Gods Whispers

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Hey guys! This test is not only a resistance test but it also tests your faith. One day
before my test I could clearly hear a voice from God telling me to study a RQ that a
friend of my Study group posted 3 weeks before my test. I was already in bed but I
decided to turn on my computer and read it at 1 am at my test day. And guess what?
We had the same exact test. On day before my second test day, another angel sent
from God posted a RQ on my study group similar from my first day but with more
questions. I can't thank enough those generous people that took their time to write
down those files, that combined with all my studying effort and dedication, helped
me out to get a great result in my test. That’s why I named it “God’s whispers”.
Never ignore when God talks straight to your heart! I hope this can help you. Keep
the faith! Never give up!!!!

1. Pulp comes from: Dental Papilla

2. Shape of a mandibular canal access: Trapezoidal

3. When cementing a veneer, order of procedures:

Hydrofluoric acid on veneer/ silane on veneer/ etch tooth/ bond tooth/ cement

4. Organ responsible for mercury disposal: EPA

5. What shows the efficiency level on a disinfectant: Ability to kill Mycobacterium


6. What specialty is not recognized by ADA?Implantology

7. Spaces between anterior deciduous incisors during transition from decidu-

ous to perm: They will tend to close with perm. canine eruption

8. Pt had an upper RPD, came back 2 days after with sores on the palate.
Why? Allergy to metal

9. Fail to completely block IAN due to:Ramification of Mylohyoid nerve

10. Which structures lay down post palatal seal of a denture:

Keratinized gingiva and minor salivary glands

11. Pt taking Elavil( Amitriptyline) and Hydrochlorothiazide:

Xerostomia due to Elavil

12. Autism Pt management, except:

Voice control? Sedation, desensitization and repetitive procedures were among an-
swer choice

13. What opioid is synthetic? Methadone

14. Sleep apnea, what diseases can it lead to?

Heart disease, stroke, hypertension??

15. Child with tonsilitis, what could be a result? Snoring


16. Pterygomandibular raphe; which muscle was not part of it…

17. Ellis classification. a fracture of dentin under the gum line that didn't in-
volve pulp: Class II

18. Muscle squeletal diseases related to dental profession mainly caused by:
Inappropriate operator working distance

19. Kid comes for sedation Mom said he didn't eat, the kid said he had a bowl of
cereal, what do you do? Reschedule the app

20. Comparison between 22 y old and a 66-y old. Same bone loss, same bleed-
ing and calculus. Who has the worst prognosis? The 22 y old pt

21. Most common fungal species in the oral cavity(Candida was not an op-

22. Minimum protection level of a surgical mask: 95%

23. Pt taking Isoniazid for TB, side effect: Hepatic problems

24. Why do we do anterior guidance? confusing answers I don't remember

25. What kind of flap do we use to remove an impacted 3rd molar?

Full thickness or partial thickness???

26. Pt had a mandibular fracture, what Xray ? Panoramic

27. Angle's molar relationship on a Class III malocclusion:

Buccal cusp of the maxillary molar occludes distal to the buccal groove of 1st mand mo-

28. Osha protects who?Employees

29. Dentist works in a clinic where previous dentist left a long time ago and he
still uses his name to advertise. What violation? Veracity

30. 8 y old kid, repaired Fallot tetralogy when he was a baby. He needs dental
tx, what do you do?
Refer him to an Odontopediatric dentist,
Get clearance with the pediatric cardiologist? Although he doesn't need AP this was not
among the answer choices. I picked refer to cardiologist for clearance

31. Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease caused by : T cells

32. X ray shows a decay lesion on enamel of a premolar, not into dentin. How
you classify:D2

33. Why Candida virus gets into the mouth and is not killed by the host.
something about its structure, I had no idea 🙁

34. Warfarin MOA

35. Omeprazole Proton pump inhibitor

36. Lisinopril ACE inhibitor

37. Metformin MOA (very similar options, tricky)

38. When making a denture to a pt what is more important?Patient satisfaction

39. 23 y old male, sexually active, picture showing white patch with red bor-
ders, very sensitive. What bacteria?
T. Denticola
T. Pallidum (Syphilis, I guessed. Why mention the guy was sexually active?) T

