DIN 4014 Bored Piles

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uoc 624.154.

5 DEUTSCHE NORM March 1990

Bored cast-in-place piles DIN

Formation, design and bearing capacrty
Bohrpfahle: Herstellung, Bemessung und Tragverhalten· Supersedes OtN 4014 Part 1.
August 1975 ed1t1on and
DIN 4014 Part 2.
September 1977 edition.

In keeping with current practice ,n standards published by the International Organrzar,on for Standardization (ISO). a
comma has been used throughout as the decimal marker.

Th,s standard has been prepared jointly by Section Baugrund ot the Normenaussel'lu/J Savwesen (Building and Civil Engi­
neering Standards Committee) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Era- uncJ Grundbau e.V. (DGEG} (German Association
for Earthworks and Foundation Engineering}.
As the planning. design and installation of bored cast -in-place piles require sound knowledge and experience.only those

contractors and engineers who are able to guarantee proper execution of such work shall be comm,ssioned. This applies
in particular to the person appointed as resident engineer and to the drilling engineers responsible tor supervision on site .
The relevant accident prevention regulations issued by the industrial employers' liability insurance associations.in par­

ticular those relating to working in cav.ities. shall t>e complied with .

) Dime,:isions in m m

"•9• P•11•
1 Scope and field of application . .. . . ........... . ... 2 6.3.7 Cutting off pile heads ....................... 6
2 Concepts ... . .. .............. ..... ............ 2 6.4 Reinforcement ............................... 6
2.1 Bored cast-in-place piles ......., ............ , 2 6.4.1 General ............................., ..... 6
2.2 Load capacity ... , ..........•., .............. 2 6.4.2 Reinforcing cage ........................... 6
2.2. 1 Load capacity (external) ..................... 2 7 O.tenninatlon otload capacity .. . . ......... . .. ... 6
2.2.2 Load capacity (internal) ..................... 2 7.1 Axial l.oad capacity of compression piles .. . .. ... 6
2.3 Nominal diameter ......................•...•. 2 7.1.1 General . , ................................. 6
3 Designation ................................... 2 7.1.2 Point resistance (cf. tables 1 and 2) .......... 6
4 Ground investigations ............., ........ .. .. 2 7. 1 .3 Skin friction resistance of a single pile
5 Concrete, reinforcement and deaiiJn criteria . .. .. .. 3 (cf. tables 4 and 5) ...•• •....••..••••.••.... 7
5.1 General ....................••............... 3 7. 1 .4 Establishing the load-settlement curve ...... : . 7
5.2 Concrete strength and composition ......•..... 3 7.1.5 Reduction factors for diaphragm wall panels .. 8
5.3 Concrete co11er ..........••......, .....•..... 3 7.2 Establishing the load-uplift curve
for tension piles ............................. 8
5.4 Reinforcement ........................., ..... 3
7.3 Pile groups .................................. 8
5.5 Special design cases ......................... 3
7.4 Laterally loaded vertical piles ......•........... 8
5.6 Imperfections .................•.•..•.•....... 3
7.4.1 General ................................... 8
5.7 Enlarged pile bases .............•............ 3
7.4.2 Single piles ................................ 8
6 Pile formation .... ...... ...... ....... . . . . . . .... 3
7.4.3 Pile groups ................................ 9 .
6.1 Resident engineer ............................ 3
8 Ultimate load capacity for piles bearing on rock 10
6.2 Boring work ................................. 3
8.1 Piles subjected to axial loading ............... i O

6.2.1 Boring tools ............................... 3
0 8.2 Piles subjected to lateral loading ............. 1 O
6.2.2 Boring operations using casing .............. 3
8.3 Unusual site conditions ...................... 1 O
0 6.2.3 Boring operations without the use of casing ... 4
6.2.4 Boring using continuous flight augers ......... 4 Appendix A Specimen forms for piling records
6.2.5 Underreaming ........... , ............•.., , . 4 (bored cast-in-place piles) ......., .•.. 1,
6.2.6 Checking the results of site investigations ..... 5 Appendix 8 Typical load-settlement curve estab­
6.3 Concrete work ............................... 5 lished for a BV - 0,90 bored pile formed
6.3.1 General . , ................................. 5 with lined borehole and subject to axial
loading (ef. figure 8.1 ) ................ 17
6.3.2 Quality testing ............... , ............. 5
Appendix C Establishing the distribution of lateral
6.3.3 Concrete placement .................... , ... 5 loads within a group of piles (see [4]) ... 18
6.3.4 Consistence or concrete .................., . 5
6.3.5 Submerged concrete placement .............. 6 Standards and other documents referred to . ..... . .. 19
6.3.6 Extraction or casing ......., ................ 6 Other rel•vant documents .. . . ... ..... .......... . . . , 9

Continued on pages 2 to 20.

DIN 40: 4 Fr.r'

Pag e 2 OIN4014

1 Scope and field of application 2.3 Nominal diameter

This standard covers t:>ored cas1-,n-place piles of circular The nom,nal diameter of the o,1e shaft ('shalt diameter'. for
cross section. installed ,ndiv1dually or 1n groups, and piles short) is the max,mum diameter of the casing p,pe or bot1ng
of non-circular cross section. such as diaphragm wall tool (cf. clause 3).
panels. as well as contiguous bored p11e walls. It specifies
reau1remenrs for the des,gn and construction of piles from
0.3 m to J m ,n diameter. ,nstalled at a rake not flatter than
, · 4. to a m,n,mum depth of 5 m or five trmes the p11e diame· 3 Designation
ter. whichever ,s greater. For pries with a shorter embedded The follow,ng symbols shall be used to oenote bored 01les
length. only the specifications of clauses 4. 5 and 6 apply. as covered ,n this standard.
The standard gives design cons1derat1ons for determining 8 bored pile
ttte prle resistances. Q. The design resistance. Q d, is estab· V borehole supported (i.e. lined)
lisned using the ultimate load capacity. Q1 • and a safety
factor. 1"'4 . as specified in DIN 1054. Taking account of the U borehole unsupported (i.e. unlined)
design toads. Sd. 1t 1s to be checked whether the equation: E augered, using a continuous flight auger with hol­
low stem, the ratio of D, to D1 being 0,55 m or more
in the case of large. or less than 0,55 in the ca�e of
small hollow stems (where D; is the diameter of the
hollow stem. and D,. that of the auger)
is satisfied. S diaphragm wall panel
Determination of specific design values is not the subject F with enlarged base
of this standard (cf. DIN 1054). M friction pite
NOTE: The specifications for- the road capacity P end bearing pile
(also termed 'bearing caoac:ty') apply to single
After the symbol(s). and separated from them by hyphens,
piles. The axial load capacity of pile groups shall be the designation shall give the diameter of the shaft. D. and
checked in accordance with DIN , 054. Since verti·
that of the pile base. OF. or. in the case of diaphragm wall
cal piles must frequently also resist lateral loading,
panels. the thickness. d,. and the length of the diaphragm
such loading is dealt with for piles installed in close wall panel, !!, or. in the case of continuous flight augered
piles, the ratio D/D1•
Designation of a bored pile, borehole supported and with
enlarged base, with a shaft diameter of 0,80 m and a base
diameter of , , 10 m:
2 Concepts
Pile DIN 4014-BVF-0,80-1,10
2.1 Bored cast-in-place piles
Bored cast-in-place piles ('bored piles', for short) are bear­ Designation of a bored pile, borehole supported, with a
ing piles formed by excavating or boring a hole in the shaft diameter of o.80 m:
ground and filling it with plain or reinforced concrete.
NOTE; The borehole may be formed with its sides
Pile DIN 4014-BV-0,80
unsupported (i.e. unlined), with or without the use of
a stabilizing fluid, permanently supported (by cas­
ing pipes). or temporarily supported using a contin· 4 Ground investigations
uous flight auger (i.e. 'augering', for short).
Before bored piles are designed and constructed, ground
investigations shall be carried out in accordance with
2.2 Load capacity DIN4020. followed by exploration as specified in DIN 4021,
this giving an indication of tl'te character and variability of
2.2.1 Load capacity (external} tl'te strata underlying the site. the groundwater conditions The 'external' load capacity is a function of pile re· (e.g. aquifers. groundwater table and its changes, artesian
sistance and head displacement. groundwater) and the bearing stratum (e.g. bearing capaci·
ty and thickness). The a:,i:1al load capacity. Q(s). is expressed in terms Soil mechanics parameters. in particular those relating to
of pile resistance as a function of the axial (upward or grading and strength (e.g. coefficient of plasticity, le (cf.
downward) head displacement. s. the ultimate pile resist­ DIN , 8, 22 Part , ). and undrained shear strength, c. = q.f2
ance. Q 1• being defined as the resistance at the maximum (cl. DIN 18136 and DIN 18137 Parts 1 and 2)) shall. as far
axral displacement, s,. at which the pile resistance can no as the affected strata permit, be determined by laboratory
longer be increased (cf. equations (2) and (3)). testing, or by in-situ testing. preferably by soundings (cf.
DIN 4094 and DIN 4096).
Q = Q( s} (2)
For rock and for soil containing boulders. the methods of
Q 1 ., Q(s!) = max Q (3) investigation and exploration selected shall not only pro­
vide information en the stratification, rock type and The load capacity normal to the pile axis, H()') or strength. t:>ut also give an indication of the strata cohesion.
H(a), ,s expressed in terms of pile resistance as a function To this end, tests shall be carried out to determine the un­
confined compressive strength, q•. in accordance with the
of the axial {upward or downward) head displacement, y. or
a rotation of lhe pile head. a (cf. eQuations {4) and (5)). recommendations issued by the DGEG Working Group Ver·
sucnstechni>c im Fels [1J, and the stability in water as speci­
H = H{y) or H = H(a) (4) or (5) fied in DIN4022 Part i.
Exploration of rock and soil shall be carried out to the same
depth unless the geological conditions on site permit
2.2.2 Load capacity pntemal) otherwise.
The internal load capacity is a function of the bearing ca­ In order :o assess the lateral load capacity. the moduli of
pacity of the pile material. stiffness of the ground must t:>e known. If not, tl'lese shall be
DIN ,o,.i Page 3

