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Welcome to Armed Forces Medical College

MBBS Admission
Disclaimer: The information given on this website is for general guidelines only. Refer to the prospectus for the year of admission for exact details. The college conducts Under Graduate course sanctioned vide Govt. of India Ministry of Defence letter no. 11984/DGAFMS/DG-3(B)/9718/D (Med) dated 04 July 1962

Admission Procedure:
The course commences in the month of August. Advertisements for recruitment appear in the leading news papers of the country in the month of December every year, for MBBS course. Candidates are required to submit their application forms in the prescribed format, along with other necessary documents mentioned therein. The AFMC is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Science, Nashik and is recognised by the Medical Council of India. Admission to MBBS course is based on written examination. The written examination is held on 1st Sunday of May. Successful candidates are called for interview in June for the courses starting in July. Admission is subject to medical fitness.

Prospectus is available on sale at all Major City GPOs/ HPO's/ Pos from the date of advertisement for approximately one month. The present cost of the prospectus is Rs. 250/-.

Course Duration:
The duration of MBBS course is four and a half year followed by internship of one year.

Service Liability:
Students have compulsory liability to serve as Commisioned Officers in the Armed Forces Medical Services. The offer of the type of commission will depend on the vacancies available. The candidates' parents/guardians are required to sign a bond agreement at the time of admission.


A candidate seeking admission to the MBBS course is eligible to take the entrance examination if he/she fulfills the following criteria:

A candidate should be a citizen of India or be a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or a person of Indian origin migrated from Pakistan or any other foreign country with the intention of permanently settling in India. Must be unmarried. Marrying during the course is not permitted. Should be medically fit as per prescribed standards by the Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence Must have attained the age of 17yrs on 31st Dec of the year of application, but must not have attained the age of 22 years on that date(Not more than 24 years in case of candidates who have passed or are appearing in final B Sc examinations).

Academic Qualifications:
Candidate must have passed all the subjects opted for in the first attempt of the qualifying examinations as a regular candidate with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology taken simultaneously and securing not less than 60% of the aggregate marks in these 3 science subjects taken together and not less than 50% marks in English and 50% marks in each of the science subjects. They must have also passed an examination in Mathematics of the 10th standard.

Number of Seats:
A total of 130 students (105 boys & 25 girls) will be admitted.

Syllabus For the Examination:

The general standard of the entrance examination will be that of 11th and 12th class under the 10+2 scheme/pre-medical/intermediate science or an equivalent examination of the State Education Board/Indian University

Method of Selection:

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Welcome to Armed Forces Medical College

Method of Selection:

Candidates who are found provisionally eligible as per the criteria of eligibility, will be called at one of the examination centres to appear in the competitive examination on 1st Sunday of May. Issue of admit cards. however does not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which will be further scrutinized at subsequent stages of selection. The written examination centre will be allotted to candidates depending upon the administrative arrangements for the examination and availability of adequate seating capacity. The Roll Number of the candidates who qualify for interview based on the above written examination will be published in the leading newspapers. The college/DGAFMS take no responsibility for any error or omission in the roll numbers published in the newspapers.

Interview of Candidate:
On the basis of their performance in the written examination selected candidates in order of roll numbers will be called for an interview to be held in the month of June at AFMC, PUNE. The exact date of the above interview will be intimidated to the selected candidates. Request for change of date of interview will NOT be entertained. The candidates will be required to produce originals of all certificates/mark sheets at the time of interview. All candidates will produce result or proof of having appeared in the qualifying examination held, at the time of interview (if the result of such examination has not been declared). On the basis of the above test and interview two merit lists, one for boys and one for girls, will be drawn up and admissions will be offered only to candidates in accordance with their merit position. Individual letters of admission will be sent only to selected candidates who would be required to join AFMC. The remaining candidates will be on waiting list. The result will be published by the DGAFMS in the newspapers.

SC/ST Candidates:
Ten seats are reserved for SC/ST candidates provided : The SC/ST candidates must qualify in the written examination and come within the zone to be called up for interview. They must come within the first 500 in the final combined merit list of boys and girls.