40. Denture wear for 15 y, pt needs to get a new one bc its very loose. What is
the immediate solution before making a new one?
Cold acrylic reline chairside

41. ANB -6: Cl lII

42. Disease related to Sjogren: Lupus SLE

43. Root resorption cell responsible: Osteoclasts

44. 8 y old kid lost mandibular molars, what appliance to maintain space:Lin-
gual Holding Arch

45. Panoramic with lesion scalloped around pre molars:

Traumatic bone cyst
Tx: Aspiration

46. Pt felling dizzy and pass out. You call 911and before starting CPR what do
you check?
Pt responsiveness

47. 4 different mouthwash brands with brand names and brand (Crest, Colgate,
Act and Oral B) Asking which one was used to prevent Plaque. How would I
know this???

48. Pt with liver cirrhosis an alcoholic needs antibiotic, what to prescribe:

Erythromycin, Metronidazole or Penicillin VK?

49. Pt 26 y old came back for a dental consult after 6 years. Had only one de-
cay. What is his caries risk:
Moderate risk (1 to 2 caries in the past 36 mo, Cambra)

50. Confidence Interval

51. In what study bias can interfere with?


52. A graphic with 2 drugs about potency and effect, asking which one was
more potent. Easy to interpret

53. When implementing a comunity program what is the first action?

54. Crown comes back from the lab, what's the first thing you check (esthetic
not a choice):
Check contact

55. Tooth sensitivity after composite restoration due to:

too much drying the dentin

56. While delivering a crown over the implant, pt swallows the screw.
What would you do?
Tell him it will come out unharmful through his gastrointestinal system?
Escort him to an emergency room for a chest Xray? (I Chose this because I think that
what the Board wants you to answer ;)

57. Sickle cell anemia: How it show in X-ray? Stepladder

58. Longest acting anesthesia? Bupivacaine

59. Innervation tooth #17? IAN

60. Innervation of the TMJ? Auriculotemporal nerve

61. Pontic contraindicated in anterior? Hygienic

62. What has to do with the color family? Hue

63. HbA1c values for diabetes: 6.5 or higher

64. Best indicator of controlled diabetes: HbA1c

65. Normal chest compression in adult: 2 inch

66. Microorganisms in failed root canal: Enterococcus Faecalis.

67. Bacteria caries: S. mutans

68. Identify hyoid bone on a ceph and pano

69. Best X-ray for ortho? Cephalometric

70. What P means in PICO? Population

71. Extra canals %. About 5 questions

72. What x-ray to see periodontal bone loss: (2 questions). Vertical bitewing and

73. What Ellis classification is a patient with a trauma exposing dentin? Class II

74. What is a characteristic of a patient with syphilis? Mulberry molars

75. Mild to moderate pain in dentistry? Ibuprofen

76. 21.Witch muscle do a patient experience pain when they have bruxism:

77. 23.Duodenal ulcer bacteria? Helicobacter pylori

78. Fentanyl is 80-100 times more potent than? Morphine

79. X-ray technique for sinus? Waters

80. Most common chromosome abnormality? 21

81. Fluoride dose for a 4-year-old? 0.50mg/day

82. What increases the chance of having a dry socket? Smoking

83. IgA function in saliva? Anti bacterial

84. Contraindicated medicine for a pregnant? Ibuprofen

85. Picture taking the shade; what color guide? Stump shade

86. Best to conserve avulse tooth? Milk

87. What type of hypersensitive is contact dermatitis? Type IV

88. Benzodiazepine reversal ? Flumazenil

89. In which anomaly the teeth share the pulp? Gemination

90. Pt 53yo come to the office and has bruises on her eye, what to do? (This one
was weird; they didn’t have the option to report).

Ask the assistant to find out with the pt.

The Dr. Should ask her how that happened and write everything in the notes (my choice)
The Dr. Should not said anything and continue with the visit.

