LAFRAIHI 1 Demonstratives
LAFRAIHI 1 Demonstratives
LAFRAIHI 1 Demonstratives
1. Demonstrative adjective:
This movie is based on a true story.
That day was amazing Nouns
These cupcakes are tasty.
Those shoes are my mother’s.
2. Demonstrative pronouns
This That
“This” is used to refer to a singular “That” is used to refer to a singular
object/people object/people
“This” refers to something close by "That” refers to something further
or near the speaker or writer away or far from the speaker or
These Those
“these” is used to refer to plural “those” is used to refer to plural
object/people object/people
“these” is used to refer “those” is used to refer
objects/people close by or near the objects/people further away or far
speaker or writer from the speaker or writer