JavaScript Part 2

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Zeeshan Hanif

Director/CTO Panacloud


Part 2
Book we will
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online exercises
Online http://asmarterwaytolearn.c
Exercises om/js/

1. To work with JavaScript you don’t need any software

2. You just need to have Browser installed on your machine
and you can use any text editor to write code.
3. To manage projects and organize files we use IDE
4. We will use Microsoft’s Visual Studio Code
5. To run JavaScript on server side we will use Node.js

1. Download and install Visual Studio code


2. Download install Node.js


3. Use default setting while installing both tools

How to use Visual Studio Code
Initial Code and Setup

1. Open Visual Studio code and create two files

a. index.html
b. Index.js
index.html file

<script src="./index.js"></script>
Hello World
index.js file

alert("Hello World");
Initial Code and Setup

1. Open file in browser and you will see alert in browser

Create First JavaScript Example
How to run JavaScript in Node.js

1. An alert is a box that pops up to give the user a message.

2. Here's code for an alert that displays the message
"Thanks for your input!"

alert("Hello World");
3. alert is a keyword
4. The quoted text "Thanks for your input!" is called a text
string or simply a string.

1. ‘window.alert’ and ‘alert’ are the same

2. window is object in browser which contains many other
objects and properties, and alert is one of them.
3. alert is a function that take any input and display it in
popup to user
4. Alerts are not available when you are working with server
side JavaScript in Node.js

1. console.log is function that write message on

2. Objective of console.log is to create logs for debugging
3. Instead of displaying text to user it shows output in
browser’s developer tool
4. Also when working with server side javascript, we can
use console.log for logging and output will be in terminal

console.log("Hello World");

1. For testing purpose you can use document.write to

display message or text in browser window

document.write("Hello Word");

This will be displayed in browser window


1. Variables are containers for storing data values.

2. Variables are used to store information to be referenced
and manipulated in a computer program
3. Variable is a term that refers to a particular value
4. A variable changes over time or based on user input.
5. A variable is assigned a value in one place and then used

Keyword to create variable Value

var nationality = "Pakistani";

Variable name/identifier

var nationality = "Pakistani";

var age = 25;

var isFeePaid = true;

var weight = 60.55;

Declaration and Initialization

1. You can declare and initialize in single line or you can do

that in two line

var age = 25; OR

var age; -- Declaration

age = 25; -- Initialization

Only declaration will leave variable undefined

Data Types
Data Types

1. Variables contains data

2. Each data has type, that’s why we call it data type
3. Variables can hold numbers like 100 and text values like
"John Doe"
4. In programming, text values are called text strings.
Data Types

1. Six types are considered to be primitives.

a. Number -- integers, floats etc
b. String -- an array of characters
c. Boolean -- true or false
d. Null -- No Value
e. Undefined -- a declared variable but hasn’t been given a
f. Symbol -- a unique value that's not equal to any other
Data Types

1. Complex Types
a. Objects
b. Functions

Function is callable object that executes a block of code, it

lies under the object type
Variable for String

1. To store text in variable we use string

var name = "Mark";

name = "John";
String - Single quotes and double quotes

1. Text strings are always enclosed in quotes

2. You can use single or double quotes

var name = "Mark";

var nationality = 'US';
var message = "What is your father's number";
Variable for Numbers

1. To store whole numbers or decimal values we use

number data type

var age = 25;

var weight = 150.5;
var newWeight = weight + 20;
var originalNumber = 12 + 5;
Variable for Boolean

1. To store true/false boolean data type

var isFeePaid = true;

var examPassed = false;


1. The undefined data type can only have one value-the

special value undefined
2. If a variable has been declared, but has not been
assigned a value, has the value undefined

var name;
var age;

1. You can be empty a variable by setting the value to

undefined. The type will also be undefined

var name = "Mark";

name = undefined;

2. Now this variable contains no value, and it will cause

error if we try to apply some operation on it

1. This is another special data type that can have only one
value-the null value.
2. A null value means that there is no value.
3. It is not equivalent to an empty string ("") or 0, it is simply
var name = null;
var nationality = "Mark";
nationality = null;
Difference between null and undefined

1. undefined means a variable has been declared but has not

yet been assigned a value.
2. null is an assignment value. It can be assigned to a variable
as a representation of no value
3. undefined and null are two distinct types: undefined is a
type itself (undefined) while null is an object.
4. Unassigned variables are initialized by JavaScript with a
default value of undefined. JavaScript never sets a value to
null. That must be done programmatically.
JavaScript Data Types are Dynamic

1. JavaScript has dynamic types. This means that the same

variable can be used to hold different data types
2. You can assign any type of value in variable any time and
data type of variable will be changed

var name = "Mark"; // It’s String

name = 25; // Now changed to Number
name = true; // Now changed to Boolean
typeof Operator

1. You can use the JavaScript typeof operator to find the type
of a JavaScript variable.
2. The typeof operator returns the type of a variable or an

typeof "Hello" // Returns "string"

var a = 45;
typeof a; // Returns "number"
typeof true; // Returns "boolean"
Statement and

1. A computer program is a list of "instructions" to be

"executed" by a computer.
2. In a programming language, these programming
instructions are called statements.
3. A JavaScript program is a list of programming statements.
4. A statement can set a variable equal to a value.
5. A statement can also be a function call, i.e.

1. Statements define what the script will do and how it will be

2. Most JavaScript programs contain many JavaScript
3. The statements are executed, one by one, in the same order
as they are written.

1. Each line below is a statement

var a = 4; // Statement 1
var b = 2; // Statement 2
var c = 0; // Statement 3
c = a + b; // Statement 4
alert(a); // Statement 4
console.log(c); // Statement 4
End of Statement with semicolon ;

1. To end statement add semicolon at the end of each

executable statement
2. Semicolons separate JavaScript statements.
var a = 4;
3. When separated by semicolons, multiple statements on one
line are allowed
i = 3; j = 5; k = i + j;
End of Statement without semicolon ;

1. Typically we end statements with semicolon but JavaScript

semicolon is optional, but is highly recommended to end
with semicolon
2. The end of a statement is most often marked by pressing
enter and starting a new line.
End of Statement without semicolon ;

var a = 5 // New line will end statement

a * 4

var a = 5a * 4 // Error, Will Not work

alert(a)console.log(a) // Error, Will not work

1. An expression is a combination of values, variables,

function calls and operators, which computes to a value.
2. The computation is called an evaluation.
a + b; // expression
4 / 2; // expression
var a = 5;
a * 4; // expression
"John" + " " + "Doe"; // expression

1. Comments are for the human, not the machine.

2. They help you and others understand your code when it
comes time to revise, they make code more readable.
3. You can also use commenting to comment out portions of
your code for testing and debugging.
4. They will prevent execution of code
5. There are two ways mark text as a comment, single line
comments and multi-line comments
Single line comments

1. Single line comments start with //.

2. Any text between // and the end of the line will be ignored
(will not be executed).
// Declare and initialize variable
var a = 6; //This is comment

//This below code will not execute

//var b = 8;
Multi-line comments

1. Multi-line comments start with /* and end with */.

2. Any text between /* and */ will be ignored.
This code declared and initialize
variable a and show on screen
var a = 6;
Variable Names
Variable Names Legal and Illegal

