(2019) 1:7
https://doi.org/10.1186/s43031-019-0009-6 Science Education Research
In this paper, we present a design solution that involves the bringing together of Project-based Learning
(PBL) with the theory of usable knowledge (Pellegrino & Hilton, Developing transferable knowledge and skills
in the 21st century, 2012). Usable knowledge is the ability to use ideas to solve problems and explain
phenomena, an approach to science learning put forth by the Framework for K-12 Science Education
(National Research Council (NRC), A framework for K–12 science education: Practices, crosscutting concepts,
and core ideas, 2012) to optimize science learning environments. We offer a process for designing a curricular
system that enhances how students learn science as a progression toward sophisticated practice of usable
knowledge by focusing on coherence, depth, and motivation. We saw the potential of these distinct
approaches for informing one another, and we extrapolate on 4 years of research that involves the process of
iterating on our curricular design to best integrate the two approaches to support student learning.
Keywords: Project-based learning, Design-based research, Elementary science education, Environmental
learning design, Deeper learning
Promoting deep learning through project-based The capacity to enact knowledge to solve a problem
learning: a design problem1 requires a deeper level of science understanding than
Our global community faces challenges of food secur- memorizing information or procedures. Knowledge-in-
ity, access to potable water and threats such as cli- use is the capacity that learners need to apply know-
mate change and habitat loss. Communities require ledge to make decisions and solve problems, and to
scientifically literate citizens to make evidence-based evaluate when and how to get more information
decisions. All learners throughout the globe need to when necessary (Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012). The
experience science education in which they develop knowledge-in-use perspective presents a significant
the ability to use and apply scientific ideas and shift from traditional understandings of science know-
practices toward making decisions in science. The ledge as memorized facts and procedures and subse-
field calls for science learning environments that de- quently, to the teaching and learning of science. It is
velop students’ ability to explain natural events, and only through exposure to authentic disciplinary expe-
design solutions to challenges using science ideas and riences with questions and problems with open-
practices. ended, and unresolved solutions, that students de-
velop deeper, more connected level of knowledge
(Schneider et al., 2016). In this way, students are
1 tasked to leverage scientific and engineering practices
The work discussed in this manuscript was funded by the George
Lucas Educational Foundation. The George Lucas Educational for authentic purpose, the scientific ideas become
Foundation did not contribute to the design of the study and tools, which are then harnessed toward arriving at the
collection, analysis, and interpretation of data and in writing the solution, rather than goals. The knowledge-in-use ap-
manuscript. All ideas, findings and perspectives are those of the
proach is similar to how the STEM world approaches
authors and not of the George Lucas Educational Foundation.
science ideas in order to solve local and global issues.
* Correspondence: krajcik@msu.edu Knowledge-in-use perspective has gained prominence
CREATE for STEM, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA in the United States through the Framework for K-12
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© The Author(s). 2019 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 2 of 10
Science Education (National Research Council (NRC), advantages of PBL (Brown, Collins, & Duguid, 1989).
2012). Reform documents in Finland, (Finnish Na- Through a reflective, iterative design and redesign process
tional Board of Education (FNBE), 2015; Germany we envision an alliance between rigor and motivation. We
(Kulgemeyer & Schecker, 2014) and PISA (OECD, aim to iterate a design that maximizes deeper learning of
2016) emphasize similar knowledge-in-use theories of performance standards through highlighting affordances,
science learning in national standards. The emphasis and mitigating the drawbacks, of these two approaches to
on knowledge-in-use reflects an increased awareness science knowledge and to learning environments. We
by educators, learning scientists, policymakers, and present one solution designed to sustain student interest
the public of the facilities required by global citizens across time, and that simultaneously builds important
in the twenty-first Century. learning goals anchored in national standards.
