Sir Gilbert Walker and A Connection Between El Niño and Statistics
Sir Gilbert Walker and A Connection Between El Niño and Statistics
Sir Gilbert Walker and A Connection Between El Niño and Statistics
98 R. W. KATZ
F IG . 1. Field of sea surface temperature anomalies (◦ C) (i.e., deviations from sample mean over time period 1950–1979) for December
1997 [source: Columbia University International Research Institute, NOAA National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)].
ily available. These equations still are popular (e.g., sociated with sunspots, the hope being to provide a
used in S-PLUS) for estimating partial autocorrela- method for long-range weather or climate forecast-
tions and, through a generalization (Whittle, 1963, ing. Walker was quite skeptical of these attempts, es-
page 101), for fitting multiple AR processes. pecially given the lack of statistical rigor in identify-
But how many statisticians (or, for that matter, at- ing any such periodicities. Eventually, he suggested the
mospheric scientists) are aware that the “Walker” in alternative model of quasiperiodic behavior (Walker,
both terms refers to the same individual and, more- 1925). Meanwhile, the prominent British statistician
over, that these two appellations arose in conjunction George Udny Yule devised a second-order autoregres-
with the same research? The “Walker” in question is sive [AR(2)] process to demonstrate that the sunspot
none other than Sir Gilbert Thomas Walker (Figure 3). time series was better modeled as a quasiperiodic phe-
While stationed in India as Director General of Obser- nomenon than by deterministic cycles (Yule, 1927). To
vatories of that country’s meteorological department, determine whether the SO exhibits quasiperiodic be-
Walker became preoccupied with attempts to forecast havior, Walker was compelled to extend Yule’s work
the monsoon rains, whose failure could result in wide- to a general pth-order autoregressive [AR(p)] process
spread famine (Davis, 2001). It was in the course of (Walker, 1931).
this search for monsoon precursors that he identified The focus of the present paper is on the connec-
and named the “Southern Oscillation” (Walker, 1924). tion between the meteorological and statistical aspects
At that time, the approach most prevalent in the of Walker’s research. First some background about
statistical analysis of weather variables was to search Walker’s research on what he called “world weather”
for deterministic cycles through reliance on harmonic is provided. Then the development of the Yule–Walker
analysis. Such cycles included those putatively as- equations is treated, including a reanalysis of the in-
dex of the SO originally modeled by Walker. Reaction
to his research, contemporaneously and in subsequent
years and both in meteorology and in statistics, is char-
acterized. For historical perspective, the present state
of stochastic and dynamic modeling of the SO is briefly
reviewed, examining the extent to which his work has
stood the test of time. Finally, the question of why his
work was so successful is considered in the discus-
sion section. For a more formal, scholarly treatment of
Walker’s work, in particular, or of the ENSO phenom-
enon, in general, see Diaz and Markgraf (1992, 2000)
and Philander (1990) (in addition to the references on
ENSO already cited in this section).
(published in 1895) was one that dealt with the purely 2.2 Statistical Methods
mathematical subject of the properties of Bessel func-
tions. Scientific attempts to forecast the monsoon rains had
In 1903 Walker left academia, taking charge of the started at least 25 years before Walker’s arrival in India,
Indian Meteorological Department the next year. This with official forecasts being issued beginning in 1886
career change seems quite surprising given the fact that (Normand, 1953, page 463). Lacking any rigorous me-
he was not a meteorologist, but a “typical Cambridge teorological or statistical basis (i.e., being derived from
don and had never read a word of meteorology” (Simp- a combination of apparent connections and unverified
son, 1959, page 67). In fact, it came about through theories), these forecasts were of limited, if any, suc-
the actions of the previous Director of the Indian Me- cess. Still these efforts led to the tentative identification
teorological Department, John Eliot. His rationale for of predictor variables for the monsoon, including Hi-
choosing Walker was that he saw the need for his suc- malayan snow cover and atmospheric pressure at dis-
cessor to be someone with strong mathematical abili- tant locations (such as Australia and southern Africa).
