Sonali Bank

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An Internship Report On

“Recruitment and Selection process of Sonali Bank Limited”

Submitted To

Mr. Badruzzaman

Controller of Examinations

National University

Gazipur – 1704

Supervised By

Mr. Md. Monsur Ali

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

Submitted By

Syed Sadman Ashab

National University Reg. No: 16501001634

National University Roll No: 2081072

Session: 2016-17

Major in Management

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

Date of Submission: 7 November, 2022

Letter of Transmittal

25 September,2022

The Principal

Dhaka City College

Road No. 02, Dhanmondi R/A, Dhaka-1205

Subject : Submission of Internship report on “Recruitment and Selection process

of Sonali Bank Limited.”

Dear Sir,

It gives me immense pleasure to submit the internship report on “Recruitment and

Selection process of Sonali Bank Limited.” Which is a partial requirement of my
BBA program. A Three Months of long Internship Program authorized by the
department, Dhaka City College. Apart from the academic knowledge gained through
this internship program and preparation of this report has given me the opportunity to
acquaint with an existing policies and practices of Recruitment and Selection
especially in the bank.

Sincerely Yours,

Syed Sadman Ashab

NU Registration No: 16501001634

NU Roll No: 2081072

Academic Session: 2016-17

Major in Management

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College


First of all, the researcher is expressing his heartfelt gratitude to the almighty Allah,
the most merciful & benevolent, for his special kindness of giving me strength and
patient and to give him the opportunity to complete the report successfully & timely.

The researcher would like to express his gratitude to the authority of National
University & to the honourable principal sir Professor Bedar Uddin Ahmed, Dhaka
City College for providing him such ana Opportunity. Also giving his sincere thanks
to his academic supervisor Md. Monsur Ali, Assistant Professor, Department of
Business Administration, Dhaka City College. For providing continuous guidance,
individual suggestions, encouragement & unfailing enthusiasm through the process
completion of this report.

The researcher would like to extend his deepest appreciation to all his faculty
members of Department of Business Administration, Dhaka City College for their
individual contribution & cooperation in advancing this report & hereby completing
the B.B.A program successfully. He would also like to express his special thanks to
the staffs of the college for their excellent administrative supports.

The researcher would like to express special thanks to Sonali Bank Limited.
Especially Ms. Saida Zahan (Assistant General Manger). In order for arrangement of
my internship in Sonali Bank Limited. I also would like to show cordial thanks to
Satmasjid Road Branch, Sonali Bank Limited and all of its employees and staffs.
They were really very co-operative and friendly in nature. It would be very difficult to
complete this report successfully without their mindfully assistance.
Certificate of supervisor

This is to certify that, Syed Sadman Ashab, National University Roll No : 2081072,
National University Registration No : 16501001634, Academic Session : 2016-17,
Major in Management, is a regular student of 8 th semester ( Final year) of B.B.A
program, Department of Business Administration, Dhaka City College under the
National University of Bangladesh. He has completed the internship report on
“Recruitment and Selection process of Sonali Bank Limited” under my supervision,
which is a fulfilment of the partial requirement of obtaining B.B.A Certificate.

I wish him success in all of its future endeavor.


Md. Monsur Ali

Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration

Dhaka City College

1.1 Origin of the report
To complete BBA program in Department of Business Administration, Dhaka City
College under National University, a student requires completing an internship
program of three months attachment with an organization followed by writing a report
at the final after the 8th semester of BBA program. In this report, I will try to discuss
the overall Recruitment & Selection Process of Sonali Bank Limited. This report is
the mix of theoretical information and practical experiences which I gathered from my
internship period. Internship programs helps us to enlighten ourselves with the fresh
and real experiences and provides us a scope to write those experiences and related
information in a report. And this report is an integral part of the BBA program which
pushed the students into a real-life situation. The report is generated under my
honourable supervisor of Department of Business Administration, Dhaka City
College. The topic of my report has been selected as “Recruitment and Selection
Process of Sonali Bank Limited.”

Business plays an links important roles in developing the economy of a country. So,
as a business graduate, I think I need to be attached with any organization to get a
handy & versatile experience about the business world before starting our career.
Internship is the arrangement, which makes a bridge between our academic
knowledge and practical world to have an acquittance with the real business world as
well as to gear me up to lead the future competitive business.

Over the years the bank has been contributing the economy. It is an old institution
which is flourishing our economy sector by providing all sort of financial services. In
today’s world or life is attached with the touch of banking services. Not only a bank
provides fund to people but also it contributes to construct the economical basement
of a nation largely. Bank plays a crucial role in our economy. So, it has a large
importance in contemporary lives of people. As a part of my graduation program
Dhaka City College has given me an opportunity to explore the real world. For the
accomplishment of my internship period, it is very much essential to summarize my
whole learnings in the report. The aim of this report is to define and check all of the
areas of Recruitment and Selection Process whether the bank’s services are near the
heart of people or not. This internship program helps to became aware of how
practical practice deviates from theoretical principles. Thus, internship program
expands both the theoretical and the practical knowledge of the participants.

1.2 Objectives of the Report

Objectives means certain goal or purpose of anything. The objectives of this report
include two types of objectives. They are broad objectives & specific objectives. A
broad objective & some specific objectives are included in this report. They are:

Primary Objectives:

The primary objective of the internship report is to fulfil the partial requirement of
achieving BBA degree from Dhaka City College under the National University of

Secondary Objectives:

 To evaluate the current recruitment & selection policy and process of Sonali
Bank Limited.
 To study the existing recruitment & selection procedure of Sonali Bank
 To find out the weaknesses of the current policy.
 To suggest improvements to the policy.
 Analysis current selection and recruitment of Sonali Bank Limited.
 Recommendation regarding the recruitment and selection of Sonali Bank
 To apply theoretical knowledge in the practice field.

1.3 Methodology of the Report

The study requires a systematic procedure from selection of the topic to preparation of
the final report. To perform the study, the data sources were identified, collected,
classified, analyzed, interpreted and presented in a systematic manner and key points
were to be found. The overall process of methodology has been given as below.

Primary sources of data:

 Face to face conversation with the officers.

 Practical desk work.
 Relevant file study as provided by the concerned officers.

Secondary sources of data

 Different circular issued by the head office and Bangladesh bank.

 Annual reports of Sonali Bank Limited from 2017-2020.
 Research and various Publications obtained from library of Sonali Bank
 Official web site of the Sonali Bank Limited.
 Newspaper and Journals.
 Internet and various study of selected reports.

1.4 Scope of the Report

The activities of HR are very crucial and important for any organization. The
necessity of human resource is continuously rising because the business world is now
very competitive. To cope up with the rate of progress with the zestful business
companies should focus on the Recruitment and Selection Process. This report is
mainly focuses on the Sonali Bank Limited’s Recruitment and Selection team and
their organizational planned activities about how they are organizing and maintaining
recruitment and selection activities. What are their procedures and steps for recruiting
and selection process, what are their terms and conditions and how they organized this
overall two procedures. As well as the researcher also focuses its vision, mission,
objectives, its strength, weaknesses, opportunities & threats. So, people who are
interested to know about the recruitment and selection procedures of Sonali Bank
Limited this report will be benefited for them. As well as the employees of SBL and
students also will be benefited.

1.5 Limitations of the Report

 Lack of up to date information.
 Relevant papers and documents were not available sufficiently.
 Lack of sufficient books, papers & journals etc.
 Lack of experience is one of the reason so that in-depth analysis was not
 Some essential data could not be gathered because of confidentially concerns.
 Duration of the internship period was pretty short time to acquire in depth
knowledge about the Recruitment and Selection Process of Sonali Bank

With all of this limitation the researcher tried to make this report as best as possible.
So, readers are requested to consider these limitations while reading & justifying any
part of the study.
2.1 History of Sonali Bank Limited
Soon after independence of the country Sonali Bank emerged as the largest and
leading Nationalized Commercial Bank by proclamation of the Banks'
Nationalization Order 1972 (Presidential Order-26) liquidating the then National
Bank of Pakistan, Premier Bank and Bank of Bhawalpur. As a fully state-owned
institution, the bank had been discharging its nation-building responsibilities by
undertaking government entrusted different socio-economic schemes as well as
money market activities of its own volition, covering all spheres of the economy.
(Website of Sonali Bank)

Sonali Bank Limited, the largest & leading commercial bank of the country, came
into being in 1972 immediately after the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent
state. A fully state-owned enterprise, the bank has been discharging its nation-
building responsibilities by undertaking government entrusted different socio-
economic schemes as well as money market activities of its own volition, covering all
spheres of the economy. Sonali Bank Limited singularly enjoys the prestige of being
the agent of the Central Bank of Bangladesh in such places where the guardian of the
money market has chosen not to act by itself.

The bank has been converted to a Public Limited Company with 100% ownership of
the government and started functioning as Sonali Bank Limited from November 15,
2007 taking over all assets, liabilities and business of Sonali Bank. After
corporatization, the management of the bank has been given repaired autonomy to
make the bank competitive & to run its business effectively.