91. Witch disease OSHA does not ask for the test for workers to perform? HIV

92. Identify mandibular torus on a x-ray.

93. Identify mesiodens on a pano.

94. In what occlusion distal step end? Class II

95. Where you should not put biohazard signal on? Refrigerator with dental

96. Fracture involving enamel, dentin and pulp, what Ellis classification? Class

97. Pt with cardiac arrest, what’s the best treatment? CPR and defibrillation

98. Identify Class II division 2

99. Minimum distance between IAN and implant?


100. Identify amalgam tatto.

101. What IV drug you should not use on a substance abuse patient?

102. Pt comes to the office with a heavy weed smell, what to do?
Reschedule the appointment

103. Pt comes to the dentist after 10 years, what NOT to do? FMX, Cleaning,
Complete evaluation,Study models

104. Best material for class v? GI

105. White lesion that comes off when wiped? Candida

106. Identify fibroma. What’s the cause? Trauma

107. Many questions about smoking cessation. Easy ones. Buspirone

causes Xerostomia

108. Bone reabsorption after extraction? 40% (first month)

109. Major risk to get infected in dental office? Hep.B

110. Doses of HPV vaccine and what age start ? 2 doses - 11-12 years

111. Color wavelength: Hue

112. What is used to achieve hemostasis in vital pulp therapy? Sodium


113. Order of the nerves and arteries from anterior to posterior?LN, IAN, IAA

114. Questions about certificate translator. Easy ones

115. Patient with pemphigus you can do all except? Prophylaxis with air jet

116. Best way to educate pt on OHI? Show pt a correct OHI technics and ask
for feedback.

117. What occlusion does the distal step ends: Class II


118. Describe class III angle molar occlusion on a lateral view:

Mesial cusp of maxillary molar occluded distal to buccal sulcus of mandibular molar

119. Best drug for cardiac arrest, the first one: Nitroglycerin

120. Best prognosis of broken file at the apical third: vital with no periapical

121. What X-rays should be taken on a first time a patient that has not come
back in a long timeFull mouth series

122. Pt came back after 2 years without checkup, he just needs a

prophylaxis, but in a bitewing, you just detected a cavitated lesion: Medium

123. Patient has Dysgeusia, what gland is it associate with? Von ebner

124. A pt comes for IV sedation, which anesthetic do you use:


125. What % of Nitrous oxide to achieve sedation on a child: 30%

126. Pt comes with mom for extraction of bicuspids, because orthodontist

said is needed, mom states she want iv sedation for her child because child
is allergic, pt is only allergic to dust, to local anesthetic, what do you do:
You talk with mom to find out more about pt reaction to LA

127. You receive a pt. 3years old with cleft palate, what is NOT a course of
action on the tx plan:
You treat at birth

128. Pt 7 years old come to your office, mom doesn’t speak English, you
notice pt have bruises in his legs and also a blue eye, what you should do:
Report to child protective service

129. You use your knowledge to improve community dental health:


130. Dentist was promoting himself as limited practice in a specialty he

didn’t finish: Veracity

131. New pt express he is afraid of the dentist, I just left my old dentist
because he never understood my fear, what you do first:
You ask what is that make you anxious about the dentist

132. Which study havs the least valuable information

133. Agency that regulates dental equipment and materials: FDA


134. Pt you gave him a hard mouth splint 5 month ago, he came back for
adjustment because he is having muscle pain in all his face, limited opening
15mm and his jaw hurts a lot when he opens, TMJ clicking, what do you do
next:Refer him for imaging studies.

135. Pt came to you for consultation after his recall last week. Why my gums
are bleeding a lot? Pt takes aspirin :
You have to explain pt it is because of anti-platelets action of aspirin

136. Pt 68 years old, 250lb, 5.8”, uncontrolled diabetes, Metformin,

Losartan, why is this pt in high risk of getting periodontal disease?
Because of diabetes

137. Pt came to your office with a very bad occlusal trauma, which one of
the mentioned conditions will not be a consequence of the condition
mentioned: Hormonal problems

138. Pt 56, fem, takes furosemide: Dry mouth

139. Mandibular 2nd molar has an infection, which neck space will invade?

140. Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism:


141. Caries incipient in molar, best tx:


142. Pt 3year old, come with mom to community center, after 1:30h drive, pt
uncooperative, he doesn’t eat, he just nurse, he has a lot of rampant caries,
best tx:
Silver diamine floride

143. Dentist send an impression where once you poured you can’t see a
finish line very well defined and also has voids on it, they showed picture of
impression and model, what do you do:
Ask Dr for other impression.