We encourage countries to modify the design princi-
We ask, “How do we design learning environments to ples we put forth to fit their environment and standards.
support learners in developing knowledge-in-use to In the spirit of collaboration, we are excited to find out
promote the deeper application of learning called for how the design principles we offer here may contribute
by international reform standards documents? to the solutions being put forth in other countries.
Third grade students are often tasked to write a report Example of standards that emphasize knowledge-
about an animal and describe how that animal survives in-use
in its habitat (e.g., Gillam, 2018; Leveen, 2007). Third The Framework for K- 12 Science Education (National
graders will read nonfictions texts, take notes, and then Research Council (NRC), 2012) and Science and Engin-
record the same information in descriptive passages. In eering for Grades 6–12: Investigation and Design at the
this case, science knowledge is considered as discreet in- Center (National Academies of Sciences, Engineering,
formation, and the basis for the final grade is the cor- and Medicine, 2019) build on learning theory (e.g., con-
rectness and thoroughness of the information presented. structivism (Piaget, 1964) and situated cognition (Brown
Knowledge-in-use describes science knowledge as the et al., 1989) to present a vision for science teaching and
application of big ideas of biology and habitat. learning that moves classroom learning away from the
Knowledge-in-use is related to the student conceptualiz- acquisition of disconnected science concepts and memo-
ing the problem, and then subsequent collection and rized procedures to learning environments where stu-
synthesis of data, and culminating in developing and dents simultaneously develop disciplinary core ideas
defending their solution. Knowledge-in-use must revolve (DCIs), science and engineering practices, and crosscut-
around an authentic problem, where there is more than ting concepts -- to make sense of real-world phenomena
one answer, such as engineering habitat to protect a spe- or design solutions to problems. Disciplinary core ideas
cies of butterfly. (DCIs) are central to the disciplines of science as they
Research from learning sciences (National Academies of represent a few of the most key ideas of earth and space
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2019; NRC, 2007) sciences, physical science, life science and engineering.
supports the design of learning environments that engage Disciplinary core ideas are powerful intellectual tools as
students in authentic contexts where they make sense of they allow individuals to explain and predict a host of
natural phenomena by using disciplinary ideas and phenomena, serve as tools for investigating and explor-
scientific and engineering practices. We propose that ing more complex ideas and solving problems, and are
project-based learning (PBL) is one platform to promote the building blocks for learning within a discipline (Dun-
the deeper learning of knowledge-in-use, which encom- can, Krajcik, & Rivet, 2016). Each DCI is useful in
passes the vision of international reform documents. explaining a comprehensive range of natural phenomena
In this paper, we elaborate on our four-year design and engineering problems. For example, ESS2.C: The
process for developing PBL environments that promote a Roles of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes is a compo-
progression toward deep knowledge-in-use. As more and nent idea of the larger DCI Earth’s systems.2 Crosscut-
more national standards include similar approaches to ting concepts (CCCs), such as cause and effect and
learning, we realize that researchers from different coun- structure and function are ideas that occur within and
tries are grappling with how to promote knowledge-in-use across disciplinary boundaries and are applied as lenses
and could use use our process to inform their work. We to ask questions of any phenomena. Scientific and
developed a process that brings together the rigorous
knowledge-in-use-based standards in the United States ESS stands for Earth and Space Science, which is the Science
Discipline; The 2 is related to the Disciplinary Core Idea Earth’s
(National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medi-
Systems; And the C denotes Component idea, Weather and Climate in
cine, 2019; National Research Council (NRC), 2012; NRC, The Framework for K-12 Science Education, pp. 171. (National Re-
2007), with the motivating, creative, and individualized search Council (NRC), 2012)
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 3 of 10
engineering practices are the ways of knowing and doing students and their interests, it tailors to the intellectual
which scientists and engineers employ to study and ex- resources and experiences of diverse students and is re-
plore the natural and designed worlds. Although each of sponsive to culture, race, SES, and gender (Boaler, 2002;
the dimensions is important on its own, to make sense Geier et al., 2008; Krajcik, Blumenfeld, Marx, & Soloway,
of phenomena or solve problems, the dimensions work 1994).
