How To Be Successful in Eu Markets 2022
How To Be Successful in Eu Markets 2022
How To Be Successful in Eu Markets 2022
Product Research
Backend/Customer Service
Facebook Ads Structure
Facebook Ads Scaling
Upsells apps
Payment processing for EU Markets for beginners and
more advanced entrepreneurs
Team structure and team building
Do not give up, keep working and have momentus
For product research we are currently For Customer service it is very important in here
utilising that we make sure that we realise what payment
processors and what payment methods we are
After using many research tools, we using. Let’s take NLBE here for example.
found that the best winners come from and Bancontact you can’t have any chargebacks,
the Facebook Ads Library. but with CC and Klarna you can get it.
Make sure
Yes, it is Ecombaba’s spy tool, but he made you have a Customer Service or Dispute Agent
this app mainly because of my feedback always ready to answer on CC and Klarna disputes.
on how to find the best winners in EU I have dealt with 6fig chargebacks in the past,
Markets. We don’t use adapt,dropispy or don’t make the mistakes I did. E-commerce is not
any spy tool like that. Every result you see only about scaling, make sure your backend is on
in WLSpy is directly coming from the FB point, otherwise your payment processors will fuck
Ads Library.
Hereby myself, I also use the you up. Payment processors fucking you up -> no
custom bot. payments from clients -> no money on your bank -
> going back to 9-5 Tip: Offer clients who made a
You should be aiming to find products dispute to you an partial refund of 30% if they
that have been validated and have not so would discard their dispute. Works wonders! Be
many running adsets yet.
So I prefer to your own mid ;) The goal is to have ultimate
put the date range on last 3 days, and the freedom. Be like Ecomlegend. Have a on point
amount of running adsets on atleast 5. Back End Team. Oh, you can download Templates
regarding customer service answers and disputes
for free in our Private Discord Group.
Facebook Ads Structure
1. Go to the Wise Guys Discord
2. Go to the channel ‘’Free Value’’ -> and click on the Image there.
Work with an Agency that doesn’t take % from your flows. 95% of the Emailmarketing agencies that
take a % of the flows just only set them up once and almost don’t touch them. We work with Finesse
We never offer a upsell before the sale. The only upsells we have is after the sale, so post purchase
upsells. The apps we use to get a higher conversion rate is:
- Sweet Upsell
- SMSBump
- Klaviyo
Sticky Add To Cart Check the screenshot below to see the images. For Sweet upsell we always offer
the same product for 50% Off. Even if you get only 4 euro’s profit on your post purchase sale, it is nice.
Since you can have a 4 euro higher CPA on FB, which can make or break your business. Imagine you
can spend 4 euro more per sale than your competitor! This is a big difference as a media buyer
Payment Processing
Stripe with an iDEAL, Bancontact, Sofort and also Creditcard Integration
You can use
Shopify payments for Klarna, but don’t scale past 2k days. Unless you want to get fucked by Holds.
Use for iDEAL, Bancontact, Sofort and Creditcard Integration Get Klarna
from directly merchant. Keep in mind there is a 14 day payout. Make sure you have
enough cashflow to top up for agency ad accounts and pay your supplier. Paypal HK
Connect me if
you need Paypal HK. Paypal is mandatory to scale up to 100k days.
You can scale to 20/30k days
consistently without PayPal, but you need PayPal to scale to the next level.
Do not let anybody tell you that teambuilding and big teams and automations are the key to success
in Dropshipping. It’s NOT! Believe me, I’ve been there. I had 30 team members, but I did more
revenue with only 7 people in my team. The key with having a proper team is looking at what you
need - and what you still can do yourself. Do not hire new members just so you can sit on your seat
and relax. These VA’s will only do the easy tasks for you, and will only work properly if you train them
the right way. For example, in my eyes, you can do the first 7fig revenue by having only 2/3
employees. 1 Customer support/dispute manager. If you have lots of queries , you can hire a 2nd.
Person for product uploading, you can make this person also a Storemanager. So now you only have
to communicate with your agent regarding the products in terms of stock, and you can focus fully on
keeping the FB structure alive and scaling. Once you scale to higher days, you can always hire more
team members. But automating is not everything, especially in the Dropshipping business. If you’re
at a point where you have done lots of revenue, you could get somebody else who is experienced in
Dropship and let them run your stores for a profit share. Only then I believe you can fully outsource
teams. No one will ever work the same way like you do. If you have any particular questions about
teambuilding and team structures, join our Discord and ask every question you want for 20 usd a