Review Questions 1 - The Basics of Wow

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Chapter Analysis No. 1 – The Basics of WOW!

1. Consider the formula:

Service product + service environment + service delivery system = guest experience
a. Although all parts are important, do you think these three types of organizations—a hotel, a
restaurant, and an airline—would tend to emphasize the three parts in providing the total guest
experience? Yes, The Service Product is why the customer, client, or guest comes to the
organization in the first place. For a hospitality organization it’s the hotel room, the food from
the restaurant etc.The Service Setting is the environmentin which the experience takes place. All
the physical and non-physical aspects that contribute to the guest’s overall feel of the
experience. Usually hospitality organizations use it to differentiate their business, to position
themselves in the market, and to target their potential customers. The Service Delivery Systemit
includes the human components (employees) and the physical production processes (kitchen
facilities) plus the organizational and information systems and techniques that help deliver the
service to the customer.All the moments you spent in different airlines, hotel and restaurants
add up to the guest experience you later describe as a "wonderful" day on one of these
organization. Even the smallest service you've experience, for example, at lunchtime you went
to a given restaurant and received food service, that short experience would have its own
service, setting, and a delivery system. Even though you will have numerous separate service
experiences, you will end up making a judgment about the quality and value of the overall guest
experience. While all aspects of the service delivery system are important, the people
with customers or guests are by far the most able to make a difference in how customers
feel about the value and quality of the experience. While there is little they can do if the
food is ruined or the concert amps fail, customer contact employees make the difference
in both how angry the customers are with a failure in the service experience and how
happy they are when everything went right. They can be the most important component
of the service delivery system and the most challenging to manage

b. If product + environment + delivery system = 100%, how would the hotel, restaurant, and
airline divide their emphasis? Or, how would these organization types rank the three parts of
the guest experience in order of emphasis?
There are critical incidents that happens to these industries and organization, not all experience
will be the same for all the guests or clients. It is said that the first fifteen seconds provides the
lasting impression for a guests, their product or services will be given a value of experience even
in the first fifteen seconds of its delivery. Understanding that the service encounter matters to
the total quality and value of a service. This critical moments gives emphasis to the quality and
delivery of the product becuase this parts gives a lasting experience to the guests.

2. From an article in a guest services magazine: “What brings hotel guests back? A fluffy robe
hanging on a padded hanger? Creamy chocolate reposing on the pillow? The jungle safari
bedroom decor? Or plain vanilla, old-fashioned service?” What do you say?
For me it is the service that i've experience starting when i arrived until the day that I left. It is
the delivery of services what matters, even if we have thiss extravagant rooms, high end
amenities but if the staffs or employees are not hospitable or they doesn't give you that
welcoming ambiance, its not worth it. Sometimes even if there is not an excellent quality of
furnitures or accomodations when the employees service, character and value is good and you
feel assured that they are there to assist, to help and provide service despite the lack of
resources it becomes somewhat still a good experience.

3. How is service quality related to guest satisfaction?

Good service quality leads into customer satisfaction and, therefore, makes the firms more
competitive in the market.Providing high quality service is all about exceeding the customer's
expectations and making them feel like they got their money's worth. It boils down to making
them feel good and building the customers confidence in your hotel. Gaining a high level of
service quality and customer satisfaction equal to enhancement in customer loyalty, market
share increase, higher returns on investment, cost reduction and guarantee a competitive
advantage. It also has a positive impact on employee satisfaction.

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