together to support students in the process. This inte- Project-based learning has acceptance by teachers and
gration of the three dimensions is referred to as three- communities as an invigorating approach that motivates
dimensional learning (3D-learning). students to learn (Beneke & Ostrosky, 2009; Chu, Tse, &
The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; NGSS Chow, 2011). Teacher take-up of PBL is documented
Lead State Partners, 2013) follow the vision of the and when well supported by administration, there is suc-
Framework to present standards that incorporate all cess in the approach. Students will sustain in problem
three dimensions: DCIs, SEPs and CCCs. Because each spaces, and their learning endeavors are fueled by con-
performance standard joins a practice with an idea and a struction, social contexts, and creative problem solving
crosscutting concept, they require students to use know- and community connection (Krajcik et al., 1994). PBL
ledge to explore or achieve something. succeeds when teachers have autonomy, wherewithal,
The 3D-learning of the NGSS is not intuitive and it is and flexibility to modify the pace of instruction, scaffold
difficult for teachers to operationalize (Penuel, Harris, & learning, and create differentiation (Barron et al., 1998).
DeBarger, 2015). Teachers must change their teaching Teachers must rely on their own expertise to scaffold
practice and understand learning as trajectory toward productive and equitable interactions among students
generative ideas while supporting practices that involve from different demographic groups. To this end, re-
critical thinking about natural events. PBL presents a po- searchers emphasize the need for principal support of
tentially accommodating platform for operationalizing teachers as experts who can leverage individualized un-
this knowledge-in-use perspective. In PBL environments, derstanding of their students (Lam, Cheng, & Choy,
the development of concrete artifacts to solve a mean- 2010).
ingful problem is aligned with learning goals. In the Current programs that feature school-wide models for
same way that ideas are tools for making sense of a nat- PBL can be found across the United States as well in
ural event, they can be employed for developing artifacts. many other countries such as Finland, Germany, Israel,
The artifacts in PBL can motivate students to sustain in and Denmark (Schneider et al., 2016; Tal & Miedijensky,
their cognitive work and stick with challenging ideas. 2005; Thomas, 2000). However, PBL models have not re-
solved questions of scale and sustainability, especially for
Project-based learning less well-funded public schools (Coburn, 2003). They are
PBL is grounded in major theoretical ideas: (1) active often funded privately or featured in charter schools in
construction, (2) situated learning, (3) social interactions, the US, such as High Tech High, Think Global School,
and (4) cognitive tools (Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, Envision Schools, My Tech High, Da Vinci Schools and
2000). There are different versions of PBL (Barron et al., schools associated with the Buck Institute for Education
1998; Krajcik et al., 1998), but all have in common the (Larmer, Ross, & Mergendoller, 2009).
following: PBL uses a driving question that is meaningful Challenges with scale, sustainability and PBL persist
to learners. This question drives student exploration and for the field, especially integrating PBL with reform-
sustains motivation across time. Projects result in arti- based standards or top-down initiatives (Coburn, 2003;
facts that are concrete and answers the driving question Halvorsen et al., 2012). This may be due to the emphasis
and culminates a learning sequence. Last, in PBL, the of PBL in individualism and creativity. Projects that are
question and the artifact have an authentic connection student-driven can become off track and result in lost
to the community (Helle, Tynjälä, & Olkinuora, 2006). teaching time in which academic standards are not met,
Project-based learning can be a platform for social stud- and unproductive engagement (Blumenfeld et al., 1991).
ies, science, technology, and increasingly for language lit- Barron et al. (1998) suggest one avenue to address cur-
eracy and mathematics contexts. riculum standards through PBL. They included a design
Research across these disciplines have refined PBL for step in a PBL in which 5th grade students are to make a
meeting specific practices associated with those disci- proposal for their design to a solution to rocket investi-
plines (Bell, 2010; Boaler, 2002; Krajcik & Mun, 2014). gation. They compared two projects that engaged stu-
In addition, discussions that bring together PBL ap- dents in physics concepts, but one project included the
proaches across disciplines is beginning. Project-based step of submitting a rocket design according to specifica-
learning structures science learning environments tion from the National Aeronautics and Space Adminis-
around questions that engage students in collaborative tration. The specification of the proposal guided
sense-making of phenomena. Because PBL focuses on students toward meeting content learning goals.
