BP Risk Factors Frecuebcies p145024

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A Model to Evaluate Pipeline Failure Frequencies based on Design and Operating Conditions

Vania De Stefani, BP International, Sunbury on Thames, UK. Zo Wattis, Advantica, Loughborough, UK. Michael Acton, Advantica, Loughborough, UK.

ABSTRACT Underground pipelines are widely used in the petrochemical industry to transport raw materials and products. Although the pipeline industry in general has a good safety record, historical evidence reveals the loss of mechanical integrity of such pipelines can be due to a variety of causes such as corrosion, external impact, defects and natural hazards. Such failures present a potential risk to people and the environment from the hazardous effects of the released material, which is often transported at high pressure. In order to predict the level of risk to people and the environment, a means of predicting the likelihood of failures and material release is required. Generic failure frequencies derived from local databases are largely used in pipeline risk assessments. However, the generic nature of these databases mean that they cannot be used to take pipeline-specific factors (including wall thickness, depth of cover, country of operation, or specific local issues) into account. As a result, risk assessments for pipelines may not accurately reflect operational experience for a specific pipeline or country of operation. In addition, it may not be possible to quantify the beneficial effect of any pipeline-specific risk reduction measures (such as physical protection, increased surveillance, etc.) that may be taken to reduce the likelihood of failure. This paper describes a new model developed for use within BP to estimate the annual failure frequency of onshore cross-country pipelines. This model uses historical databases, such as CONCAWE (liquid hydrocarbons), EGIG (natural gas) and DOT, to develop failure frequencies as a function of several influences, including both design and operational parameters. INTRODUCTION In recent years, a great deal of effort has been dedicated to accident prevention. Statistics indicate that pipelines are inherently safer for the public than other modes of hydrocarbon transportation. However the pipeline industry is increasingly requested to demonstrate this safety performance in response to requests from regulating authorities or from the public with regard to new or existing pipelines.

Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) is an invaluable method for making informed riskbased process safety and environmental impact planning decisions, as well as being fundamental to any facility-siting decision-making. Information regarding failure frequency and failure mechanisms is of increasing importance in carrying out meaningful risk assessments and is required by both regulatory bodies and pipeline operating companies. Government authorities and pipeline operating companies collect data on pipeline incident and their causes. These incident databases are, where available, essential for the authorities, operating companies and engineering companies as well as for the general public to both demonstrate and ensure that pipelines remain a safe and reliable means of transporting gas. However, pipeline incident frequencies derived from different databases may lead to inaccurate conclusions as inherent differences in the databases are not always taken into account (Ref. 1). With the aim of ensuring consistency in risk assessments, BP initiated a study to review the most frequently used pipeline incident databases and to develop a model which estimates the annual failure frequency of onshore cross-country pipelines. In addition, the influences of the major operational and design parameters on the failure frequency have been examined. The model has been developed for use within BP, and the views informing its development are for BPs purposes. This paper describes and explains the model, in order to enable others to consider whether something similar may be of benefit in their own operations. PUBLIC DATA SOURCES There are a range of databases available for comparing pipeline failure frequencies. The information stored within these databases varies widely depending on the reporting criteria. For instance, the reporting criteria for some pipeline databases only capture failures to the pipeline itself, whereas others also record failures to fittings and other equipment. The databases listed below are compared in Table 1 of this report: European Gas Incident Group (EGIG), Ref. 2: Natural gas pipeline transmission incident data have been collected by EGIG since 1970 from pipeline systems for twelve operators in Europe. Incident data is summarized for the period 1970 to 2004 for all releases that result in a loss of gas from onshore, steel, transmission pipelines located outside the fences of installations. Within this database, a rupture is defined as a hole with a diameter greater than the diameter of the pipe. It should be noted that the work in this paper was carried out prior to the latest EGIG report (Ref 3) becoming available. The Oil Companies' European Organization for Environment and Health and Safety (CONCAWE), Ref. 4: CONCAWE produces an annual statistical summary of performance of oil industry cross-country pipelines in Western Europe since 1970. The latest report contains a summary of all incident data to pipelines and associated equipment from 1971 to 2005 with an oil spillage size of 1m3 or greater. Within the