Sonali Bank Limited is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of 11(Eleven)

members headed by a Chairman. The Bank is headed by the Chief Executive Officer
& Managing Director, who is a well-known Banker and a reputed professional. The
head office of the bank along with its corporate structure is located at Motijheel,
Dhaka, and the main commercial center of the capital. Sonali Bank Limited extends
all the major personal banking facilities and services to its customers with its skilled
manpower and largest network of around 1230 branches covering all the urban and
remote rural areas of Bangladesh.
Furthermore, it is now providing services to industrial sectors and EPZ through
country export processing too. Thus we can see, how Sonali bank paved the way for
overseas banking system which has successfully attracted customers towards its
services while ensuring a fine quality satisfaction to all sorts of customers.

The Financial services of Sonali Bank are Trade Finance, International Trade,
Foreign exchange dealings, Utility bills, Loan Syndication as well as Ancillary
services. These financial services are given to all sorts of people based on their
capabilities (Bankinfobd, 2011).

Sonali bank focuses mainly on industries like – Large scale industries financing,
Small scale industries financing and Special investment scheme for cottages and
households etc. to financially help and provide services to all sorts of customers.

Sonali Bank Limited is one of the best service centered/oriented banks that is fully
licensed by government of Bangladesh. For providing the best service experience to
customers Sonali Bank is constantly improving their service experience. And for 50
long years it has been in operation while providing one of the finest Customers
satisfactory services.
2.2 Corporate Profile

Name of the Company : Sonali Bank Limited

Registered Office : 35-42, 44 Motijheel Commercial Area,
Dhaka Bangladesh
Legal Status : Public Limited Company
Date of Incorporation : 03 June, 2007
Date of Commencement of : 03 June, 2007
Date of Vendor’s Agreement : 15 November, 2007
Genesis : Emerged as Nationalized Commercial Bank
in 1972 following the Bangladesh Bank
(Nationalization) Order No. 1972 (PO
No.26 of 1972)
Authorized Capital : BDT 60,000.00 Million
Paid up Capital : BDT 45,300.00 Million
Face Value per Share : BDT 100.00 per Share
Chairman of the Board of : Mr. Ziaul Hasan Siddiqui
CEO & Managing Director : Mr. Md. Afzal Karim
Company Secretary : Mr. Tauhidul Islam
No. of Branches : 1230
No. of Urban Branches : 500
No. of Rural Branches : 728
No. of Employee : 21839
Phone PABX : +88-02-9550426-31, 33, 34, +88-02-
Fax : 88-02-9561410, 88-02-9552007
Email :
Website :

Table -2.1: Company profile of SBL

2.3 Core Business

 Corporate Banking  Trade Finance  Investment

 Project Finance  Loan  Government
Syndication Treasure Function

 SME Finance  Foreign  Money Market

Exchange Operation
 Remittance  International  Rural and Micro
Trade Credit

 Lease Finance  NGO-Linkage  Capital Market

Loan Operation

 Consumer Credit  Special Small

Table – 2.2: Core Business
Source: Annual Report of Sonali Bank Limited,2020

2.4 Vision
Socially committed leading banking institution with global presence.

2.5 Mission
Dedicated to extend a whole range of quality products that support divergent needs of
people aiming at enriching their lives, creating value for the stakeholders and
contributing towards socioeconomic development of the country.

2.6 Slogan
Your trusted partner in innovative banking.
2.7 Sonali Bank at a Glance
SBL is one of the largest public banks in Bangladesh. Recently it is going to introduce
shares. It operates through One Head Office, 47 main divisional offices, 11 General
Manager’s Office, 46 Principal Office, 16 Regional Office and 1224 fully
computerized branches, ensuring best possible and fastest services to its valued clients
and efficient management.

2.8 Main focus of Sonali Bank Ltd.

The main focus of Sonali Bank Limited is to provide all types of Banking services to
the door steps of the people. The bank participates in various socio-economic
activities and development programs. It also takes part in implement of various plans
and programs made by the government. As the largest state-owned commercial bank,
Sonali Bank limited has the responsibility to run it as a service-oriented and
professionally managed leading profitable organization of the country.

2.9 Core Value of Sonali Bank Ltd.

 Ethics
 Objectivity
 Integrity
 Excellence
 Commitment
 Accountability
 Transparency
 Team Work
 Self-Reliance
 Innovation
2.10 Some Notable features of the Bank:

Capital Structure
Authorized Capital Tk 6000.00 Crore
Paid up Capital Tk 4530.00 Crore
Branches & Subsidiaries
 Total No. of Branches 1230
a) No. of Foreign Branches 2
b) No. of Local Branches 1228

 No. of GM Offices 15
 No. of Principal Offices 66
 No. of Regional Offices 0


 Sonali Exchange Company Incorporated (SECI) having 10 (Ten) branches in

 Sonali Investment limited (Merchant Banking) having 4 (Four) branches at
Motijheel, Paltan, Uttara, Mirpur in Dhaka and 1 (One) branch in Khulna,

Representative Offices :3: 1 (One) in Jeddah, KSA; 1 (One) in

Riyadh, KSA and 1 (One) in Kuwait

Correspondence : 639
Table- 2.3: Notable Features of SBL
2.11 Board of Directors
The Management of the bank is vested on a board of directors, subject to overall
supervision and directions on policy matters by the board which is constituted in
terms of Bangladesh bank (Nationalization) Order 1972. Board of directors,
constituted by seven members has authority to organize, operate and manage its
affairs on commercial consideration within the board policy of government. There are
directors appointed by the government appointed out of that at least three have the
experience in the field of Finance, Banking, Trade, Commerce, Industry and
Agriculture. The Managing Director is the Chief Executive of bank. He executes all
the activities under the direction of board.

Figure -2.1: Organogram of Sonali Bank Limited

Source: Annual Report of Sonali Bank Limited,2020
2.12 List of Board of Directors

SL NO. Name Status with the Bank

01. Mr. Ziaul Hasan Siddiqui Chairman

02. Mr. A.B.M Ruhul Azad Director

03. Mr. A.K.M Kamrul Islam Director

04. Mr. Ishtiaque Ahmed Chowdhury Director

05. Dr. Daulatunnaher Khanam Director

06. Mr. Molla Abdul Wadud Director

07. Professor Dr. Mohammad Director

08. Dr. Md. Matiur Rahman Director

09. Dr. Abul Kalam Azad Director

10. Mr. Md. Afzal Karim CEO & Managing Director

Table -2.4: List of Board of Directors

2.13 Strategic Objectives of SBL

The core objectives of Sonali Bank Limited are to conduct transparent and high
quality banking services to ensure maximum customers’ satisfaction as well as ensure
financial strengthening through expanding market share within the country and

Long-standing elements of the Bank’s strategy for achieving its objectives include:

 Greater emphasize to serve potential and unbanked population of the country

through providing banking services to under-served areas with the scaling up
of various pilot initiatives.
 Gaining competitive advantages by lowering overall cost compared to that of
 Retaining our top leadership position by providing quality customer services.
 Investing in the thrust and priority sectors of the economy.
 Providing impeccable and progressively better customer services through
introducing changed technologies.
 Being excellent in serving the cause of least developed community and areas.
 Improving of deposit mix by maintaining share of low cost and no cost deposit
in total deposit as well funded business.
 Improving corporate governance through strengthening good corporate
culture, motivation, training and supervision in all levels of management.
 Developing Human Resource Management System to motivate and retain the
human resources and transform human resources to human capital through
proper training in every aspects of working area.
 By sector, size, economic purpose and geographical location and expand need
based retail and SME/Microfinance/Women entrepreneur financing.
 Cost control optimization at all levels of operation by ensuring budgetary
control and maximizing revenue through quality services and product
 Ensuring strong internal control and compliance culture through establishing
strong control environment and sound compliance within the Bank.
 Developing sound and effective risk management culture within the Bank to
safe guard the banking assets and protect the interest of the depositors and
other stake holders.
 Ensure dedicated service to the government as an exchequer and government
transactions (government receipts and payments) in order to achieve expected
economic growth.

2.14 Corporate Social Responsibility Of Sonali Bank Ltd.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the continuing commitment by business to
behave ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality
of life of its workforce and their families as well as of the local community and
society at large. Sonali Bank Limited (SBL) as a corporate citizen owes a solemn duty
to the less fortunate and under-privileged members of the society. SBL as leading
state-owned commercial bank in the country has been playing an important role in
implementing social and philanthropic programs to help disadvantage people of the

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities of SBL continues to gain

momentum and earn accolades from different sectors of Bangladesh. The Banks’s
humanitarian campaign under CSR provides support to a host of socially relevant
schemes and this year’s highlights included distributing Blanket among under-
privileged cold prone areas, providing education stipend, help building new hospital
and assistance in health care etc.

Education: Sonali Bank Limited is providing scholarship to students; especially for

those who cannot continue their study to financial constraints as well as to the
meritorious and needy students every year. The bank has donated Tk. 9.80 million to
the poor but meritorious students who are studying HSC and Graduation level in
different colleges and universities of the country.

