Filipino-Dept.-Activity Plan
Filipino-Dept.-Activity Plan
Filipino-Dept.-Activity Plan
This community
extension program can
also contribute to
achieving the no. 4 of
the Sustainable Goals
of 2030.
Parol Making Contest (Recycle Celebrating Christmas To value Filipino culture in Students, Class ₱ 3,000 for medals, certificates,
Materials) is one of our cultures the context of the Christmas Advisers, and Filipino and item prizes
and traditions as season and showcase the Teachers.
Filipinos. The season of talents and creativity of
giving, loving, every Rizalian.
remaining hopeful, and
most importantly,
giving thanks for all the
blessings given to us
throughout the year.
February Founding Anniversary According to the Jose To promote camaraderie Students, SAMFIL ₱ 1,000 for tarpaulin and
-Dating Booth Rizal Institute Student among students and every Officers, and Filipino materials.
-Dedication Booth Handbook, Chapter 7: school personnel Teachers.
Organizations and
Student Activities,
section D: Student
Activities no. 3
Foundation Day
Activities stated that
the school’s founding
anniversary is observed
through various school
activities. Students
participate in various
activities like a parade,
musical numbers,
plays, etc.
March In pursuant to the To raise awareness about Guest Speaker, AP and ₱ 3,000 for tarpaulin, snacks,
DepEd Order no. 32, S. gender equality and Filipino Teachers, and honorarium for speaker
Gender Sensitivity Training 2017 – The Gender- contribute to achieving the Faculty and School
Responsive Basic no. 5 of the Sustainable Administration.
Education Policy. Goals of 2030.
The first printed To embrace Filipino culture DYMC, SAMFIL Officers, ₱ 3,000 for tarpaulin and 2 days
passion was written in and reminisce the sacrifices Filipino, AP, and meal.
PABASA 1704 by Gaspar Aquino of our savior Jesus Christ. interested Teachers.
De Belen. This book
serves as the basis for
the street play
Senakulo or cenacle, a
theatrical re-
enactment of Christ's
passion and death that
is performed every
Holy Week.