144. Why mandible grows forward and downward:

Tooth eruption and mesial movement of teeth

145. Pt is undergoing heart surgery, dr sent him for dental evaluation 2

weeks before surgery. 6 hopeless teeth, lots of calculus, perio grading 4 what
do you do :
SRP and extraction of hopeless

146. Pt with GERD: Erosion

147. Mandibular molar, continuation of lingual fissure: Buccal groove


148. New Pt came to your office for extraction, 10 years Bisphosphonates

and had radio therapy. Why do you have to contact her oncologist:
You need to know all pt condition.

149. Osteonecrosis mostly occurs: Post mandible

150. Pt comes for new dentures:

centric relation occlusion, balance was not an option

151. Pt has bruxism, muscle NOT affected: Buccinator

152. Micro-organism present on erysipelas: Streptococcus beta- hemolytic

153. Cement a Lithium Disilicate crown with? Resin cement

154. Identify which syndrome is present: pano pt had many compound

odontoma: Gardner

155. Pt with unsatisfactory filling on #8 and #9, floss always brake, what to
do after xray?Visual inspection

156. Pt comes to your office demanding a high aesthetic tx, pt wants to see
how the results will look like at end of the tx, what you do not will show him
because it will not provide an idea: X-ray

157. Lesion on tongue, cauliflower aspect;: Papilloma

158. Tissue that doesn’t belong to Ectomesenchyme: Mucosa

159. Identify Stafne defect on panorex

160. Pt with full upper denture

Nasopalatine cyst
Epulis Fissuratum
Herpes labiales

161. PT 25 years old, had two years without visiting the dentist. And has 1
proximal cavity Risk? Moderate

162. Releases histamine mast Cells Type I hypersensitivity

163. Fluoride in community water 0.7 ppm

164. Pontic for premolar region difficult to clean

Modified Ridge-lap

165. Best anesthesia to Mandibular block more nerves?


166. What happens in Myxedema coma symptoms, except:


167. Kennedy classification which needs indirect retainer

Class1 mod 1
Class 1 mod 2,
Class 4,
Class 3 mod1

168. Tetracycline affects teeth at:

First trimester

16 years

169. Moa Albuterol

B receptor agonist

170. Moa Lisinopril

Blocks the enzyme that converts Angiotensin I into Angiotensin II

171. Valproic acid affects what in fetal life?


172. Least to most infectious


173. Anti HBS positive means

Been vaccinated

174. If HIV positive patient how to treat

Standard universal precaution
Disposable instruments
High level disinfection

175. If tuberculosis test positive patient:

Defer treatment until infectious and need physicians' clearance

176. If tuberculosis positive urgent care needed:

Treat in isolation room

177. If tuberculosis Patient

N95 mask
Face shield,
Tuberculocidal disinfectant

178. Implant PDL fibers except

Embeds into implant body

179. Peri-implantitis organisms

Gram negative anaerobes

180. 10.Suppuration lesion, most cells present:


181. Correct sequence development tooth

Bud, cap, bell, apposition, maturation

182. Best evidence

Randomized Clinical Trial
Case control

183. Bell’s palsy - which one sign seen


184. Meckel's cartilage forms into

Sphenomandibular ligament

185. Gag reflex

Glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)

186. Elevator of palate

Tensor veli
Levator Veli Palitini

187. Muscle attached to genial tubercles

Genioglossus and geniohyoid

188. Ineffective IAN Block due to which nerve fibers

Mylohyoid ramification nerve

189. Pano radiopaque mass near the angle of the mandible (radiopaque
with well limited borders)
Carotid artery calcification,
Lymph node calcification