ties (Normand, 1953). Walker soon became “engrossed Other prior meteorological research, not focused on the
in the problem of monsoon forecasting” (Sheppard, Indian monsoon per se, indicated that connections ex-
1959) and spent the next 21 years in India working on isted between the variations in atmospheric pressure at
what evolved into the broader topic of world weather. distant locations, including some apparent cycles with
Upon his return to England in 1924, the King of estimated periods of about 3 12 years (e.g., Lockyer and
England conferred knighthood upon Walker, primarily Lockyer, 1904). Making use of these clues, Walker’s
for his accomplishments in directing the Indian Mete- “investigation begun with the narrow object of improv-
orological Department. He then became Professor of ing the Indian monsoon forecasts developed into an ex-
Meteorology at Imperial College of Science and Tech- amination of worldwide variations of weather” (Nor-
nology, University of London, continuing to devote mand, 1953, page 468).
much of his time to the topic of world weather, in- Walker faced a situation in which no quantitative the-
cluding forecasting the Indian monsoon. In making the ory for forecasting the Indian monsoon was available,
presentation to him in 1934 of the Symons Memorial with “no agreed explanation of the general circulation,
Medal for “distinguished work in connection with me- and certainly no quantitative theory whatever about de-
teorological science,” the famous British astrophysicist viations from the normal” (Normand, 1953, page 468).
and geophysicist Sydney Chapman remarked that: “Sir Even a rudimentary understanding of the general cir-
Gilbert has had a long and distinguished career, first culation of the atmosphere was not developed until
as mathematician and then as meteorologist” (Chap- the 1920s and 1930s (Crutzen and Ramanathan, 2000).
man, 1934, pages 184–185). Despite formal retirement
A satisfactory dynamical explanation for the existence
at about this time, he remained an active researcher
of the SO only was postulated well after his death
for many years, publishing his last research paper in
(Bjerknes, 1969).
“It is a sign of the high quality and flexibility of
Walker was something of a “Renaissance man,”
his mind that he could realize that all the skill he
working on diverse topics seemingly unrelated to his
primary research focus. For example, he published had acquired in the past would be of little use to
several papers on the flight of birds, having made him in his new situation” (Taylor, 1962, page 170).
observations with a telescope in India (Taylor, 1962). Instead, Walker “at once saw the part the new branch
He also worked on the mathematics of the flight of the of mathematics—statistics, very active then under
boomerang (publishing a paper in 1897 that became Pearson and others—might play in scientific monsoon
well known), in the course of which he acquired such forecasting” (Simpson, 1959, page 67). The first to
expertise in throwing them that he earned the sobriquet apply statistical methods to the problem, he became
“Boomerang Walker” at Cambridge (Chapman, 1934). a “pioneer in the use of correlation in meteorology”
In India, he retained his interest in the boomerang, (Normand, 1953, page 464). Despite working in the
as even the Viceroy noticed his throwing (Simpson, relative isolation of India, Walker was able to apply
1959). Upon retirement, he wanted to become a glider and extend recent developments in statistics, published
pilot, but “found that at 65 his reactions were too primarily by British researchers, in his study of world
slow” (Taylor, 1962, page 171). A recent description weather. He made use of the techniques of correlation,
of Walker’s life appeared in Walker (1997), and a regression and harmonic analysis, a consistent theme
publication list in Taylor (1962). being the need to impose “criteria for reality” (Walker,
1914). Faced with the daunting task of sorting through Relying on the correlation coefficient because “the re-
a myriad of possible relationships, he was one of the lations between weather over the earth are so complex
first to develop a formal treatment of the problem of that it seems useless to try to derive them from theoret-
multiple comparisons. ical considerations” (Walker, 1923, page 75), he com-
piled extensive tables of sample correlations between
2.2.1 Correlation and regression.
the pressure at different locations. These statistics in-
Monsoon prediction. Walker set about using the
cluded what we would today term autocorrelation and
techniques of correlation and regression in an ency-
cross correlation coefficients, with leading or lagging
clopedic attempt to describe the relationships among
relationships of up to two seasons being considered.
