Landlord Code of Conduct
Landlord Code of Conduct
Landlord Code of Conduct
I agree to comply with the following code of conduct and that I meet the fit an proper person criteria
I will always act in a fair, honest and reasonable way in all my dealings with prospective and/or
existing tenants, No prospective and/or existing tenants will be treated less favourably by me than
any other person or groups of persons because of their race, colour, ethnic or national origin,
religion, gender, disability, appearance, marital status, sexuality, politics, social status or their
responsibility for dependants.
• Any offence involving fraud or other dishonesty, or violence or drugs, or any offence listed
in schedule 3 to the Sexual Offences Act 2003
• Undertaken any unlawful discrimination on grounds of sex, colour, race, ethnic or national
origins or disability in, or in connection with, the carrying on of any business
• Been found to have acted otherwise than in accordance with any applicable code of practice
approved under section 233 Housing Act 2004
Additionally, in the last five years, I have not contravened any provision of housing and/or landlord
or tenant law. These include (but not limited to):
• Being in control of a property subject to a control order under section 379 Housing Act 1985
• Been refused a licence, had a licence removed, or breached conditions of a licence for any
property in relation to a mandatory, additional or selective licensing scheme under the
Housing Act 2004
• Been in control of any property on which a local authority has carried out works in default
• Been in control of any property that has been subject to an interim or final management
order or a special interim order under the Housing Act 2004
• Been in control of any property where you have been subject to a criminal offence or any
other proceedings by a local authority or other regulatory body (such as breaches of the
Environmental Protection Act 1990, planning control, compulsory purchase or fire safety
• Been convicted of any charges relating to harassment or illegal eviction
Code of Conduct
Agents agree:-
• Any reference below to property standards (including carrying out repairs or improvements)
is a reference where applicable to the agent agreeing to inform the landlord in writing of any
areas requiring attention or other statutory requirements. If the landlord fails to rectify the
issues in a timely manner, the agent agrees to notify the local authority.
• If a tenant notifies an agent of a serious risk to anyone’s health or safety, the agent will
advise the occupier to notify the local authority. If the occupier is unable to do this, the agent
will notify the local authority on their behalf.
• At least two thirds of staff have obtained accreditation status by completing the on-line or
attendance based course.
• To have continuous client money protection insurance in force for all client monies
including deposits which are protected by an insurance based tenancy deposit scheme. A
copy of the insurance must be produced to NLAS on application for accreditation and
thereafter on demand.
1. Tenancy Agreements
1. All prospective tenants are provided with a copy of any contractual terms under which a
property is offered, such terms to include details of any fees payable in addition to rent and
any arrangements involving tenants’ guarantors.
2. When specifically requested by interested parties, they will be permitted not less than 24
hours within which to seek independent advice regarding the contractual terms.
3. Monies are only received prior to the signing and completion of a letting agreement as a
non-returnable deposit if the accommodation is reserved for an agreed specified period and
for which a receipt must be given.
4. Any incidental costs likely to be incurred will be clearly stated in writing.
5. Where a fee is charged for arranging a letting agreement, then prospective tenants will be
clearly informed of this in advance.
6. The terms of the tenancy will clearly inform the tenant who is responsible for the payment
of all utility charges and Council Tax. If any service charges are levied by the landlord, that
such services and charges, and the method of arriving at such charges, will be properly
specified and detailed in the tenancy agreement.
7. The tenancy agreement shall clearly specify the rent due to be paid, including the dates,
amounts and method of payments due to be made during the contract.
8. The agreement shall contain the name and address of the landlord/agent which must be in
England or Wales.
9. Letting agreements are written in clear legible English containing no contractual terms in
conflict with any statutory or common law entitlement of the tenant or the terms of this
2. Commencement of Tenancy
1. At the start of the tenancy I shall inform the tenants of the refuse collection day, the use of
the heating and hot water installations, the location of the water stop tap, gas shut off valve
and the window and door locks. I will also inform the tenants about the safe use of the fire
equipment provided. Where necessary or requested, I will issue guidance.
1. I will keep a record of rent payments and provide a rent book (if the rent is payable weekly)
or other form of receipt for all payments made by tenants.
2. If the tenancy is a student let, any arrangements relating to a summer retainer will be stated
clearly in writing by me.
4. Documentation
1. I shall keep appropriate records and logbooks and shall retain certificates required by law
(e.g. gas safety certificates). I shall make copies of these certificates available to tenants. On
request I will make such copies available to NLAS.