190. Painless pre auricular crepitus Dx-

Rheumatoid arthritis

191. Tx
refer to oral surgeon
do nothin only monitor

192. What is mandatory for healthcare provider to report??

Impaired health care provider
Patient with opioid addiction
Improper treatment
Suspected child Abuse and neglect

193. What is true about reporting abuse?

Need physical evidence of abuse to report
Good faith reporters are protected from being sued

194. Common age of abuse in children

0-3 years

195. Identify I from PICO.Dentists wants to study if fluoride varnish is


effective in prevention of caries in elderly

I - fluoride varnish application

196. Zoledronic acid (alendronate) weekly since 6 months-

Inform Pt risk of mronj and extract
Stop med and extract
Stop med for 6 weeks and then extract

197. Patient on Coumadin . INR 2.5

Can extract

198. Sickle cell anemia both parents have the trait, what is the chance of a
child having the disease:

199. Post and core

Will extend 3-4 mm from apex
Remaining at least 2 mm guta percha
Remaining at least 0.5mm dentin around canal
Half the root length

200. After finishing instrumentation during irrigation, bleeding and pain in

Sodium hypochlorite accident
Vital tissue remaining

201. Centre of resistance in a maxillary incisor (radiograph showing

severe bone loss up to apical third)
The location of the center of resistance of the maxillary central incisor was approximately
0.77 of the root length from the apex.

202. Pulp canal obliteration

Pulp canal space radiographically visible
Space histologically not visible
Decreased response to cold

203. Pt on dialysis on Monday and Thursday When to treat Pt- Tuesday

204. Opioid induced nausea.. medication


205. Omeprazole Proton pump inhibitor

206. Slob rule (same lingual opposite buccal)

207. Chin too high- Frown (radiograph)


208. Foreshortening- excessive vertical angulation

209. Employee is sick and asked to stay at home, what the name of this
Engineering control
Administrative control

210. Patient payment is due, Pt wants records..Give the records

211. Elis class 1 fracture due to trauma, patient wants extraction and
implant. Ethical conflict?
Autonomy and non-maleficence

212. Intraoral purplish lesion/ discoloration distal to terminal molar what is

the lesion
Foreign body
Vascular? (Didn’t show amalgam on xray, so I’m not sure)

213. Bluish bluster like swelling in floor of mouth come and goes Ranula

214. What can only happen with unerupted teeth Dentigerous Cyst

215. Image lesions on anterior maxillary gum pad region Bohn's nodules

216. Mucous patch on palate region infant? (No image)

Bohn's nodule, ( Didn’t say Epstein Pearls)
White Sponge Nevis,
Congenital Epullis ,
Natal teeth

217. Type of resorption in ankylosis Replacement resorption

218. Caused by tooth brushing Abrasion

219. One less tooth in mouth count Fusion

220. Mandibular lateral incisors Roots and canals more common:

One root 2 canals 2 foramen
One root 2 canals 1 foramen
2 roots 2 canals

221. Cracked tooth most commonly seen in

2nd mand molar?
1st mand molar?

222. US water fluoridation caries reduction? 75%

223. Compound odontomaMultiple small tooth-like structures


224. African Female with periapical lesion on vital lower incisors Periapical
cemental dysplasia

225. Radiographic radiopaque vertical line in anterior region Nasal septum

226. Gonion to menton ortho measurement: Mandibular plane

227. Shingles cause by Varicella zoster virus

228. Ramsay hunt syndrome

229. Circumscribed and flat lesion: macule

230. Image- lesion on tongue. Differential diagnose, except:

Granular cell tumor
Pleomorphic adenoma

231. Image- gingival hyperplasia— which drug caused it from a list of drugs
mentioned in patient boxCCBlocker

232. Radiograph - Taurodontism worst specialty to manage Endodontics or


233. Traumatic bone cyst— radiograph and clinical findings

234. Pano asking how many missing teeth

235. Which is least risk of infection or something like that

Face bow

236. Atlantoaxial instability Down’s syndrome

237. Pain in oropharyngeal region- some lesion and pain in head rotation –
what exam for diagnosis (Possible eagle Syndrome)
Incisional biopsy

238. Pano showing unerupted 15, reason for uneruption

Sinus attachments
Inadequate arch length

239. Most definitive way to diagnosis Pulp necrosis

Trans illumination,
Cavity test


240. Trauma to central incision patient age 8 tx- Apexogenesis

241. 4 mm intrusion with perm lateral incisor, what to do?

