Income Tax Act 1922
Income Tax Act 1922
Income Tax Act 1922
(Income-"tax Act; 1922)
September 26, 1958.
Government of India,
New Delhi.
My dear Minister,
Yours 'sincerely,
I in
10-] x
14,-! 7
Chapter I. Preliminary.
Schedules . .
o 4 o 0
Notes onclauses . . . . - . . . . . .
9-1 2
1 2-: 3
1 3-14
I 5
I 5
I 5-: 6
1 6-1 7
I 7-: 9
. 55
298-31 9
1. There is hardly any Act on the Indian Statute Book N?" "0' 'im-
' in some respects so obscure as the Indian Income--tax Act, to the Law
r mm e um - con, i ;arry 1 , so
There are certain changes which have not been embo- (gcoommcn.
contains only two sections. One is ' the section head- Preliminauy.
ed 'Short title, extent and commencement' and the other
is the section containing denitions.
These are two new denitions which were found neces- "Average of
sary. In respect of several incomes which are included in £3" e_Tu..
the total income, abatement of the tax is given at the "A m,'
average rate of income-tax. ' The present Act provides a of 2 Super
complicated process for the computation' of the abatement.'1'aX"-
Changes in
existing de-
.:g'a.pital as-
heads, the rebates on; life insiirance premia and othe mat-
ters and the provisions pertaining to salaries, wag and
other matters. In the' draft (if 'the Act which we havp pre-
pared, the substantive provisions pertaining to income-tax
and super-tax have been classied and grouped in eleven
Chapters which deal with the following subjects : '
' the charging section.' This is in fcon omiity with the laws
of other countries'.
' See section 2(1), Canadian Incomeotax Act, 1948} section 5(1), Sou-
th African Income-tax Act, 194.1;-and section I7, Anstnalian Income-tax etc.
Act, xgé;fe--53.
{the two conflicting views -is the one intended by the Legis-
23. The exemptions in the Act are of several kinds. Chnptg III'
Some incomes are not liable tozinclusi in the total in- I"°°m Whi'~ '
com;e. Some incomes are liable'to incl sion in the total gm dp.m":}
income_but are not liable to, payany tax'. It Was felt that the totap
this distinction should be brou ht out prominently by income. '
in Chapter «III.
' Minister of Natimtal Remm vs. Tmm and Guarantee: Ca. Ltd.,
(193?) 4. AER. 14-9, P. C. '
the position.
3 a ~ E
1 . .
Chapter IV
Gom tation
_ _ _ _ , _ of to inco-
tion of total income. computation of mcpme under various me,
aving regard to
ojvided under each
'gories of income
' J. K'. Truu vs. Commmioner oflncarm-tax, (I957) 32,1. T. R. 535 (S.C.).
' Sec clauses 12 (2) and :2 (4), App. 1.: 'r s i
3 See clause 12 (3), App. 1. 'i ;
.3 '.7 I
I ' 1 '"1'
Interest on
Income from
Prots and
gains of busi-
ness profes-
sion or voca-
can be reopened and the allowance niay _be given for that
year wherever possible. . I '
largest number of provisos. ;It has iavso been criticised gs' .
tax in the case of capital gains is lower than the rate for
other heads, this provision for the compulsory set off of
other losses against capital gains is unfair to the assessee.
The benet which he derives from the set off is smaller
than what he would have derived if. the loss were set off
against other income. We have, therefore altered the pro-
vision' by'barring the set off of a loss under any head
(other than capital gains) against income under capital
gains, so that for the purposes of set off. capital gains now
becomes a completely independent category.
Chapter VII
Incomes on
which no
is payable.
Chapter VIII
Rebates and
' See section 2x9 (1), U. K.§Income-tap Act, 1952, and section 14, (b)Iof
Chapter XII
cial cases.
' Contrast clauses 104-108, on the one hand, with clauses 109 to I12, on
the other, in App. I. ~ -
(b) Jurisdiction.
1 Pannulal Binjmj and others vs. Union oflrzdia (1957), 31 LTR. 565, 589,
A.I.R. (1_g57) S.C. 397, 410. 1 .
' See clause [34, App. 1. "
for assess-
" 20
The time limit will run from the end ofthe assessment year
in which the notice under section 34 is issued.
fi1;_*;)1g;i=tryXi\; 63. All the provisions of the Act dealing with iability
special cam. in special cases have been gathered together in this =hapt_er. H
Legal representatives;
' (1956) 29 I.T.R. 857 (Bombay H.C.). 3 Vida clause i6o, Expl. 3, App. 1.
64. The principal changes made in respect of these pro- , visions are as under :--
(i) The provision relating to legal representatives has been made more elaborate' so as to cover all
possible situa-
, tions.
(ii) A new expression has been coined', namely "repre- sentative assessee", to cover all cases where a
person is made responsible in an assessment for the income of ano- ther person under sections 40,
41 or 42 (as trustee, guardian, Administrator-General, Court of Wards, receiver, agent of
non-resident and otherwise). This scheme has been adopted from the South African Act.' The
adoption of this scheme has made for a considerable simplication in drafting.
(iii) A new provision' has been inserted to make the representative assessee personally liable where
he disposes of or parts with the assets in his possession after the tax has become payable.
Under the Act, a person liable as a representative assessee (particularly a guardian, trustee, or
manager) can be assessed either under the special provisions applicable in such cases (sections 40,
41 and otherwise) or under the normal charging provision in section 3. We feel, however, that such
persons should not be chargeable under section 3 when there are special provisions applicable to
them. We have. accordingly, added a provision' for the purpose.
The position regarding the rate of tax applicable to income received by a trustee in cases where the
shares of the beneciaries are unknown or where the income is not received on behalf of a particular
beneciary, has been slightly amended' so as to provide that the tax on such income in the hands of
the trustee and» otherwise will be at the rate applicable to an association ;o_f persons; a provi- sion
has, however, been added to the affect that where the income is actually received by the beneciary,
the Income- tax Officer has the discretion to tax at the rate applicable 1 Vida clause 168, App. I.
3 See sections 69-75, South African Income-tax Act, 2941. ' Clause 172, App. 1.
to the beneciary. We feel that the existing provision in section 41(1), 1st proviso, authorising the levy
of tax at the maximum rate (in cases where the beneciary has other income) is not fair. The sheer
accident that a beneciary has income from other sources, should not be a ground for taxing him at
the maximum rate. .
(iv) There is at present no provision in the Act for the assessment of executors. We have inserted a
new provision' for the assessment of executors, based on the corresponding pr-ovision of the Ceylon
(V) The provisions of section 25A, it is now well settled, apply only to cases of total partition of the
family. There is no provision in the Act as to the enquiries to be made and the procedure to be
adopted in the case of partial parti- tion of a Hindu undivided family. We think that some provision
on the subject isdesirable. We have therefore amplied the section so as to cover cases of partial
partition of Hindu undivided families.'
(vi) It has been made clear' that the rate at which a State Government is to pay the tax on its tax free
securities should be laid down by the Finance Act.
65. All the provisions of the Act applicable to rms have been gathered together in this Chapter. This
will: enable T to the partners' and others to ascertain the law from one Chapter instead of searching
for provisions dispersed all over the Act. .
(1) The provisions contained at present in thi Rules, regarding the regisation aild cancellation of
regist ation of rms, have been incorporated in the Act.
(2) The provision for fresh application for_ reg stration every year has been delejged, as it entails
hard hip. A declaration that there has been no change in the onstitu- tion of the rm will suffice.' i (3)
There was some fsdiiculty in determini g when there is a change in the constitution of a rm d when
there is a succession. Thegspecic circumstances hich re- Eult inda change in ?'the constitution of a
rm have we been ene ." - T (4) It has been noticed that Income-tax-OfIic s reject the applications for
registration on the ground of echnical defects in the instrument of partnership. For xample, where
the partnersiof rm A and rm B form a big er rm_----
rm C, the registration of rm C is refused if the instru- ment of partnership of rm C does not itself
specify the in- dividual shares of the partners, but merely mentions the constituent rms as the
partners. In such cases, the shares of the partners in rm C, we feel, should be ascertained with the
help of the instruments of partnership relating to rms A and B. We have, therefore, proposed a
change in section 26A, so that in considering the application for regis- tration, the Income-tax
Officer will be required to have regard to the instruments of partnership of the connected rms also.
(5) A clause enumerating all other provisions rele- vant to rms has been added.
The provision for registration of firms (section 26A and the rules made thereunder) has worked
great hardship in practice. Practical experience of the working of the Act shows that the department
is astute to find technical defects on the strength of which registration may be refused. Such refusal
can obviously work enormous hardship, since the result of such refusal would be that tax would be
attracted at a much higher rate in most cas 's than if the income were apportioned among the
various p tners and taxed separate- ly in their hands. The reports qt income-ltax cases afford many
illustrations of how even égenuineii firms have been refused registration merely because of some
technical defect. We have tried to alleviate the hardship by liberalising the provisions to some
extent, as indicated a ' ve. But we feel that if the provision for registration is at ' ll to_ be retained,
there should be a complete change in th' approach of the income-tax authorities, and the
}provisio§=should not be administered in a hyper-technical' spiri , as is done at present. If the law is
not admihisteredéi in a liberal and reasonable spirit, the old adage '-'the letlier ki1leth" would fully
ernment to another provision rdating irms which we tion of regis- feel is totally unjust. We are
referring t section 23(5)(a)(i) ""4 5- of the Act, which provides for the levy 0 tax on registered : rms
in addition to the tax leviedéon the dividual partners of registered rms. This is the lleast d' énsible
provision of the present income-tax law. . Prior t the amendments made by the Finance Act,-1956,,a
regis red rm did not pay any tax itself, but each ', tner's tire of the firm's prots was added to his other
in ome V jthe tax payable by each partner on the basis -of is total income (including h1S share of the
rm's prots) was determined and the levy was made on the partners individually.' Thus, there was We
would also like to draw the attention of the Gov- Doub1Ei|:g,.
' no double taxation. But after the amendment made by the Finance Act, 1956, (see paragraph D of
the First Schedule to that Act for the rates of tax), income-tax is now assessable on a registered rm,
and. the par ers of be registered rm are again liable to be charged A their i dividual assess- ments to
both income-tax and s r-taxi, respect of their ChaptcrXVII Special pro-
shares of the rm's prots. There is, thus, double taxation in the case of a registered rm so far as
income-tax is concerned, (though not as regards super-tax), and only par- tial relief against such
double taxation is afforded by section 14(2)(aa).
without precedent, so far as we have been able to gather, in the history of income~tax legislation,
either in this coun- try or in the othercountries whose laws we have examined. To assess a rm in
respect of its prots and to assess the individual partners again in respect of their shares of the rm's
prots is virtually double assessment on the same individuals in respect of the same income. This
type of legislation cannot be supported on any considerations of justice or fairness or any sound
principle of taxation. It would work as a dangerous precedent. We appreciate that it,is a matter of
legislative policy how high the incidence of taxation should be; but there is no reason why' resort
should be had to pure and simple double taxation on the same individuals, in respect of the same
income under the same Act, as a mode of raising the revenue. As alteration in the tax structure is not
within the scope of our prdposals, we have not made any change on this point in the draft clause in
Appendix I.- But we strongly recommend that this provision [the system of taxing a registered rm
under section 23(5)(a)(i) read with the annual Finance Act] should be abolished.
66. We felt that it would be useful to enumerate in one place all the provisions of the Act which
pertain to companies. The provisions themselves have been putin the relevant places, e.g., residence
has been put in the Chap- ter on 'Basis of charge', the additional super-tax payable by a company has
been put in the Chapter on super-tax. and so on. But all the provisions of the Act which pertain to
the assessment of companies have been listed here, fof easy reference. .
67. The provisions pertaining to collection and re overv of tax are contained at present in Chapters
IV a d VI.
of The provisions pertaining to deduction of tax, and advance payment of tax are really provisions
pertaining to recovery of tax. Therefore, the provisions pertaining to ded 'ction, advance payment of
tax and recovery of tax have a brought together in this Chapter.
68. The principal changes made in this Chapter are as under :-- 9
(i) Some doubt was felt .;as to whether the provisions pertaining to deduction. at source or advance
payment of tax were valid in the absenceiof a charge of tax. We' have made it clear by adding
suitable provisions' that there is a "charge" for deduction of tax, and advance payment of tax etc. '
Vida clause 199(1) readwith clause 3(2), App. I.
We have also made it clear' that advance tax on div).- «iends is conned to advance super-tax. So far
as income- tax is concerned, the question of advance payment does not arise in' View of the
provisions of section 16(2) read with section 18(5) and 49B. V We have also made 'changes' in the
'rate of interest in connection with advance tax and the date from which the interest is to run, so
asto secure uniformity. The notes on the relevant clauses indicates in detail 'the changes made in
this respect.
(ii) In regard to the provisions for recovery of tax. the principal change made is that the provisions
pertaining to the procedure for recovery of tax by the Collector to whom a certicate is issued have
been incorporated in a separate Schedule to the Act, which will constitute a self- congained Code. In
drafting this Schedule, we have exa- mined the provisions of the various Revenue Recovery Acts of
the various States as also of the various Municipal Acts. The procedure to be followed by the
Collector is not very clear and varies from State to State. This va- rianeein procedure has been
commented upon by the Su- preme Court.' Whatever the position may be in regard to recovery of tax
levied by States, we consider that there shoulci be a uniform procedure in regard to recovery of
'Ce.-ntral taxes. (See detaiied discussions below under "Revenue Lavcs".}
(iii) Provision' has been made for an Income-tax 0f~ oer to send a certicate to the Collector of any
district in India in which theassessee possesses property or resides. At present, the Income-tax
Officer can send a certicate only to the Collector of the district in which he functions, and where the
certicate is to be sent toanother Coiiector, the Collector to whom the certicate has been sent has to
forward it to the other Collector. This procedure re-- sults in delaying proceedings for recovery.
(iv) It is the departmental ractice and it is also con- venient from the point of View 0
assesse,es---that the power to grant payments in instalments should rest with the In-- come-'tax
Oicer, and that the power should continue even after the issue of a certicate to the Collector. We
have inserted the necessary provisions on the isubject'.
(V) The scope of sections 46 (3) and 46(4), under which, in areas notied by the Commissioner,
'arrears can be rea- lised in the manner provided by the Mxjncipai Act of the State, has been
narrowed down. Of the various remedies r provigied by Municipal Acts. 'ch power of distrainf: and
sale IS the only one that is rea y effecve, and that has 1 Vida clause 25(3), App. 1.
' See App. I, clauses 22:, Proviso and 224 for rate, and 223(1) for date.
been specically dealt with in the draft'. It will be avail- able to any Income-tax Officer authorised for
the p rpose by the Commissioner. The procedure to be adopted 1; the Income-tax Ofcer. in the case
of distraint of property has been dealt with in a separate Schedule.
Several Municipal Acts contain provisions for an ap- plication being made to a Magistrate having
jurisdiction over the area and provide that the Magistrate will §there~ upon collect the tax in the
manner provided for the reco~ very of fines or prosecute the defaulter for non-payrxient of the tax.
These powers have in fact never been exercised, and we think it unnecessary to retain them'.
(vi) For expediting recovery, we think that it ould be desirable to have;a provision enabling the loco
e-tax Officer to apply directly to a court (in whose custodyf; there is money belonging to the
assessee) for payment of the mo-- may in its possession. This will save time, and dolaway with the
necessity of proceedin through the Collector as at present. We have according y inserted a provisiop'
for the purpose. g
(vii) One more mode of -' eovery is recovery by suit. This is implied under the p 'nt law, but we felt at
it might be useful to ifnake a rspecic mention of it ' the Act, and have mentioned it aboordingly'.
(viii) At present one of Qhe modes of recovery imposition of a penalty under section 46 (1), the ,.- -
penalty imposed not exceedin the tax payable. ject of this provision is to p am; the assessee from ing
money which belongs to veroment without co pen-. sating the Government by a of interest for the
elay-v ed payment. Under le ore' - , it may happen that while the ' where payment is delayed, ='t may
not be --».=.~ in another case where 'also payment is delayed. It may also happen that 1111' the case
of a particular the penalty imposed under safction 46 (1), is remitt appeal. This, we corlsider, would
lead to discrim' tion between assessees who are V' tlarly situated. The sion in the Australiari Act in.
behalf has appea us as being more equitable. We 'have, therefore, pro ' for interest at 10 per ent beitg
payable by every ~- - who is 'in default in pent V the amount outst from the date on whiizh the
mount falls due. (We that the rate of interest shou d be sufficiently high a as to induce assessees to-_
make prompt payment of arr are.)
2. 1 Sccclause 235(5), App. I. -r ' Detailed discussion below under the head "Municipal laws" may bf:
seen, 5 Vida clause 235(4), App, I. _ i * Sec clause Q43 (la), A3: I. ' ' Soc clause 230 (x), I.
. 27_ We have also provided' for the interest being waived in cases where the tax is paid within three
months of the default.
The corresponding provisions in the Canadian, U.K. and Australian Acts may be compared'.
(ix) The position 'regarding the action to be taken for the correction or cancellation of a recovery
certicate issued by the Income-tax Oicer to the Collector is very uncertain at present. If after the
issue of a. certicate some mistake is detected or the amount is reduced or in- creased or the
Income-tax Oicer desires to- withdraw the certicate for some reason, the action to be taken is not
easily ascertainable from the Act. _We have. therefore, ad- ded a provision' to make the position
clear. Under the pro- vision proposed by us, the "assessee cannot challenge the correctness of a
certicate before the Collector; but he will have the right to move the Income-tax Officer (who issued
the certicate) in appropriate cases. We have also provid- ed for an appeal against an order of an
Income-tax Ofcer rejecting an application of the assessee raising objection to the certicate.
(x) Regarding section 46 (5), which confers on the Income-tax Oicer a power to require the employer
of an assessee to withhold the assessee's sala and remit the amount to the Income-tax Ofcer
towaxtrlls payment of the assessee's arrears, we feel that the power should not be available in
respect of that portion of the salary which exempt from attachment under the Civil Procedure Code.
We have changed the provision accordingly'.
69. As regards recovery under revenue Laws, a detail- Revenue ed discussion of the position appears
to be desirable. Sub- Laws- section (2) of section 46 contains, the fprocedure to be fol- lowed by the
Collector after receipt 0 the certicate from the Income-tax Ofcer. The procedure is the same as that
laid down for the recovery of arrears of land revenue in his State.
The proviso to sub-section (2) of section 46 confers upon the Collector all the powers which a court
under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, exercises for the purpose of recovery of an amount due
under a decree. This, of course, is without prejudice to any other powers of the Collector in that
[The provisions of sections 46 (3) and 46 (4) will be discussed later.] 1 See clause 230 (2), App. I.
' Cf section 54, Canadian 1. T. Act, 194.8 (where the rate is 6 p. c.) and section 495, U.K.l.T. Act,1g52
(the rate being 3 p. c. and Section 270, Australian Income-tax etc. Act, 1936-1953 (where t c rate is
10 p. c.).
. 70. The powers of the Collector are to be gathered from the laws relating to the realisation of land
revenue obtaining in the appropriate State, supplemented by the powers exercisable under,the Code
.of Civil Procedure. An examination of the revenue laws obtaining in the States now forming' part of
India shows that under these laws the following processes for realization of arrears of revenue are
(a) distraint and sale of moveable property of the de- faulter; '
All these modes of recovery do not obtain in all the States. Further, in the same State, there are
variations depending upon the place of accrual of the revenue ar- rearsa according as the arrears
arose in the capital city or outsi e.
71. Section 51 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908, lays down the modes of execution and it contains
as. many as ve -methods of execution of a decree of Civil Court. Sub- clauses (b), (c) and (d) of that
section are alone relevant for the purpose of income-tax law, and they are :---
(i) attachment and sale. orsale without attachment of any property (the word property is here used
so as to include moveable and immoveable property);
72. It will be seen by a comparison of the modes. avail- able under the revenue laws with those
under the; Civil Procedure Code that the only additional power which the Code of Civil Procedure
confers is the power to appoint .a receiver in execution of a decree. The Code of Civil Procedure lays
down in Order XXI the procedure to be followed in respect of these modes. Revenue laws Aof the
States also lay down the detailed procedure to be allow-
73. The revenue laws relevant are :-- _ [Owing to the distribution of States before and after the S. R.
C. Act it has not been possible to attempt a ' lassi- | cation o these Acts on the basis of the States a
they now exist. Some of these Acts apply in one or more States. The list is also not exhaustive.]
1.'Madras City Land Revenue Act (XII of 1851), read with the Madras City Land Revenue (Amend-
ment Act (W of 1863?).
as 01.:-«ago Q
. Bombay City Land Revenue Act (II of 1876). . Bombay Land Revenue Code (V of 1879). . Bengal
Land--Revenue Sales Act (XI of 1859) read Witgl the Bengal Land revenue Sales Act (VII of 186 ).
. Bengal Public Demands Recovery Act (III of 1913). . Calcutta Land revenue. Act (XXIII of 1850).
Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Re- forms Act, 1950 (I of 1951).
Madhya Pradesh Land Revenue Code, 1954 (II of 1955). ' Hyderabad_ Land Revenue Act (VIII of
1317 Fasli). Mysore Land Revenue Code, 1888 (IV of 1888).
Madhya Bharat Revenue Administration and Ryotwari Land Revenue and Tenancy Act (66 of 1950).
Travancore-Cochin Revenue Recovery Act (VII of 1951). ' Cogrg) Land and Revenue Regulation,
1899 (I of 1 99 .
Vindhya Pradesh Land Revenue and Tenancy Act 1953 (III of 1955).
'74. The following analysis gives a summary of the re- medies available for realisation of arrears of
revenue in each of the States :
2. Madras City Land Revenue Act (XII of 1851) read with Madras City Land Revenue (Amendment)
Act (VI of 1867).
1. Bihar and Orissa Public. Demands Recovery Act (IV of 1914). '
(ii) Attachment and sale or sale alone of immove- able property. ' .
V. Orissa Acts.
As in Bihar.
' (iii) Attachment of estate, mahal or land and taking it under direct management.
1. Uttar Pradesh Zamindari Abolition and Land Re- forms Act, 1950 (I of 1951) Sections 58 to 188
(chapters V to VIII) of the United Provinces Land Eevenue Act, 1901 have been repealed by this ct. .
X. Mysore Acts.
(V) Attachment of holding (consistin _of entire vil- lages or shares of villages) , management
thereof. ' XI. Madhya Bharat Acts.
1. Madhya Bharat Revenue Administration and. Kyot- wari Land Revenue and Tenancy Act (66 of
(ii) Attachment and sale of immoveable rogéerty (other than the land in respect of w ic the arrears
have accrued). '
(iv) Taking the land under direct management or letting it in farm. ' XII. Travancore-Cochin Acts.
1. Travancore-Cochin Revenue Recovery)' Act (V11 of 1951). ' ' _ (i) Distraint and sale of moveable
The same modes as in the Rajasthan Land Revenue (I Act (15 of 1956).
1. Vindhya Pradesh Land Revenue and Tenancy Act, 1953 (III of 1955). '
75. The following revenue laws do not provide for arrest and detention of the defaulter in civil prison
when the amount of revenue due is not paid---
2. Madras City Land Revenue Act (XII -of 1851) read with Madras City Land Revenue (Amendment)
Act (VI of 1867). \
5. Madhya Bharat Revenue Administration and' Ryot- . - _ wari Land Revenue *nd Tengutcy Act (66
of. 1950).
8. Municipal laws.
Tiiagxgzlaricore-Cochin Revenue Recovery Act (VII of Vindhya Pradesh Land Revenue and Tenancy
Act, 1953, (III of 1955).
. 76. For the purpose of sub-sections (3) and (4) of sec- tion 46 it 1s also necessary to have an
analysis of the laws obtaining in the various States for recovery of arrears of municipal tax or local is
also given below :--
pa 'ox-dO3U'|I§
16. rates. An analysis of these Acts Bombay District Municipal Act (III of 1901).
. Bombay Municipal Corporation Act (III of 1888). ' . Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporations Act
(LIX of 1949). « . Bombay Municipal Boroughs Act (XVIII of 1925). ' . Madras City Municipal Act (IV
of 1919).
City of Nagpur Corporation Act 1948 (II of 1950). City 0())f Jabbalpore Corporation Act 1948 (III of
195 . .
Rajasthan Town Municipalities Act (XXIII of 1951). Rewa State Municipalities Act 1946. United
Provinces District Boards Act (X of:1922).
~77. The various remedies available under Municipal Remedies Acts' are as follows : f°" '°°°'f°'.'Y of
1.' West Bengal. P31 d'""' ~ 1. The Bengal Municipal Act (xv of 1932).
(ii) If unsuccessful in collecting the_ amount of arrear by the employment of the rst mode, recovery
may be made by certicate under the Bengal . Public Demands Recovery Act (III of 1913).
(iii) Instead of or in the case of failure to realise the amount by adopting the rst two modes, the ar- -
rears may be recovered by bringing a suit in a court of competent jurisdiction against the person
liable for the arrears.
(ii) If unsuccessful by adopting the first mode, the arrears may be recovered by a certicate under the
B§i)1gal Public Demands Recovery Act (III of 191 .
(iii) Instead of or in the case of failure to realise the amount by adopting the rst two modes, the ar-
rears may be recovered by bringing a suit in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(iv) If any tax (other than the consolidated rate) is due the Commissioner may either prosecute the
defaulter or proceed to realise the amount by distraint and sale of the moveables.
(iii) If the defaulter has heft India or cannot be found the amount may be; recoveijed as if it were an
arrear of land revenue. _
(ii) If distraint or suicient distraint is impracticable Ehe defaulter may be prosecuted before a Magis-
(iii) If the defaulter has left India or cannot be found the amount may be recovered as if it were an
arrear of land revenue.
(ii) If distraint or sufficient distraint is impracticable the defaulter may be prosecuted before a
Magis- trate.
III. Bombay.
(iii) If the above mentioned powers have been sus- pended by the State Government, sums due may
be recovered on application to a Magistrate (by distress and sale of moveable property within the
limits of the jurisdiction of such Magis- trate).
(iv) If the person liable for payment of any sum (other than octroi or toll) is residing outside the
State or has not sufficient property in the State then the amount may be recovere as if it were an
arrear of land revenue under the provisions of the Revenue Recovery Act, 1890.
(iii) Recovery as arrears of land revenue (if the per- son liable is residing outside the State and has
no property in the State).
IV. Bihar.
(ii) Recovery as a public demand payable to the Chairman under the Bihar and Orissa Public
Demands Recovery Act (IV of 1914).
(iii) Suit.
VI. Punjab. .
(i) Property tax may be recovered as an arrear of land revenue (without the power of arrest of the
(ii) Application to the Magistrate (by distress and sale of moveable property).
(i) Application to a Magistrate (by distress apd sale of moveable property). ' A
VIII. Assam.
(i) R_.ecove_ry_ on application to a Magistrate having ]uI'1Sd1Cl'.10n (by distress and sale of
moveable property). -
(ii) Application to the Deputy Commissioner to re- cover arrears (of property tax only) as if they
were an arrear of land revenue.
X. Hyderabad.
(iv) Suit. ' . 2. Hyderabad Municipal and Town Committees Act (XXVII of 1951).
XI. Mysore.
2. Mysore Village Panchayats and District Boards Act (IV of 1952). '
(iii) Recovery as an arrear of land revenue (if the person liable has left Mysore and cannot be found).
XII. Rajasthan.
78. From the foregoing analysis it is clear that the re- medies available in the different States under
the revenue laws are not uniform and the procedure also varies in some details.
held that section 46(2) is valid and does not offend articles "_mf°'m"Y'. 21, 22 and 14 cf the
Constitution. Chandrasekhara Iyer J ., though he agreed with the majority view, observed that "for
the enforcement of the levy of a Central Tax like the income--tax there should be uniformity of
procedure and identity of consequences from non-payment". The learned Chief Justice in his
judgment compared the Provisions of different laws adopted by the different States for the reco-
very of land revenue and observed that even in "the same State there were two procedures to which
defaulting assessees could be subjected according as they were in or outside the city of Bombay".
The learned Chief Justice also pointed out the variation in the terms of imprisonment provided in
the State Acts and that in some State (e.g. Assam) there was no provision for imprisonment. Though
section -46(2) was upheld as valid, a perusal of the judg- ment convinces one that uniformity is
desirable and that the observations of Chandrasekhara Iyer J. are justied.
80. We have therefore thought it incumbent upon us to Action - codify the law in this respect and
include it in a separatepod R¢V°'; Schedule. The judgment ()f the Supreme Court also gives ""°1""'.')'
an authoritative interpretation of the proviso to section 46(2). The meaning of the proviso maybe
stated, in the words of the Supreme Court, as fo11ows:-- -
"On a_ proper reading, that sub-section does not pres- cribe two alternative modes of procedure at
all. All that the sub-section directs the Collector to do is to proceed to recover the amount as if it
were an arrear of land revenue, that is to say, he is to adopt the procedure prescribed by the
appropriate law of his State for the recovery of land revenue, ' (1955) 28 I. T. R. 891.
and that in this proceeding he is, under the pro- viso, to have all the powers a Civil Court has under
the Code. The sub-section,does not prescribe two separate procedures. The statement to the con-
trary in the judgment of the Bombay High Court in Sat Ali Ahmed v. Collector of Bombay', does not
appear to us to be correct. In 'our opinion, the pro- viso does not indicate a different and alternative
mode of recovery of the certied amount of the tax but only confers additional powers on the Col-
lector for the better and more effective application of the only mode of recovery authorised by the
body of sub-section (2) of section 46".
81. A power is distinct from the procedure for the exer- cise of the power. The procedure laid down
by the Code for the exercise of the powers enumerated in section 51 is contained in Order 21 of the
Code. The revenue laws of each state lay down the powers as well as the procedure. As held by the
Supreme Court, the Proviso confers only additional powers on the Collector for the better
posed (Muni-
.<:ipal laws).
recovery authorised by the body of sub-section (2) of sec- tion 46. The only additional power
contained in section 51, C.P.C. is the power to appoint a receiver in execu- tion of a decree. In some
of the Revenue Acts, the Collector possesses the power to attach an estate or a village or a part of it
and mana e such attached property through his agent. Section 51 o the Civil Procedure Code is not
res- tricted in its scope and a receiver may be appointed in any case even without attachment of the
property. This addi- tional power is also now included by us in the proposed draft.
82. The process enforceable for the recovery of an arrear of municipal tax and'local rate, referred to
in sub- sections (3) and (4)_of section 46, has nothing to 'db with the Collector. Distraint and sale of
moveable property (and in some states attachment and sale of immovea e pro- perty also) or
prosecution before a magistrate treat'. .the default in payment of the tax or the rate as an ence and
imposing a ne and recovery of the arrear and t e ne under the provisions of the Criminal Procedure C
e (S.
386) or recovery of the arrear as if it were a ne i posed by a criminal court, are the modes laid down.
The Acts which contain provisions for prosecution before a imagis- trate or recovery of the arrears
by application to the Magis- trate for distraint and sale of moveable property are de- tailed below :--
1. Rajasthan Town Municipalities Act (XXTII of 1951) S. 97 (Only if there is suspension of the other
powers by the Government). ' 1 I. L. R. 1950 Born. 350,155.
4. Madras City Municipal Act (IV of 1919) Rules 21(2) and 29--B of Schedule IV to the -Act.
5. Madras District Municipalities Act (V of 1920), Rules 21(2) and 36 of Schedule IV.
6. City of Bangalore Municipal Corporation Act (LXIX of 1949) [Rules 30(2) and 39 of Schedule III].
9. Bombay I...oca1 Boards Act (VI of 1923) S. 115 (Only if the other powers of recovery are
suspended by the State Government).
10. Madras District Boards Act (XIV of 1920), Rules 33(2) and 39 of Schedule IV.
11. Punjab District Boards Act (XX of 1883) S. 58-B [Only in the case of other sums (other than local
rates and taxes) due].
12. Central Provinces and Berar Municipalities Act (II of 1922). Section 77.
83. All the processes are enforceable by the Income- tax Ofcer if the requirements of sub-sections (3)
and (4)
84. In the draft we have restricted the power of the Income--tax Officer to the mode of recovery by
distraintyand sale of moveable property. Even this power is, we are told, seldom invoked except in a
few places. We have omitted the power to approach the magistrate either to recover the arrears as a
fine or to prosecute the defaulter, as such a power is never in practice exercised. The procedure is
-cumlocutory and is not suited to modern conditions of .society. The existing power of the
Income-tax Officer to make a gamishee order is retained.
85. It may be of interest in this connection to mention 3' edge. in that in other countries the
remedies for/recovery of In. at «Coun- come-tax are very simple as could be seerf from the follow-
(b) Recovery of small amounts of tax in court of Sum- 'r7iéz)1ry Jurisdiction as if it were' a civil debt
(Internal Revenue Code 1954) Chapter 64--Collection Sec. 6331--Levy and distraint and sale of
property whether real, or personal; tangible or in- tangible.
Commonwealth of Australia.
(b) Gamishee Order by the Commissioner----S. 218. Canada. A ' Income-(tax Act 1948 (Secs. 118 to
(c) Seizure of Chattels (Sec. 121). South Africa. ' V The Income-tax Act 1941 (Sec. 85)
(a) Statement by the Commissioner of the tax duly led with a clerk or registrar of a court is treated as
a judgment and enforced by the Court as such. _
(b) Proceedings by the Commissioner for the seques. tration of the estate of the tax-payer.
(a) Commissioner issues a certicate and is enforced by seizure and sale of moveable property. A
(b) Certicate' to the District Court who would en. force it by way of execution against the moveable
and immoveable property of the defaulter.
86. A portion of the tax paid by the company is deem. ed to have been paid by the shareholder under
sections 18(5) and 49B. The tax paid by the company in res ect of dividends is thus given a ,sp"e¢ia1
treatment in the 4 ct in J i the assessment of the shareholder. We felt that it Would be useful and
convenient to bring together the various pro- visions of the Act pertaining to such treatment. The
pro- visions of the Act pertaining to the tax deemed to have been paid in dividends have, therefore,
been gathered to- gether in this chapter.
87. The funds, have To avoid delay in refunds. We have inserted a provi- sion' [on the analogy of
section 57(3) of the Canadian Act] that where the refund order is made more than three months
after the application for refund, the Central Gov- ernment shall pay interest at the. rate of 2%. A
similar recommendation was made by the Income-tax Investiga- tion Commission". We have also
made it clear' that where refund is due as a result of an appellate order or as a result of decision by
the High Court, no separate applica- tion is necessary. .
provisions of thepresent Act pertaining to re- been grouped together in this Chapter.
88. All the provisions pertaining to appeals have been brought together in this Chapter.
89. On principle, it may appear objectionable that an agency which is under the direct control of the
Central Board of Revenue should be vested with jurisdiction to hear appeals from the orders of the
Income-tax Oicer. Justice should not only be done, but should appear to be done and should inspire
condence in the persons concem- ed. - It is an elementary principle of the law that a person should
not be a judge in his own cause. The Appellate Assistant Commissioner, being under the direct
control of the Central Board of Revenue, a satisfactory authority to hear and dispose of appeals
against the orders of the Income-tax Oicer. One sugges- tion that was made long ago was that the
Appellate Assis- tant Commissioner should be placed under the control of the Income-tax Appellate
Tribunal, so as to make him in-
dependent of the authority and inuence of the Central Board of Revenue. This question was
examined by the Income-tax Investigation Commission, and that Commis- sion observed' that there
Was no reason to think that by reason of' the subordination of the Appellate Assistant
Commissioners to the Central Board of Revenue, they were inuenced by the Central Board of
Revenue in their deci- sions or that they were in any manner partial in the dis- charge of their
duties, or that their judgments were affected by any considerations irrelevant to the decisions of the
appeal. No doubt, in spite of this conclusion the Commission did make a recommendation that there
should 'Vida clause 2 52, App. 1.
"Para. 279, pages 125, 126, I. T. I. C. Report, 'Vida clause 250, App. 1. . ,, , 'P31'38T8Ph 319,
Pages_142, 14.3, I. T. II. C..Rcpc§-t; 194.8.
Chapter XX Refunds.
be an alteration in the then existing system and that Ap- pellate Assistant Commissioners should be
removed from the control of the Central Board of Revenue and placed under the Appellate Tribunal.
But this recommendation was not accepted by the Select Committee constituted in connection with
the Income-tax Amendment Bill of 1952, which examined the question in the light of the recom-
mendations made by the Income-tax Investigation Commis- sion. The Select Committee was not in
favour of any change in the existing system. The Taxation Enquiry Commission' again examined the
question in greater de.tail and also came to the conclusion that no change was neces- sary. In
support of their conclusion, the Taxation Enquiry Commission gave figures to Show that in nearly
90%: of the appeals disposed of by the Appellate Assistant Commis- sioners the orders of the
Appellate Assistant Commi sioner were either accepted by the assessee or conrmed y the Tribunal.
We have examined the further gures r the years 1953-54, 1954-55 and 1955-1956 furnished to us y
the Central Board of Revenue and they establish that 2% of the orders of the Appellate Assistant
Commissioner have either been accepted by the assessee or conrmed yr the Tribunal. From this it
follows that only about 8% 'of the appeals disposed of by the Appellate Assistant C' mis- sioners are
reversed on appeal to the Appellate Tr' unal. The value of the ltration made by the Appellate As
istant Commissioners cannot be ignored, and if the decisi ns in 92% of the appeals disposed? of by
them are accep d by the assessee or conrmed by the Appellate Tribunal, at fol- lows that the
disposals are not affected or vitiated any extraneous inuence and give satisfaction to the asggssees
concerned. Though we feel the force of the principl that appeals should be disposed qf by an
independent a . ncy other than the one which is subordinate to the C ntral Board of Revenue, the
gures 'furnished to us do n jus- tify any alteration in the existing system. We the efore agree with the
conclusion of the Taxationx Enquiry Com- mission that a change in this behalf is neither nec ssary
nor justied. We consider therefore that the Ap llate Assistant Commissioners should continue to
functi n as _ at present. 9 f APDelIate 90. The position, however, of the appeals to the» Ap-
T"b""3'- pellate Tribunal and the disposals made by them is entirely different. We feel that the
egxistin system of appe Is to the Appellate Tribunal and tgiereater a reference t the High Court on a
question of raw either under section 6(1) or under section 66(2), is very; cumbersome and cause un-
necessary delay in disposing of the appeals so as to alise the assessments. We have obtained
State-wise gurejs re- garding the institution of the appeals before the Appellate Tribunal and of the
Reference Applications under s tion 66(1) and section 66(2) for the years 1955-56 and 19 -57.
45 .
During the year 1955-56 the total number of appeals insti- tuted in the Appellate Tribunal was
8,553. The State-wise gures are given below :--
- of ref. apphcatxons u no ' Eu --'-2-' _5 E No. d1s'.'posed Ea 1; E 'gin .. H g ° '13 ..4Q_-: :1:
"' g 1: §"5 8 2 States go 5 in Total 5 M 9.' 3 3 §_--,_*;:' 45.3 1: :1 3 as w s C.' "" '" 1 o no 2% .§ 2 «E2, :2
go as 73 E 3 be 'J: .. -c -u 33 ° '*4: 8 'EE 5''' : as 0 o n... no ,6! O o C.' --- U 1: 3 -to =- 0 o ho--- s...:
Travancore-Cochin 2 23 5 5 9 1 ;
Mysore 3 59 57 . . 3 . .
Coorg 2 2 . .
Himachal Pradesh . . . . . .
Ajmer 2 5 6 . . . . .
TOTAL 347 i080 3x3 623 936 134 ' 232 218 1V0-rE.---Figures in Orders u/s 66 ( columns 7, 8 and 9
include cases in which High Courts, cases u/s 66 (3) and 66 (4.) is quite small.
[In cases in which the refe rejected by the Ap matter came up to the number of such was 232].
3) and 66 (4) were received. However, the number of rence applications were pellate Tribunal under
section 66(1), the the High Court under section 66( ) and applications during the year 19 5 1956
91. A statement of the appeals instituted during the ear 1956-57 is given below (State-wise gures are
not available) 2-
1956-57 ° Appeals' instituted inthe year 1956-57 APPCRI by Appeal by asscssee depgnmgm Bombay
Bench A . . 2,636 ,38o Bench B . . . . - ' . , Bench C - - . .
Allahabad Bench I , I93 55 Madras Bench 1,823 75 Calcutta Bench I:185 I43 ' Delhi-Bench 908 9:
Patna Bench 529 3 Hyderabad Bench 419 ' 52 TOTAL 3,594 " 799 V TOTAL £493 .
These gures comprise appeals by the assessees and 3180 by the Department. The appeals instituted
by the assessee-S were 8,694 and by the Department 799, in all 9,493.
The number of Reference applications under section 66(1) led during the year (1956-1957) was
1,014, ~35 P91' statement below :--
State-wise statement showing institution, disposal and Pen' dency of Reference Applications_befare
the 1716077194133 Appellate Tribunal Bombay, during the year 1956-57-
Reference application u/s 6(1) High Court's orders u/s 66(2) in rcs_pcc_t of reference applications
31.5 No.d.1fsposed b°§.Lb'ED._8£ 2: a 2 3B%§:e 52¢ States 'E E g Toml '<=>_g ,_, 'g-S 3, 8-?'
.._.~_'5». Sg §«---E§uo£ ago 333-38 -50 -u g'¢"5 N-S" 8':.§ 8"D>"">' 8 3 L.-«50bn:?:7Em""Q':
a.>a.:.So 1..-$0 u O_GgC'Uo:°E° 5'55 5'5 "EE 'E' cs'5'E o"o~'-'E,' 0'89 z z :14 :2. z§.5z';so Zen I 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 Bombay . 165 332 286 12 19 24, Madhya Pradesh 2 19 2 3 x 3 Bhopal . . . . . . . .
Delhi 4 31 28 . . . .
Punjab 7,1 42 40 . . .
Ajmcr 1 16 3 3 3 Bihar --- 57 48 1 1 7 18 Orissa 4 9 9 6 6 TorrAL 491 1014 360 625 985 148 205 282
Non-z.--Figures in columns 7, 8 & 9 elude Orders u/s 66(3) & 66(4) Were received. ever, 66 (3) and
66 (4,) is quite small.
. 'sin which High Courts 111: number of cases u/s [Out of the applications rejected by the Tribunal,
92. The average, _therefore, of the appeals instituted before the Tribunal may be taken up roughl at
10,000 per year. The largest number of appeals is rom Bombay. Madras, Uttar Pradesh and Bengal
also contribute a large number of appeals. In other States, except in Bihar where the number is
nearly 600 per year, the number of appeals instituted is comparatively small.
93. The Tribunal is constituted the nal fact--nding authority for four taxes,--income-tax, wealth-tax,
expendi- ture-tax and gift-tax, and it is also proposed to make it the nal fact-nding authority under
the Estate Dut Act. We are constrained to observe that men of the re§uisite calibre and
independence are not being recruitedf r dis- charging so heavy a responsibility as that of the nal
fact- ding authority under the new pattern of taxation. ;There are many complaints that the disposal
of appealsby the Appellate Tribunal is very unsatisfactory for a variety of reasons. Often, the judicial
and independent app roach which is necessary in the nal fact-nding authority, is not displayed by
the Tribunal. In several cases the determina- tion of complicated questions of fact and law is done!
in a very perfunctory manner. Very often, the Tribunal does not clearly record its ndings of fact or its
contentions raised by the parties are not dealt with 'at all, resulting in applications for rectication
being mad sub- sequently to the Tribunal for considering the points 0 itted to be dealt with in the
original order of the Tri unal.
section 66(2), High Courts had occasion to comment'; upon the unsatisfactory nature of the orders
passed by the ppel- late Tribunal and also on the unsatisfactory stateme ts of case drawn up by them
in the references under sect' n 66. The High Courts had to remit the cases to the" Ap Tribunal for a
further. and better statement of the cas with fuller particulars. To give satisfaction to the large n
mber of assessees, a decision of an independent and good ap llate authority is an undoubted
necessity, if justice is to b done to them. There is considerable delay" in disposing f the appeals 'and
very often it is said that they, the Trib nals, spare very little time for the appellate work with hich
alone they are concerned. Very often the Members f the Tribunals attend the sittings at any time
they choose, here- by not conforming to regular office hours, for the di posal of the work. A Bench of
two members of the Tri, unal hears the appeals, but in practice the contribution to the decision of
the case by one of the members is often not appreciable. i I 1 'Sec extracts given in 4:: next
94. The following extracts from the decisions of courts Fixtftclsom will show how unsatisfactorily
the Appdlate Tribunals have -'"dg"'°'""
"This reference must go back to the Appellate Tribunal for the nding of further facts. As this is the
second refer- ence we have been constrained to send back out of the last ten which have come before
us. and as in these cases not only is public time and money wasted, but there is also obviously a
hardship cast upon the assessee, it is in my opinion necessary that certain matters should be stated
for the guidance of the Appellate Tribunal in preparing fur- ther cases ............................... .."
"Those, as we understand them, are the facts to be gathered from the statement of the case and the
accompany- ing judgments and orders. Perhaps we may properly ob- serve that it would be a
practice more in conformity with section 66(1) of the Act and with general convenience, if the
statement of the case itself had contained all the rele- vant facts, rather than that they should have
had to be sought for in the judgments".
Badar Shoe Stores, In re.' "We deprecate the practice, which is becoming too common, of omitting a
sufficient statement of facts from the statement of the case and of referring this Court to a
miscellany of other documents for the collection of the full facts necessary for determination of the
question of law submitted, and we shall take the op Vrtunity of referring to the unfortunate
consequences -of th s practice at a later stage .......... .." ' P. M. Huthee Singh & Sons Ltd. vs. C.I.T.' "I
must point out here that both in the statement of case and in the judgment there are certain
inaccuracies. When a fact-nding authority is in the position of the Tribunal (whose ndings of fact are
considered conclusive), it is always very desirable forthem to. be accurate in their statement of facts.
I would like to jdfm', _the learned Chief Justice in emphasizing the duty castiiipon the Ap ellate
Tribunal with regard to ndings of ficts. Under t e Act it is the nal fact-nding authority and I think it
is the duty of the Tribunal when they submit a statement of case to the High Court to state the facts
clearly, carefully '(ig45) 13 I. T. R. 203 at 206.
and precisely. After all the High Court only exercises an advisory jurisdiction. Its jurisdiction is to
advise the Tri- bunal on questions of law submitted to it and that advisory jurisdiction cannot be
exercised usefully unless the fact- nding authority submits the facts carefully, clearly and accurately.
I am sorry to say that in the reference with which we are dealing both in the statement of case and in
the judgment there are several inaccuracies which in some cases are patent. A little more care would
have been sufcient to make the Tribunal realise that the state- ment of facts prepared by them was
not as correct and as satisfactory as it should have been. I hope that in future the Tribunal will bear
this in mind when preparing the statement of case".
Messrs. Gobindaram Bros. Ltd. vs. C.I.T.' "The supplemental case returned to us by the Tribunal,
and which is now before us is highly unsatisfactory. The Tribunal appears to be ,far more concerned
with excusing the statements of factlin the rst case, which are unques- tionably contradictory, than
with complying with the direc- tioni of this Court given under Section 66(4) of the Income- tax ct. -
"The matter was referred back to the Tribunal to record its ndingof fact more clearly, and implicit in
that direction is the takingof further evidence, if there is no otherway of determining facts in order
that the Tribunal may make its nding clear. For the Tribunal to say that because a fact was not
before it when they disposed of the asses_see's appeal "We are unable to include it in the case at this
stage of the proceedings", is a most surprising statement and is one which indicates that the
Tribunal does not appre- ciate the duties cast upon it when this Court refers a matter back under
section 66(4). The reference back to the Tribu- nal was to record its nding more clearly and after a
lapse of one year and ten months the matter now comes back with nothing new except the affidavit
of Mr. Pralhadrai Brijlal, which is annexed to the supplemental case".
Bikaner Trading Company, Calcutta vs. C.I.T.' "We have so far endured with patience the type of
statements of cases which have been submitted to 'this Court in connection with the references that
have come up this session, but we think that the limit has been passed and we ought to make some
observations.' One common feature -of these statements of cases is that the appeal was' heard by
two members, whereas the statement of the case in almost every case was drawn up by different
members. In drawing up the statement, they do not seem to have 10946) :4. I.T.R. 764, at 770.
51' always considered it necessary to refer to the appellate order, nor necessary to be exact in the
statements they made, n9r necessary to make a full statement of the rele- vant facts.'. Most of the
statements of cases are sketchy in the extreme and, were one to rely upon them alone, it would be
impossible to answer any question at all. It has been 'a frequent experience this session to nd two
members of a Tribunal deciding a particular case in a particular manner and one of those members,
acting with a third member, stating a case for this Court which differed materially from the case
made and found at the hearing of the appeal. We shall not say, out of respect for the Tribunal, that_
the members have acted in a careless manner, but we feel bound to say that the manner in which
they have dischar- ged their duty of drawing up statements of cases for this Court can only be called
"Unfortunately, the treatment of the question by the authorities below has been of a somewhat
summary charac- ter presumably because it was raised and argued before them in a supercial form.
But even if such was the case, there is hardly any justication for the Tribunal failing to realise at least
what facts were required to be found and stated. The statement of the case is sketchy and bare and
like most of the statements we have had to deal with dur- ing this session has hardly any appearance
of a case seri- ously stated".
"In our opinion, the statement in the case referred are clearly insufiicient to enable us' to determine
the question raised. The appellate order passed in the case is a striking example of what appellate
orders should not be and the- statement of the case itself is an example of the con- sequences that
must sometimes follow when the appeal is heard by two particular members of the Tribunal and the
reference is made by two other members".
"This nding of the Income-tax Oicer and the Appel- late Assistant Commissioner was reversed by the
Appel- late Tribunal by an order which reads like an order pas- sed by Honorary Magistrates at
summary trials".
Dhirajilal Giridharilal vs. C.I.T., Bombay', "It is apparent from the following quotation from the
judgment of the Tribunal that not only was its approach to the question raised before it tainted with
suspicion, but it took into consideration a number of circumstances based purely on conjectures and
surmises and for which there was not a scintilla of evidence on the record".
i Shantikumar Namtham Morarji vs. C.I.T.' "There is a nding given by the Accountant Member in
the following words : "We understand that -no part of the borrowings were-utilised in the agency rm
business and therefore the interest paid was not incurred for the purposes of the business". Mr.
Palkhivala has rightly quarelled with the nature of this nding. With res ct to the learned Accountant
Member. it is difcult to nder- stand how a judicial tribunal' can record a nding the language in which
this so-called nding has been rec rded. The duty of a fact-nding tribunal is to nd facts, and not to
understand that certain faqts may exist or may have been established". ' Indian Steel and Wire
Product Ltd. vs. C.I.T."
"Before parting with this case, I nd necess ry, to repeat once again what I had occasion to say duri g
the last sittings of this Bench ..... .. ............ ..If this Court dannot depend on the Tribunal even for the
accuracy of the sum- mary of the orders passed by itself, it becomes difcult to deal with these
references, particularly as this Court is bound by the statements contained in the stateme t of the
case and should not be put to the necessity of ver fying and if necessary correcting the summaries
given of the vari- ous orders. What makes the inaccuracy strange inf. the present case is that one of
the members who was r'spon- sible for the statement of the case was himself a m mber of the Bench
which had passed the appellate order ;relat- ing to the rst of the two chargeable accomting periods".
The Bhopal Trading Co., Kanpur vs. C.I.T.' "We are not undertaking the responsibility of fr" ming
the questions ourselves as the statement of the case also the appellate orders are. as 75 too
frequently the case, wholly unsatisfactory". -- _! C.l.T. vs. Malchand Surana'.
"I confess I do not feel altogether happy the wlay in which the facts have been found in this case or
the:man- ner in which the case has been stated".
"Before I take up the question on the merits, I ould say a word in passing as r' ards the appellate or
er of the Tribunal. The Whole of it appears to be based upon a misconception of both fact (land, law
.......... .."
i "It is perfectly clear that the Tribunal failed to Eapply themselves to the real question before them
and " deed their order, one regrets to nd, does not indicate tha they had any appreciation of what'
the real question was..', .... .. ' 1(1g55) 27 I. T. R. 69, at 80 (Bombay H. C.). '(1955) 27 I. T. R. 43(j*at
p. 445 14.46 (Calcutta H. C.).
95. The present procedure leads to delay also. If the Tribunal refuses to make a reference to the High
Court where it should have done so, the asesisee or the depart- ment have had to go to the High
Count under section 66(2) and this has led to considerable delay in giving a nality to the assessment.
The extracts given above would also show that the statements of cases submitted by the Tribu- nals
to the High Court are scrappy, with the result that the High Court has had to ask for a
supplementary state-
96. For these reasons we are strongly of the opinion Ab§liti°n 01' A that the Appellate Tribunal
should be abolished and that a 'h°*'APP°"""° direct appeal should be provided both on questions of
fact :;:E$'alpr°' as well as of law to the High Court fmm the orders of the Appellate Assistant
Commissioner. The assessee should have the satisfaction that the facts of the case and the law
applicable to it have been examined b a competent autho- rity. It would also save the time ol, the
High Court, as it would avoid the necessity -for a reference to the High Court on a question of law
either under section 66(1) or under section 66(2). We have therefore, provided' an ap- peal to the
High Court from the decisions of the Appellate Assistant Commissioner. Where the amount in
dispute is Rs. 7,500 or more, the appeal" will be on fact as well as 0? law. In other cases the appeal
will be only on questions 0 law. « It is stated that the disposal by the High Courts may cause delay,
particularly as the rules of the High Courts require printing in rst appeagls. To obviate this difficulty,
we suggest that by a rule made by the appropriate autho- rity the printing of records inésuch cases
may be dispensed with, and the Department and the assessee may be allowed to furnish typed
copies of papers on which they intend to rely at the time of the hearing of the appeal before the High
97. We have also examined the nancial implications of the proposal and we are satised that it does
not involve the States in any extra expenditure, as all expenditure. necessitated by the appointment
of more Judges in the High Court and the necessary' staff can be met by the fee. that will be levied
on the appeals instituted in the High Court. At present the fee is Rs. 100 in case of appeals to the
Appellate Tribunal and, the ariiount realised in the year 1955-56 by the Tribunal. is Rs. 8,46,390
which, of course, includes also fees for Reference Applications. (The department does not pay any
fee when it les an appeal or asks for a reference). The expenditure incurred' in that year for the
Appellate Tribunal. is Rs. 8,7-4.684. We have not got the gures for 1956-57. Even if the fee is res-.
tricted to Rs. 100 per appeal and if 10,000 appeals are led, all the States will get an ingome }Rs\
10,00,000. If 20 ' Wide c1a'usc 260, App. I.
Judges are appointed for all the High Courts, the total salary payable per year will be Rs. 8.40,000
leaving a sur- plus for the expenditure on the additional staff that would be required by the
_ If we consider the position State-wise, the highest ins- titution of appeals is in Bombay and may be
taken rough- ly at 2,000 appeals per year. The Bombay State will get a fee of Rs. 2,00,000. Even if
four more Judges are appointed their total salary per year will be Rs. 1,68,000, leaving a surplus for
the additional staff. Similarly, Madras may re- quire three Judges. Bengal may require two Judges
and Uttar Pradesh may require two or three Judges. In other States like Bihar and Punjab an addi-
tional Judge may be required. It will, therefore, not en- tail any additional .expenditure from State
funds which could not be met from the fee leviable on the appeals ins- tituted in the respective State
High Courts. As observed already, the work in which the High Courts are now enga- ged namely
disposing of references either under section 66(1) or under section 66(2) will pro tanto be reduced,
and this is an additional advantage for the High Courts.
98. Rules will necessarily have to be made to regulate the procedure for the disposal of the appeals
expeditious- ly. Delay is occasioned by the printing of records which will not be necessary. If the rule
making power is confer- red on the various High Courts there may not be uniformi- ty in that behalf.
We, therefore, think that it will be more appropriate to confer the rule making power upon -the
Supreme Court' as was done in the case of the Companies Act, 1956. As regards the levy of the fees
and the scales which are to be prescribed, it may not be possible for the Centre to prescribe the fee.
Some method should be adopt- ed to make the Court-fee payable on the memorandft) of appeal
presented to the High Court in such matters uni rm in all the States. We have not therefore made
any deinite proposal in this behalf. .
99. In view of the recommendation made by us for-the abolition of the Appellate Tribunal, and as
appeals would henceforth lie to the High Court from the Appellate 'As- sistant Commissioners'
orders, We consider that Gov rn- ment should ensure that the posts of Appellate Assis ant
Commissioners are held by experienced and senior oiders.
100. It will be more satisfactory if experienced :and senior oicers of the Department hear appeals. ;
101. The Appellate Assistant Commissioner shduld also, in our opinion, be given some training in
judicial practice and procedure by being attached to a Judge of a Civil Court, z'.e., a District Judge,
for a period of, say, three months. This will be very necessary because the order, of the Appellate
Assistant Commissioner should be writen, 'Sec-.. clause 277, App. 1. ' more or less, like a
judgment'and should make mention of the points for determination, and the ndings thereon. We'
consider that if Appellate Assistant Commissioners are given this type of training, it will inspire
greater con- dence in the litigant public.
102. It may be recalled in this connection that when the Appellate Tribunal was notgin existence,
i.e., prior to 1939, the reference to the High Court, though directed against the order of the Assistant
Commissioner, was made by the Commissioner of Income-tax himself. Though an officer of the
status of Commissioner of Income-tax may not hear all appeals, it would be desirable if appeals ' '
against assessments of incomes in excess of rupees one lakh were heard by the Commissioner of
Income-tax or by an officer of equal status. If this recommendation is ac- cepted, the necessary
amendments may be made in the Act. Other appeals should be heard by senior oicers Whose scale of
pay is attractive. We would recommend for Appellate Assistant Commissioners a «scale of pay inter-
mediate between the present Appellate Assistant Commis- sioner's scale and the present
Commissioner's scale.
accepted) to the High Court and as the smaller assessees "'5' may not be able to afford the expense
involved in such an appeal, we would recommend the free use by commission-
ers of Income-tax of their judicial powers to give relief to the smaller assessees. In the case of
smaller assessees the Commissioner should treat an application in revision as an appeal.
Administrative instructions to this effect may be given by the Central Board of Revenue. '
104. The.other important change which has been made other chan-
in this Chapter is the provision' for appeals against all 868- orders of the Income-tax Ofcers which
are prejudicial to the assessee, e.g., an order under section 35, the levy of interest under section 18A
(6), an order refusing to correct a recovery certicate, an order refusing to treat the asses-
105. The provisions of the existing Act relating to pen- C b a p t c r alties have been grouped together
in this Chapter. Pm§t'gsI°im: No change has been made in the substance of these §':f'o'!'111:_taxbV
provisions. V au,ho,ies_ _ 106. The provisions of the existing Act relating tochapter offences and
prosecutions have been grouped together in XXIII. this Chapter. No change of substance has been
made. Oenc", and V_ prosecutions.
107. The provisions of Chapter IXA, Recognised provi- Chapter dent funds, have been incorporated
in this Chapter, with XXW, , suitable modications explained in the notes to the rele-S P ° °'-" -1 pro
vi s i o n vant clauses. ,5 ting to
1See clause 254.,sub-clauses (d), 1j ), (k) +11), App. I. - d t Fund" . 1 Z Z §)*(1'§§"'3_ '1 108.
Provisions relating to approved superannuation pmvisi°§°;:_ funds, contained in Chapter IX B, have
been reproduced 1a,ing.,, c,,,_ in this chapter with suitable modications explained in tain Superan-
the notes to the relevant clauses. n u a t i o n 3;"?-P W , 109. All the other provisions of the Act which
are not xxvy covered by the earlier Chapters have been grouped, toge- Misccllan- ther in this
Chapter. V g '"'°"'' The important changes made in this Chapter are as under :-- i (1) -Authorised
representatives.--'We consider thatthere is no justication for permitting a person who is not a lawyer
or a chartered accountant to appear in the i ome- tax proceedings. The Income-tax Officer exercises
wers which are often far more_ responsible than the powers'simi- larly exercised by a civil court or a
criminal court. hen persons other than lawyers are not allowed to appear fore the civil court and the
criminal court, there is no reason why persons who are not entitled to appear beforeYsuch courts
should be permitted to appear in an income-tax, pro- ceeding. An exception should however be
made in favour of chartered accountants as they assist companies in the maintenance of accounts.
Moreover, they have certain obli- gations under the Companies Act in relation to the prE}>ara- tion
of the accounts of companies. We have therefor pro- vided that appearance in income-tax
proceedings be confined to lawyers and chartered accoilntants. 1 In order to protect the interests of
those personsgwho are, under the provisions of the present Act entitl d to appear in the income-tax
proceedings, we have provide for the continuance of their right to appear in the incom tax
proceedings. We have however, provided that they s ould be registered as Income-tax Practitioners.
We are al 0 of the opinion that there should be a disciplinary bo to control such Income-tax
practirtibners. We have ther f-ore made suitable changesin the provisions of sections 59 and 61 ' ' (2)
Service of notices.--We have provided for the ode of service of notice under the Act in the assessmen
of dissolved rms, dissolved associations and dis ted H.U.Fs. also.
(3) Rules.'--We have added a provision authorisin the Central Board of Revenue to make rules
relating to the issue of tax verification certicates. Such certicates ave been found useful in practice ' d
it is desirable to ace them on a statutory footing. e have also added a p ovi- _ sion for making rules
relating to the constitution of an authority to take disciplinary -action against Incom tax
practitioners (other than lawyers and Chartered Accoun-' tants).
110. The Schedules which we propose to annex to» the Act are as under :-- L First Schedule--re1ptes
to iisurance business.' { 'Sec clause 324, App. I,; d clause 9, ibid. I 'See notes on the Sched , for the ,
ngcs made. . l ' Schedules.
Second Schedule.--Brings together in one place the pro- visions pertaining to the procedure to be
adopted by the Collector for the recovery of tax on a "certicate issued to him. 1 Third
Schedule.--Deals with the procedure to be adopt- ed by the Income-tax Officer who is empowered by
the Commissioner to recover tax by distraint and sale of mov- able property.
111. In the preparation of notes on clauses we have Scheme of departed from the method adopted by
us in our previous "OW! 011 reports. In the previous reparts we have followed the ""'°s' order of the
sections in the Act under rwision and wherever new provisions were suggested, they were dealt with
in appropriate places. This method could not be followed in revising this Act (Income-tax Act) as 'we
have reshuied all the sections and sub-sections of the Act. Hence the order of the clauses in the
proposed draft has-been followed in preparing the Notes on clauses.
112. A word may be said about the increased number Incr asc in of the sections in the draft.' The
U.K. Act of 1952 contains nu"? ' °f 532 sections and 25 Schedules. The existing Income-tax5°°"°""
Act has 67 sections and one Schedule. One section (Sec- tion 10) of the existing Act however, covers
14 printed pages in the Income-tax Manual, and some of the sections in the Act, though bearing one
number have the letters A to V added e.g., sections 58A, and 58B. The 67 sections of the Act cover
186 printed pages in the Income-tax Manual.
The actual number of sections in the' existing Act is not 67, but "about 120. The number of sections
in the draft is thus only two and a half times the number in the ex- isting Act. The increase in the
number of sections is due to the fact that the existing sections have been split into a number of
sections. It is h-oped that the_total cover- age of the draft in printed pages Will not show any appre-
ciable increase.
113. Appendix I contains our proposals in the form of Sch¢mc_ of draft clauses. APFl°nd1°¢5-
Appendix II contains comparative, tables showing the existing provision and the corresponding
provision in the draft in Appendix I.
Nptes en clauses have been appended at the end. These explain, with reference to each clause in
'\ppendix I, chan-
114. For convenience of reference, we have given at the Li"! appen- end of this part of the report two
lists, the rst containing d°di"°'h° "" a summary of changes of importance proposed by us which '
have been embodied in the draft in Appendix I, and the second containing a list of recommendations
made by us which have not been embodied in thefidfaft in Appendix I. ' 'The draft proposed by us
contains can clniuisiand Three Schedules.
Existing Sec.
Existing Sec.
Existing. Sec.
3. Draft C1.
3. Existing Sec.
Existing Sec.
u (7) iv .
LIST I Summary of important changes proposed in the Income- tax Act and embodied in the Draft
Clauses in Appendix I.
The denition of "assessee" has been amplied to cover all -the situations in which a person becomes
assessable for, or liable for the payment of, tax or other sum.
Several new denitions have been added, important amongst them being "assessment", "assessment
year", "ave- rage rate of income-tax and super-tax" and "tax".
Item (iii) of the existing denition of Capital asset, ex- cluding land from which the income derived is
agricultural ' income, has been redrafted and replaced by the words "any agricultural land in India".
The existing denition of "Magistrate", which includes a Second Class Magistrate empowered by the
Central Gov- ernment (or in the State of Jammu and Kashmir by the State Government) to try
oences under the Act. has been altered so as to conne the power to First Class Magistrates
throughout India. -
The present enumeration of the chargeable entities that is, "individual, Hindu undivided family" etc.
has been replaced by the word "person". This will cover all entities having legal personality besides
the entities enumerated in the General Clauses Act. ' With reference to the exemption for income d '
ived from property held under trust etc. for religious or c arit- able purposes, the following changes
have been made z-
(i) it has been made clear that the exemption is ';avail- able in the case of a business, held on trust,
stbject to the conditions given in the existing proviso (b);
(ii) it has also been made clear that the exemptibn is available to business carried on by institutions
not subject to trust. = ' With reference to the exemption for special allowances or benets granted to
an employee to meet expenses wholly and necessarily incurred in the performance of the ties of an
office or employment, the words "who1ly and ces-
The exemption for income received by a Consul Gene- ral, Consul or Trade Commissioner etc. is at
present avail-
able to Indian citizens also. A requirement that the person_ ' Draft C1. u so exempted should not be
an Indian citizen has been added, (7) (ii)(_ )and on the lines of e sting section §(3)(x) (c) and (e). ,
The exemption in respect of -salaries of members of Existing 5°'.-I Nepalese military forces sewing
with the _armed forces of d (*3 India or of members of Indian State forces, has been omitted the
d,a)_ as obsolete.
The exemption in respect of income received by an Existing Sec. employee of foreign enterprise is at
present available to 4 (3) (""0 Indian citizens. Under the draft it has been conned to Rfag) 01-
foreigners. f The exemption in respect of salaries received by foreig- Existing,S6C- ners for services
rendered as technicians has. been 4 (3) "ml extended to services rendered before the actual
commnce-- gga 1' " ment of the business. - Eacplanation I. ' Certain exemptions enjoyed at present
by virtue of Existing Sec-5 notications under section 60 have been added in the Act. 4 (3)' These
relate to scholarship, and income of Universities or Draft Ci other educational institutions not
'established for prot. SL3"
The condition for residence in the case of a person who Existing 35?- has been"'1'n India within four
preceding years, at present, faféaél ('*2 requires the presence of that person in India "otherwise ' '
than by an occasional or casual visit". This condition has been made more specic, by requiring the
person - to be present for at least 30 days in the 'previous year concerned.
The existing provision authorising the Income-tax Of. Exittiilg Sep- cer to treat a person as a
resident if "he is satised that 4A 4") ("') 'the person is likely-to remain in India for not less than Dr?"
01- '5- three years has been omitted. ' ' A provision has been made to the effect that a person
Existing Sec- who is resident in respect of one source of income is to be éft Cl 6 treated as resident
for all other sources. ' ' A new provision regardin transfer of cases from one E ?('i;'3 3"' Appellate
Assistant Commissgoner to another has been CL ,3} added. (3). (b).
With reference to the power of the Board or the Com- Existing Sec- missioner to transfer cases from
one Income-tax Officer to ii) ?(f7*'gl another, a provision has been added requiring opportunity (ft '
I32 to be given to the assessee before the transfer is ordered 3 (except in special cases).
It is proposed to abolish the Ap _e11ate Tribunal. Ap- Existing 366'- peals from the Appellate
Assistant gommissioner will lie 53? . 'd' ' to the High Court. . . ( mu' ) .
Salary received from foreign Government has been Existing 560'; specically made taxable under the
head "Salary". 7 (0 (I):
Specic provision has been made in respect of salaries Existing paid in arrears. - 7 1). e ' -' {I5 (0) I' ' I
5-----l Law Com.I59 Draft 01. :7 ' Existing The allowance for expenses incurred by an employee
l7)m§,f)CL("l'()5 in the performance of his duties has been redrafted by (i,,)_ omitting the words
"necessarily from the requirement that the employee should be required to spend the amount
Existing Sec- Income assessable under the head "Interest on securi- graft C] V18 ties" is at present
chargeable if it is "receivable". This has ' ' been replaced by a provision charging such interest when
"received". The receipt basis has thus been substituted in place of the present provision.
Existing Sec. Sums expended for realising interest on tax-free secu- gr f Cl rities have been
disallowed as a deduction in computing the ()'_" ' 2' income chargeable under the head "Interest on
Existing Sec- Interest paid on moneys borrowed for the purpose of graft Cl 2' investment in tax-free
securities has been made inadmissible
(m)_ ' as a deduction in computing income under the head "Interest on securities".
Existing Sec. Reasonable sums spent on realising interest on ta '-free :3) at, C1 securities are
proposed to be allowed to be deducte , for ' ' "°" the purpose of super-tax, in computing income char
able under the head "Interest on Securities". If money has; been borrowed for investment in such
securities, then in erest paid on the money so borrowed is also proposed to e al-
Existing Sm Rules for furnishing guidance to the Income-tax Qfcer W in determining the annual
value of tenanted property; have 9 .
Existmg scc. Irrecoverable rent has been made an admissible due- 9 tion for computing income
chargeable under the hea "In- griiilft CL 24 come from. property"; (At present the deduction is-
Existing sec. The provision relating to development rebate has been 3>m(f';') éinbga changed as
regards the year in respect of which the bate i::°i1:'§:°::e:i aissiziaztansisgsiiziizié ELi%:$'°?' 21:1':
vision as proposed, it will be available in ihe next K ar, if t Z mis-
the ship or machinery is actxially put to use for first time in the next year. ' Existing Sc¢_ If the bad
debtspwritten; qif in an earlier acco' ting B)ra'(t2%:l (x2 yltlear al'§1i1(E: allwedtny tire
Inyt:¢n1i)e-tax Officer for ttlha year,
-3 . ey W1 e a owa e _or a su sequen accoun 'ng year, $25 2"' pm' if the Incometax Ofcer is
thansatised about the irr ver- ° ability of the debt. .(As to the converse case, see elow under existing
section 35.) .
Ex ' . v u - -
A new provision has been added to the eect that Existing Sec-
his employees should be treated as buildings used for the purpose of the employer's business, if the
occupation by the employees of the buildings is subservient to and neces- sary for the purpose of the
employees' duties.
A new provision has been added laying down rules for EXWDS 56°- estimating the value of the
consideration received in a 3", C1 3 transaction of exchange. (This is with reference to charg- . '5 ' ing
of tax under 'Capital gains'.) The scope of the existing; provision, relating to power Ex ting Sec. of
the Income--tax Officer to treat thelfair market value of '2. ,(2)» M a capital asset as the value of the
consideration for which ,'gIfff;"a1 the sale etc. of the asset is made (where the sale is effected v '54'
with the object of avoidance etc. of" the liability of the 3 assessee to tax under capital gains), has
been narrowed down i by conning the power to a case where the actual considera- tion is not
correctly recited in_ the deed 'of sale etc. On the ' other hand, the scope has been widened by
deleting the re- quirement that the transaction must have been entered into with a person directly or
indirectly connected with the assessee. ' It has been made clear that where the accounts of the
Extsting sec. assessee are not correct and eomplet ' the assessment will :3; be a best judgment under
section (4). The power to ' .c1_e5o compute the income "upon such basis' and in such manner (1 as
the Income-tax Officer may determine" (existing section . 13, Proviso) will be conned to a case where
the accounts ' are correct and complete. K A new provision has been added ' , rein interest paid
tingscc. by an assessee on money borrowed f investing his capital '5 (I) 8;) in a rm has been listed as
an admissible. deduction in(D -69 congauting his income comprising his share in the rm's 3.' pro ts.
' ~ It has been made clear that section 16(1)(c), 3rd Pro- Existing Sec. viso, which removes from the
scope or the section income :62 (I) (0) arising by virtue of a settlement etc. which is not revokable
Diiaft C1. 64. for a period of more than six years etc, does not apply in a case where the assets re '
the' perty of the settler § etc. In other words, where' ere. is 'transfer of the »col'- 3 pus, the proviso
will have n appli j , . - _ \ Existing Sec- The existing provision, whereunder income arising from
;)'5ra(,.3t)((:1,') 67 assets transferred to any person etc. for the benet of_ a
(v)_ ' minor child of the assessee is regarded as the assessee's in-
come in certain cases, has been modied so as to exclude cases where the minor child is a married
Existing 366- It has been made clear that the rate applicable for de-
l')8m(f.'*tA()3l(3:3gI duction of super-tax is one in force for a company which (1,) and .204 has not
made the arrangements for deduction of super-tax
(x) (b). referred to in section 18(3D). Exisling See» A new provision has been made imposing a rst
charge B"m(fZ)Cl upon the assets of a person who, after deducting tax under 2°9' the Act, fails
tolpay it into the Qovernment Treasury. Existing Sec. A general provision has been made to the
effect that ' '3 (7) and 7 where tax is deductible at source, the assessee shall not be $,'i;'o'''"d 1""
called upon to pay the tax himself unless he has received D;-a_f[C|_ 2,3. the income without such
deduction. (The existing provision is conned to salary.) ' Existing see. A provision has been added to
the effect that advance 18A (1) payment of tax will not apply in respect of income-tax on ggaft Cl. 215
Existing Sm The rate of interest to be paid by an assessee who 18A (4) pro- does not pay advance tax
on commission receipt within viso fteen days of the date on which the income is received, D''''" C!'
2*" has been reduced from 6 per' cent. to 4 per cent.
Existing Sec- Interest payable by an assessee in a case where the 33r":ft(5():l 22 tax estimated by
him falls short of 80 per cent. of the tax (,)_ ' 3 regularly assessed, is made to run not from the 1st
day of January of the year of payment but from the 1st day of April of the next nancial year.
Existing Sec. The rate of interest payable by an assessee in cases of 18A (7) under-estimate of
advance tax has been reduced from 6 per Dmf' C1324' cent. to 4 per cent. ' ' .
Existing Sec_ Instead of the general notice requiring all persons to 22(1) submit a return of income,
a provision has been made for DIM'-)0" '43 the compulsory submission of the return by every
person ( Ha ' ~ who is assessable in respect of his income or in respect of any other person's income.
The return will have to be submitted by the 30th June, each year.
Existing Sec. A provision has been added to the eect where a return 22 (I) of income is sent to an
Income»-tax Ofcer who has no juris- g§3(f,'))C1' '43 diction over the assessee, he shall forward it to
the Income-
' tax Officer having such jurisdiction. » ' Existing Sec» A new provision has been added clarifying the
power gm C, X46 of the Income-tax Oicer to make such inquiries as he may (2)_ ' think necessary
for the purpose of assessment.
Existing 560- A new. provision has been added requiring the Income-
gaft C, [46 tax Oicer to give the assessee an opportunity of rebutting (3). ' any material which
isvproposed to be used for the purpose
-of assessment. (An exception has however been made for , "best judgment"_asses¢ment.) ;;
» produced in the case) for the purposes of assessment, has (8) The power of the Income-tax Officer
to take into ac- Existinx 59¢- count material gathered by him (in addition to the evidence ffm CL "'7
een claried.
It has been made clear that a "best judgment" assess- Existing 560 ment is to be made after
consideration of the material f)i';a§.§)C] I 3 which the Income-tax Ofcer has gathered. ' 4 An
indication of the material which the Income-tax Existing Sec. Ofcer may use in an assessment under
section 23(3) or 23- 23(4), has been given. - DmCl"49' A specic provision has been added laying
down the Existing see. right of set oif of loss from one business against prots in 24(1) any other
business. ' D"' CL72' The provision relating to set OE of losses has been Existing Scc. modied in
respect of set off against capital gains. A loss 24 (1) sustained under any head other than capital
gains cannot be set olf against capital gains, under 'the provision as proposed.
In respect of the assessment of a person about to leave Existing Sec. India, it has been-provided that
the period of notice to be 24A given by the Income-tax Oicer may be shortened even in %'"f' C" '34
respect of the assessments for earlier previous years. )'
Fpr the assessment of a person about' to leave India, a Existing 56¢- time- imit of three months has
been provided for complet- gmf Cl 18 mg the assessment, where the assessment is made under the
m_ t ' ' special procedure given in existing section" 24A.
The section relating to partition of a Hindu undivided Existing Sec. family has been made applicable
in respect of partial parti- 2 , tion also. 134335' CL '3' A new rovision has been added laying down
which 'sting Sec. Income-tax fcer is entitled to assess a Hindu family after 2 A its partition. . C' '8'
The provision relating to assessment after partition has Existing 560- been extended to penalties
and other sums._ Dar'
1. 181 (8).
it has been made clear that an application for the regis- Existing Sec. tration of a firm may be made
even after the dissolution of GA Draft the rm. - '9' <2)' The provision (at present contained in the
rules) re1at- Existing sec. ing to the time Within which -a rm should be registered ESA has been
modied. It has been provided that the applica-'D'3f' 0* '9' tion should ordinarily be made before the
expiry of the 4}' prevlilous year in respect of which registration is being soug .
The provision requiring that the individual shares of Existing Sec- the partners should be "s cied in
the partnership deed" W" 25A has been altered, so as to ow regi nation where the shares;
1,)9'fff,)fla"'° Existing Sec. 26A.
Draft Cl.
:91 (7).
259, Expl.
though not specied in the instrument, can be ascertained from that instrument dr from the
partnership deeds of any A connected rms.
The provision (at present contained in the rules) re- lating to renewal every year of the registration
of a rm has been modied. So long as there is no change in the constitution of the rm or the shares of
the partners, a formal application for renewal will not be necessary and it would suffice if the rm les
a declaration, with' the return of the income. to the effect that there has been no change as aforesaid.
A provision prohibiting the Income-tax Oicer from rejecting an application for registration of a rm
on tech- nical grounds has been added.
A time-limit has been provided within which an appli- cation for registration of a rm must be
disposed of by' the Income-tax Ofcer.
It has been made clear that the only ground on which the registration of a rm can becancelled is
misrepresenta- e tion. It has also been provided that the rm must have an opportunity of being
heard before cancellation, andsthat cancellation can be ordered only with the previous appro- val of
the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner. .
A time limit has been laid down within which regis- tration of a rm can be cancelled. .
It has been made clear that an objection as the status under which the assessee is assessed can be
raised by way of appeal. 9 A new provision authorising appeals in resp ; t of orders passed under
existing 'section 35 (recticati of mistakes etc.) has been added. f Various orders relating to - interest
passed undei sec-
tion 18A (advance payment of tax) have been mad ap- pealable in appropriate cases.
(*1) An order passed by the Income-tax Ofcer cn an assessee's application 'for withdrawal or
can[:el1a- tion of a recovery certicate issued to the Obllec- tor;
(2) An order passed by the Income-tax Oicer rellsing an assessee's irequestfto treat him as not 11!!
de- fault in view of an appeal.
It has been made clear that an Appellate Ass stant Commissioner, in disposing of an appeal is not
con d to the grounds raised by the appellant in the appeal an may redvetermine any matter which
fell to be decided b the Income-tax Officer inithe couf of the proceedings hich led to the order in
appeal. r ' i 65' Appeal to the Appellate Tribunal -is replaced by _a -1s?J_<I=ting peal to the High
Court, and the Tribunal is to be abolis - "°' 33' ~D af ed» 2t6o (1).
It has been made clear that an order passed by the gifting Appellate Assistant Commissioner
rejecting or refusing an D5333' appeal without a decision on merits is appealable. c1_g;.,(,)_ The
power to reopen an assessment any time, where the Existing income that has escaped assessment in
the. past amounts Sec-P34 (I)- to one lakh of rupees or more, has been modied. 3" '9."f'°' Only the
incomes for the sixteen assessment years ( (' prior to the year in which a notice under section 34 is
'55 ') 3) issued will, it is proposed, be taken into account in arriv-
ing at the gure of one lakh of rupees or more. It has, however, been added that where the income
which escap-
ed assessment in a single assessment ear is at least fty thousand rupees, the assessment for at year
can be re-
A new provision has been added prescribing a time; liaxiptins sec- limit of four years for the
completion of an assessment in 'l')°'!f341(3) the case of a notice under section 28(3) read with 28(1)
,6', E3
It is proposed to allow the Department a period of at Eximn 5"' least one year for the completion' of
an assessment in atf)'::f§t1§?gc case where an assessee les a return or revised return 155(1) re),
under section 22(3). ' A new provision has been added 'prescribing a time- Exsying limit of four
years for the completion of an assessment D ;{'"34(3) under section 34(1) (a) (i.e., assessment for
income whichc use ",0 escaped assessment by reason of the assessee's omis- (2.
sion or failure to disclose the material facts). The tiIne- s limit will be counted from the end,'of the
nancial year in which the notice was iss ed.
A provision has been added to the effect that while Fgxistins 5°C- computing the period of limitation
laid down by the Act "°"f§41(3) C for the completion of assessments, any period during , 0 , which
assessment proceedin§ were stayed by an order of ' a court will be excluded.
A new provision has been added empowering the re- 'ng sec. vision of the assessment of a member
of an association in: 35 a case where the assessment of the association itself is re- "R °"*"" vised. I , ,
'E (2)-
(Existing Section 35(5) mayfbe compared.) ; V With reference to the provision that where a'
re-assess- Vxisaing Sec- ment etc. has to be made in consequence of an order passed 00 34 (3) on
appeal or other proceedi gs in respect of the assessee or 6'3" c'"l"'° any other person, the time-_imit
for assessment would not ;a,i',,}:';q;" apply, two Explanations have been added explaining the and 3.
scope of the provision. A ' With reference to the provision that if a company does E''i''i"3 5"' I not
pay the tax on its pro ts with g ree years after de- (9) _ claring the dividend the will?" irecovered
from the a (4).
Existing Sec-
Draft Cl.
'I70 (2).
Existing Secs.4o,4r,-4*:
Draft Cl.i72.
Draft Cl.
share-holders, it has been of the company itsel year should have ela th provided that if the
assessment f is delayed, a period of at least one psed after the end of the year in which e company is
A new provision has been added ex come-tax Ofcer to reopen an assessme of allowing bad debts,
where the assess for a particular previous year but the Income-tax Officer is of opinion that the
deduction should have been claimed for an earlier previous year. (As to the converse case, see under
'existing section 8).
nt, for the purpose ee claims deduction It has been made clear that while ex of the court with
reference to the d and examination of witnesses, should follow the same procedu ercising the power
iscovery of documents the Income-tax authority re as a civil court.
A new provision for return of documents produced by any person before an Income-tax authority
has been added.
A new provision has been adde of all "representative assessees" (12. agents of non-residents etc.) to
the their possession. (S tain representative (1 limiting the liability e.. guardians, trustees.
extent of the assets in pecial remedies available against cer- assessees have, of course, been saved).
en added to the effect that a d as a representative as ssee (i.e., trustees, guardians, agents of
non-residents etc.) ould not be assessed under the .general charging section (section
I een made to the effect sentative assessee who parts with the assets ment of tax, is liable personally.
The provision for mode of computing tax for income received by a Court of wards, trustee appointed
under a a deed in writing, Administrator-general etc., in cases where the income is not specically
receivable on behalf of any one person or by where the individual shares are not known has been
altered in two respects :--
tax, it has been provided that it d as the income of an association the income is received by a bene-
should be charge of persons, or, if ciary, then at ciary if the In I i E that .a repre-
(2) as regards super-tax, it has been provided that it should be charged in all cases as if the income
were the income of an association of persons.
A new provision has been added allowing the Income-- Existing tax Oicer to continue assessment
proceedings, started be- gift -I fore the dissolution etc. of a rm or association or the dis- 185(2) 2nd
continuance of its business; against the persons who were 196 (2).
partners or members.
With reference to the provisions for charging tax in Existing the case of shipping business, it has
been made clear that Sec} 3 (3)- . the rate applicable is one in force for a company which has D" ' '
The provision regarding income arising to a non-resi- Existing dent from a transfer etc. governed by
section 44D has been 360- MD (I)-
slightly widened. Under the present provision, only in- D"'f'C'- come arising from the transfer is
taxable under this section. 96 M W' Under the provision as proposed, any income of a non-resi-
vered by this section, (if the power to enjoy itself arises from the transfer).
The existing provision, whereunder a sale of securities Eximng is disregarded where there is
agreement to buy back such sec.44E (1).
securities by the owner of the securities, has been widened gfm by removing the requirement of an
agreement to buy those '. 97 (')' securities. The provision as propose will be applicable to all cases
where the transaction of sale and repurchase of "securities results in advoidance of tax. '(The
provision will not. of course, aply if there was no avoidance or if the avoidance was not systematic).
Under the existing provision, where a person transfers Existing ' securities before the declaration of
the dividend, the in- Scc-,44F- come attributable to the period upto the transfer is deem- mar' ed to
be the transferor's income. Under the provision as Cl' 97 (3)' proposed, however, the income for the
whole year will be deemed to be the transferor's income if there is avoid-
ance of tax. It has also been provided that the avoidance need not be of more than ten per cent. of«
the amount of the income-tax. ' A new provision authorising the Income-tax Ofcer EXMHB to
extend the time for payment of tax or to allow payment 322431 by instalments has been added.
Consequential provision 229(2) gm, for failure to pay instalments etc. has also been added. 14).
The present provision regarding the imposition of a Existing penalty on an asseessee in default has
been modied. S°°' 46(')' Penalty has been replaced by penal interest at the rate of ;',';'§ff'A' tax
Officer will be 'necessary. In consequence existing sub- section (A) has been omitted. ' ' .
Draft Cl.
cond Sche-
Draft Cl.
cond para-
Draft Cl.
235 (4)-
Draft Cl.
The various modes of recovery which a Collector cam adopt when the Income-tax Oicer sends a
certificate to him have been listed in the draft clause, and detailed pro- cedure to be followed by the
Collector is sought to be em-4 bodied in the Schedule which will be a self-contained Code. A uniform
system will thus be substituted in place- of the existing procedure which applies the Revenue laws of
each State.
It has been made clear that the Income-tax Oicer can send a recovery certicate to the Collector
within whose jurisdiction the assessee resides or carries on business etc. or has property. Further, it
has been made clear that. the certicate can be sent to the Collector of any district. in any part of
A provision debarring an assessee from challenging before the Collector the assessment which led to
the issue of the recovery certicate has been added. Proced re for withdrawal or correction of the
certicate by the I come- tax Officer has been laid down.
has been narrowed down, by limiting it to only one mode, namely, distraint and sale of movable
The power of an Income-tax Officer to attach kala is sought to be limited to that portion.of the salary
lwhic _ can be attached by a civil court. A _' A new provision has been added empowering t e In-
come-tax Officer to apply to any court-in which any oney of the assessee is lying, for payment of the
money ,0 dis- charge tax due from the assessee. \ ' A new provision has been added requiring the
bwner of ships or aircraft carrying' gassengers for desti tions beyond India to submit perio ically
"lists of such sseri- gers.
A new provision has been added to the eect t at a claim for refund should be made in the prescribed
for and l veried in the prescribed manner. p A new provision has been added to the effect at if the
Income-tax Oicer does not dispose of a refund a plica- tion within three months, the Government
shall p y in-. terest at the rate of 2 per cent. per annumon the a cunt that is ultimately found to be
The provision penalising a person who makes false statement in a verication is. sought. to be
extendedgso as X) be applicable to verication under any provision of the ct. .
-A new provision has been added authorising t dis- closure by the Income-tax Officer of the
substance f the material gathered by'§h'im for'; he purpose of' a "best judg- ment" assessment. ' = 1
A new provision authorising the disclosure by an In.- Exiltins come-tax Officer of accounts of
assestees which are lying 36°' 33")' with him and are required by a court, has been added. Sim1- ,4,
(3) (g-)_7 larly, a provision allowing the disclosure of registered documents of which copies can be
obtained under the Re- gistration Act, or of documents like balance sheet, audit report etc. prepared
under the Companies Act, has been added.
A new provision authorising the disclosure of informa- Existing' tion required in connection with
levy or realization of S°°'t54- W' other Central taxes (for example Wealth Tax, Estate Duty ,4, (3)
(,'l)__ Tax etc.) has been added. ' It has been made clear that the privilege conferred Existing -' by
existing section 54 can be waived by the assessee. %=r¢a~'54- . Cl. 142.
With reference to the exemption in respect of super- Existin ;_ tax on dividends received from an
Indian company en-- Sec. 5 A- gaged in certain industries, the conditions to be satised D"'f1'08 by
the Indian Company paying the dividend have been set ' : ' out in extenso, unlike the existing section
which merely makes a cryptic reference to section 15C.
A new provision has been added authorising the Com- §3""'.l"é% missioner to relax the conditions
for the recognition of aDe°' _(')' provident fund, in the case of >providei1t funds established (:1_ 39
m under the Employees' Provident Funds Act, 1952 and ex- Pro .(a). empted from the operation of
the scheme under section 17 of that Act.
A new provision" allowing" the deduction of contribu- Exi-'*¢ingA tions paid by an employer
towards a recognised provident 53°13-" '° \fund has been added. Drag? C1393 l It has been made
clear that an approved super--annua- Existing tion fund should satisfy not only the conditions set
out in 560- *53N *0 the Act, but also the conditions to be "imposed by rules 1531'"; C1 0 made by the
Central Government. m_ 2 ' 3 7 A new provision has beeng added to the effect that E" 8 where there
is a repugnancy between {the rules of an ap- sf' Dm proved superannuation fund and any provision
of the Act, 313- (5)_. the latter shall prevail. ' A , » It has been made clear that. the proyision for
deduction Exist of income-tax on contributions repaid to an employee from 5°°- (I) an approved
superannuation fund applies not only to the Cf um employee's contributions but also to the
employer's contri- ' 3 ' butions. It has also been made clear that payment of con- tributions to an
employee on death or termination of em- ployment does not come within the scope of this section.
A new provision has been added laying down elabo- F-xiltl rately the power of the Centr Gover I nt
to make rules Sgfv N '° in relation to approved super uatioxifflhds. aft GL3"
:§?3 G .
ii is E-xistins A new provision has been added authorising the Cen- D°r°a;f§9' tral Board of Revenue
to make rules relating to :-- "Cl. 329 (2),
(ii) constitution of an authority to take disciplinary action against such income-tax practitioners;
(iii) issue of income-tax verication certicates. Existing Scc_,6o (1) Provisions relating to exemptions
for tax etc. to be and 60 (3) granted by notication by the Central Government are pro- (omitted in
posed to be deleted as obsolete.
the draft). _ Existing The power to grant relief in cases where salary is paid 566- 60 (2) in arrears or
in advance etc., which is at present conned Dfaf' C1'V9°' to salary or prot in' lieu of salary, has been
extended to perquisites also.
'Existing The right of any lawyer to appear before an Income- S_§c- 6! (2) tax authority is sought to
be conned to legal practitioners D'°'(:f)' entitled to appear in a civil court. (Persons actually in
(iii:)?f4 practice at present will not be affected.) ~Is'3::"g;g(2) It is proposed to exclude persons who
are not Char- _(iii) (iv) Draft tered Accountants or authorised to audit the_ accounts of Cl. 324 (2),
companies under section 226(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, E312?-<3?" from the category of
"accountants" entitled to appear be-
tice at present will not be aected.) The category "Income-tax practitioner" is to be abolish-
Existing Sec. The power to take disciplinary action against income- 6' (3)- D"'" tax practitioners
other than lawyers and .accou}itants.
C" 32* W' which is vested in the Commissioner at present, is proposed to be transferred to an
authority whose constitution would _ be laid down in the rules. ' Exisng (RC-' -Consequent on the
proposed abolition of the Appellate .£g'_""°° pgev; Tribunal, provisions relating to references to the
High 'sions)omittcd Court have been omitted.
injthc draft. V Exisiting a With regard to the assessment of persons carrying on Schedule, general
insurance business, it has been made clear. that "116 5- Draft deductions for depreciation must be
allowed as entered in S!_:l};°dEg§' the accounts prepared under the Insurance Act, and can- 5 ' not
be questioned by the Income-tax Officer. (NCW) Draft Unexplained cash credits, appearing in the
books of C1' 7°' accounts of the assessee, have been made assessable as his income.
Draft Investments-not appearin in the books ')1'? the assessee and not explained s tisfactori y have
been made assessable for the nancial ye in which the investments were made.
.71 A new provision has been' added laying down the (New) Draft-._ position regarding liability of
an executor to pay tax in res- CL '73- pect of the income accruing after the death of the person whose
estate is being administered.
It has been made clear that in cases where tax is de- (New) Draft. ductible at source or payable in
advance, some kind of 01-199- "charge" of tax is implied.
Power has been conferred on the Supreme Court to (New) Drafte make rules regulating the
procedure to be followed by the 01477- High Court in disposing of appeals under the Act.
A new provision has been added providing that income (New) Draft once charged to tax shall not be
charged to tax again in C1-3'9 the hands of the same person.
A new provision for the service of notices after the (New) Draft partition of a Hindu family has been
added. 01'3" W' A new provision has been added requiring every In- (New) Dram come-tax
authority to endorse documents placed on the Cl. 323- le and to refer to the documents in any order
which is based on the document.
Existing Sec-
tions s. 4. (1).
2nd Prov.
Existing Sec-
Existing Sec-
tion 4 (3)(i)-
Existing Sec-
tion 5 (8).
Existing Sec-
LIST II Changes recommended in the Income-tax Act but not embodied in Appendix 1.
Besides the changes already embodied in the draft proposals in Appendix I, the following changes
are recom-
mended in the Act, (These have not been embodied in the draft proposals in Appendix I). - The
reasons in support of these changes have been stated below, or, in the body of the report or the notes
to the relevant draft clauses :--
(1) The provisions for taxing the income of a resident which accrued outside India in past years and
is brought into India in the accounting year, should be deleted'.
sident are retained, some clarication of the existing de- nition is necessary, so as to settle the conict
of decisions mentioned in the body of the report'.
(3) The provision relating to income which accrued in a Part B State or a merged territory before the
exten- sion of the Income-tax Act thereto and which is brought into any other part of India
thereafter, should be omitted, as obsolute'. ~ (4) The existing words "subject to the provisions of
clause (c) of sub-section (1) of section 16", conta' ed in existing section 4(3) (i), opening line, should
be de; ted'.
(5) Whether the provision authorising the Director of Inspection, the Commissioner etc. to issue
instructidns to subordinate officers should be retained, may be consider- ed'. -
(6) The limit of one-fth of the salary laid down at present in respect of rebate for sums deducted
from "salary for deferred amunities etc.. should be raised to one- ourth. on the lines of section 15(3)
as amended by the anoe (No. 2) Act, 1957'. ' 1 Vida para. 22 of the body of this Report; this relates to
draft clatlsc 4, (I).
' Vida para. 22 of the body of this Report, and para. (1) of notes to draft clause 6 and also para. (3) of
notes to draft clause 4,.
' Vida para. 22 of the body of this Report and notes to draft clause 4., para. (1 I ). second
sub-paragraph. ' 5 Vida notes to draft clause 12, p . ,9 (b).
' Vida the second para. of notes to t clause :30. ' " Vida the second parnggaph of the notes to draft
clause 88 (I) (c);
(7) In existing section 7(2) (iii), the words "wholly, 1?-xistins necessarily and exclusively in the
perfnrmance of his du-"°" 7(9) 0") ties" may be replaced by suitable words connoting expen- ses
reasonably incurred in the performance of duties'.
(8) The deduction of one-half of the taxes levied by a Fgdating See- local authority is at present
allowed only in respect of pro- "On 1;!) (2)- perty occupied by a tenant. No such deduction is allowed
3' °"' where the property is occupied by the owner himself. There is, however, no reason why this
deduction should not be available in the case of property occupied by the owner.
There is no apparent justification for making a distinction between the two classes of properties'.
(9) Certain special statutes lay down the rates of de-Existing sec-
preciation for undertakings governed by those statutes. It tiqn 10 (2) has been suggested that the
rates of depreciation allowed (")- .by such statutes for the purposes of those statutes should be made
applicable for purposes of income-tax also, in re- lation to those undertakings. If the same rates are
adopt- ed, the assessees owning such undertakings would be saved ,a lot of trouble and duplication
of labour.
This question requires consideration by the Govem- ment'. ' (10) Where machinery, plant or
furniture is let on hire Existing Sec- and the income from hire is assessed under head "Income tion;
I2 (3) from other sources". the Act allows the assessee certain ""d--""' (4)- deductions on the lines of.
income from business. The . list of deductions so allowed, as given in existing sections 12 (3) and
12(4), does not mention the deductions referred to in existing sections 10(2) (via) and 10(2) (vib)
i.e., the additional depreciation egllowed for new building, machi- nery etc. and the development
rebate allowed for new ma- chinery etc. These should be:added '11 sections 12(3) and 12(4) as they
stand on the same footing as normal deprecia- tion'. -
(11) The question of making a provision for the spread- Iaf-xiytins Sec- over of income in the case of
patents on the lines of exist- "°" *2 AA- ing section 12AA should be considered'. a q, (12) The method
of calculating the cost of acquisition ting Sec- of an asset in the case of capital gains. may be simplied
ti "1 3'(=) .by substituting the fair mar et value or the actual cost,."' " B (3)' in place of the present
comp cated provisions'. i (13) The Income-tax Oiqer (or, ' teferably, the Ins- do "~8B5°=~ pecting
Assistant Commissioner shogsf : '5 ' 41 issue a certicate ' K to an institution qualifying under e ting
section 15B, so 1 Vida notes to draft clause 16 (iv), in paragraph 6 of the notes to draft clauses : 5 to
3 This relates to draft clause 32 (1) (i) and (ii), ' This relates to draft clause 60 (ii).
s: 9 i that assessees making donations to such institution need not prove, in each individual case,
that the institution falls within the section'.
Existing Sc(;- (14) The provision for grossing up of 'dividends should tion 16 (2). be simplied'. ' The
question of requiring companies to deduct tax. from dividends may be considered'.
Existing Sec- (15) Regarding grossing up of dividends, it is further tion I6 (2)- recommended that
where a dividend is declared out of pro- ts taxed in earlier years, and there are no taxable prots of
the company in the year of declaration of the dividend, the grossing up should be allowed at the rate
which would have been applicable to the company in the year of decla- ration if the company had got
any taxable income. This would clarify the position'.
Existing SW (16) Under existing section 16(3), the income arising mm ,5 (3)_ to a wife from her
membership of a rm in which her hus- band is a partner, is included in the total income of the hus-
band. In modern times, however, a large number of' partnerships have come into existence, in which
the wife contributes substantial capital, or renders active assistance by virtue of her professional
qualications. It is recom- mended that the provision in question should notapply to professional
partnerships in such cases. (The case of a wife working in partnership with her husband as a doctor
or lawyer may be cited as a typical example.) It may be noted that the provision in question was
enacted at a time when women had no resources of their own and had not joined the learned
professions. With the changes in economic and social conditions that have taken place in modern
times, the provision must be modied. This will also be in accordance with the s irit of article 15 of the
Constitution, since it will place hus ands and wives on an equal footing'. -
Existing Sw (17) Capital gains should be completely excluded from tions 17 (6) the total income of
the assessee for the purposes of: super- and :7 (7)- tax'. ,2 .
Exming sec- (18) The correct construction of existing section 18A tion l8A (5), (5) and its second
PI'0V1S0 should be examined, with refer-
gnd its 2nd ence to the alternative draft given in the notes'. ' l'0VlS0.
1 Vide the last paragraph of notes to draft clause 89. . I Vida para. 4,0 of the body of this Report and
also notes to draft clause 59(2). ' Vida notes to draft clause 59 (2). ' This relates to draft clause 59
- 5 This relates to draft clause 67 (i). ' Vida notes to dratt clause 125, last para. 7 Vida notes to draft
clause 222 (1).
(19) A separate form of return should be prescribed Ijlxitting Sec- for losses incurred by an assessee,
which the assessee "°" 92 (M)- wishes to carry forward'.
(15 (20) The existing provision regarding assessment of F_.xisting Sec- registered rms, resulting in
double taxation of' the same "PH 23 (5) 3 income to some extent, should be deleted'. 0)' The
provisions for registration of rms should not be administered in a hyper technical manner'. ' (21)
The present anomalous position regarding assess- Exming sec- ment- of companies in respect of
distributed and undistri- tion 23 A. buted prots should be removed. The anomaly arises from the
fact that existing section 23A of the Income-tax Act encourages the maximum distribution of prots,
while the provision in the Finance Act aims at the minimum distri- bution of prots'.
(22) It is further recommended that a provision should Existing 566- be added to the effect that in
passing an order under exist- "°' 23A- (1) ing Section 23A(1), the Income-tax Oicers should also take
into account the current business requirements of the company. He should not pass an order under
the section if he is satised that having regard to current busi- ness requirements, the declaration of a
larger dividend would have been unreasonable'. ' I (23) An assessee should, along with his return of
Eysting sec- income, pay tax on the basis of his return. An order of tion 233(1). provisional
assessment by the Income-tax Ofcer should ' not be necessary. Such a system of voluntary payment
of tax by the assessee will save considerable time of the Department'. , (24) It should be considered
whether it is necessary to Eldsting Sec- retain the concessions allowed by existing sections 25(3) 'W3
95 (3) and 25(4), relating to discontinuance of or succession to a '"9 25 W' business assessed under
the 1918 Act. The lapse of time 2 since the 1918 Act would seem to render this provision un- i
necessary'. 5 1 This relates to draft clause 14.3 (3). 3 ( ) ' Vida para 65 of the body of this Report and
notes to draft clause 189 3 .
3 Vida para 65 of the body of this "Report. This relates mainly to draft clauses 189 and 190. , ' Vida
the last three paragraphs of the notes to draft clause 1 13. _ (' )Vida para. .54 of the body of this
Report. This relates to draft clause 1 13 2 .
' This relates to draft clause 14.5. ' Vida the last paragraph of notes clause 91; -- 1--1 Law Com.I58. §
Existing Sec- (25) Appeals against assessments of income-tax in ex tion 31. cess of rupees one lakh
should be heard by the Commis- sioner and not by the Appellate Assistant Commissioner as at
present'. Other appeals should be heard by senior oicers whose scale of pay is attractive'.
Exiting Sec-
_ (26) It is recommended that a notice under section 34 $3" '~';*m£i'S)(; should not be issued in
any case after the expiry of six-
(;;)_ teen years from the end of the assessment year in which the income was rst assessable'.
Existing Sec-
tion 400) (27) Existing section 40(1) should not make a men-
tion of trustees. It should be conned to guardians of minors and committees and managers of
lunatics and idiots.
'Besides Dr. Sen Gupta and Shri Narasa Raju and Pathak, who are mentioned in the forwarding
letter, Shri Chan and Shri Sikri have also authorised the Chairman to sign the report on their behalf.
' Vida para. 62 (7) above. , ' Vida notes to draft clause :69 (1) (ii).
4 Dr. Sen Guptahassigned the report, subject to the Note/appended at the end. ' .
, Hindu Undivided family, Casual receipts, etc. 4(1), 2nd to 5th ' provisos.
Sec. 4(3) (ii) to (xxii) Sec. 7(1), proviso Sec. 7(1), Explanation 2, prov. V Sec. 14(1) and New.
12. Income from property held for religious or charitable Sec. 4 ( ) (i), (ii) and purposes, and income
of religious or charitable institu- conclu mg part. tions.
13. Business assessed under the Income-tax Act, 19185 See. 2 5(3),(4) part. ~ C H A P T E R IV
16. Deductions . . . . . . Sec. 7 (2) ' :7. Interpretation . . '. . . Sec. 7 ( 1) part - d Expls. 1 81,2. ,v m Clause
19. 2o.
32. 33-
36. 37-
38. 39-
40. 4.1.
42. 4-3-
\ .78 Subject matter Existing section B. Interest on Securities Interest on Securities . . . . . Sec. 8 (1)
main part and New.
Deductions . . . . . Sec. 8, 1st proviso part. Banking Company Sec. 8, Exp1_ Amounts not deductible
Sec, 3, [st provigo Pam C. Inoomefram house property See. 9(1) Sec. 9(2), part & New.
9(2) part & Sec. 9(1) part Sec. 9(1), (iv), proviso Income from house property Annual value
Deductions . . .
Property owned by co-owners Sec. 9(3) Interpretation . . . Sec. 9(4), Sec. 9(1), (vii) Expl. &. New.
D. Prots and gains of business, profession or voration Sec. 10(1), and Sec. 10 (54%) part. Sec.
an Sec. 24(1)£xpl.
(v) & (ix) parts. ' 1 Repairs and' Insurance of machinery, plant and furniture Sec.' 10(2) (iv) and (v)
Provisions applicable . . . . .
Rent, repairs and insurance for buildings Depreciation Development rebate Conditions for
depreciation allowance and developinent Sec. 1o(2)(vi), (via) and rebate. (vib) parts, sec. 10 ( and
New. 43) Expenditure on Scientic research. Sec. )1o(2) (xii),; (xiii) and XIV .
Buildings etc. partly used for business etc. or not exclu- Secs. 10 (2) (i), prov, I0 (2) sively so used
(ii) rov. 10 (2), latter part an 10(3).
Sec. 12A.
Secs. 10(2) (iii) part, to (4.), 1o(4.A) and ' Sec. 8 Exp. part.
Secs. 10(2) (vii) part, no (2) (xiv) part to p (2) (xi) 1>r°v- pm 10 (2A)-
Secs. 10 (5), rp (2) (xiv) Sec.12B (1) 2nd prov. part Managing agency .
Interpretation . . .
i) & New."
46. 47~
48. 4-9-
52. 53-
58. 59-
60. 61 .
Capital gains .
Previous year . .
Transactions not regarded as sale etc. Mode of Computation and deductions . Statutory cost with
reference to modes of acquisition .
depreciable assets.
able assets.
Prot on sale of property used for residence Interpretation F. Incorru_ from other sources Income
from other sources Grossing up of dividends .
Deductions . .
CHAPTER V Consideration for sale etc. how determined in case of q Existing section Sec. 10 (7) and
Sch. rule 9 Sec. 12B (1) part.
New. ' Secs. 12B (2) part and 12B (3) part-
Sec. 12B (4,) (a) See. 12B (4.) (b) New and Sec. 12B (2) (ii) pa t.
See. 12 (r) (IA) and: New Sec. 16 (2) part ' Sec. 12 (2) part -- .
Sec. 12 (2) prov. and 12 (5) part : ' Sec» :2 (5) part. I: (3) and (4.) .
lrrevocable Transfers Denition of revocable transfer- Husband, wife and minor children .
CHAPTER VI Sec. 16 (1) (c) part 3 Sec. 16 (1) (c) part Sec. 16 (1) (c) part .
70. 7:.
Total income . - -
's share in the income Sec. 16 (1) (a) part Sec. 16(1) (1)) New.
76. 77-
78. 79-
83. .84-
89. go.
92. 93-
96. 97-
Subject matter Existing Section Set off of loss from one business to loss from another New.
(1) Set off of losses from one head to another (2) Carry forward & set off of business losses Losses in
speculative business. .
See. 24 (1) part Sec. 24 (2) part Secs. 24 (1) part, 24 (2) part.
Losses under the head 'capital gains'. Sec. 24 (2A) & (2B) Losses of registered rms . . . . Sec. 24(1)
part & (2) Losses of unregistered rms assessed as registered rms Sec. 24(2) part Losses sustained by
partners of unregistered rms Secs. 24(1) part, 24(2) part Set off of losses in case of change in
constitution of rm See. 24 (2) part. Submission of return of losses Sec. 22 (2A) part.
Co-operative Society . . . . Sec. 14(3) Dividends from Co-operative Society . . Sec. 14(4) \ Marketing
Society . . . Sec. 14(5) Newly established industrial undertakings Sec. 15C part. Dividend from new
industrial undertaking See. 15C (4) Other income Sec. 8, 2nd and 3rd provisos (S35 §£id(2 e(:)}4s
'(t)(.2) C H A. P T E R VIII REBATES AND RELIEFS Rebate on life insurance premia, annuities and
contribution to Provident Fund etc. Donations for charitable purposes Sec. 15 Sec. 15B part.
Relief} for Income-tax Salary paid for more than one year Business assessed under the Income-tax
Act, 1918 See. 60 (2) part Sec. 25 (3) & (4) parts.
*7 Clause Subject matter Existing section CHAPTERXI. ' ° SUPER-TAX Primipal Provisions
100. Business, Profession or vocation charged under 1918 Act . . . . . . . . Sec. 25(4) prov.
103. Avoidance of super-tax . . . . . New. ' Incomes which do not form part of Mal income for
110. Newly established industrial undertakings . . Sec. 15C part and I See. 17(3) part.
111. Share from registered rm. . . . ' . . Sec. 14(2)(aa), part 1 12. Relief for salary received in arrear etc.
. . . Sec. 60(2) part a Additional Super-Tax on undislribuled Prot:
1 13. Super-tax on undistributed income of certain companies Sec. 23A(1) 1 14. Special provisions for
certain companies . . . Sec. 23A(2)' 1 15. Approval of "Inspecting Assistant Commissioner . . Sec.
23A(8) 1 16. Saving for company in which public are interested . Sec. 23A(9)
117. Company in which the public are substantially . interested . . . . . . . Sec. 23A Expl. 1. 1 18.
Distributable Income . . . . . . Sec. 23A(1) part.
125. Tax on capital gains in cases of assessees other than . companies . . . . . . A . . Sec: 17(6).
132. Transfer of case from one Income-tax officer to another Sec. 5(7A) & New
139. Power to inspect registers of companies . . . Sec. 39. :40. Powers of Directors of Inspection and
Inspecting Assistant Commissioners . . . . . . Sec. 5(7B) part.
Disclosure qf Irgformalion
C H A P T E R XIV PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSMENT :43. Return ofincome . . . . . . . Sec. 22(1), (2),
(2A) part, (3) & (5)-
14.6. Enquiry before assessment . . . . . Sec 22(4) & New. , :47. Assessment . . . . . . » . . Sec. 23(1), (2)
and (3) '
I 53. "Income which has escaped assessmcn " . . . Sec. 34 (1) part.
154.. Issue of notice where income has escaped assessment . Sec. 34, (1) part.
155. Time limit for issue of notice . . . . . Sec. 34. (1) part, (3) part.
155. Provision for cases where notice of assessment is issued Sec. 34. (3) part. :
I60. Time limit for completion of assessment and lc-assess- ments. . .~ . . . . . . : . ' Sec. 34. (3).
161. Rectication of mistake. 560- 35 (1) (2) (3) 8' (4-)- '
166. Information and Return. . . . - . Segsf 20A, 21, 19A and Sec.
170. Liability of representative assessee Secs. 40 part 41 part and '7X- Right of representative
assessee to recover tax paid Nlgvcvwand Sec. 42(1) part.
174- Charge of tax where shares of beneciaries unknown Sec. 4.1 (1), 1st prov.
175- Case Where part of trust income is" chargeable Sec. 41 (1), 2nd prov.
1 77. Direct assessment not barred. Sec. 41 (2) and Sec. 42(1), parts.
E. Executor:
I 79. Right of executor to recover tax paid. . . . . New. F. Succession to business, profession or
181. Assessment after partition of a Hindu undivided family. Sec. 25A and New. 5 H. Shipping
business of non-residents '
183. Recovery of tax in respect of non-resident from his assets Sec. 42 (1), 1st Putt. J. Person: leaving
India V
184.. Assessment of person leaving India. Sec. 24A. 3 K. Discontinuance of business or dissolutipn V
186. Dissolved association of persons. . . Sec. 44. part. L. Special provisions for certain kinds of
187. Royalties or copyright fees for literary or artistic work and fees for patents. . - . . . Sec. 12AA. M.
Liabilip of State Gowrnmmu :88.
Interest on income-tax free sccuriiics of a Stite Govern- ment . . . ' . .é ' . ' . ' Sec. 8, 3rd prov.
194. I95.
198. I 99.
208. v 209.
advance payment . . - New- Direct payment . . . . SC- I9-
B--Deduction at source Sec. 18 (2), (2A) 8: (213) . (Sec. 18 (3) part, (3A) P3"-
Salary .
Interest on Securities .
Sec. 18. (3), (3A). (313) (30), (3D), partso Dividenps Other sums . . .
Certicate for deduction at lower rate Tax deducted is income received Sec. 18(4). Credit for Tax
deducted . .* . ' Sec. 18(5) part. Duty of person deducting tax . . 360- 13(6)- Consequences of failure
to deduct or pay Sec. 18(7). Deduction only one mode of recovery Sec. 18(3)- Certicate for tax
deducted Sec. 18(9). ' Persons responsible for paying . . Sec. 18, Expl.
Savin regarding tax deemed to have been paid on clivi ends . . . New .
215. Advance tax and income subject to advance tax . Sec. 18A (1) (a) part. I
216. Condition of liability to pay advance tax . . . Sec. 18A(1) (a) part.
217. Computation of advance tax . . . . . Sec. 18A (1) (a) part and New.
224. Interest payable by assessee in cases of underestimate etc. Sec. 18A (7)
229. When tax payable and when assessee deemed in default Sec. 45.
235. Other modes of recovery . . . . . Sec. 46 (7) Expl. part Sec- ' 46 (5): (5A)! (3): (4)
239. Condition for recovery of Indian tax in Pakistan or of Pakistan tax' in India . . . . . Sec. 46 (10)
243. Recovery by suit or under other law 7 . . . Sec. 46 (7) Expl. part.
246. Tax deemed to have been paid on dividends . . 'Secs. 18 (5) part and 49 B C H A P T E R XX '
255. Q57'.
86. Subject matter Form of claim for refund, and limitation. Refund on appeal etc. ( . .
Correctness of assessment not to be questioned Interest Set-off of refunds against tax remaining
payable CHAPTER xx:
See. 49 E.
Appeal by partner. . . . .
Appeal by person denying liability to deduct tax Form of appeal, and limitation Procedure in appeal
Powers of the Assistant Appellate Commissioner B--Appeals to High Court Appealable orders . .
Hearing by Bench . . .
Sec. 30 (1A) Sec- 30 (3). 30 (2) Part Sec. 30 (1) part, 3! (3), 3' (2A). 31 (3) M41 P1'°"-» 3' (5) and
See. 33 (1) part, 33 (2) part 33 B (3) part. 33 (2A) and 66 (7A).
Sec- 33 (3) and 33 B (4) part Sec. 66 (5) part Sec. 66A (1) part Sec. 66 (5) part Sec. 66 (6).
\ Sec. 66A (2) Sec. 66A (3) part, New and 66A (4).
D--/ippeals tn the Central Board afkmm Appeals to the Central Board of Revenue E----Rwi.\'ion by
Cammistioner Revision of order prejudicial to Revenue . Revision of other orders . . . .
33A(2) part» 366- 3354(3) Sec. 66(7) part & 66A(3) xst prov. part.
276. 277:
290. 29x.
299. S11bJ'<'-t matte!' Existing section Exclusion of time taken for copy . . , sec, 57A.
Rules by the Supreme Court . . . . . Ncw, Denitions . . . . . . . Sec. 66 (8) & New, C H A P T E R XXII
regarding securities etc. . Sec. 44. E (6) part Concealment of income or improper distribution of
prots Failure to give notice of discontinuance . . False estimate of or failure to pay advance tax: . .