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 4 of 10
Blumenfeld et al. (1991) also suggest that standards can learning. ML-PBL is a designed-based learning environ-
be addressed in PBL. They call for research to designate ments that capitalize on PBL and the NGSS to:
lesson elements that are both fixed for the purpose of
meeting standards, as well as elements that have flexibil- Engage all students in sense-making
ity and allow for student choice to remain true to PBL Use language literacy and mathematical tools to
intent. develop science understanding
Despite the wide acceptance that PBL enjoys as cur- Design, develop and test a system for advancing
ricular approach for students, PBL remains under science teaching and learning that builds a vision for
researched (Halvorsen et al., 2012), especially in elem- enacting project-based learning and meeting NGSS
entary education. Studies support PBL as motivating for 3rd - 5th grades.
for students, and preliminary evidence indicates that The system includes:
PBL enhances student learning of challenging content ○ Highly developed and specified educative
and other skills such as problem solving and confi- teacher materials (i.e., how to promote
dence (Kokotsaki, Menzies, & Wiggins, 2016). A discourse, use of the driving questions;
major call for the field has been to gather evidence scaffolded sequence of lessons)
that PBL environments correlate with student learning ○ Highly developed and specified student
of knowledge-in-use standards in rigorous gold stand- materials (i.e., first-hand experiences, readings,
ard randomized control trials (Kokotsaki et al., 2016). writing experiences, model construction)
This bringing together of the PBL approach with ○ Professional learning supports (i.e., face-to-face
the rigorous knowledge-in-use standards for designing meeting, video conferences, educative supports)
student learning environments has been our team’s ○ 3-dimensional formative and end-of-unit
ongoing work (Krajcik, Palincsar, & Miller, 2015; assessments
Miller, Codere, Severance, & Krajcik, 2019). We inter- Support students to solve problems, think critically,
rogate the process for capitalizing on two distinct ap- develop creativity and think innovatively.
proaches, one of student learning and another of Develop curriculum materials with both fixed and
learning environment design and pedagogies. Our ef- flexible elements so they can be translated across
fort is to develop a process for curricular systems various school contexts to enable scalability. PBL
(e.g., assessment, written curriculum and professional curriculum design should be able to inform what
learning) that brings together the rigorous perfor- components of principles need to fixed – or, in
mances of the NGSS with the motivating, student other words, “best practice” regardless of context –
centered approach of PBL. In this way, we hope to and which design principles should be responsive
solve the challenges related to PBL: 1) tension in and adaptive to different contexts.
meeting standards, 2) scale and sustainability in mul-
tiple contexts, and 3) strong research support for the To design, test and revise our materials, the ML-PBL
use of PBL in multiple contexts. group went through the following cycles of development,
testing and revision. The first year of ML-PBL we con-
Design-based research ducted teaching experiments for the 3rd grade materials
We use a design-based research method (Barab & with just a few teachers to explore if the questions and
Squire, 2004) where we conjecture, build and test the phenomena we selected were compelling to learners. In
theory of educational curricular system materials the second year, we focused on pilot studies of the 3rd
(Sandoval, 2014). The DBR method enables us to evalu- grade materials and teaching experiments of the 4th
ate and refine innovations around persistent educational grade materials. Our pilot studies reached a greater
problems, impact classrooms, and simultaneously make number of teachers but still allowed us as researchers to
substantial contributions to the research literature. The watch closely what occurred in the classrooms. In the
team has completed three distinct cycles of redesigning 3rd year, a field study with comparison teachers was
parts of the system of curriculum. Each cycle includes conduct on the 3rd grade materials and pilot study of
focus on problem and data analysis, and design or revi- the 4th grade materials. Now in the 4th year, the Mul-
sion of theoretical framings and materials, implementa- tiple Literacies Team has focused on an efficacy study
tion, and evaluation. with matched randomized controls of the Grade 3 units;
Our work is based on the Multiple-Literacies in revising and field-testing Grade 4 units; and teaching ex-
Project-based Learning (ML-PBL) project that endeavors periments of Grade 5 units.
