Cryogenic Centrifugal Pump.

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(11) EP 2 634 433 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: F04D 7/02 (2006.01) F04D 13/00 (2006.01)
24.10.2018 Bulletin 2018/43
(86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 11835972.8 PCT/JP2011/071545

(22) Date of filing: 14.09.2011 (87) International publication number:

WO 2012/056832 (03.05.2012 Gazette 2012/18)



(84) Designated Contracting States: • KUNITANI, Shingo

AL AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB Matsumoto-shi, Nagano 390-1701 (JP)
PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR Osaka-shi, Osaka 542-0081 (JP)

(30) Priority: 29.10.2010 JP 2010242924 (74) Representative: Hering, Hartmut

(43) Date of publication of application: Berendt, Leyh & Hering
04.09.2013 Bulletin 2013/36 Innere Wiener Strasse 20
81667 München (DE)
(73) Proprietor: Air Water Inc.
Sapporo-shi (56) References cited:
Hokkaido 060-0003 (JP) EP-A1- 0 127 752 GB-A- 1 132 698
JP-A- 59 200 091 JP-B- 46 032 899
(72) Inventors: US-A- 5 642 987
• JOHCHI, Taketo
Sakai-shi, Osaka 592-8331 (JP)
EP 2 634 433 B1

Note: Within nine months of the publication of the mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
Implementing Regulations. Notice of opposition shall not be deemed to have been filed until the opposition fee has been
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EP 2 634 433 B1



5 [0001] The present invention relates to cryogenic pump for liquefied gases for transferring cryogenic liquefied gases.


[0002] Transfer of liquefied gases at a low temperature (liquefied gases of which boiling point is -150°C or lower, such
10 as liquid oxygen, liquid nitrogen, liquid argon, or liquefied natural gas (LNG)) by plumbing, is carried out by creating a
difference in pressure by using a centrifugal pump, etc.
[0003] Conventional centrifugal pumps for cryogenic liquefied gases include the following.

(1) Shaft Seal Pump (Non-patent Document 1: Cryostar Internet Catalogue, Model GBSD)
15 (2) Submerged Pump (Non-patent Document 2: Nikkiso Co., Ltd., Cryogenic Pump Catalogue, Catalogue No.
2075R4, Non-patent Document 3: Cryostar Internet Catalogue, Model VS, and Patent Document 1:
(3) Magnet-coupling-drive Sealless Pump (Non-patent Document 4: CS&P Cryogenic Internet Catalogue, Model
Centrifugal Pump 2"33"36.7", and Patent Document 2: JP2001-514360A).
[0004] The detailed explanation of the above-mentioned pumps will be made.

(1) Shaft Seal Pump (Non-patent Document 1)

25 [0005] This is a pump of which an impeller for generating a difference in pressure of liquid exists in the cryogenic
liquefied gas, while a motor for rotationally driving the impeller exists in the atmosphere. The impeller and the motor are
coupled to each other, by a pump shaft penetrating through a housing. The cryogenic liquefied gas is filled in the housing
for accommodating the impeller, and a shaft seal is utilized for the purpose of rotating the pump shaft penetrating through
the housing, without leaking of cryogenic liquefied gas.
(2) Submerged Pump (Non-patent Document 2, Non-patent Document 3, and Patent Document 1)

[0006] This is a pump in which not only an impeller, but also a motor for rotationally driving the impeller, and a bearing
all exist in cryogenic liquefied gas. The cryogenic liquefied gas is filled in a casing covering the entire pump, and a shaft
35 seal is not used.

(3) Magnet-coupling-drive Sealless Pump (Non-patent Document 4, and Patent Document 1)

[0007] This is a pump in which an impeller exists in cryogenic liquefied gas, and a motor for rotationally driving the
40 impeller exists in the atmosphere. The impeller and the motor are arranged in a liquid phase and a gas phase which are
separated by a pressure bulkhead, respectively. A rotational force is transmitted between an impeller-side shaft and a
motor-side shaft.
[0008] Here, in general, as the installation place of the pump, the pump may be installed on the ground as stationary
pump equipment, or mounted on a vehicle (tank truck) as a mobile pump equipment. Additionally, usage of the pump
45 includes a case of constant-operation, a case of being in a stand-by mode constantly and operating only when needed,
and a case of standing by when needed and operating thereafter.


50 Patent Documents


Patent Document 1: JP1994-288382A

55 Patent Document 2: JP2001-514360A

EP 2 634 433 B1

Non-patent Document


5 Non-patent Document 1: Cryostar Internet Catalogue, Model GBSD (

Non-patent Document 2: Nikkiso Co., Ltd., Cryogenic Pump Catalogue, Catalogue No. 2075R4
Non-patent Document 3: Cryostar Internet Catalogue, Model VS (
Non-patent Document 4: CS&P Cryogenic Internet Catalogue, Model Centrifugal Pump
10 2"33"36.7" (

[0011] Further EP 0 127 752 A1, GB 1 132 698 A and US 5 642 987 A disclose a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases
for applying a pressure difference to cryogenic liquefied gas so as to pump-transfer the gas by rotationally driving an
impeller by a motor, wherein the motor and the impeller are coupled to each other by a rotation transmitting means for
15 transmitting the rotative drive force therebetween, wherein the motor and the impeller are arranged so that the motor is
positioned on an upper side and the impeller is positioned on a lower side, wherein the motor and the impeller respectively
exist in an enclosed space where the motor and the impeller are communicated with each other and into which the
cryogenic liquefied gas is introduced, and wherein a heat adjusting unit is provided between the motor and the impeller,
the heat adjusting unit maintaining existence of the impeller in a liquid phase of the cryogenic liquefied gas and maintaining
20 existence of the motor in a gas phase of the cryogenic liquefied gas.