1. A variable name can't contain any spaces

2. A variable name can contain only letters, numbers, dollar
signs, and underscores.
3. The first character must be a letter, or an underscore (_), or
a dollar sign ($).
4. Subsequent characters may be letters, digits, underscores,
or dollar signs.
5. Numbers are not allowed as the first character of variable.
Variable Names Legal and Illegal

1. Legal names:

var hello = 56;

var _xyz = 44;
var $work = 90;
var user2 = 56;
var i_info = 99;
var my$work = 77;
Variable Names Legal and Illegal

1. Illegal names:

var 2user = 12; // Can't start with number

var my user = 23; // Can't contains space
var hello#world = 34;
var my-info = 44;
var my?info = 45;
var my*info = 45;
Reserved Keywords

1. Reserved Keywords cannot be used as variable name

2. Here are few reserved keywords
Case Sensitive

1. Variable names are case sensitive.

2. So rose and Rose are two different variables

var rose = "Hello";

var Rose = "Hello";
alert(ROSE); // Error
Camel Case

1. If there's more than one word in the variable name, then it is

recommended to use camel case
2. A camelCase name begins in lower case. If there's more
than one word in the name, each subsequent word gets an
initial cap, creating a hump.
Camel Case

var userResponse
var userResponseTime
var userResponseTimeLimit
var response

This Style of naming a variable is called camel case

Arithmetic Operators

var a = 5;
var b = 3;
var c = a + b; // Addition, result 8
var d = a - b; // Subtraction, result 2
var e = a * b; // Multiplication, result 15
var f = a / b; // Division, result 1.66
var g = a % b; // Modulus, result 2
var h = a ** b; // Exponentiation, result 125
Assignment Operators

1. Assignment operator assign value to variables

2. When you need to apply arithmetic operation and assign
value to same variable then you can also use them
var a = 5; // equals = is assignment operator
a = a + 2; // Assign 7 in variable a
var a = 5;
a+=2; // Assign 7 in variable a
Assignment Operators

Example Same as
a += 5; a = a + 5;
a -= 5; a = a - 5;
a *= 5; a = a * 5;
a /= 5; a = a / 5;
a %= 5; a = a % 5;
a **= 5; a = a ** 5;
Eliminating ambiguity -- BODMAS

1. Complex arithmetic expressions can pose a problem when

there are multiple operators in single expression

var a = 5 + 2 * 3 - 2 / 2; // result 10

2. The evaluation of above expression is depends on BODMAS

Eliminating ambiguity -- BODMAS

B Brackets first

O Orders (i.e. Powers and Square Roots, etc.)

DM Division and Multiplication (left-to-right)

AS Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)

Eliminating ambiguity -- BODMAS

var a = 5 + 2 * (3 - 2) / 2; // result 6

1. 3 - 2 with brackets will be evaluated first, result 1

2. 2 * result of (3 - 2) so 2 * 1, result 2
3. Result of 2 * (3 -2) divide by 2 so 2 / 2, result 1
4. 5 + result of 2 * (3 - 2 ) / 2, so 5 + 1, result 6
Eliminating ambiguity -- BODMAS

var a = 3 + 5 * 2; // result 13
var b = 8 / 2 - 1; // result 3
var c = 3 % 2 + 4 - 1; // result 4
var d = a + 5 * c - b / (3 + b);// result 32.5
Operator Precedence -- Few of them
Increment and Decrement Operator

1. While working on application you will frequently required to

increase variable by 1 or decrease variable by 1
2. For this situation you can use increment and decrement
3. ++ increment operator
4. -- decrement operator
5. These operators can be used as prefix and postfix
Increment and Decrement Operator

1. We can increase or decrease value using existing addition

and subtraction operators
var a = 12;
a = a + 1; // 13
a = a - 1; // 12
var b = 12;
b += 1; // 13
b -= 1; // 13
Increment and Decrement Operator

Prefix Increment and Decrement

var age = 12;

alert(age); //Result 13
alert(age); //Result 12
Increment and Decrement Operator

Postfix Increment and Decrement

var age = 12;

alert(age); //Result 13, same as prefix
alert(age); //Result 12, same as postfix
Increment and Decrement Operator

1. What is the difference between Prefix and Postfix

2. You will NOT find any difference if you will not assign result
of prefix and postfix to any other variable
3. Prefix operator first increase/decrease the value in variable
and then assign result to other variable
4. Postfix operator first assign the value in other value then
increase/decrease value in actual variable
Increment and Decrement Operator

Prefix Increment

var age = 12;

var newAge = ++age;
alert(age); //Result 13
alert(newAge); //Result 13
Increment and Decrement Operator

Postfix Increment

var age = 12;

var newAge = age++;
alert(age); //Result 13
alert(newAge); //Result 12 , see the difference
Increment and Decrement Operator

Prefix Decrement

var age = 12;

var newAge = --age;
alert(age); //Result 11
alert(newAge); //Result 11
Increment and Decrement Operator

Postfix Decrement

var age = 12;

var newAge = age--;
alert(age); //Result 11
alert(newAge); //Result 12 , see the difference
Increment and Decrement Operator

Example 1
var a = 4;
var b = 2;
var c = a++ - b; // first value of a placed here
which is 4 then increase 1 in a so will become 5
alert(a); // 5
alert(b); // 2
alert(c); // 2
Increment and Decrement Operator

Example 2
var a = 4;
var b = 2;
var c = ++a + b; // first value of a increased so
will become 5 then value of a will be placed here, 5
alert(a); // 5
alert(b); // 2
alert(c); // 7
Increment and Decrement Operator

Example 3
var a = 4;
var b = 3;
var c = a++ + --b - --a;
alert(a); // 4
alert(b); // 2
alert(c); // 2
Increment and Decrement Operator

Example 4
var a = 4;
var b = 3;
var c = ++a + b++ - a + --b;
alert(a); // 5
alert(b); // 3
alert(c); // 6
String Concatenation
Concatenating Text strings

1. The + operator can also be used for concatenating strings

2. E.g:

var firstName = "Abraham";

var lastName = "aLincoln";
//concatenate firstName, space character and lastName
var fullName = firstName + " " + lastName;
Concatenating strings and numbers

1. Adding two numbers, will return the sum, but adding a

number and a string will return a string:
var a = "6" + 2; // "62"
var b = 3 + "6"; // "36"
var c = "Hello " + 2; // "Hello 2"
var d = 2 + "Hello "; // "2 Hello"
var e = "Hello "+ 3 + 4; // "Hello 34"
var f = 3 + 4 + "Hello "; // "7Hello"
var g = "Hello "+ (3 + 4); // "Hello 7"
Prompt and Parsing
prompt or window.prompt()

1. The prompt()/window.prompt() method displays a dialog

box that prompts the visitor for input.
2. In a prompt, you can specify a second string. This is the
default response that appears in the field when the prompt
3. The prompt() method returns the input value if the user
clicks "OK". If the user clicks "cancel" the method returns
prompt or window.prompt()

var question = "What is your name?";

var defaultAnswer = "John";
var name = prompt(question, defaultAnswer);
console.log("Name = "+ name);
prompt or window.prompt()

1. If you ask for number in prompt and try apply addition

operator on it then it will concatenate the value because
prompt returns string

var question = "What is your age?";

var age = prompt(question);// Assuming input 12
var newAge = age + 5; // It will concatenate
console.log("New Age = "+ newAge); //result 125
Convert string to integer