Spontaneous eruption

242. Pierre robin syndrome associated with Stickler syndrome

243. Mucositis post radiation or chemo what to give?

Clorehexidine rinse

244. Risk of mesial perforation: Maxillary premolar

245. Multiple root canals- mesial root max 1st molar

246. Civatte bodies: liquen planus

247. Median romboid glosssitis Fungiform papillae

248. Irreversible hydrocolloid Low tear strength

249. Topical anesthesia in canals— effect?

Bleeding from canal
Canal coating and difficult obturation seal
Canal coating and smear layer

250. Healthy patient Epinephrine:

0.2 mg

251. Ethics- a lot of questions about autonomy

252. Medicare Elderly

253. Ceramic crowns cementation-

Coupling agent on crown
Hidrofluoric acid on tooth
Phosphoric acid on crown

254. Crown for posterior tooth with not much crown structure:
All metal,
Lithium disilicate,
Leucite reinforced ceramic

255. Use of alcohol-based agents a good adjunct should

contain 70% isopropyl alcohol,
contain 60-90% ethanol,

prior surgical procedure

256. Hiring dental assistant that previously worked on a homeless shelter,

what test is required? TB

257. J shaped radiolucency- vertical fracture

258. Smaller filler size in composites advantages?? Polish

259. What will affect the stress of the patient undergoing extraction from a
list of medication patient is taking? Steroids

260. Graph interpretation potency vs efficacy of a drug

261. Muscle of mastication opening muscle

Lateral Pterygoid muscle

262. Muscle of mastication closing muscle

Masseter, Temporal and Medial Pterygoid

263. Sleep apnea diagnoses

Nocturn observation

264. New dentist in town, tornado warning alarm, your assistant said it’s
common and they just say it all the time and tell you to continue your work.
What will dentist do?
Take your team and go to a secure place

265. Contact dermatitis which hypersensitivity? Type IV

266. ORTHO Cl. 3 identify on lateral bite

267. ORTHO after ended, what will do 1st Prophylaxis

268. Who cannot could be a translator:Dentist

269. Tongue taste

CN X, IX, VII (chorda tympani)

270. 3rd age leaves in-home care a lot of root caries, which material

271. Patient 14 y. pregnant, parents don’t know Treat or not

272. Patients with aids disinfections Rx digital sensor:

Single plastic, double wipe
Double plastic, single wipe

273. Patient GERD WHAT HAPPENS Erosion


274. What is increases risk for alveolitis Patient takes estradiol

275. 1st exam in meth addictive Full mouth xray

276. Cheilitis angular treatment: Nystatin

277. Hpv related to cancer SCC

278. Allographic graft mechanism osteoinductive

279. In periodontics disease which interleukin IL1

280. Fracture on dentine by the gumline, didn’t involve pulp CL.II Ellis

281. Mandibular fracture, what will do Refer to oral surgeon

282. Blood pressure130/100. What to do? Treat and evaluate

283. After Anesthesia dental, patients become unbreathing what to do?Call


284. Least test indicate in endo Electrical

285. Null hypothesis

286. Test autoclave Spore (weekly)

287. Patient takes Vicodin, which drug should not be prescribed: Fentanyl

288. Radiograph torus mandibular identification

289. Best drug to reduce anxiety: Benzodiazepines

290. Pregnancy lesions: pyogenic granuloma

291. How do be sure if anesthesia is ok Cold test

292. Stomatitis denture causesd by Fungi

293. What % retromolar pad surface cover in impression 100%

294. Fibroma

295. Hypo and Hyperthyroidism (signs)

296. Adison disease (Diagnosis)

297. A patient with Hep B and C and liver cirrhosis, what pain killer not to


298. Mode of action of Nitroglycerin?

Nitric oxide that is released stimulates guanylyl cyclase in smooth muscle, producing an
increase in cGMP which causes vasodilation.