[0012] The most ordinary used type of pump is a shaft seal pump having a "shaft seal" for sealing while sliding a fixed
unit and a rotative unit with each other. The greatest disadvantage of this type of pump is leaking of the cryogenic
liquefied gas when the lifetime of shaft seal comes to the end due to abrasion thereof. When the leaked and spread
cryogenic liquefied gas adheres to a human body, there is a risk of, for example, cryogenic burn injury, and a considerable
30 amount of leakage would cause, not only a considerable loss of material, but also a deterioration of pump performance.
Further, when combustible gas leaks, there is a risk of causing fire. Thus a pump called the "sealless pump," without
having any shaft seal, have been used.
[0013] There are several types of "sealless pump," such as "submerged pump" in which structural parts including a
motor unit are submerged in the cryogenic liquefied gas, and a pump using magnet-coupling and not having a penetrating
35 part of a shaft.
[0014] However, according to the conventional sealless pump, since a rotative shaft is supported by a bearing sub-
merged in the cryogenic liquefied gas, the bearing is to be used under a low temperature. Consequently, grease, namely
an ordinary lubricant, cannot be used because the temperature becomes lower than the service temperature limit of the
grease (for example, the lower service temperature limit of general-purpose grease commercially available for aircrafts
40 is around -73°C). Even when there is any lubricant capable of being used under a low temperature, since the bearing
rotates while being submerged in the cryogenic liquefied gas, namely the subject of transfer, the lubricant flows into the
cryogenic liquefied gas and becomes mixed in the gas as impurities. Therefore a bearing which is more expensive
compared to ordinary bearings needs to be used, such as a bearing which is lubricated in the cryogenic liquefied gas,
for example, a ceramic ball bearing or a stainless steel bearing, or which uses a solid lubricant.
45 [0015] Further, a frictional heat is caused by the rotation of the bearing. The "submerged pump" generates a heat by
the rotation of the motor, and the "magnet-coupling pump" generates a heat by an eddy current. The heat directly
increases the temperature of the cryogenic liquefied gas, whereby the cryogenic liquefied gas is vaporized, which results
in larger loss of the material.
[0016] Further, according to the conventional submerged pump, the motor is also submerged in the cryogenic liquefied
50 gas. Therefore, the motor using a material that is free from cryogenic embrittlement, such as stainless steel, and not
iron which is used for ordinary motors, needs to be used, and the cost of the motor becomes higher.
[0017] Transfer of cryogenic liquefied gas by a pump requires "precooling," which is cooling of a part for accommodating
the cryogenic liquefied gas in advance to become around the liquid temperature. This serves for preventing vaporization
of the cryogenic liquefied gas in the pump during the operation of the pump, and also for lowering the suction lift of the
55 pump called as "NPSH." When the precooling is insufficient, the cryogenic liquefied gas is vaporized in the pump and
easily causes cavitation, which may give damage to the pump. Thus the precooling is a necessary preparation step to
operate the cryogenic pump for liquefied gases.
[0018] The precooling as discussed above is carried out by introducing the cryogenic liquefied gas, namely the subject

EP 2 634 433 B1

of transfer, inside of the pump before starting the operation. The time required for completing the precooling of all the
parts which become in contact with the cryogenic liquefied gas depends considerably on the mass of the parts for which
the precooling is required. The conventional sealless pump requires precooling, not only of the impeller, but also of the
motor and the bearing, whereby the mass of the parts submerged in the cryogenic liquefied gas becomes larger. Con-
5 sequently, a larger loss of the cryogenic liquefied gas vaporized during the precooling is caused, and the time required
for the precooling also becomes longer.
[0019] On the other hand, since the shaft seal pump needs no precooling of the motor, the mass of the parts requiring
precooling is smaller, and therefore the loss is small, and the precooling time can become comparatively short. However,
with regard to a horizontal-type shaft seal pump, too much precooling results in drop in temperature, via the pump shaft,
10 inside of the motor. The shaft is sometimes cooled excessively to below the ambient conditions for using of the motor
(between -20°C and -30°C), which results in deterioration of or giving damage to the bearing.
[0020] With reference to the relation to the equipment on which the pump is installed, when the submerged pump is
used, the pump is used in the upright style, and therefore the liquid level of the suction-side tank requires at least "the
height of the pump unit + the motor unit" or more. This is because the motor is cooled by the liquid of itself (liquefied
15 gas), and at the same time the liquid of itself (liquefied gas) is used as a cooling and lubrication agent of the bearing.
However, especially in the case of tank trucks, the tank is mounted horizontally. Accordingly, the liquid level of the
suction-side tank cannot be set sufficiently high, and the adoption of the submerged pump thereto is substantially difficult.
Even in the case of tanks installed on the ground, the transferrable amount of liquid of the submerged pump is smaller
than that of other types of pump, and the efficiency is poor.
20 [0021] The problems of the respective conventional pumps are summarized as below.

(1) Shaft Seal Pump

[0022] The shaft seal pump has the shaft seal for sealing while sliding the fixed unit and the rotative unit with each
25 other, and therefore the shaft seal will be worn out due to abrasion. When the lifetime of shaft seal comes to the end
due to the abrasion thereof, the cryogenic liquefied gas leaks out of the shaft seal part.
[0023] According to an ordinary type of shaft seal pump, the atmosphere opening part of the pump shaft is short in
size. Therefore, when the pump unit is cooled too much, due to heat transfer by the pump shaft, the bearing of the motor,
or the like is cooled below the ambient conditions for using thereof, may result in deterioration of or giving damage to
30 the bearing.
[0024] For the purpose of preventing the above problem, in some cases the warming of the pump shaft is heated by
spraying gas or water at about a normal temperature, or by attaching a heater in the vicinity of the motor shaft bearing

35 (2) Submerged Pump

[0025] Since the bearing is in the cryogenic liquefied gas, the temperature is out of the service temperature limit range
of grease, namely an ordinary lubricant, and the grease cannot be used. Even when there is an available lubricant, since
the bearing rotates while being submerged in the cryogenic liquefied gas, namely the subject of transfer, the lubricant
40 flows into the cryogenic liquefied gas and becomes impurities. Therefore an expensive bearing needs to be used, such
as a bearing for being lubricated in the cryogenic liquefied gas, which is based on a ceramic ball bearing or a stainless
steel bearing, or a bearing using a solid lubricant.
[0026] Because the whole part including the motor unit requires to be in the cryogenic liquefied gas, an expensive
material that is free from cryogenic embrittlement, such as stainless steel is required to be used, and not iron material
45 used for ordinary motors, and the cost of the motor becomes higher.
[0027] Because the whole part including the motor unit requires to be in the cryogenic liquefied gas, the liquid level
of the suction-side tank requires to be the pump unit + the motor unit or higher.
[0028] Because the whole part including the motor unit requires to be in the cryogenic liquefied gas, the mass of the
structural member requiring precooling becomes larger. Consequently the time for the precooling becomes longer, and
50 the loss of cryogenic liquefied gas due to vaporization becomes larger.
[0029] The heat from the motor and the bearing during the operation is directly absorbed in the cryogenic liquefied
gas, and consequently the loss of cryogenic liquefied gas due to vaporization is large also during the operation of the pump.
[0030] The temperature of a pressure-resistance wall of the motor unit also becomes low, and therefore the pressure-
resistance wall requires an expensive, cryogenic-tolerant material such as aluminum or stainless steel, and the cost of
55 the wall becomes higher.