1. Addition operator in string concatenate values, even if value

in string is number

var value1 = "3";

var value2 = "5";
var value3 = value1+value2;
console.log(value3);// result, 35
Convert string to integer

1. prompt function also returns string even if you provide

number in input box

//Assuming we will provide value 5 in input

var age = prompt("What is your age");
var num = 4;
var sum = age + num;
console.log(sum); // result, 54
Convert string to integer

1. If you are sure that string has number, then you have to
convert it into number to perform addition
2. We need to use parseInt function for conversion

var age = prompt("What is your age");//input 5

var num = 4;
var sum = parseInt(age) + num;
console.log(sum); // result, 9
Convert string to integer

1. If value is not number then it will return NaN

var age = prompt("What is your age");//input abc

var num = 4;
var sum = parseInt(age) + num;
console.log(sum); // result, NaN
Convert string to decimal

1. If your string is number with decimal places then you can

use parseFloat for conversion

var age = prompt("What is your age");//input 5.5

var num = 4;
var sum = parseFloat(age) + num;
console.log(sum); // result, 9.5
Convert string to Number

1. The Number() function converts the object argument to a

number that represents the object's value.
2. If the value cannot be converted to a legal number, NaN is
var age = prompt("What is your age");//input 5.5
var num = 4;
var sum = age + Number(num);
console.log(sum); // result, 9.5
Convert string to Number

1. In case of Number() function you don’t have to use separate

parseInt or parseFloat function for conversion

var a = Number(true); //returns 1

var b = Number(false); //returns 0
var c = Number("999"); //returns 999
var d = Number("999 888"); //returns NAN
var e = Number("Hello"); //returns NAN
Comparison Operators
Comparison operators

1. Comparison operators are used in logical statements to

determine equality or difference between variables or
values. They will result in true or false only
Operator Description Operator Description

== equal to > greater than

=== equal value and equal type < less than

!= not equal >= greater than and equal to

!== not equal value or not equal type <= less than and equal to
Comparison operators

var a = 3;
console.log(a == 6); //return false
console.log(a === 6); //return false
console.log(a != 6); //return true
console.log(a !== 6); //return true
console.log(a > 6); //return false
console.log(a < 6); //return true
console.log(a >= 6); //return false
console.log(a <= 6); //return true
Comparison operators

1. == and === are used for equality check

2. == does not consider data type of values being compared
3. == tries to convert one of the value and compare based on
4. === also check datatype of the values and datatype of value
on both side should be same otherwise it will return false
Comparison operators

var a = 3;
console.log(a == 3); //return true
console.log(a == "3"); //return true
console.log(a == 6); //return false

console.log(a === 3); //return true

console.log(a === "3"); //return false
console.log(a === 6); //return false
Comparison operators

1. Be careful JavaScript is dynamic language and many

decision taken at start are still causing confusion
2. Comparing different type of values will result in answer
which is not easily understandable
3. E.g: When comparing a string with a number, JavaScript will
convert the string to a number while doing the comparison.
An empty string converts to 0. A non-numeric string
converts to NaN which is always false.
Logical Operators
Short-circuit Logical Operators

1. Logical operators are used to determine the logic between

variables or values.
2. Logical operators required boolean operands on both side
of operator
3. However, the && and || operators actually return the value of
one of the specified operands, so if these operators are
used with non-Boolean values, they will return a
non-Boolean value.
Logical Operators

1. There are three logical operators in JavaScript:

a. || (OR)
b. && (AND)
c. ! (NOT)
&& Logical Operator

1. This logical operator is used with two or more values

(operands), and only evaluates to true if all the operands are
true. It will return the false value if at least one value is false.
alert( true && true ); // true
alert( false && true ); // false
alert( true && false ); // false
alert( false && false ); // false
&& Logical Operator

var a = 60;
var b = a > 50 && a < 70;
alert(b); // return true

var c = 80;
var d = c > 50 && c < 70;
alert(d); // return false
|| Logical Operator

1. The logical operator || (OR) also is used with two or more

values, but it evaluates to true if any of the operands
(values) are true, so only evaluates to false if both operands
are false.
alert( true || true ); // true
alert( false || true ); // true
alert( true || false ); // true
alert( false || false ); // false
|| Logical Operator

var a = 60;
var b = a < 50 || a > 70;
alert(b); // return false

var c = 80;
var d = c < 50 || c > 70;
alert(d); // return true
! Logical NOT

1. Using the ! operator in front of a boolean will convert it to

opposite value. It means that a true value will return false,
and a false will return true. This method is known as

alert( !true ); // false

alert( !false ); // true
! Logical NOT

var a = 60;
var b = !(a < 50);
alert(b); // return true

var c = 80;
var d = !(c > 50);
alert(d); // return false
! Logical NOT

1. Using the ! operator in front of a other value will convert it to

a Boolean and return an opposite value.

alert( !1 ); // false
alert( !0); // true
2. Here 1 will be converted to boolean first and it will be true
and because of ! operator opposite will return
3. Same for 0, it will be converted to false and ! will negate it to
!! Double NOT

1. Using the ! operator twice in front of a value will convert it to

a Boolean and negate it twice, useful when you want to
convert value to boolean
alert( !!1 ); // true
alert( !!0); // true
2. Here 1 will be converted to boolean first and it will be true
and because of first ! operator it will convert to false and
then because of second ! operator it will be converted to
Why they are called short-circuit

1. && and || operator stops evaluation of expression once they

find desired value
2. && stops evaluation as soon as it finds false and returns
3. && returns true if all values are true
4. || stops evaluation as soon as it finds true and returns true
5. || returns false if all values are false
Why they are called short-circuit

//returns false, evaluation stops at first value

var a = false && true && false;

//returns false, evaluation stops at last value

var b = true && true && false;

//returns false, evaluation stops at second value

var c = true && false && true;
Why they are called short-circuit

//returns true, evaluation stops at second value

var d = false || true || false;

//returns true, evaluation stops at first value

var e = true || true || false;

//returns true, evaluation stops at last value

var f = false || false || true

1. Up until now, all the code in our programs has been

executed chronologically
2. Very often when you write code, you want to perform
different actions for different decisions.
3. You can use conditional statements in your code to do this.

1. In JavaScript we have the following conditional statements:

a. Use if to specify a block of code to be executed, if a specified
condition is true
b. Use else to specify a block of code to be executed, if the
same condition is false
c. Use else if to specify a new condition to test, if the first
condition is false
d. Use switch to specify many alternative blocks of code to be
executed (Discussed later)
Conditions: if

1. The if statement is the fundamental control statement that

allows JavaScript to make decisions and execute
statements conditionally.

if (condition) {
// block of code to be executed if the condition
is true
Conditions: if

var age = 12;

if( age > 9 ) {

console.log("Age = "+age);
Conditions: else

1. Use the else statement to specify a block of code to be

executed if the condition is false.
if (condition) {
//block of code to be executed if the condition is true
} else {
//block of code to be executed if the condition is false
Conditions: else

var age = 15;

if( age > 18 ) {

console.log("Qualifies for driving");
} else {
console.log("Does not qualify for driving");
Conditions: else if