climate variables (especially precipitation, temperature
On purely statistical grounds through careful inter-
and pressure) around the world. As early as 1908, he
pretation of these correlation tables, Walker was able
was performing correlation analysis and developing
multiple regression equations to predict Indian mon- to identify three pressure oscillations central to world
soon rainfall, as well as precipitation and related vari- weather:
ables such as stream flow (e.g., Nile flood) for other there is a swaying of pressure on a big scale
regions. These regression equations involved as many backwards and forwards between the Pa-
as four to five predictor variables, and he used determi- cific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, there are
nants to solve the system of normal equations. For ex- swayings, on a much smaller scale, between
ample, Indian monsoon rainfall (totaled over a number the Azores and Iceland, and between the ar-
of months and averaged over a number of stations) was eas of high and low pressure in the N. Pa-
related to four predictor variables, including pressure at cific (Walker, 1923, page 109).
the quite distant locations of Mauritius and Argentina–
Chile (Walker, 1910). Besides the aforementioned SO (i.e., the swaying
Probable errors. Walker employed Yule’s modern between the Pacific and Indian Oceans), he named
notation for correlation just introduced in 1907, and the seesaw in pressure between the Icelandic Low and
routinely attached “probable errors” (roughly two- Azores High the “North Atlantic Oscillation” (NAO),
thirds standard error in the case of statistics whose and the seesaw in the Pacific, the “North Pacific
large-sample distribution is normal) to statistics such Oscillation” (NPO) (Walker, 1924). The NAO (e.g.,
as the correlation coefficient (at that time, it was Lamb and Peppler, 1987) now is the focal point for
conventional to quote probable, instead of standard, much research on variations in climate on annual to
errors). When first starting to perform regression analy- decadal time scales in higher latitudes of the Northern
ses, Walker had available an expression for the approx- Hemisphere, especially in western Europe (Hurrell,
imate standard error of an ordinary correlation coef- 1995). The NPO (e.g., Wallace and Gutzler, 1981)
ficient [i.e., of the form (1 − ρ 2 )/n1/2 , for correlation has received some recent attention as well (Hurrell,
coefficient ρ and sample size n, a result derived by Karl 1996). Despite his labeling of these phenomena as
Pearson], but lacked a corresponding one for the mul- “oscillations,” he did not necessarily view them as
tiple correlation coefficient (called “joint” correlation being strictly periodic (recall quote at beginning of
by Walker). In one of a series of somewhat obscure Section 1).
monographs published by the Indian Meteorological Walker further asserted that the SO is the predom-
Department, Walker set out a long, tedious algebraic inant oscillation: “the influence of the Pacific Ocean–
argument, in an attempt to justify the use of the same Indian Ocean swayings upon world weather seems to
approximate expression in this case as well (Walker, be much greater than that of either of the other two”
1910). In this way, he could attach at least a crude mea- (Walker, 1923, page 110). He also noted a tendency
sure of uncertainty to the strength of any fitted regres- of the SO to persist for at least one to two seasons
sion relationship. (his correlation tables included the first- and second-
Centers of action. Despite a network of meteorolog- order sample autocorrelation coefficients), suggesting
ical observations that was quite sparse, especially over the potential for using the SO in forecasting world
the Pacific Ocean, Walker tried to decompose the vari- weather (Walker, 1924). So when Bjerknes later iden-
ations in large-scale weather into a few dominant cen- tified the atmospheric circulation tied to the SO (see
ters of action. These centers were primarily defined in Section 1 and Figure 2), he named it after Walker, sta-
terms of atmospheric pressure averaged over a season. ting that it “must be part of the mechanism of the still
102 R. W. KATZ
F IG . 4. Contemporaneous cross correlation (in tenths) between annual (May–April) Tahiti–Darwin SO index (SOI) and sea-level pressure
(SLP) at individual grid points (source: NOAA/NCEP; Trenberth and Caron, 2000).