The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any disability likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duty in the Armed Forces. Medical examination will be done by a Board of Officers at AFMC Pune, prior to admission to the College. Medical Board will categorize as Fit and Unfit, in accordance with the prescribed standards. Candidates declared as UNFIT are entitled to appeal on payment of a fee of Rs. 40/-. The procedure will be intimated to the concerned candidates by the President of the Medical Board. Important physical requirements are enumerated below for guidance:

There should be:

No serious deformity and mal-developments, scoliosis, spinal bifida and other skeletal deformities. No impediment of speech. No sign of functional/organic disease of the heart or blood vessels. No evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any other chronic disease of the lungs. No evidence of any disease of the digestive system, including any abnormality of the liver or spleen. No inguinal hernia or tendency thereto, hydrocoele or definite varicocoele. No fistula, piles, disease of the kidneys, disease of the skin. No active, latent or congenital STD, history of epilepsy and any mental and psychiatric disorder. No squint or any other morbid condition of the eye. No active trachoma or Lymph nodes. The height and weight requirements will depend upon the age, body build and racial characteristics as per standards laid down for Armed Forces: Girl Standard: In case of female candidates, minimum height of 144 cms and minimum weight of 36kgs is essential. Boys Standards: The male candidates height below 157.5cms (152.5 for Gorkhas, Nepalese and Garhwali, and Assamese) and weight below 39 kgs will not be accepted irrespective of age and other factors. There should be minimum 5cms range of chest expansion. There should be no ear discharge and no perforation of the eardrum/nasal septum.

Visual Standards:
Minimum color vision standard should be CP-3 (Defective Safe).

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Welcome to Armed Forces Medical College

Visual Standards
Distant Vision (Corrected) Near Vision (Corrected) Myopia of not more than Hypermetropia of not more than +3.5 D

Better eye
6/6 N5 -3.5 D +3.5 D

Worse eye
6/18 N8 2 2

Hearing Standard:
The candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear separately at a distance of 20 feet.


HOSTEL FACILITY: The college is fully residential and residence in the hostel is compulsory for all students with service liability. Separate boys and girls hostels are located in the college campus. The hostel accommodation is free of charge for service liability candidates. If a student is removed from service liability on account of being found medically unfit for commission or on disciplinary/academic grounds he/she will have to make his/her own arrangements for stay. MESSING FACILITY: All students residing in the hostel are required to join the mess attached to the hostel. Vegetarian and Non-vegetarian food is served in a common combined mess for both boys and girls cadets.


Students are required to participate in games, sports and gymnastics. Facilities for sports such as cricket, squash, tennis, hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, handball, table tennis and gymnastics are provided free of cost. Facilities for aquatics also exist on nominal payment.There is an open air cinema, membership for which is compulsory. Hindi and English films are screened. Students with service liability are entitled to free outpatient/ inpatient/ dental treatment at all times in any service hospital/dental centre to the extent of medical facilities available locally. Periodical medical examination/ medical board considered necessary will also be carried out free of cost.

The government provides the following concessions to service liability students (male and female).

Entitled rations as authorised and subsidised messing. Free hostel accommodation and allied services. AC 3 Tier railway warrant for journey during vacation from college to home and back. First Class/ AC 2 Tier rail Journey on railway warrant after being commissioned. A subsidy of Rs.12,000/- per student for purchase of books and equipment during the entire training period. Amount will be issued proportionately during I, II and III MBBS. Uniform allowance Rs.6,000/- per student during first year and Rs.1,250/- per year as maintenance allowance in subsequent years. Hair Cutting/Hair Cleaning Allowance of Rs.40/- per month per student. Stationery allowance of Rs.1000/- per cadet per year. Washing allowance Rs.120/- per student per month during the term and Rs.20/- per month during break.

For any further clarifications contact:

Officer-in-Charge Admissions Admission Cell Armed Forces Medical College Sholapur Road, Pune - 411040 Telephone Number: 020 - 26334209,

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Welcome to Armed Forces Medical College

Telephone Number: 020 - 26334209, Fax Number: 020 - 26334236

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