Reporting Rubrics
Reporting Rubrics
Reporting Rubrics
CONTENT The presentation includes all Presentation includes all relevant Does not have all of the important The presentation is lacking in required
information relevant to the topic in an information, but it is not well- information. There is not enough elements. There are many gaps in
30points organized manner. organized. information presented. Information is information presented.
presented in an unorganized manner.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
The work done exceeds expectations The work was done with good effort Work is done with fair effort, but the Work is done with little effort, quality
Work quality and and shows that the students are proud that shows what the students are quality is still not what the group is capable is not what the students are capable of.
effort of their work. capable of. It is evident that the group of. It is evident that the work was rushed. It is evident that the work was rushed
put effort into the presentation. and little time was spent on the final
20 points product. Work is incomplete.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
Style/Mechanics The presentation has great creativity The presentation is clear and logical The presentation lacks style and creativity; The presentation lacks a clear
and style, and is not just a list of facts and contains facts as well as very few presents adequate information but in a way understanding of the subject matter
15 points or reading of information. mistakes. Good, clear presentation, but that does and has many errors or leaves out vital
Viewers and listeners were Wowed. lacks some creativity or clarity. not WOW the viewer. information.