EP 2 634 433 B1

(3) Magnet-coupling-drive Sealless Pump

[0031] Since the bearing is in the cryogenic liquefied gas, the temperature is out of the service temperature limit range
of grease, namely an ordinary lubricant, and the grease cannot be used. Even when there is an available lubricant, since
5 the bearing rotates while being submerged in the cryogenic liquefied gas, namely the subject of transfer, the lubricant
flows into the cryogenic liquefied gas and becomes impurities. Therefore an expensive bearing needs to be used, such
as a bearing for being lubricated in the cryogenic liquefied gas, which is based on a ceramic ball bearing or a stainless
steel bearing, or a bearing using a solid lubricant.
[0032] Since the pressure bulkhead existing between the respective parts of the magnet-coupling becomes in contact
10 with the cryogenic liquefied gas, a metal material is used such as a stainless steel, capable of being used in the cryogenic
liquefied gas. However, since the magnets rotate sandwiching the metal-made pressure bulkhead at the center, the
eddy current occurs at the pressure bulkhead. This causes heat and a power loss.
[0033] Because the magnet-coupling part also requires to be in the cryogenic liquefied gas, the mass of the structural
member requiring precooling becomes larger. Consequently the time for the precooling becomes longer, and the loss
15 of cryogenic liquefied gas due to vaporization becomes larger.
[0034] The heat by the eddy current and also the heat from the bearing are directly absorbed in the cryogenic liquefied
gas during the operation, and consequently the loss of cryogenic liquefied gas due to vaporization becomes larger also
during the operation of the pump.
[0035] The present invention is made to solve the above problems, and has an object to provide a cryogenic pump
20 for liquefied gases, in which, a precooling time can be shortened although being a sealless pump, a pump efficiency is
excellent because of the small loss of the cryogenic liquefied gas, the minimum liquid level required for the operation is
lower, and the production cost is advantageous.


[0036] To achieve the objects mentioned above, a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases according to claim 1 is provided.


30 [0037] According to the cryogenic pump for liquefied gases of the present invention, since the heat adjusting unit is
provided between the motor and the impeller, the impeller is maintained in the liquid phase of the cryogenic liquefied
gas, and the motor is maintained in the gas phase of the cryogenic liquefied gas. Accordingly, the motor does not need
to be submerged in the liquid, thus the precooling time can be shortened remarkably, whereby the loss of cryogenic
liquefied gas due to vaporization can also be reduced. In addition, the motor itself can be made of comparatively low-
35 cost material, and this is advantageous in production cost. Further, since the heat of the motor does not give any direct
effect the cryogenic liquefied gas, the loss of cryogenic liquefied gas due to vaporization during the operation of the
pump is reduced remarkably, and the efficiency of pump operation improves. Further, since a shaft seal having a problem
of abrasion and magnet-coupling having a problem of eddy current conventionally are not used, any of such problems
will not occur. Further, since the motor is maintained in the gas phase, the liquid level of the suction-side tank is sufficient
40 as long as it is the height of the impeller part, and the height of the motor unit does not need to be considered. Thus the
minimum liquid level required for the operation can be lowered.
[0038] The enclosed space is comprised to include a space for the motor, a space for the impeller, and a space for
the rotation transmitting means, each forming a part of the enclosed space, and the heat adjusting unit may have the
rotation transmitting means space and a part of the rotation transmitting means existing therein.
45 [0039] Accordingly, since the heat adjusting unit is formed by utilizing the structure required for transmitting the rotational
force from the motor to the impeller, there is no structural waste and cost increase can be avoided, and at the same
time, the motor can securely exist in the gas phase, and the impeller can securely exist in the liquid phase.
[0040] The heat adjusting unit further has a heat adjusting housing for forming the rotation transmitting means space,
and a heater for giving heat to the heat adjusting housing. According to the invention, the heater is made of fins.
50 [0041] Accordingly, the motor is arranged above the heat adjusting unit, and the impeller is arranged below the heat
adjusting unit. Thus the motor can securely exist in the gas phase, and the impeller can securely exist in the liquid phase.
[0042] In the present invention, the rotation transmitting means may have one or two or more shafts provided coaxially
to a rotational axis of the motor and a rotational axis of the impeller.
[0043] Accordingly, a secure heat adjustment is carried out while the structure for transmitting the rotational force from
55 the motor to the impeller is simplified as much as possible. The motor can securely exist in the gas phase and the impeller
can securely exist in the liquid phase without causing a structural waste.
[0044] In the present invention, the shaft may be pivoted by a bearing existing in the gas phase within the enclosed

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[0045] Accordingly, since the bearing exists in the gas phase, grease, namely an ordinary lubricant, can be used, and
there is no risk that the lubricant flows into the cryogenic liquefied gas and becomes impurities. Further, the bearing
itself can be made of comparatively low-cost material, and this is advantageous in production cost. In addition, since
the bearing is arranged in a part maintained as the gas phase by the heat adjusting unit, there is no risk of damages
5 and deterioration due to excessive cooling of the bearing.


Fig. 1 is a view showing an overall structure of a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases according to a first embodiment
of the present invention.
Fig. 2 is a view showing an overall structure of a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases according to a second embod-
15 Fig. 3 is a view showing an overall structure of a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases according to a third embodiment.
Fig. 4 is a schematic view showing a method of an experiment.
Fig. 5 is a graphic chart showing variations of a surface temperature of a SUS304 round bar having the diameter
of 10 mm.
Fig. 6 is a graphic chart showing variations of the surface temperature of a SUS304 round bar having the diameter
20 of 20 mm.
Fig. 7 is a graphic chart showing variations of the surface temperature of a SUS304 round bar having the diameter
of 30 mm.
Fig. 8 is a graphic chart showing temperature distributions in a temperature stable state according to shaft diameters.
Fig. 9 is a graphic chart showing heat transfer temperature distributions according to the difference of shaft diameters
25 (theoretical calculation value).
Fig. 10 is a graphic chart showing heat transfer temperature distributions according to the difference in thickness
of a heat adjusting housing (theoretical calculation value).


[0047] Next, embodiments for carrying out the present invention will be discussed.
[0048] Fig. 1 is a schematic view showing a first embodiment of a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases of the present
[0049] This is a cryogenic pump for liquefied gases for applying a pressure difference to cryogenic liquefied gas so
35 as to pump-transfer the gas by rotationally driving an impeller 2 by a motor 1.
[0050] The motor 1 may be manufactured based on an ordinary motor, for example a DC motor or a three-phase
induction motor. Other than this, when a PM motor (permanent magnet motor) is used, the energy efficiency of the pump
can improve.
[0051] Further, outer walls of the motor 1 are surrounded by pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b, and an inner space
40 of the pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b is formed to be a motor space 5 for accommodating the motor 1. A motor
unit 20 is formed, including the pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b and the motor 1 discussed above.
[0052] The impeller 2 is positioned in a volute housing 7 communicating with an introduction channel 6 for introducing
the cryogenic liquefied gas therein, and is driven rotationally. The rotation of the impeller 2 in the volute housing 7
generates a centrifugal force, and applies the pressure difference to the cryogenic liquefied gas introduced from the
45 introduction channel 6. Then the cryogenic liquefied gas is discharged from a discharge part 8 provided on an outer
circumferential part of the volute housing 7. A space inside the volute housing 7 serves as an impeller space 9 accom-
modating the impeller 2. A reference numeral 10 in Fig. 1 refers to an inducer 10 for facilitating flowage of the cryogenic
liquefied gas. A pump unit 19 is formed, including the impeller 2, the volute housing 7 and the inducer 10.
[0053] The motor 1 and the impeller 2 are coupled to each other by a rotation transmitting means for transmitting the
50 rotative drive force therebetween. According to the present example, a single common shaft 3 serving as the rotation
transmitting means, used coaxially to a rotational axis of the motor 1 and a rotational axis of the impeller 2. Note that,
the shaft 3 is not limited to a single type which is commonly used for the motor 1 and the impeller 2, and the shaft for
the motor 1 and the shaft for the impeller 2 may be provided separately and coupled by, for example, coupling to each other.
[0054] A certain amount of space is secured between the motor 1 and the impeller 2, and a heat adjusting housing
55 12 covers a part in which the shaft 3 passes through the space. An inner space of the heat adjusting housing 12 is
formed to be a shaft space 13 for accommodating the part of the shaft 3.
[0055] The motor 1, the impeller 2 and the shaft 3 respectively exist in an enclosed space 14 where they communicate
with each other and into which the cryogenic liquefied gas is introduced. According to the present example, the enclosed