5. Insurance
1. I shall have adequate insurance and advise tenants of the extent of that insurance. In respect
of contents insurance, I shall specify exactly what items I own which are insured and advise
the tenants of the need to insure the contents they own, if they wish.
1. If a deposit is taken, I will use a government approved tenancy deposit scheme. NLAS will
provide guidance on request.
2. A detailed inventory is carried out at check-in, if possible in the presence of the tenant and
the inventory will be signed and dated by all parties. (Inventories that incorporate
photographs or video are recommended.)
3. There is a proper check-out inventory, if possible in the presence of the tenant.
1. Where the tenancy agreement includes a clause requiring the tenant not to cause a nuisance
or annoyance, the landlord or agent will use reasonable endeavours to achieve compliance.
There will be a measured response in the light of the circumstances. Court proceedings
would be a last resort.
8. Pre-tenancy Repairs etc.
1. Any agreed pre-tenancy repairs or any intentions on the part of the landlord to undertake
upgrading should be confirmed in writing to prospective tenants which contains a specific
time-scale. I will fulfil all obligations by the date agreed by both parties.
9. HMO Licensing
1. I have made an application for an HMO licence for all of my licensable HMOs, and that
those properties meet or will comply with licence conditions within agreed timescales to
ensure compliance with minimum standards
2. I have made an application for a licence for any properties (whether HMO or not) in a
selective licensing area (if applicable) and that those properties meet or will comply with
licence conditions within agreed timescales to ensure compliance with minimum standards
10. Access
1. Where access is required for routine inspection/s or viewings, the tenants receive
notification of the date, time and purpose of the visit not less than 24 hours in advance,
unless otherwise agreed, and with the exception of circumstances where issuance of such
notice is impracticable (such as a genuine emergency).
2. I understand the tenant’s right to peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the property and I accept I
am not entitled to enter the tenant’s living area without permission.
1. Within the landlord’s responsibilities and reasonable endeavours the visual appearance of
dwellings, outbuildings, gardens, yards and boundaries are maintained in a reasonable state
so as not to detract from the visual amenity of the area
2. All dwellings are maintained in a satisfactory state of repair
3. That under normal circumstances the following repairs completion performance standards
should be achieved:
4. Priority One – Emergency Repairs: any repairs required in order to avoid a danger to
health risk to the safety of residents or serious damage to buildings or internal contents –
within 24 hours of report of defect. In circumstances where this is not practicable, I will
make best temporary arrangements.
5. Priority Two – Urgent Repairs: repairs to defects, which materially affect the comfort or
convenience of the residents – within five working days of report of defect.
6. Priority Three – Non Urgent day to day repairs: reactive repairs not falling within the
above categories – within 28 working days of report of defect.
7. With the exception of emergency repairs the date on which the repair was reported to the
landlord in writing shall be the start date for the repairs completion timescale.
8. Tenants are provided with a point of contact in case of emergency.
9. Decorative finishes for which they have responsibility are made good within a reasonable
timescales if damaged or disturbed during repairs.
10. Where contractors and trades persons are undertaking works in occupied premises, it is
written into the contract that they remove all redundant components and debris from site on
completion of works in a reasonable time and behave in a professional and courteous
manner at all times whilst at the premises.
11. Maintenance and Servicing tasks which can be carried out in a planned and cyclical manner
and which are the responsibility of the landlord, are carried out with due regard to the
convenience of tenants.
12. Furniture
1. I will ensure that all furnishings and furniture provided by the landlord are in satisfactory
condition at the commencement of the tenancy and comply as appropriate with the Furniture
and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations.
1. I will ensure that each kitchen contains facilities for the storage, preparation and cooking of
food which are suitable for the number of occupants using the kitchen, unless provided by
the tenant
2. I will ensure that an adequate number of suitably located W.C.’s, baths and/or showers and
washbasins are provided with constant hot and cold water supplies as appropriate, which are
suitable for the number of occupants.
14. Overcrowding
1. Properties and boundaries are maintained, as reasonably practicable, free of any avoidable
or unnecessary hazards as defined in the Housing Health & Safety Rating System (NLAS
will provide guidance on request).
2. All means of use and supply of mains gas and alterations and repairs to gas installations
shall be carried out by an appropriate Gas Safe Register engineer and all works comply with
current Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.
