Employee Tracking

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Premier Automobiles Road, Kurla (W), Mumbai-70

Approved by AICTE, Govt. of

Affiliated to the University of Mumbai



Real time employee tracking app

Department of Computer Engineering

University of Mumbai


Project Title : Real time employee tracking app

Organization : Don Bosco Institute of Technology

Address : Premier Automobiles

Road,Kurla (W),

Project Team Members : 1. Sahil Shelke

2. Manish Shingre
3. Ronak Surve

Internal Guide : Prof. Sana Shaikh

Address : Department of Computer

Engineering,Don Bosco Institute
of Technology, Premier
Automobiles Road,
Kurla (W), Mumbai-400070




The background of our project is a simple employee tracking system which

will help the employer to track the real time location of the employee if he/she is
assigned a remote task that they have to do in a particular time. This app will also
checkthe attendance of the employee, assignment of task by the employer, report
generation etc.

The main aim of this project is that using all the featuresof the app the
employer can check the efficiency and the productivity of the employee whether
he/she is doing the assigned task properly.

As this is an android application, we have use Android Studio with base

language as JAVA. We have created different layouts for different interfaces. We
have tried to implement google maps which will be useful for the real time tracking
of the employee. As lots of data is there in the application, we have used google fire
base to store the real time database which is useful when the application is been used
by multipleusers. This application will result in a full fledge management of the
employees by the employer in real time scenario.

From this project, we learned to build an android app on android studio using
Java. We also learned many things regarding the firebase database. Google API
application was studied. Different concepts of Java were implemented during the
projects. Different UI features are added. The implementation of the real-time
database and authentication of profiles were done successfully.


Sr. No. Contents Page no.

Chapter 1 Introduction 5

Chapter 2 Literature Survey 6-7

2.1 Survey Existing system 7

2.2 Limitation Existing system or research gap 8

2.3 Problem Statement and Objective 8

2.4 Scope 9

Chapter 3 Proposed System

3.1 Analysis/Framework/ Algorithm 10 -11

3.2 Details of Hardware And Software 12

3.3 Design Details 13

Chapter 4 Implementation

4.1 Implementation Plan for next semester 14

Conclusion 15

References 16

Acknowledgement 17


Employee management is a concern in today’s time. We see that lots of business are
shutting down due to employee miss – management. The recent surveys conducted proved
that 49% of businesses fail within the first five years, while around 30% of businesses don't
even make it through the first two years. This is mostly because of employees’ productivity.
The employees who were assigned outdoor projects, either reach late or avoid doing that
work by not visiting the site and rather giving many excuses for it.

Since Employee productivity is key to success in every sector of the business world.
An organization should measure and optimize employees’ performance and productivity by
understanding how to manage teamwork remotely.

With the help of this project, we have tried to make a application for small business
that can monitor the employee activity and also trac them using maps as the prime source.
The proposed Employee Tracking App monitors employees’ activities in real-time to
improve productivity, and ensure that people are not laying back. Also, we have given
different features such as attendance management, assigning task to the employees remotely,
report generation, etc., but the main focus of our app is Realtime employee tracking.

So, with the help of our app the employer will have all the access to the employee
activity and this will help the business to track the efficiency of the employee and analyse it,
which will bring out all the positives and negatives of the employee. This will lead to grow
the business with efficient people only


Paper and Year of Brief Conclusion


An Android-based This paper talks about the difficulties The app to be made should

Employee Tracking faced in tracking the on-field be easy to use and have an

System employee’s activity. Some interactive UI and UX

By International companies used the tracker device experience. The maps

Journal of Computer which later on adds to the cost of should be stable enough to

Applications tracking. But later the android-based track the live activities of

tracking app using GPS technologies the employees. There will

became convenient, economical and be a requirement for a

easy to use. database to store the past

activity and generate a
report for it.