Procedure . . . C . . . . .
CHAPTER XXIII OFFENCES AND PROSECUTIONS Failure to make payments or deliver returns or
statements or allow inspection . . . . .
Repugnancy in regulations . . .
Treatment of contribution: and balances Employer's contributions when deducted in assessing his
income . . . .' . . ' . .
Deduction at source ofincome-tax payable on accumu- lated balance . - ' Treatment of balance in
newly in-ecogxiisedlfrrovident Funds Sec. 28 (I), (2).
Sec. 51.
Sec. 52.
Sec. 53.
54 (5)-
Sec. 58G (2) Sec. 7 (1) ' Expl. 2, P 'v. part Sec- 53G(3)&«.58G(r)part Sec. 58H. I Sec- 58.10). ( Ha)
308. Application for approval . . . . . . Sec. 58Q. . Treatment qf Investment and Contribution:
312. Contributions paid to employee when deemed 'to be income/ . . . . . Sec. 58S (1)
313. Deduction of tax on contribution paid to an employee . . . . . . . . . Sec. 58$ (2) Other Provisions
314. Deduction from _pa,y of and contributions on behalf of employee to be included in return . . . .
Sec. 58T
321. Service of notice where family is disrupted or rm, etc., is dissolved . . . . . . New
324. ' Appearance by authorised representative '. . . Sec. 6: part. and New.
326. Indemnity . . .
328. Act to have effect pending legislative provision for charge of tax . . . ._ . . :' B----Rule.t
Second Schedule Procedure regarding recovery under vari- ous modes mentioned in section 24.2 (1)
Manner of recovery by distraint and sale of moveablc property under section 246 (6) . . . .> .
Third Schedule Existing section Sec. 62 Sec. 65 Sec. 67 Sec. 67B Sec. 59 Schedule.
New New Clauses 1-2 APPENDIX I Proposals as inserted in_the __body of the existing Act'.
(This is, however. not to be treated as a Draft Bill.) _ [Corresponding sections of the existing Act are
noted in the margin, and additions to -the provisions of the exist- ing Act are shown in the text in
italics', wherever pos-
CHAPTER I S . PREL'.[MINARY s§f,';;'" mg; 1. (1) This Act may be called the ............. ..Income-
extent and tax Act, 19 .
(3) It shall come into force on the 1st day of April, om 9' 2. In this Act, unless there is anything
repugnant izn "Ag,;c,,1tuL the subject or context,-- ral income" I [s. 2(1)]. (1) "agricultural income"
(a) any rent or revenue derived from land which is used for agricultural purposes, and is either
asses- sed to land revenue in India or subject to a local rate assessed and collected by oicers of the
Gov- ernment as such; '
(i) agriculture, or
(ii) the performance by a cultivator or receiver of rent-in-kind of any process ordinarily employed by
a cultivator or receiver of rent-in-kind to ren- der the produce raised or received by him t to be taken
to market; or ' -
(iii) the sale by a cultivator or receiver of rent-in- kind of the produce raised or received by him in
respect of which no process has been perform- ed other than a pmcess of the nature described in
paragraph (ii) of this sub-clause; :
'In the draft clauses, references to any other draft clause have been put in a condensed form. For
example, if section 161 (b) is to be referred to, it is referred to only as ":61 (b)" and not as "clause (b),
of s. 161". The object is to CCOIIOIIIISC space.
References within rectangular brackets are to sections of the existing Act (or, in some cases to the
topic dealt with in the section referred to).
Clause' 2
(c) any income derived from any building owned and occupied by the receiver of the rent or revenue
~ of any such land, or occupied by the cultivator, or the receiver of rent-in-kind, of any land with
respect to which, or the produce of which, any operation mentioned in paragraphs (ii) and. (iii) of
sub-clause (b) is carried on :
- Provided that the building is on or in the immediate It"? (I) (C) vicinity of the land, and is a
building which the receiver P'°""° of the rent or revenue or the cultivator or the receiver of 'the
rent-in-kind, by reason of his connection with the land, requires asa 'dwelling house, or as a
store--house, or other out-building;
' 0 (2) "annual value", in relation to any property, means "Annual its annual value as determined
under section .......... .. 23... Value" [Section re: determination of annual value for income [N''"] from
house property]; .
[N5W]' .
(5) "assessee" means a person by whom income-tax or "A$cssce" . super-tax or any other sum of
money is payable under [5-1 (2)1 this Act. and includes-
(a) every person in res act of whom any proceeding under this Act has sen taken for the assessment
of his income or of the income of any other per- son in respect of which he is" assessable, or of the
loss sustained by him' or by such other person or of the amount of refund due. to him or to such
other person; '
(b) every person who is deemed 1;) be an assessee un- V, _ der any provision of this Act; T . .
(c) every person who is deemed id be an assessee in i default under any provision bf this Act; (6)
"assessment" includes re-assessment; ' '['§'::v°i'""°"'" (7) "assessment year" means the period of
twelve-"Asltessment months commencing on the 1st day of April every year;
- ed at by dividing the amount of income-tax calculated on ofiilcoxne-tax the total income, at the
rate on rates applicable to the total and; average income, by the total income: '.1 ' 7-1 Law Com./58 a
Clauez ratcofsupen "average rate of super-tam" means the rate arrived at tax" by dividing the
amount of 'super-tax calculated on the [NW] total income on which super-tax is chargeable, at the
rate or rates applicable to such total income, by such total in- . come; = "Business" (9) "business"
includes any tlade, commerce or manu- ['- 9 (4)1 facture or any adventure or concern in the nature
of trade, commerce or manufacture;
"Capital (10) "capital asset" means property of any kindyheld a8=t"- by an assessee, whether or not
connected with his business, [s- 2 (4A)] profession or vocation, but does not include-
(i) any stock-in-trade, consumable stores or raw ;mate- o rials held for the purposes of his business,
sion or vocation:
(ii) personal effeqts, that is to say, moveable pr perty (including wearing apparel, jewellery and urni-
ture) held for personal use by the assessee or any member of his family dependent on him;
(iii) agricultural land in India; ' "Central (11) "the Central Board of Revenue" means th Cen- 303" ,,°f
tral Board of Revenue constituted under the Central card R°"°'_'"° ' of Revenue Act, 1924: 1 [S-2
(43)) , 4 of 1924 , § ''Commission- (12) "Commissioner" means a person appointed t be a (5))
Commissioner of Income-tax under section 128(1), [5 )]; "Company" 13 "com an " eans--- ' ts.2 (5A)]
(_ ) p_ y *1" t 1 (1) any Indian company, or ;
(ii) any association, whether incorporated or no and whether Indian or n _ <}Indian, which is or w s
as- sessable or was assess dd as a compan for the sess-
H 01.1922 ment year 1947-1948 {ider the In ian Inc -tax Act, 1922. or %which is declared by general
0 spe- cial order of the Central Board of Revenue 0 be a company for the pimposes of this Act; E
"Co-opc:a.- (14) "co-operative,society?'»'; eans a co-operative s iety tiV¢=s0°i°tv"- registered under
the§Co-ope? ive Societies .Act,. 19 2, or {Sf (533 under any other law,for the,t_ime being in force in
any 2 ° 19"' State for the registration of ogoioperative societies;
«D;,e.;to,v= (15) "director", "manager? and "managing agen ", in "Manager", relation to a company,
have meanings respective as-
.& "M3,'}a8' signed to them in the' Companies Act, 1956; 1 mg agent . i - , g [s. 2 (8A)] I of 1956.
"Director of Inspection". ed to be a Director of Insp ibn under section 128( . ). [5 15- 2 (6)1 (1)], and
includes a qerson a' pointed to be an Addi A' (16) "Director of Inspection" means a person apv int-
onal Clause' 2 Director of Inspection, a Deputy Director of Inspection or an Assistant Director of
Inspection: (17) "dividend" inc1udes7-- "Dividend".
(a) any distribution by a company of accumulated Is' 2 (6A)] prots whether capitalised or not, if such
distribu- tion entails the release by the company to its share-holders of all or any part of the assets of
the, company; V
(b) any distribution by a compa of debentures, de- benture-stock or deposit certi cates in any form,
whether with or without interest, to the extent to which the company possesses accumulated prots,
whether capitalised or not ;
(c) any distribution made to the _share-holders of a company on its liquidation, tor the extent to
which the distribution is attributable to the accumulated prots of the company immediately before
its li- quidation, whether capitalised or not ';
.(d) any distribution by a company on the reduction of its capital to the extent to which the company
possesses accumulated prots which arose after the end of the previous year, ending next before the
1st day of April, 1933, whether such accumu- lated prots have been capitalised or not;
(e) any payment by a company, not being a company a in which the public are substantially
interested within the meaning of section 117 [23A Expl. 1], of any sum (whether as representing a
part of = the assets of the company or otherwise) by way of advance or loan to a shareh lder or any
payment by any such company; on beh L1'. or for the indivi- dual benet of a sh eholde, ,to the extent
to which the company ' either? case possesses accu- mulated prots; but 'fividen ""'idoes not include-
(c) or sub-clause (d) in res dt of any share issu- ed for full cash colisiderati n where the holder of the
share is not entitled ,n the event of liqui- dation to participate in the tstirplus assets;
(ii) any advance or loa made t' }a shareholder by a company in the oifdinary _ 'rse of its business
where the lending §of mo _ is a substantial part of the busines of the company;
(iii), any dividend paid by a company which is set off i by the company against the .whole or any part
f of any sum previously paid by it and treated as .. a dividend within the meaning of sub-clause
Explanation l.--The exp ssion 'T wherever it occurs in this cl , sh gains arising before the 1st d y of
'cumulated prots".
not include capital ,3 1946, or after the Clause 2 day of March, 1948, and before_ the 1st day of
April, Explanation 2.--The expression "accumulated prots", in sub-clauses (a), (b), (d) and (e), shall
include all pro- fits of the company up to the date of distribution or pay- ment referred to in those
[" 2 (GAAH registered rm or other association of persons not being a company, a local authority, a
registered rm or a rm as- sessed under section 190(b) [clause (b) of sub-section (5) of section 23]-- '
(b) which is chargeable under the head "Profits and gains of business, profession or vocation" where
the business, profession or vocation is carried on by the assessee; or
(c) which represents the share in the prots and .gains of a firm, where the assessee is a partner
actively engaged in the conduct of the business, profession or vocation of the rm; or
(d) which is chargeable under the head 'Other sour- ces' if it is immediately derived from personal
exertion or represents a pension or superarmuation or other allowance given to the assessee in
respect of his past services or the past services of any de-
. ceased person;
but does not include any such income on which no income--ta.r. is payable under section 87(iii) (iv)
and (v) [sub-section (2) of section 14.] ............. 4i Explanation.----Wh.ere any such income is,
though it is the income of another person, .... ..included in th as-
, sessee's total income under the provisions of this ct, it shall be regarded as earned income in the
hands of the \ assessee;"... ............ ..
"Firm", (19) "rm" "partner" and "partnership" have th I same ':P"'"°' and meanings respectively as in
the Indian Partnershi Act, £35-t_"°r' 1932: provided that the expression 'partner' include any [s. 2
(6B)] person who being a minor has been admitted to the; bene-
9°f I932, ts of partnership: ' "In<=°m°"- (20) "income" includes---'- - f [s. 2 (6C)] _ .
(iii) the value of any petquisite or prot in li u of salary tax ble under section 17, clauses ( ) and (4) [7,
Ex 'Is. 1 & ,2];
E 3 Q E Clause 2
(iv) the value of any benet or perquisite, whether convert_i_ble into money or not, obtained from a
company either by a director or by any other person who has 'a substantial interest in the company,
.......... .. and any sum paid by any such company in respect of any obligation which but for such
payment would have been payable by the director or other person aforesaid;
(V) any sum chargeable to income-tax under section 41(2) [second and fourth provisos to clause (vii)
of s. 10(2)] or under section 41 (3), [the second proviso to clause (xiv) of sub-section (2) of sec- tion
10] and any sum chargeable to income-tax under section 41(1) [sub-section (2A) of s. 10] or under
section 62(1) [sub-section (5) of sec- tion 12];
any sum chargeable to income--taai' under section 28(ii) .... ..[sub-section (5A) of s. 10] or under
sec- tion 28(iii) [sub-section (6) of section 10];
(vii) .any capital gains chargeable under section 45 .... .. [section 12B(1), main para, part dealing with
charge]; '
(ix) any contributions and interest thereon, paid to [New] an employee by an approved
superannuation fund, to the extent provided in section 312 [58S ' (1)] ; . .
Explanation.--In this clause, the expression "person who has a substantial interest in the company"
means a person who is concerned in the management of the busi- ness of the company, being the
benecial owner of shares, not being shares entitled to a xed rate of dividend whe- ther with or
without a right to partiéipate in profits, car- rying not less than twenty per cent. of the voting-power.
(21) "Income-tax Officer" means a person appointed "Intome-tax to be an Income-tax Ofcer under
section 128(1) or 128(2) 0536"'- |'5(3)]; [s. 2 (7)) (22) "Indian company" means a company formed
and sqnagan com- registered under the Companies Act, 1956, and 1nc1udes-- pany".
(i) a company formed and registered under any Eso?x(g;5(i).] previous companies slaw for; the time
bein in force in any part 0 India (bher than the tate of Jammu and Kas V ir);
.'9.'4« Clause 2
(ii) in the case of the State of Jammu and K ir, a company formed and registered und r any other law
for the time being in force in that State;
Provided ...................... ..the registered office of the "Inspecting company in all cases is in India.
é-"5""a."' (23) "Inspecting Assistant Commissioner" means a Sig':e':','.5_' person appointed to be an
Inspecting Assistant Commis- [s. 2 (6D)] sioner of Income-tax under section 128(1) [5(3)]; (24)
"Inspector of Income-tax" means a person ap- 6E ' pointed to be an Inspector of Income-tax under
section 128 M' )1 (2) [5(3)]-
'['sM:g(§§)'ia'°"' (25) "Magistrate" means a Presidency Magistrate, or ' a Magistrate of the rst class
....... .. :i'N°{*;'°Si' (26) "non-resident" means a person who is not a,"1'esi- dent".; .
(iii) a company, . V
(vii) every articial juridical person, not falling §with- in sub-clauses (i) to (vi). I . I 5 ':'(°I'$']"d"'.der
;;%rescribed" means prescribed by rules ma un- "Previous (29) "previous year" means previous year
as A ned vear"- in section 5 [section dening {previous year, placed ' ' the [New] draft after section 4};
;;:'ci(:1r°,§I?*'1 (30) "principal oiqer", used with reference to a local [s_ 2 (an authority or a
company or other public: body 0 any association, means-- 1
(a) the secretary, treasurer, manager or agent (if the authority, company, body or association, or:
(b) any person connected with the authority, '*com- pany, body, or association upon Whom the In-
come-tax cer h .,served a notice of s in- tention of eating lm as the principal cer thereof; % j e R qr
- Clauses 2-3 (31) "public servant" has the same meaning as in the "P"'3_1i° W- Indian Penal Code,
1860; . ([391 4.5 of 1&0. -
(32) "registered rm" means a rm registered under "Registered the provisions of section 192 (a) or
under that provision 5'm'- p read with section 191 (7) [26A embodied in sections in the [" 2 ('91
chapter on rms dealing with registration];
made under section 147 or 148 [23(1) to (5)]; 'f:':'§g'°"E5§ maixlr para:
part (34) "resident" means a_ person who is resident in "Rcsidcnt". India within the meaning of
section 6 [4Al; [New] (35) "tax" means income-tax and super-tazc chargeable "Tax". under the
provisions of this Act; [New] (36) "total income'? means total amount of in- ,"1'°ta1" come .......... ..
referred to in section 4. [4(1)] computed in '[;"°':° '05) the manner laid down in this Act; g pain] (37)
"total world income" includes all income, .......... .. ;n::)';';l:.3f'°'ld wherever accruing or arising,
except incomes which are not [s.§ ., 2(x5). included in the total income under a of the provisions of
part] Chapter III [Incomes which do not rm part of total in- ' come] and except any capital gain
which is not includi-
registered rm. 4 . [s_ & ('n \ CHAPTER II BASIS OF CHARGE ; x (1) Where any Central Act enacts
gxtliat income-tax shall Sc ' ion 3_ be charged for any assessment year n any rate or rates, 0 '8' °""'
income-tar at that rate or those ratesishall be charged for °° °"""' that year in accordance with, and
sub ept to the provisions [' 31 of, this Act in respect of the total in me of every person of the previous
year or years,-(as the qase may be, for that ' assessment year : 1 ' i i Provided that where by virtue of
any provision of this Act income-tax is to be chargeid in respect of the income of a period other than
(2) In respect of income chargeable under sub-section (1), income-tax shall be ded ed at source or
paid in advance, where it is so ded ' le yable under: any provision of this Act. = ' Clause 4 -
§£i°"'f*t ml (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total in- incgslg ° come of any previous year
'of a person who is a resident Rcsidems, includes all income ......................... ..from whatever source
derived which-
[3-4 (I) (3), (a) is received or is deemed to be received in India in 93"] such year by or on behalf of
such person; or [s.4-(i)(b)(i)] (b) accrues or arises or is deemed to accrue or arise to him in India
during such year; or [s.4(i)(b)(ii)] (c) accrues or arises to him without India during such year; or
[324 ('l (b) (01) having accrued or arisen to him without India he- '")] fore the beginning of such
year and after the 1st day of April, 1933, is brought into or received in India during such year by him
or on his behalf; or gt 4 (I) Expl (e) having accrued or arisen to him in a merged terri-
s'4'("l"5'%b)"gi'i})' tory other than Cooch-Behar after the 1st day of a'nd,_,(,4A)] April, 1933, and
before the commencement 0 the previous yearfor the assessment year 1949-19 0. is brought into or
received in any part of India lther than that merged territory during such year by him or on his
behalf; or ' [Do.] (f) having accrued or arisen to him in a territory which, immediately before the 1st
day of November, 1956, was comprised in a Part B State other than J ammu and Kashmir, or in the
merged terri-
tory of Cooch-Behar, after the 1st day of April; 1933 and before the commencement of the
previousgyear for the assessment year 1950-1951, is brought into «or received in any part of India
other than; that territory or merged territory during such year by him or on his behalf; or . :
[D0-J (8) having accrued or arisen to him in the Stat of Jammu and Kashmir after the 1st day of pril,
1933, and before the commencement of the prenious year for the assessment year 1954-:1955, is
brdught into or received in an part of India other tha' the State of Jammu and ashmir during such ye
r by him or on his behalf. ' Nommidem (2) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the total in- [s_ 4 M
(3) 5 come of any previous year of a person who is a non-re ent ,¢, a,,d,,,'4 includes all income
.................................. .. from whatever
(a) is received or is deemed to be received in India in such year by or on behalf of such person; or i
(b) accrues or arises or is gdeemed to accrue or arise to him in India during such year.
Clauses 4-5 (3) Income ................... .. accruing or arising without [S-4(1): India shall not be deemed
to be received in or brought into '"" '] India within the meaning of this section by reason only of , the
fact that it is taken into account in a balance sheet pre- pared in India.
(1) For the purposes of this Act, "previous year" Section 5. meanS_ Previous year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. [3:2.(")(i)(a)
(a) the nancial year immediately preceding the as- gjzfggft] sessment year; or [S 2(").(i)(a)
(b) if the accounts of the assessee have been made up mainpara, to a date within the said nancial
year, ................ .. latter part] then, at tlie option 0% tihe assessee, the twelve months en ing on suc
ate; or
-(-c) in the case of any person. business or company or [s- 2 (H) (i) class of person, business or
company, such period as may be determined by the Central Board of Re- venue or by any authority
authorised by the Board in this behalf; or
(d) in the case of a business, profession or vocation .... .. [S- 9 (II) (0 ....... ..newly set up_ in the said
nancial year, the £,°a);']"-W" period beginning with the date of the setting up of the business,
profession or vocation and-
(ii) if the accounts of the assessee have been made up to a date within the said financial year, then, at
the option of the assessee, ending on that date, or
(iii) ending with the period, if any, determined under clause (c), i As the case may -be; or
(e) in the case of a business, profession or vocation Es. 3 (it) (i) newly set up in the twelve months
immediatelyl°)*§P""'-r preceding the said nancial year--- an" Pm] '
(i) if the accounts of the assessee have been made up to a date within the said nancial year and the
period from the date of the setting up of the business, professionor vocation to such date does not
exceed twelve months, then, at the option of the assessee, such period, or
(c), then the period beginning with the date of the setting up of the business, profession or voca- tion
and ending with that period.
(1') where the assessee is a partner in a firm and the [s_ 2(.,)(1,)] firm has been assessed as such,
then, in respect of the assessee's share of the income ................... ..of the rm, ...................... ..the riod
determined as previous year for the essmlazt of the income .... .. ................ ..ofthe,;
, Clauses 5-6
(g) in respect of prots and'gains from life insurance business, the year for whlch annual accounts are
re- 4 of1938 quired to be prepared under the Insurance Act, 1938, or under that Act as read with
section 43 a the 31 of 1956 Life Insurance Corporation Act, 1956, imme ' tely preceding the
assessment year ......................... .. E, 2 (H) (1) (2) Where an assessee has newly set up a business,
c), _Prov., fession or vocation in the said nancial year and his accounts' earlier Part] are made up to
a date in the assessment year in respect of' a period not exceeding twelve months from the date of
such setting up, then the assessee shall, in respect of that busi- ness, profession or vocation, at his
option, be deemed ta have- no previous year for the said assessment year under sub- clause (i) of
clause (d) «of sub-section (1); and such option shall, in relation to the immediately succeeding
assessment. year, have effect as an option exercised under sub-clause
Es. 2_(r 1) (i). (3) "Subject to the other provisions of this section, an lifligng assessee may have
dierent previous years in respqct of ' separate sources «of his income. E (4) ................ ..
Where in respect of a particular s urce of income .......... ..or ................... respect of a bus ness,.
profession or vocation newly set up, an assessee hasionce exercised the option under clause (b) or
sub-clause ( i) of clause (cl) «or sub-clause (i) of clause (e) of sub-secti (1) or has once been assessed,
than he shall not, in resp t of that source, or, as the- case y be, business. Drofessi n or vocation, be
entitled to varyuxe meaning of the expr ion; 'previous year' as then applicable to him, except wit the '
consent of the Income-tax Oiler and upon such cond ions.
Section 6 _ 'For the purposes of this Act---- fdigence In (1) any individual is resident in India in any
previous year. if he--
[s.-1A (a)(i)] (a) is in India in that year for a period amounti' g in. all to one hundred and eighty-two
days or mo ; or [s. 4A(a)(ii)] (b) maintains or causes t6 be maintained for h' dwelling place in India
for a period or amounting in 'all to due hundred and eight};-two days or more in that year and has
been in pndia for any time in that year; or 3 [5- 4A(1)("i)3 (c) having within the four years preceding
that I ear, been in,.India for a pe iod or periods amounti g in all to three h dred sixty-ve days or mo
e, is in India for a eriod amounting in ll to thirty days or more t year; ' I _ 5 Clauses 6-8 (2) a Hindu
undivided family, rm or other associa- 5- 'A (")1 tion of persons is resident in jlndia in any previous
year, unless during that year the control and management of its aairs is situated wholly without
India; ......................... ..
(3) a company is resident in India in any previous year, [s. 4A (c)] 1 --.-
(ii) during that year the control and management of its affairs is situated wholly in India;
(4) every other person is resident in India in any pre-- [New] vious year, unless during that gear the
'control and manage- ment of his affairs is situate '' wholly without India;
(5) if a person is residentin India in a previous year [N¢w] relevant to an assessment year in respect
of any source of income, he shall be deemed to be residenlt in India in the previous year relevant to
the assessment year in respect of each of his other sources of income;
(6) a person is "not ordinarily resident" in India in [5-4{B(")(b)] any previous year if such person
is-- -
(a) an individual .......... .., who has not_ been resident ; in India in nine out oi the tens previous
years pre- ;_ ceding that year. or .......... .. «has not during the seven years preceding that ye ' ,been
in India for a period of, or period amoun ing in all to, seven hundred and thirty days or moie; or
(b) a Hindu undivided faniily ..... whose manager has not been resident in nine outiof the ten
previous ' years preceding that year, or has not dun the ; seven years preceding ithat ye, r7 been in In
ia for a period of, or period! amoun ing in all to, seven ; hundred and thirty days or : é;
The following incomes shall be dedmed to be received §°°' -7 in the previous year---- . 6:: efho be
(i) the annual accretion in the previous year t6 the 'em' ed' balance at the credit of an e ' loyee
participating [Ne 3 in a recognised provid nt furm to the extent pro- i vided in section 294 [ ,E];
(ii) the transferred balance in a recognised provident fund, to the extent provided in section 299(3)
For the purposes of inclusion in the total income of an gghzndl assessee, any dividend shall deem ,to
be income of [8 2) the previous year in which it is 'cl, crh ted or distributed mu or deemed to have
been paid, Eited-V distributed....;..... carli pa;
Clauses 9-11 §;§3ir';';9 _ The following incomes shall be deemed to accrue or deemed") arise in
ac,cru9 or , (i) all income ...................... .. accruing or arising, 3"-5° "' Ind" whether directly or
indirectly, through or from any I'-.42 (1)- business connection in India, or through or from any
property in India, or through or from any asset _ or source of income in India, or through or from
any money lent at interest and brought into India in cash or in kind or through or from the sale, ex-
{s- 42 (3) ] Explanation.---In the case of a 'business of which all the operations are not carried out in
India, the income of the business deemed under this clause to accrue or arise in India shall be only
such part of the income as is reasonably attributable to ............. .. the operations carried out in
India. ' E'-pf (211): (ii) income which falls under the head "Salaries" ....... ..
Provided that any pension payable Outside Indiato a person residing permanently outside India
shall not be deemed to accrue or arise in India, if the pension is payable to a person referred to in
article 314 of the Constitution or to a person who, having beenappointed before the 15th day of
August, 1947, to be a Judge of the Federal Court or of a High Court within the meaning of the
Government of India Act, 1935, continues to serve on or after the commence- ment of the
Constitution as a Judge in India;
IF? 41%)' (iii) a dividend paid by an Indian company without 'P' 1 India, ................ .. to the extent to
which it; has been paid out of prots subjected to income-tax in India. :
gfntnifagges For the purposes of section 4(1)(b) [4(1) (b) (i)], where"
by an0n_mi_ a husband is not resident in India. remittances receivgd by den. husband or on behalf
of his_wi£e resident in India Ollt of any p _rt of {s_ 4 (2)] his income which 1S not included in his
total income shall be deemed to be income accruing in India to the wife.§ r i I CHAPTER III ,
INCOMES WHICH DO NOT FORM PART OF TOTAL INCOME 5°°ti°n 11 In computing the total
income of a previous year of _1nC0mcs n_ot any person, any income falling within any of the
following '"°'"'?°d 1" clauses shall not be included therein- total IHCOIIIC -
agricultural (1) agricultural income; Jncomc. _ _ _ _ [s. 4(3)(viii)] (2) any sum received by an
individual as a member xncomc R. of a Hindu undivided family, where such sum has ;been eeivcd as
paid out of the income of family, or, in the case of n . 103 Clause '11 ms=mb°r 91' Hindu undi-
any impartible estate, where such sum has been paid out vxdod fanulv of the income of the holder of
the estate belonging to the [s. 14(1)] family; » (3) any receipts which are of a casual and non-recur-
Casual recei- ring nature, unless they are--- P'5~ ~
(i) capital gains, chargeable under the provisions of [s' 4(3)(v)1 section 45 [12B, part re: charge]; or
(ii) receipts arising from business or the 'exercise of a profession, vocation or occupation; or
(i) the unremitted foreign income chargeable to in- [ come-taac under clause (c) of sub-section (1) of
section 4 [section 4 (b) (ii)], subject to the follow- ing limit, that is to say,-
(a) the amount not to be included in the total income by virtue of this sub-clause shall not exceed
four thousand ve hundred rupees; and
(b) where any part of such unremitted foreign income consists of salaries paid by the Government, a
lo- cal authority or a corporation' established by a Central, State or Provincial Act, the amount of
such salaries not to be included as aforesaid shall be further limited to a sum calculated at the rate of
one thousand rupees for each month of service in respect of which the salaries are received ab- road;
(ii) any income accruing or arising outside India and [5, W , 4:1, ................ ..chargeable to
incolme-tax by virtue of proviso' clause (d) of sub-section (1) of section 4 [4 (1) (b) '
(iii)], if he was a non-resident in two out of the three years immediately preceding the previous [s. 4.
(1), 3rd:
Prom] 2 year; , ii
(iii) where the case does 't fall under sub-clause (ii), [s. (1), 5th. income accruing or a ' 'ng ou ' ' India
and char- P1'° geable to income-tax y virt (of section 4(1) (d) ' [4(1) (b) (iii)], if within threei months
of the date of receipt in India of uch indome .......... .. the ass ' ; sessee makes paymenlp of the:
dmount of income- i tax, interest 1 or penalty or other' sum, if any, due from him on such date;
(iv) if such person is not ordinarily resident in India [S-46(1). nndi during the previous year, income
....... .. which ac- P'°""°] crues or arises to him without India .......... .. and is neither derived from a
business controlled in or a profession or a vgocation 3 1; up in India nor ' brought into or received in
I17. in by him during the previous year;. § 3 1 -
i l04 ' Claue ll Non-residents (5) in the case 013' a non«resident--- .{s- 4(3)(Xvi)] (i) any income
from interest on, or from premium on the redemption of, any bonds issued by the Central
Government under a loan agreement between the Central Government and the International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development, or by any industrial -undertaking or nancial corporation in
India under a loan agreement with the said' Bank which is guaranteed by the Central Government' . .
. . . . . . . . .., 19- 4(3)(XX)] (ii) any income from interest payable without India on a loan issued for
gzublic subscription before the 1st day of April, 193 : -
Provided that .............. ..,....income .......... ..'refer'ned to in sub-clause (ii) above shall be included in
the total world income of the non-resident:
'T'aY*=1 ¢°n' (6) subject to such conditions as the Central Govern- f°' ment may prescribe, the value
of any travel concession or {Sec (')(via) assistance received by or due to any person, being a citi- ' '4
3 zen of India, from his employer for himself, his wife and Pam (W children, in connection with his
proceeding on leave lto his home-town or village in India; 3 Foreign (7) in the case of an individual
who is not a citizen nationals ' Of India--
"§',;,';(?;)§Via)' (i) subject to such conditions as the Central G§vern- " ment may prescribe,
Lgpassage moneys or the - alue of any free or concessional passage received y or due to such individ
from his employer fo him- self, his wife and chjclren, in connection wi h his proceeding on home
Eleave out of India; i .,_4(3)(,,)(b)] (ii) the remuneration by a Consul Gel eral,
- Consul. .V ice Consul or Consular Agent of a f reign ' State ............. .. fromssuch State for service '
such capacity; 3 ~s.4(3)(x)(c)] (iii) the remuneration received by an employee the consulate of a
forei State .......... .. from such State for service in su M {capacity ;
, ,_ X d (iv) the oicial s ry of a ,?Trade Commissioner or ther I "BX )( )1 official repre ntativegin India
of a -foreign tate, if the official salary of the corresponding ofc al, if any, of the Central Government
resident forssimi- lar purposes in the country concerned is si larly exempted from payment of
income-tax or , per- tax -or any corresponding tax in that country;
';[s.4(3)(x)(e)] (v) the oicial salary of aomember of the staff bf a " ' red to in su clause iv), when such
memb r is a subject of the coun represented, if the o ial t « A t Trade Commi sioner or official
representative er-
' 105 Clause ~_11 salary of the members to' the sta of the correspon- ding oicials of the Cqntral
Government is simi- larly exempted from payment of irwome-tax or super tax or any corresponding
tax in that country;
(8) the remuneration received by an employee of a Employee of foreign enterprise for services
rendered by him during his fdtjcian enter- stay in India, provided the following conditions are ;full-
P"'°' . 1ed_ [S- 4(3) (XW)l
(i) the foreign enterprise is not engaged in any trade' or busmess in India;-
(iii) his stay in India does not exceed in the aggregate a period of ninety days in such previous year;
(iv) his stay in India did nbt exceodyin the aggregate a period of ninety days in any nancial year
prior to the previous year; and (V) such remuneration is not liabie to be deducted from the income,
.......... .. of the employer charge- able under this Act;
(9) the remuneration, char able under the head "Sala- Foreign tech- ries", ............. .. for services'r
ndered Ibgy an individual. niCiaF|3- _ who is not a citizen of India, as a te pician in the emp- [5-
.4[3)(""") loyment of Government or of: a local :authority or of any ma"? Paul' . corporation set up
under any special law or in any busi- ness carried on in India, if he-was not resident in any of the
four nancial years imm y iately preceding the nan- cial year in which he arrived India,,--: to the
extent men- tioned below-- '
(i) .......... "where? a contract of . ice was approved [:3 )(xi_va). by the Central Gove ent bzore the
commence-2 '°""°] ment of his service .... hij remuneration due If to or received by h in. idual
during the gin India and the two nancial years n t foll ,
(ii) in other cases, such \ unerat due to or receiv- [s.4. )(xiva), ed by such individual or the riod of
three hu.n- 3'' ""°1 dred and sixty ve d ys in a l, commencing from i the date of his arriva, ......... ..a 1 .
; Explanation 1 :--For the ipurpos of this clause, ser- [Nor] vices rendered by an individiul in ation to
a business in India before its commencement sh l be deemed to be '
-a-rried on in India.
s a person having [s.4. )(xiva) constructional or E 11-] specialised knowledge and ex rience; '
manufacturing operations, or min'y or in the genera- ' tion or distribution of electri ity or _ other
form of ; power, who is employed in I dia in f 3 capacity in which 3 such specialised knowledge and
experience are actually utilized: j , E Provided that, in relation to-- [CL .x3(l),
(a) a person to whom sub-clause (i) of this clause ap- Fin We Act» plies and whose cont t of Tgiife
was approved :95 2 which ti 9 by the Central Gov men ore the 1st day C" M" an of March, 1958, or by
the Finance Act, 1 958, for certain cases .] Persons wor-
retirement gratuity.
[5'7(1)> Expl-
dent Fund.
tion fund.
(b) any other person who arrived in India before the 1st day of April, 1958, "technician" means a,
per- son having specialised knowledge in industrial arts and sciences and having experience in
indus- trial practice who is employed in India in a capa- city in which such specialised knowledge
and ex- perience are actually utilized. ' (10) (i) in the case of an individual who is assigned to duties
in India in connection with any co-operative te- chnical assistance programmes and projects in
accordance with an agreement entered into by the Central Govem- ment and the Government of a
foreign State (the terms whereof provide for the exemption given by this clause)-
(a) the remuneration received directly or indirectly from the Government of that foreign State for
such duties, and
(b) any other income of such individual which accrues or arises outside India, and is not deemed to
ac- crue or arise in India, in respect of which such individual is required to pay any income or social
security tax to the-'Government of that foreign State;
(ii) any income of the members of the family of such individual accompanying him to India, which
ac- crues or arises outside India, and is not deemed to accrue or arise in India, in respect of which
such member is required to pay any income or social security tax to the Government of that foreign
.death-cum-retirement gratuity received under the revised Pension Rules of the Central (lovem-
ment or under any similar scheme of a State Government, a local authority or a corporation
established by a Clentral, State or Provincial Act;
(11) any ...... ., (12) any payment from a provident fund to which the Provident Funds Act, 1925,
(13) the accumulated balance due and becomi g pay-. able to an employee participating in a
recognise g:81):]i-
dent fund, to the extent provided in section ' 96 [ V (14) any payment from an approved
superannuation fund made on the death of a beneciary or in lieu of or in commutation of an annuity,
or by way of ref d of contributions on the death of a beneficiary or on s leav- ing the employment in
connection with which the fund is established; ' Clause 11 (15) any special allowance or benet, not
being in Allowance the nature of an entertainment allowance or other perqui- for expenses site
within the meaning of section 17, clause (3) [7(1)], [s. 4(3)(vi)] specically granted to meet expenses
wholly and exclu- sively incurred in the performance of the duties of an office or employment of
prot, to the extent to which such expenses are actually incurred for that' purpose;
(16) (i) interest on the 10 year Treasury Savings De- Interest. __ posits Certicates or the monthly
payments on the 15 year [5-4(3)(¥Vu)] 'Annuity Certicates issued by or under the authority of the
Central Government for an amount not exceeding the maximum amount which is permitted to be
invested therein; .
(ii) interest on deposits in Post Office Savings Bank. [3_4(3)(xvia.)] Post Office Cash Certicates, Post
Office National Savings Certicates and Post 'Office National Plan Certicates for amounts not
exceeding in each case the maximum amount which is permitted to' be deposited or invested
therein; '
(iii) interest on securities held by the Issue Depart- [s.4.(3)(xviii)] ment of the Central "Bank of
Ceylon constituted under the Ceylon Monetary Law Act, 1949;
(a) by Government or a local authority on moneys borrowed by it from sources outside India from
any non-resident or from any institution estab- 5 lished outside India;
(b) by an industrial undertaking in India on moneys borrowed by it under a loan agreement entered
into with any such nancial institution in a foreign country as may be approved in this be- half by the
Central Government by general or special order;
(c) by an industrial undertaking in India on any moneys borrowed or debt incurred by it in a foreign
country in respect of the purchase out- side India of capital plant and machinery in any case where
the loan or debt is approved by the Central Government, having regard to its terms generally and in
particular to the terms of its repayment; _ ti (17) scholarships, granted to meet the cost of educa-
Scholarships 0"" . [New] [Sceitcm5of (18) any income chargeable under the head "Income
notification from house property" in respect of a building the erection No. 878F(In- of which is
begun and completed between the 1st day °°m'¢-tax) th- of April, 1946, and the 31st day of March,
1956, (both dates f" '9""3"m inclusive), for a period of two years morn the date of such nnc
completion; . : [,4 8--l Law C0m.I58.
building ) (xii)! Clause 11 ' 1l3c:l;Yo?1!1I';;"I:: (19) any daily allowance received by any person by hm
ofPar"a_ reason of his membership of Parliament or of any State me," and Legislature or of any
Committee thereof;
LCSM3' (20) any payment made, whether in cash or in kind, [M(,',)(x;x)] by the Central
Government or any State Government in Gallantry pursuance of gallantry awards instituted or
approved by awards- the Central Government;
Ef;;*,';°"'§i§Z§,. (21) any amount received by the Ruler of an Indian E8514 (3) (x) State as privy
purse under article 291 of the Constitu- 3 tion;
Local autho- I (22) (i) income of a local authority chargeable under 'iS'i°5- the head "Interest on
securities", "Income from house Spro- ga'r;*](3) ('")' perty", "Capital gains" or "Income from other
source '; [s. 4 (3) (iii) (ii) income from a trade- or business carried on 4 by a Part] local authority
which accrues or arises from the supply of a commodity or service within its own Jurisdictional
Scientic Re. _(23) any income of a scientic research assbciation for search Asso- the time being
approved for the purposes of section 35(1) f§3"'Z")-(Kim (ii) [10 (2)_(xiii)] which is applied solely to
the purposes of '4 3 that association; 1 Educational (24) any income of a University or other
educafional {1'\'§':i"'°"5- institution, existing solely for educational purpose, and [See item ,2 not for
purposes of prot; . oi Notica-
2,-3-22] (25) any income chargeable under the head Initerest certain mm- on securities", "Income
fro house property" and! "In- mes of Trade come from other sources" or a registered trade union
U'"°"S- . within the meaning of the Indian Trade Unions Act,§1926, [S'4(3)(""")l formed primarily
for the purpose of regulating the? rela- '6 °f'9"'6 tions between workmen and employers or between
Work- men and workmen;
I come I, (26) (i) interest on securities which are held by, or pfovidcnt ° are the property of, any
provident fund to which ' the and superan- Provident Funds Act, 1925,' applies, and any capital E
ains nuation funds of the fund arising from the sale, exchange or trans'er of 5- 4(3)(i'')] such
19 of 192 5 [s. 4(3)(ix)] (ii) any income received by trustees on behalf of a recognised provident fund;
' [New] ' (iii) income_of an approved superannuation fund, to the extent provided in section 309 [s.
58R, main para]; (27) any income. of a member of a Scheduled ribe, .Sl.°r'i',')'(':1s"l°d as dened in
clause (25) of article 366 of the Constit, tion, [5, 4(3')(xx;)] residing in any area specied in Part A or
Part B of the table appended to paragraphl20 of the Sixth Sched le to the Constitution, or in,the Uni
n Territories of Manip and Tripura, provided .... su member is not in th ser- vice of Government. ' I
Clause 12 (1) Subject to the provisions of sections 63 to 66, [16 ?°"i°" f *9- (1) (c)], the following
income shall not be included in the '''°""' '°"' total income of the previous year of the person in
receipt E;-°p°,:,?i'g};'§:,(: of the income-- or charitable;
~ purposes an
(i) (a) so much of the income derived from property l';'g'if')":'s°0;'fd';: held under trust .......... .,
wholly for charitable or mablc insti_ religious purposes as is applied or accumulated tution. for
application to such .......... .. purposes in India; [s. _4 (3) (i), and mun para]
(b) in the case of property so held in part only for such purposes, so much of the income derived
from the property as is applied or nally set apart for application to such purposes in India:
Provided that so much of any income referred to in [s.4_(3) (i). sub-clause (a) or (b) of this clause as
is applied to purposes '}"'°"'.5° ff'): other than charitable or religious purposes as aforesaid, or
:§f1"'"§mv'i';f, ceases to be accumulated or set apart for application there- (")1 to, ............. ..shall be
deemed to be the income of such per- I son of the previous year in which it is so applied or ceases to
be so accumulated or set apart;
(ii) (a) income from property held under trust....._ ..... .. [:. 4(3) (i), created on or after the 1st day of
April, 1952, P'.°'"'° (3) for charitable purposes which tend to promote (.-- international welfare in
which India is interest- § ed, applied to such purposes outside India, and for charitable or religious
purposes created be- "i5° "(W fore the 1st day of April, 1952, applied to such purposes outside India,
(b) income from property held under trust ................ .. R04 (3) (1) if the Central Board of Revenue
by general or special order directs in either case that it shall not be included in i the total income of
the person in receipt of such income. ' Explanation.----In this sub-section, "property" does not '
include business. ' _ (2) Subject to the provisions of sections 63 to 66 [16(1) 54 (3) 53).
(c)], any income derived from businqst»: carried on by or on '°"' ( )' behalf of a'trust_ or charitte or
rblhgious purposes shall 1 not be included in the total income of the previous yearpof ' the trustees,
if the conditions specied in sub-section (4) are satisfied.
(3) Any income derived from business carried. on by 4 (3) (i) or on behalf of a religious or charitable
institutionshall not . °" (b): be included in the total inc e of 3 previous year of the "M1 tn:l:1tl.t&On,
if the conditionsyslpeci . elin sub-section (4) are 5 sa is e . .i ' E E Clauses 12-13 [s. 4 (3) (i), (4) The
provisions of sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) P'°V- (5): shall a l onl i the ollowin conditions are
satisfied- pm] PP 21 y 9
(a) the income is applied Wholly for the purposes of the trust or institution, as the case may be; and
(b) either the business is carried on in the course of the actual carrying out of a primary purpose of
the trust or institution, or the Work in connection with the business is mainly carried on by bene-
ciaries of the trust or institution.
4(3) (ii)] (5) Any income of a trust or charitable or religious purposes or a religious or charitable
institution, derived from voluntary contributions and applicablesolely to charitable or religious
purposes shall not be included in the total income of a previous year of the trustees or the insti-
tution, as the case may be. .
[5, 4(3), last (6) Nothing contained in this section shall operate to para. part] exempt from the
provisions of this Act that part of the income from property held under a trust ............. ..for pri-
vate religious purposes, which does not enure for the bene- fit of the public.
Pam pm] (a) "charitaole purpose" includes relief of the poor, education, medical relief and
'advancement of any other object of general public utility;
5- 4 (3) (i), §L'°Y.-) (3) (0 (1) Where any business, profession or vocation _on s_ (;'(3;')' last which
income-tax was at any time charged under the pro-
para] visions of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1918, is discontinued, section ,3, then, unless the
provisions of sub-section (2) have been Business as- rendered applicable by virtue of there having
been a sac- Sesscd under cession, the income, .......... .. of the period from the date AIC':,°':';'I°é of
commencement of the previous year in which the busi-
part] nuance, shall not be_included in the total income of the 7 Of 1913 person who was carrying on
the business, profession or voca- tion. ' gm] 25(4)» (2) Where the person who was on the 1st day of
April, 1939, carrying on any business, profession or vocationzon which inoome-tax was at any time
charged under the pro- .V1SiOnS of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1918, is succeeded in such capacity
by another person, the change not merely being a change in the constitution of a firm, the income
........ ..of such business, profession or vocation of the period from the date of commencement of the
previous year in which the su-ccession took place to the date of ......... succession shall not be
includedtin the total income of the first mentioned person. a ' 7of 1918 Clauses 13-16 (3) The
provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall not E} . '-'5%)] apply to a business, profession or vocation
on which in- '°'"'° ( )' come-tax was at any time charged in the hands of a com- pany under the
Indian Income-tax Act, 1886, or on which 2 "I336 income-tax would have been charged in the hands
of a company for the assessment year ending ' n the 31st day of March, 1918, if the company, having
een in existence in that year, had also been in existence in the year ending on the 31st day of March,
B----Interest on securities.
E--Capita1 gains.
A--Salaries Section I 5 The following income shall be chargeable to income- Salaries. tax under the
head "Sa1aries"---- [ ( ) 3- 7 I 2
(a) any salary .......... ..due from an employer or former main para. employer to an assessee in the
previous year, whe- Part] ther paid or not;
(b) any salary paid or allowed to him in the previous year by or on behalf of the employer or former
employer though not' due or before it became due to him; _
(c) any arrears of sala paid to him in the previous year by or on behgf of the employer or former ~
employer, if not charged to income-tax for any . earlier previous year. Section '16 The income
chargeable under the 'head "Salaries" shall be clomputed after making the following deductions,
name y---
(i) any amount not exceeding ve hundred rupees, expended by the assessee cm the purchase of
books l and other publicatitns necdssary for the purpose ; of his duties; E A -
' . 3 d , Clauses 16-17 [s. 7 (2) (ii)] (ii) in respect of any allowance in the nature of an entertainment
allowance specically granted to the assessee by his employer-
(a) in the case of an assessee who is in receipt of a salary from the Government, a sum equal to
one-fth of his salary (exclusive of any'spe- cial allowance, benet or. other perquisites) or ve thousand
rupees, whichever is less; and
(b) in the case of any other assessee who is in receipt of such entertainment allowance and was in
receipt of such entertainment allowance regularly from his present employer before the 1st day of
April, 1955, the amount of such entertainment allowance regularly received by the assessee from his
present employer in any previous year ending before the 1st- da of April, 1955, or a sum equal to
one-fth or his salary (exclusive of any special allowance, benet or other perquisites) or seven
thousand ve hundred rupees, whichever is the least;.....
1r::5,Z;(,:) (Ha) (iii) .......... ..where the assessee is not in receipt of a conveyance allowance whether
as such or as paift of [s_ 7 (2) (;;a) his salary, and owns a conveyance which is {used main para] for
the purposes of his employment, such sum as the Income-tax Oicer may estimate in respect of such
use as representing the expenditure incurred by him in its maintenance and as representing its
normal wear and tear;
[s. 7(2) (iii)] (iv) any amount actually expended by the assessee,._not being an amount expended on
the purchase of books or other publications, or on,entertainmen'1: or on the maintenance of a
conveyance, which, by? the conditions of his service, he is required to s nd out of his remuneration
wholly ............. ..and e lu- sively in the performance of his duties. _ ;
Section 17- For the purposes of sections 15 and 16 [preceding pec- Im" Pma' tions re: salary] and of
this section,------- . E tion. ' "Employer" (1) "employer" means an em loyer, who is the Central [-3-
7(I)aPa"l Government, a State overnment, any forfign Government, a local authority, a company,
any;..... .......... ..public body or' association, or any private employer; ' _' "Sa1ary"- (2) "salary"
includes- [S- 7(I)»part] (i) any salary or wages;
(iv) any fees, commissi l perquisites or prot' in , lieu of or in iadditio to any salary or wag ;
i Clause 17
(v) advances by way of loan or otherwiseof the amounts enumerated in sub-clauses (i), (ii), (iii) and
(iv) above;
(vi) the annual accretion to the balance at the credit [New] of an employee participating in a
recognised pro- vident fund, to the extent to which it is charge- able to tax under section 294' [58E];
(vii) the aggregate of all sums that are comprised in [New] the transferred balance, as referred to in
section. 299(2) [58J (2)] of an empio ee participating in a recognised provident fun , to the extent to
which it is chargeable to tax under section 299(3) [58-T (3)1;
(i) the value of rent free accommodation .......... [mam (i) vided to the assessee by his
employer; Daft]
(ii) the value of any concessi9n'in the matter of rent 6) respecting any accommodation provided to
the assessee by his employer;
(iii) the value of any benet or amenity granted or provided ............. ..ree of cost or at concessional
rate in any of the following cases :-- _ '
(a) by a company to an employee who is a direc- [Wm (ii) tor thereof .......... .. pap]
(b) by a company to an employee who is a share- [Wm (ii)- holder concerned in the management of
the 5:" 8 2('§E')! company and is the beneficial owner of shares, (gi ' not being shares entitled to a
fixed rate of ? dividend whether with or without a right to ' participate in prots, carrying twenty per
cent or more of the voting power;
"Salaries" exclusive of the value of all bene- g ts or amenities not 'provided by way of ; ' monetary
payment exceeds eighteen thousand 9 rupees; '
(iv)\any_ sum paid by the emplqyer in respect of any (iv)] obligation which but for such payment
would ' have been payable by the assessee; and
(v) any sum payable by the employer, whether directly or through 'a fund other than a recognised
provident fund or an appnoved superannuation fund to effect an assurance on the life of the
assessee or to effec a conti-'got for an annuity on the life of the assa e; * 5 l Clauses 17-20 'l'i1;fl°" (4)
"prots in lieu of salary" includes-- \ salary" _ [s. 7 (I), (i) the amount of any compensation due to or
received Explm 2 by an assessee from his employer or former em-
'"31" Pm] ployer at or in connection with, the termination of his employment, whether solely as
compensation for loss of employment, or for any other consideration;
(ii) the amount of any contributions to an approved superannuation, fund (including interest on
such contributions) paid to an employee, to the extent to which such amount is deemed to be the
income of the employee under section 312 [58-5(1)];
(iii) without prejudice to the provisions of sub-clause (ii) of this clause, any payment due to or
received by an assessee from an employer or former employer or from a provident or other fund,
(not being an approved superannuation fund), to the extent to which it does not consist of
contributions by the assessee or interest on such contributions.
B. Interest on securities Section 18.. The following amounts received by an assessee. in the 1m°r°,8t
0" previous year shall be chargeable to income-tax under the securities. :4 - - ,- n __ {L8, m Pam]
head Interest on securities .......... ..
(iii) interest on debentures or other securitiespfor mo- ney issued by or on behalf of a local authority
or a company.
Deductions. amounts not deductible], the income chargeable undelr the is 8 m m_ head "Interest on
securities" shall be computed after mak-
Part] (i) any reasonable sum expended by the assessee for the purpose of realising such interest;
............. ..
(ii) any interest payable on moneys borrowed for the purpose of investment in the securities by the
Section 20.
Banking (1) In the case of a banking company---- , C°mpa"V' (i) the sum to be regarded as a sum
reasonabl ex- [s. 8, Expln. pended for the purpose referred to in clause i) of
(a) Part] section 19 [section regarding deductions] shal be an amount bearing to the aggregate of its
expen- ses as are admissible under the provisions of sec- tions 30, 31, 36 and 37, other than clauses
(3), (5) and (6) of section 36, [sub-section (2) of secti n 10 (other than clauses 4=(iii), (vi), (via),
(vib), vii),
(ii) Clauses 20-21 same proportion as the gross recei ts from interest on securities (inclusive of tax
de ucted at source) chargeable to income-tax under section 18 [main section re: Interest on
Securities] bear to the gross receipts of the company from all sources which are included in the prot
and loss account of the company ; ............. ..
ble on moneys borrowed for the purpose referred (b) Part] to in clause (ii) of section 19 [section
regarding deductions] shall be an amount which bears to the amount of interest payable on all
moneys borrow- ed by the company the same proportion as the gross receipts from interest on
securities (inclu- sive of tax deducted at source) chargeable to in- come-tax under section 18 [main
Section for in- terest] bear to the gross receipts from all sources which are included in the prot and
loss account of the company;
(2) The expenses deducted under clauses (i) and (ii) of sub-section (1) shall not again form 3pa'rt of
tions admissible under sections 30 to of section 10] for the purposes of the company under the head
7 [sub-section (2) computing the income of "Prots and gains of business, profession or vocation".
Notwithstanding anything contained and 20 pany] , computing the income chargeable under the
head on securities"--
(ii) I (iii) [sections regarding the following amounts shall not be deducted in interest chargeable
under this Act which is paya-
in sections 19 S°°"°n 9' Amounts not Part] ble outside India (not. being interest on a loan .
issued for public subscription before the 1st day of April, 1938) on which tax has not been paid or
deducted under section 202 or 204 [section 18] and in respect of which there is_ no person in India
who may be treated as an agent under section 173 [section 43] ; « su/rns expended by the assessee
for the purpose of realising interest on securities on which no income- tax is payable under section
87 (i) or 87 (ii) [s. 8 provisos 2 and 3]; . ' interest payable on money borrowed for the pur-
pose of investment in securities, being securities, on the interest on w ' h no under section 87(1) oi
87(ii) irqome-tax is payable and 3]. \ section 8, provisos 2 deductions and banking com- deductiblm
"Interest l',- 3» '3' PN-
s. 9 (1) open-
Annual value s. 9 (2), 1st para] [New] [s. 9'(2), Ist proviso] [s. 9. (2), 2nd proviso, ex-
cept last line] Clauses 22-23 C. Income from: house property The .. . . . . . . annual value of property
consisting of any buildings or lands appurtenant thereto of which the assessee is the owner, other
than such portions of such property as he may occupy for the purposes of any busi- ness, profession
or vocation carried on by him the prots of which are assessable to income-tax, shall be chargeable to
income-tax under the head "Income from house property".
(1) For the purposes of section 22 [chargeability of income from house property], the annual value of
any pro- perty shall be deemed to be the sum for which'the pro- perty might reasonably be expected
to let from year to year.
(2) In determining the sum for which the property might reasonably be expected to let from year to
year, due regard may be had, where the property is let to a tenant, to the following factors, besides
others, namely-
(ii) the other obligations, if any, undertaken by the te- ' nant on behalf of the owner, including the y-
ment of taxes due to the Government or a? ocal authority ; ~ the annual value of the property, if any,
fixed by the local authority for the purposes of any tax on property levied by it; and , the rents of
properties in the neighbourhood' simi-
(3) . . . . . Where the property is in the occupation of the owner for the purposes of his own
residence; the annual value of the property . . . . . . shall be the annual value of the property
determined in the same manner as if the property had been let, reduced by the lower of the
following---- *
but shall in no case exceed eleven per cent. of all i V ome of the assessee, other than the annual value
of such pro- perty, liable to inclusion in his total income under this Act. i (4) . . . . . Where the
property referred to in su sec- tion (3) consists of one residential house only and i can- not actually
be occupied by the owner by reason the fact that owing to his employment, business, professibn or
vocation carried on at any other place, he has to reside at that other place in a building not
belonging to? him, ................ ..the annual value of such house shall-
(a) if the house was not gactually occupied by the owner durin .the wl$>1e of the previous ye , be
taken to be l, or '~ ' l 1 17 Clauses 23-24
(b) if the house was actually occupied by the owner for a fraction of the previous year, be taken to be
that fraction of the annual value determined un- der sub-section (3);
(1) Income chargeable under the head "Income from _ house property" shall, subject to the
provisions of sub- ]S):'c{'°"_ 24 section (2), be computed after making the following deduc- "°"°""
tions, namely-
(i) ................ ..where the property is in the occupation of a tenant, ...................... .. one half of the
total [3- 9 (2): 3"! amount of the taxes levied by any local authority "'°" in respect of the property
....... ....... ..
(a) where the property is in the occupation of the part] ' ' owner, ......................... ..a sum equal to
one-sixth of the annual value ;
(b) where the property is let to a tenant and the V . owner has undertaken to bear the cost of re-
["3]3(') 0)' pairs, a sum equal to one-sixth of the reduced . annual value;
(iii) where the property is in the occupation of a te- , ,, nant who has undertaken to bear the cost of
re- §l'a]§"(') 0') pairs--- "Paul
(a) the dierence between the reduced annual value and the amount of rent payable for a year by the
tenant, or
(iv) the amount of any_- annual premium paid to insure [" 9K')(i")] the property against I'lSk of
damage or destruc- tion;
(v) where the 'property is subject to -a mortgage or other $531!') (W) capital charge, the amount of
any interest on ; such mortgage or charge; 3 _
(vi) where the property is subject 1: an annual charge, r[,:,',?]:(') W)' not being a capital charge, I e
amount of such i charge ; ,. _
(vii) where the property is subject to a ground rent, §,;r?](') (W) the amount of such ground rent ;
(viii) where the property has been acquired, construct- [S- 9(1) (iv)- ed, repaired, renewed r reco_ s
ructed with bor- 93"]; rowed capital, the arn;unt_o£3 y interest paya- ' ble on such capital ; ' '
Clauses 24-21 It 9 (1) M] (ix) any sums paid on account of land revenue in res- pect of the property;
9-90) (''01 (x) amounts spent to_ collect the rents from the pro- perty, not exceeding six per cent. of
the reduced annual value of the property; I [s. 9 (x)(vii)] (xi) where the property is let and was
vacant during a part of the year, that part of the reduced annual value which is proportionate to the
period during which the property is wholly unoccupied or, where the property is let out in parts, that
portion of the reduced annual value appropriate to any vacant part, which is proportionate to the
period during which such part is wholly unoccupied;
t[:'3°";}f*':§;i_ (xii) such amount, in respect of rent from property l'et cation No. to a tenant which
the assessee cannot realise, as 878F dated may be prescribed.
?tlei'?1-13%)?' Escplanation.--In this sub-section, "reduced annual value" means the annual value as
reduced by one-half of the total amount of taxes levied by any local authority in respect of the
(2) The totaliamount deductible under sub-section (1) [S 9 (2) 2nd in respect of property of the
nature referred to in section p,'m,iso'1ast 23(4) [sub_--section in section dening annual value, relat-
um] ing to residential house not occupied] shall not exceed the annual value of the property as
determined under section 23 [section for annual value]. ' Section 25. Notwithstanding anything
contained in section 24 Amourats not ':[section regarding deductions], the following amounts
d°d"°"b'°- shall not be deducted in computing the income chargeable Er-ogigg (iv): under the head
"Income from house property"-
any annual charge or interest .......... ..chargeable under this Act which is payable outside India (not
being interest on a loan issued for public subscription before the 1st day of April, 1938),
...................... ..on which tax has not been paid or ................... ..deducted under section 202 or 204
[18] and in respect of which there is no person in India who may be treated as an agent under'
section 173 [43].
Section 26. Where property consisting of buildings or buildings Propcrw and lands appurtenant
therwo is owned by two or more gxgfvien Y persons and their respective shares are denite and
;ascer- ' tainable, such persons shall not in respect of such property I" 9 (3)1 be assessed as an
association of persons, but the share of each such person in the income from the property as com-
puted in accordance with sections 22 to 25 [section re: com-
scct.-0,. ,7, For the purposes of sections 22 to 26 [sections regard- I_n:crprc:a- ing income from
house property] (4) (3)1 (i) the holder of: an im rtible estate shall be deemed to be the individua
;owner of all the properties comprised in the estate;
i Clauses 27-28
(ii) a member of a co--operative society to whom a [8-9(4)(b)] building or part thereof built by the
society is allotted or leased under --a house building scheme of the society shall be deemed to be the
owner of that building or part thereof,' ' (n1) .......... .."annua1 charge" means a charge to secure [s- 9
an annual liability, but does not include any tax in E"P"!: "°'°W, respect of property or income from
property impos- ' ed by a local authority, or a State Government or the Central Government ; l
(iv) "capital charge" means a charge to secure the dis-. [New] charge of a liability of a capital nature;
(v) taxes levied by a local authority in respect of any [S- 9 (4) (0)1 property shall be deemed to
include service taxes levied by the local authority in respect of the property.
D--Prots and gains of business, profession or vocation The following income shall be chargeable to
income- S°°'t=,li°n 23- taa: under the head "Prots and gains of business, profes--- P'9m" and . . gal
of sion or vocat1on"-- busmas'
(i) the prots and gains of any business, profession or ggffgzn 0' vocation which was carried on by the
assessee at ' any time during the previous year; 0)'
(ii) any compensation or other payment due to or re-- ls' "° (54)?
(a) a managing agent of an Indian company, at or [s.1o(sA)(a)] in connection with the termination
or modica- tion of his managing agency agreement with the company;
(b) a manager of an Indian company at or in con- [s_,o(5A)(1,)1 nection with the termination of his
office or modication of the terms and conditions relat-
) ing thereto; 11 d (c any person, by whatever name ca e , managing . C K the whole or substantially
the Whole affairs of [8 w(5A)( )1 'any other company in India, at or in connection with the
termination of his oice or the modi- cation of the terms' and conditions relating thereto;
(d) any person, by whatever name called, hold- [,_,o(5A)(d)} ' ing an agency in India for any part of
the activities relating to the business of any other person, at or in connection with the termination of
the agency or the modication of the terms and conditions relating thereto ;
(iii) income derived by a trade, professional or similar [s. 10(6)] association from specific; service
ferformed for its members for remuneration degipitely related to those services ............. ...... .. : -
Clauses 28-30 [New] Explanation 1.-----The prots and gains of business shall include the prots and
gains of managing agency.
P1n- 1] carried on by an assessee are of such a nature as to con- stitute a business, the business
(hereinafter referred to as "speculation business") shall be deemed to be distinct and separate from
any other business.
Scctipr} 29- The income of an assessee referred to in section 28 P'°'1'.'5"g}5 [section 10(1), part
embodied in main section for income 't'1{'Ig:,3" °' from business] shall be computed in accordance
with the provisions of the following sections-
Section 30--Rent, repairs and insurance for buildings. Section 31--Repairs and insurance of
machinery, plant and furniture.
Section 32----Depreciation.
Bad debts.
Section 37--General. _ Section 38----Bui1din etc. partly used for business etc. or not exc usively so
used. .
Section 30 In respect of rent, repairs and insurance for buildings, Rent, repairs the frollowing
deductions shabl be allowed- and insu-
rax_1ce.for (a) in respect of any premises used_ for the purposes of b"'1d"'g"' the business,
profession or vocation,-
[s._1o(2)(i), (i) where the, premises are occupied by the assessee without the as a tena:,"'_. , ' , p 4
promo] (a) the rent}? paid fa} gsuch premises; and E E , E Clauses 30-32 -
(b) if he has undertaken to bear the cost of.._ ..... .. [s.1o(2)(ii), repairs to the permises, the amount
paid on without the account of such repairs; P'°"3°l
(ii) where the premises, being a building, are occu- [s.10(2)(v), pied by the assessee otherwise than
as a tenant, part, for the amount paid by him on account of current b""d'"3'5] repairs to the
(b) any sums paid on account of land revenue, local [s.1o(2)(ix), rates or municipal taxes; ............. ..
Caflicr Part]
(c) ............. .. the amount of any premium paid in res- [s.x¢(2)(iv), pect of insurance agairst risk of
damage or destruc- £"f1'a.f°' tion of the premises, being a building ................ .. " '"91 In respect of
machinery, plant or furniture used for Section 3i. the purposes of the business, profession or
vocation the fol- .R°P""= and lowing deductions shall be allowed-- plant and.
(i) the amount paid on account of current repairs [3-"°(2)(")» thereto ' P""f9' ' macliuncry ' etc.
(ii) .......... .. _the amount 0 any_premium paid in res- [5, no (Q)(iv), pect of Insurance agamst ms]!
of damage or des- part; for ma- truction thereof. °h"*=FY etc-] (1) In respect of depreciation of
buildings, machinery, Section 32. plant or furniture owned by the assessee and used for the
Depfreciation. purposes of the business, profession or" vacation, the fol- lowing deductions shall,
subject to the provisions of sec-
tion 34 [section re: conditions' for depreciation], be allow- ed-- ' '(i) in the case of ships other than
ships ordinarily s.1Q(2)(vi), plying on inland waters, such percentage (for tstipam, each completed
month of user) on the original Pm" cost thereof to the assessee as may in any case or class of cases
be prescribed;
(ii) in the case of building', machinery, plant or ;furni- §.1?(2)(vi), ture, other than shipsé covered by
clause (i), such rst~Pa?a'. percentage (for each. completed month of user) P' on the written down
value therieof as may in any 1 case or class of cases be prescribed;
(iii) in the case of buildirfs newgl erected or machi- [s.1 (2)(via), nery or plant being n w whi has
been installed, P t after the 31st day of March, 1948, a further sum... ' equal to the amount deductible
under clause (i) or
(ii), allowable for five consecutive previous years, including the previous year of erection or installa-
Explanation.--F-or the purposes of clause (iii), any [s.xp(2)(via), extra deduction for double 0 multi
:3 shift working of the machinery or plant adm' 'ble ,' er clause (ii) shall .1 be ignored.
Clauses 32-33, (iv) in the case of any ............. ..building, machinery or 'Patel plant which
is sold or discarded or demolished or destroyed in the previous year, the amount by which the
moneys received in respect of such [s.1o(2) building, machinery, or plant, together with the (Vii). Ist
amount of scrap value, if any, fall short of the writ- P'°"'-] ten down value thereof, provided such
deciency is actually written of in the books of the assessee.
Explanation.--For the purposes of this clause, the "moneys received" in respect of any building,
machinery or plant shall include----
[s.1o(2)(vii), (a) any insurance, salvage or compensation moneys 3rd P'°"i'°» received in respect
modied] [New] (b) where the building, machinery or plant is sold, the price for which it is sold,
whether such price has been actually realised or not.
[s.10(2)(vi), (2) Where, in the assessment of the assessee, (or, if the Pm"-2 (b): assessee is a
registered rm or an unregistered rm assess- pm] ed as a registered rm, in the assessment of its
partners) full effect cannot be given to any ....... .. allowance under clause (i) or (ii) of sub-section (1)
[10(2)(vi), main para] in any previous year owing to there being no prots or gains chargeable for that
previous year, or owing to the prots or gains chargeable being less than the allowance, then, sub- ject
to the provisions of sections 73(3) and 74(3) [Sub-sec-
ance or part of the allowance to which eect has not been given as the case may he, shall be added to
the amount of the allowance for de reciation for the following previous year and deemed to e part of
that allowance, or if 'athere is no such allowance for that previous year, be deemed to be the
allowance for that previous year, and so on for suc- ceeding previous years ................ ..
Section 33- In respect of a new ship acquired or new machinery D°V°1°Pm°"' or plant installed after
the 31st day of March 1954 ' hich '°ba'°' - is wholl used for th ' ur oses of the business on
[s.r_o(2)(v1b) , Y , 9 P P mam para] by the assessee, a sum by way of development rebate.
(i) in the case of a ship acquired after the 31st y of December, 1957, forty per cent. of the-actua cost,
of the ship to the assessee, and -- at
(ii) in the case of a ship acquired before the 1st y of January, 1958, and in the case of any mac ery or
plant, twenty-ve per cent. of the actual cost of the ship or machinery or plant to the assessee shall,
subject to the revisions of section 34 [sec- tion re 2 conditions or depreciation], be allow- ed as a
deduction in respect of the previouszyear in which the ship was" acquired' or the mach ery on plant
was iristalledgor, if the ship, machin or E 123 Clause 33 plant is first put to use in the immediately
suc- ceeding previous year, then. in respect of that pre- vious year.
Explanation 1.--In the case of a ship acquired or ma- _chinery or plant installed after the 31st day of
December, 1557, where the total income of the assessee assessable for the assessment year relevant
to the previous year in which the ship was acquired or the machinery or plant installed (the total
income for this purpose being computed without making any allowance under this section) is nil or
is less than the full amount of the development rebate calculated at the rate applicable thereto under
this section,---
(i) the sum to be allowed by way of, development re- bate for that assessment year under this section
shall be only such amount as sufficient to reduce the said total income to nil ; and
(ii) the amount of the development rebate, to the ex- tent to which it has not been allowed as
aforesaid, shall be carried forward to the following assess- ment year, and the development rebate to
be al- lowed for the following assessment year shall,be such amount as is sufcient to reduce the total
income of the assessee assessable for that assess- ment year, computed in the manner aforesaid, to
nil, and the balance of the development rebate, if any, still outstanding shall be carried forward to
the following assessment year and so on, so however that no portion of the development re- bate
shall be carried forward for more than eight assessment years immediately succeeding the as-
sessment year for which the development rebate was first allowable.
Explanation 2.--Where for' any assessment year deve- lopment rebate is to be allowed in accordance
with the pro- visions of Explanation 1, in respect of ships acquired or machinery or plant installed in
more than one previous year, and the total income of the assessee assessable or the assessment year
relevant to that previous year (t e total income for this purpose being computed without mak- ing
any allowance under this section) is less than the aggre- gate of the amounts due to be allowed in
respect of the assets aforesaid for that assessment year, the following pro- cedure shall be followed,
namely :-- "
(i) the allowance under paragraph (ii) of Explanation 1 shall be made before any allowance under
(ii) where an allowance has to be made under para- graph (ii) of Explanation 1 in respect of amounts
carried forward from more than one assessment year, the amount carried forw d from an earlier
assessment year shall bd allow before any amount carried forward from later fsessrnent year.
fa':-ndl(§,(:-zzia. (1) The deductions referred to in sub-section (1) of tion all0wan- section 32 ..........
..[s. 10(2)(v1) 10(2) (via), and (vii)] shall 03 and d°V¢' be allowed only if the prescribed particulars
have been fur- ]r';1§')';'t:"' nished; and the deduction referred to in section 33 .......... .. I ' .. [s.
10(2)(vib)] shall be allowed only if the particulars pres- lesiovo (:3; cribed for the purpose of clauses
(i) and (ii) of sub-section ,_ I022) (vib), (1) of section 32' [S. 10(2)(vi)]- have been furnished by the
Prov.para(a)] assessee in respect of the ship or machinery or plant.
[New] H (2) For the purposes of section 32 [10(2)(vi), (via) and [see rule 8] (V")]-- =
(i) if the buildings, machinery,- plant or furniture have been used by the assessee for the purposes of
his business, profession or vocation for more than a month, the deduction under section 32(1),
(i)_ (ii) and (iii), [10(2) (vi), (via)] shall be deter- mined proportionately with reference to the5com-
plete months of user thereof by the assessee 2 Provided, however, that if the total period of user is
less than one month, it shall be deemed to be one-com- plete month for computing the deduction
propor- tionately.
Explanat'i0n.----In the case of a seasonal factory worked by the assessee during all the working
seasons of the pre- vious year, the buildings, machinery, plant or furniture shall be deemed to have
been used by the assessee throughout the period he was the owner thereof during the previous year.
[s. Io(2)(via), (ii) the deduction provided for by section 32(1), clause part] (iii) .......... ..[10(2)(via)]
shall be allowed 'only in respect of a previous year relevant for the assess- ment year 1958-1959; ' [s.
10(2) (vi) (iii) the aggregate of all deductions in respect of depre-
proviso(c)] ciation made under section 32(1), [10(2) (vi), (via) H of 1922 and (vii)] or under the
Indian Income-taxi Act. 1922, or under any Act repealed by that Act or , under the Indian
Income-tax Act. 1886, shall, in 2 of 1886 no case, exceed the original cost to the asse$ee of the
buildings, machinery, plant or furniture, as the case may be;
_[s.xo(4B). (iv) nothing in section 32(1)(i) or (ii) [1o(2)(vi)] or mscrtedbv 32(1)(111) [section
10(2)(v1a)] shall be deemed to the Finance Am X958] authorise the allowance for any previous y' at
of any sum in respect of any building, mac pinery, plant or furniture sold, discarded, demolished or
destroyed, in that year;
(3 )' (a) The deduction referred to in section 33 [S. 10(2) [§- I0(2)(Vib) (vib), main para.] shall not
be allowed unless- l-rov. (b), an amount eqagi'{e.'g;;¢;;itg;;tiy;;';s;;£'.;;s;;t.";;i'the d ve1op- ment
rebate to be a ually a lowed is debited to th prot and loss account of t e rele previous year and c dited
I Clauses 34-35 to a reserve account to be utilised by the assessee during a period of ten years next
following for the purposes of the business of the undertaking, except-
(ii) for remittance outside India as prots or for the creation of any asset outside India.
E:cception.--The provisions of clause (a) shall not ap- [s- I0(2)(Vib) ply where the assessee is a
company, being a licensee with-5:31;-ullglzilfl in the meaning of the Electricity (Supply) Act, 1948,
54 "I943 where the ship has been acquired or the machinery or 8plant .. has been installed before
the 1st day of January, 195 .
(b) ....... .. If any ....... .. ship, machinery or plant is sold [an xo(2)(vib) or otherwise transferred by
the assessee to any person other lP"°"--
than the Government" at any time before the expiry of ten as' mm] years from the end of the
previous year in which it was ac-
.... ..[s. 10(2) (vib), main para] in respect of that shi , machinery or plant shall be deemed to have
been wrong y made for the purposes of this Act.
(1) In respect of expenditure on scientic research, the Se°ti°n 35 following deductions shall be
allowed-- §§§3;§;;;-;_.°
(i) any expenditure (not being in the nature of capital ""°"°h __ expenditure) laid out or expended
on scientic re- [5- '°('~')("")] search related to the business;
(ii) any sum paid to a scientic rtsearch association [s. 1o(2)(xiii) which has as its objects'the
undertaking of scienti- Pm] c research related to the class of business carried on, and which is
approved for the purposes of this clause by the prescribed authority;
(iii) any sum paid to a university, college or other in- [s. 1o(2)(xiii) stitution to be used for scientic
research, research Part] ' in social science or statistical research related to the class of business
carried on, bein a ............. .. university, college or institution which is for the time being approved
for the purposes of this clause by the prescribed authority;
(iv) in respect of any expenditure of 'a capital nature on Er.s1o(}2)(xiv) ' scientic research related to
the' business carried on t,p a. by the assessee, such deduction as may be admis- ea"'° Pm] sible
under the provisions of subsection (2).
(i) one--fifth of the capital expenditure incurred in any 3. 1o(2)(xiv) previous year shall be deducted
for that previous' '5tP"a: year; and the balance 0 the e iture shall be m" {'""] deducted in equal insta
nts 1' each of the fou immediately succeeding, revio ' ears. ' Clause 35 '[15. xo(2)(xiv) _
E9cplanation.--Where any capital expenditure has been rst PY0V1S°] incurred before the
commencement of the business, the ag-
gregate of the expenditure so incurred within three years immediately preceding the
commencement of the business shall be deemed to have been incurred in the previous year in which
the business is commenced;
[S- !0(2)(_xiv) (ii) notwithstanding anything contained in clause (i), ?':)d :;:;i':° where an asset
representing .......... ..expenditure of hugs] g a capital nature ceases to be used in a previous year for
scientic research related to the business and the value of the asset at the time of the cessation.
together with the aggregate of deductions already allowed under clause (i), falls short of»the said
'expenditure, then-- A d'°(r"'ol'§"'("al)' (a) ................ .. there shall ............. .. be allowed (1 ~- P '
deduction for that previous year of an amount equal to such deciency, and [s.1o(2)(;<iv), (b) no
deductionshall be allowed under that clause g1)d(Sr°$:3,i_ for that previous year or for any
subsequent pre-
(iii) if the asset mentioned in clause (ii) is sold, Without [S- I0(2)(§<iV), having been used for other
purposes, in the ear of (1%? P'°""° cessation, the sale price shall be taken to _ e the value of the asset
at the tirne of the cessation; and if the asset is sold, without having been used for other purposes, in
a previous year subsequent to the year of cessation. and the sale price falls short of the value of the
asset taken into account at the time of cessation, an amount equal to the deciency shall be allowed as
a deduction for the previous year in which the sale took place;
[8- I0(2)(XiV), (iv) where a deduction is allowed for any previous year '*'"d P"°"'(d)] under this
section in respect of expenditure repre- sented wholly or partly by an asset, no deduction shall be
allowed under section 32(1) clauses (i) (ii) and (iv) [10(2)(Vi) or (vii) i.e., section authorising
depreciation allowance] for the same previous year in respect of that asset;
[s- I0(2)(3=iv), (V) where the asset is used in the business after it 2nd P'°'."5° ceases to be used for
scientic research related to _ I(,:)r't]"a'1'°' that business, depreciation shall be admissible under
section 32(1), clauses (i) (ii) and (iv), j;10(2)
(vi) and (vii) i.e., section authorising depreqiation allowance]. l ~ [s. xo(2)(3:iv), (3) If any question
arises under this section as to '-'"d P'°""'° whether, and if so, to what extent, any activity constitutes
(g)] or constituted or any asset is or was being used for scientic research, the Central Board of
Revenue shall refer the question to the prescribed authority, whose decision shall be nal. i '
[s.1o(2)(g:iv), (4) Theiprovisions of sub-section (2) of secti 32 end Pr0V1s° [Section re : depreci lion]
s _'l1 apply in relation to edu"- U) 93"] ' tions allowable under? clause iv) of sub-section (1) as; they
Clauses 35-36 apply in relation to deductions allowable in respect of dep- reciation. ' The deductions
provided for in the following clauses section 36 shall also be allowed in respect of the matters dealt
with other deduo therein, in computing the income referred to in section 28 tions. [mam section for
income from business]----- Insurance of (1) the amount of any premium paid in respect of in--
stocks or surance against risk of damage or destruction of ............. .. st0r¢s- _ stocks or stores used
for the purposes of the business, pro- [5' '°(')("')' ;.
etc.] (2) any sum paid to an employee as bonus or commis- Bonus or co.- sion for services rendered,
where such sum would not have mmission to been payable to him as prots or dividend if it had not
been ¢mP1°Y°°5- paid as bonus or commission, in either of the following [S- _I°(2)(x), cases,
namely-- mam P"'"']
(i) ................ ..where the amount of the bonus or com- [s. 1o(2)(x), mission is .......... .. reasonable
.......... .. with refer- Proviso] ence to-
(a) the pay of the employee and the conditions of his service;
(b) the prots of the business, profession or vocation for the previous year in question, and
(c) the general practice in .... .., similar businesses, professions or vocations; or
(ii) where such payment is in pursuance of the award [Now] of an industrial or other tribunal
constituted under any law for the settlement of industrial disputes;
(3) ...... ....... .. the amount of the interest paid in res- '"'°'°" pect of capital borrowed for the purposes
of the business, [5-'.°('*')('")» profession or vocation. "Hm Pm] Explanation.----Recurring
subscriptions paid periodically [s. 1o(2)(iii), by shareholders or subscribers in such Mutual Benet
So-- E"Pl"-1 cieties which fulfil such conditions as may be prescribed, shall be deemed to be capital
borrowed within the meaning of this clause.
(4) (a) any sum paid by the assessee as an employer by Contributions .way of contribution towards a
recognised provident fund '° °°'"*i" f"' or an approved superannuation fund, to the extent provided
f:)dy'c§"{,:,',':§; in section 293 [New Section in chapter on Recognised Pro-- [New] vident Funds re :
allowing deduction for employer's contri-
bution] or section 310 [58R, main para, part re 2 deduction for employer's contribution] as the case
may be:
(b) any sum. paid by the assessee as employer by way of contribution towards any other fund
created by him for the exclusive benet of his employees under an irrevocable trust;
(5) in respect of animals which have been used for the 'a"Ii;'E:;'(vm)] purposes of the business,
profession a' -'vocation otherwise ' r than as stock-in-trade and havj died or ?come permanently
Clauses 36-38 useless for such purposes, the difference between the origi- nal cost to the assessee of
the animals and the amount, if any, realised in respect of the carcasses or animals; Bad deb'-S-i) (6)
....... .. debts, or parts thereof, that are established to ' have become bad debts in the previous year,
(a) have been taken into account in computing the income of the assessee of that previous year or of
an earlier previous year, or
(b) represent money lent in the ordinary course of the business of banking or money-lending which
is carried on by the assessee; and [Last W0I;ds of (ii) such debts or partsof debts have been written
011' as 5~"?(2)("2' irrecoverable in the accounts of the assessee for "W" P" 1 that previous year :
["r'O:,'i'g(o2)1(a"tit)e'r Provided that if the amount ultimately recovered on any Ea"-]' ' such debt or
part of debt is less than the difference between the debt or part and the amount so deducted, the
deciency shall be deductible for the previous year in which the ulti- mate recovery is made :
Provided further that an such debt or part of debt as is referred to in sub--clause i) may be deducted
if it has already been written 01)' as irrecoverable in the accounts of an earlier previous year but the
Income-tax Officer had not allowed it to be deducted on the ground that it had noit been established
to have become a bad debt in that year.
Section 37 Any expenditure (not being expenditure of the nature General described in sections 30 to
36 [all other sections re : deduc- [s. 1o(2)(xv)] tions] and not being in the nature of capital
expenditbre or personal expenses of the assessee), laid out or ex nded wholly and exclusively for the
purpose of the busine , pro- fession or vocation shall be allowed in computing incmne chargeable
under the head "Prots and gains of business, profession or vocation". ' 5°?'-i9" 38 (1) Where any
substantial part of- any premises is used B§;';""5s§g°- as a dwelling house by the assessee, the
deduction lunder garbzsincss secticm 30(a)(i) [10(2)(i) and (ii)] shall be such sum hs the etc. or not
Income-tax Oicer may determine, having regard----' exclusively so "'°d- (a) in a case under section
30(a)(i)(a) [10(2)(i)] to the [s- r§>(2)(i), proportionate annual value of the part used for the P'°'"'°]
purposes of the business, profession or vocation, or [s. 1o(2)(ii) (b) in a case under section
30(a)(i)(b) [10(2)(ii ], to proviso] the part of e pre es used for the purpo s of the business. rofes " or
Clauses 38-40 (2) Where only a part of any premises is used for the [s- I0(2')(i,x): purposes of the
business, profession or vocation, the deduc- 1m""'°'"°"] tion under section 30, clause (b) [10(2)(ix),
earlier portion] shall be such sum as the Income-tax Oicer may determine having regard to the part
so used.
(3) Where any building, machinery, plant or furniture [s. 10(3)] ...................... .. is not exclusively
used for the purposes of the business, profession or vocation, the deductions under section 30(a)(ii),
30(c), 31(i) and 31(ii),-32(1), clauses (i) (ii) and (iv) and 36 clause (1) [S. 10(2) (iv), (v), (vi) or (vii)]
shall be restricted to a fair proportional part thereof which the Income-tax Oyfcer may determine
having regard to the user of such building, machinery, plant or furniture for the purposes of the
business, profession or vocation. ' Where a managing agent of a company is liable under 5°°Fi°". 39,
an agreement made for adequate consideration to share Gym' managing agency commission with a
third party or parties, commission the said agent and the said party or partiesshall le a [s.'x2A]
declaration showing the proportion in which such commis-
tion of the Income-tax Officer of the facts contained in such declaration such agent and each such
party shall be charge- able only on the share to which such agent or party is en- titled unde-r the
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in sections Sccttion 4° 30 to 39, [10(2)], the following
amounts shall not be de- g3°":¥§l"°' ducted in computing the income chargeable under the ,"°' °'
head "Prots and gains of business, profession or vocation"
(i) ....... ..any interest chargeable under this Act which is payable outside India (not being interest on
a { loan issued for public subscliption before the 1st ' day of April, 1938), ....... .. on which tax has not
been paid or deducted under section 202 or 204 [18]and in respect of which there is no person in
India who may be treated as an agent under sec- tion 173 [43];
(ii) .......... ..any sum paid on account of any cess, rate or 5- 210(4) 5'8 tax levied on the prots or gains
of any business, P"?"' profession or vocation or assessed at a proportion of or otherwise on the basis
of, any such prots or gains;
(iii) any .......... .. payment which is chargeable under [5, 10(4) (a)] the head "Salaries", if it is payable
without India and if the tax has n , been 'd thereon on assess- ment nor deducted erefro der section
201. [s.18] nor recovered, nder ( on 209 [s.8(7)];
Clause: 40-41 [s- 10(4) (CH (iv) any; ......... .. payment to a provident or other fund established for
the benet of employees of the assessee, unless the assessee has made effective ar- rangements to
secure that tax shall be deducted at source from any payments made from the fund which are
chargeable to tax under the head "Sala- ries";
[S-1°(4)(b)-] (b) in the case of any rm, any ............. ..payment of interest, salary, commission or
remuneration, made by the rm to any partner of the rm;
(i) any .......... .. expenditure which results directly or indirectly in the provision of any remuneration
or benet or amenity to a director or a person who has a substantial interest in the company within
the meaning of section 2 clause (20), Explanation [s. 2(6C) (iii)];
(ii) any expenditure or allowance in respect of any [5"°(4A)(b)] assets of the company used by any
person refer- red to in sub-clause (i) either wholly or partly for his own_ purposes or benet, if in the
opinion of the Income-tax Officer any such expenditure or allowance as is mentioned in sub- clauses
(i) and (ii) is excessive or unreasonable having regard to the legitimate business needs of the
company and the benet derived by or accru- ing to it therefrom. a E,§;"f'] (M) Explanation: The
provisions of this clause .......... .. P' [Section 10(4A)] shall apply notwithstanding that any amount
disallowed under this clause is included in the total income of any person referred to in sub-clause
1[i'I'le':F3"fP'c'l1;':f (d) in the case of a banking company, the amounts ,6, (3) & (b)] which have been
allowed as a deduction in com- puting its income chargeable to income-taac under the head
"Interest on securities" under the provi- sions of section 20(1) [8 Expln(1) (b)] 5°C?" 41 --(1) Where
for the purposes of computing income un- gcrgbfz der the head "Prots and gains business,
profession or Amount, M- vocation an allowance or deduction has been made in the civcd in res-
assessment for any year in res ect of any loss, expenditure Pcct of 1053 or trading liability incurred y
'the assessee and, subse- °'°' quently during any previous. year, the assessee has re- 3- '°('*'A)]-
ceived, whether in cash or in any other manner whatso- ever, any amount in respect of such loss or
expenditure or has obtained some benet in respect of such trading liability by way of remission or
cessation thereof, the amount received by him or the value of the. benet ac- cruing to him shall be
chargeable to income-tar asg the» income of the business.' profession or vacation of that ;pre--
ziious year. = * Clause 41 (2) ....... .. Where any building, machinery or plant Prots on sale which is
owned by the assessee and which was or has °fd$7P'°¢i3b1¢ been used for the purposes of business,
profession or voca- 353°" _, ticm, is sold, discarded, demolished or destroyed in the [5-d1°(*)(".")=
previous year, and the moneys received in respect of suc :2", ggvi' building, machinery or plant, as
the case may be, together p,o,,,so_ pm with the amount of scrap value, if any, exceed the written
simplied] down value, so much of the excess as does not exceed the dierence between the original
cost and the written down value .......... ..shall be chargeable to income-tax as income of the business,
profession or vocation of the previous year in which the moneys are received.
Explanation 1--For the purposes of this sub-section, [5' '°(')(".") . , . . . 4th proviso the expression
'moneys received" in respect of any build- Pam] ing, machinery or plant has the same meaning as in
sec- tioln]32(1) (iv) [sec. re : depreciation-clause for loss on sa e Explanation 2.--The provisions of
this sub-section shall [s- I0(2)(Vi_i)» apply notwithstanding that the business, profession, or 120-
§v':ds"."§,':f,:'_' cation for the purposes of which the building, machinery or the, ____ __ plant was
being used is no longer in existence at the time thc1eof"] when the building, machinery or plant is
sold, discarded, demolished or destroyed.
Explanation 3.--For the purposes of this sub-section, [s. x0(2)(vii) the original cost of a building, the
written down value of sthiproviw-l 'which is determined in accordance with section 42 clause (7) (b),
proviso [Section 10(5) (b), 1st proviso] shall be deemed to be the written down value so determined
as at the date of its being brought into use for the purposes of the business, profession or vocation i
(3) Where an asset representing expenditure of a capi- Prots onsalc tal nature on scientific research
within the meaning of sec- 0' Scicntic tion 35(1) (iv) read with section 42 clause.(5) [Section 10 3*'
(2) _(xiv)] is sold whether during the continuance of the ' X.) business or after the cessation thereof
without having been £",'u'1°(";2,,Evi',','° used for other purposes and the proceeds of the sale toge-
(c)_]' ther with the total amount of: the deductions made under ' Section 35(2) (i) [s. 10(2) (xiv) rst
para, latter part] ex-
-ceed the amount of the capital expenditure, the excess or the amount of the deductions so made,
whichever is the less. shall be chargeable to income-ta,7c as income of the business, profession or
vocation of the previous year in which the sale took place.
(4) Where a deduction has been allowed in respect of [s.xo_(2) (xi). «a bad debt or part of debt
under the provisions of section F?'°""'°f °"' '36 clause (6) [s. 10(2) (xi) rst para] then if the
amount"°"'=*' -1 ultimately recovered on any such debt or part is greater than the difference
between the debt or part of debt and the amount so allowed, the excess shhlal be chargeable to
income-tax as income of the business'; rvofession or voca- tion of the previous year in which it'; i?
Clause 42 S°°"°" t$'~'- In sections 28 to 41 [all sections incorporating any part ""°"p'°m'°" of section
10]and in this section, unless the context'other- wise requires,-
Asctual cost (1) ....... .."actual cost" means the actual cost of the as- gipln sets to the assessee reduced
by that portion of the cost end, "Came, thereof, if any, as has been met directly or indirectly by dart.]
Government or by any public or local authority ....... ..
5- 10(2) (xiy)' Explanation 1.--Where an asset is used in the business ad P'l°'t'::° after it ceases to be
used for scientic research related to par" 3 ' that business, and a deduction has to be made under.
sec- tion 32(1), clause (1) (11) or (iv) [Section 10(2) (V1) or (v11)] in respect of that asset, the actual
cost of the asset to the assessee shall be the actual cost to the assessee as reduced by the amount of
any deduction allowed .under section 35(1) (iv) [10(2) (xiv)] or under any corresponding 11 or 1922.
provision of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922. ' [S- 10(5) (<=)-] Explanation 2.--Where an asset is
acquired by the as- sessee by way of gift or inheritance, the actual cost of the asset to the assessee
shall be the written down value there-' of as in the case of the previous owner for the previous year
in which the asset is so acquired or the marketgvalue thereof on the date of such acquisition,
whichever is the less. ' E: Explanation 3.-- .......... ..Where, before the date §of ac- P ' quisition by the
assessee, the assets were at any time used by any other person for the urposes of his business, pro-
fession or vocation and the ncome-tax Oicer is satised that the main purpose of the transfer of such
assets, direct-
ence to an enhanced cost), the actual cost to the assessee shall be such an amount as the Income-tax
Ofceri may, with the previous approval of the Inspectin 'stant Commissioner, determine having
regard to al the c' cum-
stances of the case. r L [S- I0(5),(a), Explanation 4---- .... .. Where .... .. assets which had once ""1
P'°"'5°] belonged to the assessee and had been used by him for the purposes of his business,
profession or vocation and thereafter ceased to be his pro rty by reason of transfer' or otherwise, are
re-acquired him, the actual c¢st to the assessee shall be the actual cost to him when h first acquired
the assets less all depreciation actually owed 11 of 1922- to him under this Act or under the Indian
Income- Act, 1922, or under any Act repealed by that Act or under exe-
2 of 1886- cutive orders issued when the Indian Income-tax Act, 1886, was in force.
[s.m_B(I),2nd Explanation 5.----When any capital asset is transferred P'°'"5° lam?" by a company to
its subsidiary company, then, if the condi- hilf' pm] tions of section 47 (iii) [sectio;1,12B(1), 2nd
proviso, earlier half] are satised, t actualicbst . . . . . . . .. of the transfer- red capital asset to e
subsidiary company shall be taken Clause 42 to be the same as it would have been if the parent com-
pany had continued to hold the capital. asset for the pur- poses of its business.
' aid' (2) "paid" means actually paid or incurred according [s.p 10(5) to the method of accounting
upon' the basis of which the First Para. prots or gains are computed under the head "Profits and
P""'] gains of business, profession or vocation";
(3) "plant" includes ships, vehicles, books, scientic [s_ ]am,o(5) apparatus and surgical equipment
purchased for the pur- First para. poses of the business, profession or vocation; part.] ' (4)
"received" means received according to the method "Received" of accounting upon the basis of
which the prots or gains [Ndw.] are computed under the head "Prots and gains of business,
profession or vocation";
(5) (i) "scientic research" means any activities in the "Scientic elds of natural or applied science for
the extension of '§5°'"° . knowledge; _ [ "OM ('M Expln. (i).]
(ii) references to expenditure incurred on scientic re- [S.'xo(2)_(3<iv) search .......... ..include all
expenditure incurred for the pro- E"P1"- ("H secution of, or the provision of facilities for the
prosecu- tion of, scientic research, but do not include any expen- diture incurred in the acquisition
of rights in, or arising out of, scientific research;
(iii) references to scientic research related to a busi- E'-"f(*)(.'.'.i") ness or class of business include--
xp"' 0""
(a) any scientic research which may lead to or faci- litate an extension of that business or, as the case
may be, all businesses -of that class;
(b) any scientic research of a medical nature which has a special relation to the welfare of Workers «
employed in that business or, as the case may be, all businesses of that class;
(6) .......... .."speculative transaction" -means a transac- [S. 24(x) tion in which a contract' for
purchase and sale of any EXP1n- (2)-1 commodity, including stocks and shares, is periodically or 1 '
ultimately settled otherwise than by the actual delivery or transfer of the commodity or scrips:
(a) a contract in respect of raw materials or merchan- dise entered into by a person in the course of
his manufacturing or merchanting business to guard & against loss through future price uctuations
in respect of his contr cts for actual delivery of goods manufactured y himgdr merchandise sold by
him; or Clause 42
(b) a contract in respect of stocks and shares entered 1nto_ by a dealer or investor therein to guard
against loss in his holdings of stocks and shares through price fluctuations; or ' (C) a contract
entered into by a member of a forward market or a stock exchange in the course of any transaction
in the nature of jobbing or arbitrage to guard against loss which may arise in the ordi- nary course of
his business as such member;
'[i:w:'-0'(':)1"(';), (a) in the case of assets acquired in the previous year, main part.] the actual cost to
the assessee;
* * C [s-V_r0(5) (b), (b) in the case of assets acquired before the previous mam pan-t.] year, the
actual cost to the assessee less all depre- ciation actually allowed to him under this Act, or under the
Indian Income-tax Act, 1922, or any Act repealed. by that Act, or under executive orders issued
when the Indian Income-tax Act, 1886 was in force: ' [s. 10(5) (b), Provided that in the case of a
building previously the Ist proviso-] property of the assessee and brought into use for the pur- poses
of the business, profession or vocation after,the' 28th day of February, 1946, "written down value"
means the actual cost to the assessee reduced by an amount equal to the depreciation calculated at
the rate in force on that date that would have been allowable had the building been used for the
aforesaid purposes since the date of its ac- quisition by the assessee and had the provisions of this
Act relating to the allowance for depreciation been in force on and from the date of acquisition.
[s. 10(5) (b), Explanation 1.--When in a case of succession in busi- 2nd Proviso] ness, profession or
vocation, an assessment is made on the successor under section 180(2) [Section 26(2) proviso], the
written down value of any asset shall be the amount which would have been tdken as its written
down value if the assessment had been made directly on the person succeed- , ed to.
[s- 123(1), Explanation 2.--When any capital asset is transferred l"';'t'tlerP'°V}'l5a';;_ by_a
company_to its subsidiary company, then, if the; con-
pam] ditions of section 47(u1) [section 12B(1), 2nd proviso, ear- lier half] are satised, the ..........
..written down value ....... .. of the transferred capital asset to the subsidiary company shall be taken
to be the same as it would have been if the parent company had continued to hold the capital asset
for the purposes of its business.
E"P1"~ 'me' preciation carried forward under Chapter VI [chapter on half') Aggregation and set off]
shall be deemed to be dep11ecia- tion "actually allowed". 7 , ' n of 1922.
2 of 1886.
135 .
Clauses 43-47 Buildings provided by the assessee for the residential section 43 accommodation of
his employees engaged in the business, Residences of profession or vocation, where the occupation
by the em-- mP1°Y¢¢s- ployees of such building is subservient to and necessary for [New] the
performance of their duties, shall, for the purposes of computation of income chargeable under the
head "Prots and gains of business, profession or vocation", be deemed to be buildings occupied by
the assessee for the purposes of his business, profession or vocation.
Insurance business Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in S°°ti°n '44.. the
provisions of this Act relating to the computation of income chargeable under the head "Interest on
securities". ' d_ "Income from house property" or "Income from other-sour- §'c'hfe%1Zl)e 23¢ ces",
or in section 207 [18(5), main para, part regarding 9_] ' credit for tax deducted at source] or in
sections 28 to 43 [all earlier sections regarding Prots and gains of busi- ness], the prots and gains of
any business of insurance, including any such business carried on by a mutual insu- rance
association or by a co-operative society, shall be com- puted in accordance with the provisions of the
First Sche- dule [Schedule, Rules 1 to 8].
E--Ca.pital gains .... ........Any prots or gains arising from the sale-, ex- section 45 change,
relinquishment or transfer of a capital asset effect- Capital gains ed in the previous year shall, save
as otherwise provided [5, :2 B (1) in sections 55 and 56 [12B(4)] be chargeable to income-tax maigl
para under the head 'Capital gains'. °a"l'" Pa"-1 The income chargeable to income-tax under the
head yef. "Capital gains" shall be deemed to be the income of the [3 mm ) previous year in which the
sale, exchange, relinquishment m',,-,, P3,; or transfer took place. ' latter part] For the purposes of
section 45 [12B'(1) main para], the Section ,47 following shall not be treated as a sale,--e:cchange,
relinqui- T"'""°"°"' shment or transfer of capital assets-- :f§a_f§§;:i°di
(i) any distribution of capital assets on the total or [8- 123(1) partial partition of a Hindu undivided
family; I',:"!;t'] P"°"'
(ii) any trnsfer of a capital asset under a .... .. gift .... .-l:Ps1:dIV2.Bp(aIl)'E.5st or W'1 ;
(iii) any transfer of a cap1tal asset bv a company to its §?,o'5.B£L)."i§L, subsidiary company if-- A
(a) the parent company or its nominees hold the whole of the share capital of the subsidiary corn-
pany, and
(b) the subsidiary company is an Indian company and is a resident. ' Section 48.
Mode of com-
[s. _x2B(2), opening lines.] [s. 12B(2) (i)] [s. 12B(2) (ii) pa:-L] Section 49.
[s. 12 B(2)
3si'd part.] Clauses 48-50 The income chargeable under the head "Capital gains" shall be computed
by deductin from the full value of the consideration for which the sa e, exchange, relinquishment or
transfer of the capital asset is made, the following amounts, namely--
(i) expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively in connection with such sale, exchange, relinquish-
ment or transfer;
(ii) the statutory cost of the capital asset, as determin- ed in accordance with the provisions
hereinafter contained .......... ..
Where the capital asset became the property of f the assessee by any of the following modes, the
statutorycost of the asset shall be determined. in accordance with ; the provisions of sections 50 and
51 [next two sections follow- ing, dealing with determination of statutory cost]-
(ii) on any 'distribution of capital assets on the total or partial partition of a Hindu undivided family;
(b) on any distribution of capital asset on the dissolu- tion of a firm or other association of persons;
(d) under a transfer on revocable or irrevocable trust. The statutory cost of an asset shall be
determined as follows-
(1) Where the cavital asset became the property of the assessee by any of the modes specified' in
section 49(1) [clause (i) of section for statdtory cost with reference to modes of acquisition], the
statutory cost of the asset shall be----
(a) the cost of acquisition of the hsset to the ses- see ....... .., as increased by the cost of any; im-
provements made thereto, incurred and bornk by the assessee; or '
(b) where the capital asset became the proper? of the assessee .......... .. before the 1st day of fann-
ary, 1954, then, at the option of the assessee, the fair market value of the asset on the 1st day of
January, 1954, as increased by the cost of any improvements made thereto on or after the 1st day of
January, 1954;", incurred and borne by, the assessee. ' i Clause 50 (2) Where the capital asset
became the property of[s-_ 1213(3), the assessee by the mode specied in section 49 (ii) [clause '"31?
(ii) of section re: statutory cost with reference to modes 52:3' half' of acquisition], the statutory cost
of the asset shall be de- ' termined as follows-
(i) where the capital asset became the property of the [s. 1213 (3), assessee before the 1st day of
April, 1956, the sta- Prov. (i), tutory cost of the asset shall be the highest of the Pa"-3 following--
(a) the cost of acquisition of the asset to the previ- [s. 123(3). ous owner thereof,.as increased by the
cost of mail} para, any improvements made thereto after its ' acqui- °""{'°' ha": sition by the previous
owner or the assessee, in- at] curred and borne by the previous owner or the assessee, as the case
may be; or
(b) .......... ..the fair market value of the .... ..asset on [s. 12B (3), the date on which it became the
property of the pr0V- (i), assessee ................ .., as increased by the cost of p""] any improvements
made thereto after its acqui- sition by the assessee, incurred and borne by the assessee; or
(c) where the capital asset became the property of[s. In B (2), the previous owner .... ..before the 1st
day of 3rd Prov- January, 1954, the fair market value of the as- Pm] set on the 1st day of January,
1954, as increased by the cost of any improvements made thereto on or after the 1st day of January,
1954, by the previous owner or the assessee, incurred and borne by the previous owner or the
assessee, as the case may be;
(ii) where the capital asset became the property of[S- 113 __(3) the assessee on or after the 1st day of
April, 1956, pmvis-° ("H .......... ..the statutory cost of the asset shall be the fair market value of the
asset on the date of the partition. as increased by the cost of any improve- ments made thereto on or
after the date of the par- tition, incurred and borne by the assessee.
(3) Where the capital asset became the property of the assessee by any of the modes specied in
section 49
(iii) [clause (iii) of section regarding statutory cost with reference to mode of acquisition], the
statutory cost of the asset shall be determined as follows :-- [S m B ( )
(i) where the capital asset became the propert of sP""2'§ the assessee before the 1st day of April,
19%, its (3),' ;,,a;,, statutory cost shall be determined in accordance para, earlier with the provisions
of clause (i) of sub-section (2); B98;
(ii) where the capital ass t beca e: the property of PM/i0 (1'). the assessee on or aft the 1s iay of April
1956, Pm] the statutory cost of the. ets pl be--
Clauses 50-51 [,_ ,2}; (3), (a) the cost of acquisition of the asset to the previ- main para, ous owner
thereof, as increased by the cost of earlier half: any improvements made thereto after its acqui- part]
sition by the previous owner or the assessee, in-
curred and borne by the previous owner or the assessee, as the case may be; or [s. 12B (2), (b) where
the asset became the property of the 1072- 3rd prov. vious owner before the 1st day of January,
1954, P""-] then, at the option of the assessee, the fair mar-
ket value of the asset on the 1st day of January, 1954, as increased by the cost of any improve- ments
made thereto on or after the 1st day of January, 1954, by the previous owner or the as- sessee,
incurred and borne by the previous own- er or the assessee, as the case may be.
(4) Where the capital asset became the property of the assessee, whether before or after the 1st day
of Janu- ary, 1954, by any of the modes specied in section 49 (iv) [clause (iv) of section re : statutory
cost and mode of ac- quisition], the statutory cost of the capital asset shall be-
[S_ ,2 B (3), (a) the cost of acquisition of theasset to the previous main para. owner thereof, as
increased by the cost of any im- ;=;1t1]6r half» provements made thereto after its acquisition by the
previous owner or the assessee, incurred and borne by the previous owner or the assessee, as the
case may be; or [5, ,2 B (2), (b) where the asset became the property of the previ- " 3rd prov. ous
owner before the 1st day of January, 1954, Pm] then, at the option of the assessee, the fair market
value of the asset on the 1st day of January, 1954, as increased by the cost of any improvements
made thereto on or after the 1st day of January, 1954, by the previous owner or the assessee, incur-
red and borne by the previous owner or ie as- sessee, as the case may be.
[s- _!'-'B (3), E:cplanation.--Where the cost of acquisition of a capi- halljraa tal asset to the previous
owner cannot be ascertained, the fair market value on the date on which the capital asset became
the property of the previous owner shall be=deem- ed to be the cost of acquisition thereof to the L
'ous owner for the purposes of this section. J Section 5: Where the capital asset is an asset in respect
of which Special pr0- a deduction on account of depreciation has been obtained :::'"un ' by the
assessee in any previous year either under this Act smuptoryost or under the Indian Income-tax Act,
1922, or any Act re- inthe case of pealecl by that Act, or under executive orders issued when
deprcciable the Indian Income-tam Act, 1886, was in force, the ' i-
? § ' _ l Clauses 51-55 nation of statutory cost] shall be subject to the following ;'o::;gg2
(1) The written down value, as dened in section 42 clause (7) [s. 10(5)], of the asset, as adjusted,
shall dmgovgfg' be taken as the statutory cost of the asset. pm]p ' (2) Where under any provision of
section 50 .... ..[pre- ceding section regarding com utation of statutory 5- ":'1B (:1! cost] the fair
market value 0 the asset on the 1st P"""'°' pa 1 day of January, 1954, is to be taken into account at the
option of the assessee, then, the statutory cost of the asset shall, at the option of the assessee, be the
fair market value of the asset on the said date, as reduced by the amount of depreciation, if any,
allowed to the assessee after the said date, and as adjusted.
.......... ..Where any capital asset was on any previous Section 52 occasion the subject of negotiations
for its sale, exchange, 0P"°" relinquishment or transfer, any option or other money re- ;':c'c",,,cd_
ceived and retained by the assessee in respect of such nego- B (2) tiations shall be deducted from the
cost of acquisition or,[;h'£§',,,,,;,°]' the written down value or the fair market value, as the case may
be, in computing the statutory cost.
The full value of the consideration for the exchange section 53_ of a capital asset referred to in
section 48 [section re: Considera- computation of income] shall be taken to be the fair mar- tion for
ex- ket value, on the date of the exchange, of the asset obtain- °h'"3°' ed by the assessee in
exchange,-* [New]
(a) as increased by the value of any other considera- tion obtained by the assessee, and
(b) as diminished by the value of any consideration, in addition to the capital asset, given by the
asses- see. ' Where the Income-tax Oicer is satised that the con-- Section 54. sideration recited in
any deed of sale, exchange, relin- C_1°ns=d°7a' quishment or transfer of a capital asset is low and
that it "°" f°' 531°' was so recited with the object of avoidance or reduction §'c°{mine§°; of the
liability of the assessee under section 45 [section 's of re: chargeability], the full value of the
consideration I'e-un.erstate- ferred to in section 48 [section re: computation of capital m°3"- -
gains] shall, with the prior approval of the Inspecting As- [s-12 B (2)- sistant Commissioner
................. .., be taken to be the fair "'P'°"-1 market value of the capital asset on the date on which the
sale, exchange, relinquishment or transfer took place.
Notwithstanding anything contained in section 45 [S. %°°'!:"'l gig? 12B(1) main para], where a
capital gain arises from the ,,,:,*:,;[ gymm sale, exchange or transfer of one or more capital assets,"
being buildings or lands appurtenant thereto the income [gm 3 (4) of which is chargeable under the
head i'Income from house (a)';| 10-] Law Com./58. ' ' Section 56.
latter half]
iii)'§a?t] (2)' Clauses 55-57 property", and the full aggregate value of the considera- tion for which
the sale, exchange, or transfer is made does not exceed the sum of twenty-ve thousand rupees, the
capital gain shall not .......... .. be included in the total in- come of the assessee:
Provided that this section shall not apply in any case where the aggregate of the fair market values of
all capi- tal assets, being buildings or lands appurtenant thereto the income of which is chargeable
under the head "Income from house property", owned by the assessee immediately before the sale,
exchange or transfer aforesaid is made, exceeds the sum of rupees fty thousand.
Where a capital gain arises from the sale, exchange, relinquishment or transfer of a capital asset to
which the provisions of section 55 [12B(4) (a)] are not applicable, be- ing buildings or lands
appurtenant thereto the income of which is chargeable under the head 'Income from house
property', which in the two years immediately preceding the date on which the sale, exchange,
relinquishment or transfer took place, was being used by the assesseeor a parent of his mainly for
the purposes of his own or the parent's own residence, and the assessee has within a period of one
year before or after that date purchased a new property for thepurposes of his own residence, then
instead of the capital gain being charged to inconqe-ta.x: as income of the previous year in which the
sale, exch nge, relinquishment or transfer took place, it shall, if the sses- see so elects in writing
before the assessment is mase, be dealt with in accordance with the following provisions of this
section, that is to say,---- I f
(i) if the amount of the capital gain is greater than the cost of the new asset, the difference between
the amount of the capital gain and the cost f the new asset shall be charged under section 45 [ 12B)
(1), main para] as income of the previous year; or
(ii) if the amount of the capital gain is equal to 1 less , than the cost of the new asset, the capital gain
shall not be charged under section 45 [secti 12B (1) main para].
(a) "adjusted", in relation to written down valite or fair market value, means diminished by an loss
deducted or increasediby any prot assessed, nder the provisions of section 32(1) clause (iv) s. 10 (2)
(vii)----part for losses] or section 41(2) [s.g10(2)
(b) "cost of any improvements" means all expenditure of a capital nature incurred in making
any§addi- tions or alterations it) the capital asset, but does I determination of Clauses 57----59 not
include any_ expenditure which is deductible in computing the income chargeable under the head
"Interest on securities", "Income from house property", "Profits and gains of business, profes- sion
or vocation" or "Income from other sources" ,* and "improvements" shall be construed according-
F--Income from other sources Section 58 (1) .......... .. Income .... .. of every kind .......... ..shall1"¢°m
"Om be chargeable to income-tax under the head "Income from °'h"','°"'°°" other sources" if it is not
chargeable to income-tax under [S°°"°""(')] any of the heads specied in section 14, items A to E [Sec-
tion 6, clauses (i) to (iv) and (vi)].
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the genera- lity of the pnovisions of sub-section (1), the
following in- come shall be chargeable to income-tax under the head "In- come from other sources",
namely :--
(ii) income from machinery, plant or furniture belong- H"c°h'i'fc!_ mg to the assessee and let on
hire, if the income gig", I)', Y' is not chargeable to income-tax under the head furniture, "Prots and
gains of business, profession or voca- [New] tion"; '
(iii) where an assessee lets on hire -machinery, plant or Lease of furniture belonging to him and also
buildings, and .""'1'['"3:l the letting of the buildings is inseparable from the }:';°":;';c °°f letting of the
said machinery, plant or furniture, mac 'ncfy the income from such letting of the buildings, if it etc.
is not chargeable to income-tax under the head [New] 'I>rots and gains of business, profession or
(1) For the purposes -of inclusion in the total income 5" °" 59 of an assessee ....... ..any dividend paid
by a company whose.G _ ins "P total income is chargeable to ' income-ital: under this Act °fd' 'd°"d"
shall be the gross amount of the dividend as determined [5-. 5 (2)' under sub-section (2). - 3:', Pan'
(2) Subject to the provisions of sub ection (3), the gross [s.1 (2), amount of the dividend shall be the
a 'nt of"the net divi~ mai Pm:
(i) "Increase" stands for_ t increaqe to be made in the amount of the net divi 'end;
(ii) 'D' stands for the amount of the net dividend; and
(iii) 'R' stands for the average rate of income-tax ap- plicable to the company for the nancial year in
which the dividend is paid, credited or distributed or deemed to have been paid, credited or distri-
buted. The rate is to be expressed as a percentage; for example, where the rate is 25 naya paise 'per
rupee, 'R' stands for the gure 25.
(3) .......... ..When the fund out of which the dividend [S-16(2) has been paid, credited or distributed
or deemed to have P'°""°-3 been paid, credited or distributed includes-
(i) any prots and gains of the company not included in its total income, or
(ii) any income of the company on which income-tax was not payable, or
(iii) any amount attributable to any allowance made in computing the prots and gains of the
company, the increase to be made under sub-section (2) shall be calculated only upon such
proportion of the net dividend as the said fund after deduction of the inclusions enumerated above
bears to the whole of that fund.
Section 60 The income chargeable under the head "Income from Dcductions, other sources" shall be
computed after making the follow- ing deductions, namely:------ _
(i) .......... the case of..,' ....... ..dividends, any reason-
":'t"] 93"' tion to a banker or any other person realising such p ' dividend on behalf of the assessee;
(ii) in the case of income of the nature referred to in [s. 12(3) & section 58(2), clauses (ii) and (iii),
[new sub-sec-
4)j part for tions regarding income from hire of machine; etc. "°"°""] and lease of buildings,
inseparable from mach nery, in the Section regarding chargeability], dedudtions, so far as may be, in
accordance with the provisions of sections 30(a)(ii), 30(c), 31, clauses (i) and (ii), 32(1). clauses (i)
(ii) and (iv), and 36, clause (1) [section 10(2)(iv), (v), (vi) and (vii) portions in- corporated in draft
section for deductions in income from business]. and subject to the provisions of sections 34 and 38
[section 10, provisions incorpo- rated in draft section regarding conditions for de- preciation and
development rebate and partial [s._ 12 (2), user];
$313] Pam (iii) any other expenditure (not being in the nature of capital expenditure) laid out or
expended wholly and exclusively for the purpose of making or earn-
Clauses 61-62 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in Section 61 section 60 [Section
regarding deductions for income from Amounts not other sources], the following amounts shall not
be deduc- deductible. tible in computing the income chargeable under the head "Income from other
sources", name1y:----
(ii) any interest chargeable under this Act which is payable outside India (not being interest on a
loan issued for public subscription before the 1st day of April, 1938), ................ ..on which tax has
not been paid or deducted under section 202 or 204 [Sections regarding deductions of tax at
source]. and in respect of which there is no per- 'son in India who may be treated as an agent under
section 173[section 43];
(iii) any payment which is chargeable under the head "Salaries", if it is payable without India, unless
tax has been paid thereon on assessment or de- ducted therefrom under section 201 [18(2)] or
recovered under section 209 [18(7)];
(b) in the case of a company, any expenditure or allow-- [S- I2 (5) ance of the nature referred to in
section 40, clause Pi'; S '°"*"
(c) [section 10(4A)(a) and"(b)], notwithstanding [Ix] ' '° that the amount thereof is included in the
total in- ' come of any person referred to in section 40(c)(i) [10(4A) (a)]-
(1) The provisions of section 41(1) [Section 10(2A)] S'=°,*i°n 52 shall apply, so far as may be, in
computing the income of Prqts an assessee under section 58 [main section regarding charge--
Clmgeabk ability of Income from other sources], as they apply in '° 'a''' computing the income of an
assessee under the head [5, 1, (5) "Prots and gains of business, profession or vocation". pan.) (2)
When_any buildings, machinery, plant or furniture [s. 12 (3) & to which section 58(2). clauses (ii)
and (iii) [sub-sections (4) part for regarding income from hire of machinery etc. and lease P'°'"-1 of
building, inseparable from machinery, in the section re- garding chargeability] apply are sold,
discarded, demolished or destroyed, the provisiqns of section 41(2) [Section 10(2)
(vii), 2nd and 4th provisos, so far as they deal with prots] shall apply, so far as may be, in computing
the income of an assessee under section 58 [Section regarding chargeability of income from other
sources] as they apply in computing the income of an assessee under the head "Profits and gains ~
of business, profession or vocation".
mam para, latter half.] S¢°'i°" 55 (1) The provisions of section 64 [S. 16(1)(c), main para, Trrevocable
latter half] shall not apply to any income- transfers.