3. Documentation giving verification of annual gas safety checks by a Gas Safe Register
engineer will be provided to tenants (and put on display in the dwelling if appropriate),
made available to NLAS on request and given to new tenants on moving in.
4. Clear written instructions in the safe use of all central heating and hot water systems are
available on request by the tenant.
5. Portable bottled gas or paraffin heaters will not be provided as a permanent heating source.
6. Oil fired heating systems are serviced in accordance with the manufacturer’s
7. All electrical installations provided by me are safe. (Any HMO must have an electrical
installation check carried out every five years under HMO legislation)
8. If work is required under Part P of the Building Regulations, I will either notify building
control or employ an authorised competent person.
9. Reasonable steps are taken to ensure that all electrical appliances provided by me under the
terms of the tenancy are functioning effectively, in accordance with manufacturers’
operational limits, and in a safe manner. (Portable Appliance Testing (PAT), would be one
satisfactory method of ensuring this)
10. Appliances are visually inspected for wear and tear and any defects remedied regularly but
at least every change of tenancy.
11. Instructions in the safe use of all electrical appliances (including cookers, space and water
heaters, refrigerators and freezers) will be given upon request.
12. If I make any alterations to any accommodation that requires building regulation or planning
approval, I will ensure the appropriate approval is sought prior to starting works and will
ensure the work is certified on completion.
1. Where practicable, all dwellings are provided with a reasonable level of energy efficiency
measures including hot water tank and exposed pipe lagging and insulation to roof void
2. Energy efficiency improvements are incorporated, where practicable, into refurbishment
3. Tenants are given advice upon request, or signposted to an appropriate advisory agency, on
how best to heat their accommodation and use hot water in an energy efficient way using the
facilities provided. NLAS will assist with the provision of such information.
4. Dwellings are provided with a reasonably efficient heating system that, when combined with
effective thermal insulation, provides a reasonable degree of thermal comfort.
1. If not already done in any HMO, a fire risk assessment will be carried out and I will
implement any recommendations given in the LACORS fire safety guidance for landlords
(available on the NLAS website or on request) within a reasonable period.
2. Where reasonably practicable, smoke alarms (ideally mains operated interlinked) are
installed in single occupied dwellings.
3. Tenants are informed of their responsibilities to treat the alarm system with respect.
4. Fire alarm and emergency lighting systems are properly checked and maintained by a
competent approved person in accordance with manufacturers instructions, and that
inspection certificates are retained and provided on request.
5. All exit routes within a dwelling such as hallways, landings and staircases, so far as they are
under the control of the landlord and as far as reasonably practical, will be maintained safe,
unobstructed and free of fixtures and fittings to enable evacuation of the dwelling in the
event of fire.
18. Hygiene and Waste Disposal
1. All dwellings will be provided with suitable refuse disposal facilities sufficient for the
number of occupants.
2. I will inform tenants of the need for proper refuse management.
3. All appropriate steps are taken to enforce all tenancy agreement clauses relating to proper
refuse disposal.
20. References
1. I will not refuse a tenant a reference for the purpose of securing a new tenancy without good
1. Tenants are issued with clear written guidelines regarding the standard of cleaning and other
arrangements for bringing the tenancy to an end so as to avoid misunderstandings regarding
the standard of cleanliness and condition of the dwelling expected at the end of the tenancy.
2. Once fully receipted invoice accounts have been provided by tenants, all deposits (or
balances on deposits) shall be returned to tenants within the timescale agreed in the tenancy
or an explanation provided as to why a variation may need to be the case.
22. Complaints
1. I agree to deal with complaints from tenants in a fair and courteous manner. If the complaint
cannot be resolved internally after all reasonable efforts, I will notify NLAS of the
complaint who will determine whether the complaint is suitable for the NLAS complaint
23. Conduct
1. I will take steps to maintain and improve my knowledge of current relevant legislation and
good practice
2. I will not act in such a manner that brings the Accreditation Scheme into disrepute
In the case of licensed HMOs, where an HMO licence includes a particular condition that is
different to a requirement of this accreditation scheme, then compliance with the HMO licence
condition will take precedence.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Passported members
If there is a conflict between the NLAS code of conduct or criteria with the accreditation from
which you are being passported, the following applies:
• If the complaint or issue where there maybe a conflict arises in the area of the local authority
for which you were accredited, that local authority code of conduct and/or criteria will
overrule ours.
• If however, the complaint or issue irises out of the local authority area (for example in
relation to a property in a different area) then our code of conduct and criteria overrules.