obtained from laboratory tests 1n the case of cohesive soil, 0.50 m or more and tor piles with a smaller diameter. if
and from soundings ,n the case or non-cohesive soil. these are prov,ded w,th a feature for load dispersal (as de­
Groundwater and soil shall be ,n11est1gated for the,r aggres­ scribed in subclause 5.6). Reinforcement is always re­
siveness to concrete (cf. OIN 4030). their corros,vity (cf. quired tor raking piles and for tension piles. the latter being
OIN 50 929 Part 3) and. wnere necessary, for properties reinforced over their whole length.
likely to 1mpa,r tt1e collo,dal statulity of drilling fluids.
5.5 Special design cases

5 Concrete, reinforcement and design criteria Where bored piles are sub1ected to lateral pressure due to
soil movement. or where such loads are to be expected, an
5.1 General investigation shall be carried out ,n accor.d ance with the
Unless otherwise specified below. bored piles shall be de­ DGEG Recommendations Seitencrvck avf Pflnle cvreh
signed in accordance with the specifications of DIN 1 04 5 Bewegvngen von weichen bmdigen B6den (Lateral pres­
to resist the loads t o be determined as d&Scribed in sure on piles resulting from the movemel\! of soft cohes,ve
DIN 1054. It shall be verified whether reinforced or plain soil) [2).
concrete piles adequately resist the loads acting at their
head. 5.6 lmperlections
By way of depanure from DIN , 054, a check tor safety
Bored piles are seldom installed with such an accuracy that
against buckling shall be carried out for piles which are ful·
the axis coincides witn the line of action of the resultant
ly embedded in soil with an undrained shear strength, ,•. of
force. Therefore. they shall t>e designed to accommodate
1 5 kN/m1 or less. Instead of verifying that cv is greater than
an eccentricity, e, equal to 0,05 · D. but not less than 5 cm
1 5 kN/m1 • it will be sufficient to provide proof that the coef­ (D being the pile shaft diameter, in cm) and a deviation, n,
ficient of plasticity�/ c• exceeg, 0,25.
of 0.015 from the specified rake. unless the local condi­
tions or the formation technique used require higher values
5.2 Concrete strength and composition of e and n. Such lack of accuracy need not be considered
where an accidental bending moment, Q · e, is precluded
The strength of concrete used in the m anufacture of bored
by the use of load-dispersing features such as grating
piles (with or without enlarged base) shall comply with
plates, pile bents or similar elements.
strength class B 25 or better (as specified in DIN , 045).
Higher strength classes shall not be used in calculations.
&JCcept for piles with lined borehole, with a shaft diam•t•r 5.7 Enlarged pile bases
of 0.75 m or more. provided construction work is continu•
The projecting part of an enlarged pile base need not nor­
ously supervised by the resident engineer. mally be provided with reinforcement. The maximum slope
For plain concrete primary piles used in contiguous bored of the base shall be such that the ratio of base projection
pile walls . concrete of a strength class lower than 8 25 may to base height is 2 : 1, unless otherwise specified in sub­
be used. clause 6.2.5 (cf. DIN 1 0,si .
The particle size distribution of the agg regate shall lie
within the most favourable zone as obtained from particle
size analysis in accordance with DIN 1 045. For reinforced
piles with a shaft diameter of less than 0.40 m, the max.i· 6 Pile formation
mum particle size shall not eJtCffd 1 6 mm. 6.1 ·Resident engineer
The cement content shall be at least 400 kg per m3 of con­
During the formation of bored piles, the resident engineer
crete made with aggregate mix comprising particle sizes
or his representative shall be present on site. A printed
from O to 16 mm. and 350 kg/m3 for O to 32 mm gradings.
form providing a record of the work done in constructing
The water/cement ratio shall be less than 0,6.
each pile shall be completed on site and countersigned
daily by the engineer or his representative (see �pendix A
5.3 Concrete cover for specimen forms).
The minimum concrete cover to reinforcement shall be
50 mm. Where a bentonite suspension is used to maintain 6.2 Boring work
the stability of a bore, a clearance o f 70 mm shall be pro­
6.2.1 Boring tools
vided between reinforcement and bore wait to prevent the
ingress of suspension into the eoncrete when being placec L The boring tools used shall be suitable for the local soil and
groundwater conditions. They shall be selected so as to
Concrete with a high resistance to chemical attack as
preclude disturbance of the ground surrounding the shaft
speeified in DIN 1 045 shalt be used for piles coming into
and below the pile base.
contact with water or soil which is classed as being slightly
aggressive or aggressive to concrete (cf. DIN 4030). The NOTE: When using tools with cutting ring or the
minimum concrete cover shall be that specified in the first like, the bottom of the hole shall be levelled once the
paragraph of this subclause. reciuired depth is reached and the original ground
condition restored. Since such disturbance often
Where concrete is exposed to highly aggressive chemical
occurs well after boring has taken place. preference
attack, protective measures as described in DIN 1 045 shall
shall be given to equipment which allows the boring
be taken.
operation to be performed quickly and thus mini­
mizing the interval between boring and concreting.
5.4 Reinforcement When boring below the groundwater level or using a stabi­
The reinforcement shall comply with the specifications of lizing fluid. it shall be ensured that withdrawal of tools from
DIN 1045. Longitudinal bars shalt be made of ribbed rein­ the borehole does not change the pressure in the hole.
forcing steel with a minimum diameter of 1 6 mm.
Transverse reinforcement shall consist of links or helic al 6.2.2 Boring operations using casing
bars with a minimum diameter of 6 m m , with a maximum A casing is normally used t o minimize disturbance of the
spacing or pitch of 0.25 m [cf. DIN 1 045). soil surrounding the borehole. Its use is mandatory where
Unless required for structural reasons. reinforcement need a drilling fluid will noi ensure stability o f the bore and inflow
not be used in the case of piles with a shaft diameter of of soil into the hole is likely.
Page 4 DIN 4 0 1 4

