Hilot Wellness Massage Ncii

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Department of Education

Region III-Central Luzon | Schools Division Office of Pampanga

Magalang, Pampanga


S.Y. 2022-2023
DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze the following question. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. It is the art and science of ancient Filipino Healing Art.

A. Chinese C. Greeks
B. Greeks D. Japanese

2. Massage was used as part of their regular hygiene routine in ancient times. Which of the
nationalities listed below utilized this?
A. Indonesian C. Persians
B. Japanese D. Romans

3. An equipment that is used by the therapist to position the client while getting the massage.
A. Massage Bed C. Pillow
B. Massage Room D. Shower Room

4. It is a place where water that has many minerals in it comes up from the ground and where
people go to improve their health.
A. Barber Shop C. Spa
B. Salon D. Wellness Room

5. The following are types of spa EXCEPT ____________________.

A. Day and Resort C. Destination and Hotel
B. Medical and Hotel D. Relaxation and Medication

6. This is a style of massage that is not recommended for clients who are sensitive to the
scent of essential oils.
A. Aromatherapy Massage C. Swedish Massage
B. Shiatsu Massage D. Thai Massage

7. The following are common Standard Operating Procedures in spa EXCEPT____________.

A. Client Consultation C. Security and Maintenance
B. Housekeeping Procedures D. Staff Appearance

8. Which of the following describes emotional intelligence in spa service?

A. Being able to understand and manage your own and other’s emotion.
B. Working with others groups and teams
C. Understand teams’ skills
D. Proper attire in spa

9. It is made from coconut meat or copra by boiling the coconut meat.

A. Coconut-based oil C. Muds and Clays
B. Exfoliants D. All of the following

10. Which of the following is best describing on plan the hilot wellness program?
A. Applying the hilot massage technique C. Post-advice after service
B. Planning the service program D. Preparing the tools for service

11. An establishment for relaxation and wellness.

A. Barbershop C. Spa
B. Clinic D. Sauna

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Midterm Examination in Hilot Wellness Massage NCII ’22-‘23

12. These are the Filipino traditional healers.

A. Albularyo C. Massage Therapists
B. Babaylan D. All of the above

13. Conducting the techniques and application of massage to the client.

A. Applying the massage C. Post-advice and post-service to the client
B. Planning the massage D. All of the above

14. The massage clinic has the paperwork required to offer massage services. However,
acupuncture and acupressure are also available but are not part of the clinic's approved
facilities. In which legislation is the responsibility of the massage clinic?
A. ASEAN Spa Services Standards 2016 C. R.A 8423
B. DOLE Rule 1070 D. All of the above

15. Fe is the director of a massage center. In the first year of her enterprise, Fe received a
sanitary license for her company. However, in the years that followed, she refused to do so.
In what rule is Fe accountable?
A. DOLE Rule 1070 C. P.D 856
B. DOLE Rule 1090 D. All of the above

16. Aldrain needs to study in an approved massage therapy training school. What legislation
does such a training center regulate?
A. DOLE Rule 1070 C. R.A. 8423
B. R.A. 7796 D. P.D. 856

17. The Massage Clinic enables on-the-job trainees. One of the trainees excels in his / her
duties. The clinic manager would like to hire a junior trainee. What regulation is the clinic
going to violate if it hires a minor trainee?
A. DOLE MC 02 series of 1998 C. P.D. 856
B. P.D. 442 D. R.A 9262

18. Your client said during the pre-massage session that he / she had suffered recurring chest
pain for quite some time. Who do you send your client to?
A. Alternative Medicine Practitioner C. Phycologist
B. Medical Doctor D. Registered Social Worker

19. A massage center was inspected and the authorities found that the center lacked the
services and appliances required for disaster preparedness, such as fire extinguishers,
smoke detectors, alarms and emergency lighting. What regulatory body makes the
massage institution subject to the law?
A. ASEAN Spa Services Standards 2016 C. DOLE A.O. 2010-0034
B. DOLE MC 02 series of 1998 D. None of the above

20. One of Tom's workers saw rainwater pouring out of the fuse box at the massage center.
Tom called an electrician to repair the issue. Through doing so, Tom has agreed with the
A. R.A No. 9514 - Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008
B. ASEAN Spa Services Standards 2016
C. DOLE MC 02 series of 1998
D. DOLE A.O. 2010-0034

21. A client walks into your spa/clinic and complains about pain on his leg. Upon assessment,
you found out that the client just had his leg casts taken off from a past injury. The right
professional to handle this is?
A. Alternative Medicine Practitioner C. Phycologist
B. Medical Doctor D. Registered Social Worker