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space 14 is comprised to include the motor space 5, the impeller space 9 and the shaft space 13, respectively forming
a part of the enclosed space 14. The shaft space 13 serves as the rotation transmitting means space. The motor space
5, the impeller space 9 and the shaft space 13 communicate with each other. Accordingly, a single pressure-enclosed
space is formed by the volute housing 7, the heat adjusting housing 12 and the pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b of
5 the motor 1.
[0056] With reference to the motor 1 and the impeller 2, the motor 1 is positioned on an upper side and the impeller
2 is positioned on a lower side.
[0057] Further, a heat adjusting unit 11 between the motor 1 and the impeller 2, for maintaining existence of the impeller
2 in a liquid phase of the cryogenic liquefied gas and also for maintaining existence of the motor 1 in a gas phase of the
10 cryogenic liquefied gas.
[0058] The heat adjusting unit 11 has the shaft space 13 and the part of the shaft 3 existing therein. Further, the heat
adjusting unit 11 further has the heat adjusting housing 12 for forming the shaft space 13, and fins 15 serving as a heat
giving means for giving heat to the heat adjusting housing 12.
[0059] As discussed above, the heat adjusting unit 11 is provided in the space part formed between the motor 1 and
15 the impeller 2. The impeller 2, the heat adjusting unit 11 and the motor 1 are arranged in this order from the lower side.
Accordingly, because of the properties that cool air goes down and hot air goes up, the temperature range can be divided
effectively, which corresponds to the structural arrangement of the pump, where the impeller 2 in the lower part of the
pump is positioned in a cryogenic section, the heat adjusting unit 11 in the intermediate part is positioned in the low/normal-
temperature section, and the motor 1 in the upper part is positioned in the normal-temperature section.
20 [0060] The shaft 3 is pivoted by bearings 16 existing in the gas phase of the enclosed space 14. Thus in the bearings
16, the bearing of the motor 1 is also used as a pump bearing, and the single shaft 3 is used as a pump shaft and also
as a motor shaft.
[0061] A cooling fan 17 rotationally interlocked with the motor 1 is arranged above the motor 1, for cooling the motor
1. The reference numeral 18 in Fig. 1 refers to a fan cover 18.
25 [0062] With such a structure, the cryogenic liquefied gas is sucked into the pump from the part with the inducer 10 at
the bottom of Fig. 1, and is given a moving force by the impeller 2, and is discharged from the discharge part 8. Once
the cryogenic liquefied gas enters the inside of the pump, there is no outlet but only the discharge part, and the cryogenic
liquefied gas will not move towards the motor 1 because of the dead-end structure of the enclosed space 14.
[0063] Thus, because of the property of natural heat convection that cool air goes down and hot air goes up, and also
30 because the cryogenic liquefied gas does not move towards the motor 1, for example, it can be divided that the pump
structural part including the lower part impeller 2 as the cryogenic section, the heat adjusting unit 11 in the intermediate
part as the low/normal-temperature section, and the part of the motor 1 in the upper part as the normal-temperature
[0064] Accordingly, the cryogenic liquefied gas is introduced from the introduction channel 6 and flows towards the
35 discharge part 8, and the impeller space 9 for accommodating the impeller 2 is filled with the cryogenic liquefied gas.
For example, the gas is kept at the temperature of -150°C or lower, and is maintained in the liquid phase state. On the
other hand, the motor space 5 for accommodating the motor 1 is kept at around the normal temperature, for example
at -20°C or higher, and therefore is filled with the vaporized gas of the cryogenic liquefied gas, whereby the gas phase
state is maintained. The temperature of the shaft space 13 is within an intermediate range between the temperature of
40 the motor space 5 and the temperature of the impeller space 9, and a temperature gradient is formed therein.
[0065] The section filled with the liquid phase corresponds to that from the introducing channel 6 to the pump unit 19.
In particular, the liquid phase section corresponds to that of minimum essential parts only, such as the volute housing
7, a bottom part of the heat adjusting housing 12, the impeller 2, the part of the shaft 3 and the inducer 10. The pump
unit 19 is arranged in the lower area, and the section filled with the liquid phase is limited up to the pump unit 19.
45 Consequently, a liquid level in the pump may be lowered to be the level of the discharge part 8.
[0066] As discussed above, the space between the motor 1 and the impeller 2, in which the heat adjusting unit 11 is
formed, is set so that the motor 1 can be maintained in the gas phase, and the impeller 2 can be maintained in the liquid
phase. This is set arbitrarily according to several factors, for example, the diameter of the shaft 3, the thickness of the
heat adjusting housing 12, the type of the respective materials, etc.
50 [0067] For example, when the type of material is SUS304, the atmosphere temperature is 20°C, the cryogenic liquefied
gas is liquid nitrogen, and the temperature of the motor unit 20 is 5°C or higher, and further, provided that the diameter
of the shaft 3 is 30 mm, then the distance of the heat adjusting unit 11 may be 300 mm or more, and the thickness of
the heat adjusting housing 12 here may be 15 mm or less.
[0068] The appropriate length of the heat adjusting unit 11 leads to appropriate setting of the length of the shaft 3 and
55 also the length of the heat adjusting housing 12, corresponding to the heat adjusting unit 11. Through theoretical calcu-
lation and experiments, it is possible to obtain, for example, the length, the diameter of the shaft 3, the thickness of the
heat adjusting housing 12, by which an inlet of the motor unit 20 becomes an appropriate set temperature.
[0069] As discussed above, according to the present embodiment, for the purpose of eliminating the conventional