larger ‘Southern Oscillation’ statistically defined by Sir procedure to combat the problem of multiplicity. He
Gilbert Walker” (Bjerknes, 1969, page 169). recognized, in particular, that “it frequently happens
Taking advantage of more recent meteorological that a large number of possible relationships or of
pressure measurements that have both higher spatial periodicities are investigated, and of these the case
density and higher quality than those available to of the largest ‘measure’ is examined for reality by
Walker, Figure 4 shows the contemporaneous cross the same criterion as that applied to a case that has
correlation between an annual index of the SO (i.e., not been selected for its magnitude” (Walker, 1914,
difference in pressure between Tahiti and Darwin aver- page 13). In fact, he even issued an admonition
aged over 12 months, May–April) and the pressure at about “the desirability of publishing the results of all
individual grid points across the world [i.e., measure- examinations of relationships, not merely those which
ments that have been spatially interpolated to a grid prove to be close: . . . unless we know that all results are
(termed an “analysis”)]. A large area of positive corre- published we do not know how great is the significance
of the relationships found” (Walker, 1923, page 77).
lation (shaded in dark red) is evident over the eastern
Walker test. In another one of the series of mono-
Pacific, from South America to Alaska, with a large
graphs previously referred to, Walker (1914) sought to
area of negative correlation (shaded in dark blue) from
develop a general approach for dealing with the prob-
India to Australia. lem of multiple comparisons. Under the assumption
2.2.2 Multiple comparisons. The question remains that the statistics involved (e.g., correlation coefficients
of how Walker was able to disentangle these pressure or periodogram ordinates) are independent, he deter-
oscillations from a plethora of apparent relationships, mined the probable value for the largest of the set. In
a task that had foiled earlier researchers at least in more modern terminology, suppose that m independent
part because of the difficulties that arise in such “data tests of significance are performed each at a nominal
snooping.” As has already been noted, he believed in level α. Then the desired overall level α0 would be ob-
attaching probable errors to any estimates. However, tained if the individual level is chosen as
in practice, he actually adopted a much more stringent (1) α = 1 − (1 − α0 )1/m .
In practice, Walker would set α0 = 0.5 in (1) to obtain of criteria for reality (i.e., tests of significance) for pe-
the probable value to attach to the largest of the set riods detected by harmonic analysis as a requirement
of statistics. He made use of a rough large-sample for publication. He observed that “as is probably true,
normal approximation for the correlation coefficient ninety-five per cent of the periods announced are non-
and of Schuster’s result that a periodogram amplitude existent” (Walker, 1936a, page 2). His general attitude
is exponentially distributed. For the two cases of is summed up in a statement he made near the end of
correlation and periodogram analysis, a table in Walker his research career, commenting on one of the early pa-
(1914) shows how the ratio of the probable value of the pers on modern time series analysis by the British sta-
largest of the set of m statistics to the probable value of tistician Maurice Kendall: “I have spent much time and
a single one increases as m is increased. energy in attempting to diminish faith in very doubtful
This procedure apparently is the first instance of an periodicities” (discussion in Kendall, 1945, page 137).
“error-rates batchwise” approach to multiple compar-
isons, using the terminology of John Tukey (Braun, 3. YULE–WALKER EQUATIONS
1994, page 106). In the case of searching for hidden pe-
3.1 AR Process
riodicities, Walker’s technique constitutes an improve-
ment over the original method of Schuster (1898), Much of the early use of autocorrelation was mo-
which is only appropriate in the case of testing for a tived by meteorological applications. According to
periodicity whose frequency is specified a priori. Be- Klein (1997, page 67), the “first published exam-
cause it ignores the effect of estimating the variance, ple of serial or autocorrelation on time series data”
Walker’s technique still is approximate. was a meteorological one, involving the relationship
In an early book on economic time series analy- between daily pressure readings at distant locations
sis, Davis (1941, pages 188–189) published a table of (Cave-Browne-Cave, 1904). Clayton (1917) also made
what are called “Walker probabilities” for the “Walker use of the autocorrelation function for time series of so-
test” for hidden periodicities (also see Anderson, 1971, lar radiation and temperature. The notion of an AR(1)
page 120). In the case of correlations, Walker routinely process was implicit in even earlier work of Francis
relied on his multiple comparisons procedure as a cri- Galton and Karl Pearson, involving correlation and re-
terion for reality, with typical batch sizes ranging from gression applied to heredity (Klein, 1997, pages 261–
m = 15 to m = 35 (e.g., Walker, 1924). A more de- 262).
