Title: The Coping mechanism of Students in transition from modular into face
and ensuring that all learners continue to receive a high-quality, inclusive, and
equitable education despite the pandemic. To assure the continuity of learning in the
Philippines public basic education system, modular learning has become the most
who do not have access to the internet for online learning. As the education
time dealing with the changes of the sudden transition from modular to face to face
classes especially when it comes to the skills of some elementary students and
when it comes to this reading skills comes in mind. According to (Bolger et al.,
1998; Margetts, 2009; Huang, 2010, Unpublished) The School is one of the most
their development. Therefore, successful interaction with the school environment and
new learning stage could be conceptualized as a multifaceted task, which might put
Philippines. Many learners in basic education, according to Tibon (2020), are not
problem for pupils who are unable to cope with the abrupt changes in the
educational environment.
2022 )reading is one of the skills that should be developed during the early education
during the early Grade Three. Grade three learners are known as beginning readers
for this stage reading is formally taught level by level. Phonological awareness and
word recognition are two factors that are being considered in the beginning reading
level. Since the Department of Education pledged that education must not stop,
learning modalities will be utilized for alternative learning delivery. However, Parents
and teachers have their own sentiment about the said matter. Beginning reading is a
complex stage and should not be compromised by the current educational situation.
mechanisms and the reading skills of the elementary students involves teaching
vocabulary , making them read aloud , Reread to build fluency , Provide books at the
right level and summarizing . The use of these strategies has been proven time to
time that it helps almost everyone with learning difficulties which also applies for
those elementary students who spent over 2 years learning individually with modules
without the presence and the interaction of a teacher which is the reason why
elementary students have difficulty with coping up on improving their reading skills
due to the sudden transition of face to face classes which they’re not used to. So we
the researchers come up with strategies in mind to help these children with their
School (CVES) that are meant to incorporate literacy into all aspects of the
a text together, guided by the teacher—and close reading, which has students work
Thus, this paper will now focus on developing and assessing the elementary
students reading skills and as well helping them cope up with the sudden transition
The researcher will cite strategies and methods to be used in addressing The
Coping mechanism of Students in transition from modular into face to face class in
Reading .
teaching beginning reading is one of the problems that modern teachers are
facing due to modular distance learning which require limited to no teacher learner
interaction. Since there was a sudden transition from module learning to face to face
classes , the elementary students who were used to distant modular learning are
having difficulty too with adjusting to the current face to face classes especially when
this specific study to find the impact of the Modular Distance Learning on the
teaching-learning process of the beginning readers . Therefore, The Reading skills
The research study will focus on the identifying the methods and strategies in
the development of the reading skills and the comprehension of the elementary
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Years in service
2. What are the methods and strategies that may be used in the development in
This portion offers an overview about the research method and procedures
Research Design
study, to have maximum representation and consistency, the researcher adopted the
census method. The chance of sampling error will be reduced by considering the
population itself. The subjects of the study will be the 35 Elementary Students in the
After refining and finalizing the research instrument developed purposely for
administered using a google form. It is the best option for collecting the needed data
for this study in the current situation of Covid-19 pandemic. This is to avoid face to
face interaction of the researcher and the respondents for safety purposes and
gathering responses among the respondents. The researcher will also coordinate to
Bolger, K. E., Patterson, C. J., and Kupersmidt, J. B. (1998). Peer relationships and
Education. ACCRALAW.