The document summarizes key periods in the historical foundation of education from 7000 BC to AD 1600. It outlines the educational goals, curriculum, agents of education, and influences on Western education for each historical group or period. Some of the major influences discussed include the emphasis on informal education among primitive societies, the concept of the well-rounded individual promoted in ancient Greece, and the establishment of universities and standardized school systems during the Medieval and Reformation periods.
The document summarizes key periods in the historical foundation of education from 7000 BC to AD 1600. It outlines the educational goals, curriculum, agents of education, and influences on Western education for each historical group or period. Some of the major influences discussed include the emphasis on informal education among primitive societies, the concept of the well-rounded individual promoted in ancient Greece, and the establishment of universities and standardized school systems during the Medieval and Reformation periods.
Original Description:
Here is a matrix of historical foundations of education
The document summarizes key periods in the historical foundation of education from 7000 BC to AD 1600. It outlines the educational goals, curriculum, agents of education, and influences on Western education for each historical group or period. Some of the major influences discussed include the emphasis on informal education among primitive societies, the concept of the well-rounded individual promoted in ancient Greece, and the establishment of universities and standardized school systems during the Medieval and Reformation periods.
The document summarizes key periods in the historical foundation of education from 7000 BC to AD 1600. It outlines the educational goals, curriculum, agents of education, and influences on Western education for each historical group or period. Some of the major influences discussed include the emphasis on informal education among primitive societies, the concept of the well-rounded individual promoted in ancient Greece, and the establishment of universities and standardized school systems during the Medieval and Reformation periods.
Key Periods in Educational History, 7000 BC to A.D. 1600
Historical Educational Goals Curriculum Agents Influences on
Group or Western Period Education To teach group Practical skills Parents, Emphasis on the Primitive survival skills; to of hunting, tribal elders, role of informal Societies cultivate group fishing, food and priests education in 7000 B.C.- cohesiveness gathering transmission of 5000 B.C. stories, myths, skills and values songs, poems, dances To cultivate civic Athenian: Athens: Athens: concept responsibility and reading. private of the well- identity with city- writing, teachers and rounded, liberally Greek state; arithmetic, schools; educated person 1600 B.C. - physical Sophists; 300 B.C. Athenian: to develop education, philosophers Sparta: The well rounded person literature, concept of the poetry Sparta: military state Spartan: to develop military soldiers and military Spartan: drill, teachers, drill leaders military songs sergeants and tactics To develop sense of Reading, Private Emphasis on civic responsibility writing, schools and ability to use Roman for republic and then arithmetic, teachers; education for 750 B.C. - empire; to develop Laws of schools of practical A.D. 450 administrative and Twelve Tables, rhetoric administrative military skills law, skills; relating philosophy education to civic responsibility
To cultivate religious Reading, Mosques; Arabic numerals
commitment to writing, court and computation; Arabic Islamic beliefs; to mathematics, schools re-entry of A.D. 700 - develop expertise in religious classical A.D. 1350 mathematics, literature; materials on medicine, and scientific science and science studies medicine Historical Educational Goals Curriculum Agents Influences on Group or Western Period Education To develop religious Reading, Parish, Establishing the commitment, writing, chantry, and structure, content, knowledge, and arithmetic, cathedral and organization ritual; to re- establish liberal arts; schools; of the university Medieval social order, to philosophy, universities; as a major A.D. 500- prepare persons for theology; apprenticesh institution of A.D.1400 appropriate roles crafts; military ip; higher education; tactics and knighthood the chivalry institutionalizatio n and preservation of knowledge To cultivate a Latin, Greek, Classical An emphasis on humanist who was classical humanist literary expert in the classics literature, educators knowledge, Renaissanc -Greek and Latin; to poetry, art and schools excellence, and e A.D. 1350 prepare courtiers for such as style as - A.D. 1500 service to dynastic lycee, expressed in leaders gymnasium, classical Latin literature; a two grammar track system of school school To cultivate a sense Reading, Vernacular A commitment to of commitment to a writing, elementary universal particular religious arithmetic, schools for education to Reformatio denomination; to catechism, the masses; provide literacy to n A.D. 1500 cultivate general religious classical the masses; the -A.D. 1600 literacy concepts and schools for origins of school ritual; Latin the upper systems with and Greek; classes supervision to theology ensure doctrinal conformity Historical Foundation of Education Key Periods in Educational History, 7000 BC to A.D. 1600
Historical Educational Goals Curriculum Agents Influences on
