka towakols Buddhim
Hieanvesionto Buddhiim_ia_alio uggesiad to
have taken bacu affes fhu Kalinga. Waa
eT beliuedthet Aahaka civertld toRuddham
immaliately_ain th battla ot Kalinga LaiHa
ta attendant hohnnAs
Ashska himsel in Rack_ElictXIL oleacibea
h Congueat Koinga hich iA aaid
ove taken pla ugh
hation aouno_24o R.cE
ellin hu wah he KalngansLAne compkaely hostel
d o s hundhtd thouaaindse slain and
MonyL fims fhat AuMbeh dued
Thouh on tht battlalelol Ashaka Was trictaous
h insCTphinhs goes oi fo decuhe hu SemDse
chthen ultimectely tunedhim fowaels dhoom
Apolicyo Corgn fhougkh_wa uas ge
and heplaceday o l i OCohgust
hough_ Jhammallaya
Ths AleA_meam AADhk hath atthe slat
Candehsona Xela anolttally banstommed
th atihudi at th ing auok hisothicok tound,
h subsects.

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