1. Use the else if statement to specify a new condition if the

first condition is false.
Conditions: else if

if (condition1) {
//block of code to be executed if condition1 is true
} else if (condition2) {
//block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false
and condition2 is true
} else {
//block of code to be executed if the condition1 is false
and condition2 is false
Conditions: else if

var score = 80;

if( score > 80 ) {
console.log("Grade A");
} else if( score > 70 ) {
console.log("Grade B");
} else if( score > 60 ) {
console.log("Grade C");
} else {
Conditions: nested if

1. nested if statements means an if statement inside an if

if (condition1) {
//Code to be executed if the condition1 is true
if (condition1) {
//Code to be executed if the condition2 is true
Conditions: nested if

var score = 80;

if( score > 80 ) {
console.log("Grade A");
if( score > 90){
console.log("Reward $100")
Set of Conditions

var score = 70;

if(score > 80 && score <= 100){
console.log("Grade A");
else if (score > 70 && score <= 80){
console.log("Grade B");
else if (score > 60 && score <= 70){
console.log("Grade C");
Set of Conditions

var input = "M";

if(input == "A" || input == "E" || input == "I"
|| input == "O" || input == "U"){
console.log("It's a Vowel");
else {
console.log("It's a consonants");
Value conversion to boolean

1. In JavaScript value or expression can be converted to

2. If you apply boolean comparison on values then JavaScript
convert that value into boolean and make comparison
3. You can use values in if/else conditions and they will result
in true or false according to values
Value conversion to boolean

1. Following values will be converted to false

a. null
b. NaN
c. 0 // Zero
d. “” or ‘’ or `` // Empty String single or double quotes
e. undefined
2. All else will be converted to true
Value conversion to boolean

1. Following values will be converted to true

a. {} // Object
b. “AnyText” // String with any text
c. 1 // Any number other than zero
Number to Boolean

var age = 45;

// 45 will be converted to true, if will be executed
console.log("In If Age = "+age);
console.log("In else Age = "+age);
null to Boolean

var name = null;

//null will be converted to false, else will be executed
console.log("In If name = "+name);
console.log("In else name = "+name);
String to Boolean

var name = "Hello";

//Hello will be converted to true, if will be executed
console.log("In If name = "+name);
console.log("In else name = "+name);
String to Boolean

var name = "";

//it will be converted to false, else will be executed
console.log("In If name = "+name);
console.log("In else name = "+name);
undefined to Boolean

var name; // Default value is undefined

//it will be converted to false, else will be executed
console.log("In If name = "+name);
console.log("In else name = "+name);
Value conversion to boolean

1. Value conversion also works with Logical operator && and ||

2. For &&
a. If all values are converted to true, it will returns last value
b. If any of the value converted to false it will that value
3. For ||
a. If all values are converted to false, it will returns last value
b. If any value converted to true it will return that value
Value conversion to boolean &&

var a1 = 'Cat' && 'Dog'; // t && t returns "Dog"

var a2 = false && 'Cat'; // f && t returns false
var a3 = 'Cat' && false; // t && f returns false
var a4 = '' && false; // f && f returns ""
var a5 = false && ''; // f && f returns false
var a6 = 0 && 1; // f && t returns 0
Value conversion to boolean &&

var a7 = 1 && false; // t && f returns false

var a8 = true && {}; // t && t returns {}
var a9 = false && {}; // f && t returns false
var a10 = 'Cat' && (3==4); // t && f returns false
var a11 = 'Cat' && 0; // t && f returns 0
var a12 = undefined && 'Cat';// f && t returns undefined
Value conversion to boolean ||

var a1 = 'Cat' || 'Dog'; // t || t returns "Cat"

var a2 = false || 'Cat'; // f || t returns "Cat"
var a3 = 'Cat' || false; // t || f returns "Cat"
var a4 = '' || false; // f || f returns false
var a5 = false || ''; // f || f returns ""
var a6 = 0 || 1; // f || t returns 1
Value conversion to boolean ||

var a7 = 1 || false; // t || f returns 1

var a8 = true || {}; // t || t returns true
var a9 = false || {}; // f || t returns {}
var a10 = 'Cat' || (3 == 4); // t || f returns "Cat"
var a11 = 'Cat' || 0; // t || f returns "Cat"
var a12 = undefined || 'Cat'; // f || t returns "Cat"
For Loop
For Loop

1. Looping in programming languages is a feature which

facilitates the execution of a set of instructions/functions
repeatedly while some condition evaluates to true.
2. The for statement creates a loop that is executed as long as
a condition is true.
3. It will only stop when the condition becomes false.
For Loop

for (initialization; condition; expression) {

// code to be executed
1. Initialization is done (one time) before the execution of the
code block.
2. Condition for executing the code block and exit loop
3. Expression is executed (every time) after the code block has
been executed.
For Loop

for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){

For Loop

for (var i = 5; i <= 8; i++){

Infinite Loop

1. All 3 statement in loop are options, in that case it will be

infinite loop
2. Also if you do not provide condition in loop it will make loop

for ( ; ; ){
For Loop

1. Printing table of 3 will require hard coded statements

console.log("3 x 1 = 3");
console.log("3 x 2 = 6");
console.log("3 x 3 = 9");
console.log("3 x 4 = 12");
console.log("3 x 5 = 15");
For Loop

1. With for loop it will be dynamic

var num = 3;
for (var i=1; i<=10; i++){
console.log(num+" x "+i+" = "+(num*i));
3 x 10 = 30

for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++){ Output:

if(i == 4) { I=0
break; I=1
console.log("I = "+i);

for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++){ Output:

if(i == 4) { I=0
continue; I=1
console.log("I = "+i); I=5
} I=6
Nested Loops

1. If a loop exists inside the body of another Output:

loop, it's called nested loop. I=0J=0
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++){ I=1J=0
for(var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { I=1J=1
console.log("I = "+i+" J = "+j); I=2J=0
} I=2J=1
1. Find out if number is
prime number or not
Task 2. Prime number is divisible
only by itself and 1 (e.g.
2, 3, 5, 7, 11).
1. Generate triangle output
like below, Hint: nested
loop required

Task **

1. JavaScript arrays are used to store multiple values in a

single variable.
2. An array is used to store a collection of data
3. It is an ordered collection which store elements in sequence
4. We can use array to store list of something like:
a. Students
b. Cars
c. Food items

1. If you want to store temperature of last 7 days in variable,

then you have to create 7 variables
var mondayTemprature = 23;
var tuesdayTemprature = 12;
var wednesdayTemprature = 35;
var thursdayTemprature = 30;
var fridayTemprature = 27;
var saturdayTemprature = 19;
var sundayTemprature = 22;

1. Now what if you want to store temperature of morning and

evening for 7 days. That will be 14 variables
2. How about temperature for a year morning and evening that
3. It will be very difficult to manage and assign names to these

1. If you want to find out all days temperature was above 30

then it will be quite difficult
2. If you want to sort temperature in ascending or descending
order that will not be possible with separate multiple

1. With Arrays you can create single variable and hold all
temprature in it.
2. With Array you will be able to find and sort temperature

var temperatures = [34,12,27,65,34,28, 19];

Creating an Arrays

1. Creating an Array using array literal

var food = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

2. Creating an Array using new Keyword

var foods = new Array("Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks");

