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A thematic strategy game of crafting spirits in an up-and-coming distillery for 1 - 5 players

Game Design by Dave Beck, Art by Erik Evensen

You have inherited an abandoned distillery from a distant Beginner Guide: If this is your first time playing Distilled, we
relative and are now tasked with bringing your family’s recommend pairing this book with the walkthrough detailed
business back to its former glory. in the First Taste booklet. It is intended for 2 to 5 players
Over the course of seven rounds you will acquire and will guide players through the first round of play to
ingredients, items, recipes, and upgrades to create the teach the basic phases of the game. It relies on this book
world’s most renowned spirits. for some of the game setup and later mechanics of the
Whoever has the most spirit points at the end of the game game, so keep this rulebook handy as a reference.
earns the title of Master Distiller.


5 Distillery Boards 18 Distiller 18 Signature

Recipe and 18 Signature 20 Distillery
Identity Cards Label Tokens Ingredient Cards Goal Cards

88 Basic Market 36 Premium 33 Premium 30 Distillery 10 Starting

Ingredient / Item Market Ingredient Market Item Upgrade Cards Item Cards
Cards Cards Cards

60 Alcohol 40 Flavor 23 Spirit Award

Cards Cards Tokens 8 Player 48 Solo Cards
Reference Cards

5 Dual-Layered
Recipe Clipboard 55 Money Tokens 1 Truck 1 Basic Market Board 1 First Player Token
and 20 Double-Sided (1, 5, 10 value) Board and 1 Round Marker
Recipe Tasting Flights Barrel

1 Spirit Point, 37 Bronze,

Round Track, 5 Double- 85 Spirit Label Tokens 5 Player Scoring
Sided Spirit Silver, and Tokens
Label Board Gold Cubes
Point Tokens

GAME SETUP 3. Premium Market: Shuffle each of the three decks of
distillery upgrade cards, premium ingredient cards,
1. Spirit Point, Round Track, Label Board: Place the spirit and premium item cards separately, and set them
point, round track, label board on the table. Place a above each other as shown. Lay out the top 4 cards of
scoring token for each player in a color of their choice each deck face up in a row beside it. This creates the
next to it and the round marker (brown barrel) on the premium market.
‘1’ space of the round track.
4. Truck: Place the truck board beside the premium
2. Basic Market: Place the basic market board on the market. This is where discarded cards from the
table, and lay out all the basic ingredient and item premium market are placed.
cards into 7 face-up piles as shown. This creates the
5. Flavor and Alcohol Cards: Shuffle the flavor cards and
basic market.
place them face-down beside the market. Place the
alcohol cards face-up beside them.

1 3

10 6
5 2

6. Recipe Cubes: Place the bronze, silver, and gold recipe

cubes within reach. 8. Spirit Labels: Place the spirit label tokens pictured on
the Tasting Flight, as well as for Moonshine and Vodka,
7. Tasting Flight: Choose a in separate face-up stacks on a shelf space of the
Tasting Flight to use for this label board. Include 2 Moonshine and Vodka labels
game and give each player that per player, and 1 label for all other spirits per player.
Tasting Flight. Return unused Return any unused labels to the box. Example: a 3-
cards to the box. If this is your player game would have 6 Vodka labels and 3 Whiskey
first game, we recommend labels.
using Tasting Flight A. For
future games, consult the 9. Spirit Awards: Randomly select a number of spirit
Tasting Flight appendix on awards equal to the number of players plus one and
page 15 for more options. place them face-up on the table.

10. Money: Place the money tokens within reach to

Tasting Flight
create a general supply.

6. Distiller Identities: Deal each player two random
1. Distillery Board: Give each player a distillery board to
identities from the chosen Tasting Flight. For example,
place in their player area along with the scoring token
for Tasting Flight A use: America, Brazil, Jamaica,
of matching color.
Canada, China, Korea, India, Australia, England,
2. Recipe Clipboard: Give each player a recipe France, Scotland, Ireland
clipboard card to place to the right of to their
Each player should then do the following:
distillery board. Place the chosen Tasting Flights in
each clipboard. 7. Select one of their two distiller identities and return
the other to the box.
3. Starting Items: Give each player one starting Metal
Barrel card and one starting Glass Bottle card to place a. Take the ingredients and money listed on the
in their storeroom on their distillery board. reverse side of their distiller identity card.
4. Distillery Goals: Shuffle the distillery goal cards and b. Take the signature recipe label and signature
deal three to each player. Return the remaining goals ingredient stated on the distiller identity card; place
to the box. the label on their clipboard recipe side up and the
ingredient out of play next to their distillery board.
5. First Player: Randomly choose a player to take the first
player token or give it to whoever last visited a c. Place the distiller identity card face-up on the office
space on their distillery board.
8. Select two of the three distillery goals and return the
other to the box. Place the two selected face down
next to the distillery board.