to design engaging learning environments for 3rd – 5th In each cycle, we have focus classrooms in each grade
grades (upper elementary school) to improve science where we collect rich ethnographic data, the primary
achievement, engagement, and social and emotional source for evaluation and redesign of theory of
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 5 of 10
integrated pedagogy materials for PBL and the NGSS. students in lessons to develop the following ideas
The thick data collection in these contexts responds to sequentially:
open ended research questions involving teacher and
student discursive and collaborative practices, shifts in 1. Not all birds look the same and birds have different
community, and science teaching and learning as ML- traits. This idea is developed through field research
PBL is enacted. and data comparison.
This paper presents the theoretical alignment and ma- 2. Traits correspond to the environment that birds
terial development of PBL and the knowledge-in-use of can survive in, and the resources that are available
the NGSS (ML-PBL). And we present our approach to for the bird to access. This idea is developed
motivating sustainability and scale, and coherence with through data analysis and argumentation about
fixed and flexible aspects of implementation for the which body shape, feet and beaks are most suited to
current cycle, as we are currently engaged in the efficacy certain environments, and a resource inventory
study. The findings of our work result in emerging the- near the school.
ory for design features of project-based learning and the 3. Environments change throughout the year,
ongoing development of ML-PBL. changing the resources that are available, and some
birds must adapt to these changes by migrating.
PBL design to offer sustained focus in coherent This idea is developing through student creating
material models of phenology and mathematical thinking
Standards based on a knowledge-in-use approach de- involving maps and migration patterns.
scribe progressions in which the student demonstrates 4. Students have three critical ideas necessary for
scientific understanding of ideas and practices with designing a bird feeder, and none of the ideas could
increasing sophistication over time. Development of be deeply understood without the preceding
such knowledge requires a coherent design of curricu- focused engagement in the phenomenon.
lum materials. Coherence is the careful design that
builds the ability to apply knowledge over time, where Bringing together project-based learning with
not only the ideas are developing, but the scientific knowledge-in-use
practices and problem solving capacity are mutually The task in designing, developing and testing PBL in-
reinforced. In the PBL curriculum, application of structional units is to create learning environments that
knowledge must be supported over the span of the will peak students’ interests and drive them to learn and
project as the final project is developed, revised and meet national standards (Schneider et al., 2016), de-
presented to the community. signers need to pick complex and compelling phenom-
Coherence involves the system of activity that de- ena and corresponding driving questions that will drive
velops over time, and is guided by common goal ex- and sustain student learning and is thus an essential as-
pectations and norms of the discipline (Ford & pect of our work.
Forman, 2006; Reiser, 2014). This practice builds by Establishing the driving question sets the stage for
students collaboratively and incrementally developing meeting all of the other key features of PBL and sup-
and refining knowledge (Gouvea, Jamshidi, & porting learners in developing knowledge-in-use. The
Passmore, 2014). Each time learners figure out add- driving question focuses students’ planning and carrying
itional, succeeding piece of knowledge, they add to out collaborative investigations and guides the develop-
the developing explanation, model, or designed solu- ment of artifacts, which are concrete representations of
tion. The activities shape a narrative that provides an the results of students’ investigations. Throughout PBL,
intentional path toward building understanding, an- students collaborate and use cognitive tools in their in-
chored in students’ meaningful knowledge building vestigations and in building artifacts that represent their
experiences. In a coherent design, students have a emerging understandings. As such, the PBL classroom is
reason for learning what they are learning (Edelson, a sense-making and knowledge-generating environment.