Employee Monitoring A new server-based system using an For making an app for the
and Management android phone and GPS service- tracking of the activities of the
System Using GPS based application was developed to employees, we will require a
and Android keep a track of the employee’s firebase server.
By International activity and create the report for it. It The server will be used to
Research Journal of required continuous data connection transfer the data from the
Engineering and used for the application in the employee’s phone to the
Technology (IRJET) employee’s phone. Accordingly, the
manager’s phone. Managers can
(Link: data was sent to the manager's phone
view the employee’s location
https://www.irjet.net and the report was created daily.
and assign tasks to the

Paper and Year of Brief Conclusion

Tracking Outfield Designing and implementing a web- The paper talks about the
Employees using GPS based tracking system for outfield need for efficient employee
in Web Applications employees to cater to various management and tracking
business activities. Such demands system to overcome some
may range from a simple task traditional problems which
MATEC Web of
assignment to employee location affect employee
Conferences 150,
tracking and remote observation of productivity. To address
05015 (2018)
the employees’ task progress. the issues, a Web-based
Outfield Employee
Tracking System named e-
Track is proposed. The
system aims to provide
business owners a
convenient method to
monitor business activities,
employee attendance that
can widen employees’
work scope and increase


The app to be made should have an easily understandable UI and a good user
experience. The database to be used should be a light database to handle the load of all the
functions. The Google Maps API should be appropriate and neatly handled.

Previously used systems had a heavy database due to which the app used to crash. The
implementation of the maps was not proper. It used to fluctuate and sometimes automatically
get logged out. Some of the other employee tracking apps are paid ones.


The recent surveys conducted proved that 49% of businesses fail within the first five
years, while around 30% of businesses don't even make it through the first two years. This is
mostly because of employees’ productivity. The employees who were assigned outdoor
projects, either reached late or avoid doing that work by not visiting rather giving many
excuses for it.

Since Employee productivity is key to success in every sector of the business world.
An organization should measure and optimize employees’ performance and productivity by
understanding how to manage teamwork remotely.

The proposed Employee Tracking App monitors employees’ activities in real-time to

improve productivity, and ensure that people are not laying back. The proposed app keeps
track and monitors remotely activities of the employees, with having the feature of adding
any number of employees, attendance management, assigning Project and Task Management,
report generation and live tracking system


• Employee (Add/ Del / Update / Search) – In this the manager can add, delete,
update and also search for the employee. This activity can only be done at manager

• Live employee tracking – This will be the main feature of the project as this will
help the employer/manager to locate the exact location of the employee so as to check
whether the employee is there at that location at that time. This will increase the
accuracy within the employee to do the work on time.

• Attendance Management – The module “attendance management” will the keep the
record of the check in and check out of the employee in the app. All the present
candidates who have checked in will appear on the manager dashboard this will help
the manager to assign task to the present employees only.

• Project and task assignment – All the present candidates will get the task or project
thathas to be completed in certain time only which the manager has decided.

• Report generation – Report generation is where the report will be generated every
month which includes the work done, time taken to do the work, attendance. This is
basically the overall performance of the employee over a month.



Firstly, the manager has to register himself as a new user to the app via his email id.
Then he can log in himself. After logging himself in, he has to add the employees and their
details and create the credentials for their login. The employee cannot register himself to the
app. It has to be done through the manager’s account only. After adding the employees, the
manager can assign different tasks to the employees. The manager can send the address
details to the employees as well. After assigning tasks to the employees the manager can click
on the cards and he will be able to see the employee’s location and the time when the
employee started the task.

The employee has to log in from the credentials given by the manager. After logging
in the employee can view the task assigned and the location of the task. On clicking on the
task employee will be able to punch in to start the task or punch out of the task. The time of
punching in and punching out will get reflected in the manager’s menu. It will be mandatory
for the employee to keep on his GPS location all the time during working hours.

• Registration by the manager

• Add employees and assign tasks and location.
• Employees can log in from the login credentials given by the manager.
• Employees can view the tasks assigned and the location of site to work on.
• Similarly, manager can track the employee’s location.
• A report will be generated at the end.