When boring takes plac8 below tl"le groundwater l1tvel o r If unlined bores pass through unstable ground strata. the
wnere artesian groundwater i s present. a sutlic1ent pres­ t>ore shall be s t a b1t1zed by means of a pressurized fluid.
sure of the water or drilling tlu1d tnormally, benton1te sus­ During boring and concreting, the level of this fluid inside
pension) shall be prov,ded in the bore during boring opera­ the !Jore shall always be maintained at not less than 1 m
tions to prevent ground heave. When ooring through unsta­ above the groun dwater taole. An adeQuate Quantity of fluid
bl e water-t>earrng strata, all necessary measures shall be shall be available at all times.
taken to prevent soil being entrained by water infiltrating Where water does not adeQuatety stao,1ize a bore. ben­
the bore (i.e. soil inflow) ton1te suspension comp1y,ng with D I N 4 i 26 shall be used.
Boreholes shall oe lineo ahead of bor·ng to prevent disturb­ Such suspel"\s1on shall always be used· as stabilizing fluid
ance of so1l 1n the surrounding grourd. In soft cohesive and !or t h e construe t1on of d1aohragm wall panels.
in non -cohesive s o i l s . 1n particular 1n line sand and silt be­ Where benton1te suspension is used to stabilize the tiore.
row the groundwater level. the lining shall precede boring a sample shall be taken from about 0.S m above th., base of
by half the casing diameter. the bore and the density and viscosity checked immediate­
Wher soil inflow 1s likely. the casing snal l be advanced fur­ ly before concrete placement. Where a drrlling fluid com•
ther or the pressure of the dr1ll•ng �h.11d shall be increased. oly1ng with DIN 4 1 2 7 is used in the construction of rein­
by extending the length of the read-in pipe above the forced piles. the density. 9 F , and liquid limit. rF , shall not
ground level, where necessary. In semi•lirm cohesive soil, exceed 1 .2 :;m l and 30 Nlm 1 , respectively. througnout the
it is seldom practicable. nor reciuireo. to advance the lining. concreting operation.
However. it is to be ensured that the outer edges of the tool For plain concrete piles, the drilling fluid used shall have a
d o not extend beyond the casing diameter and that the moimum density of 1 .30 Vm 3 and a maximum liquid llmit
lining is advanced as boring proceeds. To this end, a verti­ of 40 N/m 2 • If one of these values is exceeded, the fluid
cal toad shall be applied in addition to the torciue used to shall be partially or completely replaced. In the former
rotate the casing into the�round. case, the fluid shall be homogenized over the full pile
On completion of boring and where it is not intended to en· depth.
large the pile base. any loose. disturbed or softened soil Towards the end of concreting, a sample of drilling fluid
below the bottom edge of the casing shall be removed and shall be taken from 11:>out 1 ,5 m above the concrete level
the concrete placed without delay. and rechecked for compliance with the values of density
NOTE 1 : Removal of loose soil from below the bot· and liquid limit specified above. If either value is exceeded,
tom edge of the casing snail prevent disturbance of the drilling fluid composition shall be modified prior to fur­
the soil below the pile base wnen the casing is being ther concreting and drilling.
extracted. Concrete shall be placed immediately Piles shall be formed with the use of casing in soil having
after boring to avoid disturbance or softening of the an undrained shear strength, c•• ot 1 5 kN/m2 or less. In·
soil at the bottom of the bore. stead of verifying whether this value exceeds 15 kNfm2, it
Boring and concreting operations for bored piles shall take may be sufficient to provide proof that the coefficient of
place on the same day. Where a pile cannot be finished by plasticity, le, exceeds 0.25.
t h e end of a working day. a depth of not less than twice the
shaft diameter, but not less than 1 .5 m, shall be bored just
before concrete placement on the following day. t.2.4 Boring using continuous flight augers
NOTE 2: The cutting ring projection on the casing Where piles are formed by augering, the auger feed and
pipe should be kept to a minimum to prevent dis­ speed or rotation shall be consistent with the ground con·
turbance of the soil. ditions and selected so as not to impair the stability of the
The bottom of the bore snail always be inspected by re· bore. When withdrawn, the auger shall either be pulled
peated sounding to ensure that no changes occur as a re· straight out or extracted by rotating it in the same direction
suit of sloughing, soil inflow or sedimentation. as for boring.
The number of auger revolutions shall be recorded auto­
matically as a function of depth and the plotter records in­
6.2.3 Boring operations without the uH of ca�
cluded in the p i l ing record. It shall be ensured that neither
In firm cohesive soil. a pile may be formed without the use water nor soil enters the auger stem dunng boring.
of casing. The upper part of the bore shall be lined so that
The angle of rake of augered piles shall not exceed s•
construction work carried out in the vicinity of the boring
( 1 0 : 1 ).
operations does not adversely affect the integrity of the
bore. Augering shall not be used for uniform cohesionless soil
with a uniformity coefficient. U. of 3 or less below the
To reduce the effects of soil settlement. the bottom of the
groundwater table nor for cohesive soil with an undrained
bore shall be cleaned just before placing the concrete in the
shear strength of 1 S kN/m2 or fess.
case of non-reinforced piles and. for reinforced piles. be·
fore inserting the reinforcing cage. Boring tools which pro­
duce a rough bore wall shall be used to ensure a maximum 6.2.S Underreaming
skin friction.
Soil that ,s sufficiently stable (e:itcept for gra\'el containing
Raking piles shall not be formed with the bore unlined. pebbles or bouldery ground) may be underreamed in order
Boring and concreting operations for piles shall take place to produce an enlarged pile base.
on the same day. Where a pile cannot be finished by the end The frustum used to form the enlargement shall ensure that
of the working day. a depth of not less than twice the shaft the resultant base will be concentric with the pile shaft. It
diameter. b\Jt not less than 1 .5 m. shall be bored just before shall be possible to monitor and control the frustum projec·
concrete placement on the following day. tion. Where other eQuipment or methods are used to form
Where a bore contains bentonite suspension for more than the enlargement, its condition and shape shall be checked.
ten hours before concrete placement. the mud cake in the The bottom or the bore shall always be inspected by re­
zone along the bond transfer length shall be removed. peated sounding just before the concrete is placed to en­
Where this is impossible. a skin friction eciual to two•third s sure that no changes occur as a result of sloughing, soil in·
of the value specified in tables 4 and 5 shall be used. llow or sedimentation.
The bottom of the bore shall be inspected by repeated Where base enlargements are formed below the ground­
sounding to ensure that no changes occur as a result ol water table. t hey shall be stabilized by means of pressur­
sloughing. soil inflow or seo1mentat1on. ized fluid until the concrete is placed.
DIN J 0 1 4 Page s

The t>ase/shatt d1ame1er raliO for enlargements shall nor­ 6.3.3 Concrete placement
mally t>e as given in figure , . However. these values may be The concret e shall be placed ,mmediately after completion
exceeded where it can be demonstrated that larger pile of the boring operations. cleaning ot the bore and. where
base enlargements can be formed. appropriate. msertron of the reinforcing cage. care being
The slope of the base (cl. subclause 5. 7) shall be not less taken to ensure that
than 3: 1 for enlargements formed 1n non-cohesive soil and a1 the concrete having the spec1t,eo comoosit1on and
not less than 2 : 1 tor those formed "' cohesive soil. consistence extends to the bottom of :he bore.
bl segrega1,on or contam1nat1on of the concrete ,s pre­
6.2.6 Cheeking the results of site investigations cl a continuous concrete shaft of full cross section ,s
The results obtained from the sile investigation regarding formed.
the stratification shall be checked. particularly for bearing In the case of ve11ica1. lined or augered bores with no
·strata. during boring or. in the case of augered piles. after standing water. the concrete may be cast using a funnel to
boring • .tnd the borehole logs included in the piling record which a pipe not less than 2 m long is fixed. this being kept
(cf. appendi>l A). If there are any doubts as to the ground in a vertical pos,t,on throughout the casting process.
conditions. further site investigations need be made. In all other cases. concrete shall be placed by tremie or
The embedment depth in the bearing stratum and the water through a pipe or hose which, when starting concrete
level in the bore shall be recorded for each pile just before placement. shall e,ctend to the bottom ot the bore and shall
the concrete is placed. be immersed into the concrete until the completion of con­
In the case of submerged concrete placement (under water
or bentonite suspension). a tremie techniQue shall be used.
Suitable means shall be provided to preven1 tht concrete
so placed from mixing with water or the sus pension in the
tremie pipe. In order to ensure continuity of the casting pro­
cess and drilling fluid from entering the tremie pipe, the
i:,ipe shall not be withdrawn until it 1s covered by concrete
up to 3 m.
Underwater concrete may be produced by i njecting grout
z.o from below into a mass of aggregate (cf. OIN 1 045), pro­

t vided the granular skeleton of the aggregate is not ade·
versely affected by soil inflow.
In the case of piles formed by continuous flight auger with

.5 a short stem, concrete shall be pumped through the stem
once the required boring depth has been reached. the
auger being withdrawn as the concreting proceeds. The in·
1,0 jection pressure of the concrete shall be sufficient to en­
sure that the void produced as the auger is being with·
drawn is immediately filled with fresh concrete. For this
Q.310,6 purpoae, the injection pressure shall be measured and re·
corded as a function of the depth throughout the auger
In the case of fine-grained soil with an undrained shear
00 1,0 2,0 3,0 strength of 1 5 kN/mZ or less. a liner shall be used to sup­
D in m - port the fresh concrete. Instead of verifying that the un·
drained shear strength exceeds 1 5 kN/m 2 , it may be suffi·
cient to provide proof that the coefficient of plasticity. /c·
F'igun 1: Permissible base/shaft diameter ratioa for base exceeds 0.25.
enlargements formed in cohesive and non-cohesive soil
Concreting shall be carried out in one continuous opera_­
NOTE: If the concreting process is to be briefly in·
6.3 Concrete work terrupted, set retarding admixtures shall bt used to
preclude any adverse effects resulting from the in·
6.3.1 General terruption.
Unless otherwise specified below. the production and Where piles are formed with enlarged base. the fresh con­
placement of concrete shall comply with DIN 1 045, taking crete shall be available in sufficient quantities to ensure
into account the specifications of subclause 5.3. that the enlargement is not only completely filled in one op·
eration but extends into the shaft.