1 2


7a 3


The goal of Distilled is to earn the title of Master Distiller by Your distillery board represents your family distillery, and it
having the most spirit points (SP) at the end of the game. is where you keep your cards and age your spirits.
SP are earned mainly by selling spirits throughout the
game, but SP are also earned by claiming spirit awards, G
upgrading your distillery, achieving your distillery goals, and
collecting bottles.

The detailed rules are covered in the coming pages, but A B

here is a brief overview of the game.


Distilled takes place over seven rounds. F

At the start of each round, perform any start of round C D E

actions <icon> on your distiller identity or distillery upgrade
A. The office holds your distiller identity card.
Each round is made up of four phases:
B. Three spaces for your distillery upgrades.
1. Market Phase
C. The pantry stores your ingredients.
• Acquire recipes, ingredients, items, and distillery
upgrades. D. The storeroom holds your items (barrels and bottles).

2. Distill Phase E. The warehouse holds up to two spirits being aged.

• Distill a spirit using your ingredients, add a barrel F. The washback is used when you distill a spirit. Yeast,
and claim a spirit label. sugar, and water ingredients are placed here during
the Market Phase and the Distill Phase.
3. Sell Phase
• Bottle and sell your spirits, score SP, receive G. When you sell a spirit you are able to place its label on
one of these seven spirit label bonus spaces.
money and take label bonus.
4. Age Phase Flavor Notes: The Washback is a giant wooden vat that
• Age your spirits in your warehouse to add flavor all ingredients (Yeast, Water, and Sugars) are dumped
and prestige. into, so that they can mix and ferment together.

At the end of each round, check if any spirit awards have

been fulfilled, hold tastings, advance the round marker, and DISTILLERY GOALS provide you with two secret
pass the first player token clockwise. objectives that you can attempt to complete to score
additional SP at the end of the game. These goals are
GAME END focused on what you do in comparison to the other
players, so you will need to keep an eye on the
The game ends after the seventh round has been
competition if you want to achieve them. Distillery
completed. In addition to the SP received for spirits sold,
goals may not be
you score additional SP for the following:
achieved by scoring
• Spirits left aging in your warehouse zero.
• Bottle collection
• Distillery upgrades
• Distillery goals
• Money (1 SP for every 5 money)
Whoever has the most SP wins the game and earns the
coveted title of Master Distiller.

DISTILLER IDENTITIES RECIPES represent the knowledge needed to craft
Your distiller identity spirits. At the start of the game you only know how to
describes your family’s make Moonshine, Vodka, and your signature recipe.
distilling heritage and During the game you can acquire the knowledge to
specialized knowledge of a make more prestigious spirits like Gin and Whiskey.
signature recipe that uses a Each recipe is listed in one of three tiers (Bronze, Silver,
specific ingredient. Gold) and has a set cost to purchase. Once purchased
Each identity has a unique you are able to distill that spirit as often as you like.
power that provides a
benefit throughout the
course of the game. Each
identity also comes from
one of the three geographic
regions; for example, Joana
is from the Americas region.

Some recipes and cards will use the distiller’s

region icon to show that they count as
whichever region your distiller comes from.
For example, if you distill a Vodka with Joana, it
would count as an Americas spirit. If she uses a
Skull Bottle, it will count as an Americas bottle
at the end of the game for the Bottle collection.
Each recipe shows the required type and minimum
quantity of sugar needed to distill that spirit. Sugars with
Each distiller identity brings their
$cannot be included in that spirit.
recipe is extremely prestigious, but It also shows the type of barrel required and if the spirit
can only be made once per game. needs to be aged in your warehouse, to enhance the
In addition to the usual sugar requirement, signature flavor, before it can be sold. Finally, the recipe lists its
recipes must also include a specific ingredient. This could value in spirit points, sell value (Moonshine and Vodka
be either your signature ingredient or a premium ingredient. only) and its geographic region.
can only be acquired through
one of the spirit label bonuses
on your distillery board. It can
help you distill your signature For example, Soju is in the bronze tier and is from the
recipe or can be used to distill Asia and Oceania region. It requires at least two grain
another recipe that requires sugars and a metal barrel. It cannot contain plant or fruit
that sugar type. Unlike sugars and cannot be aged. It will score 5 SP when sold.
premium ingredients,
signature ingredients also
have a special power that
means they can be returned to
the spirit if removed during the
Distill Phase. Rum is in the silver tier and is from the Americas region.
It requires at least two plant sugars and a wood barrel. It
Joana’s Caninha Cachaça requires at least two plant
cannot contain grain or fruit sugars. It also must be aged
sugars, one or more being Sugarcane. It cannot contain
for at least one round and will score 11 SP when sold.
grain or fruit sugars and cannot be aged. It is from the
Americas region and scores 11 SP and 1 money when sold.
INGREDIENT CARDS represent the different ingredients ITEM CARDS represent the barrels and bottles necessary
used to distill spirits. All spirits require three basic to distill and package your spirits.
ingredients: yeast, sugar, and water. Together, through
Each spirit must be distilled into a barrel. While you
the distillation process, this produces alcohol.
always have a metal barrel available to you as a starting
Sugar comes from many different ingredients, like fruits item, some spirits require a wood or clay barrel which you
or grains, with the type of sugar determining the type of will need to buy from the market. More expensive barrels
spirit produced. Whiskey, for example, comes from grains can improve the quality and sell value of your spirits.
like rye or corn, while Brandy comes from fruits such as
Bottles are needed to sell your spirits. You always have a
glass bottle available to you as a starting item, but a
Alcohol is a fourth type of ingredient and is produced fancier bottle can improve the prestige and sell value of
during the distillation process. your spirits. Premium bottles may count toward end
game scoring as part of your bottle collection.