[3- I5 (I)_ (C), (a) arising to any person by virtue of a transfer which is not revocable for a period
exceeding six years or during the lifetime of the transferee, or, in the case of a transfer by way of
trust, during the life- t'ime of the beneciary, and
(b) from which income the transferor derives no direct or indirect benet.
,lS- 16(1) (C) (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section 13a'ftler]1:;',',1']'S° (1), all
income arising to any person by virtue of a transfer ' shall be chargeable to income-tax as the income
09' the transferor as and when the power to revoke the transfer arises, and shall then be included in
histotal income.
s°°"'?'f 66 For the purposes of sections 63, 64 and (55 [section 16 D°"'"°"3- (1)(c), main para and 3rd
proviso] and of this sect1on,--~ E1' (a) ......... ..a transfer shall be deemed to be revocable
(i) it contains any provision for the retransfer direct- ly or indirectly of the income or assets to the
.......... ..transferrn:, or 1
(ii) it, in any way, gives the transferor a right to reassume power directly or indirectly ovet the S 6
income or assets; § Eta' (12) "transfer" includes any settlement, trust, covenant, parI.] agreement or
arrangement. ' Section 67 In computing the total income of any individual, being Husband, a male,
there shall be included all such income as arises Wifc and directly or indirectly-
mmor chi -
ten. (i) to his wife from the membership of the wife in a [S- *5 (3)-1 rm in which such individual is a
(ii) to a minor child of such individual from the a is- sion of the minor to.' the benets of partne hip in
a rm in which sucll individual is a partner, Clauses 67-69
(iii) to his wife from assets transerred directly or in- directly to the wife by such individual otherwise
than for adequate consideration or in connection with an agreement to live apart .......... ..
(iv) to a minor child, not being a married daughter, of , such individual from assets transferred
directly or indirectly to the minor child by such individual otherwise than for adequate
consideration; or
(v) .......... any person or association of persons .... .. .... ..from assets transferred-otherwise than
for ade- quate consideration to the person or association by such individual for the benet of his wife,
or a minor child (not being a married daughter), or both.
(a) any interest, salary, commission or other remunera- [5 (,) (1,) tion paid to any partner in respect
of the previous main para.] year shall be deducted from the total income of ' - the firm, and the
balance ascertained and appor- tioned among the paiftners; '
(b) where the amount apportioned_ to the partner under clause (a) is a prot, any salaryl, interest,
commission or other remuneration paid to the partner by the rm in respect of thegprevious year
shall be added to that' amount, and the result shall be treated as the partner's share in the income of
the rm;
(c) where the amount apportioned to the partner under clause (a) is a loss, any salary, interest,
commission or other remuneration paid tb the partner by the rm in respect of the previous year
shall be ad-- justed against that amount, and the result shall be tireated as the partnefs sharein the
income of the rm. 2 3 Clauses 69-_73 [New] (2) A partner's share in the income of the rm, as .
computed under sub-section (1), shall, for the purposes of assessment, be apportioned under the
various heads of in- come in the proportion which the income of the rm under each head bears to
the total income of the rm.
[New] (3) Any interest paid by a partner on capital borrowed for the purposes of investment as his
capital in the rm shall, in computing his income chargeable under the head "Prots and gains of
business, profession or vocation" in respect of his share in the income of the rm, be deducted from
the share, but no other deduction shall be allowed in respect of the said share.
[S- 16(1) (b) (4) If a part'ner's share in the income of the rm, as P'°'"5°-1 computed under this
section, is a loss, such loss may be set off, or carried forward and set o, in accordance with the
provisions of this Chapter.
[NEW] Explanation.--In this section, "paid" has the same mean- ing as is assigned to it in section
42, clause (2) [s. 10(5)]. Se°"°" 7°. Where any sum is found credited in the books of an Cash °'°d"3-
assessee maintained for any previous year, and the assessee [New] offers no explanation about the
nature and source thereof or the explanation offered by him is not satisfactory, the sum so credited
shall be deemed to be the income of the assessee and shall be chargeable to income-tax as the in-
come of that previous year.
S°°'i°" 7} Where in the nancial year immediately preceding the U'1"P'a'"°d assessment year the
assessee has made investments which I""°5'"'°"'s' are not recorded in the books of account
maintained by him [NW] for any source of income, and the assessee offers no expla- nation about
the nature and ;ource of the investments or the explanation offered by him is not accepted by the In-
come-tax Oicer, the value of the investments shall be deem- ed to be income of the assessee of such
nancial year. Section 72 Set o', or carry forward and set off Set-off ofloss Save as otherwise provided
in this Act, where the net from one bu- result for any assessment year in respect of any business,
;'"°53 '° 111°" profession or vocation carri d on by the assessee, computed mm a"°' Cr' under the head
"Prots and gains of business, profession or [NW] vocation", is a loss, the assessee shall be entitled to
have the amount of such loss set of against the prots and gains assessable for that assessment year
from any other business, profession or vocation under .the said head of in- come. ' . Section 73
Scmqonoss (1) Where in respect of any assessment year the net from one head' result of the
computation under any of the heads of income to another. mentioned in section 14 [6] other than
"Capital gains" is [3, ,4 M, a loss to the assessee, the assessee shall, subject to the other main para.]
provisions of this Chapter, be entitled to have the amount Clauses 73-74 of such loss set off against
his income assessable for that assessment year under any other head ................ .. except "Capital
(2) Where for any assessment year the net result of Carry for- the computation under the head
"Profits and gains of busi- ;"§"}§"d. 5°' ness, profession or vocation" is a loss 110 the assessee, not
105;; "me" being a loss sustained in a speculation business, and such loss has not been wholly set off
in accordance with the pro- visions of sub-section (1), so .much of the loss as is not so pm] set off or
the whole loss where the assessee had no income ' under any other head, shall, subject to the other
provisions of this Chapter, be carried forward to the following assess- ment year, and
.......................... ..
(i) .......... shall be set off against the prots and gains, if any, of any business, profession or voca-
tion carried on by him and assessable for that assess- ment year, provided that the business,
profession or vocation for which the loss was originally computed continued to be carried on by him
in the previous year relevant for that assessment year; and
(ii) if the loss ........ .._..cannot be wholly so set off, the amount of loss not so set o shall be carried
forward to the following assessment year and so on.
(3) Where any allowance or part thereof is under sub- 24b (9)» section (2) of section 32 [section
regarding depreciation] or ,n3";f Bop sub-section (4) of section 35 [Section regarding scientic (xiv)
2nd research expenditure] to be carried forward, effect shall Pl'0V.(f)part.] rst be given to the
provisions of sub-section (2).
(4) ....... ..No loss shall be ....... ..carried forward under [s-,'-'4 (2) this section for more than eight
assessment years i:mme- mam Pa" diately succeeding the assessment year for which the loss part')
was first computed.
_ Section 74.
(1) Any loss computed in respect of a speculation busi- Lomsin sPe_ ness carried on by the assessee,
shall not be set 033' except culmion bug- against prots and gains, if any, of another speculation busi-
ness. ness. [s. 2 (1), 1st . prov.
(2) Where for any assessment year any loss computed [5, 34 (2), in respect of a speculation business
has not been wholly set may Para off under sub-section (1), so much of the loss as is not so P"*"'-1
set off or the whole loss where the assessee had no income from any other speculation business,
shall, subject to the other provisions of this Chapter, be carried forward to the following assessment
year, and------
(i) ............. shall be set off against the prots and gains, if any, of any speculation business carried
on by him assessable for that assessment year; and
(ii) if the loss cannot be wholly so set off, the amount of loss not so set 01)' shall be carried forward
to the following assessment year and iso on.
Clauses 74-77 §','°.f b)(;,?,',., (3_') In respect of allowance on account of depreciation or and s. 10 (2)
capital expenditure on scientic research, the provisions of (XIV), 2nd sub-section (3) of section 73
[preceding section regarding set I})';':;'-]' (9 off etc. in non-speculation business] shall apply in
relation to ' speculation business as they apply in relation to any other business. .
5- 24 (2), (4) No loss shall be carried forward under this section mi" Pam' for more than eight
assessment years immediately succeed-
pam] ing the assessment year or -which the loss was first com- puted.
Scction 75 (1) Where in the previous year relevant for any assess-
Losses under ment year the assessee sustains a loss under the head "Capi- g .t [had tal gains", the
assessee shall, subject to the other provisions gai:f,',_a of this Chapter, be entitled to have the
amount 0 such loss set off against his other income assessable for t at as- [5- '*'4('*'A)] sessment
year under the head "Capital gains".
[S- 24 (2B), (2) Where in respect of any assessment year the net Pa"-1 result of the computation
under the head "Capital . gains" . is a loss to the assessee, suchloss shall, subject to the other
provisions of this Chapter, be carried forward to the ol1ow- ing assessment year and set off against
capital gains assess- able for that assessment year, and if it cannot be so set off, the amount thereof
not so set off shall be carried forward to the following assessment year and so on .... ..: ' Provided
that where the loss computed in respect of any assessee, not being a company, for any assessme year
does not exceed ve thousand rupees, it shall not car- ried forward under this sub--section.
[5, 24 (23) (3) .......... ..No .......... ..loss shall be carried fdrward Parr.) under sub-section (2) for more
than eight assessmen years immediately succeeding the assessment year for wh' h the loss was first
computed. i Section 6. _ _ 5 Losses of:C_ (1) _. ......... ..Where the assessee IS a registered rm, any
g;,t¢,cd rms. loss which cannot be set off against other mcome..., ....... .. of the firm shall be
apportioned between the partners of [$034 ('Hfd the rm and they alone shall be entitled to have the
ount laiso' a er of the loss set off under sections 73(1), 74(1) and 75i1) [24 (1)1. , [s. 24(2) (2) Nothing
.......... ..conta.ined in section 73(2), 74(2) or Pr0Yis° (0), 75(2) [s. 24(2) main para and 24(2B)] shall
entitle any as-
e3'1'°' Pa" sessee, being a registered rm, to have carried forward and _ set off its loss .......... ..under
the provisions of section 73(2) :'=°"°" :7 or 74(2) [24(2) main para] or section 75(2) [24(2B)]£
OSSCS 0 xgnregistercd In the case. of an unregistered rm .......... ..assessed as'? under the provisions
of section 190(b) [23(5)(b)] in res-
,mf[,_24(,) pect of any assessment yeai-,2 its losses for that assessirient Proviso (d).] year shall be
dealt with as if git: were a registered rm:
Clauses 78--82 (1) ....... ..Where the assessee is an unregistered rm S°°"°" 78 which has not been
assessed as a registered rm under L°"°'.°f d the provisions of section 190(b) [23(5)(b)] any ..........
..1ossg,',;',3:§;'}:§ of the rm shall be set off only against the income ....... .. partners. of the rm. [3, ,4")
ma . V 0, (2) .......... ..Where the assesse is a partner of an unregis- 331;: ham tered rm which has not
been assessed as a registered rm under the provisions of section 190(b) [s. 23(5)(b)] and his share in
the income of the rm is a loss,-
(a) such loss shall not be set off under the provisions [New] of section 73(1), 74(1), or 75(1) [Sec.
(b) nothing contained in sectio_n 73(2) or 74(2) [Sec. 24 [§-o94(:)Ec) (2) main para] or section.
75(2) [s. 24(2B)] shall ;;"§',',,an'.'1 entitle the assessee to have carried forward and set not)' against
his crwn income such loss.
( 1) Where a change has occurred in the constitution of S°°"°" 79 a rm, nothing in this Chapter shall
be deemed to entitle 5¢'°'T°f the rm to have set off so much of the loss pro-, c°f';:° portionate to the
share of a retired or deceased partner com-- conitition puted in accordance with the provisions of
section 69 [clause of firms or on
(b) of sub-section (1) of section 16] as exceeds his share of SU°°=5Si°n- prots, if any, of the previous
year in the rm, or to entitle [s_.24(2), Pro- any partner to the benet of any portion of the said loss
'"50 ('N which is not apportionable to him under section 69 [sec- tion 16(1)(b)].
( 2) Where any person carrying _on any business, profes- sion or vocation has been succeeded in
such capacity by another person otherwise than by inheritance, nothing in this Chapter shall be
deemed to entitle any person other E than the person incurring the loss to have it set off against , his
income ................ ..
Notwithstanding anything contained in this Chapter, no Scc|§on80 loss which has not been
determined in pursuance of a re- su ' 'on turn led under the provisions of section 143 [22] shall be of
Eturn for carried forward and set of under section 73(2) or 74(2)1°'-"t- [24(2)] or section 75(2)
[24(2B)]. -- [s- ap<2A).
Income-tax shall not be pxtyable by an assessee in res- section 31 pect _of such portion, if any, the
med income inc1u- Earicd in- ded in his total income as 1S directed by the annual Cen- conic.
-tral Act xing the rate or rates of income-tax for any as- [8- I5A»°=1'1i-
sessment year to be deducted in making an assessment for °' """'] that year .................................. ..
rative socie-
Marketing Society.
Newly estab-
lished indu-
strial under-
(ii) in respect of interest and dividends derived from its investments with any other co-operative
in respect of any income derived from the letting of godowns or warehouses for storage, processing
or facilitating the marketing of commodities;
(iv) in respect of any interest on securities chargeable under section 18 [8] or any income from
property chargeable under section 22 [9], Where the total income of such society does not exceed
twenty thousand rupees and the society is not a housing society or an urban consumer's society or a
society carrying on transport business.
(2) For the purposes of this section an "urban consu- mers' co-operative society" means a society for
the benet of consumers within the limits of a municipal corporation, municipality, municipal
committee, notied area committee, town area 01 cantonment.
(ii) a co-operative society carrying on insurance busi- ness in respect of the prots and gains of that
business computed in accordance with section 44 [Rule 9 of the Schedule].
Income-tax shall not be payable by an assessee, which is an authority constituted under any law for
the time be- ing in force for the marketing of commodities, in respect of any income derived from
the letting of godowns or ware- houses for storage, processing or facilitating the marketing of
(1) Save as otherwise hereinafter provided, income- tax shall not be payable by an assessee on so
much of the prots or gains derived from any industrial undertaking to which this section applies as
do not exceed six per cent.
computed in accordance with such rules as may be made in this behalf by the Central Board of
(2) This section applies to any industrial undertaking which fulls all the following conditions,
(ii) it is not formed by the transfer to'a new business of building, machinery or plant used in a
business which was being carried on before the 1st day of April, 1948;
(iii) it has begun or begins to manufacture or produce articles in any part of India at any time within
a period of thirteen years from the 1st day of April, 1948, or such further period as the Central Gov-
ernment may, by notication in the Ofcial Gazette, specify with reference to any particular industrial
(iv) it hmploys ten or more workers in a manufactur- ing process carried on with the aid of power, or
employs twenty or more workers in a manufac- turing process carried on without the aid of power.
(3) .......... ..The Central Government may, by noti- [M5 c (2), cation in the Oicial Gazette, direct that
the exemption proviso.) conferred by this section shall not apply to any particular industrial
(4) The prots or gains of an industrial undertaking [S-I5 C-'(3)l - to which this section applies shall
be computed in accor- dgiace with the provisions of sections 28 to 43 [Section 1 .
(5) Nothing in this section shall aect the application [:45 c(_=,)1 of sections 113 to 120 ....... .. [23A]
in relation t6 the pro- ts or gains of an industrial undertaking to which this sec- tion applies.
(6) The provisions of this section shall apply to the [Ma 0(5)] assessment----
(i) for the assessment year if in the previous year for that assessment year the assessee begins to
manu- facture or produce articles, and
Income-tax shall not be payable by a shareholder in seceiones respect of so much of any dividend id
or deemed to be 1); dud paid to him by an industrial underta ng as is attributable from new; in- to
that part of the_ prots or gains on which inc'ome-taa: 5" ial . is not payable under section 85
[preceding section re: new '["',= '3??? industrial undertakings]. 5' 5 4' Income-tax shall not be
payable by an assessee in res~ Section 37 pact of the following amounts which are included in his
Other in. total 'income---- comes.
(i) ....... ..the interest received on any security of the [5.-8- 2"'! P'°' Central Government_issued on
declared to be in- ""°' come-tax free; ' ' ' ' Clauses 87-88 [New] (ii) the interest received on any
security of a State Government issued income-tax free, the income- [Cf.s.8, 3rd tax whereon shall be
payable by the State Gov-
proviso.] ernment ;
[5-'4") (3)1 (iii) if the assessee is a partner of an unregistered rm, ............. .. any portion of the
assessee's share in the prots and gains of the rm computed in the manner laid down in section 69 [16
(1) (b)] on « Valhlch income-tax has already been paid by the rrn ;
[,_,4 (._,)(aa)] (iv) if the assesse is a partner of a registered firm, the amount which represents the
difference bet- , ween--
(a) the assessee's share in the total income of the rm,'and '
(b) hisshare in such total income as reduced by the income-tax, if any, payable by the rm.
the shares in either case being computed in the manner laid down in section 69 [16(1) (b)]; and (V)
if the assessee is a member of an associatibn of persons, other than a Hindu undivided family. a
company or a rm, .... .; any portion of the amount which he is entitled to- receive from the associa-
tion on which income-tax has already been. paid by the association. 8 CHAPTER VIII _ REBATES
AND RELIEFS X A---Rebate of income-tax.
I!-14(9) (W '''''on (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, the as- life insumnce sessee shall be
entitled to a deduction, from the amount of prcmia, income-tax on his total income with which he is
c arge- annuities and able for any assessment year '0 an amount equal to t e in- fg"";g;'i'é::; come-tax
calculated at the dverage rate of income-1; on fund'; cm the following sums, namely:--- f [s- :7 (2). ft
;'::5'1m] (a) .......... ..where the assessee is an individua any sums paid in the previous year by the
asse ee-
(i) to effect or to keep in force an insurance the life of the assessee or on the life of a Wife or husband
of the assessee ; or
(ii) to eect or to keep in force a contract foria de- ferred annuity on the lig of the assessee gar on the
life of a wife or husband of the assessee ; or
(iii) as a contribution to any provident fund to which 1909' 1925- the Provident Funds Act. 1925,
)1 Clauses 88-89
(b) where the assessee is a Hindu undivided family,... [s_ ,5 (2)] any sums paid in the previous year
by the assessee to effect or to keep in force an insurance %n the life of any male member of the
family or of the wife of any such member; '
(c) ....... ..any sum deducted in the previous year from [s_-, (1), 1,. the salary payable by or on behalf
of the Govern- proviIo.] ment to any individual, being a sum deducted in accordance with the
conditions of his service, for the purpose of securing to him a deferred annuity or making provision
for his Wife or children, in so far as the sum so deducted does not exceed one- fth of the salary; '
(d) if the assessee is an employee participating in a [New] recognised provident fund, his own
contributions to his individual account in the Jund in /the previ- ous year, to the extent provi ed in
section 295 [58F] ;
(e) if the assessee is an employee participating in an [New] approved superannuation fund, any sum
paid in the previous year by him by way of contribution towards the superannuation fund, to the
extent provided in section 311 [58R].
(2) The provisions of clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section [s-I5§(2A)] (1) shall apply only to so much of
any premium or other ' payment made on a policy (other than 'a contract for a deferred annuity) as
is not in excess of? ten per cent. of the actual capital sum assured. = * Eacplanation:-- ....... ..In
calculating any such capital sum, no account shall be taken-- f
(ii) of any benet by wayof bonusor otherwise over and above the sum aqtually assured, which is to be
or may be received under' the policy by any person.
(3)_ The aggregate of the sums in respect of which a[,_,5 (3)1 deduction of income-tax is allowed
under sub-section (1), shall not .......... .. exceed, in the case of an individual, one--fourth of his total
income ......... or eight thousand ' rupees, whichever is less, and in the case of a Hindu undi-
vided family, one-fourth of iits total income or sixtee thousand rupees, whichever is less. ' (1) Subject
to the provisions of this. section, the asses- S°Ctl°P- 39~ see shall be entitled to a deduction from the
amount of Dongtiom for income-tax on his total income with which he is charge- °b"l""b'° able for
any assessment 'year,;_of an _ 1 nt equal to the p"mv_°m' l [s. 1513 (1) main para and 17 (2), part.]
[s.15B (I)2nd 154 _ Clause 89 income-tax calculated at the average rate of income-tax on any sums
paid by him in the previous year as donations to any institution or fund to which this section
(2) No deduction shall be made under sub-section (1) p'°"is°' (3): if the aggregate of the sums paid as
aforesaid by the asses-
[s.15B (1)2nd proviso, (b).] [S-1 53 (3)1 [s.15B (2), main para.] 21 of 1860 1 of 1956 see is less than
two hundred and fty rupees.
(3) No deduction shall be made under sub-section (1) in respect of any sums paid in excess of
one-twentieth of the assessee's total income as reduced by any portion there- of on which
income-tax is not payable under any provi- sion of this Act and by any amount in respect of which a
deduction of income-tax has been granted under the pro- visions of this Chapter, or one hundred
thousand rupees, whichever is less.
(4) The amount of income-tax deductible under this section, together with the amount of super-tax
deductible under section 109 [section 15-B--for super-tax] shall not in any case exceed half the
aggregate of the donations in respect of which the deduction is allowed under this sec- tion.
(5) This section applies to any institution or fund established in India for a charitable purpose which
fulls the following conditions, namely:--'
(i) if the institution or fund derives any income-, such income would not be liable to inclusion in its
total income under the provisions of section 12 (1) to 12 (4) [section 4(3)(i)] or section 12(5) [4(3)
(ii)] or section 11(24) [new provision added in the draft clause for exclusion from total income, Wh'
h re- lates to universities or' other educational i stitu- tions not existing for prot] ;
(ii) the institution or fund is not expressed to be for the benet of any particular religious community;
(iii) the institution or fund maintains regular accounts of its receipts and expenditure; and
(iv) the institution or fund is either constitutedas a public charitable trust or is registered under the
Societies Registration Act, 1860, or under any law corresponding to that Act in force in any part of
India or under section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956, or is a university established by law, or is any
other educational institution recognised by Government or by a university established by law, or
afliated to any university established by law or ....... .. is an institution nanced wholly or in part by
the'Government or, a local authority.
Clauses 89-92 x (6) An institution or fund established for the benet [s.l (2), of scheduled castes,
backward classes, scheduled tribes or Exp n-] of women and children shall not be deemed to be an
insti- tution or fund expressed to be for the benet of a religious <(:ommunity within the meaning of
clause (ii) of sub-section
5). .
B.--Relief for income-tax Where, by reason of any portion of an assessee's sala- Sgctiongo ry being
paid in arrears or in advance, or by reason of his 531,", paid having received in any one nancial year
salary for more for more than than twelve months or a payment which is under the pro- 0116 V68'-
visions of section 17 [sub-section (1) ofsection 7] a perqui- [5-5° (")1 site or a prot in lieu of salary,
his income is'assessed at a rate higher than that at which it would otherwise have been assessed, the
Central Government may grant the ap- propriate relief.
(1) Where by virtue of the provisions of section l3 5°°'_3°" 9'- [section 25(3) part and section 25(4)
part as incorporated in Business 359- the Chapter an exclusion from total income] the income
fffe°dIn;':;: of any business, profession or vacation of any period has tax 'Act,',9,3 not been included
in the total income of the assessee, the [s.25 (3),par assessee may further claim that the income .... .;
.... .. from and*25 (4). that business, profession or vocation of the said period P'"'] shall be taken as
the amount of income from that business, profession or vacation of the previous year immediately
preceding the said period. Where anysuch claim is made, the income-tax payable in respect of the
total income of the previous year immediately preceding the said period shall be determined in
accordance with that claim. and if an amount of incomes-tax has already been paid in respect of that
previous year in excess of the amount payable on the basis of such determination, a refund shall be
given of the excess.
(2) No claim to the relief afforded under sub-section [ms (5)3 (1) shall be entertained unless it is
made before the ex- ' piry of one calendar year from the date on which the busi- ness, profession or
vocation Was discontinued or the suc- cession took place, as the case may be.' CHAPTER IX
DOUBLE TAXATION RELIEF The Central Government may enter into an agree- Section 92 ment"
Agreement with coun-
for the granting of relief in respect of income on ["495] which have been paid; both came-tax
(including super-tax) under this ;Act rncome-tax in that ' country, or ' ' ll--l Law Com.I58
(h) with the Government of any country outside India for the avoidance of double taxation of in-
come ....... .. under this Act and under the corres- ponding law in force in that country; and may, by
notication in the Official Gazette, make such provi- sions as may be necessary for implementing the
(1) If any person who is resident in India in any pre- vious year proves that, in respect of his income
which ac-
with which crues or arises during that previous year without_ India noagreemcnt-(and which is not
deemed to accrue or arise in India), he exists.
Expl.] has paid in any country, with which there is no agreement under section 92 [49A] for the
relief or avoidance oi dou- ble taxation, income-tax, by deduction or otherwise, nder the law in force
in that country, he shall be entity d to the deduction from the Indian income-tax payable by him of a
sum calculated on such doubly taxed income at the Indian rate of tax or the rate of tax of the said
country, whichever is the lower, or at the Indian rate of tax if both the rates are equal. ' ;
(2) If any person who is resident in India in an pre- vious year proves that -in respect of his income
whi h ac- crues or arises to him during' that previous year in akis- tan he has paid in th tlcountry, by
deduction or othe ise, tax payable to the overnment under any law f the time being in force in that
country relating to taxat on of agricultural income, he shall be entitled to a deduction from the
Indian income-tax payable by him-- 3
(a) of the amount of the tax paid in Pakistan llnder any law aforesaid on, such income which is
gliable to tax under this Act also; or i
(b) of a sum calculated on that income at the llndian rate of tax; 1 whichever is less.
(ii) the expression "I 'an rate of tax" me 5 the rate determined by 'viding the amount of dian
income-tax. after deduction' of any relief du un-
der the provisions of this Act but before ded ction of any relief due under this section, by the total V
income; '
(iii) the expression "rate of tax of the said country" means income-tax and super-tax actually paid in
the said country in accordance with the rres- ponding lawsof the id country after deducgbn of all'
relief du but fpre deduction of any ;relief I - I i Clauses 93-96 due in the said country in respect of
double taxa- tio_n, divided by the whole amount of the income asessed in the said country;
(iv) the expression "income-tax" in relation to any coun- try", includes any excess prots tax or
business prots tax charged on the prots by the Govern- ment of any part of that country or a local
autho- rity in that country.
(1) Where any dividend has been paid, credited or dis- S°"f'°" 94 tributed or is deemed to have been
paid, credited or dis- R611" to tributed to a shareholder of a company which has obtain- gzmligzrdgg
ed the relief .......... ..granted under section 92 [49A] or un- as "relief to der the India and Burma
(Income-tax Relief) Order, 1936, share holder. the shareholder shall be deemed in respect of such
divi- [L450] dend himself to have obtained such relief at the rate at 3 which such relief has been
granted in respect of income- tax only to the company for the nancial year preceding the year in
which the dividend was paid, credited or dis- triguteg or is deemed to have been paid, credited or
dis- tri ute .
(2) If the rate at which a shareholder is deemed un- der sub-section (1) to have obtained relief
exceeds the rate at which he would have been entitled to relief had such relief been given direct to
him by or under the said section or Order, any excess shall be recovered from him either as an
addition to the tax payable by him on any assess- ment made on him under sect on 147 or 148 [23]
or section 152 [34] or by setting it oif against any relief due to him under section 247 [48]. '
carried on between a resident and a Och . non-resident, .......... .. and it appears to the Income-tax
',':,';$ Ofcer, that owing to the close conn tion between them, at-esmmn. the course of business is so
arrange that the business transacted between them prgduces ti) the resident either no prots or less
than the or inary prots which mi ht be expected to arise in that business, the Income-tax icer shall
determine the amount of prots .......... .. which may reasonably be deemed to have been? derived
therefrom nd include such amount in the total income of the resi-
ent .......... ..
Explanation.--For the purposes of this section, "non- ~-resident" includes a person who is not
ordinarily resident within the meaning of section 6, clause (6) [4B]. V Samoa 96 (1) Where there is a
transfer of assets by virtue or in Aioidam, of consequence whereof, either alone or in conjunction
with indome-tax associated operations, any income .......... ..becomes payable 1237 transec- to a
non-resident, the following provisions shall apply-- "°''' '°''''"'''' [S- p2 (2)1 l in of ' e to no -residents
[s.4 D (1), part.
[S- 44 D (2).
(b) 158 \ Clause 96 where any person has by means of any such trans-
fer, .......... .. either alone or in conjunction with as-_ sociated operations, acquired any rights -by
virtue .......... ..of which he has. within the meaning of this section, power to enjoy .... ..whether
forthwith or in the future, any income of a non-resident per- son which, if it were -income of the
rst--mentioned person received by him in India, would be charge- able to income-tax, that income
shall, whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income-tax apart from the provisions
of this sec- tion, be deemed to be income of the rst-men- tioned person for all the purposes of this
where, whether before or after any such transfer, .......... .. any such first mentioned person receiv- es
or is entitled to receive .......... .. any capital sum the payment whereof is in any way connected with
the transfer or any associated operations, then any income which, by virtue or in consequence of the
transfer, either alone or in conjunction' with associated operations, has become the income of a
non-resident shall, whether it would or would not have been chargeable to income-tax apart from_
the provisions of this section, be deemed to be the income of the rst-mentioned person for all the
purposes of this Act. .
The provisions of sub-section (1) shall not apply if such first mentioned 'person shows to the
satisfaction of the Income-tax Officer either-
ration had for its purpose or for one of its puifposes the avoidance of liability to taxation; or '
(b) that the transfer and all associated operations? were bona de commercial transactions and were
not designed for the purpose of avoiding liabllijiy to taxation. ;
For the purposes of this section, an "assoéiated operation" means, in relation to any transfer, an
operation of any kind effected by any person in relation to-E
(iii) .......... ..the income arising from any such assets, OI'
(iv) .......... .. any assets representing whether directly or indirectly the accumulations of income
arising from any such assets.
Clause 96 (4) A person shall, for the purposes of this section, be [S_ 4413(5)]- 'deemed _to have
power to enjoy income of a non-resident . . . . . . . . . ..
(e) the income is in fact so dealt with by any person as to be calculated at some point of time and,
whe- ther in the form of income or not, to enure for the benet of the rst-mentioned person, or the
receipt or accrual of the income operates to in- crease the value to such rst-mentioned person of any
assets held by him or 'for his benet, or such rst-mentioned person receives or is entitled to receive at
any time any benet provided or to be provided out pf that income or out of moneys which are or will
be available for the purpose by reason of the effect or successive effects of the as- sociated operations
on that income and assets which represent that income, or such rst-mentioned person has power by
means of the exercise of any power of appointment or power of revocation or otherwise to obtain for
himself, whether with or without the consent of any other person, the benecial enjoyment of the
income, or such rst-mentioned erson is able, in any man- ner whatsoever and W ether directly or
indirectly, to control the application of the income.
(5) _In determining whether a person has power to en- [S-4413(5)] joy income within the meaning
of this. section, regard shall.
- be had to the substantial result and effect of the transfer and any associated operations, and all?
benets which may at any time accrue to such person as a result of the trans- fer and any associated
operations shall be taken into ac- count irrespective of the nature or form of the benets.
.., .... ..'assets' includes propert' or rights of any kind. and .... ..'transfer' in relat on to rights includes
the creation of those rights;
(ii) any other sum paid or payable otherwise than as income, being a sum which is not paid or
payable for full consideration in money or money's worth.. ' ' -
[§'a'§'t4.1D M .
Clauses 96-97 l"44D(7)(d)l (d) references to assets representing any assets. income or
accumulations of income include references to shares in or obligation of any company to which, or
obligation of any other person to whom, those assets, that income or those accumulations are or
have been transferred;
["44D(7)(°)3 (e) any body corporate incorporated outside India shall be treated as if it were a
["'44D(') 5' (f) a person shall be treated as a non-resident if he is mp ""1 not ordinarily resident
within the meaning of sec- tion 6, clause (6).[4B].
[.4413 (3)] (7) The provisions of this section shall apply .......... ..
also in relation to transfers of assets and associated opera- tions carried out before the
commencement of this Act.
[MAD (9)1 (8) Where any person has been charged to income-tax on any income deemed to be his
under the provisions of ' this section, and that income is subsequently received by him, whether as
income or in any other form, it shall not again be deemed to form part of his income for the pur-
poses of this Act.
Section 97 (1) Where the owner of any securities (in this sub- Avoidance of section and in
sub-sections (2) and (3) referred to as "the baangzzj owner") sells or transfers those securities, and
.... ..', ...... .. mm, in Sew buys back or re-acquires the securities, then, if thegresult mics, of the
transaction is that any interest becoming payable in respect of the securities is receivable otherwise?
than [344 E(I)] by the owner, the interest payable as aforesaid shall whe- ther it would or would not
have been chargeable to i ome- tax apart from the provisions of this sub-section, be eem- ed. for all
the purposes of this'Act, to be income 0 the owner and not to be the income of any other person;
[,_4_1E(,)] . (2) The references in sub-section (1) to buying back -A or re-acquiring the securities
shall be. demed to include references to buying or acquiring similar securitie' so however, that
where. similar; securities are bought r ac- quired, the owner shall be under no greater liabilit to
income-tax than he would have been under if the o 'ginal .
[S-4413(1) & (3) Where any person .......... .. has had at any I time ""m;'§l4F during any previous year
any benecial interest in} any Pam] securities, and the result of any transaction relating to such
securities or the income thereof is that, in resp ct of such securities, within such year, either no
income ;is re- ceived by him or the incomereceived by him is less than the sum to which the income
would have amounted if the income from such securities had accrued from day to day and been
apportioned accor, ' 'gly, then the incomeifrom such securities for su¢h year all be deemed to be t in-
come of such person..§ ' considers necessary for the Clause 97 (4) .......... ..The provision of)
sub-section (1) or sub- [s.44p() section (3) shall not apply if has had a benecial interest in the
securities, as the case may be, proves to the satisfaction of the Income-tax Offi- cer-
(b) that the avoidance of income-tax ....... .. was excep- tiona1'and not systematic and that there was
not in his case in any of the three preceding years any .......... ..avoidance of a
trans- action of the nature referred to in sub-section (1) or sub--section (3).
(5) Where any person carrying on a business which consists wholly or partly in dealing in securities
bugs or acquires any securities, and .......... ..sells back or 're-t'rans- fers the securities, then. if the
result of the transaction is that interest becoming payable in re$ect of the securities is receivable by
him, no account shall be taken of the transaction in computing for any of the purposes of this Act the
prots arising from or loss sustained in the business. ' (6) Sub-section (5) shall_ have effect, subject
to any necessary modications, as if references to selling back or re-transferring the securities
included references to selling or transferring similar securi;ties_- ' (7) The Income-tax Ofder may by
require any person to furnish him vjrithin such time he may direct (not being les than
tiventy-eightdays), in respect of all securities of W ch such iperson was the owner or in which he had
a benecial interest at any time during the period specied in the notice, Sileh particulars as he
urposes of this section and for the purpose of discove ng whdther income-taar: has been borne in
respect of the intere$ 'on all those securi- ties .......... .. i ' notice in writing (8) For the purpose of
sectian_.---.- ('a)' .......... ..'interest' includes a ividend;
(c) securities shall be deemed to be similar if they entitle their holders to the "same rights against .
the same persons as to capital and interest and the same. remedies for the enforciement of those
rights', notwithstanding anydierendte in the total nominal amounts of the resptive s_ urities or in
the form in which they are id or' gas-manner in which they can be transfe ed. a i ' . e owner, or the
person who proviso.
as csagier »---.~.. 4.
I-E44 13(5)] .
[s. 55, main para.] [New] [s.55, 1:! prov.] Section 99 Total income for super-tax, [s. 56.] Section 100
Business, pro-
[New] Clauses 98-101 CHAPTER XI SUPER-TAX A--Principal provisions (1) In addition to the
income-tax charged for any assessment year, and save as otherwise provided in this Act, there shall
be charged, levied and paid for that as- sessment year in respect of the total income of the previ- ous
year or previous years, as the case may be, of every person, not being a registered rm ......... ..;.an
additional duty of income-tax (in this Act referred to as super-tax) at the rate or rates laid down for
that assessment year by any Central Act:
Provided that where by virtue of any provision of this Act super-tar is to be charged in respect of the
income of a period other than the previous year, super-tax shall be charged accordingly.
(2) In respect of income chargeable under sub--section (1), super-tax shall be deducted at the source
or paid in advance, where it is so deductible or payable under any provision of this Act.
(3) .......... ..In the case of a registered rm, or an un- registered rm which has been assessed in the
manner ap- plicable to a registered rm under the provisions of sec- tion 190 (b) [s. 23(5) (b)], su
er-tax shall be payablo by each partner of the rm indi dually on his share in the income...- ....... ..of
the rm and not by the rm itself.
.... ..Subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the :total income of any person shall, for the purposes
of super}-tax, be the total income as assessed .......... ..for the purposes of income-tax, and where an
assessment of total incomdl has become nal and conclusive for the purposes of income-tax for any
assessment year, the assessment shall also be nal and conclusive for the purposes of super-tax for
the same assessment year. 1 The provisions of sections 13 and 91 [25(3) whole: and (4) whole] shall
not apply to the determination of the total income for the purposes of super-tax except where the'
ro- -
ts and gains of the business, rofession or vocation' assesed to super-tax for the st time either for th
sessment year 1920-1921 or for the assessment year 1922.
Where and in so far as the total income of an assessee includes any interest on securities or: which
no incom tax is payable under section 8'7(i) or section 8 (ii) [section 8 Provisos 2 and 3], the -
follow- ing amounts shall be deducted in computing his total in- come for the purposes of super-tax,
namely :~--
(i) any reasonable sum expended by the assessee jor the purpose ofrealising interest on such securi-
ties; . "1 ' ' ere BS-
(ii) any interest payable on money borrowed for the purpose of investment in such securities by the
as- sessee.
(1) -All» the provisions of this Act relating to the charge Section 102 assessment, collection and
recovery of income-tax .... ..sha11 Applicability' apply, so far as may be and save as otherwise
provided, of provisions to the'charge, assessment, collection and recovery of su-t°SuPer-"W per-tax.
[S-58 (P)Parl] (2) Save as expressly provided in any other section in [Scc.58(x), this Chapter, the
provisions of sections 3, 167 174 (a)(i) and Part] (V11)
(ii), 188 and 200 (1) [Section 3, section"19, section 20, and First Proviso to sub--section (1) of
section 41, section 8, 3rd proviso] and of Chapters VII, and VIII and sections 295 and 311, and rule
3(c) (ii) of the First Schedule [chapters relating to income on which no income-tax is payable and
rebate of income-tax] shall not apply to the charge, assess- ment, collection and recovery of
Without prejudice to the generali of the provisions Section I03 of section 99 [section providing that t
e total income for Avoidance of income-tax shall be the total income or super-tax also] super-tax-
the provisions of sections 97(2), 97(3), 7(4), 97(7), and 279 [NW] [44E(2), 44F(3), Proviso and
44E(6)] apply in relation_ to [05 58- 13 super-tax as they apply in relation to income-tax, with an "F
the modication that references therein to income--tax shall be construed as references to super-tax.
B.--Incomes which do not form part of total income for super-tax , .... ..Where the income of an
unregistered rm or other Scct_i-->n I04 association of persons not being a company has been as-
share in un-
sessed to super-tax, .......... ..the share of a partner in the Ifgegisiercd income of the rm or the
amount of such income which ci';'m:'0§"'°' is proportionate to' the share of a member of the associa-
pmms, tion, as the case may be, _shall not be included in his total [s_ 5» "d income for the purposes
of super-tax P,-ov, . . . . Section 105 Any income of a co-operative society, in respect where- Co_ov
mm of no income--tax is payable" by it by virtue of the provi-wcie _ sions of section 82 [14(3), for
"income_-tax], shall not be [S I -(3) for included in its total income for the purposes of super-tax spc
um] Any dividends received by a' member of a co--o erative lsgctgen :6 society from the society shall
not be included in is total ,,;'g~ '(';o_op_ income for the purposes of super-tax. ame mic.
.......... ..Any income derived from the letting of go- [5°°- I4 (4) downs or warehouses for storage,
processing or facilitating f°~'s"P°"'""] the marketing of commodities by an assesse, which is an
5°°'i°".'°7 authority constituted under a y law or the time being Efcbtmg in force for the marketing of
c mmodi as, shall not be-in- [s. :15) for cluded in its total income for. .e pu ties of super-tax.
xupctttam] l ' i Clause 108 Section 108 Dividend, . _(1) Dividends received by a company .......... ..
from an from certain Indian company formed and registered after the 31st 'day of ¢°mP=mi=8-
March, 1952, shall not be included in its total income for the, purposes of super-tax, where-
[S- 55A (Mi) (1) the Central Government is satised that the Indian Pa"-1 company is wholly or
mainly engaged in an indus- try for the manufacture or production of any one ordmore of the items
specified in sub-section (3), an [,,55A(,)(ii)] (ii) the Indian company fulls the following :condi- tions,
namely :-
(a) it is _not formed by the splitting up or recons- truction of business already in existence;;
(b) it is not formed by the transfer to it of building, machinery or plant used in a business whibh was
at any time being carried on; and A
(c) it employs ten or more workers in a manufac- turing process carried on with the aid of ' ower, or
employs twenty or more workers in annanu- facturing process carried on without thelaid of power. ;
\ [5- 55A (2)) (2) The exclusion specied in sub-section (1); shall apply also to dividends payable to a
company in respect of any fresh capital'. raised by an Indian company after the 28th day of
February, 1953, by public subscript n for the purpose of increasing the' production of, or s ing a
separate unit of, any one orjmore of the items spec ed in sub-section (3). = [5, son.' m (3) The items
referred to in sub-sections (1) and (2)
0) Pm-l are the following, namely:-- f (1) Coal, including coke and other derivatives; § (2) Iron and
steel; Q (3) Motor and aviation fuel, kerosene, crude oik and synthetic oils (not being oil
(5) Heavy machinery used in industry including ball and roller bearing and gear wheels and parts
thereof, boilers and steam generating equipment;
(6) Machinery and equipment for the gen ration, transmission and distribution of electric e ergy;
(7) Non-ferrous 'metals including alloys; (8) Paper including newsprint and paper board; (9)
Internal colnbustiongengines; 'I (10) Power-driven pumps?" f § 1 l Clauses 108-111 (11) Automobiles;
(12) Tractors:
(13) Cement:
(15) Locomotives:
(19) Ferro--manganese;
(20) Dye--stuffs:
as specied in the First Schedule to the Industries (Deve- 55 '°Y 1951 lopment and Regulation) Act,
1951. C---Rebate of super-tux. S _ my (1) Where under the provisions of section 39. [1513 for °"":;m
for income-tax] an assessee is entitled to a deduction of income- 3;'1";,a,,,e tax in respect of any sum
paid as donation, he shall also puqiom. be entitled to a deduction, from the_ amount of super-tax
[15]';.fo,,.,p¢, with which he is chargeable on histotal income, of an ta:c,'pan and amount equal to
the super-tax calculated at the aver- S-1l(3).Part-] age rate of super-tax on such sum. . (2) The
provisions of this sectiondo not apply to a [S- .153 (1) company. - V E' !_'""'-1""
[1011 (1) The assessee shall be entitled to a deduction, 'from NT}, ,,,,,,_ the amount of super-tam
with which he is chargeab e on lish d indus-
his total income, of an amount equal to the super-tax cal-g ' undertak-
culated at the average rate of 'super-tatr: on prots or gains '5 15E {or derived from an industrial
undertakmg, in cases where gu-,,,,_,,,x at and to the extent to which inicome-tat ':is'not payable on
s,1 (3),pa|'t.] suc]h profits or gains under section 85 [15C for income- ' tax .
(2) A shareholder shall be .-entitledto a deduction, from the amount of super-tax with which he is
chargeable on his total income, of an amount equal {to the super--taa} cal-_ culated at the average
rate of §super-tctrj on so much of any dividend paid or deemed to he paid to' him by an indus- trial
undertaking as is attributable to itltat part of the pro- ts or gains on which he is entitled to a
deduction of su- per-taa: under this section. 1 z 1 ' Where the assessee is a partner bf a registered rm,
Se¢i°n 1" he shall be entitled to a deduction, from the amount of Share from super-tax with which he
is chnrgeablé on his total income, rceristefed of an amount equal to the suyjer-tax "ll:-ulated at the
aver- '[is"'!'1'4(2)(") age rate of super--ta.7c on the follow» g sum, that is to ',.p,,., rm'. say---
suer-tax, an Proviso the amount which repres ts thedifference between------ an sec. I7
E Clauses 111-114
(ii) his share in the total income of the rm as re- duced by the income-tax, if any, payable by the rm.
at the rate of income-tax applicable to its total income, on the amount of its income from all sources
other than from any business carried on by it ............. ..
the shares in either case being computed in the manner laid down in section 69 [section 16(1) (b)].
Section 112 Renemr sa1_ The provisions of section 90 [Section 69(2)] apply in my received relation
to super--tax as they apply in relation to income- in arrear etc. tax.
}:f',°°' 62532.: D----Additional super-tax on undistributed prots. tax.] section 113 (1) Subject to the
provisions of sub-section (2) and of supemax 0,, sections 114, 115, and 116 [Sec. 23A, su_b-sections
(2), (ti) undistributcd and (9)], where the Income-tax Officer is satised that in income of respect of
any previous year the prots and gains distribu- gggafnics ted as dividends by any company within
the twelveVmon- [Se IE3,' '(D ths immediately following the expiry of that previous part.] year are
less than the statutory percentage of the distri- butable income of the company of that previous year,
.... .. iii;"i£{é5meLi;i$é"oiiicer"§ii},iii"f .....'.'.'.'.I'.':h'.3,1'1l:e a}{""'c§'r}ier iii writing that the
company shall, apart from the surn de- termined as payable by it on the basis of the assessment
under section 147 or 148 [23], be liable to pay super- tax at the 'rate of-- J
(a) fty per cent, in the case of an investment com- pany, and
(b) .......... ..thirty-seven per cent. in the case c any other company, ' = on the undistributed balance
of the total income of the previous year, that is to say, on the distributable income are reduced by
the .......... ..-...dividends actually distributed, 1 any. .
[S- 23A (1) (2) The Income-tax Oiccr shall not make an prder P'""]' under sub-section (1) if he is
satised-- '
(i) that, having regard to the losses incurred by%- the company in earlier years or to the smalln s of
the prots made in the previous year, the~pa ' ent of a dividend or a larger dividend than that dee-
lared would be unreasonable; or
(ii) that the payment of a dividend or a 1arger§divi- dend than that declared would not have resulted
in a benet to the revenue .......... .. . Section 114 , _ special pmvi_ No order under section 113 [s.
23A(1) operative part] gem go, ee,_ shall be made,-- e e 7 $2 °°mpa' (i) in the case of an investment
company which has distributed not less than ninety per cent. of its ts. 23A (2)1 distributable income;
i Clauses 1143117
(ii) in the case bf any other company whose distribu- tion falls short of the statutory percentage by
not more than ve per cent. of its distributable in- come; or
(iii) in any case where according to the return made by a company under section 143 [22] it has dis-
tributed not less than the statutory percentage of its distributable income, but in the assessment
made by the Income-tax Ofcer under section 147 or 148 [23] a higher total income is arrived at and
the difference in the total income does not arise out of the application of section 150(1) Pro-- viso or
section 150(2) [proviso to section 13] or section 148 [sub--section (4) of section 23] or the omission
by the company to disclose its income fully and truly; / unless the company, on receipt of a notice
from the Income-tax Oicer that he proposes to make such an or-
der, fails to make within three months of the receipt of such notice, a further distribution of its prots
and gains so that the total distribution made is not less than the sta-, tutory percentage of the
disributable income.
No order shall be made by the Income-tax Oicer under S°°'i°" "5 section 113 [s. 23A(1) operative
part] unless the previous Approval of approval of the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner .......... ..
....... ..has been obtained, and the Inspecting Assistant Com- Com,,{;,,i°,,_ missioner shall not give
his ap roval to any order proposed er. to be made by the Income-tax fficer until he has given the [S-
23 A (3)-] company.concerned an opportunity of being heard.
Nothing contained in section 113 [s. 23A (1), operative Scction us part] shall apply----- ' Savings for
com any in
(a) to any company in which the public are substantial- 3:' 3" "tb'"_' ly interested; or tially iii';-
(b) to a subsidiary company of such company if the A (QM whole of the share capital of such
subsidiary com- pany has been held by the parent company or by its nominees throughout the
previous year.
(1) For the purposes of ............. .......... .. section 116 'S'°(:;°" 'f7 [23A(9)] a company shall be deemed
to be a company-1nwhi'§P""3;;l: which the public are substantially intcrested-- ' Pub -6 an
(a) if it is a company owned by the Government or in interested." which not less than forty per cent.
of the shares are 123 A held by the Governmmt; Se (a),
Clause 117 1 of 1956 (b) if it is a public company as dened in the Com- panies Act, 1956, and?-
(i) its shares (not being shares entitled to a xed rate of dividend, whether with or without a fur- ther
right to participate in prots) carrying not less than fty per cent. of the voting power have been
allotted unconditionally to, or acquired un- conditionally by, and were throughout the pre- Vious
year benecially held by, the Government or a corporation established by a Central, State or
Provincial Act or the public (not including a company to which the provisions of section 113 [23A(1)
operative part] apply):
[sec. 23 A, Provided that in the case of any such company: as is Elf?-. 1» °1- referred to in clause (ii)
of section 120 [s. 23A, Exp. 2. , this ( H') P'°"'] sub-clause shall apply as if for the words "not less
-- fty per cent." the Words "not less than forty per cent." had been substituted; .
(ii) the said shares were' at any time during the pre- vious year the subject of dealing in
any'recognised stock exchange in India or were freely transferable by the holder to other members
of the public; and
(iii) the affairs of the company or the shares carrying more than fty per cent. of the total voting ower
were at no time duringthe previous year con _ olleda or held by five or less persons .......... ..:
[scc. 23 A, Provided that in the case of any such company' as is l"gI_pl I 01- (b) referred to in clause
(ii)' of section 120 [Sec. 23A E p. 2], (ml P'°"'] this sub-clause shall apply as if for the words "morg
than fty per cent." the words "more than sixty per cent' had been substituted. -
(2) In computing the number of ve or less persons E§;f,',:,,§3,,b',§' aforesaid,-- f )' (a) the
Government or any corporation establis Ad by
(iii) main a Central, State or Provincial Act oracomp y to para, latter which the provisions pf ...... .;.
section '113 [2 A(1), half, part] operative part] do not apply, shall not be aken into account, and g
(b) personsh who are relative? of org: another ger- sons w o are nominea 0 any 0 er person o {e er
with that other persotrshall be treated as alsingle {SW1 ,3 A person.
Exp . 1, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
clausc (b), E.rplanation.--In this sub-section, the expression :"rela- '!!!"°1'*"3° . tive" ............. me ns
husband, wife, lineal ascendant or ("O 1%? descendant, brother gr sisters ' F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . us . . . . . . . . . .., . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:. . . . . ..
. I» I « s Clauses 118-120 For the purposes of sections 113 and 114 [23A (1), sub- Section 118 stantive
part and (2)], "distributable income" means the <<Dig¢.-ibuta-
(a) the amount of income-tax and super-tax payable by the company in respect of its total income,
but excluding the amount of any super-tax payable under section 113 [s. 28A(1) operative part];
(b) the amount of any other tax levied under any law for the time being in force on the company by
the Government or by a local authority in excess of the amount, if any, which has been allowed in
comput» V ing the total income; ............. ..
(c) any sum in respect of which a deduction of income- tax is allowed under the provisions of section
89 [15B]; and
(d) in the case of a banking company, the amount ac- tually transferred to a. reserve fund under
section 17 of the Banking Companies Aet, 1949.
For the purposes of sections 113. 114 and 120, [Sec. 23A, sub-section (1) Operative part, sub-section
(2) and Explana- tion 2], "investment company" means a 9' dmpmzy whose busi- ness consists
wholly or mainly in the dealing in or holding of investments. ' For the purposes of ....... .. ections 113
and 114 [23A(1), substantive part and 23A (')] "statutory percentage" means,------ T 1
(ii) in the case of an In ' company whose business consists wholly in the manuf ture orprocessing of
goods or in mining or in the generat n or dikribution of electri- city or any other form of powqr ........
.................. ..45%.
(iii) in the case of an Indihn com (any, a part only of whose business consists in anylof the ctivities
specied in clause (ii)-- ' 1 '
(b) in relation to the remaining pm of the company's business-- 3 ' (1) if it is a company which sa. ' es
the conditions specied in sub-clause (a) of 1 use (iv) ....... ..90%.
(2) in any other case ............. ....I ................... ..60% the said percentages being applied separately
with reference to the amounts of prots and gains attributable to the business aforesaid respectively
the t 10f the company's 'd amounts were i the companyin blc inccme".
[s. 2 A (1).
10 of194.g.
[New] S. A'.
Clauses 120-122 relation to each of its parts, the amount of divi- dends and taxes also being similarly
apportioned, for the purposes of sections 113 and 118 [s. 23A (1)--part regarding "Distributable
(iv) in the case of any other company not referred to in the preceding clauses.-
(a) where the accumulated prots and reserves (includ- ing the amounts capitalised from the earlier
re- serves) representing accumulations of past prots which have not been the subject of an
orderunder section 113 [s. 23A(1), operative part] exceed the greater of the following, that is to say,--
(i) the paid-up capital of the company exclusive of the capital, if any, created out of its prots and
gains which have not been the subject of an order under section "113 [s. 23A(1), operative part];
Tax on "cw participating in a recognised provident fund is inclu ed in mulated his total income,
owing to the provisions of sectio 296 balance of [s. 58G(2)] not being applicable, the Income-tam er
recognised shall calculate the total of the various sums of income-tax ::gd°"' and super-tax in
accordance with the provisions of section [Neg] 297(1) [s. 58G(3)]_.
(2_) Where the accumulated balance due to an employee participating in a recognised provident
fund which is not included in his total income under the provisions of section 296 [Sec_. 58G(2)],
becomes p gable, super-tax shall cal- culated in the manner provided by section 297(2) [ G(1) latter
half]. '2 f I (1) Where the accumulated balance due to an emgloyee .
. 171 Clause 123 (1) Where the total income of an assessee includes any swim. compensation or other
payment which is chargeable as the Tax prots and gains of a business carried on by the managing
°.°mP°""- agent, manager or other person, as the case may be, under '['s°T'I'o ( A) the provisions-of
section 28(ii), (a), (b), (c) and (d) [10(5A)1a;; gara: opening lines, clauses (a) (b) (c) (cl) and last
para, earlier latter half.] half], the tax payable by him on his total income shall, if he so elects, be-
(i) the income-tax payable on his total income as re- duced by the amount of such compensation or
other payment, at the average rate /of income-tax,
(ii) the super'-tax payable on his total income as re- duced by the amount of such compensation or
other payment, at the average rate of super-tax, and
(iii) the tax on such compensation or other payment at the average -of the average rates of
income-tax and super-tax applicable to his total income for the three assessment years immediately
preceding the assessment year ................ ..
E.7cplanation.--For the purposes of determining the [New] average under clause (iii), the rates of
income-tax and super- tacc applicable for any assessment year preceding the assess- ment year
shall,'where the assessee had been assessed as a registered rm, be the rates applicable for such
assessment year to an unregistered rm having the same total income as that declared by the assessee
for such assessment year.
(i) the income-tax payable 'on his total income as re- duced by the amount of his share in such
compensa- tion or other payment, at the average rate of in- come-tax, '
(ii) the super-tax payable on his total income as reduc- ed by the amount of his share in such
compensation or other payment, at the average rate of super-tax, and '
(iii) the tax on his share in such compensation or other payment at the average of the average rates
of in- come-tax and super-taag appl' le to his total in- come for the three as ssment years
immediately preceding the assessm t year: ~;
12-1 Law. Com/58, 4 ' Clauses 124-125 §>=¢50§ 124- {3} Where a person is a 'rw'a--residem: and is
not a_;com- rax 01;; the pany. _.he_tax .............. .. payable by him or on his be- ;E:';fim_"°"' half on
1115 total income shall be an amount equal to-+-
[s- 37(1) (a) the income-tax which would be payable on his mam para] tatal income at the maximum
rate, plus
(b) either the super-tax which would be payable on his total income at the rate of nineteen per cent.
or the super--tax which would be payable on his total in- come if it were the total income of a
resident, whichever is greater.
E=- I7(I)qst (2) Any nomresidemf, other than a company, may .... .. P"T';"~ °3"""' ........ .. on or
before the 30th day of June of the assess- ?" '1 ment year in which he first becomes asseésable, .....
...... ..
by notice in writing to the Income-tax Ofcer declare §(such declaration being nal and being
applicable to all assess- ments thereafter) that the tax ......................... .. payable by him or on his
behalf on his total income shall be deter- mined with reference to his total world income, and Shere-
upon notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1):, such tax shall be determined in accordance
with sub-gectioil.' (3).
[._ ,7") m (3) Where under the provisions of sub-section (H) or prom, latter under any similar
provision of the Indian Income-tar Act, P3"-If 1922, any non-resident has exercised his option to
beltaxed " ° '9" with reference to his total ugorld income. the tax p gable by him or on his behalf on
His total income shall be an amount bearing to the total amount of tax .......... ..I ...... .. which would
have been payable on his total world i come had it been his total income the same proportion 5 his
total income bears to his total world income.
It :7 (I).2nd (4) .......... ..Where any .......... ..person referred to in """"3 sub-section (1) satises the
Income-tax Officer that he was prevented by sufciept cause' from making the declapmtion referred
to in that sub-section or in any similar pftmision II $1992 of the Indian Income'-tan: A 1922, on the
rst occa'?'gn on which he became assessable nder this Act or the s ' Act as the case may be, and his
failure to make such declration has not resulted in reducing his liability to tax for an' year, the
Income-tax Oicer may, with the previous app): val of the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner. allow
such erson to make the declaration at 3; time after the expiry of the period specified, and such
claration shall have e ct in relation to the assessment for the year in which the clare- tion is made (if
such assesmient had notibeeneco pleted before such declaration} and all assessments there ter.
Section r2:;- Where the total income of an assessee. not I ing a if' company, includes any income
chargeable under t head cmf?,fassCS_ "Capital gains", the tax. ................... .. payable by im on
sesotheg than his total income shall be--
Eim (a) the amount $1' inconjegtax and super-tax payable on panlc (6) .
opegnglincs his total in me as ejzluced by the amount of such Clauses 125-127 inclusion, had the
total income so reduced been his total income, plus [s- *x7 _(6) clause (1) part]
(b) an amount of income-tax determined in accordance [s- 1] (6)(ii)' ' with the following formula,
that is to say---- mm" Pm") YX99, T--2/3CG where-
X stands for the amount of income-tax referred to in the beginning of this cause.
T stands for the total income of theassessee (which in- cludes capital gains), CG stands for the
income chargeable under the head "Capital gains" included in the total income of the ' assessee. and
Y stands for the income-tax which would have been payable on the total income of the assessee as
re- duced by two-thirds of the amount of the income chargeable under the head "Capital gains"
included in his total income. had the total income so reduced been his total income :
(i) ....... .. where the total income does _not exceed the P¥°V °-1 sum of ten thousand rupees, the
amount payable under clause (b) shall be nil; and
(b) exceeds one-half of the amount, if any, by which the income chargeable under the head "Capital
gains" exceeds the sum of ve thousand rupees SC"lOl'I mfi Where the total income of a company
includes any :1?' °;'in:"§;1' income chargeable under the head "Capital gains". the tax case fcom.
payable by it shall be-- paniés.
(a) the amount of income-tam with_'which it is charge- [s. 17(7). able on its total income, and Pa"-l
(b) the amount of super--taa< with which it is charge- able on its total income as reduced by the
amount of such inclusion. had the total: income so reduced been its total income.
CHAPTER XIII ' INCOME-TAX AUTHoR.i'rIEs A{----Appointment and control Scc..ion 127.
There shall be the following classes of Income-tax IncDmc_-'_I'ax authorities for the purposes
offthis Act, 'namely :-- ""'?'°'"'°'-
(d) Assistant Commissioners of Income-tax, who may be either Appellate Assistant Commissioners
of In- come-tax or Inspecting Assistant Commissioners of Income--tax.
(1) The Central Government may appoint as many Di- Section 128. rectors of Inspection,
Commissioners of Income-tax, Appel- APP°""' late or Inspecting Assistant Commissioners of
Income-tar f(')'::,is_m';fI"' and Income-tax Officers of Class 1 Service, as it thinks t...
Authorities, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ..
[$616, 5(IA)' ear ier part, _ . _ _ ' 5695(2), (2.) ................... .. The Commissioner may, sub3ect to
earlier part, the rules and orders of the Central Government regulating and S°°~ the conditions of
service of persons in public services and 39%] mm" posts, appoint as many Income-tax Oicers of
Class II Ser-
1'"'°" P3"-3 (3) Subject to the rules and orders of the Central Gov- ernment regulating the conditions
-of service of persons in [566-5(3A)l public services and posts, an Income--tax authority may ap-
point such executive or ministerial staff as may be neces- sary 1;o assist it in the execution of its
Section 129 (1) Appellate Assistant Commissioners .......... .. shall be g:'c"(:;f;_tax°f under the direct
control of the Central Board of Reve-
Authnrities' nue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[Se_c- 5(4), ~ C8.I'lli' part.] (2) ................ .. Inspecting Assistant Commissioners [Scc. 5 (7) shall be
subordinateto the Director of Inspection, and to (M the Commissioner ................... .. within whose
jurisdiction they perform their functions. . ' (_t,§§c. 5(7) (3) Income-tax Olcers shall be subordinate
to the Di- ll rector of Inspection. the Commissioner .......... .. arid the Inspecting Assistant
Commissioner ............. .. within whose jurisdiction they perform their functions.
[Sec- 5 (5A), (4) Inspectors of Income-tar shall be subordinate to the lme' Pa"-1 Income-tax Oicer or
other Income-tax authority under whom they are appointed to work and to any other Income- tar
authority to whom the said Oicer or authority is subordinate. _ .
Explanation.-----For the purposes of sub-section (2). "Di- rector of Inspection" does not include a
Deputy Director of Inspection or an Assistant Director, of Inspection; and for the purposes of
sub--section (3), "Director of Inspection" 56650,, ,3.,. does not include an Assistant Director of
1"5""'°{)i°'§. (1) All 0'icers and persons employed in the execution fate 5';u°trh;_' of this Act shall
observe and ollow the orders, instructions ,me,, and directions of the Centria Board of Revenue: !
[Sec 5 (8).] I i j Clauses 130-131.
Provided that no such orders, instructions or directions shall be given so as to interfere with the
discretion of the Appellate Assistant Commissioner in the exercise of his appellate functions:
Provided further all such orders, instructions and [NW] directions of a general nature affecting
assessees shall be published in the of India Gazette.
(2) The Director of Inspection, the Commissioner or the [Sec 5(7B) Inspecting Assistant
Commissioner, as the case may be, may earlier part] issue such instructions as he thinks fit for the
guidance of any Income-tax Officer subordinate to him in the matter of any assessment ................ ..
B-Jurisdiction (1) .......... .. Directors of In _ection shall, subject to the Section 13: control of the
Central Board of evenue, perform such func- Jurisdiction tions of any other Income-tax authority as
may be assigned Of indome-tax to them by the Central Government. '['S:'c*f°;i'i(°I5A) latter part.]
(2) .......... .. Commissioners shall perform their func- [$60.5 (2), A tions in respect of such areas or
of such persons or classes lattepart] of persons or of such incomes -or classes of income or of such
cases or classes of cases as the Central, Board of Revenue may direct, and where such directions
have assigned to two or more Commissioners ............. .. the same area or the same persons or
classes of persons or the same incomes or classes of income or the same cases or classes of cases,
they shall have concurrent jurisdiction sub- ject to any orders which the Central Board of Revenue
may make for the distribution and allocation of the work to be performed.
(3)~(a) ................ .. Appellate Assistant Commissioners [Sm 5(4), shall perform their functions in
respect« of such persons or lame part.] classes of persons or of such incomes or classes of income or
in respect of such areas as the Central Board of Revenue may direct, and, where such directions have
assigned to 'two or more Appellate Assistant Commissioners .......... .. the same persons or classes of
persons or the same incomes or classes of income or the same area, in accordance with any orders
which the Central Board of Revenue may make or the distribution and allocation of the work to be
(b) The Central Board of Revenue may transfer an appeal from one Appellate Assistant
Commissioner to ano- [New] ther.
(4) Inspecting Assistant Co issio rs ............. .. and [S 3 H Income-tax Oicers shall perfo' their' 31 ' 5 5
V nctions. in respect can , pan] of such persons or classes of p rsons 0, of such incomes or A Clause
131 ' classes of income or in respect of such areas as the Com-
,missioner .......... .. may direct, and where such directions [369 5(5), _atter pa.rt.] [Scc. 5 (5A)
earlier Part.] [SW 5(5)] [New] [New] have assigned to two or more Inspecting Assistant Commis-
sioners ....... .. or Income-tax Officers, the same persons or classes of persons or the same incomes or
classes of income or the same area, in accordance with any orders which the Commissioner may
make for the distribution and allocation of the work to be performed .......... ..
(5) ............. .. The Commissioner may, by general or special order in writing, direct that the powers
coriferred on the Income-tax Officer and the Appellate Assistant Com- missioner by or under this
Act shall in respect of any speci- ed case or class of cases or of any specied person or classes of
persons be exercised by the Inspecting Assistant Commis- sioner and the Commissioner
respectively. and for the pur- poses of any case or person in respect of which any such. order applies,
references in this Act or in any rules made hereunder to the Income-tax Officer and the Appell 'te
As- sistant Commissioner, shall be deemed to be refere pces to the Inspecting Assistant
Commissioner, and the Commis- sioner, respectively. i func-
them hority tions in the execution of this Act as are assigned t by the Income-tax Officer or other
Income-tax au (6) Inspectors of Income-tax shall perform suc|% under whom they are appointed to
work ............ ..
. . . . . . . . ..
(7) The Central Board of Revenue may, by notification in the Official Gazette, empower
Commissioners. ....... .. Appellate Assistant Commissioners and Income-tax icers to perform such
functions in respect of such classes f per- sons or such classes of income or such area as may b speci-
ed in the notication, and thereupon the functions 5 speci- ed shall cease to be performed, in respect
of the s cied classes of persons or classes of income or area, by the other authorities appointed under
"sub-sections (2), (3) and{ (4).
Such notication shall not render necessary the 'V -issue of any notice already issued ' the Income-tax
Oic r who was previously exercising such functions.
(8) For the purposes of any case or person in respect whereof an order under sub,»-section (5)
applies.---- 2
(a) any provision of Act requiring the a mval or sanction of the linspecting Assistant C m'mis- sioner
in any/matter shall not apply;
(b) any appeal which would otherwise lie to the Ap- pellate Assistant Commissioner shall lie to the
Oommissionerr; and
(c) any appeal which would have lain from any order of the App late A ' tan: Commissioner' ,- the
High Court ll lie': 'm the order of "the C mis- sioner to thy High _ _ rt. i ' i ' Clauses 132-134 (1) The
Commissioner .......... .. may, for reasons to sect,~a,,3g be recorded in writing, transfer any case from
one In- Tramps, or come-tax Officer subordinate to him to another also sub- case ftomonc ordinate
to him, and the Central Board of Revenue may, 1n°°I¥°"3«" for reasons to be so recorded, transfer
any case from any 033°" '° 'm' h .
.......... "Income-tax Officer to any other............ 5(7A) (2) The Commissioner or the Central Board of
Reve- nae, as the case may be, shall, before passing any order an- [New] der sub~section (1), give
the assessee cl reasonable oppor- tunity of being heard in respect of the proposed transfer.
(3) The Commissioner or the Central Board of Reve- [New nue, as the case may be, may, in special
cases and for reasons to be recorded in writing, dispense with the giving of such opportunity as is
referred to in sub-section ((2), but the assessee shall, in every such case, be entitled to make a
representation to the Commissioner or the Central Board of Revenue, as the case may be, againa the
order of trans- fer within one month of the date on which he comes to know of the order. ' . (4)
.......... ..Transfer of a case under sub-section (1)[s.5 (7A), may be made at any stage of the
proceedings, and shall mam Pan» no. render necessary the re-issue of any notice already is- 1""?
9"") sued by the Income-tax Officer from whom the case is ' transferred.
Explanation.--In this section, "case", in relation to any [5 (M) person whose name is specied in the
order of the trans-- "M15 fer, means all proceedings under this Act in respect pf ., any year
(including a past year) which may be pending on ' the date of the transfer, and, includ 6 -all
proceedings un- der this Act which may in respect $ any year (including a past or a future year) be
commenced after the date of the transfer .......... .. ' .
Whenever in respectmf any proceeding under this Act Section I33 an Income-tax authority ceases to
exercise jurisdiction, 9 angc of and is succeeded by another who has and exercises jurisdic- 1 umbcm
°' tion, the Income-tax authority so succeeding may continue[ °'5°°('7C) the proceeding from the
stage at which the proceeding was min p'Z,a»_] ' left by his predecessor : 6 6 Provided that the
assessee concerned may .demand [' 5' (7C). 18¢ that before the proceeding 'is so continued the
previous K "-3 proceeding or any part thereof be re-opened or that be---
fore any order for assessment is passed against him he be ' reheard.
(1) For the purposes of sections 260, 265, 267(2), 271 S-cction :34 and 272 [Section 33(2), earlier
partgsection 33(4), section uthnrity 33A. section 33B(1), section 66(1), section 66(2), 66(3), 66(5),
'?°;nP¢t¢'1t t9 66(7)] the Commissioner re erred therein shall, in rela-'3 ° °' °°'""
Clauses 134-135 (2) For the purposes of sections 230 to 239 and 275 [section 33(5), sec. 46] the
Income-tar Oicer referred to therein shall, in relation to an assessee. be the Income-tax Oicer having
for the time being jurisdiction over the as- sessee.
5<=Cti0n I35 (1) Where an assessee carries on a business, profes- Ingo:notax_ sion or vocation at
any place, he shall be assessed by the '(B3103 0111:' Income-tax Officer of the area in which that
place is situ-
""°'s ate or, where the business, profession or vocation is carried [S' 64(1)] on in more places than
one. by the Income-tax Oicer of the area in which the principal place of his business, pro- fession or
vocation is situate. .
[S. 64(2)] (2) In all'other cases, an assessee shall be assessed by the Income-tax O'icer of the area in
which he resides.
[S64 (3), (3) Where any question arises under this section as to main P*"''-3 the place of assessment,
such question shall be deterrrlined» by the Commissioner. or. where the question is between places
within the jurisdiction of different Commissioners, by the Commissioners concerned or, if they, are
not in agreement, by the Central Board of Revenue:
{S5543}: W Provided that, before any such question is determined. P' "'3 the assessee shall have had
a reasonable opportunity of being heard in respect of the question. (4) .......... ..The place of
assessment shall not be cal- led in question by an assessee---- S' ' (a) if he has made a return
............................... .... .. ;[;ro%i(3¢e)ariiI:: , under section' 143(1) [Section 22(1)] and has Parl]-
stated therein his principal place of business, pro- fession or vocation, or [g,5,._(3),2,,d (b) (if he has
not- made such a return), ....... .. after prov. latter the expiry of the time allowed by the notice under
Part-] section 143(2) [sub-section (2) of section 22] or under section 154 [34] for the making of a re-
[s. 64(3), 3rd (5) .... ..If the place of assessment is called in question Prov-l by an assessee, then,
subject to the provisions of sub-sedtion (4), the Income-tax Oicer shall, if not satised withi the
correctness of the claim, refer the matter for determination under sub-section (3).before assessment
is made.
[s. 64(4)] (6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this ';sec- tion,» every Income-tax Oicer shall
have all the powers conferred by or- under this Act on an Income-tax Oicer in respect of any income
.......... ..accruing, or arising or received within the area for which he is appointed. 2 [g_ 54(5)] (7)
The provisions of sub~section (1) and sub-section (2) shall not apply .......... any assessee---
(a) on whom an assessment ..or re-assessment for ,.u the purposes of th Act hajsbeen, is being or is t
be made in the c e of any case in respect of w$ich E i .
Clauses 135-136 a Commissioner .......... .. appointed without refer- ence to area under section 131(2)
[Sec. 5(2), latter part] is exercising the functions of a Commissioner, . . . . . . ..'....OI'
(b) where by any direction given or any distribution or allocation of work made by the
Commissioner .......... ..under section 131(4)......[Sec. 5(5), earlier- part] or in consequence of any
transfer made un- der section 132 [Sec. 5(7A), main para], a particular Income-tax Officer has been
charged with the function of assessing that assessee, or
(c) who or whose income is included in a class of per- sons or a class of incomes specied in any noti-
cation issued under section 131(7) [S. 5(6)]; but the assessment of such person; ......... ..shall be made
by the Income-tax Ofcer for the time being charged with the function of making such assessment by
the Central Board of Revenue or by the Commissioner .......... .. to whom he is subordinate, as the
case may be. .
(1) The Income-tax Ofcer, Ap ellate Assistant Com- 36°"-"' 135 missioner and Commissioner ....
..shall," for the purposes of *'9""'-"' .'°3'"' this Act have the same powers as are vested in a court
d'"gm'3i':°c':i'; under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 when trying ;¥'p¢vid,,n¢., a suit in respcet of
the following matters, namely- :~-- etc.
(b) enforcing the attendance of any person, inc1uding5°"9°3 any officer of a banking company and
examining him on oath;
(c) compelling the production of books of account and other documents; and
(2) Where any Income-tax authority exercises ' any powers referred to in sub-section (1),. it shall
follow, so far as may be, the same procedure as a court under the said Code. ' (3) Subject to any rules
made in this behalf, any au- [Sec-137(3)] thority referred to in sub-section (1) may impound and
retain in its custody for such period as it thinks t any books of account or other documents produced
before it inany proceeding under this Act:
(a) impound any ooks of account or' other documents without recording his reasons for so doing, or
(b) retain in his custody any such books or documents for a period exceedin fteensdays (exclusive of
holidays) without obt ining tlle; approval of the Commissioner therefor; 4 ' - -
'Clauses 136-138 [New] _ (4) Where any person, whether a party to the proceed- ing or not, is
desirous of receiving back any book of ac- count or other document produced by him in any pro-
ceeding under this Act before any Income-tax authority, the Income-tax authority may, unless the
book 'of account or other document is impounded under sub-section (3), re-
turn the same to such person on an application made for the purpose.
[3- 37(4)] _ (_5) Any proceeding before any authority referred to in this section shall be deemed to
be a judicial' proceeding within the meaning of sections 193 and 228 and for the-_ 45 of186o
purposes of section 196 of the Indian Penal Code.
Section 137- Subject to any rules made in this behalf, any Income-
Powers of s§- tax Ofcer specially authorised by the Commissioner in arch and 5°" this behalf
may,---- _ ZUYC. .7 [5- 37(9)} (i) enter and search any building or place where he has reason to
'believe that any books of account or other documents which in his opinion will beiuse- ful for, or
relevant to, any proceeding under this Act. may be found, and examine them, if fdund;
(ii) seize any such booksiof account or other documents and have them removed to his oice, if
(iii) place marks of identication on any such books of account or -other documents or make or cause
to be made extracts or copies therefrom;
(iv) make a note or an .inventory of any articles or things found in the course of any search under
this section which in his opinion will be useful fox; or relevant 'to, any proceeding under this Act;
5 of 1393- and the provisions of the Code of Criminal Proce- dure, 1898, relating to searches shall
apply, so far as may be, to searches under this section.
a Section X38 The Income-tax Olcer, _the Appellate Assistant Com- powc, to can missioner or the
Inspecting ?Assistant Commissioner may, or inrorma- for the purposes of this Act,----- 3 - U011. .
[SW 33] (1). require any rm .... .:to furnish him with a return of the names and addresses of the
partners of the iirmvand their respective shares;
(2) require any Hindu undivided family to furnish him with a return of the names and addresses of
thb man- ager and the members of the family;
(3) require any. person whom he has rea n to believe to be a trus ee, guadian or agent, to furni h him
with a return of th names3> the persons fpr or of whom he is trustee, guard or a' ept, and of their
addr es;
181' Clauses 9.138-141 (4) require any assessee to furnish a statement of the names and addresses of
all persons to whom he has paid in any previous year rent, interest, commission, royalty or
brokerage, or any annuity, riot being an annuity taxable under the head "Salaries", amounting to
more than four hundred rupees, together with particulars of all such pay- ments made;
(5) require any dealer, broker or', agent or any person concerned in the management of a 'stock or
commodity Ex- change to furnish a statement of the ' names and addresses of all persons to whom
he or: the Exchange has paid any sum in connection with the sale. exchange or transfer of a capital
asset, or on whose behalf or from whom he or the Exchange has received any such sum. together
with parti- culars of all such payments and receipts;
(6) require any person, including a banking company or any officer thereof. to furnish i Vormation
in relation to such points or matters, or to furnish statements of ac- counts and affairs veried in the
manner specied by the Income-tax Officer. the Appellate Atsistant Commissioner or the Inspecting
Assistant Commissioner, giving informa- tion in relation to such points or matters as, in the opinion
of the' Income-tax Ofcer, the Appellate "Assistant Commis- sioner or the Inspecting Assistant
Commissioner, will be useful for. or relevant to, any proceeding under this Act.
The Income-tax Officer, the Ag) fllate Assistant Com- section .39 missioner or the Inspecting Assis
nt Commissioner, or _P§Wcr *0 any person subordinate to him authorised in writ--1 * "Sit: ing in
this behalf by the Income-tax,.Oicer, the Appellate: pmics_° Assistant Commissioner or the
Inspecting Assistant Com- [,4_ 393 missioner, may inspect, and if necessary, take copies, or cause
copies to be taken. of:any register of the members. ; debenture holders or mortgagees-of any
company or of any entry in such register. » i The Director of Inspection. the Commissioner and the
l5_;°°"°n 14°' Inspecting Assistant Commiqsionerzi. ll be competent to Em" 3; makqany enquiry
under this'Act, a A" gar this purpose shall Inspection have all the powers that an Income-tax Officer
has under and Inspect- this Act in relation to the making o enquiries. '$8 rsctc.
[. 5 (713).
limcrpmt.] D--DiscIosurei of information. , (1) All particulars contained in": any statement made.
%_¢'i°n 14!' return furnished or accounts or documents produced under i» the provisions of this
Act, or -in any; evidence given, or af- ,oh;b;.cd_ fidavit or deposition made, in the course of anv
proceedings . 54 (in under this Act, other than proceedin under Chapter XXIII ' [Existing Chapter
VIII-Oences an? penalties], or in any A record of any assessment ancee ' °f '87' , or any proceed-
demand, prepared , : shall be {treated ing relating' to the recov of a for the -purposes of 's v r I of
1872 [S- _54 (2), earlier part] Is-54 (3) (a)] 45 of 1860 [s- 54 (3)(b)] [New] [S- 54 (3) (0)1 [S- 54 (3)
(d)] [New] [9 of 1908 1 of 1956 I82 Clause 141 as confidential, and notwithstanding anything
contained in the Indian Evidence Act. 1872, no court shall, save as pro- vided in this Act, be entitled
to require any public servant to produce before it any such return, accounts, documents or record or
any part of any such record, or to give evidence before it in respect thereof. .
(2) No public servant shall disclose any particulars contained in any such statement. return,
accounts, docu- ments, evidence, aidavit, deposition or record .......... ..
(a) of any such particulars for the purposes of a prose- cution for any offence under the Indian Penal
Code, 1860 in respect of any such statement, return, accounts, documents, evidence, affidavit or
deposi- tion, or for the purposes of a prosecution for any oence under this Act; or of any such
particulars to any person acting in, the execution of this Act .... ..where it is necessary or desirable to
disclose the same to him for the pur- poses of this Act .... ..; or
(c) the substance of any material to an assessee, being relevant material gathered for the purposes of
making an assessment under section 147(3) [Sec- tion 23(3)] or under section 148 [Section 23(4)],
without disclosing any information which might enable the assessee to identify the person to whom
the material relates; or
(d) of any such particulars, where the disclosure is oc- casioned by the lawful employment under
this Act of any process for the service of any notice or the recovery of any demand; (or
(e) of any such particulars to a civil. court in any suit or proceeding to which Government or 'any
Income-tax authority is a party, which relates to any matter arising out of any proceeding under this
Act or under any other law for the time being in force authorising any Income-tax authority to
exercise any powers thereunder; or
(ii) of any registered document of which a certied copy can be obtained under the provisions of the
Indian Registration Act, 1908, or i
(iii) of a balance sheet' or audit report or pro and lossoccounts led u 17 the Companies Act, , 956, or
any other ct rel ing to companies, Clause 141 l to a civil court in any suit orlproceeding to which {hi
the person who produced the accounts, registered document, balance sheet, audit report or profit
and loss account, or his representative-in-interest, is a party, if the particulars, registered document,
ba- lance sheet, audit report, or prot and loss account are relevant to any matter in issue in such suit
or proceeding;
of any such particulars to the Comptroller and Au- [s. 54 (3) (c} ditor-General of India for the
purpose of enabling him to discharge his functions under the Consti-
tution; or oi any such particulars to any officer apoointed by [5, 54(3) (r; the Comptroller and
Auditor-General of India or the Central Board of Revenue to audit income-tax receipts or refunds;
or of any such particulars, relevant to any inquiry [Se-:. 54 (3) into the conduct of an ofcial of the
Income-tax (S) Department. to any persons appointed Commis-
sioners under the Public Servants (Inquiries) Act, 1850, or to an otcer otherwise appointed to hold
37 oflB50 such inquiry, or to a Public Service Commission established under the Constitution, when
ing its functions in relation to any matter arising out of any such inquiry; or Es . 5+ . (3) into a
charge of misconduct in connection 'with 35-] income-tax proceedings against a legal practitioner or
chartered accountant. to the authority referred -
cising the functions referred-tlo in that sub-section .......... .., or ~ of any such particulars by any
public servant, [Scc. 54 (3)- where the disclosure is occasioned by the lawful (bill exercise by him of
his powers under the Indian Stamp . Act. 1899. to impound an insuiciently 90f 1599 stamped
document; or [ - (> 5"' 3 ernment of any country outside India which has entered into an agreement
with India for the grant- ing of relief in respect of or avoidance of double tax_ation .... .., as may be
necessary for the purpose of enabling such relief or a refund under section 92 [49A] to be given or
such avoidance under that section to be made effective ; or
(m) of such facts, to an oicer of a State Government I3'-'« 5-4. {3} as may be necessary for the
purpose of enabling,'-W that Government to; levy at realise any tax im- f posed by it; or ' 3 t * [New]
54 (3) 7 of 1878 54 (3) [Scc- 54 (3)
Saving regar-
ding Volun-
tary disclosu-
Clauses 14~1-142
(n) of such facts, to an officer of the Central Govern- ment as may be necessary for the purpose of
en- abling that Government to levy or realise any tax imposed by it; or
(o) of such facts, to any authority exercising powers under the Sea Customs Act, 1878, or any Central
Act imposing a duty of excise as may be neces- sary for enabling it duly to exercise such powers; or
(p) of such facts, to any person charged by law with the duty of inquiring into the qualications 'of
electors as may be necessary to establish whether a a person is or is not entitled to be entered on an
electoral roll; or
(q) of so much of such particulars, to the appropriate authority, as may be necessary to establish
whe- ther a person has or has not been assessed to in- come-tax in any particular year or years,
where under the provisions of any law for the time be- ing in force such fact is required to be
established; 01'
(r) of such particulars to the Reserve Bank of India as are required by that Bank to enable it to ;com-
pile nancial statistics of international investment and balance of payments; or
(s) of such information as may be required by any officer or department of the Central Government
or of a State Government for the purpose qf in- vestigation into the conduct and affairs of; any
public servant; or
(t) of any such particulars to the Custodian of [Eva- cuee Property appointed under the Administ
tion of Evacuee Property Act, 1950, for the purp e of enabling him to discharge the duties imposed
%upon him by or under the said Act. ' (4) Nothing in this sectionshall apply to the produc- tion by a
public servant before a court of any document, declaration or aidavit led, or the record of any state-
ment or deposition made _in a proceeding under section 181 [25A] or sections 191 to 193 or._ to the
giving of evidente by a public servant in respect thereof. . ' (5) In this section, "public servant" means
any public servant employed in the execution of this Act.
Nothing in section 141 [54(1), 54(2) and' 54(3), as re- duced in preceding section] shall prohibit the
voluntary disclosure of any particulars referred to in sub-section (1) res by persons of that section,
by the person by whom the statement was making . [New] thc made, the return fu SKECCIIICIH
'shed, t e, accounts or documen _pro- duced, the evidence iven it-he affidavit or depo tion made, as
the case ma be. ' i8-5 ~ Clause 143 CHAPTER XIV PROCEDURE FOR ASSESSMENT (1) (a) Every
person, .......... ..if his total income, or the Section I_4,3 total income of any other person in respect
of R°""" °f"1' which he is assessable under this Act, during °°m°' the previous year exceeded the
maximum [s. 22 0)] amount which is not chargeable to income-tax shall furnish, to the Incomegtaa:
Officer having jurisdiction to assess him, on or before the 30th day of June of each: nancial year, a
return of his income or the income of; such other person during the previous year, in the prescribed
form and veried in the prescribed manner and set-
Provided that the Income-ta;x Office; may in his discre- tion extend the date for the delivery of the
return in the case of any person or class of persons:
Provided further that no such return need be furnished by any such person if he has already
furnished a return - of income for such year in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (2)
.......... ..[22(2)].
(b) Where a return of income has been sent under . clause (a) to an Income-tan: Officer who has no
jurisdiction to make the essment, it shall be his duty to forwartl the urn to the Income- taa: Oicer
having jiurisdictibn.
_ (2) In the case of any person whd. in the Income-tax ts. 22 (9)1- Oicer's opinion .......... .., is
assessable wider this Act, whe- ther on his own total income or on theitotal income of any other
person during the previous year, the Income-tax Offi- cer may before the end of the relevant
assessment year ; serve a notice upon him requiring him to furnish, within i thirty days from the
date of service o the notice, a return of his income or the income of such other person during that
-year, in the prescribed form and veried in the prescribed manner and setting forth ..... other
particulars as may be prescribed ..........
Provided that the Incorné-tax Officer may, in his dis- cretion, extend the date for the delivery of the
(3) If any person ........... ..has sustained a loss .......... [s.;22 (2-A). any previous year under the
head 'Prots and gains of busi- P3-it-1 ness, profession 'or vocation', and such =1oss or any part
there- of would ordinarily have been carried forward under sec- tion 73(2) or 74(2) [Sub-section (2)
of section 24], such per- son. or the person assessable 'n resp: of the total income of- such person.
shall, if he not be ' ed with a notice h under sub-section (2), .... .. ' h:on.f: before the 3o§h.dq'y ! E --'
E [s- 22 (3)1 Ls- 22 (5)) Section I . Return whom to signed.
(4) If any person has not furnished a return within the time allowed by or under sub-section (1) or
sub--section (2), or having furnished a return under either of those sub- sections discovers any
omission or Wrong statement therein, he may furnish a return or a revised return. as the case may
be, at any time before the assessment is made.
(5) The prescribed form of the returns referred to in sub--sections ( 1), (2) and (3) shall, in the case
of an assessee engaged in any business, profession or vocation, require him to furnish particulars of
the location and style of the prin- cipal place wherein he carries on the business, profession or
vocation and of the branches thereof. the names and ad- dresses of his partners, if any, in such
business, profession or vocation and the extent of the share of the assessee and the shares of all such
partners in the prots of the busi- ness, profession or vocation and any branches thereof;
The return under section 143 [22(1) or 22(2) or 22(3)] 45: shall be signed and veri.ed----
(a) in the case of an individual, by the individual him- self; where the individual is absent from
India, by some person duly authorised by him in this behalf; and where the individual is mentally
incapa 'tated from attending to his affairs, by his guard 11. or committee or by any other person
competent ;to act on his behalf;
(b) in the case of a Hindu undivided family, by the Karta, and, where the Karta is absent from India
or is mentally incapacitated from attending to his , affairs, by any other adult member of such
(c) in the case of a company or local authority, by the principal oicer thereof; »
(d) the case of a firm, by any partner thereof, not be- mg a minor; '
(e) in the case of any other association, by any member of the association or the principal oicer
thereof; and
(f) in the case of any other person, by that person or by some person competent to act on his behalf.
( 1) The Income-tax Officer may, at any time aft r the 1' section l43[22], pr ed to : i ~ Clause 145 the
tax payable by the assessee, on the basis of his return [s. 2_3B (1), and the accounts and documents,
if any, accompanying carlwr part] it ................... ..
(2) In making any assessment under this section due [at 233 (I). effect shall be given 190-. 13"" Pam]
(a) the allowance referred to in section 32(2) [para (b) of the proviso to section 10(2)(vi)], and
(b) any loss carried forward under section 73(2) or 74 <_2) [24(2>1.
(3) A partner of a rm may 'be provisionally assessed [s. 23 B (2)] under sub-section (1) in respect of
his share in the income of the rm, if its return has been received, even if the return of the partner
himself has not been received.
(4) A rm may be provisionally assessed under sub- [=- 23 3 (3)1 section (1) as an unregistered rm,
except in the following cases, where it shall be assessed as a registered firm-
(a) where the firm was assessed as a registered rm for [Ncw. see the latest assessment year for which
its assessment N°'i¢8ti°n has been completed, and it has before the date 1I"°'33:ff prescribed for the
purposes of this clause, led its 52,433,, of application for registration or declaration under Finhncc,
section 191(7) [section for declaration] for the as- R.¢*5=I}"° sessmgnt year for which the
provisional assessment D"'"'°"-1 is to be ma e;
(b) where no regular assessment has been made on the rm for any assessment year preceding the
assess- ment year for which the provisional' assessment is to be made, and the firm has, before the
date pres- cribed for the purposes of this clause, filed its appli- cation for registration, or declaration
as aforesaid, for the assessment year for which the provisional assessment is to be made.
(5) After a regular assessment hw been made .... ..any [3, ,3 B (7) amount paid' or deemed to have
been paid towards the pro- visional assessment made under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to have
been paid towfards the regular assessment; andwhere the amount paid or deemed "to have been
paid towards the provisional assessment exceeds the amount pay- able under the regular
assessment, the excess shall be re- funded to the assessee.
(6) Nothing d-one or suffered by reason or in consequ- [s- 23 B (8)1 ence of any provisional
assessment made under this section shall prejudice the determination, on- the merits, of any , issue
which may arise in the tourse of 'the regular assess- ment ........ .. 5 4 13-1 Law Com.I58 i :0 [=- 23 13
(4)1 Section 14.6.
Enquiry be-
fore asses-
[=- 23 0)] [s- 23 ml Clauses 145-147 (7) There shall be no right of appeal against a provi- sional
assessment made under sub-section (1).
(1) For the purpose of making an assessment under this Act, the Income-tax Ofcer may serve on any
person who has made a return under section 143(1) [22(1)] or section 143(3) [22(2A)] or upon
whom a otice has been served under se_ct'1on 143(2) [22(2)] (whether a return has been made or
not), a notice requiring him, on a date to be there- in specied,--
(i) to produce, or cause to be produced, such accounts or documents as the Income-tax Ofcer may
require, or
(ii) to furnish in writing and veried in the prescribed manner information in such form and on such
points or matters (including a statement of all as- sets and liabilities of the assessee, whether inclu-
ded in the accounts or not) as the Income-tax Offi- cer may require : .
Provided that the previous approval of the Commis- sioner shall be obtained before requiring the
assessee to furnish a statement of all assets and liabilities not included in the accounts:
Provided further that the Income--tax Officer shall not require the production of any accounts
relating to a period more than three years prior to the previous year.
(2) For the purpose of obtaining full information 'in respect of the income or loss of any person, the
Income-tax Oicer may make such enquiry as he considers necessary.
(3) The assessee shall, except where the assess- ment is made under section 148 [s. 23(4), part
regarding best judgment assessment], be given an opportunity of rebutting the substance of any
material gathered on the basis of any enquiry under sub-section (2) and proposed to be utilised- for
the purpose of the assessment.
(1) Where a return has been made under section 143 [22] and the Income-tax Officer is satised
without requir- ing the presence of the assessee or the production by him of any evidence that the
retum .......... .. is correct and§com- plete, he shall assess the total income or loss of the assessee, and
shall determine the sum payable by him or refundable to him on the basis of such return. ' (2)
Where a return has been made under section 143 [22] but the Income-tax Oicer is not satised
without re- quiring the presence of the person who made the return or the production of evidence
thgat the return ............. cor- rect and complete, h shall 'r,ve on such person a otice requiring him,
on a ante to e therein specied, eit er to E i ,= L Clauses 147-149 attend at thellncome-tax Ofcer's ofce
or to produce, or to cause to be there produced, any evidence on which such person may rely in
support of the return.
(3) On the day specied in-the notice issued under sub- [s. 23 (3)] section (2), or as soon afterwards
as may be, the Income-tax Officer, after hearing such evidence as such person may pro- duce and
such other evidence as the Income-tax'Ofcer may require, on specied points, and after taking into
account all relevant material which the Income-tax Officer has gathered and which the Income-tax
Officer is competent to take into account, shall, by an order in writing, assess the total income or
loss of the assessee, and determine the sum payable by him or refundable to him on the basis of such
(a) fails to make the return reguired by any notice 3°" J"dS' given under section 143 ( ), [sub-section
(2) 0 mm. section 22] and has not made a return or a revised - return under section 143(4)
[sub-section (3) of sec- [5- .23 (4)
(b) fails to comply with all the terms of a notice is- sued under section 146(1) [sub-section (4) of sec-
tion 22], or
(c) having made a return, fails to comply with all the terms of a notice issued under section 147
[section re: assessment under 23(1) (2) & 23(3)], the Income-tax Officer, after taking into account
all rele- vant material which the Income-tax Officer has gathered and which the Income-tax Oicer is
competent to take into account, shall make the assessment of the total income or loss to the best of
his judgment and determine the sum payable by the assessee or refundable to the assessee on the
basis of such assessment.
(2) The Income-tax Officer shall, in every order under [NC-W] sub-section (1), refer to the material
on the basis of which the assessment is made.
f ment. Assess-
For the purposes oflsections 147 and 148, [two preced- section :49.
ing sections regarding assessment and best judgment] the "R lcyagt relevant material which the
Income-tax Officer is compe- '""l°"a' gent to take into account in respect of an assessee inclu- [Ndw]
(a) market conditions in the previous year of the trade in which the assessee -was engaged in the
previous year,
(b) rates of prots disclosed by the accounts of other persons engaged in the same ne of trade, and
(c) rates of prots dete ned in 7 1 case of the asses- see in assessments f earlier subsequent years.
Section I 50-
Mcthod of accounting.
Income es-
caping assess-
\ ' 190 Clauses 150-152 (1) Income ....... .. chargeable under the head "Prots and gains of business,
profession or vocation" or "Income from other sources" shall be computed .... .. in accordance with
the method of accounting regularly employed by the assessee: . , Provided that, if, though the
accounts are correct and complete to the satisfaction of the Income-tax Officer, the method
employed is such that, in the opinion of the In- come-tax Officer, the income ....... .. cannot properly
be de- duced therefrom, then the computation shall be made upon such basis and in such manner as
the Income-tax Oicer may determine.
(2) Where the Income-tax Oicer is not satised about the correctness or the com leteness of the
accounts of the assessee, or where no met 0d of accounting has been re- gularly employed by the
assessee, the Income-tax Oicer may make an assessment in the manner provided in sec- tion 148
[23(4) main para, part regarding best judgment assessment].
\ Where an assessee assessed under section 148 [23(4)] makes an application to the Income-tax
Officer, within one month from the service of a notice of demand issued in consequence of the
assessment, for cancellation of the assessment on the ground---
(i) that he was prevented by suicient cause from making the return required by section 143 [22], or
(ii) that he did not receive the notice issued under section 146(1) [22(4)] or section 147 [23(2)], or
(iii) that he had not a reasonable opportunity to comply, or was prevented by sufcient cause from
comply- ing, with the terms of the ....... .. notices referred to in clause (ii), --
tence of such ground, cancel the assessment and proceed to make a fresh assessment in 'accordance
with the provi-
(a) the Income-tax Officer has reason to believe; that by reason of the omission or failure on the part
of an assessee to make a return of his income tmder section 143 [22] for any assessment year or to
dis- close fully and truly all material facts necessary for his assessment for that year, income .... ..
(b) notwithstanding that there has been no omission or failure as mentioned in clause (a) on the
part of the assessee, the Income-tax Oicer has in§con- sequence of informatipn in his possession
reason I91 Clauses 152-155 to believe that income . .. chargeable to tax has escaped assessment for
any assessment year.
. . . . . . . . . . ..
he may, subject to the provisions of sections 153 to 159 [9- 34 [other sections in group dealing with
escaped in- 22"] come] assess or reassess such income ....... .. or recompute P the loss or the
depreciation allowance, as the case may be, - for the assessment year concerned (hereafter in
sections 153 to 159 [other sections in the group for escaped income] referred to as the relevant
assessment year).
para Ea:planation.---Production before the Income-tax Of- [s. 4 (1) cer of account books or other
evidence from which mate- Expll rial evidence could with due diligence have been discover- ed by
the Income-tax Officer will not necessarily amount to disclosure within the meaning of this section.'
............ ..
' For the purposes of section 152 [section regarding in- Section :53. come escaping assessment], the
following shall also be "1I!°°m'= deemed to be cases where income chargeable to tax has h';_
escaped assessment, namely----
(a) where income .... ..chargeable to tax has been un- 34 (,)_ der-assessed; or rs! pan, clause (3.),
(b) where such income .... .. has been assessed at too part, and low a rate ; or - clause (b), part].
(c) where such income has been made the subject of excessive relief under this Ant; or
(d) where excessive loss or depreciation allowance has been computed. c (1) Before making the
assessment, reassessment, or re- SW50" I53, computation under section 152 [section regarding
income whm escaping assessment], the Income-tax Officer shall serve on g,-Nome M, the assessee,
or, if the assessee is a company, on the prin- esqaped as- cipal officer thereof; a notice containing all
or any of the ==Sm¢nt~ requirements which may be included in a notice under [:1 34 (1), section
143(2) [section 22(2)]; and the provisions of this '°¢°"d P3"- Act shall, so far as may be, apply
accordingly as if the 94"] notice were a notice issued under that sub-section.
(2) The Income-tax Oicer shall, before issuing any [so 34 (I) notice under this section, record his
reasons for doing so... must PE§i")' ' part.) \ (1) The notice under section 154 [section regarding
So'ction_ 355. notice] may, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2)'f"m°'1!m" and of section 157
[section regarding sanction], be issued-- °'"°"°°'
(a) in cases falling under clause (a) of section 1525* 34 ('ls [section .... .. regarding' income escaping
assess- ;°:,°t3'd pan' ment],----
(i) at any time, if the 'ncome..,.......chargeab1e to tax [" 34 M' "' . . . cl which has escape assess ent or
has been un-( °v' 1:3:
der-assessed or asassed a gtpo a low rate or hash i put] [s. 34 (1), ist Ptov., clause
modied] II of 1922 [S' (I): [st Prov. Cl. (ii) earlier half] ' [s- 34 (I) second para, part] [s~ 34 2nd
l'rov.] Section 156.
Provision for cases where assessment is in pursuance of an order on appeal etc_ [s- 34 <3)» 2nd
Clauses 155-157 been made the subject of excessive relief under this Act, or the loss or depreciation
allowance which has been computed in excess, amounts to or is likely to amount to fty thousand
"upees or more for the relevant assessment year;
within a period of sixteen years fromthe end of the relevant assessment year, where the case does
not fall under sub-clause (i) of this clause and the income chargeable to tax which has escaped
assessment or has been under-assessed or assessed at too low a rate or has been made the subject of
excessive relief under this Act or under the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922, or the loss or depreciation
allowance which has been computed in excess under this Act or under the said Act, amounts to or is
likely to amount to one lakh of rupees or more in the aggregate for the sixteen assessment years
(including assess- ment years under the said Act) immediately pre- ceding the assessment year in
which such notice is issued; ' within a period of eight years from the end of the relevant assessment
year, in any other case;
(b) in cases falling under clause (b) of section 152 [section regarding income escaping assessment],
within a period of four years from the end of the relevant assessment year.
(2) .... ..If the person on whom a notice under section 154 [section re: notice] is to be served is a
person tredted as the agent of a non-resident under section 173 [s.,43] and the assessment or
reassessment to be made in pursu- ance of the notice is to be made on him as agent of such
non-resident, the notice shall not be issued after the ex- piry of a' period of two years from the end of
the relevant assessment year. ' Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section; (1) or
sub-section (2) of section 155 [preceding section], :but subject to the provisions of section 157,
[section regar ing sanction], the notice under section 154 [section regar ing notice] may be issued at
any time for the purpose of mak- ing an assessment or re-assessment on the assessee or 'any person
in consequence of or to give effect to any nding or direction contained in an order under section 259,
3263 269, 271, or 272 [section 31, 33, 33A, 33B, 66 or 66A] passed in the case of the assessee. '
tion regarding notice] after the expiry of eight years from the end of the relevant assessment year,
unless the Gen- tral Board of Revenue .... .. is satised on the reasons re-
; corded by the Income-ma: that ittis a t case or the issue of such notice} Clauses 157-160 (2) No
notice shall be issued under section 154 [section 34 (I)..lSt _ regarding notice] after the expiry of
four years from the 'Um' end of the relevant assessment year, unless the Commis- sioner is satised
on the reasons recorded by the Income- tax Officer that it is a t case for the issue of such notice.
(1) In an assessment or re-«assessment made under Section 158' section 152 [section regarding
income escaping assessment], 0.93" Pm' the tax shall be chargeable at the rate or rates at which it
'"s'°"s would have been charged had the income .... ..not escaped as- ['r'o5:4](') 2"' sessment or full
assessment, as. the case may be. P ' (2) Where an assessment is reopened in circumsta_n-- [8- 34
(2)1 ces falling under clause (b) of section 152 [section regard- ing income escaping assessment], the
assessee may, if he has not impugned any part of the original assessment order for that year either
under sections 254 to 256 [30] or under section 272 [33A], claim that the proceedings under section
152 [section regarding income escaping assessment] shall be dropped on his showing that he had
been assessed on an amount or to a sum not lower than what he would be right- ly liable for even if
the items alleged to have escaped asses- sment had been taken into account, or the assessment or
computation had been properly made:
Provided that in so doing he shall not be entitled to reopen matters concluded by an order under
section 271 [33B] or section 161 or 162 [35] or -by a decision under section 263 [66] or section 269
An assessment or re-assessment under section 152 Sfclion I59« [section regarding income escaping
ssessment] shall be ga ff' mg:
completed within the time, if any, limi ed by section 160 [34 1- , go, ' E2" p:l'ction.
(1) No order of assessment .... .. shall be made under Section' _z69. section 147 or 148 [23] .... .. at
any time after-- 4 E1r'1|°cOn1l'p'1£1;f
(a) the expiry of _four years from the end of the ass-"O Ofasserslz essment year in which the lnqoine
....... .. was rst 2°-"' mints assessable; or [,_ 34 (3), main para, par
(b) the expiry of four years fromthe issue of a notice [Now] under section 283(1) [28(3)], 'n, a case
falling under (Contrast _s. section 280(1) (c) [s. 28(1) (c)]; or 34- 3): "W"
(c)]the expiry of one year from the date of the ling [NW] of a return or a revised return under section
143 (4) [23(3)];
whichever is latest.
(2)' No order of assessment or re--assessment shall be [NW] made under section 152 [section re
:=-income escaping as- , sessment]-- =' _ i -, ' '
(a) where the assessrnewit or 1-e+1fsessment is to be (3), para, [=- , 34 main part] [s.
and Prov.
ov 2nd .
2nd Prov.] [New] [New] Clause 160 made under clause (a) of that section .... .., [sec- tion re: income
escaping assessment], after the expiry of four years from the end of the assess- ment year in which
the notice under section 154 [section re: notice] was served;
(b) where the assessment or re-assessment is to be made under clause (b) of that section [section re:
(i) the expiry of four, years from the end of the assessment year in which the income was first
assessable, or the expiry of one ear from the date of service of the notice un er section 154, [section
re: notice], whichever is later.
( 3) The provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall not apply to the following classes of assessments
and re-assess- ments, which may be completed at any time-
(ii) where the assessment or re-assessment is made on the assessee or any rson in consequence
of7or to give effect to any ding or direction contained in an order under section 259, 263, 269, 271,
or 272 [section 31, 33, 33A, 33B, 66 or 66A].
Explanation 1.-- ....... .. In computing the period of ii- mitation for the purposes of this section, the
time talien in reopening the whole or any part of the proceedin 101- in giving an opportunity to the
assessee to be rehear under section 133, Proviso [5 (7C) 1st Prov.], or any period dur- ing which the
assessment proceeding is stayed by an order or injunction of any court, shall be excluded.
Explanation 2.---Where, by an order under section 259, 263, 269, 271 or 272, [31 section 33, section
33A, section 33B, section 66 or section 66A] any income is excluded from the total income of the
assessee for an assessment year, then, an assessment of such income for another as- sessment 'year
shall, for the purposes of section 156 and this section [34(3), 2nd Proviso, latter half both parts], be
deemed to be one made in consequence of or to give eect to any nding or direction contained in the
said order.
Explanation 3.--Where, by an order under section 259, 263, 2.69, 271 or 272, [31, section 33, section
33A, section 33B, section 66 or section' 66A] any income is ex- cluded from the total. income of one
person and heldto be the income of another person, then an assessment of such income on such
othergperson, hall, for the purposes sec- tion 156 and this seetion [ (3), 2nd Proviso, latte half
Clauses V160-161 both parts] be deemed to be one made in consequence of or to give etfect to any
nding or direction contained in the said order, provided such other person was given an opportunity
of being heard before the said order was passed.
(a) the Income-tax Oicer may amend any order of |_s. .35 (1), assessment or of refund or any other
order, passed mam Para» by him.' Pm]
(b) the Appellate Assistant Commissioner may amend [s. 35 (1)' any order passed by him in appeal
under section main para' 259 [31]; ' Pm]
(c) the Commissioner may amend any order passed by [.. 35 (1), him in revision under section 272
[33A] or section main Para.
271 [33B]. Pm] . (2) Subject to the other provisions of this section, the [,_ 35 m authority
concerned-- main para
(a) may make an amendment Imder sub-section (1) P of its own motion, and
(b) shall make such amendment for rectifying any . such mistake which has been brought to its
notice by the assessee.
(3) An amendment which has the eect of enhancing [-5- 35 (I). m an assessment or reducing a
refund or otherwise increas- P'°'-1 ing the liability of the assessee, shall' not be made under this
section unless the authority concerned has given no-
(4) Where an amendment is made under this section, [Neil] an order shall be passed in writing by
the Income-tax authority concerned. ' (5) Where any such amendment has the effect of re-[s- 35 (§)]
ducing the assessment, the Income-tax Officer shall make any refund which may be due to such
(6) Where any such amendment has the effect of en- [3, 35 (4)1 hancing the assessment or reducing'
a_ refund already _ * made, the Income-tax Ofcer shall serve on the assessee a notice of demand in
the prescribed form specifying the sum payable, and such notice of demand shall be deemed to be
issued under section 163 [section 29], and the provi- sions of this Act shall apply accordingly.
(7) Save as otherwise provided in section 162 or sec- [seqa 35 (1), tion 193 (4), [s. 35(5) to 35(10) or
see. re: cancellation ofmm P3"- registration], no amendment under t is section shall be pm] made
after the expiry of four; years am the date of the order sought to be amended. 2 1 Section 162.
other amend-
mcnts [s- 35 (5)1 [New] [s- 35 (3)1 Clause 162 (1) Where in respect of any completed assessment of a
partner in a rm it is found-
(b) on any reduction or enhancement made in the in- come of the rm under section 161(1), 259, 263,
269, 271 or 272, [section 31, section 33, section 33A, section 33B, section 66, section 66A -or section
35(1)], that the share of the partner in the income of the rm has not been included in the assessment
of the partner or, if included, is not correct, the Income-tax Oicer may amend the order of
assessment of the partner with a view to the inclusion of the share in the assessment or the
correction thereof, as the case may be; and the provisions of - ection 161 [35(1) to (4)] shall,
mutatis-mutandis, apply t ereto, the period of four years specied in sub-section (7) of that section
being recluoned from the date of the nal order passed in the case of the rm.
(2) Where in respect of any completed assessment of a member 0)' an association of persons it is
(b) on any reduction or enhancement made in t e in- come of the association under section 161(1 ,
263. 269. 271 or 272, [section 31, section 33, section 33A, section 33B, section 66, section 66A or
spcti-on 35(1)} i that the share of the member in the income of the ; asso- ciation has not been
included in the assessment of the E'mem- be)" or, if included, is not correct, the Income-taa: er may
amend the order 0')' assessment of the member ith a view to the inclusion of the share in the
assessment 7' the correction thereof, as the case may be; and the prquisi in of section 161 [35(1) to
(4)] shall, mutatis-mutandis, pply thereto, the period of four years specified in sub-secti (7) of that
section_being reckoned from the date of theg final order passed in the case of the association : z >
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall iaect the provisions of section 87, clause (v)
[14(2)(b)]. ' (3) Where, as a result of proceedings initiated nder clause (a) of section 152, [section
corresponding to exvsting section 34(1) and (2)] ' ......................... .. a rm or an;asso- ciation of
persons is assessed orreassessed .......... .., and the Income-tax Otcer concerned is of opinion that it is
necessary to compute or recompute the total income of a partner in the rm or a mem er of the
association oligar- sons, ............. .. as the case 1' be, the Income-tax G cer may proceed to compttte
or r pute the total income' and I . E ?
\ Clause 162 determine the sum payable on the basis of such computation
- or recomputation and make the necessary amendment; and the provisions of section 161 [35(_1) to
(4)] shall mutatis- mutandis apply thereto, the period of four years specied in sub-section (7) of that
section being reckoned from the date of the nal order passed in the case of the rm or association,
................ .. as the case may be.
(4) Where the Income-tax Officer is satised that the [S- 35(9)] income-tax payable by a company on
its prots and gains out of which the company has declared a dividend, has not been paid within three
years after the nancial year in which the dividend was declared -or within one year after the nancial
year in which the assessment of the company for the assessment year concerned was made,
whichever is later, the amount of income-tax which a shareholder of the company is deemed himself
to have paid in respect of such dividend under section 246 [49B], or the amount for which credit is
due to him under section 246 [sub-section (5) of section 18] in respect of such dividend,'sha1l be
deemed to have been wrongly computed; and the Income--tax Oicer may, notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, pro- ceed to recompute such amount by reducing it in the same proportion as
the amount of income-tax remaining unpaid by the company bears to the amount of
income-tax'payable by it on such prots and gains, and make the necessary amendment: ............. ..
and the provisions of section 161 [35(1) to (4)] shall mutatis mutandis apply thereto, the pe- riod of
four years specied in sub-section (7) of that section being reckoned from the date on which the
period of three years aforesaid has expired or the date on which the period of one year aforesaid has
expired, whichever is later.
(5) Where an allowance by way of development rebate [1 35 has been made wholly or partly to an
éassessee in respect of a ship, machinery or plant in any assessment year under section 33 [clause
(vib) of subsection (2) of section 10], and subsequently at any time before the expiry of ten years
from the end of the previous year in which the ship was ac- quired or the machinery or plant was
(i) the ship, machinery or plant is sold or otherwise transferred by the assessee to any person other
than the Government: or
(ii) the assessee utilises the amount credited to _the reserve account under the said section read
with section 34 [section for conditions]-
(b) for remittance outside India as prots or for the creation of any asset outside India; or (C) for any
other purposekwhich " snot a purpose of the business of the un rtakin _ a (")1 Clauses 162-166 the
development rebate originally allowed shall be deemed to have been wrongly allowed, and the
Income-tax Ofcer may, notwithstanding anything contained -in this Act, .... .. ....... .. recompute the
total income of the assessee for the relevant previous year and make the necessary amendment; and
the provisions of section 161 [s. 35(1) to (4)] shall, muta- tis mutandis, apply thereto, the period of
four years specied' in sub-section (7) of that section being reckoned from the end of the previous
year in which the transfer takes place or the money is so utilised.
[NW] (6) Where any such debt or part (Of debt as is referred to in section 36(6)(i) [sub-clause (i) of
clause (6) of secti-on relating to deductions from business] is written 011' as irre- coverable in the
accounts of the assessee for a previous year, and the Income-tax Oicer is satised that such debt or
part thereof became a bad debt in an earlier previous year, the Income-tax Oicer may,
notwithstanding anything con- tained in this Act, allow such debt or part of debt as a deduction for
such earlier previous year, and recompute the total income of the assessee for such earlier previous
year and make the necessary amendment; and the provisions of section 161 [35(1) to (4)] shall,
mutatis mutandis,: apply thereto, the period of four years specied in sub-section (7) of that section
being reckoned from the end of the previous year in which the debt is actually written o' as
Section 163- When any tax, penalty or interest is due in consequence §°"°°d ''f of any order passed
under or in pursuance of this Act, the "m" ' Income-tax Officer shall serve upon the assessee ..; .... ..
a I" 29] notice of demand in the prescribed form specifying the sum so payable.
section ,54_ When, in the course of the assessment of the total in- Intimation of come of any
assessee, it is established that a loss .......... .. 1059- has taken place which the assessee is entitled to
have carri-
[s- 24 (3)] ed forward and set off under the provisions of section 73(2), 74(2) or 75(2) [24(2) (2B)],
the Income-tax Officer shall notify to the assessee by an order in writing the amount of the loss as
computed by him for the purposes of section 73 (2), 74(2) or 75(2) [24(2), (2B)].
Section 166. (1) The person responsible for paying any interest, Information not being "Interest on
securities", shall, on or before the 3' '°'"""'*- fteenth day of June in each year, furnish to the Income-
[8- 20A and tax Ofcer having jurisdiction to assess him, a return, in .
fax?' 4" & the prescribed formdand veried in the prescribed manner, of the names and a dresses pf
all persons to whomiduring I Clauses 166-167 the previous nancial year he has paid interest or
aggregate interest exceeding such amount, not being less than four hundred rupees, as may be
prescribed in this behalf, to- gether with the amount paid to each such person.
(2) The prescribed person in the case of every Gov-- [s_ 2,_] ernment office, and the principal
officer or the prescribed person in the case of every local authority, company or other public body or
association, and every" private employer shall prepare. and within thirty days from the 31st day of
- March in each year, deliver or cause to be delivered to the Income-tax Oicer in the prescribed form
and veried in the prescribed manner, a return in writing shoWing----
(a) the name and, so far 3 it is known, the address, of every person who was receiving on the 31st day
of March, or has received or to whom was due during the year ending that date, from the Govern-
ment, the authority, company, body, association or private employer, as the case may be, any
income chargeable under the head "Salaries" of such amount as may be prescribed; -
(b) the amount of the income so received by or so du to each such person, and the time or times at
which the same was paid or due, as the case may be;
(c) the amount deducted in respect of income~tax and super-tax from the income of each such
(3) Where an employer deducts from the emoluments [, 53¢} paid to an employee or pays on his
behalf any contribu- tions of that employee to an approved superannuation fund, he shall include all
such deductions or payments in the return which he is required to furnish under sub- section (2), as
provided by section 314 [58T].