2001; Reiser, 2014), and are tasked to apply previous Our design approach focuses on designing project-based
steps for accomplishing subsequent steps. Project- learning environments that engage learners in pursuing
based learning can be designed for the coherence and questions about the natural world, design-based prob-
to inform the requisite perseverance for students to lems and natural events in which they live and meeting
build robust scientific understandings over time. national standards, in our case the NGSS.
An example of coherence is a description of a series of
lessons involving protected birds in the area. Students PBL and the NGSS integrated design
are tasked to design a bird feeder for the protected bird. The integration of the PBL and the NGSS results in key
This project demonstrates coherence by engaging generalizable approach for knowledge-in-use and
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 6 of 10
curriculum and related instructional approached. In par- natural world. The artifact leverages the engineering de-
ticular, we emphasize the usefulness of driving questions sign solution and associated standards in the NGSS. Stu-
related to phenomenon and engineering solutions and dents must employ science ideas to collect information
the use of student ideas as cognitive tools that support about a local science problem, develop a solution, test
knowledge building, driven by the discourse of sense- their solution and communicate their results to others.
making. Our design principles incorporate the PBL fea- We developed learning sets, or weekly coherent sets of
tures and the learning goals of three-dimensional lessons to help our teachers track the coherence of the
learning. We focused on picking phenomena and prob- lesson and across lessons that comprised the developing
lems that meet standards, but at the same time compel- project. We included in learning sets driving questions
ling to the learner. The bold print represents the of smaller grain-size toward the overarching driving
additions to the PBL features through integration with question, usually comprising 5 lessons each. Each learn-
the NGSS and three-dimensional learning. ing set, approximately 6 per unit, is responsive to the
driving question, has its own tethered driving question
1. Lessons start with a driving question about a and evidence statements. Evidence statements describe
phenomenon and engineering problem, a the learning that takes place in the lesson, and explicitly
problem to be solved or experience to be explained meet the goals of the lesson. As each learning set pro-
that promote wonderment about the world. gresses, the understanding of the phenomenon is deep-
2. Lessons focus on Three-Dimensional learning ened, and the explanation becomes more sophisticated.
goals (NGSS) that students are required to Each new learning set demands students deepen scien-
demonstrate mastery on key science standards and tific understandings, referred to as conceptual tools (Blu-
assessments. menfeld et al., 1991), which they must use to make sense
3. Students participate in the Framework and the of the phenomenon (see Fig. 1) or solve the engineering
NGSS scientific practices – processes of problem (see Fig. 2).3 In the phenomenon driven units
investigating events and problem solving that are (see Fig. 1), the demand to make sense of the
central to expert performance in the discipline. phenomenon has direct implications for the develop-
4. Students explore the driving question by engaging ment of the artifact. In some instances, to motivate
in collaborative sensemaking activities to engage learning and sustain engagement over time, our units
in shared knowledge building -- the solutions to focus on a driving question that is problem driven (see
the driving question. Fig. 2). In the problem driven unit, the impetus to solve
5. While engaged in the practices of science, learning a problem motivates the need to explore and explain the
is scaffolded with discourse tools that help students phenomenon.
