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Connect 5 Unit 1

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Scope and sequence

bananas, beans, cakes, candy, carrots, chocolate, coconuts, eggs, grapes,

Vocabulary lemons, limes. mangoes, milk, onions, pineapples, rice, chickpeas, ingredients,
‫المفردات اللغوية‬ legumes, seeds, rows, harvest, energy, producers, consumers, decomposers,
primary, secondary, tertiary, castle. giant, grabbed, chopped, cage
Hello. What would you like? I'd like some carrots, please,
Are there any beans? Yes, there are/No. there aren't
Language ‫اللغة‬
Making suggestions: How about buying some coconuts?
Countable and uncountable foods with a, an, some, any
- Text about the production of chickpeas from the farm to the dinner table.
Reading ‫القراءة‬ - Text about a food chain - Food diaries.
- A fairy tale: Jack and the Beanstalk - Reading a recipe for Basbousa
Writing ‫الكتابة‬ Write a recipe for a healthy meal giving ingredients and instructions.
Role-playing a dialogue between customers and market sellers, discussion about
Speaking ‫التحدث‬ food production, discussion about personal diet and how to make sensible food
Dialog between two friends about healthy and unhealthy food, and food
Listening ‫االستماع‬
preferences. - Dialogue at the market.
Identify and pronounce initial medical and final phonemes in spoken single- syllable
Phonics ‫الصوتيات‬ words e.g. cake, lime. bean, grape, egg. milk, rice, candy.
Identify spelling correspondences for additional common vowels, e.g., cake, ran. gray
Life skills
- Self-expression/ independence/ Decision making
‫المهارات الحياتية‬
Values ‫القيم‬ - Showing respect for others/ Giving constructive feedback to peers
Issues and challenges Making sensible feed choices: How to live a healthier life
‫القضايا والتحديات‬
- Project: Making a poster about the production and use of a locally
Integrated cross-
produced fruit, vegetable, or legume
curriculum topics
- Science: food chain - Review of where our food comas from
‫التكامل عبر موضوعات المنهج‬
- Math: Decimal fractions

SB P. 3 - 5
Key vocabulary

beans carrots chocolate coconuts

‫فول‬ ‫جزر‬ ‫شيكوالته‬ ‫جوزة الهند‬

eggs lemons limes onions

‫بيض‬ ‫ليمون‬ ‫زيزفون‬ ‫بصل‬

pineapples mango potatoes market

‫اناناس‬ ‫مانجو‬ ‫بطاطس‬ ‫سوق‬

Additional Vocabulary
healthy ‫صحي طعام‬ fresh ‫طازج‬
unhealthy ‫غير صحي‬ every day ‫كل يوم‬
favorite ‫مفضل‬ sometimes ‫احيانا‬
food ‫طعام‬ garden ‫حديقة‬
easy ‫سهل‬ a little ‫القليل‬
too ‫ جدا‬/‫ايضا‬ a lot ‫الكثير‬
drink ‫ يشرب‬/‫شراب‬ but ‫لكن‬
if ‫ لو‬/ ‫اذا‬ ,isn't it? ‫أليس كذلك‬
apples ‫تفاح‬ strawberries ‫فراوله‬
veins ‫ وريد‬/ ‫جذع‬ bushes ‫شجيرات‬

Prepositions & Expressions

in the garden ‫في الحديقة‬ at the market ‫في السوق‬


Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

love /loved ‫يحب‬ think/thought ‫يفكر‬
like/liked ‫يحب‬ eat /ate ‫يأكل‬
collect/ collected ‫يجمع‬ grow/grew ‫ يزرع‬/ ‫ينمو‬
sell / sold ‫يبيع‬
buy/ bought ‫يشتري‬

Listen and read. SB P. 4

Dina : What’s your favorite food, Farida?

‫ ما هو طعامك المفضل يا فريدة؟‬:‫دينا‬
Farida: That’s easy! It’s chocolate.
.‫ انها الشيكوالته‬،‫ هذا سهل‬:‫فريدة‬
Dina : Mmm … I love chocolate too. But it isn’t healthy, is it?
‫ أليس كذلك ؟‬،‫ ولكنها غير صحيه‬.‫ أنا أحب الشيكوالته ايضا‬... ‫أممم‬
Farida: I think it’s OK to eat a little. But yes, it is unhealthy if you
eat a lot.
.‫ من غير الصحي أن تأكلي منها الكثير‬،‫ ولكن نعم‬.‫اعتقد انه من الجيد تناول القليل‬
Dina : What’s your favorite healthy food?
‫ما هوطعامك الصحي المفضل؟‬
Farida: Oh, I like chicken and I like fish.
.‫أوه أحب الدجاج وأحب السمك‬
Dina : But my favorite is mango. We have a mango tree in the
garden. I love mango too. We don’t have a mango tree. We have a lime
tree and a lemon tree.
‫ ليس لدينا شجرة‬.‫ أنا أحب المانجو أيضًا‬.‫ لدينا شجرة مانجو في الحديقة‬.‫لكن المفضل لدي هو المانجو‬
.‫ لدينا شجرة زيزفون وشجرة ليمون‬.‫مانجو‬
Dina : My uncle grows onions and potatoes. He has chickens too. He
collects fresh eggs every day. Sometimes he sells them at the market.
‫ في بعض األحيان يبيعها‬.‫ يجمع البيض الطازج كل يوم‬.‫ لديه دجاج أيضا‬.‫عمي يزرع البصل والبطاطس‬
.‫في السوق‬

1. Asking about your favorites:
What's your favorite...................?
What's your favorite food?

My favorite ...................... is .................

- My favorite food is meat.

2. Giving opinion: I think ……………

Ex: I think it's ok to eat a little.

3. Expressing your likes:

I like / love .................... ( )
- I like chicken. - I love chocolate.