DISTILLERY UPGRADES come in two types: Your distillery board has room for up to 3 distillery
upgrades at a time, but you may discard to the truck any
• Specialist upgrades represent staff members who that you have already added to your board to make
can bring their expert knowledge to help in your space for a new one.

• Equipment upgrades can improve your ability to

distill spirits or provide discounts on certain cards.

When purchasing cards during the market phase, you

may purchase upgrades and place them on your distillery
board. Each of these upgrades gives you a special ability.

Many of the
upgrades also
provide bonus Once purchased, the effects are immediately active. For
SP at the end example, the Glass Blower's discount can be used when
of the game. purchasing a bottle in the same market phase you
purchase it, while cards with a "start of round" power,
like the Farmer, will first trigger at the beginning of the
next round. If multiple players have powers that trigger at
the same time, resolve them in turn order.

GAMEPLAY Flavor Notes: The basic market represents a distiller’s
cooperative. It is a term for an association of people
Resolve any Start of Round powers <icon> from distillery who cooperate for their mutual economic benefit. This
identities or distillery upgrade cards in turn order. Then, might be a location or organization where distillers can
you’re off to the market. go to purchase goods at a discount.

1. MARKET PHASE RECIPES: To purchase a recipe shown on your tasting

flight, first check which tier it is on your recipe list
In this phase you will take turns, starting with the first (bronze, silver, or gold) and then pay the price shown to
player and moving clockwise around the table, to purchase take a cube of that tier.
any of the following:
• Recipe cubes
• Basic ingredient or item cards
• Premium ingredient or item cards
• Distillery upgrade cards
When it is your turn, you may purchase one cube or card, or
you may pass. Play will continue in this way until everyone Place that cube on your recipe list next to the recipe you
has passed. You can make multiple purchases in this wish to learn. You now know how to distill that spirit and
phase, but only one at a time. you can use that recipe for the rest of the game.

Once you have passed you may not make any further For example, to unlock the Whiskey recipe you will need
purchases this round. to pay 4 money to purchase a silver recipe cube. Then
place that cube in the slot to the left of the Whiskey
When you purchase a cube or a card, take it from the
recipe on your recipe list.
market and pay the market cost by returning that amount
of money from your personal supply to the general supply.
• Place recipe cubes on your recipe clipboard.
• Place ingredient cards either in your pantry or
directly into your washback. You begin the game knowing how to make Moonshine,
• Place item cards in your storeroom. Vodka, and your signature recipe, so you do not need to
• Place distillery upgrades on one of the three purchase a recipe cube to unlock these recipes.
upgrade spaces.
Basic Yeast and Water give you an optional bonus when
IMPORTANT: You can only purchase two cards from the you purchase them from the basic market during the
basic market each round. To make sure you follow this market phase. These bonuses are not earned when the
limit, keep the basic cards face up in front of your distillery cards are taken with powers or acquired through trade.
until the end of the phase.