tailed treatment of his approach to dealing with multi-
3.1.1 AR(p) process. The original impetus for the
plicity in research on teleconnections is given in Katz
development of an AR(p) process, with order p ≥ 2,
and Brown (1991), who showed that in realistic climate was to provide a statistical model for quasiperiodic be-
applications the Walker test does not differ much in
havior. From a physical perspective, the basic issue
performance from the more modern Bonferroni tech-
is that if cyclic behavior were of deterministic origin,
nique (which does not require independence).
then it could be plausibly attributable to some cause
2.2.3 Harmonic analysis. Walker’s interest in peri- (especially one with a similar deterministic period).
odogram analysis already has been alluded to in con- The alternative of quasiperiodic behavior arises intrin-
junction with the issue of multiple comparisons. In sically, so no cause need be invoked to explain its ori-
the study of world weather, he actually did not devote gin.
much effort to searching for deterministic cycles and, A zero-mean AR(p) process {Xt } satisfies the differ-
consequently, did not rely much on such techniques. ence equation
Rather, he felt compelled to comment on harmonic
(2) Xt = φ1 Xt−1 + φ2 Xt−2 + · · · + φp Xt−p + at ,
analysis given its popularity within meteorology at the
time (e.g., Walker, 1925, 1930). For example, he red- where φk denotes the kth-order autoregression para-
erived a proof of Schuster’s result on the distribution meter (the φk must satisfy certain constraints for the
of a periodogram amplitude, because: “There still are process to be stationary and causal) and at denotes the
meteorologists and seismologists whose lack of famil- innovation (or error) term (zero mean, uncorrelated).
iarity with mathematical ideas enables them to ignore Using (2) and taking expectations, the Yule–Walker
both Schuster’s criterion and that which I have com- equations for an AR(p) process are of the form
municated” (Walker, 1930, page 97). (3) ρk = φ1 ρk−1 + φ2 ρk−2 + · · · + φp ρk−p , k
= 0,
As Editor of the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Me-
teorological Society, Walker advocated the application (4) σa2 = (1 − φ1 ρ1 − φ2 ρ2 − · · · − φp ρp )σ 2 ,
104 R. W. KATZ
where ρk = corr(Xt , Xt−k ), σ 2 = var(Xt ) and σa2 = in which a deterministic cycle (specifically, a sine
var(at ). Equation (3) reflects the fact that the autocor- wave) is randomly shifted in phase and amplitude. This
relation coefficients satisfy the same form of difference chance mechanism led directly to the formulation of an
equation as does the AR process itself [i.e., (2) neglect- AR(2) process.
ing the error term], whereas (4) shows how the inno- Given Yule’s earlier innovative work in correlation
vation variance is reduced relative to the process vari- and regression, especially on the concepts of partial
ance. correlation and regression, it should not be surprising
3.1.2 Quasiperiodic behavior. For simplicity, the that he was the first to formulate such a model. Us-
case of an AR(2) process is considered. Properties of ing the method of least squares, he fit this model to
its autocorrelation function and spectrum can be de- the annual time series of sunspot numbers, 1749–1924,
rived directly from the Yule–Walker equations (3)–(4) obtaining a correlation quasiperiod of about 11 years,
with p = 2. In particular, its autocorrelation function is or roughly consistent with the results of previous har-
a damped sine wave with frequency f , monic analyses. In effect, he used the solution to the
Yule–Walker equations for the autoregression parame-
(5) cos(2πf ) = |φ1 |/[2(−φ2 )1/2 ] if φ12 + 4φ2 < 0 ters (3) (with p = 2) in interpreting the properties of
(Box and Jenkins, 1976, page 59). the fitted model. Making use of the regression analogue
For the spectrum of an AR(2) process to be peaked, to the expression for the innovation variance (4), he
the amplitude of the damped sine wave for its autocor- concluded that an AR(1) model was unsatisfactory, but
relation function must be large enough. In particular, that higher than second-order terms need not be added.
