MIS English
MIS English
MIS English
The role of Management Information Systems is described and analyzed in light of its
capability for decision making. Decision making process and its impact on top level management
in a business organization is explained with an emphasis on automated decision making.
Limitations and challenges of MIS are discussed and a set of six recommendations proposed for
increasing the effectiveness of MIS in the decision making process.
1. Introduction
Failure in one part means overall failure for the other parts since they are all designed to function
interdependently (Davenport & Short, 1990).
Consequentially, a good management of information systems leads to good decision-
making in business just in the same way poor management leads to poor decision making. It is
based on this foundational concept that this paper is going to circumspectly analyze the roles of
management systems in decision making.
Notably, this study will be arranged as follows. The study will begin by giving a brief
overview into the decision making process in businesses while establishing the point in which it
links with MIS. From here, an expansive analysis and review will be done on the roles of MIS in
improving decision making. This will then be followed by a mentioning of the questionable areas
associated with MIS and decision making. After that, recommendations will be given to solve the
underlying issues that result from the paper. Finally, a conclusion will be given to summarize the
contents of the paper.
To begin with, MIS provides a fitting platform for good decision making (Kumar, 2006).
Essentially, without the established systems of getting information in MIS, it would be extremely
difficult for organizations to make their decisions. This is because they would be forced to
making baseless information due to the lack of confirmed information. Moreover, MIS normally
lays a firm foundation for the establishment of concrete decisions through its systematic tools,
timely information and adequate managerial policies and regulations.
Furthermore, Management information Systems’ statutes regarding businesses act as
guidelines to business owners when making critical decisions about their businesses. As a result,
managers and key decision makers are bridled from overstepping their boundaries or exceeding
their business mandate. This is very crucial as it helps in keeping businesses checked and
balanced thus ensuring that only proven decisions are considered while the untried ones are
thwarted. More importantly, the capacity to guide decision-making facilitates progress and
improvement of the operations in a company (Lingham, 2006; Chambers, 1964, p.15-20).
In addition, most MIS programs are endowed with the capacity to give real-time updates
of the occurrences in company or system. By real-time, scholars simply refer to immediate
updates of occurrences in a system. These immediate updates help mangers to take necessary
actions as soon as is deemed appropriate—especially during the discovery and management of
crises. This augments progress and improvement in company operations through timely decision-
making. This is important for companies in the modern-day generation where any slight lapse in
decision making can lead to very huge losses (Allen, et al., 2010)
Still, Management information systems are very elemental improving company securities
(Davenport & Short, 1990). For example, in many instances, most management information
systems can be easily programmed by the owner to conduct certain actions at certain times. In
effect, managers can program the system to perform certain routine checks which can help in
improving efficiency of a company through easy discovery of bugs or problems. Furthermore,
the programmability of most MIS saves a lot of priceless time and resources for owners. In other
words, through programmability, business managers can program the systems to automatically
discover certain deficiencies and even solve them.
Consequently, the manager or system operator can use the time and resources he/she
would have used in monitoring or fixing problems for other key uses. By routinely programming
a Management Information System, the business is bound to make positive progress since time
and resources can be easily channeled into rightful business paths (Allen, et al., 2010)
As a fundamental point, a good number of MIS used today can perform multiple tasks all
at the same time. This potential to multitask increases efficiency in a company since several
business operations can be conducted simultaneously. With special regards to decision making,
the capacity to multitask ensures that decisions are made speedily when compared to those
systems which can only handle one task at a time.
Closely related to the above point, Jahangir (2005) says that some MIS allow multiple
users to access the same content all at the same time without any discrepancies. This potentiality
boosts accountability from the business operators since multiple people can access a particular
content and verify whether they are consistent or whether they are not. As a matter of fact, most
organizations tend to suffer due to poor accountability from those charged with the mandate to
manage certain details. This safeguard action of some MIS is what macroeconomists refer to as
the “gate-keeping” role of MIS in decision making and overall well-being of the organization.
On another level, a good number of MIS play the role of record keeping or
institutionalization of data bases that can easily keep confidential or invaluable information. In
essence, decision making often calls for the reading of certain past work (Jahangir, 2005). This is
where record-keeping comes in handy. On the flipside, databases normally function towards
providing future places of information retrieval. Principally, the record keeping and data-basing
tool of MIS definitely ensures that decisions are made viably while businesses run smoothly.
In contributing to the arguments regarding role of MIS in improving decision making,
Rhodes (2010) also adds that:
Management information systems give managers quick access to information. This can
include interaction with other decision support systems, information inquiries, cross-
referencing of external information and potential data mining techniques. These systems
can also compare strategic goals with practical decisions, giving managers a sense of how
their decisions fit organizational strategy.
In summary, Rhodes simply believes that management information systems are a huge
contributing factor in the getting of viable information from organizations. Sadly, very few
organizations have been able to ardently take up on this role and even lead other organization in
the society in doing the same. It is for this reason that there has been a limited improvement in
decision making based on the tailoring of viable information. A candid way of solving this
challenge is given later in this paper under recommendations.