database, 176 releases can be categorized by hole size allowing further breakdown of the failure frequencies. It should be noted that, within this database, a rupture is defined as a hole greater than 75mm long and with a width at least 10% of the pipeline diameter. US Department of Transportation (US DOT), Ref. 5: Onshore transmission incident data have been collected by US DOT/Office of Pipeline Safety under federal requirement for all gas and hazardous liquid pipeline companies in the US since 1970. The raw data is publicly available and this has been further analyzed to obtain the rupture frequency for gas transmission lines. UKOPA (United Kingdom Onshore Pipeline Association), Ref. 6: UKOPA is a forum for UK gas and oil pipeline operators. In the latest report, pipeline and product loss incident data from onshore Major Accident Hazard Pipelines (MAHPs) has been collected to determine exposure and associated frequencies. The vast majority of the pipelines included are high pressure natural gas transmission pipelines. Australian Pipeline Industry Association (APIA), Ref. 7: A study was carried out to compare available pipeline statistics for the State of Victoria in Australia with both national and international data. Within this report, reference is made to the Australian and New Zealand database which records exposure and incident data resulting in rupture, leak and no damage for gas transmission pipelines between 1971 and 1995. National Energy Board (NEB), Ref. 8: The NEB requires all ruptures on Canadas major pipeline systems to be reported in order to assess the safety of the network. This report defines rupture as a loss of containment event that immediately impairs the operation of the pipeline and includes all liquid spills greater than 1.5 m3. The report provides information ruptures in both liquid and gas lines as well as exposure data over a twenty year period up to 2003. Summary tables are provided which break down the number of ruptures by cause; however these are not further subdivided by fuel type. Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB), Ref. 9: The EUB report summarizes the inventory of all energy-related pipelines in Alberta including gas and crude oil lines. As part of this summary, the length of pipeline is given by year and fuel type. The type and frequency of all incidents, including part-wall damage, and failures between 1990 and 2005 is discussed. The reporting criteria require failures to both steel and non-steel pipelines and fittings/other equipment to be recorded. Tables and charts are provided which break down incidents by fuel type, cause, spill size and pipe diameter. World Bank, Ref. 10: The characteristics of oil pipelines and the causes of ruptures occurring within Russia and states of the former Soviet Union (FSU), between 1986 and 1996, were assessed on behalf of the World Bank.

OSSA-1 pipeline, Ref. 11: A paper was presented at the International Pipeline Conference (IPC) in 2004, which summarizes incident data by cause for the OSSA-1 pipeline over a twenty year period between 1983 and 2003. It is unclear from the paper whether this incident data is for ruptures only or all leak sizes. It should be noted, according to Ref. 11, that for this pipeline geohazards contribute 52.5% of incidents and sabotage/theft make up a further 10%.

Table 1 presents a summary of the results in each of the data sources described above. Table 1 Pipeline Accident Databases
1 2 3

Region EUROPE (incl UK) EUROPE (incl UK) US Australia Canada Russia & FSU Bolivia UK Alberta, Canada

Fuel Type Gas Oil Gas Oil Gas Gas Oil Oil Oil Gas Oil Gas Sour

From 1970 1971 1986 1986 1971 1984 1984 1990 1983 1952 1990 1990 1990

To 2004 2005 2006 2006 1995 2003 2003 1996 2003 2006 2005 2005 2005

Exposure (km.yr) 2,770,000 858,705 9,300,060 5,056,591 348,000 556,000 304,000 588,379 8,300 700,463 231,250 2,313,942 171,233

Failure Frequency (per km.yr) 4.05 x 10-4 5.08 x 10-4 (1) 8.18 x 10-5 (2) 5.69 x 10-4 4.89 x 10-5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.48 x 10-4 1.69 x 10-3 1.57 x 10-3 1.98 x 10-3

Rupture Frequency (per km.yr)

6.06 x 10-5

5.12 x 10-5 3.03 x 10-5 N/A 2.87 x 10-5 4.86 x 10-5 6.25 x 10-5 1.90 x 10-4 4.82 x 10-3 9.99 x 10-6 1.05 x 10-4 9.75 x 10-5 1.23 x 10-4

CONCAWE records 436 incidents, 176 of which can be categorised by hole size.