6.3.2 Quality testing

6.3.4 Consistence of concrete
By way of departure from DIN l 045. at least six cubes shall
be prepared on she 1rom the concrete intended to be used Normally, flowing concrete (i.e. concrete with a slump of
for the first ten piles of a building project. and tested as 50 cm to 60 cm) shall be used without any plasticizing ad­
specified in DIN 1 048 Part 1 . Three specimens each shall mixture being added (which is a departure from DIN 1 045).
be tested at an age of seven days and of 28 days. From the Use of concrete of consistence range KF as specified in
concrete prepared for each further series of 25 piles, but at DIN 1045 is permitted. particular attention being given
least per 500 ml of fresh concrete, three cubes shall be to the workability of the fresh concrete during the time
prepared and subjected to the 28-day cube strength test. needed to form the pile.
Where slow-setting cements are used. test periods of up to When concreting under bentonite suspension. the slump
5 6 days are permitted. For type B II concrete, the number shall be between 55 cm and 60 cm, use of internal vibrators
of cubes reQuired shall be twice that specified above. to compact the concrete not being permitted.
Page 6 D I N 40 1 <l

1.3.5 Submer;ed concrete placeffltnt 7 Determination of load capacity

Where concreting is carrred out under water. tremie con· 7.1 Axial load capacity of compression p iles
cre1e (cf. suC>elause 3.2 ol DIN 4 1 26. August 1 986 edition)
may be produced on the basis of lht requirements speci­ 7. 1 .1 General
fied for B I concrete (which 1s a depat1ure from DIN 1 045). The 1oacJ-settlement curve tor compression piles shall be
determined on the basis of pile 1oading tests 1n accordance
with DIN 1 054 or on the oasis or exper,ence gamed with
6.l.6 Extrac1ion of casing loading tests carried out •.inoer similar cond1t 1ons.
When :ne casing ,s oe1ng extractec. care snail be taken to Where no such exper,ence ,s available and no loading tests
ensure tnat the concrete is not lifted or becomes waisted. have been carried out. the load-settlement curve of a single

A sulfic1en1 Quanllty of concrete shall be left within the pile may be delermined as specified in subclause 7 . , .4
casing to ensure !hat the concrete ;::iressure 1s higher than using the values given 1n tables 1 . 2. 4 and 5 . where ground
the groundwater or soil pressure. This requirement shall be conditions are not complex. Such conditions are '1efined in
deemed to be satisfied ii it can be demonstrated that there DIN 1 054 as tnose for wnicl'l the strength in non-cohesive
1s equilibrium among the lateral loads assumed to act in soil can be expressed with sufficient accuracy in terms of
one plane. This shall also apply tor augers with a large penetrometer tip resistance, q,. and in the case of cohesive
stem. soil. 1n terms of undrained ,near strength, c •.
It may be assumed that the thickness of the bearing stra·
tum below the pile base is equal to three times the pile base
6.3.7 Cutting off pile heads diameter, but not less than 1 ,5 m. Otherwise, it shall be
When cutting off ancJ trimming piles to the specified level. verified that this stratum is adequately resistant to being
particular attention shall be given to the strength of the penetrated and that the underlying soil does not adversely
concrete in the uppermosuone of tn�ile, lhis measuring affect the settlement behaviour of the pile.
0,5 m . After withdrawal of the casing, the concrete in this NOTE: When using tables 1 and 4, the value of q, to
zone shall be removed. Where necessary, the piles shall be be used shall be determined by sounding to a defi­
extended beyond the specified cut-off level to ensure that, nite depth range and calculating the mean from the
after trimming, the concrete above the pile design length is values obtained. Specific q, values have not been
sound. given in order to allow for possible variations from
site to site.
The values given in tables 1 . 2. 4 and 5 are empirical (cf.
6.4 Reinforcement DIN 1 OS4), obtained from a number of loading tests carried
out on piles formed using stabilizing fluid, with or without
IS.4.1 Q.,,.ral lining, and are to be considered typical. The actual values
Unless otherwise specified below. all reinforcement shall are lower only in rare cases where the ground conditions
be prepared and placid in accordance with DIN , 045. are unfavourable.

7.1.2 Point reslstan� (cl. tables 1 and 2)

8.4.2 A.tnforclng cage
The specifications for point resistance given in tables 1 and
The reinforcing cage shall be made sufficiently rigid to
2 relate to standard piles with an embedded length within
withstand deformation during handling, installation and
the stratum of not less than 2.5 m. In the case of non­
concrete placement. Before and after concrete placement,
cohesive soil as defined in subclause 2.1 . 1 . 1 of OIN 1054,
the reinforcement in the pile head shall be inspected tor any
deviation from the specified position and the result stated November 1976 edition. compliance with this requirement
shall be verified by soundings. preferably using a static
in the piling record (cf. appendix A).
cone penetrometer as specified in DIN 4094. In this test,
• Spacers shall be provided where the casing pipe wall thick­ the penetrometer tip resistance, q,, shall be not less than
jj ,A ness is not adequate to produce a concrete cover of at least 1 O MN/m2 tor the depth for which a thickness of the bear­
W'I 5 cm. Where piles are formed with the borehole unlined, the ing stratum has been specifi&d in subclause 7. 1 . 1 .
spac ers used shall be designed to ensure its stability when
the reinforcing cage is being lowered. NOTE: Where a dynamic penetrometer is used in­
stead of the static cone penetrometer (e.g. in coarse
In order to ensure that the cage remains in its intended po­ soil), it should be checked whether the results of dy­
sition during concrete placement and casing extraction. a namic soundings can be converted to values ob­
steel flat cross shall be fitted at the cage bottom, for exam­ tained with the static penetrometer. When using a
ple. DPH type penetrometer complying with DIN 4094 in
The reinforcement may be insened immediately after con­ coarse soil with less than 1 0 % of particles ex­
creting. provided that the specified concrete cover can be ceeding 20 mm in size {cf. OIN 1 8 1 96), the following
attained and the cage can be properly placed. It may be may be assumed as a simplification:
necessary to gently rock the cage back and forth for this
purpose. q , ., N,o
NOTE: Normally, the construction of bored piles where
using augers with small stem requires the rein• q, is the penetrometer tip resistance. in MN/m1;
forcing cage to ba placed after completion of the .V ,0 is the number of blows per 1 0 cm of penetra-
concreting operation. tion.
The spacing of reinforcing bars shall be as specified in sub­
clause 1 8 .2 of DIN , 045, but not less than twice the maxi· For soil which cannot be penetrated. compliance with the
m u m particle size or the aggregate. requirement for q, may be assessed on the basis of any
Where concrete with a maximum particle size of 32 m m is available local experience.
placed into a bore stabilized by bentonite suspension. the When determining Q,(s) from equation (8) using the values
m i n i m u m spacing of longitudinal bars shall be 70 mm for a given in tables 1 and 2. a value of 1 cm shall be added to s
dynamic liquid limit of 10 N/mm 2 and 90 mm for a dynamic when determining s/D and s/D F. where the boring tools
liQuid limit ol 30 N/mm 2 (intermediate values being ob· used are provided with a cutting ring or the like and any re­
taoned by linear interpolation). Where the maximum panicle sulting disturbance of the qround below the pile base is not
5 1 z e is , 6 m m . the minimum spacing may be 50 mm. elim inated (cf. subclause 6.2.1).
DIN 4 0 1 4 Page 7

T•ble 1: Point resistance in non•cohHive soil •• a func• resistance values do no apply for areas ot the pile shall
tion of relative settlement, s!D or s!D F, •nd aver•ge protected by steeving and above the level of the pile base.
penetrometer tip resistance
Table 4: Ultimate skin friction resistance of piles
Point resistance. o,. in MN/m t• ) in non•cohealve soil