participate in activities normally beyond their One third grade unit in ML-PBL engages learners
ability. in the driving question, “Why do I see so many squir-
6. Overtime students iteratively and cohesively rels but no stegosauruses?” This unit provides an au-
create a set of tangible products that scientifically thentic phenomenon for the students to explain (see
address the driving question with increasing Fig. 1). The students engage in a variety of investiga-
sophistication. These are shared artifacts, publicly tions and modeling activities that include observing
accessible external representations of the class’s the squirrel outside, analyzing the structure of squir-
learning with local impact. rels, making claims about how the needs of the squir-
rel relate to meeting its needs in the environments,
The phenomena and problems in PBL that students and organizing and comparing information about
make sense of are the drivers of an increasingly complex squirrels and stegosauruses. The final artifact is a
demand for figuring out the driving question that the model that explains the stegosaurus’s extinction event
students investigate throughout the unit (Krajcik & and the eutherian mammal survival story of the same
Czerniak, 2018). Each new phenomenon or problem time period. Students integrate all they have figured
builds off the last and offers new insight toward the driv- out about adaptations, traits, and interactions with
ing question. This careful and purposeful building mean- the environment as well as the re-creation of the an-
ing of phenomena through 3-D learning to acquire cient prehistoric environments using fossils, to make
“usable” knowledge, builds coherence across the unit, an argument that changes in the environment might
and is what our team refined and iterated over time as a have caused the extinction of one animal and not the
key solution to sustaining student engagement to de-
velop knowledge-in-use. The artifact in ML-PBL is au- 3
The figures use the abbreviation LS, which refers to Learning Set, the
thentically connected to the community and solves a short series of lessons that address one or two specified performance
problem or explains a phenomenon in the design or expectations.
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 7 of 10
Fig. 1 How application of ideas as conceptual tools is developed and used over time to engage with a phenomenon
other. Another unit, entitled, “How can I help the problems that linked to the driving question. We
birds in my community grow up and thrive”, provides adapted design components to become more responsive
an authentic problem for the students to solve (see to the elementary setting and raised new questions about
Fig. 2). The students engage in a variety of investiga- fixed and flexible design principles. Our efforts to embed
tions and modeling activities that include bird obser- creativity through multiple possible solutions of each
vations and data collection, collecting information driving question enrich the conversation about utility in
about birds – including traits, social behavior, life broad and more specific contexts.
cycle, and ecology – modeling a chosen birds’ re-
sponse to change in weather and in climate, and de- Design for coherence to promote deeper, sustained
signing a bird feeder for that bird. Thus, the students learning
are motivated to sustain effort in deep science learn- For students to develop capacity for application of more
ing, propelled by their problem and through this en- sophisticated ideas, scientific practices and crosscutting
gagement learning scientific ideas and practices key to concepts called for by the NGSS, they must leverage the
the NGSS. motivating PBL practices to sustain attention and iterate
The original storyline (Krajcik & Shin, 2013; Nordine, on these applications. They need to learn to tolerate
Krajcik, Fortus, & Neumann, 2019) included the over- mistakes and recalibrate their use of ideas and modify
arching driving question and lessons that built in sophis- representations to match the evidence. This is challen-
tication as learners investigated the driving question. It ging for students and their teachers who support the
also included the 3-D learning goals and the expectation learning. As such we need stronger evidence if PBL
that students would figure out phenomenon or solving serves as an platform to design for the coherence and
Fig. 2 How application of ideas as conceptual tools is developed and used over time to engage with a solution to a problem
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 8 of 10
the requisite perseverance for students to build for utility in broad and more specific contexts (Miller
knowledge-in-use and thus robust understandings over et al., 2019).
In our work, we revise the storyline approach by in- Conclusion
terrogating what is meant by coherence within units, Consistent with the call to lessen inequality and increase
across units, and across grade levels. Our research in- educational opportunities for all children (NRC, 2012;
tegrates learning of challenging science ideas aligned OECD, 2016), PBL can reshape science education by en-
to the NGSS with students’ engagement in science gaging all learners in meaningful and robust knowledge
practices, language development, math, and technol- building experiences. As a paucity of robust research on
ogy. In addition, upper elementary is a context where PBL exists, the design prepared to advance the under-
students and teachers are steeped in community- standing of how to develop and design PBL environ-
building and attention to equity. Last, we found that ments and support all learners in developing deeper and
our upper elementary teachers were less familiar with more useable science knowledge. While we recognize
science ideas, and less comfortable with teaching sci- PBL is not the only approach that can promote
ence, which impacted our educative supports and knowledge-in-use, PBL does show promise – still there
grain size of coherence. With this in mind, we de- are important questions for the field to answer. In par-
signed the units to achieve across unit coherence and ticular, we need more rigorous evidence to support the
within unit coherence, which was divided into learn- use of PBL as promoting knowledge-in-use and scalable
ing set coherences. In these ways, we found that the across contexts.