3. Both are same, first one more recommended way to create
Creating an Arrays

1. Array can be created for all datatypes or you can mix them
in single array
var arr1 = ["Hello", "World", "Bye"];
var arr2 = [29, 38, 16, 22];
var arr3 = [true,false,true,false,false];
var arr4 = [23.2, 45.8, 98.12];
var arr5 = [{name: "John"}, {name: "Jason"}];
var arr6 = [74, "Hello", true, {name: "John"}];
Accessing Array Elements

1. You access an array element by referring to the index

2. To access element you provided number in square brackets

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

foods[0]; // Pizza
foods[1]; // Burger
foods[2]; // Snacks
Accessing Array Elements

1. Store result in variable or show output directly

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

var a = foods[0]; // Pizza
var b = foods[1]; // Burger
var c = foods[2]; // Snacks
alert(a); // Pizza
alert(foods[2]); // Snacks
Accessing Array Elements

1. Range of array index is from 0 to Array’s length - 1

2. First element is on index 0
3. Second element on index 1
4. Third on index 2
5. Last element will be on array’s length -1 e.g
a. Array has 5 element then last element in on 4th index
b. Array has 8 element then last element in on 7th index
Accessing full Array

1. The full array can be accessed by referring to the array

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];
console.log(foods); // Pizza, Burger, Snacks
Accessing Index that does not exists

1. If you create array with 3 elements and try to access 4th

element, it will return undefined
2. There will be no error in accessing index that does not
var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];
console.log(foods[2]); // Snacks
console.log(foods[3]); // undefined
console.log(foods[8]); // undefined
Add/Update Element using index

1. You can use array index to add or update elements in array

var foods = [];
foods[0] = "Pizza";
foods[1] = "Burger"
foods[2] = "Snacks";
console.log(foods[0]); //Pizza
console.log(foods[2]); //Snacks
Add/Update Element using index

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

console.log(foods[1]); // Burger
foods[1] = "Sandwich"; // Updating existing element
console.log(foods[1]); // Sandwich
foods[3] = "French Fries"; // Adding 1 more element
console.log(foods[3]); // French Fries
Length property

1. You can find out number of elements in an array by length

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];
console.log(foods.length); // 3

var arr = [];

console.log(arr.length); // 0
Push function

1. Push function lets you add element in array without

worrying about index
2. You don’t need to remember last index used to add in
element, just call push function on array
var foods = [];
Push function

var foods = [];

alert(foods[0]); // Pizza
alert(foods[1]); // Burger
alert(foods[2]); // Snacks
Push function -- Multiple input

var foods = [];

foods.push("Burger", "Snacks");// Will add in sequence
alert(foods[0]); // Pizza
alert(foods[1]); // Burger
alert(foods[2]); // Snacks
alert(foods[3]); // Sandwich
Array Data Structure

1. A data structure is a specialized format for organizing,

processing, retrieving and storing data
2. It enables efficient access and modification of data.
3. You can use same array syntax as:
a. Random Access
b. Stack (Last in First out)
c. Queue (First in First out)
Random Access

1. You can access array elements from any index and update
var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];
console.log(foods[1]); // Burger
foods[1] = "Sandwich"; // Updating existing element
console.log(foods[1]); // Sandwich
Last in First out
Stack (Last in First out)

1. Stack is a linear data structure represented by a real

physical stack or pile where insertion and deletion of items
takes place at one end called top of the stack.
2. The basic concept can be illustrated by thinking of your data
set as a stack of plates or books where you can only take
the top item off the stack in order to remove things from it
3. The basic implementation of a stack is also called a LIFO
(Last In First Out)
Stack (Last in First out)

1. To behave as stack you have to use push and pop function

on array
2. Push function will add element at the end in array
3. Pop function will remove and return last elements from
Stack (Last in First out)

var foods = [];

console.log("Length "+foods.length); // Length 3
console.log(foods.pop()); // Remove Snacks from array
console.log(foods.pop()); // Remove Burger from array
console.log("Length "+foods.length); // Length 1
First in First out
Queue (First in First out)

1. Queue is a linear data structure represented by a real

physical queue.
2. You can think of it as a line in a grocery store or banks
3. A queue is open at both its ends.
4. The basic implementation of a stack is also called a FIFO
Queue (First in First out)

1. To behave as queue you have to use push and shift function

on array
2. Push function will add element at the end in array
3. Shift function will remove and return first elements from
Queue (First in First out)

var foods = [];

console.log("Length "+foods.length); // Length 3
console.log(foods.shift());// Remove Pizza from array
console.log(foods.shift());// Remove Burger from array
console.log("Length "+foods.length); // Length 1
Unshift function

1. To add element in array we use push function or index

2. These will add element at end of array
3. If you want to add element at the start of array and move all
element one index ahead then we can we use unshift
Unshift function

var foods = [];

console.log("Length "+foods.length); // Length 3
console.log(foods[0]); // "Pizza"
console.log(foods[0]); // "Sandwich"
console.log(foods[1]); // "Pizza"
Iterating array with Loops

1. To access all element in array we can use loops to iterate

over each array element
var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];
for(var i=0;i<foods.length;i++){
2. i will work as index and this code will show alert 3 times
each with “Pizza”, “Burger” and “Snacks” respectively
Iterating array with Loops

1. With loops you can utilize arrays in much efficient way.

2. If you want to find element in array, you can use loop to
iterate over array in check if particular value exists in array
3. If you want to sort elements in array, you can use loop to
iterate over each element and swap elements
1. Create an array and fill it
with numbers
Task 2. Ask input from user
3. Find element in array
that is provided by user
Splice function

1. Add add element in array we have used

a. Push function -- add element in last
b. Unshift function -- add element in start
c. Index -- add element in last or replace existing
2. If we want to add element in middle of array or any index
other than first/last then we can use splice function
Splice function

1. Splice function can add one or more element on particular

index in array
2. Splice function can replace one or more element on
particular index in array
3. Splice function returns elements which removed from array,
if no element removed then returns empty array
Splice function

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

console.log(foods);// "Pizza","Burger","Snacks"
//"Pizza","Sandwich", "Burger","Snacks"
This will add 1 element on index 1 and move all elements one
index forward
Splice function

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

console.log(foods);// "Pizza","Burger","Snacks"
foods.splice(1,0,"Sandwich", "Fries");
This will add 2 element on index 1 and 2 and move all elements
two index forward
Splice function

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks"];

console.log(foods);// "Pizza","Burger","Snacks"
This will remove 2 element from index 1 and will add 1 element
on index 1
Slice function

1. To create array from element of existing array you can use

slice function
2. We can create subset of array from existing array
3. Slice takes start and end index of array to create new array
4. Slice Syntax:
a. slice(index of array, end index)
b. End index is exclusive, if you say 4 that means 3rd
Slice function

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks", "Sandwich",

var arr = foods.slice(1,3);
console.log(foods);// output same as above
console.log(arr); //"Burger","Snacks"
Slice function

var foods = ["Pizza", "Burger", "Snacks", "Sandwich",

var arr = foods.slice(2); // Just start index
console.log(foods);// output same as above
console.log(arr); //"Snacks", "Sandwich","Fries"
Other Array functions

1. filter()
2. find()
3. indexOf()
4. lastIndexOf()
5. map()
6. reverse()
7. sort()

And others

1. JavaScript strings are used for storing and manipulating

2. String is zero or more characters written inside quotes

var a = "Hello World";

