T2584 Emapnelment of Consultants
T2584 Emapnelment of Consultants
T2584 Emapnelment of Consultants
Empanelment of Consultants
for providing Technical & Professional
Experts to Maharashtra State Road
Development Corporation Ltd. for various
projects / activities
October, 2022
Issued By:
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
2 For the purpose of handling all such interactions, documentation, supervision and control on all the
projects, MSRDC invites Bids from the organizations for providing Technical & Professional Experts
to Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd. for various projects / activities. For this
MSRDC intends to empanel maximum four Project Consultants by inviting the proposals through
Open Tender Process.
3 The bidders will need to submit their comprehensive bids – Technical bid and Financial bid – in two
separate sealed envelopes, at the address mentioned in Section “Submission of Bids”. The details of
scope of work, technical requirements, and formats for submission of technical and financial bids are
given in the subsequent sections of this RFP.
5 Interested companies may download the soft copy of RFP document from the Mahatenders website
6 In order to participate in this bidding process, each bid must be accompanied by non-refundable Bid
Processing Fee of Rs. 25,000/- + GST to be paid Online at the Mahatenders website
7 Bidder shall deposit the Earnest Money Rs. 10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten lakh only) through online
submission. No alternative will be accepted.
8 MSRDC reserves the right to reject any or all the Proposals in whole or part without assigning any
10 The selection of the bidder will be on the basis of technical evaluation followed by financial
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
4. Release of response to
As early as possible after the pre-bid
6. Place, date and time for opening of 27.10.2022 at 15.30 hrs. followed by
technical proposals presentation at –
MSRDC Ltd., Opp. Bandra Reclamation Bus
Depot, K.C.Marg, Bandra (West) Mumbai – 400
050, Maharashtra.
9. Place, date and time for opening of The place, date and time for opening of
financial/commercial proposal financial/commercial proposal will be intimated to
the technically qualified bidder later on.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
2 Instruction to Bidders
2.1 Definitions
a) “Applicable Law” means the laws and any other instruments having force of law in India as they may
be issued force and in force from time to time.
b) “Competent Authority” means the Vice Chairman & Managing Director, MSRDC LTD.
c) “Consultant / Project Consultant” means any registered company to be selected through this RFP
process, which will provide the services to MSRDC under the contract.
d) “Contract” means the Contract signed by the parties along with the entire documentation specified in
the RFP
e) “Day” means Calendar Day
f) “Effective date” means the date on which the contract comes into force and effect.
g) “GCC” means General Conditions of Contract, specified in Section 3 of RFP
h) “Government” means Government of Maharashtra.
i) “Services” means the work to be performed by the Consultant pursuant to the selection by MSRDC
and contract signed by the parties.
2.2 Background
The objective of empanelment of consultants for MSRDC Ltd. is to accelerate policy development,
program development, program implementation to achieve the following outcomes – accelerate execution
of projects, enhancement of economic development, improve physical and social infrastructure, and
enhance citizen satisfaction with governance in the State of Maharashtra.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
Only those proposals meeting the qualification criteria as specified in RFP will be evaluated as per the
parameters mentioned below given table. Bidders will be evaluated by the committee based on a
weighted points system.
Criteria Marks Supporting Document
A. Bidder’s Competence –
Bidder’s average annual turnover from ▪ 100 Cr - <200 Cr : 5 Statutory auditor’s
consultancy / advisory services for marks certificate of the Bidder
A.1 Government and public sector clients in ▪ 200 Cr - <300 Cr : 8 clearly specifying the
last three financial years (Financial years marks annual turnover for the
2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-22) in India ▪ >=300 Cr : 10 marks specified years
The Bidder’s experience of consultancy • Work Order
▪ 3 projects: 5 marks
projects (of more than10 Cr value) with
▪ For each additional • Relevant Client
A.2 Central Government / any State document to
Government / any Urban Local Body in project 1 marks each,
substantiate the
India in last 5 years maximum of 10 marks
No. of resources working in the Self-Declaration by the
A.3 Government advisory / consulting
▪ 200: 5 marks Bidder confirming the
domain on its payroll in India ▪ >200 – 500 : 8 marks Multidisciplinary team of
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
Criteria Marks Supporting Document
▪ > 500 : 10 marks professionals meeting
the requirement on
Letter head of Bidder
Sub-total 30 Marks
B. Personnel –
The bidders scoring minimum 70 marks in the above mentioned technical evaluation will be
considered for financial bid opening.