4. too
e.g. I love mango, too.

5. Connectors:
I was ill but I went to school.
I like chicken and I like fish.

Do you grow fruit at home? ‫هل تزرع الفاكهة في البيت؟‬

- We grow mangoes in our garden.

Look and put the pictures in the correct order.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Vocabulary)
1. Pineapples don’t grow on trees! They grow on the ……………………
a. air b. sea c. flowers d. ground
2. Chocolate is ………………… if you eat a lot.
a. healthy b. useful c. helpful d. unhealthy
3. My favorite healthy food is ………………… and fish.
a. chicken b. sweets c. cola d. chocolate
4. My uncle ………………… onions and potatoes.
a. does b. grows c. rides d. swims
5. I get …………………… from chicken. I collect them every day.
a. juice b. chocolate c. eggs d. mangoes
6. She has a mango tree in her …………………….
a. boat b. car c. kitchen d. garden

2. Listen and complete.

Dina : What’s your favorite food, Farida?
Farida: That’s easy! It’s (1) ………………………………………………….
Dina : Mmm.. I love chocolate too. But it isn’t (2) …………………………………, is it?
Farida: I think it’s OK to eat a little. But yes, it is unhealthy if you eat a lot.
Dina : (3) ……………………………………… your favorite healthy food?
Farida: Oh, I like chicken and I like fish. But my favorite is mango. We
have a mango tree in the garden.
Dina : I love mango too. We don’t have a mango tree. We have a lime
tree and a lemon tree.
Farida: My uncle grows onions and potatoes. He has chickens too. He
collects fresh eggs every day. Sometimes he sells them at the
(4) ………………………………………………… .

3. Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.

1. grow – buy – sell – fish (……………………)
2. onions – mangoes – potatoes – tomatoes (……………………)
3. unhealthy – chicken – fish – meat (……………………)
4. Farida – Dina – garden – Dalia (……………………)

4. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:
lemon – sells – fish – tree - collects
I love mango but we don’t have a mango ………………………. We have a
lime tree and a ……………………… tree. My uncle grows onions and
potatoes. He has chickens too. He …………………………… fresh eggs every
day. Sometimes he ………………………… them at the market.

5. Read and match A with B:

(A) (B)
1. We grow mangoes in a. favorite food?
2. What’s your b. onions and potatoes.
3. Chocolate isn’t c. cows and goats.
4. My uncle grows d. our garden.
e. healthy.

6. Look and write a paragraph of FIVE (5) sentences:

Guiding words:
Planting – tree – get – fruit – fresher air – need – water – sunlight



.............................................................................................................. ...........




7. Look and write.

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

SB P. 6 – 9 (Part A)
Key vocabulary
chickpeas ‫الحمص‬ seeds ‫بذور‬
ingredients ‫ مكونات‬/‫مقادير‬ rows ‫صفوف‬
legumes ‫البقوليات‬ harvest ‫ حصاد‬/‫يحصد‬
digestive system ‫الجهاز الهضمي‬ energy ‫طاقة‬
producers ‫منتجين‬ consumers ‫مستهلكين‬
Primary ‫أولي‬ Secondary ‫ثانوي‬
Tertiary ‫ مابعد الثانوي‬/‫القطاع الثالث‬ Decomposers ‫ محللين‬/‫محلالت‬
ecosystem ‫النظام البيئي‬ food chain ‫سلسلة غذائية‬

Additional Vocabulary
farm ‫مزرعه‬ vegetables ‫خضروات‬
fork ‫شوكه‬ called ‫يسمي‬
important ‫هام‬ lentils ‫عدس‬
recipe ‫وصفه طعام‬ peanuts ‫فول سوداني‬
such as ‫مثل‬ delicious ‫لذيذ‬
koshari ‫كشري‬ meal ‫وجبه‬
hummus ‫حمص‬ family ‫عائله‬
fruit ‫فاكهه‬ should ‫ينبغي‬
regularly ‫بإنتظام‬ a while ‫برهه من الزمن‬
molokhia ‫ملوخيه‬ locally ‫محليا‬
soup ‫شوربه‬ after ‫بعد‬

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
help/ helped ‫يساعد‬ keep/ kept ‫ يربي‬/‫يحفظ‬
enjoy/ enjoyed ‫يستمتع‬ put/ put ‫يضع‬
check/ checked ‫يفحص‬ take/ took ‫يأخذ‬
plant/ planted ‫يزرع‬
water/ watered ‫يروي‬/‫يسقي‬

Prepositions & Expressions
a group of ‫مجموعه من‬ work properly ‫يعمل بشكل مناسب‬
make into ‫يحول الي‬ look green ‫يبدوأخضر‬
put into ‫يضع داخل‬ look healthy ‫يبدو صحي‬
turn brown ‫يتحول الي اللون البني‬ make a meal ‫يصنع وجبه‬

Look and read. SB P. 6

From farm to fork
Ashraf grows chickpeas. Chickpeas are an
important ingredient in many recipes such as
koshari and hummus. Chickpeas aren’t a fruit
or a vegetable. They belong to a group of foods
called legumes. Other legumes are lentils and
peanuts. Chickpeas are a healthy food. They can
help to keep your digestive system working
properly. The chickpeas that you eat are the
seeds of the chickpea plant. This is how you grow
chickpeas and make them into delicious meals.

Now put the pictures (a-f) in the correct order (1-6):

Marwa buys some chickpeas and

other ingredients at the market to
make a delicious meal
Marwa puts the chickpeas in
koshari and enjoys it with her

Put the seeds into bags and take

them to the market.
Check the chickpea plants. They
should look green and healthy.

Plant chickpeas in rows.