its spectrum has a peak at frequency f , Yule’s AR(2) model explains much more of the vari-
ance of the sunspot time series than does a strictly pe-
cos(2πf ) = −[φ1 (1 − φ2 )]/(4φ2 ) riodic model with one harmonic component.
if φ2 < 0 and |φ1 |(1 − φ2 ) + 4φ2 < 0 3.3 Walker’s Model for Darwin Pressure
(Jenkins and Watts, 1968, pages 229–230). More Before the appearance of Yule’s work on sunspots,
generally, the autocorrelation function of an AR(p) Walker was already thinking about the issue of quasi-
process, p > 2, can include a mixture of one or more periodic behavior as an alternative to deterministic cy-
damped sine waves and a spectrum with one or more cles. The context still was world weather and the pre-
peaks, depending on the values of the autoregression diction of the Indian monsoon. For an index based on
parameters. one of the centers of action involved in the SO, the
In early practice (e.g., as by Yule and Walker), any seasonal mean pressure at Darwin, Australia, 1882–
“quasiperiod” was identified as having the frequency 1923, he observed that “though there is no definite
of the autocorrelation function (5), as opposed to that ‘line’ in the periodogram, there appears to be a ‘band’
corresponding to the actual peak in the spectrum (6). with its centre between 3 and 3 14 years” (Walker, 1925,
Still the frequency values obtained from (5) and (6) page 342). Figure 5 shows the same time series of sea-
do not necessarily differ very much, plus the peak in sonal pressure at Darwin that Walker analyzed, except
the spectrum associated with quasiperiodic behavior that it has been standardized somewhat differently and
will be a broad band, as opposed to a thin line. To extended to the present (see the Appendix).
avoid confusion, a period based on (5) is referred to Walker also urged that a distinction be drawn be-
as a correlation quasiperiod, based on (6) as a spectral tween periods and quasiperiods: “The word ‘period’
quasiperiod. has hitherto had a definite meaning in physical math-
ematics and it will tend to confusion if it has to bear
3.2 Yule’s Model for Sunspot Numbers
also a second meaning” (Walker, 1925, page 343). This
Yule’s pioneering 1927 paper on a time series model paper was read before the Royal Meteorological Soci-
for sunspots has been cited many times, so only a brief ety on 20 May 1925, with one of the discussants being
treatment is given here. Before this work, the sunspot Harold Jeffreys. Besides being well known for his work
time series had been subjected to numerous searches in Bayesian statistics, Jeffreys made major contribu-
for hidden periodicities via harmonic analysis, with an tions to many areas of earth science, including several
approximately 11-year period being claimed to exist. papers during 1915–1925 on theories of atmospheric
Yule’s genius was to suggest an alternative model circulation. He commented:
with reference to the possibility of a real last significant research, because he retired in 1930
periodicity of variable period, that such a and was a semiinvalid from 1931 onward (Kendall,
phenomenon could be discovered, if it were 1952). Nevertheless, Hooker was certainly prescient
present, by Clayton’s method in which cor- with respect to the appearance of the term Yule–Walker
relation coefficients were worked out be- equations.
tween the value of the data and its val-
3.3.1 Derivation of Yule–Walker equations. As soon
ues one, two, three, etc., days afterwards
will be explained, Walker’s application to Darwin pres-
(Walker, 1925, page 346).
