3D Optical Scanner Dimensional Verificat
3D Optical Scanner Dimensional Verificat
3D Optical Scanner Dimensional Verificat
Email: martin.dury@npl.co.uk
Web: http://www.npl.co.uk/freeform
Fringe projectors and other high precision 3D optical surface-form scanners are
rapidly being adopted by industry in favour of Cartesian CMMs because of their
advanced metrology benefits, which include point-cloud data capture, portability
and speed. However, certain surfaces and geometries are challenging for such
scanners to measure accurately, resulting in unreliable dimensional data. NPL
(National Physical Laboratory) has developed an environmentally controlled 3D
optical scanner dimensional verification facility to simulate typical usage
conditions where temperature and lighting may vary. In addition, a range of test
artefacts have been specifically developed to identify scanners’ sensitivity to
colour, resolution, roughness, and laser scanning articulating arm scan velocity.
This paper describes NPL’s verification facility that is to be launched within the
year and has been developed with the aim of providing a 3D optical scanner
verification service to global industry ensuring greater confidence in their
measurement capability.
1 Introduction
access to low cost, powerful computers and cheaper optics. While 3D optical
scanners offer the potential of great positives, such as massively increased
measurement speeds, equipment portability and relative ease when measuring
freeform surfaces, their limitations are still being understood and international
standards that describe suitable tests and procedures for their acceptance and
use are yet to be developed, for example, VDI/VDE 2634 [4], the German
guideline for optical 3D measuring systems addresses neither freeform surfaces
nor surface finish.
The National FreeForm Centre, established in 2009, has developed a
purpose-built dimensional verification laboratory to assess 3D optical scanner
performance and environmental sensitivities with the aim of providing global
industry with greater confidence in their measurements. This paper reports the
development of NPL’s 3D optical scanner verification facility.
Figure 1: Preliminary measurements showing the sphere artefact and the effect
of temperature on dimensional measurements from a fringe projector.
The optical properties of the measurement object’s surface are known to affect
3D optical scanners [9]. Lambertian surfaces that diffusely reflect projected
light are ideal for 3D optical scanner measurements, while they may record
little useful data from specular surfaces that reflect projected light away like a
mirror. Surface colour may also affect the data that a 3D optical scanner is able
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, 2015.
to record [10]. The data quantity may be affected as some 3D optical scanning
systems may have difficulty distinguishing a red laser line on a red surface or
dark fringes projected onto a dark surface. NPL has observed an embossing
effect between regions of high colour contrast when scanning flat surfaces that
have a multi-coloured pattern, suggesting that data quality is affected.
The National FreeForm Centre has developed multi-faceted test artefacts to
quantify 3D optical scanners’ ability to measure surfaces with different
reflectances, roughnesses and colours. In addition, surfaces of specific interest
to industries that include aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, medical and
heritage are addressed.
Figure 2 presents one of the multi-faceted test artefacts, the NPL 2D material
coupon plate. This comprises eight artefact coupons surrounding a central,
highly Lambertian, sintered PTFE (Spectralon®) reference coupon. The 60 mm
by 60 mm square coupons include materials such as aluminium, carbon fibre
and titanium. The coupons are selected depending on the measurand, i.e. a
scanner’s ability to measure roughened surfaces, and are measured with the
calibrated scanner using optimal measurement parameters, at normal and ± 45°
orientations relative to the scanner’s projector. The point clouds from the
measurements are then analysed using software to identify a 30 mm by 30 mm
region within the centre of each coupon. The number of points within this
region is normalised against an identical region within the “white” central
Spectralon reference coupon to obtain a data quantity measurement and
therefore determine a scanner’s ability to measure a particular surface
reflectance, roughness, colour or material.
Figure 3 presents NPL’s 3D material coupon plate that, like the NPL 2D
material coupon plate, is designed to assess a scanner’s ability to measure
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different surfaces finishes, but at a greater number of angles with respect to the
scanner’s projector.
NPL’s 3D material coupon plate comprises three rows and five columns of
coupons; a 150° angle separates each column rather than forming a plane. Five
Spectralon reference coupons are placed along the NPL 3D material coupon
plate’s central row, while the artefact coupons are placed in the rows above and
below. The NPL 3D material coupon plate is mounted on a rotation stage and
measured by the calibrated scanner with optimal measurement parameters,
through the range of angles of interest, with each column normal to the scanner
during one of the scans. As in the case of the NPL 2D material coupon plate
measurements, the point clouds from the NPL 3D material coupon plate
measurements are then analysed and the 30 mm by 30 mm regions within the
coupons and the Spectralon references are compared.
Figure 4: A fringe pattern projected onto the NPL 150 mm Freeform artefact.
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3D optical scanners are now being attached to robotic arms to create automated
measurement systems, particularly for the automotive industry [14-16]. The
scanners on these systems will be subject to a wide range of orientations and
slight movement of their optical components would change measurement
NPL’s National FreeForm Centre have developed a system to quantify
orientation effects on 3D optical scanners that uses a frame to ensure that a
sphere artefact retains its position relative to a calibrated scanner while the
scanner is oriented through a range of pitch and roll angles. The point clouds
from the measurements are analysed to identify changes in artefact dimensions
(sphere centre separation distances) with respect to scanner orientation.
To find the optimum balance between scan velocity and measurement quality,
NPL’s National FreeForm Centre have developed a system where the
articulating arm’s scanning head is placed within an adjustable frame and
moved along by a precision carriage. To isolate the arm’s individual encoders
the frame can be moved relative to the scanner’s base and adjusted for height
and angle. A motor maintains a constant scanning head velocity during the
scan, thus removing operator effects such as varying velocity and height during
measurement. The effects of scan velocity, height and joint encoder angle on
data quality and data quantity are determined from the measurement point
© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO, 2015.
3 Summary
4 References