Health: Sonali Bank Limited provides financial assistance under its CSR activities
to the insolvent persons for proper treatment. Under its health support programs to
different segments of the poor people, the bank donated Tk. 14.20 million in 2021.

Social welfare: Sonali Bank Limited has donated a total of Tk. 25.70 million in
Humanitarian & Disaster Management and miscellaneous in 2021.

2.14 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis of the Bank on the basis of Financial Picture of the Bank: Every
organization has some internal strengths as well as internal weaknesses. Not only that
every company has internal opportunities and threats. If we analyze a company's
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, we shall have a very good idea of
that company. In fact SWOT analysis reflects a company. Let’s have a look over the
SWOT analysis of Sonali bank ltd.

Anything that a company can do well or anything that is internally favorable to the
company is known as strength of that company. Internal Strengths of Sonali bank ltd

 Sonali bank ltd is the largest commercial bank of the country. The bank has
wide network having 1228 branches in urban & rural areas, 2 overseas
branches & 13 foreign subsidiary branches.
 The bank has a well-educated and trained workforce.
 The bank has sustainability plans as indicated in its approach to diversify its
line of banking business.
 Government bank & Government support.
 Sound organization showing good relationship. It has foreign correspondence
relationship with 346 large of 98 countries.
 Top management is visionary.

Anything a company does poorly or any resource that a company lacks is called
weakness of that company. Internal weaknesses of the bank are:

 Excessive Classified Loans.

 Some of the directors are not professional bankers, thus hindering effective
decision making.
 Backwardness in using modern banking technology.
 Higher rate of cost of fund.
 More dependence to government section & self-finance project in export &
 Overall expenditures are high.
 Insufficiency in commercial export & import.

Any favorable condition that exists in the external environment is known as
opportunity of that company.

 Expansion of business by using local branches & foreign subsidiary branches

 Expansion of interbank foreign exchange business.
 Expanding commercial import & export.
 Financing to export oriented industries.
 Incentives for export of nontraditional industrial products.

 Tough competition with Govt. Private & Foreign commercial banks.
 Defaulting culture of the borrowers.
 Unwillingness to work of some of employees.
 Undue interference of the Govt.
 Low interest rate in export financing imposed by the Govt.

2.19 Services of Sonali Bank Limited

2.20 Account Section

This is a very much crucial section for each business concern. As such this is a crucial department for
a commercial bank. Records of all the transactions of every department are maintained here.
Accounts section verifies all financial accounts and contents of transactions. Every working day all
the accounts are balanced and reconciled to remove and discrepancy. The overall activities of
accounts section are as follows:

 Record all transactions in the cash book.

 Record all transactions in general and subsidiary ledger.
 Prepare daily fund function, weekly position, periodic statement of affairs etc.
 Prepare necessary statements for reporting purpose.
 Make salary statement and pay salary.
 Pay all expenditures on behalf of the branch.
 Branch to branch fund remittance and support for account treatment.
 Budgeting for branch.
 Make charges for different types of duties.

2.21 Account Opening:

 Account Opening Form: At first you have to fill up a form given by the respective
bank where you are going to open an account. This form contains some information such
 Name of the Branch
 Date
 Title of the Account
 Special instruction
 Name of Account folder
 Occupation
 Address
 Description of initial Deposit
 Verification of the introduce

 Specimen Signature
 Pay in slip is filling up of all the particulars of Account and Cash tendered for
 Deposit
 Cheque requisition slip
 Ledger contains
 Issue of Pass Book

2.22 General Banking

There have Various types of deposit A/C, Inoperative A/C, Payment of Cheques, Return of
Cheques, A/C Closing, A/C Transfer, Works of Cash Section, Subsidiary Register Day Book, Clean
Cash, General Ledger, Abstract, Remittance (P/O, DD, MT, TT) Bills Department, SC,
LSC, Clearing House, Sonali Bank General A/C etc :

 Current Account
 Savings Account
 Short term deposit Account (STD)
 Fixed Deposit Receipts (FDR)
 Special Deposit Pension Scheme (SDPS)
 Sonali Deposit Scheme (SDS)
 Education Deposit Scheme (EDS)
 Medical Deposit Scheme (MDS)

2.23 Ancillary Services:

 Sonali Bank Ltd by arrangement with the providers of utility services.
 Receipt of utility bills.
 Electric bills of PDB, REB, DESA, DESCO ETC.
 Water bill of WASA Gas bill of TITAS
 Telephone bill of BTTB
 Payment of salaries to Govt. primary school teachers
 Teachers and employees of non govt. educational institutions
 Payment to pension to Govt officers /staff, civil /Army officers /staff
 Disbursement against benevolent fund of govt. employed
 Payment of Old age allowance
 Allowances to widows divorced and distressed women
 Stipend to primary students
 Honorarium to freedom fighters
 Allowance to physically retarded and acid burnt
 Women allowance to disabled persons
 Miscellaneous collection of excise duty
 Value added tax (VAT)
 Tax deducted at source
 Travel tax
 Land development tax
 Passport fees
 Receipt of hajj deposits & Zakat fund
 Payment of govt. food procurement bills
 Sale / encashment of savings instruments
 Sale /encashment of wage earners development bond

2.24 Collection:
 Gas bills
 Electricity bills
 Telephone bills
 Water/sewerage bills
 Municipal holding tax
 Passport fees, visa fees and travel tax
 Customs & excise duties
 Source tax & VAT
 Jakat fund
 Hajj deposit
 Land development tax

2.25 Payment:
 Pension of employees of Government and other corporate bodies
 Bangladesh Bank employees’ pension
 Army pension
 British pension
 Students’ stipend/scholarship
 Govt. & Non-Govt. teachers’ salary
 Food procurement bill on behalf of the Govt

2.26 Social Services:

 Old age allowances
 Widows, divorcees and destitute women allowances
 Freedom fighters’ allowances
 Rehabilitation allowances for acid survival women
 Maternal allowances for poor women
 Disability allowances

2.27 Sale & Encashment/Purchase:

 Savings Certificates
 ICB Unit Certificates
 Prize Bonds
 Wage
 Earner’s Development Bonds
 US Dollar Premium & Investment Bond
 Lottery tickets of different Semi-Govt. and Autonomous Bodies
 Sanchaypatra
 Public Service Commission’s application form
 Judicial Service Commission’s application form
 Exchange of soiled/torn notes

2.28 Miscellaneous Services:

 Bank a/c information of tax payee client according to demand of NBR
 Local Governance Support Project
 Enlist of Non- Government Insurance Company

2.29 Other Activities

2.30 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU):
A memorandum of understanding has been signed by the bank with Bangladesh Bank
on30.06.2004. The memorandum embodies some specific conditions to be fulfilled regarding
monitoring and supervision of loans and advances including recovery of classified loans.

2.31 Risk Management:

Like any other business, risks are also inherent in banking business. But the risks are complex and
multi-dimensional. Although remarkable progress has been made in the field of risk management in
international areas, no structural policy/development in this matter has yet been made in the banking
sector. In this perspective, Bangladesh Bank has identified 5 (five) core areas relating to banking
operations and issued necessary guidelines in 5 areas:
 Credit risks
 Asset and liability/balance sheet risks
 Foreign exchange risks
 Money laundering risks and
 Internal control and compliance risks.

2.33 Training:
Sonali Bank staff college, Dhaka along with three institutes at Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna and one
training center at Bogra have been conducting training programs covering total banking activities in
order to impart training to all categories of officers and staff of Sonali Bank.

2.34 Library Facilities

Sonali Bank central library is replete with a huge collection of books on diverse and multifarious
discipline. The library has also been enriched with the most recently published books on Banking,
Management, Accounting, agriculture, Industrial Finance, Economics, Computer, and on many other
disciplines and its collection is increasing every year.

2.35 Customer Service

To ensure qualified customer service Sonali Bank has started in addition to computerization corporate
client service and one stop service. To facilitate the foreign exchange activities Sonali Bank has
launched SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Finance and Telecommunication) system in its
12 branches. The bank has launched Website, Reuter service, Internet service, and Ready cash
service. The bank has taken a plan to launch shared ATM system in various important places.

2.36 Locker Service

Secured Locker Service is provided in some branches of Sonali Bank Limited. Customers may get
this service and secure their valuables.

 Locker size Yearly Charge (Tk.) Security Deposit (Tk.)

 Small 1,200.00
 Medium 1,500.00- 2,000.00 (refundable)
 Large 2,000.00
 Locker Service is available in total 54 branches of Sonali Bank Limited

2.37 ATM Features

 Sonali Bank Ready Cash Card is a Debit Card.
 Cardholder can easily pay utility bills like - Water, Telephone, and Gas etc.
 It is easy to remit funds among the participating branches of the Bank.
 Transaction beyond working hours.
 It is a riskless Cash Carrying facility.
 Cashless purchase can be made from specific merchandise points.
 Only computerized Branches of Dhaka City will deal Ready Cash Card.
 Branches of other Cities and Towns will introduce Sonali Bank Ready Cash
Card in due course.
 Judicial Service Commission's application form.