(a) All offers submitted online shall include following information in the Financial Proposal as per the
formats given in 5.6 Section 6 – Financial Bid Format.
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(b) The bidders shall quote its offer as the Service Fees in percentage to be paid by MSRDC per
(c) The empanelment of consultants will be on the basis of Service Fees to be paid by MSRDC per
month (excluding GST).
(d) The lowest rate quoted by any bidder will be considered as the L1 rate and other bidders will be
asked to match that L1 rate and accordingly the best maximum four consultants will be
(e) While evaluation of financial bid, if two or more bidders found quoting same rate percent as
administrative charges, then all the L1 Bidders will be called upon to submit their offers in sealed
covers in the prescribed time limit. The sealed covers will then be opened in the presence of all
the L1 Bidders. If at this time also if two or more bids are same, a negotiation procedure will be
held and the bidders present will be required to reduce their offers and the L1 offer received at
the end of the negotiation process, may then be accepted by MSRDC upon approval of the
competent authorities.
(f) After the finalization of L1 bidder(s), the other bidders will be asked to match the L1 offer in
writing in prescribed time limit and whichever consultant submits it willingness to match the L1
rates, that consultant will also be empaneled.
1. MSRDC will empanel maximum four consultants for the mentioned objectives of this tender.
2. The bidders shall not quote his offer anywhere else directly or indirectly.
3. The bidders should be careful in quoting the rate as once the tender is accepted; representation
with a view to raising the same under any circumstances will not be entertained.
EMD is interest free and will be refundable to the unsuccessful bidders without any accrued interest on it.
EMD shall be returned to the successful bidder upon signing of contract and submission of security
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At any time prior to deadline for submission proposal, MSRDC LTD. for any reason may make changes in
RFP. The prospective bidders shall be notified of the amendments through website and such
amendments in the RFP shall be binding on them.
2.9 Disqualification
MSRDC may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of Proposal, disqualify any bidder,
if the bidder has:
a) Submitted the Proposal documents after the response deadline.
b) Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements and attachments submitted in
proof of the eligibility requirements.
c) Submitted a proposal that is not accompanied by required documentation or is non-responsive.
d) Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought, during entire evaluation process.
e) Submitted the bid proposal which has variable prices or incomputable price bid.
f) Submitted the Financial Bid / Quote in Technical Bid or anywhere else other than the Financial Bid
g) Bidder is / was blacklisted for any reason in last five years period by any central Govt. / State Govt. /
PSU or any Urban Local Body in India
1. defines, for the purpose of this provision, the terms set forth as follows:
I. “Corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value to
influence the action of MSRDC or any personnel of Consultant(s) in contract executions.
II. "Fraudulent practice" means a mis-presentation of facts, in order to influence a procurement
process or the execution of a contract, to MSRDC, and includes collusive practice among bidders
(prior to or after Proposal submission) designed to establish Proposal prices at artificially high or
non-competitive levels and to deprive MSRDC of the benefits of free and open competition.
III. “Unfair trade practices” means supply of services different from what is ordered on, or change in
the Scope of Work which was given by the MSRDC in Section IV.
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IV. “Coercive Practices” means harming or threatening to harm, directly or indirectly, persons or their
property to influence their participation in the execution of contract.
2. Will reject a bid proposal for award of contract, if it determines that the bidder recommended for
award, has been determined by MSRDC to having been, and engaged in corrupt, fraudulent of unfair
trade practices.