Ultimate skin Irie-

Average penetrometer tip Average penetrometer tip
s lD or s1D r .
resistance. q ,. in MN/m Z resistance. q,. ,I t1on resistance. r,,1 •
in cm
in MN/m2 1n MN/m 1·)

10 15 20 25 0

5 ! 0,04
0.7 1 .05 1,4 1 .75
0.03 0.9
! 1 ,35 , .8 2,25
l 15 !
o.10 = s 1 2.0 I 3.0 3.5 4 ,0
·1 Intermediate values may be obtained by linear inter·
") Intermediate values may be obtained by linear inter· polat,on.
polat1on. For piles with enlarged base. the values
shall be reduced by 25%.
Table 5: Ultimate skin friction resistance of piles
In cohesive sou
Table 2: Point ,.slstance in cohesive aoil •• 1 function of ',
relative head settlement, slD or s/D F Ultimate skin Irie-
Undrained shear strength. "u •
j tion resistance, r.,.
in MN/m2 ,
_Point resistance. o,. in MN/m 2•) in MN/m 2·)

Undrained shear strength. 0.025 i 0.025

s/D or s/D F .
c•. in MN/m 2 0.1 0,04
in cm
� 0.2 0.06
0.1 0,2
·) Intermediate values may be obtafned by linear inter·
0,02 0.35 0,9 polation.
0,03 0.45 ! 1,1
0. 1 0 s s, 0,8 i 1 ,5
If bored piles are formed in soil or water which is to be
classed as highly aggressive {as defined in DIN 4030
·i Intermediate values may be obtained by linear inter- Parts 1 and 2). an expert's opinion shall be used as a basis
polation. For pUes with enlarged base, the values for determining whether the skin friction will change during
shall be reduced by 25 %. the service life of the pile foundation and whether it may be
used in determining the load capacity.
The values of a. given in table 2 shall only be used for soil c. values determiMd by vane tests as specified in
"' ·
with a liquid limit. t. of less than 80 % (cf. DIN 1 8 1 22 OIN 4096 shall be multiplied by a reduction factor, µ, as
Part 1). To obtain the c. values, laboratory testing is nor· specified in in figure 2.
mally required. NOTE: The reduction factors are empirical (cf. [31).
Where friction can influence the sounding results obtained
with a OPH type penetrometer. SPT type penetrometer as
specified in DIN 4094 should be used. See table 3 for con·
version of results.

Table 3: Conversion factor q ,IN30 for standard 1 0.8

penetrometer tests

Type of soil ! q,IN, ·). in MN/m1 � 0.6


Fine to medium or 0.3 to 0,4 0,4

slightly silty sand

Sand or slightly gravelly sand 0,5 to 0 , 6 0,2

Gap-graded sand 0.5 to 1 ,0

0 ,oo 120
0 20 40 GO 80
Sandy gravel or gravel 0,8 to 1 .0
i Plasticity index, I,. as a percentage -
·i Number of blows per 30 cm of penetration. Figure 2: Reduction factor for c u values determined
by vane tests

7.1 .3 Skin friction resistance of a single pile

(cf. tables 4 and 5) 7.1.4 Establishing the load-settlement eun,e
The ultimate skin friction resistance of a single pile shall be A toad-settlement curve. similar to that shown in figure 3.
assumed to be as given in tables 4 and 5 and the increase shall be established from the data tabulated in subclauses
in skin resistance to be linear until the ultimate value catcu· 7. 1 .2 and 7. 1 .3 (cf. appendix B). Instead of the .s,and Q,val·
lated from eQuation i7) is reached at settlement s, (cf. fig­ ues (cf. subclause 2.2., .2). substitute values. s 1 (or s ) and
ure 3). The cu values given in table 5 shall be deter�ined in Q1 for Q,1 and Q.,). respectively, shall be used in the calcu•

accordance with subclause 7 . 1 .2. The ultimate s k i n friction lation (see figure 3).
, Page 8 DIN 4 0 1 4

The point resistance ,s a runct1on of s� tllement s 1 and give,i The same procedure shall be followed in the design of ax·
by: ,ally loaded diaphragm wall panels. w,th the sum of pile
s 1 • 0. 1 D or s 1 = 0 . 1 D F (61 base areas being used as the base area and the enveloping
surface area as the skin surface area .
Table 6: Reduction factor, ,., ror the point resistance of
D 1s the pile snaft d1ame1er:
diaphragm wall panels
D F 1s the pile base diameter.
The ultimate s1<1n fr1ct1cn resistance 1s a function of settle­ Length to tl'u ckness ratio') 1 ?5
ment s,, and given oy:
Reduction factor. ,. 1 0.6
s, 1 = 0.5 Q ,1 (,n MN) • 0.5 � 3 cm
' ) lntermeora!e values may be obtained by linear inter-
The 1oad-settleme,i1 curve shall be calculated using the fol­
lowing equation:
7.2 Establishing the load-uplift curve for
Q ( s ) = Q , ( s ) r Q,( s ) s A. Fc,(s) .,. � A .., · r,., ( s) (8) tension piles
Where. by way of departure from CIN 1 054, no loading
In equations (7) and (8), tests have been carried out, the toad-uplift curve for ten­
Q , (.sJ is the base resistance as a function of head sion piles may be established in accordance with sub·
settlement; clause 7. 1. using the values given in tables 4 and 5 for the
Q,(.s ) is the skin resistance a. a function of head ultimate skin friction resistance of compression piles. at a
settlement; settlement
s, , •wa equal to 1 .3 · s... (9) ,
Q,1 = 2 A ,. ,, r,,, ._, .s,,
being calculated from equation (7).
The specifications of subclause 7 . 1 . 1 shall apply as appro­

AF is the pile base area; priate.

CJ,(.s) is the point resistance as a function of head
A .,, is the surface area of the pile shaft along the 7.3 Pile groups
embedded length in stratum i;
For pile groups subjected to axial loading, the interaction
r.,; (s) is the skin friction resistance as a function of between the piles shall be taken into consideration as
head settlement: described in DIN 1 054.
is the number asssigned to a particular stra­ NOTE: The spacing of piles at which interaction oc­
tum. curs is a function of the distance between piie axes,
The pile self-weight may be ignored in this calculation. the length and rigidity of the piles as well as of the
ratio of pile skin resistance to pile base resistance.
Pile resistance. Q - When determining the ultimate load capacity of
groups. that of equivalent individual piles calcu­
lated in accordance with subclauses 7. 1 and 7.2, re­
s ... spectively, shall be taken into account.
s .. 0,02 D

s .. 0.03 D 7.4 Laterally loaded vertical piles
c 7 .4.1 General
The specifications given in subclauses 7.4.2 and 7.4.3 also
� cover laterally loade<' pilu installed at a rake up to 1 in 4.
7.4.2 Single piles
. '
� Q,(s) � \..- Q,(.sJ
The lateral load resistance of piles may be determined on

i I \

the basis of loading tests or, alternatively, be based on ex­
perience gained from other loading tests carried out under
similar conditions.
. \
Where piles are subjected to cyclic dynamic loading and/or
alternating stresses. this shall be simulated in the tests as
s1 = 0 .1 · D realistically as possible. unless empirical values are avail­
able. Loading shall continue until there is no longer an in-·
crease in strain. Creep under constant loading shall also be
Q" Q,, Q,
If a given lateral displacement or rotation of the pile head
Figure 3: Load-settlement curves established on the basis is not to be exceeded, the magnitude and distribution of the
of tables 1, 2, 4 and 5 coefficient of subgrade reaction shall be determined. In the
tests. the magnitude of lateral loading shall be as close as
7. 1.5 Reduction factors for diaphragm wall panels possible to the design loads. vertical loads being ignored
(cf. ( 1 )).
When determining the load capacity of diaphragm wall
panels, the ultimate skin friction resistance shall be as Where piles are sYbjected to impact loading, the coeffi­
specified in tables 4 and 5. and the point resistance, as cient of sucgrade reaction. k,. shall be multi plied by 3.
specified in tables 1 and 2 (using a reduction factor. v. as Where only adeQuately accurate determination of the
specified in table 6) . bending moment is required, the coefficients of subgrade
OIN 4 0 1 4 Page 9