DOT website records 764 incidents; however, the raw data used in the analysis for the rupture frequency only records 761. Data taken from the EGIG 5th Report

Figure 1 below depicts the total failure frequency for Crude Oil releases and Figure 2 presents a similar set of results for Natural Gas releases. Figure 1 demonstrates that the historical overall failure frequency (per km.yr) for liquids is comparable for Europe and the US. When the rupture failure frequency data for hazardous liquids is plotted, failures to pipelines in South America are shown to dominate. The high rupture failure frequencies in South America are considered to be largely due to land instability. Figure 2 shows that the overall failure frequency (per km.yr) for Natural Gas is low in Australia and the US when compared with the European and UK data. The gas pipelines in Alberta, Canada (EUB) have much higher failure frequencies both overall and for ruptures specifically. However, the EUB data includes failures to non-steel pipelines and

fittings and other equipment in addition to those that fit the criteria used in the UK and European databases.
Rupture Total

Failure Frequency (per km yr)






World Bank



Figure 1: Failure Frequency for Hazardous Liquid Releases

1.0E-02 Rupture Total Failure Frequency (per km yr) 1.0E-03








EUB (Sour)


Figure 2: Failure Frequency for Natural Gas (including Sour Gas) Releases Influencing Parameters A detailed breakdown of failure mechanisms can be found in individual databases depending on the extent of accident analysis performed and the available data. They are most frequently classified in the following six cause categories:

External interference or third party activity: External interference, mostly third party activity involving interference using machinery, is generally the dominant failure mechanism both for gas and oil pipelines. Corrosion: Corrosion, in all forms, is another major cause for incidents and is increasingly prevalent in ageing pipelines. Construction defect and mechanical or material failure: Construction and material defects (caused during processing or fabrication) are often connected with welds and equipment associated with the pipeline. Natural hazards: For the majority of pipelines, there is little or no risk of failure due to the occurrence of natural hazards. However, under certain circumstances, pipelines may need to be routed through difficult terrain or hydrological conditions where the risk from such hazards is significant. Sabotage and Pilferage: these include deliberate attacks aimed to pilfer fuel from pipelines for personal use or to sell on the black market. In addition, terrorism may lead to damage of the transportation and distribution systems connecting petroleum fields to the markets. Sabotage and pilferage are deliberate acts and highly specific to particular pipelines or locations. Other or unknown causes.

An initial list of parameters, considered to have a significant influence on the failure frequencies for these causes, was derived. These are summarized in Table 2 below. Probabilistic models that assess the theoretical probability of failure due to third party interference are widely available and these are used in this report rather than extrapolating the failure frequency from the historical data. For corrosion and material defects, failure frequency modifiers have been derived from historical databases. For other pipeline-specific threats, such as natural hazards and sabotage, appropriate frequency contributions can be added to the overall frequency. Table 2 Relevant Influencing Parameters to Failure Mechanisms
Parameter Comment External Interference (Third Party Damage) Diameter Pressure Wall thickness Material grade and toughness Geography (country) Location (Rural or Suburban) Depth of Cover Influence the hit rate (and possibly damage distribution) and may be derived from historical data where records exist. Limit state (a measure of the resistance of the pipeline to mechanical damage) is a function of all the parameters but may be calculated by fracture mechanics models.

Parameter Protective measures

Comment Measures may be taken to reduce hit rate, including physical protection and surveillance, which can be quantified, and public awareness campaigns, which is more difficult to quantify. Material and construction defects

Quality of construction

Quality of construction has improved through modern construction and inspection methods and quality control of steel manufacturing. Year of Construction may be an indicator of quality, although construction practices in a given period may vary between countries. Hydrostatic testing to levels exceeding the maximum operating pressure of a pipeline plays a significant part in controlling the possibility of mechanical failure. The greater the margin of hydrotest pressure over operating pressure, the greater the benefit. Historical databases dont record this information therefore this parameter is not included in the final model. Corrosion

