Classroom Newsletter Template Sample2

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Mrs. Beekmans C’ass
Grade SKI1

Mrs. Beekman’s Classroom Newsletter

bear Parents/Guardians: parent/Teacher Relationship
Throughout the school year I will
Welcome back to school! I hope you communicate your child’s progress to
had a wonderful summer fu of fun you either through your child’s

times and happy memories. agenda, telephone calls, newsletters,

report cards and/or conferences. I
My name is Mrs. Susan Beekman and encourage you to contact me if you
I have the pleasure of being your have any questions or concerns, at
child’s teacher for the 20 13-2014 any time. Please feel free to write me
school year. I am very pleased to a note or call me at school (434-
have this opportunity and look forward 6737). I will return your call as soon
to working with you and your child to as possible.
help him/her achieve his/her full
School Attendance
Your child’s regular and prompt
attendance at school is critical for

If your child is going to be absent

from school, please inform the
school office or place a note in
his/her communication bag/agenda.

Outdoor !ecess
There are 3 times in the day when the
children go outside for recess (11:15—
We have an exciting year ahead of us. 11:30 a.m., 1:05—1:45p.m., and
I have outlined some things in this 3:25—3:35p.m.). The children will be
letter which I hope you will find going outside everyday unless it is
helpful. I hope it answers any raining heavily or extremely cold.
questions you may have at this time. Please keep this in mind when helping
your child select clothing for the day.
We will temporarily be in room 108 On hot days, please make sure your
while our classroom is under child is dressed appropriately and that
construction. s/he has a bottle of water which can
be refilled at our refilling station.
Mrs. Beekmcn’s Classroom Newsletter Page 2 I
Supply List Homework/Enrichment
Here are some items that would be Work that is not completed within a
helpful to have for the school year. reasonable amount of time during the
• pencil case school day may be sent home for
• coloured pencil crayons homework.
(Crayola is best)
• crayons Please read with/to your child every
• pencil sharpener night. I will be sending home leveled
• 2 glue sticks (1 now 1 half

reading books with the Grade is as
way through the year) soon as I finish testing. I will send
• small scissors reading books for the SK students
• 1 box of tissues to share later in the year. There will be a
• 1 roll of paper towel to share focus on high frequency words for
both grades.
Please label items, thanks!

eminders to 5tudnts
• Make sure you have your indoor If you plan to pick up your child who
and outdoor shoes normally takes the bus, or change
• Gym on Tuesday and Thursday plans, you must send a written note
with Mr. Raymond or inform the office. If notification
French or Health on Monday, of a change is not received, your
Wednesday, and Friday with child will be sent home by his/her
Mr. Raymond usual method of transportation.

(Mr. Raymond will be reporting

on these subjects.)
Nutrition - Healthy Snacks
Good nutrition plays an important role
in a child’s school success. I’d like to
request that the children not eat candy,
chips, pop, or other junk food during
snack and lunch. Some good
alternatives are fruit, yogurt, cheese
.minders to Parents and crackers, or veggies and dip. Once
• Please check your child’s the school has been informed of any
backpack and agenda everyday food allergies, a note will be sent home.
for any notes
• Please send the exact amount of Thank you in advance for your support.
money for an event in a labeled It is a team effort. Let’s have a
envelop or a Zip-bc bag wonderful year!
Mrs. Beekman

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