B21 0197 Mat2004 100209

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Programme : B.Tech. Semester : Fall 2022-23
Course Name : Operation Research Course Code : MAT2004
Faculty Name : Dr. Sayed Mohammed Zeeshan Slot / Class No : B21+B22 / 0197
Time : 1½ hours Max. Marks : 50

Answer ALL the Questions

Q. No. Question Description Marks

PART - A (30 Marks)

1 (a) XYZ Electronics company produces three types of parts for washing machine. It purchases 10
casting of the parts from a local foundry and then finishes the part of drilling, shaping and
polishing machines. The selling prices of part A, B and C respectively are Rs. 40, Rs. 50
and Rs. 70. All parts made can be sold. Casting for part A, B and C respectively cost Rs. 25,
Rs. 30 and Rs. 50.
The shop possesses only one of each type of machine. Cost per hour to run each type of
machine are Rs. 100 for drilling, Rs. 150 for shaping and Rs. 150 for polishing. The
capacities (parts per hour) for each part on each machine are shown in the adjoining table.

Capacity per hour

Part A Part B Part C
Drilling 25 40 25
Shaping 25 20 20
Polishing 40 30 40

The management of the shop wants to know how many parts of each type it should produce
per hour in order in order to maximize profit for an hour’s run. Formulate the problem as an
LP problem.
(b) A company has three factories at Amethi, Baghpat and Gwalior that have the production 10
capacity of 5000; 6000 and 2500 tonnes respectively. Four distribution centres at Allahabad,
Mumbai, Kolkata and Delhi, require 6000 tonnes; 4000 tonnes; 2000 tonnes and 1500
tonnes respectively of the product. The transportation costs per tonne from different
factories to different centres are given below:
Factory Allahabad Mumbai Kolkata Delhi
Amethi 3 2 7 6
Baghpat 7 5 2 3
Gwalior 2 5 4 5
Use least cost method to find the initial basic feasible solutions.

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2 (a) Solve the following non-linear programming problem using Kuhn-Tucker conditions 10
𝑍𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 8𝑋1 + 10𝑋2 − 𝑋12 − 𝑋22
subject to
3𝑋1 + 2𝑋2 ≤ 6
where 𝑋1 and 𝑋2 ≥0
(b) There are two players in the game, Player A and Player B. each of them randomly shows 10
selected fingers of the right hand. If the sum of the number of fingers shown by bot the
players is an even number, then the player B has to give money in rupees equivalent to the
number of fingers shown by him to the Player A; if the sum of the number of fingers shown
by both the players is an odd number, then the Player A has to give money in rupees
equivalent to the number fingers shown by him to the Player B. Construct the pay-off matrix
with respect to Player A and find the optimal solution for this game.

3 (a) Max hospital has one doctor to attend the to patients with diabetes. Arrival of patients is 10
considered to follow Poisson distribution with an average time of 12 minutes between one
arrival and the next. The length of time the patient spends with doctor is 4 minutes and this
length of the time follows exponential distribution.
(i) what is the probability that the patient arriving to the hospital will have to wait?
(ii) How many patients would be expected to be in the hospitals service area?
(iii) what is the average length of queues that form from time to time?

(b) An architect has been awarded a contract to prepare plans for an urban renewal project. 10
The job consists of the following activities and their estimated times:
Activity Description Immediate Predecessors Time(days)
𝐴 Prepare preliminary sketches − 2
𝐵 Outline specifications − 1
𝐶 Prepare drawings 𝐴 3
𝐷 Write specifications 𝐴, 𝐵 2
𝐸 Run off prints 𝐶, 𝐷 1
𝐹 Have specification 𝐵, 𝐷 3
𝐺 Assemble bid packages 𝐸, 𝐹 1

Draw the network diagram of activities for the project.

PART - B (20 Marks)

4 Develop the LPP from the given simplex tableau 10
𝐶𝑗 4 6 3 1 0 0 0

B 𝑪𝑩 𝑿𝑩 𝒙𝟏 𝒙𝟐 𝒙𝟑 𝒙𝟒 𝑺𝟏 𝑺𝟐 𝑺𝟑
𝑆1 0 550 1.5 2 4 3 1 0 0

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𝑆2 0 700 4 1 2 1 0 1 0
𝑆3 0 200 2 3 1 2 0 0 1
Solve the given simplex tableau for the next two iteration and check whether it achieve
optimal solution.

5 Bank customers can be served from any one of three different service points. They are 10
observed to enter the bank in a Poisson fashion at an average rate of 24 per hour, whilst
the average time a bank clerk takes to service a customer is exponentially distributed at an
average time of 6 minutes.
As an alternative, the bank is thinking of installing an automatic servicing machine which,
although it will mean only one service channel, it will be able to serve individual
customers three times as bank clerks do at present.
Advice the bank. which of the system would be the more efficient in terms of customer
waiting time.


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