reaction of the soil strata involved may be calculated from

the following eQuation: b) For Jc, remaining consta nt throughout the depth (for
piles in overconsohdated cohesive soil), 1.e.
k, • £,ID ( 1 0)
lt,(z) .. k, • constant, with the elastic length, L. and a
where coefficient of subgrade reaction, k,E · or a single pile.
given by:
It, 1s the coeff1c1ent of subgrade reaction:
£, 1s the modulus of stiffness: ( £. I
D is the pile shaft diameter (not exceeding 1 m. a La --
k ,r. D ( 1 7)
value of , m also being assumed. where D is
actually greater). k ,. = a, '· 3' · k ,t for l/L � 4 ,, 8)
EQuation ( 1 0) is applicable to a maximum lateral displace­
ment. )'. of 2 cm or eQual to 0.03 D. whichever is smaller.
The stresses between the i:,ile ancl the surrounding ground k., = a, lc,E for UL s: 2 ( 1 9)
shall not reach the earth pressure at failure. K, . as speci­
fied in DIN 4085. taking account of the magnitude and sign For values of UL above 2 up to 4, n�; may be obtained by
of the wall friction angle. This formula is also based on the linear interpolation.
assumption that the soil is not temporarily or permanently
Equations (1 1 ) to (19) m1y be used both f0< free-headed
removed. which could disturb the equilibrium between piles and for restrained piles.
piles. structure and surrounding ground.
In the case of restrained piles, the restraint need not be
NOTE: Failure under lateral loading is ignored since simulated.
the loads involving a head displacement. y, or ro­
tation. a, which structures can accommodate are Since. in the analysis for bending, the stiffness of the pile
much lowerlhan the load at failure. is a maj or factor, it is recommended that the upper and
lower limiting values be included in the calculation.

7.4.3 P1'9 groups

For pile groups in which all piles art subject to the same lat·
eral head displacement, the single piles accommodate the
lateral load, H0• aeting on the group to differing degrees.
The distribution of the load on i piles in doub!e•1ymmetric
groups of identical piles is expressed by:

(1 1)

where a; • aL · a . (12)
The interaction factors aL and aQ are a function of the pile
spacing in the direction of loading, •L· and transverse to it.
aQ, and on the location of a pile within the group (see fig· 0 1 2
ure 6).
The following coefficients of subgrade reaction, k1• corr•·
spond to reduction factor a; for single piles in a group.
a) For k, increasing in direct i:,roi:,ortion to the depth, z Fl;unt 4: Interaction factor aL u a function of aL/D
(applicable, by way of simplification, for piles in nor­ (a • O for a a /D ratio of lea then Z)
mally con-solidated and non-cohesive soils):

.lt ,{z) = n hE · z/D (13)

with the elastic length, L. of a single pile, given by:

)o.z 1,0
L • (-- (14) 0,9
n h£
0,75 1-----rr-
n b; = a,'·11 · n H for l!L 2 4 (1 Si
n h, = a; · n h t for l/L � 2 (16i

For values of l!L above 2 up to 4. n i.; may be obtained

by linear interpolation.
In eQuations (13) to (16).
E·I is the bending stiffness of a pile; 2
n hE is the coefficient of subgrade reaction of a
single pile at depth, z. equal to D ;
is the coefficient of subgrade reaction of a Figure 5: Interaction factors aQA and aQ z as a function of
single pile in a group at depth. z . eQual to D: a Q /D fthe plle groups shall be considered a continuous
is the pile length wall where a Q /D is_ less than 2 fcf. DIN 4085)).
Page 1 0 DIN 4 0 1 4

Table 7: Ultlmate point Ntalatance, o.,, and akJn friction ,...

slstanc:e, r.,,, as a function of the unlaxlal comp,nalve
strength of rock, q •' In MN/mz

q. o,, i r., ,

0.5 , .5 0.08

5.0 5.0 � o.�

20 10 0.5

Intermediate values may be oblained by linear inter-


The values obtained from equation (22) apply to piles sock·

eted rnto bedrock by not less than O.S m and having a uni­
R9ure 8: Reduction factor a1 •• • h.lnction of ttle location axial compressive 1trength of not le,s than 5 MNJm'. Where
of • pile within a group q. is less than 0.5 MN/m'. the minimum embedded length
shall be 2 ,5 m. Intermediate values may be obtained by lin-
ear interpolation.
For pile groups with an uneven distribution of i:,ilas, the a;
values may be determin'-" on the bUis of figures 4 and 5. Calculation of the axial load capacity is also based on the
following assumptions:
Where the piles in a group differ in flexural stiffness. the
distribution of Hc; on the single piles may be calculated, by a) the rock bed is adequately thick and has a uniform
approximation. from equation (20), using the a values from matrix:
figures 4 and 5: b) the orientation of the rock surface and of joint planes
shall be such that pile failure is unlikely;
� .. £._ (20) c) the rock does not exhibit joints filled with material
He; l:C; which yields under pressure;
d) it is ensured that the rock strength Is not reduced as
C; '" H/Yo (2 1 ) a result of drilling operations (such as those involving
where ingress of water, e.g. when bortng in elaystone or marl­
H0 is t h e lateral load on the pile hHd (any) stone}.
and Skin friction owing to soil strata overlying the rock shall
only be included in the calculation if it can be shown to be
y0 is the head displacement, compatible with the anticipated settlement.
with due consideration being given to equations (15) and
( 1 6) or ( 1 8) and (19). For tension piles socketed into bedrock by less than 5 m,
the ultimate load capacity shall be verified by loading tests.

8 Ultimate load capacity for pifes bearing on

8.1 Piles subjected to axial loading 8.2 Piles subjected to lateral loading
The ultimate axial load capacity of compression piles and Plies which are restrained by rock at their b.ae 01 over pal1
tension piles bearing on rock shall be determined on the of their length and whose head is subjected to lateral forces
basis of loading tests or, alternatively, be based on experi­ and to bending moments or to earth pressure along the pile
ence gained from other loading tests carried out or pile shaft ate considered to be laterally supported and to be
foundations constructed. under similar conditions. Where practically rigid structures.
no such experience i s available and no loading tests have To preclude movements likely to cause failure. the pres­
been carried out. the ultimate load capacity of a compres· sure between pile shaft and rock shall be limited to one­
sion pile may be calculated using the following equation: tenth of the point resistance values given in table 7, unless
established local experience with similar piles formed un­
Q,. == o, · A F ... l: r.,,.i · A,,.,
(22) der similar ground conditions justifies higher values.

o, is the point resistance as a function of the uni·
axial compressive strength, q 0 • as given in 8.3 Unusual site conditions
table 7;
Determination of the ultimate load capacity of piles bearing
r,,r.; is the ultimate skin friction resistance of stra­ on rock shall involve consultation with a competent insti­
tum i as a function of the uniaxial compres­ tute. if the following apply:
sive strength, q •' of the rock;
a) the rock cannot be adequately classified;
is the uniaxial compressive strength of the
b) the geological conditions are highly complex:
rock as given in the recommendations of
Working Group Versuchstechnik im Fels of the c) the strike of the rock surface exceeds 30 ° ;
Deutsche Gesellschaft fOr Erd- und Grvndbau d) it is intended to apply values higher than those given
(German Association. tor Earthworks and in table 7 :
Foundation Engineering) {5): e ) the water conditions are difficult t o investigate.
is the pile base area: The note in the margin on page t prohibiting reproduction
is the surface area of the pile shaft along the of any part of the standard does not apply to the following
embedded length in stratum i. specimen forms.
Appendix & Typical load-settlement curve established for a BV·0,90 bored pile formed wtth lined
borehole and subject to axial loading (cf. figure B.1)

Soil proflle Sounding graph Pile geometry

Penetrometer tip re�ltstance, q,. in MN/ml -

0 o..---.;..
s __,0__1S..-_20

- --
---- ---:-

c. z: 0 . 1 MN/m2

..; E
5 . 2 m- ti


� 9

Sand + 10

,, Q
q, = 1 7,5 MN/m 2



Figure B. 1: Soil profile, sounding graph and pne dimensions for determination of loed-1ettlement curve

Figure B . 1 summarizes the information relating to soil type, soil strength and pile geometry reQuired for determining the ulti-
mate load capacity of a pile, Q(sJ.