Hydrostatic testing

Diameter, pressure, wall thickness and material properties

General corrosion typically leads to small leaks (usually detected) before a rupture occurs, and so the contribution to the frequency of ruptures and large leaks is expected to be small. For pipelines transporting aggressive fluids, potential for corrosion can be managed by introducing corrosion inhibitors and use of pigging to clean out pipelines. Historical databases dont record the type of corrosion management in place therefore this parameter is not included in the final model. Some fluids (e.g. crude oil) generate higher rates of internal corrosion than others (e.g. dry natural gas). It should be noted that the presence of water within the fluid will influence the potential for corrosion. Inspection and repair plays a major part in controlling the corrosion threat. Pipeline coating technology has improved significantly in recent years, with older pipelines being more vulnerable to external corrosion. However, the quality of coating may vary between pipelines of a similar age, and so should be taken into account. The vast majority of pipelines are fitted with cathodic protection. Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) appears to be specific to certain pipelines, and not a general threat. Where a pipeline has a history of SCC, or where there is reason to believe that SCC is an issue, it may be appropriate to include a contribution from SCC. Natural Hazards

Corrosion Management

Fluid type In-line inspection (ILI) Coating Quality Cathodic Protection Stress Corrosion Cracking

Terrain Number and type of river crossings Level of geotechnical input to design

Mountainous, hilly or flat. Includes mobile terrain where relevant. Washout may influence failure frequency under specific local conditions where pipelines may be exposed. Not included in the final model. Evidence that modern methods of designing pipelines to withstand ground movement reduce failure frequency.


Comment Sabotage and pilferage

History of attacks on pipelines or similar infrastructure within the same country. Fluid type

Very specific to particular countries and areas. Liquid lines (e.g. gasoline) more vulnerable to pilferage than other fluids (e.g. high pressure gas pipelines).

The frequency modification model typically used in BP is discussed in the following paragraphs for each of the failure modes. It should be noted that many of the parameters used in this model are dependent on hole size and so separate modified failure frequencies can be generated for punctures and ruptures. In this work, punctures are defined as failures from 50mm holes. EXTERNAL INTERFERENCE MODIFICATION FACTORS Limit State Model External interference is generally the dominant threat for most pipelines and has been studied extensively. Approaches adopted in pipeline risk assessments range from simple statistical analysis of historical data (taking no account of the specific conditions for a particular pipeline) to sophisticated limit state models, requiring detailed information on pipeline properties. A highly sophisticated approach is not necessarily appropriate; however, predictions of failure frequencies must reflect pipeline-specific parameters as far as practical in a simple tool. Therefore, within this paper, a well-established limit state model, FFREQ (Ref. 12), was used for external interference in combination with modification factors derived from historical data to take account of other parameters. FFREQ is the failure frequency prediction tool for external interference recommended by UKOPA, (Refs. 13, 14). By adopting FFREQ, many of the parameters identified as important in estimating pipeline failure frequencies due to external interference can be taken into account relatively simply, without the need to derive modification factors. Important parameters handled by the model include: 1. Pipeline-specific parameters, such as diameter, pressure, wall thickness and material properties. 2. Location, i.e. land use type Rural or Suburban as defined in IGEM/TD/1, Ref. 15. The definition of Rural given IGEM/TD/1 (i.e. < 2.5 persons per hectare) is broadly equivalent to Class Locations 1 and 2 in the ASME pipeline code, ASME B31.8. 3. Depth of Cover. The FFREQ model takes into account the mitigating effect of depth of cover on the likelihood of occurrence of external interference damage. The factor that is applied, within the FFREQ model is based on measured