Water them regularly
After a while, the chickpeas
will turn brown. This is when
you harvest them and collect the

Vocabulary SB P. 8 (Part B)
caterpillar ‫دودة‬ lizard ‫سحلية‬
beetle ‫خنفساء‬ snake ‫ثعبان‬
eagle ‫نسر‬ fungi ‫فطريات‬
fox ‫ثعلب‬ egret ‫أبو قردان‬
camel ‫جمل‬ sun ‫الشمس‬
grass ‫ حشائش‬- ‫عشب‬ wheat ‫قمح‬
animals ‫حيوانات‬ insects ‫حشرات‬
large ‫ واسع‬/‫كبير‬ nutrients ‫مواد غذائية‬
triangle ‫مثلث‬ ground ‫أرض‬
date palm ‫نخلة‬ rain ‫مطر‬

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
provide/provided ‫ يزود‬/‫يمد‬ show/showed ‫يوضح‬
get/ got ‫يحصل علي‬

Prepositions & Expressions:

give back ‫يعيد‬ at the start of ‫في بدايه‬

Look and read. SB P. 8

The sun provides energy for plants to grow.
.‫توفر الشمس الطاقة لنمو النباتات‬
Plants and trees are called producers.
.‫النباتات واألشجار تسمى المنتجين‬
Animals are called consumers.
.‫تسمى الحيوانات بالمستهلكين‬
Primary consumers eat plants.
.‫المستهلكون األساسيون يأكلون النباتات‬
Secondary consumers eat small animals and insects.
.‫المستهلكون الثانويون يأكلون الحيوانات الصغيرة والحشرات‬
Tertiary consumers eat larger animals.
.‫المستهلكون من الدرجة الثالثة يأكلون الحيوانات الكبيرة‬
Decomposers give nutrients back to the ecosystem
.‫المحللون يعيدون المغذيات إلى النظام البيئي‬
:‫راجع الجدول التالي‬
Food Chain
PRODUCER wheat/ date palm/ grass
PRIMARY CONSUMER caterpillar/ beetle

Listen and read. SB P. 8

This is called a ‘food chain’.

."‫هذا ما يسمى "السلسلة الغذائية‬
It shows how plants and animals get their energy.
.‫توضح كيف تحصل النباتات والحيوانات على طاقتها‬
At the start of the chain, we can see plants.
.‫ يمكننا رؤية النباتات‬، ‫في بداية السلسلة‬
These are called producers.
.‫هؤالء يسمون المنتجين‬
They get energy from the sun.
.‫يحصلون على الطاقة من الشمس‬
Animals do not get their energy from the sun.
.‫ال تحصل الحيوانات على طاقتها من الشمس‬
Animals eat plants or other animals for energy.
.‫تأكل الحيوانات النباتات أو الحيوانات األخرى للحصول على الطاقة‬

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Vocabulary)
1. Ashraf grows ……………………
a. chickens b. milk c. eggs d. chickpeas
2. Chickpeas are an important ………..… in many recipes such as koshari.
a. train b. cloth c. ingredient d. fruit
3. Chickpeas aren’t a …………… or a vegetable.
a. fruit b. food c. healthy d. legumes
4. Chickpeas belong to a group of foods called ………………….
a. limes b. legumes c. lemons d. onions
5. Other legumes are ………………… and peanuts.
a. mangoes b. potatoes c. onions d. lentils
6. Chickpeas are ………………… food.
a. harmful b. unhealthy c. healthy d. bad
7. Chickpeas can help to keep your ……………… system working properly.
a. digestive b. respiratory c. lungs d. skin
8. The chickpeas that you eat are the …………… of the chickpea plant.
a. leaves b. seeds c. roots d. soil
9. The chickpea plants should be look ………………… and healthy.
a. black b. old c. blue d. green
10. Plant Chickpeas in ………………….
a. rows b. circles c. balls d. rooms
11. ………………… are called producers.
a. Animals b. Insects c. Plants d. Mammals
12. Tertiary consumers eat ………………… animals.
a. smaller b. larger c. fewer d. younger

2. Read and reorder to make sentences.

1. make – soup - We - into - molokhia.
2. regularly - chickpeas - Water.
3. seeds - bags - Put – into – the.

4. and – the seeds - We – the chickpeas – harvest - collect.


3. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:
fats – Tertiary – Secondary – ecosystem - Primary
1. Decomposers give nutrients back to the ……………………….
2. ………………… consumers eat plants.
3. ……………………… consumers eat larger animals.
4. …………………… consumers eat small animals and insects.

4. Read the passage and answer the questions:

The food chain shows how plants and animals get their energy. At
the start of the chain, we can see plants. These are called producers.
They get energy from the sun. Animals do not get their energy from
the sun. Animals eat plants or other animals for energy.
A. Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False
1. At the start of the chain, we can see plants.
2. Plants get energy from the sun.
3. Plants are called consumers.
B. Answer the following questions:
4. What does the food chain show?
5. What do animals eat?

5. Look and write a paragraph of FIVE (5) sentences:

Guiding words:
Chickpeas – ingredients – recipes – legumes – healthy – digestive system







SB P. 10 - 13
Key vocabulary
shopping list ‫قائمة تسوق‬ tomatoes ‫طماطم‬
dessert ‫ تحلية‬- ‫حلوي‬ lunch ‫وجبة الغداء‬
bread ‫خبز‬ grapes ‫عنب‬
Om Ali ‫أم علي‬ seller ‫بائع‬
mahalabia ‫مهلبية‬ customer ‫زبون‬
price ‫سعر‬ lucky ‫محظوظ‬
pounds ‫جنيهات‬ fridge ‫ثالجة‬
juicy ‫كثير العصارة‬ cupboard ‫دوالب‬
unpack ‫يفرغ‬ cookies ‫كعك محلي‬
rice ‫أرز‬ top ‫ علوي‬/ ‫قمة‬
fruit bowl ‫وعاء فاكهة‬ shawerma ‫شاورما‬
How much …? ‫؟‬... ‫ما السعر‬ market trader ‫تاجر السوق‬