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shaft seal, the inside of the motor unit 20 and the inside of the pump unit 19 form the enclosed space 14 where they are
communicated with each other, and thus the shaft 3 does not penetrate into the atmosphere. For this purpose, the
pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b serve as the outer walls of the motor unit 20.
[0070] Moreover, the pump is installed in the upright direction, and the appropriate heat adjusting unit 11 divides the
5 sections into the liquid phase section and the gas phase section, whereby the bearing 16 in the motor 1 are kept at the
normal temperature (in this context, "normal temperature" means a usage environment temperature of common motors,
which is approximately between -20°C and 40°C). Accordingly, the bearing 16 will not become in direct contact with the
cryogenic liquefied gas, and therefore, for example, a low cost bearing made of iron for which common grease is used
as the lubricant may be used.
10 [0071] Further, the motor unit 20 will not be in direct contact with the cryogenic liquefied gas, and therefore a common
and low cost iron material may be used. The cooling fan 17 interlocked with the motor 1 cools down the heat of the motor
unit 20. Moreover, the pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b serve as the outer walls of the motor unit 20, and accordingly,
there is no metal bulkhead between driver magnets, which would be the cause of eddy current.
[0072] Further, the cryogenic liquid phase section corresponds only to the pump unit 19, and thus the mass of the
15 structural members with which the cryogenic liquefied gas becomes in contact has been reduced to the least possible.
Out of specific major members, the cryogenic liquefied gas becomes in contact with only the volute housing 7, the bottom
part of the heat adjusting housing 12, the inducer 10, the impeller 2 and the tip of the shaft 3.
[0073] The pump is installed in the upright direction, and the appropriate heat adjusting unit 11 divides the pump into
the liquid phase section at the cryogenic and the gas phase section at the normal temperature. Thus the bearing 16 in
20 the motor 1 will not be affected by the cooling of the pump.
[0074] Further, the liquid level of the cryogenic liquefied gas entering the inside of the pump is lowered down to the
level of the discharge part 8. Further, to form the pressure-resistance structure for the outer walls of the motor 1, the
thickness is set to a required thickness that can bear a design pressure, or thicker, that is, a minimum thickness of or
thicker than that prescribed by High Pressure Gas Safety Law. Moreover, the same shaft 3 is used for the motor 1 and
25 the impeller 2, and the shaft 3 is supported only by the bearings 16 in the motor 1.
[0075] In detail, a seal material, such as gasket or O-ring, is used for each of joint parts of the pressure-resistance
walls 4a and 4b of the motor unit 20, the volute housing 7 and the heat adjusting housing 12, and an enclosure structure
is secured by fastening flanges by bolts, or by fastening with a screw-thread structure.
[0076] As discussed above, according to the cryogenic pump for liquefied gases of the present embodiment, there
30 are following effects.
[0077] The inside of the pump unit 19, the inside of the heat adjusting unit 11 and the inside of the motor unit 20 form
the enclosed space 14 where they communicate with each other. Thus there is no part in which the shaft penetrates
through the atmosphere, and consequently the shaft seal is not required.
[0078] The motor unit 20, the appropriate heat adjusting unit 11 and the pump unit 19 are arranged in this order, in
35 the upright direction from the upper part. Therefore the motor unit 20 and the bearing 16 can be kept, for example, at
the normal temperature, and the motor 1 and the bearing 16 may be made of ordinary material such as iron steel. Further,
a common lubricant, such as grease, may be used for the bearing 16.
[0079] The motor unit 20, the appropriate heat adjusting unit 11 and the pump unit 19 are arranged in this order, in
the upright direction from the upper part. Therefore the motor unit 20 and the bearing 16 may be kept, for example at
40 the normal temperature, and the heat generated therefrom will not be absorbed directly in the cryogenic liquefied gas.
Consequently the amount of lost vaporized gas can be reduced.
[0080] The motor unit 20, the appropriate heat adjusting unit 11 and the pump unit 19 are arranged in this order, in
the upright direction from the upper part. Further, the motor unit 20 is enclosed. Therefore the liquid level of the cryogenic
liquefied gas in the pump is limited to the level of the discharge part 8, and only the pump unit 19 can become the
45 cryogenic liquid phase section. Accordingly, the major structural members of the pump which become in contact with
the cryogenic liquefied gas are minimized to the volute housing 7, the bottom part of the heat adjusting housing 12, the
inducer 10, the impeller 2 and the tip of the shaft 3. Thus the loss of vaporized gas generated during precooling of the
pump may be reduced, and the precooling time may be shortened. Further, since the liquid level of the entering cryogenic
liquefied gas may be lowered, the lower limit of the liquid level of the suction-side tank may also be lowered.
50 [0081] Because of the appropriate of heat adjusting unit 11, the pump unit 19 can exist in the liquid phase at the low
temperature, and the motor unit 20 may exist in the gas phase, for example at the normal temperature.
[0082] Fig. 2 illustrates a second embodiment of the present invention.
[0083] According to this example, the motor unit 20 is not provided with the pressure-resistance walls 4a and 4b. Thus,
the motor 1 is covered by outer walls 21a and 21b having no pressure-resistance structure, and thus the motor unit 20
55 is configured. The outside of the motor unit 20 is covered by separate pressure walls 22a and 22b. Other structure is
similar to that of the first embodiment, and the same reference numerals are allotted to the similar parts. This example
also has similar functions and effects as those of the first embodiment.
[0084] Fig. 3 illustrates a third embodiment of the present invention.

EP 2 634 433 B1

[0085] According to this example, a fan 24 positioned outside of the motor unit 20 is driven by magnet-coupling for
cooling the motor 1. Thus, a part of the shaft 3 on the side of the motor 1 penetrates through the pressure-resistance
wall 4b and projecting to the outside, and an inner magnet 25 is attached to the projecting part of the shaft 3. A pressure-
resistance cover 26 covers to enclose the space around the inner magnet 25, and the fan 24 provided with an outer
5 magnet 27 is arranged outside of the pressure-resistance cover 26. Other structure is similar to that of the first embodiment,
and the same reference numerals are allotted to the similar parts. This example also has similar functions and effects
as those of the first embodiment.
[0086] Note that, the cooling of the motor 1 may also be carried out, for example, by using a separately-placed cooling
fan interlocked with the motor, using a cooling fan installed separately, or applying cooling by water.
10 [0087] According to each embodiment as discussed above, the length of the heat adjusting unit 11 can be shortened
by heating the heat adjusting unit 11 or the motor unit 20 by the heat giving means, etc. In addition, when any material
having low heat conductivity is used wholly or partially, the length of the heat adjusting unit 11 can be shortened. Also
these cases can have similar functions and effects.
[0088] According to each embodiment as discussed above, the examples that one or two shafts are used as the
15 rotation transmitting means are discussed. However, the present invention is not limited to these examples, and any
other means may be used as long as the rotation of the motor 1 is transmitted to the impeller 2. For example, the shaft
for the motor 1 and the shaft for the impeller 2 may be coupled by gear, chain or belt, so that the rotation is transmitted
to each other.
[0089] Next the appropriate length (distance) of the heat adjusting unit 11 will be discussed.
20 [0090] The appropriate length of the heat adjusting unit 11 is determined by appropriately sets the length of the shaft
3 and also the length of the heat adjusting housing 12, corresponding to the heat adjusting unit 11. Through theoretical
calculation and experiments, it is possible to obtain, for example, the length, the diameter of the shaft 3, the thickness
of the heat adjusting housing 12, by which the inlet of the motor unit 20 becomes an appropriate set temperature.
[0091] For the purpose of determining the appropriate length of the heat adjusting unit 11 for dividing the sections into
25 the liquid phase at the low temperature and the gas phase at the normal temperature, a temperature distribution exper-
iment of the shaft 3 is conducted. The result will be discussed in detail as below with reference to Table 1. In relation to
the diameter of the shaft 3, a necessary distance from the surface of liquid nitrogen is obtained at a temperature range
between -30°C and 10°C.
[0092] The experiment is conducted with regard to the temperature variation according to the shaft diameter and heat
30 transfer in a state that the tip of the shaft 3 is submerged in the liquid nitrogen, and with regard to the temperature
distribution in a temperature stable state in relation to the diameter of the shaft 3.