2.38 Debit Card Facilities

Sonali Bank Limited Debit Card gives customer the confidence to move anywhere in
Bangladesh without bearing cash. Our debit card makes life hassle-free and safe. We
ensure sophisticated way of carrying money with full satisfaction.

2.38.1 Features:
 24/7 hours service
 Highly secured
 Tax Payment Facility
 Mobile Phone Re-charge
 Cash with drawl facility from any ATM in Bangladesh
 Can be used in shopping outlets, departmental stores and restaurants where
POS is available
 Widely accepted in any POS machine
 Supplementary card available
 Account balance and mini statement inquiry from ATM
 PIN change facility
 No limit for POS transaction
 Per day 4 (Four) times ATM transaction facility

2.38.2 Eligibility:

Any individual having a savings or current account in Sonali Bank Limited is

eligible to own this card. To get debit card just submit a prescribe application form
in the respective branch.
2.38.3 Fees, Charges and Limit

Particulars Fees and Charges in Taka

Annual Fee BDT 400

Card Replacement Fee BDT 100

Pin Replacement Fee BDT 100

Cash Withdrawal Fee Sonali Bank ATM – Free

Q-Cash ATM –10



POS Transaction Fee Free

Balance Inquiry/ Mini Statement Sonali Bank ATM – Free

Q-Cash ATM – Free



ATM Cash Withdrawal Limit 30,000 (per transaction)

30,000 (per calendar day)

* 15% VAT is applicable for all charges

Table-2.5: List of fees, charges and limit of debit card

Source: Annual Report of Sonali Bank Limited,2020

2.38.4 Card Activation:
 Card will be activated by Card Division, Sonali Bank Limited, Head
Office, Dhaka.
 After receiving card, customer should request his branch for activation.
 Card Division active the card after receiving a confirmation mail from branch.
 Before using card, customer should put his signature with a ball point pen on
the signature panel on the back side of card.
 Before first transaction customer must change PIN through Sonali Bank
ATM or any Q-Cash Consortium ATM.

2.39 Credit Card Facilities

Understanding the importance of needed money Sonali Bank Limited has introduced
Credit Card that gives the maximum benefit with a minimum cost. This is basically
one plastic card that has dual options to make transaction in multi currencies.
Customer can choose the type of card that matches with his requirement. Dual card
can be used in local currency within Bangladesh and foreign currency in abroad.
Local currency and foreign currency limit will be defined in the system as per
approved credit limit.

2.39.1 Features:
 24/7 hours service
 Minimum interest rate
 Highly secured
 Tax Payment Facility
 Mobile Phone Re-charge
 100% Cash withdrawal facility within limit from any ATM in Bangladesh
 100% POS transaction within limit
 Can be used in shopping outlet, departmental stores and restaurants where
POS Transaction available
 Widely accepted in any POS machine
 Supplementary card available
 Account balance and mini statement from ATM
 PIN change facility
 Interest free POS transition within the limited time. This time is maximum 50
days from the date of statement.
 Per day 4 (four) times transaction facility.

2.39.2 Eligibility
 Only Bangladeshi nationals are eligible for apply.
 Age limit 18 to 59 years and age 60 for freedom fighter.
 Officers of Sonali Bank Limited are entitled to enjoy credit card facility.
 Officers of Government, Semi-Government, Autonomous Body, Teachers
and Officers of the Government Universities are also entitled for Sonali
Credit card whose salary is disbursed from any branches of Sonali Bank
 Businessman or who are working in the private organization can get credit
card under guarantee of a Principal Officer and above ranked officer of
Sonali Bank Limited.

2.39.3 Fees, Charges and Limit:

Particulars Type Fees and Charges in

Silver 500
Annual Fee for Sonali Bank
Gold 500
Silver 800
Annual Fee for General Gold 1700
Sonali Bank 150
Card Replacement Fee Staff
General 300

Pin Replacement Fee All 100

Sonali 150
Supplementary Card Fee General 300
Cash Withdrawal Fee All Sonali Bank ATM – Free
Q-Cash ATM – BDT 10
NPSB Transaction –15
VISA Transaction – 45
POS Transaction Fee All Free
Rate of Interest All 1.17% daily Product &
Late Payment Fee All 2% of total outstanding or 200
taka which one is largest
Minimum Payable All 10% of total outstanding or
Amount 500 taka which one is largest
Cash Advance Fee All BDT Transaction: 1.5% of
withdrawal amount or 100 taka
which one is higher.
USD Transaction: 2% of
withdrawal amount or 2.5 USD
which one is higher.
ATM Cash Withdrawal Limit All BDT 50,000 (per transaction)
BDT 50,000 (per calendar day)
Balance Inquiry / mini All Sonali Bank ATM – Free
Q-Cash ATM – Free
* 15% VAT is applicable for all charges
Table-2.6: List of fees, charges and limit of credit
Source: Annual Report of Sonali Bank Limited,2020

2.39.4 Card Activation

 Card will be activated by card division, Sonali Bank Limited, Head Office, Dhaka
 After receiving the card customer should sign the acknowledgment slip and submit in his
bank branch for activation.
 Card division will active the card after receiving a confirmation mail from branch.
 Before using card customer should put his signature with a ball point pen on the signature
panel of the back side of the card.
 Before first transaction customer should change PIN through Sonali Bank
ATM or any Q-Cash Consortium ATM.
2.40 Products of Sonali Bank Ltd.
 Export credit (Pre-shipment & Post shipment)
 Facilitating supplier’s credit
 LCs (Letters of Credit)
 Guarantees in foreign currency
o Bid bond
o Performance guarantee
o Advance payment guarantee
 Bill purchasing/discounting
 Remittance, collection, purchases and sales of foreign currency & traveler’s
 NRAT (Non-Resident Account in Taka)
 NFCD A/C (Non-Resident Foreign currency Deposit
 RFCD A/C (Resident Foreign Currency Deposit)
 Convertible and non-convertible taka account
 Forward contracts
 Correspondent banking relations
The products and services are provided through a well-established large network of authorized
branches all over the country.

2.41 Loan Services of Sonali Bank Ltd.

Sonali Bank Provides Various types of loan services to the public. They are as follows:

 Housing Loan
 Small Loan
 Mid-term Loans
 Transport Loan

2.42 Remittance
The system of transmitting or sending money from one branch to another branch of the same bank or
from one bank to another bank within a country or outside the country is known as remittance. It is
one of the important functional areas of a bank. A bank can earn handsome fees as commission from
the dealings of money remittance.
Remittance of Bangladeshi expatriates has started playing a significant role in the
country’s economy. To assist overseas Bangladeshis, SBL also focused on handling remittance
businesses and with that aim in view, opened rural branches where NRBs remit money as their
preferred destinations. Most significant endeavour here is to provide fastest delivery of remitted fund
to the local beneficiary. To achieve this, SBL is continuously increasing the number of
their rural branches and making arrangements with other local banks to achieve their
goal in this respect. In addition to the opening of the exchange house in Singapore, Sonali Bank
entered into agreement with various exchange houses in USA, UK, Middle East and South Asian
countries for inward foreign remittances of the Bangladeshi expatriates. SBL also
participated in various trade fairs organized by trade bodies abroad to bring more customers
under its net.

2.43 Types of Remittance

Remittance can be of two types:
A) Inland Remittance
B) Foreign Remittance

A)Inland Remittance: When money is remitted within a country through proper banking
channel, it is termed as inland remittance. Sonali Bank, Rajshahi medical college hospital Branch
deals a lot of inland remittance at every working day.
a. Modes of Inland Remittance:
 Demand Draft (DD): DD is the most widely used instrument of remitting fund. It is
order to pay money drawn by one branch of a bank upon another branch of same bank
for a particular amount of money that is payable to order and demand.
 Mail Transfer (MT): MT is another widely used instrument of remitting fund from
one branch of a bank to another branch of the same bank. It is not used to remit fund
from one bank to another. MT is nearly same as DD.
 Telegraphic Transfer (TT): TT is the fastest means of remitting fund between
two branches of the same bank. Fund cannot be remitted from one bank to another bank
through TT.
B) Foreign Remittance: The procedure to transfer money from one country to another
country through bank or other govt. authorized agencies is called foreign remittance. The Sonali
Bank, Mirpur Shilpa Elaka Branch, Dhaka does not provide foreign remittance facility to its customer

Chapter - 3
Analysis & Evaluation
Part: One

3.1 Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection is the process of identifying the need for a job, define requirements of the
positions and the job holder, advertising the position and choosing the most appropriate person for the

Undertaking this process is one of the main objectives of management. Indeed, the success of any
business depends to a large extent on the quality of its staff. Recruiting employees with the correct
skills can add value to a business and recruiting workers at a wage or salary that the business can
afford, will reduce costs. Employees should therefore be carefully selected, managed, and retained,
just like any other resources.

