Perspectives and Attitudes of Patients With COVID-19 Toward A Telerehabilitation Programme: A Qualitative Study
Perspectives and Attitudes of Patients With COVID-19 Toward A Telerehabilitation Programme: A Qualitative Study
Perspectives and Attitudes of Patients With COVID-19 Toward A Telerehabilitation Programme: A Qualitative Study
Environmental Research
and Public Health
Perspectives and Attitudes of Patients with COVID-19 toward a
Telerehabilitation Programme: A Qualitative Study
Carlos Bernal-Utrera 1,2,† , Ernesto Anarte-Lazo 3,† , Elena De-La-Barrera-Aranda 1,4 , Laura Fernandez-Bueno 5 ,
Manuel Saavedra-Hernandez 1,6 , Juan Jose Gonzalez-Gerez 1,6, *, Maria Angeles Serrera-Figallo 7
and Cleofas Rodriguez-Blanco 1,2
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7845.
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7845 2 of 12
countries and early detection of the virus by the performance of tests [6]. Closing/opening
models have been shown to be the least expensive [7]. Other complex systems of radio-
diagnostics, which are accessible, efficient and fast, have been developed, although they
have not been implemented by all health systems [8,9].
One of the most common measures to mitigate the virus spread, however, has been
isolation [6]. Isolation after being diagnosed with COVID-19 or being in contact with
someone infected is one of the essential measures proposed by authorities. In that sense,
the World Health Organisation (WHO) recommends for 80% of patients who do not
require hospital admission the need for very restrictive home isolation and confinement
in individual rooms at home to avoid dissemination of the virus [10]. However, home
isolation limits activity and implies a notable deconditioning at the musculoskeletal level,
indicating negative metabolic changes [11,12], repercussions on one’s emotional state and
mental health decline [4,13,14].
In such a situation, a patient’s total isolation requires non-face-to-face medical at-
tendance, using telematic control to monitor the evaluation of the patient affected by
COVID-19. There exists evidence regarding the efficacy of domiciliary exercise-based
treatments in patients with respiratory disorders. Based on this, it could become the thera-
peutic method of choice to allow the treatment and supervision of isolated patients due to
infection during home confinement [15–17]. It has been suggested that a session of exercise
through a telerehabilitation system may be a feasible option to manage quarantined pa-
tients with COVID-19 [18,19], enabling physiotherapists to provide interactive treatments
by means of different devices [20].
Telemedicine and, more specifically, telerehabilitation have been analysed and recog-
nised as feasible and practical options for managing different conditions and is an emer-
gent area among healthcare providers [21–25]. However, the exceptional characteristics of
COVID-19 patients, due to the isolation and saturation of public health systems [4], could
become barriers to implementing and maintaining the implementation and maintenance of
these methods in managing these patients.
Therefore, this study’s objective was to assess and analyse the experiences and opin-
ions of isolated patients with COVID-19 included in a telerehabilitation exercise-based
programme for 14 days [19]. Our aim was to reflect, from a qualitative point of view, the
feasibility and utility of telerehabilitation tools in managing these patients.
2.2. Intervention
The telerehabilitation programme was based on two video calls at baseline and an-
other during the middle of the programme, on day 7. During these video calls, physical
therapists taught, revised and adapted exercises relevant to the patients’ perceived fatigue.
In addition, a link to a website where exercises could be consulted was provided to the pa-
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tients. Follow-ups were performed daily through WhatsApp; the objective of the follow-up
was to ask the patients regarding any difficulty or trouble they might be experiencing with
the exercises and any worsening health status. Participants were also given a telephone
number that could be called in case of urgent contact.
participants, contexts, sampling strategies and data collection and analysis. An audit
by an external researcher was performed, in which an external researcher assessed the
study research protocol, focusing on the aspects concerning the applied methods and
study design. In addition, the external researcher specifically checked the description of
the coding tree, the major themes, participant quotations, quotation identification and
theme descriptions.
3. Results
This study analysed 25 interviews regarding a telerehabilitation programme in patients
with COVID-19 [19]. Participants did not provide feedback on the findings. Participants’
baseline characteristics are presented in Table 1.
The data analysis revealed 1568 codes and nine categories. In addition, four main
themes (telerehabilitation programme, perception of clinical benefit, psychological aspects
and health assistance level) and six subthemes (technical aspects, communication, aspects
of improvement, exercise learning, motivation and applicability to public health systems)
emerged from the data analysis.
3.3. Communication
The contact form used during the video calls and messaging apps were qualified as
well suited, primarily due to the circumstances of the pandemic. This communication
was considered very useful and well adapted. Regarding the interaction, the possibility of
being in daily contact with a therapist has been excellent. The level of confidence between
the patient and therapist increased as the programme advanced. Participants referred to
the professionalism of the therapist and they felt security and tranquility.
