Egg Dishes

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Tools/Equipment Needed: Tools/Equipment Needed:

 Gas range/Stove  Gas range/Stove
 Saucepan (preferably non-stick pan)  Saucepan
 Dish, turner  Skimmer
Ingredients:  Eggs
 Fresh Eggs  1tbsp. Salt
 Oil or clarified or whole butter, as needed for frying  30 ml White vinegar
 Salt, as needed  Cold water
 Ground black pepper, as needed
Procedure: 1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items.
1) Select very fresh grade AA eggs for best result. 2. Combine the water, salt and vinegar, in a deep pan and bring it to bare
2) Break the eggs into a dish. simmer.
3) Add about 1/8-inch fat to the sauté pan and set into moderate heat. 3. Break each egg into a clean cup, then slide the egg carefully into the
Too much fat will make the egg greasy. Less fat will cause the to poaching water.
stick, unless a pan with the nonstick coating is used. 4. Cook for 3 to 5 mins, or until the whites are set and opaque.
4) When the fat is hot enough, slide the egg into pan. 5. Remove the eggs from the water with a slotted spoon, blot them on
5) Tilt the pan, allowing the fat to collect at the side of the pan, and baste absorbents toweling, and trim the edges if desired.
the eggs with the fat as they cook. 6. Serve or chill and refrigerate for later use.
6) Season the eggs with salt and pepper and serve at once.
Eggs over easy, medium or hard: turn the egg over near the end of their
cooking time with a spatula and cook them on the other side until done as Poached eggs
desired, 20-30 sec. for over easy, 1 min. for over medium, 2mins. For over Prepared by slipping shelled eggs into barely simmering water and gently
hard. cooking until the egg holds its shape. The fresher the egg, the more centered
the yolk, the less likely the white is spread and become ragged.
Sunny side up
Cook slowly without flipping until white is completely set but yolk is still soft
and yellow. Heat must be low or bottom will toughen or bum before top is
completely set.

Over medium
Fry and flip over. Cook until the yolk is partially set.


Tools/Equipment Needed: Tools/Equipment Needed:

 Gas range/Stove  Small bowls
 Stainless bowl  Sauté pan
 Fork or egg beater  Fork
 Sauté pan, steam kettle or tilting skillets Ingredients:
 Eggs
Ingredients:  1tbps Salt
 Eggs  1tsp ground pepper
 1tbsp. salt  150ml water/stock/milk/cream
 1tsp. ground pepper  175ml clarified butter or oil
 50ml water or milk
 75ml clarified butter or oil Procedure:
1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items.
Procedure: 2. For each portion, beat 3 eggs well and season with salt and pepper.
1. Collect equipment and food items. Add the liquid if using.
2. Break eggs into a stainless-steel bowl and beat until well blended. 3. Heat a nonstick omelet pan over high heat and add the butter or oil,
Season with salt and pepper. tilting the pan to coat the entire surface.
3. Add small amount of milk or cream about 1 to 1 ½ t, if desired. 4. Pour the entire egg mixture into the pan and scramble it with the back
4. Heat butter or oil in a small sauté pan or heat nonstick pan over of the fork or wooden spoon.
medium heat and add butter or oil, tilting the pan to coat the entire 5. Move the pan and the utensils at the same time until the egg mixture
surfaces. The pan should be hot but not smoking. has coagulated slightly. Smooth the eggs into an even layer.
5. Pour egg mixture into the pan. 6. Let the egg mixture finish cooking without stirring.
6. Cook over low heat, stirring frequently with the back of the fork or 7. Tilt the pan and slide a fork or spoon around the lip of the pan, under
wooden spoon until the eggs are soft and creamy. the omelet, to be sure it is not sticking. Slide the omelet to the front of
7. Remove the eggs from the heat when fully cooked, but still moist. the pan and use a fork or a wooden spoon to fold it inside to the
8. Serve at once. center.
8. Turn the pan upside down, rolling the omelet onto the plate. The
finished omelet should be oval shaped.

HARD COOKED EGGS Ham and Cheese Frittata

Tools/Equipment Needed: Tools/Equipment Needed:

 Gas range/Stove  Gas range/Stove
 Saucepan  Skillet/Non-stick pan
 Ladle  Fork/wire whisk
 Small bowl
Ingredients:  Chopping board
 Eggs Ingredients:
 Cold water  Eggs
 1 tsp Salt
Procedure:  1 tsp ground black pepper
1. Prepare tools, equipment and food items.
 1 cup dice cooked ham
2. Place the eggs in a pot. Fill the pot with enough cold water to cover
 ¼ cup Cheese (any kind)
the eggs by 2in./5in.
3. Bring the water to boil and immediately lower the temperature to
simmer. Begin timing the cooking at this point.
1. In a non-stick pan, put little oil, sauté the ham and season to taste.
4. Cook small eggs for 12 minutes, medium eggs for 13 mins., large
2. In a bowl, combine the egg and salt, black pepper and pour and pour
eggs for 14 to 15 mins, and extra-large eggs for 15 mins. Drain
over ham mixture.
immediately and cool under cold running water to stop cooking.
3. Let the eggs set on the bottom.
5. Peel as soon as possible by cracking the shell starting from the large
4. Cover until the eggs are set for about 3mins.
end. For easier peeling, peel while still warm, and hold under running
5. Sprinkle with cheese and cut into wedges to serve.
water to help loosen the shell.
6. Serve the eggs or refrigerate until needed.

Coddled Eggs
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 30 seconds.

Soft-Cooked Eggs
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 3-4mins.

Medium-Cooked Eggs
Put cold eggs into already simmering water and simmer for 5-7mins.

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