Determination of pile skin resistance, Q,(s) Table B.1: Ultimate skin resistance In stratum i as a func­
As shown in figure B . 1 . the 2.2 m thick stratum of fill is tion of pile surface area, penetrometer tip resistance
hardly resistant to the penetrometer. In the clay stratum. and ultimate skin friction resistance
the penetrometer tip resistance is a function of the un­

Depth of I j I

drained shear strength of the soil. Assuming that A .; c.i or q,i T1t1f.i l Q,,.,
stratum i.
c. = 0. 1 MN/m 2 , the ultimate skin friction. r.,r• may be taken in m m2 MN/ml MN/m2 I MN
as 0,04 MN/m 1• in accordance with table 5. The penetrom­ I

eter tip resistance in the sand stratum is expressed in the
i I
2.2 to 5,2 8,48 0, 1 0,04 I
form of ·conservative· averages. q,2 • q 13 and q,. which relate i

to depth ranges. as illustrated in figure 8.1 . 5,2 to 7 , 7 7,07 7 0,056
From table 4 the ultimate skin friction resistance in the sand
stratum is obtained and. taking the associated values of
A "'' into accou.nt, the ultimate skin resistance, Q,1 , can be
7 , 7 to 1 0. 2 I

7,07 I
11 0,088 i' 0.622
· Q = 1 ,357 MN
d erived (cf. table B . 1 ) . ,..

T h e head settlement, s,1 . i n c:m. can be determined from Using the values from the specimen application in table
Q,1 • in M N . using equation (7;: B . 1 , s,. is obtained as:

s ,, = 0. 5 · Q,·; - 0. 5 s, ,. 0,5 · 1 ,357 • 0 . 5 = 1 .2 cm

'�--------------- . . · ····· ·····• · ···· · •...

Page 1 8 OIN 4 0 1 4

Determination of pile baH re•l•tance, Q,(.s) Table B.3 gives the pile resistance caleu1ated from baae re­
To determine the pile base resistance, an average soil sistance and skin friction as a function of head settlement,
strength i s assumed for a zone eQual to 3 D ,n depth which 1s plotted 1n figure 8.2 .
(here, 3 - D • 2.7 m) below the pile bue. For this zone. an
average penetrometer tip resistance. q,. of 1 7 .5 is obtained
from the sounding graph shown 1n figure 8. 1 .
Pile resistance. Q. in MN -
Using the values g,ven in table 2 and the value ol q, thus de­
termined. the po,nt resistance can be calculated. The re­
1 2 3 4
sults are given in table B.2.

Table B.2: PUe base l'ffi1tanc• aa a function of point

s,1 • 1,2
re1istance and s/ D ratio
5 1.8�----4..,_.;....-4---�---+------t
!. .E

I' .
slD a, Q,(s) .;
ratio I MN/m 2 MN

I \) I

i 1\ I
0,02 I 1 ,2 0,76
0,03 1 ,6 , .02

0, 1 3,2 2,04
,:, Q,(s) � \,·Q.ls)
I \
Table B.3: PIie resistance •• a function of head Mttlement


s ... Q,(s) Q,(s) Q(s)
. \

ratio MN MN MN
I in cm
s, • 9.01---��+---+........1>---+---4l--!
1 ,2 i .36 0,51 1 ,87
0,02 1,8 1 ,36 0,76 2,12
0,03 2,7 1 ,38 1 .02 2,38 Q,.
0,10 9,0 , ,36 2,04 3,4 0
Figure B.2: Load-Mttlement curve l•xam�)

Appendix C Establishing the distribution of lateral loads within a group of piles (see (4D

as in figure C . 1 : a, • 1 · 0.95 "' 0,95

a2 • 1 · O,B8 = 0,88
a3 • 0,69 · 0,95 = 0,66
a. .. 0,69 · 0,88 = 0,61

Coefficients of subgrade reaction for l!L "" 3

For k, increasing in direct proportion to depth:

n b , "" ¥.a • (0,95'·17 + 0,95} · n bf. = 0.93 · nu
n., = � • (0,88'·17 + 0,88) · n,, = 0,84 · nbl
n b3 • � · (0,66'·' 1 + 0,66} · "�t • 0,5S · "u
n�, = 'h · (0,61 '·11 + 0,61 ) · n u "" 0,52 · nu

For constant k, value:

k,. "' � . (0,95 1 ,33 + 0,95) . k,f. = 0,94 . k,,
Figure C.1.: Configuration of a group of pll••
.it,2 . � . (0,881 •33 + 0,88) . k,f. . 0,86 . .it,f.
k,3 . 'h . (0,66 1 -33 + 0.66) . k.,f. . 0.62 . k, l
Reduction factors:
k., = � · (0,61 '·" + 0,61) · k,, "' 0,56 · k,[
as in figure 4: aL ID = 3,5: aL == 0.69
as in figure 5: a i D = 2,5: aQ " = 0.95
OQz = 0.88
OIN 4 0 1 4 Page 1 9

Standards and other documents referred to

D I N 1 045 Structural use of concrete: des,gn and construction
DIN 1 048 Part Testing concrete: testing of fresh concrete
DIN 1 054 Perm1ss,ble loading of subsoil
DIN 4020 Geo1ochn1ca1 invest1gat1ons for civil engineering purposes
DIN 4021 Subso,1: exploration o f so,1 by digging (trial pits) and boring and by sample recovery
D I N 4022 Pan Subsoil and grounowater: class,ficat,on and description of so,1 and rock: borehole loggrng of soil and
rock not 1nvolv1ng continuous core sample recovery
DIN 4030 Part 1 Assessment of water. soil and gases for their aggressiveness to concrete: prin�1ples and limiting values
D I N 4030 Part 2 Assessment of water. soil and gases for their aggresS1veness to concrete: collection and titamination o f
water and soil samples
DIN 4085 Principles for the calculation of earth pressure
DIN 4094 Penetration testing of soil
DIN 4096 Vane testing of soil: apparatus. procedure and evaluation
DIN 4 1 2 6 Cast·in-situ concrete diaphragm walls: design and construction
01N 4 1 2 7 Diaphragm wall clays for supporting liquids: requirements. testing, supply and inspection
DIN 1 8 1 2 2 Pan 1 Soil analysis; determination of liquid limit and plastic limit
DIN 1 8 136 Soil analysis: determination of unconfined compressive strength

DIN 1 8 1 3 7 Part 1 Determination of shear strength of soil: concepts and general test conditions
D I N 1 8 1 3 7 Part 2 Ceterminatmn of shear strength of soil; triaxial test
DIN 1 8 1 96 Earthworks: soil classification for civil engineering purposes and methods of soil identification
DIN 50 929 Part 3 Probability of corrosion of metallic materials when subject to corrosion from the outside: buried and un­
derwater pipelines and structural components
(1 J Gn.indsatze fur die Durchfuhrung und Auswertung horizontaler Probebelastungen •n GroSbohrpfjh/en (Principles of lat­
eral loading tests on large-diameter bored piles), obtainable from Deutsche GHellsche/t (Dr Erd· und Grundbau e. V.
(DGEG). Hohenzollernstr. 52, 0-451 28 Essen.
(2) Recommendations of Working Group 5 of the Deutsche Gese/lscheft fur Erd· und Grundbau e. V. (DGEG): Seitendruek auf
Pf4hle durch Bewegung von weichen bindigen B�den. Geotechnik, 1978, pp 1 00 ff, obtainable from DGEG e.V.•
Hohenzollemstr. 52. 0-45128 Essen.
(31 Bjerrum General Report 8. ISSMFE. Moscow, 1 973: 3.
(4} Franke/Kluber Pfahlgruppen unter Horizontalbelastung (Pile groups subject to lateral loading), Der Bauingenieur, 1 988.
[SJ Recommendations of Working Group S Versuchstechnik im Fels of the Deutsche Gese/lscllaft fur Erd- und Grundbau e. V. ,
obtainable from DGEG e.V., Hohenzollernstr. 52, D-45 1 2 8 Essen.

Previous editions
DIN 4 0 1 4 : 1 2.60. 1 1 .69; DIN 401 4 Part 1 : 08. 75; DIN 4 0 1 4 Part 2: 09.77.