4. Psychological Aspects
Concerning psychological aspects, most of the interviewed participants stated that
the programme gave them emotional support because it became a distracting escape from
confinement and disease. In addition, most participants felt more confident due to physical
therapists’ presence, who took care of them. Most of them also inferred that when they saw
daily improvement or felt that they could do more things, they felt encouraged, compared
to the starting point.
Most participants told us they felt motivated to perform the exercises proposed by
our telerehabilitation programme. A majority related that their motivation increased
throughout the programme and they felt better, feeling evolution in the recovery process.
Conversely, most of them inferred that they felt more motivated to perform exercises
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daily since the monitoring performed by the physiotherapists indirectly obligated them to
participate with continuity in the telerehabilitation programme.
6. Discussion
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive impact on health care systems worldwide,
forcing health professionals to rapidly adapt to the circumstances. During this situation,
telerehabilitation has been widely proposed as an exciting way to provide health services
and many studies have been published regarding physical therapy implementation during
the COVID-19 pandemic [26–28]. However, few studies have been documented pertaining
to the physical therapy management of COVID-19 patients with telerehabilitation [20]. To
our knowledge, this is the first qualitative study describing the opinions and feelings of
confined patients with COVID-19 enrolled in a telerehabilitation exercise programme [19].
It has been published that different populations have found the implementation of tel-
erehabilitation programmes to be helpful and they have reported positive experiences
with these methods [29,30]. Our results align with these findings in that the participants
were generally satisfied with their participation and stated they would participate again.
This great acceptability could be related to the fact that patients felt that they took part
in their recovery; in that sense, self-efficacy has been very important in managing differ-
ent conditions [31,32]. Enrolling patients in their treatments is becoming more important
nowadays and exercise through telerehabilitation seems an interesting intervention for
this purpose. However, to make this achievement possible, new technologies and com-
munication must function correctly. In that sense, our study subjects reflected that no
critical problems were found using technologies and contact was qualified as outstanding.
Communication is a crucial aspect of health treatments [33,34] and many professionals
believe that telerehabilitation could fail in this aspect. However, as it has been shown, this
was not the case in the programme developed.
Another critical point of our programme was exercise planning and its adaptability
to patients according to perceived effort. In that sense, some subjects pointed out that the
programme’s adaptation throughout the 14 days of intervention was beneficial. Adapting
the exercise volume according to health status allowed patients in a worse initial state to
progress alongside the intervention. There was, however, a negative impact of this action;
due to the different clinical pictures in patients with COVID-19 [2], subjects with less
COVID-19 severity argued that they would increase the volume/intensity of the exercise
programme since it was very easy for them, since the first day. Therefore, individualisation
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seems crucial for the implementation of these clinical practice interventions, as has been
previously argued [35].
In our study, subjects facing the challenge of being part of their recovery and per-
forming exercise for improvement have been described as helping to endure their disease.
Despite clinical improvements in respiratory and physical measures, the participants also
indicated that they also benefitted from their emotional well-being. We find this point very
important since it has been argued in many studies that confinement leads to worsening
mental health status in different populations [14,36]. Therefore, our findings highlight
that this kind of intervention could help patients managed their disease conditions and
prevent worsening mental health. In that sense, many patients have considered that they
obtained psychological benefits from this intervention. Emotionally, they highlighted that
confinement was not enjoyable and being busy helps to manage this situation. Moreover,
the confidence of having a healthcare provider that pays attention to them has been pointed
out as very important by many of the participants. Thus, telerehabilitation programmes for
COVID-19 patients could improve health status and provide a therapeutic alliance between
patients and physical therapists.
In addition, engagement in this programme has increased motivation in patients,
which should be an objective of every health intervention. The diary follow-up imple-
mented in this programme contributed to motivating patients to be empowered in manag-
ing their diseases.
Patients also described that the feeling of having someone care for them and following
their clinical status and evolution was a positive factor in this programme. In their opinion,
it was crucial to have the ability to directly ask about any doubt through digital services, if
necessary. They argued that public health systems lacked proper follow-up since doctors
did not monitor patient evolution in many cases. This point becomes very relevant since
health assistance could be improved by using these methods, especially in a confined
population, such as COVID-19 patients.
All of the enrolled patients found it indispensable to promote the implementation of
telerehabilitation in the public health system, not only for COVID-19 patients, but also
for other populations, such as patients with difficulties to displace to patients in health
centres, at which effectiveness have already been demonstrated [37–39]. Nonetheless, in
this situation of uncertainty and reduction of investments in the public health system, it was
discovered to be non-viable in the short-term. Increasing the number of physical therapists
enrolled in the public system could facilitate the implementation of telerehabilitation
methods. However, although desirable, it seems unlikely that this could happen in the
short term in the current situation.