Immediately after purchasing a face-up card from the

premium market, refill the market by first sliding cards to
the right to fill in the gap you created, then drawing a new
card from the deck to fill the leftmost space. If any of the
market decks run out, reshuffle all cards of that type from
the truck and use them as the new deck.
Yeast: Immediately Water: Reveal the top card
gain 1 money of any market deck to all
Once all players have passed, discard the rightmost face up players. You may purchase
card from each premium market row (or two rightmost in that card this turn or return
two player games), placing them face up on the truck. Shift
it to the bottom of the deck
all cards to the right and lay out the top card of each deck
to fill the leftmost space so there are always four cards
available in each row.
2. DISTILL PHASE Flavor Notes: During the fermentation process, the
interaction between the yeast and other ingredients
In this phase you will place ingredients you want to use into turns the sugars into alcohol. Additionally, the
your washback to distill a single spirit. All players can do distillation process always cuts out the first and last
this at the same time. parts of “the run.” These impure parts of the spirit are
called the “heads” or “foreshots” and “tails” or “feints,”
At the start of the Distill Phase you may trade exactly one of
which are re-used in future distillations. The important
your ingredient or item cards for a basic ingredient (not
part that is saved is called the “heart.”
item) of equal or lesser market cost from the basic market.
Discard the traded card either to the relevant face-up stack
or to the truck if it is from the premium market. Yeast and TRADE EXAMPLE: In the Market Phase, you purchased a
Alcohol may not be traded away. Potatoes card for 3 money but now realize that you
need more fruit sugars for the Gin you wish to distill this
Next, place any ingredients that you don’t want to use into
round. Mixed Fruits costs 2 money from the basic
your pantry for a later round and move any ingredients
market, therefore you can discard your Potatoes to the
stored in your pantry that you want to use to the
truck and take a Mixed Fruits from the basic market.
appropriate slot in your washback.

To distill a spirit, you must place at least one card in the RECIPES AND DISTILLING: The recipes state the types of
yeast, sugar and water slots of your washback. There is no sugar (grain, fruit, or plant) required. Unless specified,
limit to how many cards you can place in each slot, but your distilled spirit stack must not contain any type of
each slot can only contain that type of card. sugar that is not listed on the recipe. This is checked
after the top and bottom cards have been removed.
Alcohol cards (removed from earlier distillations) can be
placed in either the yeast or the water slot of your Any spirit stack will always match either Vodka (if it
washback. contains any sugars) or Moonshine (if it contains no
sugars at all). Moonshine is created when a spirit
Once you've added your ingredients to your washback,
stack’s only sugars are removed during distillation.
follow these steps to distill a spirit:
1. Add one alcohol card to your washback for each card
in your central, sugar slot of your washback.
2. Shuffle all cards in your washback together to form a VODKA can be distilled with any combination of sugars:
face-down spirit stack. grain, fruit, and/or plant, and needs a metal barrel.

3. Remove and reveal the top and bottom cards of the

spirit stack, returning them to your pantry for use in a
future round. GIN requires at least two fruit and a metal barrel. If you
Reveal the remaining cards in the spirit stack: this is the are missing any of these requirements, or if you have
result of your distillation. If these cards, with the included any grain or plant sugars, you are not able to
appropriate barrel, match the requirements of one of the make Gin.
recipes you know, you have successfully distilled that spirit!
If you match the requirements of two or more recipes, you
must choose which spirit to distill.
WHISKEY requires at least two grain sugars and a wood
Lay out all cards in the spirit stack, add an appropriate barrel (as it will need to be aged for at least one round).
barrel card, and claim a spirit label that matches what you It must not include plant or fruit sugars or be made
distilled. If two or more players distill the same spirit and using a metal or clay barrel.
there are not enough labels remaining, take the labels in
turn order. As all the cards in the washback are used, you It is possible that the water, yeast, and alcohol cards
can only distill one spirit per round. could be removed in distillation. While it may seem
strange to contain no alcohol, think of it as a lower
IMPORTANT: If there are no more labels for a particular quality spirit (with a lower price to match).
spirit available, you can still make that spirit. But you won’t
be able to claim a spirit label bonus when selling it.

SPIRIT LABELS show the key information for the Signature recipes have unique labels
spirit they represent. For example, this Brandy label showing their required ingredients and
shows that it is made using fruit sugars, it uses a aging. They count towards
wood barrel and must be aged, is from the Europe awards and goals unless
region, and is gold tier. This is important for some otherwise stated.
awards and goals.


of the Distill Phase, the
VODKA: At the
player plans to make
beginning of the Distill Rum. They have
Phase, the player’s purchased its recipe
washback contains one cube, have bought a
Yeast, two sugars wood barrel, and their
(Mixed Grains and washback contains one
Mixed Fruits), and one Alcohol, two Mixed
Water, so they add two Plants, and one Water,
Alcohol to it (because of so they add two Alcohol
the two sugars).
to it, for the two sugars.
They then shuffle these six cards together and remove
They then shuffle these six cards together and remove
both the top and bottom cards—which turn out to be a
both the top and bottom cards—which turn out to be an
Water and an Alcohol—returning them to their pantry.
Alcohol and a Mixed Plants—returning them to their
pantry. The remaining cards make up the spirit stack,
which determines what they have distilled:

The remaining cards make up the spirit stack, which

determines what they have distilled:

They reveal their spirit stack to the table and check their
recipes. Unfortunately, because they removed one of the
plant sugars during distillation they have failed to make
Rum, as that requires at least two plant sugars.