Other relevant documents

Bjerrum et al. Reduction of negative skin friction on steel piles on rock, Proc. 7, ICSMFE, Mexico, 1969: 2. 27.
Broms. Precast piling practice, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, 1978.
Burland. Shaft friction of piles in clay - A simple fundamental approach, Ground Engg.. 1 973: 4(3), 30.
Burland. Broms and De Mello. Behaviour of foundations and structures. State of the Art Report, Proc. 9 ICSMFE. Tokyo.
1 977: II. 5 1 8 - 525. •
Cooke. The settlement of friction pile foundations. Building Research Establishment. Current Paper CP 1 2/75. 1 975.
De Beer. Scale effect in the transposition of the results of deep sounding, tests on the ultimate bearing capacity of piles and
caisson foundations. Geotechnique. 1 963: 13(1 ). 39.
Fellenius. Negative skin friction and settlement of piles. Proc. 2. Int. Geotechnical Seminar on Pile Foundations, NIT,
Singapore. 1 984, (eel. Brems).
Fleming. Weltmann, Randolph and Elson. Piling engineering. Surrey University Press. Glasgow and London: Halsted Press,
1 985.
Frank. Tragfahigkeit vor, Wurzelpffhlen mit Anwendungsbeispielen (Bearing capacity of piles. with specimen applications).
1n Vortrage der Baugrundtagung 1970 in Diisseldorf, Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir Erd- und Grundbau. Essen, 1 970.
Franke. Principles for test loading of large bored piles by horizontal loads, Proc. 8 ICSMFE. Moscow, 1973: 2.1, 97.
Franke. Point pressure versus length and diameter of piles. Proc. 1 0 ICSMFE. Stockholm, 1981 : 2. 7 1 7 - 722.
Franke. Pfahle, Gr11ndbautasch1tnbuch (Foundations Handbook: Piling). 3rd ed., Berlin: Verlag W. Ernst und Sohn. 1 982: 2.
section 2 . 1 1 . 459 - 540.
Franke. Beitrage zum Symposium Pfahlgrundungen (Papers from Symposium of pile foundations) held on 12 and 1 3 March
1 986 ,n Darmstadt. /nstitut fur Grundbau, Soden- und Felsmechanik of TH Darmstadt, 1986.
Franke and Gabrecht. Drei Serien von Probebe/astungen, Ziel-Methode-Ergebnisse (Three series of loading tests. Objec­
tives. method and results). Mitteilungsb/att der BAW (BAW Bulletin). 1976: 4 1 .
Franke and Gabrecnt. Test loading of 8 large bored piles in sand. Proc. 9 ICSMFE. Tokyo. 1977: 1 . 529.
Franke anc: Kluber. Pfahlgruppen unter Honzontalbelastungen I Pile groups under lateral loading), Der Bauingenieur, 1 989:
64. 1 9 - 26.
Housel. Pile :oao cacac1ty: Estimates and test results. Proc. ASCE. 1 966: 93. SM 4. 1 .
P age 20 01N 4 0 1 4

Kertsel. Fondations profonde s en-m,1,eu)( sablev)( (Deep foundations 1n sandy soil), Proc. 5 ICSMFE. Paras, 1 9 6 1 : 2. 73.
Kerisel et al. Resistance de po,nt 1M mI!,eux pulverulentes de serragt1 divers !Pornt resistance 111 powdery soils of different
degrees of cohes,onl. Proc. 6 ICSMFE. Mo11treal. 1965: 2. 265.
Koreck. Kleinbohrpfahle {Sm all bored p,les). Symposium Pfahle und Pfahlwande (Piles and contiguous bored pile walls).
Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Erd· und Grundbau. Essen. Munchen. 1 9 7 1 .
M atlock and Reese. Generaltzed solution tor laterally roaded piles. Proc. ACSE. 1 9 60 : 88. S M 5 . 6 3 - 9 1
Me,Aner Tragverhalten a)(1al und horizontal oelasteter Sohrpfahle ,n lccirn1gen Soden (Bearing capacity of axially and later ally
loaded piles in granular so,I}. I • II. Geotechnik, 1982: 5(1 and 3).
Meyerhof. Beanng capacity and settlement of pile foundations. Proc. ACSE. 1 9 76: 1 02. GT 3. 197 -i2a.
P ar k. ash. Behaviour of pile groups sub1ected to lateral loading. Ph. D. Thes is. Uni versity of Illinois. 1 9 62.
Poulos a11d David. Pile fou11dation analysis and design. 1 980: John Wiley a11d Sons Inc.. New York.
Poulos and Mattes. Settlement and load distnbutio11 an alysis of pile groups, Aust ralian Geomechan1c:s Joumal. 1 97 1 : 1. 29.
Reese et al. Bored piles installed by slurry displacements. Proc. 8 ICSMFE. Moscow, 1973: 2.1 . 203.
Schmidt. Beitrag zur Berechnung lotrechter GroBbohrpfihle an Ge ianaesprungen uncl B6schungen fur planma8ige. N · aage•
rechte Belastung (Contribution to the design of horizo11tal l arge bored piles on terrac:es and embankments. suo1ect to lateral
loading). D er Bauingenie ur. , 973: 48(2). 41 .
Schmidt. Gruppenwirkung bei Pfahlreihen unter horizontaler Selastung im Gro8versuc:h (Establishing the group effect of pile

rows under lateral loading in a lar ge-scale test). in BeitrAge zum Symposium Pfahlgrundungen on 12 and , 3 March 198 6 in
Darmstadt, lnstitut fur Grundbau, Boden · und Felsmechanik of TH Darmstadt. 1 98 6.
Ske mpto11. Cast-in-situ bored piles in London clay. Geotechnique. 1 9 59: 9, 1 53.
Smoltczyk.Die EinspannWllg im belieeig geschich teten Saugrund (Restraint in randomly stratified ground). Der Bauingenieur,
1 9 63: 3a{10), 388.
Sommer and Hambach. Gro8pfah lversuch e im Ton fur die Grundung der Talbriicke Alzey (Large-scale testing of piles i11 clay­
ey subsoil for the construction of the Alzey bridge). Der Bauingenieur. 1 97 4: 49(8). 310.
Stamm. Oie TragfAh 1gkeit von Pf4hlen (The bearing capacity of piles}, Bautec:hnik. 1 988: S5.
Stocker. Vergleic:h der Tragflhigkeit unterschiedlich herges tellter Pf4hle (Comparison of the bear ing capacity of piles formed
by Clifferent methods), in VortrA9e zur Baugrundtagung in Mainz, Deu·rscne Gese//sc;h aft fur Erd· und Grundbau . Essen, 1980,
T;tze. Ober den seit/ichen Bodenwiderstand bei PfahlgrCmdungen (On the lateral earth pressure in pile foundations), Bauinge·
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Tomlinson. The adhesion of piles driven in clay. Proc. 4 ICSMFE. London, 1957: II. 6 6.
van lmpe. Proc;eedings of the t st International geotechnic:al seminar on deep foundations on bored and augered piles, Gent.
7 - 1 O June 1 988, Rotterdam: Verlag A. A. Balke ma. 1 988.
Ve sic. A study of bearing capacity of deep foundations. Final Report, Project B· 1 89, School of Civil Engg., Georgia Institute
of Technology. Atlanta, GA.
Weinhold. Zur Belastbarkeit von Bohrpflhlen in teilweise entfestigte m und geklO�e tem Fels und in felslhnliche BOden (On
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d. Intern. Gesellschah fur Felsmechanik, Denver, 1 9 7 4 : 11(3).
WeiB and Hanack. Der Einflu8 der Lagerongsdic;hte des Boden, und der Herstellungsart von Gro8bohrpfihlen auf deren Trag­

flhigkeit (The influence of compactness of soil and the method of forming l arge bor e d piles o n their bearing capacity), Mittei­
lungen der DEGEBO, Berlin. 1983: 35.
Whitaker. The design of piled fou11dations, 2nd ed .. Oxford/New York: Pergamon Press. 1 9 7 6.
Whitaker and Cooke. An investigation of the shaft and base resistance of large bored piles in London clay. Proc. Symp. on
Large Bored Piles, l11stitution of Civil Enggs .• 1 9 6 6.

The following amendments have been made to DIN 401 4 Part 1. August 1 9 7 5 edition and DIN 401 4 Part 2. September 1 9 7 7
a) The scopes of both Parts have been consol i d ated and now co ver pile di ameters between 0,3 and 3,0 m and a
disti11ction is n o longer made between conventional and large bored pites, nor between standardized piles and purpose­
made piles.
b) The scope has been extended to c:over piles of non-c:ircular cross sect ion, such as diaphr agm wall panels subject to
axial loading.
c) Bored piles formed with or without casing and augered piles have been included.
d) The tables for determining the load-settlement c urve for a single pile have been revised on the b asis of comprehensive
investigations made to date.
e) Due consideration has been given to the Grundlagen zur Festlegung von Sicherheitsanforderungen fur bauliche Ania­
gen (Principles for the specification of safety requ;rements for structures). Berlin and KOln: Beuth Verlag GmbH. 1981.

International Patent Classification

E 2 1 B 7/00
E 21 B 1 0/00
E 2 1 B 1 7/00
E 21 C 1 100
E 0 2 D 5122
G 01 L

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