(4) The principal oicer ofevery company which is an [,_ ,9A1 Indian company or a company which
has made such effec- tive arrangements as may be prescribed for the declara- tion and payment of
dividends in India shall, on or before the 15th day of June in each year, furnish to the rescribed '
officer a return in the prescribed form 'and veri ed in the prescribed manner of the names and of the
addresses, as entered in the register of shareholders maintained by the company, of the
shareholders to whom a dividend or aggre- gate dividends exceeding such amount may be
prescribed in this behalf has or have been distributed during the pre-
The principal ofcer of every company shall, at the Section :67. time of distribution of dividends,
furnish to every person Ceftivatebv receiving a dividend a certicate to the effect that the
:§;"l_;P::]';,m'° company has paid or will pay income-tax or that no income- me, - tax is payable (as
the case may be) on prots which are divi ndl. being distributed and specifying such er particulars as
[., 2 may be prescribed. - i ' ' Section 168.
Legal repre-
(1) Where a person dies, his ................ repre- sentative shall be liable to pay any tax, penalty
or other sum which the deceased would have been liable to pay if he had not died, in the like manner
and to the same extent as the deceased.
(2) For the purpose of making an assessment (includ- ing an assessment under section 152 [section
34] ) of the in- come of the deceased and for the purpose of levying any tax, penalty or other sum in
the hands of the legal repre- sentative in accordance with the provisions of sub--section (1)):
(a) any proceeding taken against the deceased before his death shall be deemed to have been taken
against the legal representative and may be con- tinued against the legal representative from the
stage at which it stood on the date of the death of the deceased; :
(b) any proceeding which could have been 'taken against the deceased if he had survived, may be
taken against the legal representative; and
(c) all the provisions of this Act shall apply accdrding- ly. ' (3) The legal representative of the
deceased shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to be an assessce.
(4) The provisions of sub-section (3) of section 170 [section relating to liability ofrepresentative
assesse , sub- section (3)], section 171 [new section regarding ri ht of representative assessee to
recover tax paid] secti 172, [new section providing when representative asse ee is personally liable]
and section 176 [new section rela 'ng to remedies against properties in case of representati e as-
sessee] shall, so far as may be and to the extent to hich they are not inconsistent with the provisions
of this sec- tion, apply in relation to a representative assesseeg (5) The liability of a legal
representative under this section shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (4), be limited to the
extent to which the estate is capable of meet- ing the liability.
"(1) For the purposes of this Act, "representative asses- Section :69. see means-- 'fRepresenta-
_ _ _ . . tlve assessee.
(1) in respect of the income of a non-resident specified [$420) main in section 9(1) [Section 42(1),
mam para, earlier para, latter part], the agent of the non-resident, including a per- half» Part] son
who is treated as such under section 173 [43];
(ii) in respect of income of a minor, lunatic or idiot, the [s. 4.0 (u), guardian or committee or
manager or trustee who part] is entitled to receive or is in receipt of such income on behalf of such
minor, lunatic or idiot;
(iii) in respect of income ......................... .. which the [s- _4l (1): Court of Wards, the
Administrator-General, the ":;'t']'iP""» Ofcial Trustee or any receiver or manager (in-P cluding any
person. whatever his designation, who in fact manages property on behalf of another) appointed by
or under any order of a court, ....... .. ................ .. receives or is entitled to receive, on behalf of any
person, ............. .. such Court of Wards, Administrator-General, Official Trustee, re- ceiver or
manager ...................... ..;
(iv) ............. .. in respect of income which a trustee or [5, 4, (0 trustees appointed under a trust
declared by a main para. duly executed instrument in writing whether tes- Pm] tamentary or
otherwise (including any Wakf deed which is valid under the Mussalman Wakf Valid- ing Act, 1913)
receive or are entitled to receive on 6of!9I3 behalf of any person, ................ .. such trustee or trustees
................ ..
(2) Every representative assessee shall be deemed to {New-of. s. 42 be an assessee for the purposes
of this Act. ')1 (1) Every representative assessee, as regards the in- Section :70. come in respect of
which he is a representative assessee, Liability of shall be subject to the same duties, responsibilities
and lia- ;§,';'¢'°"'"' V bilities as if the income were income received by or accru- I "s°"°°' ing to or in
favour of him benecially, and shall be liable £5'; S)'InP;'; to assessment in his own name in respect
of that income; pg, ' pm, but any such assessment shall be deembd to be made upon 5.4.2 I),main
him in his representative capacity onl 1', and the tax shall, Pam 13"" subject to the other provisions
contai ed in this Chapter, half'? Pm] be levied upon and recovered from him in like manner and to
the same amount as it would be leviable upon and re- coverable from the person represented by
(2) Any tax payable in respect of any such assessment [New] shall be recoverable from the
representative assessee, but to the extent only of assets be onging to the person whom he represents
which may be 0 may j in his possession or under his management, di al or» ntrol:
Clauses 170-173 Provided that nothing in this sub-section snall aect the provisions of section 172
........................................... .. [newly added section laying down when representative as- sessee
personally liable.] [New] (3) Where any person is, in respect of any income, as- sessable under this
(iapter in the capacity of a represen- tative assessee, he shall not, in respect of that income, be
assessed under any other provision -of this Act.
Section m. (1) Every representative assessee who, as such, pays Right Of_ '6' any tax, shall be
entitled to recover the amount so paid from the person on whose behalf it _is paid, or to retain
movcnax out of any moneys that may be in his possession or may paid. come to him in his"
representative capacity, an amount [NW] equal to the amount so paid.
[s.42 (1), 2nd (2) . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Any representative assessee, or any PIOV-] person who
apprehends that he may be assessed as a repre- sentative assessee, may retain out of any money
payable by him to the person on whose behalf he is liable to pay tax (hereinafter in this section
referred to as the principal), 'a sum equal to his estimated liability under this Chapter, and in the
event of any disagreement between the principal and such representative assessee or person as to
the amount to be so retained, such representative assessee or gerson may secure from the
Income-tax Oicer a certicate ating the amount to be so retained pending final settlement of the
liability, and the certicate so obtained shall be his warrant for retaining that amount. -
[5- 42 (1): 31d (3) ................... .. The amount recoverable from such p'°"'] representative assessee or
person at the time of nal settle- ment shall not exceed the amount specied in such certi- cate except
to the extent to which such representative assessee or person may at such time have in his hands
addi- tional assets of the principal.
Section 172. Every representative assessee shall be personally;lia'.ble sV;'x*l't";':iv'c°P'°' for any tax_
payable by him in his representative cazacity, if, while his liability for tax remains undischarge , he
:::=as1sl:rc1i§§1r; charges, disposes of or parts with any assets, which are in [Ncw] his possession or
come to him after the tax is payablej when from or out of such assets, the tax could legally have been
paid. .
Who may be (1) For the purposes of this Act, "agent", in relation to.
[s. 43 main (a) who is employed by or on behalf of the rwn-resi- para] dent, or
(b) who has any business connection with the non- resident, or _ Clauses 173-174
(c) through whom the non-resident is in receipt of any income, .................. ., ..... .. or
(d) who is the trustee of the non-resident ............. .. : [s. 40 (2)) Provided that a broker in India who
.......... .., in res- [s.43,» lst pect of any transactions, does not ................ .. deal directly P'°"-1 with or
on behalf of a non-resident principal but deals with or through a non-resident broker ................ ..
shall deemed to be an agent under this section in respect of such transactions, if the following
conditions are fullled, name- ly :--
(a) the transactions are carried on in the ordinary course of business through the first-mentioned
broker; and '
(b) the non-resident broker is carrying on such tran- sactions in the ordinary course of his business
and not as a principal. .
(2) .......... .. No person shall be treated as the agent 3.43, 2nd of a non-resident ................... .. unless
he has had an' oppor- p,°._] tunity of being heard by the Income-tax Ofcer as to his liability to be
treated as such.
................... .. Where any incomexin respect of which See on :74. the persons mentioned in section
169 1) (iii) and (iv), [S. Ch eof tax 41(1) Part, as embodied in the clauses , ling with Court of '"f "ih¥°
Wards etc. and trustees in the newly added section dening "° °"' representative assessee] are liable as
éepresentative asses- [5 2 m m sees, or any part thereof, is not specically receivable on p,',°'$t
,a;.1i,,,. behalf of any one person, or where thefindividual shares of half,: part] the persons on whose
behalf sudh income or such part there- of is receivable (which persons are herleinafter in this sec-
tion referred to as the beneficiaries) are indeterminate or unknown,-- *
(i) ................... .. as if such incoriie .... .. or such [s.4i (If, us: part thereof were the total income of an
association Pr°Vg» me!' of persons, or "' h"1f""""] nknown
(ii) if such income or such part thereof is received by [s. 4; (1), _m a beneficiary, then at the rate or
rates applicable Pmfv» earhe_r to the beneciary, , haJ,~. m0dl-
' ' cdli as the Income-tax Oicer may direct; and é 14-] Law Com /58. ' . " ' Clauses 174-178 [New] (b)
super-tax shall be charged as if such income or J such part thereof were the total income of an asso-
ciation-of persons.» %;°s'ei°"'~ ................ .. Where part only of the income ................ ..
pan of mm of a trust is chargeable under this Act, that proportion only income is of the income,
................... receivable by a beneciary chargeable. from the trust which the part so chargeable bears
to the [$.41 (1) 2nd whole income ................ .. of,the trust shall be deemed to PI'°V- have been
derived from that part.
D--Representative assessees--General.
Secti°(rl1_I76- _The Income-tax Oicer shall have the same remedies §g°;':St'°;w_ against all
property of any kind vested in or under the con- pmyin cases trol or management of any
representative assessee as he of xepresema- would have against the property of any person liable to
pay fivc assessew any tax, and in as full and ample a manner. [New] lS)°_¢ti°" 177- Nothing in the
foregoing sections in this Chapter shall prevent either the direct assessment of the person on whose
mi behalf income .......... ..therein referred to is receivable, or [MI (2) and the recovery from such
person of the tax payable in respect s.4.2(1), main Of such income .......... .. ' para, latter :':::nde,f']"" '
E------Executors. K Section 178. (1) Subject as hereinafter provided, the income of the Ex<=°"l°r-S
estate of a deceased person shall be chargeable to tax in the [New] hands of the executor,-
(a) if there is only one executor, then as if the executor were an individual, or
(b) if there are more than one executor, then as if the executors were an association of persons.
(2) -The assessment of an. executor under this section shall be made separately ;from any
assessment; that may be made on him in respect of his own income. g , (3) Separate assessments
shall be made under th sec-
tion on the total income of each completed previous y ar or part thereof as is included i ' the period
from the the death to the date of co ete distribution to the ciaries of the estate according to their
several inter te of ene-
(4) In computingtthe total income of any prev' year under this section, a inco ' of the estate of that pr
ious year distributed to, I applie to the benet of, an bene- ciary of the estate during that previous
year s ll be excluded; but the income so excluded shall be inclu d in the total income of the previous
year of such bene ry.
(1) Where a person carrying on any business, profes- Section; :80. sion or vocation, (such person
hereinafter in this section 5"".°°"'°" '° being referred to as the predecessor) has been succeeded
°:';f;fji:c therein by another person (hereinafter in this section refer- thgnondmh red to as the
successor) who continues to carry on that busi- [s. _ 26(2), ness, profession or vocation, the
predecessor and the succes- mam Pm] sor shall. subject to the prov'sions of sections 13(2), 13(3),
91(1) and 100 [section 25(4)] each be assessed in respect of his actual share, if any, of the income
................... ..of the previous year, that is to say ,--
(a) the predecessor shall be assessed in respect of the income of the previous year upto the date of
succes- _ sion, and l
(b) the successor shall be assessed in respect of the in- come of the previous year after'. the date of
succes- sion. ' (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section [s- 26(f2). (1), when the
predecessor carinot [be lound, the. assessment °'""'°" of the income of the previous ,year in which
the succession , took place upto the date of succession, dnd for the previous year preceding that year
shall? be maxieion the successor in like manner and to the same amount dsiit would have been
made on the predecessor .......... ..
(3) .......... ..When the tax in respect of the income of [I-2 25(2)» such business, profession or
vacation, or the previous year ha] '""°' in which the succession took lace up, jthe date of succes- sion
or for the previous year A ceding that year, assessed on the predecessor. cannot be re vered rbm
him, it shall be r payable by and recoverable rom t afsuccessor, and the successor shall "be entitled
to recover' rbm the predecessor the amount of any tax so pdid. I J (4) .......... ..Where any .....
..',, profession or vo- l*- 25-4(2)», cation ................... ..carried oniby a ; du undivided
family 'If 1 P""' ............. succeeded to, and isimulta. _ ' ly with the suc-- , cession or after the
succession there» ' been a partition of the joint family propert betwe the members or groups of
members, the tax d in re ' ' profession or vocation succee ed to j; o the date of suc- cession shall be
assessed and iiecover in the manner pro- vided in section 181(4) and 1 (6) [s ' 'on 25A(2), remain-
ing part, as embodied in secti 'on tion], but without prejudice to the provisions oft is se ' i Clause 181
(1) .......... ..A Hindu family hitherto assessed as undivi- afmpmition ded .......... ..shall be deemed, for
the purposes of this Act, of a Hindu to continue to be a Hindu undivided family, except where
tgmd_ilvided and in so far as a nding of partition has been given under am: . ' ' ' ~ -
[s. 25A(1), (2) Where, at the time of making an assessment under "'"_i." Pa" section 147 or 148 [23],
it is claimed by or on behalf of '5" '°' Pm] any member of a Hindu family .......... ..assessed as undivid-
ed that a partition. whether total or partial, has taken place among the members of such family, the
Income--tax Ofcer [S- 25A(I).- shall make an inquiry thereinto .......... ..after giving notice I"°"'] of
the inquiry to all the members of the family.
ls-_ 25-4(1)» (3) On the completion of the inquiry, the Income-tam P333' Officer shall record a
nding as to whether there has been a total or partial partition of the joint family pnoperty, _and, if
there has been such a partition, the date on which it has taken place. ' [s- , 25A(2)» (4) Where a
finding of total or partial partition has been magi Pam» recorded by the Income-tax Ofcer under this
section and pa the partition took place during the previous year,-
(a) .......... ..the total income received by or on behalf of the joint family in re V ect of the period upto
the date of partition shall e assessed as if no partition had taken place; and [s-_ 25A(2) (b) each
member or group of members shall, 'in addition Pam to any tax for which he or it may be separately
P liable and notwithstanding anything contain in section 11. clause (2) [section 14(1)], be jointlyé
and severally liable for .......... ..the tax on the income so assessed .............. .. » [New] (5) Where a
nding of total or partial partition i has been recorded by the Inncome-tax Officer under this se tion
and the partition took place after the expiry of the pr ious year, the total income of the previous year
of the oint family shall be assessed as if no partition had taken p cc: and the provisions of clause Eb)
of sub-section (4) all, mutatis mutandis, apply to the case.
is. 2sA<2>, (6) For the purposes of clause (b) of sub-sectioni-(4), mm" para' the several liability of
any member or group of members.
[s. 25A(2), Prov.] pm] thereunder shall be computed according to the portion of _the joint family
property allotted to him or it at the partqtion. [New] (7) After a nding of total partition has been
recdrded by the Income-tax Oicer under this section in respect of any Hindu family, the
Income_~taac Oicer having ju ' dic_- tion to assess the Hi family shall, subject to the pom-
sions of section 135(7) 64(5)] ,~_y_~ . 2 ! the Clauses 181-182 / (a) if the Hindu family carried on
any business, pro- fession or vocation, be the Income-tax Oicer of the area in which its principal
place of business, pro- fession or vocation was situate immediately before the partition; and
(b) in other cases, be the Income-tax Oicer of the area in which the person who was the last manager
of I the Hindu family was residing immediately before the partition.
(8) The provisions of this section shall, mutatis mutan- [New] dis and so far as may be, apply in
relation to the levy and collection of any penalty or other sum in respect of any ' period upto the date
of the partition, whether total or par-
}i tial, of a Hindu family as they apply in relation to the levy and collection of tax in respect of any
such period.
(i) a physical division of the property, if the pro- perty admits of such division, or,
(ii) where the property does not admit of physical division, then such division as the property admits
of; .......... .. and a mere severance of status shall not be deemed to be a partition;
(b) "partial partition" means a partition which is par- tial as regards the persons constituting the
Hindu undivided family, or the properties belonging to the Hindu undivided family, or both.
(1) The provisions of this section shall, notwithstanding Section :82. anything contained in the other
provisions of this Act, apply Shipping for the purpose of the levy and recovery of tax in the case
Eggzifdcnfj of a non-resident who carries on business in India in any [s;4 ,c,m,,, financial year as the
owner or chartener of a ship (such per-- pan son hereinafter in this section being referred to as the
prin- cipal) .......... .. ' (2) Where a ship of the principal carries passengers, [5, 4413 (2), livestock,
mail or goods shipped at a port in India, one-sixth latter 112"] of the amount paid or payable on
acéount of such carriage to the principal or to any person on his behalf, whether that amount is paid
or payable in or out of India, shall be deemed to be income accruing in India to the principal on
account of such carriage .......... ..
(3) Before the departure from any port in_ India of any [s- 4413(1)] such ship ............. ..the master
of the ship' shall prepare and furnish to the Income-tax 0 er a re , , of the full amount paid or
payable to the prin pal, or' d any person on his s 5 '3 1 l l [s' _ earlier half, part] [s- _ 44B(3), earlier
part] [s- , 443(2), earlier half, part] [s- 4413(3).
dent from his assets [s.4.2(I), Ist l'rov.] Clauses 182-183 'behalf: on account of the carriage of all
passengers, live- stock, mail or goods shipped at that port since the last arri- val of the ship thereat.
(4) On receipt of the return, the Income-tax Officer shall assess the income referred to in
sub-section (2) .......... ..and determine the sum payable as tax thereon at the rate or rates for the
time being applicable to the total income of a company which has not made the arrangements
referred to in section 203 [18(3D), main para], and such sum shall be payable by the master of the
ship ....... ..
(5) For the purpose of determining the tax payable under sub-section (4), the Income-tax Oicer may
call for such accounts or documents as he may reque .......... ..
(6) .......... ..A port clearance shall not be granted to the ship until the Customs-Collector, or other
oicer duly autho- rised to grant the same, is satised that the tax assessable under this section has
been duly paid.
(7) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the principal from claiming in the nancial
year following that in which any payment has been made on his behalf 'under this section, that an
assessment be made of his total income of the previous year, and that the tax payable on the basis
thereof be determined in accordance with" the other provisions of this Act, and if he so claims, any
such payment as aforesaid shall be treated as a payment in advance of the tax leviable i.n the
relevant assessment ear, and the difference between the sum so paid and the am unt of tax found
payable by him on such assessment shal be paid by him or refunded to him, as the case may be. =;
(8) The provisions of this section shall not apply where the Income-tax Ofcer is satised that there is
an agenit of the principal from whom the tax will be recoverable in: the igflevant assessment year
under the other provisions of this . ct.
u x Without prejudice to the provisions of section 1'7 (1) [section embodying the rule that a
representative asse see-
is liable to pay the tax] or of section 176 [section newly dd- ed authorising the Income-tax Ofcer to
proceed ag nst assets with agent], where the person entitled to the inc me .......... ..referred to in
section 9. clause (i) [42(1) main ra, earlier part] is a non-resident. the tax chargeable ther on,
whether in his name or in the name of his agent whq is liable as a representative assessee. may be
recovered; by deduction under any of the provisions of sections 20E to 204 [18(2) to 18(3D)] and
.......... ..any arrears of tax may be recovered also in accordance with the provisions of his Act from
any assets of the non-ii-¢sident which are, or ay at any time come within; India. 3 ' a ( ¥q 4'.
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3 5¢°ti°" '34- [section 3], when it appears to the
Income--tax Oicer that f,?'°"""°m any individual may leave India during 'the current
assess-1.,,,ving1,,d;,,, ment year, or shortly after its expiry,-and that he has no [L ,';'A(,), present
intention of returning, .......... ..the total income of main para, such individual for the period from the
expiry of the pre- earlier half] vious year for that assessment year, to the probable date of his
departure from India .......... ..shall be chargeable to tax in that assessment year.
(2) .......... ..The total income of each completed previous [s. 234A (1), year or part thereof included
in such period ............ ..... .. ngain para. shall be chargeable to tax at the rate or rates in force in '""f'
ham that assessment year, and separate assessments shall be 9"] made in respect of each such
completed previous year or part thereof. ' (3) The Income-tax Officer may estimate the income of 5-
?4A(')v such individual for such period or any part thereof, gff' where it cannot be readily
determined in the manner pro- paft] ' vided in this Act.
(4) For the purpose of making an assessment under sub- [I- 24A(2)l section (1), the Inc.ome~tax
Officer may serve a notice upon such individual requiring him to furnish, within such time, , not
being less than seven days, as may be specied in the 2 notice, a return in the same form and veried in
the same manner as a return under section 143(2) [sub-section (2) of section 22], setting forth
.......... ..his total income for each ....... .. completed previous year comprised in the period re ferred to
in sub-section (1) and his estimated total income for any part of a complete previous year comprised
in that period .......... ..; and the provisions of this Act shall, so far as may be, and subject to the
provisions of this section, apply as if the notice were 1 noticeiissued under section 143(2)
[sub-section (2) of section 22]. 1 (5) Tax chargeable under, this section shall be in addi- [Nlcw] tion
to the tax, if any, chargeable under any other provision of this Act. -
(6) Where the provisions of sub-section (1) are appli- [Nlvwl cable, any notice issued by the
Income-tax Oicer under 1 section 143(2) [sub-section (2): of sectihn 22] or section 154 (1) [section
34(1), second part, portion relating to the issue of a notice containing the're._t;uirem'eht to be
included on the lines of section 22(2)] in respect dfiany tax chargeable , under any other provision of
this Act may, notwithstanding anything contained in section 143(2) Esection 22(2)] or sec- tion
154(1) [section 34(1) second para, portion relating to notice containing such requirements] as'the
case may be. require the furnishing of the return by such individual within such _ riod, not bein less
thfn.-seven days, as the Income-tar icer may thin properg ' i Clauses 184-186 [New] (7) Every
assessment under sub-section (1) shall be _ completed within three months of the date on which the
notice under sub-section (4) is served, except where such individual himself waives his right to have
the assessment so completed, or where the assessment is delayed owing to any conduct of such
Section 185. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 3, Discontinued, [section 3] where
any business, profession or vocation which E"""°" was not charged under the provisions of the
Indian Income-
p,;,f]5(')' tax Act, 1918, is discontinued in any.assessment_year, the 7 of1g18 total income of such
business, profession or vocation of the period from the expiry of the previous year for that assess-
ment _year .upto the date of such discontinuance may, at the discretion of the Income-tax Oicer, be
charged to tax in that assessment year.
[New] (2) The total income of each completed previous year or part thereof included in such period
shall be chargeable to tax at the rate or rates in _force in that assessment year, and separate
assessments shall be made in respect of each such completed previous year or part thereof.
[S- 25(2)» (3) Any person discontinuing any such, business, pro- °a"'" Pm] fession or vocation shall
give to the Income-tax Oicer notice of such discontinuance within fteen days there-
of .......... .. -
[s. 25(1), (4) Tax chargeable under this section shall be in addi- Pm] tion to the tax, if any,
chargeable under any other provision of this Act.
section 133, ( 1) Where any business, profession or vocation carried A_ssociati0n on by ..........
association of persons has been discontinu- 'g3:i';:;d °' ed or where .......... .. an association of
persons is dissolved,--- d'5°°"'i""°d- (a) the Income-tax Oicer shall make an assessment of §;r'f]'*('3'
the total income of the .......... ..association of per- sons as if no such discontinuance or dissolution
had taken place; and [8- 44(3), (b) every person who was at the time of such discon- Pal tinuance or
dissolution a .......... ..member of ' the association, and the legal representative of any such member
who is deceased, shall in respect of the in- come of the association be jointly and severally liable for
the amount of tax.....; .... ..payable, and all the provisions of this Act, so far as may be, shall apply to
any such assessment .......... ..
[New] (2) Where such' discontinuance or dissolution takes place after any proceedings in respect of
an assessment year ave commenced, the procecdings be continued agains ' the s _t persons referred
to in: sub- on (1) from -the sta e at I . r Clauses 186-188 V which the proceedings stood at the time of
such disconti- nuance o'r dissolution, and all the provisions of this Act shall, so far as may be, apply
accordingly. .
(3) The provisions of sub-sections (1) and (2) shall, so [New] for as may be and mutatis mutandis,
apply in relation to [s. (2) part any penalty or other sum, chargeable under any provision 5-44 3)
Part] of this Act, as they apply in relation to tax.
(4) Nothing in this section shall aect the provisions Of [New] section 170(2) [24B(1), portion
limiting liability of legal re- presentative to extent of estate].
Where the time taken by the author of a literary or Scctiors I37- artistic work in the making thereof
is more than twelve R°Y".";'°' .......... ..months,............the amount received or receivable f;§';'§"tm_
by him during any previous year on account of any lump rafy 0, mi. sum consideration for the
assignment or grant of any of stic work. his interests in the copyright of that work or of royalties [8
"AM or copyright fees (whether receivable in lump sum or other- ' wise), in respect of that work,
shall, if he so claims, be allocated for purposes of assessment as hereunder---
(i) where the time so taken is less than twenty-four , months, one-half of the amount of such lump
sum, royalties or fees as the income of the previous year in which the vsfhole amount is received or
ble, and the other half as the income of the next succeeding previous year; and
(ii) where the time so taken is twenty-four months, or more, one-third of the amount of such lump
sum, royalties or fees as the income of the previous year in which the" whole amount is received or
receiva- ble, and one-third of the said amount' as the income of each of the two next succeeding
previous years.
Explanation:-For the purposes of this section, the ex- pression 'author' includes a joint author, and
the expression 'lump sum', in regard to royalties or copyright fees, inclu- des an advance payment on
account of such royalties or copyright fees which is not returnable.' M----Liability of State
Governments. §,'§?Zi.§'s't otnss' ' - - income-tax.
.......... ..Income--tax payable on the interest............ on Fm 9-tcurmf-8 any security of the State
Govanment ,; issued income-tax °"' $'"'° free shall be payable by the St te Govepgment at such rate
gf";'';1,'§°m' as may be laid down by any Ce ral Acté ~ pm I l .« l, r Section 189.
(1) Notwithstanding anything contained in sections 147 and 148 [section 23(1) to (4)], .......... ..and
subject to the pro- visions of sub-section (3 , in the case of a registered rm, after assessing the total i
come of the rm,-
(ii) the share of each partner in the income of the rm .......... ..shall be included in his total income-
and assessed to tax accordingly.
(2) .......... ..If such share of any partner is a loss it shall be set off against his other income or carried
forward and set off in accordance with the provisions of sections 72 to 80 [24(1) and (2)].
(3) .......... ..When any of the partners of a registered rm is a non-resident, the tax on his share in the
in- come .......... ..of the rm shall be assessed on the rm at the rate or rates which would be applicable
if it? were assessed on him personally, and the tax so assessed shall be paid by the rm. ~ ' In the case
of an unregistered rm, the Income-tax Of-
(a) may .......... ..determine the tax payable b the rm. itself on the basis of the total income 0 the rm;
(b) .......... ..if, in his opinion, the aggregate amo nt of the tax .......... ..payable by the partners 1'. t rm
were treated as a registered firm would e eater- than the aggregate amount of the tax which . ould be
payable by the rm under clause (a) and the tax which would be ' ayable by the partners indi-
vidually, ma A procee to make the assessmentiunder section 189(1 (ii) [23(5)(a)(ii)] as if the rm 1'
ere a registered firm; and Where the procedure sp cied in this clause is applied to any unregistere
rm, the provisions of section 189(2) and 189(3) [1 t and 2nd provisos to section 23(5)(a)] shall apply
here- to as they apply in the case of a registered rm.
for rcgistra- poses of this Act may be made to the Income-tax Officer tion.
(ii) the individual shares of the partners are specied in that instrument, or can be ascertained from
that instrument with or without the aid of the instru- ments of partnership of any other connected
(2) Such application may, subject to the provisions of [NW] this section, be made either during the
existence of the rm or after its dissolution. . r (3) The _application shall be made to the "Income-tax
['~rf5A (2)& Oicer having jurisdiction to assessthe 'rm, and shall be fth' Rufgi, signed---- second
(b) in the case of a dissolved rm, by all "persons (not being minors) who were partners in the rm im-
mediately before its dissolution. and by the legal representative of any such partner who is deceas-
ed. V (4) The application shall be made before the end of,[f,;,,_'§¢':d(')' the_ previous year for the
assessment year in respect of with Rule 2, which registration is sought: - _ Second para.
part] Provided that the Income-tax Oicer may entertain an application made after the end of the
previous year, if he is satised that the rm was prevented by sufficient cause from making the
application before the end of the previous year. 4 _ (5) The application shall be accompanied by the
0Ti_gi- Edriscag) nal instrument evidencing the partnersltip, together with with Rhxlc~31 a copy
thereof: ' ' Provided that if the Income-tax Oider is satised that for sufficient reason the original
instrument cannot con- veniently be produced, he may accept a 'copy of it certied in writing by all
the partners (not being minors). or, where the application is made after the dissolution of the rm, by
all the persons referred to in clausei(b) of sub-section (3), to be a correct copy, or a certified (logy of
the instru- ment: and in such cases the application,s all be accompa- ;_ nied by' a duplicate copy of
the original instrument: ' {Provided further that where the individual shares of _i the partners are
not specied in the ins ,' ent of partner- ; ship, the provisions of this sectiqn shall ' pply also in rela- '
tion to the instruments of partnership re erred to in clause'
(ii) of sub-section (1) as they apply in relation to the instru- niient evidencing the partnershipof the
firm to be register- e .
(6) The application shall be made in the prescribed [s- 2611(2). form and shall give the following
particulars-- 'fe 3'
(i) the names and addresses of the rtners of the rm £3115': during the previous year, tgdther with
their ° °] shares: -e 3 3 .
[s. 26A (2), part, read with Rule 4] [See Rule .1,
(iv) the salary or commission or any other amount payable to the partners; and
iv) the manner in which the prots of the firm were divided for the latest previous year for which such
division -has been made and the mode of distribution, that is to say, whether the distribu- tion was
made by crediting the accounts of the partners or in any other manner, or if the prots have not been
divided the reason for not dividing the prots.
(7) Where registration is granted to any rm for any assessment year, it shall have effect for every
subsequent assessment year, provided there is no change in the consti- tution of the rm or the
shares of the partners as eviden- ced by the instrument of partnership on the basis of which the
registration was granted, and provided the rm furni- shes, along with its return of income for the
assessment year concerned, a declaration to that effect, in the prescrib- ed form and veried in the
prescribed manner.
(8) Where any such change has taken place in the pre-
vious year, the rm shall apply for fresh registration for the assessment year concerned in accordance
with the pro- visions of this section.
» (1) On receipt of an\application for registration of a firm, the Income-tax Oicer shall inquire into
the genuine- ness of the rm and its constitution as specied inlthe in- strument of partnership (as
read with the instruments of partnership referred to in clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of section 191,
where the case so requires), and---
(a) if he is satised that there is or was during the pre- vious year in existence a genuine rm with the
constitution so specied, he shall pass an qrrder in writing registering the rm for the assessment year
( b) if he is not so satised, he shall pass an order in writing refusing to register the firm. ' (2) The
Income-tax 01C_'I' shall not reject an appli- cation for registration merely on the ground that 'the
ap- plication is not in order, but shall intimate the defect to the rm and give it an opportunity to
rectify the defect in the application within a period of one month from the date of such intimation.
.(3) If the defect is not rectified within such tiine, the Income-tax Oicer may reject the application.
. 215 Clauses 192-193 (4) The Income-tax Oicer shall nish- the inquiry un- [New] der this section
before the expiry of a period of one year from the date of ling of the a lication, or before making an
assessment on the rm for We assessment year, which- ever is earlier.
(5) Where a rm is registered for any assessment year, [NeWl the Income--ta:x: Officer shall record a
certicate on the in- {Sec Rule4 strument of partnership or. on the certied copy submitted 1) Part] in
lieu of the original instrument, as the case may be, to the effect that the rm has been registered
under this Act, for that assessment year; and where a declaration under section 191(7) [relevant
sub-section of section for applica- tion for registration, to the effect that in the 'case of subs- equent
assessment year only a declaration need be sent] is furnished by the rm for any subsequent
assessment year, he shall also endorse a note of such declaration hav- ing been furnished on the said
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in ' this sec- [s. 23 (4), tion, where, in respect 'of any
assessment year, there is, onmain ta. the part of a rm, any such failure as is mentioned in sec- lam'
"3 tion 148 [s. 23(4), main para, earlier hal:E,,embodied in sec- P"'.1, tion re: best judgment
assessment], the Income-tax Oyfcer ' may refuse to register the rm for the assessment year. -
(1) I)', where a rm has been registered, or its regis- Scctim 193. .tration has effect under section 191
(7) [newly added sub- Can°§11§ti°n section in section re: application for registration, to the ff
RP3""'*' effect that registration has effect for subsequent year], for ""1 any assessment year, the
Income-tax Ogflcer is of opinion [N°"'1. - that there was during the previous year no genuine rm 5"
1]"'° 631 in existence as registered and that the registration was ob- ; tained or continued by
misrepresentation, he may, with f the previous sanction of the Inspecting Assistant Commis- sioner
and after giving the rnt a reasonable opportunity of. being heard, cancel the registration of the rm
for that assessment year. ' (2) If, where a rm has been registered or its regis- [s. 23§(4), tration has
effect under section'191(7) newly added sub- mini para. section in section re: application for
gistration, provid-1";f]' ""3 ing that registration once granted has effect for future pa ' years] ,- for
any assessment yearjsthere is, on the part of the rm, any such failure in respect of the assessment
year as is mentioned in section 148 [section 23(4), main para, ear-
_lier half, i.e., section for best judgment assessment], the , . Income--tax Officer may cancel the
registration of the rm E' 2 ,( ) for the assessment year, after giving the rm not less than p,'.,,.?,';,']' '
fourteen days' notice intimating his intition to cancel its registration and after giving it a reasmable
opportunity of being heard. , ' » Section 194.
Clauses 193-195 [New] (3) Where the registration of a rm is cancelled for any assessment year, the
Income-tax Oicer shall amend the assessments of the and its partners for that assess- gtent year on
the footing that the rm is an unregistered rm.
[New] (4_) The provisions of section 161 [35 (1) to (4)] shall, mutatis mutandis, apply to the
amendments of the assess- ments of the firm and its partners under sub-section (3). ' the period of
four years specied in section 161 (7) [S. 35 (1)] being reckoned from the date of the order cancelling
the registration. .
INew] (5) No order cancelling the registration of a rm for any assessment year shall be made after
the expiry of eight years from the end of that assessment year.
(1) Where, at the time of m'aking an assessment under Change in section 147 or 148 [23] it is found
that a change has occur- °'t2n-Wlltiol red in the constitution of a rm, .... .. the assessment shall °
"'""° be made on the rm as constituted at the time of making 5- 25 (')3 the assessment: * Provided
that the income of the previous year shall, for the purposes of inclusion in the total incomes of the
partners, be apportioned between the partners vtho, in such previous year, were entitled to receive
the same:
Provided further that when the tax assessed 'ipon a partner cannot be recovered from him, it shall
reco- vered from the rm as constituted at the time of rnaking the assessment.» g {New} (2) For the
purppses of this section, there is 'a change in the constitution o;f the mn-- (
(a) if one or more of thé partners cease to be ners or one or more new partners are admitted, i such
circumstances that one or more/of the perso who were partners of the' firm before the chang con-
tinue as partner or partners after the chan e, or
(b) where all the partners continue with a chat: ge in their respective shares or in the shares of
szxme of them. ' . Where a rm carrying on a business profession E r vo-
§f,?c1:;i335I,f cation is succeeded bx another rm, and the case is ngt one one nn by covered by
section 1 4 [26 (1), relating to changes 11 the . 100016? mh constitution of the rm], separate
assessments sh ll be [New] made on the predecessor rm; and the successor ft m in accordance with
the jarovisiorts of section 180 [26(2)].§ i Clauses 196-197 (1) Where any business, profession or
vocation carried S¢Cti°n 195- on by a firm .... .. has been discontinued, or where a rm Finn di8§01V-
....... .. is dissolved,-- gisggjfggggf
(a) the Income-tax Officer shall make an assessment [",'t*j*(')' of the total income of the .... .. rm as if
no such discontinuance or dissolution had taken place ; and
(b) every person who was at the time of such discon-- [s. 44 (3), tinuance or dissolution a partner of
the rm, and Part] the legal representative of any such partner who ' is deceased, shall, in respect of
the income of the rm, .... .. be jointly and severally liable for- the amount of tax ....... .. payable, and
all the provi-
sions of this Act, so far as may be, shall apply to any such assessment ............. ..
(2) Where such discontinuance or dissolution takes [Nevg place after any proceedings in respect of
an assessment year have commenced, the proceedings may be continued against the persons
referred tofin sub-section (1) from the stage at which the proceeding stood at the time 'of such
discontinuance or dissolution, a d all the provisions of this ;. Act shall, so far as may be, amly
accordingly. , i I (3) The provisions of subsections '»(1) and (2) shall, [s- 41(2). Dirt mutatis
mutandis and so far as may i ,' apply in relation "44 ,3)'*'''"] to any penalty or other sum ' rgeab, .
under any provi- sion of this Act, as they apply _n relation to tax.
(4) Nothing in this section shall diect the provisions'[N°".'] of section 170 (2) [24B (1), portion
limiting liability of legal representative to extent of estate.] 2 ' , D~Other provisions. ' ' A (1) Besides
the provisions; contaizfpd in this Chapter, Sqct on :3;
the following are' the provisions of this 'Act specially r_ele- L"
vant in respect of rms-- C lions' Section 6, clause (2). . [4A (b)] relating to .rcsiQenoe:of rms.'
Section 28 (ii) .. [xo(5A) part]1re1ating t9 'charge of compensation etc. for uuming agenqy. . § ; ' ' i
40 (b) . . [IO (4.) (b)] xlating to 4' ' 'ssib'l'ty of fntercst, l 'V salary, comzission of -zemuxlieraiibn
paid to a l partner. g ,1 j "
bections 76 & 77. . [24 (1) 2nd p K viso part,"' 2:4, (2) proviso (c) and '(d)' [24 A2) pg-ooh part] relati
to loss f ga registered firm or an 3 unregistered treat Vpapt registered. = Section 78 . . ' [24 (1) 2nd
proviso, pit; and _24. (2) misc (c) part] relating to loss of_ umcgtstered
1. Underlining of sections in" the list has not beennic, for facility of 0 ~ I .
Clauses 197-198 s"°ti°"'79 (I) .. [24 (2) Prov. (e)] set off of 1033;; in cases of change of
C0l1Stltut10n in a rm.
3605011 I23 .. [10 (5A) part] relating to computation of tax on compensation etc. Section r38
clause(1) [3fm(1)] relating to information and returns by a Section 165 . . [23 (6)] relating to
intimation of shares.
Section 280 (2) & 280 (4.) [28 (1) Proviso (d) and 28 (2)] relating to computa- tion of penalty in the
case of rms and penalty for wrong apportionment of shares.
Section 320 (2) (a) .. ' !63] relating to service of notices in the case of Section 321 (2) . . [Newly
added section in Misc. Chapter relating to service of notices in the case of dissolv rms.' (2) The list of
provisions given in sub-section (1) is for convenience of reference only.
following provisions of this Act are specially si;'ns';p1;fl'i';';: relevant in' respect of companies,
namely," - ble to comp. Section 6 clause (3) [4.A(c)] relating soresidencc of a company;
[New] Section 20 [8 Expln.] relating to deductions in the case of a banking company under the head
«interest on securities";
Section 4.7 (iii) [12B (1) relating to' transfe of capital assets to a shbsidir 2nd prov.] ry company ; ' ;
Sect'on 85(5) [15C (5) relating to non-applicability of section 85 5 _ to I I prots andhdins to which
section r :3 [sz3A ' Section :08 [56A] relating to exemption from tax of dividends from certain
Indian companies; ' Section tog (2) [r 5B (r) relating to non-applicability of section 109 [1513] for
'xst prov]. super-tax in relation to companies;
Section 123 (1) [1o(5A) . relating to computation of tax where total (income part] includes
compensation esc.;
Section 126 [I7 (7)] relating to computation of tax where total income includes capital gains; '
Section 139 [39] relating to powers of the Income-tax Ocer etc. to
-- examine registers;
' 'Provisions applicable" only to partners have not been included. 3.1 he list of sections has not been
un¢1-lined, for facility of reading. ;
Clauses 198-201
-Section 166 (5) [19A] gelating to information and return regarding divi-
_Section :67 ' [20] relating to ocrticatesin respect of tax on divideo n ; '/ ' Section 203 [18 (3D)]
relating to deduction)! super-tax from dividends;
Sehtion 254. (a) [30 (1) relating to appeal: against an order under section _ prov.] :13 [23A];
(2) The list of provisions given in sub-section (1) is for convenience of reference only. :
(1) Notwithstanding that the regular assessment in res- Seciotr 199, pect of any income is to be made
in a hter assessment year, uction at the tax on such income shall :be payable by' deduction at *0 cc
'"15 source or by advance payment,'as the e may be, in accor- the 9"" dance with the provisions qf
this Chap t_ . [N 1' (2) Nothing in this section shall rejudice the charye of tax on such income under
the provisions of section 3(1) . 3 . M A [] (1) In the case of income in respe of which provision See 'on
i 200. is not made under this Chapter? for de cting income-tax at PW' the time of payment, and in
any case where income-tax has '[':° 9'] not been deducted in accordanqe with (he provisions of th' '
Chapter, income-tax shall be payable bI'¢the assessee direct.
(2) Save as provided in this Chapt 3 super-tax shall be [s. 38 (2)1 payable by the assessee direct. 3 L
B--Deductiong at stmfce.
: « (1) Any person responsib for ' chargeable under the head "S aries" payment, deduct income-tax d
su payable at a rate representing the av tax and average rate of super- , re A the nancial year in
which p the estimated...' ....... ..income 0 the as for that nancial year. ' ' ing any income Sec on 201.
on the amount [". "-3 (2)' rate of income- mm ""1 vely, in force for t is made, on ée under this head 2
I (2) Any person responsibl§S£t>r lying any income [s. *'18 (23), chargeable under the head ~ ' '2 to
a non-resident ml' Plfl] shall, at the time of payment, &duct....£.; on the esti- ? mated income
of the assessee. ' ' cial year in accordance with [section 17(1)]. i .»z' 15--I Lew G_oIn.I58.
Clauses 201-203 [s- _l8 (2), (3) ._. ..... ..The person responsible for making the pay-
P"°'"'°] ment referred to in sub-section (1) or (2) may, at the time of making any deduction, increase
or reduce the amount to be deducted under this section for the purpose of adjusting any excess or
deciency arising out of any previous deduction or failure to deduct during the nancial year.
[New] (4) The trustees of a recognised provident fund, or any person authorised by the regulations
of the fund to make payment of accumulated balances due to employees, shall in cases where section
297(1) [58G (3)] applies, at the time an accumulated balance due to an employee is paid,,make
therefrom the deduction provided for in section 298 [58H].
[New] (5) Where any amount standing to the credit of an em- ployee in an approved superannuation
fund is paid to the employee, income-tax on the amount so paid shall be deduct- ed by the trustees
of the fund to the extent provided in section 313 [58S (2)]. ' {s. 18 (2A). (6) For the purposes of
deduction of tax on salary pay- 1"'""P""] able in foreign currency, the value in rupees of such alary
shall be calculated at the prescribed rate of exchangg.
Section 202. The person responsible for paying any income charge- ::c'§r"i°:i'es°" able under the
head "Interest on securities" shall..;., ..... .., I,' 18 23) at the time of payrnent,--
(a) unless otherwise prescribed in the case of any' secu- rity of the Central Government, .......... ..ded
inc come-tax on the amount of the interest paya le at the maximum rate ; and , [s. _18 (3A), (b) also
deduct super-tax on such amount, when paid min Para] to a non-resident--- ;
(i) in the case of a conipany, at the rate app]: able to a company which has not made the a nge-
ments for deduction of super-tax referr to in section 203 [18(3l?)]; _ %
(ii) in the case of any pther person, in accorfance V wit]h the provisions! of section 124(1)(b) 17(1)
(b) - -
Di"'?§"d3'b pany which has made such effective arrangements as: may gin P5" 1)' be rescribed for
the educt' of super-tax from divi ends ' sh 1, at the time of ying' if dividend to a share lder whom the
principal A er ' ';no reason to believe 0 be
221. Clauses 203-205 a resident, deduct super-tax on the amount of such dividend as increased in
accordance with the provisions of section 59 Section 16(2) main para, latter part], at the following
rates :--
(i) if the shareholder is 1 company, at the rate appli- cable to a company which has not made the
arrangements for deduction of super-tax from dividends referred to above;
(ii) if the shareholder is a person other than a com- pany, in accordance with the provisions of
section 124(1) (b) [Section 17(1) (b)].
(1) Any person responsible for paying to a non-resi- Section 204.' dent .......... ..any .......... ..sum
chargeable' under the provi- E3332? "lmfa sions of this Act, (not being income chargeable under the
(3B)'°,':,a,n head "Salaries" or "Interest on securities". and not being para} a dividend) shall, at the
time of payment, unless he is him- self liable to pay any income-tax and super-tax thereon as an
agent. deduct on such sum-
(b) super-tax-
(i) in the case of a company, at the rate applicable to a company which has not made the arrange-
ments for the deduction of super-tax referred to_ in section 203 [18(3D)];
(ii) in the case of any other person, in accordance with the provisions of section 124(1) (b) [17(1)
(b)]; ' Provided .......... ..that nothing in this sub-section shall gs. 18 (3B), apply to any payment made
in the course of transactions nd D_1'°V-J in respect of which a person responsible for the payment is
deemed under section 173(1), Piaoviso [section 43, First Proviso] not to be an agent of the' payee.
(2) Where the person responsible for paying any such [s- 18 (3C)] sum .......... ..( other than interest)
to a nan-resident considers, E that the whole of such sum would not be income chargeable in the
case of the recipient, he may make an application to the Income-tax Oicer to determine, by general
or spe- cial order. the appropriate proportion} of such sum so chargeable, and upon such
determination tax shall be deduc- ted under sub-section (1) only on that proportion of the sum
which is so chargeable.
1 (1) Where. in the case of my income in respect of Sccti 11205 which income-tax or super-tax is
required to be deducted Cm' t¢_ at the time of payment at a particular rate under' the pro-
"'lg3':'r";';:': visions of sections 201 to 204 [Section 1B(2B) main para, 'sec 18 2 ' Section 18(3) main
para. Sec, 8(3A f para, Section [min '$32 1_8(3B) main para or Section 3D) para], the In- [3 (3 ,'p,.,..
com'e-tags Oicer is sq.tised- H V income at the ino,( )1 , Proviso; (3B), lst proviso, and (3D) ,
proviso;] [s. 18 (2B), prov, part] Section 206.
'1 ax dedu-
cted is inco-
me received.
main para, earlier half, part] [5- I3 (5) main para, latter half,pa-
rt, and ist prov.] [s. 18 (5)2nd prov., part] [s. 18(5), 3rd prov. part] Section 208.
Duty of per-
son deduct-
ing tax.
C0 en-
Clauses -205-209 total world income of the recipient justifies the deduction of income-tax or
super-tax at any lower rate or no deduction of income-tax or super--ta:c, the Income--tax Oicer
shall, on an application made by the assessee in this behalf, give a certicate in writing to that eect.
(2) .......... ..Wherc any such certicate is given, the person responsible for paying the income shall,
until; such certicate is cancelled by the Income--tax Officer, deduct income-tax and super-'tax at the
rates specied in such cer- ticate .......... ..or deduct no tax, as the case may be.
All sums deducted in accordance with the provisions of sections 201 to 204 [18(2) to 1.8(3D)] shall,
for the purpose of computing the income of an assessee, be deemed ito be income received.
Any deduction made ........ accordance with the provisions of sections_201 to 204 [18(2) to
18(3D)]....', .... .. shall be treated as a payment of income-tax or super-ttix. as the case may be, on
behalf of the person from whose income the deduction was made, or of the owner of the securty or of
the shareholder as the case may be, and credit sh ll be given to him for the amount so deducted
(exclusive qf any portion of such tax for which he obtains, in accordance with the provisions of this
Act, a refund,) on the prod ction of the certicate furnished under section 211 [sub-s tion (9) of
section 18] ............. .., in the assessment, if any, ade for the immediately following assessment year
unde this Act :
Provided .......... ..that where such person or owrler or share-holder is a person whose income is
included nder the provisions of section 63 or 64 [clause (0) of sub-s ction (1) of section 16], section
67 [sub-section (3) of s ction 16]. section 96 [4413] or- section 97[44E] in the total income of
another person, the payment shall be dee cl to have been made on_behalf of; and the credit shall be
iven to, such other person .......... .. , Provided furtherthat where any security or shkre in a company
is owned jointly ,b. two or more perso not constituting a partnership, one it in respect of t tax
deducted .......... ..may be given to each such person the same proportion in which the interest on
such secu ty or dividend on such share has been included in his total i ome.
Any person deducting an' sum in accordance wi the provisions of sections 201 to 4 [18(2) to 18(3D)]
sha l pay within the prescribed time, the sum so deducted the credit of the Central 'Government or
as the Central card of Revenue directs. ;
. (1) If any such person does not deduct or after d duct- mg fails to pay the as to 204 ns (2) to 18,
(3D)] in section 203 [Sect' n 18( i Clauses 209-212 the company of which he is the principal officer
shall, [so I8 (7)1 without prejudice to any other consequences which he or it may incur, be deemed
to be an assesee in default in res-
Provided that no interest shall be charged .under sec- tion 230 [Section 46 (l)] from such person,
principal officer or company unless the Income-tax oicer 1S satised that such person or principal
oicer, as the case may be, has wilfully failed to deduct and pay the tax.
(2) Where the tax has not been paid as aforesaid after [New] it is deducted, it shall be a first charge
upon all the assets of the person, or the company, as the case may be', referred to in sub--section (1).
The power to levy by deduction under sections 201 to 5° 5°". *'°- 2o4 [section 18(2) to (3D)], shall be
without prejudice to 2; "g;;§';m any other mode of recovery. dc by move. TY."
[sgis (3)] Every person deducting income-gtax or super-tax in Se¢Iti_°n 211- accordance with the
provisions of sections 201 to 204 [Sub-- g'j{'g:':;:::'5 sections (2), (2B), (3), (3B), (3C), or' (3D), of
section 18] [358 (9)] shall, at the time of payment pf the sum from which tax - has been deducted,
furnish to the person to whom such payment is made, a certicate to the effect that income-.-tax or
super-tax has been deducted, _and specifying the amount so deducted, the rate at which the taix has
been deducted, ' and such other particulars aslmay bejprescribed.
For the purposes of sections 201 to 211 [All sections in- Section, 212. corporating any part of section
18] and section 166(1) Person respo- [20A] the expression "person responsible for paying"
yu .
meanS-- . [s 18 F.xpl.] _ (i) in the case of payments of income chargeable un- der the head "Salaries"
0t 1'! than payments by the Central Government or he Government of a State, the employer himself
pr if the employer is a company, the company itsdlf including the prin-
(ii) in the case of payments of in ome chargeable un- der the head "Interest onjge, urities" other than
'payments made by br on Hehalf of the Central Government or the Government of a State, the local
authority or company including the princi-- ' pal oicer thereof ; 4.
(iii) in the caseof payments of any other sum char- geable under the prdvisions -of this Act, not
being income chargeable under ihe head "Interest on securities", the pay him, ' or -if the payer is a
company, the co y i including the prin-; cipal officer thereo , 1 " ' ' Clauses --2'1'3-217 sl'3°°"°" i?'i3;-
....... ..Where tax_is deductible at the source under sec- d§';cf'§fc'r':fa_ tions 201 to 204 [section
18(2), 18(2A), 18(3), 18(3A), 18(3B), nd 0,, as,,.,_.,. 18(.5C) or 18(3D)], the assessee,sha11 not be
callediupon see to pay the tax himself unless he has received the income [3- 7, (1): 9nd without such
deduction. proviso--ex-
t ded sfaxétionl 2:4. The provisions of section 207 [section re: credit for Saving regar tax deducted at
source--i.e., parts of s. 18(5)] are without dl(gi:axh;i'fe- prejudice to those of section 246 [section re:
tax deemed {,';'";,, Said fin to have been paid on dividends----existing s. 18(5), part and dividends. S.
49B]. ' ' [New] C----Advance payment: of tax.
Section 215. (1) Tax shall be payable in advance in accordance Advancetax with the provisions of
sections 216 to 228 [All other sec- tions embodying any part of section 18A] in the case of in"?-mfg
"2'of"i"°§i;4°Es'i§'c'i§§§is'°§§?§i§'§n§ §¢?Ju3'§f'°i%('i§'dfE sec 10 o , f,'.;,§,f'_f,'a,',;'£2? (2A), 18(2B).
13(3), 18(3A),_18(3B) and 18(3C)] for deduc- rlicr half pa- tion of income-tax at the time of payment
and whibh is §t.»x§fg)]"""h not chargeable under the head "Capital gains".
[New] (2) Such income is hereinafter. in this Chapter 1iefer- red to as "income subject to advance
taxf', and such tax is hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as "advance tax".
[NW] (3) The provisions of this section shall, in relation to any dividend which is to be increased
under the provi- sions of section 59 [section 16(2), main para, part re' ard- ing increase of
dividends], apply only for the purposes of 'super-tax. , 1 Advance tax shall be payable in the nancial
Section 2x6._ condition or (a) where the total income of the assessee referred to liability to ' in
section 217 (a) (i) [18A (1) (a), main para,: ear-
pay advance lier half, part, as embodied in the draft sebtion relating to "computation of advance
tax"] ..' .... ..
(a)ma;,, pm, exceeded the maximum amount not chargea e to earlier half, income-tax in his case by
two thousand ve, un- Partl dred rupees, or - 3 tax.
Subjecteto the provisions of section 215(3), [sub-clause newly added re: advance tax on'dividends]
the amount of Section 217.
Computation of advance ,,,_ advance was payable by an assessee in the nancial lyear [NW] shall be
computed as follows:--- --
[" 38") (")' (a) (i) .... ..his tot ' inco ' iaf the latest previous 'year in respect of hich fhas been assessed
by hall pu-t.] first be asc 'ed.' '3 " .
(ii) so much of such total income as consists of income which was or could have been subject to
advance talx in that previous year shall next be ascertain- ;
(iii) income-tax and supervtax shall then be calculated 5, 18A (1) on the last mentioned income at
the average rate Ea). main of income-tax and the average rate of super-ta.'/: 'WC' respectively
applicable in the nancial year to the ' pm') total income determined for the said previous year;
(iv) the sum total of income-tax and super-tax so calcu- lated shall, subject to the prcwisions of
clauses (b) and (-c), be the advance tax payable;
(b) .... cases where under the provisions of section [8- I8A(§) 124(2). or 124 (3) [section 17(1) 1st
Proviso], the tax: ('L 1"?" payable by the assessce is to be determined with re- °' yference to his total
world income, the advance tax payable by him shall_ bear to the total amount of income-tax and
super-tax which would haveebeen ; payable on his total world income of the said pre-
vious year had it been his total income the same proportion as the amount of the income subject to
advance tar: which is 'included therein bears to his total world income;
(c) in cases where an estimate is sent by the assessee [Néw.] under section 220(1) or 220(2) [18A(2)]
or section J _220(3) [18A(3)], the total income so estimated _ j shall, for the purposes of calculation
of tax under this section. be substituted for the total income re- ferred to in clauses (a) and 4(b), and
the income subject to advance tax so estimated shall be subs- tituted for the income to be
ascertained under item (ii) of clause (a).
V E.7c'planation.----- .... ..If the assessee is a partner of a_[;.£ 18A(1) registered rm and an
assessment of the rm has been zmi Pr0V.] completed for a previous year later than the latest
previous year. for which the assessee's .... ..asses$ment has been com- pleted, his share in the
income oftltajrm shall, for the , purposes of clauses (a) and (b), be included in his total & income on
the basis of the said assessment of the rm. * (1) Where a person has been prqztously assessed uné
se'ion 2:8. der this Act or under the Indim Income-taac Act, 1922, the u gof 1922. Income-tax Oicer
may, on or after the 1st day of April Or r 5)' in the nancial year, by order in writing require him to 7"
°""' pay .... the credit of the Central Government, advance ; " tax determined in accordance with
the provisions of sec- ¥;"'8A(')'(') tions 215, 216 and 217 [s. 18A(1_) (.a) as embodied in other 6,, ,,
"£.'i',--; sections]. . I pan] (2) The notice of dema is a _under section 163 (£')';' '3££i'l)' [29] in
pursuance of such er the ' L 'fy the instalr _' , 1 is _ le under section pm.) Clauses 218-220 219 [s.
18A(1), (a) earlier half, part and 1st Proviso and section 18A(1) (b), and newly added provision, as
embodi- ed in the draft section relating to instalment].
[5, .sA(.) (3) ....... ..If afterthe making of an order by the Income (3). 3rd tax Oicer under this section
and before the 15th day of P'°'"] February of the nancial yearan assessment of the asses- see (or of
the registered rm of which he is a partner) is completed in respect of a previous year later than that
re- ferred to in the order of the Income-tax , Offi- cer, the Income-tax Oicer 1 may make an amended
order requiring the assessee to pay in one ins- talment on the specied date, or in equal instalments
am the specied dates, if more than one, falling after the date of the amended order, the advance tax
computed on t_ re- vised basis as reduced by the amount, if any, paid 1 ac- cordance with the
original order; but if the amount already paid exceeds the advance tax determined on the revised
basis, the excess shall be refunded. ' Section 219. (1) Subject to the provisions of this section and 0
sec- lnstalmcnts tion 220[18A(2) and l8A(3)], advance tax shall be pa able Of adVanC° in equal
instalments on the 15th day of June, 15th da of """' September. 15th day of December and 15th day of
Marph in [s(-8), *3£;:x)1 the nancial year:
'[3- '3A(') Provided that, where the previous year of the assessee
(a), 1st Prov.] in respect of any source of in ome ends after the 31s day of December and before the
§oth day of April, .... ad- vance taac on that source of income shall, subject as ore- said, be
payable in three equal; instalments on the 15t day of September, the 15th day of lDecember and the
15t day of March, respectively. 9 R5] I3A(I) (2) If the notice of demand issued under sectio 163 [29]
in pursuance of the order under section 218 [se tion .
18A(1) (a), main para, earlier;-h,alf, part relating to» der of Income-tax O'icer]jis serv after any of
the dat on which the instalments tspecie therein are payable, the advance tax shall be payable ' equal
instalments on ach of such of those dates 'as fall 'after the date of the se vice of the notice of demand,
or in one sum on the 15th d of March if the notice is served after the 15th day of De em-
Section 220- (1) If any assesseel who is required to pay advanc tax Estimate by by an order under
section 218) [s. 18A sub-section (1) (a), '-W¢95=¢- main para, earlier half, part re; Order by
Income-tax i-
?[S-_ 18(2), cer] estimates at any time before the last instalment is due """" P3"-1 that his total
income or income subject to advance t the period which wo'u1 be the. evious year for the { me-
diately following assc , 'ye ', is l'ess'*than the tot in-' come on the basis of. _hich, L income on which,
e is W , :adjust any excess or deciency in respect of any Clauses 220 required to pay such tax, as the
case may be, and accord- ingly wishes to pay an amount less than the amount which 3% is so
required to pay. he may send to the Income-tax ' cer--
(ii) an estimate of the income subject to advance tax for that period, and ((iii) an estimate of the
advance tax payable by him cal-
\' culated in the manner laid down in section 217 [s. 18A(1) (a) main para, part, as embodied in
section re: computation of tax%. He shall pay such amount as accords with his es imate in equal ins-
talments on such of the dates' specied in section 219 [s. 18A(1) (a) main para, earlier half, part as
embodied in draft section re: instalments] as have not expired or in one sum if ohly the last of such
cdates has not expired. ' '(2) .... ..The assessee may send a revised estimate of [S4, 1 1815(2)', :'the
advance tax payable by him beiore any one of the dates Prov'-l :specied in section 219 [s. 18A (1) (a),'
main para, earlier half, as embodied in draft section re! instalments] anld insta -
ment already paid in a subsequent instalment or in subse- quent instalments.' ' ' ' (3) Any person
who has not previobsly been assessed [S- ' under this Act or under the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922,
u 0 shall, before the 15th day of arch in each nancial year, if his total income of the siod w ich would
be the previous year for the immediately fol oiving assessment
-year is likely to exceed the ximumiaanount not charge- able to income-tax in his caseby two?
thousand ve hun-
(ii) an estimate of the income subgidct to advance tax, a of the said previous year; and * i(iii) an
estimate of the adv nce taxi " able by him .... .. calculated in the ma per laid? bwn in section 217 [s.
18A(1) (a) main pira, ear' 1' half, part as em- bodies in .section ne: . co utation of' tax], and shall pay
such amdunt as <§}o.rds with his esti- mate, on such of the dates sp ed in section 219 [s. l8A(1) (a),
main para, ear er half, as embodi- ed in section part re: i ment] as have not expired, by insta,I, ents '
may be revised according to sub-sec ' (2) _iso to s. 1815(2)], . ; e - r » «s A 4 ~.
p and ,,tp,ov_] relates to income subject to Clauses -220-223 [New]. 2 (4) Every estimate under this
section shall be sent in the prescribed form and veried in the prescribed man- 71.81'.
Section 22:. Where part of the income subject to advance tax con-
receipts. receivable periodically and is not received or adjusted by [S. 18A(4).] the payer in the
assessee's account before any of the quar-» terly instalments of advance tax become due, he may
defer' payment of advance tax on that part of his income to the- date on which such income would
be normally received or' adjusted, and if he does so he shall communicate to the- Incciome-tax Ofcer
thedate to which such payment is defer-V re 2 Provided that, if the advance tax of which the pay-
ment is deferred is not paid within fteen days of the date' on which such incomeor part thereof is
received oradjust-2 ed by the payer in the assessee's account, the advance tax shall be payable with
our per cent. simple interest per annum from the date of such receipt or adjustment to the date of
payment of the advance tax.
Section 222. (1) The Central Government shall pay simple in-- 2 Intcrcstpa.ya- terest .......... .. at four
per cent. per annum .......... ..on the- NC by Gov- amount by which the aggregate sum of any
instalments of ' °'"m°'"' advance tax paid during any nancial year in which they are [S-. '3A(5)»
payable under sections 215 to 221 [All sections embodying' mm" Pam' any part of section 18A(1),
18A(2)', 18A(3) of 18A(4)] exceeds.
pan] the amount of the tax determined on regular assessm¢nt,...' from the 1st day 0 April next
following the said nancial [S. x8A(5), year to the date 0 the regular assessment .......... .. for; the- 2"'!
PFOV-] assessment year immediately following the said nancial' year.' (2) .... ..On any portion of
such amount which is refund-
[S. 18A(5), ed under the provisions of sections 215 to 221 [sectio' 18A '5' PPOV-l (1) to (4)] interest
shall be payable only up to the d e on which refund was made. 1 section _ (1) Where in any nancial
year an assessee- I t "3 has paid advance tax under section 220(1) or 22(_)(2) [sub- a',;,:'°" Fag"
section (2) of.s. 18A] or section 220(3) [sub--sect1on (3) of .,,.,,m, V s. 18A] on the basis of his own
estimate, and the advance tax' so paid is less than eighty per _cent. of the tax determined 5;'. '3A(6)v
on the. basis of the regular sessment, so far as such tax m Pam zzvance tax and so far as; it is. not
due to variations in the rates of tax made by the Fi ance Act enacted for the year for which the
regular asses nt is made, simple interest at the rate of four per cent,' per' annum from the 1st day of
April next following the; said nancial year up to the date of the said regular assessment shall be
payable by the assessee upon the amount by which. the advance tax so paid falls short of the said
eighty per cent. ' '. See also alternative ' ft in'thc I' i on Clauses. _ g '. Existing section 18 A( , ut '
prescribes, the rate of four pf! cent-
as from tst April, 1952. , 3 p '£29 Clauses 223-225 (2) .... ..Where provisional assessment is made
under [s. 18A (6) section 145 [23B],-- nd "W-l
(i) interest shall be calculated in accordance with the foregoing provision up to the date on which the
tax as provisionally assessed is paid, and
(ii) thereafter interest shall be calculated at the rate aforesaid on the amount by which the tax as so
assessed (in so far as it relates to income subject to advance tax) falls short of the said eighty per
(3) ...Where as a result of an order under section 259 [s~d 13A (6)' [31] or section 272 [33A] or
section 161 or 162 [35] or section 3' P'°"'] 263 [66], or section 269 [66A],.the amount on which inte-
rest was payable under this section has been reduced, the interest shall be reduced accordingly and
the excess interest paid, if any, shall be refunded together with the amount of income-tax that is
(4)...In such cases and under such circumstances as may f., .3A (5),- be prescribed, the Income-tax
Officer may reduce or waive 5th Prov.] . the interest payable by the assessee under this section.
tax Officer nds that any assessee has-- ' I'"°'°" Pa?' able by asses-
(a) under section 220(1) or 220(2) [s. 18A(2)] or section 5? in 0389 220(3), [s. 18A(3)] under
estimated the advance tax ;'tn;'t"ld::'c'_°"' payable by him and thereby reduced the amount [s. 1 (7)],
payable in any of the rst three instalments, or .
(b) under secion 221 [s. 18A(4)] wrongly deferred the payment of advance tax on a part of his
income, he may direct that the assessee shall pay simple interest at four per cent, per annum-----
(i) in the case referred to in clause (a), for the period during which the payment was deficient on the
difference between the amountipaid in each such instalment and the amo nt which should have been
paid having regard to he aggregate advance tax actually paid ....... ..during the year, and
(ii) in the case referred to 'm clause (b), for the period during which the payment of advance tax was
.... .. so deferred.
Explanati.on.--. . .For the purposes of this section, any in- stalment due before the expiry of six
months from the com- mencement of the previous year in re ect of which it is to be paid shall be
deemed to have beco 4 due fteen days after the expiry of the said six months.
(1) Where, on making the regular assessment, the In- S°<=ti°n M5- come-tax Officer nds that no»
yrnentl 'advance tax has "" ' 'g: been 'madein accordance wit the' p . 'sions of sections mu, 'mg, 215 to
220 [s. 18A(1), 18A(2), I (3)], ' nest calculated in [s. : (8)1 Clauses" 225-229 the manner laid down in
section 223(1) and 223(2) [s. 18A(6), main para, and 1st Proviso and 2nd proviso] shall be added to
tire tax as determined on the basis of the regular assess- men .
7[NeW] (2) The provisions of section 223(3) [s.«18A(6), 3rd Prov.] and of section 223(4) [s. 18A(6),
5th Prov.] shall apply to interest payable under this section as they apply to interest payable under
section 223 [s. 18A(6) ].
:51: _ ( 1) If any assessee does not pay _on the specied date any Em deemed instalment of advance
tax that he is required to pay under to be in def" section 218 [section 18A(1)] and does not, before
thepdate on ult.. which any such instalment as is not paid becomes d e, send [I8A(I0)] under section
220(1) or section 220(2) [s. 18A(2)] n esti- mate or a revised estimate of the advance tax pay;ble by
him, he shall be deemed to be an assessee in default, in res- pect of such instalment or instalments.
(2) If any assessee has sent under section 220(1) or 220(2) 7 [18A(2)] or section 220(3) [18A(3)] an
estimate or a grevised estimate of the advance tax payable by him, but does not pay any instalment
in accordance therewith on the ' ate or dates specied in section 219 [s. 18A(1) (a), main pa a, ear- lier
half, part embodied in section re : instalmen ], he shall be deemed to be an assessee in default in re
ect of such instalment or instalments : * Provided that the assessee shall not, under sub-section (1)
'or this sub-section, be deemedfto be in default in re ect of any amount of which the payment is
deferred under ection 221 .[s. 18A(4)] until after the date communicated _V him to the Income-tax
Oicer under section 221 [s. 18 |(4)]. '5C'i9n 227- Any sum, other than a penalty or interest, pai by or
jfgggcc ti': recovered from an assessee in pursuance of the pr_ isions '[s_ ,gA (")1 of sections 215 to
226 [all sections embodying any art of section 18A(1) to 18_A(10)] shall be treated as a pay ent of tax
in respect of the" income' of the period which w uld be the previous year for an assessment for the
assessme t year next following the Anancialyear in which it was yable, and credit therefor shall be
given to the assessee in t regu- _lar assessment. ' ' "
'5°°'l°". 923-f. Any income chargeable under the head "Capitalzgains" §;';i',';i'°;'ai:s shall not be
taken into account for any of the_ pur ses of
-[s. ,gA (,2)] sections 215 to 227 .[All other sections embodying a 1,): part of section 18A]; and the
emresstons total zncom and "total world income" occurriitg in any of those sectio s shall accordingly
be construed as not including such inco e.
'Section 229. ' When tax D--Collection and Recovery 2 1'fi;'§§."'.§.-.?§L'.l ' (1) Any amoun speci ' ' as
payable tin a n ice of déemcd in demand under .... .. tion 1 29.].....j.shallz'~be;. paid ithin 'd°f"'"'«' ~
the time, at the pla e.and' V ' ' '_ in the Clauses 229-230 notice ........... ....., or if a time is not so
mentioned, then on or [5, 45, mam before the exp ry of a period of forty-ve days from the date para.
Part] of the service of the notice. ' (2) On an application made by the assessee before the expiry of
the due date under sub-section (1), the Income- tax Oicer may extend the time for payment or allow
pay- ment by instalments, subject to such conditions as he may think fit to impose in the
circumstances of the case.
[New] (3) If the amount is not paid within the time limited [, under sub-section (1) or extended
under sub-section (2), as the case may be, at the place and to'the person men- tioned in the said
notice, the assessee ....... ..shall be deeme:l A . 4.5, main, para, part] 'to be in default.
(4) I f, in a case where payment by instalments is allow- [New] ed under sub-section (2), the
assessee commits default in. paying any one of the instalments within the time xed under that
sub-section. the asséssee shall be deemed to be in de ault as to the whole of the amount then
outstanding, and t e other instalment or instalments shall be deemed to have been due on the same
date as the" instalment actually in default. .
(5) ....... ..Where an assessee has presented an appeal [s. under section 254 [30], the Inoome-tax»)
Oicer may, in his Pro'?- discretion, and subject to such conditions as he may think ' fit to impose in
the circumstanees of thecase, treat the as- sessee as not being in default. in respect of the amount in
dispute in the appeal, even though the 'time for payment has expired, as long as such aappeal
remains undisposed of.
5: I 3t?
F (6) ....... ..Where an assesseeehas be assessed in respect [s. 5, '_2lld't of income arising outside
'slndia a country the Pt laws of which prohibit or restrict the remittance of money i to India, the
Income-tax Oicen shall nbt: treat the assessee ' as in default in respect of that part of the tax which is
due ; in respect of that amount of his income.,which, by reason of = such prohibition or restriction,
cannpt be brought into India, and shall continue to reat the" assessee as not in . default in respect of
such part 'of the until the prohibi- ?
s tion or restriction is removed.' * Explanation.---=For the p oses of-litllis section, income [3, 45,
Expl.-]; shall be deemed to have been brought: into India if it has - been utilised or could have been
util' for the purposes of any expenditure actually incurred 'the assessee with- out India or if the
income, whpther ltalised or not, has been brought into India in any? form. . ' (1) When an assessee is
in default or is deemed to be Section 230-, in default in making a payme , ' of tax' shall, in addition'
{:1 . ' 9"" to the amount of -«the arrears'. I Ha _ 3 pay, by w§y'oi;,¢ ,;,&"h°''_,.''
- ' (Ina! ' Clauses 230-232 penalty, simple interest from the date of default to the_date of payment at
the rate of ten« per cent. per annum on the amount of arrears.
(2) If the arrears of tax are paid within three months from the due date, the interest. by way of
penalty levied o-r leviable thereon under sub-section (1) shall be remitted.
(3) No interest shall be charged under sub-section (1) in respect of any period for which the assessee
is, by virtue of any provision of this Act, treated as not in default.
Scictifén 23:. (1) When an assessee is in default or is deemed to be in '° default in making a payment
of ta.7c,_ the Income-ta); pfcer It 46(2)] may forward to the Collector a--cert1cate under h1s
fs1vgna- ture specxfymg the amount of arrears due from the assessee, and the Collector, on receipt
of such certicate, shall proceed to recover from such assessee' the amount specied therein by one or
more of the modes men- tiond gelow, }rL1c§o'£'dance with the' procedure laid down inte econd
ceue-- '
(a) attachment and sale of the assessee's movable pro- perty; . y ' _
(d) appointing a receiver for the management of the assessee's movable and immovable properties,
ls-45(7),Expl. (2) The Income-tax Oicer may issue a certificate under 'am' ha" sub-section (1)
notwithstanding that dproceedings for treco- Pm] very of the arrears by any other mo e have been ta
Section 232. (1) The Income-tax Oicer may forward the certhicate S:'gr°:'°:cn';3 referred to in
section 231 [46(2), main para] to-
.°3'¢ 'S '° 56 (a) the Collector within whose jurisdiction the as' ssee carries on his business,
profession or meat' n or within whose jurisdiction the principal place Yf his business, profession or
vacation is situate, or 2
(b) the Collector within whose jurisdiction t Z as- sessee resides or any -movable or immovable; pro-
perty of the assessee is situate. 2 (2) If the Collector to whom a certificate is sent ' an Income-tax
Oicer is not able to recover the entire a ount by sale of the property, movable and immovable, but
information that the assessee has property in a district within the jurisdict' of a , her Collector, he
may end the certificate to such her (gqctor or to a Collector ,'th- .,in whose jurisdiction ',the -ass" ,ee
resides. and ther pan Clauses 232-234 that Collector shall proceed to recover the' amount under this
«Chapter as if the certicate was sent to.' him by the Income- tax: Oicer. ' Explanation.--In this
section, "Collector" means a Col- .lector of a district in any part of India, and includes an Additional
Collector of any such district.
(1) When the Income-tax Oicer sends a certicate to S<='=t_i°_n 233- a Collector under section 231
[46(2) main para] it shall not 2::'l§'c';'tc °f be open to the assessee to dispute before the Collector the
and; ,m,',,d. correctness of the assessrruent, and no objection to the mcntthcrcof. '-certicate on any
ground shall be entertained by the Col- [New] lector.
(2) An assessee objecting to the issue of any certicate, on any ground open to him. other than the
correctness of the assessment, may apply to the Income-tax Oicer for withdrawal or cancellation of
the certi.'t'-"he, and the In- come-tax Officer shall, after giving the assessee a reasonable gpportunity
of being heard, pass such orders as he thinks t. ' (3) Notwithstanding the issue of a certicate to a Col-
lector, the Income-tax Officer shall have power to correct any clerical or arithmetical mistake in the
certicate by sending an intimation to the'Collector.
(4) The Income-tax Oicer shall intimate to the Collec- tor any orders withdrawing or cancellingj a
'certicate pass- ed by him under sub-section (2). or any;correction made by him under sub-section
(3) or any amendment made under section 234(4) [sub-section in newly added section providing for
amendment of certicate on reduction etc. in any pro- ceeding under the Act]. * (1) Notwithstanding
that a, certicate has been issued Scctirn 234- to the Collector for the recovery of any tax, the Income-
01, g;':°c:f1_ tax Oicer may grant time for the payment of the tax and man; '0, thereupon the
Collector shall stay the proceedings until the with walof _ expiry of the time so granted. . 'mi '°-
[Ne (2) Where a certicate for the recovery of tax has been issued, the Income-tax Officer shall Ice 3
the Collector in- formed of any tax paid or time ' anted dr payment. subse- quent to the issue of/such
c cate. I ' _ (3) Where the order giving ' e to a demand of tax for which a certicate for recov has been
issued has been reduced in appeal or other proceeding under this Act but is the subject-matter of
further proceeding, the Income-tax Oicer shall stay the recovery of such pdrt of the amount of the
certicate as pertains to he sai eduction, for the period for which the appeal' other _, eeding remains
pending. : 'V H 3 ' ' Clauses 234-235 _ (4) Where a certicate or the recovery of tax has been issued
and subsequently t amount of the outstanding demand is reduced as a result of an a eal or. other
pro- ceeding under this Act, the Income-tax er shall, when. the order which was the sulzject-matter
of such appeal or other proceeding has become nal and conclusive, amend. the certicate or withdraw
it, as the case may be.
of move" lector under section 2331 [46(2) main para], the Income-tax [L 45, EXPL, Oyfcer may
recover the tax by any one or more of the latter] half modes provided in this section.
[s. 46 (_=,)] (2) If any assessee is in receipt of any income charge- able under the head "Salaries",
the Income-tax Olcer may require any person paying the same to deduct from any payment
subsequent to the date of such requisiti any arrears due from such assessee, and such person
sha(l)lbcom- ply with any such requisiticm and shall pay the sum so deducted to the credit of the
Central Government, 'or as the Central Board of Revenue directs.
Salary exempt from attachment in execution . of a decree of a civil court under section 60 of the
Code o Civil:
5 of I908. Procedure, 1908, shall be exempt from any requisitiongmader under this sub-section. ' 5 i
[s. 46 (5A), (3) (i) The Income-tax Oicer may, at any time on from "it Para' time to time, by notice in
writing ....... .., require any rson P" '1 from whom money 15 due or may become due to t e as-
sessee or any person who holds or may subsequentl hold money for or on account of the assessee, to
pay to t e In- come-tax Oicer either forthwith upon the money om- ing due or being held or at or
within the time speci _ in the notice (not being before the money becomes due or is held) so much of
the money' as is sufficient to pay the amount due by the assessee in "respect of arrears ..... ..,'.....or
the whole of the money whm it is equal to or less? than that amount.
[.. 4'6 (5A), (ii) A copy of the notice shall be forwarded to t 15' t-1 Para» sessee at his last address
known to the Income-tax O cer. par .
[5, 45 (5,3), (iii) Where a person to whom a notice under thi sub-
6th pa-ra~] section is sent objects to it on the ground that t sum demanded or any part thereoil is
not due to the asses e or that he does not hold% any for or on account the assessee, then, nothing
conta' e in this sub-section shall be deemed to require such erson to pay any suc or part thereof, as
the case m y be...._....., if the Inc Oicer is satised about the correctness of such obje [s- 46 (5A)» (iv)
The Income-tax Oicer may at any time or :,flT)l_Tt 2'" p"""] time -to time amend revo . ny notice
issued und this sub-section or extend ' or making any paqm it in pursuance of such no 'ca * * ..4
Clauses 235-238 . (_v) The Income--ta.7_c Officer shall grant a receipt for any [5, -45 (5A),- amount
paid in compliance with a notice issued under this 3fd para} sub-section, and the person so paying
'shall be.- fully dis- ' charged from his liability to the assessee to the extent of the amount so paid. ~ .
(vi) Any person discharging any liability to the assessee [s. 4.6 (5A), after receipt of a notice under
this sub'-section shall be per- 4th para] V sonally liable to the,Income-tax Oicer to the extent of his
own liability to the assessee so discharged or to the extent of the assesee's liability .... ..f<xr tax,
interest and penalties, whichever is less. . '
(vii) If the person to whom a notice under this sub- [s.:46 (5A),' section is sent fails to make
payment in pursuance thereof 5"' P3"-1 to the Income-tax Officer, further proceedingsmay be taken
against him for the realisation of thefiamount as if it were an arrear of tar due from him, in the
manner provided in sections 231 to 234 [S. 46(2)], and the notice shall have the same effect as an
attachment of a debt by the Collector in exercise of his powers under section. 231 [46(2)]. ' (4) The
Income-tax Oicer may 'apply to the court in [New] whose custody there is money belonging to the
assessee for payment to him of the entire amount «of such money, or, if it is more than the tax due,
an amount sufficient to dis- charge the tax.
(5) The Income-tax Oicer may, if so authorised by [s.:4.5(3) and the Commissioner, proceed to
recover the tax by distraint (421 and sale of the movable pr erty of the assessee in the manner laid in
the Third Sc edule.
. \ If the recovery of tax in any area has been entrusted to Section 236.
a State Government under article '258(1) of the Constitu-- R$'°°V¢'3S' tion, the State Government
may direct with respect to that-afmgize area or any part thereof, that tax shallbe recovered there- 6
(-6)] . in with, and as an addition to, any municipal tax or local [" 4 rate, by the same person and in
the same manner as the municipal tax or local rate is recovered.
For the purposes of sect(i§)n 231 [il6(2)], the expression senion 237. "Collector" shall include a ,
llectorein Pakistan, and the R' _V°'¥2 Income-tax Ofcer may forward a 'certicate under that
g""1'::'c9t*.(')r- . iii section to a Collector in Pakistan through the Central 2%,, Board of Revenue of
-Pakistan, if thefgassessee has property 3 4:;(:;'] in the district of that Collector; ' 1 Where a Collector
in India receives through the 'Central S<=Fti°n 2331; Board of Revenue of India a certicate under
thesignature 1],' of an Income-tax Ofcer in Pakistan,:jthe Collector shall , 6 ( )1 ' proceed to recover
the amount specied therein in the [574 9 manner in which he would proceed to recover the amount '
specied in a certicate received from an Income-tax Officer in India, and shall remit any sum SQ
Ilecovered by him to the Income-tax Officer in Pa istan, r deducting'-liisex-' penses in connection
with t «reco . _preceeding'b.=' - vf' 16-1 Law Coin./58 ' ' i V ¥ Section 239.
Tax Clear-
ance Certi-
[s. 46A (2), main para] (auses 239-241 The provisions of sections 237 and 238 [Section 46(8) and
(9)] shall remain in force only so long as there are in ' force similar provisions in the Indian
Income-tax Act, 1922, as in force as part of the law of Pakistan or under any other similar Act
forming part of the law of Pakistan for "the recovery of tax by a Collector in Paksitan on receipt of a
certicate from an Income-tax Oicer in India.
Any sum imposed by way of penalty under the provi- sions of section 282 [Sub-section (9) of section
18A], sec- tion 281 [Sub-section (2),of 25], section 280 [Section 28], or section 279 [Sub-section -(6)
of Section 44E], or payable under section 230 [Sub-section (1) of section 46], and any interest
payable under the provisions of sections 221, 223, 224 and 225 [Sub-section (4), (6), (7) or (8) of
section 18A] and any other sum payable under the provisions of this Act, shall be recoverable in the
manner provided in this Chapter for the recovery of arrear of tax.
(1) Subject to such exceptions as may be made by the Central Government, no person who is not
domiciled in India, or who, even if domiciled in India at the time of his departure, has, in the
opinion of an Income-tax autho- rity, no intention of returning to India, shall leave the terri- tory of
India by land, sea or air unless he rst obtains from such authority as may be appointed by the
Central Gov- ernment in this behalf (hereinafter in the section referred to as the "competent
authority") a certicate stating that he has no liabilities under this Act, the Excess Prots Tax Act,
1940, or the Business Prots Tax Act, 194-7, or the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922, or that satisfactory
arrange- ments have been made for the payment of all or any of such taxes which are or. may
become payable by that per- son :
Provided that if the competenfauthority is satised that such person intendsto. return to India, he
may issue an exemption certicate either in respect of a single journey or in respect of all journeys to-
be undertaken by that per- son within such period as may be specied in the certicate.
(2) If the owner or charterer of any ship or aircraft carrying persons from any place in the territory
of India to any place outside India allows any person to whom sub- section (1) applies, to travel by
such ship or aircraft without 5 rst satisfying himself that such person is in possession of [S- 45A (3)1
a certicate as required by that sub-section, he shall be personally liable to pay the whole or any part
of the amount of tax, if any, payable by such person as the Income-tax Oicer may, having regard to
the circumstances of the case, determine. , (3) In respect of any sum payable by the owner or
charterer of' any ship aircra; ;under sub-section (2),'the owner or charterer, 380516 case may be,
shall be deeme to 1' :
Clauses 241-242 be an assessee in default for such sum, and such sum shall be recoverable from him
in the manner provided in sections 230 to 240 [all sections, including sec: for interest, relat- ing to
recovery] as if it were an arrear of tax.
(4) The owner or charterer of every ship or aircraft, [New] which takes passengers on board on any
port or place in India for any place outside India, shall, within one month from the departure «of the
ship or the aircraft from that port or place, furnish to the Commissioner having jurisdiction over the
area in which that port or place is situated, a list in the prescribed form showing the name and last
known address in India of every person (other than members of the crew and the staff of the ship :or
aircraft) who travelled on the ship or aircraft and the particulars of the certicate or the exemption
certificate presented by such person under this section.
(5) No proceedings shall be commenced for enforcing [New] the liability under sub-section (2) after
the expiry of two years from the date on which the list required to be filed under sub-section (4) is
(6) The Central Government may make rules for regu- [9, 46A (4)] lating any matter necessary for,
or incidental to, the pur- pose of carrying out the provisions of this section.
Explanation.--For the purposes of this section, the ex- [s. 46A (2), pressions "owner" and "charterer"
include any represen-- EXPI-l tative, agent or employee empowered by the owner or charterer to
allow persons to travel by the ship or aircraft.
Save in accordance with the provisions of section 183 Section 242. [Section 42(1)] or 229(6) [second
proviso to section 45], Period for '-and except as otherwise provided in section 241(5) [new
commencing sub-section in section 46A, laying down a limit of 2 years], '°°°"°cfjX no proceedings
for the recovery of an sum payable under P'°°° "'8" this Act shall be commenced after t e expiration
of one [546 gag] year from the last day of the nancial year in which the mamp demand is made, or,
in the case of a person who is deemed ;to be an assessee in default under any provision of this Act,
after the expiration of one year from the last day of the nancial year in which the Income-tax Oicer
sends an intimation in writing to such person to the effect that he is deemed to be an assessee in
default: » Provided that the period of one year ............. ..referred f,_ 45 (7) 1,: to above shall be
_r_'eckoned--- Prom]
(i) where an assessee has been treated as not being in default under section 229(5) [Sec. 45, 1st
proviso] as long as his appeal ' ' 'undis sjed of, .......... ..from the last day of the fi ncial ar in which the
ap- peal is disposed of; 5 4 ' [s- 46 (7).
sional assess-
(ii) where recovery proceedings in any case have been stayed by any order of a court, .......... .. from
the last day of the nancial year in which the order is I withdrawn;
(iii) where the date of payment of tax has been extend- ed by an Income-tazx authority to another
date, from the last day of the nancial year in which such other date falls; ' where the sum payable is
allowed to be paid by instalments, from the last day of the nancial year in which the last of such
instalments is due.
(iv) Explanation.----A proceeding for the recovery of 2 any sum shall be deemed to have commenced
within the mean- ing of this section, if some action is taken to recover the whole or any part of the
sum within the period herein-« before referred to ................... ..
The several modes of recovery specied in this Chapw ter shall not affect in any way-
(a) any other law for the time being in force relating to the recovery of debts due to Government .,
..... ..
- or .~ . . . . . . . . . ..,
(b) the right of the _Government, to institute a suit for the recovery of the arrears due from the
and it shall be lawful for the Income-tax Officer ...... or the Government, as the case may be, to have
recpurse to any such law or suit notwithstanding that the tart due is being recovered from the
assessee by any .......... .. mode specied in this Chapter. E E--Ta.x payable under provisional
For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that the provisions of section 229, [all sections
embodyin any part of section 45] except section 229(5) [45, 1st Prov. , and sections 230 to 239 [all
sections embodying any pa, of section 46] apply in relation to any tax payable in ' rsu- ance of a
provisional assessment made under sections 45(1) and 145(2), [s. 23B(1)] as if it were a regular asses
ent made under section 147 or 148 [23(1) to (5)].
Tax paid or deemed to have been paid under sections 201 to.213 [all sections embodying any part of
section 18] or sections 215 to 228 [alltsections embodying any part of section 18A] in reqrect of any
income provisionally as- sessed under sections. 145(1) and 145(2) [section 23?(1)], shall be deemed
to . E e beenjipaid towards the provi ional.
assessment. g ,1; i Clause 246 CHAPTER XIX TAX DEEMED TO HAVE BEEN PAID ON
DIVIDENDS S°°"°" 246' Tax deemed to have been (1) ............. .. Any sum by which a dividend has
been §::$s°" d""' increased under section 59 [section 16(2), main para, latter '8 half] shall be treated
as a payment hf income--tax (exclu- ELM' pag) sive of super-tax) ............. .. by the shareholder
............. ..;ear1;er 1,315, and credit shall be given to him therefor on the produce Part] tion of the
certificate furnished under section 167 [20], [s._ :8 (5), in the assessment. if any, made for the
assessment year ml" Pam referred to in clause (b) of sub-section (2) : ha"
Provided that, where such shareholder is a person [s. 18 .(5) whose income is included under the
provisions of section '4" P'°"S°» 63 or 64 [clause (C) of sub-section (1) of section 16], section 67 [ S.
16(3)], section 96 [4413] or section 97 [44E] in the total income of another person, the payment
shall be deem- ed to have been made by, and the credit shall be given to, such other person :
[s. 18 (5) 3rd Provided further that where any share in a company is pm" pm] owned jointly by two
-or more persons not constituting a partnership, the credit ............. .. may be given to each such
person in the same proportion in which the .......... .. divi- dend on such sharethas been included in
his total income:
Provided further that where any share in a company is [Ncw] owned by two or more persons
constituting a partnership , and the firm is a registered rm or an unregistered rm assessed under the
(b)], the credit may be given to each such person in the proportion in which the pro-ts of the firm
are shared by him. V (2) The provisions of sub-section ( 1) shall not apply unless the following
conditions are fullled :-- a
(a) the company ....... .. is assessed to income-tax [F 493 (r), in India or elsewhere; and ' P l
(b) ....... .. the dividend is included in the total income of the shareholder or other person to whom
credit is to be given, as assessed for the assessment year immediately following the previous year of
which the dividend is deemed to be. the income, (3) For the purposes of sub-section (1). income-tax
[S- 493(2)] shall be deemed to include agricultural income-tax as- sessed on a company by any State
Government, and where any shareholder proves that the company has been so as- sessed to
agricultural income-tax. he shall be entitled to the reduction from the tax yyable ltys him under this
Act of a sum equal to---- 3 4 2 Clauses _ 246-249
(a) the appropriate agricultural income-tax (reduced by the amount of refund, if any, allowed to him
by the State Government), or
(b) the appropriate Indian Income-tax on the amount of the dividend which has not been increased
under section 59, [Section 16(2), main para, latter half] whichever is the less.
(a) "appropriate agricultural income-tax" means such proportion of the agricultural income-tax as
the amount of dividend which has not been increased under section 59 [S. 16(2), main para, latter
half] 4 bears to the total prots of the company assessed to agricultural income-tax; and \
(b) "appropriate Indian Income--tax" means such pro- portion of the income-tax payable by the
share- holder under this Act as the amount of dividend which has not been increased under section
59 [S. 16(2) main para, latter half] bears to the total in- come of the shareholder.
CHAPTER XX REFUNDS section 24% If any person ............. .. satises the lncome-tax Officer
Refunds .................................................................................... .. [s- 48 (1))
.................................................................................... .. that the amount of tax paid by him or on his
behalf or treated as paid by him or on his behalf for any assessment year exceeds the amount with
which he is properly charge- able under this Act, for that year. he shall beentitledfto a refund of the
excess. .
Section 248, Person emi_ (1) Where income of one person is included under, any tledw claim
provision of this Act in the total income of any Other refund in cer- person, the latter alone shall be
entitled to a refund under tain special this Chapter in respect of such income.
[s- 48 (3)1 , _ _ [5, 49 F] (2) Where through death, incapacity, bankruptcy, liqui- dation or other
cause, a person ............. .. is unable to claim or receive any refund due to him, his executor,
administra- tor or other legal representative, or the trustee or guardian or receiver, as the case may
be, shall be entitled to claim - or receive such refund .......... ..for the benet of such per-
£3: (1) Every claim for refund under this Chapter shall be manner. ' refund and made in the
prescribed form and veried in the prescbed [New] :
i Clauses g49--254 (2) No such claim ........ .. .......... ..shall be allowed, un- [05 Rules less it is made
within four ears from the -last day of the 3637]' assessment year in which t e income in respect of
which [5- 5° the claim is made was assessable. m'''"' P"'''] Where, as a result of an order passed in
appeal or Section 250 other proceeding under this ct, refund of an amount be- :'°f":fi tc°" comes due
to the assessee, the Income- %;[cer shall, we ° ' except as otherwise provided in this Act. refund the
amount [s' 48 (2)1 without any application by the assessee.
In a claim under this Chapter, it shall not be open to Section 25! the assessee to question the
correctness of any assessment c;.°"°°"'°" or other matter decided which has become nal and conclu-
:o,a"°,:,'m°{,'; sive ............. .. or ask for a review of the same, and the Qjlestioned. assessee shall not
be entitled to any relief on such claim [s_ 43 (4)1 except refund of tax wrongly paid or paid in
If, within a period of three months from the date on Section 252 which a claim for refund is made
under this Chapter, the I'"°'°3t- Income-tax Officer does not pass an order thereon, the Cen- [New]
tral Government shall pay the claimant simple interest at the rate of two per cent. per annum on the
amount directed to be refunded from the date on which the claim is made to the date of the order
directing the refund.
Where under any of the provisions of this Act, a re- section 253 fund is found to be due to any
person. the Income-tax Set off Officer, Appellate Assistant Commissioner or Commis- Of _ refund!
sioner, as the case may be, may, in lieu of payment of the :9:l""i' 33" refund, set off the amount to be
refunded or any part of p';'y:b1§'_'"g that amount, against the tax, interest or penalty, if any, 5? 9 E]
remaining payable by the person to whom the refund is du F 4 after giving an intimation in writing
to such person of the action proposed to be taken under this section.
CHAPTER XXI APPEALS AND REVISION A. Appeals to the Appellate Assistant Commissioner.
Any assessee aggrieved by any of the following orders of an Income-tax Ojcer may appeal to the
Appellate Assis- tant Commissioner against such order---- Sc" 1011 254.
(a) an order against the assessee, being a company, Appcmblc under section 113, [23A(1) main 'para,
operative orders.
(b) an order of assessment under section 147 or 148 ""'" P""'] [sections 23(1) to (5)], ........... .. where
the as-
sessee objects to the amount of income assessed, or to the amount of tax determined, or to the
amount of loss computed, or to the status under which he is assessed;
'As the section hasbeen broken ute n erous clauses, reference I0 pro-
: _ en visign has not been given foreach cl , and, verbal changes have not itali- cis ' ' a A Clause 254 1'
(c) "an order under section 151 [27] refusing to' reopen an. assessment made under section 148
[23(4) mam para, part authorising best judgment assessment] ;
(d) an order under section 161 or 162 [section'35], where the assessee -objects to the amendment
made or refused thereunder;
(8) an order adverse to the assessee, where the assessee denies his liability to be assessed under this
(h) an order refusing to register a rm under section 192(1)(b) [section in the Chapter on Firms
relating to refusal of registration because there was no genuine rm in existence in the previous year]
or under section 192(6) [section 23(4) main para, latter part relating to refusal to register a [rm
because of failure to le return etc. leading to best judgment assessment];
(i) an order cancelling the registration of a rm under section 193(1) [section .in the Chapter on Firms
was no genuine rm] or under section 193(2) [sec- tion in the Chapter on Firms corresponding to
section 23(4). main para, part. authorising §can- cellation on such failure. as leads to best judgment
(I) an order under section -233(2) [new section ire : withdrawal of certicate];
.; 2 G .
Clauses "254-258 _ Explanation.--For the purposes of clause (b) an objec- ~ tion_ to any interest
charged under section 223 [18A(6)] or section 225 [18A(8)] .shall be treated as an objection to the
.......... .. Where the partners of a rm are individually Section 255. assessable on their shares in the
total income of the rm, Appcal by 3113' Such Partner may appeal to the Appellate Assistant partner.
Commissioner against any order of an Income-tax Officer [s. 'go (1)
-determining the amount of the total income or the loss of 2nd PFOV-l the rm or the apportionment
thereof between the several partners, but he cannot agitate such matters ............. any appeal
preferred against an order of assessment deter- mining his own total income or loss.
Any person having in accordance with the provisions of Section 256- section 208 [ub--section (6) of
section 18] read with APP°a1d bl' section 208 [sub-section (6) of section 18] deducted and paid tax
in respect of any sum chargeable under this Act to deduct other than interest, who denies his
liability to make such tax. ' deduction may appeal to the Appellate Assistant Commis- [s_ 30 (IAN
sioner to be declared not liable to make such deduction.
(1) The appeal shall be in the prescribed form and shall S°°'i°" 257-
' (2) The appeal shall. ordinarily be presented within B' 3° (3)1 thirty days of the following date, that
'L8 to say,-- 5' '3° <2)' part]
(a) where the appeal relates to any tax deducted under section 204(1) [18(3B)], the date of payment
of the Q 5 tax, or ' , '2
(b) where the appeal relates to any assessment. interest or penalty, the date of receipt of the notice
of de- mand relating to the assessment. interest or pen- alty, or
(c) in any other case, the date on which intimation of , the order sought to be appealed against is
received ' (3) .......... .. The Appellate Assistant Commissioner may [s. lo (2), admit an appeal after
the expiration otf the said period if Pa" he is satised that the appellant had, sufficient cause for not
presenting it within that period. A (1) The Appellate Assistant Commissioner shall )_( a§::;';;'ur:5;
day and place for the hearing of the appeal, and shall give appm1_ notice of the same to the
appellant and to the Income--tax [S :31 (1) Officer against whose order the appeal is preferred. .,;,,i.:,
pm] ' (2) The following slhall have the right to be heard at [s.d §3) the hearing of the appea -- 4- A , .
9" 0"-
(a) the appellant either i-nlperson $11 by an authorised, /representative; * ' Clauses 258-259
[-8- 3! (I). (3) The Appellate Assistant Commissioner shall have 13"°'Pa"] the power .............
adjourn the hearing of the appeal'.
[s. 31 (2)1 (4) The Appellate Assistant Commissioner may. before' disposing of any appeal, make
such further inquiry as he thinks t, or may direct the Income-tax Oicer to mal<':e fur- ther enquiry
and report the result of the same to the Ap- pellate Assistant Commissioner.
[s- 31 (2A)] (5) The Appellate Assistant Commissioner may, at the hearing of an appeal, allow
the'appellant to go into any ground of appeal not specied in the grounds of appeal, if the Appellate
Assistant Commissioner is satised that the omission of that ground from the form of appeal was not
wilful or unreasonable.
[New] (6) The order of the Appellate Assistant Commissioner disposing of the appeal shall be in
writing and shall state the points for determination, the decision thereon and the reasons for the
decision, and the relief, if any, to which the "appellant is entitled.
B' 3' (5)1 (7) On the disposal of the appeal, the Appellate Assis-
tant Commissioner shall ............. ..communicate the order passed by him to the assessee and to the
56<=ti0n 259- (1) In disposing of an appeal, the Appellate Assistant Powers of the Commissioner
shall have the following powers- Appellate As-
sistant Com- (a) in an appeal against an order of assessment, he may missioneh conrm, reduce,
enhance or annul the assessment; £:h31'(§)l;C;']F" or he may set aside the assessment and refer [,_
g 343), the case back to the Income-tax Oicer for making main para, a fresh assessment in
accordance with the directions C1«(a)l given by the Appellate Assistant Commissioner [5-. 31(3),
and after making such further enquiry as may be "('b)]pa'a' necessary, and the Income-tax Oicer
shall there-
upon proceed to make such fresh assessment and determine, where necessary, the amount of tax
payableion the basis of such fresh assessment;
[s. 31(3), (b) in an appeakéigainst an order imposing a penalty, main Para, he may con m or cancel
such order or va it so C" (01 as either to enhance or to reduce the pena ty;
[s. 31(3), (c) in any other case, he may pass such orders in the main Para. appeal as he thinks t.
CL (c), (d).
(6), (8) and E91" ) N (2) .......... ..The Appellate Assistant Commissioner -shall p;.,3§,_f ' not enhance
an assessment on a penalty unless the ap llant has had a reasonable opportunity of showing cause
gainst such enhancement.- , ' ' - l Clauses 259-261 Explanation.--In disposing of an appeal, the
Appellate [New] Assistant Commissioner may consider and decide any mat- ter determined by the
Income-tax O'i_cer in the course of the proceedings in which the order appealed against was passed,
notwithstanding that such matter was not raised laefore the Appellate Assistant Commissioner by
the appel- ant.
(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), any Section 260.. assessee aggrieved by any of the
following orders mayAppea1ab1c~ appeal to the High Court ............. ..against such order----
<[ardm. ( ) S. I ,
(a) an order passed by an Appellate Assistant Commis-1653"] (I) sioner under section .......... ..280
.......... ..[28(1) and PM 33 "
(2)1 ;
sioner under section 259 [31(3) embodied in sec- Part] tion dealing ,with powers of Appellate_
Assistant Commissioner] ;
(d) .......... order passed by the Commissioner under [s. 338(3),. section 271(1) [S. 33B(1)]. p .
Part] (2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3), the [s. 33(2),car-. Commissioner may, if he
objects to any order passed_by an 11°F Part] Appellate Assistant Commissioner under section 259
[31 (3) as embodied in section for powers of Appellate Assis- tant Commissioner], appeal to the High
Court against such order .......... ..
(3) Where the amount or value of the subject matter [New] in dispute in appeal to the High Court is
rupees seven thousand ve hundred -or more, an appeal shall lie under this section both on a
question of fact and on a question of law; but where the amount. or value of the subject mat- ter in
dispute in such appeal is below rupees seven thousand five hundred, the appeal shall lie only on a
question of law. - ' (1) The appeal to the High Court shall be led within Section 26: sixty days of the
date on which the order sought to be Limitatio . appealed against is communicated to the assessee or
to the [s- 33(1)- Commissioner, as the case may be. am_»r"- 31l'>)$_)t»,.
~ ;.-2.). .2 1 main , t] (2) The High Court may admit, _an appeal after the ex- in PZIEQA piry of the
sixty days referred; to in spb-section (1) it it .nd'(;l53s(7A, is satised that there was sufciént cauq for
not presenting - it within that period. 7 1 .
1' t Clauses 262-268 Scfction 262. The appeal to the High Court shall be in such form F0" 0' 'P' and
shall be veried in such manner as may be prescribed Egg' 3§(33g by the Supreme Court by rules
made under this Chapter.
§l:)c}ig:n]263. Subject to such rules as may be made bylthe Supreme Powers and Court in this
behalf, the powers to be exercised and the P"'°"d"gE- procedure to be followed by the High Court in
respect of }[,:;,,] (5)' appeals under this Chapter shall be the same as those appli-
cable in respect of appeals to the High Court against the original decrees of courts subordinate to it.
semen 25+ (1) ....... ..The appeal shall be heard by a Bench of not Hearing by less than two Judges of
the High Court and shall be decid-
Iéench-66A ed in accordance with the opinion of such Judges or of m'ain pang'), the majority, if any,
of such Judges.
[3, 55A(,) (2) .......... ..Where there is no such majority, the Judges Pi-ov.] shall state the point ..........
..upon which they differ, and the case shall then be heard upon that point only by one or more of the
-other Judges of the High Court. and such 'point shall be decided according 'to the opinion of the
majority hf the Judges who have heard the case. including those who rst heard it.
Section _255. A copy of the judgment of the High Court shall be t(.3°m":f""'°§' sent to the
Commissioner. to the Appellate Assistant Com- i:l°;'p;,ea','_' '3' missioner and to the assessee; and
the Commissioner shall [5, 55(5), cause such steps to be taken as may be necessary to give part effect
.......... ..The costs of the appeal shall be in the discre- [ Er;-(6)1 tion of the High Court. a ' ' s. _
Section 267. (1) Notwithstanding that an appeal has been pneferred Refund cons- under this
Chapter to the High Court, the refund,:if any, "'l"°"1"a1 °" due to the assessee shall be made, unless
the High Court makes an order authorising the postponement of the pay- ment of the refund until
disposal of the appeal.
(2) If, as a result of the appeal to the High Court, the Section 266.
[5, 66(7), PIOVISO-1 amount of an assessment is reduced .......... .., the amount-
over-paid shall be refunded with such interest as the High Court may x, unless the High Court, on
intimatio given by the Commissioner within thirty days of the repeipt -of the result of such appeal
that he intends to ask for leave to appeal to the Supreme Court, makes an order authorising the
Commissioner to postpone payment of suchil refund until the disposal of the appeal by the Supreme
Court or the rejection of the application for leave to appeal, as the case may be. ' C----Appeals to the
Supreme Court.
Section 268. An appeal sh 1 lie t gig Supreme Court f In any '_A alable judgment of the ' h Co ,
livered on an appea prefer- 1" "'°'"- red under section 60 [66(l)§main para, part' emb , led in ' 247
Clauses 268-271 section for appealable order] in any case which the High [s. 66A(2)] _ gourt certies
to be a t one for appeal to the %upreme ' ourt.
(1) The provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, l908, Section 269 relating to appeals to the
Supreme Court shall, so far as He Minus may be, apply in the case of appeals under section 268
b::';':'g;:r'f [S. 66A(2)] in the like manner as they apply in the caselgoflgw ' of appeals from decrees
of a High Court: [s. . 66A(3), Provided that nothing in this section shall be deemed In %;i;rXi3), to
affect the provisions of section 263 or 265 [S. 66(5)] or 1st Prov. .......... ..section 273 [66(7), main
para]. Part] (2) The costs of the appeal shall be in the discretion [New] of the Supreme Court.
(3) Where the judgment of the High Court is varied [s_55A(4)_] or reversed in the appeal,...._ ......
..eiTect shall be given to the order of the Supreme Court in the manner provided in section 265 [S.
66, sub-section (5)] and section 267 [S. 66(7) Prov.] in the case of a judgment of the High Court.
(1) Any employer objecting to an order of the Com- Section 270 missioner refusing to recognise or
an order withdrawing APP!=-313 to recognition from a provident fund ma appeal to the Cen- gm
.dC':."{{"1 tral Board of Revenue in accordance with the provisions of °" ° c' section 301 [58B(4)]. ~
E§';§fj (2) Any person in respect of whom a direction disquali- fying him for representing an
assessee ' made under section 324(4) [S. 61(3), main para, latter hali may appeal to the Central
Board of Revenue in accordance with the provi-
(1) The Commissioner may call for and examine the sec;_io_n 27; record of any proceeding under
this Act, and if he con» Re 131°" ,0' siders that any order passed therein by the Income-tax Offiéggc
'15 't';°{:_' cer is erroneous in so far as it is prejudicial to the interests V, e_ of the revenue, he may,
after giving the assessee an oppor- [s. 3B(:)] tunity of being heard and after making or causing to be
, made such inquiry as he deems necessary; pass such order thereon as the circumstances of the case
justify, including an order enhancing or modifying the' assessment, or can- celling the assessment
and directing a fresh assessment.
(a) to revise an order of ' re-assessment made under [ .33B(2)] the provisions of section 152 [34(1),
(a) (b) power to reopen], or
(b) after the expiry of t years fiiom the date of the 5 order sought to be rev ed. ' '~ ' _ is Section 272
Revision of other orders.
mam para,
ist Prov. (a), part] [8- 33A(I), Prov.(b),part and s.33A(2), Ist Prov. (b)] [s- 33A(I)» Prov. (b), part
and s.33A(2), Ist Prov. (c)] [=- 33A(3)] Clause 272 (1) In the case of any order other than an order to
which section 271 [33B(1) and (2)] applies passed by an authority subordinate to him, \ the
Commissioner may. either of his own motion or on an application by the assessee for revision,
.......... for the record of any proceeding under this Actin which any such order has been passed
.......... .., and may make such inquiry or cause such inquiry to be made and, subject to the provisions
of this Act, may pass such order thereon, not being an order prejudicial to the assessee, as he thinks
(2) Where an application for revision was made by the assessee, he shall be given an opportunity of
being heard before the application is disposed of.
(3) The Commissioner shall not of his own motion re- vise any order under this section if .......... ..the
order has been made more than one year previously.
(4) In the case of an application for revision under this section by the assessee, the application must
be made with» in one year from the date on which the order in question was communicated to him
or on which he otherwise came to know of it, whichever is earlier:
Provided that the Commissioner may, if he is satised that the assessee Was prevented by sufcient
cause from making the application within that period, admit an appli- cation made after the expiry
of that period.
(5) The Commissioner shall not revise any order under this section in the following cases-
(a) Where an appeal against the order lies to the Appellate Assistant Commissioner .......... ..but has
not been made and the time within which such appeal may be made has not expired;
(b) where an appeal against the order lies to the High Court but has not been made, and neither the
time within which such appeal may be made has expired nor the assessee has waived his right of
(c) where the order is pending on an appeal before the Appellate Assistant Commissioner .......... ..;
(d) where the order has been made the subject of an appeal to the High Court, and the appeal is
pend- ing or has been disposed of on the merits.
(6) Every application by an assessee for revision under this section shall be accompanied by a fee of
twenty-ve rupees. A '1
-249 Clauses 272-277 Explanation 1.--An order by the Commissioner declin- [8-3s_A(2)2ud ing to
interfere shall, for the purposes of this section, be P'°""°3 deemed not to be an order prejudicial _to
the assesses.
Explanation 2.------For the purposes of this section, the [s_ 33AM, Appellate Assistant
Commissioner shall be deemed to be Expl.] an authority subordinate to the Commissioner.
F--General section 273 Notwithstanding that an appeal has been preferred n':tw.3: under this
Chapter to the High Court or to the Supreme sanding a;,p_ Court, tax shall be payable in accordance
with the assess--ea1s. ment made in the case, unless the High Court or the [5-55(7),main Supreme
Court, as the case may be, grants stay of the Wm' and 3' collection of the tax pending the disposal of
the appeal. l;>¢§v(i3§l§,$zt] Section 2 .......... ..The High Court may, on petition made for the
Execution fl:
-execution of the order of the Supreme Court in respect of §°*'53Wa!d¢d any costs awarded thereby,
transmit the order for execu- C"'m'°;'"P'""° tion to any court subordinate to the High Court.
- rroviso.
Where as the result of an appeal to the Appellate SCCME175 Assistant Commissioner, the High
Court or the Supreme Amendmcnt 'CON-TlF'--' of msessmcnt on appeal.
(a) any change is made in the assessment of a rm or [,_3,(,,) and an association of persons or a new
assessment of 33(5), modi- a firm or an association of persons is order- ed to be made, or
(b) any alteration in any assessment has to be made, .......... ..the Income-tax Officer shall, whether
or not a direc- tion is given by the appellate authority, make an amend- ment of the assessment so as
to carry out the order of the appellate authority, including, where necessary, an amend-
ment of any assessment made on any partner of the rm or any member of the association.
In computing the period of limitation prescribed for Section 276 an appeal or an application under
this Act, ............. ..the Exclaim of day on which the order complained of was'made, and, if time
rate.-nfor the assessee was not furnished a copy of the order when °°PY- ' the notice of the order was
served upon him, the time [I-57Al' ruleqgliislite for obtaining a copy of such order, shall be ex-
1: u e .
The Supreme Court may make rules, not inconsistent Scction 277 with the provisions of this Act, on
all or any of the follow- ':6' "'° ing matters, namely--- ~ C0',',',,_
(a) the powers to be exercised and the procedure to [NW1 be followed in appeals to the High Court
under this Chapter ; '
(b) any other matter which to be or ma be pres- cribed by the Supreme Court underfhs _ pter. » »
Clauses 2278-280 Scctim 273 In this Chapter,---
(i) in relation to any State, the High Court for that State ;
(ii) in relation to the Union territories of Delhi and Himachal Pradesh, the High Court of Punjab;
(iii) in relation to the Union territories of Manipur and Tripura, the High Court of Assam;
(iv) in relation to the Union territory of the Anda- man and Nicobar islands, the High Court at
Calcutta ; and
(v) in relation to the Union territory of the Lacca- dive, Minicoy and 'Amindivi islands. the High
Court of Kerala;
[New] (b) "status" means the category under which the asses- see is assessed, with reference to the
Finance Act applicable to the case, as "individual", "Hindu undivided family" and so on.
any person without reasonable excuse fails to Failure to comply with a notice issued under section
97 (7) [s. §44E(6), furnish info" earlier half] the Income-tax Ofcer may direct that such """i°" '°g"'
erson shall' a a nalt not exceedin ve hundred {}§';im?°°""' igupees and a Iiuiytherpgenally of the like
agnount for every [s. "E 6 day after the iniction of such penalty during which the lane, hair] ' failure
3°°'i°" 98° (1) If the Income-tax Officer, or the Appellate Atsistant Ef°n°°?1:;¢"* Commissioner
........... .., in the course of any proceedings in me - - - _ or improper under this Act, 1S satised that
any person-- ; distribution of prots etc. [s.28(x), para]
(a) has without reasonable cause failed to furnish the return of his total income which he was
required to furnish ....... .. under section 143 (1) [22(1)] or by "notice given under section 143 (2)
[sublsection (2) of section 22] or section 154 [34 (1) (a) (b')] or has without reasonable cause failed
to furnish it within the time allowed and in the man.ner re- quired by section 1 (1) [22 (1)] .or
by.such notice, as the case ntay be, a i _ . I 2 4
(b) has without reasonable cause failed to comply with a notice under section 146 (1) Esub-section
(4) of section 22] or section. 147(2) sub-section (2) of section 23], or
berately furnished inaccurate particulars of such income, he .......... ..may direct that such, person
shall pay by way of penalty,--- '
(i) in the case referred to in clause (a), in addition to' the amount of the tax, if any, payable by him, a
sum not exceeding one and a half times that am- ount, and
(ii) in the cases referred to in clauses (b) and (c), in addition to any tax payable by him, a sum not
exceeding one and a half times the amount of the tax, if any, which would have been avoided if the
income as returned by such person had been accept- ed as the correct income. ~ (2) When the
person liable to penalty is a registered [5,28(;),Prov.
rm or an unregistered rm which has been assessed under (d)] j section 190 (b) [23 (5) (b)], then,
notwiistanding anything ' contained in the other provisions of th ._Act, the penalty imposable under
sub-section X1) shal be a. sum not eacceeding--- » ' 1 4
(i) in the case referred to %in cla.uaeA(a) of subsection (1), one and a half times the giamount of the
tax .......... ..payable by an; unregistered rm on an income equal to the rm's total income, and
(ii) in the cases referred to in clauses (b) and (c) of sub-sect1'.on (1), .......... andfgas half times
the difference between thegamountrof the tax .......... .. payable by an unregisteijed rmgon an income
equal to the rm's total income and :the amount of the tag: .......... ..payable by $13 unr istered firm on
an income e ual to the in me of he rm as actually returned y it. ' . I (3) (a) .... ..No penaltyyfor failure
tot of his total income under secti 143 ( imposed under sub-section (1) income does not exceed the
able to tax in his case by one t ' l[22 (1)] shall" be 3)] see whose total» 'mum' mount not charge- 5 e
hundred rupees.