(Experiment Conditions)

35 [0093]

Pump Shaft: SUS304 round bars having the same material property are used.
Shaft Diameter: diameter 10 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm are used.
Atmosphere Temperature: room temperature (between 20 and 22°C)
40 Atmosphere Environment: natural convection state
Outside Temperature: 20°C

(Measurement Device)

45 [0094] Temperature Measurement and Recording: Portable Multi-Logger ZR-RX40

(manufactured by OMRON)

[0095] Thermocouple: K-type thermocouple

(Experiment Method)

[0096] Fig. 4 is a schematic view showing a method of the experiment.

55 (1) On each of the SUS304 round bars having the diameter of 10 mm, 20 mm and 30 mm, respectively, thermocouples
are attached to positions at 0.15m, 0.20m, 0.25m 0.30m, 0.35m, 0.40m, 0.45m, 0.50m, 0.55m and 0.60m, respectively
from a lower tip of the SUS304 round bar.
(2) The SUS304 round bar is submerged in the liquid nitrogen by 0.10m from the tip. The liquid nitrogen is supple-

EP 2 634 433 B1

mented constantly so that the surface of liquid nitrogen is at the position of 0.10m from the tip of the round bar.
(3) The temperature is measured and recorded, starting from the time immediately after the submerging in the liquid
nitrogen. The measurement is conducted at the positions of 50 mm to 500 mm from the surface of liquid nitrogen,
at intervals of 50 mm.
(Measurement Result)

[0097] Fig. 5 shows the variations of surface temperature of the SUS304 round bar having the diameter of 10 mm (at
the respective distances from the liquid surface).
10 [0098] Fig. 6 shows the variations of surface temperature of the SUS304 round bar having the diameter of 20 mm (at
the respective distances from the liquid surface).
[0099] Fig. 7 shows the variations of surface temperature of the SUS304 round bar having the diameter of 30 mm (at
the respective distances from the liquid surface).

15 (Summary of Temperature Variation According to Shaft Diameter and Heat Transfer)

[0100] With regard to the SUS304 round bar of which the diameter is 10 mm, the temperature variation became stable
at about 40 minutes after starting the experiment.
[0101] With regard to the SUS304 round bar of which the diameter is 20 mm, the temperature variation become stable,
20 about 100 minutes after starting the experiment.
[0102] With regard to the SUS304 round bar of which the diameter is 30 mm, the temperature variation become stable,
about 150 minutes after starting the experiment.
[0103] Fig. 8 is a graphic chart showing the temperature distribution in the temperature stable state according to the
shaft diameters.
25 [0104] In accordance with the experiment result and with consideration of some tolerance, a temperature stabilizing
time for all of the shaft diameters is estimated as 170 minutes after starting the experiment, and the graphic chart is
prepared with regard to the temperature distribution in the temperature stable state.
[0105] Table 1 summarizes the relation between the stabled temperature and the distance from the surface of liquid
nitrogen according to the respective shaft diameters, analyzed from the graphic chart.
Table 1
Distance from Surface of Liquid Nitrogen (mm)
Stabled Temperature (°C)
Shaft Diameter 10mm Shaft Diameter 20mm Shaft Diameter 30mm
35 -30 45 77 110
-20 50 93 131
-10 55 112 158
0 73 145 190
10 100 195 246

[0106] Next, the temperature distribution of the shaft and the temperature adjusting housing 12 is also discussed by
theoretical calculation.
[0107] First, the temperature distribution of the pump shaft is calculated.

(1) A surface heat transfer rate by the natural convection is calculated (refer to the calculation formula of vertical plane
and tube, JIS A 9501 2001 5.3.3 (2))



hcv: surface heat transfer rate by convection (W/(m2·K))

EP 2 634 433 B1

Δθ: temperature difference (K) (calculated with the liquid nitrogen temperature as 77K, the room temperature as 293K)
ω: wind velocity (m/s) (calculated as 0 m/s under natural convection)



(2) Simplified Temperature Distribution Calculation

15 [0110] The simplified temperature distribution is calculated by utilizing the result of (1) ("Fundamental Study of Heat
Transfer" by Suguru YOSHIDA, Rikogakusha Publishing Co., Ltd., p.36-39 (1999)).


20 [0111]

• The temperature on a cross-sectional surface perpendicular to the shaft is uniform.

• A heat transfer rate α from the surface to the circumferential fluid (temperature: Tb) (hcv of the above calculated
value) is uniform for the whole surface.
25 • A cross-sectional area A and a circumferential length S are constant in the axial direction.
• A heat conductivity λ is constant.

<Calculation Conditions>

30 [0112]

Overall Length H = 0.5m

Liquid Nitrogen Temperature T0 = 77K
Room Temperature Tb = 293K
35 Heat Transfer rate α = 9.814 (the calculated value of (1))
Shaft Diameter ϕ = 30 mm (material: SUS304)
Shaft Circumferential Length S = 0.0942m


SUS304 Heat Conductivity (room temperature: 293K) λ=15.9 W/(m·K)

("New Edition of Thermophysical Properties Handbook" edited by Japan Society of Thermophysical Properties,
Yokendo Co., Ltd., p.213 (2008))


[0113] (x refers to the distance from the liquid surface to the temperature measurement point (m), and T refers to the
temperature at the distance point).


EP 2 634 433 B1

[0114] The above formulas are solved and the simplified temperature distribution is obtained.

<Calculation Result>


10 Table 2
x(m) θ T(K)
0.00 1.0000 77
0.05 0.6355 156
0.10 0.4039 206
0.15 0.2569 238
0.20 0.1636 258
20 0.25 0.1046 270
0.30 0.0675 278
0.35 0.0445 283
0.40 0.0309 286
0.45 0.0237 288
0.50 0.0214 288

30 (3) Temperature Amendment According to the Simplified Temperature Distribution

[0116] (A) A surface heat transfer rate by radiation at each of the calculation points is obtained, according to the
temperature obtained by the simplified temperature distribution of (2). Then the calculation value of (1) is combined
thereto to obtain a surface heat transfer rate (refer to JIS A 9501 2001 5.3.3 (1)).