Group or Western Period Education To teach group Practical skills Parents, Emphasis on the Primitive survival skills; to of hunting, tribal elders, role of informal Societies cultivate group fishing, food and priests education in 7000 B.C.- cohesiveness gathering transmission of 5000 B.C. stories, myths, skills and values songs, poems, dances To cultivate civic Athenian: Athens: Athens: concept responsibility and reading. private of the well- identity with city- writing, teachers and rounded, liberally Greek state; arithmetic, schools; educated person 1600 B.C. - physical Sophists; 300 B.C. Athenian: to develop education, philosophers Sparta: The well rounded person literature, concept of the poetry Sparta: military state Spartan: to develop military soldiers and military Spartan: drill, teachers, drill leaders military songs sergeants and tactics To develop sense of Reading, Private Emphasis on civic responsibility writing, schools and ability to use Roman for republic and then arithmetic, teachers; education for 750 B.C. - empire; to develop Laws of schools of practical A.D. 450 administrative and Twelve Tables, rhetoric administrative military skills law, skills; relating philosophy education to civic responsibility
To cultivate religious Reading, Mosques; Arabic numerals
commitment to writing, court and computation; Arabic Islamic beliefs; to mathematics, schools re-entry of A.D. 700 - develop expertise in religious classical A.D. 1350 mathematics, literature; materials on medicine, and scientific science and science studies medicine
Historical Educational Goals Curriculum Agents Influences on
Group or Western Period Education To develop religious Reading, Parish, Establishing the commitment, writing, chantry, and structure, content, knowledge, and arithmetic, cathedral and organization ritual; to re- establish liberal arts; schools; of the university Medieval social order, to philosophy, universities; as a major A.D. 500- prepare persons for theology; apprenticesh institution of A.D.1400 appropriate roles crafts; military ip; higher education; tactics and knighthood the chivalry institutionalizatio n and preservation of knowledge To cultivate a Latin, Greek, Classical An emphasis on humanist who was classical humanist literary expert in the classics literature, educators knowledge, Renaissanc -Greek and Latin; to poetry, art and schools excellence, and e A.D. 1350 prepare courtiers for such as style as - A.D. 1500 service to dynastic lycee, expressed in leaders gymnasium, classical Latin literature; a two grammar track system of school school To cultivate a sense Reading, Vernacular A commitment to of commitment to a writing, elementary universal particular religious arithmetic, schools for education to Reformatio denomination; to catechism, the masses; provide literacy to n A.D. 1500 cultivate general religious classical the masses; the -A.D. 1600 literacy concepts and schools for origins of school ritual; Latin the upper systems with and Greek; classes supervision to theology ensure doctrinal conformity Historical Foundation of Education Key Periods in Educational History, 7000 BC to A.D. 1600
Historical Educational Goals Curriculum Agents Influences on
Group or Western Period Education To teach group Practical skills Parents, Emphasis on the Primitive survival skills; to of hunting, tribal elders, role of informal Societies cultivate group fishing, food and priests education in 7000 B.C.- cohesiveness gathering transmission of 5000 B.C. stories, myths, skills and values songs, poems, dances To cultivate civic Athenian: Athens: Athens: concept responsibility and reading. private of the well- identity with city- writing, teachers and rounded, liberally Greek state; arithmetic, schools; educated person 1600 B.C. - physical Sophists; 300 B.C. Athenian: to develop education, philosophers Sparta: The well rounded person literature, concept of the poetry Sparta: military state Spartan: to develop military soldiers and military Spartan: drill, teachers, drill leaders military songs sergeants and tactics To develop sense of Reading, Private Emphasis on civic responsibility writing, schools and ability to use Roman for republic and then arithmetic, teachers; education for 750 B.C. - empire; to develop Laws of schools of practical A.D. 450 administrative and Twelve Tables, rhetoric administrative military skills law, skills; relating philosophy education to civic responsibility To cultivate religious Reading, Mosques; Arabic numerals commitment to writing, court and computation; Arabic Islamic beliefs; to mathematics, schools re-entry of A.D. 700 - develop expertise in religious classical A.D. 1350 mathematics, literature; materials on medicine, and scientific science and science studies medicine
Historical Educational Goals Curriculum Agents Influences on
Group or Western Period Education To develop religious Reading, Parish, Establishing the commitment, writing, chantry, and structure, content, knowledge, and arithmetic, cathedral and organization ritual; to re- establish liberal arts; schools; of the university Medieval social order, to philosophy, universities; as a major A.D. 500- prepare persons for theology; apprenticesh institution of A.D.1400 appropriate roles crafts; military ip; higher education; tactics and knighthood the chivalry institutionalizatio n and preservation of knowledge To cultivate a Latin, Greek, Classical An emphasis on humanist who was classical humanist literary expert in the classics literature, educators knowledge, Renaissanc -Greek and Latin; to poetry, art and schools excellence, and e A.D. 1350 prepare courtiers for such as style as - A.D. 1500 service to dynastic lycee, expressed in leaders gymnasium, classical Latin literature; a two grammar track system of school school To cultivate a sense Reading, Vernacular A commitment to of commitment to a writing, elementary universal particular religious arithmetic, schools for education to Reformatio denomination; to catechism, the masses; provide literacy to n A.D. 1500 cultivate general religious classical the masses; the -A.D. 1600 literacy concepts and schools for origins of school ritual; Latin the upper systems with and Greek; classes supervision to theology ensure doctrinal conformity