sure required a more complex model than an AR(2)
Thus as early as 1925, Walker was given advice on process. So he was compelled to extend Yule’s ap-
how he might formally model quasiperiodic behavior. proach, considering an AR process of arbitrary order p
A subsequent paper, read before the Royal Meteo- and deriving the general form of Yule–Walker equa-
rological Society by Walker on 18 November 1925, tions, (3)–(4) (Walker, 1931). Because the autocorrela-
focuses on uses and abuses of correlation coefficients tion coefficients satisfy a relationship (3) identical to
(Walker and Bliss, 1926). The British statistician Regi- that for the original process (2), Walker argued that
nald Hooker, known for his ideas about detrending time the autocorrelation function “may be used to read off
series (Klein, 1997, Chapter 3), was one of the discus- the character of the natural periods” of the process
sants and commented: (Walker, 1931, page 532). Wold (1938, pages 143–144)
claims that Walker derived (3) only for lags k > p,
He had listened on the previous day to
but Walker actually stated that (3) holds “in general”
an extraordinarily interesting address at the
(Walker, 1931, page 519) without specifying any con-
Statistical Society by Mr. Udny Yule, who
ditions on k, so this issue is not completely clear.
took as his subject much the same prob-
lem as Sir Gilbert Walker had taken, and he 3.3.2 Analysis of Darwin pressure. In the same
hoped that he and Sir Gilbert Walker might paper, Walker applied the general autoregressive model
collaborate in the investigation of this sub- to the seasonal time series of Darwin pressure, now
ject (Walker and Bliss, 1926, page 81). extended through winter 1926 (see Figure 5). His
motivation was that Darwin is
The paper to which Hooker was referring had the
provocative title of “Why do we sometimes get non- one of the most important centres of ac-
sense-correlations between time-series?” (Yule, 1926), tion of “world weather,” which . . . displays
in some respects a precursor to Yule (1927). Evidently, surges of varying amplitude and period with
no such collaboration between Yule and Walker ever irregularities superposed, suggesting that
took place. Yule’s 1927 paper turned out to be his pressure in this region has a natural period
F IG . 5. Standardized time series of seasonal mean sea level pressure at Darwin, Australia, for winter 1882–fall 1998.
106 R. W. KATZ
model with quasiperiodic behavior: “this periodogram even render likely the existence of correlations of use-
does not like that of the sunspots suggest a scheme of ful magnitude between past and future weather.” In
linear autoregression with a tendency to periodicity” several instances, the correlations appear to weaken
(Wold, 1938, page 146). with more data, but not necessarily greater changes
4.2 Reaction in Meteorology
than could be reasonably attributable to sampling vari-
ations (e.g., Gershunov, Schneider and Barnett, 2001).
4.2.1 General. During the time span of Walker’s re-
search career, the general reaction within the meteo- 4.2.3 Physical explanation. Despite his reliance on
rological community to statistical methods, especially statistics, Walker always sought physical explanations:
correlation and regression, was extreme skepticism. “The number of satisfactorily established relationships
For example, a rather technical paper, making exten- between weather in different parts of the world is
sive use of correlation in modeling rainfall, was read steadily growing . . . and I cannot help believing that
by Fisher before the Royal Meteorological Society on we shall gradually find out the physical mechanism by
19 April 1922 (Fisher and Mackenzie, 1922). In the which these are maintained” (Walker, 1918, page 223).
discussion of this paper, it was mentioned that “no new Despite his lack of formal training in meteorology, he
meteorological fact had been discovered by means of tried to lay out possible research avenues. In an address
correlation coefficients; certainly up to the present no to the Royal Meteorological Society, he suggested that
practical forecasts had been obtained from correlation “variations in activity of the general oceanic circula-
coefficients” (Fisher and Mackenzie, 1922, page 242). tion will be much more far reaching and important”
So it should not be surprising that Walker’s research (Walker, 1927a, page 113) in explaining pressure os-
discoveries were met with much resistance within cillations such as the SO, and he later recommended
meteorology. For example, concerning his pioneering searching “for an explanation in terms of slowly chang-
use of correlation in meteorology, Normand (1953, ing features, such as ocean temperatures” (Walker,
page 464) noted that “meteorologists have not all 1936b, page 136).
accorded him whole-hearted thanks.”
