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The importance of the consumption of electric energy is substantial for any activity, in the manufacturing process excessive consumption of electrical energy has been
identified and in the profitable industry the income should not exceed the expenses. Data acquisition and monitoring of manufacturing process in machine tools with
CNC is common in the industry, a feature problematic with measurements is all real energy signals contain noise. The interest of the study is aimed at identifying the
energy consumption of a CNC lathe machine using numerical tools.
The industry is interested in doing innovative things, in outdoing their competitors and very often uses the numeric tools for solutions problems of energy saving. The
energy consumption of a CNC machine cutting is largely determined by the tool condition, in this work, the electrical energy consumed by a CNC machine is mea-
sured using mobile average filter. In conventional energy measurements of a CNC there are some undesirable signal noises that can modify the result. The aim of this
paper is to analyze, study and filter the pure signal energy consumption of the CNC machine cutting tool for a machining routine of a three-axial CNC milling ma-
chine using classic mobile average filter. The proposed methodology can be used for tool life analysis, choose a viable cooling and machine speed control.
Keywords: Electrical consumption analysis, electrical noise measurements, mobile average filter, CNC lathe machine.
La importancia del consumo de energía eléctrica es sustancial para cualquier actividad, en el proceso de fabricación se ha identificado un consumo excesivo de
energía eléctrica lo que propicia una industria no rentable ya que los gastos no deben superar los ingresos. La adquisición de datos y el monitoreo del proceso de fa -
bricación en máquinas herramienta con CNC es común en la industria, un problema identifcado en las mediciones registradas, es que todas las señales de energía real
contienen ruido. El interés del estudio apunta a identificar el consumo de energía de una máquina de torno CNC utilizando herramientas numéricas.
La industria está interesada en hacer cosas innovadoras, en superar a sus competidores y muy a menudo usa las herramientas numéricas para solucionar problemas de
ahorro de energía. El consumo de energía de una máquina de corte CNC está determinado en gran medida por la condición de la herramienta, en este trabajo, la
energía eléctrica consumida por una máquina CNC se mide utilizando un filtro promedio móvil. En las mediciones de energía convencionales de un CNC hay algunos
ruidos de señal indeseables que pueden modificar el resultado. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar, estudiar y filtrar el consumo de energía de señal pura de la herra-
mienta de corte de máquina CNC para una rutina de mecanizado de una fresadora CNC de tres ejes que utiliza un filtro promedio móvil clásico. La metodología pro -
puesta se puede utilizar para el análisis de la vida útil de la herramienta, elegir un enfriamiento viable y control de velocidad de la máquina.
Palabras clave: Análisis de consumo eléctrico, mediciones de ruido eléctrico, filtro promedio móvil, máquina de torno CNC.
Received: January __th 20xx
Accepted: January __th 20xx
Electrical energy analysis consumption of a CNC lathe ma-chine using mobile average filter
The reduction in electricity consumption during mass production Results D. Electrical Energy Consumption
carried is attractive for any company that seek to reduce polluting Analysis
emissions and production costs. Many efforts have been made to
develop heuristic algorithms to define cutting parameters that de-
Figure 1. Flowchart of the study.
crease energy consumption during manufacturing (Marín et al.,
2018) and (Liu et al., 2015). Carried out the previous procedure, the electrical current of the
tool is analyzed, and the signal is filtered to eliminate unwanted
The moving average filter, develop by Steven W. Smith, is used
information, the result of this methodology is a pure signal of the
to minimize noise level from temporal data series as well as act-
energy consumed during the manufacturing process.
ing as a low pass filter, smoothing the numerical data of the real
signal. Mathematically, it is similar to convolution in signal pro- A. Data Acquisition of the Current
cessing, thus due to its simplicity is used for time domain encoded
signals. An electronic circuit that measures the current consumption of a
CNC is described and analyzed. In order to convert the current
The average mobile filter is often used to reduce the magnitude of signal to analog signal a commercial sensor is used, the ACS712
the noise that may be present in a signal. To see how this is possi - current sensor has been used to measure both small laboratory and
ble, assume that the input x [ n ] is given in the form x [ n ] = large industrial type devices.
s [ n ] + e [ n ], where s [ n ] is the soft part of x [ n ], and e [ n ] is The ACS712 current sensor is a hall effect current sensor, which
the erratic or noisy part of x [ n ]. This filter has different applica- provides an economical and accurate solution for measuring AC
tions to obtain real information of numerical data applied to engi- alternating current or DC direct current. This Sensor works by
neering, electrical circuits, finance, prices in the basic caste, popu- transforming a magnetic field arising from the passage of current
lation censuses, advanced statistics, etc. (Congbo et al., 2017). through an internal copper wire in the sensor, and converting this
field into a variable voltage, the sensor has three pins, two of
In addition, there are many works about the importance of the them supply and the third is the output which measures the flow
working speed of the machining machines through theoretical of current (Ballesteros, 2004) and (Liuping Wang, 2014).
concepts, experience and laboratory experiments. Due to the in-
herent simplicity of this model, there exist techniques to form es-
timates of the parameters of the CNC current, with a numerical
model during a specific work routine, however, these techniques
do not have filters to reduce noise.