(b) Where a person has failed to comply with a notice [,_,3(-,), under section 143 (2) [sub-section
(2) of section 22] or r;ov.qb)} section 154 [section 34(1) (a)( )] and roves that he has = no income
liable to tax, the pe_ alty ' ble under sub- section (1) shall not exceed ty-ii V _pees.
ish the return Es.28(' ),Pi-ov'. . 4 Clauses 280-282 [s.28(1),Prov. (c) No penalty shall be imposed
under sub-section (1) (C)l upon any person assessable under section 169(1) (i) read with section 170
[42 (1) main para, latter half, part regard-' ing liability of agent to be assessed as representing non-
resident] as the agent of a non-resident for failure to fur-
nish the return .......... ..under section 143 (1) [22 (1)]. [,,23(2>] (4) If the Income-tax Ofcer, or the
Appellate Assistant Commissioner, .......... the course of any proceedings under this Act, is
satised that the prots of a registered rm have been distributed otherwise than in accordance with the
shares of the partners as shown in the instrument of partnership on the basis «of which the firm has
been' registered under this Act, .......... ..and that any partner has thereby returned his income below
its real amount. he ....... .. may direct that such partner shall, in addition to the tax. if any, payable by
him, pay by way of penalty a sum not exceeding one and a half times the amount of tax which has
been avoided, or would have been avoided if the in- come returned by such partner had been
accepted fasihis correct income ; and no refund or other adjustment shall be claimable by any other
partner by reason of such direc- tions.
section 23,_ ...... ..Where any person fails to give the notice of Fail," to discontinuance of his
business profession or vocation re- Eivconoticc of fcquired by sectio3_18i(3)l £25 (t) earilieiil' gait],
the lgcgme. 130 n muan- ax o cer may irec a a sum s a e recovere rom °°- him by way of penalty not
exceeding the amount of tax [5-25(2):1*"'°' Subsequently assessed on him in respect of any income
Pm] .......... ..of the business, profession or vocation up to the date of its discontinuance.
I,-am c5,;ma_ ceedings in connection with the regular _ assessment, is te oforfailume satised that
any assesse-- ' d -
hoe: Va (a) has furnished under section 220 [sub--secti n (2) [s. "r 18A(9), or sub-section (3) of
section 18A] an esti te of main para] the advance tax payable by him which he: knew or had reason
to believe to be untrue, or
(b) has without reasonable cause failed to furnish an estimate of the advance tax payable by im in
accordance with the provisions 'of section , 20 (3) [sub-section (3) of section 18A], ' l 'he may direct
that such person shall,_ in addition to the amount of tax, if any, payable by him, pay by way of
penalty a sum not exceeding-
[3, 18A(9), (i) ....... the case referred to in clause (a , one Prov.] and a half times the. amount by
which e tax actually paid_ during ifthe nancial year immediately i 253 ' Clauses 282-285 preceding
the "assessment year, uhder the provi- sions of sections 215 t0 228 [s. 18A] falls short of---
(1) eighty per cent. of the ta':c regularly assessed, ' as modied under the provisions of section 223
[18A (6)], or (2) where a notice under section 218 [18A (1) (a), main para, part as embodied in
section regard- mg order of Income--tax Oicer] was issued to the assessee, the amount payable"
thereunder, whichever is the less; and
(ii) in the case referred to in clause'(b), one and a half ' times the amount on which interest under
section 223 [sL 18A(6)].
is payable (1) No order imposing a penalty -under this Chapter s¢c.;o,, 233 shall be made .............
..unless the assessee or the partner Procedure or the other person on whom the penalty is sought to
be [s. 28(3)] 'imposed, as the case may be, has been heard, or has been given a reasonable
opportunity of being heard.
(2) The Income-tax Officer shall not impose an _ under section'.28Q [s. 28(1) or (2)(] or section 282
[18A(9)] without the previous approval of the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner.
(3) An Appellate Assistant , Commissioner, on making an order under section 280 [28(1) or (2)],
shall forthwith send a copy of the same to the Income-tax Oicer.
No prosecution for an offence against this Act shall be Scclion_2'8f agams uccution.
[8- 53(4)] instituted in respect of the same facts on which a penalty has been imposed under this
CHAPTER XXIII / OFFENCES AND PROSECUTIONS If a person fails without reasonable cause or
(a) to grant inspection or :allow copies to be taken in accordance with the pnovisions: oif section 139
[39]; V"
(b) to furnish in due time any of t e returns mentioned in section 166(4) [Section 19 ], 166(1) [section
section 22] or 138 [section 38];
(c) to produce, or cause to be produced, on or before [s. 5x(d)] the date mentionedin any n, tice
under section 146(1) [Sub-section (4)3 of secti Ii 22] such accounts and documents as are' referr ,
Bar pl'0l [=- 28(5)] H13 01' O!' Y Penalty [s. 28(6)] pee on.
20A], 166(2) [section 21] 143(2) [sub--section (2) of uj-8~']i'x;cs°P'.'"' [s. §i(c [s. 51 (c i ii _
withdrawal [s- 5r(a)] [5- 51(5)] [s- 51.
ment in declaration.
nce of Inspec-
[5~ 54-(2) :
(d) to deduct and pay tax as required by sections 201 to 204 [all sections embodying section 18] or
under , section 235(2) [Sub-section (5) of section 46]; or
(e) to furnish a certificate required by section 211 [sub- section (9) of section 18] or by section 167
[Section 20] to be furnished;
he shall, on conviction before a Magistrate, be punishable with ne which may extend to ten rupees
for every day during which the default continues.
If a person makes a statement in any verification under this Act which is false, and which he either
knows r be- lieves to be false, or does not believe to be true, he ail, ._ ......... .., on conviction before a
Magistrate. be puni able with simple imprisonment which may extend to six m nths, or with ne
which may extend to one thousand rup s. or with both.
(1) A person shall not he proceeded against for an offence under section 285 [51] or section 286 [52]
exc pt at the instance of the Inspecting Assistant Commissio gr.
(2) The Inspecting Assistant Commissioner may either before or after the institution of proceedings
compound any such offence. , (1) If a public servant discloses any particulars, t i dis- closure of
which is prohibited b section 141(2) [S. (2), earlier part, as incorporated in Cliapter on Income-ta
Au- thorities], he shall, 'on conviction before a Magistra e, be punishable with imprisonment which
may extend 0 six months, and shall also be liable to ne. ;
(2) No prosecution shall be instituted under th'i sec- tion except with the previous sanction of the
CHAPTER xxnf RECOGNISED PRQVIDENT FUNDS Recognition ' (1) The Commissioner....,.... may
accord reco 'tion to any provident fund which, in his opinion, satis the . conditions prescribed in
section 290 [58C. embodied i sec-.
tion for conditions] and the rules made thereunder}, and may, at any time, withdraw such
recognition if, in h' opi- riiion, the provident fund cojiizravenes any of thos con-
Q' a ,...........4...
z.---« ., l-_ .._;, * r" "yr . 58(»C) (1) (g) latter part], satisfy the, conditions set out by .
(a) subject to such conditions; if any, as he may con- sider necessary. accord recognition to any
provi- dent fund maintained by an enterprise which has been exempted from any or all of the
provisions of any scheme framed under the Employees' Pro- vident Funds Act, 1952,
notwithstanding that any 19 of 1952. of the conditions menstioned in section 290 [58C embodied
insection regarding conditions] are not satised ; and .
(b) withdraw such recognition if, in his opinion, the provident fund contravenes any of the
conditions subject to which recognition» was accorded by him.
(2) An order according recognition shall take effect [s. 58B(2).] on such date as the Commissioner
may x in accordance with any rules the Central Board of Revenue may make in this behalf, such date
not being later than the last day of the nancial year in which the onder is made.
(3) An order withdrawing recognition shall take effect [s. ;8B(3).] from the date on which it is made.
3 (4) An order according 'recognition to a provident [s. $813 (3A)] fund shallgnot, unless' the
Commissioner otherwise directs, * be affected by the fact that the fund is subsequently amal-
gamated with another provident fund bn the occurrence of an' amalgamation of the undertakings, in
connection with which the two funds are maintained, or fthat it subsequent- ly absorbs the whole or
a pant of anqther provident fund belonging to an undertaking which is wholly or in part transferred
to or merged in the undertaking of the em- ployer maintaining the first mentioned fund. -
In order that a provident fund mayreceive and I'e'ta1n.Scciion 290 recognition, it shall, subject to
the provisions of section Conditions to 291 [s. 58C(l) Provisos to cls; (a), (b), (d). 58J (4), 58(D),bc
satised below and any other conditions which Tithe Central Govern- 1-33° ment may, by rules,
prescribe--- ' [s. 583(1) 0135 1118
(a) All employees shall be employpd in India, or shall [s. be employed by an employer ; whose
principal (3). min place of business is inrlndia. P"'',-] a: » at 1 as =
(b) The contributions of ' an e loyee in any year [s. 3580(1)' shall be a denite proportion of his salary
for that (b).% main _ year, and shall be' dedt1cted.b3i the employer from P'-"+1 the employee's
salary in that proportion, at each l periodical payment 0 such fry in that year, I and credited to the
Individual account» in the fund. ' Clauses 290-291 3 u g 530") (c) ...The contributions of an
employer to the in- ' dividual account of an employee in any year shall not exceed the amount of the
contributions of the employee in that year, and shall be credited to the employee's individual
account at intervals not exceeding one year.
[s- 5800,) (d) The fund shall consist of contributions as above ('$31 "W" specied and of donations, if
any, received by the P " trustees, of accumulations thereof, and of interest (simple and compound),
credited in respect of such contributions, donations and accumulations, and of securities purchased
therewith and of any ca- pital gains arising from the sale, exchange or transfer of capital assets of the
fund, and of no other sums.
* ¥ 3 %:'H58(°) (0 (e) The fund shall be vested in two or more trustees or in the Official Trustee
under a trust which shall not be revocable save with the consent of all ,the beneciaries. . .
580(1) (f) The employer shall not be entitled to recoveij any ' sum whatsoever from the fund, sav! in
cases where the employee is dismissed for misconduct or voluntarily leaves his employment
otherwise than on account of ill-health or other unavoidable cause before the expiration of the term
of service specied in this behalf in the regulations of. the fund.
In such cases the recoveries made by the employer shall be limited to the contributions made by him
to the individual account of the employee, and to interest (sim- ple and compound) credited in
respect of such con ribu- tions and accumulations thereof, in accordance wit the regulations of the
fund. "
[s- 580(1) (g) The accumulated balance due to an employee: shall £53] °a'1'°' be payable on the day
he ceases to be an employee of the employer maintaining the fund ........
f [s~ 580(1) (h) Save as provided in clause (g), or in accortiance 001- with such conditions and
restrictions as thei Cen- tral Government may, by rules, prescribe, no por- tion of the balance to the
credit of an employee shall be payable to him. 3 Section 29z_ (1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in section Relaxation of 290(a) [38C(l), (a) main para], the Commissioner may, if
°°ndM°nS- he thinks t, and subject to such conditions, if any, as he [s-' 580(1) thinks proper to
attach to tljeirecognition, accord r og'ni--
(a)» Prov-l tion to a fund maintained byg an employer whose pritcipal Clause 291 place of business
is not in India, provided the proportion of employees ............. ..employed outside India does not
exceed ten per cent.
(2) Notwithstanding anything" contained in section 290(b) [58C(1) (b) main para], an employee
who retains his employment while serving in the armed forces of the Union or when taken into or
employed in the national ser- vice under any law for the time being in force, may, whe- ther he
receives from the employer any salary or not, .con- tribute to the fund during his service in the
armed forces of the Union or while so taken into or employed in the national service a sum not
exceeding the amount he would have contributed had he continued to serve the employer.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in section 290(d) [58C(l)(d) main para] or section 290(g)
(a) at the request .... .. made in writing by the em- ployee who ceases to be an employee of the«em-
ployer maintaining the fund, the trustees of the fund may consent to retain the whole or any part of
the accumulated balance due to the employee to be drawn by him at any time on demand;
(b) where the accumulated balance due to an employee who has ceased to be an employee is
retained in the fund in accordance with clfause (a) of this sub- section, the fund may consist also of
the accumu-' lated balance due to "the e loyee ..... ..'..and of interest (simple and compoun ) in
respect thereof (-4) Subject 'to any rules which the -Central Govern- ment may make in this behalf,
the Commissioner may, in respect of any particular fund, relax the provisions of sec- tion 290(c)
[58C (1) (c)]----
(a) so as to permit the payment of larger contribu- tions by an employer to the individual accounts
of employees whose salary does not exceed ve hundred rupees per mensem; and
(b) so as to permit the crediting by employers to the , individual accounts 'of emplpyees 'of
periodical bonuses or other contributions of a contingent nature, where the calculation and payment
of such bonuses or other contributions is provided for on denite principles by the regulations of the'
(h) [58C(1)(h)], .... .. in order to enable an employee to pay the amount of tax assess» d on total
income as de- termined under section 299( tled to withdraw from the alances his "credit in the [5-
b) Proviso].
[s. » 580(1) (3), ' paw] 5300) (dj, Provism] [..i§so.1 [s- 's8J(a.).1 [5sJ~l(§].s,, he shall be enti- . '
latter Clauses 291-296 recognised provident fund a sum not exceeding the dif- ference between such
amount and the amount to which he would have been assessed if the transferred balance referred to
in section 299(3) [s. 58J(3)] had not been in- cluded in his total income.
section 292 Where there is a_ repugnance between any regulation Rcpugnancy of a recognised
provident fund and any provision of this ;. 1-¢gu[3on5_ Chapter or of the rules made thereunder,
the regulation [3, 53(;(,)_] shall, to the extent of the repugnance, be of no effect.
The Commissioner may, at any time, require that -such iepiégnance shall be removed from the
regulations of the un .
Section "293. Any sum paid by an employer by way of contribution EmP193b:¢r'-5 towards a
recognised provident fund shall be deducted in (';:"'"fl'en computing his income for the purpose of
assessment.' deducted in assessing his Income.
[New] That portion of the annual accretion in any previous section 294. year to the balance at the
credit of an employee partici- Employe,-S pating in a recognised provident fund as consists of--;'
(a) contributions made by the employer in excess of buti0ns_ ten per cent. of the salary of the
employee, and 4 when écemcd (b) interest credited on the balance to the cred t of ;'c'C:fv;3°°'§° the
employee in so far as it exceeds one-thi, of cmploym Y the salary of the employee or is allowed at
agrate [s. 58E.] . exceeding the rate xed by the Central Go em-
réient in this behalf by notication in the O cial azette, ' shall be deemed to have been received by the
emp yee in that previous year and shall be included in his _ota1 income for that previous year, and
shall be liable t¢ in- come-tax and super-tax ?
section 295_ An employee participating in a recognised prov '2 ent Employee's fund shall be entitled
to a deduction, from the amou t of contribqtions income-tax on his total incomeiwith which he is
charg ble . ' g"°'"P"°" for any assessment year, of an amount equal to the i -
[ST'58F_] tax calculated at the average rate of income-tax on his own contributions to his
individual; account in the fund in the previous year, in so far as the aggregate of such contribu- ,
tions .... ..does not exceed one-fth of his salary in that pre-
_ ....... ..The accumulated balance due and becoming Fay- Scction 296.
able to an employee participating in a recognised provi ent £:1C,:,T:lE,t:d fund shall be excluded
from the computation of his otal clusion from income----
total income.
[s. 58G (2) ,E.;.;L,é,7l§ti(); (1) if he has rend conwuous service withfiis em.
vno, part] ' player for a p d of e years or more, or 2.59 Clauses 296-299
(ii) if, though he has not rendered such continuous ser- vice, the Commissioner ....... .., being of the
opinion that the service has been terminated by reason of the employee's ill-health, or by the
contraction or discontinuance of the employer's business or other cause beyond the conol of the
employee, allows the employee the benet of this section.
.(1) Where the accumulated balance due to an employee Section 297. participating in a recognised
provident fund is included in Tax 0,, am... his total income owing to the provisions of section 296
[58G muluted ba- (2)] not being applicable, the Income--tax Officer shall ca1- '9-"W culate the total
of the various sums of income-tax and [8-58G(3)] super-tax which would have been payable by the
employee in respect of his total income for each. of the years con- cerned if the fund had not been a
recognised provident fund, and the amount by which such total exceeds the total of all sums paid by
or on behalf oflsuch employee by way of tax for such years shall be payableby the employee in
addition to any other income-tax and super-tax for which he may be liable for the previous year in
which the accu- mulated balance due to him becomes payable.
(2) Where the accumulated balance due to an employee [s. I 58G(1). participating in a recognised
provident fund which is not lattdr part]- included in his total income under the provisions of section
296 [58G (2)] becomes payable ....... .., an amount equal to the aggregate of the amounts of
super<tax on annual ac- cretions that would have been payable-under section 58E of the Indian
Income-tax Act, 1922, for any assessment year ,1 gr 1922, upto and including the assessment year
1932-1933, if the if Indian Income--tax (Second Amendmen Act, 1933. had come ,3 3 ,933_ into
force on the 15th March, 1930, s l" be payable by the 1 employee in addition to any other tars:
payable by him for the previous year in which such balance becomes payable.
The trustees of a recognised provident fund, or any Scciiion 298. ' person authorised by the
regulations of? the fund to make don at payment of accumulated balances due' to employees, shall,
50,, of in- in cases where section'297 (1) £58G(3)}§ applies, at the time c an accumulated balance
due 0 an em loyee is paid, de- Yab duct therefrom the amount payable uxl r section 297 (1) 3°" [S.
58G(3)] ....... .., and all the provisio' ' of sections 206 to 211 [18(4) to 18(9)] shall apple as if M e
accumulated bal-l [*- ance were income chargeable nder the-jhead "Salaries".
E C68.
(1) Where recognition is accorded :';.to a provident fund sec on 299, with existing balances, an
account shall be made of the T, tmmt of fund up to the day before the day on which the recognition
baace in takes eect, showing the balance to tile', credit of each em-' n; Y recog- ployee on such day,
and containing such further particulars "ST P"°""
as the Central Board of Revenue may prescribe. . gfn _ (2) The account shall al sho .1. in respect of
the [s- E J(2)l- balance to the credit of each iploy Jhe amount thereof which is to be transferred to 1:
t em , ' ee's account in the .
Section 300 Clauses 299-301 provident fund, and such amount (hereinafter transferred balance)
shall be shown as the balance to hlS credit in the recognised provident fund on the date on which the
recognition of the fund takes effect, and sub-section (3) of this section and sub-section (5) of section
291 [s. 58J(3) (4)] shall apply thereto.
Any portion of the balance to the credit of an em- ployee in the existing fund which is not
transferred to the recognised fund shall be excluded from the accounts of the recognised fund and
shall be" liable to income-tax and super-tax in accordance with the provisions of this Act, recognised
called his 'other than this Chapter.
(3) Subject to such rules as the Central'Board of Reve- nue may make in this behalf, the Income-tax
Officer shall make a calculation of the aggregate of all sums com rised in. a transferred balance
which would have been lia 1e to income-tax if this Chapter had been in force from the date of the
institution of the fund, without regard to any tax which may have been paid on any sum, and such
aggregate (if any) shall be deemed to be income received by the em- ployee in the previous year in
which the recognition bf the fund takes effect and shall be included in the employee's total income
for that previous year, and, for the purposes of assessment, the remainder ofthe transferred b ance
shall be disregarded but no other exemption or reli f, by way of refund or otherwise, shall be granted
in respect of any sum comprised in such transferred balance:
Provided that, in cases of serious accounting diiculty, the Commissioner shall have power, subject to
the said rules, to make a summary calculation of such aggregate.
(4) Nothing in this section shall affect the rights of the persons administering an unrecognised
provident fund or dealing with it, or with the balance to the credit of any individual employee,
before recognition is accorded, in any 'manner which may be lawful.
Other provisions (1) The accounts of a recognised provident fund: shall Accounts of be maintained
by the trustees of the fund and shalllbe in recognised provident funds.
[3-' 58 3(4)] such form and for such periods. and shall contain such particulars, as the Central Board
of Revenue may, pres- cribe. i (2) The accounts shall be open to inspection at all rea- sonable times
by Income-tax authorities, and the trustees shall furnish to the Income-tax-Oicer such abstracts
there- of as the Central Board of Revenue may prescribe.
(1) Where an employer who maintains a provident fund Section 302. (whether recognised or not) for
the benet of his employees Treatment of and has not transferred the fund or any portion of it, trans-
fundtfamfcr fers such fund or portionto trustees in trust for the em- 'id by °"" ployees participating
in the fund, the amount so transfer- t° red shall be deemed to be of the nature of capital expendi- [S
5B_K] ture. ' (2) When an employee participating in such fund is paid the accumulated balance due
to him therefrom, any portion of such balance as represents his share in the amount so transferred
to the trustee (without addition of interest, and exclusive of the employee's contributions and
interest thereon) shall, if the employer has made effective arrangements to secure that tax. shall be
deducted at source from the amount of such share when paid to the employee, be "deemed to be an
expenditure by the employer within the meaning of section 37 [clause (xv) of sub-section (2) of
section 10], incurred in the previous year'in which the accumulated balance due to the employee is
paid. -
(1) All rules made under this Chapter shall be subject Sectiofl 303» to the provisions of section 329
(4) [sub-section (5) of sec- f'l°"!"°T"
/ [s. 53 L.] (2) In addition to any power conferred by this Chap- ter, the Central Government may
make rules-
(a) 'prescribing the statements and other information to be submitted with -an application for
recogni- tion ; ' '
(b) limiting the contributions to a recognised provi- dent fund by employees of a company who are
shareholders in the company ;
(c) providing for the assessment by way of penalty of any consideration received by an employee for
an assignment of, or creation of a charge upon, his 'genecial interest in a recognised provident und ;
(d) determining the extent to and the manner in which exemption from payment of income-tax and
super-tax may be granted in respect of contribu- tions and interest credited to the individual ac-
counts of employees _in a provident fund from which recognition has been withdrawn; and
(e) generally, to carry out the purposes of this Chap- ter and to secure such further control » over the
recognition of provident fun land the adminis- , tration of recognised provide _ {funds as it may ;--
deem requisite. ' 3"-
Clauses 304-305 s°°'i°" 3°4- This Chapter shall not apply to any provident fund to A 1' ' . .
[s. 58M] ' IQ of 1925 %°c°§:$'iox1;!:5- _ In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise re- [s_ 58A]
q'u'L'I'S,--- I p
(a) a "recognised provident fund" means a provident fund which has been and continues to be
recog- nised by' _the Commissioner, in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter;
(b) an "employer" means any person who maintains a provident fund for the benet of his or its em- ,
ployees, being-
(ii) an individual engaged in a business, profession or vocation whereof the prots and gains e as-
sessable to income-tax under the head " .'rots and gains of business, profession or vocation', .... ..
(c) an "employee" means an employee participating in a provident fund, but does not include a per-
sonal or domestic servant;
behalf of any employee out of his salary, or y an employer out of his own monies, to the indi 'dual
account of an employee, but does not includv sum credited as interest; 1
(e) the "balance to the credit" of an employee means the total amount to' the credit of his individual
account in a provident fund at any time;
of an employee means the increase to such b lance in any year, arising from contributions a ,d in-
terest; '
(g) the "accumulated balance due" to an em loyee means the balance to his credit, or such p rtion
thereof as may be elaimable by him under the regulations of the fuhd, on the day he ceases to be an
employee of the employer maintaining the fund; and '
(h)_ the "regulations of a .-fund" means the specia* body of regulatio ' gove " g the constitution a ad-
4' l 1? l »' .I:~ 2 am .I Clauses 306-30.7 CHAPTER xxv APPROVED SUPERANNUATEON FUNDS
Approval (1) The Central Board of Revenue may accord appro- Section 306. val to any
superannuation fund or any part of a superan- -"PPT°V"""" nuation fund which in its opinion
complies with the re- ':f":'d'":',:,l guirements of section 307 [58P]i, and may at any time With- "pm '
raw such approval, if in its opinion, the circumstances of [" 5&0] the fund or part cease to
Warrantthe continuance of the approval. ' -
(2) The Central Board of Revenue shall communicate in writing to the trustees of the -fund the grant
of approval with the date on which the approval is to take effect, and, where the approval is granted
subject to conditions,- those conditions.
(3) The Central Board of Revenue shall communicate in writing to the trustees of the fund.» any
withdrawal of approval with the reasons for such Withdrawal and the date on which the Withdrawal
is to take effect.
(4) The Central Board of Revenue shall neither refuse nor withdraw approval to any superannuation
fund or any part of a superannuation fund unless it has given the trus-
(1) In order that a superannuation fund may receive SecI::on3o7. and retain approval, it shall satisfy
the 'conditions set out Con<"ti0nI below and any other condition: which the Central Govern- f°"
'°""" ment may, by rules, prescribe-- T [=- 5 1' 4(a) the fund shall be a fund estalflished under an ir-
ma ypara] revocable trust in connection: with a trade or = undertaking carried on in India;
(b) the fund shall have for its sol ij purpose the provi- sion of annuities for employ g s in the trade or
undertaking on their rqtiremen at or after a speci- ed age or on their beboming ncapacited prior to
such retirement, 'or for the \idows, children or dependants of persons ?Who arq or have been such
employees on the deatli of thoqeipersons; and
(c) the employer in the trade or undertaking shall be ' a contributor to the fund, i 1 (2) ....... ..The
Central Bo ad of avenue may, if it [s. 51:, thinks t and subject to sup cond ibhs, if any, as it Prov 1
thinks proper to attach to the approval', approve a fund or any part of a fund-- -
(i) notwithstanding that the rules of the fund provide for the return in cerrt{ain contingencies of
contribu- tions paid to the fu d, or
(ii). if the main purpose of e fun is the provision of such annuities as afo said, ' fthstanding that such
provision is not i sole p e, or -
(iii) notwithstanding that the trade or undertaking in connection with which the fund is established
is carried on only partly in India.
[New] (3) Where there is a repugnance between any rules of an approved -superannuation fund or
the terms of the in- strument under which the fund is established and any pro- vision of this Chapter
or of the rules made thereunder, the rules of the fund or the terms of the instrument under which
the fund is established, as the case may be, shall, to the extent of the repugnance, be of no effect; and
the Central Board of Revenue may at any time require that ' such repugnance shall be removed from
the rules of the fund or the terms of the instrument, as the case may be.
section 303, (1) An application for approval of a superannuation Application fund or part of a
superannuation fund for any assessment '°' 3PP'°"a'- year shall be made in writing before the end of
that year [=- 58 Q] by the trustees of the fund to the Income-tax Officer by whom the employer is
assessable; and shall be accompanied by a copy of the instrument under which the fund is estab-
lished and by two copies of the rules and of the accounts of the fund for the last previous year for
which such ac- counts have been made up. The Central Board of Revenue may require such further
information to be supplied as it thinks proper.
(2) If any alteration in the rules, constitution, objects or conditions of the fund is made at any time
after the date of the application for approval, the trustees of the fund shall forthwith communicate
such alteration to the Income-tax Oicer mentioned in sub-section (1), and in default of such
communication any approval given ;sha11, unless the Central Board of Revenue otherwise orders, be
deemed to have been withdrawn from the date on which the alteration took effect. . E .Treatment of
investments and contributions.
Section 09. , _ . . r .
Income mm approved superannuation fund, and any capital gains aris- investmcnts. ing from the
sale, exchange or transfer of capital assets of [s. 58R main such fund, shall not be included in the
total income bf the Para» Part] person in receipt thereof. .
Section 310. .... ..Any sum paid by an employer .... way at con-
F-mp1_°ver'= tribution towards an approved superannuation fun shall .... deducted in
computing' his income .... ..for the pur-
Para. part] Provided .... ..that where the contribution is not 23 ordi-
[s. 58R, 2nd nary annual contribution, it shall be treated as_ the entral Pr°V-] Board of Revenue
may direct, either as a deduction for the year in which -the sum is paid, or as a deduction to be
spread over such petiod of years as the Central Bohrd of Revenue thinks proer. ' % .... ..Income
derived fromfinvestments or deposits of an 265 ' Clauses 311-315 Where the assessee is an employee
participating in an 5°°*i°n 1;!!- approved superannuation fund, any sum paid in the pre- f'"'P'F'bV°°'
vious year by him by way of contribution towards the super- -°"'" "' annuation fund shall, in so far as
such sum is an ordinary exempt. annual contribution, be treated for allthe purposes of this [s_ 531;,
min Act as if it were a sumto which the provisions of section pan, part 88 [15] apply. .and_ 1 1st .
proviso Where any amount standing to the credit of an em- Section 3m_ ployee in an approved
superannuation fund is paid to the Contribution employee during his lifetime but not at or in
connection PM '° W- with the termination of his employment, the amount so pl°"°°_Wh°"
paid-shall be deemed for the purposes of income-tax (but '§Z°§.'§§nc. to not for the purposes of
super-tax) to be income of the em- [5, 533 0)] ' ployee of the previous year in which it is so paid to
him. .
Where any amount standing to the credit of an em- Section. 3:3. ployee in an approved
superannuation fund is paid to the Dcductwn QT employee during his lifetime but not at or in
connection ""' °" °°"'"' with the-termination of his employment, .......... ..income-- I';"';',':' 132,? tax
(but not super-tax) on the amount so ....... ..paid shall, ployee.
except in the case of an employee whose employment was [3, 533 (2)] carried on abroad, be
deducted by the trustees of the fund at the average rate of income"-tax at which the employee was
liable to income-tax during the preceding three years or during such period, if .less than three years.
as he was a member of the fund, and shall be "paid by the trustees to the credit of the Central
Government within the pre-
scribed time and in such manner as the Central Board of Revenue may direct. .
Other provisions.
Where an employer deducts from the emoluments paid Scction_ 314- to an employee or pays on his
behalf any contributions of D°d'--'°"°"
. that employee to an approved superannuation fund, he shall if?' 9" °f ' include all such deductions
or payments in the return b.,t;;,n:°mf,: which he is required to furnish under section 166(2) [21]. be
If of cm oyec to , be included in return. ' [3-El3Tl If a fund or a part of a fund for any reason ceases
to Secton' 315. be an approved superannuation fund, the trustees of the Liabilities of fund shall
nevertheless remain liable account for tax '"'-""°" °"
(a) on account of returned contributions (includingf'"'- 1 interest on contributions, if any), and ["
(b) in commutation or in lieu of annuities, in so far as the sum so paid is in respect of contribu- tions
made before the fund or part of the fund ceased to be an approved superannuation fund under the
provisions of this Chapter.
266 i 3 ' Clauses 316-317 aglg The ltrusteeshof ant aglgpiéovetd superannugctlion fubd . an em 0 er
w 0 con ri u es 0 an approv supe E: ,.£';;,::he.,(} tio¥1 furliod syhall, when required by notice from
the I supcrannua- tax Ofcer, within such period, not being less than' tion f"nd=- one days from the
date of the notice, as may be 3 [s. 58V] in the notice, furnish such return, statement, part'
information, as the Income-tax Oicer may require.
at an t 3 8 0 O 3 I 'are it t :3 e an at an ;
5°°ti°n 317- (1) All rules made under this Chapter shall be i bject £'§;:i°"s'f; to the provisions .of
section 329(4) [sub-section (5) 'f sec-
1-u1cs_ .
[NW1 . . . ' (2) In addition to any power conferred by this Chapter, the Central Government may
make rules--- , '
(a) prescribing the statements and other informaiion to be submitted with an application for appr
(b) prescribing the returns, statements, particul rs, or information which the Income-tax Oicer y re-
quire from the trustees of an approved super nnua- tion fund or from the employer; ; \
(c) limiting the ordinary annual contribution a i any ~ other contributions toan approved superann
tion fund by an employer; A I
(d) providing for the assessment by way of pe lty of any consideration received by an employee or an
assignment (if, or "creation of a charge up , benecial interest in 'an approved superann tion fund; e
(e) determining the extent to and the manner in hich exemption from payniernt of income-tax and
per- tax may be granted in respect of any paymen made from a superannuation fund from which ap
al has been withdrawn; Y
(f) providing for the withdrawal of approval ' the case of a fund which ceases to satisfy the r uire-
ments of this Chapter or of the rules made ,here- under; and 5
(g) generally, to carry out the purposes of this pter and to secure such further control over the
appro- val of superannuation funds and the administration of approved superannuation funds, as it
may deem requisite.
Clauses 318-320 ' In this Chapter, unless the context otherwise 'requires,-- Section 318 . Denitions.
(21) "approved superannuation fund" means a super- [s. 58N'1 annuation fund or any part of a
superannua- tion fund which hm been and continues to be approved by the Central Board of
Revenue in accordance with the provisions of this Chapter;
77 H
(b) "employer , employee" and "contribution" have, in relation to superannuation funds, the
meanings assigned to those expressions in section 305 [58A] in relation to provident funds; _
(c) "ordinary annual contribution" means an annual contribution of a xed amount or an annual con-
tribution computed on some denite basis by refe- rence to the income chargeable under the head
"Salaries", the contributions or the number of mem- bers of the fund.
Income which has once been charged to income-'-tax or Section 3x9. super-tax in the hands of any
person for any assessment Barbfdoublc year shall not be charged again to income-tax or super-
3"3{1'1°"A""' tax, as the case may be, in the hands of the same person, °' ° °" either for the same
assessment year or for a dierent [NW] assessment year. ' (1) A notice or requisition under this Act
may be serv- Section 320- ed on the person therein named either by post or as if it S°"'*.°°- °f were a
summons issued by a court underathe Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. 5 ongog, (2) Any such notice
or requisition may be addressed-
(a) in the case of a rm or a Hindu undivided family, ' .......... any member; of the rm or to the
mana- ger "or any adult male member of the family;
(b) in the case of a local authority, company, or other association of persons, ........ .., to the principal
officer thereof ;
(c) in the case of any oth persom(gnot being an indi.- ; vidual), to the person who mfqages or
controls i his afairs. E 2 A ~ A 18--l Law Com.I58.
2.68 Clauses 321-323 32:3 (1) After a findini of total partition has been recorded nocc when by the
Income-tax O Y _cer under section 181 [25A] in res- family is pect of any Hindu famil , notices
under this Act in respect gisruptid 9: of the income of the Hin u family shall- rm e c., is _ , . _ _
dissolved. T (a) in the case of a notice under section 154 [sub-section [New (1) of section 34], be
served on all personswho were members of the Hindu family immediately before the partition and
the legal representative of any such member who is deceased ; and
(b) in other cases, be served on the person who was the last mana er of the Hindu family, or, if such
person is dea , then on all adults who were mem- bers of the Hindu family immediately before the
(2) Where a rm or other association of persons i dis- solved, notices under this Act in respect 0 the
income of the rm may be served on any person who was a partner (not being a minor) or member of
the rm or association, as the case may be, immediately before its dis-
§°°''.°" 3"} _ Where an assessment is to be made under sectio 185 fe [25(1)], or section 91(1) [section
25(3), latter half 0 sec- cm or (5,- tion 25(4) main para, latter half], the Income-tax cer continued
may serve on the person Whose income .......... to be
- b"'"'°3'- assessed, or in the case of a rm, on any person iwho It 25 (6)1 was a member of such rm at
the time of its dibcon-I tinuance, or, in the case of 1 company, on the pri cipal ofcer thereof, a notice
containing all or any of the re uire- ments which may be a notice under sectio 143 (2) [s.
22(2)], and the provisions of this Act shall, far as may be, apply accordingly as if the notice were a
riotice issiled under section 143(2) 22(2)]. T:
r sec:io_n 323. _ (1) There shall be endorsed on every document hich Mayllgns 0f has been placed
on the record' by any Income-tax aut ority °""' "" the following particulars, .namely-- , [New]
(d) a statement of its having been so placed oh the record; 3 and the endorsement shall be signed or
initialled by the Income-tax authority. I! (2) Where any Income-tax authority bases any or er or any
part of the order on any document, the Inca -tax authority shall eacpreqsly ma aa reference in its or
er to such document, giving parti ldrs sufficient to identi the document. ' § l i Clause 324 (1) Any
assessee who is entitled or required to attend Se tion 324. before... ....... ..any Income-taxauthority in
connection with A °8ran_°e any proceeding under this Act otherwise than when requir-
:'eV':"'h°t"s°d ed under section 136 [37] to attend personally for examina- ,i3:,°s°n 1' tion on oath or
airmation, may, subject to the other pro- 5 61 (1) visions of this section, attend by an authorised
representa- pg"; tive.
(2) For the purposes of this section, "authorised repre- sentative" means a person authorised by the
assessee in writing to appear on his behalf, being-
(i) a relative of or a person regularly employed by [Sp 61 (In the assessee ; or .......... .. payt]
(ii) ...... ..any officer of a Scheduled Bank with which is 51 <2)<01 the assessee maintains a current
account or has other regular dealings ; or
(iii) any legal_practiti_oner who is entitled to practise [s_5, (2)(;;)] in any civil court in India ; or
-. .. . 6
(v) any other person who, immediately before the [sf 5, M commencement of this Act,;, was a
lawyer, an pan, and accountant or an Income-ta.rV practitioner within 515(2) (M1 the meaning of
sub-section (2) of section 61 of I the Indian Income--tax Act, 1922, and was actually ,1 {or 192,
practising as such. ' 2 Explanation;--In this section, "accountant" means a [§_-. 51 (2) chartered
accountant within the meaning of the Chartered ("W Accountants Act, 1949, and includes, in
relation to any State, 33:" '949 any person who by virtue of the PT0v1lsions of sub-section ' (2) of
section 226 of the Companies Act', 1956, is entitled to I 3% !955 be appointed to act as an auditor of
companies registered j in that State. . ;
ment service after the 1st day.ofsApril;, 1938, shall be.quali- m n . para.
ed to represent an assessee under sub-section (1); and if P any legal practitioner or .......... is found guilty of misconduct in connection with an%income--tax proceed- t (3) No
person who has been dismissed from Govern-[23:61 (3), ings by the authority empowered to t Q
disciplinary action against members of the profession 'which he belongs. .......... ..he shall be
thenceforward disqualied to represent an assessee .......... ..under sub-section (1). A (4) ....... ..If any
person, other than a legal practitioner 55- . 5' (3) or accountant, is found guilty of ..........
..misconduct in con- :'3't']' 9"' nection with any income-tax proceedings by the prescribed authority,
the prescribed aut rity , direct that he shall u be thenceforward disqualied' to relpws nt an assessee
un- der sub-section (1) : 2 if 5 [s. 61 Prov.] (3)! [New] [I of 1922.
Section 32 5.
Receipt to be given.
(a) no such direction shall be made in respect of any person unless he is given a reasonable
opportunity of being heard;
(b) any person against whom such direction is made may, withinone month of the making of the
direc- tion, appeal to the Central Board of Revenue to have the direction cancelled ; and A
(c) no such direction shall take effect until one month from the making thereof, or, when an appeal
is preferred. until the disposal of the appeal.
(5) A person disqualied to represent an assessee by virtue of the provisions of sub-section (3) of
section 61 of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1922. shall be disqualied to represent an assessee under
sub-section (1).
A receipt shall be given for any money paid or recover- ed under this Act.
Every person deducting, retaining, or paying any-'tax in pursuance of this Act in respect of income
belonging to another person is hereby indemnied for the deduction, re- tention, or payment thereof.
No suit shall be brought in any civil court to set aside or modify any assessment made under this
Act, and no prosecution, suit or other proceeding shall lie against any officer of the Government for
anything in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.
If on the 1st day of April in any assessment year pro- vision has not yet been made by a Central Act
for the charging of income--tax or super tax for that assessment year, this Act shall nevertheless
have effect until such pro- vision is so made as if the provision in force in the preced- ing assessment
year or the provision proposed in the 'Bill then before Parliament, whichever is more favourable to
the assessee, were actually in force.
(1) The Central Board of Revenue may, subject to the- control of the Central Government, by
notication in. the Gazette of India, make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act and .for
the_,ascertai§1Inent and determinatio of any class of income. Suph rules'-may be made for the w ole
of India or for such part thereiof as may be specied. «' E Clause 329 (2) Without prejudice to the
generality of the fore- going power, such rules may---
(a) prescribe the manner in which, and the procedure by which, the income ............. ..shall be
arrived at in the case of-
(i) income derived in part from agriculture and in part from business;
(b) provide for the determination of the value of any perquisite chargeable to tax under this Act in
such manner and on such basis as appears to the Central Board of Revenue 'to be proper and
(d) prescribe the procedure for giving effect to the terms of any agreement for the grantingof relief in
respect of double taxation or for the avoidance of double taxation which may be entered into by the
Central Government under this Act;
(e) provide for the maintenance of a register of persons other than legal practitioners or accountants
as defined in section 324(2), Explanation [61]; practis- ilng before Income-itax authorities and for
fthe con- stitution of, and procedure to be followed by, the authority referred to in sub-section (4) of
section 324 [61]; A -
(f) provide for the issue of certificates verifying the payment of tax byxtssessees ; 3
(g) provide for any matter which by this 'Act§ is to be or may be prescribed. . g (3) In cases coming '_
er clause (a) of_sub-se tion (2), where the income .......... .. able to tax cannot be enitely ascertained,
or ascertained only with an a ount of trouble and expense to the :assessee which in th opinion
of the Central Board of Revenue is unreasonable, e rules made under that sub-section may---- 3
(a) prescribe methods 'by which an estimatelof such income .......... ..may be made, and '
(b) in cases coming under sub-clause (i) of clause (a) ' of sub-section (2), prescribe the proportion of
the income which shall be deemed to be income .......... .. _liable to tax;
and an assessnuent ba 'V ;on such estimate or p ' portion shall be deemed t? be d irnade in
accordance ith the provisions of this ct. ' I SCH. I 272 (4) All rules made. under this section shall be
laid before each House of Parliament as soon as may be after they are made, and shall be sibject to
such modications as Parliament may make in the session in which they are so laid or the session
immediately following:
C--Transitional provisions and repeal' THE FIRST SCHEDULE INSURANCE BUSINESS (See
section 44) A~Life insurance» business.
Rule 1. . In the case of a person who carries on or at any time P'°'S °f "'3 in the previous year carried
on life insurance business; the be prots and gains of such person from that business shall computed
be computed separately from his ....... ..prots and gains sepaxatelw from any other business.
[Schedulc, _ Rule 1] Rule 2. (1) The prots and gains of life insurance business g°"1;§')'ffl*t's'i°;'f shall
be taken to be the greater of the following--.
life insurance b"s"'°"' (a) the gross external incomings of the previous year §:f;°':3"°' from that
business, less the management expenses of that year .......... ..; -
(b) the annual average of the surplus arrived a' by adjusting the surplus ;or decit disclosed by the 40f
1938 actuarial valuation in in accordance with the Insurance Act, 1938, ' 'respect of the last i ter- _
valuation period endi " before the commence ent of the assessment yea, so as to exclude f ' any
surplus or decit included therein which made in any earlier inter-valuation period andiany
expenditure which is not deductible under the visions of sections 30 :40 [Sections regardin de-
ductions for business] ' {computing income c ge- able under the sjhead " = ots and gains of busi ess,
profession or vocation" « (2) .......... ..The amount to be allowed asmanage ent expenses under
sub--rule (1) shall not exceed the aggre ate of the following-- i
(a) 7% per cent. of the premiums received duringi the previous year in respect of single
premiumglife insurance poliqies;.......£..... l .4 ,, -- , i I
1. Not drafted. See notes, $:r a di¢c1.qi+y' of theimporta.nt'point:. ' in respect of the first year's
premiums received in respect of other life insurance policies for which the number of annual
premiums payable is less than twelve, or for whichithe number of years during which premiums are
payable' is less than twelve, for each such premium or each such year 7% per cent. of such rst year's
premiums received during the previous year; .......... ..
(c) 90 per cent. of the first yearlspremiums received during the previous {year in ' respect of all
other life insurance policies; .......... ..
in respect of all renewal premiums received during the previous year, an amount calculated at such
percentage thereof as is permissible under sub- section (2) of section 40B of" the Insurance Act,
1938, as reduced by any expenditure not deductible under? sectionai 30 to 40 [sections regarding
business deductions] in computing in- come chargeable unddr the hdad "Prots and gains of
business, profession or vocation".
(d) In computing the surplus for the purpose of rule 2, [Schedule, rule 2]---- .
(a) four-fifths of the amounts paigdito or reserved for or expended on behalf of policy-holders shall
be allowed as a deduction: 2 tti *** t** **t Provided .......... ..that if any amaéunt so reserved for
,policy-holders ceases to be so' reservejd, and is not paid to or expended on behalf of policy-holdqrs,
that proportion of such amount (one-half or four-fths.-s;a's the case may be) if it has been
previously allowed as as deduction under this Act or under the Indian Incp,rne-tam' Act. 1922, shall
be treated as part of the surplus' for thd period in which the said amount ceased to be so reserved: V
(b) any amount either ' itten gor reserved in the accounts or through e act ' 1 valuation balance sheet
to meet deprec" tion of loss on the realisa- tion of investments all be ' lowed as a deduction. and any
sums taken écredit ii in the accounts or actuarial valuation balance heet on account of appreciation
of or gaiiis on t realisation of invest- ments shall be included in t e" surplus :
Provided that if upon investigati] it appears to/ the Income-tax Officer after consultation _ th the
Controller of Insurance that having due regard {of the necessity making reasonable provision; for
bonuses to participating policy-holders and for contin encies, ' he rate of interest or other factor
employed in de rminif the liability in res- pect' of outstanding policies mater} inconsistent with the
valuation of investmen! as for -
H x i i uctions {' cdule, 1c 31 of 1922 . Scn. I 274 surplus, such adjustment shall be made to the
allowance for depreciation or to the amount to be included in the surplus in respect of appreciation
of such investments as shall increase the su lus for the purposes of these pro- visions to a gure whic
is fair and just;
(c) (i) interest received during the inter-valuation A period in respect of any securities of the Cen-
tral Government which have been issued or declared to be income-tax free, shall not be excluded,
(ii) no income-tax shall be payable on the annual average of the amount of such interest ....... ..
Rule 4. Where for any 'year an assessment of the prots of life Adjustment insurance business is
made in accordance with the annual of tax Pflid average of a surplus disclosed by a valuation for an
inter- :'3's;'$1:e°"°"valuation period exceeding twelve months, then, in com- S h ' puting the
income-tax payable for that year, credit shall [ ° "Rule 4] not be given in accordance with section 207
[Section 18 (5), main para, part regarding credit for tax deducted at source] for the income-tax paid
in the previous year, but credit shall be given for the annual average of the income-
tax paid by deduction at source from interest on securities ' or otherwise during such period.
Rule 5. The profits and gains of any business of insurance other Computation than life insurance
shall be taken to be the balance of g{h§r'°§::ur:f th plrots disclosegl bg theh airinual
_accXunts1,9§gpi¢s gt
- . w ic are require un er t e nsurance ct, , ' ye me busmcss furnished to the Controller of Insurance,
subject t the [S°h" R"}f5 following adjustments---- --
earlier alf 93"] (a) any sum written o"in the accounts as representing 40? I933« depreciation 0 any
building, machinery, plant or [New] furniture use for the purposes of the business shall be allowed
as a deduction, whether such-f sum is or is not admissible under the provisions 0 sec- tion 32(1)
clauses (i) and (ii) [10(2) (vi)'l, s feet to the condition that the aggregate of all such d duc-
tions allowed under this Act or under the Indian 11 of I922 Income--tax Act, 1922, or under any Act
repealed by that Act or under executive orders issued whe' the Q of 1335 . Indian Income-tax Act,
1886, was in force, sh l, in no case, exceed the original cost to the assesspe of the building,
machinery, plant or furniture, at the case may be; ' '[Sch.,Ru|c 6, -(b) subject to the other provisions
of this rule, any de- <=a'"°T ha" duction which is not admissible under the provi-
275 a sea. I
(c) any amount either written off or reserved in the [Sch-.Ru1¢5 . accounts to meet depreciation of
or loss on the rea- 'I33' lisation of investments shall be allowed as a deduc- Rule Mb) 1 tion, and any
sums taken credit for in the accounts on account of appreciation of or gains on the rea- lisation of
investments shall he treated as part of the prots and gains.
C~Other provisions.
.a person not resident in India and carrying on any business P'°'3 and gains of non-
of insurance, may, in the absence of more reliable data, resident pep (be deemed to be that
proportion of the world income of son, such person which corresponds to the proportion which 1115
[sclhkuxe 3, premium income derived from India bears to his total para x] premium income.
(2) For the purposes of this rule, the World income in [Scl_|.,Ru1c 8, relation to life insurance
business of a person not resident Part 2] in India shall be computed in the manner laid down in this
_Act for the computation of the prots and gains of life insurance business carried on in India.
(1) For the purposes of rules 1 to 6 [other rules regard- t _ ing insurance business] and of this rule,--
tic" ma
(i) "gross external incomings" means the full amount [Sci-, Rule of incomings from interest,
dividends, nes and 5(ii)] fees and all other incomings from whatever source derived (except
premiums received from policy-holders and interest and dividends on any annuity fund), and
includes also prots from re- versions and on the sale or the granting of annui- ties, but excludes
prots on the realisation of in- vestments:
Provided that incomings, including the annual value of 'the property occupied by the assessee. which
but for the \ , provisions of section 44 [10(7)] would have been assessable under the head "Income
from house property", shall be computed in the manner applicable to income chargeable under that
head, and that there shall be allowed from such gross incomings such deductions as are permissible
in res- *pect of income chargeable under that head;
(iii) "management expenses" means the full amount R"'''' of expenses (including commissions)
incurred ex- " clusively in the management of the business of life insurance. and in the case of a
company carry- ing on other classes of business as well as the business of life ' , lin addition thereto .
a fair proportion of} he ex _ _ incurred in the
v, SCH. II [Sch., 5(iV)l 4 of 1938 [New] Rule [New] 4 of 1938 31 of 3956 Rule I .
Denitions .
mands Reco-
very Act, 1913 (Bengal Act 3 of 1913]' Bonuses or other sums paid to or reserved on behalf of
olicy-holders, depreciation of, and losses on e realisation of investments, and any expenditure other
than expenditure which may under the rovisions of sections 30 to 40 [Sections regarding
usinesstdeductions] be allowed for in computing the prots and gains of a business, are not
management expenses for the purposes of rules 1 to _6 [all other rules regarding insurance
business] and of this rule;
"life insurance business" means life insurance- busmess as dened in clause (11) of section 2 of
(2) References in rules 1 to 6 [other rules regarding in- surance business] and in this rule to the
Insurance Act, 1938, or any provision ther ,shall, in relation to t e Life Insurance Corporation of Ind
a., be construed as ref : ences to that Act or provision as read with section 43 of the Life Insurance
section 231 (1)] PART I General provisions. =, In this Schedule, unless the context otherw e re-
quires,--- e 2
(a) "certicate" means a certicate received by t e Col- lector from the IncoIhe--tax Officer for the r
overy of arrears under this Schedule ; --
(c) "execution", in relatioh to a certicate, me ns re- covery of arrears ingpursuance of the certl ate';
(e) "oicer" means an officer authorised to m 'ke an attachment or sale under this Schedule; a p
' The provisions contained in this Schedule, though new, have underlined for facility of re 'ng.
' This Act will heron r be xeferhe to as the "Bengal Act". 5 ' Cf. S. 2(x3), C. P. 3 5 z trot been -
277 sex. II When a certicate has been received by the Collector Rule 21. Issue from the Income-tax
Oicer for the recovery of arrears °fN°"°e- under this Schedule, the Collector shall ?cause to be served
[5~ 7. Bengal upon the defaulter a notice requiring the defaulter to pay c' the amount specied in the
certicate within fteen days from the date of service of the notice and intimating that in default steps
would be taken to realise the amount under this Schedule.
No step in execution of a certicate shall be taken Rule -When until the period of fteen days ;has
elaghsed since the date f:;'"i,'§:° of the service of the notice required by t, e preceding rule : ,,xecu,ed'
A [ S. 13, , Bengal Act 1 Provided that, if the Collector is satised that the defaulter is likely to conceal,
remcgie or dispose of the virholle or any part of such of his move e property as wou d e liable to
attachment in execution of af decree of a civil court, and that the realisation of the amount of the
certi- cate would in consequence be delayed or obstructed, he mayat any time direct, for reasons to
be recorded in E writing, an attachment of the whole or any part of such 3 property 2 -- 7 Provided
further that if the defaulter whose property has been so attached furnishes 'securit to the satisfaction
of the Collector, such attachment shall be cancelled from the date on which such security is accepted
by the Col- E ector.
If the amount mentioned in the noti 's not paid within R1119 51% M°d¢ the time specied therein or
within s\$l<l1 further time as ° "3 '°"°'V' the Collector may grant in his discretoin» the Collector 311;'
'h'?' shall proceed to realise the amount by tune or more of the R36" Rc_ following modes :-- cover"
(a) by attachment and sale of the movable property of [5- [14 3618*!' the defaulter; ~ ' A")
(b) by attachment and sale of tlle' immovable pro- 5- if" Th' perty of the defaulter ; 1 3°" '' Rove ue
(c) by appointing a receiver of the property belonging C°d°' '879 to the defaulter ; ' (5 of 1879)].
There shall be recoverable,.in the proceedings in exe- Rule 5- Inte- cution of every certicate,-- . 7
'°-"'» °°"5 » and charges a recov' table.
(a) such interest upon the tax to which the certicate [S-I55 Bengal relates as is payable under this
Act, and Act] ;
1 This Act will hereafter be referred to as the 't l Act" , ' This Act will hereafter be referred as the ' .
bay Act". , l E c SCH. II ' 278
(i) the service of notice upon the defaulter to pay the arrears, and of warrants and other pro- cesses,
(ii) all other proceedings taken for realising the arrears. \ ' .
Ru"? 5- _ (1) Where property is sold in execution of a certicate, fimchaseas there shall vest in the
purchaser merely the right, title [3 '20 (I) and interest of the defaulter at the time of the sale. even
Bengal Ac, 1' though the property itself be specied.
;[s. 20 (2), (2) Where immovable property is sold in execution of Bensal-ct] a certicate, and such sale
has become absolute, the pur- chaser's right, title and interest shall be deemed to have vested in him
from the time when the property is sold, and not from the time when the sale becomes absolute.
\ Rule 7. Suit (1) No suit shall be maintained against any person *'§3"'3' W" claiming title under a
purchase certied by the Collector nag'; in the manner laid down in this Schedule, on the ground on
ground 0;' that the purchase was made on behalf of the plainti or on purchase behalf of some one
through whom the plaintiff claims. being made .
":,';lati'§:';§!_{ of (2) Nothing in this section shall bar a suit to obtain [S. 21,Bcngal a declaration that
the name of any purchaser certied as Act] aforesaid was inserted in the certificate fraudulently or
without the consent of the real purchaser, or interfere with the right of a third person to proceed
against that property, though ostensibly sold to the certied purchaser, ;on the ground that it is liable
to satisfy a claim of such third per- son against the real owner. 9 R5116 - , (1) Whenever assets are
[S. 26, Bengal Act] (a) there shall rst be paid to the Income-tax'Ofcer the costs incurred by him ; . .
(b) there shall, in the next place, be paid to the Income- tax Officer the amount due under the
certicate in execution of which the assets were realized;
(c) if there remains a balance after these sums have been paid, there shall be paid to the Incdme-tax
Ofcer therefrom any other amount recoverable under the procedure provided by this Act' which may
be due upon the date upon which the assets were realized; and
(d) the balance (if any) remaining after the payment of the am nt (if '£1130 referred to in clalise (c)
shall be pai {to the _ faulter. , ' 1! 279 Son. II _ (2) If the defaulter disputes any claim made by the
Income-tax Olcer to receive any amount referred to in clause (C), the Collector shall determine the
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Act. Rule 9. every question arising between the
Income-tax Oicer and Geneytl, bar the defaulter, or their representatives, relating to the exe--'on
J:f"d'°' cution, discharge or satisfaction of a certicate duly led awn under this Act, or relating to the
conrmation or setting save where aside by an order under this Act of a sale held in execu-
ff3ud3l1cged- tion of such certicate, shall be determined, not by suit, but [S-37. Bengal by order of
the Collector before whom such question Am] aI'lSE'S I ' Provided that a suit may be brought in a
civil court in respect of any such question upon the ground of fraud.
(1) All such property as is by _the Code of Civil Pro- Rule lo.l'ro- cedure. 1908, exempted from
attachment and sale in execu- Fem' excmt tion of a decree of a civil court shall be exempt from
attach- '°m am" ' ment and sale under this Schedule. [s_ (2) The Collector's decision as to what
property is so A'7' Bcngal entitled to exemption shall be conclusive. [Sit] ,55_ Bombay Act [S. i56,[
Bombay Act], (1) Where any claim is preferred to, or any objection Rule _u.. is made to the
attachment or sale of, any property in execu- {)"""li§3't'°" tion of a certicate, on the ground that such
property is V 0° °° °" not liable to such attachment or sale, the Collector shall glélei g' proceed to
investigate the claim or objection : Be,,'ga'q Ag"
Provided that no such investigation shall be made where the Collector considers that the claim or
objection was designedly or unnecessarily delayed.
(2) Where the property to which the claim or objec- tion appiies has been advertised for sale, the
Collector ordering the sale may postpone it pending the investigation of the claim or objection, upon
such terms as to security or otherwise as the Collector shall deem t.
(3) The claimant or objector must adduce evidence to [Rule 4,0, show that-- ' Sch-
(a) (in the case of immovable property) at the date of the service of the notice issued under this
Schedule to pay the arrears, or c
(b) (in the case of movable property) at the date of the attachment, , he had some interest in, or was
possessed of, the property in question, Bengal Ahtj (4) Where, upon the said investigation, the
Collector is [Rule 4:, satised that, for the reason stated in the claim or Qbjec- 5611- 11, tion, such
property was not, a the sat ,date, in the pos- B''"31 A'''] session of the def/aulter or of scgme per in
trust for him' Courts,' SCH. II 280 or in the occupancy of a tienant or other person paying rent to
him, or that, being in the possession of the defaulter at the said date, it was so in his possession, not
on his own account or as his own property, but on account of or in trust for some other person, or
partly on his own account and partly on account of some other person, the Collector shall make an
order releasing the property, wholly or to such extent as he thinks t, from attachment or sale.
[Rule 42, (5) Where the Collector is satised that the property Sch- IL was, at the said date, in the
possession of the defaulter as B°"3°1 A°'] his own property and not on account of any other person,
or was in the possession of some other person in trust for him, or in the occupancy of a tenant or
other person paying rent to him, the Collector shall disallow the claim.
[Rule 43, (6) Where a claim or an objection is preferred, the Sch- 11. party against whom an order is
made may institut ' a suit Bengal Act] in a civil court to establish the right which he cl ims to the
property in dispute; but, subject to the result of such suit (if any), the order" of the Collector shall be
,,,';',';§',I,",',,,,,° (a) the amount due, with costs and all charges and ex- on satisfac- penses resulting
from the attachment of any pro- 3:1; lfrt, perty or incurred in order to hold a sale, are paid I] C 3
101'] ' I ' of cenicam _ to the Collector, or 9 R 1 ,S h- . .
A-"3 the attachment shall be deemed to be withdrawn nd, in the case of immovable property, the
withdrawal all, if the defaulter so desires, be proclaimed at his expe e, and a copy of the
proclamation shall be afxed in the anner provided by this Schedule for a proclamation of sal of im-
movable property. .
Rule ,3_ The attachment and sale of movable property and the Ofccr enti- attachment and sale of
immovable property may be made tledto attach by such officers or class of officers as the Collector
may and "IL from time to time direct. E [S- 154.
Rule W Any deciency of price which may happen 0 a re- De-faulting sale by reason of the
purchaser's default, and all e penses purchaser attending such re-sale, shall be certied to the C
llector 3"5W°'3b1° by the officer holding the sale, and shall, at the inst nce of f';:a1:f'S' °" either the
Income-tax Officer or the defaulter, be r cover- [Ru1.,5,,sc},_ able from the defaulting purchaser
under the procedure II, Bengal provided by this Schedule : C Act ] i Provided that n such C lication
shall be ente tained unless led within b een ' us from the date of r sale.
281 SCH. II (1) The Collector may, in his discretion, adjourn any Rule 15- sale hereunder to a
specied day and hour; and the ofcer Ad-l°:"""°"' conducting any such sale may in his" discretion
adjourn Sf-331;'? pagc the sale, recording his reasons or such adjournment :
Bengal Act] Provided that, where the sale is made in, or within 'the precincts of, the office of the
Collector, no such adjourn- ment shall be made without the leave 'of the Collector.
(2) Where a sale of immovable property is adjourned under sub-rule (1) for a longer period than one
calendar month, a fresh proclamation of sale under this Schedule shall be made unless the defaulter
consents to waive it.
(3) Every sale shall be stopped it, before the lot is knocked down, the arrears and costs (including
the costs of the sale) are tendered to the officer conducting the sale, or proof is given to his
satisfaction that ,the amount of such arrears and costs has been paid to the Collector who ordered
the sale.
Where an attachment has been made under this Sche- Rule 16. dule, any private transfer or delivery
of the property ?."' °. 1, attached or of any interest therein and any payment to the if 33%,; defaulter
of any debt, dividend or otlnr monies contrary am.¢_5,mcm to such attachment, shall be void as
against all claims tobdvoid. 'enforceable under the attachment. [$.64 C.P.C.] [s. it}, Bengal . Act] No
officer or other person having any duty to perform Rule _;7. in connection with any sale under tis
Schedule shall, Pr°!1b1"°n either directly or indirectly, bid for, aqquire or attempt to ag"F§ 01'
acquire any interest in the property sold. bidd C by pure oic 1'.
[R111 52, Sch. II Ben I Act.] N 0 sale under this Schedule shall take place on Sunday Rul :8. or other
general holiday recoggiised by he State Gov:ern- Pl'°h-biti°n ment or on any day which ha been
npied by the State :§"}':"l'ida'"'° Government to be a local holiday for} the area in which P ya' the
sale is to take place. :35,' Act] Any oicer authorised to attach or ;sell any property Rul_ 19- or to
arrest the defaulter or ;charged',: with any dut to b &f:"°° be performed under this Schedule, mayéra
ply to the officer. Y : '°°' in-charge of the nearest police; station? r such assistance - as may be
necessary for preventing dbstruction to such officer in the discharge of his duties, and the authority
to whom such application is ma e shallydepute a sufcient number of police officers for mishiijhsuch
sea. 11 232 PART II Attachment and sale of movable property. Rule 20. Except as otherwise
provided in this Schedule, when. Warrant any movable property is to be attached. the officer shall be
[5-,3 (First) furnished by the Collector (or other oicer empowered '13V3I';;1('£;sPa1'*»by him in that
Am] with his name specifying the name of the defaulter and the amount to be realised.
Ru"? 21- 56* The officer shall cause a copy of the warrant to be serv-
[S. 8 (First) ' latter part Madras Act] R 1 All:chmcnf,2 is not paid forthwith, the_ officer shall
proceed to attach
- the movable property of the defaulter. V Rule 23. Where the property to be attached is movable
pro- Property' in perty (other than agricultural produce) in the possession d°fa"1"?'-5 of the
defaulter. the attachment shall be made by actual P°5S°Ss1°"' seizure, and the oicer shall keep the
property in his own giggle custody or the custody of one of his subordinates and shall ' ' be
responsible for due custody thereof :
Bengal Act] Provided that when the property seized is subject to- speedy and natural decay or when
the expense of keeping it in custody is likely to exceed its value. the officer. may sell it at once.
Where the property to be attached is agricultural pro- duce, the attachment shall be made by afxing
a copy of the warrant of attachment-
(a) where such produce is' growing crop,--on the land on which such crop has grown, or
(b) where such produce has been cut or gathered,-on the threshing oor or place for treading out
posited. _ ' and another copy on the outer door or on some other con- spicuous part of the house in
which the defaulter ordinarily resides, or with the leave of the Collector on the outer' door or on
some other conspicuous part of the house in which he carries on business or personally works for
:gain,. or in which he is known to have last resided or carried on business or personally worked for
gain. The produce shall thereupon be deemed to have passed into the possession of the Collector.
Ru! e 24.
Agricultural produce.
[Rule 16, Sch. ll, Bengal Act] f*"l°.'.5- (1) Where agricultural produce is attached, the, Col-
,or°:;.'f;?,s,,ff lector shall make such arrangements for the custody, watch- ral produce ing. tending,
cutting and gathering thereof as he may deem under suicient ; and the Income-tax Oicer
shall bear such sum m°"'- as the Collector shall' require. in order to defray the cost glclxtllle 1117. of
such arrangements» A Bengal Ann If, after service of the copy of the warrant the amount _ 283
SCH. II (2) Subject to such conditions as may be imposed by the Collector in this behalf, either in
the order of attach- ment or in any subsequent order, the defaulter may tend, cut, gather and store
the produce and do any other act necessary for maturing or preserving it; and, if the default- er fails
to' do all or any of such acts, any person appointed by the Collector in this behalf may, subject to the
li e con- ditions, do all or any of such acts, and the costs incurred by such person shall be recoverable
from the defaulter as if they were included in the certicate.
(3) Agricultural produce attached as a growing crop shall not be deemed to have ceased to be under
attachment or to require re-attachment merely because it has been severed from the soil.' (4) Where
an order for the attachwmnt of a growing crop has been made at a considerable time before the crop
is likely to be t to be cut or athered, the Collector may suspend the execution of the or r for such time
as he thinks fit, and may, in his discretion, make a further order prohi- biting the removal of the
crop pending the execution -of the order of attachment.
(5) A growing crop which from its nature does not admit of being stored shall not be attached under
this rule at any time less than twenty days before the time at which it is likely to be t to be cut or
gathered. ' '(1) In the case of-- . Rule
(e) other movable property not in the possession of the defaulter except property deposited in, or in
the cus- tody of, any court, the attachment shall be made by a written order prohi- biting,----- '
(i) in the case of the debt---the creditor from recovering 9 the debt and the debtbr "from: making
thereof until the further order ofthe Collector ;
(ii) in the case of the share:--the person in Whose name the share may be standing transferring the
same or receiving any dividend thereon;
(iii) in the case of the other moveable property (except as aforesaid)----the person in possession of
the same from giving it over to the defaulter.
(2) A copy of such order shall be aixed on some conspi- cuous part of the office of the ollect _ and
another co y shall be sent, in the case of debt, I he debtor, in t e caseof the share, to the proper of} j
corporation, and , 19-1 Law Com.I58 J '. V " - = SCH, , 11 Rule 27 Attachment of decree.
[S.19, Bengal Act] 5 of 1908 Rule Share movable property [Rule 19.
[Rule 22, Schedule II, Bengal Act] in_the case of the other moveable property (except as afore-
said), to the person in possession of the same. .
(3) A debtor prohibited under clause (i) of sub-rule (1) may pay the amount of his debt to the
Collector, and such payment shall discharge him as effectually as payment to the party entitled to
receive the same. ' (1) The attachment of a decree of a civil court for the payment of money or for
sale in enforcement of a mortgage or charge shall be made by the issue to the civil court of a notice
requesting the civil court to stay the execution of the decree unless and until-- .
(ii) the Income-tax Officer or the defaulter applies to the court receiving such notice to execute the
decree, (2) Where a civil court receives an application under clause (ii) of sub-rule (1), it shall, on the
application of the Income-tax Officer or the defaulter, and subject to the provi- _ sions of the Code
of Civil Procedure, 1908, proceed to execute the attached decree and apply the net proceeds in
satisfac- tion of the certicate. ' (3) The Income-tax Oicer shall be deemed to be the re- presentative of
the holder of the attached decree, and to be entitled to execute such attached decree in any manner
lawful for the holder thereof. ' -' Where the property to be attached consists of the share or interest
of the defaulter in movable property belonging to him and another as co-owners, the attachment
shall be made by a notice to the defaulter prohibiting him from transfer- ring the share or interest or
charging it in any way.
Attachment of the salary or allowances of servants of the Government or a local authority may be
made in the manner provided by rule 48 of Order 21 of the First Schedule to the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908, and the provisions of the said rule shall, for the purposes of this rule, apply sub-
ject to such modications as may be necessary.
Where the property is a negotiable instrument not depo- sited in a court nor in the custody of a
public oicer, the attachment shall be made by actual seizure, and.the instru- ment shall be brought
before the Collector and held subject to his orders.
Where the property to be attached is in the custody of any court or public officer. the attachment
shall be made by a notice to such court or oicer, requesting that such property, and any interest or
dividend becoming payable thereon, may be held subject to the further orders of the Collector by
whom the notice is issued :
Provided that, where such property is in the custody of a court, any question of title or priority
arising b tween the Income-tax Officer and any other person, not be" g the L' 1' 285 SCH. II
defaulter, claiming to be interested in such property by virtue of any assignment, attachment or
otherwise, shall be determined by such court.
In the case of attachment of movable property by ac- Rule 32. tual seizure, the officer shall. after
attachment of the pro- ""'°"'°'Y- perty, prepare an inventory of all the property attached.
[S-9,.Madras specifying in it the place where it is lodged or kept, and A°'] shall forward thelsame to
the Collector. A copy of the in- ventory shall be delivered by the ofcer to the defaulter. .
Rule 33.
The attachment by seizure shall not be excessive, that Attachment 'is to say, the property attached
shall be as nearly-as pos- not to be .«or other customary mode.-
sible proportionate to the amount specied in the war- excessive. rant. ' l5- 14:
Madras Act] Attachment by seizure sliall be made after sun- §:'41zf"e3%-et_ rise and before sunset
and not otherwise. ween Sumrise and sun-set.
The oicer may break open any inner or outer door Rule 35 or window of any building and enter any
building in order Power to to seize "any movable property if the officer has reason break open able
grounds to believe that such building contains mov-- d°°"°'°' able property liable to seizure "under
the warrant and the [S- 19 & 20» olcer has notied his authority and intention of breaking Madras
A"] Open if admission is not given. He shall, however, give all 47.B6nsa1 reasonable opportunity to
women to withdraw. °'] Sale The Collector may direct that any movable property R"1°36'Sa'°'.
attached under this Schedule or such portion thereof as may gfgauli, seem necessary to satisfy the
certicate shall be sold. Bengal Act] When any sale of movale property is orderedby the Rule
37-158116 Collector, the Collector shall issue a proclamation, in the ".f P'°°'a'""' language of the'
district, of the intended sale, specifying rs, the time and place of sale and whether the sale is subject
pa;-a,%,o;nbay to conrmation or not. _ Act] (1) Such proclamation shall be made by beat of drum
R0163? F'°' clamanon how made.
(a) in the case of property attached by actual seizure-- [s_ ,%, and
(i) in the village in which the property was seized, Pm': °'"baV or if the property was seized in a town
or city, then in the locality in which it was seized. and
(b) in the case of property attached otherwise than by actual seizure, in such places, if any, as the
Col- lector may direct. [Rm Head (2) A copy of the proclamation shal T lso be afxed on,'§:Ll;d 3 4:31'
a conspicuous part of the oicezlof the qllector. , Bc_ _,Act] SCH. II 286 Ru1c39=5a1c Except where
the property is subject to speedy and 3&3: f'°°" natural decay or when the expense of keeping it in
custody [R,,1;,48,Sch_ ls l1kely_to exceed its value,' no sale of moveable p1_!o_p'er1:y II, Bengal
under this Schedule shall, without the consent in writing of A<=t-lb,[s- 167. the defaulter, take place
until after the ex iry of at least B°"' "V AC" fteen days calculated from the date on w ich a copy of
[,",',,',"§_'c,1,'f'd' the sale--proclamation was aixed in the Collector's oice.
l0{;"l°,fg°,,.}c'?f° (1) Where the property to be sold is agricultural pro- tural produce. duce, the sale
shall be held,-----
[Rule 55:
(a) if such produce is a growing crop----on or near the land on which such crop has grown, or
(b) if such produce has been cut or gatheredo-at or near the threshing-oor or place for treading out
grain or the like, or fodder-stack, on or in which it is deposited :
Provided that the Collector may direct the sale to be held at the nearest place of ublic resort, if he is
of opinion that the produce is thereby ikely to sell to greater advant- age.
(a) a fair price, in the estimation of the person holding the sale, is not offered for it, and
(b) the owner of the reduce, or a person au horised to act on his beha 1, applies to have the s e post-
poned till the next day or, if. a market is held at the place df sale, the next market day, l the sale shall
be postponed accordingly, and shall be then completed, whatever price may be offered for the
Rule 41, SW (1) Where the property "to be sold is a growing crop c;a1p,-opgsi- and the crop from its
nature admits of being storedzbut has ons relating not yet been stored. the day of the sale shall be 0
xed *0 8'°"'"'3 as to admit of the crop being made ready for storing before °'°P" the arrival of such
day, and the sale shall not be h ld until §§1':1;ulc 5%' the crop has been cut or gathered and is ready
B°"5a1A°t'] (2) Where the crop from its nature does not admit of being stored or can be sold to a
greater advanta e in an unripe state (e.g., as green wheat), it may be sol before it is cut and gathered
; and the purchaser shall be:entit1ed to enter on the land, and to do all that is necessary for the-
purpose of tending or cutting or gathering the crop.
Rule 42: Sale The property shall be sold by_ public auction in one or mbeby a,uc- more lots as the
officer may consider advisable, and if the tion. amount to be real ed by ale is satised 'by the ale of a
[s. 23, Mad- portion of the pr rty, t ' l'e shall be immedint ly stop- r A"-l ped with respect the nder of
the lots.
287 V sou) II (1) Where movable property is sol by public auction, Rulc.43= _Sal.e the price of each
lot shall be aid at ,_ time of sale or glvmggbllc as soon after as the oicer Ia ding , _ sale directs, and ,
in default of payment the property all forthwith be [R"'° 57' resold. ' S°h°d"1° Us Bengal Act.] (2) On
payment of the purchase-money, the officer holding the sale shall grant a certicate specifying the
property purchased, the price paid an the name of the purchaser, and the sale shall become a solute.
(3) Where the movable property to be sold is a share in goods belonging to the defaulter and a
co-owner, and two or more persons, of whom one is such co-owner, respec- tively bid the same sum
for such property or for any lot, the bidding shall be deemed to be the bidding of the co- owner. .
No irregularity in publishing or conducting the sale Rule44: Irre- of movable property shall vitiate
the sale, but any person $E'1.""i'V "°'l'° sustaining substantial injury by reason of such irregularity
'fflafny at the hand of any other person may institute a suit in a sonigjug-Cd civil court against him
for compensation, or (if such other may (sue. person is the purchaser) for the recovery of the specic
pro- gRule 58, perty and for compensation in default of such cheulc IL recovery. B°"3Pl ["'°"]
Notwithstanding anythin contained in this Schedule, nk. Ag = where the property to be sol is a
negotiable instrument or ins°§$;:c:§s a share in a corporation, the Collector Ina , instead of direc-
and g,am in ting the sale to be made by public aup ion, authorise the corpqarations.
sale of such instrument ¢>r share through a broker. [order 2,, , Rule 76, C.P.C.] Where the property
attached is current coin or cur- M15346: Ord- rency notes, the Collector may, at any time during the
genfof continuance of the attachment, direct that such coin or 0, Vlcurrcncy notes, or a part thereof
sufficient to satisfy the certicate, notes to the be paid over to the Income-tax Oicer. g'§g:=~1aX $3'
PART III . 0-P-C-1 Attachment And Sale of Immovable Property. ' Attachment. 1 Attachment of the
immovable property of the defaulter Rule; 4,7: shall be made by an order prohibiting the defaulter
from A""h'"°"'- transferring or charging the property in any way and pro_- hibiting al persons from
taking any benet under such transfer or charge.
ras ct.] SCH. II 288 1]}r11;;=1am-ti9o= The order of attachment shall be proclaimed at some of
alfachf place on or adjacent to the property attached by beat of mm,' drum or other customary
mode, and a copy of the order shall be affixed on a conspicuous part of the property and on the
R1116 50: Al- Where any immovable property is attached under this lrifmlcntbaéi Schedule, the
attachment shall relate back to, and take fmmlhe date effect from, the date on which the notice to
pay the arrears, ofmvgce of issued under this Schedule, was served upon the defaul-
notice. er'.
Sale E3" (1) The Collector may direct that any immovable pro- mamm of perty' which has been
attached, or such portion thereof as salt may seem necessary to satisfy the certicate, shall be sold.
[Rule 4.4, Sch. II, Bengal Act.] [Rule 46(1)! (2) Where any immovable property is ordered to be
IS3ch- 1!, sold, the Collector shall cause a proclamation of the intend-
Rule ' 52: A.proclamation of sale of immovable property shall be Contents pmclammogf drawn up
after notice to the defaulter, and shall state the Rule 6(2); time and place of sale, and shall specify, as
fairly and ac- ~ch_ 4 U, curately as possible,-- ' B°"galA°"] (a) the property to be sold;
(b) the revenue, if any, assessed upon the property or any part thereof;
(c) the amount for the recovery of which the sale is ordered; and
(d) any other thing which the Collector consglers it material for a purchaser to know, in or er to
judge the nature and value of the property.
Rule 53: (1) Every proclamation for the sale of immovable pro- M0533 Of perty shall be made at
some place on or near such property §f:n::§0n?'°' by beat of drum or other customary mode, and a
copy of [Rule the proclamation shall be affixed on a conspicuous part of sch the property and also
upon a conspicuous part of the office Bengal Actj', of the Collector.
(2) Where the Collector so directs, such proclamation shall also be published in the Official Gazette
or in a local newspaper, or in both; and the cost of such publication shall be deemed to be costs of
the sale.
(3) Where the property is divided into lots for the purpose of being sold separately, it shall not be
necessary to make a separate proclamation for each lot, unless pro- per notice of the sale cannot, in
the opinion of the Collec- tor, otherwise be given.
1. Cf. section 28(7), Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920, and section 51 Presidency Towns insolvency
Act, igog. 5 ~ be entitled to make or prosecute an app 2389 SCH. II No sale of immovable property
under this Schedule R916 54:" ' shall,' without the consent in writing of the defaulter, take T"'}°
°f5"1°- place until after the expiration of at least thirty days cal- [R016 48, culated from the date on
which a copy of the proclamation Bib' l A "' of sale has been affixed on the property or in the ofce of
"Ea CL] the Collector, whichever is later. ' The sale shall be by public auction to the highest bid--
Rule 55:
der and shall be subject to conrmation by the Collector. b'' [S. 36 (First part Madras Act.
(1) On every sale of immovable property, the person Rule 56: declared to be the purchaser shall pay,
immediately after Deposit by such declaration, a deposit of twenty-ve per cent. on the §:3°};:'s:';ein
amount of his purchase money, to the officer conducting default_ the sale; and, in default of such
deposit, the property shall [Rule 68,' forthwith be re-sold. Sch. II, Bengal Act.] (2) The full amount
of purchase money payable shall Rule 59, be paid by the purchaser to the Collector on or before the
Sch, II.
fteenth day from the date of the sale of the property. 360831 Act-l In default of payment within the
period mentioned in Rule 57,: the preceding rule, the deposit may, if the Collector thinks.(I;"f'a':°d""
1'} t, after defraying the expenses of the sale. be forfeited to pzymctm ° the Government, and the
property shall be re-sold, and the [Rule 0 defaulting purchaser shall forfeit all claims to the property
sch 7 fj, gr to any part of the sum for which it may subsequently Benga1Act.] e sold.
All persons bidding at the sale shall be required to Rule 58: declare if they are bidding on their own
behalf or on behalf Authority to of their principals. In the latter case they shall be required hm- to
deposit their authority, and in default their bids shal1[S- 6(Fifth) be rejected. Ma '''5A''''] (1) Where
immovable property has been sold in execu-- Rule 59: tion of a certicate, the defaulter, or any
person whoseAPP1iCati°P interests are affected by the sale, may, at any time within '°1 ff'. 35": thirty
days from the date of the sale, apply to the Collector 3:5,, 'gym, to set aside the sale, on his
depositing-- rty on depo-
specied in the proclamation of sale as that for the g3 , recovery of which the sale was ordered, with
inter- ""33 °"] est thereon at the rate of six' and a quarter per cent. per annum, calculated from the
date of the proclamation of sale to the date when the deposit is made; and
(b) for payment to the purchaser, as penalty, a sum equal to ve per cent. of the purchase-money, but
not less than one rupee.
(2) Where a person makes an application under the next rule for setting aside the sale of his
immovable pro- perty, he shall not, unless he withdraw? that application.
ication under this rule. , IE ' ' SCH. II 290 gukr 650: Where immovable property has been sold in
execution 10%;? gfdc of a certicate, the Income-tax Officer, the defaulter, or any sale ofimmo. person
whose interests are aected by the sale, may, at vable proper- any time within thirty days from the
date of the sale, ap- tst: on gronyld ply to the Collector on the ground that notice was not gf":;';ff:V'g:
served on the defaulter to pay the arrears as required by imgulariw this Schedule or on the _ground
of a material irregularity gs. 213,36" al in publishing or conducting the sale : ct. --
(a) no sale shall be set aside on any such ground un- less the Collector is satised that the applicant
has sustained substantial injuiry by reason of the non- ' service or irregularity; and
(b) an application made by a defaulter under this rule shall be disailnwedunless the applicant d sits
the amount recoverable from him in execut, n of the certicate.
Rule 6_1: At any time within thirty days of the sale the pur- Scmns aside chaser may apply to the
Collector to set aside the sale on jgultxhgi the ground that the defaulter had no saleable interest in
no saleable the property Sold-
[s.24., Bengal Act} Rule 62: (1) Where no application is made for setting aside the Conrmation sale
under the foregoing rules or where such an a plica- °"31°~ tion is made and disallowed by the
Collector, the Colector [s- 25,Bcnsa1 shall (if the full amount of the purchase-money ha been "'°"]
paid) make an order conrming the sale, and, ther upon, the sale shall become absolute. « (2) Where
such application is made and allowe , and where, in the case of an application made to set asi e the
sale on deposit of the amount and penalty and charg . the deposit is made within thirty days from
the date of the sale, the' Collector shall make an order setting aside the sale 2 Provided that no order
shall be made unless notice of the application has been given to the persons aected Rule 53=R¢-
éhhzeofmgxigy Where a sale of immovable property is .set aside, any in certain money paid or
deposited by the purchaser on account of °aS°S- the purchase, together with the penalty, if any,
deposited 551:1' for payment to the purchaser, and such interest as the Benga1Act,]' Collector may
allow, shall be paid to the purchaser.
Rule 64.: Sale f§'lf;'°a'°'74 (1) Where a sale of immovable property has become sch. 11, absolute, the
Collector shall grant a certicate specifying Bengal Act.] the property sold, and the name of the
person who at the E54-ad:;:;3s time of sale is declared to be, the purchaser.
£,_ ,3" 30m. (2) Such certie 4 e shall hear date the' day on hich ay Act.] the sale became abso te. :5 '
a a person as receiver to manage the, 281 ' SCH. II (1) Where an order for t sale of immovable
roperty Rule 55: has been made, if the defa ter can. satisfy the ollector 1'°"P°"°' that there is reason
to believe that the amount of the cer- $""'c';:j:° ticate may be raised by the mortgage or lease or
private d.;fau1,e,to .sale of such property, or some part thereof, or of any other raise amount
immovable property of the defaulter, the Collector may, dlI=_"nd°' on his application, postpone the
sale of the property com- °°"'°a'°' prised in the order for sale, on such terms and for such [R:1° 5%
gggctilcrlltas he thinks proper, to enable him to raise the Bing", Acq' (2) In such case the Collector
shall grant a certicate to the defaulter, authorising him, within a period to be men- tioned therein,
and notwithstanding anything contained in thlis Schedule, to make the proposed mortgage, lease or
.sa e:
Provided that all moneys payable under such mortgage, lease or sale shall be paid, not to the
defaulter, but to the Collector :
Provided also that no mortgage, lease or sale under this rule shall become absolute until it has been
conrmed by the Collector. -
Every re-sale of immovable property, in default of pay- Rule 56, ment of the purchase-money within
the period allowed for Fresh procla- such payment, shall be made after, the issue of a fresh nation
before proclamation in the manner and for the period hereinbefore "'.'"1°- Lprovided for the sale. '
W éliule 71*':
, h. .
Where the property sold is a share of undivided immov- 35"! Ac" able property, and two or more
persons, of whom one is a 1';')f6g;_sh'_ rco-sharer, respectively bid the same sum for such property
N5. to have or for any lot, the bid shall be deemed to be the bid of the preference. 'co-sharer. gklflc
72, c , . PART IV BéngalAct.] Appointment of receiver.
(1) Where the property of a defaulter consists of 21 RM: 53, 'business, the Collector may attach thg
business and appoint Arpointmcnt , usiness, 0, receiver fct business.
(2) Attachment of a business under this rule shall be made by an order prohibiting the derfaulter
from transfer- ring or charging the business in any way and prohibiting all persons from taking any
benet under such transfer or charge, and intimating that the business has been attached under this
rule. A copy of the order of attachment shall be served on the defaulter, and another copy shall be
affixed on a cons icuous part of the remis i which the business iésmcéxerri on and on the o tice bxa
of the ColIector's . L a SCH. II 292 Rule .69: Where immovable property is attached, the Collector
able property [s.28, Madras Act.] [s. 159, BombayAct.] , Rule 70: (1) Where any business or other
property is attached.' Powers of and taken under management under the foregoing rules, "'°"'°" the
receiver shall, subject to the control of the Collector. have such powers as may be necessary for the
proper management of the property and the realisation of the prots, or rents and prots, thereof.
(2) The prots, or rents and prots, of such business or other property shall, after defraying the
expenses of' management, be adjusted towards discharge of the arrears, and the balance, if any,
shall be paid to the defaulter.
Rule 7:: The attachment and management under the foregoing "¥"hdTa"'31 rules may be withdrawn
at any time at the discretion of ° manage' the Collector, or if the arrears are discharged by receipt
:::'MadraS of such prots and rents or are otherwise paid. A°"] PART V Arrest and detention of the
113"'? 7'-'° (1) No order for the arrest and detention in civil pri- sh':)';,°';ausc'° son of a defaulter
shall be made unless the Collector has. [3 29(1) 02;) issued and served a notice upon the defaulter
calling upon ab) & (,0), him to appear before him on the date specied in the notice Bengal Act.] and
to show 'cause why he should not be committed to the [5, 43, pm, civil prison, and unless the
Collector, for reasons recorded Madras Act.] in writing, is satised---
(a) that the defaulter, with the object or effect of obstructing the execution of the certicate, has after
the receipt of the certicate in the Collec- tor's ofce dishonestly transferred, concealed, or re- moved
any part of his property, or
(b) that the defaulter has, or has had since the receipt of the certicate in the Collector's office, the
means to pay the arrears or some substantial part thereof' and refusesor' neglects or has refused or
neglected to pay the same.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), a. warrant for the arrest of the defaulter
may be issued by' the Collector if the Collector is satised, by afdavit or otherwise, that with the object
or effect of delaying the execution of the certicate the defaulter is likely to abscond or leave the local
limits of the jurisdiction of the Collector.
(3) Where appearance is not made in obedience ;to an notice issued and served under sub-rule (1),
the Collfctor may issue a warrant for the affrest of the defaulter.
(4) Every person" arrested in pursuance of a warrant of arrest under sub-rule (2) or sub-rule (3),
shall be brought before the Collector as soon as practicable and in any event within twenty-four
hours of his arrest (exclusive of the time required for journey):
_ Provided that, if the defaulter pays the amount entered in the warrant of arrest as due and the
costs of the arrest to the officer arresting him, such officer shall at once release him.
When a defaulter appears before the Collector in Ru1e_73= obedience to a notice to show cause or is
brought before H°='*""g- the Collector under the preceding rule, the Collector sha1l[S- 29 (2),
proceed to hear the Income-tax Officer and take all such B°"ga1A°'-1 evidence as may be produced
by him of execu- tion by arrest, and shall then give the defaulter an oppor- tunity of
showing cause why he should not be committed . to the civil prison.
.Pending the conclusion of the inquiry, the Collector Rule 74: may, in his discretion, order the
defaulter to be detained C."5t0dypen- in the custody of such ofcer as the Collector may think dmg
h°'"'"g' fit or release him on his furnishing security to the satisfac- E" 02? A(3)" tion of the Collector
for his appearance when required. m°a CL] (1) Upon the conclusion of the inquiry, the Collector
Rule 75: may make an order for the detention of the defaulter in E1361. °f the civil prison and shall
in that event cause him to be °°"'°"' ' arrested if he is not already under arrest: E:'):*']9('gcx'l';'jj Act.
Provided that in order to give the defaulter an oppor- tunitv of satisfying the arrears, the Collector
may before making fhe order of detention. leave the defaulter in the custody of the oicer arresting
him or of any other oicer for a specied period not exceeding 15 days, or release him on his furnishing
security to the satisfaction ofthe Collec- tor for his appearance at the expiration of the specied period
if the arrears are not so satised.
(2) When the Collector does not make an order of de- tention under sub-rule (1), he shall, if the
defaulter is under arrest, direct his release.
(1) Every person detained in the civil prison in execu- Rule 76;
(a) where the certicate is for a demand of an amount [s,3,,1;c,,g,,r exceeding fty rupees--for a period
of six months, Act.] and ' -
(b) in any other case--for a period of six weeks: Provided that he shall be released from such
(i) on the amount mentipned inthe warrant for his detention being paifl to the jofcer-in-charge of
the civil prison, or l | I i Son. 11 Rule 77:
Provided, also, that he shall not be released from such detention under clause (11) or clause (iii)
without the crder of the Collector.
(2) A defaulter released from detention under this rule shall not, merely by eason of his release, be
discharged from his liability for t e arrear ' but he shall not be liable to be re-arrested under the cert'
cate in execution of which he was detained in the civil prison.
(1) The Collector may order the release of a defaulter who has been arrested in execution of a
certicate upon being satised that he has disclosed the whole of his pro- perty and has placed it at the
disposal of the Collector and that he has not committed any act of bad faith.
(2) If the Collector has ground for believing the dis- closure made by a defaulter under sub-rule (1)
to have been untrue, he may order the re-arnest of the defaulter in execu- ' tion of the certicate. but
the period of his detention in the civil prison shall not in the aggregate exceed that authoris- ed by
the preceding rule.
(1) At any time after a warrant for the arrest of a de- faulter has been issued, the Collector may
cancel it on the ground of his serious illness. _ (2) Where a defaulter has been arrested, the Collector
may release him if. in the opinion of the Collector, he is not in a t state of health to be detained in the
civil pnison.
(3) Where a defaulter has been committed to the civil prison, he may _be released therefrom by the
Collector, on the ground of the existence of any infectious or contagious desease, or on the ground of
his suffering from any seri-
ous illness.
(4) A defaulter released under this rule may be re- arrested. but the period of his detention in the
civil prison shall not in the aggregate exceed that authorized by this Schedule.
(a) no dwelling house shall be entered after sun-set and before sun-rise;
(b) no outer door of a d _lling house shall be b -ken open unless such dwe' g house or a portion t ere-
of IS in the oecupan ' the defaulter and e or .
= 2 i f 295 SCH. I1 other occupant of the house refuses or in any way prevents access there'to;but,
when the person exe- cuting any such warrant has duly gained access to any dwelling house, he may
break open the door of any room or apartment if he has reason to believe that the defaulter is likely
to be found there;
(c) no room, which is in the actual occupancy of a woman who according to the customs of the coun-
try does not appear in 'public, shall be entered into unless the officer authorised to make the arrest
has given notice to her that she is at liberty to with-
draw and has given her reasonable time and facility for withdrawing.
The Collector shall not order the arrest and detention Nule,89=. in the civil prison of----
P'°§';:'t";':cu 0 WOIIIOD. 01' minors etc.
(b) any person who, in his opinion, is a minor or of M3 a8Act-1 unsound mind.
mar VI Miscellaneous. "Jim med to he Every Collector or other officer acting under this Sche- judi-
dule shall, in the discharge of his functions under this lly- Schedule, be deemed to be actingjudicially
within the E{'ct4']3'B°"3'J meaning of the Judicial Ol'cer's Protection Act, 1850. ,8 ,;,~,35o_ Every
Collector or other oicer acting under the provi- ',1. ' 3, , sions of this chedule shall have the ._'powers
of a civil court owcrto tale for the purpose of receiving evidence, administering oaths '"d°"°°-
enforcing the attendance of witnesses and compelling the 42.361301 production of documents. "'1
No certificate shall cease to be in force by reason of ule 8 :
the death of the defaulter. 3 ontinuance f certgiccatgi . 42, 118 If at any time after the issue of the
certicate b3' the 84 , Income-tax Officer to the Cbllector 'the defaulter dies, the 1>,oc¢du,¢.,',
proceedings under this Schedule (except arrest and deten- death of tion) may be continued against
the legal representative of '1°f3"1'°'- ' the defaulter, and the provisions of this Schedule shall
(1) An appeal from any original order passed by the Rule 85: Collector under this Schedule shall lie
to the revenue au- Appeals- thority to which appeals or alyf against the orders of Fmf" B°"3"' the
Collector under the law' relatin t land revenue of the -1 State concerned. .
._ScH. II «9 of 1908.
45 of 1860.
[Rule 78:
Rule 90 :
to 3 consistent with the provisions of Q0 1 (2) No appeal shall lie from any order of the Collector
which is, under any rule in this Schedule, conclusive.
. (3) Every appeal under this rule must be presented within thirty days from the date of the order
appealed against.
(4) Section 5 of the Indian Limitation Act, 1908, shall apply to appeals under this rule.
(5) Pending the decision of any appeal, execution of the certicate may be stayed if the appellate
authority so di- rects, but not otherwise.
(6) No appeal shall lie from any order passed on appeal under this rule.
Any order passed under this Schedule may, after notice to all persons interested, be reviewed by the
officer 'who made the order, or by his successor in oice, on account of mistake or error either in the
(making of the order or in the course of any proceeding under this Schedule in which the order was
Where any person has under this Schedule become surety for the amount due by the defaulter, he
may be pro- ceeded against under this Schedule as if he were the de- faulter.
Whoever fraudulently removes, conceals, transfers or delivers to any person any property or any
interest therein, intending thereby to prevent that property or therein, from being taken in
execution of a certicate, shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section
206 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
(1) When'a defaulter is arrested or detained in the civil prison, the sum payable for the subsistence
of the defaul- ter from the time of arrest until he is released shall be borne by the Income-tax
Officer. A (2) Such sum shall be calculated on the scale xed by the State Government for the
subsistence of judgment- debtors arrested in execution of a decree of a civil court.
(3) 'Sum payable under this rule shall be deemed to be costs in the proceeding:
Provided that the defaulter shall not be detained in the civil prison or arrested on account of any
sum so payable.
The Central Board of Revenue may prescribe the form to be used for any order, notice, warrant, or
certicate to be issued under this Schedule.
interest 297 SCH. III (2) In particular, and without prejudice to the genera- lity of the power
conferred by sub-rule (1), such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely-
'(a) the manner in which any property sold under this Schedule may be delivered:
(C) the procedure for dealing with resistahce or ob- struction offered by any person to a purchaser of
any immovable property sold under this Schedule, in obtaining possession of the property;
(d) the fees to be charged for any process issued under this Schedule ;
(e) the scale of charges to be recovered in respect of any other proceeding taken under this Schedule;
(8) the maintenance and custody, while under attach- ment, of livestock or other movable property,
the fees to be charged for such maintenance and cus- tody, the sale of such li.vestock or property,
and disposal of proceeds of such sale;
Nothing in this Schedule shall affect any provision of Rule :this Act whereunder_ the tax is a rst
charge upon any Saving .622}- .asset_ . ding charge.
235(5)] Where any distraint and sale of movable property are Rule 1 , to be eected by any
Income-tax Ofcer authorised for the Dist:-aint and purpose, such distraint and sale shall be made, as
far as 531°-
may be, in the same manner as attachment and sale of any movable property attachable by actual
seizure; and the pro- [New] visions of the Second Schedule relating to attachment and , sale shall,
mutatis mutandis, apply in respect of such dis. 4
Table showing the provision in the existing Act and the corresponding provision, if any, as proposed'
in Appendix I.
Section 2(5A) .
Section 2(5B) .
Section 2(6B) . . . .
Section 2(6C) . . .
Section 2(6D) .
Section 2(8) Section 2 (SA) Section 2(9) Section 2(xo) Section 2(I 1) Section 2(12) Section 2(I3)
Section 2(I4) Section 2(I4A) .
Section 2(1 5), part Section 2(15), part Section 2(16) Section 3 .
Section 4(1)-
1. The provision in Appendix I de dfutinguisl: it from the existing provisiom which is '
das''Clause........'',in ' to _. 'bedas"Section......... ....".
Clause I Clause 2(1) Clause 2(5) Clause 2(3) Clause 2(9) Clause 2(xo) Clause 2(1 1) Clause 2(12)
Clause 2(1g) Clause 2(I4.) Clause 2(x5) Clause 2(x7) Clause 2(18) and Explanation.
Clause 2(23) Clause 2(24.) Clause 2(21) Clause 2(22), sub. Clauses (i) and (ii).
(vii) Clause 2(28) Clause 5 Clause 2(3o) Clause 2(31) Clause 2(32) Omitted.
Clause 2(36) Clause 2(37) Clause 2(38) Clause 3 Clause 4(1) ((4) Clause 4(2) Clause 4(x)(6) Clause
4(1)(c) I Clause (11) (iii) Clause (c) First proviso Second proviso .
Explanaiion 2 .
Explanation 3 . .
Explanation 4 . . . .
Clause (1'), proviso (a) opening line . Clause (1'), proviso (a) (i) Clause (1'), proviso (a) (ii) Clause (1')
proviso (b), part Clause (1'), proviso (b), part Clause (1'), proviso (b), part Clause (1'), proviso (c)
Clause (ii) Clause (iii), part .
Clause (iv) Clause (v) Clause (vi) Clause (via) para. (a) . .
Clause (vii) . . . .
Clause (viii) . . . . . .
Clause (ix) Clause (:1) (a) Clause (x) (b) _ Clause (x) (c) . . . . .
Clause (xiii) . . .
Clause (xiv) . . . . . .
Clause (xv) . . . . . .
Clause (xvi) . . . . . .
Clause (xvii) . . . . .' Clause (xviia) . .' .' . .' Clause (xviib) . . .' . .' I 2o--11.awcom.15s. ' -;, Clause 4(1)
((1) Clause 4(2) ' Omitted, see notes.
Clause 11(4) (iv) Clause 1 1(4)(1') Clause 11(4) (ii) Clause 11(4) (iii) Clause 4(3) Clause 9(i1') Clause
9(iii) Clause 4(1) (e) (f) (E) Clause 10 Clause 12(1)(i), main para.
Clause 12(1)(i), proviso, part. / Clause 12(1)(i1') (b) Clause 12(1) (ii) (:1) Clause 12(2) Clause 12(3)
Clause 12(4) Clause 12(1)" (1'), proviso, part_ Clause 12(5) Clause 1 1 (22) (1') Clause 11(22) (ii)
Clause 1 1(26) (1') Repealed.
Clause 1 1 (15) Clause 1 1(7) (1') Clause 1 1(6) Clause 1 1(3) Clause 1 1(1) Clause 1 1 (26) (ii) Clause 1
1(21) Clause 11(7), items (ii) to (v) Omitted: see notes.
Clause 1 1(25) Clause 1 1 ( 18) Clause 1 1 (23) Clause 1 1(8) Clause 1 1(9), opening part.
Clause 1 1(9) (ii) ' Clause 1 1(9) (1') Clause 1 1(9), Explanation 2.
Clause 1 1 (10) I Clause 1 1(5) (1') Clause 1 1(16) (1') Clause 1 1 (1 6) (ii) Clause 1 1/(1_6) .(1'v) Clause
(xuiii) Clause (xix) . . . . S .
Section 4A--
Clause ,(a) (1') Clause (a) (ii) Clause (a) (iii) Clause (a) (iv) Clause (b) Clause (0) Section 4B (a) .
Section 4B(b) Section 4B(r) Section 5(1) Section 5(1A), earlier part .
Section 5(2), latter part Section 5(3), earlier part Section 5(3), latter part Section 5(3A) Section 5(4),
earlier part Section 5(4), latter part Section 5(5), earlier part Section 5(5), latter part Section 5(5A),
earlier part .
Section 5(5A), latter part Section 5(6) Section 5(7), words "for the purposes of this Act".
Section 5(7A), main para, earlier part Section 5(7A), main para, latter part Section 5 (7A) ,
Explanation Section 5(7B), earlier part .
Section 5(7B), latter part Section 5(7C), main para Section 5(7C), 1st Prov. , Section 5(7C), 2nd
Proviso Section 5(8) . . .. .~ Section 5A Section 6 . . . .
Section 7(1), main para, part . , L Clause 1'1(16) (iii) Clause 1 1 (1 9) Clause 1 1 (5) (ii) Clause 1 1 (27)
Clause 1 1 (20) Clause 1 2 (6) Clause 1 2, Explanation (a) Clause 6(1) (a) Clause 6(1) ((2) Clause 6(1)
(5) Omitted; see notes.
Omitted as unnecessary.
Clause 128(2) Clause 128(3) i Clause 129(1) Clause 131(3) (a) Clause 131(4) Clause 131(5) Clause
131(6) Clause 129(4) Clause 131(7), 1st para. _ Omitted; see notes.
Clause 129(2) Clause 129(3) Clause 132 (1) Clause 132(4), main para.
Clause 132 (4), Explanation Clause 130 (2) Clause 140 Clause 133, main para. \ Clause 133, Prov.
Clause 130(1) Omitted, in view of the p1'opo' sed abolition of the Appellate Tribunal.
Clause 14 Clause 15 .
Section 7(1), Expl. 2, Prov., part Section 7(1), Expl. 2, Prov., part Section 7(1), Expl. 2, Prov., part
Section 7(1), Expl. 2, Prov., Part Section 7(2) (1') .
Section 7(2)(iii) .
Section 8, 1st proviso, earlier part Section 8, 1st proviso, latter part Section 8, 2nd proviso Section 8,
3rd proviso .'Section 8, Explanation--
Clause (a), part Clause (a), last lines 'Clause (b), rst line Clause (12), part Clause (b), last lines
Section 9(1)-
Opening para.
Clause (2'), part Clause (i), part Clause (ii), main para.
Clause (iv), proviso Clause (:2) Clause (vi) Clause (vii) Explanation .
Section 9(2)-
First para.
151; Prov. . _.
2nd proviso, except last line 2nd provisoflast line 3rd proviso Section 9(3) .
i ii'.
l l Clause 88'(1)(c} Clause 213 Clause 17(3) Clause 17(4) Clause 1 I (1 1) Clause 1 1 (12) . Clause 1 1
(14) Clause 296; See also clause 1 1 (1 3).
87(ii) also.
Compare ' clause Clause 20(1) (i) Clause 20(2), main paira. part and clause 4o(rl), part.
Clause 20(1)(ii) Clause 20(2), main para, and clause 4o(d), part.
part Clause 22 Clause 24(I)'(u') (a) Clause 24(1)(ii)(b) Clause 24(1)(z'ii) Omitted, as obsolete.
Clause 24(1) (iv) _ Clause 24(1), items (11) us (viii) Clause 25 1 Clause 24( 1) (ix) Clause 24(1) (x)
Clause 24(1) (xi) Clause 27( iii) Clause 23(1) ' Clause 23(3) Clause 23(4) Clause 24(2) Clause 24(1)(i)
and Expl.
.....a .
Opening paragraph . .
Clause (ii), proviso Clause (iii), main part Clause (iii), proviso, part . .
Clause (iii), proviso, part (last 17 words) Clause (iii), Explanation Clause (iv), part (for buildings)
Clause (iv), part (for machinery etc.). Clause (iv), part (for stocks etc.) Clause (v), part (for buildings)
Clause (v), part (for machinery etc.) Clause (vi), rst para, part Clause (vi), rst para, part Clause (vi),
second para., with its clauses (a),(b) and (0) Clause (vi), proviso ((1) Clause (vi), proviso (b), part
Clause (vi), proviso (b), part (referring to pre. x939 years).
Clause (vi), proviso (5) Clause (via), part Clause (via), part Clause (via), part Clause (nib), main para.
Clause (vib), proviso (b), earlier part Clause (vib), proviso (b), latt"r half . Clause (vib), proviso last
Clause (vii), rst proviso Clause (vii), Second Proviso, part Clause (vii), Seeond proviso, part Clause
(vii), Third proviso Clause (vii), Fourth proviso, part Clause (vii), Fourth proviso, part Clause (vii),
Fifth proviso Clause (viii) . . .
Clause 28, opening paragraph and sub-clause (i) Omitted, w deductions been listed in separate
Clause 3o(a) (i) (a) Clause 38(1) (a) Clause 30(a) (i) (b) Clause 38(1) (b) Clause 36(3), main part
Clause 4o(a) (i) Omitted, m repeated in existing section 10(4) (b) : See notes to Clause 40.
Clause 36(3), Explanation Clause 3o(c) Clause 31 (ii) Clause 36(1) Clause 3o(a) (ii) Clause 31 (i)
Clause 32(1)(i') Clause 32(1)(ii) Omitted, as obsolete.
Clause 34(1), part Clause 32(_ 2) Omitted Clause 34(2) Clause 32(1)(i'ii), main para.
Clause 32(I)(iii), Explanation- Clause 34(2) (ii) Clause 33 Clause 34(1), part Clause 34(3)(a)
Clause 36(5) Clause 3o(b) Clause 38(2) Clause 35(2), opening paré.
Clause (xi), proviso earlier half . ' Clause (xi), proviso, latter half Clause (xii) Clause (xiii), part .
Clause (xiv), rst para., earlier part . 'Clause (xiv), rst para, latter part Clause (xiv), 1st proviso . . .
Clause (xiv), 2nd proviso (:1), opening lines Clause (xiv), 2nd prov., (a) (i) .
Clause (xiv), 2nd proviso, (a) (ii) Clause (xiv . Second proviso, (b) Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (c)
Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (Q Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (e), earlier part Clause (xiv), Second
proviso, (5), latter part Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (f), part . Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (f), part .
Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (f) part Clause (xiv), Second proviso, (g) . Clause (xiv), Explanation at
the end Clause (xv) . . . . . .
Section 10, Sub-section (221) . . . Section 10, Sub-Sections (2B) and (2C) Section 10, Sub-section (3)
Section 10(4), rst para Clause (a) Clause (b) . . .
Clause (6) . . .
Clause (b) . . . . . .
Explanation . . .
Section 10 (4B) (See Finance Act, 1958) Section 10(5), rst para----
Clause (a), Second proviso Clause (b), main part Clause (b), rst proviso .
Clause (6) . . . . . .
Clause 35(!)(i) Clause 35-(1) (ii) Clause 35(1) (iii) Clause 35(1)(iv) Clause 35(2) (i), main para.
Clause 3 5(2) (ii) (b) Clause 35(2) (ii), (:1) Clause 35(2) (iii) Clause 41 (3) Clause 35(2) (iv) Clause
35(2) (v) Clause 42(1), Explanation 1.
Clause 35(4) Clause 73(3), part Clause 74(3), part Clause 35(3) Clause 42(5) Clause 37 Clause 41(1)
Clause 33(3) Clause 4o(a) (ii) Clause 4o(a) (iii) Clause 4o(b) Clause 4o(a) (iv) Clause 40 (0) (1')
Clause 40(5) (ii) Clause 40 (c) Explanation Clause 34 (2) (iv) Clause 42 (2) Clause 42(3) Clause 42
(7) (a) Clause 42(1), Expl. 3 Clause 42 (1), Exp]. 4 Clause 42 (7) (b), main para Clause 42 (7) (b),
Proviso Clause 42 (7) (b) Explanation Clause 42 (1), Explanation 2 Clause 42 (1), main para Clause
42 (7), Explanation 3.
Clause 28 (ii). ta), (b). T). (:1) last para, earlier half . . .
Section 10(6) . . . , .
Section 10 (7) .
Section 1 1 Section 12 -
part .
part . . . . . .
Sub-section (5) -
main para, earlier part main para, latter part Ist proviso, part 1st proviso, part 2nd proviso, earlier
half 2nd proviso, latter half, part 2nd proviso, latter half, part Sub-section (2)-
opening lines . ' Clause (1') Clause (ii), part Clause (ii), part Clause (ii), part Ist proviso 2nd proviso,
part 2nd proviso, part 3rd proviso, part 3rd proviso, part 3rd proviso, part 3rd proviso, part 3rd
proviso, part 4th proviso Sub-section (3)--
main para, earlier half, part main para, earlier half, part . .
rnain para, earlier half, part ' Clause 28 (ii), opening lines, part. .
_ Repealed.
' Clause 58 (1) Clause 58 (2) (1') Omitted, as spent. - 4 Clause 60 (1') Clause 60 (iii) .- ' Clause 61 /_a)
Clause 60 (ii) Clause 62(2) Clause 61 (b) Clause 62 (1) Clause 39 Clause 187 . Clause 4. 5 Clause 46
Clause 4.7 (1') Clause 47 (ii) Clause 47 (iii) Clause 4.2 (1), Explanation 5.
Clause 4,3 (i) ' Clause 48 (ii) (Clause 50 (1) (:1) Clause 57 (b) Clause 54 Clause 51 (1) Clause 51 (2)
Clause 50 (i) (b';
Clause 50 (2) (i) (c) clause 50, (3) <5), pan Clausc 50 (3) (ii) (5) Clause 50 (4) (bl Clause 52 Clause
50 (2), opening tints.
Clause (4) Clause (b) Section 13, main para Section x3, Proviso, part Section 13, Proviso, part
Section 14 (1) Section 14(2) to (5) :-
Clause (b) Sub-section (3), main para Sub-section (3), Explanation Sub-section (3), Proviso .
Sub-section (4) Sub-section (5) For Super-tax Sub-section ( 2) (aa), main para Sub-section (2) (aa),
proviso Sub-section (3) Sub-section (4) Sub-section (5) Section I 5 Sub-section (1) Sub-section (2)
Sub-section (2A) Subsection (3) Section 15A, earlier part Section 15A, latter part . .
For income-tax Sub-section (1), main para Sub-section (1), 1st Proviso 2nd Proviso (a) 2nd Proviso
(b) Subsection (2), main para .' Sub-section (2), Explanation .;
;u--u=.r.¢. V .Clause 50 (3) (ii) (a) . Clause 50 (4) (a) Clause 50, Explanation. .
Clause 87 (iii) Clause 87 (iv) Clause 87 (:2) Clause 82 (x) Clause 82 (2) Clause 82 (3) Clause 83
Clause 84 Clause 1 I 1 , part.
Clause x 1 1, part.
Clause 105 Clause :06 Clause :07 Clause 88 (1) (a) Clause 88 (1) (b) Clause 88(2) Clause 83 (3) 9
Clause 8: 7 Omitted.
Clause 89 (2) Clause 89 (3) Clause 89 (5) 'f Clause 89 (6; 1 Sub-section (2.4) . . 1 .
Sub-section (3) For Super-tax Section 15-B, Part Section 15-B (1), 1st Proviso Section 15C---
Sub-section (4) . . .
Section 15--C . .
Section 16(1), (a), earlier half . Section 16 (1) (a), latter half Section 16(1) (b), main para.
Main para, latter half 1st Proviso 2nd Proviso, part 2nd Proviso, part 3rd Proviso, earlier half .
3rd Proviso, latter half Section 16 (2), main para, part Section 16 (2) main para, part Section 16 (2),
main para, part Section 16(2), Proviso Section 16 (3) Section 17 (1), main para . .
Section 17» (1), 1st Proviso, earlier part Section 17 (1), 1st Proviso, latter part Section 17 (1), 2nd
Section 17 (2), part Section 17 (3), part Section 17 (3)., part Section 17 (3), part 'Section 17 (4) .
Section 17 (5) .
o\ o 0' -
Omitted, as spent.
Clause 89 (4) Clause I09 (1), part Clause 109 (2) As given below :-
Clause 8 5 (1) Clause 85 (2) Clause 85 (3) Clause 85 (4.) Clause 86 Clause 82 (5) Clause 82(6) Clause
110, part.
Clause 69(1) Clause 69 (4) Clause 63 Clause 64 Clause 66, (a) Clause 66, (b) Omitted.
Cluase 65 (1) Clause 65 (2) Clause 8 Clause 59 (1) Clause 59 (2) Clause 59 (3) Clause 67 Clause 124.
(1) Clause 124. (2) Clause 124. (3) Clause 124. (4) Clause 88 (1), opening lines.
Clause 121 Clause 109 (1), part Clause 110, part Clause 1 1 1, part.
Contrast denition of "average rate of income-tax" (an expression which has been used in the Chaptd
"on Reba es).
Section 17 (6), opening lines, part . . . Clause 125, opening line: Section 17 (6), openinglines,
part,r_(.worda "includ- Omitted ing super tax"). ' Section 17 (6), clause (1'), . . . . . Clause 125 (a)
Section 17 (6), clause (ii), main para . . . Clause 125 ((2), main para Section 17 (6), Clause (ii),
Proviso . . . Clause 125 (b), Prov. Section 17 (7), part . . . . . . Clause 126 Section 17 (7), part . . . . . .
Covered by clause 126 Section 18 (1) . . . . . . . Repealed Section 18 (2), main, para . . . . . Clause 201
(1) Section 18 (2), Proviso . . . . . Clause 201 (3) 'Section 18 (211), earlier part . . . . OS1ni§t<Ed5 as
repeating existing
-1 2 .
'Section 18 (2A), latter part ' . . . . Clause 201 (6) 'Section 18 (2B), main para . . . . Clause 201 (2)
'Section 18 (2B), Prov., part . . . . Clause 205 (1), part 'Section 18 (2B), Prov., Part Clause 205 (2)
tsection 18 (2B) Prov., part (re: order by Income- Omitted, as unncessary. tax Ofcer). ' Section 18
(3), main para . . . . . Clause 202 (a) Section 18 (3), Prov. . . . . . . Clause 205 (1), part Section 18 (3A),
main para . . . . Clause 202 (b) ' 'Section 18 (3A), Prov. . . . . . Clause 205 (1), part Section 18 (38),
main para. . . . . Clause 204, (1), main para Section 18 (3B), 1st Prov. . . . _ . . Clause 205 (1), part
Section 18 (3B), 2nd Prov. . . . . Clause 204. ( 1), Prov. '.Section 18 (30). . . . . . . Clause 204 (2)
.'Section 18 (3D), main para . . . . Clause 203 Section 18 (3D), Prov. ' . . . . . Clause 205 (1), part
.'Section 18 (4,) . . . . . . . Clause 206 Section 18 (5), main para earlier half, part . . Claulse 207, main
para, earlier a .
?Section 18 (5), main para, earlier -half, part Clause 246 (1), earlier half 'Section 18 ( 5), main para,
latter half, part . . Clause 207, main para, latter lul f . . _ part. -
'Section 18 (5), main para, latter half, part . . Clause 246 (1) "latter half. 'Section 18 (5), 1st Prov . . . .
. Clause 207, main para, latter half, part. ' Section 18 ( 5), 2nd Prov., part . . . , . Clause 207, 1st Prov.
| Section 18 ( 5), 2nd Prov., Part . . . . Clause 246 (1), 1st Prov. Section 18 (5), 3rd Prov., Part . i . . .
Clause 207, 2nd Prov. Section 18 (5), 3rd Prov, part . . . . Clause 246 (1), 2nd Prov, 'Section 18 (6) . . .
. . . . Clause 203 ' Section 18 (7) . . . . . . . Clause 209 Section 18 (8) . . . . . . . Clause 210 Section 18 (9) .