new context pushed our design process to be re- Multiple Literacies in Project-Based Learning (ML-
shaped specific to elementary school context. We PBL) resources employ features of PBL to design, de-
have become increasingly and reflexively: velop and test NGSS aligned elementary learning envi-
ronments with a coherent design that promotes student
intentional about the coherence, within a unit and learning of the big ideas of science and social and emo-
across units; tional learning, with artifacts that connect to authentic
purposeful in designing coherence in the enactment community-based contexts. We have crafted teacher and
and artifacts -- building and using evidence student materials integrated with long-term professional
statements in each lesson that adhere to the learning. ML-PBL is unique in that it integrates multiple
storyline and driving question; literacies (i.e., communicating with community, arguing
attentive to coherence with respect to integrations data, modeling phenomena, design problems, and pres-
of science with language development and math entation of solution to older students and staff members
ideas and practices, discourse supports, SEL, and and stakeholders) along with new ambitious standards in
cultural competencies (Ladson-Billings, 1995) science (NGSS, Lead States, 2013) to support children in
thereby describing shared language and community developing application or useable science knowledge
being built over time; (Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012). A key feature of our work is
more attentive in creating community and the focus on students making sense of compelling and
responsive learning environments over time; complex phenomena or designing solutions to problems.
more attention to smaller grain size coherence levels Everyday, place-based phenomena and problems are
of within and across learning sets within the larger compelling to learning because they can spark and sus-
storyline. Grain size coherence characterizes tain interest. The coherent design with fixed and flexible
consideration to lesson level, rather than learning set features support learners in building usable knowledge
level, development of ideas. of DCIs, CCCs and SEPs. Learners engage in collabor-
ation and discourse to make sense of phenomena or
PBL curriculum design using ML-PBL design features problem in creative ways. We continue to review enact-
enhance and provides directions on developing PBL ma- ment to understand what features of the curriculum are
terials– or, in other words, best practice regardless of associated with shifts in teacher practices, and which
context to meet the three dimensions of learning con- features correlate with deeper learning. While our design
tained in the NGSS--with design principles that are re- principles emerged from work in elementary classrooms,
sponsive and adaptive to different contexts, part of the many of the principles our applicable to PBL environ-
student centered approach in PBL. With a focus on co- ments at other grade levels (Schneider et al., 2016).
herence, and aligning PBL with the NGSS, we have de- We add to the conversation in the field the tenacious
signed, enacted, researched, and revised units that or sticky problem of implementing theory in classrooms
promote rigorous knowledge that teachers can and recognizing the pull for dilution. Our ML-PBL de-
operationalize. Our design reshaped the PBL principles sign approach invigorates the learning through a
Miller and Krajcik Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research (2019) 1:7 Page 9 of 10
coherent design that recognizes the need to purposeful individuals can access the materials at https://open.mlpbl.com/#/. Individuals
and strategic introduction of related phenomenon and interested in the data and supporting documents can contact the corre-
sponding author.
continued iteration of the artifact with new questions
that supports students in developing useable knowledge. Competing interests
In addition, we propose that the NGSS and three- The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
dimensional learning benefit the PBL approach because
Author details
the goal of deeper learning and artifact development co- 1
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA. 2CREATE for STEM,
incide and mutually reinforce one another. We continue Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
to seek models of teacher sense-making and community
Received: 3 May 2019 Accepted: 24 September 2019
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