• 64-bit Microsoft Windows 8/10

• x86_64 CPU architecture; 2nd generation Intel Core or newer, or AMD CPU with
support for a Windows Hypervisor

• 8 GB RAM or more

• 8 GB of available disk space minimum

• 1280 x 800 minimum screen resolution

• Android studio version (Artic Fox 2020.3.1)
• JAVA as the base language
• JDK – 7 Java Development kit
• SDK – Software development kit
• AVD – Android virtual device (android version more than 4.1 jelly bean)
• Google API – Application programming interface
• Google firebase


• The key features of our project are real-time tracking of the employee by the
employerwhich will help to track the location using google maps as the base.
• This will be an application that will do various activities such as attendance
monitoring,adding tasks, and adding employees.
• The success rate has been 50% as of now.
• We have planned to do all the work related to firebase and google maps in the


Implementation Plan has done till now:

The app starts with an interface to select whether you are an employee or manager. By
selecting an option one goes to the login page. In the manager section, if you are new you can
register yourself. This feature is missing in the employee app. The registration form is
connected to the Firebase authentication server. It authenticates whether an email address is
previously registered or not. It also checks for the password entered is valid or not. After
registering successfully, the manager has to log in himself through the set-id and password.

Now it goes to the main page. There is a navigation drawer. From that one can view
different options like adding employees, adding tasks, logging out, etc. By clicking on the
adding employee option, it leads to an employee form which will create the employee profile.
From the adding task option, it leads to the add task page which is connected to the firebase
real-time database. After adding a task that task will get reflected on the home page of the
manager as well as the employee. We have implemented cards to show the task. On clicking
the cards it will lead to the map which will show the current employee’s location.

For next semester:

The Google Map API which we are using right now takes a lot of time. So, we will try
to reduce the time next semester. Also, currently we are unable to send the location to the
firebase server. The tasks information is getting stored in the firebase real-time database, we
are not able to retrieve that in the app.

Therefore, we would like to learn more things and collect more information regarding
the Google API as well as the firebase database. We will also try to record the time of starting
the task as well as closing the task and try to store that in the firebase database. This data will
help to generate the attendance report of each candidate. The time recorded will be displayed
in the weekly or monthly report accordingly.


From this project, we learned to build an android app on android studio using Java.
We also learned many things regarding the firebase database. Google API application was
studied. The real-time tracking location of a person through GPS has been implemented.
Different concepts of Java were implemented during the projects. Different UI features are
added. The implementation of the real-time database and authentication of profiles were done
From this app, the manager will be able to track the location and activities of the
employees. They can keep a track of attendance through the report. They can assign different
tasks to one or different employees at a time and keep a track of tasks completion data. All
the data of the user will be stored securely.


• An Android-based Employee Tracking System By International Journal of

ComputerApplications - https://www.researchgate.net/journal/International-Journal-
• Employee Monitoring and Management System Using GPS and Android By
InternationalResearch Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)-
• Tracking Outfield Employees using GPS in Web Applications -
• YouTube – Google maps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiexkzCI8m8
• Navigation Drawer - https://youtu.be/fAXeq5F-CjI
• Authentication and login - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaykE36N7PY&t=913s

• GeeksforGeeks – Android Management https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/android-app-


• YouTube – Use of google API https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-yZUqthDMM


This project wouldn't have been possible without our guide Prof Sana Shaikh. She gave us
valuable feedback from time to time which encouraged us to do better than what we had done. We
would also like to mention our seniors from fourth year, Computer Engineering department, who helped
us to be on the right track and support us in all possible ways. Also, the sessions conducted by Mini
Project faculty helped us a lot in building up this valuable project.

Project Team Members :

1. Sahil Shelke S. E. – (51)

2. Manish Shingre S. E. – (52)
3. Ronak Surve S. E. – (55)


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