45 hr: surface heat transfer rate by radiation (W/(m2K)

Tse: temperature (K) at each of the distances obtained by the calculation of (2)
Ta: room temperature (293K)
ε: 0.30 (using the value of stainless steel panel)
σ: Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67 3 10^-8 (W/(m^2·K^4)

Surface Heat Transfer Rate (hse) (refer to JIS A 9501 2001 5.3.3)


EP 2 634 433 B1

<Calculation Result>


5 Table 3
x(m) hr(W/(m2·K) hse(W/(m 2·K)
0.00 0.578 10.392
0.05 0.840 10.654
0.10 1.088 10.902
0.15 1.284 11.098
0.20 1.426 11.240
15 0.25 1.523 11.337
0.30 1.588 11.402
0.35 1.629 11.443
0.40 1.654 11.468
0.45 1.667 11.481
0.50 1.671 11.485

25 (B) The heat conductivity at each of the calculation points is obtained, according to the temperature obtained by the
simplified temperature distribution of (2).
[0118] For the purpose of obtaining the heat conductivities of SUS at the respective temperatures, the heat conduc-
tivities at 60K and 100K are read from the heat conductivity graphic chart of various materials at T>1K, in accordance
with "Low-Temperature Engineering Handbook" supervised by Toyoichiro SHIGI, Uchida Rokakuho Publishing Co., Ltd.,
30 p.197 (1982). Then an approximate linear functional equation between 60K-100K, and an approximate linear functional
equation between 100K-293K are derived according to the heat conductivity used in the calculation of (2), to serve as
the heat conductivity at each of the calculation points.
<Calculation Result> (the heat conductivity at the temperature T of each point x is λ2).

35 Table 4
x(m) T(K) λ 2(W/(m· K)
0.00 77 8.3
0.05 156 11.7
0.10 206 13.2
0.15 238 14.2
0.20 258 14.8

45 0.25 270 15.2

0.30 278 15.5
0.35 283 15.6
0.40 286 15.7
0.45 288 15.7
0.50 288 15.8

[0119] Provided that the calculated value of (A) above is α, and the calculated value of (B) is λ, the calculation of (2)
is conducted again in order to obtain the temperature distribution value by calculation.

EP 2 634 433 B1

<Calculation Conditions>


5 Overall Length H = 0.5m

Liquid Nitrogen Temperature T0 = 77K
Room Temperature Tb = 293K
Surface Heat Transfer rate α = value of hse obtained by (A)
Shaft Diameter ϕ = 30 mm (material: SUS304)
10 Shaft Circumferential Length S = 0.0942m

15 SUS304 Heat Conductivity λ = The value of λ2 obtained by the calculation of (B), W/(m·K)


[0121] (x refers to the distance from the liquid surface to the temperature measurement point (m), and T2 refers to
20 the temperature at the distance point).



[0122] The above formulas are solved and the temperature distribution is obtained.

<Calculation Result>


Table 5
x(m) θ2 T2(K)
0.00 1.0000 77
0.05 0.5765 168
45 0.10 0.3507 217
0.15 0.2165 246
0.20 0.1341 264
0.25 0.0833 275
0.30 0.0520 282
0.35 0.0330 286
0.40 0.0220 288
55 0.45 0.0162 289
0.50 0.0145 290

EP 2 634 433 B1

(4) In the case that the pump shaft diameter ϕ is 10 mm or 20 mm, when the calculations of (1) to (3) are also conducted,
the result as shown in Fig. 9 is obtained. Table 6 shows typical read values of temperature and the distance from the
surface of liquid nitrogen.

5 <Calculation Result>


Table 6
Distance from Surface of Liquid Nitrogen (mm)
Stabled Temperature (°C)
Shaft Diameter 10mm Shaft Diameter 20mm Shaft Diameter 30mm
-30 85 115 145

15 -20 95 135 170

-10 110 160 195
0 135 195 240
10 180 250 310

(Temperature Distribution Calculation of the Heat Adjusting Housing)

[0125] In a similar concept to that of the pump shaft, when the temperature distribution according to the difference in
thickness of the heat adjusting housing (material: SUS304) is obtained, the result comes out as Fig. 10 (calculated
according to the calculations (1) to (4) as described above). Note that the calculation is conducted with the inner diameter
of the heat adjusting housing as 100 mm.
[0126] As it is clear from the results of these experiments and theoretical calculations, both the actual measured value
and the theoretical value show the similar result aspects. It is clear that the present invention has the sufficient industrial
applicability when the shaft and the heat adjusting housing are designed in accordance with these results.


1: Motor
2: Impeller
3: Shaft
4a: Pressure-resistance wall
4b: Pressure-resistance wall
5: Motor space
6: Introduction Channel
7: Volute Housing
8: Discharge Part
9: Impeller Space
10: Inducer
11: Heat Adjusting unit
12: Heat Adjusting Housing
13: Shaft Space
14: Enclosed Space
15: Fin
16: Bearing
17: Cooling fan
18: Fan Cover
19: Pump unit
20: Motor unit
21a: Outer Wall
21b: Outer Wall

EP 2 634 433 B1

22a: Pressure Wall

22b: Pressure Wall
24: Fan
25: Inner Magnet
5 26: Pressure-resistance Cover
27: Outer Magnet

1. A cryogenic pump for liquefied gases for applying a pressure difference to cryogenic liquefied gas so as to pump-
transfer the gas by rotationally driving an impeller (2) by a motor (1),
wherein the motor (1) and the impeller (2) are coupled to each other by a rotation transmitting means (3) for transmitting
the rotative drive force therebetween,
15 wherein the motor (1) and the impeller (2) are arranged so that the motor (1) is positioned on an upper side and the
impeller (2) is positioned on a lower side,
wherein the motor (1) and the impeller (2) respectively exist in an enclosed space (14) where the motor (1) and the
impeller (2) are communicated with each other and into which the cryogenic liquefied gas is introduced,
wherein the enclosed space (14) is comprised to include a space (5) for the motor (1), a space (9) for the impeller
20 (2) and a space (13) for the rotation transmitting means (3), each forming a part of the enclosed space (14),
wherein a heat adjusting unit (11) is provided between the motor (1) and the impeller (2),
wherein the heat adjusting unit (11) has the rotation transmitting means space (13) and a part of the rotation
transmitting means (3) existing in the rotation transmitting means space (13), and a heat adjusting housing (12) for
forming the rotation transmitting means space (13), and a heat giving means (15) for giving heat to the heat adjusting
25 housing (12), and
the heat adjusting unit (11) maintaining existence of the impeller (2) in a liquid phase of the cryogenic liquefied gas
and maintaining existence of the motor (1) in a gas phase of the cryogenic liquefied gas, and
the space (5) for the motor (1) is in the enclosed space (14) which is
formed as a pressure-enclosed space,
30 characterised in that
the heat giving means are fins (15).