Over the recent years, there has also been an increased usage of automated Management
Information Systems. To a large extent, these automated systems have hugely revolutionized the
decision-making process in a positive way (UStudy, 2010). For instance, by using automated
MIS, companies no longer have to rely on 24-hour services from workers. Instead, the machines
are able to be programmed to do things on our behalf (Jarboe, 2005). Of course this offers a huge
plus in decision-making since managers are relieved of making some decisions-especially the
technical ones which can be best interpreted and solved by the automated system.
As a cautionary point, organizations should not entirely rely on automated systems--
especially when the decisions to be made have adverse implications to the organization. This is
based on the alleged observation that auto systems may sometimes be faulty and thus require
frequent periodic monitoring (Demetrius, 1996). So in order not to fall a victim of over-relying
on automated systems, Jahangir (2005) advices managers and company owners to ensure that
they find a balance in utilizing the human element in operating while assigning some duties to
the automate system. By blending the duties of these two extremes, Jahangir states that, this will
ensure that both ends of the organization continue to actualize together while maximizing the
potential for each side through check and balances of operations done by the management..
Again, MIS is renowned for vesting its operations on systematic methods of operations.
Crucially, this ensures that decisions made in a business are orderly and well-planned—which, in
effect, encourages objectivity during decision making. As a result, businesses and the decision-
making process are improved through its systematic and orderly formula of operating
(Jawadekar, 2006, p.363-370).
Jahangir (2005) adds that the principles, strategies and modes of operation in MIS can be
intellectually used by macroeconomists to sieve between good and bad decisions. Once the
sieving is done, good decisions are encouraged while the bad ones are sidelined and greatly
discouraged. Effectually, this ensures positivity in terms of decisions made by organizations—
which, essentially, links up directly to improving the decision making process.
A good number of scholars amass that MIS tends to be a more practical business tool
with testable methods of operations. Its proposition and argumentations, therefore, provide
tangible information that can be used to make substantiated decisions (Jawadekar, 2006, p.350-
355). This is in great contrast with a majority of business tools, existing today, which are mostly
hypothetical. In effect, decisions founded on MIS tend to be accurate and viable when compared
to its counterparts—which, in turn, encourage improvement of business decisions.
Finally, Management Information systems play the crucial role of providing a wide range
of streamlined options from which decision-makers are able to make their preferred choices
Vittal & Shivraj (2008, p.359-361). Vitally, this ensures that whatever choices are made by
decision makers, the outcome, more often than not, becomes positive. This, as a matter of fact, is
the reason why many decision makers tend to prefer using MIS tools when making tough
business choices. And as renowned concept, having good decision choices guarantees viable
decisions in our businesses (Vittal & Shivraj, 2008, p.360-365; Jawadekar, 2006, p.356-359).
Despite the positives associated with the role of MIS in decision making process, there
are a few challenges that are believed to limit the efficacy of MIS. These include:
• The dynamic nature of MIS makes it difficult for some organizations to keep up with
the principles, strategies, propositions or even ideas.
• Different situations call for different decisions to be made. This poses challenges to
MIS theorists since some MIS tend to not be adaptable
• The institutionalization, programming, monitoring and evaluating MIS requires a lot
of expertise—something which numerous organizations lack.
• The running of MIS programs tends to be relatively costly for some organization—
especially small ones who are not well-endowed financially.
• MIS is more of a science-oriented field while business is art-oriented. Consequently,
finding a middle ground where the two can be linked is quite challenging to some
• Most organizations do not a well-defined decision making system. So even with the
right MIS tools, very little can be achieved in terms of improving decision-making.
Based on these limitations—plus other underlying issues that arise from the main
discussion, the following recommendations are suggested:
• There should be an increased monitoring of MIS so as to avoid falling victims of
unobserved MIS which has dire ramifications.
• Managers and business owners should find a way of tailoring information in a way
that it fits various decision making processes in variant businesses.
• The management should encourage the effectuation of a mutually interdependent and
balanced MIS where workers and automated systems are handled with due respect.
• Business entities should find a way inculcating teachings about new MIS in order to
reduce the trend of businesses being left behind on new inceptions.
• A well-defined decision making system should be fledged in businesses so as to
provide a viable working environment for MIS. A good place to start here would be
the inception of a centralized place where all decisions in businesses are channeled
• Business managers must ensure that they employ (or alternatively outsource)
professional personnel who are able to ardently run both MIS and the decision
making process.
Principally, it is inherent to note that in spite of the fact that this paper is expressively
analytical, more research needs to be done in order to bring more information into public know-
how. Moreover, business owners must learn to cope up with the ever changing trends in MIS and
decision making, without which it will be very challenging to make positive progress in decision
making. Finally, it is vital to remember that improvement in decision making is fundamentally
meant to ensure customer satisfaction while businesses continue to flourish in success. All MIS
strategies should therefore be tailored in a way that the above business goals are achieved.
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