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22. You find out that minors are employed by a massage clinic / spa in your area. Who of the
following will treat this situation best?
A. Alternative Medicine Practitioner C. Phycologist
B. Medical Doctor D. Registered Social Worker

23. During breathing or respiration, which element does the body intake?
A. Carbon Dioxide C. Nitrogen
B. Carbon Monoxide D. Oxygen

24. Without this system, we could not breathe.

A. Circulatory system C. Nervous system
B. Muscular system D. Respiratory system

25. A person or living organism that carries a disease and has the potential to transmit the
disease to others. (Employee A comes to the office coughing and sneezing. The next day,
Employee A is absent and so are Employees B and C. It can be inferred that:
A. Employee A is a CARRIER of a disease
B. Employee A passed a microbe to Employees B and C
C. The office is suffering from an epidemic
D. The office is suffering from a pandemic

26. The following are elements to be balance in wellness massage, EXCEPT:

A. Air C. Water
B. Thunder D. All of the above

27. What are the faculties of wellness massage?

A. Body C. Soul/Spirit
B. Emotion D. All of the above

28. The following promote good environment to the clients EXCEPT:

A. Proper lightning C. Proper ventilation
B. Proper music D. All of the above

29. How will you handle a sexually abuse client?

A. Call the family member of the client C. Report to the manager
B. Call the guard immediately D. All of the above

30. This type of contraindication is when the massage can only be performed only through the
permission of a Physician.
A. Medical contraindication C. Local contraindication
B. Physical contraindication D. Total contraindication

31. Single-celled microorganisms that live on diverse environment.

A. Bacteria C. Protozoans
B. Fungi D. Virus

32. The following are pre-hilot wellness advice EXCEPT ________________________.

A. Abstaining from alcohol and dangerous drugs
B. Avoiding over-eating or having full stomach
C. Being able to understand client/s
D. Taking a bath or shower

33. The common techniques in performing Bentosa Massage EXCEPT:

A. Apply 70% Alcohol C. Cupping Cups
B. Banana Scanning D. None of the above

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34. It is a requirement to consult with client/s and select and sequence a range of hilot wellness
techniques as a program.
A. Apply the massage C. Plan the program
B. Prepare post-advice D. Prepare pre-advice

35. Which of the following is the purpose of checking vital signs?

A. Assisting goal setting C. Non-assessment of client/s response
B. Unestablished a data based D. All of the following

36. Which of the following must be the first thing to do when the client arrived in a spa?
A. Greetings C. Schedule
B. Massage D. Both A and B

37. A person who pays a professional person for health services.

A. Client/s C. Therapists
B. Customers D. Visitors

38. It is a careful procedure and decision in making best action or treatment for the guest/s.
A. Assessment C. Massage
B. Application D. Schedule

39. The measurement of pressure or force of blood against the walls of your arteries.
A. Aneroid C. Temperature
B. Blood Pressure D. Thermometer

40. It is the instrument used for measuring temperature.

A. Stethoscope C. Thermometer
B. Sphygmomanometer D. Thermoscaner

41. The normal blood pressure of the human body.

A. 80/70 C. 180/70
B. 120/80-110-70 D. 190/110

42. A medical instrument that is used for listening to someone’s pulse beat or lungs.
A. Pulse rate C. Temperature
B. Stethoscope D. Thermometer

43. Shiatsu is originated from ________.

A. Australia C. Japan
B. China D. Philippines

44. The country that promoted and developed wellness massage as medical institution by the
A. China C. Japan
B. France D. Thailand

45. These are elements to be balance in wellness massage.

A. Air, earth, water, fire C. Air, thunder, water, light
B. Air, light, water, fire D. Air, thunder, water, fire

46. The following are the important information gather to the clients EXCEPT _____________.
A. Address C. Occupation
B. Contact number D. Therapists

47. The evaluation after service.

A. Preparation C. Satisfaction
B. Product D. Service

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48. Which of the following must be the first thing to do when the client arrived in a spa?
A. Greet the client C. Massage the client
B. Interview the client D. All of the following

49. It is the sudden drop of blood from the brain due to abrupt change of position.
A. Hematoma C. Orthostatic Hypotension
B. Hypotension D. Orthostatic Hypertension

50. The client/s doesn’t want these obstructions outside and reason for not relaxing ambiance
in the spa.
A. Cultural Needs C. Noise
B. Distraction D. Temperature

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