3. String is zero or more characters written inside quotes

var name1 = "John"; // Double quotes

var name2 = 'Mark'; // Single quotes
String Length Property

1. String has built-in length property which return length of

character in string

var a = "Hello World";

alert(a.length); // 11
Escape Characters

var a = "Hello\'World"; // Single quote

var b = "Hello\"World"; // Double quote
var c = "Hello\\World"; // Backslash
var d = "Hello\nWorld"; // New Line
var e = "Hello\tWorld"; // Horizontal Tab
String functions
String functions

During development you will often require to manipulate string

and for that string have many functions to do the job

1. toLowerCase() 6. charAt()
2. toUpperCase() 7. replace()
3. slice() 8. split()
4. indexOf()
5. lastIndexOf()
toLowerCase() function

1. toLowerCase function convert string in lowercase letters

2. It is useful when comparing user input

var food = "sANdWiCh";

var updatedFood = food.toLowerCase();
console.log(food); // sANDWiCh
console.log(updatedFood); // sandwich
toUpperCase() function

1. toUpperCase function convert string in uppercase letters

2. It is useful when comparing user input

var food = "sANdWiCh";

var updatedFood = food.toUpperCase();
console.log(food); // sANDWiCh
console.log(updatedFood); // SANDWICH
slice() function

1. slice() extracts a part of a string and returns the extracted

part in a new string.
2. The method takes 2 parameters: the start position, and the
end position (end not included).
3. String character count starts from 0 same as Arrays
4. First character at zero, second at 1
var a = "Hello World";
slice() function

1. This example extract portion from 6th index to 8th index

var a = "Hello World";

// 6 to (9-1)
var b = a.slice(6,9); //returns Wor
slice() function

1. If we omit second parameter it will return rest of the string

var a = "Hello World";

// 6 to end
var b = a.slice(6); //returns World
slice() function

1. If a parameter is negative, the position is counted from the

end of the string.

var a = "Hello World";

// -5 to -3
var b = a.slice(-5,-2); //returns Wor
indexOf() function

1. indexOf() returns the index of the first occurrence of a

specified text in a string
2. If not found, -1 is returned.

var a = "To be or not to be";

var b = a.indexOf("be"); //returns 3
indexOf() function

1. Second optional argument in indexOf() specify position to to

begin search in string. If not provided its default to 0

var a = "To be or not to be";

var b = a.indexOf("be", 10); //returns 16
lastIndexOf() function

1. lastIndexOf() returns the index of the last occurrence of a

specified text in a string.
2. It searches backwards, from the end to the beginning
3. If not found, -1 is returned

var a = "To be or not to be";

var b = a.lastIndexOf("be"); //returns 16
lastIndexOf() function

1. Second optional argument in lastIndexOf() specify position

to to begin search in string. If not provided its default to last

var a = "To be or not to be";

var b = a.lastIndexOf("be",10); //returns 3
2. It will start looking for text ‘be’ from index 10 to backwards
charAt() function

1. slice() function extract the portion of string provided the

starting and ending positions
2. charAt() function takes single index input and return
character at that index
3. Returns empty string if index does not exists on negative
index provided
var a = "To be or not to be";
var b = a.charAt(7); //returns r
replace() function

1. The replace() function replaces a specified value with

another value in a string
2. The replace() function does not change the string it is called
on. It returns a new string.

var str = "To be or not to be";

var b = str.replace("be","hello");
// result "To hello or not to be"
replace() function

1. By default, the replace() function replaces only the first

2. To replace all matches, use a regular expression with a /g
flag (global match) and without quotes

var str = "To be or not to be";

var b = str.replace(/be/g,"hello");
// returns "To hello or not to hello"
replace() function

1. To replace case insensitive, use a regular expression with an

/i flag (insensitive)

var str = "To be or not to be";

var b = str.replace(/to/i,"hello");
// returns "hello be or not to be"
replace() function

1. Combine both g and i flog to replace all matches and case


var str = "To be or not to be";

var b = str.replace(/To/gi,"hello");
// returns "hello be or not hello be"
split() function

1. The split() function is used to split a string into an array of

substrings, and returns the new array.

var str = "To be or not to be";

var b = str.split(" ");// split with space
// returns array: ["To", "be", "or", "not",
"to", "be"]
split() function

1. Split can be done with commas, spaces or any character

var str = "To,be or|not to,be";

var a = str.split(",");// Split on commas
var b = str.split(" ");// Split on spaces
var c = str.split("|");// Split on pipe
Other String functions

There are few more string functions you can learn

1. charCodeAt() 7. replace()
2. concat() 8. search()
3. endsWith() 9. startsWith()
4. includes() 10. substr()
5. match() 11. substring()
6. repeat() 12. trim()
Math functions
Math class provides
many functions that
Math allows you to perform
mathematical tasks on
Math.round() function

1. Math.round(x) returns the value of x rounded to its nearest

2. E.g calculating average score will result number with
decimal places and you need to round them

var average = (15 + 23 + 39) /3 ; // 25.6666

var roundedAverage = Math.round(average); // 26
Math.round() function

var a = Math.round(4.7); // 5
var b = Math.round(4.1); // 4
var c = Math.round(4.5); // 5
var d = Math.round(-4.1); // -4
var e = Math.round(-4.7); // -5
var f = Math.round(-4.5); // -4
var g = Math.round(5); // 5
Math.ceil() function

1. Math.ceil(x) returns the value of x rounded up to its nearest


var a = Math.ceil(4.7); // 5
var b = Math.ceil(4.1); // 5
var c = Math.ceil(-4.1); // -4
var d = Math.ceil(-4.7); // -4
Math.floor() function

1. Math.floor(x) returns the value of x rounded down to its

nearest integer

var a = Math.floor(4.7); // 4
var b = Math.floor(4.1); // 4
var c = Math.floor(-4.1); // -5
var d = Math.floor(-4.7); // -5
Math.random() function

1. Suppose you want to simulate the throw of a die. In the

simulation, you want it to randomly come up 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6
2. If you want build a game that will allow user to guess a
3. Math.random() returns a random number between 0
(inclusive), and 1 (exclusive)
4. Everytime you execute this function it will return random
Math.random() function

var num = Math.random();

// result will be like 0.5251908043871081
If you want to generate random number between some range
then you have to add some calculations like:

var num = Math.random();

var num2 = (num * 6) + 1;
var dice = Math.floor(num2); // 1 to 6
Other Math functions

There are few more string functions you can learn

1. Math.pow() 6. Math.min()
2. Math.sqrt() 7. Math.max()
3. Math.abs() 8. Math.exp()
4. Math.sin() 9. Math.log()
5. Math.cos()
Controlling the length of decimals

1. In arithmetic operation you may face numbers with many

decimal place

var average = (15 + 23 + 39) /3 ; // 25.666666666

2. To limit decimal places to specified number you can call
toFixed() function on number and round last digit

var avg = average.toFixed(3);// returns 25.667

Date Object

1. In JavaScript, you might have to create a website with a

calendar, a train schedule, or an interface to set up
2. These applications need to show relevant times based on
the user’s current timezone
3. You might need to use JavaScript to generate a report at a
certain time every day

1. The Date object is a built-in object in JavaScript that stores

the date and time.
2. It provides a number of built-in methods for formatting and
managing that data.
3. Date objects are created with new Date().

var date = new Date();