Electrical signals mostly contain noise caused by artifacts, addi-
tional device, interference from the network or wiring, which can
hardly be eliminated by conventional analog filters. The digital
filters have had great reception, but unfortunately, they induce
distortions in these signals (Ballesteros, 2004).
In this paper a relatively new technique is presented for the filter-
ing of signals with the minimum distortion and the maximum
amount of noise eliminated using the discrete wavelet transform.
Next section describes the data acquisition, filtering The current sensor is in series with power supply of the tool spin-
method and the test system developed for its validation. dle (see figure 2). For the validation of the proposed method, data
readings are considered which were carried out during a machin-
Figure 1 shows the steps of the proposed process, followed ing routine of 1400 milliseconds and 1350 data. The numerical
by result section. data obtained are processed in MATLAB using Mobile Average
INGENIERÍA E INVESTIGACIÓN VOL. xx No. x, xxxxx - xxxx (xx-xx)
The industrial applications of electrical drive control have sources
that generate high frequency noises, namely an appropriate filter
in the control will be beneficial to reduce the errors caused by the
B. Mobile Average Filter
In the dynamic systems noise injection can occur anywhere, this
limitation makes it difficult for any filtering method to minimize
the error between the filtered signal and the original signal
(Klipec, 1967).
Noise is defined as everything in a set of data, signal, image or in-
formation in general, which
It is not of interest. M: Number of pints in the middle and smoothing signal
Degrades or distorts the signal. In the figure 3, shows the variation of a moving average filter ac-
Prevents or limits the study or use of the information. cording to the average.
Signal noise in an industrial network can cause havoc with
Figure 3. Variation of a moving average filter according to the average (Alonso,
process control systems. There may be noise in (Klipec, 1967) 2013).
and (Rojas, 2018.
The sensor, transducer or actuator with which the signal Given a positive integer N, the moving average filter at point N
interacts. is a discrete time system given by the input / output.
M 1 + M 2 +1
+x [n ] + x [n -1] +…. x [ n+ M 2 ] ¿
between the vertical dotted lines. To compute γ [ 8 ] , both dotted An important parameter in signal processing to analyze perfor-
lines would move one sample to the right. mance is the Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). It relates and calculates
the average powers of both the signal and the noise, where mathe-
Figure 4. Sequence values involved in computing a casual moving average filter matically it is represented as follows (Proakis, 1996).
(Oppenheim, 1998).
∑ f (n)
The following figure 5 shows the representation of an improved
signal after applying a mobile average filter, after that it is noted
SNR=10 log 2 (4)
that the noise was eliminated (unwanted information). ∑ e (n)
2 2
Where ∑f ( n )∧∑ e (n) are the powers of the signal and
noise averages. Graph 2 shows the total noise of the real signal
marked in green and the signal filtered using Mobile average fil-
The results section is divided in two sub-sections, where the first
describes the filtering technique of the current consumption. The
second sub-section presents the electrical energy consumption
analysis using a numerical method. In order to test the accuracy of
the technique a specific CNC machine routine is evaluated using
well stablished techniques.
C. Filtering and Eliminating Noise
Graph 1 represent the current consumption for a specific machin-
ing of process in CNC which last 1300 ms (M), material is re-
moved for a solid block using a cutting tool to produce a part ter in red.
based on G-code. As shown in green color in graph 1 the current Graph 2. Total noise of the Current over time and the filtered current signal.
consumption of the tool at the time of the machining routine is af-
fected by unwanted information (noise) which presents unstable D. Electrical Energy Consumption Analysis
positions within the real signal, this is due to that there are inter-
Elemental analysis and observation of graph 2 indicates high fre-
nal components of the system that cause the signal to be affected
quency reduction when filtering technique is applied. As a result
when doing the numerical survey of the current flow.
of this technique, the Electrical energy consumption analysis can
be assessed using numerical method.
A direct way of estimating the electrical energy consumption is
developed in this research through the use of the integration of the
filtered current signal of the graph 1.
E=∫ |f (t)| dt
∫|f (t )| dt
Graph 1. Signal with noise of energy consumption during machining process
and the filtered pure signal.
The red signal in graph 1 shows the same signal as the green, but
now the moving average filter that eliminates the noise is applied,
resulting in the pure signal of the power consumption of the tool.
The Filtered current signal was calculated using equation 1, 2 and
INGENIERÍA E INVESTIGACIÓN VOL. xx No. x, xxxxx - xxxx (xx-xx)
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The most sincere thanks to the Autonomous University of the
State of Mexico with the postgraduate degree in computer science
and to Conacyt for the financial support granted through the
scholarships during the preparation of this work.