damage observed on UK gas transmission pipelines, as a function of depth. UK gas transmission pipelines are laid to a minimum depth of 1.1m in accordance with IGEM/TD/1. The remaining parameters that were considered to be important were: 4. Geography (i.e. country) 5. Protective measures (where applied) The hit rate will vary between countries. In principle, damage distributions used to determine the probability of a failure given an impact could also vary if the machinery causing damage to pipelines differs between countries. In this study, it has been assumed that the main variation between countries will be the hit rate, and that the type of machinery capable of causing damage at the depth to which cross-country pipelines are buried will be similar in different countries. The FFREQ model has been developed using hit rates appropriate to the UK. The hit rate for external interference is a factor that is believed to vary significantly between different parts of the world for a variety of reasons including regulatory regime, rate of new construction in that country and cultural aspects. Some databases record incidents that result in damage as well as those that lead to failure. These hit rates are not widely available world wide and so other factors should be used to understand a particular country and its attitude to risk and compliance with the regulatory environment. In this paper, the road traffic accident rate was chosen as a measure of the attitude to risk in a particular country, and hence the likelihood that people will comply with safety rules such as contacting a pipeline company prior to any excavation work. Another important factor is that countries undergoing rapid growth are likely to have many more construction activities taking place which could damage a pipeline. For those countries where sufficient data is available, BP would consider that the hit rate is only affected by country and location. Therefore the proportion of pipeline operating in rural or suburban areas was also used to generate hit rate modification factors, taking the UK hit rate for normalisation purposes. It was concluded that the location factor included in the FFREQ model should be appropriate for the countries where data is available, and because most other countries follow similar pipeline design and routeing requirements to the UK and US, it would be reasonable to extrapolate this conclusion to all other countries as well. The hit rate modification factors were then compared with modification factors derived using the fatal accident rate (FAR Ref. 16) and the Gross Domestic Product (GDP Ref. 17). Comparison of these results suggested good agreement and a simple system proposed, whereby countries are placed on a grid of FAR (per 100,000 inhabitants) versus growth in GDP. Each country is assigned a hit rate modification factor based on these two variables, in accordance with the chart shown in Figure 3.

High > 20

3 2

Saudi Arabia





Traffic FAR
(per 10,000 inhabitants)

Medium 10 - 20 Low 0 - 10


UK Turkey Holland



Medium 5 - 10

High > 10

Low <5

Growth Rate GDP (% pa)

Figure 3: Country Chart for Hit Rate Modification Factors Protective Measures A number of experiments were performed by Advantica (then British Gas Research and Technology) in the 1990s that investigated the effectiveness of different types of barriers in preventing pipeline damage (Ref. 18). Contractors were asked to excavate in the region of a buried pipeline that was protected by a concrete or steel barrier to determine if the pipeline would be damaged. Warning tape was also used either alone or in addition to the physical protection in some of the experiments. Based on the results of these experiments, Damage Reduction Factors were derived depending on the combination of warning tapes and physical protection. These experiments were undertaken using a specific design of concrete slab in use by British Gas at that time. Subsequent research has been carried out to study the effectiveness of such risk reduction measures, including consideration of how the design of the slab (width, thickness, type of reinforcement, etc) influences the risk reduction achieved. Work by UKOPA considered this additional information and other references in open literature, and recommended the values given below (Refs. 13, 14). These factors can be directly applied to determine the protective measures modification factor for use in estimating failure frequencies provided that the design and construction of the concrete slabs are comparable, in particular the 3m width. Table 3: Failure Frequency Reduction Factors for Pipeline Protection
Type of Protection No Protection Concrete slab Concrete slab plus visible warning Modification Factor 1 0.16 0.05

In addition to providing physical barriers many companies use surveillance techniques to reduce the potential for external interference on the pipeline network. This surveillance may take the form of a walking, vehicle or helicopter survey. The aim of these surveys is to detect and prevent any unusual activity on or near the pipeline. A survey is considered to be effective if it can detect, intervene and prevent the activity from continuing. UK pipelines are usually surveyed once every 14 days in accordance with IGEM/TD/1, and therefore the assumptions in FFREQ are based on this surveillance regime. However, surveillance intervals may vary between country and region and so a simple model was developed to quantify the effect of surveillance. The observed frequency of excavation activities near pipelines and the duration of those activities were used to estimate the probability that surveillance will coincide with those activities in order that further work may be prevented. It should be noted that the effectiveness of this surveillance regime may vary between countries and/or safety cultures. Therefore, if there is reason to believe that any concerns raised by a survey are likely to be ignored, then in the model under discussion BP would not expect to give any credit for increased surveillance activity. Where both physical protection has been applied and the surveillance regime differs from the 14 day surveillance interval assumed in the model, the two factors could be multiplied together to give an overall modification factor for protective measures (PPM). MECHANICAL FAILURE MODIFICATION FACTORS From CONCAWE (Ref. 4), the 5-year average (2001-2005) failure frequency due to all causes is 2.58 x 10-4 per km.year. Within this database, 22% of failures in that five year period were due to mechanical defects giving a failure frequency of 5.73 x 10-5 per km.year. The UKOPA report (Ref. 6) indicates a failure frequency of 7.1 x 10-5 per km.year for mechanical faults between 1962 and 2004. These values are also comparable to frequencies obtained from EGIG for material and construction defects. The failure frequencies from EGIG can be broken down by year of construction and so these were used within the BP model as the baseline failure frequencies and are summarised below. It should be noted that the frequencies given in EGIG assumed that the pipeline under consideration had been built to meet the standards appropriate at the time of construction. Typical construction standards include hydrotesting, girth weld Non Destructive Testing (NDT) and low number of defects detected. If there is evidence to suggest that the pipelines have not been built to meet the appropriate standards, then the baseline failure frequency may be modified further.