//Thu Nov 07 2019 11:44:50 GMT+0500 (Pakistan
Standard Time)
This will be created according to the current computer’s system
It will show complete date with current timezone, if you change
the timezone of your computer it will show different date
Thu Nov 07 2019 11:44:50 GMT+0500 (Pakistan Standard Time)
Looking at the output, we have a date string containing the
Creating Date Objects

1. There are 4 ways to create a new date object

new Date()
new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes,
seconds, milliseconds)
new Date(milliseconds)
new Date(date string)
Creating Date Objects

new Date()
new Date(2019, 7, 11, 10, 25, 40, 300);
new Date(1565501140300);
new Date("2019/9/8 10:15:15");
new Date("2019/9/8 10:15:15");
new Date("January 12 2019 10:15:15");
Unix time

1. JavaScript, understands the date based on a timestamp

derived from Unix time, which is a value consisting of the
number of milliseconds that have passed since midnight on
January 1st, 1970. We can get the timestamp with the
getTime() method.

var date = new Date();

date.getTime(); // 1573110702109
Epoch time

1. Epoch time, also referred to as zero time, is represented by

the date string 01 January, 1970 00:00:00 Universal Time
(UTC), and by the 0 timestamp
2. Epoch time was chosen as a standard for computers to
measure time by in earlier days of programming
var date = new Date(0);
//Thu Jan 01 1970 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (UTC)
Retrieving the Date Components

1. Once we have a date, we can access all the components of

the date with various built-in methods.
2. The methods will return each part of the date relative to the
local timezone.
3. Each of these methods starts with get, and will return the
relative number.
Retrieving the Date Components

var date = new Date("June 14 2019 10:45:25");

date.getFullYear();// 2019 date.getMinutes(); // 45

date.getMonth(); // 5 date.getSeconds(); // 25
date.getDate(); // 14 date.getMilliseconds();//0
date.getDay(); // 5 date.getTime();
date.getHours(); // 10 //1560491125000
Modifying the Date

1. For all the get methods that we learned, there is a

corresponding set method.
2. Where get is used to retrieve a specific component from a
date, set is used to modify components of a date
Modifying the Date

var date = new Date("June 14 2019 10:45:25");

// Fri Jun 14 2019 10:45:25 GMT+0500 (Pakistan
Standard Time)
// Wed Jun 14 2017 10:45:25 GMT+0500 (Pakistan
Standard Time)
Converting Day of Week to Text

1. getDay() function returns day of week, but it will give

number representing day from 0 to 6
2. 0 represent Sunday, 1 represent Monday and so on
3. If you want on convert this value into text representation
then you have to do it yourself
4. You create array represent day of week in text format and
then map value from getDay() function to array
Converting Day of Week to Text

var daysList = ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed",

"Thu", "Fri", "Sat"];
var date = new Date("June 14 2019 10:45:25");
var day = date.getDay(); // 5
var nameOfDay = daysList[day]; // Fri
Calculate Time difference

1. You can calculate time difference between two days using

getTime and calculate difference in days
2. getTime returns time in milliseconds so you can find out
time difference in milliseconds by subtracting dates
3. Then need find out of milliseconds in a day
24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds * 1000 milliseconds
4. And divide time difference in milliseconds with milliseconds
of a day
Calculate Time difference

var d1 = new Date("June 14 2019 10:45:25");

var d2 = new Date("June 28 2019 10:45:25");
var timeDiff = d2.getTime() - d1.getTime();
var days = timeDiff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);// 14

1. A function is a block of JavaScript that does the same thing

again and again.
2. A JavaScript function is executed when "something" invokes
it (calls it).
3. It saves you repetitive coding and makes your code easier to
4. You can reuse code: Define the code once, and use it many
Function Declarations

1. A JavaScript function is defined with the function keyword,

followed by a name, followed by parentheses ().
2. Function names can contain letters, digits, underscores, and
dollar signs (same rules as variables).
3. The parentheses may include parameter names separated
by commas: (parameter1, parameter2, ...)
4. The code to be executed, by the function, is placed inside
curly brackets: {}
Function Declarations

function name(parameter1, parameter2) {

// code to be executed
Function Declarations

function sum(a, b){

return a + b;

Declared functions are not executed immediately. They are

"saved for later use", and will be executed later, when they are
invoked (called upon).
Invoking a Function

1. Functions execute when the function is called.

2. This process is known as invocation.
3. You can invoke a function by referencing the function name,
followed by an open and closed parenthesis: ().
Invoking a Function

1. Declarations

function showMessage(message){
2. Invoking

showMessage("Hello World");
Parameters vs. Arguments

1. Parameters:
a. Function parameters are listed inside the
parentheses () in the function definition.
2. Arguments:
a. Function arguments are the values received by the
function when it is invoked.
Parameters vs. Arguments

1. Declarations
function showMessage(message){
2. Invoking
showMessage("Hello World");
Passing Data to Function

1. In order for a function to become a programmable robot

rather than a one-job robot, you have to set it up to receive
the data you're passing.
2. You can pass any type of data to function depending on
Passing Data to Function

function multiply(num1, num2){

var num3 = num1 * num2;
console.log("Num3 ",num3);

Passing Data to Function

function showMessage(name){
console.log("Hello "+name);

Parameter Rules

1. JavaScript function definitions do not specify data types for

2. JavaScript functions do not perform type checking on the
passed arguments.
3. JavaScript functions do not check the number of arguments
4. If a function is called with missing arguments (less than
declared), the missing values are set to: undefined
Parameter Rules

function showMessage(name){
console.log("Hello "+name);
showMessage("John"); // Hello John
showMessage(45); // Hello 45
showMessage(true); // Hello true
showMessage(); // Hello undefined
showMessage("Mike", 12);// Hello Mike
Function Return

1. Function can returns data back to caller

2. After executing logic in function if you want to return result
to the caller of function then you use return keyword
3. When JavaScript reaches a return statement, the function
will stop executing and return value is "returned" back to the
4. Every function in JavaScript returns undefined unless
otherwise specified
Function Return

function test(){

var a = test(); // return undefined

console.log(a); // undefined
Function Return

In this example we explicitly tell the function to return 45

function test(){
return 45;
var a = test(); // return 45
console.log(a); // 45
Function Return

function multiply(num1, num2){

return num1 * num2;
var a = multiply(3,6); // returns 18
var b = multiply(4,2); // returns 8
console.log(a); // 18
console.log(b); // 8
console.log(multiply(2,5)); // 10
Function Return

function multiply(num1, num2){

return num2; // function execution ends here
return num1 * num2;
var a = multiply(3,6); // returns 6
console.log(a); // 6
Function in Expressions

1. JavaScript functions can be used in expressions

2. Just like we use variables in calculation we can use function
and output function will be included in calculation

function multiply(num1, num2){

return num1 * num2;
var a = multiply(3,4) + 5
Function in Expressions

function multiply(num1, num2){

return num1 * num2;
function sum(a, b){
// Result of multiply sum with value of b
return multiply(a,b) + b; //16
var total = sum(3,4) + 6; // result 22
Function in Expressions

function multiply(num1, num2){

return num1 * num2;
function sum(a, b){
return a + b;
// Call multiply first and result passed to sum
var total = sum(multiply(3,4), 2) + 6; // result 20
Local vs Global Variables

1. Variables can have local or global scope

2. A global variable is one that's declared in the main body of
your code, not inside a function.
3. A local variable is one that's declared inside a function.
4. A local variable can be either a parameter of the function,
which is declared implicitly by being named as a parameter,
or a variable declared explicitly in the function with the var
Local vs Global Variables

5. Global variable is meaningful in every section of your code,

whether that code is in the main body or in any of the
6. Local variable is one that's meaningful only within the
function that declares it.
Local vs Global Variables

7. there are two differences between global and local

variables—where they're declared, and where they're known
and can be used.