Additional Vocabulary

watermelon ‫بطيخ‬ yogurt ‫زبادي‬

breakfast ‫االفطار‬ fried eggs ‫بيض مقلي‬
dinner ‫وجبة العشاء‬ French fries ‫بطاطس مقليه‬
ful medames ‫فول مدمس‬ cheese ‫جبنه‬
bread ‫خبز‬ burger ‫برجر‬
boiled egg ‫بيض مسلوق‬ pizza ‫بيتزا‬
lovely ‫جميل‬ cucumber ‫خيار‬
fruit salad ‫سلطة فواكه‬ honey ‫عسل‬
diet ‫نظام غذائي‬ body ‫جسم‬
balanced ‫متوازن‬ sensible ‫ مناسب‬/ ‫معقول‬

Prepositions & Expressions

How often ‫كم مرة‬ food choices ‫خيارات الطعام‬
in total ‫أجمالي‬ at home ‫في المنزل‬

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
need/ needed ‫يحتاج‬ think/thought ‫يعتقد‬
happen/happened ‫يحدث‬ make/made ‫ يجعل‬/ ‫يصنع‬
visit/visited ‫يزور‬ come/came ‫يأتي‬

Listen and write the names. SB P. 10

Amal Nada Ibrahim Ashraf

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

Narrator 1
Market trader: Lovely tomatoes! Come and buy! How about buying
some lovely red tomatoes?
Mom: Oh, I think we need some tomatoes. How much are they?
Market trader: They’re a good price: they’re only three pounds for
one kilogram.
Mom: OK. We’ll have a kilogram, please.
Market trader: How about buying some carrots too?
Mom: No, thank you.
Ibrahim: Mom, please can we have a pineapple?
Mom: Hmm, yes, Ibrahim! Let’s buy a nice juicy pineapple.
Market trader: There you go. That’ll be 20 pounds in total, please.
Narrator 2
Nada : I really like coming to your house, Grandma.
Grandma: I like it when you visit me, Nada.
Nada : We haven’t got a mango tree in our garden at home. We’ve
got a lemon tree.
Grandma: I know. I’m lucky to have one. Would you like to have a
mango now?
Nada : Yes, please! I would also like to have your mango and coconut
mahalabia later. Have you got any coconut?

Grandma: Yes, I bought some in the market this morning.
Narrator 3
Mom 2: Ashraf, will you come to the market with me?
Ashraf: Yes, of course. What do we need to buy?
Mom 2: We need to buy bread and rice. What would you like for
lunch on Saturday? Uncle Faisal is coming.
Ashraf: Oh, I would like koshari, please. It’s my favorite!
Mom 2: OK, are there any onions in the fridge?
Ashraf: No, there aren’t. So, we need to buy bread, rice, and onions.
Narrator 4
Dad : OK, what do we need to get, Amal?
Amal: Mom says three lemons and some eggs.
Dad : Here are the lemons.
Amal: The eggs are over there.
Dad : Oh, and chocolate too!
Amal: Is it on Mom’s list?
Dad : No, it isn’t. But can I have some, please?
Amal: OK, but don’t eat it until after dinner, Amal!

Look and read. SB P. 11

Listen and check () the things Jana and her mom have. SB P. 13

Mom: Jana, can you help me unpack the bags, please?

Jana: Yes, of course. Oh, good, you bought mangoes at the market.
I love mangoes. Oh, and you bought chocolate. Mmm, delicious!
Mom: Put that in the cupboard, please. It’s for dessert tomorrow.
We only have chocolate on Saturdays – it isn’t very healthy.
Jana: OK. Where shall I put the cookies?
Mom: Please put them in the top cupboard. You can have one after
school tomorrow, but just one – they aren’t very healthy!
Jana: OK. I’ll put the bananas in the fruit bowl on the table.
Mom: Thank you. Is the chicken in the fridge? It’s for shawerma for
lunch today.
Jana: Yes, it’s there with the carrots.
Mom: Thank you, Jana. Do you want Om Ali for dessert tonight?
I bought a bag of nuts.
Jana: Yes, please, Mom! That’s my favorite!

1. Imperative:
Come and buy! Don't come here.

2. Asking for price:

How much is/ are ................?
Ex: How much are the shoes?
- They’re only three pounds for one kilogram.

3. like + V.+ing/ would like to +

- I like visiting Cairo. – I would like to visit Cairo.

‫‪4. Asking for help‬‬
‫?‪Can you help me ............................., please‬‬
‫?‪Can you help me unpack the bags, please‬‬

‫تنقسم األسماء من حيث العدد إلي نوعين‪:‬‬

‫وهي أي اسم له مفرد وله جمع مثل‪:‬‬ ‫‪ .1‬أسماء تعد‪:‬‬

‫‪boy‬‬ ‫‪boys‬‬ ‫‪book‬‬ ‫‪books‬‬

‫ويمكن وضع أدوات النكرة (‪ )a/an‬قبل االسم المفرد حيث توضع (‪ )a‬قبل االسم المفرد الذي يبدأ نطقه‬
‫بصوت ساكن وتوضع (‪ )an‬قبل االسم المفرد الذي يبدأ نطقه بصوت متحرك‪:‬‬
‫‪a class / a pen / a mobile / a room / a window / an orange / an egg / an‬‬
‫‪ )2‬أسماء ال تعد‬
‫والمقصود بها اسماء ال يمكننا عدها او حصرها وتسمى كميات وتعامل معاملة المفرد وال نضع‬
‫قبلها (‪(a/an‬‬

