UCSP Week4.Jimenezespinoza2
UCSP Week4.Jimenezespinoza2
UCSP Week4.Jimenezespinoza2
Quarter 1 – Week 4
Lecture No. 6
MELC: Analyze the significance of cultural, social, political and economic symbol and practices.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the human origins and the capacity for culture.
2. Know the role of culture in human adaptation.
3. Demonstrate the processes of cultural and sociopolitical evolution
Culture is defined in many ways, for Tylor (2010), it is a complex whole which encompasses beliefs,
practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artifacts, symbols, knowledge and everything that a person
learns and shares as a member of a society. It is a by- product of the attempt of humans to survive
their environment and to compensate for their biological characteristics and limitations. Culture was
also defined by Allan G. Johnson as the sum of symbols, ideas, forms of expressions and material
products associated with a social system.
Darwin hypothesized that the evolution of species happens through the process of natural selection.
Natural selection, according to him, was the reason for the occurrence of evolution. According to
Darwin, the environment favor certain organisms and those organisms that survive can pass on their
traits. (Contreras, Dela Cruz, Erasga, Fadrigon, 2016, p. 81)
1. Variation. Every species is made up of a variety of individuals wherein some are better
adapted to their environments compared to others.
2. Heritability. Organisms produce progeny with different sets of traits that can be inherited.
3. Differential reproductive success. Organisms that have traits most suitable to their
environment will survive and transfer these variations to their offspring in subsequent
generation. (Contreras, Dela Cruz, Erasga, Fadrigon, 2016, p. 81)
Evolution of man became an important concern in the emergence of different societies. Human
social drives developed long before he developed intellectually. Instinct such as mother-love,
compassion, cooperation, curiosity, inventiveness and competitiveness are ancient and embedded in
the human.
Meaning to say, before we reached the intellectual capacity that we have now (that includes how we
feel, how we think, and how we react to physical and social phenomena), we were all but animalistic
and instinct-based. Back then, the hominids did not think about the morality of their actions. For
example, in a competition for food sources, two hominids will have to fight to the death just to claim
the entire food source. There will be no mediation or rights to equal distribution among them,
because they are still inept to morality that we have now: their only value is just to survive at all
Cultural Evolution
The evidences of a change in economic aspect have resulted in the transformation of man’s way of
life. Early societies started to emerge as a result of man’s interaction with his environment. Every
society is organized in such a way that there will be rules of conduct, customs, traditions, folkways
and mores, and expectations that ensure appropriate behavior among members (Palispis, 2007 p.
254). This organizational component provides the basis of identifying what is acceptable or not
within the social order. Sociologically and anthropologically, society possesses different
characteristics that show the interdependence of people with one another. (Source: Baleña, Ederlina
B. et.al (2016). Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics for Senior High School. Quezon City.
Educational Resources Corporation)
For example, back then, leaders were chosen through a death match of two eligible men of powerful
families; the one who stays alive will be chosen, until he dies. His first-born son will inherit the
throne, unless he is challenged. The leader, and soon his family, shall be offered food and clothing by
his constituents all his life. In exchange, he defends their territory, makes rules, and settles disputes
amongst his people. The rules that the leader enacts shall be followed through and through, on pain
of punishment or death. Those rules will be passed down until it becomes a norm, then culture.
Cultural evolution includes the social and political evolution of modern man. It also refers to the
changes or development in cultures from a simple form to a more complex form of human culture.
Cultural evolution happens as a result of human adaptation to different factors like climatic changes
and population increase. It can be observed and identified by analysis of the changes in the latter’s
way of life reflected in the different tools and other human-made objects that they used.
Sociopolitical Evolution
The development of culture through time, called as cultural evolution, led to the transformation of
different societies and political systems, a process called socio-political evolution. This happens
when societies develop new forms of economic subsistence, acquire knowledge, and apply new
This mechanizes in our society through this: nature- in its own essence, gives raw materials and
produce that needs processing; which will be done by the market. The market then facilitates buying
and selling of these processed goods. The government apply taxes to sellers to gain revenue for
public funds, which will be used to build infrastructure, make innovations in public servicing, and
mechanize social movement that require the knowledge and skills of professionals like engineers,
technicians, teachers, lawyers, and employees.
The timeline below shows how hunting and gathering societies developed step-by-step to become
agricultural, industrial, and then post-industrial societies. It examines how cultural evolution affected
the development of each stage of society.
3. A society recruits most of its members from within; it is self-sufficient and self-dependent.
Example: During a pandemic, our society asks for the help of its member who are
medical professionals and practitioners. To teach and guide the society, it requires the
aid of its members focusing on education and educational development. To ensure
peace and order, the government is formed with leaders chosen within the society.
The development of the early civilizations showed the political evolution of society. A civilization
develops because of a society’s highly advanced level of culture, social organization, political
developments, judicial system, arts, and other forms of culture at a particular time.
These civilizations flourished along the rich river plains or river valleys. The river valley civilizations
are considered the cradles of civilization because it was in these river valley systems that the
aforementioned civilizations developed and flourished.
1. Craft laws
2. Implement laws
3. Impose justice and punishment
4. Collect taxes
5. Sometimes act as religious leaders as well
Contreras, Antonio P., Dela Cruz, Arleigh Ross D., Erasga, Dennis S., Fadrigon, Cecille C., Mactal, Ronaldo B. Understanding
Culture, Society, & Politics (The Padayon Series). Phoenix Publishing House, Quezon City, Philippines. 2016.
Balena, Ederlina D., Lucero, Dolores M., Peralta, Arnel M. Understanding Culture, Society, & Politics. Educational Resiurces
Corporation, Quezon City. 2016.
Google.com for various pictures
Prepared by:
Manuel G. Jimenez
SHS Teacher II – HumSS
Directions: Fill up the chart below to determine your prior knowledge of the different stages of
society. Limit your answers on gender role, form/type of government, and economic subsistence.
Give short explanation.
Stages Characteristics
Hunting and Gathering
Directions: Fill-up the table with correct information. Instead of words or phrases use an art to
illustrate your thoughts.
Paleolithic Age
Neolithic Age