. . . . . . Clause 211 Section 18, Expl. . . . . . . Clause 212 'Section 18A (1) (a), main para, earlier half,
part . Clause 215 (1) Section 18A (1) (a), main para, earlier half, part . Clause 216 ( rsection 18A (1)
(4),, main para, carrier half, pqt . Clause 217 (a),.ear1ier :Section 18A (1) (a), main para, earlier half,
Clause 2-18 (1). ~ ls.
J Section 18A (1) (a), main para, earlia half, part' . Clause 218 (2) Section 18A (1) (a), main para,
earlier half, part '. Clause 219 (1), main para. Section 18A (1) (a), main para, latter half, part . Clause
217 (a), latter half Section 18A (1) (a), main para, latter half, part 7 . Clause 217 (b) Section 18A (1)
(a), 1st Prov . . . . Clause 219 (1) Prov.
Section 18A (1) (a), 3rd Prov. . . . . Clause 218 (3) Section 18A (1) (b) . . . . . . Clause 219 (2) Section
18A (2), main para . . . . Clause 220 (1) Section 18A (2), Prov. . . . . . Clause 220 (2) Section 18A (3) . .
. . . . Clause 220 (3) Section 18A (4) . . . . . . Clause 221 Section 18A (5), main para part i.e. cl. (i) . .
Omitted, as spent Section 18A (5), main para, part. . . . Clause 222 (1), part Section 18A (5), main
para, part. . . . Clause 222 (1), part Section 18A (5), main para, part. . . . Clause 2 (33) Le. denition».
"regular assessment". .
Section 18A (5), 1st Prov . . . . . Clause 222 (2) Section 18A (5), 2nd Prov. . . . . Clause 222 (1), part
Section 18A (6), main para . . . . Clause 223 (1), part Section 18A (6), 1st Prov . . . . . Clause 223 (1),
part Section 18A (6), 2nd Prov. . . . . Clause 223 (2) Section 18A (6), 3rd Prov . . . . . Clause 223 (3) '
Section 18A (6), 4th Prov . ' Omitted, as the draft prpposefi. for S. 18A (6) main para; appli-
Section 18A (6),'5th Prov . . . . . (Clause 223 (4) Section 18A (7) . . . . . . Clause 224 7 Section 18A (8) .
. . . . . Clause 225 (1) Section 18A (9), main para Section 18A (9), Proviso Clause 282, earlier half.
. . . - . Clause 282, latter half 1 Section 18A (10) . . ._ . . . Clause 226 - Section 18A (1 1) . . . . . .- Clause
227 Section 18A (12) . . . . . . Clause 228 Section 19 . . . . . . . Clause 200 (1) Section 19A . . . . . . .
Clause 166 (4) Section 20 . . . . . . . Clause 167 Section 20A . . . . . . . Clause 166 (1) Section 21 . . . . . . .
Clause 166 (2) Section 22 (1) . . . . . . . Clause 143 (1) Section 22 (2) . . . . . . . Clause 143 (2) Section 22
(2A), part. . . . . . Clause 143 (3) Section 22 (2A), part . . . . . . Clause 80 Section 22 (3) . Clause 143 (4)
Section 22 (4) .
Section 22 (5) .
Section 23 (1) .
Section 23 (2) .
Section.23 (3) .
Section 23 (4), main para, earlier half . '. .3 Clause 146 (1) Clause 146 (5) Clause 147 (1) Clause 147
(2) Clause I47 (3) Clause 148 (1)' ., -.....--,._.. ..
Section 23 (4), main para, latter half, part . . Clause 193 (2), part Section 23 (4), main para, latter
half, part . Clause 192 (6) Section 23 (4) , Proviso ' Section 23 (5), opening lines Section 23 (5) (a),
main para Section 23 (5) (a), 1st Prov.
Sub-section (1), part Sub-section (1), part Sub--section (1), part Sub-section (2) Sub-sections (3) to
(7) Sub-section (8) Sub-section (9) Explanation 1-
Clause (a) Clause (b) (1'), main para Clause (b) (i), Proviso Clause (b)(iz') half Clause (b)(iii), main
para, earlier Clause (b) (iii), main para, latter half, part Clause (b) (iii), main para, latter half, part
Clause (b) (iii), Proviso Explanation 2----
Section 23B(2) .
Section 23B(3) .
Section 23B(4) .
Section 23B(5) .
Section 23B(6) .
Section 23B(7) .
Section 23B(8) .
Section 24(1)------
Expl. 1 . .
Clause 189 (1) (i) and (if) Clause 189 (2) Clause 189 (3) Omitted, as unnecessary Clause 190 Clause
165 Clause 1 1 3 (1) Clause 1 13 (2) Clause 1 18 Clause 1 14 Repealed Clause 1 1 5 Clause 1 16 Clause 1
17(1), part Clause 1 17(1), part Clause 95(1), part Clause 117(1), part Clause 117(1), part-
Clause 117(2), main para Clause 1 17(2), Explanation Clause 95(2), Proviso Clause 120 Clause 145(1)
Clause 145(2) Clause 145(3) Clause 145(4), part Clause 145(7) Clause 244 Clause 245 Clause 145(5)
Clause 145(6) Clause 73( 1) Clause 74(1) ' Clause 78/ 1) Clause 76(1) Clause 28, Expl. 2 Clause 42 (6)
Clause 7312':
Clause 74(4-
Proviso (a) Proviso (b), part Proviso (b), part Proviso (c), earlier part Proviso (c), latter part Proviso
(d) Proviso (e) Proviso (f) .'Section 24, (2A) Section 24, (QB) part , .
part Section 24(3) Section 24A( 1), main para, earlier half Section 24A( 1), main para, latter half,
part . 8 Section 24A(1), main para, latter half, part .
Section 24.A{2) .
Section 24B'2) .
Section 24B(3) .
Section 25(1), part Section 25(1), part Section 25(2), earlier part .
Section 25(2), latter part Section 25(3), part Section 25(3), part (applicable to income-tax) Section
25(4), part Section 25(4), part (applicable to income~tax) Section 25(4), Proviso (a) Section 25(4),
Proviso(b) Section 25(5) Section 25(6) Section 2 5A( 1) , main para, earlier part Section 2 5A(1),
main para, latter part .
Section 25A(3) .
Section 26(1) Section 26(2), main para .Section 26(2), Prov. earlier half .
Clause 76(2).
Clause 78(2)(b).
Clause 77.
Omitted, as obsolete.
Clause 75(1).
Clause 75(2).
Clause 75(3).
Clause 164.
Clause 184(1).
Clause 184(2).
Clause 184(3).
Clause 184(4).
Clause 168(1),.part.
Clause 168(6).
Clause 168(5).
Clause 185(1).
Clause 185(4).
Clause 185(3).
Clause 281.
Clause 13(1).
Clause 100.
Clause 13(3).
Clause 91 (2).
Clause 322.
Clause 181(3).
Clause 180(4).
Clause 181(6).
Clause 181(1).
Clause 194(1).
Clause 180(1).
Clause 191(1).
Section 27 Section 28(1), main para Section 28(1), Prov. (a) Section 28(1), Prcv. (b) Section 28(1),
Prov. (c) Section 28(1), Prov. (:1) Section 28(2) .
Section 28(3) Section 28(4) Section 28(5) Section 28(6) Section 29 Section 30(1), main para Section
30(1), 1st Proviso Section 30(1), 2nd Proviso .
Section 3o(1A) .
Section 30(2), part Section 30(2), part Section 30(3) Section 31(1), earlier part .
Section 31(2A) .
Section 31 (3), opening lines Section 31(3), main para, clause(a) Section 31(3), main para, clause(I:)
Section 31 (3), main para, clauses (c), (d) and (2) Section 31(3), main para, clause (f) Section 31(3),
main para, clauses (g) and (II) Section 31(3), 1st proviso Section 31(3), 2nd proviso .
S ecticn 31 (4) Section 31(5) Section 32 Section 33(1), part Section 33(1), part Section 33(1), part
Section 33/ 1), part Section 33 (2), earlier part .
Clause 191(3).
Clause 191(4).
Clause 191(5).
Clause 192(1).
Clause 151.
Clause 280(1).
Clause 28o(3)(b) .
Clause 28o(3)(c).
Clause 280(2).
Clause 284.
Clause 283(3).
Clause 283(2).
Clause 163.
Clause 254.
Omitted, as under the draft' proposed for existing section 46(1),penal interest runs with-
Income-tax Oicer.
Clause 255.
as amended uptodate.
Clause 256.
Clause 257(2).
Clause 257(3).
Clause 257(1).
Clause 258(1).
Clause 258(3).
Clause 258(4).
Clause 258(5).
Clause 259(1)(b).
Clause 259(2).
Clause 258(2).
Clause 26o(1)(b).
Clause 260(2).
Section 33(3) .
.Section 33(4) Section 33 (5) .Section 33(6) Section 33A(1), main para Section 33A(1), pr0viso(a),
part . Section 33A(1), proviso (a), part. Section 33A(1), proviso (b), part. Section 33A(1), proviso (b),
part . Section 33A(1), proviso (0) Section 33A( 2), main para, part .
Section 33A(2), lst proviso (a), part Section 33A(2), 1st proviso (a), part Section 33A(2), Ist
proviso(b) Section 33A(2), 1st proviso(c) Section 33A(2), 2nd proviso Section 33A(2), Explanation
Section 33A(3) .
Section 33B(1) .
Section 33B(2) .
Section 34(1), 1st para, clause (a), part Section 34(1), 1st para, clause (a), part 'Section 34(1), 1st
para, clause (b), part Section 34(1), 1st para, clause (b), part Section 34(1), 2nd para, part Section
34(1), 2nd para, part Section 34(1), 2nd para, part Section 34(1) 2nd para, part Section 34(1), 1st
proviso, clause (1') Section 34(1), 1st proviso, clause (ii), earlier half Clause 262, part.
Clause 272(3).
Clause 272(4).
Clause 271(1).
clause (b).
Clause 154(1). I Clause 155, (1) opening lii es and para (a), opening lin .
Omitted, as obsolete.
Section 34(1), 1st proviso, clause (ii), latter half, part Clause 155 (1) (:1) (ii).
Section 34(1), 1st proviso, clause (iii), part . Section 34(1), 1st proviso, clause (iii), part .
Section 34(1), 1st proviso, clause (iii), part Section 34(1), 2nd proviso .
Section 34(1A) .
Section 34 (1B) .
.'Scction 34(1C) . . . . .
Clause 1 54(2).
Clause 157(1).
Clause 157(2).
Clause 155(2).
Clause 158(1).
Section 34(2) Section 34(3), main para, part 'Section 34(3), main para, part Section 34(3), main
para, part [reiating to sment under section 34(1) (a)] .Section 34(3), 1st proviso . _ . .
Section 34(3), 2nd proviso, earlier half Section 34(3), 2nd proviso, latter half, part .
Section 35(1), main para, part Section 35(1), main para, part Section 35(1), main para, part Section
35(1), main para, part Section 35(1), 1st Prov.
Section 35(2) S ection 35(3) Section 35(4) Section 35(5) Section 35 (6) Section 35(7) 'Section 35(8)
Section 35(9) Section 35(1o) .
Section 36 Section 37(1) Section 37(2) Section 37 (3) Section 37(4) Section 38 Section 39 Section 40
(1), part Section 40(1), pa.rt Section 40(1), part Section 40(2) Section 41 (1), main para, part . .
Section 41(1), main para, part 6 Section 41 (1), main para, part .
Section 41(1), 1st Prov., earlier half, part Section 41(1), 1st Prov., earlier half, part Section 41(1), 1st
Prov., latter half 5 , . Section 41(1), 2nd Prov. . . . I , .
Section 41 (2) .. . ..
Clause 158(2).
Clause 156.
Clause 160 (3) (ii). 1 Clause 161 (1) (a) and (5).
Clause 161(6).
Clause 162(1).
Clause 162(3).
Clause 162(4).
Clause 162(5).
Clause 136(1).
Clause 1 37.
Clause 136(2).
Clause 136(5).
Clause 138.
Clause 1 39.
314' Section 42(1), main para, earlier half . Section 42(1), main para, latter half, part Section 42(1),
main para, latter half, part . Section 42(1), main para, latter half, part Section 42(1), Ist Prov.
Section 42( 2) Section 42(3) Section 43, main para Section 43, 1st Prov.
Section 44(2), Part (Sec Finance Act 1958) . Section 44 (2), part (See Finance Act, 1958) . Section
44(3), part (See Finance Act, 1958) .
Section 44(3), part (See Finance Act, 1958) . Section 44A, earlier part .
Section 44B (2), earlier half, part Section 44B (2), earlier half, part Section 44B (2), latter half .
Section 44C .
Section 44D.
Sub-section (1), part Sub-section (1), part Sub-section (2), part Sub-section (2), part Sub-section (2),
part Sub-section (3) ' Sub-section (4) Sub-section (5) Sub-section (6) . . . . .
Sub-section (7 ) (a) Sub-section (7) (b) Subsection (7) (c) Subsection (7) (d) Sub-section 7 (2) . .
Sub-section (8) . . . . .
Sub-section (9) . . . V . .
Clause 183.
Clause 171(2).
Clause 171(3).
Clause 95.
Clause 173(2).
sub-clause (a). .
Clause 182(1).
Clause 182(8).
Clause 182(3).
Clause 182(5).
Clause 182(2).
Clause 182(6).
Clause 182(7).
Clause 96(2).
Clause 96 (3).
Clause 96(4).
Clause 96(5) .
amended uptodate.
Clause 96(7).
Clause 96(8).
Section 44E---
Sub-section (1) . . .
Subsection (2) . . .
Subsection (3) . . .
Sub-section (1) . .
Sub-section (2) . __ . .
Subsection (4) Sub-section (5) Subsection (6) Section 45, main para, part Section 45, main para,
part .
Section 45, 1st Prov. (printed with the ma Section 45, 2nd Prov.
Section 46(5) _ . . . .
Section 46(5A), 1st paragraph part Section 46(5A), 1st paragraph, part Section 46(5A), 2nd
paragraph .
Section 46(6) . . . .
Section 46(7); Explanation, earlier half Section 46(7), Explanation, latter half, part .
Section 46(8) . .
Section 46(9) . . . .
Section 46(1o) . . .
Section 46A(1.) . . . .
Clause 97(2).
Clinic 97 (5)-
Clause 97 (6).
Clause 97(8).
Clause 97(4).
Clause 230.
Omitted, as under the draft for 246(1) as proposed; penalty (interest), runswtthput any order.
Clause 230(1).
Clause 235(5)-
Clause 235(2).
Clause 235(3)(1n').
Clause 235(3)(m's').
Clause 235(3)(t'z'1').
Clause 236.
Clause 231(2).
Clause 235(1).
Clause 243.
Clause 237. _.
Clause 238.
Clause 239.
Section 46A(3) .
Section 46A(4) .
Section 47 Section 48(1) Section 48(2) Section 48(3) Section 48(4) Section 48A Section 49 Section
49A Section 49AA Section 49B(1), part .
Section 49B(2) .
Sub-section (1) Sub-section (2) Sub-section (3) Sub-section (4) Explanation Section 49E Section 49F
Section 50, main paragraph Section 50, 1st Prov. .
Section 50A Section 51, opening lines Section 51(a) Section 51(b) Section 51(c) Section 51(d) Section
51(2) Section 51, last part .
Clause (a) Clause (b) Clause (c) Clause (d) lause (9) Clause (f) Clause (g) 4. .2 Clause (gg) -.
Clause "247.
Clause 25o.
Clause 248(1).
Clause 2 5 1 .
Clause 92.
Clause 246(2).
Clause 246(3).
Clause 94.
Clause 93(1).
Omitted, as spent.
Clause 253.
Clause 248(2).
Clause 249(2).
Omitted, as spent.
Omitted, as spent.
Clause 285(9).
Clause 285(6).
Clause 285(6).
Clause 141(1).
Clause 141(2).
Clause 288(1).
Clause 141 (3) (d), Clause 141(3) (¢)_ Clause 141(3) (g).
Claw -141(3) (k) -~ .3121 Clause (1') Clause (j) Clause (k) Clause (1) Clause (m) 8 .
Clause (n) Clause' (0) Clause (p) Section 54(4) Section 54(5) 'Section 55-
Sub-section (1), Clause (i), part Sub-section (1), Clause (i), part Sub-section (1), Clause (ii)
_Sub-section (2) 'Section 57 . . . .
Section 58, Sub-section (1), part Section 58, Sub-section (1), part Section 58(2) Section 58A Section
58B(1) .
Section 58B(2) .
Section 58C(1), opening lines Section 58C(1)(a), main paragraph Section 58C(1)(a), Proviso.
Section 58C(1)(c) . .
'Section 58D . .
!1 i
-'Section58G(1),1atterpa1-t . . .
Clause 141(3)(a).
Clause 141(3)(q).-
Clause 141(3)(!).
Clause 288(2).
Clause 99.
Clause 108(1),(i).
Clause 108(3).
Clause 108(1)(:'z').
Clause 108(2).
Clause 102(1).
Clause 102(2).
Clause 200(2).
Clause 305.
Clause 289(1).
Clause 289(2).
Clause 289(3).
Clause 289(4).
Clause 290(b).
Clause 291(2).
Clause 290(5).
Clause 290(d).
Clause 29o(g).
Clause 291(3)(a).
Clause 291(4).
Clause 294.
Clause 295.
Clause 29'']( ). ' ' Section 530(2)' Section 58G(3) Section 581-! Section 581 .
Section 58_]'(1) .
Section 58_](2) .
Section 58_]'(3) .
Section 58J(4) .
Section 58_](5) .
Section 580 . . .
Section 58Q . . . .
Section 58R, main paragraph, part Section 58R, main paragraph, part Section 58R, main paragraph,
part Section 58R, 1st Prov.. .
Section 588(1) .
Section 585(2) .
Section 58T Section 58U' Section 58V Section 59 Section 60(1) Section 60(2), for income-tax
Section 60(2), for super-tax Section 60(3) Section 60A Section 61 (1), part Section 61(1), part
Section 61(1), part Section 61(1), part Section 61 (1), part Section 61(2) (1') Section 61 (2)(1'i) Section
61 (2) (iii) Section 61(2) (iv) .
Section 61(3), main paragraph, part Section 61 (3), main paragraph, part Section 61(3), Prov. .
Section 62 . . . .
Section 63 . . . .
Section 64(1) . . . .
Clause 296.
Clause 297(1).
Clause 298.
Clause 300.
Clause 299(1).
Clause 299(2).
Clause 299(3).
Clause 299(4)-
Clause 302.
Clause 303.
Clause 304.
Clause 318.
Clause 306.
Clause 307(1).
Clause 307(2).
Clause 308.
Clause 309.
Clause 312.
Clause 313.
Clause 315.
Clause 316.
Clause 329.
Clause 1 12.
Clause 324(1).
Clause 324(3).
Clause 135(1).
Section 64(2) , Section 64(3), main paragraph Section 64(3), 1st Prov. . .
Section 64(3), 2nd Prov. earlier part Section 64(3), 2nd Prov. latter part Section 64(3), 3rd Prov.
'Section 66(1), main paragraph, part Section 66(1), main paragraph, part 'Section 66(1) , Prov. .
Section 65(8) . . . .
Section 66A(2) . . .
Section 66A( 3), 1st Proviso, part Section 66A(3), 1st Proviso, Part Section G6A(3), 2nd Prov.
Section 66A(4) .
Rule 2 . . .
Rule 3 . . .
Rule 4 . .
Rule 5(v) . .
Rule 6, earlier half, part Rule 6, earlier half, part Rule 6, latter half Rule 7 .
Clause 135(2).
Clause 135(5).
Clause 135(6).
Clause 135(7).
Clause 326.
Clause 263.
Clause 265.
Clause 266.
Clause 278(a).
Clause 264(1).
Clause 264(2).
Clause 268.
Clause 274,.
Clause 269(4).
Clause 327.
Clause 276.
Clause 328.
Rule 5(b), First Rule 5(c), First Omitted, as not Rule 6(1) First Rule 6(2), First Schedule.
The word "Indian" has been omitted in consonance with the recommendation made by the
Commission in res- pect of other Acts, and in conformity with recent legislative practice.
Notes to clause 2, The words "unless here is anything repugnant in the subject or context",
appearing in existing section 2, have been retained, in View of the opening lines of section 3,
General Clauses Act, though recent Central Acts use the formula "unless the context otherwise
1. {\gricultu- Till recently there was a conict of judicial op nion ""1'"°°m°- regarding the
interpretation of the word "agriculture . In the latest pronouncement of the Supreme Court', all the
decisions have been reviewed and the conict in the judicial pronouncement resolved. Hence it is not
necessary to ex- plain what is meant by "agriculture".
2. Annual Since existing section 9 has been broken up, the ''*'"'''~ draft, into various clauses, it
appears useful to have? this denition pointing to the relevant provision. I
Assiw-nt C0- Only, it has been placed before the denition of 'asses$ee'. mmissioncr. ' 4- Approved
Since these two expressiolns occur frequently in} the
5."P°""m""' Act, a reference has been made to them here. tlon fund etc.
5. Assesscc. The existing definition of 'assessee' has been rep ced in the draft by a more
comprehensive denition, so s to include all the possible categories of assessees, i.e., i) a person who
is himself liable to pay the tax on incom be- longing to him, (ii) a persop liable to pay tax. on in ome
belonging to 'another person, and (iii) a person who is d em- ed under the sections of the Act to be
an "assessee" or§"as- sessee in default". '
- Wherever necessary, drafting changes have been ade in the substantive provisions (particularly in
the Ch ter entitled "Liability in Special c ses") to bring out the r sult that any person on whom a li
ility to pay tax etc. i im- posed by the Act, becomes am'; assessee. It is hoped hat the denition of
'assessee', as drafted, when read wit the substantive provisions, will cover all cases of vicarious: lia-
bility falling under any of the following categories (1) One person's income included in another's
totag in- come-vide existing sections 4(2)', 16(1)(c), 1g(3), 44D, 44E and 44JF, as Well as %ect1on
42(2). :
' C.I.T. vs. Raja Benny K at Saha V (I957) 32 I. T.R. 466.» S: also C.I.T. vs. Jyoti Karla Clwwdur ,
(1957):-3 IjT-R- 705, and Kalli!-"twat 3' V5- C.I.T. (1957) 32 I.T.R. 58. i ii ~ -
"321 ' (2) One person liable tolbe assessed as representing an- 3 other person under existing sections
40, 41, 42(1). and 44B(3).
(3) -One person ceasing to exist,: and thereupon ano-T ther becoming liable, to be assessed for or to
pay tax for which the f rmer is ".liable--12ide existing sections 24B, 25A, 26 ,2), Prowiso and 44.
(4) One person liable to pay (without the formality of assessment) tax normally payiable by
another-/vide existing sections 18(7) and 4A§(2) and (3).
(5) Cases where procedure for recovery of tax may be applied against one person, (Who is not
himself the assessee) for tax r overable from another--/vide existing section 46( A) 5th para and also
draft Second Schedule, Rule 87. 1 ' (Existing section 8, 3rd Proviso and section 58-U need not be
specically dealt with here).
Since the denition of "assessee" is made comprehen- sive, the words "or other person liable to pay
such tax, penalty or interest" occurini' in existing section 29 have been omitted in the draft'. his will
remove the difficulty created by a decision of the Madras High Court'.
has been inserted on the lines of the Canadian Income-tax Act'. T Ill'.
' i This is new. Though the Act uses the expression "as- 7 sessment year" there is no denitiop. of that
expression anywhere in the Act. We have, thenefore, included a de- nition which conforms to the
existing practice. In the In- come-tax Acts of other countries, e.g.', Ceylon, there is a denition of
'assessment year'.
This is new. Instead of givinggan elaborate formula' 8 to arrive at the average rate wherever it
becomes necessary, °f tax.
Mention of earned income relief has not been made in the denition, in view of the ifact that the
provisions of the Act relating to earned income relief' ave now Hecome ob- solete. Since successive
Finance Acts or the last two years have not provided for this relief,-it bvpuld seem to be the
coiigmed policy of Government to abolish earned income re 1e . 2 This is also a new provision
intended to arrive at the A, This isl based on sub-section .(5)' of t year.
yieragc rate average rate of super-tax; (compare the denition of "ave- rage rate of income-tax"
referred to above).
cf supcrtax.
= E. Alffed vs. Addl. 1.7.0., (1955) 29 I.T.R. 708 See also Abdul irasim ' vs. C.I.T. (1g58)33»I.T.R.
9. Business.
I 0.
12. Commis-
13. Compa-
17. Dividend.
land from which the income derived is agricultural income", has been redrafted and replaced by the
words "any agricul- tural land in India". The general scheme of the constitu- tional provisions
relating to taxation is to exclude agricul- tural land from taxation by the Union, and it would,
therefore, be in conformity with that scheme to express this exclusion, not in terms of "agricultural
income" but in terms of land. Agricultural land which has been cultivated, say, for 5 years and then
remained fallow for 2 or 3 years during which it is sold, would, under the existing denition, attract
capital gains tax. This anomaly will now be remov- ed by the proposed redraft.
There is no substantial change in the draft. which fol- lows the existing denition in section 2(5A).
2 No change; it follows the existing denition in section (5B). ~ We have included in the existing
denition [sec. 2(8A)] the word "Director" also, and we have substituted fct the "Indian Companies
Act, 1913", the "Companies_Act, 1956". To make the meaning clear, we have also introduced the
words "in relation to a company'T.
There is no change in the existing denition in section 2(6A), except that we have added another
explanation to the effect that the accumulated prots "shall include all prots of the company up to the
date of distribution or: pay- ment referred to in this clause". ' -
The reason for this alteration is this. In the case of Girdhar Das and Co. Ltd. vs. C.I.T.', the Bombay '
Court observed that in this section, "accumulated pr ts" have been used in contra-distinction to
current prots; In our opinion, the intention of the legislature was to in lude the current prots also in
the denition; and to mak this clear we have made the proposedalteration.
We have adopted the existing denition [section 2(6AA)]' with the following changes. To make the
meaning of clause
(b) clear, we have split it up into two clauses and number- ed them as (b) and (c). The existing clause
(c) is renum- bered as clause ((1). We have added an explanation to « } ET (1957) 3: I.T.R. 82. .3 *1 .
I 1 ~ overcome the 'difficulty introduced by the Madras High Court in Mari Muthu. Nadar v. C.I.T.' V
No change; it follows the existing denition in section :9. Firm. 2(6B). - Fem" ,and partnership.
We have included in the existing denition other proé visions which treat income as deemed income
for the pur- 9°- "'°°'"°- pose of the Act. ' The Act uses at several places the lengthy expression
"income, prots and gains". To simplify the matter and to avoid repetition, we have included 'prots
and gains" in 'the denition of income, and throughout the Act we have "used, as far as possible, the
word "income". Suggestions have been made that we should give an exhaustive deni- tion of income.
It is not possible to do so.
-clause (iii) (relating to the meaning of; "person having sub- stantial interest in a company") has
been transposed as an explanation.
Item (vii) of the existing denition of income relates to the prots and gains of insurance business
carried on by a mutual insurance association or by a Co-operative :Society. What is described as
"prots and gains" in this item is, in fact, merely a siitplus. The denition simply articially extends the
conception of income so as to cover
-such surplus. The existing words "computed in accord- ance with Rule 9 in the Schedule" indicate
this clearly, when read with existing rule 2(b) of the Schedule. An attempt has been made to bring
out this aspect still more «clearly in the draft." _ .
We have revised the denition of 'Indian company', in 22.:'1ndian the light of the Companies Act,
1956, and the abolition of Co-tzpanh 'the distinction between Part A and 'Part B States. The :
existing position relating to companies registered in the State of Jammu and Kashmir is retained.
i No change; it follows existin section 2(6D), and has ?,?,;i',';°,§,,, been placed after "Income-tax O
cer". Co mission- CI'. ,= No change; it follows existing sehtion 2(6E), and has :3-i'"SP°°'°f 'been
placed after "Income-tax Ofcer". ' tax: '"°°"'°' ' (I956) 30 I.'I'.R. 670. For the corresponding provision
in the U. K. Act, see Section 525(1) last para, of the Income-tax Act. 1952.
' For a general discussion of the 'position regarding mutual insurance associations, see the recent
Privy Council case of English and Scottish Joint Ca- operativc Wholesale Society Ltd., v. Assam
'cultural I a§n¢--tax Commi5sioner,(t948) 2 A. E. R. 295. See also I. '1'. I. C. Re , I918, 13.: 126, page
54, and compare section mi, Australian Inc ' tax etc. ,'1936-1953. ,
25. Magistra-
26. Non--resi-
27. Person.
28. Prescrib-
ed .
32. Register-
ed rm.
33. Regular assessment. \ e 324 ._Under the existing denition, second--class magistrates specially
empowered by the Central Government are also authorised to try offences under Act, and in the
State of J ammu _and Kashmir the State Government may7 autho- rise a Magistrate of the second
class to try offences under the Act. We are, however, not in favour of second-class» Magistrates
trying offences ,under the Act, and we have therefore, conned the power to rst class Magistrates
throughout India. Incidentally, this will lead to simplica- tion of the denition and uniformity.
cable, 'and has phrases for a person who is not a For the sake of uniformity, the,phrase has been
used in the draft wherever practi- been dened here.
been amplied. ' The existing denition includes (a) Hindu undivided family and (b) a local authonity.
The General Clauses Act,' denes "person" as including a company or association or body of
individuals whether incorporated or not. The charging section (section 3) of the Income-tax Act
enume- rates the units for taxation as "individual, Hindu un 'vided family, company, local authority,
rm and other ssocia- tion of persons, or the partners of a rm or the m mbers of the association
individually". Section 4 of the Act refers to a "person". » .» It seems desirable to havea
comprehensive denition of the word "person" in the .'Act so as to cover all entities mentioned in-- «
The denition has therefore been amplied on thei above lines". 9 i [sections 3 iand 4] ,.
No change, vide existing' section 2(14). ' The expression is at present denedionly casually in-.
the Act in S. 18A(5). Since the expression occurs in some sections, it is desirable to place its denition
in this clause.
The denition refers back to the,» proposed clause' 34.1qesidcm. which reproduces S. 4A with
modications. . » The denition is new. Wherever bbth inc'ome-talx and 35- Tax- super-tax are
intended to be covered, the simple word "tax" . ' would be sufcient. The substantive prdvisions_in
the draft. therefore, use the word "tax" wherever. convenient, and it has been dened here. i No
change; vide existing section 2(15), rst para. 36. V Total UICODIC.
The existing denition in section 2(15) (second para) 37. Total is reproduced with one change. ;The
existing words "except "'°'1d "100-» income to which .......... .. this Agzt does not apply" are not '"°' ,
happy and have been replaced V y more appropriate words ' which bring the wording in line; with
existing section 4(3).
No change; vide existing section 206). _ ~ gfédlirggglste Existing section 2(14A), dening the
expression "tax- Taxallc tcro x able territories", has been omitted in the draft, as the use "it°Vi,3- of
that expression is no longerinecessary and can be con- veniently replaced by the word "India' .'
Notes to clause 3.
Sub-clause (1)----
(1) The word "person" has been substituted for the words "individual", "Hindu undivided faimily"
etc. and the denition of "person" is being jwidenedl' for the following reasons :-- : .. '
(a) As already explained'. the co ined effect of the T denition of "person" in section,'2(9) of he
Income-tax Act and section 3(42) of the Generali Clause 'Act is that a "per- son" includes (a) Hindu
undivided fam' y; (b) local autho- rity; (c) company; and (d) assbciationotr body of indivi- duals
whether incorporated or riot. No ecic mention has been made of corporations othdr than dmpanies
included within category (d). i » The problem which has troubled the courts is whether such
corporations are withinithe ch ing section. It can be met by the suggested mend ,t by introducing 7
the word "person" in the se tion. I 'Commissioner of Income-tax, Madras vs. Salem iDist'rict*Urban
Bank Ltd.' a co-operative bank was treated as an individual by an ' Clause 6.
' As assessments for_ the period prior to the Commencement of the new Act will continue to be
governed by the existing Act, there will be no need to lay down separate periods for the various a as.
' See notes to clause 2 denition of " non". pg ' (194.0) 8. I.T.R. 269.
ly, in Commissioner of Income-tax, Madras vs. The Bar Council, Madras', a bar council_ and in the
Baronetcy case' a corporation sole, were treated as individuals. It seems desirable to make the
position clear.
(b) There is also the problem of private religious trusts in favour of deities or mutts which are
treated as articial jurisdical person in law, vide existing S. 41. The point for consideration is whether
it is proper to bring them under "individual" by a strained construction or whe- ther it would be
more appropriate to include them under "person". These difficulties can be solved if we adopt the
word "person" in S. 3, the charging section. It may be noted incidentally that in the existing S. 3 it
occurs only in the expression "association of persons".
(c) All the foreign Acts employ the term "person" in the charging section, and it is better to resolve
all doubt about the chargeability of particular classes of persons by using the comprehensive term
"person" in section 3.
(2) The next point for consideration is the,difculty noticed in sustaining the legality of the recovery
of the tax on the current income under S. 18 and 18A. The charge created under section 3 applies to
the income of the pre- vious year, while the provisions of sections 18 and 18A apply to the income of
the assessment year also. To meet this difficulty a proviso has been added on the lines of the Ceylon
Income-tax Ordinance to cover the provisions of the Act relating to charging the tax in particular
cases in respect of income, prot and gains of a period other than _the previous year. This will cover
S. 24A, 25(1) and 44B (3) of the Act, whereby the income of the assessment year itself is
made.chargeable at the rates prescribed by the Finance Act of the assessment year.
Sub-clause (2) is intended to make it clear that there is some kind of liability to pay tax in cases
where tax is xdeductible at source or payable in advance. It seems desir- able to make a reference to
this obligation to pay tax in advance etc. in the charging section itself, so as to bring out more
directly a position which is implied in existing sections 18 and 18A.
(3) After the phrase "in respect of the total income of the previous year" the words "or years, as the
case may be" have been added. Under the denition of "previous year ' in the existing section 2(_11) a
person may have separate previous years in respect of each separate source of in- come. The
proposed addition is intended to meet such cases'.
' (1943) II I.T.R-x. I 0 ' Currimbhhy Ibrahim Bzrenetqy Trust: vs. C. I. 71, 5 I. T. C.-4.84, (Bombay). '
Cf. CIT vs. Savumiamurthy (194.6) in LT. R. i 5 32'?
Notes to clause 4.
(1) The income of_ residents and. non-residents ha been dealt with separately for the sake of
simplicit and clarity. ' (2) The rst proviso to S. 4(1) has been omitted; as it concerns the assessment
year 1939-40 and is now unneces-
(3) The second proviso to S. 4(1) relating to persons not ordinarily resident should be omitted, as it
is proposed to abolish the category and the exemption granted in res- pect of such persons'. If,
however, the provision is to be retained, it can be .kept as shawn in the relevant clause on the
(4) The third proviso to section 4(1) concerni g the exemption for unremitted foreign income upto. R
4,500 has been transferred to the clause relating to income which does not form part of total
income.' 1 (5) The fourth proviso to S. 4(1)" relating to residents who are not resident in two out of
three preceding' years has also been transferred to that clause.' (6) The fth proviso to S.4(1) relating
to exemption' for foreign income of residents who deposit tax etc: with- in three months (where the
fourth proviso does not apply) has also been transferred to the clause relating to 'exclu- sions from
total income. after omitting portions whic have become obsolete.' ' (7) The words "by or on behalf
of" have been used in respect of foreign income received in India [vide : draft sub-clause (1), (a), (d),
(e), (f) and (g)] to cove cases where the income is received not by the assessee imself but by any
other person on his behalf.
(8) Explanation 1 to S. {(1) has been incorporated in draft sub-clause (3). * (9) Explanation 2 to
section 4(1) is transferredffto the new clause' relating to deemed income'. = (10) Explanation 3 to
S.4(1) has also been transferred to that clause'. ' (11) Explanation 4 to existing s. 4(1) relates to come
which accrued in a Part B $t:ate or merged territo be- fore the extension of the Income-tax Act
thereto énd is Vide notes to draft clause 6.
Vida draft Clause 1} (4) (iii).{ . E Vidc draft c1au.e' (ii). . i Vida draft Clause 3 (iii).
COODIDF 328' brought into any other part of India after the extension of the Indian Act. These
provisions, it appears, have be- come almost obsolete. . -
The Explanation provides that prots accruing in 5 a merged territory after 1-4-1933 shall be
chargeable under section 4(1) (b) (iii) only if such incomeiis remitted into another part of India
other than the merged territory. Para. 8 of the Merged States (Taxation Concessions) Order, 1949,
enacts that Explanation 4 would not apply if the assessee was not a resident in at least three outiof
six assessment years viz.,~1943-44 to 1948-49. Even in the case of persons who were resident in at
least three out of six years, Ex- planation 4 would not operate,' if the income had been assessed
under the State law on accrual basis and had also been included in the total income for rate
purposes [under section 14(2)(c)]. Thus, Explanation 4 to section 4(1) would apply only in the case
of persons who were resident in In- dia in at least three out of six assessment years 1943-44 to
1948-49 and whose income accruing in the State has escap- ed assessment either in the State or in
The Explanation should therefore be omitted. If, how- ever, it is deemed to retain it, it 'should
appear in a simpli- ed form. Draft sub-clause (1), (e), (f) and (g) have been drafted to indicate how
the Explanation Should be incor- porated. The language has, however, been altered so as to make
the provisions easy ofi applic ion. The existing Explanation uses the words "taxable te : itories" and
the denition of these words in S. 2(14A) does not show in clear words the background in which the
special provisions relating to merged territories and Part B States were in- troduced. The provision
has now been .50 drafted as to relate it to the assessment year with effect from which the Indian Act
was extended to merged territories and Part B ' States. A provision may be inserted inithe
Miscellaneous Chapter to guard against the possibility bf any income be- ing taxed twice----once
under the existing Act and again under the provision as proposed. . 1 (12) Existing section 4(2) is
transferred to the new clause on deemed income'. ~ ' (13) Existing section 4(3) forms
the'subject--matter of a separate clause dealing with income which does not form part of total
income'. 1 4 Notes to clause 5.
The denition of "previous year" has been embodied in a separate clause, since it is a lengthy one. No
change of substance has been made, but drafting changes have been attempted to achieve simplicity,
and to state the po- sition regarding various situations separgately. Further, the R V _ .
' Vida draft clause 10, g' ' Vida draft clauses 11,12 and 13.
provision at present contained--.«'Rule 5'(i) o-frthe Schedule, regarding insurance iusinessi has
been brought here for the sake of comprehensiveness; ' Notes to clause 6.
(1) The clause relating to category "not ordinarily re- sident" has been retained in thedraft but is
recommended to be omitted in order _to simplify the law. This recom- mendation was made by the
Income-tax Investigation?Com- mission' and also by the Taxation Enquiry Commis- sion'. The only
difference in the taxation between r- son who is ordinarily resident and not ordinarily regii ent is
relating to the foreign income, and provision for V eter- mining the tax on foreign income in the case
of a person not ordinarily resident is containedin second proviso to section 4(1). But for this
dierencep both of them stand dn the same footing for the {purpose of taxation. The retention of
persons not ordinarily resident as a separate category is unnecessary. ' ' ' , .
(2) The condition' for residence in the case of a erson who has been in India Wit n the four
preceding years has now been someiwhat tiered so as to requir the presence of the persdn in In is!
for at least thirty d s in 'The a iguity caused by the rase "otherwise than by an occasional or casual
visit" in the existing section 4A(a) (iii) will now be avoided. » (3) Section 4A(a) (iv) o_- the Act,
authorising t e In- come-tax Ofcer totifeat a 'on as a resident if he "sa- tised" that the person, havi
%arrived in India du ' g'the year, is "likely to remain" to not less than three years, has been omitted,
as. it gives; a vague discretion to e In- come-tax Officer. The words';"_has maintained", in e isting
section 4A(a) (ii), have beers' replaced in the draft y the words "causes to be; maintaried", which
express e in- tention better. I (4) Draft sub-clause (4).-1-This is new and has b en in- serted to make
provision foi xing the residence o "per- sons" who are not lndividus, Hindu undivided f ilies, rms,
associations of compaiiiies. ' (5) Draft -sub-clause (5).---This is new. In C.I.T.a£1s. Sa-
vumiamurthy', the Madras Hi h Court has held th since there can be a sep 'ate prdvous year for, each
so rce of income, the residen?a1 stat of the person has als to be ource.
separately determin d with reference to each such As this procedure w J 11 be cumbersome and
entail co ' J' J ,1:g.1.q=' pan, 194a , 1 \ 3953~1°5+w,o#-;?1-
' Vida pages 28-29. V, ' (I946) 14- I.T.R. '1 tions in practice, the newly added sub-céhuse provides
that a person who_is resident for one source of income shall be treated as resident for all such
(6) Existing section 4A(c), latter part,' dealing with the determination of the residence of a company
on the basis of its income in India, is proposed to be omitted, since such test does not appear to be a
proper one. (After the draft was prepared the Finance Act 1958, by section 4. has omitted it).
(7) Draft sub-clause (6).------Though the category of per- sons not ordinary: resident is
recommended for abolition, the existing special provisions applicable to such per- sons are retained
in the draft. (For example, see section 4(1). 2nd proviso. See also sections 42(2) and 44D, which
treat such persons on the same footing. as non--residents). These sub-clauses will. therefore, be
useful for the pur- poses of the provisions just referred to.
Existing section 4B (c) which provides that a com- pany, rm or other association is ordinarily
resident if it ' is resident, has been omitted in the draft, as unnecessary.
The distinction between "ordinarily resident" and "not or- dinarily resident" is signicant only when
there is a pos- sibility of an entity being resident and yet not ordinarily resident. In the absence of
anything to le contrary, a resi- dent would have to be regard as ordinarily resident, and no express
provision is necessary for the purpose.
According to section 4(1) the chargeable income of every person whether resident or non-resident
includes in- come "which is deemed to be received" in India in the previous year. There is, however,
no enumeration at any one place of these 'receipts which are deemed to be received in India in the
previous year. This clause mere- ly collects together the relevant provisions, without effect- ing any
substantial change in language'.
[The deemed income referred to in section 18(4) (tax deducted at source) will be dealt with inthe
clause corres- ponding to that section, as it merits special treatment.] Notes to clause 8.
It seems desirable that all provisions relating to income "deemed" to be of a particular year, or
deemed to be received in a particular year should appear in pro-
been embodied in this clause. No change of substance has been made. ' 7 ' A similar
recommendation was . _ bytl; '1' -tax lnvcstiption ' ' - ('f903)~ "'10 "S |'43'i4a- ' 33+
"S0c|l:onotestodn'clau:c8. , Notes to clause 9.
According to section 4(1) the chargeable income of a person whether resident or non-resident
includes income, prots and gains which "are deemed to accrue or arise to him in the taxable
territories" in the previous year. Income is deemed to accrue- or arise under various provisions scat-
tered all over the Act. All these provisions which deal with income which is deemed to accrue or
arise in India have now been grouped together.
The changes made are all of a drafting nature, and are intended to remove ambiguity and simplify
the expres- sion'. 1 S"'(i).--The words "sale ....... .. of a capital as- set in the taxable
territories" in the existing section 42(1) are slightly ambiguous, since "in taxable territories" can be
read either with "sale" or with "capital asset". To re- move this ambiguity, the word "situate" has
been added after "capital asset". (It is not necessary to make any such addition in the earlier phrases
referring to business con- nection etc._. since the language there does not end itself to any
ambiguity.) The words "that part of the operations", inthe existing section 42(3) have been replaced
by "the operations", for two reasons; rst, the word "that" in the existing section is not happy, since it
is not 'followed by any pronoun, and secondly, the existing words are not in symmetry with the
opening words "in the case of ....... ..all the operations".
As to the meaning of the word "operation", see the decision of the Supreme Court, in the Anglo
French. Teaco title Co., vs. C.I.T.' -
_ Sub-clause (ii).---An attempt has béen made to simpli- fy the language, by omitting unnecessary
words such as "if payable in the taxable territories vlherever paid". The substance is not affected by
the deletion of these words, since the proposition sought to -be enacted is only this, that saléiry
earned in India is deemed to accrue or arise in In ia.
This embodies S. 4(2). The section is based on a double ction. While the income of the non-resident
husband and is treated as the income of the residentwite, it is also treated as income which is
deemed to accrue to her in India.
The provision has been embodied in the draft, with a slight verbal change (see the words 'for on her
b'el_1alf" which have been added to make it comnoehensive). * __ 1'(Ig53) 23 I. '1'. ll. 101.
(1) This clause deals with the various kinds of income excluded in computing the total income of an
'Simplication has been sought to be achieved by the follow- ing devices: '
(i) re-arrangement of the various clauses of section 4(3) so as to bring out their common features
(e.g., existing section 4(3) (x)(b), section 4(3) (xiv) etc. have been placed in proximity to each other,
as they deal with income of foreigners or employees of foreign Governmcnts\etc.)';
(ii) analysis of the essentials of each clause, and their restatement in a form that can be easily
followed; e.g., vide the draft sub«-clause' dealing with casual receipts and the draft sub-clause'
relating to local authorities;
(iii) incorporating in the draft clause, provisions re- garding exclusions from total income at present
contained in other sections of the Act'; ~
-on trust for religious or charitable purposes, and income of religious and/or charitable institutions
has been? dealt -
Income of a business chargeable under the Act of 1918 and discontinued after the commencement of
the p esent Act is, under section 25, sub-sections (3) and (4), ex uded from total income. _This has
been dealt with in another separate section'. A (3) The changes' made by the Finance,Act 1958} have
been given effect to at the appropriate places.
(4) The changes made are (mainly of a drafting ' ture, designed to simplify the expression as
explained i para (1) "above. The following aib-clauses, however, d serve special notice, as the
changes made there are not urely formal :-- ' f I c. g., Vida clause 11 (5) to (9). . ' ' Clause 11 (3).
5 Sn dra clause 12. ' _ g _ _ 'sudnftclmncls. -' p A - ; _~ ' Sub--clause (7).---Items (ii)- to (v) of this
sub-clause correspond to sub-clauses (b)-:to (e) of section 4(3) (x) of the existing Act. The
requirement that the recipient must not be an Indian citizen is contained, at present, only in two
sub-clauses of-section 4(3) (x). Sub--clauses (b) and
(d) relating to Consuls etc., and Trade Commissioners do not mention it. In the draft, however, this
has been made applicable to all cases, for the sake of uniformity.
Sub-clause (8).------In the existing section 4(3)(xiv), the exemption is conditional on the stay of
the'emp1o ee of a foreign enterprise for a period not exceeding in e ag- gregate "ninety days in any
year". The words "any year" are, in the context, vague. It has, therefore, been made clear that the
stay should not exceed ninety days in the previous year, and it should not have exceeded ninety days
in any nancial year prior to the previous year.
There is no reason why this exclusion should be avail- able to Indian citizens. The provision has
therefore been altered so as to conne it to foreigners.
O Sub-clause (9).--It seems desirable to extend the bene- fit of this clause to services rendered by a
foreigner even before the actual commencement of the business. Explana- tion' is intended to
achieve this object.
Sub-clause (15).--"Wholly and necessarily" has been re- placed by "wholly and excl ively";-, cf.
existing section 7(2)(iii) as redrafted.' The ject is"to liberalise the al- lowance. See the
recommendation of the U.K. Royal Com- mission on the Taxation of profits and income'-'.
Sub-clause (17) and (24,).---These correspond to certain exemptions enjoyed, at present, under .a
notication issued under section 60. In view of the importance of the subject- matter of the
exemptions, they have 'been included in the draft sub-clauses. -
Exemption for members of Nepalese; Forces [Existing clause (.7:1'.)].--This has been omitted. ere
are no Indian .State Forces now, and there isno meniber of the Nepalese Armed Forces now serving
in" India.
Sub-clause (18).--This item will, of course, have to be omitted if it becomes obsolete by the time the
new Act comes into force. ' Notes to clause 12.':
1. This clause is based on" section"4(3)(i) and (ii) of the Act. There are' certain anomalies which we
have noticed in the existing provision and we have attempted in the proposed draft to put an end to
sI.'x:h anomalies as far as possible. ' ~
-,; " VHO also notes to draft clauses 15- ,' pa:-a,6.V' 3 'U.K.RoyalCommiuoinonthcT tionof_ Report
June, I955, (Cmd. 9474). Q7, , tsandlncome Final p ' p 5,?!
2. Before the Amendment Act of 1939, there was in the Act only the provision which corresponds to
the exist'- mg provision in 4(3) (1), main era. The instruction in the Income-tax Manual issued by e
authority of the Govern- ment of India at that time was, that the word "property" in clause (i) does
not bear the restricted meaning that it bears in section 9 of the Act, but includes securities or
business or share in a business. In view of the recommen- dations made in the Income-tax Enquiry
Report, 1936' (to give statutoryeect to this practice, subject to the condi- tions to be observed by the
business) an amendment was introduced by adding clause (via) which was as follows :--
» "Any income derived from business carried on, on be- half of a religious or charitable institution,
when the in- coréie is applied solely for the purposes of the institution an
(b) the work in connection with the business is mainly carried on by beneciaries of the institution."
(After the amendment in 1939, the Government chang- ed the instructions in the Manual,
expressing the view that in the case of business, the conditions laid down in clause (ia) should be
fullled before exemption could be grant- ed).
9 3. The meaning of the word "property" in clause (i) was judicially considered and it was held that it
includes even business if the business was subject-matter of a trust. This was the view taken in
Charitable Gadodia. Swaideshi Stores vs. C.I.T., Punjab by the Lahore High Court'. Deal- ing with
the contention that the word "property" in clause
(i) does not include business. their Lordships of the Lahore High Court held that the two clauses
were intended to apply to different situations and that the word " roperty" in clause (i) was wide
enough to include all kin s of pro- perty including business. It was also pointed out that clause
(ia),dealt with a business conducted by a religious or charitable institution without any reference to
?trust' whatever. In an instructive judgment, Din. Mohammad J. in that case also pointed out the
distinction between an institution and a trust. He held that an institution may be religious or
charitable and may still. not be held under trust. Clause (ia), according to him, does not in any way
subtract anything from the sub- ject and provides immunity for a certain kind of business which in
the view of the legislature had not already, been rovided 'for. From this decision it follows that
where gusiness, which is property within the meaning of elause
(i), is impressed with the character of trust, the income from such business is altogether exempt and
it is not obli- gatory that in the case of. suchbusiness the conditions laid
-' Page 6, I. T. Enquiry" c_port, 1936 ("also known "as V 1 . I I I I', 7 " 1 « Export)-V _ .. p , A
-(x944)121.r..n.u:..- ,4 down in clause (ia) should be fullled. (Clause (ia) thus applies to a different
situation, namely, where there is an institution and that institution 'carries on business which is not
subject to a trust. In such a case the remiisites of the section must be complied with. The income
must be applied solely to the purpose of the institution and the charitable or religious institution
must also full the con- ditions in sub-clauses (a) and (b). As to the distinction between an institution
and a trust, see also the discussion in a recent Privy Council case,' and Gunn's commentary on the
Australian Income~tax Act.')
4. That "property" in clause (i) includes business has been well established not only by a decision of
the Judicial Committee' but also by the latest pronouncement of the Supreme Court in J. K. Trust
Case'. . This aspect there- fore does not present much difficulty. (The dilculty as to in which set of
circumstances clause (ia) applies still remains, though the View in Gadodia Swadeshi Stores' case
has subsequently been followed and conrmed by the High Courts -of Allahabad' and:Bombay'.
5. In view of the recommendations. made by Din. Mohammad J. in Gadodia's case and by the
Income-tax In- vestigation Commission [Report (1948) at pages 56-57, paragraph 131] the
legislature in 1953 [vide the amending Act of 1953 (Act 25 of 1953)] converted clause (via) into a
proviso to clause (i), and by subsequent legislation it was made clause (b) of the proviso to clause (i)
(vide the amending Act of 1955). 'The object of this legislation was to restrict the operation of clause
(i), where the property consisted of business impressed with the character of trust, by applying the
limitation imposed by clause (b) of the proviso'.
But in carrying out this object, the immunity which was granted under clause (ia), (as it stood before
1953), in the case of business carried on' 'by a religious or charit- able institution and not subject to
trust, was negatived. The linking up of old clause (via)_ to clause (i) had the effect of taking away the
separate exemption granted by clause (ia). In other words, the conversion of clause (ia) in- to a
groviso has led to the op osite result of depriving the bene t (limited though it be , which; was
intended to be _ 1 Minister of National Revenue vs. Tmsts and Guarantees Co. Ltd. (1932) 4-A. E. R.
149 P, C. See also 2". M. C. A. vs. F. C. off'; E1926} 37 C. L'. R. 351 at pp. 350, 361. g I ' ' 4th edition,
p. 114, para 292. l .' Tribune cast, (1939) 7- I. T. R. 4:5 p. Q.-:61. A: 241. _
- - [1957] 32 I_:r.R. 535 (Bombay H. C. on-remand 11933333 I.T.R. 32). " (1944) 12 I. T. R. 385. - j -
i ' C.I.T. vs. Radlzaswm-u"Sat:ang Salim. (.1934) 25 I. T. R. 472. r" 21 J. K'. Trust w.C.j".,'(l958)
33iI..'l'.'R.32. . . . _ . ' . y= ' C . 'Report of-the Tntloa-'1 _ y' Os?on,_'(}953-3954). Vol. II, Ch.:V'I
I..;1aIrIII'!|Phs 1,aud~3,']nge;- '3 " vi'; a -1.,
-4 conferred by clause (ia) on charitable and religious instit- tutions which carried on business
which was not subjected to trust (provided they fullled the conditions laid down in paragraphs (a)
and (b) of that clause). We think that this result was not intended by the legislature. If the intention
is----as undoubtedly it has been from 1936----to impose restrictions in the case of business whether
carried on by a trust or by a religious or charitable institution, the intention should be clearly stated
in the Act. But the im- munity itself need not be taken away. In order to avoid the anomaly the
clauses should be so drafted as to bring about the real intention of the legislature, and this we have
done in the proposed draft. '
6. Incidentally, it may be noted that the legislature really wanted the conditions contained in
paragraph (b) of the Proviso to apply not only to cases where business is carried on by the
institution, but also Where the business was the subject-matter of a trust (i.e., even if there was no
institution). This object has also not. been properly car- ried out, and some redrafting is desirable on
this point also. On this assumption, it has been made clear in the draft that the restrictions in
paragraph (b) of the Pnoviso will apply to both the cases. ~ ,
7. In short, the redraft makes clear the two points that require clarication, namely :.--- '
(i) Exemption under section 4(3) (i) is (in the case of a business) subject to the conditions given in@
Pro- visio (b), irrespective of whether the business is carried on by a trust or an institution. =
(ii) The exemption is also available to institutionf not subject to trust, (subject to the same
8. For the sake of clarity, a__ trust carrying on a busi- ness is dealt with separately in draft
sub-clause (2), and draft sub-clause (1) is conned to other properties, wide the draft Explanation
thereto. 1
9. Besides this important change, the following pbints may also be noted :----
(a) The phrase "religious or charitable purposes?' oc- curring in the existing Act has been replacetl
by the phrase "charitable or religious purposes", to give more prominence to charitable purposes.'
(b) The existing section 4(3) (i) opens with the words "subject to the provisions of clause ((3) of
%sub- section (1) of section '16". The limitation expres- sed by these words has been retained in
draft sub- clause (1), but it is to be considered whether there is any sound reason for this limitation.
'111e eect of the words ' ques .seems to be that ev n in cases of t er tor. ' itable purpose th in- come of
the ansfe A assets is regarded " the ~33?
transferor's_income.' It would be more consistent _ with the spirit of the law if such income were
ex- cluded from total income, at least so long as the income is applied for a charitable purpose. The
words "subject to the provisions of clause (c) of stab-section (1) of section 1'6" "deserve to be delet- 6
. » Notes to clause 13.
Section 25, sub-sections (3) and (4) provide for two things. One is the exclusion from total income of
income of certain businesses, and the. other is the right to claim substitution of the income of the
year of discontinuance etc., in place of the last year's income.
-- (f%il'n(;)Odied in the present clause, with the language simpli- e .' CHAPTER 'Iv ~ .
1. This corresponds to section 6 of the present Act. The opening words of the section, have, however,
been mo-
es the chargeable income into different heads for the pur- pose of computation of tota1.income..
fThat section.6 con- cerns itself with classication and seqtions 7, 8; 9 etc. with computation is clear
from the' disaussion in Kothari vs. C.I.T." and. in United Commercial Bank Ltd., vs. C.I.T.f
2. Item (c) relating to "Income from property" has been changed into "Income from House
Property". Sec- tion 9 is essentially concerned with''' House Property and the description now
adopted will clearly indicate the .
Another variation in the present section is the men- I tion of the head "Income rom ot er sources"
after the 3 head "Capital gains", indicating _"Income from other : sources" continues to be the
residpafy head as hereto- 1 fore.
' These words were introduced in 1953 in pursuance of the recommenda- tion made by the Income
tax Investigation, Commission; see its Rcport (1948), para 129, page 56. -
.1 Sac notes to clause 91 for comments on the retention of existing section 25 (3) and (4). ' = (1951)
20 579. i ' ' 4 (1957) 32 1.r.n. sea.
(i) only the substantive provision specifying the charge in respect of _"salaries" paid or payable by
afi employer has been dealt with in the main c ause'.
(ii) the extended meaning given to the expression "sa- laries" is omitted from the substantive clause
and separately dened in the interpretation clause;
(iii) similarly, instead of mentioning the different types of employers'in the substantive part, the
term "Employer" alone has been used, a denition hav- ing been given separately to cover the various
txpes; 7 (ivj the permissible deductions are placed in a separate clause;
(v) the present Explanations about "perquisites" (Expln. 1) and "prots in lieu of salary" (Expln. 2)
have been placed in the interpretation clause.
V 2. Provisions dealing withincome classiable as salary, scattered elsewhere 'in the Act, have been
collected together, e.g., draft clause'----dealing with notional payments from provident funds etc.
3. The existing section makes a distinction between salary which is "due" to an employee and other
salary "paid" which is not due to him. The former is taxable on "due" basis whether actual payment
has been made or not, while the latter is taxable on the basis of actual payment. This aspect is more
clearly brought out in the present draft. (See the decision of Calcutta High Court in Bhuban Mohan
Banerjee vs. C.I.T.' though in an earlier decision' it was held that an amount due in one year could be
taxed in a later year in which it was received).
4. Arrears of salary would, at rst sight, appear to be delayed "payments" for amounts which had
already ac- crued "due'-' in thelyear or years in which the employee had rendered service. Looked at
from this angle, they do not present much difculty.
But the arrears of salary which call for specic treat- ment are those where Services are rendered in a
past "ear but the quantum of payment to be made is not determpned till the year of receipt of the
amount by the employee in a subsequent year, or where the emoluments of the post are revised or 'a
promotion is made'retr_ospectively. In these case-s"it will be difficult to include in the regular
original assessment the arrears sanctioned and paid subsequently, ' Cl c 15. V ' Viftusdx-aft clause 17
(2) gi) and (vii). ,- .- - _j I (1956) 29 I.K.R. 229,_2 . A ; ' Uslmraui R0] Clwudhuralu, In re. (1911). I0.
[..'I.'3R. 199.
'339 since in many cases the determination may take years. It would also not be possible to keep the
assessment pending until such determination is made. The Departmental prac- tice has been to
include such arrears in the total income
-of the year of receipt. Relief is aorded against the hard- ship involved in the taxation of the
lump-sum by means of an order under section 60, sub-section' (2), the effect of which is that the
arrears are attributed to the periods to which they should reasonably be related. Assessment in the
year of receipt is in accordance with the decision of the Calcutta High Court in Usha Ram' Roy
Choudhuran'i.'s case.
The recent decision of the Calcutta High Court in Bhuban Mohan Bane'rjee's case,' however,
contains obser- vations which may be taken to mean that a salary pay- ment made in a subsequent
year would still be taxable 'only on due basis in the rst year. The decision does not create any diiculty
if the word "due" is interpreted as relating to the point of time when the amount is actually
«quantied by the employer. On this view the claim for relief under section 60(2) may not be
admlssible. But if it is intended that such amounts should be related to the back years and subjected
to tax under section 34, diffi- culty may arise in the initiation of such proceedings be- cause of
limitation. It can even be argued that these are not cases of escapement of -income, there being no
omis- sion or commission by the assessee or by the Department. 'There will be further difficulty for
the employer in the matter of making deduction of tax at source, and some confusion is bound to
arise as to whether the tax so deduct-
ed at the time of payment should be' given credit for the year for which the assessment under section
34 is supposed to be made. .
On the whole the present Departmental practice seems to be a reasonable compromise and is fair to
the assessee and the Department. It is fair to the Department because the complication of section 34
is avoided, and even when .an. order under section 60(2) is passed the consequential' ad- justment
of tax is made in that assessment itself and not 'by reopening past assessments. It ispftnir to the
assessee, because if the amount were to be treated as due only when it is paid, the question of relief
under'section 60(2) would not.arise, while the Departmental practice ensures that the assessee is to
be in the same position as if he had been "taxed in the respective years after spnead-back of the ar-
rears to the relative period. » There may, of course, be cases when the assessee will be worse off by
the arrears being related back than when he is taxed on the arrears. This will happen when the ar-
rears of salary are received after retirement or after rever- sion from a higherpost. In those
cases-tl'ie'ass'essee will not apply for relief under section 60(2) and no action is taken by the
Department itself 'section :34..o,r otherwise.
5. Section 60(2) was placed on the statute book at a time (in the-"yea,r" 1939) when the
chargeability of salary was not on due basis but on freceipt" basis, under sec- 'lc1on 7 as it stood
then. Accordingly it continues_to emp- oy language appropriate to a_higher tax burden in conse-
quence of the employee "receiving" a payment as salary in arrears or for more than twelve months.
This contin-
gency will not arise on the present "due" basis of taxation on salary.
It is, however, proposed notto make any changes in that section, since the section will be useful in so
far as it gives relief in respect of lump-sum payments received by the employee and treated as pmts
in lieu of salary nder explanation 2 to section 7(1). It may also be use 1 in view of the fact that. a
provision for charging arrears not already taxed has been added in the draft.
6. A few minor points also deserve notice; These are ~ as follows :--
(i) Draft sub-clause 16 (ii) :----The provision relating to deduction for entertainment allowance has
been made more logical in one respect. Where a person was in receipt of entertainment allowance at
a lower rate before 1stfApriE 1955, his claim for deduction will not be tofally forileited, but will be
reduced to that previous lower rate. The pre-
The changes made by the Finance Act, 1958, have been given effect to.
(ii) Draft clause 16 (iv) :---The allowance for expenses- incurred by an employee in the performance
of his duties has been made exclusive not _only of entertainment allow- ance (as at present), but
also of the allowance for ex nses for books etc. and conveyance allowance. The existin pro- vision;
section 7(2) (iii), does not include these latte . cate- gories. The change has been made in order to
make' the provision comprehensive. 3 The wording has also been changed so as to make it precise.
The word "necessarily" has been omitted,§ as it is unduly restrictive. We have followed the language
of existing section 10(2) (xv). ~ It may also be pointed out that the Royal Commission on the
Taxation of Prots and Income (United Kingdom)' examined the corresponding. provision in the UK.'
»Act (Schedule E or old Rule 9)' aid has recommended that the allowance should be made liberal'. It
has proposed' the '';'Now see the U. K. ngaome-may-.'g 1952, mun. schedule, Ru! 7. ' non:
Commiuionon' Tan! 'ofhots udtlnoolue, Final c. Juner955.(C-ml-941>.P-se4 p g 140-. . r ' - M: 5 fl
'341 wording "all expenses reasonably incurred for the appro- priate performance of the duties of the
oice or employ- ment". This, the Commission has pointed out, would re- move the complaint that
the legislature imposes upon those in employment a narrower form of allowance for expenses than it
accords to persons deriving a private in- come from their own efforts. The wording suggested by the
Royal Commission is worth consideration as an alter-' native.
(iii) Draft clause 17(1) :--'1'-he denition of "employer" as now adopted includes a foreign
Government, reference to which is not to be found in the present section 7. It is for consideration
whether the mention 'of foreign Govern- ment as employer is acceptable; It has been suggested that
by such inclusion the assessee'will not be subject to any heavier tax burden but on the other hand
may qualify for relief under section 60(2) which will be advantageous to him. The possibility of an
employee of a foreign Govern- ment being required to make an actual payment of tax (on "due"
basis) without actually receiving the salary will not arise, because section 7(1), 2nd roviso, lays down
that where tax is deductible at source, t e sesessee shall not be called upon to pay the tax himself
unless he has received salary without deduction. How far the procedure for de- duction (section 18)
will be enforceableagainst a foreign Government will also be a matter for consideration.
(iv) Draft clause 17(2) :---Item (ii) relating to annui- ties has provoked some discussion. It has been
suggested that annuities paid by the Government or local authorities should be taxed as salary
irrespective of Whether the payee is an employee or not. This cannot be accepted, as it goes against
the basic scheme of the section.
Notes to clauses 18 to 21 The existing section 8 is now covered by four clauses.' The first clause
relates to the: charge, the second relates to deduction, the third relates to deductions in the case of
banking companies and the last clause relates to amounts not deductible.
Clause 18 The word "receivable" in the present section 8(1) has been interpreted to mean
''reoeived''.' : is decision has been given effect to and the word "rec ed" has been subs- tituted for the
word "receivable" in e draft clause to make the intention clear.
Clause 19 This clause and draft clause 21 incorporate the subs- tance of existing section 8, first
proviso. Thelanguage of ' Clame:_x8 to 21. ' 9; . -
'SctIaLdbh'Dd 1:' .c.1.r' w %I.T.R. Jr" ' Clwuiar v:C. I. .M:lrav:. (1953) 'P . '.13., 33"!" . E ' B -f-Interest
on securities.
the present proviso is involved'. A rough analysis will 'show that it deals with three things :-- V
(i) Allowance for realisation expenses and interest on money borrowed for investment;
(ii) Exception to the allowance at (i) above, in respect of dinterest payable outside the taxable
territories; an ,
(iii) Counter-exception to the exception at (ii) above, for interest for which tax is deducted at source
or an agent can be appointed under section 43. * In the draft. therefore, the proviso has been split
up. Item (i) above has been incorporated in this clause, while itlems (ii) and (iii) have been
embodied in a subsequent c ause.
The provisos to existing section 8, which exclude cer- tain items of expenditure incurred for
realising interest etc., do not express the exclusion as "deductions". Since, in the draft. these have
been treated as deductions, it is possible that the deductions might. in a particular case, exceed the
total gross income. In such cases, the excess will be treated as a loss. We do not think that this result
should be avoided. Deductions under the head "Interest on securities" should be treated on the same
lines as de- ductions under other heads; if the income is a loss, it should be dealt with as a loss under
any other head.
Clause 20 This embodies the Explanation to section 8, recast in form so as to make it less complex
and state the.various aspects distinctly. ' -
'Clause 21 Item (i) gives effect to the latter part ofvsection 8. rst proviso (see notes to the clause
relating to deductions, above) Item (ii) is new. The Madras' and Bombay' High Courts have held that
expenditure pertaining to interest on tax-free securities is not deductible, while the Nagpur High
Court has taken a contrary view in C. P. and'Berar Provincial Co-operative Bank Ltd., vs. C.I.T.'.
Effect has been given to the view taken by the Bombay and Madras High Courts. ' Item (iii) is also
new and seeks to make it clear that interest paid on money borrowed for investment» in tax- free
securities isnot deductible. « 'See the criticism in'Um't¢d Commercial Bank vs. C.1. T. (1953)
241. T. R. 425.
'I Notes to clause 22 to 21 . _ Section 9 of the existing Act has been split up into separate clauses'.
The title of 'the head has been charged into '"Income from house property", because the section
deals only with that property 'and not any other immova- able property. --
In the draft, after having stated that the annual value is the basis of chargeability, the expression
"annual value" is dened. The basis of computation of annual value in the case of a tenanted building
and in the case of owner- occupied building is set out separately'. The main drafting changes are the
omission of provisos and re-arranging the section on a more logical basis. An interpretation clause
has been added. ' The detailed changes made in each clause are explain- ed below :--
Clause 22 ' The head has been changed into "Income from House property" as already explained. In
the expression "bona- tide annual value" the words "bona-de" have been omit- ted. The section
denes only "annual value" and not
2. "bona-de annual value". Section 9(2) also uses "annual value'' only. Moreover the words
"bona-de" do not in any way make the meaning clearer.
Clause 23 Sub-clause (1) :--The sub-clause corresponds to sec- tion 9(2) and no change has been
Sub--clause (2):--This is new. It seems desirable to embody some rules in the Act to furnish
guidance in deter- mining the annual value of tenanted property. The draft sub-clause tries to set
out the considerations to be borne in mind in such cases. The sub-clause, of course, does not purport
to be exhaustive, and refers only to fac- tors of importance. « Sub-clause (3) :---Deals with property
occupied by the owner. The rst para sets out, in a simple form, the provi- sion contained in section
9(2), first proviso for reduction of the annual value. The form has been changed in order to avoid all
ambiguity. The second para corresponds to the last line of section 9(2), rst proviso. The existing sec-
tion provides that the annual value shall not exceed 10 per cent. of the total income of the assessee.
Now the total income of the assessee will naturally include income from such occupied property.
The calculation of the an- nual value thus becomes a complicated mathematical pro- blem (see
formula below). It will be evident from the formula given below that the annual value so calculated
comes to 6/55 i.e., roughly 11 r cent. of the other income of the assessee. The draft, t erefore,
provides that this 11 per cent. shall be taken as the annual value. No addi- tional liability is saddled
on the assessee.
The draft seeks ..removig_this defect. The pro A ion has also been made ' ler jremoving the'referen
eg to the law authorising 4 evy o 13 etc., as A : It 344 i The formula referred to above is derived as
under :-
Suppose AV is the annual letting value of the sélf-oc- cupied property. Now, according to section
9(2) first pro- viso, the annual letting value 1'..e., AV is 10 per cent. bf the total income; or in other
Words the total income is 'ten tiomsv the annual letting value. Thus the total income' is If Y is the
Sub-clause (4) :----This corresponds to section 9(2), 2nd proviso. The following changes have been
made-- 3
(i) the word "occupied" has been replaced by "actual- ly occupied" at all places, since the proviso is
meant only for cases where, the property, though occupied, is not actually occupied by the ovéner;
(ii) the case where the property remains un-occupied for the whole year and the case where it
remains un-occupied for a part of the year have beengdealt with as separate items, for the sake of
'clarity, and the formula for computation of annual value in the latter case has been dened in clear
language. The existing expression "computed proportiqnate- ly" sounds abrupt and does not fully
express 'what is intended. ' ' Clause 24.
Sub-clause (1), Item (i):----This corresponds to s V tion '9(2), 3rd, proviso. The existing provision bis
defecti e in form, because it brin s about in a rounda out way re- sult which can be stagted directly.
The gist of the c ause is that inl the casehofulai telzjnargafsl ptr<:lpert%'},1_one half at tlge
rnunicipa axes s o e uc e . is nee n e expressed in the form- of a "deeming" provision (as s.;9(2), 3_rd
proviso, clause (a) appears to do) regarding the tenant's liability, followed by a provision (clause (b)
of the movi- so) for deduction if the tenant's liability is borne by?' the owner. i Z:
i may be added here that as a general rule, such laws make the tax payable Wholly by the owner-and
not by the ten- ant. -
Item (ii) :--The existing section' 9(1) (i) -has been split up into two parts (a) where the property is
occupied 'tained in section 9(2), 2nd Proviso, last by the owner and (b) where it is occupied by the
tenant. The two parts have been dealt with separately since in the latter case the annual value has to
be reduced by the one ' half of the deduction for municipal 'taxes. The expres- sion "reduced annual
value", has been, therefore, used for the purpose; it has been explained in the explanation at the end
of the clause. It is also made clear that the existing allowance of the one-sixth of income is in respect
of re- pairs.
Item (iii) :-The existing provision, section 9(1). (ii), is ambiguous, since the words "not exceeding
one sixth of ' such value" can be read either as applying to the "differ- ence" or to "rent". This has
been avoided by splitting up the sub-clause. The Proviso for assessment year 1951-52 has been
omitted as spent.
(ii) above).
Item (iv) :--No change has been made in the exist- ing provisions [Section 9(1) (iii)].
Item (v) :--Existing section 9(1) (iv), has been split up into four items (v) to (viii) for clarity. The
proviso is transferred to a separate clause'.
Item (1'.r)--~No change has been made in the existing section 9(1) (v). .
Item (x)--The percentage for collection charges, as prescribed by rules, has been embodied in the
Act itself. (As to the expression "reduced annual'-value" see notes un- der item (ii) above). I Item
(xi)--Verbal changes have made to im-
prove the language. (As to the expression "reduced annual value" see notes under item (ii); above.) I
Item (a:ii).---This incorporates- the: substance of the notication providing for dedpction of
irrecoverable rent.
Explanation :--(See notes:under item (ii) above). Sub-clause (2)----This gives effect to the principle
con- pline, putting it in a more conspicuous form;
1 Clause 25.
The amounts not deductible have been put 'in one clause.
Clause 26.
This clause reproduces the provisions of sub-section (3): of existing section 9 without any change.
Clause 27.
Sub-clause (ii)--reproduces the existing provision in section 9(4) (b) with the addition of the words
italicised as even a part of a building such as a at may be allot- ted on ownership basis, as very often
happens in Bombay.
Sub-clauses (iii) and (iv)---The denitions of "annual charge" and "capital charge" have been taken
from the decision of the Supreme Court in New Piece Goods Bazar Co., Ltd., Bombay vs. C.I.T.,
Bombay.' Sub-clause ('v)---gives effect to the change made by the Finance Act, 1938.
-. Section 10 of the existing Act, relating to prots and gains" ''"5'' gains of business, profession or
vocation is cumbersome in 11653 CIC.
form and illogical in arran ement. It is proposed to split up the section, so as to dea separately with
the charging provisions, deductions, amounts not deductible, and provi- sions in the nature of
The opening clause' deals with the charging provi- sions and enumerates the various categories of
income to be classied as prots and gains of business. In order to make the enumeration exhaustive,
the provisions at pre- sent contained in section 10(5A) for treating payments re- ceived for
termination of managing agency or other agen- cy etc. as prots and gains of business, have been
trans- ferred to this clause as~sub-clause (ii). For the same rea- son, the provision in existing section
10(6) regarding in- come of a trade association rendering services to its mem- bers has been
transferred to this clause as sub-clausei (iii).
Draft Explanation 1 is intended to clarify the position regarding classication of prots of managing
agency, and does not mark any departure from the present practice Draft Explanation 2
incorporates the Explanation 1 in sec- tion 24(1), as it should be appropriately placed here.
This clause gives the general scheme of arrangement of the sections in the draft dealing with prots
and? gains of business etc. The object '3 to give a bird's-eye viewof S '»...a,' ' (1950) :8 I. -T. R.» 5168.
34: b the main provisions and to enable the reader to know at a glance how they are arranged. The
inspiration for this kind of arrangement is derived from the U. S. Internal Revenue Code. ' Notes to
douse 30.
This clause deals with deduction for rents, repairs and. insurance charges for buildings.
The expression "building used for the business" has been used throughout the whole clause for
uniformity (as in the existing Section 10(2) (iv) and (ix); in contrast to "building in which business is
carried on" used in section 10 (2) (i) of the existing Act).
Draft Clause (a) (i)--C~ol1ects together the deductions allowable for premises used for the business,
where the as- sessee is a tenant.
Cases where, only a part of the premises is so used, have been dealt with separately.' Draft clause
30(a)(ii)----Dea1s with the deduction for repairs to a building, where the assessee is not a tenant.
Draft clause 30(b).----Corresponds to section 10(2)(ix), earlier part. Cases where ong a part of the
premises is. used for the business, are de t with separately.' Draft clause 30(c)--needs no comments.
This clause collects together the deductions for repairs,' etc., of machinery, plant, etc. and does not
need any com- ments, as the changes made are verbal and consequential on the scheme adopted in
the draft.
Sub-clause (1)--The various allowances in the nature of depreciation have been grouped together in
this clause. To simplify the clause and make it brie, the conditions for depreciation allowance have
been dealt-iwith in a separate clause'. In the interest of clari , the various classes ofas-V sets have
been dealt with separa 1y. i a Draft clause 32(1) (1) & (ii)--Toget '1i exhaust the first para of existing
section 10(2) (vi). V e second para of section 10(2)(vi), beginning with "andnvhere ....... .." and
ending with the words "cost thereof to:11he assessee" has been omitted, as its operation is Eimited
tab the year of erec- tion of a. building erected during the assessment years 1945- 46 to 1955-56. .
2$--l Ltw Gom.[58 As regards the proviso to existing section 10(2)(vi), clauses (a) and (c) of the
proviso have been transferred to the draft clause on conditions for depreciation'.
Clause (b) of the proviso has been transferred to the Chapter on Aggregation of income and Set off of
loss, being relevant thereto.
Item 32(1) (ii)--See notes under item (i) above. Item 32(1)(iii)---Existing section 10(2) (via) has been
simplied as follows :--
(i) The main proviso finds a place in clause (iii) while the second parenthesis (for exclusion of extra
allowance for double shift working) has been framed,as an Explanation; this will avoid interruption
in reading.
(ii) The rst parenthesis-----containing the words "(which shall be deductible in determing the
written down value)" has been omitted. Since clause (via) now forms part of "depreciation", the
allowance will naturally be de- ducted in determining the written down value under exist- ing
section 10(5) (bi).
(iii) The time for the allowance--ending on the 31st day of March 1959, has been transferred to the
clause relating to conditions for depreciation". If this deduction becomes obsolete by the time the
new Act comes into force, it may be deleted.
1. A loss on the sale of an asset is allowed as a deduc- tion. "Loss" here means the difference between
the written down value and the sale price when the latter is lower than the former;
2. A prot on such sale is counted 'as income. "Prot" here means the excess of the sale price over the
written down value. (If the sale price exceeds even the original cost, then such excess is a capital
3. In the case of asset not sold, but discarded, eto., the place of sale price is taken by its scrap value,
as increased by insurance moneys, etc., if received.
Of these propositions, No. 2 has nothing to do with deductions, and relates to income by way of
An attempt has been made to simplify the section so as to embody these propositions in_a simple
form. Simpli- cation of the section has proceeded on the following lines :-
(i) Only the "Loss" aspect has been dealt with. here. The prot aspect (2nd, 4th and 5th provisos) has
been dealt with in a separate clause relating to deemed prots'.
' Vida draft clause 34. (1) and 34 (2) (iii). ' Vida draft clause 34. (2) (ii).' ' Vidc draft clause 4.1 (2),
(ii) Unnecessary repetition has been avoided. The 3rd proviso and the main para of section
10(2)(vii) have been combined in the draft in clause 32(1) (iv), since the princi- ple is the same.
Much of the existing 4th proviso repeats parts of the 3rd proviso. The draft clause 32(1) (iv)
expresses the prin- ciple behind these two provisons in such a manner as to render repetition
unnecessary in the draft for the fourth proviso'. .
(iii) Simplicity in expression in general has been at- tempted. For example, the 3rd proviso at
present says that where insurance, etc., moneys are received, then the amount by which the
difference between the written down value and the scrap value exceeds the amount of insurance
moneys is allowed as a deduction. This merely embodies the simple proposition (vide proposition
3rd above), that in- surance -moneys are added to the scrap value.
Written down value minus scrap value minus Insu- rance--Allowed deduction (Shifting "scrap
value", this be- comes) ~ ' Written down value minus' (Scrap value+Insurance)= Allowed deduction.
The draft adopts the second formula. Sub-clause (2)--needs no comments.- Notes to clause 33.
Existing section 10(2)(vib) has been incorporated here. An important change has been made with
reference to the year in respect of which the development rebate is to be allowed. The existing
section allows it only for the year of acquisition or installation; but it seems desirable to allow the
rebate in the next year, if the ship or machinery is ac- tually put to use in the next year.
The proviso to existing section 10(2)(vib) has been transferred to a separate clause relating to
conditions for depreciation and development rebate'.
The changes made by the Finance Act, 1958, have been given effect to.
Sub-clause (1)--The' provisos to section 10(2) (vi) and section 10(2)(vib) of the existing Act lay down
that the de- duction under these clauses is to be allowed only if the pres- cribed particulars are
furnished. Thedraft embodies this requirement and extends it to deductions under existing section
10(2)(via) and 1G(2)(vii) also, since these cases should stand on the same footing so far as the point
under discussion is concerned. ' ' Draft clause 4.1 (2).
Sub-clause (2)--1t2m (i)----Is new. It embodies a provi- sion contained at premnt in the rules [vide
Rule 8, First and Second Provisos, Indian Income-tax Rules, 1922], as to depreciation for user for
part of the year.' Item (ié)----Incorporates the limitation contained in the last line of existing section
10(2) (via). If the deduction it. self becomes obsolete, this might have to be deleted."
Item (11ii)--Corresponds to existing section 10(2)(vi), proviso (C), under which the aggregate
allowance for de- preciation should not exceed the original cost. The existing section applies to the
allowances under section 10(2) (vi) and 10(2)(via) only. The draft will cover section 10(2)
(vii). also, since it culd not have been the intention of the legislature to exclude that allowance from
the rule that the aggregate of such allowances should not exceed the original cost.
Item (iv)--Where an asset is sold etc., in the previous year, the allowance under section 10(2)(vii)
will be suffici- ent and there will be no need for an allowance under:exist- ing section 10(2)(vi) or
10(2)(via). The draft provision has therefore been added to avoid a double allowance. Since the draft
was prepared. the Finance Act. 1958, has also in- corporated this provision. in the Act. But it would,
seem that "furniture" should not be subject to the restriction em- bodied in this clause, since
existing section 10(2) (vii) does not apply to furniture. The draft retains "furniture" in view of the
Finance Act. but the matter requires to be con~ sidered. ' Sub-clause (3)--A part of existing section
10(2)§(vib), as amended by the Finance Act, 1958, has been inco orat- ed here. The changes are
mostly verbal and 'cons,quen-- tial; but an important point which requires to be mdntion- ed is,
that, the words "and if any gush ship, machinery or plant is sold .......... ..", occurring in the latter half
of the proviso to existing section 10(2)|(Vib) have, in the draft, been taken as applicable to all ships
etc., in respect of which development rebate has been obtained, and not conned to the ships etc. to
which clause (b) of that proviso applies. This wider interpretation seems in consonance With section
35(ll) (as inserted by the Finance Act, 1958) which is appli- cable to all ships etc. The provisions
contained in existing section 10(2l3) and (2C) have been omitted in the draft. It is understood that
Government does not want to enforce these provisions for the future: in any case. the 'changes made
in existing sec- tion 10(2)(vib) render these provisions superuous, at least so far as development
rebate ls concerned.
1 See also last para of qotcs to claquse 38. ' See also notes to dra clause 32 (iii). ' .3 'J Notes to clause
(ii) and,(.iii) represent section 10(2) (xiii), which has been broken _ for' clarity. Item (iv)
corresponds to section 10(3)(x1v , re ating to allowance for capital expenditure o_n scientic
research. For simplicity, the broad principle for allowing such expenditure as a deduction, embodied
in existing section 10(2)(xiv), first para, earlier portion, has been embodied here. The rest of the
provisions of section 10(2)(xiv), and its provisos deal with (i) detailed conditions and provisions for
deduction, or (ii) rules regarding prot on sale of the asset or (ii) interpretation. These have been
dealt with separately.' Sub-clause (2)---Item (i) & Eacp1anat1l<m.----These cor- respond to the
existing provisions in section 10(2)(xiv), rst para and first proviso. An attempt has been made to
simplify the expression and make it direct. No change has been made in the substance. As the
allowance is granted in both cases (t'.e., whether the expenditure was incurred before or after
commencement of business), it will suffice to say so. without making separate elaborate provision
for the two cases.
The draft Explanation states the rst Proviso in a different form, which is positive.
Item (z'i)----needs no comment, except that the affirma- tive provision in existing section 10(2)(xiv),
2nd Proviso
(a) (ii), has been made to precede the negative provision in section 10(2)(xiv), 2nd Proviso, (a) (i).
The deduction allowed under this item takes the lace of the 1 /5th in item
Item (v)--Correspondens to the earlier portion of sec- tion l0(2)(xiv), 2nd Proviso (e). The latter
portion has been transferred to the interpretation clause.' Sub-clause (3)--needs no comments. The
contents of the Explanation to section 10(2) (xiv), have been transfer- red to the interpretation
clause.' ' Sub-clause (4)--needs no comments. Notes to clause 36.
Sub-clause (2)--Item (i)--needs no comments except that the wording in the existing section
>10(2)(x), proviso, has been sought to be improved. The existing phrase, "the 1 Vid d ft clause 35(2)
and d aft clau ' 41(3) S '2(5) respectively. ' Vid: drift clause 42(1), Explnation I?! * ' Vida draft clause
42(5). 4 amount is of a reasonable amount" unnecessarily repeats the word "amount".
Item (iz)--This is new and has been added to help an assessee to get a deduction where bonus is paid
in ursu- ance of any award of an industrial or other tribuna even if the amount is not reasonable,
that is to say, even if the condfiitigns in the existing section 10(2)(x), proviso, are not satis e .
(iii). The proviso has been transferred to the clause on amounts not deductible', in order to simplify
the sub-clause and make the arrangement logical.
Sub-clause (4)--Section 58R, rst para, which pertains to the deduction of the contribution of an
employer to an approved superannuation fund, should really nd a refer- encfe amongst deductions,
and has therefore been referred to ere. = Sub-clause (5)--needs no comments.
The Opening lines--Instead of the words "bad and doubtful debts" the words "debts or parts thereof
that are estab- lished to have become bad debts" have been used. The word "doubtful" is
unnecessary and does not add anything to what is conveyed by "bad".
Item (i)----A condition has been added that the debt must have been taken into account in
computing the in- come for an earlier year. This follows section 11(1)(e) of the Canadian Income-tax
Act and section 63(1)(a) of the Australian Income-tax Act.
Item (ii)----The requirement expressed by the _words "not exceeding the amount actually written
off" etc.. ap- pearing at the end of existing section 10(2) (xi), rst para, has been given here the shape
of a condition.
First Proviso--This embodies the latter half of the existing proviso. [The earlier half of the existing
proviso deals with "prot". not "deduction", and is therefore trans- ferred to a separate clause".]
Second Prom'so--is intended to meet a case like this :
A debt is written o in the accounting year 1957-58. At the time of the assessment for that year, the
Income-tax Ofcer does not allow it as a deduction, on the ground that it is not yet established to
have become a bad debt. But when the assessment for a subsequent accounting year, say 1958-59,
takes place, the Income-tax Oicer has no- doubt 1 Draft clause 40(3) (i). l ' Draft clause 41(4).
left as toits irrecoverability then. The debt will be treat- ed as a bad debt for the account year
1958-59, and the mere fact that it was written off in an earlier year should not bar the grant of a
This result could have been brought about by suitable words in draft item (ii) also (e.g., by adding
"or earlier previous year" there). But a proviso has been preferred in order to avoid obscurity.
The existing section uses the words "not being an al- lowance of the nature described" elsewhere;
the word "al- lowance" has, in the draft, been replaced by the word "ex- penditure" which is more
appropriate in the context.
Sub--clause (1)--The limitation contained in existing section 10(2), Proviso, regarding deduction for
rent where a part of the premises is used as a dwelling house, has been incorporated here in para (a).
Similar limitation regard- ing deduction for repairs, contained in existing section 10(2_)(ii), Proviso,
has been embodied in para (b).
In draft para (a), the annual value of the part used for the business has been mentioned, in
preference to the an- nual value of the part used as a dwelling house men- tioned in the existing
section, as the former seems to be a more direct way of stating the rule.
The words "as the Income-tax Oicer may determine" do not occur in the existing section 10(2) (ii),
proviso, but have been added in draft para (b) to make the matter clear and to have uniformity (Cf.
existing section 10(2)(i), Pro-
Sub-clause (2).--Existing section 10(2) (ix), provides for deduction for» land revenue etc. and says
that the deduc- tion is for that "part" of the premises which is used for the business. The provision
for deduction has already been dealt with in the draft clause on deductions. The present draft
sub-clause deals with the limitation regard- ing "part".
The provision has been made more elaborate, on the lines of existing section 10(2)(i), Proviso (See
notes to sub-clause (1) above).
[Logically speaking. draft sub-clause (1), for section 10(2) (i) and (ii) Proviso (for deduction for rents
and re- pairs where a part of the premises is used as residence) should also be framed on the same
lines as draft sub-clause (2). The existing provision op these bints is conned to cases where a part is
used as ;a "dwélyiflg house". It does not deal with a case where the part is used not as a dweI- ' ling
house but for some otherpurpose not connected 'with the business. However, no change has been
made in this respect in draft sub-clause (1), in order to avoid any al- teration in tax liability.]
Sub-clause (3)--corresponds to existing section- 10(3). The word "wholly" has been replaced by the
word "exclu- sively". It has been held' that the words "not wholly .... .." mean that the building is not
used exclusively for the purposes of the business, but for other purposes also. (These words, the
court held, have nothing to do with the period of user during the previous year.) The draft gives
effect to this decision.
The section has also been made more elaborate: by providing that the Income-tax Officer is to
determine' the amount with reference to the extent to which the user was for the purpose of the
It must have been noticed that the Act does not deal with all cases of partial user in the context of
deduc- tions.
(i) Space, i.e., only a part of the building is used for the business; 3
(ii) purpose, i.e., only some of the purposes of the user are business purposes; or .
(iii) duration, i.e., the building is used only for a part of the previous year.
(Moreover. there may be. partiality both in point of space and time, time and duration, and so on.)
The Act deals with (i) and (ii) only, and that too only for certain kinds of deductions. It does not deal
in so many words with (iii). The draft also does not gt) be- yond the Act, except that a earlier clause'
embodies a provision contained in the r es regarding user which is partial in point of duration.
Notes to clause 39. _i No change has been made in existing section 32 Notes to clause 40.
This clause collects together all amounts"not deduc- tible in computing the prots and gains of
business, etc. The scheme adopted is to proceed from the general to special. Thus, rules common to
all assessees come rst ' [para. (a)], while those applicable to particular kinds of assessees are placed
after them. ' z ' C. I. T. vs. Dalmia cnt Ltd. ;I(Ip4.5) r3 l.'P.R. 415. ' Sec draft clause 34(2) ). ,4 P
- I i ' (Q?
m% .
Para (a)-
Item (t)--An attempt has been made to simplify the language. The last 17 words of the existing
section 10(2)
(iii) Proviso, relating to interest paid to a partner have been oitnitted, as para (b) of present draft
clause will cover 1 .
Items (iii) & (iv)---need no comments except that zslight verbal changes have been made to secure
-ed in item (ii) in order to make it clear that moneys ac- tually spent (by a person having a
substantial interest in .a company) are also excluded from deductions.
Para (d)--embodies the last line of clauses (a) and (b) of the Explanation to existing section 8. The
bar against double deduction of such amounts has been embodied in "the draft for that section,' but
has been repeated here in order to make the list exhaustive.
There are provisions scattered 'at. various places in :section 10, enacting that a certain amount shall
be treated as a» prot of business and taxed accordingly. An attempt has been made here to collect all
of them together.
Sub--clause (2)--is an attempt to state in a simple form "the propositions embodied in the second
and the fourth "provisos to section 10(2)(vii). The second proviso is con- ned to assets which are
sold and bling prots, while the fourth proviso deals with assets which are discarded etc., and bring
prots. The' draft sub-clause (read with the draft Explanation 1) combines both th'ese_cases.
It must, of course, be noted that the existing fourth proviso is highly involved in language, and does
not dis- close easily the rule that is to be ap lied. But there can 'be no doubt that the true rule is
is--t-hat if the scrap value plus the amount of insurance 'moneys etc., exceeds the written down
value, then the excess is taxed as a "business prot to the extent to which the original cost is not
The proviso as drafted is faithful,to this rule. More- »over, it avoids the ambiguity arising from the
existing words "so much of the excess as does not exceed the dif- fference between the original.cost a
.the written down ~v_alue less the scrap valug". [Th flmbiguity arises by E . -.
reasonof the fact that the word "less" can be read either with (1) excess, or with (11) difference, or
with (iii) written
ed to show how each part of the proviso has been dealt with in the proposed draft.
1. "Provided futher . . . . . .exceeds the I. The italicised words are unneces- diiference between the
written down sary, since deduction is allowed only value and the scrap value no amount where the
written down value is not shall be allowed under this clause." exceeded. (See existing Sec. 10(2)
0. "and so much of the excess shall be 2. Incorporated in the} present draft deemed to be profits".
3. "and so much of the excess as does not exceed the deference between the orz'_gz'nal cast and the
written down value less the scrap value."
sub-clause (2).
3. 'l'het:ue rule behind the italicised words has been incorporated in a.. simplied form in the present
draft sub-clause (2), as already explained in the notes.
Sub-clause (3)----needs no comments. The changes" are only verbal. The words "Whether during
the conti- nuance of the business" have been added in order to clarify the scope of the provision, on
the lines of the existing sec- tion 10(2)(vii), 2nd Proviso.
Sub-clause (4)------The addition of the words "or part of' debt" is consequential on the draft adopted
for the main para of section 10(2)(xi»). Other changes are verbal.
This clause groups together all provisions in the na- ture of the denition or interpretation, relevant
to profits. and gains of bdsiness etc. Sub-clause (1)--
Explanation 2.----Existing section 10(5) (c) provides that in the case of an asset acquired by the
assessee by gift or' inheritance, its written down value shall be the Written down value in the case of
the previous owner or the market value (whichever is less). The provision thus appears as' a part of
the denition of "written down value"; but it would be more appropriate to place it as a part the
denition of actual cost. What is intended is the tiom of a notional gure of actual cost and not a
notional rgure t of written down value as such. The written down value of an asset is an amount that
is constantly diminishing, and" cannot be frozen at the gure of written down value of the previous
owner, as the existing section purports to do. The real object is to invent an "actual cost" (because a.
person acquiring property by gift and not paying anything for it does not, actually, incur any cost).
The provision has therefore been placed as an Expla- nation under the denition of actual cost, with
suitable verbal changes.
Explanation 3: The only change made in existing sec- tion 10(5)(a), lst Proviso, is to add, after the
word 'busi- ness', the words 'profession or vocation' to make the pro- vision comprehensive. (Cf.
existing section l0(5)(a), 2nd Proviso).
Explanation 4: Existing section 10(5)(a), 2nd Proviso, has been transferred to the denition of
actualcost, since it pertains to that topic. A few verbal changes have been: made to simplify the
Sub-clauses ,(2) and (3)----need no comments, except that it is made clear that ships are included in
Sub--clause (4)----is new. The word "received" has been sought to be dened on the lines of the
existing denition of "paid" in section 10(5), rst para, so as to cover not only cash receipts, but also
receipts according to the method of accounting. The denition is, of course, conned to the provisions
dealing with prots from business [e.g. section
(xiv), Explanation. ' The only change made is in item (iii)(b), where, at the e3d_, tthe' Vif1O11')dS
_"businesfs tohf 'thalt classf' hczlalvelbeen %hang- e in o a usinesses o a c ass on e ines o ara.
(a) of the same item. , - p Sub-clause (6)--needs no comments Sub-clause-(7), Para (a)---The
provisos to existing sec- tion 10(5)(a) have been shifted to the denition of "actual cost", for the
reasons given above in the notes relating to draft sub-clause (1), Explanations 3 and 4.
Para (b) and Prom'so--need no comments. « Explanation 1.--Corresponds to the second proviso to
section 10(5)(b)_. The form has been changed. The exist-
ing provision says that in cases of succession to business, ' the actual cost referred to in the main
part (denition of "written down value") shall be the costto the predecessor in business. The effect of
th' is, the written down value that would have been adopte¥ in the , lie of the predecessor 'E--Capital
.in business will be regarded as the written down value of the asset even in the hands of She
successor. This effect has been sought to be brought about more directly in' the 'pro- vision as
Clause (c)--of_the existing denition of written down value has been shifted to thedenition of "actual
Eacplanatton 3.--embodies existing section 10(5), Ex- planation, latter half, without any change. , '
Notes to clause 43.
This is a new clause. There is some doubt as to whe- ther the residences constructed for employees
are buildings used for the purposes of the business or not. The adminis- trative instructions
appearing on page 447 of the Income- "tax Manual, 10th Edition, are as follows :--
"Buildings belonging to the owner of a business and used by him in order to house his employees are
buildings used for the purpose of business where the occupation by the employees of property
owned by the employer who carried on a business is subservient to and necessary for the
performance of their duties. In any other event such buildings would be chargeable under section 9
irrespective of the fact whether any rent is paid by the employees or not."
The instructions. which appear to be in accordance with the strict legal position, aresought to be
codied by this clause.
The provisions regarding insurance business, contain- ed in the existing Schedule, have been placed
in the ;draft First Schedule, but Rule 9 of the existing Schedule has been placed here in view of its
importance. [For a de- nition of "mutual insurance company", see the South African Income-tax Act,
1941, First Schedule, para 2(ti).] Notes to clause 45.
Existing section 12B has been split up into several sec- tions in the draft, in order to facilitate its
understanding. The charging provision comes rst, followed by the year of charge and mode f comp' '
tion of the gains. D ailed provisions for xing e cost' the asset follow nex , and provisions, in the no of
1 mption come at the e 359' Draft clause 45.--The changes made are verbal only. The existing words
"the tax shall be payable" have been replaced by the words ....... .."shall be chargeable to in-
come-tax" as in other sections. The words "save as other-- wise provided" have been added merely
as a drafting im- provement. ~ The existing reference to the date 31st March, 1956, has been omitted
as obsolete.
But it has been made clear that the transaction must have been effected "in the previous year".
Though this might amount to a repetition of a provision already con- tained in the Act, namely, that
income chargeable as capi- tal gains is deemed to be the income of the previous year in which the
transaction took place,' still such clarica- tion appears to be useful in the main section also.
This clause xes the previous year to which the income should be related.
Existing section 12B(1), 1st proviso, and earlier part of the 2nd proviso, have been combined
together. The latter part of the 2nd proviso really appertains to the denitions. of "actual cost" and
"writtendown value" and is placed there. ' Sub-clause (i)--needs no comments.
Sub-clause (ti)--The existing provision reads "any dis-- tribution ............. .. under a deed of gift". The
term "dis--
tribution" may not, it is apprehended, cover a gift to a single donee. It has, therefore,_ been replaced
by "transfer". The words "deed of" have been omitted, so as to include- oral gifts.
Sub--clause (iti)--The existing provision requires that' the subsidiary company should be "registered
under the In- dian Companies Act, 1956". (Before it; amendment in 1956, the wording was
"registered under the Indian Companies Act, 1913".) Obviously, however. the intention is that the
subsidiary company should be an "Indian company". The wording has been changed acdordingly. (It
may be noted, that the existing wording wogild, if "construed strictly, ex» clude companies
registered under a pie-1956 law, and this" narrows down the scope. On the other hand, it would
slight- ly widen the scope by being? silent about the- registered office being in India--a requ
ementimentioned expressly in the denition of "Indian co'rnpany".) 7 Notes to clause 48.
Sub-clause (1)---Item (i);-The wards "wholly and ex- clusively" have been substituted for the existing
word' "solely". This will secure uniformity: in language with analogous provisions, e.g., exifting
seqtiion 10(2)(xv).
Item (ii)--Existing section 12B(2)(ii) speaks of "the actual cost to the assessee of the capital asset"
(with certain inclusions and exclusions) being deducted from the consideration. But there are cases
where "actual costs" is replaced by written down value, e.g., see existing section , 12B(1), 2nd
proviso. In some cases, it is replaced by the fair market value, see section 12B(2), 3rd proviso.
Further. the amounts to be added to the actual cost (as representing improvements) vary in various
cases, according to the date of acquisition of the asset etc. In order to cover all these cases, it seems
desirable to use some convenient expression to denote the deductible cost. The expression "statutory
cost" has been used for the purpose. The manner of arriv- ing at the statutory cost is dealt with
separately for' the sake of simplicity.
As to the amounts spent on improvements (additions and alterations), they have not been
mentioned in the draft in the present clause, but have been dealt with elaborately in the draft clauses
to follow,' explaining in detail what is "statutory cost" in various situations. The reason is, that the
date after which the improvements should have been made will vary in various situations. To take
an example, where the fair market value of the asset on 1st January, 1954, is substituted under
existing section 12B(2), 3rd pro- viso, it is only improvements made after 1st January, 1954 that can
be taken into account, and it would not suice to say that improvements made after acquisition by the
as- sessee will be added to the actual cost.
This clause enumerates the various modes by which a person might have acquired a capital asset
which he sub- sequently transfers for consideration. The various modes enumerated in this section
are contained in section 12B it- self and are grouped in the clause for the purpose of clarity.
In the following clauses' the method of calculating the statutory cost of the capital asset is laid down.
Assets for which depreciation allowance is admissible have been dealt with separately. The rules for
depreciable and non--depreciable assets differ; e.g., (i) in the case of de- preciable assets, the written
down value is taken as the ac- tual cost in ordinary cases; (ii) even where the assets are ac- quired
before 1-1-1954 and" the market value on that date is substituted. subsequent depreciation has to be
-cable or irrevocable trus ", since there is no reason for differ- entiating between the two;
The cost of an asset to be allowed for the purpose of computing capital gains can be described as
made up of the following ingredients :--
(ii) written down value or (iii) in certain special cases, the fair market value on a certain date.
(d) Adjustment for prots assessed or losses deducted under section l0(2)(vii), 3rd and 4th provisos.
The existing section mentions all these ingredients while dealing with the normal situations covered
by section 12B (2)(ii) and 2nd proviso, but does not do so when dealing with certain special
situations. In the draft. however. it has been considered desirable to make the provision for each
situation elaborate and to state all the applicable ingredients.
The scheme adopted in the clause is to deal in separate sub-clauses with the mode of statutory cost
according to the mode of acquisition. (The modes of acquisition have been classied in a preceding
clause).' Sub-clause (1)----
-substituted for the existing words "actual cost", as being more appropriate. Incidentally, the
expression "actual cost" might give rise to the impression that the denition of that expression in
section 10(5) is applicable here also.
As to the expression "cost of improvements" see the interpretation clause at the end of this group.
Para. (b)----The existing section creates a slight diffi- culty in understanding it, because it combines
two things in one, namely, (1) where the capital asset became the property of the assessee before 1st
January, 1954, and (2) where it became the property of the previous owner be- fore the 1st January,
1954. The draft separates these two situations and deals with them separately for the sake of clarity.
The existing provision requires that the fair market value should be "proved" to the satisfaction of
the Income- tax Oicer. This requirement has been omitted, as it is im- plied in all proceedings before
the Income-tax Oicer.
/ Sub-clause (2) and subsequentsub-clauses----do not need any detailed comments. The various
ingredients constitu- ting the statutory cost have been embodied,' here.
This relates to the determination of statutory cost of depreciable assets. The expression "adjusted"
has been coin- ed as a short expression to convey the prots assessed and losses deducted under
existing section 10(2)(vii), 3rd and 4th provisos. It has been dened in the interpretation section
pertaining to this group of sections.' We think however, that it would be more convenient to adopt a
simple formula for arriving at the actual'cost instead of the elaborate provisions now contained.
Either the market value on the date of acquisition if acquired be- fore 1-1-1954 or the market value
on 1-1-1954 at the 0 tion of the assessee may be adopted, whatever be the mo e of acquisition. In
other cases the market value on the date of acquisition may be taken. Adjustments may be made to
arrive at the statutory cost.
The verbal changes made are consequential on the. pro- visions for arriving at the cost of the asset
as re-drafted.» Notes to clause 53.
This is new.
Where a capital asset is given in exchange, the qonsi- deration received by the assessee will itself be
an asset;(i.e., in kind and not in cash). Some rule for estimating the value of such consideration
appears to be necessary. _ The draft clause takes the fair market value of the asselt re- ceived by the
assessee, as the basis.
Paragraphs (a) and (b) are intended to deal with cases where the transaction is not a pure exchange
of asset; and the assessee receives or gives something (usually money) in addition to the thing
received or' given in exchange.
This deals with the case where the consideration stated in the deed of sale etc. is low. a An important
departure has been made from the exist- ing provision. Existing section 12B(2), 1st proviso, applies
to cases where the transaction entered into with a person 'directly or indirectely' connected with the
assessee. This does not appear to be necessary and has been omitted.
1 See notes above " Cenaal ". , I The elaborate provisi ofscct' ' fa B, (3), Brevin at an ' for
improvements are regarded impplitieafor dcpreciablé assets. \ \ . 2 The draft clause has, further,
been limited to cases where the actual consideration is not correctly give-n in the deed. The power
should not extend -'to cases where the gogsiideration, though law, has been correctly recited in the e
The question of transferring this to the chapter on "Exclusions from Total Income" was considered,
by us, but we thought it more appropriate to retain it here.
"Adjusted"-----Existing section 12B(2), 2nd proviso says that in the case of depreciable assets, the
cost of the assets (Le. the written down value) has to be adjusted by losses deducted or prots
assessed under existing section 10(2)(vii), 3rd and 4th provisos. Even in cases where the fair market
value on a certain date is substituted, this deduction has to be made. ' In order to avoid the necessity
of repeating the words "diminished by losses and increased by prots" frequently, the substantive
draft clauses' for calculating the statutory cost use the short expression "adjusted", and the present
clause seeks to dene it.
"Cost of improvement".--Existing section 12B(2)(ii) says that the actual cost of an asset shall include
expendi- ture of a capital nature on additions or alterations to the asset. Even in cases where the
actual cost is to be replaced by the. fair market value as on a certain date, improvements subsequent
to that date have to be taken into account.
In order to avoid the necessary of repeating the lengthy expression "expenditure of a capital nature"
etc., the sub- stantive draft clauses use the short expression "cost of any improvements", and the
present clause seeks to dene it.
The existing provision, section 12B(2)(ii), last lines, specically excludes expenditure deductible
under other heads. * ' Notes to clause 58.
'Clause 58 This clause deals ith income taxable under the resi- F. I duary head "Income rom other
sources". Sub-clause' (1) (,0; "$12: embodies the general principle, while sub--clause (2) lists
sourées. some specic items deserving special mention.
24---l Law Com. 58 Sub-clause (1)--The language adopted is in conformity with that adopted in the
draft for the other heads i(e.g., Salaries). The words "which may be included in his 'total income"
have been omitted, as unnecessary. Under exist- ing sections 3 and 4, it is only income forming part
of "total income" that is subject to tax. V Therefore the words "Which may be included in the total
income" are to be read into each section dealing with a head of income, and need not be repeated in
every section.
Items (ii) and (iii) are, in form, new; but sub-sections (3) and (4) of existing section 12 imply that
such income is taxed under the residuary head. This implication has' been made express in the draft.
(1) The proposition contained in the earlier p it tion, providing that a dividend is deemed to be the
income 'f the previous year in which it is paid, credited etc. ' (2) The provision for grossing up of
dividends contain- ed in the latter part and proviso.
The proposition at No. (1) above has been em ' died in a separate draft clause,' being one of the
clauses deal- ing with deemed incomes. § The provision at No. (2) above forms the subject- 1 tter of
the present draft clause. . § Sub-clause (1)--is introductory in nature. ~ , Sub-clause (2)--The
grossing up of dividends is ' diffi- cult procedure. The question of requiring comp es to deduct tax
from dividends can be considered, on th lines of S. 184-186 of the U. K. Act:a:nd sections 43 and 49 f
the Ceylon Act. The recommendations of the Taxatio En- quiry Commission on the subject' may also
be seen.3;
On the assumption that the present provision is to be retained, sub-clause (2) attempts to state the
rule g - ing grossing up in the formfoif a formula. The e ' ting section states the rule in an indirect
manner; the w rding "such amount as would. if i1_loome--tax etc. were d ucted therefrom, be equal
to the amount of the dividend " eates some difficulty in actual application, because itbegin with an
unknown. The draft formula, though appearin com- plex on account of symbols, is not so difcult to
app y.
' Vida draft clause 8. ,7 l ' T. E. Report, Vol. 111., Chapt1} ix, Paragraphs :8-'25, :56-:58 . I 5 ' ' 365
The draft expresses the meaning of the clause in the form of a simple mathematical formuia, (The
method of adopting such formula is not novel and is to be found in the South African Income-tax
Act.) The formula is explained below 2--
\ "If G is the amount as grossed up, D the amount of the . : net (zle. actual) dividend, and R the rate
of income-tax ap- 5.
plicable to the company expressed as a percentage, then, the existing rule is that-
.. = __ (byi transpo- ' :e., G ------R------- 3. D I --_ 10.0 ioo--R ' Now G is composed of the net
amount of the dividepd, plus the increase; a ' roo)<D i.e.-, G = D + Increase = roo---R , ' xooD gr
posit-3 or Increase = ------------------ ---- D . _ ) , 1oo--R Now, if D on the extreme right hand is
expressed in terms of fraction of 100-R, then, 100D D (roo--- R) Increase = --j----- . -- -----~--------'
- roo-R roo--R 100 D ---[1ooD--RD i.e., Increase = -------------:-----------+,- 1 . roo----R 'L RD ' i.e.,
Increase = roo--R Therefore the gross dividend is the actual dividend plus the increase so arrived at.
Sub-clause (3)-----This is based on the existing proviso to section 16(2). The expression 'sum" been
replaced in the draft by the expression " d" p i h is more appro- priate in the context. _ ' . 2 Notes to
clause 60.
Deductions (pertaining to income from other sources) have been made the subject--matter of a
separate clause, as has been done in the case of income under other heads, e.g. prots of business.
Item (ii)--Existing sections 12(3) and 12(4) provide that where machinery etc. is let on hire, the
assessee shall be "entitled to allowances" in accordance with the provisions of section 10(2), clauses
(iv) to (vii). Now, these clauses of section 10(2) provide for two things :--
(2) Charging of 'tax on prots on sale, destruction etc. of assets (Section 10(2)(vii), 3rd and 4th
' Logically, therefore, section 12(3) and 12(4) are to be construed as adopting not only the provisions
for deductions but also those for prots, in the clauses referred to. ' The provisions for deductions are
incorporated in the draft item under discussion. The words "so far as may be" have been added,
since these provisions may not t in, word ' by word in respect of income from other sources. ther
verbal changes are consequential on the scheme a pted in the draft for existing section 10(2)(iv) to
So much of section 10(2)(vii) as deals with the charging of tax on prots arising from sale etc. has
been em 'odied in the separate draft clause to follow, entitled " rots chargeable to tax". ' \ Item
(iii)--Instead of the present wording "solely for the purpose of ..... ..... .." the words "wholly and
exclu- sively" have been used, to secure uniformity with the lan- guage of existing section 10(2)(xv).
Amounts not deductible have been dealt with separate- ly in this clause. 1 Sub-clause (a)--Item (i)
needs no comments'. 'In items (ii) and (iii) minor verbal changes have been made on the lines of
changes in the corresponding provisio s for income under other heads, (e.g. see the draft for existing
section 10(2)(iii), Proviso). 3 ' Sub--clause (b)----Section 12(5), in part, provides that the provisions
of existing section 10(4A) apply to income; from other sources as they apply to income from
business. Since section 10(4A) relates to amounts disallowed as deductions, this part of section 12(5)
nds a place here.
. The rest of exist" g secti n 12(5) is incorporated the clause, to follow, dez:fi'.r\g wit; prots
chargeable to 1 fl :' -- V Notes to clause 62.
Sub-clause (1)---needs no comments. Sub-clause (2)--See notes under draft clause entitled
Existing section 16(1)(c) deals with two kinds of trans- fers: '(1) transfer of income only, without
transfer of the corpus, and (2) revocable transfer of the corpus. In order to prevent the two kinds of
transfers being mixed up, it is ' considered desirable to separate the two into two sec-
The draft clause under discussion deals with the rst kind of transfer. The existin section uses the
words "set- tlement or disposition" and en goes on to dene these words as including, besides other
things,' "disposition" (see second proviso). For the sake of brevity, only the word "transfer" has been
used in the draft throughout the group of clauses incorporating section l6(1)(c). The word 'trans- fer'
has been dened separately.
The existing section contains the words "from assets re- maining the property of the settlor or
disponer".. These words do not easily convey the exact meaning. The obvi- ous intention is to refer
to a case where there is no trans- fer of the property from which the income arises. This is made
clear in the draft.
Provisos 1 and 3 to the existinglsection l6(l)(c) are framed in wide language so as to convey the
impression that they are applicable to transfers of mere income also. But since transfers of mere
income Gthat is, transfers co- vered by the draft clause under discussion) fall within the section
"whether revocable or not", it seems incongruous to give any denition of "revocable" in respect of
such transfers. It could not have been the intention that if the transfer'of income is itself irrevocable,
then the section will not apply. The rst and third provisos should therefore' be connedlto transfers of
cor us, being revocable. The cor- responding draft clauses' ac ordingly narrow down the scope. -
One or two verbal changes have been made, which do not need any comments. ' .-
Notes to clause 65.» The existing provision, i.e., section 16(1)(c), third provi- so, applies only to
"settlement or disposition". It does not mention "transfer", but obviously all transfers of corpus are
also covered by the proviso, since the main para. of section 16(1)(c), latter part, speaks of "revocable
transfer of assets", and the proviso is intended to save certain trans-
fers which, though revocable, are not revocable for a certain period. Hence the draft mentions
Sub-clause (1)--The existing provision speaks of a set- tlement etc. which is not revocable during the
life-time of the "person". This "person" is obviously the transferee (see the opening line of the
existing section 16(1)(c) which be- gins with "all income arising to any person"). This has been made
clear in the draft in para. (a). In the case-of a transfer by way of trust, the transferee, that is, the
person to whom the income arises, is in theory, the trustee, but in substance the beneciary. This has
also been specically ' provided for in the draft.
Sub-clause (2)--The verbal changes made are conse- quential. - / Notes 'to clause 66.
Retransfer of "income", mentioned in the existing sec- tion and also in the draft, will be applicable
Where, though the transfer is of corpus, the income is retransferable or resumable.
The denition of "settlement or disposition", contained in the second proviso, has beenreplaced by a
denitio' of transfer. The denition of "settler or disponer" co ain- ed in the existing second proviso,
does not seem to be necessary. The intention behind the denition, probably, was to clarify that in the
case of a settlement by two or more persons, each of the settlors is regarded as asettlor. It is
unnecessary to have such a provision by way of specific denition.
The words "being a male" have been added afte "an individual". The reason is, that the provision in
que tion applies only to males as is now settled by the Sup eme Court". , Item (i)----The existing
sections 16(3)(a) and 16(3)(b) both begin with the words "so much of the income". This is provided
in the draft clause, opening lines, by the Words "all such income", and repetition in the item
corresponding to section 16(3)(b) has been avoided. 6 ' Sec notes to draft clause' 63 and 6 - l
' S The signicance of section 16(3) lies in the principle that the income of one person (wife, child etc.)
is regarded as the income of another person. In other words, the income arising to A is attributed to
B. This has been brought out directly in the draft by commencing each item with words "to his wife"
etc. (The existing items begin with words de- noting the property and not the person).
The words "her husband" have been replaced by "such individual" for the sake of precision.
The Words "of which" a person is a partner, have been replaced by "in which", as being morehappy
in the context. ' Items (ii), (iii) & (iv)--See notes to item (i).
