Benedicts Test Rationale

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Benedict’s Test is a chemical analytical test that is both a qualitative and semi-
quantitative test. It is used to detect reducing sugars (specifically monosaccharides and
some disaccharides), which have free ketone or aldehyde functional groups. Moreover,
Benedict’s test  is used as an alternative to Fehling’s Test. 

In a community health setting, it is used to test people, especially those who have a family
history of diabetes, if they are diabetic or not. However, it is important to note that a
positive result may be caused by the presence of homogentisic acid, ascorbic acid, or other
reducing substances found in the urine.

The interpretation of results is based on the shade of the final solution. The table given
below shows each shade’s respective approximate concentration of reducing sugar and its

Shade of Color Approximate Concentration of Reducing Sugar Indication

Blue 0 g% No reducing Sugar

Green 0.5 - 1 g% Traceable

Yellow 1 - 1.5 g% Low

Orange-red 1.5 - 2 g% Moderate

Brick-red >2 g% High

This method was named after Stanlety Rossiter Benedict, an American chemist who
discovered the Benedict’s Test.

 Benedict’s Test is a chemical analytical method used for the detection of reducing
sugar in a solution. 
 For clients with history of diabetes
 To detect the presence of reducing sugar in the sample solution
 To diagnose diabetes mellitus by detecting glucose in the urine sample
 To estimate the concentration of reducing sugar in the sample solution
 To differentiate and identify the extracted carbohydrates 
 Benedict’s qualities reagent
 Test tube
 Alcohol lamp
 Droppers (2pieces)
 Urine (Early morning, mid stream flow)
 Match
1. Place the paper lining clean side out  Paper lining reduce the risk of
on a table or any clean, flat surface splitting edges.
away from the client.
2. Spread the plastic lining over the  To protect the materials from
paper lining, clean side in. contamination.
 To promote aseptic technique.
 To make a non-contaminated work
field or area.

3. Place the bag in the area away from  To prevent the risk of cross-
the client, tucking handles beneath contamination.
the bag.  Tucking handles beneath the bag, so
as not to be a hindrance when
things are taken from the bag.
4. Open the bag; take out soap in dish,  To prepare for handwashing.
towel and apron.
5. Do thorough hand washing. Dry  To promote aseptic technique and
hands, place soap/dish and towel prevent the spread of
near the bag. microorganism.
6. Put on apron, right side out.  To protect the nurses’ uniform.
Keeping the crease creates aesthetic
7. Take out the kidney basin and place  To make them readily accessible
3 Cotton balls with alcohol.  To save time and effort
8. Take out 2 droppers, a test tube and  To make them readily accessible
holder, and place these in the  To save time and effort
kidney basin. Take out the alcohol
lamp, match .Benedict’s solution
and place them on the work area.
9. Place the waste receptacle at one  To promote proper waste disposal 
corner of the work area.
10. Light the lamp.  To prepare for the heating in
Benedict’s test.
11. Place 6-8 drops of urine in the test  To obtain accurate result
12. Add 3-5 ml. Of Benedict’s solution to  To obtain accurate result
the urine
 Used droppers should be placed
near the waste receptacle.
13. Pass the test tube with mixture over  Test tube must be pointed away
the flame, mouth of the TT should since heating liquid may shot out of
be away from you and the client. the test tube.
14. Remove from flame and stand for  To prevent burn injuries
one minute. Put off flame.
15. Interpret:
Clean blue to marked cloudy green
———– negative
Bluish green———————— +
Yellowish green———————++
Yellow——————————— +++
Orange——————————— ++++
16. Wash the TT, TT holder and  To prevent the spread of
droppers with soap and water. microorganisms and promote
Drain, place them in the work area. cleanliness.
 Prepares equipment for future use
17. Disinfect the kidney basin, TT, TT  Reduces microorganism transfer
holder and droppers with 3 pieces among co-workers;
of CR with alcohol, Discard 2CB.
Place the articles inside the kidney
basin(Save the last CB with alcohol)
18. With one CB with alcohol, disinfect  Ensures asepsis
the lamp and the plastic lining.
19. Discard the waste receptacle.  Proper disposal of used materials
reduces the risk for infection
transmission and contamination of
other items.
20. Do thorough hand washing. Dry  Hand washing prevents the spread
Hands with the towel. of microorganism.
 Moisture in hands may cause
contamination of microorganisms.
21. Return all articles in their proper  Prepares equipment for future use
places in the bag.
22. Remove apron away from the body,  To prevent contamination and
folding contaminated part in. Place infections.
over the flaps of the bag.
23. Fold the plastic lining contaminated  To ensure that the contaminated
part in. Place over the flaps of the part is contained.
bag.  Ensure asepsis
24. Hold the bag with one hand, and  To protect the bag from getting
with the other hand fold the paper contaminated.
lining , contaminated part in. Place
over the plastic lining.
25. Close the bag.  To secure the materials inside the



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