Internet Accessibility and Its Impact

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Internet Accessibility and Its Impact to the socialization of the Grade 10-Karangalan students in

San Andres Vocational School S.Y. 2022-2023



Background of the Study

Nowadays, technology is rampant. In connection, computer technology and Internet

resources emerged into the lives of the people and changed their lifestyle. People always have

the feeling of the need to access the internet. According to Peter Kelley of University of

Washington News (2013), community access to computer and Internet technology remains a

crucial resource for connecting people to the information and skills they need in an increasingly

digital world. Nonetheless, having an access to internet affects how the people live, act,

especially on how they socialize with others. On the research conducted by Kearns and Whitley

on 2019, those with internet access were more likely to have social amenities. The internet sets a

distance to physical interaction, yet, gives a wide variety of access into different websites that

interconnect people across the world.

Accessibility means providing flexibility to accommodate each user’s needs and

preferences. In an Internet context, accessibility is making computer technology and Internet

resources useful to more people than would otherwise be the case. (Valdes, 2003) However, it is

an undeniable fact that the negative implications of internet accessibility complicates the people

and their life in general.

The International Network commonly abridged to Internet simply means a global

network of computer networks. In other words, it is a network of all computer networks

worldwide or plainly a network of networks. The Internet allows for instantaneous exchange of

information to and from any part of the globe. Through its electronic mail often referred to as
email for short, instant messaging or chat facilities, the Internet makes it possible for people to

communicate with others both at the interpersonal and mass levels of communication (Ohiagu,

2011). The Internet, since was emerged, was considered as a main medium. It allows people to

disseminate information and interact through the different social media platforms present inside

the technology world.

Several reports and observations shows that this media triggered the unpleasant

perceptions about the Internet effects and social impacts. Through commentaries and notices,

conclusions had been made regardless of the Internet as an adverse media when overused.

According to Castells (2022), if there is a topic in which social sciences, in their diversity, should

contribute to the full understanding of the world in which we live, it is precisely the area that has

come to be named in academia as Internet Studies. Undeniably, researches shows that the

interaction between Internet and society appeals to be a great standing of an empirical research

on the basis of methodology. Hence, any process of major technological changes generates its

own mythology. However, withstanding gaps between the social change and its understanding is

a part of these empirical researches to identify the effects and implications of Internet. For

instance, media often report that intense use of the Internet increases the risk of isolation,

alienation, and withdrawal from society, but available evidence shows that the Internet neither

isolates people nor reduces their sociability; it actually increases sociability, civic engagement,

and the intensity of family and friendship relationships, in all cultures, Castells also added.

Speakers from the developing world emphasized that for many developing countries the

Internet continues to be seen overwhelmingly as a medium of opportunity and empowerment.

Although countries in the developing world understand that the Internet can impose challenges

on society, they still feel that the Internet is the only existing medium that can efficiently provide
effective solutions to issues such as poverty, marginalization and education. Some participants

also noted that the acceleration of technology could lead to a deepening of existing inequalities,

but asserted that this risk could be overcome through truly inclusive and participatory processes

(Huizer, 2017). Internet plays a big role into the society nowadays, from disseminating news and

information across the globe, to interconnecting people, which mainly opposes the ideas of

physical socialization, which depicts the image of Internet being a social risk when overused.

Socialization is the process through which people are taught to be proficient members of

a society. It describes the ways that people come to understand societal norms and expectations,

to accept society’s beliefs, and to be aware of societal values. It is a sociological process which

occurs when people socialize with other people. Socialization is just as essential to us as

individuals. Social interaction provides the means via which we gradually become able to see

ourselves through the eyes of others, learning who we are and how we fit into the world around

us (Little, 2014). And during the rise of the technology on the 20 th century, the socialization of

the people across the globe had a huge adverse implications. Accordingly, several researches

shows that the rise of technology and Internet had putted a large barrier towards people

socializing with each other physically, leaving the social responsibilities unattended. Currently,

the adverse effects of Internet towards the society still grows as many people engage themselves

with the technology, plus, there are many several technological advancements being done which

makes it appear more appealing and interesting to the people. Some of the undeniably rampant

platforms on the Internet include the shopping sites, gaming sites, and chatting sites, where

people are observably spending more time with.

Statement of the Problem

1. The profile information of the respondents in terms of:

a. Barangay

b. Internet speed in their area

c. Occupation of their parents

d. Habitual routine of interacting with others

e. Mode of internet connection

f. Hour range on using social media

g. Activities they do on social media

2. What is/are the impact/s of internet accessibility to the socialization of the Grade 10-

Karangalan students of San Andres Vocational School?

3. Is there a significant difference between the profile of the respondents and the internet

accessibility and Its impact to the socialization of the Grade 10-Karangalan students in

San Andres Vocational School?

4. What are the interventions given by the Local Government Unit of San Andres to address

issues and concerns regarding internet accessibility?

Significance of the Study

This research is all about the internet accessibility and its impact to the socialization of

the Grade 10-Karangalan students of San Andres Vocational School. It determines the impacts of

internet accessibility to the socialization of the Grade 10-Karangalan students. This also assess

the ideas of how internet accessibility affects the way the students socialize towards the

community and the people around them. This research is expected to give significant

To the students, the results may serve as a knowledge for them knowing the different

impacts of internet accessibility to the way they socialize towards the community and other

people. Through this, they will be able to deal with the internet properly and establish a balance

between using gadgets and socializing with other people.

To the parents, the results may serve as an idea for them to how will they create a

disciplinary measures towards the children for them to be disciplined on using gadgets and the

Internet, to also allow them to allot time to socializing with other people physically.

To the teachers, the results may serve as a knowledge for them to help them deal with

the students properly and also, generate disciplinary measures to the students of limiting the

usage of gadgets especially when in school.

To the Local Government Unit, the results may serve as a basis for them to create plans

and proper intervention to address internet accessibility issues and concerns not just in the

community, but also to the people and how it affects their lives.

To the researchers, the results may serve as an idea for them of how internet

accessibility affects the socialization of the Grade 10-Karangalan students of San Andres

Vocational School S.Y. 2022-2023.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will only cover the impacts of internet accessibility. This research will only

tackle the impacts of internet accessibility on the socialization. This study will only focus on the

Grade 10-Karangalan students. This study will only be conducted at San Andres Vocational

School and will only cover the School Year 2022-2023. This study will also discuss the
interventions done by the Local Government towards the internet accessibility issues and

concerns in San Andres.

This study will not cover the aspects of internet accessibility. This study will not have

the breakdown of how the internet accessibility was created and how it functions. This research

will not cover all the sections of Grade 10 in San Andres Vocational School. This study will be

limited only to the school year 2022-2023.

Definition of Terms

Internet Accessibility - Accessibility is making computer technology and Internet

resources useful to more people than would otherwise be the case. (Valdes, 2003)

Socialization – Socialization is a process that introduces people to social norms and

customs. This process helps individuals function well in society, and, in turn, helps society run

smoothly. (Cole, 2020)

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