Among the limitations, due to the pandemic situation, interviews were conducted
by telephone, which may have reduced personal interaction between the participants
and researchers; therefore, extracted information could be reduced. Moreover, due to
its qualitative design and small sample size, these results cannot be extrapolated to all
patients with COVID-19. Readers should consider that this study analyses the experience
and feelings of 25% of patients included in our randomised controlled trial. Thus, our
conclusions must be taken with care, since although the redundant information extracted
from the interviews was achieved, obtaining speeches was very similar. Another issue
that we should point out is that we obtained extremely positive results. This finding leads
to doubt of the findings themselves. We hypothesise that the subjects’ insecurities due to
isolation, disease and fear may have led to very positive feelings about our programme
and the perceived attention, avoiding, in a certain way, possible negative aspects about the
intervention. However, our findings may assist in the understanding of patients’ feelings
regarding their enrolment in a telerehabilitation programme during COVID-19 confinement
and their opinions and emotions related to isolation. Moreover, variability in health status
due to COVID-19 has been shown to improve our programme. Since patients present
symptoms differently, our programme was not demanding for some of them. Therefore,
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 7845 8 of 12
future studies could adapt exercise volume/intensity with more significant variability of
7. Conclusions
The semi-structured interviews performed during this study show that the tele-
rehabilitation programme implemented in patients confined by COVID-19 under detailed
methods generated significant reception. This result was without considerable technical
difficulties in this size study and generated, in the subjects’ opinions, improvements in
their physical condition, psychological status, confidence and motivation during the isola-
tion process. The interviewed patients considered it essential to implement this type of
assistance in public health systems. Despite these findings, our results should be confirmed
with other studies performed with higher sample sizes.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.A.-L. and C.B.-U.; methodology, C.B.-U. and L.F.-B.;
software, C.R.-B. and J.J.G.-G.; validation, E.D.-L.-B.-A. and M.S.-H.; formal analysis, C.R.-B. and
C.B.-U.; investigation, L.F.-B. and E.D.-L.-B.-A.; resources, J.J.G.-G. and M.S.-H.; data curation, C.B.-U.
and M.A.S.-F.; writing—original draft preparation, C.B.-U. and E.A.-L.; writing—review and editing,
C.B.-U. and E.A.-L.; visualization, C.B.-U.; supervision, C.R.-B. and M.A.S.-F.; project administration,
J.J.G.-G. and M.S.-H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the
Declaration of Helsinki, and approved by the Ethics Committee of University Hospitals Virgen del
Rocio-Macarena (protocol code 1465-N-20 and date of approval 29 September 2020).
Informed Consent Statement: Informed consent was obtained from all subjects involved in the study.
Data Availability Statement: The data are not publicly available due to privacy and ethicals reasons.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Appendix B
Interview Comments
Technical Aspects
“Everything worked perfectly: I could check exercises when I wanted, I performed exercises with the physical therapist that called me . . . perfect.
And I think that it is convenient and easy to be followed. They can call you if any doubts; I think it is good. I looked for them, (laughs) since they
always called me at the same hour, I was looking for them.”
“When the effort test was performed, the APP to count steps did not work; we could not continue this day.”
“Sincerely, really good, since the first moment communication worked very well; the health system should go forward in this way.”
“Fantastic. Displacement was not required, and this was especially important in a sick person. With video calls, everything was straightforward
to be understood.”
“I felt communication was adequate; I was confident since both therapists who contacted me were very nice.”
“Although it was through video calls, the relationship with therapists was very close and direct.”
Exercise Planning
“No trouble with exercises. Doubts were immediately solved.”
“At first, I felt both in the respiratory and physical field that I was a bit limited. Later, I started becoming stronger, and I could perform exercises
with less difficulty.”
“At the beginning, it was like a triathlon. Later, the programme was bearable, and exercises were adapted according to my capacities.”
Aspects to Improve
“Exercises that I performed were too easy and quiet. They were good for me, but I think that, depending on the grade of severity of COVID-19,
exercises volume and intensity should be adapted.”
“I would increase the duration of the programme since 15 days go very fast when you are in this situation.”
“Measuring pulsations, instead of how you feel, could become a more objective value, improving the adaptation of exercises.”
“Maybe the elderly, or other people who do not control new technologies, are at risk of exclusion in this kind of programmes.”
“Sincerely, I don’t know how the programme could be improved. As I told you, I feel pleased about having participated in the study, can’t find
anything to improve. I think that it has been very well prepared since the first movement, and execution, at least in my case, has been excellent.”
Perception of Clinical Benefit
“Especially the respiratory aspect- excellent . . . I thought: well, my cough has increased, but I feel like I’m removing and cleaning what I have
in there.”