‫‪juice‬‬ ‫‪milk‬‬ ‫‪tea‬‬ ‫‪coffee‬‬

‫‪Mr. Ali is a teacher in Cairo.‬‬

‫‪I bought an orange.‬‬

‫الحظ‪ :‬جدول باألسماء التي تعد والتي ال تعد‪:‬‬

‫أسماء تعد (لها مفرد ولها جمع)‬ ‫أسماء ال تعد ( كميات)‬

‫‪nuts‬‬ ‫‪ingredients‬‬ ‫‪cheese‬‬ ‫‪sugar‬‬
‫‪peppers‬‬ ‫‪people‬‬ ‫‪water‬‬ ‫‪cinnamon‬‬
‫‪figs‬‬ ‫‪sweets‬‬ ‫‪cheese‬‬ ‫‪meat‬‬
‫‪raisins‬‬ ‫‪vegetables‬‬ ‫‪hummus‬‬ ‫‪fruit‬‬
‫‪biscuits‬‬ ‫‪snacks‬‬ ‫‪rice‬‬ ‫‪salt‬‬
‫‪tomatoes‬‬ ‫‪apples‬‬ ‫‪milk‬‬ ‫‪advice‬‬
‫‪oranges‬‬ ‫‪apples‬‬ ‫‪money‬‬ ‫‪furniture / news‬‬

‫ملحوظة هامة ‪ :‬البد من توافق الفعل والفاعل وبشكل عام‪:‬‬

‫‪ .1‬االسم المفرد المعدود يأخذ فعل مفرد مثل ‪:‬‬
‫‪The apple is green.‬‬ ‫‪There is a boy.‬‬
‫‪ .2‬االسم الجمع المعدود يأخذ فعل جمع‪:‬‬
‫‪The apples are green.‬‬ ‫‪There are some boys.‬‬
‫‪ .3‬االسم الذي ال يعد يأخذ فعل مفرد‪:‬‬
‫‪Water is very important.‬‬ ‫‪There isn’t any water.‬‬

‫هي عبارة عن محددات تستخدم قبل األسماء الجمع أو األسماء التي ال تعد ‪:‬‬
‫ادرس الجدول التالي جيدا ‪:‬‬

‫في االثبات‬ ‫في النفي و السؤال‬

‫بعدهم اسم يعد‬ ‫‪some‬‬ ‫بعض‬ ‫‪any‬‬ ‫أي‬

‫أو اسم ال يعد‬

‫‪I have got some friends / sugar.‬‬ ‫(نالحظ أن الجملة مثبتة وبعدها اسم جمع أو اسم ال يعد)‬
‫‪I haven't got any friends / sugar.‬‬ ‫(نالحظ أن الجملة منفية وبعدها اسم جمع اواسم ال يعد)‬

:‫ مع االثبات وتأتي مع السؤال في حالة العرض والطلب واالقتراح‬some ‫) تأتي‬1
Can you lend me some money?
Would you like to drink some water?

: ‫الحظ ما يلي جيدا‬

There is ‫ يوجد للمفرد‬There isn’t ‫ ال يوجد للمفرد‬Is there ..? ‫هل يوجد للمفرد ؟‬

There are ‫ يوجد للجمع‬There aren’t ‫ ال يوجد للجمع‬Are there..? ‫هل يوجد لجمع ؟‬

Making suggestions: ‫تقديم االقتراحات‬

1. Hello, what would you like?
- What would you like for lunch on Saturday?
Reply: Oh, I would like ...................., please.
2. Would you like ( to + ‫ مصدر‬......................)
- Would you like to have a mango now?
Reply: Yes, please.
3. Please, can I/ we have + ?
- Please can we have a pineapple?
Reply : Hmm, yes.
4. I would like to have ............
I would like a/an/some .............
We need to buy ....................
5. A. Do you have any ....................., please?
Do you have any carrots?
B. Is/ Are there ..........................?
Is there any mangoes?
C. Have you got any .................................. ?
6. Will you come to the market with me?
Yes, of course.
7. What do we need to get ?
Where shall I put the cookies?

Making suggestions
1. How about + V.+ing ....................?
- How about buying some lemons and pineapples, please?
- How about buying some lovely red tomatoes?
2. Let’s +
- Let's buy a nice juicy pineapple.
3. Do you want + ?
- Do you want Om Ali for dessert tonight?
4. You can +
- You can have one after school tomorrow

Good idea.
No, thanks. That’s all I need.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Structure)

1. Hello, ………………… would you like? I’d like some carrots, please.
a. What b. Who c. When d. How
2. I’d ………………… some onions, please.
a. likes b. liking c. like d. liked
3. Are there ……………… beans?
a. an b. any c. some d. a
4. How about ……………… some potatoes?
a. buy b. buys c. buying d. bought
5. …………………… there any tomatoes?
a. Is b. Do c. Does d. Are
6. I would like ……………………… coconut, please.
a. a b. an c. any d. many
7. Are there any grapes? No, there …………………….
a. are b. is c. aren’t d. isn’t
8. I would like ……………………… rice, please.
a. a b. an c. some d. any
9. I would like ……………………… apple, please.
a. a b. an c. some d. any
10. Are there any lemons? Yes, there …………………….
a. are b. is c. aren’t d. isn’t

2. Rewrite.
1. Let’s buy some eggs. (How about)
2. Are there any onions? (No,)
3. I would like a banana, please. (some)

3. Correct the mistakes.

1. How about eat koshari?
2. Are there some apples?

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Vocabulary)

1. Aysel wants………………… for lunch.
a. mahalabia b. chocolate c. mango d. koshari
2. How ………… are the tomatoes? They’re three pounds for 1 kilogram.
a. old b. many c. fast d. much
3. I have a mango tree in my garden. I’m ………………….
a. sad b. unlucky c. lucky d. angry
4. Would you like an orange? Yes, ……………….
a. can’t b. please c. never d. not
5. Retaj doesn’t have a …………………… tree in her garden.
a. mango b. koshari c. molokhia d. mahalabia
6. I want ……………………… for dessert.
a. molokhia b. onions c. mahalabia d. koshari

2. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences.