They reveal their spirit stack to the table and check their Fortunately, they also know how to make Cachaça, which
recipes. Since this stack has at least one sugar (from the only requires one plant sugar (otherwise they’d have
Mixed Grains or Mixed Fruits), they have distilled Vodka. made Vodka). So, they add their starting Metal Barrel to
They add their starting Metal Barrel to hold it and take a make that instead and take a Cachaça label from the
Vodka label from the supply. supply.

Since Vodka cannot be aged, the player must sell it in the The wood barrel goes back to their storeroom ready for
next phase. use next round when they can try to make Rum again.
Next time they plan to add more than two plant sugars to
increase their chances of successfully distilling Rum.

3. SELL PHASE BOTTLES: To sell a spirit you must use
a bottle from your storeroom. Any
In this phase you can sell the spirit that you just distilled, as
bottle can be used to sell any spirit.
well as any spirits aging in your warehouse, to gain money
and spirit points. You will always have your starting
Glass Bottle available in your
If a recipe has the non-age icon (right) you
storeroom which must be returned to
cannot age it and MUST sell it this round.
your storeroom after use.
If a recipe has the age icon (right) you MUST age
Bottles purchased from the premium
it for at least one round after distilling it—you
market provide additional money
cannot sell it immediately after distilling it.
and/or SP, but can only be used once.
Selling is performed in turn order, moving clockwise, and
you can sell one spirit per turn. If you have multiple spirits AGED SPIRIT FLAVOR BONUS: Aged spirits receive flavor
to sell this round you will need to wait for your turn to come cards each time they are aged in the Age Phase. When
back around before selling the second spirit. sold, these flavor cards add the following additional SP
Follow these steps to sell a spirit: to the aged spirit based on the number of flavors
present. Non-aged spirits never receive these points,
1. Lay out the entire spirit stack, including the barrel and even if they include flavor cards.
any flavor cards, and add a bottle from your storeroom
to this stack.
2. Count the total sell value on these cards, as well as on
the recipe (Moonshine, Vodka, and signatures only),
and take that much money from the general supply. The longer you leave your spirits aging in your
3. Count the total number of SP on these cards, as well warehouse, the more SP they will earn you. However,
as on the recipe (and the aged spirit flavor bonus in you will not receive the money or spirit label bonus for
your warehouse if an aged spirit), then advance your them until you sell them, so deciding when to sell an
barrel marker that many spaces on the SP track. aged spirit is an important decision.
4. Place the label for that spirit on an empty space of The aged spirit flavor bonus points are displayed in your
your choice in the spirit label bonus section of your warehouse on your distillery board.
distillery board and immediately gain the bonus
shown. SPIRIT LABEL BONUSES: At the top of your distillery
5. If you have used your starting Metal Barrel or Glass board there are seven spirit label bonus spaces, each
Bottle, return them to your storeroom. offering a different, immediate bonus when covered by
a label from a spirit you have sold.
6. Place any premium market bottles used next to your
distillery. They may earn additional SP at the end of
the game.
These one-time bonuses can be taken in any order. You
7. Return any basic market cards and Alcohol cards back cannot place a label on the same space twice.
to their stacks, discard any premium market
ingredient or barrel cards to the relevant discard pile When taking a free card from the premium market, you
on the truck, any flavor cards to a flavor discard pile, may choose from any of the face-up cards. Then, refill
and any signature ingredients to the box (they may not the market by first sliding cards to the right to fill in the
be reclaimed with the truck discard label bonus). gap you created. Draw a new card from the deck to fill
the left-most space as usual. Cards claimed from the
You may also sell any spirits that you have aged in your truck can be any card, not just the top-most ones.
warehouse in previous rounds, following the same steps
above. If you need to age the spirit you’ve just distilled and You can have more than one of the same spirit label.
your warehouse is already full, you must sell one of the Signature recipes can be turned over for use as their
spirits in your warehouse to make room for the new spirit. own spirit label.

SELL PHASE EXAMPLE Next, they count up the total SP from this batch: 12 from
A player has had a batch of Baijiu aging in their warehouse the recipe itself, 2 from the sorghum and rye cards, and
for two rounds now, and they choose to sell it this round. 4 from the ceramic bottle (including a 2 SP bonus for
They first take the spirit stack, including the Clay Barrel, bottling a spirit from Asia and Oceania).
and reveal it. Finally, they consult their warehouse and add an extra 3
SP for having two flavor cards, since it is an aged spirit.

The end result is 21 SP, so they advance their barrel

scoring marker that many spaces along the SP track.

