07 Clean Up A Well

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The Clean Up Period

The Clean Up
Learning objectives:

At the end of this lecture you should be able to:

•List the purposes of a clean up

•List the limits of the clean up
•Define critical flow for oil and gas wells
•List the parameters to estimate the duration of the lean up
•Identify the phases and trends of a clean up

The purpose of the Clean up.

 to eliminate all foreign fluid (mud filtrates,

completion fluid, etc.), contained in the invaded zone
and the well bore so that representative reservoir
fluids may be produced during the Test.

A proper clean-up flow is the key requirement for the

validity of the whole test.
The purpose of the Clean up.

to establish the highest possible flow rate

compatible with the:

 Well equipment
 Reservoir Characteristics
 Surface Equipment Capabilities
The purpose of the Clean up.

 Avoid sand breakthrough

 Avoid gas or water coning

 Use a choke at least as large as the largest

choke that will be used during the actual Test.
The 3 limits of the Clean up.

1. Flowrate and Pressure should be the highest compatible

with surface Testing equipment.

 to monitor carefully the Pressure downstream choke

manifold (limited by the WP of piping, separator
manifold inlet, burners, etc.)
The 3 limits of the Clean up.

2. In GAS well, the drawdown should not exceed 25% of the

static pressure

- example:

if WHSIP= 5000psi, WHFP (still upstream choke) should

not go bellow 3750 psi
.The 3 limits of the Clean up.

3. In GAS well, gas Velocity should not exceed:

 160 feet/sec (dry gas)
 80 feet/sec (gas with liquid, solids)

Unofficial note: These values are recommended to be respected

between CM & Separator, principally downstream chokes (CM
and/or Heaters).
“Architest” software is helping us.
Gas Velocity in pipe

Velocity according to = P , Q , ID
Critical Flow

 A flow condition that occurs across the choke, in

which pressure fluctuations downstream of the choke
cannot affect the conditions upstream of the choke.

 The choke is called EFFECTIVE, when Critical

flow is achieved through it.

 It is good to flow under Critical flow conditions,

because any variations of pressure downstream the choke
(at heater, separator, oil manifold, tank, etc.), will not
affect the pressure (& flowrate) upstream the choke
(down-hole gauges recorder)
CRITICAL FLOW conditions thru a choke
exists when:

1. For an Oil well

downstream pressure < 0.6 upstream pressure

2. For a Gas well

downstream pressure < 0.5 upstream pressure
• GOR (Gas Oil Ratio) units: scf/bbl or m3/m3

GOR > 5000 scf/bbl GAS Well

GOR < 5000 scf/bbl OIL Well

Example: - If a GOR = 4000 scf/bbl, that means is

an Oil well, and for each barrel of oil produced ,
the well is producing 4000 scf of gas.
• GOR (Gas Oil Ratio) units: scf/bbl or m3/m3


For an Oil well, if GOR is unknown:

GOR (scf/bbl) = 0.1 x Depth (feet)


OIL & GAS Flowrates estimation, during Clean-up:

 using Fixed choke

 Flowing under Critical flow conditions

GAS Flowrate

OIL Flowrate
Estimation of the Duration of the Clean-up
or is the well producing clean hydrocarbons?

1. BSW < 1% Solids

Basic Sediment & Water taken at CM.
If you pass flow thru separator with more than 1%
solids, it will be full of solids rapidly, etc.
Estimation of the Duration of the Clean-up (cont)

2. SALINITY measurement of water if any.

H2O coming from Formation or Mud/cushion?

 Water not coming from the formation, the BSW (Water Cut)
must be < 1% to consider clean-up finished.
 If it is Formation H2O, the well is producing water and there
is no limit in BSW % to consider that the clean-up is
Estimation of the Duration of the Clean-up (cont)

3. PH measurement (after Acid job)

PH > 7
Measurements done on produce water (BSW)
Acid will damage mechanical devices from separator,
piping, tanks, etc.
Estimation of the Duration of the Clean-up (cont)

4. Stabilization of WHP
 Particularly for Gas wells to determine if the wellbore is free
of liquids.
 Check WHP steady with DWT, Foxboro.

5. Stabilization of BHP
 When surface read out available (rarely during clean-up)
Estimation of the Duration of the Clean-up (cont)

6. Visual examination of the flare

 White or gray smoke may indicates presence of water.
 Fast changes may indicates venue of H2O surges.

7. A minimum amount of fluid has been produced

 At least equal to the wellbore volume (tubing content +
rat hole content)
Estimation of the Duration of the Clean-up (cont)

8. Surface Flowrate stabilization

Using Choke Performance charts.
WHP trends during Clean-up

Reference: FOH for

SWT, Run-chapter6.1

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