3. Will declare a consultant ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, for awarding the
contract, if it determines that the Consultant has engaged in corrupt, fraudulent and unfair trade
practice in competing for, or in executing the contract.
b) The Proposal shall be typed or written in indelible ink (if required) and shall be initialed on all pages
by authorized representative of the bidder to bind the bidder to the contract. The authorization shall
be indicated by Board Resolution/ Power of Attorney and shall accompany the proposal.
c) In addition to the identification, the covering letter (Form 1) shall indicate the name and address of
the bidder to enable the proposal to be returned in the case it needs to be returned as per RFP
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
Envelope 1 : Technical Bid including EMD, prequalification & technical proposal (Online) - Bidder should
upload information as scanned copies in a single PDF format as mentioned in the RFP. The bidder
should include the Letter of Transmittal with an index page describing the various documents included in
the PDF.
Envelope 2 : Financial Bid (Online Only) - Bidder should upload the detailed Financial pricing as a part of
the financial proposal cover letter as per the format mentioned in Format 6 of 5.6 of this RFP & the BOQ
in the macro enabled excel format available on the Mahatenders portal.
The Technical Proposal shall be submitted online and physically on or before the Last Date of
Submission mentioned in the RFP within prescribed time limit in a sealed envelope. This envelope shall
be clearly marked as Technical Envelope and shall include the documents submitted online by the
Bidders as its Technical Proposal. The Technical proposal received physically after the specified date and
time shall not be eligible for consideration and shall be summarily rejected.
The Financial Proposal shall be submitted ONLINE only.
Refer bidders manual kit provided at MSRDC E-Portal https://mahatenders.gov.in for participating in e-
b) The bidders participating first time for e-Tenders on GoM e-tendering portal will have to complete the
Online Registration Process for the e-Tendering portal.
c) All bidders interested in participating in the online e-Tendering process are required to obtain Class II
or Class III Digital Certificates. The tender should be prepared & submitted online using individual’s
digital signature certificate.
d) The response to the bid should be submitted along with legible, appropriately indexed, duly filled
information sheets and sufficient documentary evidence as per checklist provided in this RFP.
Responses with illegible, incomplete Information sheets or insufficient documentary evidence shall
be rejected.
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2. The successful Bidder has to furnish a security deposit so as guarantee his/her (Bidder) performance
of the contract.
3. The proceeds of the performance security shall be payable to MSRDC as compensation for any loss
resulting from the successful bidders failure to complete its obligations under the Contract.
4. The Performance Security shall be denominated in Indian Rupees and shall be in the form of a bank
guarantee issued by a nationalized, located in India, in the format provided in this RFP.
5. Within 15 days of the receipt of notification of award from MSRDC, the successful bidder shall furnish
the performance security in accordance with the Conditions of The Contract, in the performance
security Form provided in the bidding documents in the Performa prescribed in the Tender.
6. The Bank Guarantee submitted as bid security will be discharged after the receipt of this Performance
Guarantee from the Consultant selected for selection.
2.17 Confidentiality :
Information relating to the examination, clarification and comparison of the bid proposals shall not be
disclosed to any bidders or any other (s) persons not officially concerned with bid process until the entire
bid process is over. The undue use by any bidder of confidential information related to the bid process
may result in rejection of its proposal. Except with the prior written consent of the other party, no party,
shall, at any time communicate to any person or entity, any confidential information acquired in the course
of the Contract.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
3 Terms of Reference
3.1 Scope of Work :
The objective of empaneling the consultants for MSRDC is to make available the professionals and
experts as and when required to accelerate policy development, project development, project
implementation, project financing, project monitoring, coordination with various departments etc. With a
view to achieve these objectives, the scope of work broadly includes the following:
1. Project Development :
a) Support MSRDC to identify, conceptualize and develop projects on models such as Joint
Ventures (JVs), Subsidiaries, Public-Private Partnership (PPP), Turnkey projects & its contracts
b) The project development should handle critical issues of Balanced Regional Development in
Maharashtra State.
c) Advice the MSRDC on technical, commercial and financial aspects of project development and
implementation based on MSRDC’s requirements.
d) Support departments / ministries to detail out the plan into actionable steps.
2. Project Financing :
a) Review financing and implementation plan and assess project cost estimates, financing
requirements, source of funds and financing modalities..
b) Develop revenue model, identify new revenue streams, support MSRDC to operate its funds /
revenue streams.
c) Support departments with preparation of concept notes, project reports time to time in terms of
finance / funds.