2. The cryogenic pump for liquefied gases of claim 1, wherein the rotation transmitting means (3) has one or two or
more shafts provided coaxially to both a rotational axis of the motor (1) and a rotational axis of the impeller (2).
3. The cryogenic pump for liquefied gases of claim 2, wherein the shaft (3) is pivoted by a bearing (16) existing in the
gas phase within the enclosed space (14).

40 Patentansprüche

1. Kryopumpe für Flüssiggase zum Anwenden einer Druckdifferenz auf kryogenes Flüssiggas, um das Gas durch
rotationmäßiges Antreiben eines Flügelrads (2) durch einen Motor (1) einer Pumpverteilung zu unterziehen,

45 wobei der Motor (1) und das Flügelrad (2) miteinander gekoppelt sind durch Drehübertragungsmittel (3) zum
Übertragen der Drehantriebskraft dazwischen,
wobei der Motor (1) und das Flügelrad (2) so angeordnet sind, dass der Motor (1) auf einer oberen Seite
positioniert ist und das Flügelrad (2) auf einer unteren Seite positioniert ist,
wobei der Motor (1) und das Flügelrad (2) jeweils in einem geschlossenen Raum (14) existieren, wo der Motor
50 (1) und das Flügelrad (2) in Verbindung gesetzt sind miteinander und in welchen das kryogene Flüssiggas
eingeführt wird,
wobei der geschlossene Raum (14) umfasst ist, um einen Raum (5) für den Motor (1), einen Raum (9) für das
Flügelrad (2) und einen Raum (13) für die Drehübertragungsmittel (3) zu enthalten, die jeweils einen Teil des
geschlossenen Raums (14) bilden,
55 wobei eine Wärmeeinstelleinheit (11) zwischen dem Motor (1) und dem Flügelrad (2) vorgesehen ist,
wobei die Wärmeeinstelleinheit (11) den Drehübertragungsmittel-Raum (13) und einen Teil der in dem Drehü-
bertragungsmittel-Raum (13) existierenden Drehübertragungsmittel (3) hat, und ein Wärmeeinstellgehäuse (12)
zum Ausbilden des Drehübertragungsmittel-Raums (13) und Wärmeabgabemittel (15) zum Abgeben von Wär-

EP 2 634 433 B1

me zum Wärmeeinstellgehäuse (12), und

wobei die Wärmeeinstelleinheit (11) eine Existenz des Flügelrads (2) in einer Flüssigphase des kryogenen
Flüssiggases beibehält und eine Existenz des Motors (1) in einer Gasphase des kryogenen Flüssiggases bei-
behält, und
5 der Raum (5) für den Motor (1) im geschlossenen Raum (14) ist, der als ein bezüglich eines Drucks geschlossener
Raum ist,
dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass
die Wärmeabgabemittel (15) Lamellen sind.

10 2. Kryopumpe für Flüssiggase nach Anspruch 1, wobei die Drehübertragungsmittel (3) eine oder mehrere Wellen
haben, die koaxial zu sowohl einer Drehachse des Motors (1) als auch einer Drehachse des Flügelrads (2) vorge-
sehen ist oder sind.

3. Kryopumpe für Flüssiggase nach Anspruch 2, wobei die Welle (3) durch ein (Kugel-)Lager (16) drehbar gelagert
15 ist, das in der Gasphase innerhalb des geschlossenen Raums (14) existiert.


20 1. Pompe cryogénique pour gaz liquéfiés, la pompe cryogénique permettant d’appliquer une différence de pression à
un gaz liquéfié cryogénique de manière à transférer le gaz par pompage en entraînant en rotation une roue (21)
par un moteur (1),
le moteur (1) et la roue (2) étant couplés l’un à l’autre par des moyens de transmission de rotation (3) pour transmettre
une force d’entraînement rotative entre eux,
25 le moteur (1) et la roue (2) étant disposés de sorte que le moteur (1) soit positionné sur un côté supérieur et la roue
(2) soit positionnée sur un côté inférieur,
le moteur (1) et la roue (2) étant respectivement situés dans un espace fermé (14), dans lequel le moteur (1) et la
roue (2) communiquent l’un avec l’autre et dans lequel le gaz liquéfié cryogénique est introduit,
l’espace fermé (14) étant compris de sorte à inclure un espace (5) pour le moteur (1), un espace (9) pour la roue
30 (2) et un espace (13) pour le moyen de transmission de rotation (3), chacun formant une partie de l’espace fermé (14),
une unité de réglage de chaleur (11) étant prévue entre le moteur (1) et la roue (2),
l’unité de réglage de chaleur (11) ayant l’espace (13) du moyen de transmission de rotation et une partie du moyen
de transmission de rotation (3) situé dans l’espace (13) du moyen de transmission de rotation, et un boîtier de
réglage de chaleur (12) pour former l’espace (13) du moyen de transmission de rotation et des moyens de déga-
35 gement de chaleur (15) pour dégager de la chaleur vers le boîtier de réglage de chaleur (12), et l’unité de réglage
de chaleur (11) conservant la présence de la roue (2) en une phase liquide du gaz liquéfié cryogénique et conservant
la présence du moteur (1) en une phase gazeuse du gaz liquéfié cryogénique, et l’espace (5) pour le moteur (1) se
situant dans l’espace fermé (14) qui est conçu comme un espace à pression enfermée,
caractérisé en ce que
40 les moyens de dégagement de chaleur sont des ailettes (15).

2. Pompe cryogénique pour gaz liquéfiés suivant la revendication 1, dont le moyen de transmission de rotation (3)
possède un ou deux ou plusieurs arbres prévus de manière coaxiale et à l’axe de rotation du moteur (1) et à l’axe
de rotation de la roue (2).
3. Pompe cryogénique pour gaz liquéfiés suivant la revendication 2, dont l’arbre (3) est pivoté par un palier (16) présent
en phase gazeuse à l’intérieur de l’espace fermé (14).



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This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Patent documents cited in the description

• JP 6288382 A [0003] [0009] • GB 1132698 A [0011]

• JP 2001514360 A [0003] [0009] • US 5642987 A [0011]
• EP 0127752 A1 [0011]

Non-patent literature cited in the description

• SUGURU YOSHIDA. Fundamental Study of Heat • TOYOICHIRO SHIGI. Low-Temperature Engineer-

Transfer. Rikogakusha Publishing Co., Ltd, 1999, ing Handbook. Uchida Rokakuho Publishing Co., Ltd,
36-39 [0110] 1982, 197 [0118]
• New Edition of Thermophysical Properties Hand-
book. Yokendo Co., Ltd, 2008, 213 [0112]


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