Pork Pie Recipe

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Weschenfelder Pork Pie Recipe

This recipe is enough to make 1 pork pie. Simply multiply quantities depending on how many you
wish to make.
Boiled Water Pastry
Recipe – enough for 1 Pie

Ingredients Quantity
Strong Plain Flour 145g
Lard 51g
Boiling Water 66g
Salt 2g

1. Add the water to a saucepan and heat.
2. Add the lard to the water, stirring often until the lard melts.
3. Pour the flour into a large mixing bowl and add salt, mixing together well.
4. Once the lard has melted into the water, bring to the boil and SLOWLY pour into the flour and salt
mix – Caution: be very careful of the fat splashing when poured into the flour!
5. Mix well with a wooden spoon until the ingredients are cool enough to handle.
6. Gently bring together the pastry to form a paste like consistency, cover with cling film and cool.

Pork Pie Filling

Recipe – enough for 1 Pie

Ingredients Quantity
Lean Pork Shoulder* 200g
Pork Back Fat** 50g
Pork Pie Cure 2.75g
Pork Pie Seasoning 2.75g
*Coarse Minced **Fine Minced (Use a no3.5mm plate) or ask your local butcher.
Eggs 1

1. Place the minced meat into a large mixing bowl, add the Pork Pie Curing Salts and mix thoroughly.
Leave to stand for 15 minutes.
2. Add the Pork Pie Seasoning and again mix thoroughly.
3. Take the cooled hot water pastry – for 1 pie approx. 250g each.
4. From each 250g piece of pastry remove approximately 20g of pastry and put aside for the lid.
5. Knead the pastry to allow it to become more pliable. DO NOT OVERKNEAD!
6. With the larger piece of pastry, form a burger shaped piece approximately ¾ of an inch thick.
7. Using a floured pie dolly (or similar, a baked bean tin works quite nicely) raise the pastry. This is
done by placing the dolly into the centre of the pastry, and slowly easing up the pastry around the
sides of the dolly until you have a casing approximately 5-6 inches high.
8. To remove the pastry case from the dolly, place the dolly on its side and roll gently across the work
surface to loosen the pastry.

Weschenfelder Direct Ltd, Unit 10 Copeland Court, Forest Grove Business Park, Middlesbrough, TS2 1RN, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1642 241395 Email: tim.wesch@weschenfelder.co.uk Web: www.weschenfelder.co.uk
Company Reg: 8747113 Vat No: 174 4833 88
9. Stand the dolly back upright and slip a pallet knife or similar between the dolly and the pastry case
and gently work around the whole of the dolly to ease it from the case. The pie case can be chilled at
the stage to ‘firm up’.
10. Or alternatively, line a Pork Pie tin or similar with the pastry.

Time to Fill

1. Take the filling mixture (approx. 250g for 1 pie) and roll into a ball shape.
2. Press the ball gently into the pastry case.
3. Take the smaller piece of pastry that you have reserved for the lid, and roll out to just a touch
smaller than the top of each pie base. Make a hole in the centre of each lid.
4. With the egg wash, moisten the neck of the pie and place the lid onto the pie.
5. Seal the lid to the base with the prongs of a fork or your fingers.
6. Glaze the pie with the remaining egg wash and place into the pre heated oven at 220°C for
approximately 15-20 minutes.
7. Turn oven down to 170°C and bake for a further 60-70 minutes.
8. Check the temperature at the centre of the pie with a thermometer (although the meat will be
cooked at 75°C, the pastry may not be). To avoid this, leave the pie in the oven until the internal
temperature of the pie reaches 90°C.
9. Remove from the oven and allow to cool.

Add the Gelatine

Ingredients Quantity
Jelflaval 5g
Water 50ml

1. Sprinkle 5g jelflaval with 50ml water continuously stirring until fully dispersed.
2. Gently bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes.
3. Allow to cool slightly before use.
4. Once the pie is cooked pierce a small whole at the top of the pie using a knife.
5. Using a small funnel pour in the gelatine a little at a time allowing a few seconds before each
6. Put the pie in the fridge to set overnight.

Alternatively dissolve 1-part Jelflavel to 10 parts BOILING water. Ensure for either method that gelatine has
had the equivalent heat of 70°C for 2 minutes.

If gelatine is to be stored made up this should be for a short period of time and it should be kept at a
temperature in excess of 80°C. Do not remelt gelatine as it will lead to spoilage.

Weschenfelder Direct Ltd, Unit 10 Copeland Court, Forest Grove Business Park, Middlesbrough, TS2 1RN, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1642 241395 Email: tim.wesch@weschenfelder.co.uk Web: www.weschenfelder.co.uk
Company Reg: 8747113 Vat No: 174 4833 88

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