3.2 Meaning of Recruitment

Having good people in a team gives a competitive advantage to a business. Employing the right
person for the role will positively influence the performance and productivity of the work team as a
whole. Selecting the wrong person can result in lower performance, higher operating costs, reduced
morale and increased turnover among other staff members. So Recruitment is the process of finding
and hiring the best qualified candidate for a job opening in a timely and cost effective manner. Most
organizations have a continuing need to recruit new employees to replace those who leave or
promoted, to acquire new skills and to permit organizational growth. Recruitment is an even more
important activity when unemployment rates low economic growth is strong, as firms compete to
attract the qualified employees they need to succeed. Recruitment follows HR planning and goes
hand in hand with the selection process which organization evaluate the candidates for various job.
Without accurate planning organizations may recruit the wrong number or types employees.
According to Edwin B. Flippo, recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment
and stimulating them to apply for the job in the organization.

3.3 Importance of Recruitment

The importance of recruitment are given below:

 It helps the organization by finding the necessary requirements by job analysis activities and
personnel planning.
 It helps to accumulate candidates with less cost.
 Helps in organizing the job applications by dividing them as under-qualified or over
qualified to increase the likelihood of increasing company’s growth and engaging the right
person to the right place.
 It helps in employing new and better-qualified workforce.
 It is a long-term strategy for improving the growth of a company.
 Capabilities and commitment of employees can ensure an organization’s success.
 Raise organizational and individual value in both short and long term. (John,2000)

3.4 Recruitment process:

In order for an organization to undertake effective recruitment, a comprehensive recruitment process
must be undertaken. There are five key stages must be put into consideration in the recruitment
program. These include:

 Planning
 Strategy development
 Searching
 Screening
 Evaluation and control

3.4.1 Planning:

Planning entails translating the available job vacancies and the related information into a well-defined
objective or the targets which should be attained. This is attained via specification of;

 Number of applicants to be contacted

 Type of applicant

During the recruitment process, organization usually attract a large number of applicants. In most
cases, the firm receiving Various responses from those contacted. For example, a certain proportion
will either be unqualified or uninterested. However, the firm’s management team must take make an
approximation of the number of qualified applicants who will fill the available posts.

3.4.2 Strategy Development:

Upon determination of the type and number of employees required, the human resource team must
decide how to acquire them. Various strategies are available to the management. One of the strategies
which can be adopted include make or buy. This entails making a decision on whether to invest in
employee training program or hire experienced professionals.

The firm must also determine the method of recruitment to use. One of the most effective methods
which should be considered includes adoption of addition, the human resource
manager must also decide on the labor market which has the necessary job seekers and when to look
for the skills required.

Recruitment Planning

Strategy Development



Evaluation and Control

Figure- 3.1: Recruitment Process

Source: Human Resource Management

3.4.3 Searching:
Recruitment should not commence until the human resource manager confirms that there are
vacancies existing. Upon receiving applications, the human resource department must screen the
applications. In the searching progress, communication is important. However, caution must be taken
to ensure that the firm’s virtues are not oversold. To ensure that searching is effective, the HR
manager must determine the capability of the medium used.
3.4.4 Screening:
Through some view over screening as the starting point of selection, we have considered it as ana
integral part of recruitment. The reason being the selection process starts only after the application
have been screened and short listed. Job specification is invaluable in screening. Applications are
screened against the qualification, knowledge, skills, abilities, interest and experience mentioned in
the job specification. Those who do not qualify are straightaway eliminated from the selection

The techniques used for screening candidates vary depending on the source of supply and method
used for recruiting. Preliminary applications, de-selection tests and screening interviews are common
techniques used for screening the candidates.

3.4.5 Evaluation and Control:

This is important considering the fact that significant costs are incurred during the process. These
include salaries for recruiters, advertisement costs, administrative overheads and cost of outsourcing
among others and cost incurred in recruiting unsuitable candidates. Via evaluation, the HR
department is able to determine

 The return rate of the application

 How many candidates are suitable for the job
 Cost of recruitment
 Retention and performance capacity of the selected candidates.

3.5 Recruitment Needs:

There are three types of recruitment needs. Those are:

 Planned: The employment needs arising from changes inorganization and retirement
 Anticipated: Anticipated needs are those movements in personnel, which an organization
can predict by studying trends in internal and external environment.
 Unexpected: Resignation, deaths, accidents, illness give rise to unexpected needs.

3.6 Objectives of Recruitment

 To attract, select and the employ the most suitably experienced and qualified applicants.
 Follow the recruitment policy of the bank.
 Ensure every steps of selection when and where needed.
 Ensure transparent, task oriented, unbiased and merit based selection.
 Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its HR
planning and job analysis activities by increasing the pool of job candidates at minimum

3.7 Purpose of Recruitment process:

One of the most important objectives of recruitment is to determine the existent and upcoming needs.

To increase the pool of job candidates at the lower post cost.

Improving the success rate of the selection procedure by reducing the visible number under qualified
or exaggerated job applicants.

To meet the organization’s social and legal obligation.

To identify job applicants and filtering the potential job applicants for the suited role.

Increase organizational and personal effectiveness in the short-term and long-term.

To advertise the needs of an organization and to get the suitable candidates for the desired job post.

3.8 Sources of Recruitment:

In order to improve the effectiveness of the recruitment process, both internal and external sources of
employees should be considered.

Sources of

Internal Sources External Sources

Figure - 3.2: Sources of recruitment

3.9 Internal Sources of Recruitment

Internal sources include promotion, transfer and in certain cases demotion. When a higher post is
given to deserving employee, it motivates all other employees of the organization to work hard. The
employee can be informed of such a vacancy by internal advertisement.

Transfers: The employees of the organizations are transferred to the similar jobs of other
departments. It may not involve a change in salary, responsibility and position of the job. Transfers
help in reducing the boredom and monotony of the employees

Promotion: Promotion involves vacancies of the organization are filled by promoting the skilled
employees to the suitable jobs and it can motivate the employees by giving higher position, increased
salary, status and responsibility. Promotion can help in reducing employee turnover by creating the
hope of getting higher positions.

Demotions: Demotion on the performance of the employees of the organizations, sometimes

managers have to take decisions regarding lowering the positions of employees of the organization.
These employees can act as a source of recruitment to the lower positions.

Employees of the Organization: Employees of the organization communicate or inform

about the vacant positions of the organization to their friends and relatives. In many organizations,
they allowed referring potential candidates for the suitable vacancies.

Retired Employees: If the organization do not find the right persons to fulfill the key managerial
positions then they call back the retired employees for achieving the objectives. (Akkash & Zaman,

3.9.1 Advantages of Internal Recruitment:

 An internal source of recruitment, that is hiring employees within the organization, has its
own set of advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are as follows:
 It is simple, easy, quick and cost effective.
 No need of induction and training, as the candidates already know their job and
 It motivates the employees to work hard and increase the work relationship within the
 It helps in developing employee loyalty towards the organization.
 Employees stay for a long period in the company when they are promoted to a higher
 Competition among employees to occupy high level when co-employee gets promoted.

3.9.2 Disadvantages of Internal Recruitment:

 It prevents new hiring of potential resources. Sometimes, new resources bring innovative
ideas and new thinking onto the table.
 It has limited scope because all the vacant positions cannot be fulfilled.
 There could be issues in between the employees, who are promoted and who are not.
 If an internal resource is promoted or transferred, then that position will remain vacant.
 Employees, who are not promoted, may end being unhappy and demotivated.
 Discrimination may exist in respective to caste, language, religion for promotion.
 Dissatisfied co-employee may quit the position because of jealous or partiality.
 No opportunities for external employees.
 Lack of innovative.

3.10 External Sources of Recruitment:

Some external sources of recruitment are given below:

Press Advertisement: Various advertisement are verified through scrutiny and newspaper
magazines are collected though these and the candidates are the main elements in which newspaper

Educational Institutes: The candidates are collected from the management of different
management institutions, engineers, doctors, colleges etc. the best place to visit is the doctor engineer
and the senior officials. They provide guidance through various types of interrogation and take
advantage of the information from the information area.

Advertisement: When an organization wishes to communicate to the public that it has a vacancy
advertisement in one of the popular method used. Wanted described the job, the benefits an tells those
who are interested how to apply. It is the most popular method.
Employee Referrals/Recommendation: An employee will recommend if he believe the
individual can perform adequately. Employee referrals also may have acquired more accurate
information about their potential jobs. The recommender often gives the applicant more realistic
information about the job than could be conveyed through employment agencies or newspaper

Employment Agencies: There are certain professional organizations which look towards
recruitment and employment of people: they supply required manpower to needy concerns.

Schools, Colleges & Universities Recruiting: Whatever the educational level required for
the job involves a high-school diplomas, specific vocational training, or a college background with a
bachelor’s masters or doctoral degree, educational institutions are an excellent source of potential
employees. Sending an employer’s representatives to college campuses to pre-screen applicants and
create an applicant pool from the graduating class.

Labor Contractors: These are the specialist people who supply manpower to the factory or
Manufacturing plants. Through these contractors, workers are appointed on contract basis, i.e. for a
particular time period. Under conditions when these contractors leave the organization, such people
who are appointed have to also leave the concern.