Global Variables Local Variables

Declared in the main code Declared in a function

Known only inside the function, usable

Known everywhere, useable everywhere
only inside the function
Local vs Global Variables

var a = 7; // Global Variable

function sum(){
var b = 6; // Local Variable
var c = a + b; // 13, Accessing global
console.log("C "+c);
console.log("A = "+a); // 7
Local vs Global Variables

var a = 7; // Global Variable

function sum(){
var b = 6; // Local Variable
a = b + 5;
console.log("A "+a);// Accessing global variable
console.log("A = "+a); // 11, value of a updated
Local vs Global Variables

var a = 7; // Global Variable

function sum(){
var b = 6; // Local Variable
a = b + 5;
console.log("B = "+b);
// error, b is not available outside sum function
Local vs Global Variables

var a = 7; // Global Variable

function sum(){
var a = 6; // Local Variable a same name as global
a = 3 + 2; // Local a variable will be affected
console.log("A "+a);//5, access local variable
console.log("A "+a);//7, access global variable
Global Variables without var keyword

1. If you create variable without var keyword it will be global

variable not matter where you have created it
2. Variable created without var inside function it be global
3. Variable created without var in main body/code will be
global variable
4. It is recommended to use variable with var keyword to have
defined context
Global Variables without var keyword

a = 7; // Without var still Global Variable

function sum(){
var b = 6; // Local Variable
a = b + 5;
console.log("A "+a);// Accessing global variable
console.log("A "+a); // 11, value of a updated
Global Variables without var keyword

a = 7; // Without var still Global Variable

function sum(){
b = 6; // Global variable because its without var
a = b + 5;
console.log("A "+a);// Accessing global variable
console.log("B "+b);//b available outside of function
Function Expressions

1. A JavaScript function can also be defined using an

2. A function expression can be stored in a variable
var sum = function (a, b){ // function as expression
return a + b;
var c = sum(4,5);
Function Expressions

1. After a function expression has been stored in a variable,

the variable can be used as a function
2. The function in expression is actually an anonymous
function (a function without a name).
3. Functions stored in variables do not need function names.
They are always invoked (called) using the variable name.
Function Expressions

var square = function(num) { return num * num; };

var b = square(4); // 16

Notice that function above ends with semicolon because it is

part of executable statement
Function Hoisting

1. Hoisting is JavaScript's default behavior of moving

declarations to the top of the current scope.
2. Hoisting applies to variable declarations and to function
3. Because of this, JavaScript functions can be called before
they are declared
Function Hoisting

var total = sum(5,6); //Calling before declaration

console.log("Sum = "+total);

function sum(a, b){

return a + b;
Arguments Passed by Value

1. Primitive data is passed by value: The function only gets to

know the values, not the argument's locations.
2. If a function changes an argument's value, it does not
change the parameter's original value.
3. Changes to arguments are not visible (reflected) outside the
Arguments Passed by Value

var num = 5;
function changeValue(a){
a = 7; // change to a will not affect num

console.log(num);//5, num will be be updated
Arguments Passed by Reference

1. In JavaScript, object references are values.

2. Non-primitive value such as Array or a user-defined object
are passed by reference
3. If function changes the object's properties, that change is
visible outside the function
Arguments Passed by Reference

var arr = [4, 6, 7, 9];

function updateArray(val){ // array received in val
val[1] = 57; // updating val will also update arr
console.log(arr[1]); // 6 before calling function
console.log(arr[1]); // 57 after calling function
Arguments Passed by Reference

var obj = { name: "John", age:56 };

function updateObject(val){ // object received in val
val.age = 40; // updating val will also update arr
console.log(obj.age); // 56 before calling function
console.log(obj.age); // 40 after calling function
Recursive Function

1. A recursive function is a function that calls itself.

2. Recursion is a technique for iterating over an operation by
having a function call itself repeatedly until it arrives at a
3. In some ways, recursion is analogous to a loop. Both
execute the same code multiple times, and both require a
condition (to avoid an infinite loop, or rather, infinite
recursion in this case)
Recursive Function

1. The classic example of a function where recursion can be

applied is the factorial.
2. Factorial of a number n can be defined as product of all
positive numbers less than or equal to n.
3. It is the multiplying sequence of numbers in a descending
order till 1. It is defined by the symbol of exclamation (!).
4. E.g factorial of 6 is
a. 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 720
Recursive Function

function factorial(n) {
if (n <= 1) {
// Recursion will stop when this condition match
return 1;
} else {
return n * factorial(n - 1); // calling itself
Switch Statement

1. The switch statement executes a block of code depending

on different cases.
2. The switch statement is a part of JavaScript's "Conditional"
Statements, which are used to perform different actions
based on different conditions.
3. Switch statement works for equality checks only, you can
not apply range, greater than or less then checks
Switch Statement

4. This is how it works:

a. The switch statement evaluates an expression.
b. The value of the expression is then compared with
the values of each case in the structure.
c. If there is a match, the associated block of code is
5. The switch has one or more case blocks and an optional
Switch Syntax

switch(expression) {
case 'value1': // same as if (expression === 'value1')
// code block
case 'value2':
// code block
// code block
Switch Statement

var day = 3;
switch (day) {
case 6:
console.log("Today is Saturday");
case 0:
console.log("Today is Sunday");
console.log("Looking forward to the Weekend");
Switch - Grouping of case

1. Sometimes you will want different cases to use the same

code, or fall-through to a common default.
2. If you skip the break and expression match to the case
where there is no break then it will also fall-through the next
Switch - Grouping of case

var day = 3;
switch (day) {
case 6: // No break
console.log("Today is Saturday");
case 0: // No break in last case, both will execute
console.log("Today is Sunday");
console.log("Looking forward to the Weekend");
Switch - Grouping of case

var day = 3;
switch (day) {
case 6:
case 0:
console.log("Yaaaa! It’s Weekend");
console.log("Looking forward to the Weekend");
Switch - Strict Comparison

1. Switch cases use strict comparison (===).

2. The values must be of the same type to match.
3. A strict comparison can only be true if the operands are of
the same type.
Switch - Strict Comparison

var x = "0";
switch (x) {
case 0:
case 1:
default: // this will execute as value did not match
console.log("No value found");
While loop

1. The while loop loops through a block of code as long as a

specified condition is true.


while (condition) {
// code block to be executed
While loop

1. In this example, the code in the loop will run, over and over
again, as long as a variable (i) is less than 10:
while (i < 10) {
console.log("I " + i);
2. You will use while loop when execution is dependent on
user input
Do/While loop

1. The do/while loop is a variant of the while loop. This loop

will execute the code block once, before checking if the
condition is true, then it will repeat the loop as long as the
condition is true.
2. You will use do/while loop when execution is dependent on
user input but it needs to run code block at least once
Do/While loop


do {
// code block to be executed
while (condition);
Do/While loop

do {
console.log("I " + i);
while (i < 10);
Part 2 Ends

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