299. Mode of action of Ibuprofen?

Non selective reversible COX 1 and COX 2 inhibitor.

300. Mode of action of Zometa?

zoledronic acid inhibits osteoclastic activity and induces osteoclast apoptosis.

301. Mode of action of diuretics?

Diuretics act primarily by blocking reabsorption of sodium.

302. Mode of action of humira?

HUMIRA specifically binds to TNF alpha, an inflammation-causing protein and blocks its
interaction with other cells.

303. Patient with hemophilia: what lab test to use:


304. Patient 5yr old with muscular dystrophy mother carrier, father has no
disease, probability of having an affected sibling:

305. what anesthesia can be given for profound anesthesia In Tooth T:

IAN block
Mental nerve

306. Patient on medication for rheumatoid arthritis- what can it lead to:

307. A film that has dark lines scattered on it:

Artifact in the film rom bending

308. Lesion between soft and hard palate: all could be a differential
diagnosis except:
Incisive cyst
Granular cell tumor
Central giant cell
Pleomorphic adenoma

309. Carbamazepine - Moa

Enhancement of sodium channel inactivation by reducing high-frequency repetitive firing

of action potentials.

310. Calcineurin inhibitors


311. Radiograph showing unerupted tooth- what is it-

normal follicle
dentigerous cyst
eruption cyst

312. Retraction cord used for a patient, what will it do to the gingiva:
displace it apically
displace it laterally and vertically
displace it occlusally

1. Patient had a gray lesion on the check that comes and goes. There were 4
options to do the differential diagnose. The except was:
Nicotine stomatitis (only on palate)

2. Patient with prosthetic heart valve, needs antibiotic prophylaxis?


3. Mitral valve prolapse

No need for antibiotic prophylaxis

4. Kids 10 years old come with #8 and #9 in Hanks Solution. He felt dizzy and
vomited on the way to the office and had teeth reimplanted
What do you suspected: Concussion
How long to keep the splint: 14 days
When start the RCT: 2 weeks
If not reimplant before 60 min what’s the prognosis: External resorption
If not in Hanks Solution, what would be best? Milk

5. Patient use Methotrexate and Humira, she needs tooth extraction, what would
be more appropriate to do before procedure?
CBC exam

6. Impacted 3rd molar on pano close to IAN, what is the risk of the surgery?
IAN injury

7. ASA for a patient that have MI 8 months ago


8. Patient has pain when swallow and after eat.

What is the probable diagnosis? Sialoliths

What x-ray would you do? Occlusal

9. Bridge from 6 to 11 (8 years old). Decay on margin of 11. Decay on 12. What
to do? Clean the decay, restore with composite and recement the bridge or
redo de bridge?

10. Xray from 11 to 13 (natural). 12 was missing. They asked what was the
minimal distance to place an implant to replace 12:

11. Pt diabetes type What medication do you need to have available at app day?

12. Hairy tongue picture (very small area)

Diagnosis: Transillumination?? Biopsy??
Tx: essential oils

13. Pt has COPD, how would be the appearance of the lung lining in the patient?

14. Pt with diabetes, controlled hypertension, periodontal decease and asthma.

What would be the reason why she has risk of infection: Diabetes

15. A decrease in Carbone oxide in your blood will lead to:

Decrease in oxygen demand
Decrease at respiration rate
Increased tidal volume

16. A 45 YRs old Female patient, with desquamative gingivitis:

Diagnosis: Pemphigus vulgaris
Type of biopsy: Perilesional biopsy
How do you treat these lesions: Cortisone.
What not to do: Don’t use air polish (prophy).