For reasons that are not completely clear, Walker’s
4.2.2 Forecasting. Because the potential value of appeals for physical explanations went largely un-
long-range weather forecasts was perceived to be high, heeded. At the time of his death in 1958, his work was
Walker’s research did draw much attention, but doubts characterized in terms of unrealized expectations:
remained about reliance on statistical methods. For
instance, in a review of the series of memoirs of Walker’s hope was presumably not only
the Indian Meteorological Department produced by to unearth relations useful for forecasting
Walker, the British meteorologist William Dines (1916, but to discover sufficient and sufficiently
page 130) argued that “correlation is of very little use important relations to provide a productive
for the purpose of forecasting unless the coefficients starting point for a theory of world weather.
concerned are very high.” Dines did admit that “for It hardly appears to be working out like that
the purpose of investigating relationships between (Sheppard, 1959, page 186).
various elements and their physical causes correlation
coefficients, and more especially partial ones, are of With the recent popularity of the ENSO phenom-
very great importance.” Walker’s response to Dines enon, it is difficult to appreciate that: “As recently
was to observe that “the object of weather forecasting as the 1960s, the SO was still largely dismissed as a
being practical, we cannot wait until we are absolutely climate curiosity” (Rasmusson, 1991, page 310). The
certain of our results” (Walker, 1918, page 223). conventional explanation in meteorology is that only
Over the years, there were several attempts to “ver- with the breakthrough by Bjerknes (1969) (see the In-
ify” Walker’s correlations and multiple regression troduction and Section 2.2.1) was the physical theory
equations for seasonal forecasting, generally by re- available to take advantage of Walker’s work. Surely,
calculating the same statistics as the number of ob- more rapid progress would have been achieved if re-
servations increased (e.g., Montgomery, 1937). Grant searchers in meteorology had taken seriously Walker’s
(1956, page 10) questioned Walker’s multiple regres- discoveries, rather than tending to dismiss them (for
sion equations for predicting rainfall in India, conclud- additional discussion of the reaction to Walker’s work
ing that: “the observed correlations do not prove or within meteorology, see Brown and Katz, 1991).
A heightened level of interest in collaborative re- the seasonal mean in his analysis of Darwin pressure,
search between statistics and the environmental sci- he did make much use of standardized variables in
ences and geosciences now exists (e.g., Chelton, 1994; other work. In particular, he usually expressed multi-
Nychka, 2000; Piegorsch, Smith, Edwards and Smith, ple regression equations in this form, both for compu-
1998). However, the lessons gleaned from the earlier tational convenience and for ease in interpretation (e.g.,
history of collaboration in such areas ought to be appre- Walker, 1910). In addition, his correlation or regression
ciated as well. In this vein, one last quote from Walker analyses generally were conducted separately for each
is germane: season (i.e., stratifying the data by the season to be pre-
There is, to-day, always a risk that spe- dicted), because he was aware of the possibility that
cialists in two subjects, using languages variability and covariability might differ depending on
full of words that are unintelligible without the time of year (e.g., Walker, 1924).
study, will grow up not only, without knowl-
edge of each other’s work, but also will ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ignore the problems which require mutual
The inspiration for this work originated in a collab-
assistance.—Sir Gilbert T. Walker (Walker,
oration with Barbara Brown. I thank Rolando Garcia,
1927b, page 321)
Judy Klein, Gene Rasmusson, Malcolm Walker, Peter
APPENDIX Whittle and especially Rob Allan for advice and com-
ments. I also gratefully acknowledge one of the Edi-
The time series of monthly mean Darwin pressure, tors, whose suggestions helped improve the presenta-
for the period January 1882–present, is available from tion. Research was supported in part by NSF Grants
a Web site maintained by the Climate Prediction Cen- DMS-93-12686 and DMS-98-15344 to the National
ter of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin-
Center for Atmospheric Research’s Geophysical Sta-
istration (NOAA):
tistics Project; NCAR is sponsored by the National Sci-
indices/index.html. The seasonal time series, originally
ence Foundation.
analyzed by Walker (1931), was reconstructed from
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