Next, they place the Baijiu label on a

They choose to bottle it in a Ceramic Bottle from their label bonus space of their choice. They
storeroom. The aging process added two flavor cards: choose the space that gives them any
Tobacco and Smoky. one free item card from a market,
Then they receive 10 money from this Baijiu (5 from which they immediately place in their
ingredients: 1 each from rye, water, and alcohols; 3 from storeroom.
the flavors; and 2 from the ceramic bottle). After that, they return all Alcohol cards to the alcohol
deck and basic ingredients and barrel to the basic
market. The premium ingredients are discarded to the
truck. Flavor cards are discarded to the flavor card
discard pile. The Ceramic bottle is displayed next to their
distillery board.
FLAVOR CARDS: Flavor cards represent the unique
flavor profile that your spirits acquire, usually through
the aging process. They provide varying levels of money
In this phase you can age spirits to increase their flavor. (between zero and three) as well as bonus SP when an
Aging is performed in turn order, but you will age all spirits aged spirit is sold.
in your warehouse on your turn.

Follow these steps to age a newly distilled spirit:

1. Place its spirit stack, not including the barrel, face-

down on one of your warehouse spaces.

2. Place the barrel on top of the stack face up and place

the spirit label on top of the barrel.

3. Draw the top card of the flavor deck and, without

looking at it, add it face down to the bottom of the
spirit stack.

IMPORTANT: If you distill an aged spirit during the final

round of the game, you must age it and you will not be able
to sell it this game. You will, however, receive SP for having Flavor cards are added secretly: you never know what
it in your warehouse at the end of the game. your spirit will taste like until you’re ready to sell it!
To age a spirit in your warehouse that was distilled in an When a spirit containing flavor cards is sold, discard the
earlier round: draw the top card of the flavor deck and, flavor cards to a flavor cards discard pile. If the face
without looking at it, add it face-down to the bottom of that down flavor card deck ever runs out, shuffle the flavor
spirit stack. discard pile and create a new deck.

SPIRIT AWARDS offer bonuses to players who meet
END OF ROUND certain objectives during the game. They are open to all
players and the first player(s) to fulfill them in the game
After everyone has either sold or aged each of their spirits,
will earn the associated SP.
the round is over. Before starting the next round, do the
following in turn order:
• Check for fulfilled spirit awards. If you meet the stated
goal, you earn the amount of SP shown. Advance your
barrel marker that many spaces on the SP track. If
more than one player achieves the goal in a round,
divide the points evenly, rounding up. Once the points
have been scored, flip over the award—it cannot be
scored again.
• Offer tastings. If you did not sell a spirit this round, you
can offer a tasting at your distillery. You may spend up
to 4 SP and gain that much money from the supply.
You cannot spend SP you do not have.
At the end of the seventh round the game ends and it is
time for end game scoring. Otherwise, advance the round
marker one space and pass the first player token Flavor Notes: Distilleries will earn income via tours by
clockwise. offering samples of spirits aging in their warehouse.


1 In the next
A player has just distilled a batch of round they
Whiskey. Since Whiskey has the age can choose to
icon, it cannot be sold this round and sell this
must be aged in their warehouse first. Whiskey or
continue to
age it (which
would add
another flavor
2 card to its
spirit stack).

1. The player takes the entire spirit stack and

places it face down on one of their empty
warehouse spaces.
2. They place the wood barrel they chose to age
it in face up on top of this stack and place the 3 They also use the
Whiskey spirit label on top. special ability of their
3. Every aged spirit gains a new flavor each American Standard
round, including those that have just been Barrel, earning 1
distilled. The player takes the top card of the money, which goes
flavor deck and places it underneath the spirit into their supply.
stack for this Whiskey without looking at it.

BOTTLE COLLECTION EXAMPLE: the Europe player has
At the end of the game, you score additional SP from the collected five bottles: three from Europe (scoring 4 SP),
following: and at least one from three different regions (scoring 5
SP), for a total of 9 SP. Note: home region counts as
• From any spirits left in your warehouse, counting the Europe for the Europe player.
SP on all cards in the spirit stack, barrel, and recipe.
Labels on spirits left in your warehouse count towards
goals and awards.
IMPORTANT: As you are not selling the spirit you will
not receive the aged spirit flavor bonus SP, claim a
label bonus, add a bottle, or receive any money.
Instead, you receive 1 SP for each flavor card present.
COMMONLY FORGOTTEN RULES: Running a distillery is
• For your bottle collection next to your distillery board. hard work! It’s easy to forget a few rules from time to
Note: Bottles without a Region do not count towards time. Here are some reminders from your fellow distillery
the set collection points. owners:
• You can only purchase two cards from the basic
market during each Market Phase.
• At the start of the Distill Phase you may trade only
one of your cards for a basic ingredient of equal or
lesser market cost from the basic market.
• It may seem strange, but you do not need to have an
alcohol card left in the spirit stack when you distill.
Your recipes only require certain sugars and barrel
• Remember to add one alcohol per sugar card in your
washback when distilling.
• $, it
When a recipe has sugar types listed with a 🚫
means these sugars must not be in the final spirit
• From any distillery upgrades with an SP value. stack.