17. A 20 YRs old female, with a lesion on the lower lip that needs a biopsy, what
are the arteries that supply the lower lip:
Lingual artery and mental artery

18. A 35 YRs old male with pain on biting, radiograph shows #19 with root canal
treatment, abscess above the tooth was traced by using Gutta percha:
Diagnosis: Furcation fracture

19. 4 y boy with Duschene Muscular dystrophy, needs pulp treatment of lower
2nd molar.
What kind of anesthesia is more predictable: IAN block
If mother is a carrier and father have no disease what is the percentage that the kid will
have a sibling with the disease: 25%

20. Picture of a small bony lesion buccal of central incisor (exocytosis) if a

biopsy was taken what will be seen under microscope?
Normal mucosa and normal bone

21. An epileptic female patient with a porcelain fused to metal crown, metal is
showing on the fractured part of the crown (fractured crown). CC was
dissatisfaction with the discoloration.
What is the treatment? Change the crown
What material to use? Zirconia (strength)
Type of cement?RMGI
What should be used for maintenance of the crown? Soft night guard

22. Upon crown cementation, the crown didn’t go down, and had open margins
on distal and bite was off
What is the cause? Contact too tight on distal? Occlusal interference on the prep?
What do you use to check internal fit? Articulating paper, Vynil Polyether Silicone ( Fit

23. What happens in periodontitis?

Attachment loss.

24. A 32 YRs old female patient, with a crown on upper central that keeps on
falling, patient has deep bite.
What is the cause of the problem? Problematic occlusion
What to do next? Analysis of occlusion
What is not needed? A free gingival graft

25. Pt. Male 18 years old level of pain of 3 out of 10

Nerve supply of upper first permanent premolar? Middle superior alveolar
What pain killer do you give him? Ibuprofen

26. Pt with pain when swallowing they show a picture it was and bad taste in her

27. Patient came with pericoronitis and severe pain.

One of the signs of infection? Fever 101 f
Management ? Extraction with antibiotics
Spread of infection goes to? Submandibular space

28. A 3 YRs old kid with complete anodontia and Soft + dry skin and linear
wrinkles on the face
Diagnosis: Ectodermal Dysplasia
Refer to whom:
Pediatric dentist
Wait until patient is older
Refer to a physician for multi-disciplinary team approach (I chose this)
features of this disease except -microcephaly

29. A 10 YRs old kid with no teeth on one side, OPG shows ghost teeth
Diagnosis: Regional odontodysplasia
Kind of disease: Developmental
Treatment: Removable partial denture,
If you tell to mother, nothing to do for him which principle affects: beneficence

30. A 10 YRs old kid, had anesthesia had rashes and hives:
Diagnosis: Type I hypersensitivity reaction
Management: Epi pin,
To treat the hives: steroids
Had another reaction after 4 weeks:
Diagnosis: Type IV hypersensitivity reaction
What is the name of the lesions around the mouth: Erythema muitiforme

31. A 45 YRs old male, alcoholic has liver cirrhosis, wears a partial denture, man
complains about bad breath, erythema bellow denture base:
Diagnosis: Candida
Treatment: Topical antifungal

32. A 50 YRs old female, with white stria on her cheek:

Diagnosis: Lichen Planus
Treatment: Clobestol (corticosteroid)

33. A 16 YRs old female with pain on upper right first premolar, pain that awakens
the patient at night, on cold test patient had lingering pain for more than 12
seconds, tooth is tenderness to percussion:
Diagnosis: Irreversible pulpitis with symptomatic apical periodontitis

34. A 20y lady came. Her C/C was that when she opens her jaw. Her jaw deviates
towards left. She denies pain when that happens. With assisted mouth
opening she opens up to 32mms.
What is the cause of the chief complaint? Myospasm
Which muscle is responsible? Left lateral pterygiod
What is the best medication to give? Ciclobenzaprine
Tx – trigger injections

35. Partial removable denture, free extreme, with esthetic retainer, loss of
horizontal bone, use Crestor metformin, lisinopril
What to do to help to maintenance pf teeth: Perio and splint
Why this kind of retainer: Esthetical
MOA Crestor: H CoA inhibitor

36. Patient taking HCTZ+ Triamterene, side effect: Xerostomia

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