Item (v)--The existing section 16(3)(b), while speak- ing of "minor child", does not exclude the case
of a married daughter. But an exception should be made for married daughters here also, as has
been made by the existing sec- tion 16(3)(a), item (iv), since there is no reason for not having the
same provision in both the cases. The words "not being a married daughter" have, therefore, been
ad- ded in the draft. -
Incomes on which income,-tax is not payable have been dealt with in a separate Chapter. Sin'_ce_
such incomes form part of the total income for purposes of rate etc., this clause states'that rule
clearly. V Notes to/clause 69.
Sub-clause (1)---Existing section 16(1) (b), dealing with the method of computing the share of the
partner in the income of the rm, presents some difficulties. In the rst place, the words "increased or
decreased respectively by his share in the balance of the prots or loss after the deduction of any
interest, salary, commission or other re- muneration payable to any partner, in respect of the pre-
vious year" create some ambiguity. 38 it is not clear whe- ther the words "after the deduction" are to
be read with "his share" or with "ba1ance"ror with "prots or loss of the rm". Secondly, the Words
"increased or decreased res- pectively" leave some scope for impyqvement and simpli- cation.
Lastly, the section is a bit rvolved. An attempt has, therefore, been made to recast the provision and
'state the mode of computing the share step by step.
The direction to deduct interest etc. payableto any partner, contained in the existing section, is
obviously necessary, in view of the fact that existing section 10(4)(b) disallows the deduction of any
payment by way of interest etc. made by the firm to a artner.,What section 16(1)(b) does is to
authorise this ded ction positive provision, when computing the partner' share. ' V i E :
The existing expression "prots or loss"_ has been re- placed by "total income", which is more
(c), instead of the existing word "payable". The word has been dened in the clause. This will secure
uniformity with existing section 10(5).
Sub-clause (2)-----'I.'his clause is newand is intended to make it clear that the classication of income
under the various heads as given in existing section 6 is applicable to the share of a partner, in the
same way as it applies to the rm. In other words, just as a rm's income can be classied under
"Income from house property", "Income from business" etc., similarly, even after the apportion-
ment of the income to. the partner, the amount apportion- ed t-o a partner is classied under various
Sub--clause (3)----This is new. It gives effect to a deci- sion of the Bombay High Court' which holds
that interest paid on money borrowed by a partner and utilized by him for investing as capital in the
rm is allowable as a deduc- tion in computing the partner's total income, in so far as the total income
comprises his share in a rm's income.
For the sake of comprehensiveness, it has also been made clear that no other deduction is allowed in
respect of the share.
Sub-clause (4)----Existing section 16(1)(b), proviso, has I been reproduced in this sub-clause.
Strictly speaking,' this provision should be placed along with provisions for set off. However, it
serves a useful purpose as indicating that there is, scope for set off. It has therefore been allowed to
remain here. The words "in accordance" would, of course, make it clear that a partner's right to set
off is not absolute, but is subject to the provisions of existing section 24. ' ' Notes to clause 70.
This clause is new and is intended to give eifel to the legal principle that unexplained cash credits
appe 'ng in the "books of accounts of the assessee are assessab e as income'. ' Under the decision of
the Patna High Court cited, above', such cash credits are treated as the income o the nancial year
preceding the assessment year, as the asses- see could not have opted for any other previous year!
for such items. We have by this clause denitely laid down that the previous year to which the income
represented by such cash credits could be related is the previous year for which the account books
are maintained and the cash credit is entered. l l T' I Shanta' irum Mormjeamll'. err (.95 )
27-ITR-69. ' Cf:-C.I,.'1'. Vs. P. Daralia ;& Son:-(1 27-I FR --~515(Patna High ). See also page 557 of
Kanga and Pulkfu N , 1958 Edition. _ - E 1 5 ( Notes to clause 71.
This is new. Investments not appearing in the books and not explained satisfactorily are made
assessable for the nancial year in which the investments have been made. < ' Notes to clause 72.
This is new. It deals with set off of a loss from one business against pnots under any other business.'
The principle is well accepted by courts', and has been codied for the sake of comprehensiveness.
General----The scheme of section 24 of the existing Act has, in the draft, been altered by a
redistribution of its pro- visions. The existing section deals separately with---
(1) set off in the same year, ahd (2) set off in succeeding years.
But an alternative method of arrangement of the pro- visions would be to deal rst with set off of
losses, whe-
' ther in the same year or in succeeding years and then ' see Kanga. and's commentary
$11 the Act state the exceptions in both cases. This would giveto a lay- man a complete picture of
What is to be done with regard to the losses sustained by him. The draft, therefore, pla- ces the
provisions contained in the existing section 24 in separate sections in the following order-
(i) General provision regarding set off in the same ' year and set off in the succeeding years;
(iii) special provisions regarding set off of losses «under capital gains;
(viii) submission of returns in respect of losses. 'Sub-clause (1)----As already explained above, the
ral rule relating to set off; whether in the same year or in succeeding years, has been dealt with in
the beginning.' 'Anglo-French Textil;t3'a L¢d.,V. C.I.T.§ 09;), 2 LT.R. 82. For other cases 31958
Edn., p. 322. _ 'Draft clauxc 73. i i .
Sub-clause (1) states the rule relating to set elf in the same year (from one head to another). The
existing expression "loss of prots or gains" is slightly inappro- priate, as it speaks of "loss-" of
"prots". It has, therefore, been replaced by the words "net result is a loss... .... .." The words "subject
to the other provisions of this Chap- ter" have been added in order to make it clear that there are
special provisions regarding rms, capital gains, specu- lation losses etc. Whichappear in the
subsequent clauses.
Set off is allowed, not with reference to the previous year, but with reference to the assessment year.
Previous years may be different according to the source of income, but the Income-tax Oicen is
concerned only with the as- sessment year for which the loss is to be computed. This is the position
for carry forward also. Suitable verbal chan- ges have been made on this point in the draft clauses
Under the existing law a loss arising under any head is to be set off against income under the head
"Capital gains". Now it is well understood that the taxation under the head "Capital gains" is at a
lower rate than the taxa- tion under other heads, by the operation of existing section 17(6). The
result is, that an assessee is forced to set off a loss against capital gains. He thereby obtainsa "reduc-
tion of his taxable income which does not fetch the g same benet as it would have fetched if the set
off had beeh con- ned to other heads. For example, if a loss of Rs; 2,000 under the head "Income
from property" is set off against capital gains, then, assuming that the tax on capital gains works out
at 10 N.P per rupee, the reduction in tax §WhiCh the assessee would obtain by such set-off would be
R33. 200. While, if the assessee is to set off the loss only against in- come other than-capital gains,
then, assuming that the rate of tax,under other heads is 25 N.P per rupee, the educ- tion in tax
which the assessee "would -obtain by su_h set off would be Rs. 500. It would seem that there is rea-
son for driving the assessee to *a course which cau$s pe- cuniary loss to him. It may be noted that in
the converse case when a loss is sustained under capital gains, the'asses- see is not allowed to set off
the loss against any othe head, vide existing section 24(2A). The position regarding et off against
income under the head capital gains has th%§efore been altered on the lines indicated above. The
nec sary cussion, and the draft clause corresponding to existi sec- tion 24(2A) has been made
comprehensive so as to es body the law relating to set off otfa loss under other.' head against capital
gains, and 'vice versa, with the change dis- cussed above. - ' changes have been made inthe draft
sub-clause und'%"dis--.
Sul-J--clause (2)---- raftingcfianges have been ma e on the lines of the. ch ges e in existing section
24(1). See notes to sub-cla e (1) ve. , The words "had no other head of income" 'have beeen replaced
in the draft by the words "had no income under any other head", in order to make the intention clear
that carry forward of the whole loss is allowed because there is no income againstlwhich the loss
could be set off in the year in which the loss arose. .
Section 24(2), Provisos (c), (d) and (e), are dealt with in succeeding clauses.
Section 24(2), Proviso (f), has been omitted, as its ope- ratgén was conned to assessment years
which have all ex- pir . , Section 24(3) is being transferred to the Chapter on Procedure for
Sub-clause (4)--Carry forward of losses is allowed for a maximum period of eight years now See the
amendment made by the Finance (No. 2) Act, 957]. Sub-clause (3) embodies this rule. In' the
existing Act (as amended in 1957), the words "but no loss shall be so carried forward for more than
eight years" appear as a part of section 24(2), clause (iii). This causes an ambiguity as to whether the
limit of eight years is to be counted with reference to the carry forward referred to in section
241(2)(iii) or whether in counting eight years the year of first carry forward under section 24(2)(ii) is
also. to be counted. The latter construction is, obviously, what was intended. In order to make this
clear the limitation has beeneplaced in a separate sub-clause. ' .
Genev-al--.Speculation losses have been dealt with se- parately in this clause. . ' Sub-clause (1)--The
expression "speculation business" has been substituted for the expression "business consisting of
speculative transactions _etc.", since the draft clause relating to chargeability of income under the
head "'Prots and gains of business etc."' niagkes use of the ex-
Sub-clause (1) relates to the very; previous year which the loss was incurred and is bafsed on the first
_viso to existing section 24(1). ~ Sub-clauses (2) and '(3) and (4)-;~The carry forward and set off of
speculation losses has been dealt with here. The clause has been made self-contained, for the sake of
convenience, though this has necessitated a slight' amount '-
of repetition.' 1 Ana the correct interpretation' this pr is'o_n see now Aluminium Corporation qf
India vs. C.I.T. West B , A.'R?1x*58) Cal. 404.. I ' Draft clause 28, Explanation 2.
The 'changes made are verbal and do not need any comments. Notes to the main clause dealing with
set off' explain the drafting changes made in the existing section 24(2), and the draft clause under
discussion has also been framed keeping in view those changes.
As alreadyexplained in the notes to that clause, the position regarding set off against capital gains
has been dealt with comprehensively in this clause.
Notes to clause 76. , Sub-clause (1)----does not need any detailed comments.
Sub-clause (2)--The prohibition against carry forward by a registered rm, contained in existing
section 24(2), proviso (c), earlier half, has been embodied in this clause _ with a few drafting
changes explained below.
The existing provision refers to the loss of a registered rm "which has been apportioned". These
words are mis- leading; in the case of a registered rm apportionment is compulsory and universal.
and no question of conning the provision to a loss which "has been" apportioned can arise. The
language has, therefore, been slightly altered, and the words in question omitted.
As a matter of fact, it is not necessary to have any pro- vision at all to the effect that a registered rm
cannot carry forward its losses. The reason is, that when the loss of A is apportioned between B and
C, it no longer subsists as the loss of A, and the question of its carry forward by A should not arise.
The proviso is, however, useul by way of clarication, particularly in View of the péculiar nature of the
provisions for assessment of rms and part- ners in the Act, and has, therefore been retained.
The prohibtion is presumably applicable to the' carry forward and set off of losses under capital
gains also, and the draft has been framed on this assumption. ' Notes to clause 77.
Existing section 24(2), proviso ((1.), says that w en an unregistered rm is assessed under existing
section 2 5)(b), its losses shall "also be carried forward and set o??under this section as if it were a
registered rm". This is not an accurate way of stating the position. A registered rm is never allowed
to carry forward its loss [see existi sec- tion 24, sub-section (2), proviso (c), earlier half], and there-
fore, to say that the loss may be "carried forward as if it were a registered rm" is meaningless. The
language has, therefore, been altered.
Gene1'a.l--The second proviso to existing section 24(1) consists of two parts, the earlier part dealing
with unregis- tered firms and the latter part dealing with registered rms.
1 Clause 73 (I).
This,c1ause deals with unregistered rms, while registered rms have been already dealt with'. '
Sub-\clause (1)--The existing provision, for unregistered rms, says that the loss of the rm shall be set
off only against that income of the rm and not againt the income of any of the partners. When
analysed, this gives the fol- lowing propositions :--
(1) The loss of the rm shall be set off only against the income of the rm. This proposition has been
se- parately dealt with in the draft, though it follows from the principal provision in the draft" i.e.,
any assessee is entitled to have loss under one head set off against the income under any other head.
That provision applies to unregistered rms, just as it applies to the other assessees.
(2) The loss shall not be set off against the income of "any of the partners".
What is really meant is that where an assessee is a partner in an unregistered rm and his share is a
loss, the loss cannot be set off against his other income. Draft sub- clause 2(a) embodies this
Sub-clause (2)--As to para. (a), see notes above. As to para. (b), minor changes have been .made. '
Strictly speaking, this provision is also unnecessary. The main provision in section 24(2) applies to
all assessees, including unregistered rms. Therefore, any loss incurred by the rm is to be carried
forward in computing the rm's income. ' The question of its carry forward in a partner's income
cannot arise. The provision is, however, useful by way of clarication, as it emphasises the propo-
sition that a partner in an unregistered-rm cannot claim a separate set off and that all that is allowed
is the collec- tive set off available to the rm as a whole.
This clause does not need any detailed comments, ex- cept that the draft makes it clear that the
limitation im- posed by the existing section applies in respect of set off under existing sections 24(1)
and 24(2A) as well as under section 24(2) and section 24(2B).
A part of existing section'22, sub-(section (2A), has been incorporated in this clause, since it
germane to the set _ off of losses. -
The limitation should apply not only to carry forward under existing section 24, sub-section 62), but
also to carry forward under existing section 24, sub-section (2B). This has been made clear in the
1. It should be remembered that exemption from tax is totally different from exclusion from total
income dealt with in Chapter III. In the latter case the income excluded does not form part of the
total income, while in the former case it forms part of the total income but no tax is payable thereon
though for other purposes such as rate, etc., it con- tinues to be part of the total jncome.
(i) Exemption. enjoyed by an income which, though it forms part of the total income, is not subject
to tax. (Such income would count for determining the rate; but once the rate is determined, the in-
come is not itself taken into account in calculating the quantum of tax). ' T
(ii) Sums on which rebate of tax is allowed at the ave: rage rate of tax. '
3. The existing Act does make adistinction between categories (i) and (ii) above. But the distinction
is obviously necessary. The draft, therefore, deals with the two categories in separate chapters. .
4. In the draft, exemptions which are really in the ' nature of rebates in respect of expenditure have
been placed under category (ii). *
5. The case of earned income relief presents some spe- cial features and has been discussed in the
notes tog the clause relating thereto.
6. Exemptions in respect of super-tax have for th ; sake ' of clarity, been dealt with separately in
Chapter , on super-tax. -
Clause 81. Existing section 15A, earlier part, has'been embodied in this clause, with minor verbal
The latter part of the section has of course been mit- ted, as it becomes obsolete in view of the
recent" legis ative practice not to provide for earned income relief.
The earlier part has however been retained here,§leav- ing it to the Government to omit it if it is
decided perma- nently to abolish earned income relief. ;
The exemption from super-tax has been dealt with in the Chapter on super-tax.
The exemption from super-tax has been dealt with in the Chapter on super-tax.
The question of providing for grossing up of dividends of co-operative societies [on the lines of the
provision for companies--existing section 16(2)] hasnot been considered, as the provision in respect
of companies has itself provoked a lot of controversy.
The exemption from super-tax has been dealt with in the Chapter on super-tax.
The few verbal changes that have been made are explained below :
Sub-clause (2)-----The conditions specied in existing sec- tion 15C(2) are cumulative. This is clear
from the existing language and has been made stizll moreTc1ear in the draft.
Sub-clause (6)--Existing section 150(6)' uses the expres- sion "financial year". This hasfbeen r laced
in the draft by the expression "assessment year" w ich is more appro- priate. . -
The existing sub-section speaks of the four "assess- ments" immediately succeedin . What is meant
is, the four "assessment years". The T aft makes this clear. An assessment made in a particular year
is not necessarily identical with that assessment year, sinte sometimes an as- ' sessment is made
late, after the assessment year has expir--_ ed.
The exemption fromsuper-gtax hasibeen dealt with in the Chapter on super-tax. ' ' Notes to clhuse
This merely reproduces existing 3 tion 15C(4) and as the subject matter is different it is mad a
separate section.
Items (i) 'and (ii)--The second third provisos 'to existing section 8 have been embodied in these
items with slight verbal changes. The expression "receivable" has been replaced by the ward
"received".' I 1 l 2 ' Compare draft glausc :8. 1 E if Item (iii)--embodies existing section 14(2)(a),
-with slight verbal changes.
Item_ (iv)--deals with the exemption contained in exist- ing section 14(2)(aa). The existing wording
is slightly involved. An attempt has been made in the draft to sim- phfy the expression by making a
few verbal changes, and splitting up the provision into clauses.
Generalv--The provisions contained in the existing Act which are in the nature of rebates of
income-tax on cer- tain expenditure have been collected together in this Chapter. (The discussion at
the beginning of notes to the previous Chapter explains the scheme adopted in the 3 draft in respect
of exemptions from tax.)' Sub-clause (1),' paragraphs (a) and (b)---These deal with rebate in respect
of _life insurance premiums. The following drafting. changes have been made-
(i) The words "in the previous year" have been added in the draft for existing section 15(1), for the
sake of precision. i
(ii) The existing section 15(1) speaks of sums paid "to effect" an insurance, but when speaking of
d&erred annuities it uses the words "in respect of" a; con- tract, for a deferred annunity. For the.
sake of uniformity, the e ression "to effect" has, in the draft, been used for th the cases. See items (i)
and (ii) of paragraph (a). '
(iii) While sums paid as ordinary premium might be co- vered by the existing words "to effect" an
insu- rance, sums paid for the purpose of keepin T alive a policy or preventingit from lapsing may ot
be covered by those words. In the draft, the efore. the words "keep in force" have been adde both in
respect of insurance and in respect of co tracts for deferred annunities. See items (i) and ii) of
paragraph (a) and also paragraph (b).
Sub-clause (1), paragraph (c)--'l'he words "in the pre- vious year", have been added to secure
The words "provided that the sum so deducted shall not exceed one-fth of the salary", existing in
section 7. sub-section (1), First Proviso have in the 'draft been re- placed by the words "in so far as
the sum so deducted I. See notes to draft clqisc 8x-- "¢3¢mral". a "5 = ' 1 " =
-3'79 dpes not exceed one-fthof saIaJ}"T. Where the deduc- tion exceeds one-fth of the salary, -the
existing language would, if construed strictly, exclude the deduction in toto. The obvious intention,
however, is to limit the exemption to one-fth and not to completely dixllow the exemption in -such
cases. ' ' The limit of one-fth cogéained in the existing section has been repeated in the dr ; but,
tiirice existing section 15(3) has been amended recently (vide Finance No. (2) Act 1957) so as to raise
the limit under that section from one- fth to one--fourth. it would be desirable to make a corres-
ponding increase in the limit under existing section 7(1) First Proviso, also.
Sub-clause (1), paragraph; (d) & (e), do not need any comments.
Sub-clause (2)----Existing section 1§(2A) has been split: up for the sake of simplicity; Further, the
negative form of the existing provisions has been converted into a positive one, vide the opening
lines. . -
The words appearing at the end the existing provie sion, "and which is not the sum actually assured"
really indicate a benet over and above the: assured sum. This ' is made clear in the draft. The
existing words "either be-» fore or after death" unnecessarily inortease the length of = e the
provision; the woods in , draft; 'Tunder the policy" will meet both the situations. (It is "air that the
(existing: words "which is to be or znaygbe rece vied" are to be con-- ned to payments made by the
The existing words "either by person 'paying the premiums or by any other person" haje heen
replaced by' the words "by any person", simplicity. p Sub-clause (3)-----ExistiI|g =ctinn 1ii(3) has
been re- produced here in a simplied piorm. ; .
The existing sub-section \oes no expressly mention sums exempt under section 58 _for t' 'purpose
of count- ing the maximum aggregate the t can xempted; but the effect of the words at the en M of s
_o .5813, main para. "in the case of an employee bef treated = or all the purposes of this Act as if it
were a sumgto whi' ;'_the provisions of section 15 apply" is that the employ contributions are also to
be counted for the p es of' ction 15(3). For this reason, sub-clause (3) 1 s a re ence to all the sums
exempt under any item of the will include sub-clause (1) (cl) also.
General-----What the Act contemplates in section 15B is really a rebate (at the ave ge rate '
2.1_I'?.e$pect 9;', tax. The provision has, therefore, ' pl the pqeaent Chapter on Rebates. ' ' a"
25-47 Law Com.i58 V an clause, which The First Proviso to existing section 1513(1) hasbeen dealt
with in the Chapter on Super-tax, where the exem tion for super-tax in respect of donations has
been (1 t with separately'. ' Sub-clause (2)---does not need any comments.
Sub-clause (3)--The changes made are all verbal and consequential on the scheme adopted in the
Act in respect of exemptions.
Sub-clause (4)--does not need any comments, since the changes are minor and verbal.
Sub--clause (5)--The existing section 15B(2) requires that certain conditions should be fullled by an
institution or fund to which the section applies. Condition No. (iv) contains the word "or" at the end
and is followed by con- dition No. (v). It is not clear whether the "last condition No. (v) is an
alternative to condition No. (iv) only, or' whe- ther it is to take the place of all the conditions (i) to
(iv). Since condition No. (iii) contains the word "and" at the end, it can be argued that conditions
Nos. (i) to (iv) are to be taken together and condition No. ,(v) is to be taken s'ep- arately. But
thisdoes not seem to have been the inten- tion; the result of such construction would be to eliminate
a very important requirement, namely, the requirement in condition No. (i) that the income should
be exempt under the category for "Charitable Institutions". The rst three 4 conditions should be
fullled by all the institutions or funds, While the fourth and fth conditions are alterna- tives to each
other. This intention has been brought out in the draft by combining the contents of existing condi-
tion No. (v) with condition No. (iv). ' Condition No. (i) at present requires that the institu- tion
should be one "the incmne whereof is exempt iunder clause (i) of sub-section (3) of section 4". But
in: cases where an institution has no property, the applicati n of this condition becomes difficult.
The wording has, . here- fore, been slightly altered. _ Further, institutionst ough not strictly falling
under section (4) (3) (i), such as iver- sities or educational institutions not existing for jprot, should
be regarded as standing on the same footin as purely charitable institutions, and they have,
thefefore, been included in the draft (just as their income ha' been exempted----See the draft clause
inserted on the s 'ect'. Institutions depending on voluntary contributions ; ave also been included in
the draft. i Existing condition No. (iv), when mentioning univer- sities, requires that they should be
established by law, but when speaking of other educational institutions recognis- ed by or ailiated to
universities, it does not add the re- quirement that the university should be established by law.
'.,_V The intention, obviously, is to require. that the afliating or recognising university must itself .
be established by law. This has been made clear in the draft.
The exemption in respect of super-tax has been dealt with separately in the Chapter. on super-tax'.
work of the administration, if I provision is made for the issue of a certicate (after enquiry by the
Income-tax Offi- cer or the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner having juris- diction over the
institution or trust) that the institution or trust satises the conditions of this section. Donations
made to such institutions or trusts will automatically be' entitled to the exemption if the
other'conditions of the section are fullled. This would obviate enquiry every year by differ-
-ent Income-ftax Officers before whom the exemption is claimed by donors in different jurisdictions.
The existing provision is conned to "Prots in lieu of salary". In the draft it has been extended to
"Perqui- sites" also. Perquisites may sometimes be in cash, and the provision might be useful in such
The power to grant relief in respect of super-tax has been dealt with separately in the Chapter on
Existing section 25, sub-sections (3) and (4), deal with two things}-
(i) total exemption for income of the year in which a business is discontinued or succeeded to,
(ii) substitution relief, whereunder. the income of the year of discontinuance or succession can be
substituted for the income of the immediately preceding year. . ' ' The rst concession has been
alredw dealt with in a previous _chapter;' the second oncessi n has been dealt with in the clause
under discus 'on. A f W drafting changes have been made in order to secure cla'°ity.
As to the position concerning super-tax, see the Chap- ter on super-tax.' ' Vida draft clause :09.
5 Vida draft clause H2. , 8 Via dun cluue :3 in chapter 111.; 'r 'Vihdritclmuroo. , The provision
embodied in the draft is applicable only to a business assessed under the 1918 Act. It is for consi-
deration whether this concession is at all necessary after the lapse of such a long time'.
This clause does not need any comments. Notes to clause 93.
The following drafting changes have been made in the existing sections-- w
(i) The word "previous" has been added before: the word "year", since residence is dened with
;&'efer- ence to previous year.
(ii) The existing words "country with which there is no reciprocal arrangement" have been replaced
by the words "country with which there is no' agree- ment under section .......... .. [49A]" for their
sake of precision. The "reciprocal arrangement" }refer- red to in the existing section could only be an
agreement under section 49A. ' E
(iii) Sub-sections (2) and (4) of existing section} 49D have been omitted, as their operation is now
(iv) Suitable words have been 'added at the en" of sub-clause (1) to cover a case where the ndian rate
and the foreign/rate are equal. 5 Notes to 'clause 94. - \ Existing section 49C(1) contains a reference
to ction
49. But section 49 has been 'repealed by the Inco e-tax and Business Prots Tax. (Amendment) Act,
1948 ( 8 of 1948). The reference to section 49 has, therefore' been omitted in the draft. - i No other
change' has been made.
- Notes to: clause 95. i ' 9 V Sub--section (2) of sectidn 42 has been redrafte with a" view to bringing
out What was really intended. he ob- ject is to catch the income of the resident where busi- ness is_
carried on between a resident and a non-residdnt and the prots of such business are
such7a way A . El 9 ' 1 Cf. the discussion info Report 'athe Incbinc-tax Invcstigqtiqp sion
(:948).pases :53-I55-1:-ram ' -35o- " ' I that the resident receivesteither. no prots or less than nor-
mal prots. In such a case the Income-tax Officer ~ has to determine the true prots of the 1'?-sident
attributable to such camouaged transactions. This is now brought out clearly in the draft. ' ' The
existing section says that the income of the non- resident shall be chargeable "in the name of the
resident who shall be deemed to be..." .......... .. the assessee". These words have been replaced in the
draft by the words "and include such amount in the total income of the resident". This verbal change
has been made for the sake of unifor- mity, and for emphasising the true construction of the sec-
The existing section 44D "relating toitransfer of assets to non-residents is considerably involved in
its expression. It is difficult to understand the section ias a whole and its grammatical structure
without some effort.' The section has been slightly recast en thefllines of section 412 of the U.K. Act.'
The importantpioints of difference between the existing section and the draft clause are ex- plained
below :--
(1) Sub-sections (1) and (2) of the existing section 44D repeat the words "transfer of assets by,.virtue
or in con- sequence whereof, either alone or in conjuction with asso- ciated operations, any income
......... becomes payable" etc. This condition precedent gas been: transferred in the draft clause to the
opening lin , thus saving the repetition appearing in existing sub--section (2). ' ' of assets must be
one whereby "any ncome which, if it were the income of such persqn, woul be chargeable to
income-tax" becomes payable to a non-resident. This re- quirement of potential chargeibility ig thus
applicable to the income arising from the transfer. Eln the draft, how- ever, it has been removed
from that p ace and shifted to the income over which the rqsident as power to «enjoy [See draft
sub-clause (1) (a)]. :This c Iige is in "hat-mon'y= with (the more important change dis y$ed below
under item 5).
(3) In existing section 44D(1), the: reference to" asso- ciated operations occurs only in the beginning
of the sec- tion, that is,. the portion refenring to ','a; transfer whereby certain income arises. This
.1-qeferencegis.-not repeated in the subsequent portion deali wih qcguisition of rights- by the
transfer. In other ' A ords, the rights giving the-_ power to enjoy' certain: income must, at present,
ow from (2) The existing section 44D(1) sags that a transfer' . .'.Fo'r--a criticism of 3.1412 of the U.
Act coimsponding to s; '4.4D of our Act, s_cg_: p. gr 1-, am. 1029(5) of the _, :1 of thci Royal
'Commission on. thcf"_l:axation of ts and.Incomc"(Fi_ , Rcpoxjt). E, i 1 . - ' -
' U. K. lncométax Act, 1952. Cf._' I K. F" ' e1Act, the transfer itself. Under the clause as drafted,
however, these rights might ow either from the transfer or from its associated operations.
(4) The words "m consequence of whic " occurring for the second time in the existing section 44D(1)
have been omitted in the draft. These words related to "rights .......... consequence of which he
_has.........power to enjoy". It seems sufficient to have the words "by virtue of" in this context. ' (5)
Under the existing section 44D(1), the income to be taxed as the income of the resident is "that
income", that is, the income earlier referred to as arising from the transfer to a non-resident, which
the resident has power to enjoy. Thus, two ingredients are required for taxing the income at present:
(i) the income must arise from the transfer, and (ii) -it must be income which the resident has power
to enjoy. The draft clause, however, makes an im-' portant departure here. All that is required in
order to tax an income is that (other conditions being satised), it must be income which the resident
has power to enjoy. Under the draft it is not necessary that the taxable i ' me should coincide with
the income arising to a nonire (dent from the transfer. Thus the power to enjoy must arise from the
transfer, but the words "power to enjoy ésuch gtcome" have been replaced by "any income of a
ent". ' (6) The existing section 44D(2) suffers from on) im- portant aw, in that it does not state how
the'sum re rred to therein is to arise. The section says: "Where any rson receives or is entitled to
receive ....... ..any sum pa by way of loan etc ....... ..such income shall ....... deemed to be the
income" of the resident. One would hawe ex- pected the section to say, like sub-section (1), "when
any person by means of any tra er .......... ..receives any" um" etc. The draft sub-c1_ause (1 (b) makes
it clear th t the capital sum must be one "the payment whereof is ' any way connected with the
transfer '. . 1 This is merely a condition to be satised. ' What! is to be charged to tax is a different
matter, discussed the next item. E (7) The existing section 4g4D(2) says that "such income shall be
deemed to be the income" of the resident: It is with some effort that one is able to locate the income
to which this word "such" is a licable; it is the inconie be coming payable to a non-resi eht under the
transfer": This has been expressed in a more intelligible form in the draft.
(8) The length of the existing section 44D(2) has been reduced in the "draft, by replacing the words
"any sum paid ....... ..otherwise an_ hig~income", by the words 'capi- tal sum" which has _
n.s+(i-ately defined in dr sub-
clause (6).
I Notes to clause, 97. A _ Existing sections 'i4E and.44F have been combined in this clause, and
certain important changes of substance have been made as follows:--- ' (1) Existing section 44E(l)
applies where the owner of the securities, having agreed to sell or transfer the securities, "by the
same or any collatoral agreement" agrees to buy back etc., the securities. In" practice, however it is
difficult for the Department to prove that there was an "agreement" to buy back the securities.
Moreover, as a matter of substance, it does not appear to be necessary to insist on the requirement
of "same or collateral agree- ment". The object of the section is to ' revent avoidance of tax, and the
provision should exten to all cases where the transaction of sale and re-purchase of securities results
in such avoidance. The sco of the section has, accord- ingly, been extended in the raft
[seelsub-clause (1)].
(2) It has, however, been made clear in the draft that the provision in the existing section 4413 will
not apply if there was no avoidance or if the avoidance is not sys- tematic; see draft sub-clause (4)
which mentions sub- section (1) specically. .
(3) Existing section 44F, operative part, deals with the cases where a person transfers securities
before the dec- ' laration of the dividend, thus' shifting the right to receive the dividend to another
person. The operative part of this section has been incorporated- in draft sub-clause (3). An
important departure from the existing section has, how-' ever, been made; the existin' section
provides for appor- tionment, vide sub-section (2 , latter "half read with sub- section (3). Under it,
only the inconmelattributable to the period upto the transfer is deemed to The the income of the
transferor. Under the draft, however', the income for the full year will be deemed to be the income of
the trans- feror, vide sub-clause (3), lat line. - Since the rovision is intended to stop avoidance, it
should ;go the ful way.
ance is "more than 10 per t of t amount of income- tax" for the year. This requkement as been
omitted in the draft, in order to make the provision against avoidance more stringent.
(4) While the operative "portion of section 44F thus nds a place in the draft, the
machin¢"ry,provisions in sub- sections (4), (5) and (6) of thatsection have been omit- ted. The
notice under section 44F(1)swill now be covered by draft sub-clause (7). ' Apart from these
important cha s, the other cha es are of very minor nature and n *n_o_ comments. e existing section
44D(7)(c) relatinghtgidzmdends deemed to have been distributed to a pe , n omitted in._v_iew of
the form in which section,_23A ,_ its mend-
ment in 1955.
. . ....4--_..-,... _.
_ 1. Drafting changes made in the charging section for income-tax (section 3) have been followed in
drafting this clause also. Thus------
(i) the word "year" has been replaced by "assess-e ment year",
- (ii) after. the words "previous year", the wordsl "or previous years", have been added,»
(iii) the enumeration of v rious classes of ass_e sees ("individual", "undivi ed family" etc.) has g
replaced by person",
(iv) a proviso has been added to deal with cases were tax is charged in the year of income or ded cted
in advance. ' :
een .
have been added to make it clear that the charging.p ovi- sion is subject to Gtherprovisions, e.g.,
provisions to re- bates etc. Cf. the words "in. accordance with. and su ject to the provisions of this
Act," in existing section. 3. '
3. The words "a Central Act" have_been replaced by "any Central Act"; Cf. existing section . ,
Sub-clause (2)---does not need any comm\ents.
Sub-clause (3).--The existing. section deals only' ith the case of a rm assessed under section
23(5)(b). The more frequent .case of a rm which is actually regis red has not been treated elaborately
in the section. The raft sub-clause sets out the' positioi} comprehensively.
V The second proviso to existing section 55 is transf L 'ed to a separate clause', under the group of
clauses de ling with income not forming part of tota_1__income for super tax.
. _ Notes to. clause 99; ' ' K V_ The -changes' made are' consequential On the:Chal|.geS made in
existing section 55. main para. 4 A ~ » v; As regards earnedaincome the language of the draft clauses
-on-.the subject ,«wil1;suice_ to exclude existing §sec-- 'tion-15A..for. super-tax'; ..: g e ' -:. T :_'5::-
l l a.. ,.
y if Draft"cla'.u'S§ '£504.: , 1' N 97"", draft cladst s'i"r££d' ii'h"'&'rar'£'§ ' i ; .,v
- i ., u:.'; x.._ - .
'Q ' A Notesto [clause _ This corresponds to the proviso (at); appearing below «existing section
25(4). . e - - , -
The existingprovision says that the provisions of sec- tion 25(3) & (4) shall not apply 'to 'super-tax'.
The word "'super-tax" has, in the draft, been replaced by the words "determination of total income"
etc. which are more ap- propriate. ' Notes to clause 101..
This is new. Interest on income-tax free securities is chargeable to' super-tax. It is fair that'
reasonable sums
-spent on realising such interest, and interest paid on mo- 'ney borrowed for investment in such
securities, shall be 'allowed as deductions. (Cf. existing section 8,' 1st Proviso, tearlier half.) - V The
provision becomes particularly necessary in the 'draft, because so far as the computation of total
income for income--tax is concerned, the draft clause for section 8 contains an express prohibition
against deducting such sums.' . _ I Notes to clause 102; , Sub-clause (1)--Existing section $(1) has, in
the draft, been split up' into two;='The general rule that the provisions for income-tax shall' apply
oathe charge etc. of super-tax has been stated in sub-clause --(1), while; the ex- ceptions are dealt
with separately in sub-clause (2).
The words "save as otherwise provided in this Act", added in the draft, point to draft subgclause (2)
and are also intended to make it clear that there might be cases where a provision is applicable to
income-tax only, e.g.-, «existing section 49C(1). . -
Sub-clause (2)----Existing section 5§_(1)_ excludes seve- ral sections of the Act in relation to st
r-tax. Most of these sections are, in" the draft; placed; ther in' the 'Chap- ter on Income on which no
iimcome-t it _is payable or in the Chapter on Rebate and Re ief of icbme-tax. It would, therefore,
suice to say that these twtof chapters do not apply for super-tax. : . . - . -
So far as sections not contained 1' these chapters are 'concerned, they 'have been mention 'in.' the
draft sub- rclause under discussion [except section-j 5,8G".(2)' as to which see discussion below]. _ '
' ' , Section 58G(2) has been mentioned in existing section '58 as one of the excluded sections.
Butjreally speaking, the substance of'it applies for s_. r-'tax_' What section '58G(2) provides is that
the a "?mu1at'ii' alance in an ap- proved. superannuation fund nall be "' udéd from" the I Vila draft
clause 2. (ii) and (iii). ' ' As» . 4.
total income and exempt from income-tax. This does not apply in terms for super-tax; but section
58G(1). earlier part, says that such balance shall be exempt from super-e tax. This "exemption" from
super-tax has, under the sche- me adopted in the draft, to be treated as exclusion from total income'.
Therefore the ggsition regarding the ~ ba-- lance in question is the same. th for income-tax and su-
per-tax, when section 58G(2) is read together with section: 58G(1), and there is no point in saying
that section 58G(2) does not apply for super-tax.
The words "Save as expressly provided in the- Chapter" are meant, for cases where a provision in the
super-tax Chapter (e.g., clause regarding exemption of' donations from super-tax) expressly refers to
the condi- tions specified in the corresponding clause for exemption from income-tax.
Existing section 58(2) will be dealt with in the Chap- ter dealing with Collection and recovery of tax.
This clause, which is- new, has\ become necessary in: the scheme followed in the draft, which deals
separately with income-tax and super-tax. The object of the clause is merely to facilitate the
application, for super-tax', of certain provisions contained in the sections dealing' with avoidance of
tax. Those provisions. as reproduced in the draft, use the expression "income-tax" only and hence it.
becomes necessary to repeat them for super-tax.
General.4--The eidsting provisions for exem tions from super-tax say that super-tax "shall not be
vpaya£le".i_h res-T pect of the income in question; or that the income tshall be exempt from
super-tax. This appears like an e emp- tion from tax. not an exclusion from tot -- in- come. But it
seems that. in the case of super-tax,; the- exemptions_ should be treated as cases of exclusionsé
from total income (except in cases where section 17(3) e2$ress-- ' ate).
1y directs the exemption to be treated as a case of .1' Though section 16(1) says that "in computi the
total income" the exempted incomes are to be inclu ed in- the total income, and though section 56
would apply sec- tion 16 for super-tax. also, still. section 16 has to b con- ned to cases dealt within
section 17(3). The draft, ere- fore, treats such exemptions as exclusions from total in- come. Drafting
changes have, wherever necessary, been made to carry out this scheme. ' [So far as the sections
expressly referred to in ;exist- ing section 17(3) are concerned, they have to be treated as cases of
rebatem] 2 ~ 31 ' Soc 'note: to draft elude I04.' E i Clause 104 The words "prots and gains" have been
replaced by the term "income" which is more precise. The provision is, obviously, applicable to all
income and not only income from business. Other changes are consequential" on this- change and
on the scheme adopted in the draft to treat. exemptions from super-tax as exclusions from total in-
The verbal changes made are consequential on the scheme adopted in the draft to treat exemptions
from. super-tax as exclusions from total income'.
This clause does not need any comments, since the changes are only verbal and consequential.
(ii) says that one of the conditions for iavailability of the exemption under the section is that the
income of the In- dian company (which pays the dividend) "would have been exempt under the
operation of section 15C if the ro- visions of that section had been applicable thereto". t is. not clear
from these words how much of section 15C is to be read into section 56A. In the inierest of clarity, it
seems desirable to inco_rporate,,in section '56A itself, what- ever conditions are to be borrowed
from section 15C.
The question, therefore, that arises next is, what part. of section 15C should be repeated in section
56A? Section 15C requires the following conditions to be fullled :--
1. The prots must be derived from an industrial un-- dertalzing to which the section applies
(sub-sec- tion 1) ). '
2. The profits should not exceed 6 per cent per annum: on the capital employed in the 'undertaking
(sub- section (1) ).
3. The undertaking must not be formed by the split- ing up or reconstruction of a business already
in. existence (sub-section (2), item (i) ).
fer of a building etc. used in {business carried on ulzeifore the 1st April, 1948 (sub-section (2), item '
i_). ' , l , 4 ' Soc notes to clause 104..
n ",
5. The undertaking must begin to manufacture? arti- cles in India within 13 years from the 1st April,
1948 or extended period when allowed by the Cen- tral Government (sub-section (2). item (ii)).
6. The undertaking must employ a certain number of workers (sub-section (2), item (iii) ). .
7. The exemption must not have been withdrawn by the Central Government (sub-section (2), item
(iii) Proviso).
8. The exemption is applicable only to the assessment for the previous year in which manufacture
com- menced and for the four immediately succeeding assessment years (sub-section (6) ).
-dition No. 1, is applicable for section 56A only to the ex- tent to which it is introductory, as intended
to draw atten- tion to S. 15C(2). (Section 56A does not require that only dividends attributable to
prots derived from a particular undertaking should be exempt.) Condition No. 2 cannot be applied
for S. 56A, as the intention of section 56A is to confer an exemption in addition to that enjoyed by
are- holders under section 15C(4).' Condition No. 3 is _ppli- cable for section 56A, but since section
56A, sub-section (1), item (ii) speaks of "the Indian Company", the condi- tion has to be translated
in terms of the Indian Company. Condition No. 4 is applicable, but the mention of the 1st April 1948
is irrelevant for the purpose of section; 56A, which seeks to givea permanent exemption. Condition
No.- '5, being of a temporary nature. cannot be applied for section 56A. Condition No. 6 is
applicable. Regarding. con-
-dition No. 7, the intention probably seems to be. t dis- regard any such withdrawal of exemption
and to pply section 56A to all companies otherwise governed b the applicable part of section 15Q
even if in a particula case the exemption under section. 15C has been withd awn. Condition No. 8,
being of a temporary nature, can t be applied to section 56A, which does not conne the exemp- 'tion
to a particular period. - ' ' i In the draft, therefore, the ingredients of section} 15C have been
embodied only to ..the extent indicated. in the discussion above.
As already stated, the applicable conditions of section 'l5C(2) have, in the draft, been treated as
condition ' to be ful1l__ed by the Indian Company and not by its %Ar(;1l.1S- trial undertaking,
.Consequential changes have. been a ade in language. ' .
Suli-clause (_1)----Item (i)----The cumbersome ; litst of items has been removed to a.separate
sub-clause, éthus simplifying the language of section 56A(1)(i). A Item (ii)--The géneral at the
beginning ibove may be persued. " ' ' " ' ' ' I
Sub-clause (3)--The commodities in question have- béen referred as "items"--a wolrd use-d'in the
existing sec-- tion 56A(2) at the end. No other comments are needed.
Strictly speaking this exemption should in the case of' supertax be treated as an exclusion from total
income,- but in view of section 17(3) it had to be treated as a case of rebate'. ~ » Notes to clause 111.
This clause states the rule in existing section 14(2)» (aa) as read with the Proviso.
The exemption has, for purposes 'of super-tax, to be treated as a case of rebate [S. 17(3)], though
similar ex--- emptions have been treated. for super-tax, as exclusions. from total income'. ' Notes to
clause 11?.
The clause does not need any detailed comments.'The words "in relation to" will indicate tliast the
substance of' the relief is the same, both in income-ax and in super-tax-
General--Existing section '23A, even after its amend-« ment by the Finance (No. 2) Act 1957, is
lengthy and is. difficult to follow. An attempt.has 1.'eep.made to break up the "section and distribute
its rovisionsin several clauses.. The scheme adopted is tosbe n with Ethe operative proviy sions and
then to take up provisions ir the nature of inter--- pretation. - ' Clause 113--This reproduces S.
2$A(1). Simplication of the provision has been sought to be ttdhieved by splitting' it up into two
sub-sections, sogthat t 1 main provision ap-- pears separate from the req ementfrhposing a duty on_
the Income-tax Oicer to co ider cegtain criteria.
The lengthy expression "total indotne .......... .. as re--- duced by", which is fo1lowed&by a 1' tof the
deductions, has been replaced by the shonter exp ssion "distributable income" (dened separately)'.
C['his hail enabled the simpli-- cation of the various clauses of S. 23iA(2) also.
-consists .......... the dealing in or holding of investments ....... .." has been replaced by
"investment company'? (de- fined separately)', which has simplied the draft for Ex- planation 2,
Clause (i) also.
S. 23A, in effect, taxes undistributed prots and is thus .aimed at a maximum distribution of prots. It
is diicult to sustain, side by side with this section, the provision which has been included in recent,
Finance Acts for tax- ing excessive distribution of prots. The provision°in the Finance Act aims at
encouraging the minimum distribu- tion of prots and goes ill with section 23A which encour- ages
the maximum distribution. ' Even the Finance (No. 2) Act 1957, First Schedule, paragraph D, second
Proviso, clause (c), though it does not directly tax an excessive distribution, is subject to this cri-
ticism; because on that part of the dividends which ex- ceeds 10 per cent of' the paid up capital,
there is an in-
-direct tax expressed as a reduction of the rebate otherwise admissible. This indirect tax goes on
increasing with the percentage of the dividend in relation to the capital.: The higher the dividend,
the lesser the rebate and, therefore. the higher the tax.
In other words, while the Finance Act provision acts .as an incentive to smaller distribution, S. 23A
acts as an incentive to higher distribution of prots. It would be desirable to drop the system of taxing
excessive distribu- 'tion of prots introduced' in recent Finance Acts, at? least in relation to
companies to which section 23A applies.
The changes made are verbal and consequential. on "the shorter expressions "distributable income"
and E "in- 'vestment company" adopted in the draft for S. 23(1)).
The existing provision has been split up into ' sub- <c1auses (a) and (b) for simplicity.
'Seed:-aftclause I19. 2 l ' public company in the Companies Act is itself a negative one, it seems
unnecessary to repeat that negative concept in the provision under discussion. ' In paragraph (b)
item (iii), the existing words "less than six persons" have been replaced by "ve or less per- sons" in
order to help the understanding of the rovision by removing the negative. 'It must, of: course, e
noted that the provision, even as redrafted, retains the negative words "at no time during the
previous ear .......... ..". The reason is, that the provision is intend to be satised in respect of each and
every block of share capital; the po- sition regarding holding of shares should be such that any ve or
less persons cannot have the control of any bunch of shares carrying more than 50 per cent of the
'total voting power.
The method of computing the number of persons has been included in a separate sub-clause .for the
sake of simplicity.
Sub-clause (2)--As already stated, the method of com- puting the number of persons has been
separately includ- ed in this sub-clause. The provision has been split up into paragraphs (a) and (b),
and an Explmation, for simpli-
The expression "distributable income" has been coin- ed and used in the draft for the
ioperatiueportion of S. 23A, aulb-section _(I) grind glso fjlzzllieddrafthforlsub-secI1';%lon (21).
expression used in the draft at several places as a short substitute for the lengthy expression
i"_g:ompany whose business consists" etc.. ' Notes to clause 120.
Though the existing denition of '-'statutory percen- tage" is complex-, the complexity is due to the
complicated nature of the provision in substance. Improvements in form would not have reduced
the cbntiliexity and have not, therefore, been attempted, except~ t in item (iv), in sub-clause (a), the
words at present appearing at the end ."whichever or those is, ter" have, in the draft, been shifted
above and ex , asgtthe greaterof the following". . , =7 f ' 391 .
The main provision of existing section 17(2) has been embodied here, with verbal chargesitalicised,
to state the rule in an exact and, accurate manner.
The clause is new. Reference is made to the provision contained in existing section 58G to make the
Chapter self-- contained.
General--Existing section ,10(5A) provides for two things. The earlier portion deems compensation
eto. paid to managing agent etc. to be prots _ nd_ gains of business, and has been incorporated in t
e draft chap- ter on computation of totalincome. The latter portion gives the method of computing
tax..on such income and has been incorporated here. ~ ' etc. is to be dealt with 'in the 'special
manner provid d for by the section, the tax on theremaining part of the ivcome has to be calculated
at the (average) rate applicable _to.the whole of the total income. This has been made clear n the
draft, by stating the position. separately for the two';kinds- of income.
The Explanation is new and is intended to deal e§/ith a Sub-clause (1)--While the tax on the
compezifation case where a rm, though assessed as an unregister rm in the assessment year,
waszassessed as a registere rm in any of the three preceding 'assessment years.
Sub-clause (2)--is new. It seems desirable to piovide for a rebate to the partner of -a registered rm
Whe e the rm is in receipt of the compaisatiqn etc. in question. 1 here is no such provision at
Notes to clause 124. I ' The provisions of section' 17 (1) have, in the draft been put into four
sub-sections, forsimplicity. These deal 'th-
(ii) the option given to the: non-resident, and the[time~ limit therefor. 2 - § .
_ When using the egxpressiohd"tax", the words "'inc' ding super-tax" have bee 'oniit§e§%, 'las
thedenition of , in the draft, includes s , r-tax. ; , Sub-clause (1)--does not need any detailed
Sub-clause (2)--The openin portion of existing section 17, sub-section (1), 1st Proviso, as been
simplied by stat- ing directly the date 30th June, and omitting the reference to the assessment Year
ending on 31st March, 1952, which has become obsolete.
Sub-clauses (3) & (4)---It has been made clear that any option exercised under the present Act will
continue to have effect for the purposes of the new Act also. Conse- quential changes have been
The substance of existing section 17(6) has been in- corporated in this clause.
The process of calculating tax has been split up in two sub-clauses, for simplicity.
The existing words in S. 17 (6)(ii), "on the whole ....... .. income-tax equal to the amount which bears
to the income- tax" etc. have, in the draft, been replaced by a mathe- matical formula, to make the
provision easy, to understand.
It is presumed that, in calculating the income-tax on the amount of capital gains, the total income is
to be re- duced for purposes of rate also. Hence, when explainin the symbol Y, the words "had the
total income so reduce been his total income" have been added.
The proviso to section 17(6)(ii) has in the draft been split up into two clauses. ' V Clause (i) states the
minimum amount that can be taxed. A Clause (ii) embodies the rule relating to the maximum tax to
be charged. Where the capitalgains do not exceed ve thousand rupees, the tax will obviously be zero
when this clause is applied (see the words "if any"), and it be-
comes unnecessary to deal specically with such a case, as has been done in the existing section.
Suggestion--It would be logical if a provision is made in the Act to the effect that capital gains are
completely excluded from the total income for t e» {purpose of super- tax. This would simplify the;
form of t e provision con- tained in existing section 17, sub-section: (6) and (7).
Section 17(7), even after its amendment by the Finance (No. 3) Act, 1956, refers to super-tax dnly
and is not easy to understand. -
The draft seeks to state the position clearly. The re- duction of the total income bythe amount of
capital gains is presumably eective for de ,' V the rate also, as is shown by thewords "calcul , on i Atal
income" even 'in the existing section. This ' been , ' ed more clearly in the draft in sub-clause (b). ~
26-! Law Com./58.
General--Existing section 5 is very lengthy and does not deal systematically with the various matters
relating to Income-tax authorities. The section has, in the draft, been split up into a number of
clauses and the clauses have been so arranged that each topic' is dealt with sepa-
(i) appointment,
(ii) control,
(iii) jurisdiction,
Clause 128.--The scheme adopted is to deal in separate sub-clauses with appointments by the
Central Government, appointments by the Commissioner and appointments of ministerial staff by
Income-tax authorities.
Under existing section 5(3), latter part, _the appoint- ment to class II Income-tax Officers and
Inspectors'of In- come-tax is made by the Commissioner, but the number is to be sanctioned by the
Central Government. This is the statutory provision; but in administrative ractice the sanction of all
these posts can be made by t e Commis- sioner. The language has, therefore, been altered to com-
form to administrative practice, vide sub-clause (2). ;
Provisions relating to control of Income-tax authorities have been brought together in this clause.
Sub-clauses (2) and (3)--The expression existing in sec- tion 5(7), "For the purposes of this Act"
appears unneces- sary and has been omitted.
Sub-clause (4)--It has been made clear that an Inspec- tor of Income-tax is subor ' te not only to the
aut ority under whom he is appointed; o work but also to any; supe- rior authority. hi 1 .
The Explanation is new and is intended to conform to the administrative set-up of the Directorate,
under which the Deputy Director is an Assistant Commissioner and the Assistant Director is an
Provisions concerning instructions to subordinate au- thorities have been brought together in this
clause. Since such instructions sometimes affect the public as a whole, it has been provided that
instructions of a general nature should be published. » Sub-clause (2) embodies the existing
provisions" in sec- tion 5, sub-section (7B) earlier part, but it is for considera- tion whether this
provision introduced in 1953 should be re- tained. ' Notes to clause 131.
General--1¥ll provisions regarding the jurisdiction of Income-tax authorities have been brought
together in this section. The only changes that need comments are the fol- lowing :--
Sub-clause (.'5)--Paragraph (b) is new and is intended to give recognition to the existing practice.
The practiceis, in a sense, impliedly authorised by existing section 5(6).
Such transfers from one Appellate Assistant Commis- sioner to another are usually made wholesale
in accordance with the volume of work before each Appellate Assistant Commissioner', and
therefore, it is notpracticableto give notice to the individual assessees whose cases are to be
transferred. Hence, this sub-clause does not prescribe the requirement of notice, unlike. section
5(7A) as embodied in the draft.
Sub-clause (5)--Existing section 5(5), latter part, au- thorises the Commissioner to direct that the
powers of the Income-tax Officer shall be exercised by the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner in
respect 'of any specied case or class of cases. To this, an addition has been made, in the draft,
authorising such orders in respect of any speci- ed person or classes of persons also.
Sub'-clause (7)----Existing section 5(6), last line, pro- vides that when the Central Board of Revenue
empowers any particular Income-tax authority to perform functions thereunder, the functions shall
cease to be performed by the other authorities "appointed under sub-sections (2), and (3):).
Now, so far as the reference to sub-section (2) is con- cerned, it is to be construed as a reference, not
to the opening line of section 5(2), but to the second sentence beginning with.
The mere appointment of . persois up a post is not rele- vant; what is important is, ' e allattqaitof
functions,» 398' This portion of section 5(2) has, in the draft, been em-
bodied insub-clause (2), and therefore draft sub-clause (7) makes a reference to draft sub-clause (2).
A So far as the reference to section 5(3) is concerned, it appears to be inappropriate, because that
sub-section does not deal with allotment of functions but only with the ap- pointment. Hence that
reference has been omitted.
Existing section 5(4), latter part, and section 5(5), ear- lier part, also deal with allotment of functions
and, there- fore, the corresponding sub-clauses (3) and (4) have also been referred to in the draft
sub-clause under discussion.
The second part of the draft sub-clause is new. and makes a provision which is 'obviously desirable.
_E:¢_isting section 5, sub-section (7A) main para, latter part, may be compared.
Sub-clause (8)--This is intended to make it clear that where the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner
performs the functions of the Income-tax Oicer, provisions requiring his sanction etc. cease to have
any effect. The position re- garding appeals has also been stated in clear terms. The existing
provision in section 5(5), latter half, concluding portion, enacts that references to the Income-tax
Ofcerr and the Appellate Assistant Commissioner shall be deemed to be references to the Inspecting
Assistant Commissioner and the Commissioner respectively. That has been preserved in draft
sub-clause (5); but draft sub-clause (8) attempts merely an application of that principle for certain
impor- tant matters.
Sub-clause (1)----The words "also subordinate to shim" have been added for the sake of precision. It
has also; been made clear that the transferring authority must record its reasons in writing. ' '
Sub--clauses (2) and (3)----Sub-clause (2) is new and gives effect to the following observations of the
Supreme Court in a centre case' :--
H ....... .. We may, however, before we leave this topic, observe that it would. be prudent if the prin
iples of natural justice are followed, where circu1:stan- ces permit, before any order of transfer
under sec- tion 5(7A) of the Act is made by the Commissioner of Income-tax or the Central Board of
Revenue as the case may be, and notice is given to the party affected and he is afforded a reasonable
opportunity of representing his views on the question and the reasons of the order are reduced,
however briey, in writing ....... ..". ' I 'Puma Lal Binj Raj V. éson afIuY;.4x957_)3i in 565,' 539, 590.
iA.I.R. 1951.8-6391,4104:-as' iv! ' F ' X i . 399 The Supreme Court pointed ou_t_that section 64(3)
re- quires an opportunity to e given 'to'the assessee of repre- senting his views when any question as
to the place of as- sessment is to be determined.
Under draft sub-clause (3), the transferring authority is given the power, in special cases, to
dispense with an op- portunity to the assessee before the order is passed. But it has been provided
that the assessee shall in such cases have a right to move for a retransfer within one Ih-onth.
E:cplanation.--This embodies the existing Explanation, which was inserted . to get the situation
created by a decision of the Supreme Court'= whereby a whole-sale transfer of cases, without
reference to the year of assess- ment, was held to be illegal. After the Explanation was inserted, the
question of its validity came up before the Supreme Court in a later case'. The Supreme Court up-
held the validity of the Explanation and explained its scope by pointing out that when a case of any
particular assessee pending before one Income-tax Oicer is transferred to.
(a) all proceedings pending against him in respect of the same year as also previous years are meant
to be transferred simultaneously; and
(b) all proceedings which may be commenced after the date of transfer in respect of any year what-
ever are also included thereil.
The result is that the transferee Income-tax Oicer would be in a position to continue pending
proceedings and also to institute fresh proceedings.
This aspect of the Explanation, namely, that 'it amounts to a transfer of proceedings' for past
assessment years also and that its inclusive part applies to proceedings for any assessment year
whether past or future,_ has in the draft been brought out by suitable amendments (thou)gh the
existing provision is clear enough on this point .
Incidentally, it will be noticed that the denition of "case" contained in the Explanation under
discussion is conned to section 5(7A). Where the zwhole-sale transfer gf cases, pagt ans. future, (caf)
aln assesserjté is to be doge ug-
er section , su section , , atter pa . , or section , su - section (5) latter part, that an be done, not by
calling it a transfer of cases but by reatingiit as a transfer of jurisdiction in respect of "persons".
Itmay be noted here that Section 5, sub-section (5), lattei , t, 'has, in the draft. been amended so as
to add a r erence to specied person.
' Pnnu Lal Biry'Raj V. Union qf Iqdiu (1951), ,3: I.T.R. 565-A._I.R. 1957, 5-0. 397. 4u- ' f , E y .
This clause is new. Some doubt has been felt as to the Income-tax authority which is entitled to
prosecute or defend an appeal in the High Court etc. whenever the assessee's case is transferred
from one authority to an- other. For example, when one Commissioner les an appeal, and the case of
the assessee is transferred to the jurisdic- tion of another Commissioner, the question arises whe-
ther the transferee Commissioner can continue the ap- peal. Provision has, therefore been made to
make it clear that the authority for the time being seized of the case would be the person competent
to initiate or continue such proceedings.
For the sake of simplicity the cases of Commissioner and of the Income-tax Officer have been dealt
with in separate sub-clauses.
The principle underlying the provision is not new. Nor is it conned to the particular provisions
referred to in the draft clauses; it should be applicable for all provi- sions of the Act. But, since
difficulties have been felt only in regard to certain provisions, the draft clause is conn- ed to these
provisions. The provisions of existing section 5, sub-section (7C) cover cases where a proceeding is
peéiding before an Income-tax authority who is transfer- re .
General--This clause corresponds to section 64 of the existing Act. The question whether the section
confers a right on the assessees has come up beforethe courts more than once and has now been
settled once for all by the Su-
it clear that it is too late in the day to say that there is no right to be assessed by the Income-tax
Ofcer of a parti- cular area. The earlier decision of the Supreme Court', holding that the benet
conferred on the assessee by sub- sections (1) and (2) of the section 64 is to be regarded as a right,
has been reinforced by the later decision' refer- red to above.
The marginal note of the section "place of assess- ment" is, however, slightly misleading, because the
section does not deal with the place where the assessment is actu- ally made but with the Income-tax
Oicer having uris- diction. The marginal note, has. therefore. been _al ered accordingly.
' Pannalal Biry' Raj V. Union of India A.l. R. 1957, S. C. 397, 4,06, Paras. 20-22;(xg57) 3: I.T.R.. 565.
' Bids' Supply C . V. Umbnhgflndia (I958) S. C. R. 267, 276; A. I. R.. 1956, S. C. 4.79, 4.88; (1956) 29
I. T. R. 717. _ ' 5 Sub-clause (1)---does not need any comments.
_ Sttb-clause (3)---In the proviso, the words "represent- ing his views'? have been replaced by
"being heard in res-
pect of the question" which are more appropriate; it has' been also made clear that the opportunity
to be afforded to the assessee should be "reasonable".
The second and third provisos to existing section 6i4(3) have, for simplicity, been dealt with in
separate sub- c auses.
Sub-clause (4)----Slight verbal changes have been made to secure simplicity and clarity. -
Sub-clause (6)--embodies existing section 64(4), which is obviously intended to make it clear that
even where the assessee resides or carries on business within the juris- diction of another
Income-tax Oicer, an Income-tax Offi- cer may exercise powers in' respect of income of such as-
sessee accruing or arising within his jurisdiction.
Sub-clause (7)--The only change made is the omis- sion of words that were intended to emphasise
the retros- pective operation of the provision.
Existing section 37 has, in the draft, been split up into two. Portions relating to powers of a court
that can be exercised by the authorities mentioned in the sec- tion have been dealt with in this
clause, while powers of search and seizure have been dealt with in the next clause.
Sub-clause (2)----is new and has been added to indicate the procedure to be followed in exercising
the powers.
Sub-clause (4)--is new. The existing section does , not contain a provision entitling a person
producing a document to apply for return of the same. To make the matter clear, this sub-clause has
been added. Compare Order 13, Rule 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure.
It may be noted that section 37(3), proviso (b) does not in so many words deal with the return of
documents. Moreover, it is conned to Income-tax Officers. _The sub-
clause under discussion will cover 11 cases, including do- ' cuments retained by an
Inuibme-tax.'Oicer. . . .
Item (ii).--The words "have them removed to his office" have been added to deal with cases where
the books are voluminous and the Income-tax Officer cannot exa- mine them in the premises.
Item (iii).--The words "cause to be made" have been added to make it clear that the Income-tax
Otcer can entrust to an Inspector or ministerial staff the work of taking copies or extracts from the
books and documents in question.
Item (iv).----The existing provision relates to a note or an inventory of any 'other' articles or things
found in the course of search; this would exclude books and docu- ments which are referred to in the
earlier item. Since, however, occasion may arise for making a note of a book or document (without
actually seizing it), the word "other" has been omitted in the draft. ' Notes to clause 138.
Sub-clauses (1) and (2)--Existing section 38 (1) has bleen divided into two sub-clauses, to make the
provisions c ear.
What the "return" relates to is only names and ad- dresses; Cf. existing S. 38(1).& (2). That has been
made clear in the draft. In the case of partners, however, infor- mation regarding their shares may
be useful. and that has been added in the draft.
- It has been made clear that the person authorised for the purpose of this section should be
subordinate to 'the officer giving the authority. Private persons should not be authorised under this
The latter part of section 5, sub-section _(7B) has been reproduced here. Presumably, the
"enquiries" referred to here are the enquiries under sections 37, 38, 39 etc. Notes to clause 141.
Sub--clause (1)--The existing section provides that the court shall not be entitled to require "any
public servant" to produce the return, accounts, etc. to be treated as con- dential under this section.
There is a conict of i- sions as to whether- these woiia are to be read liter y as prohibiting. any public
servant whatsoever from mak- ing a disclosure, or whether the prohibition is confined to the public
servants before whom the. documents etc. are produced under the Act. The Bombay High Court' has
taken the view that the section is conned to public servants of the Income-tax Department, while the
Punjab High Court" has taken the contrary view. Though the "wide language of this section might
justify the Punjab view, expediency demands that the narrow view taken by the Bombay High Court
should be adopted. It does not appear to be desirable to prohibit other public servants from making
such disclosures, and draft sub-clause (5)
-of the clause under discussion therefore gives a restricted denition of the expression "public
Sub-clause (2).--Existing section 54(2) imposes a pen- alty on a public servant making a disclosure
of the parti- culars treated as condential. What the sub-section achie-
ves is------
The earlier part of the sub-section really creates the offence, and has been reproduced in this
sub-clause. The "penalty portion has been transferred to the Chapter on "Offences and
prosecutions". V -
Section 54(5) has also been transferred to the Chapter .on "Oences and prosecutions".
Sub-clause (3)--The various paragraphs of this sub- clause embody existing provisions and do not
need any
Paragraph (a)---The existing provision contains the words "prosecution under the Indian Penal
Code". A "pro- secution" is, really speaking, for an ofence under a law Zng therefore the words "for
any offence" have 'been ad- . e .
Paragraph (b).--Reference to the Taxation on Income (Investigation Commission) Act, 1947 has
been omitted as obsolete. I Paragraph (c).--This is new. Where' an Income-tax au- thority makes a
best judgment assesment under section 23 (4), he usually relies on the guiges of prots made by other
persons in a similar business, as gi"ven'~i_'n the income-tax returns of those other persons. In
fairness, the information contained in the returns of such other' persons ' should be disclosed to the
assessee before making a best judg- ment assessment'. This paragraph in question has, there- fore,
been added to authorise such d'Bclosure. Suitable ' EXn.peIr.0rR\.7. 1942) 10 'IiT.lK. 429;"I.I.R.
1942 Bombay 767; Jullundur V. Thenstate (xg5o)'?;18 I. T. 7- $88, A.l.R."rg5o East 3 Cf.
Dhakexhwari Comm Mill: V. C. I. (I954) ugh '1'. R. 775 S. C. ' words have been used in order to
ensure that the assessee- to whom any information is disclosed under this paragraph is not thereby
enabled to trace the other assessees whose gures are disclosed in such information, ' Paragraph
(f).----The privilege conferred by section 54- is sometimes abused by the assessee by claiming it
against courts in which proceedings are pending for or against him. For example, when the
assessee's accounts contain an entry adverse to his case' in a civil suit, the assessee of- ten refuses to
produce the accounts before the court and takes shelter under this section, saying that the ac- counts
are lying with the Income-tax Department. This. cannot be supported by any notions of justice or
fairness- Paragraph (f) has, therefore, been added to empower the court to enforce production of the
accounts in such cases.
Registered documents of which copies can be obtain- ed under the Registration Act, or certain
documents pre- pared under the Companies Act (like balance sheet, au-- dit report, etc.) have also
been mentioned in this para. Such documents need not be treated as condential, since they are
virtually public documents.
Paragraph (j)--The word "lawyer" has been replac- ed by the words "legal practitioner" which are
more ap-- propriate.
Paragraph (k).--Existing section 54(3) (h) is obvious- ly meant for cases where an officer of the
Income-tax De-» partment, detecting an unstamped document, desires to communicate that fact to
the stamp authorities. His po- wer to "impound" the document "occasions" the further transmission
of the document to the Collector under the Stamp Act. The "public servant" referred to in the provi-
sion is, therefore, the Income-tax authority impounding and transmitting document, not the stamp
authority receiv- ing it. (The stamp authority receiving the document, does not "disclose" any
document.) It is the Income-tax au--- thority which makes this disclosure subsequent to the
impounding of the document. Slight verbal changes have been made to bring out this intention,
Paragraph (l)--Existing section 54(3) (i) refers to offi- cers of the United Kingdom or any part of His
Majesty's Dominion. But as section 49A authorises an agreement for e a double taxation iielief with
any country outside', India, the language of this provision has been brought into con- formity with
that position.
Paragraph (n).--This is new and is intended to autho- rise the disclosure of information required in
connection with levy or realization of other central taxes, for exam- ple, estate duty, wealth tax,
expenditure _tax etc. Assis- tance has been taken, in drafting the provision, from exist- ing section
54(3) (j). a V To. a_certain extent, this added provision might over~ lap existing section 54(3) (k),
dealing with customs and excise duties. But the language of the latter provision is slightly different
in two respects :
(i) existing sub-clause (k) refers to ("any authority exercising powers" and not to any Government
(ii) existing sub-clause (k) authorises the disclosure for enabling the exercise of any powers under
the Act (for- example, conscation of goods) and is not conned to levy' or realization of tax.
For these reasons, clause (k) has been retained in the draft and reproduced in paragraph (0).
Paragraph (o).%:'>ee notes above under paragraph (n).. Sub--clause (4).---does not need any
Existing section 54(5) has, as already stated, been transferred to the Chapter on "Prosecutions".
This is new and is intended to make it clear that: the privilege conferred by section 54 can be waived
by the assessee.
General.--The provisions relating to procedure for assessment have been arranged in this'Chapter in
proper' sequence. The proceedings for assessment begin with the notice under section 22 calling for
a return, which may be- followed by the provisional assessment, enquiry by the Income-tax Officer
and the regular assessment. Reopening" of the assessment at the instance' of the assessee, or reas-
sessment at the instance of the Income-tax Officer under' existing section 34, are subsequent
The sections relating to assessmentaliave been placed' in this order in the Chapter. Amendment by
way of recti-4 cation of mistakes is dealt with next, followed by the notice» of demand under existing
section 29.
The procedure for assessment proper having been dealt with in the earlier half of the C ter, the latter
half of the Chapter goes on to embed pro ions regarding in- cidental matters, or matters wh, are inor
importance (e.g., miscellaneous information} and c p tes).
H Sub-clause (1):-The following changes have been "made to improve thelanguage of the section in
precision .and clarity :--
An important departure has been made from the exist- ing Act by providing for an automatic
submission of re-
'turn of income by all persons who are assessable under the Act. Existing section 22(1) requires the
Income-tax Oicer to issue a general notice calling for the Submission of such returns. This provision
entails a lot of expense and labour to the department, since a notice has to be issued in identi- cal
terms by each Income-tax Oicer. Further, the provi-
sion has no parallel in the taxation statutes of other coun- tries which provide for the primary
obligation of the tax-
payer to send a return of income by the prescribed date. Lastly, recent taxation statutes in India, for
example, the Estate Duty Act, the Wealth Tax Act and the Expenditure "Tax Act, contemplate the
submission of a return for the pur-
poses of those Acts without notice by the Income-tax Ofcer_ It seems, therefore, desirable to make
the pro-
vision more rational on the lines of the other taxation' statutes just now referred to.
Apart from this important change, the following «changes have also been made for precision and
(i) it has been made clear that the return of income is to be submitted in the nancial year;
(ii) at present it is doubtful whether a person is liable to make a voluntary return of the income of
any other person in respect of which he is assessable. There are several provisions in the Act, such as
sections 40, 41, 42 etc., which make one person assessable in respect of the income of another. This
lacuna has been removed by the addition of suitable words ;
(iii) the notice under existing section 22(1) usually provides that the return should be furnished be-
fore the expiry of 65 days from the date oftpubli- cation of the notice. This leaves the date indenite
until the date of publication of the notice? is as- certained. It has'been provided, therefore, in the
draft, that the return should be furnished on or before the 30th day' of June;
(iv) a proviso has been added to the effect that a person who has already submitted a return in
response to an individual notice under sub-section (2) need not furnish a return under sub-section (
1) ;
(v) the existing requirement that the return should be a return of "total income" and "total eworld
income" etc., has been replaced by the . imple requirement»? that it should be a return of come in
the prescribed form.' . T .
Paragraph (b) of the sub-clause makes it clear that where a return is sent to the wrong Income-tax
Officer, he should forward it to the Income-tax Oicer having. jurisdiction. , -
Sub-clause (2).----~T-he existing section 22 (2) says that- the notice will require the assessee to
furnish the return "within such period, not being' less than 30 days, as may be specied in the notice".
The words "not being less than" create a controversy as to whether a direction to furnish the return
"within 30 days" would meet the requirement. laid down in the section. To revent all confusion, the
draft sub-clause provides that e return is to be furnished. within 30 days from the date of service of
the notice.
A proviso 'has been added to the effect that the notice should be issued before the end of the relevant
assessment year, This interpretation of the section is wel1-accepted.-
Other drafting changes are on the same lines as those-- made in sub-section (1).
Sub-clause (3).--The date on or before which the re--- turn of loss should be led has been 'specically
mentioned in the draft sub-clause. on the lines of the draft for sub--- section (1). ' The return is
meant for losses sustained in the previ-- ous year, and hence the word "previous" has been inserted
before the word "year" in the beginning of this sub-clause.
The requirement that if the return is not led, the loss cannot be carried forward, contained in the
middle of the existing section 22 (2A), has already been incorporat-« ed in the Chapter on
aggregation of income and set-off of" losses.
Some difficulty has been caused by existing 22 (3) in cases where the assessee les a return' on the
last day of' the period within which the assessment could be complet- ed. It has been held' that if the
department takes no~ action at all for the issue of a notice under section 22, and allows time to pass
and permits the' assessee to make a voluntary return under section 22(3), the income of the assessee
must be assessed as laid section 23 and its is not open to the department to proceed under
section 34.- This would lead to the complication that even if the return of income under.section
22(3) is led cm the last day on which the assessment could be completed, the department" must
complete the assessment without further investiga- tion. To remove this difculty,", an iltnent is
.408 in the draft clause corresponding to existing section 34 (3), main para, whereby the
department will be allowed at least one year from the date on Which a return under section 22(3) is
led by the assessee. This'will meet the Jdifculty brought to light by the case cited above'.
Existing section 22 (4) has been removed and placed 'later as a separate section; its present place in
the middle of the provision relating to return interrupts the descrip- tion of the substantive
provisions dealing with the various
-classes of returns.
This is new. The existing Act is silent as regards the person who should sign a return of income.'The
draft clause is intended to state the position comprehensively in res- pect of the various kinds of
Sub-clause (2).--The provision that due effect should be given to certain allowances and losses has
been remov-
Sub-clause (4).----Existing section 23B, sub-section (3), provides for the assessment of a rm as an
unregistered rm unless the rm fulls the conditions notied by the
contained, the conditions imposed by the notication have been incorporated in the section. The
words "as if it were an unregistered rm" in the existing provision are not happy, since they would not
apparently cover a case where the rm is in fact unregistered. The simple phrase "as an ulnregistered
rm" has, therefore, been substituted in their p ace. ' .
Sub-sections (5) and (6)----of existing section 23B have been transferred to the Chapter on
Collection of tax.
Existing section 22 (4), dealing with the enquiry which the Income-tax Ofcer may make before
assessment, has been embodied in this clause.
Sub-clause (1).--The words "for the purpose of making an assessment under this Act" have been
inserted in the Lbeginning, to dene the scope and object of the enquiry.
It has been made clear that after obtaining the pre- vious approval of the Commissioner, the
Income-tax. Offi- cer may call upon the assessee to furnish a statement of assets and liabilities. The
requirement of approval will prevent undue hardship to assessees.
Sub-clause (2)--This is new, and enunciates a well established proposition. It is intended-to make it
clear that an Income-tax Officer may make such enquiries as he con- siders necessary. It will be
particularly useful in cases where a "best judgment assessment" is proposed to, be made.
Sub-clause (3)--This is new. It has been held by the Supreme Court' that before any material is used
against any assessee, he should have an opportunity to rebut the same. This principle has been
codied in this draft sub- clause. An exception has been made for cases where an assessment is to be
made under existing section, 23 (4), since it is an ex-parte assessment.
General----Existing section 23! deals with the three possible situations that may arise when an
assessee is called upon to make a return of income--(1) the return is made by the assessee, and
accepted by the Income-tax Officer; (2) the return is made by the assessee, but is not accepted by the
Income-tax Officer, who wants to make further enquiry; (3) no return is made.
, Slight verbal additions have been made in the opening portion of Sub-sections (1) and (2) to bring
out the fact that these three situations are being dealt with separately by the section.
Clause 147, Sub-clause (1)---Apart from verbal additions already referred to, the only change made
is the addition of a reference to "loss" of the assessee so that the assess- ment would determine the
amount of loss which can be carried forward under existing section 24(2) read with existing section
22 (2A). It has also been made clear that if any sum is to be refunded, that should also be mentioned
in the assessment order.
Sub-clause (2)--The only change made is the verbal addition already referred to. < .
Sub-clause (3)----An assessment under existing section 23(3) is made after a consideration of the
material which the Income-tax Oicer has gathered. The draft sub-clause, therefore, makes it clear
that in addition to the evidence produced in the case, the Income-tax Oicer is also to take into
account such materials. The denition, given as a separate clause, gives, some indication of the
material which the Income-tax Officer is competent to take into account. . ' A x I Dhalruwari Cotton
Mill: Vs. 0.1.7'. (1954) 26 1. 1:; 1;. 375 (s_.'c.). _ Apart from this change of importance, the other
changes are Ihinor and are on the same lines as those made in sub-section (1). 1 Clause 148 :
Sub-clause (1)----It has been made clear that the "best judgment assessment" is to be made after a
consideration of the relevant material which the Income- tax Officer has gathered. The denition,
given as a separate clause, will apply for this sub-clause also. ' The other verbal changes follow the
lines on which verbal changes have been made in sub-section (1) of exist- ing section 23.
Sub--clause (2)--This is new, and is consequential on the addition of a reference in sub-sections (3)
and (4) of existing section 23 to the relevant material gathered by the Income-tax Officer.
Clause 149.--See notes to the main clauses relating to assessment', Sub-section (5) of existing section
23 has been dealt with in the Chapter relating to rms, in view of its sub- ject matter.
Sub-section (6) of existing section 23 deals with a step consequential on assessment, and has been
placed later in this Chapter.
Existing section 13 has been embodied here, -with the changes explained below :--
Sub-clause (1)--Section 13, Proviso, provides for the power to compute the income upon such basis
and in such manner as the Income-tax Oicer may determine. In a case, however, where the accounts
are not correct and coigalete, the assessment is practically a best judgment asses ent. The power to
assess under the proviso to Section ' can be exercised only where the accounts are correct an , com-
This has been made clear in the draft, by dealing in separate sub-clauses with (i) the case where the
accounts are correct and complete and (ii) the case where they are not correct or complete.
Existing section 27, whidh empowers the reopening of an assessment at the instance of the assessee,
is cpnn- ed to cases where the assessment was made under existing section 23(4). This limitation,
though not expressly con- tained in the section, follows obviously from the worcls "he was prevented
by sucient from making the re"urn".
1 Clause: 14.7 and 148. T The only kind of assessment in such cases would be one - under section
23(4), which begins with the words "If any person fails to make the return ....... ..". This has been
made clear in the draft. -
The existing words "within one month from the service of a notice .......... ..satises the Income-tax
Oicer" are mis- leading; if construed literally, they would require that the satisfaction of the
Income-tax Oicer himself must be completed within one month. This is not, however, the intention.
It should suffice if the assessee applies Within one month for cancellation of the assessment. The
section has been, therefore, slightly redrafted to make the inten- tion clear. ;
It has been held by the Nagpur High Court in a recent case' that where an assessee is called upon by
the Income-tax Officer to produce accounts and fails to do so because he does not in fact maintain
any accounts, and the assessee is consequently assessed under section 23 (4), he is not bound to
make an application under section 27 for reopening the assessment. He can raise the point again in
an appeal before the Appellate Assistant Commissioner who is bound to entertain the point. No
alteration in the- law is required.
General.----Existing section 34, relating to the power to» assess an income which has escaped
amessment, has been sought to be simplied in the draft clauses under discus-- sion on the following
lines:--1 .
(1) The substantive provision dealing with the power itself, contained in section 34(1) clauses (a) and
(b), has been placed in the beginning; the requirement of notice is placed next ; and the detailed
provisions contained in the various provisos, dealing with the time-limit for the exer- cise of the
power, have been put in separate clause.
(2) Section 34(3), relating to the period within which. assessment should be completed, has been
placed as a separate draft clause, since it '5 not conned in its ap li- cation to an assessment under
section 34 itself, but app 'es' X) all orders of assessment or reassessment under the ct. ~ (3)
l3rovisions that have become obsolete,'such as sub- sections (1A), (1B), (1C) and (ID), have been
omitted. Since the new Act will apply only to assessments made- for assessment years subsequent to
the commencement of the Act, it is not necessary to repeat these sub--sections in , . . ' ".
Suganshand Kanha: a La! Ratlu, jab V. 01.1'. J dgm t dated 20-9-1957 in Mix. Cizil case No. 115 of]
55 (not yr? on 27-] Law Com.I58 , *5 / the new Act. Any action that might have to be taken with
reference to prior years can be taken even after the com- mencement of the new Act.
Clause 152.--It has been made clear that the power to make a reassessment is subject to the other
provisions of the various clauses. This has become necessary in view of the fact that the time-limit,
at present dealt with in the provisos, has in the draft been dealt with in separate clauses.
Clause 153.--The short expression "income has escap- ed. assessment" has been used in the
preceding clause and dened here.
Clause 154.--This does not need any comments, since the only change made is the addition of the
words "before making the assessment .......... ..the Income-tax Officer shall'_' serve a notice. This is
purely consequential on the scheme adopted in the draft to separate the various provisions at
present contained in sub-section (1). ' Clause 155.
General.----The time-limit for the issue of a notice "under existing section 34(1) is dealt with in this
clause; An attempt has been made to make the provision easier to understand, by stating the various
time-limits applicable to the various situations separately. Thus, cases where no time-limit is
prescribed, are dealt with rst. The case where the time-limit is eight years is dealt with next ; and the
residuary time-limit of four years, applicable :when the rfase éalls under existing section 34 (1) (b),
is dealt with at t e en . :
Sub-clause (1) Para. (a).-,-Existing section 34(1 , 1st proviso, item (ii)--provides, in effect, that where
t e in- come that has escaped assessment exceeds the amo t of one lakh of rupees or more, the
assessment can be- made under this section at any time. For the purpose of cdmput- ing this sum of
one lakh of rupees, income that has §escap- ed assessment either for the relevant 'ssess- ment year
for which the notice is o be issued, or for that year and any other years after :'«#which eightt
yearihhavehelafgsed, Calls.' be taken into accpu . The resu is, at t e nger t e period t at is alo ed to
elapse, the more. pr able becomes the assessability 'of the assessee under this provision. Thus, where
an inc e of Rs. 25,000 hasteicaped asselssmeint for the year 194 4, the income canno e assesse un er
1: is section in, s'y, the year 1953. But if the income. for the intermediateeyears, say 1944-45, 1S also
allowed to escape assessme t, the accumulated total of such escaped incomes would give a right to
proceed under this section, in, say, the year 1955 (if the accumulated total is one lakh of rupees or
more). Since the main object of _ provision for time- mit is to ensure that actiqn is t' as early as
possibl , such a situation cannot la? regar d J
- 1.
-therefore, an attempt has been made: to substitute a simple rule, under which, only the incomezfbr
the 16 assessment years prior to the year in which the notice is issued, can be taken into account.
The minimum amount of~one lakh of rupees has been preserved in cases where an aggrega- tion is
to be made, but it has also been provided that where the income escaping assessment for the
relevant assessment year itself is Rs. 50,000 or more, the power to proceed under this section
should be available at any time.
The substitution of this rule has, incidentally, facili- tated some simplication of the form of this
section also.
The reference to the assessment year ending before the 31st day of March, 1941, has been omitted,
since the 16 assessment years preceding the year in which notice may issue, which are referred to in
the provision as draft- ed, will all be assessment years later than 1939-40, as the new Act will apply
only for assessment years subsequent to its commencement.
It is, however, made clear, that for the purpose of computing the accumulated total that has escaped
assess- ment, assessment years under the 1922 Act (i.e. the existing Act) can also be taken into
account. » A Sub-clause (2).--The restriction contained in existing section 34(1), 2nd Proviso,
regarding the issue of notice against the agent of a non-resident, would seem to apply to a notice
under clause (a) as well as clause (b) of section 34(1). For this reason, draft sub-clause (1) begins
with the words "subject to the provisions of sub-section (2)" and draft sub-clause (2) is framed so as
to make it clear that it applies to all notices under section 34(1).
Clause 156.
Existing section 34(3), 2nd Proviso, operates not only in relation to the period of completion of
assessment, but also in relation to a time-limit for an, issue of notice under section 34(1). This is
clear from the' Words "nothing con- tained in this section limiting the time within which any action
may be taken ............. .." appearing in the beginning of the Proviso. The Proviso thus acts as an
Exception not only to section 34 (3), main ipara, _but also to the time- limit under section 34(1).
The latter aspect has been dealt with here. : 1' Clause 157.
General.--The verbal changes are' consequential on the breaking up of the section into various
Sub-clause (2).----Existing section 34(1), 1st - Proviso, clause (iii), says that a notice under clause (a)
shall not be issued for any year .......... ..unless .......... ..the Commissioner is satised that it is a t
casefor thef ue of such a notice. Apparently, this would app?' even' here the notice is issued within
four years. Bu since hotice under. clause I i
(b) can be issued, within four years, without any such sanc- tion, no harm would be caused if, in
cases under. clause
(a) also, this restriction is made to operate only where the notice is issued after four years. The
provision in question has been altered accordingly.
Sub--clause (1).----Does not need any comments. The verbal changes are consequential as above.
As to the omission of sub-sections (1A), (1B), (1C) and (ID) of existing section 34, see notes above
under this group of clauses under the head "Genera1"..
Clause 159 : This is new. The time-limit for comple- tion of assesssment is at present contained in
section 34 itself, Since it is" being transferred in the draft to a sepa- rate section, it seems desirable
to have such a clause to draw attention to the provision relating to time-limit.
General.--Existing section 34 (3) has, in the draft, 'been split up into three sub-clauses. The main
provision, impos- ing the time-limit, has been dealt with in sub-clauses (1) and (2), while the various
exceptions have been dealt with separately in sub--clause (3), for the sake of clarity.
Sub-clause (1).--Paragraph (a) does not need any'com- ments. The substitution of the words
"assessment year?' for 'year' is meant to secure precision.
Paragraph (b) is new and is intended to provide that the time-limit in the case of a notice under
existing section 28 (3) read with section 28 (1) (c) is four years counted from the issue of the notice.
It seems desirable that there"
Paragraph (c) is new. As already explained in the notes to the draft clause' corresponding to existing
sec- tion 22 (3), some difculty has been felt in cases where the assessee les a return under section
22(3) towards the end of the period within which the assessment sho d be completed. The
Department has to complete the ess- ment without any further investigation, lest the period shall be
exceeded. To meet such cases, this paragraph haslbeen added, so that the Department may get at
least one? year for completing the assessment.
Sub-clause (2).--Deals with the limitation in case of assessment and reassessments under section 34.
Sub-clause (3).--Th_e various exceptions contained in existing section 34(3) have been embodied in
this sub- clause, and each exception has, for the sake of clarity, ' Clause 143(4).
been dealt with in a separate item. The various items them- selves do not need any detailed
comments, since the ver- bal changes are purely consequential on the breaking up of the exceptions,
into different items, as already explained.
One change of substance, however, has to be pointed out. Existing section 34 (3) allows the
completion of an assessment under section 34 (1) (a) at any time. It is desir- able that some
time-limit should be imposed.' The draft proposes a time-limit of 4 years from the end of the assess-
ment year in which the notice is served.
The existing exception for assessments under section 34 (IA) has been omitted in the draft, since no
such case can arise under the new Act, whose operation will be conned to assessment years
subsequent to its commence- ment.
c Explanation 1.--The second proviso to existing section 5, sub-section (7C) has been embodied here.
Very often, assessment roceedings are stayed by an order of a court, and in suc cases it becomes
difficult to complete the assessment within the period limited by sec- tion 34(3). A provision has,
therefore, been added in thee draft to exclude the period during which the proceedings were so
stayed, .while computing the period of limitation under section 34(3).
Explanations 2 and 3.--Proceedings by way of appeal, revision etc. sometimes result in an order
under which the inclusion of a particular item of income in the total income of a particular previous
year is disallowed. As a result. it becomes necessary to count that income as a part of the total
income of another previous year. Such recomputation should be regarded as consequential on the
proceedings by way of appeal etc., and the time-limit under section 34(3) should not be regarded as
applicable in such cases.
Similarly, proceedings by way of appeal etc. some- times result in an order disallowing a particular
item of income as forming part of total ineome of A, and it may become necessay to include that
item in the total income of B. This process also should not be regarded as subject to the period of
limitation prescribed' by section 34(3), since it is consequential on the order passed in the appealetc.
All that is necessary. is a safeguard» to the effect that the other person (B) should have been heard
before the order was passed'.
The Explanations in question are intended to clarify the position for such cases. ' ' Explanation
3.--This is new and is intended to enable the Income-tax Oicer to make an assessment at any time in
the income of another person, whereby an order passed " S. C. Parashar vs. Vasantasen Dwarliada:
(1956) 29 J. T. R. 857 (l3om- 3 bay H. C.) p 3 l on appeal etc. such income is held to belong to that
person. A safeguard has been provided to the effect that the' pro- vision will be applicable only
where the other person against whom the assessment, is now proposed to be made, was given an
opportunity of being heard before the basic order (that is, the order passed in appeal etc. on the
basis of whichi the assessment is now sought to be made) was passe .
(ii) the period within which such reciication can be made; and \ '
For the sake of clarity, these three things have, in the draft, been split up'into separate sub-clauses.
' The second Proviso, which bars action _in respect of orders passed more than one year before the
comm nee- ment of the Indian Income-tax (Amendment) Act, 939, has been omitted, as obsolete. '
Sub--clause (1).--The various authorities that can amend their orders have been dealt with
separately in paragraphs,
(a), (b) and(c) along with the nature of the orders that: can be amended by each authority. , ~ Since
the order under this section is essentially in§ the nature of an amendment, the phrase "with a view
to eti- fying any mistake .......... ..the ........ .;..may amend" has een used. Incidentally, this has
enabled the use of the ort expression "amendment" in subsequent sub-clauses, thus ' avoiding the
lengthy expression "rectification of mistakes".
Sub-section (2) of section 35,. relating to the rectifica- tion of mistakes by the Appellate Tribunal,
has been quit- ted since the Tribunal is proposed to be abolished.
Sub-clause (2).----The verbal changes are conseque tial on the scheme adopted in the draft to break
up section (1) into various sub-clauses (See notes above under the ead "General"). v Sub-clause
(3).-----Apart from verbal changes which are consequential, the words "or otherwise increasing the
lia- bility of the assessee" have been added to make the ?pro- vision comprehensive.
Sub-clause (4).--This is negvsr. and embodies a pra'tice .fol1owed even now, ami is also mecessary
as an appe is now provided. , : » .
Sub-clause (5).--does not need any comments. 'Sub-clause (6).---does not need any comments.
,_ Sub-clause (7).--The verbal changes that have been made are consequential. .
Gene'ral.----'For the sake of_ clarity, the various special cases of rectication, dealt with i._n exisggig
section 35_(5) and subsequent sub-sections, have been e odied separately in this draft clause.
The wording of existing section 35(5) etc. is not happy. The words "shall be deemed _to bea
rectication," creating an articial ction, have been replaced in the draft by words conveying the
substance---that' the Income-Tax Oicer has power to amend. "
The provisions contained in existing sub-sections (6), (7) and (10) of section 35 have--_been
omitted, for the reason that no scope for the application of any 'of these provisions would remain in
respect of assessments made under the new Act. The new Act will apply only to assessment years
subsequent to its enforcement. Thus, any recomputation of total income consequential on
assessment or modied assess- ment of excess prots tax or business prots tax under sec-. tion 35(6)
will be conned to cases arising under the old Act, that is to say, for assessment years prior to the
enforce- ment of the new Act. The,; that neither excess prots tax nor business prot; tax is in
force now, and it is only for past assessment years that these taxes have any relevancy. Similarly, the
recomputation {Of the total income of the share-holders consequential on the modication of the
assessment of the company under section 23A, will neces- sarily be in respect of assessment years
prior to the new Act. The reason is, that section 23A (as it stands in the pre- sent Act as amended
up--to-date and) as embodied in the draft) does not have any relevancy on the assessment of the
total income of the share-holders. Any action under sec- tion 35(7) will be conned to past as _ ent
years. On the same reasoning, any action unlder sect -on 35(10) will neces- sarily be related to the
assessment years prior to the new Act, since the recomputationjof tax (by reduction of the rebate)
under that sub-section: is applicable only in respect of the assessment years 1948-49 to 1954-55.
These sub-sec- tions have, therefore, been omitted.
Sub-clause (1).--The following dléafting changes may be noticed :-- T (1) Section 35(5), as it stands
at present, creates an ambiguity, namely, whether the words "where .......... is found on the
assessment or re-assessment of the rm" are to be linked up with the words "under section 31, section
33" etc. The intention, obvio y, is 't the assessment or re-assessment need not have een 3 under the
specic i i 418 .
sections referred to in the sub-section. This has been made clear in the draft, by separating the
situations into para- graphs (a) and (b) in this sub-clause;
(ii) reduction or enhancement of income resulting from an amendment under section 35 itself is not
at present covered by section 35(5). This has now been added in the draft ;
(iii) as already explained in the notes under the clause' corresponding to existing section 35(1),
action under sec- tion 35 is essentially in the nature of an amendment. Fur- ther, the extension of
the provisions of section 35(1) to the special cases dealt with in section 35(5) and subsequent
sub-sections is purely articial, and it would be better if the word "rectification" is not used in respect
of these special cases. Hence the word "amendment" has been used-
(iv) the existing sub-section speaks of the period "referred to" being "computed" in a certain
manner. Sec- tions 35(8), 35(9). etc., however, speak of the period "speci-
of uniformity, the expressions used in section 35(8) have, in the draft, been used in all the
Sub-clause (2).----This is new. The existing section is silent on the question whether an order similar
to that under section 35(5) can be passed in the case of a member of an association where the
assessment of the association itself is revised. It seems desirable to add such a provision, and this
sub-clause is intended to achieve that object. Since the provision is new, a proviso has been added
t-o save the rule contained in existing section 14(2)(b) which enacts that tax is not payable by an
assessee on any amount on- which the tax has already been paid by the association.
Sub-clause (3).--The only change that requires explana- tion is the omission of clause (b) of existing
section 35(8). This clause is meant for a -casewhere a company is assessed under section 23A and in
consequence it becomes necessary to compute or recompute the: total income of the share- holder.
As already explained. above, section 23A (as it stands in the present Act as amended up-to-date and
as embodied in the draft) has no relevancy now on the income of the shareholders. Clause (b) of
section 35(8) has, there- fore, been omitted. Other changes are consequential.
Sub-clause (4).----Existing section 35(9) provides: that where a company does not ay the tax on its
prots "within three years after the nancial year in which the dividend was declared", the Income-tax
Oicer may proceed to re- compute the amount of tax deemed to have been paidby the shareholders.
This presupposes that the assessment of the company has taken place and the company has failed to
pay the tax. There may, however, be cases where the 1 Clause 16!.
e 4119 V the assessment of the company itself is delayed. In such cases, it would not be proper to
insist that the company should pay the tax within three years from the year in which "the dividend
was declared". It would seem desira- ble to allow, in such cases, a period of at least one year from
the end of the nancial year in which the assessment of the company is made. Necessary alteration
has been made in the draft sub-clause on this point. Other changes are 'verbal and consequential.
Sub-clause (5).--This embodies existing section 35(11) introduced by the Finance Act, 1958.
Sub--clause (6).'----This is new. Cases sometimes arise when an assessee claims deduction for a bad
debt in res- 'pect of a particular previous year, and the Income-tax Offi- cer is of opinion that the
deduction should have been claimed for an earlier previous year. Under the existing law, the
assessee cannot obtain any deduction for such earlier years. The draft sub-clause is intended to
remove "this hardship by conferring the necessary power on the Income-tax Oicer.
'3 This reproduces existing section 29. The words "or other person" have been omitted, since the
denition of "'assessee", even in the existing Act, covers all persons by "whom any tax etc., is payable.
Moreover, in cases where A is liable to pay tax on the income of B, A will either be a "representative
assessee",' or other person who would fall '-under the denition of assessee.
Existing section 24 (3) has been embodied here, since it deals with the steps consequential on the
assessment of the income of assessee. Instead of the words "to have set off" the words "to have
carriedforward' and set off", have 'been substituted, for the sake-of precision.
Existing section 23 (6) has been placed here, since that again deals with a step consequential on
The existing words "wh'ene_V§r theulncome-tax Officer makes a determination in accordance with
the provisions of sub-section (5)" have been replaced, by the words "whenever a registered rm is
assessed or an unregistered rm IS assessed under section .......... ..",= since the existing 'words do
notecorrectly describe the nature of the action taken by the Income-tax Oicer. In essence, the
tax Ofcer makes an "assessment", as i; 'clear by the words "the total income .......... ..shall be
asse$ed" in section. 23 'Vida Chapter on Liability in spccialécases. Vi '. ' ' «4 '9 (5) (a) (ii) and by the
words "in the case of an unregistered rm, the Income-tax Oicer may .......... ..proceed to assess the
total income" in section 23 (5) (b).
The various kinds of returns submitted in respect. of salary, dividend etc., have been dealt with here
in one c ause.
Sub-clause (1).-Existing section 20A, dealing with the return to be submitted by a person paying any
interest, says that the return is to be furnished to "prescribed oi-- cer". Rule 43A of the rules made
under the Act provides: that the return should be made to the Income-tax Officer in whose
jurisdiction a person responsible for paying in-- terest resides. It would be convenient if this rule is
em-- bodied in the section itself. .One modication, however, seems desirable to be made in. the rule
while embodying; it in this section. The return should be furnished to the Income-tax Officer having
jurisdiction to assess the person submitting the return, (that is, irrespective of the residence of such
person) so that the Income-tax Oicer can verify the items during the course of his examination of
accounts without any additional labour. The necessary addition has, therefore, been made in the
draft sub-clause.
Sub-clause (2).--Clause (a) of existing section 21 pro- vides that the return to be furnished in respect
of salaries should contain the name etc., ofsthe person who receives the salary from the "authority,
company" etc. It is silent ;about a person receiving salary from the Government, 'even though the
opening line of the section says that the pres- cribed person in the case of "every Government ofce"
has to submit the return under this section. This lacuna has been supplied in the draft.
No addition is proposed in respect of foreign Go'vern-- ments as it may be diicult toenforce the
requirement of return from such Governments. ' Clause (b) of section 21 speaks of the amount (if the
income "so received or so due" "by" each such person (that is, the person receiving salary). The
clause, ;as it stood before its amendment in 1939, spoke only of income "received by" such person.
The words "or so due"iwere added in 1939 to cover the case where salary has b come due. At the
time of the amendment, however, a small am- matical inaccuracy. seems to' have crept in. The_i
ome was described as income "due by" such person whllelwhat was intended, obviously, was income
due "to" such person- Necessary verbal changes have. therefore, been made in the draft to remove
this inaccuracy. ' Sub--clause (3).--This does not require any comments- The provision contained in
e' isting section 58T hasfbeern referred to here, in vjew of subject-matter.' . VI ' Cf. draft clause 314'.
This embodies existing section 20. The words "or that no tax is payable" have been added to deal
with a situa-, tion not covered by the Act---namely, where the company' is not taxable for the year
CHAPTER xv LIABILITY IN SPECIAL CASES Notes to clause 168.' General Existing section 24B is
meant to deal with the case of' death of the assessee and the proceedings to be taken against the
legal representative. The language of sub--
section (1), however, is not direct enough to bring out in proper perspective the main idea
behindthis section. Fur-U ther, it does not deal step by step with the various stages.
In the draft, therefore, verbal alterations have been made in order to make it clear that the following
possible situa--
(1) where a person dies before any' proceedings for' assessment of his income have been
menced by the issue of notice, but the assessment ' has not been completed;
(3) where proceedings for assessment have been com» pleted, but the notice of. demand has not
been served, so that no "arrears" have come into being; ' and (4) where assessment has already-b en
made and the notice of demand also served, u the actual rea1i--
sation, of the tax has not been"3 completed, so that the amount of the tax is in "arrears".
Sub-clause (1).--It has been made clear that the liabi-~ lity of the legal representative is to be arrived
at "in the like manner and to the same. extent? as the deceased.. Compare existing sections 40 (1)
and 41(1).
Sub-clause (2).--This is mainly in ended to preserve the continuity of the proceedings andgtp ensure
that all the possible situations referredfto in the' beginning of the'- notes to this clause under the
head "General" are covered. by the combined operation of sub-clauses (1) and (2)..
Subeclause (5)--does not need any comments. Sub-clause (6)--does not need any comments.
General.--The assessments under existing sections 40, A41 and 42(1) are really "representative
assessments" as .they are styled under the South African Income-tax Act. This will be clear from the
following analysis :--
(i) Section 40(1) relates to persons under disability. The persons under disability enumerated in the
section are, "minors, lunatics and idiots". In these cases, the guardian etc., of the minor, or the
manager or committee of the lunatic or the idiot would have no ownership «in the property or
income. The income really belongs to the per» sons under disability, and all that the sections
provides is a machinery for enforcing the liability of the incapa-- citated person. The tax is
recoverable from the guardian etc. in the like manner and to the like amount as it w c Id be leviable
upon the person under disability if of full a e and in direct receipt of the income. This is a case where
Income received by the guardian etc., on behalf of the incapacitat- .cd person is taxed in the hands
of guardian etc., and can therefore be treated as a representative assessment.
(ii) Section 40 (2), dealing with trustees or agents of non-residents, also limits the liability of the
trustee or ':agent by the words "in the like manner and to the same amount" as the liability of the
beneciary if in direct receipt of the income. Here again, the income which a trustee etc. received on
behalf of the beneciary is taxed in the hands of a trustee etc. It is therefore a representative
(iii) Secion 41 relates to income received on behalf of :a beneciary by the Court of wards,
Administrator-General, the Official Trustee, trustee appointed under a deed of trust etc. The section
makes these persons liable: to be assessed in respect of income received by them "on ?behalf of" the
beneciary and "in the like manner and ?to the same amount" as the beneficiary. (There are two
provisos "which are not relevant for the purposes of the present dis-
(iv) Section 42 relates to the agent of a non-resident and empowers the department to treat the
agent as the' .assessee in respect of tax leviable on certain income,of the non-resident deemed to
arise in India. The income does not "belong to the agent, but, for facilitating the collection of tax he
is made liable and "is (deemed to be the assessee ;for all the purposes" 'of the Act.' He is thus a
representative .assessee. - ' l It would, therefore, contribute to clarity if all these: provisions are
simplied and treated in a uniform manner" The substance of these provisions is the same, namely,
that. the tax is leviable and recoverable from A even though nor- mally it would be recoverable and
leviable from B. The treatment of all these provisions in one section will also- avoid the unnecessary
repetition of the words "the tax shall be leviable and recoverable" or words like " ....... shall be
deemed to be the assessee" etc. The scheme adopted, therefore, is to collect these pro--- visions at
one place (in so far as the rules applicable are common to all the cases), under the head
"Representative assessees".
The group of sections begins with denitions, followed by the substantive provisions dening the
liability of the representative. Special provisions applicable only to special classes of representative
assessees are placed at the end.
Assistant has been taken from the South African. Income-tax Act in framing these provisions. The
following sections of that Act have been drawn upon :--
Section 69.--Denitions.
Section 71.--Right of representative assessee to recover the tax from the beneciary.
Section 72.----Personal liability of representative assessee in cases Where he parts with the estate
without making provision for" tax.
Section 75.--Remedies of the department against pro-~ perty with agent or trustee to be the same as
the remedies against the property of the principal or the beneciary.
Sub-clau_se (1) Item (i).--Existing section 42(1), main para, latter part,. making the agent liable for
the tax on certain income of non-resident, has been incorporated here. (The earlier part of the main
para of the section has already been incorporat- ed in the group of sections relating to deemed
income). The first prowiso to section 42(1) has been dealt with in a separate clause in this Chapter,
while the second and third provisos have been embodied in another separate clause
Existing section 42(2) has 'already been incorporated in the Chapter relating to provisions gainst
avoidance of liability to income-tax, while $ction ) has been incor- porated in the group of section'
relatin o deemed incomes.
Item (z'i).--This represents a part of existing section 440(1). There seems, however, to be no reason
why there should be two provisions, one in section 40(1) and the other in section 41(1), for trustees.
Convenience requires that all trusts should be dealt with in one section. Accordingly, the reference
to trustees in existing section 40(1) should be omitted. This will, of course, lead to the result that
oral trusts not covered by section 41 will not be covered by the new provision. However, this would
not create any practical difficulties, as the trustee will be still chargeable under the main charging
section, namely, section 3; more- over such instances will be very few. As a matter of fact, it becomes
difcult to administer existing section
-40(1) in the case of oral trusts; in the rst place, it' is not «easy to verify the existence of a trust, and
in the second place, even if the trust is ascertained, it is not easy to nd out with certainty the shares
of the beneciaries. Oral trusts should not, it is suggested, be included in the ambit «of the provisions
relating to representative assessments.
Existing section 40(2) will be covered by another clause that follows in this chapter, dening "agent"
in relation to non-residents.
Items (iii) & (iv).--Existing section 41(1) has been bro- ken into these two items, for the sake of
clarity. Trustees or authorities appointed under law. like the Official trustee, the Administrator
General, the Court of wards, or receivers or managers appointed by the court have been dealt with in
item (iii), while trustees 'appointed under a trust deed have been dealt with in item (iv). In both the
items, it has been made clear that income which the trustee, the court of wards etc. receives in fact
would be also governed by the item, vide the words "receives or" added before the words "entitled to
receive". This change has been made on the lines of existing section 40(1).
Sub-clause (2).-----This sub-clause is intended to make it clear that the persons liable as
representative assessees are to be deemed to be assessees. This will place them within the scope of
"assessee" as proposed to be dened sin the draft. (vide also notes to clause 2, denition of "ass ee").
Existing sections 40(1) and 41 (1) achieve this result y pro- viding that the tax shall be leviable from
the guardi n etc., while existing section 42(1) main para last words, straight- away provides that the
agent shall be deemed to §be an assessee. ; , The sub-clause adopts the method used'in section 42(1).
Notes to clause 170 Geneml.--The liability of the representative ass i see is dealt with in this section.
The notes to the clause d' ning "Representative assessee" may also be perused as to the general
scheme of these sections. I Sub-clause (1).---rA unif "rtn provision has bee made
-as to the nature and extent the liability of the rep sente-
tions 40(1), 41(1) and 42(1), ex ress themselves in different ' ways; for example, section 40 =1), after
providing that the guardian etc. is to pay the tax (vide the words "the tax shall be levied .......... ..")
goes on to say that "all the pro- visions of this Act shall apply accordingly". Section 40(2) also
employs the same language. Section 41(1) is also on the same lines. Section 42(1), main para, last
line, pro- vides that the agent "shall be deemed to be for all the purposes of this Act, the assessee" in
respect of the tax payable by the non-resident.
It is desirable that this diversity of language be replac- ed by the same formula for all these cases,
since such diversity unnecessarily causes confusion and gives rise to doubts as to whether any
difference in substance is intended or not. Draft sub-clauses (1) and (2), therefore, make it clear that
the representative assessee is subject to the same duties, liabilities etc. as if the income were his own
income. It further provides that he is liable to assessment in his own name. The category under
which he is to be assessed and the computation of _tax, however, are to be governed by the
priniciples that would have been applicable to the beneciary himself, and this has been made clear in
the draft.
The words "representative capacity? will, incidentally, remove one lacuna existing in the present
Act. When _a . 7 trustee is charged in respect of income of the trust in his hand, the question might
arise whether his individual in- come derived from his personal properties can be included in the
same assessment. In other words, the question is, whether the assessment of a trustee quit-trustee is
to be kept completely separate from his assessmerft in his private capa- city. On principle the two
should be kept separate as the capacities are different, but there is 110 provision in the present Act
giving clear guidance on this point. The words "representative capacity only", as usodi in the draft
sub- clause under discussion, will make the position clear. , Existing section 41(1) etc. are limited to
"tax". The position regarding penalty or any other sum due under the Act should not, however be
different, and the provision as _ drafted will cover penalties and other sums also.
Sub-clause (2).--The provision h t a representative is liable only to the extent of the asset grith him
at present appears only in the case of in legal' _presentative liable under section 24B(1). There
iséhowev no reason why this protection should not extend to representative assessees, such as
guardians, trustees, agents, etc. It is therefore put in a general form in this sub-clause. (There are, of
course, special remedies available against certain representative assessees, which have been saved in
the draft clauses on the subject that follow in this Chapter.)_ Sub-clause (3).--Persons 1' ble as
representative asses-
sees, especially as trustee, gua 'an or ager etc. (i.e.' the assessees governed by exist' secti 140 and 41)
are, at \ 426 present, liable to be charged directly under section 3._also. In any case, the absence of
a specic provision lends sup- port to the opinion expressed by some commentators that the Act
leaves an option with the Department to assess the trustee etc. either under section 3 or under
section 40 or 41. Since assessment under section 3 might be more onerous than under section 40' or
41, it seems desirable to make it clear that it is obligatory on the Department to apply the provisions
of sections 4Q and 41 in cases where they are applicable, leaving the general liability under sec- tion
3 to be applied only in cases which are outside sections 40 and 41. The draft sub-clause under
discussion is intend- ed to achieve this object.
Notes to clause 171 Sub-'clause (1).----This is new. The principle of the sub- clause however is not
controversial and is therefore embodi- ed in the draft on the lines of section 71(1) of the South
African Income-tax Act.
Sub-clause (2) and (3).----Existing section 42, second and third provisos, lay down a procedure
whereunder the agent of a non-resident can approach the Income-tax Oicer for the issue of a
certicate stating the amount to be retained by the agent for discharging his estimated liability in
respect of tax on the income of the non-resident. This provision can be usefully extended to all cases
of representative assess- ment, and has therefore been embodied in the draft sub- clause under
Notes to clause 172 This is new and is based on section 72 of the South African Income-tax Act. In a
sense, it is a corollary of the provision in the main clause' relating to the liability of a representative
assessee, to the effect that he is liable only to the extent of the estate and in a representative capacity
only. If the representative assessee parts with the assets without making proper payment of tax, it is
but fair that he should personally become liable.
(The South African Act, of course, includes even a case where the representative -assessee alienates,
char es or disposes of the income in respect of which the tax is. c arge- able; in South Africa the tax is
payable on the income of the current year itself. Since, however, the scheme of the Indian Act is
different, this partof the South African sec- tion has not been incorporated in the draft clause under
discussion.) ' ;
Notes to clause 173 Sub-clause (1).--The denition of "agent", given in this sub-clause, is based in
substance on existing section 43, main para, but assistance has been taken in drafting it from the
language of the Ceylon Incometax Ordinance'.
' Draft clause :70. V ' Scctionj35, Ceylon InQomc- tax (2?
Paragraph (d) embodies section 40(2) in a brief form- It seems unnecessary to treat the case of a
trustee of a non-resident separately from' the agent of a non-resident or to devote a separate section
to it. In subst ce, the lia- bility of the trustee (when the beneciary is a n-resident) should be the same
as that of the agent. -
Existing section 43, main para, contains the words "upon whom the Incometax Officer has caused
notice of his intention to treat him as agent" to be served. Since a pro- vision for giving opportunity
to the agent is already con- tained in section 43, second proviso, (vide draft sub-clause (2)), these
words are unnecssary and have, therefore, been omitted in the draft.
The words " .......... ..sha1l .......... deemed to be such agent" have been replaced in the draft by
the words "agent .......... ..includes .......... ..". A denition in the form of enumeration having been
adopted in the draft, the form had to be changed, ' Existing section 43, Explanation, has been
embodied in the Explanation to draft sub-clause, with the addition of the words "or relinquishment"
on the lines bf existing section 12B. The reference to the date 28th day of February, 1947, has been
omitted as unnecessary, since the new Act will apply only prospectively, that is, for assessment years
subsequent to the commencement of the new Act.
Section 43, 1st proviso, has been embodied in the pro- viso to the draft sub-clause. An attempt has
been made to make the language less involved, by Toning the proviso with a reference to the
"broker", instea of beginning with the word "transactions" as the existing proviso does.
Sub-clause (2).--Existing section 43, 2nd Proviso, has been embodied here, with the addition of the
words "to be treated as such" at the end in order to make the pro- vision more precise.
Notes to clause 174 The rst proviso to section 41(1) has been split up into paragraphs, for the sake of
clarity. The position in respect of income-tax has been stated separately from the position regarding
super-tax, since .the provision that the tax shall be levied at the maximum rate does not: apply to
super-tax, see existing section 58(1). ' [The latter part of the Proviso, of course, must be taken as
applying to superbtax also, and this has been made clear in the draft, vide sub-clause (b).] ' The
latter part of the Proviso _is, obviously, an excep-
tion to the earlier part of the para (part) of the sub-section. _ earlier part of the proviso ' not , p' 28-!
Law Com. 58 also does not apply. The draft makes this clear by treat- ing the latter part as an
item--item (i) in the draft--falling under the earlier part, i.e. undér sub-clause (a) of the draft.
One impgrtant change has been made in the substance of the existing provision. Section 41(1), lst
Proviso, (dealing with the case where the income is not specically receiva- ble for one person or
where the shares are unknown) pro- vides that income-tax shall be chargeable-
(i) where the beneciaries have no other personal income, and none of them is an articial judicial
person, then at the rate applicable to an associa- tion;
(ii) in other cases, at the maximum rate. This provi- sion leads to an anomaly. Where a beneciary
has even 1 Rupee of other income, the income becomes chargeable at the maximum rate. More-
over, the provision is not simple in its Working. The draft, therefore, proposes a provision where-
under the tax will always be at the rate appli- cable to an association, except in cases where the
income is received by a beneciary and the Income--tax Olcer desires to charge income-tax at the rate
individually applicable to him'.
Notes to clause 175 Existing section 41(1), 2nd proviso, has been embodied in this clause, which does
not need, any comments.
Notes to clause 176 This is new and has been introduced on the lines of section 75 of the South
,African Income--tax Act, in order to make it clear that the fact that a person is holding cer- tain
property as a representative assessee (and not as the benecial owner) does not affect the remedies
available to the department against the property;
Notes to clause 177 Existing section 41(2) provides, in effect, that though a Court of Wards, Oicial
trustee, trustee appointed under a deed etc. is assessable as representing the beneciary. the direct
assessment of the beneciary is not barred. There is no reason why this principle should not be
applied to all representative assessees, and 'the rule has, therefore. been embodied in this clause,
which will be applicable to all cases of representative assessment.
3 The Subject has been 'disccussedby the Taxation Enquiry Commission, which however, did not
favo _ y change See T. E. C. Report (1953-31), pt, II,:ch. VIII para. 9 to u, _ .-107. 5 -_ l Notes to
clause 178 This is new and is intended to state the position re- garding tax in respect of the estate .of
a deceased person in the hands of the executor. The clause, of course will be conned in its
application to income derived after death. Income in respect of the period up to death will be
governed by existing section 24B, which has already been incorporat- ed in the draft clause in this
Chapter relating to legal re- presentatives.
The clause has been drafted on the lines of the relevant provision of the Ceylon Income-tax
Ordinance.' Notes to clause 179 This is consequential on the new clause introduced in the draft
laying down the liability of the executor, and will authorise the executor to recover the tax from the
persons to whom the estate is to be distributed.
Notes to clause 180 General.--Existing section 26(2), which deals with the case of succession to
business, profession or vocation, raises a number of difficulties, and the language of the section has
not escaped criticism". Some difficulty is created by the words "where a person carrying on a
business .......... ..has been succeeded in such capacity". The exact signicance of the words "in such
capacity" is not clear. The observations of the Privy Council' indicate that what is in- tended is, that
the business _etc. should continue to be carried on by the successor. A person who becomes merely
a successor (in the sense that he gets the legal ownership of the business etc. but does not actively
continue the busi- ness etc.) would not be governed by this section, since in his case there would not
be any income after the date of succession. The wording of the section, therefore requires some
change to make this intention clear.
For the sake of simplicity, section 26(2) has been split up in three sub-sections in the draft.
Sub-clause (1).--Apart from the changes explained above. the following drafting changes have been
made :---
succeeding" cause a slight confusion, since it is not clear whether the predecessor is .intended or the
successor is intended, and some effort has to be made to remember the person intended to be
covered. The expressions "predeces- sor" and "successor" have, therefore, been used in the draft in
place of these words. i ' See Sections n (to) and 11 (u) of the Ceylon Income-tax Ordinance.