• For each distillery goal you have achieved. • If a spirit has the aged icon, it must be aged
Note: Goals cannot be achieved by scoring zero. for at least one round before it can be sold.

• For money you have remaining, receiving one SP for • If a spirit has the non-aged icon, it must be
every 5 money and ignoring remainders (if you have 13 bottled and sold in the same round it is
money, you can return 10 of it to the general supply for distilled.
2 SP, leaving you with 3 money). • You only sell one spirit at a time, but you can sell
another when the turn comes back to you.
Advance your barrel scoring token on the SP track to show
your final score. • Remember to claim your money and spirit points
The player who has the most SP wins the game and earns when selling.
the coveted title of Master Distiller! In case of a tie, the tied RUNNING OUT OF CARDS: The basic ingredient and item
player who has the most money remaining is the winner. If cards and the Alcohol cards are intended to be unlimited.
there is still a tie, the tied players share the victory. If a basic ingredient or item card is unavailable for
purchase, use another card as a stand-in, making note of
Slàinte Mhath!
which card was used to represent which other.
Flavor Notes: Slàinte Mhath (pronounced “Slanj-a-va”)
If there are no available Alcohol cards, remove them from
means “to your health” in Gaelic, and is often spoken
aging spirits in all warehouses and add a coin on top of
when toasting a dram of whisky!
spirit stacks for each Alcohol removed this way. Players
will receive these coins when they sell the aged spirit.
Tasting flights provide you with customization and
diversity to keep the play spirited. Each of the eight flights
Ingredients, items, and upgrades earned with a label include seven spirits with different levels of prestige.
bonus can be of any market cost, from either basic or
The first three flights (A, B, and C) are the most balanced
premium markets, and are put into play immediately.
and are recommended for use in most games. Others will
Discarded cards go to their respective piles: Alcohol and mix up the gameplay and are intended for experienced
basic ingredients go back to their piles, premium players.
ingredients to the truck.
Flights are paired with distiller identities below: they
Cards claimed from the truck can be from anywhere in provide a standard backup to these identities’ signature
the discard piles, not just the top-most cards. recipes.

The label bonus is the only way to claim your signature During setup, choose the tasting flight and then randomly
ingredient. deal each player two distiller identities paired with that
Recipe cubes can be of any tier or market cost: bronze,
silver, or gold.


Tasting Flight A
Distiller Identities:
America, Brazil, Jamaica, Canada
China, Korea, India, Australia
England, France, Scotland, Ireland

Tasting Flight B
Distiller Identities:
America, Mexico, Canada, Peru
Japan, India, Philippines, Scotland
Sweden, Ireland, Italy

Tasting Flight C
Distiller Identities:
America, Jamaica, Canada, Peru
Japan, Korea, India, France
Scotland, Sweden, Ireland

Tasting Flight D
Distiller Identities:
America, Mexico, Canada, India
Australia, Philippines, England, Italy
France, Scotland, Sweden, Ireland


Like all good inheritances, the distillery bequeathed to you The solo game plays over 7 rounds as normal, but with one
by your eccentric relative comes with a number of modification to the market phase. At the end of each
challenges and restrictions that you must meet in order to market phase, instead of the market cleanup, discard the
take ownership of the property. In particular, you’ll need to top card from the leftover B goal stack to reveal the back of
complete a “path” of goal cards, working from the bottom the next card. The chart on the back of the revealed card
of the barrel up to the top, completing at least one card shows which ingredients, items, and distillery upgrades to
from each row. Each goal will either change the score you discard to the truck, simulating the purchases of another
must achieve or provide you with an SP or money bonus. player. This replaces the usual market cleanup.


Follow the full game setup instructions as normal but with a On each of the B goal backs is a
few exceptions: chart representing the 3 rows of
face up cards in the premium
1. Separate the solo goals by type: A, B, and C. Shuffle market.
each type separately and then, without looking at
them, lay them out according to figure A. If this B goal was revealed you would
discard to the truck the 1st distillery
A upgrade, the 3rd ingredient, and the
Row 5 (2 A goals)
2nd item. Then discard the right most
card in each row as usual and refill.
Row 4 (3 C goals)

Row 3 (4 B goals)
To win the solo game you must complete at least one goal
Row 2 (3 C goals) from each of the 5 rows and meet or exceed the combined
target score shown on the A and B goals you have
Row 1 (2 C goals) completed.