3.10.1 Advantages of External Recruitment:

 Create new opportunities for job seekers and experience employees.
 Organizing branding increases through external sources.
 There will be no biasing or partiality between the employees.
 The scope for selecting the right candidate is more, because of the large number.
 Candidates appearing.
 Increases business strategy as external candidates of unique skills can take business to
another level.
 Ability to recruit the candidates with special skills employer need.
 New innovative ideas and improvement.
 High productivity.

3.10.2 Disadvantages of External Recruitment

 This process consumes more time, as the selection process is very lengthy.
 The cost incurred is very high when compared to recruiting through internal sources.
 External candidates demand more remuneration and benefits.
 Sourcing quality profiles becomes difficult.
 External candidates ask for more salary and benefits.
 Candidates may quit the job within short period if they are uncomfortable.

3.11 Factors Affecting Recruitment:

Institutions vary in a variety of ways through an employment of government and non-government
organizations. It is internal and external work. Everything is controlled by different methods.
Institutions and procedures have been done outside the organization.

3.11.1 Internal Factors Affecting Recruitment:

Internal methods are searched and influenced by it and the organizational candidates can control.

Recruitment policy: Through these collections, various procedures are collected for the
development of the organizations, and the various types of discussion programs are organized
through various developmental programs, and this company is organized on the basis of the various
high-ranking senior officials and employees of various mediums and its impact.

Human resource planning: By determining void through different plans and by organizing
organizations it helps more through the selection of candidates and thus a way to manage everything.

Size of the firm: Organizations are the most important method of recruitment, if there are
business transactions and thoughts in the organization plan but this is done by the senior officials of
the organization.

3.12 Common Mistakes in Recruitment Process:

 Provide an incomplete job description.
 Underestimate the importance of corporate culture.
 Poor screening of candidate’s CVs.
 Evaluate personality, not job skills and experience.
 Being unprofessional in the interview.
 Lack of involvement from team in the process.
 Lack of a time frame.
 Provide an inappropriate setting for interview.
3.13 Selection:
This combines aspects of the person’s knowledge skills and experience as well as their place in the
culture of an established team. The selection is the process of choosing the most suitable candidate for
the vacant position in the organization. In other words, selection means weeding out unsuitable
applicants and selecting those individuals with prerequisite qualifications and capabilities to fill the
jobs in the organization. While recruitment can be perceived as appositively activity generating an
optimum number of job-seekers, selection in inherently negative in that it will probably involve
rejection of applicants.

Cambridge (2006) provide a useful overview of potential positive and negative aspects noting that:
‘The recruitment and selection of employees is fundamental to the functioning of an organization, and
there are compelling reasons for getting it right. Inappropriate selection decisions reduce
organizational effectiveness, invalidate reward and development strategies, are frequently unfair on
the individual recruit can be distressing for managers who have to deal with unsuitable employees.

3.14 Selection Process:

The employee selection process takes place in following order:

 Preliminary Interviews: It is used to eliminate those candidates who do not meet the
minimum eligibility criteria laid down by the organization. The skills, academic and family
background, competencies and interests of the candidate are examined during preliminary
interview. Preliminary interview are less formalized and planned than the final interviews.
The candidates are given a brief up about the company and the job profile, and it is also
examined how much the candidate knows about the company. Preliminary interviews are
also called screening interviews.
 Application Blanks: the candidates who clear the preliminary interview are required to
fill application blank, it contains data record of the candidates such as details about age,
qualifications, reason for leaving previous job, experience etc.
 Reference Checks: Reference are useful for identifying past employment problems and
clarifying the accuracy of information presented in an interview or CV. Only a small
percentage of all reference checks are negative, therefore, it is often difficult to differentiate
between candidates on the basis of reference checks alone.
 Written Tests: Various written tests conducted during selection procedure are aptitude
test, intelligence test, reasoning test, personality test etc. These tests are used to objectively
assess the potential candidate. They should not be biased.
 Employment Interview: It is a one to one interaction between the interviewer and the
potential candidate. It is used to find whether the candidate is best suited for the required job
or not. But such interviews consume time and money both. Moreover, the competencies of
the candidate can not be judged. Such interviews may be biased at times. Such interviews
should be conducted properly. No distraction should be therein room. There should be an
honest communicate between candidate and interviewer.
 Medical Examination: Here the physical and mental fitness of the candidate are
checked to ensure that he is capable of performing the job. In some organizations, the
medical examination is done at the very beginning of the selection process while in some
cases it is done after the final selection.
 Final Selection: Finally, the candidate who qualified all the rounds of a selection process
is given the appointment letter to join the firm.
Thus, the selection is complex and a lengthy process as it involves several stages than an
individual has to qualify before getting finally selected for the job. (David & Stephen,

3.15 Factors to consider in Candidate Selection:

 Skill: One of the easiest way to sift through candidates is through their skill set. Can they do
the job and letter and interview). It is true that some tend to be fabricate or “stretch” their
experience so a solid approach to confirm skills is to contact previous employers and verify if
the skills communicated match up with what the previous employer(s) saw. Of course if the
candidate lacks experience they should communicate and express a desire to learn and pick
up those skills.
 Personality: Depending on the culture of your organization, you will be looking for a
certain fit. You will want to make sure that the successful candidate will fit in and be a team
player. Or perhaps you are looking for leadership qualities, so in the interview you should be
asking questions to learn more about the personality of the candidate and if they can be a
long term fit for your team.
 Desire: While you may not be looking for a candidate that is a little too passionate (if you
know what we mean), desire on its own can sometimes help to overlook a lack of skill in the
candidate. Drive and passion can help people be just as successful as skill and experience.
Many people have a strong desire to succeed, but do not necessarily have the skill set to do
so. The opposite can also true where alack of desire can have a negative impact on even the
most skilled individual. When screening applicants, you should work to determine if the
drive being displayed from your potential new hire, meets your requirements or expectation.
 Attitude: This can be an easy red flag. It’s one thing to be passionate and a go-getter, but if
the candidate displays an arrogant or overconfident attitude you may want to reconsider if
they are a right fit. On the flipside if the candidate lacks confidence, or appears to be too
much of a “free spirit” you might want to determine if that is a result of nerves during the
interview and if they are serious about joining your organization. Focus on the job
description of the position and where and who the candidate will be interacting with on a
regular basis. Of course you will want candidates with a positive “can do” attitude but
sometimes it takes people a bit to come out of their shell.
 Communicating Clear Expectations: Too many times, people are just hired to fill
the position being advertised. Any time your organization is in recruiting or hiring mode, you
have an opportunity to revisit what that position beholds and what it should be. Having a
clear defined job description and communicating during the interview process is a great way
to determine if the candidate is truly a fit for your organization. Communicating clear
expectations will allow you and the candidate to decide whether there is a match or not.
Factor in things like:
 Are they looking for short-term vs a long-term commitment?
 Is the position what the client is looking for
 Does the candidate understand the role and responsibilities

3.16 Common Mistakes in Selection Process:

 Trusting first impressions: Managers should actually try to discover candidate’s initial
impression with the first impression.
 Evaluate a candidate on the wrong factors: One of the most common mistakes interviewers
make it is to try and find a new recruit with the same traits as successful current employees,
or even themselves. A candidate with a complimentary, rather than identical, personality and
skills may well be of greater benefit to the team.
 Asking questions that are unrelated to the job: this wastes time and does not produce any
valuable information with which to rate or evaluate the candidate’s qualifications. Be careful
not to ask questions of a personal or lifestyle nature. Basing hiring decisions on factors
unrelated to the job can put employers in a legally vulnerable position.
 Talking too much: The purpose of the interview is to gather as much relevant information
about the candidate enforces the law in selection process, ignorance is no excuse.

3.17 The generalized Selecting Method:

Selection brings where recruitment ends- with applicant pool. Selection goes through five steps:

 Initial Screening: A systematic examination of employment application, resume

analysis is done in this stage. This is the primary stage where shortlisting is done from a huge
applicant pool.
 Secondary Screening: This stage eliminating unqualified employees and identify
prospective employees for open position. Selecting process starts with testing. Test can be
different type. We can conveniently classify test according to whether the candidate’s
 Cognitive abilities
 Motor and physical abilities
 Personality and interest
 Job knowledge

 Cognitive Abilities:

Cognitive tests include tests of general reasoning ability and tests of specific mental abilities memory
and inductive reasoning.

 Motor and Physical Abilities:

Motor ability measures the speed and accuracy of simple judgement as well as the speed of finger,
hand and arms movements. It includes-

 Stromberg Dexterity test

 Minnesota Rate of Manipulation test
 Purdue Peg Board
 Test of physical abilities are also required. It includes-
 Static strength
 Dynamic strength
 Body coordination
 Stamina
 Personality & Interest:

Personality test measures basic aspects of an applicant’s personality, such as introversion, stability and

 Job knowledge:

This tests measure what a person has learned. It measures the job knowledge of different area like-
economics, marketing, human resource etc.

