Structure of Ifs
Structure of Ifs
Structure of Ifs
not available to borrovwer or to an individual saver but are available to financial intermediaries.
Ultimately they exploit economies of scale in lending and borrowing.
Channelisation ot Savings : Financial intermediaries play a crucial role in the
development by directing savings in tune with development priorities. They are directing
individual savings into investments which are more favourable to economic development
They are acting as sponsoring, encouraging or discriminating among various industries
sectoral balance is attected. These specialised institutions keep up mobilisation of savings
uninterrupted with foreign exchange by channelising the funds obtained from international agencies
ike World Bank and International Finance Corporation.
ne evolution of the Indian financial svstem., from the viewpoint of exposiion mayoe aivided
three phases:
nase l:Up to 1951, i.e., on the eve of the initiation of planned economic development ha_b
taken. The main features of Pre-1951 industrial financing organisations were-(a) closed-ci-
ardcter ot industrial entrepreneurship, (b) lack of issue houses, (c) restricted access or indust
tO Outside
savings, (d) low rate of industrial growth, and (e) lack of new entrepreneurship
Acruaiuy pre-1951 phase of the Indian financial system was characterised by unplanned econon
2. Phase I
: Between 1951 and the mid-eighties i.e. the imperatives of
by government. The mixed economy model had a planned
was initiated grow
evolution of the second significant bearing th=
phase of Indian financial system. Government controls over the
system was the main highlight
of this finania
During this phase many new financial institutions were established like IFCI, IDBI,
3. Phase III After early nineties
responding to the requirements of liberalised, globalised and
deregulated economic environment with the introduction of the new industrial
in India since the
beginning of the nineties the organisation and structure of policy
system underwent a significant transformation. In 1999, Insurance
Authority Act was passed to allow private sector, insurance Regulatory Development
business in India. Many private sectors banks were companies to enter into insurance
established during this phase.
Like any other
developed countries, the structure of Indian financial system more or less
same. Indian financial the
system comprises also of main five components (a)
institutions, (b) Indian financial markets, () Indian financial Indian financal
services, and (e) Indian financial market regulators. instruments, (d) Indian financial