1. carrots - buying - How – some – about?
............................................................................................................................. .............................................
2. koshari, - would – please – I – like.
.................................................................................................................................... ....................................
3. to - We – buy – rice - need – bread – and.

3. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Structure)
1. Hello, what ………………… you like? I’d like some grapes, please.
a. is b. are c. would d. does
2. I’d ………………… some ful medames, please.
a. like b. liking c. likes d. liked
3. Are there ……………… cookies?
a. an b. some c. a d. any
4. How about ……………… some juice?
a. drink b. drinking c. drank d. drinks
5. Are there any cucumbers? Yes, there …………….
a. is b. isn’t c. aren’t d. are
6. I would like ……………………… yogurt, please.
a. a b. an c. any d. much
7. ………………… there any peanuts? No, there aren’t.
a. Are b. Is c. Aren’t d. Isn’t
8. I would like ……………………… egg, please.
a. a b. an c. some d. any
9. I would like ……………………… pineapple, please.
a. a b. an c. some d. any
10. I would like some …………………….
a. orange b. carrot c. potato d. cheese

4. Rewrite.
1. Are there any sweets? (Yes,)
2. Let’s buy some fruit salad. (How about)
3. I would like an orange, please. (some)

5. Correct the mistakes.

1. How about buy pizza?
2. We have got any french fries.

6. Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.
1. carrots – jam – onions – potatoes (……………………)
2. grapes – bananas – rice – pineapples (……………………)
3. green – boiled egg – bread – ful medames (……………………)
4. lizard – snake – caterpillar – wheat (……………………)

7. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:

a – any – lemons – lemon - some
1. Are there any ……………………?
2. I would like ………………… honey.
3. I would like ……………………… tomato.
4. We haven’t got ………………… bread.

8. Listen and complete.

Ehab : Hello, (1) ………………………………………… would you like?
Amir : I would like some potatoes, please. Are there (2) ……………… apples?
Ehab : Yes, there (3) ………………………………………. How about buying some grapes?
Amir : No, (4) …………………………………………………. That’s all I need.

9. Read and match A with B:

(A) (B)
1. Nada wants chicken a. eggs, please.
2. We haven’t got b. for lunch.
3. I want yogurt c. any salad.
4. I’d like some fried d. an orange.
e. for dinner.

10. Look and write a paragraph of FIVE (5) sentences:

"Healthy food"
Guiding words
Healthy food – important – healthy – unhealthy – body


7. Look and write.

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

SB P. 14 – 17
giant a very, very big person
castle a very large building built a long time ago
chop to cut something down
cage a box in which we keep animals
grab to pick something up quickly

Key vocabulary
castle ‫قلعه‬ cow ‫بقرة‬
giant ‫عمالق‬ poor ‫فقير‬
cage ‫قفص‬ rich ‫غني‬
angry ‫غاضب‬ special ‫خاص‬

Additional Vocabulary
last ‫آخر‬ Suddenly ‫فجأة‬
sad ‫حزين‬ big ‫كبير الحجم‬
hungry ‫جائع‬ gold coins ‫عمالت ذهبية‬
beanstalk ‫ساق الفاصولياء‬ magic hen ‫دجاجه سحرية‬
clouds ‫سحب‬ ٌ golden egg ‫بيضه سحرية‬
any one ‫اي شخص‬ as soon as ‫بمجرد أن‬
axe ‫فأس‬ ground ‫االرض‬
happy ‫سعيد‬ free ‫ُحر‬
kind ‫عطوف‬ terrible ‫سئ‬
quickly ‫بسرعه‬ happily ‫بسعادة‬
pain ‫ألم‬ gray ‫رمادي‬

Prepositions & Expressions
threw out of ‫يلقي خارج‬ On the way to ‫في الطريق الي‬
go inside ‫يدخل‬ go to bed ‫يذهب للفراش‬
a bag of ‫كيس من‬ look very sad ‫يبدو حزين جدا‬
run away ‫يهرب‬ thank for ‫يشكر علي‬
fall on ‫يقع علي‬ stay with ‫يمكث مع‬
at last ‫في النهاية‬ cut down ‫يقطع‬
keep animals ‫يربي حيوانات‬ pick up ‫يلتقط‬

Verbs Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs

want/ wanted ‫يريد‬ meet/ met ‫يقابل‬
climb/ climbed ‫يتسلق‬ buy/ bought ‫يشتري‬
count/ counted ‫ يحسب‬/ ‫يعد‬ throw/ threw ‫ يرمي‬/ ‫يلقي‬
reach/ reached ‫يصل‬ fall/ fell ‫ يسقط‬/ ‫يقع‬
cry/ cried ‫ يبكي‬/ ‫يصرخ‬ sell/ sold ‫يبيع‬
save/ saved ‫ينقذ‬ build/ built ‫يبني‬

Listen and read. SB P. 14-15 Jack and the beanstalk

What did Jack get for his cow?