As the scope of work is broadly defined, the efforts may vary during the course of project execution. To
ensure that consulting team is adequately staffed during the tenure of project i.e 12 months, the
purchaser may scale up or scale down the team based on efforts required post mutual discussion with the
team leader of consulting team. Such scale up / scale down reviews would be undertaken on regular
intervals with the consulting team, and time window of a month shall be provided for the scale up / scale
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
As time is of essence for overall plan implementation, weekly / monthly cadence meetings will be
conducted with departments to accelerate implementation. The consulting team is envisaged to comprise
of the following resource profiles:
Sr. * Min.
Resource Profile Category Qualification
No. Experience
1 Team Lead Category A Graduation and MBA (or Equivalent) 12+ Years
2 Deputy Team Lead Category A Graduation and MBA (or Equivalent) 10+ Years
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
3 Transport Expert Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
4 Water Expert Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Infrastructure Graduation and Post-Graduation in
5 Category B 8+ Years
Expert relevant field
Procurement Graduation and Post-Graduation in
6 Category B 8+ Years
Expert relevant field
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
7 Agriculture Expert Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
8 Technology Expert Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
E-Governance Graduation and Post-Graduation in
9 Category B 8+ Years
Expert relevant field
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
10 Healthcare Expert Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
11 Education Expert Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Social Sector Graduation and Post-Graduation in
12 Category B 8+ Years
Expert relevant field
Homeland Security Graduation and Post-Graduation in
13 Category B 8+ Years
Expert relevant field
Revenue & Graduation and Post-Graduation in
14 Category B 8+ Years
Finance Expert relevant field
Environment /
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
15 Climate Change Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Graduation and Post-Graduation in
16 Technology / Category B 8+ Years
relevant field
Innovation Expert
Data Analytics
17 Category C Graduation and MBA (or Equivalent) 5+ Years
Cyber Security
18 Category C Graduation and MBA (or Equivalent) 5+ Years
19 Management Category C Graduation and MBA (or Equivalent) 5+ Years
20 Research Analyst Category D Graduation in relevant field 2+ Years
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* Minimum experience mentioned for the sectoral / domain / technical profiles should be the relevant
experience for the concerned profile.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
4.9 Assignments :
The Consultant shall not assign the project to any other agency, in whole or in part, to perform its
obligation under the Contract, without the MSRDC’s prior written consent.
4.10 Foreclosure :
The Corporation reserves the right to foreclose the contract at any stage without assigning any reason for
such a Foreclosure. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation on account of such
4.11 Suspension :
MSRDC may, by written notice to Consultant, suspend all the contract and suspend due payments to the
Consultant hereunder if the Consultant fails to perform any of its obligations under this contract including
the carrying out of the services, provided that such notice of suspension.
a) Shall specify the nature of failure
b) Shall request the Consultant to remedy such failure within a period not exceeding thirty (30) days
after receipt by the Consultant of such notice of failure
4.12 Termination :
Under this Contract, MSRDC may, by written notice terminate the Consultant in the following ways:
a) Termination by Default for failing to perform obligations under the Contract or if the quality is not up
to the specification or in the event of non adherence to time schedule.
b) Termination for Convenience in whole or in part thereof, at any time.
c) Termination for Insolvency if the Consultant becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent.
d) Forfeiture of Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG).
In all the above cases termination shall be executed by giving written notice to the Consultant. Upon
termination of the contract, payment shall be made to the Consultant only for:
a) services satisfactorily performed and reimbursable expenditures prior to the effective date of
b) any expenditure actually and reasonably incurred prior to the effective date of termination
No consequential damages shall be payable to the Consultant in the event of such termination.
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For purposes of this clause “Force Majeure” means an event beyond the control of the Consultant and not
involving the Consultant’s fault or negligence and which was not foreseeable. Such events may include
wars or revolutions, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions and freight embargos. The decision of
the MSRDC regarding Force Majeure shall be final and binding on the Consultant.