Table 4: Baseline Mechanical Failure Frequency (per km.year), (Fyr) Ref. 2

Year of Construction <1954 1954-1963 1964-1973 1974-1983 >1984 Total Mechanical Failure Frequency (per km.year) 2.00 x 10-4 1.70 x 10-4 7.00 x 10-5 4.00 x 10-5 7.00 x 10-6

A series of modification factors were also developed for use in the BP model to adjust the failure frequencies to take into account the impact of pipeline age, using the five year average and other data within CONCAWE. For the modified failure frequency due to mechanical failure, a split between punctures and ruptures is generally required for risk assessments. The following contributions were obtained from the CONCAWE and EGIG databases. Table 5: Contribution of Hole Size to Mechanical Failure
Database CONCAWE (Liquid) EGIG (Gas) Average Percentage Contribution Pinhole Puncture Rupture 45% 38% 17% 71% 21% 9% 58% 29% 13% Total 100% 100% 100%

There may be physical reasons for the differences observed in the fatigue behaviour of material and construction defects of pipelines transporting gas and liquids, because liquid pipelines typically see far greater variations in pressure. Because gas is compressible, the pressure swings tend to be smaller and less frequent. The CONCAWE database appears suitable to use for liquid pipelines and the EGIG database is used for gas pipelines. This is likely to be conservative; particularly for pipelines constructed after 1984, where there is no recent history of ruptures due to mechanical failure. CORROSION MODIFICATION FACTORS Corrosion is a significant failure cause for transmission pipelines. In general, corrosion typically results in a small leak which would grow over time before eventually resulting in a rupture. However, the introduction of corrosion management schemes and the use of modern inspection and repair techniques such as pigging allow the majority of corrosion to be detected and repaired whilst still small. Thus, the contribution of corrosion to rupture and puncture frequency is generally small.

The key parameters considered to influence the failure frequency associated with corrosion are listed in Table 2: Baseline corrosion failure frequencies for the BP model were derived for natural gas and liquid pipelines using EGIG and CONCAWE respectively. For example, EGIG (Ref 2) gives a corrosion failure frequency of 3.53 x 10-5 per km.year for natural gas lines. Similar results can be derived for liquid lines from CONCAWE. A modification factor can then be applied to adjust the baseline failure frequencies to take into account the impact of wall thickness. For pipelines transporting aggressive fluids, the potential for corrosion can be managed by the introduction of corrosion inhibitors and the use of pigging to clean out the pipelines. However, there is insufficient evidence within the public historical data to establish a link between the use of corrosion inhibitors and failure frequency. However, a modification factor was obtained to take into account in-line inspection from CONCAWE (Ppig). This results in in-line inspection factors for pipelines with or without an in-line inspection regime in place. CONCAWE and EGIG give the proportion of internal and external corrosion events for liquid lines and natural gas lines respectively. These are presented in Table 6 below; with corrosion events in CONCAWE split between those in cold pipelines (oil transported at ambient temperature) and hot pipelines (such as hot crude oil, lubricating oils and heavy fuel oils transported at elevated temperatures). Table 6: Proportion of External and Internal Corrosion Events (PIC and PEC)
Database CONCAWE (cold) CONCAWE (hot) EGIG Fluid Liquid Liquid Natural Gas External 65% 98% 79% Internal 29% 2% 16% SCC 6% 0% 1% Other 0% 0% 4% Total 100% 100% 100%