' See observations of Madhavan Nair J. in jupudi Kexava Ran vs. C.I.'I'o (1935) 3 I-T-R- 339. 343
(Mad-)- , ' Mahamjadhiraj of Darbhanga vs. C.I.T. Bilut -and Oriua (1934) 2 I.T.R., 34.5, 347, 348
(P.C.)-61 LA. 312-LL. R-. 13! 607.' g (2) In ordergto explain the effect of this section more clearly,
clauses (a) and (b) have been added in the draft to provide that the income upto succession is
assessable. on the predecessor and the income after successi.on is assess- able on the successor.
Incidentally, the use of the words "income of the previous year up to succession" will also make it
clear that the previous year talked of is the pre- vious year in which the succession took place.
Sub-clause (2).--The words "year in which succession took place" have, in the draft, been prefaced
by the word "previous". For the sake of clarity, the latter half of sec- tion 26(2), Proviso, has been
dealt with in a separate sub- clause, see draft sub-clause (3).
Sub-clause (3).--In existing section 26(2), Proviso, latter half. which provides that the tax in respect
of the "assess- ment .......... ..assessed on the person succeeded", shall. be payable by the successor,
the wording does not sound well ; the recurrence of "assessment" and "assess" can be avoid- ed. The
language has, therefore, been altered' in order to make the intention clear, though this has resulted
in a slight elaboration.
Sub-clause (4).--Existing section 25A. sub-section (2), deals in part with the case of succession,
though that sec- tion mainly deals with the partition of a Hindu family. The portion dealing with
succession has been incorporated in this sub-clause, for reasons already explained in the notes to
the draft clause' dealing with partition of Hindu families.
The words "where any person has succeeded to a busi- ness .......... ..formerly carried on by a Hindu
undivided family whose joint family property has been partitioned on or after the last date on which
it carries on such busi- ness .......... .." in existing section 25A(2), do not give out the intended
meaning easily. What is intended is, that there is rst a succession to the business of a family, and
simul- taneously with the succession or subsequent thereto there is partition of the family property.
This has been stated in more direct language in the draft sub-clause under discus- sion. It has also
been made clear that it is the income upto the date of succession which is to be assessed in the
manner provided in the section relatin to partition. Income sub- sequent to succession will be t en
care of by existing sec- tion 26(2), and this has also been made clear by the words "but without
prejudice to the provisions of this section" at the end of the draft sub-clause.
Notes to Clause' 181 General.--Existing section 25A is really intended to lay .down the proposition,
that until there has been a complete partition of the joint family pmperty and the Income-gtax Qicer
records a nding to .ee,ct, the family should x Su-notes to dnfcclitne IF!) (4). " . I be treated as joint
and assessed as a Hindu undivided -fami- 1y. The way in which the section begins, however, clouds
the main proposition, because the section begins with pro- cedural matters and relegates the main
proposition to the last sub-section. The various sub-sections have, therefore. been re-arranged in
order to emphasise the main proposi- tion contained in the section.
Sub-clause (1).--It has been held by the Privy Council' that section 25A applies only where there is a
total parti- tion. This is certainly the position under the existing sec- tion. But it would be desirable
to apply the procedure con- tained in the section to partial partition also. The draft, therefore, makes
this alteration in the section, with con- sequential changes. ' Sub-clause (2).--The proviso to section
25A(1) has been combined with the main para.
Sub-clause (3).---Provision has been made that the In- come-tax Oicer, while passing an order
under this section, should record a nding as to the date of the partition. This, besides avoiding many
complications, will facilitate the assessment for the periods before and after partition.
Sub-clause (4).--Some confusion is caused by the language of existing section 25A(2), Which, while
opening with a reference to a case of partition, goes off at a tangent to deal with the case of
succession. For the sake of clarity, these two cases should be dealt with separately, even though the
substantive rule to be applied may be the same. Draft sub-clause (4) connes itself to partition.
Succession is dealt with in the separate clause' corresponding to existing sec- tion 26(2).
The existing provision in section 25A(2), main para, to the effect that the Income-tax Ofcer shall
make assess- ments on the members or group of members accordingly '_'in accordance with the
provisions of section 23"' creates an impression that a special assessment for the purposes of this
section has to be made, on the member etc. This is, however, not the intention. The section is merely
intended to lay down the liability of the members for pre-partition income, and does not require that
the assessment made in pursuance of his liability should be made separately from the individual
assessment of each member. This part of the sub-section has, therefore, been omitted.
There is some amount of confusion, in existing section 25A(2), as to how far a member (or "group of
members") is liable for pre-parti'. ion tax. While the main para. of that sub-section says that each
memberis liable for a "share of the tax on the income so assessed" according to the por- tion of the
joint family pr erty allotted to him, the pro- viso says that the liability s all be _"g'qint and several".
The ' SImdarS:'n_hMa':tln' was: I H 10 I.'I"' J» 'P.C. "
position is not quite clear. The 'intention, however, seems to be this, that a member is jointly and
severally liable, and that for the purpose of computing his "several" liability the property received by
him is to be taken into account. To make this clear, the language of the proviso has been modi- ed
and the position has been stated in a dierent form in the draft. For clarify, cases of partition during
previous year have been dealt with separately from the cases of subsequent partition.
In order to make the section comprehensive, partial par- tition has also been dealt with, as pointed
out above in the notes under sub-clause (1). The Words ''total income receiv- ed by... ....... ..the
family .......... ..shall be assessed", will, in relation to partial partition, have the effect of including the
income received by the family in the assessment of the family even after the partial partition.
Sub-clause (7).--This is new. The rule embodied in the draft is, that where a family was carrying on a
business at the time of partition, the assessment may be made by the Income-tax Officer of the area
in which the principal place of business was situated before the partition; in other cases the place of
residence of the last manager will govern the decision of the question.
Sub-clause (8).----This is new. The existing section is silent as regards penalties and other sums'.
The sub-clause is intended to make the position clear.
Explanation.---Clause (a) of the Explanation is intended to codif a rule already established. Section
25A applies only where t ere is such division of the property as its nature admits of; mere severance
of status does not fall under this section". This is also clear from the words "allotted at the partition"
in existing section 25A(2).
Clause (b), dening "partial partition", does not need any comments.
Notes to clause 182 General.---All the provisions relating to shipping busi- ness, as contained in
sections 44A, 44B and 44C, have been placed in one clause.
The provisions have been re-arranged, so as to state the liability rst, followed by the method of
assessment, excep- tion, and savings.
1 cr. 0.1.7'. vs. Sanichar Sali. (1955) 27 I.T.R. 307, (Pamaij Raju Chettiar and other: V. Collector
qfMadras,(i956) 29 I.'[ .R.241 (Madras). M. Subba Ran Vs. C.T.I. Hyderabad, (1957) 31 [.T.R. 867
' Bansidhar Dhandhaniaand another v. 01.7'. (:94?) I2 I. T. R. :26. Gardhanda: T. Man alda: V. C.l.T.
(19413) n .T.R. 183. Jaganaatli Ram, v. .I.T. #5? I9 I. .' R. 353. V Blmn Rn; Barm Dhar v.C _. . I954).
26 I. T. 11.185.
433 ' Sub-clause (1).--The expression "nancial year" has been substituted for the expression "year",
for the sake of precision.
Sub-clause (2).--The existing section is silent about the carriage of mail by the ships covered by the
section. It seems desirable to add a reference to mail'.
Existing section 44B(2), latter part, provides that one-' sixth of the amount assessed shall be deemed
to be the amount ,of prots and gains accruing to the principal on account of carriage of passengers
etc. But since it is only income which accrues in India that is taxable, this part of the section has
been re-drafted. It has also been made clear that section 44B will apply whether the amount is
payable in or outside India.
Sub-clause (4).--Existing section 44B(3), earlier part, provides that the Income-tax Oicer shall
determine the sum payable as tax at the rate applicable to the total in- come of a company. Since,
however, there are different rates applicable to different kinds of companies (by virtue of the annual
Finance Act), it seems desirable to make the pro- vision more precise, by indicating exactly the
category un- der which such ship-owners are to be placed. The draft sub-section. therefore, makes it
clear that the rate appli- cable to a company which has not made the prescribed arrangements for
the deduction of super-tax on its divi- dends under existing section l8(3D), will be the rate to be
applied under section 44B.
Sub-clause (6). Section 44B, latter part, provides that a port clearance will not be granted until the
officer con- cerned is satised that the tax has been duly paid under
- this section. In the draft, the words "the tax assessable un-
der this section" have been used to make it clear that this sub-section will apply whether the tax has
been duly assess- ed and has, therefore, become payable, or whether the tax is "assessable". In other
words, this sub-section» will apply even if the tax has not actually been assessed by reason of any
default of the master of the ship etc. Sub-clause (7).--The word "year" has been replaced by the
words "nancial year" in the draft, for precision. Fur- ther, it has been made clear that the payment of
tax will be treated as advance payment of the tax "leviable in the relevant assessment year", in order
to make the provision more precise. -
As regards the words "relevant assessment year", notes above under sub-clause (7) may be seen.
Notes to clause 183 Existing section 42(1), first proviso, lays down a rule which relates to the
recovery of tax on a non-resident. not 1 Cf. Section :5 Subsection (1), Sowh Ai'r_i.can:_I|,eomc-tax
\ from his agent but from his assets in India. The emphasis here IS on the assets; this provision has,
therefore; been excluded from the draft clauses dealing with representa- tive assessment, and has
been placed here.
The words "without prejudice to .......... .." have been added in order to malre it clear that the
remedies confer- red by the other sections referred to are not affected by the special provisions of
this section.
The words "whether in his name .......... .." had to be added here, since section 42(1), 1st " Proviso, in
the scheme of the existing Act, is connected with section 42(1), main paragraph, and the main para.
Notes to clause 184 Section 24A_ has been embodied in this clause. For the sake of simplicity, the
provision has been split up into a number of sub-sections. ~ Sub-clause (1).----The provision for
assessment in the current nancial year, embodied in section 24A and other similar sections, really
constitutes an exception to the gene- ral principle embodied in section 3 that it is the income of the
previous year that is taxable.
The chargeability of the income in the current assess- ment year is made clear by specic words in
this sub-clause, and it is also made clear that to this extent the section over- rides section 3. (As a
matter of fact the draft clause for s. 3 is itself subject to the other provisions of the Act»). (See also
notes to sub-clause (2) below).
It may be added that the language of this section has also been criticised by the Income-tax
Investigation Com- mission'. The alterations made in the draft, though they do not follow the lines
suggested by the Commission, re- move the ambiguities and lacunae to which the attention of the
Commission was directed.
Since the section will apply only to natural persons, the expression "person" has been replaced by
the expression "individual".
Sub-clause (2).--The period, whose income is char_ge~ able is mentioned separately in this
sub-clause. The existing provision says that the total income to be assessed is "'of the period from
the expiry of the last previous year of which the income has been assessed in his hands to the
probable date of his departure from the taxable territories, or where he has not been previously
.assessed, on his total income of the period up to the probable date of his depar- ture from the
taxable territories". Now, in so far as this period covers a previous year which has been completed
before the commencement of the nancial year in which the Income-tax Officer takes action under
this section, the sec- tion has no importance, because assessment for such earlier
previous years can be made even umier the normal pro- vision in section 3. It is only in respect of a
previous year which falls wholly or in part within the nancial year that the section needs to be relied
upon. In the draft, therefore, the words just now quoted have been omitted.
Of course, it is still necessary to cover cases where a completed year of income forms part of the
period from the end of the last previous year to the date of departure. For example, a person whose
previous ear ends on the 31st December may leave India, say, in ebruary, 1958. The year of income
commencing on the 1st January, 1957 has to be covered, because the assessment year for that
income will be 1958-59, which has not yet started. In such cases the complete year of income 1957 as
well as the fraction from 1st January, 1958 to February, 1958 may be governed by this section.
Hence, draft sub-clause (2) does not make any other modication as regards the taxable period.
-of tax has been stated in a very elaborate manner. It says that the assessment shall be made. "as
regards each com- pleted previous year" at the rate at which such income would have been charged
had it been fully assessed. Now, -
as already explained, the incomes of years completed before the commencement of the assesment
year in which the In- come-tax Olcer takes action are governed by the normal provision in section 3,
and it does not make any difference whether they are dealt with under section 3 or under this
section. Under section 3, the rate applicable is the rate for the relevant nancial year; such cases
should, therefore, be left to be governed by section 3, and hence the words just now quoted are
unnecessary and have been omitted in the draft. The remaining "previous year", that is, the period'
from the end of the previous year for the assessment year to the date of the departure will continue
to be governed by this section.
As a matter of fact, the words just now quoted are misleading from one point of view, because, if
interpreted strictly, they would mean that a person leaving India in February, 1958 and having his
previous year ending with the 31st day of December, 1957 would he chargeable at the rate applicable
to the assessment year'1'958--59. Obviously, this is not the intention, and the provision as embodied
in the draft will obviate any possibility of any such wrong result being deduced from this section.
Sub-clause (3).--The criticism of the existing section, made above in the notes to sub-clause (2),
applies in res- pect of the provisions for estimating the total income also. The power to estimate
should not be conned, as in the existing section, to a fraction of aipreirious year; even a completed
previous year might fall within the period for which the income has to be ."qstima, ". The sub-clause
has therefore been widened to-' -'ve a fder. power to the Income-tax Officer in this respg = _q »_-. - '
Sub-clause (_4).~--In view of the simplication made in sub-_section (1), it has become possible to
simplify this sub- section by removing the elaborate description of the period for which return is to
be called.
The_ words "(along with such other particulars as may be provided in_ the notice)" have been
omitted in the draft, since the pI'0VlSl0I1 that it is a notice under section 22 (2) implies that other
particulars are also to be furnished, where required. The words "subject to the provisions of' this
section" have been added for precision, particularly in view of draft sub-clause (3).
Sub-clause (5).----It appears desirable to make it clear that the special assessment made under
section 24A is in addition to any regular assessment which may happen to take place in the same
assessment year. This has been made clear by this sub-clause. Existing section 25(1), latter portion,
may be compared. ~ Sub--clause (6).--This is new. The special provision limiting the period of
hotice to seven days, embodied in sub--clause (4), is applicable to the emergency assessment: by
virtue of the section itself. Where, however, the normal assessment for any. past previous year has
not, yet, been made on the assessee who leaves India, it may sometimes. be necessary to nish the
assessment before the assessee leaves India. In such cases the normal period of 30 days- provided
for in section 22 may be difficult to be complied" with. The draft sub-clause, therefore, allows the
Income- tax Officer to reduce the period in such cases. This new provision will ultimately be for, the
benet of the assessee,. since he cannot obtain a clearance certificate under exist- ing section 46A
until his assessments have beenpnalised.
Sub-clause (7).--A time limit-of three months will be allowed to the Income-tax Officer except where
the delay is occasioned by any conduct of the 'assessee.
Notes to clause 185 This clause embodies a part of section 25 of the exist- ing Act. The latter part of
section 25 (2), imposing a penal- ty, is transferred to the Chapter on penalties.
The section has been simplied without affecting the substance. Main drafting changes are :---
(i) The words "notwithstanding anything contained in section 3", have been .added to make it clear
that the ordinary rule requiring assessment of the pre- vious year's income in the next assessment
year is modied in this section;
(ii) the words "discontinued in any year" have been. replaced by "discontiiued in any assessment
yyear", for the sake of precision ; ' r ' --- -
(iii) words excluding a business etc., charged under' ' the 1918 Act have been added, since section' 25
(1) does not apply to such business, vide the words "to which sub-section (3) is not applicable", in
existing section 25 (1) ;
(iv) it has been made clear that the power to charge- tax in the current assessment year is to be
exercis- ed at the discretion of the Income-tax Officer;
(V) the existing words "assessment may be made in. that year on the basis of the income ..........
addition to the assessment, if any, made on the basis of the income .......... ..of the previous year" give
rise to a controversy, namely, whether the income of the normal previous year is to be com- bined
with the income of the current assessment year, when making the assessment. It has been
considered desirable to alter the wording on this point to make the intention clear. The draft,
therefore, uses the words "the total income ....... .. of the period from the expiry of the previous year
to the date of discontinuance", and avoids any" reference to the normal previous year in sub- clause
(1). Draft sub-clause (4), however, makes it clear that any assessment made under the normal'
provision will not be affected by the special pro- cedure given in this section.
Sub-clause (2).--Does not need any comments. Sub-clause (3).--Does not need any comments.
Sub-clause (4).--See notes under sub-clause (1).
The remaining portion of section 25 has been embodi- ed in the draft at the appropriate places.
Notes to clause 186 Sub-clause (1).--Section 44 of the existing Act deals the assessment in case of
discontinuance of business. by rms and dissolution of associations. The part dealing with rms is
being incorporated in a separate clause (vide separate Chapter relating to rms). The part dealing
with associations has been incorporated here.
A reference to the legal representative of a member who is deceased has been added'to provide for
cases where a member dies after dissolution and before assessment.
The changes made by the Finance Act, 1958 have been given effect to.
Sub-clause (2).--This is new. The object is to allow the Income-tax Officer to.contin_ue assesment
proceedings already started before the dissolt tion e} So. that time may not be wasted in the re-issue
of n tices eta ' _ Sub--clause (3).---Section 44(3), as inserted by the Finance Act, 1958, authorises the
Income-tax Officer etc., to impose a penalty under clause (a) or (b) or (C) of section 28 (1) in respect
of a dissolved rm or association. Instead of rnak1ng_an elaborate provision on the lines of that sub-
section, it is considered sufficient to say that the provisions relating to 'tax will apply to penalties
also. Sums other thanpenalties have also been covered in the draft. The provision as drafted will,
thus be more comprehensive, though less elaborate in form.
Sub-clause (4)----This is new and is intended to make it clear that the limitation on the liability of
the legal re- presentative is not to be affected by the provisions of this section. This becomes
necessary in view of the fact that in draft sub-clause (1) a reference to legal representative has been
Notes to clause 187 Existing section 12AA is applicable in all cases where the time taken by the
author of a book is more than twelve months. Clauses (a) and (b) dealing separately with a case
where the time taken is "less" than 24 months and a case where the time is "more" than 24 months,
are unneces- sary in the opening portion, since this distinction is rele- vant only in connection with
the mode of separately allo- cating income. The distinction does not affect the applica- bility of the
main principle of the section. A slight recast- ing of the language has, therefore, been attempted in
the draft on this point.
Clause (a) of the existing section uses the words "less than twenty-four months" and clause (b) uses
the words "more than twenty-four months". For the sake of precision, the former wording has been
replaced by "not more than twenty-four months", so that clauses (a) and
(b) can collectively exhaust all cases, including a case where the time taken is exactly 24 months.
It may be observed here that existing section 12AA was inserted in 1953. The Taxation Enquiry
Commission' recommended the spread-over of income not only for copy- right but also for patents.
The Commission suggested that 'proceeds of sale of patent rights should be spread over a period of
six years. Section 318 of the U.K. Income-tax' Act. 1952, also allows such spread-over in the case of
patents. It is for consideration whether the section should not be
-extended to patents.
'Notes to clause 188 Existing section 8, third proviso, has been incorpora- ted here with two
(i) The rate at which the State Government will pay tax should be laid down by the Finance Act spe-
cically; this has been made clear in the draft.
(ii) Since the word "receivable" in existing Section 8, main para, has in the draft been replaced by
word "received", necessary drafting changes have been made here also.
relating to rms have been brought together in this Chapter under the following groups :--
(1) Assessment.
(2) Registration.
Sub-clause (1).--Existing section 23 (5) (a) provides that the total income of each partner, "including
therein his share" etc., shall be assessed and the sum payable by him on the basis of such assessment
determined. Since the scheme of assessment in the case of a registered rm is, that the partner is
himself assessed on his share, these words have been replaced in the draft by the words "the- share
.......... ..shall be included in his total income" etc., which seem to be more appropriate.
Sub-clause (2).----Does not need any comments. Though this provision is in a sense repetition of
existing section 16(1) (b) Proviso, it has been a lowed to stay for the sake of convenience of
shall be assessed on the rm" have been replaced in the ' draft by the words "tax on his share ..........
..shall be asses--A sed on the rm", which are more appropriate.
Section 23 (5) (a) (i) has been retainedin the draft in the existing form; but it is recommended that it
may be deleted.
The Finance Act, 1956, introduced this new provision making a rm liable to income-tax on its
income at a special rate provided by it. The provision for including the shares of the prots of the rm
within the total income of a partner in his individual assessment and levying tax upon it was also
retained. This implies,.s that the share of the partners in the prots of the rm suffers tax twice----
once in the hands of the rm and again in his own hands. This is really a double taxation of the same
income though at different rates. [The same Finance Act, 1956, introdu- ced a new provision
[section 14(2) (aa)] under which the proportionate income-tax paid by the rm on the share of
income included in the partners' share is deducted. It means that the partner is not_.liable Ip pay
income-tax on the pro orticnate tax; but. it not obviate the diiculty 0 double taxation]. _ .
. 'z 1 (No'rE.--It is understood that in the year 1957-58, there were 6651 registered rms which were
assessed to a tax of 1 crore 57 lakhs on a total income of about 51 crores.) Section 23(5) (a), 3rd
Proviso, has been omitted, as it is in substance the same as the second proviso. It was introduced for
the purpose of enabling persons going to Pakistan to be treated as non-residents, The necessity for
any such special provision does not remain now.
Notes to clause 190 Paragraph (a).----Existing section 23 (5) (b) does not directly state the position
that in the case of an unregister-
-ed rm the tax payable by the rm itself on the basis of his total income is to be determined. This is
the primary mode of assessment of an unregistered rm, and has, there- fore, in the draft, been stated
at the opening of the clause in paragraph (a). (The existing words "instead of determin- ing .......... .."
are thus covered by this paragraph).
Paragraph (b).--The drafting changes that have been made are intended to state the position in more
simple manner.
Notes to clause 191 General.--The provisions relating to procedure for registration of rms, as
contained in existing section 26A, .are sketchy; because many of the important provisions are at
present contained in the rules. It seems desirable to «collect together some of the provisions at
present contained in the rules, and the draft clause has therefore, been made more elaborate. -
Sub-clause (1).---.The existing words "constituted under" an instrument of partnership are found in
practice to lead to unnecessary controversy based on sharp distinc- tions'. They have, therefore,
been replaced by the words "evidenced by".
-of the partners" have been construed too technicall some- times, so that applications for
registration are re used if the shares are not given in the partnership deed specically in so many
words, or if the partnership deed is not self- contained and has to be read with the deeds relating to
subsidiary rms in which the partners are interested. It is felt that registration should not be refused
in such cases "merely on the ground of the existence of such aws in the partnership deed. Necessary
drafting changes have been made to achieve this object.
Sub-clause (2).--It has been made clear that the appli- «cation for registration may be made even
after the dissolu- tion of the rm,
1. Sea the Case citedin Kong; 'and Palkhiwalfs Commentary, [958 Edition, page 650. . .
....._...........» Sub-clause (3).----The persons who should join in an application for registration have
been mentioned exhaus~ tively in this sub-clause, which_ incorporates the second paragraph of rule
5 of the Income-tax Rules.
Sub-clause (4).--~Under the existing provisions (rule 2 of the Income-tax Rules), the first app
ication for regis- tration has to be made within six months of the constitu- tion of the firm or before
the end of the previous year of the rm, whichever is earlier, if the rm was constituted in that previous
year. Where a firm is already registered under the Partnership Act or the deed is registered under
the Indian Registration Act, the application has to be made before the end of the previous year. It
has been suggested .
that the 30th day of June of the assessment year "should be ,.adopted as thelast date by which an
application for rst registration should be made. But the adoption of this time-limit would enable the
assessee to get registered an' antedated partnership. It seems desirable that, irrespective
-of the fact whether the deed is or is not registered under one or other of the laws referred to above,
the application should in all cases be made before the expiry of the pre- vious year. The reason is,
that the assessee is claiming an advantage under the Act in respect of prots earned in the previous
year on the basis that during that year the rm came into existence. If that is so, he must be able to
make good that plea by a proper application made before. the end of the previous year. If any more
time is given, there will be ample scope for the assessee to make up his mind whether to get the rm
registered or not and for that end to invent a partnership antedating the constitution for the entire
period and bringing into existence a docu- ment evidencing such partnership.
The draft sub-clause under discussion gives effect to this proposal. A proviso has been added
authorising the Income-tax Oicer to entertain an application made after the end of the previous year
in proper cases.
Sub-clause (5).--~The provision contained at present in the rules, requiring the application to be
accompanied by the instrument evidencing the partnership, has been incorporated in this
sub-clause, and it has also been made clear that in t cases a certied copy of the instrument may be
accepted in lieu of the original.
Sub-clause (6).--The provisions contained in existing rule 3 of the Income-tax Rules and Form I
below that rule, relating to particulars to be given in an application for registration, have been
incorporated here, with changes intended to secure precision.
Sub-clause (7).--Under existing section 26A (2) an application for registration has to be made "at
such times" as may be prescribed. The use of the word "times" suggests a necessity of renewal of
registration every year, and under rule 6 of the Income» Rules"; fresh application has -to be made
for any sub uent yepq. This, requirement seems to be rather too hard, particularly in cases where
there were no change in the constitution of the rm after its first registration. So far as renewal is
concerned it should suffice' if a declaration is made by the rm (along with the return of income for
the assessment year con- cerned) to the eect that no change in the constitution of the rm or the
shares of its partners has taken place in the previous year; where such a change has taken place, the
rm will, of course, be required to apply for fresh registration vide sub-clause (8).
Notes to clause 192 Sub-clause (1).--The procedure to be followed by the Income-tax Officer in the
enquiry for registration has been elaborately laid down. The ground on which application can be
refused has been narrowed down so that if the exist- ence of a genuine rm with the constitution
shown in the instrument is established, registration has to be grant- ed. It has also been made clear
that a specic order grant- ing or refusing registration should be passed by the Income- tax Officer.
Sub-clause (2).----This is intended to prevent the rejec- tion of an application for registration on
technical grounds. Where the formalities prescribed by the Act or rules are not complied with, the
rm must be given an opportunity of rectifying the defect, so that the application may be con- sidered
on the merits.
Sub-clause (4).----This is intended' to expedite the dis- _posal of applications for registration. f
Sub-clause (5).----Existing rule 4(1) of the Income-tax Rules provides that the Income-tax Officer
shall record a certicate of registration on the instrument of partnership. This practice is sought to be
codied in this sub-clause.
Sub-clause (1).--The power to cancel registration, at present dealt with in the Rules, has been dealt
with here as it is a matter of substance. This clause is new, but does not depart in substance from the
provisions at present con- tained in the Rules. It has been made clear that registration can be
cancelled only on the ground of mis-represenihtion. It has also been made clear that the rm must
have an opportunity of being heard before the registration is can- celled; it has also been provided
that registration can be cancelled only with the previous approval of the Inspect- ing Assistant
Commissioner. .
1000953-54) Yb 11.
4-I3 Sub-clause (2).-----Does nd. need any comments. Subéciouses» (3) "and (4).---These' are new,
but embody provisions which are hardly objectionable.
Sub--clause (5).----This is newand is intended to pres- cribe a time limit after which the registration
cannot be cancelled.
Notes to clause 194 The words in existing section 26 (1) "or a rm has been newly constituted" do not
exactly indicate what is intended. The preceding words "cha_nge' in the constitu-
tinues, in the sense that some but not all the members of the rm are changed. In other words, where
the rm consists of partners A, B and ,C, the dropping out of A and B and coming in of new partners
D and E would merely be a case of change in the constitution of the rm'. The words "a rm has been
newly constituted" would, there-
omitted in the draft, at the same time giving a denition of "change in constitution" so as to indicate
its exact.
It may be added that where a rm. is dissolved and an . new rm is formed, the case can be left to be
Notes to clause 195, This is new in form, but merely provides that in the case of succession to
business _etc., of one rm by another, the provisions in existing section ,%(2)gWi11 apply, unless it.
is. a case of a change in the colistitutintrof the rm. It has been inserted in this Chapter jfor thesake of
compréhen-'» siveness.
Notes to clause 196 I Sub-clause (1).--Existing section :44, in so far as it relates to rms, has been
incorporated re. A reference to the legal representative of a édece gpattner has been added for the
sake of comprehensiveness.' Sub-clause (2).--Is new and is intended to continuity in proceedings in
at wh p ' an assessment has already commenced before ' tin _ 'or dissolution}.
Sub-clause (3).--Needs no continents.' _ Notes to clause-197; ~ This is new and is intended to V}: a
list of pnovi- sions specially applicable to rms, for j sake of, conveni- ence of reference-
1 Qf, 1:ntGngor_7, mica. (1937) 5 I. R. :2 (<h§q'¢t:). 'Qf.dncla.usc186a.ndnotes . 'E =' 29-! Law
-SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO COMPANIES Notes to clause 198 ' This clause is new and
is intended to give a list of provisions specially applicable to companies which are .
scattered at several places in the Act. The list has been given for the sake of convenience of
This clause is new intended to make it clear that there is some kind of liability to pay tax in
cases where tax is deductible at source or payable in advance'. Such "charge." of tax, which is
implied in the obligation to pay tax in advance etc., has been brought out more direct- ly in
Notes to clause 200 This clause brings together the provisions relating to direct payment of
income-tax and of super-tax respec- tively, contained in existing sections 19 and 58 (2).
Notes to clause 201 General.~The scheme adopted in the draft is to deal in separate clauses with
deductions in respect of the" vari- ous classes of income, such as salary, interest, dividends, etc. The
substantive provision for deduction has been placed in the first few clauses, while incidental
provisions like certicate, etc., and consequences of deduction like credit, payment of tax by the
person deducting etc., :have been placed after those clauses.
Sub-clause (1).-The existing words "at a rate re- presenting the average of the rates applicable" have
4been replaced in the draft by the words "average rate of income- tax and average rate of super-tax
respectively, in force for the nancial year in which the payment is made". 'This change has been
made for the sake of precision. Further, the existing words "' plicable to the estimated total in- come
.......... ..under tlig head", are slightly unhappy; the expression "total income" should be reserved for
the total income from all sources in the previous year. The draft, therefore, uses the words "income
of the assessee under this head for that nancial year".
Sub-clause (2).----The existing rovision to the effect that the person payin salary s al deduct
income-tax at the maximum rate an 1 also super-tax under section 17(1) ':7 . "
(b) has been replaced in the draft, by the shorter expres- sion "tax .......... accordance with"
existing Section 17 (1).
Sub-clause (3).~--Does not need any comments, since the drafting changes made are only
consequential, Sub-clause (4).-----This is new and is intended merely to point to the deduction in
respect of tax on accumulated balance paid to an employee participating in a recognised_ provident
Sub-clause (5).~----This is also new and is intended to point to the deduction of tax in the case of
amounts paid to an employee participating in an approved superannua- tion fund.
Sub-clause (6).----This embodies the latter part of S. 18 (2A). The earlier part of that sub-section
does not seem to serve any useful purpose; salary is now taxable wher- ever paid, and it does not
seem necessary to make a special mention of the deduction in respect of salary payable to the
assessee out of India hy.the Government.
Notes to clause 202 The provision for deducting the tax in respect. of in-
terest on securities has been embodied in this clause with' the following drafting changes :------
(i) the deduction in respect of income-tax and that in respect of super-tax have been stated in sepa-
rate sub-clause for the sake of clarity;
(ii) as regards deduction of super-tax in respect of com- panies, it has been made clear that the rate
appli-' cable is that in force for a company which has not made the arrangements referred to in
existing section 18 (3D). This will remove the uncertainty at present experienced as to the exact rate
applic- able in' such cases. (This clarication is not neces- sary in the case of deduction.frorn salaries,
since the situation of a company which receives salary is not likely to arise). -
Notes to clause 203 . _ The drafting changes made follow the lines of those made in existing section
18(3A)'. ' T " ' Notes todclause 204 _ The following drafting changes have been made--
(i) The position_regai-ding income-tax and super-tax has been treated in separate sub-clauses ;
(ii) in the case of a company, the rate applicable has been stated more precisely as in the case of de-
ductions under the head "Interest on securities or on dividends ';
(iii) the concluding words of existing section 18 (3C) provide that the Income-tax Ofcer may deter-
mine the appropriate proportion of any sum charge- able to tax, and upon such determination tax
shall be deducted "therefrom'?. The word "therefrom" does not clearly give out the sense that the_
deduc- tion is to be limited to the proportion of the sum so determined. Suitable drafting changes
have been made to make this clear.
Notes to clause 205 The provision authorising the Income-tax Officer to issue a certicate for
deduction of tax at a lower rate, which has been repeated in the existing Act in the provisos to
various sub-sections of section 18, has been embqldied in this Elause, which is applicable for all
kinds of inclpme. The drafting changes made are consequential on the scheme adopted in the draft.
It has also been made clear that the Income-tax Officer can issue a certicate not only authorising the
deduction at a lower rate but also autlior_i5- ing no deduction. ' That part of existing section 18
(2B), Proviso, which relates to an order by the Income-tax Officer requirin de- duction at a
particular rate, has been omitted in the aft as unnecessary. In cases where a person desires
deduction at a lower rate than the maximum, he can a ply td the Income-tax Officer and obtain a
certicate. De uction,at a higher rate is not contemplated, since the rate applicable for deduction is in
most cases the maximum rate. (I ' the case of salary, it is only the rate applicable to the in ome under
that head and "deduction at any other rate is not-
Notes to clause 206 This embodies existing section 18 (4) and does not heed any comments. .
Notes to clause 2,07 Existing section 18(5). deals with two topics :--
(ii). credit for tan»; in respect of dividends as grossed up under existing sectign 16 (2). . .
a v For the sake of clarity, the first topic has been dealt with in this clause, while the Second has been
dealt with separate] '. The Proviso to this sub-sebion has, therefore, been bro en up in conformity
with the scheme adopted in the draft. ' The rst proviso to section 18 (5) has been incorporat- ed for
simplicity in the main para. of the sub-clause.
The second proviso to section 18(5) has been incor- porated in the 1st Proviso, andgthe Words "or
shareholders" have been added in order to cover a use where tax is de- ducted on dividends under
existing section 18(3D). [The existing proviso does not make any specic mention of shareholders,
presumably for the redoh that existing sction]-14E (5) denes securities as including stock and s ares.
. The third proviso has been embodied as the 2nd pro- V150.
Notes to clause 2%" '4 This embodies existing section (6) with a small drafting change converting
the passive voice used in the existing section into the active Voice.
Notes to clause 209 Existing section 18(7) h been 'V embodied in this clause with the following chan
S :--- K (1) It has been made clear that _in the case of deduc- tion of tax on div-it ' under existing
section 18 (3D), the principal O cer as " ell as the company .
been considered desir le in few of the fact that the existing section (3D) fuses the expression
"person". ' 2 ' ' (2) Since existing section 16(1) relating to the imposi- tion of penalty by ,e ordelt pf
the Income-tax Oicer is in the draft propo éto be replaced by provision for automatic runn' gof
interest," the proviso has been suitaly altered.
can be treated as in fault. is clarication has ing a rst charge u n the slsets of the person deducting tax,
if it is not pd into the treasury oice after deduction. The intention is to ensure speedy transmission
of the amount deducted so that the amount may not lie-ighathe custody of the person deducting it'. '
' 1 ' S¢e'Chapter_ on Tax deemed to have been on dividends. , ' ' 5 .
Notes to clause 210 Existing section 18(8) has been embodied here without any change.
-Notes to clause 211 Existing section 18(9) has been embodied here with- out any change.
Notes to clause 212 Existing section 18 (Explanation) has been embodied here. with a small drafting
change. Item (iii) has been amplied so as to cover all sums not chargeable as salary or interest on
Notes to clause 213 Existing section 7 (1), 2nd Proviso, provides that where tax is deductible at
source under existing section 18, the assessee shall not be called upon to pay the tax himself unless
he has received the salary without such deduction. This provision is at present conned to salary, but
there seems to be no reason why it should not be extended to all kinds of income. It has, therefore,
been incorporated in an extended form in this clause.
. Notes to clause 214 This is new and is consequential on the breaking up of existing section 18(5).
Notes to 'clause 215 General.------Existing section 18A is cumbersome and difcult to understand.
The difficulty arises by reason of the fact that sub-section (1) cqmbines a number of things which
could be dealt with separately. For the sake of sim- plicity, therefore, the section has been split up in
the draft, so as to deal separately with the following topics :-
(5) instalments ;
(8) interest payalile by Government or by assessee; (9) other provisioips. * lI."'5"'"' "
Sub-clause (1).----Income advance tax has been described here, and for the sake of
accuracy it has also been made clear that capital gains are not included in that income. Though
existing section 18A (12) has been re-
tained in the draft', it appears desirable to make this clari- cation at this stage also.
Sub--c1a.use (2).---This is new, but is intended merely to enable the use of the shorter expression
"income subject to advance tax" and "advance tax" in 'the subsequent clauses.
Sub-clause (3).----This is new and is intended to pro- vide that advance payment of tax will, so far
dividends are concerned, apply only for super-tax. So far income- tax is concerned, it is the company
which is deemed to have paid the tax, and advance payment should not apply for income tax on
dividends .
Notes-to clause 216 The concept that advance tax is payable where the total income of the assessee
exceeded a certain limit, or is likely to exceed a certain limit, has been embodied in this clause; for
the sake of comprehensiveness, the case dealt with in existing section 18A (3) has also been referred
to here.
The mode of computation of advance tax has been dealt with in this clause. For the sake of facilitatin
the pro- per understanding of the method to be adopte , the pro- cess has been divided in various
steps.'Thus, therst step is the ascertainment of the total income of the latest pre- vious year assessed.
This having been ascertained, the second step is to find out how much of that total income falls
under the category of income subject to advance tax. That having been done, the next step is to
actually compute the tax on the income subject to advance tax by applying the average rate of tax.
The result arrived at is the amount of the advance tax.
There are, of course, two speciai situations, which re- quire mention. One is, the situation where a
non-resident chooses to adopt the method of taxation on the basis of the total world income. This is
contained in existing section 18A(1)(a) main para, latter half, and has been embodied in the draft
sub-clause (b). The second situation is that in which the assessee sends an estimate of his total
income etc. Here the tax is calculated with reference to the total income so estimated. This follows
from existing section 18A(2} and (3) and has been incorporated in sub-clause (3) in the draft.
J ' Sudnl'tcinu|e228. E "E" ' Note: to clause 218 A portion of sectioin 18A(1),Tdea1ing with the order
of the Income--tax Ofcer, has been embodied in this clause. The worgls "where a pqrson has been
previously assessed .......... .. in the opening portion in the draft, merely state what is implied in the
existing section.
Sub-clause (2) makes it clear that the instalments are to be mentioned in the notice of demand. That
is the existing practice also. i The third proviso to existing section 18A(1)(a), under which the
income-tax Officer is authorised to issue an amended order in a case where an assessment of the as-
sessee for a_ later previous year is completed in the mean- time, has been embodied in sub-clause
Notes to clause 219 The instalments of advance tax have been stated sepa- rately in this clause. The
drafting changes made are con- sequential on the scheme adopted in the draft.
Notes to clause 220 The provision regarding estimate by the assessee is§em- bodied here. The
estimate should mention-- *
(ii) the income subject to advance tax as estimated for that period; and -
(iii) the advance itself. 7 This has been made clear in the draft. in sub-clans (1) & (2). i _ An assessee
may desire to le an estimate under. e 'st- ing section 18A(2) whim the estimated advance -tax is less
than the amount demarjded by the Income-tax Oicer, e . er ;because-- . ' _
(ii) the estimated' income' subject to advance is less, than that 'assessed by the Income-tax cer. This
is made, clear in sub-clause (1). - ' * , Sub-clause (4).--Is_nevv and is intended to provide A at the
estimate of adv tax will be led in the prescrbed .form and in the pre T 'bed manner.
Notes to clause 221 Section 18A(4) is embodied; here with the following changes z--- -
(i) the words "income to which sub-section (1), (2) or (3) apply" have been aplaced by the "in- come
subject V adv a tax" in conformity ' ith the scheme ado?ted in qdraft. - 2
--- i.
(ii) The proviso to the existing sub-section provides for payment of 6 per cent. simple, interest. In
view of the fact that the rate of interest in the other sub-sections of section 18A is now reduced to 4
per cent' the rate has, in the draft, been reduced to 4 per cent. in this case also. 3 Notes to clause
Sub-clause (1).--Existing section . 18A(5) relating to interest payable by the Central Government on
tax payable 'in advance has been embodied here. The sub-section, as amended in 1953, raises a
diicult quation of interpreta- tion. The main part of the sub-section provides that inte- rest should
be paid (at 4 per cent.) on any sum paid after 1st April, 1955, "from the date of payment to the date
of the provisional assessment" or? to the regular assessment :as the case may be; but the secdnd
proviso, inserted in 1953, :says that for the period beginning with"? 1-51; April, 1952, the interest is
payable from the beginning of the next finan- «cial year to the date of the r A ar ausdssment. There
is thus a change as regards the eriod r' which interest is to be paid. ,Another change made in 1 _ is as
regards the uamou-nt on which interest is pa able. Ie the main para. provides that interest is paya
"on ah amount payable in accordance with the provisipns of th section .......... .. and paid
accordingly", the second proviso, inserted in 1953. provides that for the period inning with the 1st
April, 1952, interest is payable only the amount by which the aggregate of the instalments paid durin
the nancial year ' in which they are payable exceeds the am urfder the regu- lar assessment.
Now the question is, whether, these. changes inserted by the 1953 Act in the shape cf the second
proviso are to govern the whole of the post-1 52 periqd: or whether they are to apply only in respect
0 4 the pant-41952 and pre-1955 period. If the second proviso is taken as overriding' the main para,
the former view is correct. If, on the other and, the proviso is taken as limited '-to the period
between 1952 and 1955 (on the theory that a groviso knot to replace the main section), the second
view an be supported. ' The main draft of the clause undertngscussion embodies the former view,
which seemsito be , prevailing view. But, if the latter view is adopted. it cant: 'be given effect to
(1) The Central Government shall pay simple interest .... at four per cent. per annum ;any amount
pay- able as advance tax in accordance wi the provisions of ' See existing section 18A (5), item (ii)
and section l'8A (6), 1st Proviso.
section [18A(1) (2) (3) and (4)] and paid accordingly, from the date of payment to the date of the
provisional assess- ment made under section [23B], or, if no such assessment. has been made to the
date of the regular assessment ....... ..
Notes to. clause 223 Interest payable by the assessee has been dealt with in this section. The 1st
proviso to existing section 18A(6) has» been combined with the main paragraph. -
One important change made is. that interest is not to run from the 1st day of January of the year in
which the advance tax is paid but from the 1st day of A 'l in the _ next nancial year. This chan e has
been ma e in View of the fact that interest payab e by the Central Govern- ment runs from the .1st
day of April of the next nancial year; [vide existing section 18A(5)].
Existing section 18A(6), 4th proviso, which provides» that in the case of a businessetc. newly set up,
the interest is computed in certain cases fr_om the 1st April of the nan- cial year next following, has
been omitted, since tlje rule embodied in that proviso has, in the draft, to apply in all cases and no
separate provision is necessary.
. V Notes to clause 224 The only change made in the existing section 18A(7) is the reduction of the
rate of interest payable by the assessee (in cases of under-estimate). from 6 per cent to 4 per cent.
This change has been made in view of the fact that the rate of interest under section ].8A(5) and
section 1'8A(6) IS' also 4 per cent. under the existing Act. ' Notes to clause 225 Sub-clause (1).--It
would be useful here to summarise- the existing position regarding interest payable by the as- sessee
with reference to an advance tax. The position can be analysed as follows 2-
(a) interest in a case of estimate seems to be dealt with in the following provisions for dierent situa-
tions :--
(i) faulty estimates (that is. estimated income falling short of E!) per cent. of the income regularly
as- sessed)----Section 18A(6);
i(") deliberate under imate of tax in the r; t 1.1 imtdm n 18A(7)(.a); 5 . L' ~
(b) If there is a deliberately false estimate of the in-e come, the assessee may also become liable to
a_ penalty under section 18A(9)(a); and similarly, if there is a failure without reasonable cause to
file an estimate when required under section 18A(3),. the assessee is also liable to pay a penalty
under' section 18A(9)(b);
(c) in cases where the aspect of estimate is not mate-- rial and the emphasis is on non-payment of
ad--- vance tax due either by virtue of an order under section 18A(2) or section 18A(3), interest can
be charged under section 18A(8) and the assessee is. also liable to be dealt with under section
Sub--clause (2).--This is new. It seems desirable to make it clear that section 18A(6), 3rd and 5th
Provisos, ap~ plly to interest payable under this section. Hence this sub-- c ause.
Notes to clause 227-' The drafting changes are very minor and do not neec any comments.
Existing section 18A(12) has been embodied here, and' for the sake of clarity it has also been
provided that the expression "total income" occurring in the previous clauses should not include
capital gains. Even though the clause dealing with incomes subject to advance tax' ex- cludes capital
gains, the general provision has been repeat- ed here for convenience.
Notes to clause 229 _ Gene'rql.-----The provisions relating t9_ recovery of tax by the Department,
contained in the present sections 45 and
46. have been broken up for the sake of simplicity into va- rious clauses in the draft. The general
provision relating to dates etc. of payment is placed rst; ;the penalty provi- sions contained in
existing section 46(1).1is placed next. Then follow the various modes of recovery, namely, (1)
certicate, (2) other modes of recovery, (3) recovery by the State Government, (4) slpecial provisions
for recovery pf Indian tax in akistan and vice ' 1 Secdnft clause 215 (l). , § . ' Miscellaneous prdvisions
'come at the end.
Sub--clause (1).--Existing section 45, main para, pro- vides that any amount specied in a notice of
demami un- der section 23A(3) or section .29 or section 31 or section 33 shall be paid' within a
particular timeietc. Since, however, under section 29, a notice of demand is to be issued in all cases
where any tax, penalty or interest is due under the Act, it does not appear to be necessary to mention
any sec- tion except section 29. The draft, therefore, mentions sec- tion 29 only. The time-limit for
payment has been men- tioned in a simplied form.
Sub-clause (2).---This is new. It appears desirable to incorporate an express provision in the Act
authorising the» Income--tax Oicer to extend"tl1e time for payment or al- low payment by
instalments. Hence this sub-clause.
Sub-clause (4).--This is new and is consequential on sub-clause (2) of the draft which is also new.
Sub-clause (5).--It has been made clear that the wer to treat an assessee who has 'appealed as not in
defa It, is confined to the amount in dispute and it has also been made clear that this power can be
exercised even though the time for payment has expired. ' Sub-clause (6).--Does not need any
N otes to clause 230 Existing section 46(1) provides that where an assessee is in default the
Income-tax Officer may lev a p nalty not exceeding the amount in default. Un er e sting section
46(lA), the Income-tax Officer may make the order for an amount lower thahthe total arrears an
may go on enhancing the penalty (in the case o a cont' uing default) subject to the limit that the total
penalty sh 1 not exceed the total arrears. These two sub-sections emb y a .
position which is notxsatisfactoty. In the first place they leave the matter to the discretion of the
Income-tax In the second place, sub-sectith (1A) is not happily It creates a number cf doubik as to
the exact amo _ to which the Income-lax Oioer may impose the pen ty at a particular time. Speedy
collection of tax would be aci1i- tated, if interest is to run aiinmatically from the d te of default.
Taking into account these considerations, the draft proposes simple interest* at the rate of 10 per
cent.§from 1 It may also be po'ntcd out that neqtion 23A (3), referred to in existing section 45, has
been repealed by the amendment made in 1957.
' Cf. section 270 of the Australian Income-tax etc. Act, 1936-19 (rate being 10 p. c.). Also see sectign
54- (1) ofthe "Canadian Incomc~taJ5 A , 1948 (where the rate is 6 p. c.) arqi section $195 (I), U. K.
Income-tax Ac 1952 (where the rate is 3 p. c.). 3 pi . - . ._,. T :
4:55 the date of default to the date of payment, and does away with the necessity of any express
order by the lncome--tax Officer. It would also reduce the number of appeals.
Under the scheme adopted in the draft. existing sub- section (IA) becomes unnecessary and has
been omitted.
Sub-clause (E.').--This is intended to provide' that if arrears are paid within three months. the
interest levied or- leviable on the arrears will be remitted.
Sub--clause (3).--Does not need any comments. Notes to clause 231 Existing section 46(2) provides
that the Income-tax Oicer may forward to the Collector a certicate of arrears. and the Collector shall
then proceed to recover the amount "as if it were an arrear of land revenue". Since the law re-- lating
to recovery of land revenue varies from State to State, it seems desirable to state the permissible
modes of recovery in the Act itself. Sub-clause (1), therefore, enu- merates these modes. which are
taken from the Code of Civil Procedure.
The proviso to existing section 46(2) lays down that the Collector shall. for such recovery, have the
powers of a civil court also. Since the various modes of recovery are being listed in the clause itself,
this proviso becomes un- necessary and has not been reproduced in the draft.
Notes to clause 232 This is new. There are some doubts as to the Collector to whom the Income-tax
Ofcer can send the certicate referred to in section 46(2). The draft clause provides that the Collector
within whose jurisdiction the assessee carries on his business etc., or resides or has any property,
can be approached.
Sub-clause (2).--Provides for the procedure where the Collector to whom the certicate is initially
sent is not able- to recover the arrears.
The explanation makes it clear that the Collector of any district in India can be approached (even
though the dis- trict is situated in other State). (This would avoid the necessity to have recourse to
the procedure under the 'Re--- venue Recovery Act (1 of 18%)). ' "Additional Collectors" have also
been included in the definition of "Collectors" as difficulty was experienced having regard to the
provi- sions of the General Clauses Act dening Collector. That. denition. if strictly construed, would
not include an Addi- tional Collector. » _I C section 495 (2), U. K. Income-ax Act, 1952. ' .
Notes to clause 233 This is new and is intended to make it clear that the correctness of the
assessment shall not be questioned be- _fore the Collector, Sub-clause (2) saves the right of the
.assessee to apply to the Income-tax Officer for withdrawal of the certicate. Sub-clauses (3) and (4)
lay down that the Income-tax Oicer may correct the certicate, in which «case he should inform the
Notes to clause 234 This is new. The object is (i) to ensure that the In- ~come-tax Oicer and the
Collector remain in touch with each other and (ii) to lay down the procedure in cases where, after
the issue of a certicate, time is granted for payment of tax, or the demand is reduced'.
Sub-clause (2).--The only 'change made is the addition of a restriction to the effect that salary etc.
exempt. from attachment under the Civil Procedure Code will be exempt ;for this sub-clause also.
Sub-clause (3).--S1ight verbal changes have been made in existing section 46(5), for the sake of
simplicity and pre-
-c1s1on. « , Existing section 46(5A), 5th paragraph, provides that where the person to whom a notice
under this sub-section is sent does not ay amount concerned, further proceedings may be taken " y
and before the Collector on the footing that the Income-tax Ofcer's notice has the same effect as .an
attachment" etc. This language is not very happ and has been replaced in the draft by a simpler
provis n to the effect that further proceedings may be taken as if the amount were an arrear of tax
and that the notice: shall ."have the effect as an attachment of debt by the Collector.
Sub-clause (4).--This is new and is intended to enable ' the Income-tax Officer to apply to a court
holding money belong to the assessee, for payment of the tax duesfrom 'the assessee. ' Sub-clause
(5).--Existing section 46(3) contemplates in
-certain cases the recovery of 'arrears by the Inconte-tax Officer by any process authorised by the
"municipal law 'for the recovery of municipal. takes". One of the processes' 'usually found in
municipal laws is, distraint and sale of movable property, Sub-'clause (5) read with the third Sche-
rdule deals with this process. It seems unnecessary to re- tain any of the other modes of recovery
provided for by Municipal Acts.
'. Séa also duh clause 213(4). - V ' . ' -~ v section 46(7), 2nd Proviso.
Notes to clause 239 _This clause does not need any comments.
Notes to clause 240 Existing section 47 has been incorporated here. The only addition made is the
reference to the provision corres- ponding to section 18A(9) for the sake of comprehensive- ness. '
Notes to clause 241 Sub-clauses (1) to (3).--Do not need any comments.
Sub-clauses (4) and (5).--These are new. Since there are many ships or aircraft which carry
passengers outside India, it seems desirable to require the owners of the air- craft or ships etc. to
furnish a list of the persons who travel- led by the ship etc. in the preceding months. In the absence
of any such provision it becomes difficult to put into force the provisions of section 46A(2), since the
Income-tax authorities have no information in their possession as to the persons who travelled in
the ship or air-craft belonging to the person concerned against Whom section 46A(2) is direct-
Sub-clause (5).--Provides that the liability enforceable against the owners etc. of such ships etc. will
not be en- forced after two years of the date on whichthe list is led. It gives a concession and
wil1'ensure the prompt ling of such list. .
Sub-clause (6).--Does not need any comments. Notes to clause 242 The time limit for commencing
recovery proceedings contained in the existing section 46(7), has been dealt with' here. For the sake
of simplicity, the limit has been ex- pressed in all cases (vide the proviso in the draft) as com-
mencing from the last day of the nancial year concerned. Under this scheme, it becomes
unnecessary to reproduce \ Notes to clause 243 The only addition made is the clarication in sub-
clause (b) to the effect 'shat the Government may also in- stitute a suit for recovery of arrears.
Notes to clause 244 / Existing section 23B(5) has been incorporated; here- The provision was
inserted only for the avoidance of doubts; it has, however, not been disturbed in the draft.
Notes to clause 245 This clause does not need any comments. CHAPTER XIX TAX DEEMED TO
HAVE BEEN PAID ON DIVIDENDS Notes to clause 246 Existing section 18(5), deals in part with
credit'to be given in respect of the tax deemed to have bee paid on dividends. Existing section 49B
also contains pro- visions on income-tax. All these provisions have bee com- bined in this clause,
without any change of substan . The drafting changes made are consequential on the br aking up of
section 18(5). H The opening portion of section 49B(1), i.e., the 'words "where any dividend has
been paid ....... any of t per- sons specied in section 3" etc., has been omitted, un-- necessary,
particularly in view of the fact that se ion 3- as proposed in the draft does not enumerate the char
A proviso has been added to deal with cases whe e the share is held by partners. me existing proviso
reg rding persons not constituting partnership may be compa .
Existing section 48, dealing with refunds. is confused in its arrangement. The general right to claim
refund, dealt with in existiig sub-section (1), is mixed up with provisions relating to special.
situations in sub-section (3). Further, the restriction regarding questions that can be raised in
refund proceedings is unnecessarily put in the same section in sub-section (4). An attempt has,
therefore, been made, in the draft, to separate these various topics.
Clause 247--The following drafting changes have been made in existing section 48(1) :--
(i) The words "any individual, Hindu undivided family" etc. have been replaced by one word
"person". Existing section 3, as proposed in the draft, uses only the word "person",' and it is felt that
the right to claim re- fund should be co--extensive with the liability to tax. In the case of State
Governments, it may be pointed out, there is a rohibition against tax being charged from them,
under the onstitution. Even in respect of shares held by State Government, refund of tax deemed to
have been paid under existing section 49B is allowed only if the dividend is in- cluded in the total
income of the person concerned; see existing section 49B(1). There is, therefore, no harm in.
(ii) The existing provision empowers the grant of re-- fund by the Income-tax Ofcer, "or other
authority ap pointed by the Central Government in this behalf"; It is. understood that the Central
Government has not appoint- ed any such authority and the need for such appointment is not likely
to arise. The wards in question have, there- fore, been omitted. . .
Sub-clause (1) Existing words "such other person only" have, in the draft,' been replaced by the
words "the latter alone", for simplicity.
Sub-clause (2).
Existing section 49F has been embodied in this sub- clause with the following changes 2--
(1) the' Words "who would but for such cause have been entitled to a refund under any of the provi.
signs of this Act". have been bmitted, as unneces- sary.
Sub-clause (1). ' This is new and embodies a provision at present con- tained in the rules. '
Sub-clause (2).
The main paragraph of existing section 50 has been embodied in this sub-clause, with slight verbal
changes. The two provisos to that section have been omitted, as not applicable to future assessment
The starting point of limitation has been expressed in a more simple manner.
Existing section 48(2) has been incorporated in this clause, and it has also been made clear that the
Income-tax Officer shall make the refund without any express claim by the assessee.
The words "except as otherwise provided in this Act" are intended to cover cases where payment of
refund is postponed under any express provision of the Act; for example, existing section 66(7),
proviso, latter half. j Notes to clause 251.
Existing section 48(4) is unnecessarily elaborate; The propositions enacted in that section can be
expressed in simple language, without using the words "nothing, ...... .. shall operate to validate any
objection or appeal which is otherwise invalid", or the words "to authorise the revi- sion of any
assessment." The concluding lines of the sec-
'tion, dealing with refund of tax payable before the 1939 Amendment Act, are also obsolete now. The
draft dlause, therefore, attempts to simplify the section, keeping in' mind the considerations stated
above. 5 Notes to clause 252.
This is new. If after a refund application is Tmade under this Chapter, the Income-tax Oicer does
notimake an order within three months, the assessee should e en- ' titled to interest at the rate of 2
per cent. on the amo nt to « be refunded. In the Taxation Enquiry Commission port"
the complaint of delays in making refunds was consi ered. After an analysis of the gures, the
Commission p inted out that nearly 86% of the claims for refunds wete dis-
' posed of within the year in which they were received, and of the pending claims as on 1st April,
1953, approximately 60% were less than three months old, while only 13% were over a year old. It
was represented to them by the Depart- ment that under administrative instructions it was obliga-
tory on the part of the 'Income-tax Ofcer to dispose of 1 .T. E. C. Report, 1958-T954, Vol. II, page
214, Chapter XIII, ma '1 1, , E 2; ~"r'L refund claims within three months. In view-of this, it is
obvious that normally the refund applications are disposed of, (at any rate at present) within a
period of three months. The Department will not, therefore, be affected by a provi- sion for payment
of interest. The provision is intended only to make sure that the representation made to the
Taxation Enquiry Commission by the Department would invariably be followed with no exception.
The liability to pay interest will act, as an incentive for an early disposal ' of the refund applications
and allay the fears of the 'assessees that there might be delay in the disposal of re-
and separately.
The only change is the addition of a requirement to the effect that the Income-tax Ofcer shall. while
making an adjustment under this section, intimate the assessee.
The provisions of the Act relating to appeals and revi- sions are scattered in existing sections 30, 31,
33, 33A, 33B, 66A and 67A. Existing section 66, dealing with reference from the Appellate Tribunal
to the High Court, is also in a sense, connected with appeals. There are, also, provi- sions
authorising appeals in existing sections 58B(~1) and 61(3), proviso to clause (b). .
An attempt has been made to bring all these provisions together in this chapter. In order to facilitate
their proper understanding, the provisions have been arranged accord- ing to the authority to which
the appeal lies. Thus, ap- peals, from the Income-tax Officer to the Appellate Assis- ta_nt
Commissioner are dealt with rst, under one group. Appeals from the decisions of the Appellate
Assistant Commissioner are dealt with in a separate group and so on. Provisions regarding revision
are placed in a separate group, and miscellaneous provisions are placed at the end.
In each group, the order against which appeal is allow- ed is specied rst, and the form ofappeal,
limitation and procedure are dealt with next; where necessary, powers of the appellate authority
have been dealt with specically 1 It may be added here that the Incometax Investigation Commission
E194-8) had also made a similar recommendation for interest on refunds where isposal of the
application is delayed for more than sit months, Lid: its report, page 125, para. 279.
by appeal to the High Court,. for reasons explained in the body of the report.
Clause 254.
The following changes have been made in the existing section 30, sub-section (1), main para 1--
' (i)
(ii) The existing words "any assessee objecting to the amount" etc.' have been replaced by the words
"any assessee aggrieved «by ....... ..", which seem to be more appropriate.
The existing section allows an appeal as to the amount of income assessed under section 23 "or
section 27". It is, however, unnecessary to men- tion section 27 separately 'in this context, 'since,
even when section 27 is used, the ultimate 'assess- ment is really made under section 23 itself; as is
clear from the concluding words of existing sec- tion 27, This reference has, therefore, been omit-
(iv) (V)
The existing section allows an appeal in res ect of loss computed under section 24. Since, howev r,
the computation of loss, is also a part of assessment under existing section 23, this,reference has
been omitted. 7 The existing section allows an appeal frbm an order refusing "to make a fresh
assessment under section 27. These words have been replaced y the words "to reopen an
assessment", which at more easily intelligible. E The existing section. allows an appeal from orders
under section 46(1).' Since, however, sectio 46(1) is, in thedraft, proposed to be replaced' by a pro-
vision authorising the automatic running of in- terest, the question of appeal does not ari , and this
reference has been omitted.' The existing section allows an appeal un sec- tions 49 and 49F. Section
49 was repealed. ' 19%, and section 149F does not authorise any i epen-
dent order of refund,.. but merely enables n exe- cutor etc. to claim refund. The order itself pas- ed
under section 48.- The references to see ons 49 and 49F have, therefore, been omitted.
(viii) A new provision authorising appeals in respect of orders under existing section 35 has been
added. It is desirable' to allow appeals from such orders passed by the Income-tax Oicer, particularly
since an order under section 35 may aggrieve an assessee who desires rectication.
(ix) The various orders relating to interest under exist- ing section 18A have also been made
appealable in the appropriate cases'.
(x) The sections under which a penalty can be imposed, have been described more elaborately in
order to make the position regarding appeals from such penalty clear.
(i) an order passed by the Income-tax Officer on an assessee's application for withdrawal or
cancella- tion of a certicate.
(ii) order passed by the' Income-tax Oicer refusing any assessee's request to treat him as not in de-
fault, in View of an appeal.
Notes to clause 255 This embodies existing section 30, sub-section (1), 2nd Proviso. The language
has been slightly simplied.
The rst Proviso to section 30, sub--section (1) deals with an appeal against an order under existing
section 46 (1), This has been omitted as unnecessary in the scheme adopted in the draft'.
The third Proviso to section 30, sub-section (1), prohibit- ing an appeal by a shareholder, in a
company in respect of which an order under existing section 23A has been passed, has also been
omitted as unnecessary, since, under section 23A as amended up-to--date, the income of a
shareholder is not aected directly and the question of his being aggrieved by any such order does not
Sub--clause (2).~--Existing section 30(2), dealing with the time limit within which the appeal may
be presented from the order of the Income-tax Olcer, describes in an elaborate manner the date
from which the time limit is to be counted. It does not appear to be necessary to have such ' Cf. I. T.I.
C. Report, 1948 para. 254-, page 113. ' Vidc draft clause 254 (I) and Explanation. ' See note: to draft
clans! 254. 3 0 ' , A 464 elaborate provision, and it would be sufcient if the starting point is described
as the date' on which the order is inti- mated. The provision, ha_s, therefore, been simplied in the
draft. Where the appeal is in respect of tax, interest or penalty, it will of course be useful to deal with
the time limit specically (vide paragraphs (a) and (b) of the draft sub-clause).
Sub-clause (3).--Does not need any comments. Notes_to clause 258 Sub--clause (1).--Does not need
any comments.' Sub-clause (2).---The. persons entitled to be'heard at the appeals have been listed;
cf. existing section 31(3), 2nd Proviso. "
Sub-clauses (3), (4) and (5)----do not need any com- ments.
Sub-clause (6).----This is new. Some guidance as to the contents of the appellate orders appears to
be desirable, and hence this sub--clause.
Sub-clause (7).--Does not need any comments. Notes to clause 259 Sub-clause (1).----Existing
section 31(3) deals elaborately with the various kinds of appellate orders that can be passed by the
Appellate Assistant Commissioner. It does not,§ how- ever, appear to be necessary to make such an
elaborate provision; it should suffice if only the important cases of appeal against assessments or
penalties are dealt with speci-7 cally. In the remaining cases, the power to pass such orders as the
Appellate Assistant Commissioner thinks t should suffice. The draft sub-clause has been simplied on
these lines.
Sub--clause (2).--Does not need any comments.' Eacplanation.--This is new. and is intended to
codify a rule which is well recognised, namely, that the Appellate Assistant Commissioner is not
conned to the points raised by the appellant in the appeal. ,He may _re-determine any matters
which fell to be decided by the Income-tax Officer in the course of the assessment or other
Notes to clause 260 Sub-clause (1l.----The only important change worthimen-H tioning is the
addition of paragraph (c).
Since appeals to the Tribunal are proposed to be re- placed by appeals to the High Court,'
consequential changes have been made in this and subsequent clauses.
1 See the judgment of Chagla, C._]. in Narandas Manohnrda: v. C.l.'1'., (1957) 31, I.T.R.-909, quoted
with approval-in_ C. I. T. V. Mo Millan and 02., r (1953) 33-'l'.T.R.-I82, 193 S.C. ' ' Vida notes to
clause 255:, under thd head "General". ' ' 'k It has been held that an order by the Appellate Assis-
tant Commissioner, holding that there was no sufcient rea- son for excusing delay in ling an appeal
and rejecting the appeal as time-barred, is an order under section 31, and an appeal lies from such
order'. It has been observed that,---
"If the appeal is dismissed as incompetent or is rejected as it was led out of time and no sufcient
cause was established, it results in an afrmation of the order appealed against."
To cover such orders, para. (c) has been added in sub- clause (1). (No such addition is considered
necessary in the section dealing with appeals to the Supreme Court, since the language of the
relevant provisions for these appeals is not likely to raise the question that arose with reference to
the appeals from the Appellate Assistant Commissioner).
Notes to clause 261 ' Sub-clause (1).--The time limit for ling an appeal from the order of the
Appellate Assistant Commissioner is, at present, dealt with in section 33(1) and 33(2). These have
been combined in this sub-clause without any change of substance.
Notes to clause 262 The form of appeal etc. has been left to be prescribed by rules made by the
Supreme Court.
Notes to clause 263 This clause deals with the powers and procedure of the High Court. No detailed
comments are needed.
As to rulesiby the Supreme Court, see notes to the relevant draft clause'.
Notes to clause 264 This clause does not need any comments.
Notes to clause 265 ' This clause provides that a copy of the appellate order of the High Court shall
be sent to the assessee also, besides the Commissioner and the Appellate Assistant Commis- sioner.
This will encourage the speedy implementation of the High Court's judgment. ' ' 1 Mela Ram and
Sons vs. C.I.T. (1956)-2&9 ITR. 6u7S.C. 3 C.I.T. Vs. S/whzadi Begum (I952) 21 LTRJ. u. A ' Draft
clause 277. ' "
Notes to clause 266 , This clause does not need any comments. Notes to clause 267 Sub-clause
(1).--This is new and is intended to make it clear that any refund consequential on the decision of
the High Court must be made unless the High Court autho- rises the postponement of its payment'.
Sub-clause (2).--This sub-clause provides for postpone- ment, pending appeal, of any refund
consequent on an order of the High Court, if the Commissioner communicates his intention to
appeal to the Supreme Court.
The rate of interat is at_,present xed by the Commis- sioner. The draft transfers this powers to the
High ~ ourt. Since the appeal is heard by the High Court, it is proper that this power should also rest
with the High Court.
ment of the High Court is varied or reversed in a peal, effect should be given to the order of the High
Cort in the manner provided in section 66(5) and section 66(7). The reference to section 66(7) is,
apparently, not to its imain paragraph but to its proviso. This has been broug 't out in the draft. This
is clear from the. words "eect s ould be given" in section 66A(4). ?
Existing section 66A (3), 1st Proviso, says that th ' sub- section is not to affect the provisions of
section 66 6) or section 66 (7). This has been incorporated partly i the plroviso to this sub--c1ause
and partly in a subse uent c ause'. » Existing section 66A(4) provides that where the 'Fudg-
Notes to clause 270 This is merely intended to point to the provision autho- rising appeals to the
Central Board of Revenue. ' Notes to clause 271 No comments are ' needed. V ' Compare existing
scctién 48 (2). ft ' Vida draft clause 273. f 1' Notes to clause 272 General The power of revision by the
Commissioner' at the instance of the assessee is at present dealt with in exist- ing section 33A(2).
Existing section 33A(1) is also mainly :meant for cases where revision proceedings are started for
passing orders not prejudicial to the assessee. There is no harm if both these sections are combined
in one sec~ tion. Some of the provisions contained in these two sec- tions are common to the
proceedings under the two sec- tions. An attempt has, therefore, been made to combine them in this
clause. No change of substance will result from such combination, since, wherever necessary a
distinc- tion has been drawn between a revision at the instance of the assessee and a revision at the
instance of the Commis- :S10neI'.
Sub-clause (1).--Only verbal changes have been made, apart from the change discussed above.
Sub-clause (3).--Existing section 33A(1), Proviso (c), has been incorporated here.
Sub--clause (4)--
It has been made clear that the limitation of one year runs from the date on which the order is
communicated to the assessee or on which he otherwise comes to know of it. Existing section 33A(2)
counts limitation from the date of tlp-2 order, which might cause hardship in some cases.
Sub-clause (5).----Existing section 33A(1), provisos (a) and (b) and section 33A(2), Provisos (a), (b)
and (c) have been embodied here. Cases "where an appeal has not been made are dealt with in draft
paragraphs (a) and (b), while "the case where an appeal is pending is dealt within para- graphs (c)
and (d).
The existing Wording "the order .......... ..has been made the subject of an appeal" is not very clear,
since it does not 'show whether it deals with a pending or a decided appeal. The draft makes it clear
that thesewords will apply both in a case where the appeal is pending and in a case where the appeal
has been disposed of on the merits. Cases' where the High Court has disposed of the appeal
otherwise than on merits should not. it is felt, be taken out of the purview
Sub--clause (6).----Does not need any comments. Explanations 1 and 2 do not need any comments.
Notes to clause 273 The substance of existing section 66(7) and of existing section 66A(3), 1st
Proviso, part, has been embodied here in simplied language.' r 2 'See also notes to clause 269. l 3
Notes to clause 275 Existing sections 31(4) and 33(5) provide that where as a result of an appeal the
assessment of a rm etc. is changed ' or a rm etc. is newly assessed, the Appellate Assistant,Com--
missioner or the Tribunal, respectively, may authorise the Income-tax Officer to amend the
assessment of any partner of the rm or member of the association. This provision has been
incorporated here with the following changes:---
(1) The provision has been made applicable for appeals. to the High Court and the Supreme Court.
(2) It has been provided that the Income-tax Officer' shall make all amendments necessary for
carrying out orders of the appellate authority, irrespective of whether the 'appellate authority gives a
direction or not.
Notes to clause 276 Existing section 67A has been embodied here,«with slight alterations. The
present section authorises the ex--- ' clusion of time taken for obtaining a copy of the order. How»
ever, if the assessee is furnished with a copy. of the order, along with the notice of the order, then
the concessiongneed not be made available to him. The provision has, therefore, been altered
accordingly. Further, the provision has been extended to applications for revision also. I Notes to
clause 277 This is new_ The power to make rules regulating the powers and procedure of the High
Court (in appealsunder the Act) is proposed to be conferred on the Supreme Qourt, so that there
may be uniformity throughout India. The' corresponding provision in the Companies Act. 1.956.
' Notes to clause 278 Para (a).----Does not need any comments.
Pard (b).--Is new. Since the word "status" has been used in the draft clause dealing with appeals
from the orders of an Income-tax Officer', it is considered that a denition of that word might be
clause 279 This embodies existing section 44F(6). in so far as it deals with imposition of a penalty.
The existing section says that if the person concerned failsyto comply with the ndtice 1 Vida draft
clause 254. (12). iv '~ 1 { I 469 issued by the Income-tax Officer (requiring him to furnish.
particulars relating to securities). "he shall be liable to a penalty" etc. The words "he shall be liable
to" have. in the-draft, been replaced bv the words "the Income-tax Oi- cer may direct that such
person shall pay" etc. This will secure uniformity with existing section 28(1), main para.
The constitutionality of section 28(1)(c) has been up- held by a Division Bench of the High Court of
Madras'. The attack on the validity of this section in that case was based" on the argument that
under sections 28 and 51-52, the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner has a choice as to whe--- ther a
penalty should be levied on the' assessee or whether the assessee should be prosecuted under
sections 51-52, The course to be pursued by the department is, it was argued, left to the unfettered
discretion of the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner and the enactment gives no guidance and
prescribes no standard. This argument was rejected by the High Court. which observed that section
28(4) was in the nature of a concession and there was noquestion of article 14 of the Constitution
being attracted to invalidate it. Sec- tions 51-52 had been enacted for vindicating public justice and
for the punishment of the offender for the deliberate infraction of the law, while section 28 is
enacted for the purpose of rendering evasion unprotable and of securing to the State compensation
for damage caused by attempted evasion. The two sections do not always overlap; but even where
there is overlapping in a concrete instance, the two remedies could have been taken at the same
time, but for the provisions of section 28(4). The two remedies are not in their nature mutually
exclusive, and the grant of a concession to the assessee in the form of section 28(4) does not alter
the situation.
In view of this pronouncement. it is not considered necessary to disturb the substance of section 28,
but sec- tion 28(4) has been made into a separate section, in order to bring out its true function. A
The words "in the course of any proceedings" also came up for consideration in the case cited above.
The' High Court noted that the practice is, that when an In-« come-tax Oicer nds that an assessee
has concealed his income etc., he estimates the concealed income. adds it to the income returned
and levies tax on the entirety of the income as thus determined in his assessment ordered. At the
same time he issues' notice to the assess' to show cause why a penalty should not be levied un er
section 28(1) and (2). But the assessee may not have been heard I and no nal conclusion is reached
at that stage. The assess- ment is completed and a demand is made for the tax. and.
' Siilgaminatha Maopamzr and Sour Vs. I .T.0., II Circle, Madurai and an other (1955) 28 ITR. 601. ,
the Income-tax Oicer waists until the appeals, if any, as regards the assessments, are over. After
obtaining the assessment gures as nally deterrnind, the Income-tax Ofcer pursues the notice already
issued, resumes the penalty proceedings, hears the assessee and passes an order in proper cases
under section 28(1) after obtaining an approval of the Inspecting Assistant Commissioner. "This
practice", the High Court observed, "appears to be fair to the assessee and not contrary to the
language of the enactment"'. In the view of the High Court, "the proceed- ings for the levy of a
penalty must be initiated by an authority when such authority was in seisin of the assess- ment or
other proceedings in the course of which it is found that the assessee has brought himself within the
mis- chief of section 28. When once the notice has been issued, "the jurisdiction of that authority to
continue the proceedings is not dependent upon the continuance of other proceedings in the course
of which the penalty proceedings came to be initiated."
The purport of the words in question has been cxlifarly explained in this judgment, and it does not
appear .eces- sary to make any change in the language. .
Clause 280.
Existing section 28 has been broken up in the draft in the following manner:--- ' (1) The general
power to impose penalty has been idealt with rst. . ' (2) The special provisions applicable to rms.
cont; ined in section 28(1) Proviso (b), are dealt with 'ext.
(3) The special provisions contained in other parts of the Proviso, applicable to other cases, are
pilaced . next.
(4) The special provision applicable to partners is§plac- edat the end. , ' s The words "three thousand
ve hundred rupe " in existing section 28(1), Prov. (a) have been replaced b able words linked up with
the taxable minimum whic may 'Vary from time to time (Cf. para 196, I.T.I.C. Report, 1948).
, Notes to clause 282 Existing section 18A(9) has been incorporated in this clause. The main para. of
that sub-section has been em- bodied in the earlier portion of the draft clause, the changes made
being consequential on the breaking up of existing section 18A itself, the}! remaining portions of
which have, in "(r955) 28 I.T.R. 601, *3.
I suit- ' the draft, been placed in the Chapter relating to collection» and recovery of tax.' The proviso
to this sub-section has been placed in the latter half of this clause, with verbal changes which have
been made in order to elaborate the provision and make» its understanding easy.
Notes to clause 283 Sub-clause (1).----The words "or the otherperson on whom the penalty is sought
to be imposed", have, in the draft, been added to existing section 28(3), in order to make the
provision comprehensiv ~ Sub-clauses (2) and (3).----No comments are needed.
Notes to clause 284 No comments are needed as izo the drafting of this par-- ' ticular clause.
As to the attaclr on the constitutionality of section 28 read with sections 51 and 52 of the existing
Act, see notes to the clause incorporating section 28(1)'.
-This clause does not require any comments. As to the constitutional position relating to existing
sections 51 and 52 read with existing section 28(1) _ d section 28(4), see notes to the clause
incorporating section 28(1).' - V ' Notes to clause 286 The existing section 52 provides that if a
person makes _ ' a false statement in verication under certain sections, he should be punishable etc.
The existing section gives a long list of the various sections under which verication is made;
Verication under any provisions of the Act should. obviously come within the purview of _«.this
section. The aw inherent in giving a list is that the list may not be exhaus- tive and may, moreover,
require to be amended Whenever an amendment introduces a new section requiring verica-
tion. The draft clause, therefore, usg the words' "any veri-- . A cation under this Act".
» ' Vida Chapter XVIII, Clause 215 at seq. ' Notes to draft clause 280.
.1 Notes to clause 288 The words "on conviction before a Magistrate'; have been added in existing
section 54(2), on the lines of the language of existing section 51, last part.
CHAPTER XXIX RECOGNISED PROVIDENT FUND Notes to clause 28.0 General.--The provisions
contained in the Chapters on Recognised Provident F.unds and Approved Superannuation Funds
have, in some case bearing on other sections also. The scheme adopted in the draft is to make a
reference, in other sections, to the provisions relating to such funds, wherever convenient. Though
this entailed some repetition, it has been done for facilitating reference. E Clause 289.--Existing
section 58B has been reproduced here. The only change made is the addition of the proviso in
sub-clause (1). Section 9 of the Employee's Provident Funds Act, 1952, deems a provident fund
established under a scheme in accordance with that Act to be a recognised provident fund under this
chapter. So far as the funds established under such schemes are concerned, this deem- ing provision
is sufficient. But, certain provident funds under that Act have been exempted by Government. under
section 17 of that Act, from the operation of the scheme. Such provident funds would not be covered
by the deeming provision and it appears to be desirable to enable a relaxa- tion of the conditions in
their case. The proviso is intended to achieve this object. [Such provident Fundshave toffu1- l the
condition laid down in section 58 of the Employee's Provident Fund Act and those conditions are
strictly in ac~ /cordance with the conditions prescribed by section 58(c)].
Section 58B(4), dealing with appeal, has been placed in a separate clause.
Notes to clause 290 ' Existing section 58C has. in the draft. been broken u' so as to separate the
conditions from the provisions for relExa-
tion of the conditions. The conditions are incorporate in this clause. while provisions relating to
relaxation are plac- _
-ed in a separate clause Notes to clause 29i General.----A1l provisions in the nature of relaxation of
conditions for recognition of Provident Funds have been collected together in this clause.
Sub--clause (1).--Existing section 58C(1)(a), proviso.has been incorporated here. The, concluding
words "notwith- standing that a proportion not exceeding 10% of the 'm- _ployees is employed
outside India", in the existing secfon, g 2 e , i really mean that the proportion of employees
employed out-
.side India should not exceed 10%. The wording has, there-
Other changes are consequential on the breaking up of .section 58C into conditions and provisions
for relaxation.
Sub-clause (2).--Existing section 58C(1), (b), proviso, refers to the National Service (European
British Subjects) Act, 1940 and the National Service (Technical Personnel) Ordinance, 1940. These
references have been replaced in the draft by the words "any law for the time being in force", which
are more comprehensive. ~ Other changes are consequential.
S.ub-clause (3).----The changes made are consequential on the breaking up of section 58C and
combining of section 58C (d), Proviso and latter part of section 58C (1) (g).
Notes to clause 293 This is new. Sums paid by the employer as contribu- tions towards a recognised
provident fund should be allow- ed to be deducted in computing the employer's income'. Hence this
clause. ~ Notes to clause 294 No comments are needed.
Notes to clause 296 General.--Existing section 58G, sub-section (2), has been embodied in this
clause. The proviso has been express- ed as an item of the main sub-section.
Section 58G(2) talks of exemption from the payment of income--tax and says that the accumulated
balance shall be "excluded" from the computation of the employee's total income. It is thus a case of
total exclusion and has been treated so in the draft. ' So far as super-tax is concerned, the exemption
in sec- tion 58G (2) was originally applicable to super-tax also, but the words "and super-tax" were
omitted by the Indian Income-tax (Second Amendment) Act, 1933 (18 of 1933). The reason for
removing these Words from this sub-section apparently was that the exemption for super-tax was
dealt 1 Cf. existing section 58R, main para, middle .
with separately in a separate sub--section----section 58G (1) which was introduced by the same
amendment Act. This ' "exemption" from payment of super-tax has, under the scheme adopted in.
the draft, to be treated as a case of excluse from total income'. and, therefore, the draft clause under
discussion regards the exclusion as effective both for income-tax and for super-tax. ' In other words,
existing section 58G (2) has, in the draft, been expressed as applicable both for income-tax and for
super-tax and existing section 58G (1) earlier part, has not, therefore, been reproduced. in the draft'.
It is, of course, true that section 58G (1), earlier half, (that is, ex- emption for super-tax) does not
require continuous service while section 58G (2 (exemgtion for income-tax) d s re-' quire such
service. ut it oes not appear necess y to make any such distinction. The draft, therefore, does not
make any such distinction. ' The draft clause requires ve years' continuous service, before exclusion
can be claimed. This will now be applic- able in both cases, but it does not put a fresh bur en on the
assessee; because, even now under section 5 G (3) if the employee leaves before ve years he has to
pity not only income-tax but also super-tax on the basis thiat the exemption was not available. .
Existing section 58G (1), latter part, has been .infcorpo- rated in a separate clause'. . f -
Notes to clause 297 Sub-clause (1).--.-Slight verbal changes have been made for the sake ()f clarity. V
Sub-clause (2).--S1ight verbal changes have beeni inade for precision. E Existing section , 58G (1).
consists of two parts. The earlier portion, exempting the accumulated balanc from super-tax, has
alreaw been accounted for in the t, as the exemption has been treated as an exclusion fro total
income, common to income-fax and super-tax'.
The latter part enacts the exception in respect of nual accretions up to 1st "April 1 3. That has been
repr duced in the draft with two draft ng changes. First, the ords "which is not included in his total
income" have been added by way of introduction. Secondly, instead of the e ' ting negative form
"except .......... ..", a positive form of angu- age has been used to emphasise the 'liability to p y the
amount referred to inthe provision. , .
--'1 Cf. notes to clause 104. _ I ' Sec notes to clause :02 (2).
' Vida clause 297 (2). ' ' See notes to draft cluée 296.
The provision in question was enacted only to make an adjustment necessitated by the course of
legislation (see note below), and hence the aspect of payment receives a higher emphasis compared
with the aspect of liability.
The Provident Funds Chapter was introduced in 1929. Section 58E provided for the inclusion of the
annual ac- cretion in the total income. Section 58F exempted the annual accretion from income-tax,
subject to certain con- ditions. Though the intention of the legislature was, thus, to assess the annual
accretion to super-tax, by the omission of section 58F from the sections not applicable to super-tax
mentioned in section 58, the provisions of section 58F be- came applicable to super-tax. The annual
The legislature noticed this defect in 1933 and rectied it by including section 58F in section 58.
Simultaneously section 58G (1) was introduced and 58G (2) was made not applicable to super-tax.
The resulting position is that though the accumulated balance is exempt from payment of super- tax,
the employee receiving the accumulated balance has to make good the super-tax that he would have
paid bet- ween 1929 and 1933. ' Notes to clause 298 Existing section 58H has been embodied here.
The sec- tion provides that at the time of payment of the accumulat- ed balance. the trustees shall
deduct therefrom any income-- tax payable under section 58G (3). So far as this require--- ment is
concerned. the words "in cases where section ....... .. [58G (3)] applies," have been added in the draft,
to make it clear that deduction is permissible only where the liabi- lity for payment of tax has arisen.
The existing section further provides for the deduc- tion of any income-tax and super-tax payable on
an em-- ployee's total income as determined under section 58J (3). This requirement does not
appear to be intelligible. Section 58J (3) does not really apply at the time of payment of accumulated
balance to the employee and is conned to the taxation, at the time of recognition, of sums
transferred to the employee's account in the recognised provident fund. This requirement has,
therefore, been omitted in the draft.
Notes to clause 299 Existing section 58J is incorporated in this clause. Sub- section (4) of that
section has been incorporated in the clause dealing with relaxation of conditions'.
Notes to clause 305 "Recognised provident fund".--No change' has 9, been made in the existing
denition. Section 9 of the Emp oyees Provident Funds Act 1952 (19 of 1952) provides that pro-
vident fund established under a scheme under th Act shall be deemed to be a recognised provident
fund f r the Income-tax Act. It does not appear necessary to repe t this provision in the Income-tax
Act, since some of the rovi- sions in this Chapter (for example, withdrawal) m not in terms apply to
such funds. ' "Employer".--In existing ection 58A, clause (h), the words "maintaining the provident
fund for the benet of his or its employees" are applicable not only to the "indi- vidual" referred to 'm
item (ii) but also to the -"Hindu undivided farn-i1y,_co1I'1pany" e_tc., referred to in item [i_). To
make this clear, the substance of these words has been placed in the beginning of the denition.
CHAPTER XXV APPROVED SUPERANNUATION 'FUNDS Notes to clause 306 No comments are
Notes to clause 307 Sub-clause (1).----In the opening lines, it has bee pro- vided that the
superannuation fund must satisfy no only the conditions set out in the section but also the con 'tions
to be prescribed by rules to; made by the Centra --- Gov- ernment. This additibn has 'bgen made to
secure nifor- mity' with the corresponding provision relating to ecog- nised provident funds. [See
existing section 58C(1),,open- ing lines]. § _ Sub-clause' (2).--The» proviso to existing section 58P
1S merely claricatory. It has been embodied in sub-«lclause 4 ' :
(2). .
Sub-clause '(3).--~This is new' and has been added to secure uniformity with the correspon 'rig
provision relating to recognised provident fund--see e ing section 58C (2).
Notes to clause 308 It has been made clear that the application for ap- proval is to be made to the
Income-tax Officer by whom the employer is assessable. ' The word "year" has been replaced by the
expression "assessment year" or ''previous year", as considered appro- priate.
General.----Existing section 58R and 58S have, for the sake of clarity, been broken up so as to deal
separately with the following :--
(3) Emp1oyee's contribution--when exempted. ' (4) Contributions paid to the emp1oyee--when
deemed to be income.
(5) Deduction of tax on contributions paid to an em- ployee. _ ' Existing section 58R, relating to
exemption in respect of superannuation funds, combines a number of provisions. These provisions
embody exemptions falling under various categories. For example, the opening lines direct that in-
come derived from investments of such funds shall be "ex- empt from payment of income-tax";
while the subsequent lines provide that "any sum paid by an employer by way of contribution shall
.......... deducted in computing the income .......... ..". It is obvious that the rst exemption is in the
nature of an exclusion from total income, while the second is a deduction for expenses. In order to
bring out clearly the nature of the various exemptions contained in existing section 58R, its various
portions have. in the draft. been allocated to various clauses according to' the topic dealt with, thus-
(i) the opening lines relating to income from. invest- ment etc., have been embodied in this clause.
That provision applies in respect of super-tax also under existing section 58. The /provision is more
in the nature of exclusion from total income and should be treated on the same lines as income
received by tngtiees on behalf of a recognised provident fund,é_$ee existing section 4, sub-section
(3), item (ix) ;,g _i _ .
(ii) the middle portion of section 58R, main para, dealing with sums paid by employer, has been
placed in a separate clause' ;
(iii) the last portion of section 58R, main para, has been dealt with in another clause' with certain
drafting changes which are discussed below ; the rst Proviso to section 58R has also been incor-
porated in that clause';
(iv) the second Proviso relates to employer's contri- butions and has been placed along with the mid-
dle portion of the main para'.
Section 58R says 2 "any sum paid by an employer or an employee by way of contribution .............
..shall in the case of an employer be deducted in computing his income .......... ..and in the case of an
employee be treated for all the purposes of this Act as if it were a sum to which the provisions of
section 15 apply;
Provided that no such exemption shall be allowable to , an employee in respect of any sum which is
not an ordinary annual contribution." _ s The existing language, at rst reading, would mean that
both the sum paid by the employer and the sum 'paid by the employee are to be allowed as a
deduction in the case of an employer, and that similarly both the sums are to be allowed exemption
in the case of an employee. 'But. obviously, this is not the intention. Only a sum paidby the employer
is to be allowed as a deduction in the em- ployer's assessment, and similarly only a sum paid by the
employee is to be allowed deduction in the employee's assessment. Since the case of the employer
and the case of the employee have, in the draft, been treated at differ- ent places, the need for any
clarication does not arise.
The words "in the previous year" have been added for the sake of precision, and the place of the first
Proviso to existing Section 58R, is, in the draft, taken by the words at the end "in so far as such sum
is an ordinary annual contribution".
The general scheme of existing section 58R has already been dealt with'.
'Clause 309. ' , 'See note: to clause 309'.' Notes to clause 312 Existing section 58S (1) provides that
where any con- tributions are "repaid", to an employee, the amounts so repaid shall be deemed, for
the purpose of income-tax, the income of the employee for that year. The words "repaid" would, at
rst sight, seem to suggest that it is only the em- ployee's contributions that are intended to be
covered by these words. But it seems that the employer's contribu- tions should also be covered,
because there does not appear to be any reason for excluding employer's contributions; the word
"repaid" was probably used in a wider sense.
The sub-section does not make any exception for con- tributions repaid on death or termination of
employment. Existing section 58S (2) however shows that payment of contributions to an employee
on death or termination of employment does not come within the scope of this section. Tl;le two
sub-sections should run in harmony with each ot er.
The language of the provision has, therefore. been altered on these lines. -
The words "of that year" have been replaced by the words "of the previous year in which it is so paid
to him". for precision.
Notes to clause 313 As pointed out in the notes to the clause correspond- ing to existing section 58S
(1). section 58S is intended to apply to contributions both of the employees and of the employer'.
The necessary change has been made in this clause also.
Notes to clause 316 Existing section 58V has been embodied here with the following changes :-- ' '
(1) It has been made clear that the information is to be supplied by the trustee to the Income-tax
cer within "-not less than twenty-one days". This will avoid the raising of any question as to what is
meant by the words "within twenty-one days".
-(2) Clauses (a), (b) and (c) of this section. which ela- borate the particulars that will be required by
the Income-tax Oicer, have been omitted, as the rule-making power now conferred" enables rules to
be made on these matters.
Notes to clause 317 General.----This is a new clause and is intended to efive effect to the following
recommendations of the Incom tax Investigation Commission' :----- i "70. If all the requirements of
section 58-P are s tis- ed, it is doubtful if the Central Board of Revenue ,can refuse to recognise a
superannuation fund. The powe to impose conditions would probably have reference onl to the
three eventualities mentioned in the proviso andanot in other circumstances independent of these
contingenc es.
The provisions of the Income-tax Law in respect of superannuation funds should, as far as possible,
be bro ght into line with those relating torProvident Funds. It is im- cult to see why the power given
to the Central Govern ent to make rules as in Section 58L (2) should not be repeated in the case _of
Superannuation Funds. This lack of power to make rules is a serious drawback in the scheme of
Super- annuation Funds under the Income-tax Act. of which unfair use can be made". i .
"72. Suitable amendments may be made in the In 'an Income-tax Act restricting the maximum limit
to w ich the contributions by the employee and employer ma be made to 25 per cent of the
employee's salary. ' E Sub-clause (1).--~Cf. existing section 58L (1) relating to « . ' I recognised
provident funds. , Sub-clause (2).--Para (a)--C;f. section 58L (2) (a). ;
Para (b)--relates to the returns etc. referred to in§sec- tion 58R as embodied inthe draft. I t Para
(c)--se-e para. 72 of the report of the Income-éltax.
Investigation Commission quotdd above. The maximumlhas been left to be prescribed by the rules,
in order to Se ure elasticity. .
Para (d)--Cf. section 58L (2) (c). Para (e)--Cf. section 58L (2) (d).
Para (f)--is intended to enable withdrawal of rec ; ni- tion. This power will be in addition to that
enjoyed u der section 58-0 (1) latter part.
Para (g)--Cf. section 58.1.'. (2) (e). Notes to clause 318' Sub-clause (c)--Th¢ word "earnings" has
been re;£lac- ed by the words "income chargeable under the head sala- ries", which ane more
1I.'I.I.C. Report, 1948, page 219, for detailed discussion, see para- graphs 170-171 of that Report. a '5
'Cf. Report of the Income-' Investi lion Commission, para. 17:, o ; ura- tion beginning with "Secondly
. . .''at pp? :74. . ~. ._. ~ CHAPTER XXVI MISCELLANEOUS Notes to clause 319 _ This is new. It
seems desirable to make it clear that income once charged to tax shouldnot again be charged to tax
in the hands of the same person. This safeguard seems to be necessary, in view of the fact that an
item of income may be chargeable either on the basis of its ac- crual or on the basis of its having
arisen or on the basis of its actual receipt, within a particular period. In other words, the chargeable
periods may vary according to the basis on which the tax is sought to be assessed. ' Notes to clause
320 It has been made clear that even in the case of a local authority or company, service may be
made on its princi- pal officer. The denition of "principal oicer" is applicable to local authorities and
companies also.
Notes to clause 321 Sub--clause (1).'--This is new. Since the family will not be in existence after
partition, a provision for service of notices in respect of proceedings pertaining to the disrupted
family appears to be necessary and has been in- corporated in this sub--clause. The Supreme Court
has held' that in such cases the notice need not be iven to all mem- bers. This view has been followed
in the draft, treating, however, a notice under section 34 in a different manner'.
This draft sub--clause will apply only where an order re- cording a nding of total partition is passed.
In cases of par- tial partition, the family continues in respect of undivided property; (if the partition
is partial as regarding persons, the remaining members will continue' joint); and notices can be
served in the usual manner, and, no special provi- sion is necessary to the effect that the notice in
such cases must be served on all the members of the family. (In cases where some of the members
went out of the family, the members so separated must of course be served. But this need not be
provided for).
Sub-clause (2).--This is new and is 'intended to provide for the service of notice in the case of a
dissolved rm or association. I Notes to clause 322 This clause does not need any comments.
. 1 Lax-mi.Nara1'n Bhadam' v. crr, (igsx) 2'0 rrg. 594(sc). b . 1 Cf. I. T, I. C. Report, i94.8,,pagd§ 155,
351, 352. .- . \ _-. Report Notes to clause 323 This is new. It is desirable that documents placed on
the le of an Income-tax authority should bear proper en- dorsement so that their tracing and
identication may be facilitated whenever a reference to them becomes neces- sary. It is also
desirable that where an Income-tax autho- rity bases any order on any document. the document
shall expressly be referred to in the order, so that there may be no difficulty in understanding the
basis of the order. The draft clause is intended to achieve this object.
Notes to clause 324 Sub-clause (1)--does not need any comments, except that existing section 61(1)
and section 61(2) have, in the draft, been broken up so as to separate the details regard- ing various
authorised representatives from the main»pro-- vision authorising their appearance.
Sub-clause (2)--The various kinds of persons who can appear as authorised representatives have
been listed in this sub-clause.
Item (iii)----relating to lawyers has been redrafted so as to simplify the language. This 'category has
been restrict- ed to legal practitioners who can appear in a civil court. (Persons already in
practice'will not, of course, be affedted).
The right of persons entitled to appear under the exist- ing Act' will be preserved b item (12), even
though the persons are not qualied un er the new Act. But it has been made clear that this right is
available only where such persons were actually in practice before the new Act came into force'. '
Explanation.--~The denition of "accountant" has been brought into line with the Chartered
Accountants Act. 1949. Persons who are neither Chartered Accountants nor autho- rised to audit the
accounts of companies under section 226(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, are proposed to be ex-
enables a member of an association of accountants recog- nised in this behalf by the Central Board
of Revenue to appear as an authorised representative. It is proposed to restrict the right, however, to
chartered accountants? etc. (Persons already in practice at the time of the commence- ment of the
new Act will not of course be affected).
Sub-clause (3)----does not need any comments. \ 1The abolition of this cat ory was ecormmcnded
even by the Income-tax Investigation Commission aid: _ts Report 19418) Para 240 page 107. The
(ion Emiuixy Commission, lmwever w 4 not in favour ofany change. cc its ( 953-54), Vol. II, &.i;XII,
parar-50. ' Sub-clause (4)----Under existing section 61(3) the power to take disciplinary action
against persons "other than law- yers or accountants subject to their respective professional bodies",
is vested in the Commissioner. It is proposed to transfer these powers to an authority whose
constitution would be laid down in the rules'. The present provision authorising appeals to the
Central Board of Revenue will, of course, continue. ' Sub--clause (5)--is merely a transitional
provision. Notes to clause 325 No comments are needed.
Notes to clause 328 The word "year" has been replaced by words "assess- ment year" for precision.
In addition to income-tax, super- "tax has also been added for the sake of precision.
Notes to 'clause 329 Sub-clause (1).--It has been made clear that the rules will be published in the
Official Gazette.
Sub-clause (2).--Paragraph (c) is new and is intended to empower the Central Board of Revenue to
make rules
-(i) for the registration of Income-tax Practitioners who are not lawyers or accountants and (ii) for
the constitution
The changes made by the Finance Act, 1958, have been given effect to. Further, a provision for rules
regarding income-tax verication certicates has been added, since it :is ffelt that a statutory provision'
on the subject would be use u .
Sub-clause (4)---has been brought into line with recent 'legislative practice.
Existing section 60(1) authorises the Central Govern- ment to make exemptions, reduction in rates
or other modi- cations regarding income-tax in certain cases. Sub-section (3) of that section,
however, provides..that after the com- mencement of the Indian Income-tax (Amendment) Act,
1. Of. the Amendment Bill that was introduced in 1951 (which was allowed to lapse), printed in
(1951) 28 I.T.R. 46; 47, Vida notes to draft clause 324 (4)
-4' 1939, this power will not be exercisable except for the pur- pose _of rescinding exemption, etc.
already made. T 'e re- sult is, that no new exemption etc. can now be gr, nted under section 60,
sub-section .(1). In view of this, this pro-
So far as exemptions already granted are concerned, the question of their retention for assessments
under the new Act will have to be considered by the Govern'ment,. when the transitional provisions
are drafted (Cf. note re- garding repeal etc. below). i So far as assessments for any period prior to
the, com- mencement of the new Act are concerned, exemptions al- ready granted under section
60(1) should, of course, con- tinue to have effect, and thepower to cancel them under Section 60(3)
should also continue (Cf. Note re:~repea1 etc. elow). . A Note on Repeal and transitional provisions
(At rst, draft clauses on repeal and transitional pro- vision were prepared in the Commission, but
later it was felt that it need not be done in the Commission and might be left to the Ministry of Law.)
When the new Act comes into force, the existing Act. i.e., 1922 Act will, of course, cease to apply.
While d ' fting the repeal clause, it would be desirable to consider hicl1_ of the following courses
should be adopted.-
(1) Absolute repeal of the existing Act----This my not be feasible, since it .would necessitate innu
rable saving provisions and' may cause inconve ience also. ' (2) Formal repeal of the existing Act
with a pr ision that so far as the assessments etc. for asse ment years prior to the commencement of
the ne Act are concerned, the existing Act will contin e to- apply. This seems to'be .the method adop
ed in section 13 of the Finance Act, 1950 (25 of 19 ) and section 6 of the Taxation Laws (Extens on to
J ammu and Kashmir) Act 1954 (41 of 1954.) hich, while repealing the old laws, preserve the ol laws
for the purpose of "ldvy, assessment and coll ction" of income-tax, etc. for past years. ' Section 527 of
the U.K. Act. 1952 follows the same method; sub-section (1), main para, repeals the piievious laws as
listed in the twenty-fth Schedule, but the proviso enacts that the provisions of the new Act "shall
not-apply to income-tax for the year 1951-52 or any previous year of assessment and the provisions
of the enactments me tioned' in the twenty-fth S hedule "shall continue to apply r tax in any such
year to he sam xtent that they woul have ,not been passed". :
applied thereto if t s Act Section 2 of the Australian Income-tax and Social Ser- vice Contribution
Assessment Act, 1936-v1953, while repeal- ing the enactment concerned (vide the main paragraph),
provides (vide first proviso) that the Act repealed by this section, shall continue in force for all
purposes in connec--- tion with income-tax payable for any nancial year prior to ,.the nancial year
commencing on the_1st January, 1936.
.[It may be noted that the saving embodied in the various Acts referred to above varies in each Act.
Thus the Indian Acts i.e.. Finance Act, 1950 and the _Act relating" to Jammu and Kashmir, save the
old law for levy, assess-- ment and collection of tax etc. The UK. Act saves the old. law for tax. The
Australian Act saves the old law "for all.
purp,-,5es"'.] (3) Another alternative would be, not to "repeal" the existing Act, but to provide that it
"shall cease to apply"., (A clause framed on these lines would not of course, attract the provisions
relating to repeal in the General Clauses Act and they will have to be specically incorporated in the-
repeal clause).
A precedent for this will be found in section 130 of the Canadian Income-tax Act which, instead of
effecting a specic repeal, merely provides that provisions of. the In- come-tax War Act (1'..e.' the
earlier Income-tax Act of Canada) "are not applicable to taxation years after the 1948.
Title 1, sub title A, section 1, U.S.A.»Internal Revenue- Code, (U.S.A. Statutes 1934 Part I p. 683)
provides that the provisions of the new Act shall not apply to assessment years commencing prior to
1st January, 1934, and income- tax for assessment years prior to that date shall remain unaffected
by the new Act and shall continue to be govern- ed by the applicable provisions of the old Act.
If this third alternative is adopted, notications and orders etc. can be issued under the old Act on all
matters in respect of assessment years prior to the commencement of the new Act.
(It may be stated here that the repeal clauses in section 53 of the Indian ,Income-tax Act, 1918 (7 of'
1918), section 8 of the Indian Income-tax Act, 1920 (19 of 1920) and section 68 of the Indian
Income-tax Act, 1922 (11 of 1922) might not be very helpful in drafting the repeal clause. These Acts
straight-away repeal the old Act and. add that such repeal shall not affect the liability of any person
to pay any sum due under the old Act.)
1. Hence, assessments in Canada still I tinue to be made and disputes-. A litigated andunder the old
Act in respect of 1948 l;'l00!nC. Vida Plaxton, Income-tax Law, 1949, Second Supplement. : é
Transitional provisions A number of orders, notications etc. issued under the existing Act, will have
to be continued for the purposes of the new Act, until the appropriate action is taken under the new
Act. The actual form of the clause on the subject would, of course, depend on how the repeal clause
is'fram- ed. If the usual repeal clause is adopted, section 24 of the General Clauses Act would have
the effect of continuing appointments, notications, orders, schemes, rules, forms. 'bye-laws etc. But
still a number of other things which do not fall under section 24 of the General Clauses Act would
have to be dealt with. If straight-away repeal is not effect- ed, the continuation clause will, of course,
have to men- tion orders, notications and, rules etc. also. -
It may be necessary to make some provisions as to how far the Act is retrospective. Section 129(6) of
the Canadian Income-tax Act, may be compared.
. Provision for ensuring that income taxed under the existing Act is not taxed again under the new
Act might also be necessary.
Since the Tribunal is proposed to be abolished, it may be necessary to make elaborate provisions in
respect of 'proceedings pending under the existing Act before the Tribunal. These proceedings may
include not only appeals, but also applications for making a reference under section 66 of the
existing Act. It will also be necessary to provide how references pending in the High Court under
section 66 or applications pending in the High Court under Section
-66(2) or section 66(3) should be dealt with, and also as to the authority which should carry out the
decisions passed by the High Court on these references. Where an applica- tion under section 66(1)
has been rejected before the com- mencement of the new Act, it would also be necessary to 'provide
that the assessee or the Commissioner maylapply 'to the High Court as regards the merits or as
regards the issue of limitation. Provision will also have to be! made as regards decisions given by the
Commissioner or _A.A.C. (before the new Act) in respect of which an appeal: could have been led to
the Tribunal if it had not been abcished.
The usual clause relating to power to remove d_ilcul-- ties in achieving thetransition or giving effect
to the pro- visions of the Act will also have to be embodied.
Notes to First Schedule Rule 1 The existing Schedule uses the expression "yea1"" and 'denes it in rule
5(1). In the draft, however, the expres- sion "previous year" has been used. The denition of "previous
year" as-adopted in the draft' deals specically with insurance business, so that the expression "pr
eding year" need not be used in the substantive provisi ns.
Instead of the expression "income prots and gains", the shorter expression "profits and gains" has
been used, on the lines of the existing section 10.
Rule 2 Slight changes have been made to simplify the lan- guage. For example, the existing
Schedule, rule 2 proviso, clauses (a), (b) and (c), repeat the word "plus". This has been replaced by
1. The rst proviso to the existing Schedule, rule 3(a), has been omitted, as it was applicable only to
the "first such computation" made under the rule.
2. The second proviso to the existing Schedule, rule 3(a) says that if any amount reserved for policy
holders is not paid to or expended on behalf of the policy holders, then the proportion previously
allowed as a deduction is to be treated as a part of the surplus. The proportion has been described as
"one--half or four-fths as the case may be". The reference to "one-half" in the Act is not intelli- gible
on first reading, because the deduction allowed is four- fths under the main para of existing
Schedule, rule 3(a). The text of the rule. as it stood before the amendment made by Act 25 of 1953,
contained the words "one~half" and the intention apparently was to cover also cases where a deduc-
tion was allowed before the amendment of 1953.
Ordinarily speaking, by the time the new Act comes in force cases of deductions under the existing
Act as it stood before 1953 will have been exhausted. However, as a. matter of caution, the reference
to."one-half" has been retained in the draft.
The words "under this Act or under the Indian Income- tax Act, 1922" have, however. been added in
the draft, in- order to deal with cases where a deduction under the exist- ing Act is to be adjusted in
the surplus under the new Act.
3. Existingrule 3, clause (b), uses the Words "securi- ties or other assets". But the appropriate word
seems to be "investments"; that is the word used in the existing Schedule, rule 6, last sentence. The
draft, thenefore, uses the word "investments".
4. Existing Schedule, rule 3, clause (c), has been incor- porated in the draft sub-clause (c), with
minor drafting changes made for the sake of precision.
4.88 Rate 5 The changes made are all of a drafting nature, and do not affect the substance of the
existing law and practice.
Para a ).--The existing Schedule, Rule 6, says that the balance disclosed in the accounts is to be
adjusted so as to exclude from it any expenditure "other than expendi- ture that may ............. ..
under section 10 .... .. be allowed for in computing the prots etc. of a business". It is only expenditure
that is excluded; deduction for depreciation is not, it seems, to be questioned, and must be allowed
as entered in the accounts'. Para (a) is intended to make this clear.
(It does not appear to be necessary to make any simi- lar specic provision for deductions in the
nature o loss on resale of assets etc., since disputes regarding the quantum of such deductions are
not likely to arise frequently).
Para (b).--Depreciation having been providedgfor in sub-clause (a), it becomes possible to use the
wide ording adopted in this sub-clause, viz., that all "deductitxls" not allowed under section 10
should be added back.
The additions made by draft paragraphs (a) and (b) could have been made in the draft for life
insurance also, but it has not been considered necessary to make such changes there, for two
reasons; rst, the existing; rule 3 is lengthy enough,.and secondly, since the bulk bf life insurance
business will now be carried on by the Life In- surance Corporation, a' statutory body, the need for
-existing schedule, Rule 6, by incorporating the pr visions of existing Schedule, Rule 8(b), so as to
render th refer- ence to that rule unnecessay.
Rule 7 The denition of "preceding year" has been omitted'; it is covered by the denition of "previous
year" as dopted in the draft. t The denition of "securities" has been replac by a denition of
"investment". ' Notes to the Second Schedule-
.r i E The detailed procedure for recovery of tax has been given in this Schedule. The draft is mainly
based on the provisions of the Bengal" Public Demands Recovery Act, 10f. 0. T. v. Calcuui
Iu:uraac;.&u§pan_y, (1952) 21-I.'I".R. 404. F
-:59' 1913, which appears to be the most comprehensive of the Provincial and State Acts on the
subject. Slight changes of substance have been made at one or two places, and the provisions have
been embodied in a re-arranged form.
Notes to the Third Schedule The Schedule does not need any comments. The pro- visions relating to
attachment 'by the Collector will apply to distraint etc. effected by the Income-tax Oicer himself.
'NOTE BY DR. N. C. SEN GUPTA I am in agreement with the lines of approach to the Income Tax
Act adopted by the Report. I appreciate and agree generally with regard to the important provisions.
There is one thin however which I must repeat once again. I think it W0 d have been an advantage if
the con- sideration of the Income Tax Act had been adjourned until the Tyagi Committee' had
formulated their conclusions. I have been informed that the Chairman thought otherwise. Because
he expressed the opinion that the Tyagi Com- mittee has nothing to do with these proposals. I shall
clear up the matter.
Income~tax is now only one of a number of personal taxes which, as things stand, have to be
assessed by the Income Tax Officer. he result is that there is nothing to show that it wili be the same
Income Tax Officer who will assess a person----(l) for income and super tax, (2) for ex- penditure
tax, (3) for wealth tax and (4) for Estate duty. But assessment proceedings must necessarily involve
an examination of the accounts of the assessee for each of these purposes. The same account will
have .to be gone through in the Tax Oice, not once for all, but separately and not necessarily by the
same Income Tax Ofcer. It would be not only convenient but almost necessary if the whole thing
could be taken together in the case of a person who has to pay all these separate taxes or more than
ne of them. Each assessment proceeding will be separatel , start- ed according to the procedure laid
down in the separate Acts and necessarily the same accounts will have"to hie exa~ mined in each
case. Now the Tyagi Committee can evolve a measure by which the integrated taxes could be
assessed in the same office for each person and by a simpler proce- dure. It would be an undoubted
advantage. But it'is not possible now to suggest in connection with the Income Tax Act how this can
be done or the separate proced res of these several Acts can be integrated or amalgamat . It would
seem, therefore, that my suggestion to consider the procedure of the assessment" of income tax after
the Par- liament has nally decided on the integration or otherwise of the proceedings on the report
of the Tyagi Committee would be advantageous. Without that it may very well be that all our labours
upon the Income Tax Act would be lost.
With regard to the content of the Report, I will refer to one or two matters only. The Report takes
into account all the shortcomings of the present procedure and the con- fusing mode in which it has
been laid down in the Act, and it seeks to safeguard the interest of the tax_-payers ade- quately. I am
in full sympathy with the C!'it1clSl'I1S_.'\_'Vhl9h have been made and the lines of approach. As it
Is, the long-drawn proceedings of mcome tax assessment and the present features ,-of tax' _ all
round, amount to _ great pressure on and hardship small assessees._ But at the same time it leaves
gopen , E-gaps for escaping payment of the tax by suiciently resourceful and rich parties. It is true
that the assessee has got to be safeguarded against oppression and at the same time, it should be
seen that the tax is not evaded by rich parties. For this purpose, I am afraid, the procedure in the
present Income Tax Act is not adequate. The draft report attempts to make several efforts to remedy
this defect. But I do not quite agree with its treatment to the question of evasion. The amend- ment
suggested in section 34 seems to me to be generous to the assessee. But we have got to see whether it
does not become too generous to a wily evader at the cost of the honest tax-payers who have to bear
additional burden. I agree that there ought to be a limit to the period for which the proceedings for
taxation could be re--opened. Whatever limits are xed, there ought to be a general principle laid
down that if escape from assessment or under--assessrnent has been shown to be due to any-
dishonest or fraudulent practice of the assessee. there ought to be no limitation to re-open the
proceedings. On the other hand. the limitation in ordinary cases ought not to exceed what is now
prescrib- ed under the Act.
With regard to the procedure of assessment and appeals, I agree with the proposals made. But I am
not sure that the members of the Committee have given adequate con- sideration of the principles in
French Law. Under that Law, in the case of assessment and realisation of provincial taxes, the
matter is primarily Within the jurisdiction of -ad-, ministrative officials. But it is provided that if any
ques- tion of title is raised before the matter receives the sanc- tion of the Ministry of the Interior,
the Administrative Ofcer~in-Charge of the proceedings has to refer it imme-
diately to a Civil Court after which the proceedings take ' the form of a Civil suit. Something similar
to this is to be found in a Bengal Act. the Estate Partition Act. Under that Act appeals to the Civil
Court are strictly limited. But if a question of title is raised in any stage of the pro- ceedings, the
Collector carrying on the proceedings has got to stay the proceedings and refer the parties to the
Civil Court. I think some procedure like this might be con- veniently provided for in the case of
income tax assessment. There are some questions which would ultimately go from Civil Court upto
the High Court even under the present Act. If such questions are raised at an early stage of assess-
ment, the law may provide that the matter must be referred to the Civil Court and assessment
proceedings stayed. Otherwise the assessment proceedings would be regarded as purely
-administrative--though under the strict control of the superior Administrative Ofcers, represented
in France in the Council d' estate.
With further reference to the Income Tax Act in the proposals before the Tyagi Committee. I wish to
add a few words with reference to myplea for; the simplied and integrated procedure in the
asse$ment of all personal taxes. It will be remembered that thei new peydonal taxes have 32-4
Law'Com.I58. I " 5 .i.
E2 been im ed on the basis of the report of Professor - dor in w ' I nd that he gives» some indication
ahou _ the procedure. The principles behind 'the new taxation,' ac- cording to Kaldor Report, are
independent of each 0 her. The taxes are intended to ch :and balance each oth ,-- so that there may
be in integnated taxation. It is no the same thing as was asked for by older economists undo the
name of a single tax. For that purpose also it is nec that in assessing one tax. ref¢r_ence will be
made t the other taxes, so that ultimately there is no conflict o in- consistency between efferent
assessment. 1' As to the mode of assessngent Professor Kaldor r tens to the Swedish procedure. In
Appendix A hegiv the suggested form of a comprehensive return ,for nail taxation in which the
entries gate made with referen e to this and also other ta which have not been impo yet. In Appendix
B, Part wo. he, gives the form of a r urn under the Swedish Law which is based on the same rin-r
ciples. The whole return goes to the same oioer parently garries out investigations in respect of
them,»-iwith a view to a consolidated assessment. Unless something. like this is done in India also.
the objective of Professor Kal- dorls' suggestion about multiple. personal taxes would be defeated.
Therefore, I suggested that the whole law oi pro- cedure for the assessment and realisation of taxes
uld be recast on the linemsuggested in Ka1dor's report an for that purpose I should suggest that the
Committee-inow appointed should go to the question of laying dotvn a procedure by which simplici
and coordination m be properly achieved. The quest on of the amendment the _ procedure of the
Income Tax Act must necessarily ait; and the procedure not only for income tax but for a the
personal taxes together should be laid down in one act- ment. * I do not accept the pruiciples of
Professor Kaldor's-- report in their entirety. But 's' we are not concemednvith the amendment of the
tax structure, at least this call be: accepted thalt the procedgire laid down sgoluldi be 3 as to avoid
mu tip ication o p1'I#=¢ed1n' gs an ea to a e §ust assessment of taies than: under the separate ti
tionf HWS. ' ' There is another matter hich I should like to m ' tion with reference to Professor 'ildofs
report. I-Iis crlt ' of the provisions of the Income Tax Act for assessm t of Companies are trenchant
but entirely justified; and ' sug- gestions for the simplicationi of the procedure wi ' the framework of
the present tax structure are wort of serious consideration. I regret to nd, however, th our Draft
Report does not make aux, reference to that an pro- ceeds as if the Income Tax Act g as the sole Act
with hich we are concerned. I [him]: it was our duty to point 0 t the improved procedure 1- giv' '
eeect to the taxation 4(1) N. c.
arm-32-: nw cmJ5a--3o42- I I