If a Force Majeure situation arises, the Consultant shall promptly notify to the MSRDC in writing, of such
conditions and the cause thereof. Unless otherwise directed by the MSRDC in writing, the Consultant
shall continue to perform its obligations under the agreement as far as reasonably practical, and shall
seek all reasonable alternative means for performance not prevented by the Force Majeure event.
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4.17 Notice :
Any notice, request or consent required or permitted to be given or made pursuant to this contract shall
be in writing. Any such notice request or consent shall be deemed to have been given or made when
delivered in person to an authorized representative of the party to whom the communication is addressed,
or when sent to such party at the address mentioned in the project specific Contract Agreement.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
5 Bid Formats
The Vice Chairman & Managing Director,
Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd.
Opp. Bandra Reclamation Bus Depot, K.C.Marg,
Bandra (West), Mumbai – 400 050.
Maharashtra, India
Phone No. (022) – 36517902
Dear Sir,
Sub: Submission of proposal in response to RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for providing Technical
& Professional Experts to Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd. for various projects /
1 Having examined the RFP, we, the undersigned, hereby submit our proposal in response to your
RFP notification for ‘Selection of Project Management Consultant for MSRDC’.
2 We agree to abide by this Proposal, consisting of this letter, the Qualification Criteria forms and the
Technical Proposal form, the duly notarized Board Resolution / Power of Attorney, and all
attachments, for a period of 180 days from the date fixed for submission of Proposals as stipulated in
the RFP modification resulting from contract negotiations, and it shall remain binding upon us and
may be accepted by you at any time before the expiration of that period.
4 We hereby declare that all the information and statements in this proposal are true and accept that
any misinterpretation contained in it may lead to our disqualification.
5 If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, i.e., before the date indicated in
the RFP, we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon
us and subject to the modifications resulting from Contract negotiations.
6 We understand you are not bound to accept any proposal that you may receive.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
Name of Consultant:
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
a) FY 19-20
b) FY 20-21
c) FY 21-22
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
Project Duration
Sr. Client name
Project Name (From Date – Contract Value
No. & Location
End Date)
• Brief Details of the each of the above-mentioned Projects to be given in the format below:
S. No. Item Details
General Information –
Description of the services provide by the bidder (Please provide in details in relevance to the scope
of this RFP)
• Please provide Work Order / Signed Contract / Client Letter/ Job Completion Certificate for each of
the projects mentioned above. In absence of any of the above documents, the project shall not be
considered for evaluation
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
1 Proposed Position :
2 Name of Consultant :
3 Date of birth :
4 Nationality :
5 Education : [Indicate college/university and other specialized education of staff member in the
following format]
Name of employer Positions held From To
8 Relevant experience :
[Provide list of the projects undertaken to justify relevance to the proposed role. Details to be shared
as follows : Name of the project, Client Name, Duration, Brief info on the project, Role played by the
9 Certification :
I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes my
self, my qualifications, and my experience. I understand that any willful misstatement described
herein may lead to my disqualification or dismissal, if engaged.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
Date : …………
NOTE : Bidder should not mention the above rate anywhere else.
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RFP for Empanelment of Consultants for MSRDC Ltd.
The Vice Chairman & Managing Director,
Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd.
Opp. Bandra Reclamation Bus Depot, K.C.Marg,
Bandra (West), Mumbai – 400 050.
Maharashtra, India
Phone No. (022) – 26517902
Whereas ...................................... (here in after called "the Bidder") has submitted its bid dated ......(Date).
for the execution of ........................ (here in after called "the Bid")
KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that We ................... ........................ having our registered office
at........................ (here in after called the "Bank") are bound unto the Maharashtra Informatics Limited
(hereinafter called "The SIA") in the sum of ................ for which payment well and truly to be made to the
said SIA itself, its successors and assignees by these presents.
We undertake to pay the SIA up to the above amount upon receipt of its first written demand, without the
SIA having to substantiate its demand, provided that in its demand the SIA will note that the amount
claimed by it is due to it, owing to the occurrence of one or both of the two conditions, specifying the
occurred condition or conditions.
This guarantee will remain in force up to (Date) and any demand in respect thereof should reach the Bank
not later than the above date.
Date _______________________
Place ___________________ Signature __________________
Witness _________________ Printed Name ______________
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