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Concept Paper

Researcher: Marlon P. Jaugan Jr

Title: The Coping mechanism of Students in transition from modular into face

to face class in Reading At Mintal elementary school.

Basis of the Study

Educators bear a great amount of responsibility for taking purposeful actions

and ensuring that all learners continue to receive a high-quality, inclusive, and

equitable education despite the pandemic. To assure the continuity of learning in the

Philippines public basic education system, modular learning has become the most

popular distance learning technique as this considers learners in remote locations

who do not have access to the internet for online learning. As the education

transforms back to face-to-face learning , some elementary students have a hard

time dealing with the changes of the sudden transition from modular to face to face

classes especially when it comes to the skills of some elementary students and

when it comes to this reading skills comes in mind. According to (Bolger et al.,

1998; Margetts, 2009; Huang, 2010, Unpublished) The School is one of the most

important microsystems for students, shows profound and enormous influences on

their development. Therefore, successful interaction with the school environment and

continuous adaptation to school is crucial for all students  Furthermore, adapting to a

new learning stage could be conceptualized as a multifaceted task, which might put

considerable pressure on students (Perry and Weinstein, 1998; Valentine et al.,

2004). Modular distance learning has several difficulties, particularly in the

Philippines. Many learners in basic education, according to Tibon (2020), are not

capable of independent learning. The development and production of high-quality

modules to meet the diverse demands of learners necessitates considerable

thought. It's possible that the learners' overall growth will be harmed. There may

be minimal opportunities for students to engage and mingle. This can be a

problem for pupils who are unable to cope with the abrupt changes in the

educational environment.

On the other hand, According to the study of (Joey M. Mataac L.P.T

2022 )reading is one of the skills that should be developed during the early education

stage of every learner. It is introduced in the kindergarten then eventually stressed

during the early Grade Three. Grade three learners are known as beginning readers

for this stage reading is formally taught level by level. Phonological awareness and

word recognition are two factors that are being considered in the beginning reading

level. Since the Department of Education pledged that education must not stop,

learning modalities will be utilized for alternative learning delivery. However, Parents

and teachers have their own sentiment about the said matter. Beginning reading is a

complex stage and should not be compromised by the current educational situation.

Motivation of the Study

Strategies that will be used to manage and to enhance the coping

mechanisms and the reading skills of the elementary students involves teaching

vocabulary , making them read aloud , Reread to build fluency , Provide books at the

right level and summarizing . The use of these strategies has been proven time to

time that it helps almost everyone with learning difficulties which also applies for

those elementary students who spent over 2 years learning individually with modules
without the presence and the interaction of a teacher which is the reason why

elementary students have difficulty with coping up on improving their reading skills

due to the sudden transition of face to face classes which they’re not used to. So we

the researchers come up with strategies in mind to help these children with their


Collaborative reading is one of several strategies at Concourse Village Elementary

School (CVES) that are meant to incorporate literacy into all aspects of the

curriculum. The approach, spearheaded by Alexa Sorden, the school’s founding

principal and a former literacy coach, is a marriage of shared reading—students read

a text together, guided by the teacher—and close reading, which has students work

independently and in small groups to produce a critical analysis of a text.

Thus, this paper will now focus on developing and assessing the elementary

students reading skills and as well helping them cope up with the sudden transition

from modular to face to face classes .

The researcher will cite strategies and methods to be used in addressing The

Coping mechanism of Students in transition from modular into face to face class in

Reading .

Problem of the Study

teaching beginning reading is one of the problems that modern teachers are

facing due to modular distance learning which require limited to no teacher learner

interaction. Since there was a sudden transition from module learning to face to face

classes , the elementary students who were used to distant modular learning are

having difficulty too with adjusting to the current face to face classes especially when

it comes to reading comprehension Due to this the researchers decided to choose

this specific study to find the impact of the Modular Distance Learning on the
teaching-learning process of the beginning readers . Therefore, The Reading skills

and comprehension will now be the main emphasis of this study.

Research Objectives/Statement of the Problem

The research study will focus on the identifying the methods and strategies in

the development of the reading skills and the comprehension of the elementary


Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of.

a. Age

b. Sex

c. Years in service

d. Assigned grade level

2. What are the methods and strategies that may be used in the development in

developing the coping mechanisms of the elementary students to asses and

to overcome their struggles in reading skills and comprehension?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the methods and strategies that

may be used development in developing the coping mechanisms of the
elementary students to asses and to overcome their struggles in reading skills
and comprehension?


This portion offers an overview about the research method and procedures

employed in this study. Specifically, it discusses the Research Method, Research

Environment, Respondents of the Study, Data Gathering Procedure, Data Gathering

Instrument and Statistical Treatment.

Research Design

The researcher employs a quantitative type of methodology.

Quantitative research is the process of collecting and analyzing

numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and averages, make

predictions, test causal relationships, and generalize results to wider

populations (BHANDARI, 2020). On the other hand, Descriptive-

Developmental Method is a useful mode of inquiry to know what is happening

or to explain a phenomenon where people have conflicting beliefs about what

is happening (Church, 2010).

Population and Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted in Mintal Elementary School

Presented below is the site map of the above-mentioned setting.

(Put a map of the locale of the study)

Sampling involves the study of a few representative units of the whole. In this

study, to have maximum representation and consistency, the researcher adopted the

census method. The chance of sampling error will be reduced by considering the

population itself. The subjects of the study will be the 35 Elementary Students in the

Mintal Elementary School

Data Gathering Procedure

After refining and finalizing the research instrument developed purposely for

this study, a permit to administer them will be secured from the

_________________________. Eventually, the research instrument will be

administered using a google form. It is the best option for collecting the needed data

for this study in the current situation of Covid-19 pandemic. This is to avoid face to

face interaction of the researcher and the respondents for safety purposes and

following the advice of the _________________________ to properly observed

health protocols prescribed by the Inter-Agency Task Force Against Covid-19 in

gathering responses among the respondents. The researcher will also coordinate to

the ______________________________ for the distribution of the link of the



Bolger, K. E., Patterson, C. J., and Kupersmidt, J. B. (1998). Peer relationships and

self-esteem among children who have been maltreated. Child Dev. 69, 1171–

1197. doi: 10.2307/1132368

Perry, K. E., and Weinstein, R. S. (1998). The social context of early schooling and

children’s school adjustment. Educ. Psychol. 33, 177–194. doi:


Tibon, J. (2020). The New Normal in Basic

Education. ACCRALAW.

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