 Candidacy: The basic component of this stage is the employment interview or series of
employment interview, which focus on an in depth evaluation of the applicant’s
qualification. In some organization, individuals successfully sent to an assessment center
where they may complete batteries of tests and engage in various simulations to further
assess their capabilities. Applicants completing this stage are potential employees.
 Verification: This stage is concerned with verifying the reference information furnished
by applicant. Due to the increasing number of negligent hiring cases, organizations must
careful to exercise due diligence in verifying and documenting references.
 Final Selection: this is decision making stage. The information furnished by the
applicant and gathered by the organization is evaluated. If the information is favorable, a job
offer is made; if the information is unfavorable, no job offer is extended. The tentative job
offer is subject to a physical examination and a background investigation. If the candidates
successfully complete these two final bundles, a final job offer is made.
Part two

3.18 Recruitment Process:

3.18.1 Sonali Bank Limited:

There are few recruitment process of Sonali Bank Limited:

Identifying sector: First of all they identify which sector they need employees.

Candidates target: the enrollment procedure can be compelling just if the

association totally comprehends the necessities of the kind of hopefuls that are
required and will be useful for the association. This covers the accompanying
parameters too.

Performance level required: Different systems are required for concentrating

on enlisting superior workers and normal entertainers.

Experience level required: The system ought to be clear with reference to what
is the experience level required by association. The applicant’s experience can go
from being a fresher to experienced senior experts.

Category of the candidate: The technique ought to plainly characterize the

objective competitor. He/she can be from the same business, distinctive industry,
unemployed, top entertainers of the business and so forth.

Sources of recruitment: The procedure ought to characterize different sources

(outside and inner) of enlistment. Which are the sources to be utilized and centered
for the enlistment purposes for different positions? Worker referral is a standout
amongst the best wellsprings of enrollment.

Trained recruiters: The enrollment experts leading the meetings and the other
enlistment exercise ought to be very much prepared and experienced to direct the
exercises. They ought to like wise know about the real parameters and abilities
(behavioral, specialized and so on) to center while meeting and selecting an applicant.

How to evaluate the candidates: The different parameters and the approaches
to judge them i.e. the whole enlistment procedure ought to be arranges ahead of time.
As if the rounds of specialized meetings, HR interviews, composed tests,
psychometric tests and so forth.

3.18.2 Janata Bank Limited:

 Job Responsibilities of Recruitment CV screening.

 Making joining package & taking joining.
 Personal file preparing of every employee.
 Data entry of employees both who’s CV is selected for the interview and those
who are recruited.
 Checking the references & sending mails.
 Making phone calls.
 Helping out all the employees when they are overloaded with work.
 Verification of employees past working status in Rupali Bank ltd.
 Checking out PM rating.
 Worked as an invigilator in promotion exam.
 Coordinate interview on due date and time.
 Sending mail to every referee to verify the candid.

3.18.3 Agrani Bank Limited:

 Recruitment is the process of finding and getting the best candidate for job
opening and it is from within or outside organization. The recruitment process
includes analyzing the job requirements, attracting employees, selecting
employees etc.
 The overall recruitment & selection process of Agrani Bank Limited is
basically starts from initial requisition where HR needs employees for specific
vacant positions.
 This requisition is firstly approved by the business head of the certain branch.
HR division of the bank starts CV collection.
 The highly experienced human resource experts of Agrani Bank Limited starts
to screen the CVs based on candidates experience and educational
 A formal written test takes place.
 After taking the written test the eligible candidates are selected to the next
level which is panel interview. Before taking the interview HR verifies the
certificate and checking the reference of the candidate.
 The managing director and someone from HR take the interview to the
specific candidate.
 An applicant who passes the panel interview will get an offer to join the bank
or few candidates are kept as a reserve for the next vacant position, the human
resource department directly calls from the reserved candidates.
 The final stage of the process is medical test. As it is very costly so this is last
step of this process. The physical and mental fit persons will be selected as an
employee of the bank and the HR offers the salary to the candidate.
 To reduce turnover bank fill a contract with employee call bond sign. Thus the
recruitment and selection process is accomplished by the Agrani Bank

3.18.4 Rupali Bank Limited:

 First a vacancy arises. This due to the creation of a new job, on other
occasions it may be because an existing number of staff has been promoted or
is retiring in Janata Bank Limited.
 The job description is updated and an employee specification is written. The
job description lists the duties of the job whilst the employee specification
gives details of the experience, skills and abilities needed to carry out the job.
 A vacancy advertisement is written and is circulated via the recruitment
channel that the bank uses. The channels including newspapers, internet
recruitment sites, corporate website.
 A shortlist (According to CV) is compiled of applicants who are going to be
invited to stand for interview. This is done by the recruitment panel that
compares each application form with the requirements of the employee
 Interviews are held. The panel will use the same set of questions with each
interviewee. The interview includes a selection test.
 Then references are requested for check.
 Appoint the successful candidates and arrange induction.

3.19 Recruitment Process

Sonali Bank Janata Bank Agrani Bank Rupali Bank

 Identifying  CV  Requisitio  Vacancy
 Prioritizing screening. n for arise.
jobs.  Checking specific  Job
 CV the outlet. description.
screening. reference.  CV  Advertiseme
 CV  Written collection. nt.
collection. Test.  CV  CV
 Check  Verificatio screening. collection.
certificate. n  Written  CV
 Performan employee Test. screening.
ce level certificate.  Check  Interview
required.  Verificatio certificate. held.
 Experience n past  Check  Check
level working reference. reference.
required. status.  Panel  Appointed
 Trained  Checking interview. successful
recruiters. out PM  Medical candidates.
 Written rate. Test.  Arrange
test.  Medical  Salary induction.
 Specialized Test. Discussion
meeting.  Coordinate .
 HR interview  Offer
interview. on date Appointme
 Composed and time. nt letter.
Test.  Sending
 Psychomet mail and
ric Test. phone call
to verify
 Offer
nt letter.
Table-3.1: Recruitment Process
Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL & RBL2020-21

3.20 Analysis of Recruitment Process

Factors SBL JBL ABL RBL Percentage
CV     100%
CV     100%
Written   75%
Interview     100%
Checking     100%
Checking    75%
Medical  50%
Table- 3.2: Analysis of Recruitment Process
Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL & RBL2020-21

100 100 100 100


80 75 75 75

50 50




Medical Test Written Test

CV screening,collection,interview held,reference

Figure-3.3: Analysis of Recruitment Process

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21

The above chart shows that the medical percentage JBL, ABL are rake the medical
test of their candidates but SBL, RBL are both take the medical test. Written test
percentage is 75 because except ABL other three banks are follow the written test. CV
screening, CV collection, interview held and reference percentage is 100 because all
four banks follow this system.
3.21 Internal Recruitment Sources:


 Promotio  Promotion.  Promotion.  Promoti
n.  Transfer. Reacquisiti on.
 Transfer.  Internal on.  Transfer
 Employee Advertisem  Job .
Reference ent. posting.  Job
.  Employee  Coordinati posting.
 Previous Referrals. on.  Employ
employee.  Absorption  Skill ee
 Depends of Trainees. inventories Referral
on . s.
deceased  Temporary
employee. and
 Recruitme contractual
nt. .
 Inside  Succession
Warning. planning.

Table-3.3: Internal Recruitment Sources

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL & RBL 2020-21
3.22 External Recruitment Sources:


 Expert or  Advertiseme  Organizati  Advertise
Trade nt. onal ment.
Associatio  Casual issues.  Corporate
n. callers.  Administr Website.
 Advertise  Employment ative  Newspaper
ment. exchange. issues. .
 Employee  Educational  Requisitio  Job
Exchanges institution. n. Website.
.  Labor  Training.
 Contractua Union.  Process
l Worker.  Recommend flow and
 Specialists. ation of Record
 Head employee. Keeping.
Hunters.  Waiting list.  Selecting
 Strategy

Table-3.4: External Recruitment Sources

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL & RBL 2020-21

3.23 Analysis of Internal & External Recruitment Sources

Factors SBL JBL ABL RBL Percentage

Internal     100%
External     100%

Table-3.5: Recruitment Sources analysis

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21








Internal Recruitment Sources External Recruitment Sources

Figure-3.4: Recruitment Sources analysis

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21

The above chart shows the internal recruitment sources and external recruitment
sources percentage. The percentages are 100 because SBL, JBL, ABL, RBL collects
their candidates from both internal and external source.

3.24 Recruitment Channel

Sonali Bank limited, Janata Bank Limited, Agrani Bank Limited and Rupali Bank
Limited are follow few recruitment channels. In this channels they are collected the
proper candidates for their organization.









Online job boards Employee referrals Social networking Corporate websites Agency

Figure-3.5: Recruiment Channels

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21

The above chart shows recruitment channels. Organizations use these recruitment
channels to collect their employees. Online job board is 82%. Employee referrals is
73%. Social networking site is 69%. Corporate websites is 63%. Agency is 48%.

