Further Mathematics Teaching Notes
Further Mathematics Teaching Notes
Further Mathematics Teaching Notes
The following chapters will appear in the online versions of the MYP texts. They are not essential in order to
do FM, but may be useful in encouraging students to take on the course, and also then in providing some basic
background knowledge.
Matrices – Chapter 28
Provides some background work for the Linear Algrebra topic.
In addition there are some other sections of our MYP books with work necessary for FM students. This is
generally marked Extension in the MYP 5 Extended book, and is more specifically described below.
We recommend the following topic order, since it fits with our presentation of the HL Core course without
running into difficulties with assumed knowledge.
1. Linear Algebra
• Systems of linear equations (without geometric interpretation, which is covered in HL Core (vectors)).
• In determinants of 3×3 matrices, there is a question involving function notation and factors of a
• Vector spaces are done from the point of view of n×1 matrices, so knowledge of HL vectors is not
• Spanning sets is self-contained, so there is no need to have already done the Sets, Relations, and Groups
• Geometric transformations extends directly from MYP 5 Extended, so there is no need to have already
covered HL transforming functions.
• In preparation for the rotations section, the students should have done Exercise 21I from the MYP 5
Extended book, marked Extension (compound angle formula).
• Sets, subsets, algebra of sets, and properties of sets are all covered in MYP.
• Relations and functions covered in HL Core Chapter 2. Students should have completed this by now.
• Some questions later (for example, Section G) use i = √-1, which students should have seen by now in
HL Core Chapter 6.
• In Exercise J, there is a question involving f (x) = ln x, which students should have seen already in HL
Core Chapter 4.
3. Discrete Mathematics
• The recurrence relations section covers sequences which students should have seen in HL Core Chapter
• Under 2nd degree linear homogenous recurrence relations with constant coefficients, the solution to the
characteristic equation may be complex, so we need i and complex conjugates. cis is mentioned, and
this is not covered in HL Core until chapter 16, so students may not be that far advanced, but the use of
cis and polar form here is not essential.
• In Section F.1, there is a reference to the Sets, Relations, and Groups Option.
4. Geometry
• With earlier deductive geometry, there are no issues through to equations of tangents and normals of
conic sections. This section could be done using quadratic theory, but in the following section, the
syllabus explicitly refers to parametric differentiation. So, this needs to be done after the HL Core
calculus anyway. We therefore choose to do tangents and normal using implicit differentiation, with
dual purpose to practice this skill learnt in HL Core.
• The last section relies on eigenvalues and eigenvectors from Linear Algebra.
5. Calculus
• Relies extensively on functions, including trigonometric functions, exponentials, and logarithms. The
work requires HL Core calculus, so it should be started after completing HL Core Chapter 22.
• This Option must be chosen for the HL course. It flows directly from the last chapter of the HL Core