Look and read.

cake lime bean grape

egg milk rice candy

Some words sound the same, but have different spellings.
:‫هناك بعض الكلمات لها نفس الصوت ولكن التهجي مختلف‬
:‫ادرس الجدول التالي‬
a-e ai ay
cake rain gray
snake pain stay
bake snails say
grape tails play

Decimal fractions: ‫الكسور العشرية‬

numerator ‫البسط‬ 1
6 denominator ‫المقام‬
:‫انظر الي االمثله التالية‬
1/5 = 0.20 1/4 = 0.25 1/3 = 0.333
1/2 = 0.50 2/5 = 0.40
Let us consider a scenario where 1 is in the numerator. We will
consider different denominators to understand how these terms are
read with this numerator.
‫ سننظر في قواسم مختلفة لفهم كيفية قراءة هذه المصطلحات‬.‫ في البسط‬1 ‫دعونا نفكر في سيناريو حيث‬
.‫باستخدام هذا البسط‬
1/10 is read as one-tenth.
1/100 is read as one-hundredth.
1/1000 is read as one-thousandth.
When the value of the numerator is more than one, we add an ‘s’
to the name. So, for instance, 3/10 is read as three-tenths.
11/3 ‫ يُقرأ‬،‫ على سبيل المثال‬،‫ لذلك‬.‫" إلى االسم‬s" ‫ نضيف‬،‫عندما تكون قيمة البسط أكثر من واحد‬
‫على أنه ثالثة أعشار‬

Look and say.

Look, read and write the names.

Think and write.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Vocabulary)

1. Jack and his mother were very …………………….
a. rich b. happy c. poor d. greedy

2. Jack bought the ………………….
a. mangoes b. beans c. carrots d. chicken
3. Jack’s mother …………………… the beans out of the window.
a. threw b. grew c. drew d. kept
4. Jack was sad and …………………….
a. happy b. excited c. rich d. hungry
5. Jack …………………… the beanstalk.
a. cooked b. climbed c. burned d. washed
6. Jack went inside a …………………… to see if anyone needed help.
a. boat b. car c. metro d. castle
7. Suddenly, Jack saw a very big …………………….
a. onion b. giant c. carrot d. bus
8. The giant was counting bags of ……………………… coins.
a. gold b. paper c. plastic d. cloth
9. The hen was in a …………………….
a. glass b. plate c. cage d. fridge
10. Jack …………………… the hen.
a. ate b. saved c. cooked d. sold
11. Jack and his mother …………………… the golden eggs to buy food.
a. ate b. threw c. cooked d. sold

2. Read and match the definitions.

1. giant a. a very large building built a long time ago
2. grab b. to cut something down
3. castle c. a box in which we keep animals
4. chop d. a very, very big person
5. cage e. to pick something up quickly

3. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:

magic – chopped – happy – giant - sad
The hen looked very …………………. It was a …………………… hen, and it
could talk! “Help me, please,” cried the hen. “Save me from this
terrible ………………!” Jack grabbed his axe. He ….………… down the
beanstalk. The giant fell on the ground and ran away.

4. Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.
1. chopped – grabbed – reached – save (……………………)
2. poor – hungry – egg – sad (……………………)
3. help – talk – cry – needed (……………………)
4. meat – apple – mango – grape (……………………)

5. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:

1. lived - ever - They – after – happily.
2. free - hen – last – The – was - at.
3. to - Do – buy - want – them – you?

6. Look and write.

…………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

7. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. do you have any limes
2. snails have tails
3. i saw a snake

SB P. 18 - 20
Key vocabulary
recipe ‫وصفة طعام‬ stuffed ‫محشو‬
weigh out ‫يزن‬ mix ‫يخلط‬
bake ‫يخبز‬ boil ‫يغلي‬
cut ‫يقطع‬ pour ‫ يسكب‬/‫يصب‬

Additional Vocabulary
different ‫مختلف‬ lentil soup ‫شوربة عدس‬
ful medames ‫فول مدمس‬ ingredients ‫مقادير‬
basbousa ‫بسبوسة‬ semolina ‫سميد‬
First ‫أوال‬ saucepan ‫ طاسه‬/‫قدر‬
then ‫ثم‬ melted ‫مذاب‬
oven ‫فرن‬ butter ‫زبدة‬
mixture ‫خليط‬ knife ‫سكينه‬
almond ‫لوز‬ minutes ‫دقائق‬
fruit salad ‫سلطة فواكه‬ cocktail juice ‫عصير كوكتيل‬

Regular Verbs Irregular Verbs
bake/ baked ‫يخبز‬ put / put ‫يضع‬
turn / turned ‫يحول‬ make / made ‫ يجعل‬/ ‫يصنع‬
add / added ‫يضيف‬ drink / drank ‫يشرب‬
share /shared ‫يشارك‬

Prepositions & Expressions

turn on ‫يفتح جهاز‬ get it hot ‫يجعله ساخن‬
by hand ‫يدويا‬ baking dish ‫طبق خبيز‬
pour into ‫يسكب في‬ make diamond shapes ‫يصنع اشكال‬
on top of ‫علي قمة‬ look pretty ‫يبدو جميل‬
take out ‫يخرج‬ make the syrup ‫يصنع الشراب‬
baking powder ‫مسحوق خبيز‬

Look and read. SB P. 18

What is the recipe for?
My favorite recipe
We cook lots of different things, such as lentil soup,
ful medames, and stuffed vegetables. My favorite
thing to bake is basbousa. This is how you make it.
First, you need to turn your oven on to get it hot.
Then weigh out the ingredients. Then you mix the

semolina, coconut, sugar, and melted butter. You should mix these
ingredients by hand. I love doing this! Then you add the yogurt and
pour the mixture into a baking dish. You can use a knife to make
diamond shapes on top of the basbousa. Put an almond on each
diamond. It looks really pretty. Bake the basbousa in the oven for 30
minutes. Make the syrup. Put the honey, water, and lemon juice into a
Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes. Take it out of the oven. Then
pour the syrup over the basbousa. Cut the basbousa and share it with
your family!

Read and match.

1. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Vocabulary)

1. You need to turn your oven on to get it ……………………

a. cold b. cool c. snowy d. hot
2. You need to ………………… out the ingredients.
a. throw b. weigh c. wait d. play

3. My favorite dessert is ………………………….
a. koshari b. molokhia c. basbousa d. meat
4. We ………………… basbousa in the oven.
a. bake b. grow c. eat d. meet
5. Pour the ………………… over the basbousa.
a. salt b. syrup c. vegetables d. lentils
6. We make the syrup by boiling ……………, water and lemon juice.
a. fish b. meat c. chicken d. honey
7. You should mix the ingredients of basbousa by ………………….
a. fork b. knife c. hand d. stick
8. We use a …………… to make diamond shapes on top of the basbousa.
a. knife b. spoon c. dish d. fork
9. We use …………… to make basbousa.
a. pizza b. tomatoes c. semolina d. cucumbers
10. We can make a lot of drinks and dishes with ………………….
a. beans b. fish c. eggs d. mangoes

2. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:

cocktail – Egypt – salad – dishes - vegetables
Mangoes grow in …………………. We can make a lot of drinks and
…………………… with it. We can make delicious mango juice or ………………
juice. We can also make a fruit ………………… and a mango cake.

3. Read and reorder to make sentences.

1. stuffed - We - vegetables - cook.

2. the - into – Pour – dish - mixture – a baking.


4. Read the passage and answer the questions:

We cook lots of different things, such as lentil soup, ful
medames, and stuffed vegetables. My favorite thing to bake is
basbousa. This is how you make it. First, you need to turn your
oven on to get it hot. Then weigh out the ingredients. Then you
mix the semolina, coconut, sugar, and melted butter. You should
mix these ingredients by hand. I love doing this! Then you add the

yogurt and pour the mixture into a baking dish. You can use a knife
to make diamond shapes on top of the basbousa. Put an almond on
each diamond. It looks really pretty. Bake the basbousa in the
oven for 30 minutes. Make the syrup. Put the honey, water, and
lemon juice into a saucepan. Boil the mixture for about 10 minutes.
Take it out of the oven. Then pour the syrup over the basbousa.
Cut the basbousa and share it with your family!
A. Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False
1. We add yogurt and pour the mixture.
2. Bake the basbousa in the oven for 30 minutes.
3. We don’t pour syrup over the basbousa.
B. Answer the following questions:
1. What are the ingredients of basbousa?
2. How can we make diamond shapes on top of the basbousa?

5. Look and write a paragraph of FIVE (5) sentences:

"Your favorite dessert"
Guiding words:
favorite – dessert – basbousa – mahalabia – delicious – healthy







6. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. mangoes grow in egypt
2. help me please
3. let’s buy some fruit salad

1. Listen and circle.
1. snail 2. grape 3. play
snake gray pain

2. Listen and complete.

Seller: Hello, what (1) ………………………………………… you like?
Mona : I would like some carrots, (2) ……………………… . Are there any tomatoes?
Seller: (3) …………………..… , there are. How about buying some lemons, too?
Mona : No, thanks. That’s all I (4) ………………………………………………….

3. Circle the odd word and replace it with a correct one.

1. oranges – mangoes – carrots – grapes (……………………)
2. buy – sell – see – ate (……………………)
3. salad – Nada – Dalia – Amal (……………………)
4. fox – beetle – camel – cat (……………………)
5. lunch – breakfast – dinner – garden (……………………)

4. Fill in the gaps using the words in the box:

consumers – insects – Tertiary – grow - producers
The sun provides energy for plants to …………………. Plants and
trees are called …………………………. Animals are called ………………………….
Primary consumers eat plants. Secondary consumers eat small animals
and ……………………….

5. Rearrange the following words to make correct sentences:

1. beans - buying - How – some – about?

2. chickpeas – rows – Plant – in.


3. fish - food - My – healthy - favorite – is.


6. Read the passage and answer the questions:
Ashraf grows chickpeas. Chickpeas are an important ingredient in
many recipes such as koshari and hummus. Chickpeas aren’t a fruit or
a vegetable. They belong to a group of foods called legumes. Other
legumes are lentils and peanuts. Chickpeas are a healthy food. They
can help to keep your digestive system working properly.
A. Fill in the blank boxes with (True) or (False): True False
1. Chickpeas are fruits.
2. Other legumes are lentils and peanuts.
3. Chickpeas are unhealthy.
B. Answer the following questions:
4. What does Ashraf grow?
5. How can chickpeas help our digestive system?

7. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Vocabulary)

1. My uncle ………………… onions and potatoes.
a. does b. grows c. rides d. swims
2. ………………… are called producers.
a. Animals b. Insects c. Plants d. Mammals
3. I want ……………………… for dessert.
a. molokhia b. onions c. mahalabia d. koshari
4. Jack and his mother …………………… the golden eggs to buy food.
a. ate b. threw c. cooked d. sold
5. You need to turn your oven on to get it …………………….
a. cold b. cool c. snowy d. hot
6. We can make a lot of drinks and dishes with ………………….
a. beans b. fish c. eggs d. mangoes

8. Rewrite.
1. Are there any eggs? (No,)
2. How about buying some butter? (Let's)
3. I would like some oranges. (an)

9. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d. (Structure)
1. I would like ……………………… potato, please.
a. a b. an c. any d. many
2. I’d ………………… some french fries, please.
a. like b. liking c. likes d. liked
3. Are there any bananas? No, there …………………….
a. are b. is c. aren’t d. isn’t
4. How about ……………… some peanuts?
a. buy b. buying c. buys d. bought
5. We haven’t got …………… cheese.
a. a b. an c. any d. many
6. I would like ……………………… apple, please.
a. a b. an c. any d. many

10. Correct the mistakes.

1. How about buy pizza?
2. We have got any french fries.

11. Look and write a paragraph of FIVE (5) sentences:

Guiding words:
Mangoes – grow – Egypt – drinks – dishes – juice – delicious






12. Punctuate the following sentences:

1. who went to the supermarket

2. dalia wants koshari


3. let’s bake a cake



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