3.25 Selection Process

3.25.1 Sonali Bank Limited

The different steps of the selection process is described below in detail:

Step-1: Receipt of Applications

This is the first selection hurdle to join in SBL. Candidates either send their CVs in
application for a specific vacancy., or they send unsolicited CVs for any suitable
position. The HR division collects job applications against each job vacancy. In case
of newspaper advertisements, the applicants are given at least 3 weeks to apply. After
a specific period, each and every job is closed for applying.
Step-2: Sorting out of Applications

The next step is the short listing of CVs. Usually the HR division is engaged in the
short listing. But the HR division may delegate this step to the respective divisions
(for which the selection is being is carried out) to save time. To recruit experienced
bankers, CVs may be sorted out from the collection of unsolicited CVs received. Or,
another possibility is to find out experience and competent bankers in other banks.
Once potential candidates are thus found out, they are contacted and called for an

Step-3: Informing Candidates

After the applications are sorted out and a preliminary test is prepared, he candidates
are informed and are called for a written exam (for entry level positions) or an
interview (for experienced banker for mid level or senior level positions). For written
tests, the bank issues admit cards, through courier services seven to ten days prior to
the exam.

Step-4: Written Tests

The employment test is generally an aptitude test which measures the candidates’
verbal ability, numerical ability, reasoning ability etc. the HR division contacts
IBA/BIBM to design and conduct the recruitment tests on behalf of the bank. The HR
division provides them with the desired academic qualification and the name of the
vacant posts to construct the question paper for the test.

Step-5: Interview

The interviews that are conducted are panel interviews and not structured. The interview board
consists of the MD, DMDs and the head of HR. Even in the selection of fresh graduates for TA or
MT positions, those top level and executive level managers at present. Usually only one interview is
conducted for selecting a candidate for a position. But in case of recruiting experienced bankers,
sometimes more than one interview is conducted.

Step-6: Final Approval by Competent Authority

After the interview is conducted and the interviewers are evaluated, the management committee
decides who is to be selected and who is to be rejected. After this final decision, an ‘Offer Letter’ is
issued for each selected candidate. Once the candidates accept this offer, they are given the
‘Appointment Letter’. The candidates that are rejected are not informed.

Step-7: Physical Examination

After the appointment letters are printed, the candidates are given one month for joining. First, the
candidates have to go through physical examinations. If the result of these physical examinations is
satisfactory, then the candidate is eligible to join the bank.

Step-8: Joining and placement

After the physical examination, the candidates need to bring the result of the medical tests along with
all the necessary documents and academic certificates for joining. After going through the formal
joining and placement process, the candidates are finally the employees of Sonali Bank Limited.

3.25.2 Janata Bank limited

Step-1: Preliminary Reception- A preliminary reception interview may be granted

as a courtesy, and then the applicant appears in person.

Step-2: Employment Tests- Employments tests are devices that assess the match
between the applicants and job requirements. Some are paper and pencil tests, others
are exercises that stimulate work condition.

Step-3: Selection Interview- the selection interview is a formal, in-depth

conversation conducted to evaluate an applicant’s acceptability.

Step-4: References and Background- Credential distortion by applicants suggests

that reference and background checks are important, especially when customers co
workers may be harmed by poor performance or illegal behavior.

Step-5: Medical Evaluation- The selection process may include a medical evaluation
of the applicant before the hiring decision is made.

Step-6: Supervisory Interview- The supervisor is often able to evaluate the

applicant’s technical abilities. When supervisors make the final decision, the
employment function provides a supervisor with the best prescreened applicants
available. From those two or three applicants, the supervisor decides whom to hire.
Step-7: Realistic Job- Realistic job previews supplement the supervisory interview.
A realistic job preview (RJP) shows the employee the job and setting before the hiring
decision is made.

Step-8: Hiring Decision- The HR department makes the final hiring decision. Hiring
marks the end of the selection process, assuming that the candidate accepts the job

3.25.3 Agrani Bank Limited

Step-1: Preliminary Interview or Screening: The efficiency, family status,

characteristics and interest of the candidate are examined during the initial interview.

Step-2: Application Form: The candidate who qualified in the initial interview will
have to fill the application form. Candidates have information records such as age,
qualifications, cause of leaving previous jobs, experience etc.

Step-3: Employment Tests: There are written test and personality test is included in
employment test.

 Written Tests: During the Selection exercise, various examinations are taken,
such as aptitude test, skill test, intelligence test, logic test, personality test etc.
 Personality Tests: In order to measure the characteristics of this test, they
have created their basic or nonintellectual in nature.

Step-4: Comprehensive Interview: Interview is an important part of the recruitment

practice for most organizations. Giving them the opportunity to evaluate the
candidate’s selection and exhibit their capability and identity.

Step-5: Background Check and Enquiries: Appointment offer is subject to

references and security checks. The reference of the candidate’s application will be
accepted and a security check will be held.

Step-6: Medical Examination: Medical examination is conducted to ensure the

physical fitness or capability of potent workers.

Step-7: Final Selection Decision: A reference about the candidate was checked and
finally he was appointed by a formal appointment letter.
3.25.4 Rupali Bank Limited

Selection of Rupali Bank Limited (RBL) starts with the screening of available
resumes for a particular job.

Step-1: Screening of resumes is done for figure out totally undesired or unqualified

Step-2: After sorting interview HR personnel of the bank sort out the eligible
candidate for the position and are being asked for sitting in the written exam.

 Conceptual Test: In conceptual the candidate is given a case study. In that the
bank can measure how effectively the candidates respond to the given
 Informal Test: Informal test is kind of a candidate may have to act in a role
 Intelligent Quiz Test: Intelligent quiz test is like MCQ type. Candidates are
some kind of mathematical problem in MCQ type and have to answer those.
 General Knowledge: In written test of bank candidates have to face general
knowledge test.

Step-3: In the interview candidates are asked questions related with their educational
background, past work history, training attended and other which are filled in their

 Intellectual Test: These are mental ability tests.

 Skill Test: Skill test measure an individual’s potential to learn the certain
skills like accounting, mechanical, mathematical etc.
 Personality Test: Candidate’s dress up, grooming style, way of behave and
talking all those reflects personality and this is an important factor for hiring
the selected candidate.
 Integrity Test: This test is taken to measure the applicant’s honesty. The
applicants are expected in this test to answer in “yes” or “no”.
Step-4: Reference check in selection process is an important point. Here candidates
are asked to mention in his application form, the names and addresses of two or more
persons who know him well.

Step-5: After the interview candidates are short listed by the department and are
finally approved by the executive of concerned department.

Step-6: After final approval, employment is offered in the form of an appointment

letter mentioning the post, the rank, the salary grade, the date by which the candidate
should join and other terms and conditions in brief.

Step-7: Induction is done in bank after joining of a new employee. Induction is the
process of receiving employees when the begin work, introducing them to the
company and to their colleagues.
3.26 Analysis of overall Selection Process


 Circular.  Circular.  Circular.  Screening.
 Written  Employee  Interview.  Written
Test. Test.  Screening. Test.
 Interview.  Written  Application  Interview.
 Candidate test. Form.  Conceptua
selection.  Skill Test.  Written Test. l Test.
 Appointme  Interview.  Comprehensi  Skill Test.
nt letter.  References ve Interview.  Personality
 Orientatio &  Background Test.
n Training. Backgroun Checks &  Integrity
 Job d. Enquiries. Test.
placement.  Medical  Medical  Reference
test. Test. Check.
 Supervisor  Final  Appointme
y selection. nt letter.
Interview.  Appointment  Induction.
 Hiring letter.
 Appointme
nt letter.

Table-3.6: Selection Process

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21
3.27 Analysis of Selection Process

Factors SBL JBL ABL RBL Percentage

Circular     100%
Written Test     100%
Interview     100%
Screening   50%
Reference    75%
Medical Test    75%
Skill Test   50%
Personality  25%
Appointment     100%
Job  25%
Table-3.7: Analysis of Selection Process
Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21
Chart Title
100 100 100 100

80 75 75 75

50 50

25 25


Personality Test, Job placement Screening,Skill Test

Reference,Medical Test Circular,Written Test,Interview

Figure-3.6: Analysis of Selection Process

Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21

The above chart shows that personality test, job placement percentage is 25 because
RBL follow personality test and SBL follow job placement. Screening and skill test
percentage is 50 because JBL and SBL follow this but ABL and RBL does not follow
this process. Reference and Medical Test percentage is 75 because except SBL all
three other banks follow this process. Circular, Written Test and Interview percentage
is 100 because all the banks follow this process.

3.28 Number of Employees

Bank Name Employee Number

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
SBL 19918 20821 21839
JBL 11006 11897 12391
ABL 10545 11112 11389
RBL 5825 6018 5490
Table-3.8: Number of Employees
Source: Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL Bank 2020-21
Chart Title






2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

Figure-3.7: Number of Employees

Annual Report of SBL, JBL, ABL and RBL 2020-21


The above graph shows the employees number of all the banks. We can see that SBL
increased their employee numbers from 19918 to 21839. JBL also increases their
employees from 1106 to 12391. ABL also follows the same by increasing from 10545
to 11389. On the other hand, we see RBL decreases their employee numbers from
5825 to 5490.

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