2. Shuffle the remaining B goal cards and place them For example, if you completed an A goal with a target score
face down beside the premium market. of 70, and a B goal with a target score of 12, you would
need to score 82 SP or higher to win, as seen in figure C.
3. Flip the cards in rows 1,
3, and 5 face up. Set one B Start with the barrel C
of the extra scoring marker next to row 1.
tokens beside this This marker shows
display, like in figure B. your active row. You
may complete any
4. Choose your distiller goal card in your
identity from those active row as long as
paired with the chosen it is immediately
tasting flight. beside or above a
5. Complete the setup as completed goal card.
usual, except include all At the beginning you
the spirit labels for may complete either
Moonshine, Vodka, and goal in row 1.
all recipes on the tasting
You may complete any goal in the next row up from your
flight. Ignore the distillery
active row as long as that goal is above a completed goal.
goals and spirit awards.
When you do, move the barrel marker up to this row. You
cannot complete goals below your active row.

To complete a goal, you must achieve the target shown on SELL GOAL EXAMPLE: A player has just sold a Soju that
it. When you complete a goal, place a coin on it to mark included 3 grain sugars and scored 9 SP. They are up to
your success, take any bonus money or SP provided by that row 2 of the solo goals and are now able to score
goal, and then flip the two goals above it face up if they either of the
were not face up already. two goals
pictured, but
Completing goals is optional, so even if you achieve the
target, you do not have to claim the goal if you don’t want not both, as the
to. Soju can only
be used to
Once per game, you may swap any 2 solo goal cards within complete a
the same row. If you do this, flip the solo swap card, which single Sell goal.
increases the target score by 5. Swapping can include face
down goals, which will immediately flip face up if moved
above a completed goal. If a swapped goal is already
completed, after repositioning it flip any goals above it If you want to increase the difficulty of the solo game, use B
face-up. goals in row 4 instead of C goals. For an even greater
challenge, use B goals in rows 2 and 4 instead of C goals.
Solo Goals come in four different categories: In addition to using harder goals in these rows, these
changes will raise the target score, as all B goals scored
• Distill goals require you to distill a certain kind of spirit.
add to this.
Distill goals may only be completed immediately after
the spirit is distilled, and each spirit distilled can only
be used to complete a single distill goal.
• Sell goals require you to sell a certain kind of spirit.
Sell goals may only be completed immediately after
the spirit is sold, and each spirit sold can only be used
to complete a single sell goal. Using a spirit for one sell
goal means you cannot use it to satisfy another.
• Collect goals require you to obtain certain things. For
example, having certain distillery upgrades, bottles, or
spirit labels (either on the bonus spaces or on top of a
spirit stack in your warehouse). These goals can be
completed at any point, as long as you meet their
• Earn goals require you to complete a certain
achievement within a single round (for example,
earning a certain amount of money in a round). These
goals are completed at the end of any round in which
you meet their requirements. Money and SP gained
from other solo goals achieved that round count for CREDITS
earn goals.
Game Design: Dave Beck

Art and Graphic Design: Erik Evensen

Game Development: Richard Woods

Rules Editor: Cody Reimer

Solo Mode Design: David Digby

Age Phase ..................................................................... 12 Start of Round
Perform any Start of Round actions on your distiller
Aged flavor bonus .......................................................... 11
identity or distillery upgrade cards.
Bottle collection ............................................................ 14
1. Market Phase
Bottles ........................................................................... 10 Acquire recipes, ingredients, items, and distillery
Cleanup ......................................................................... 8 2. Distill Phase
Components .................................................................. 2 Distill a spirit using your ingredients, add a barrel,
and claim a spirit label.
Distill Phase .................................................................. 9 3. Sell Phase
Bottle and sell your spirits, score SP, receive
Distiller identities .......................................................... 6
money, and take label bonus
Distillery boards ............................................................ 5 4. Age Phase
Age your spirits in your warehouse to add flavor
End of round ................................................................. 13 and prestige.
Flavor cards ................................................................... 12 End of Round
Forgotten rules .............................................................. 14 Check if spirit awards have been fulfilled, hold
tastings, advance the round marker and pass the first
Game end ...................................................................... 14 player marker clockwise.
Game overview ............................................................. 5

Game setup ................................................................... 3

Items, Ingredients, Upgrades ....................................... 7

Label bonuses ............................................................... 11, 15

Market Phase ................................................................ 8

Player setup .................................................................. 4

Recipe cubes ................................................................ 8

Recipes .......................................................................... 6, 9

Sell Phase ..................................................................... 11

Signature recipe ........................................................... 6

Solo mode ..................................................................... 16

Spirit awards ................................................................. 13

Spirit labels ................................................................... 10

Spirit stack .................................................................... 9

Start of Round ............................................................... 8

Tasting Flight ................................................................. 15

Tastings ......................................................................... 13

Trade Step ..................................................................... 9

Yeast & Water powers .................................................. 8


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