The modification factors discussed above for fuel type, wall thickness and pigging apply to both internal and external corrosion mechanisms. However, the potential for external corrosion may also be affected by the coating in place around the pipeline. Therefore, a modification factor (PCT) was derived from the UKOPA historical data (Ref 6) to be applied to account for coating type (coal tar, bitumen, polyethylene, epoxy resin and other). BP would consider that all pipelines are fitted with Cathodic Protection. However, in a small number of cases this may not be an appropriate assumption. Under these circumstances a modification factor has been derived from the PRCI report L51830 (Ref 19) and is applied to the external corrosion failure frequency for pipelines without Cathodic Protection (PCP). For the modified failure frequency due to corrosion, a split between punctures and ruptures is generally required for risk assessment. The following contributions were

obtained from the CONCAWE and EGIG databases and are used in the model for liquid and gas pipelines respectively. Table 7: Contribution of Hole Size to Corrosion (Pfl)
Database CONCAWE (Liquid) EGIG (Gas) Percentage Contribution Pinhole Puncture Rupture 59% 34% 7% 97% 2% 2% Total 100% 100%

Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) appears to be a very specific problem for certain pipelines rather than a general threat. Therefore, BP would only include a contribution from SCC if there is reason to believe it is an issue. In particular, SCC initiates if three conditions are present: potent environment at pipe surface, susceptible pipe material and tensile stress. Thus, when required, the SCC failure frequency should be added to the contributions from external and internal corrosion using local information. For example, a report was published by NEB (Ref. 20) on near-neutral pH SCC in Canadian oil and gas pipelines. This report, records 22 SCC related failures over the 20 year period between 1977 and 1996. Using the exposure data, the overall SCC failure frequencies can be derived for this location. NATURAL HAZARDS MODIFICATION FACTORS Geohazards (geological hazards) are geological phenomena or conditions, either natural or man-made that are dangerous (or potentially dangerous) to the environment or its inhabitants. For the majority of pipelines, there is little or no risk of failure due to the occurrence of one of these natural hazards. However, under certain circumstances, pipelines may be required to be constructed through difficult terrain or hydrological conditions where the risk from such hazards is significant. There is limited historical data available to allow factors to be defined against a baseline frequency. Typical landslide failure rates are demonstrated in Figure 4.

Failure Frequency (per 1000km.yr)


0.8 0.32 0.02 0.33

0 Europe Europe (mountain) US Mountain Andes (older pipelines) Andes (Newer pipelines)

Figure 4: Landslide failure frequency, Ref 21 In European and US databases, landslides contribute about 3% of spills with CONCAWE reporting a failure frequency of 2.0 x 10-5 per km.yr. This low frequency of events is due to the benign terrain for the majority (95 to 99%) of the areas reported in the database. In mountainous terrain, landslide rupture for traditional pipelines overwhelms all other risks by several orders of magnitude. This is illustrated in Figure 4 with a rupture failure frequency of 8 x 10-4 per km.year in Alpine regions compared to a rupture failure frequency of 2.8 x 10-3 per km.year in the Andes. In the BP model failure frequencies for natural hazards were developed by applying general guidance from UKOPA (Refs. 13, 14) where there is no known history of ground movement and the information presented above for terrain with a known history of landslide. SABOTAGE AND PILFERAGE MODIFICATION FACTORS The threat from sabotage and pilferage is generally negligible for buried cross-country pipelines, and it would not be appropriate to include a contribution by default to the pipeline failure frequencies used in risk assessment. However, there may be countries where pipelines are vulnerable to deliberate attacks, and then the threat from sabotage and pilferage can dominate. The factors below are based on case-specific examples of pipelines which have been subjected to sabotage and/or pilferage. Where a pipeline is known to be at risk of sabotage or pilferage, local information is helpful to provide a best estimate of the contribution to the failure frequency, either directly from experience for that particular pipeline or similar pipelines in the area. Where local information is not available, but there are reasons to believe that a

significant threat of sabotage or pilferage exists, then results derived from regions with similar threats may be used to give guidance on values that could be used. In the BP model the threat levels defined in Table 8 were used to classify the pipeline. For each of the proposed categories, BP then developed appropriate failure frequencies using local information. The failure frequency for sabotage and pilferage was then added to the failure frequencies for the other causes estimated as described in the previous sections. Table 8: Threat Level for Sabotage and Pilferage (FSP)
Threat Level High Specific, hard intelligence of imminent attack and ongoing, sustained attacks against industry, assets or personnel. Moderate History of terrorist attacks in the region AND frequent illegal tapping. Low History of terrorist attacks in the region OR risk of pilferage or illegal tapping.