“Truthfully, I improved m respiratory capacity. I improved since I started doing the exercises because I was vexed . . . ”
“Truly, I felt my confidence increased, and yes, I’ve felt better. First days, I felt pain in my muscles, and it was tough for me, but later I improved,
and I did not feel that way. And, of course, it has influenced my recovery.”
“One of the most significant symptoms I had, I felt pain in my chest, and I felt charged. For me, it was challenging to go up and down in steps.
When I was physically well prepared, I started to sweat the situation, and I felt exhausted. In that situation, performing the exercises
undoubtedly helped me, also to understand that I did not have important sequelae, that I could go ahead, and it did not affect me very much.”
“As I told you, the most important aspect for me was the psychological . . . Facing a challenge daily, being sure that exercises would help in my
recovery and feel better, professionals were guiding me . . . I was sure that the day after, I was going to feel better. I trusted very much, and then,
although I did not find a huge change in the physical aspect, I’m sure that in the psychological aspect, it helped me.”
“I imagine that I had a clinical benefit, but I don’t know. I felt I had positive benefits in my physical reconditioning.”
Psychological Aspects
“Well, isolation is not enjoyable. Being busy helped me to get over the process. If you are active, your mood improves.”
“It has positively influenced me because I knew I had someone who took care of me, a professional with studies and knowledge, and I did not feel
alone. It has been conducive for me; confinement implies loneliness, and if there is someone who calls you and your family, it is good, great.”
“ . . . Yes, sure, psychologically, it helps you because I knew that there was a professional who was there, who was paying attention to me and
my situation.”
“ . . . it was like I was a bit calmer about the follow-up, about the fact that there were some people who are involved in my recovery and how they
could help me to improve and get over the disease. Some days I felt alone, but I felt that actually, some people were there to take care of me.”
“Well, look, it has been very beneficial regarding my mood. I felt with little energy, I felt weakness in my mood, and after performing the exercises,
I felt better. This was the main benefit I felt.”
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Interview Comments
“ . . . I was very unmotivated. I felt generalised weakness, not only back pain but like if I had low energy. Then, it has been beneficial for
motivating me to perform exercises and, after doing exercises, I felt better, more encouraged.”
“ . . . it was like my daily sport because although it was not purely sport, I had not enough strength to do something hard. Therefore, I thought:
come, I’m going to perform my respiratory exercises, and I finished my day.”
“Yes, I saw like I was feeling better, and thus, I felt more motivated. Moreover, indeed, I still perform the exercises sometimes . . . ”
“Especially in the second or third session, I felt the improvement because the first day I was awful . . . I could not walk much time, I felt tired, and
I could not perform exercises properly, and this situation overwhelmed me. Later, I started to perform exercises better, and I noticed that I was
doing faster . . . Not only that, I felt better, but I was performing the exercises with fewer difficulties.”
“Depending on the day, there were some days that I felt exhausted, and it was difficult to start, but talking to the therapist indeed gave me
confidence and courage to perform exercises.”
“Yes, some days I felt worse. I did not want to do exercises, but as I know I was going to be contacted to ask me how it had gone, this obligated me
to perform the exercises.”
Level of Health Assistance
“Well, the follow-up, attention, kindness of people who took care of me, and how they adapted to my circumstances . . . the attention
was extraordinary.”
“Attention has been perfect, and I felt safeguarded. I always had the faculty of asking them in case of any doubt. When I started the programme, I
started feeling new things, weird feelings, and having their support in any moment was good.”
“The direct attention, it is imperative that we had a telephone to consult. Health assistance is very deficient in this situation, and this programme
offered us new possibilities.”
“I had feared to die daily, and they told you that they are going to call you, but . . . they don’t call you. However, with this programme, I had the
security that they were going to contact me. I was pleased about that.”
Applicability to the public health system
“I think that it should arrive. Not only for patients with COVID-19, but also when COVID-19 disappears, these programmes should stay and
they should be developed because, with a good explanation and two video calls, it is sufficient.”
“It is weird that it does not exist. I do not understand why it is not implemented frequently.”
“I understand that this is new, that it is not still implemented, but is important and necessary for some patients that could have complications
with the facility.”
“Not only now because of COVID-19, but generally, it should be adopted in the management of patients with mobility problems, difficulties in
moving around, people with respiratory issues, in-bed patients . . . I think it is crucial. Besides, it is not simply a conversation, but it has an
objective, a daily programme with a specific aim.”
“It could be feasible if there were more physiotherapists and they could spend more time with patients.”
“I think it is not feasible, and it would be complicated. I would like not to say that, but it is complicated. Taking into account that right now is a
delicate situation of uncertainty.”
“I don’t think that the public health system could assume the costs currently. With cuts that the health system is suffering, it would be advisable,
but I don’t know if it could be implemented. The public health system does not work well, and I don’t think it would be feasible.”
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