FAILURE FREQUENCY MODEL Combining the analyses presented in the previous sections gives the proposed frequency modification model,

The modified failure frequencies for external interference, material and construction defects and corrosion defects are given by,
FEI = Fffreq Phit PPM
FMF = Fyr Page FCO = FBC Pfl Pwt Ppig (PIC + PEC PCP PCT ) + FSCC

Each of these parameters is defined in Table 9 below. It should be noted that many of the parameters used in this model are dependent on hole size and so separate modified failure frequencies can be generated for punctures and ruptures.

Table 9: Parameters for Estimation of Pipeline Failure Frequencies

Parameter Description Calculated failure frequency from all causes Calculated External Interference failure frequency Modified Mechanical Failure frequency Modified Corrosion failure frequency Modified Natural Hazards failure frequency Modified Sabotage and Pilferage failure frequency External Interference failure frequency generated using FFREQ incorporates effects of pipeline-specific parameters, depth of cover, and location Hit rate modification factor e.g. country Protective measures modification factor e.g. physical protection, surveillance Mechanical failure frequency dependent on year of construction Pipeline age modification factor Corrosion failure frequency Fluid type modification factor Wall thickness modification factor In-line inspection modification Proportion of internal corrosion events dependent on fluid type Proportion of external corrosion events dependent on fluid type Coating type modification factor applicable only to external corrosion Cathodic Protection modification factor Stress Corrosion Cracking frequency added if pipeline is vulnerable to such events


CONCLUSIONS A study was carried out to derive a range of modification factors that could be applied to generic failure frequencies to take pipeline-specific factors (including wall thickness, depth of cover, country of operation, or specific local issues) into account. The study included a review of existing knowledge in order to derive generic baseline failure frequencies from publicly available databases, a proposed methodology for the application of risk modification factors, and the identification of historical data sources or predictive models that could be used to derive risk modification factors depending on the robustness of available information.

Baseline failure frequencies and modification parameters have been derived for each of the major failure causes identified, in particular: External Interference; Mechanical Failure; Corrosion; Natural Hazards and Sabotage and Pilferage. The model has been coded into a software tool (PipeFFRAC) for use within BP. Future work includes the extension of the model to above ground pipelines and offshore pipelines, which are characterised by different failure mechanisms. REFERENCES 1. Guideline: Using or Creating Incident Databases for Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines, Report of Study Group 3.4, 23rd World Gas Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 2006 2. 6th EGIG Report 1970-2004. European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG). EGIG 05.R.0002. December 2005 3. 7th EGIG Report 1970-2007. European Gas Pipeline Incident Data Group (EGIG). EGIG 08.TV.0502. December 2008 4. Performance of European Cross-Country Oil Pipelines; Statistical Summary of Reported Spillages in 2005 and since 1971. CONCAWE. Report No. 4/07. May 2007 5. http://primis.phmsa.dot.gov/comm/reports/safety/PSI.html 6. UKOPA Pipeline Product Loss Incidents - 5th Report (1962 2006), Advantica report 6957, August 2007, available from www.ukopa.co.uk 7. Overseas and Australian Statistics for Gas Transmission and Distribution Incidents. Risk & Reliability Associates Pty Ltd. Report No. 293-3. January 2004 8. Jeglic, F. (2004), Analysis of Ruptures and Trends on Major Canadian Pipeline Systems, National Energy Board (NEB) 9. Pipeline Performance in Alberta, 1990-2005. Alberta Energy and Utilities Board (EUB). April 2007 10. Russia Pipeline Oil Spill Study. Joint UNDP/World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme (ESMAP). 1998 11. Esford, F., Porter, M., Savigny, K.W. and Muhlbauer, K.W. (2004), A Risk Assessment Model for Pipelines Exposed to Geohazards 5th International Pipeline Conference, ASME (IPC04-0327) 12. Corder, I. and Fearnehough, G.D. (1987), Prediction of Pipeline Failure Frequencies, Second International Conference on Pipes, Pipelines and Pipeline Systems, Utrecht

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