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Keywords: Solid oxide cells (SOC) play a major role in strategic visions to achieve decarbonization and climate-neutrality.
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) With its multifuel capability, this technology has received rapidly growing amount of attention from researchers
Solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) degradation worldwide. Due to the great flexibility of SOCs with respect to the fuels that can be used, not only hydrogen, but
State-of-the-health monitoring (SoH)
also biogas, natural gas, diesel reformates and many other conventional and alternative fuels can be used. This
Degradation prevetion
makes it possible to couple SOCs with diverse sustainable fuel sources to generate electricity or to generate
valuable fuels such as syngas when utilizing renewable electricity. In this paper, the reader is provided with a
review of the existing knowledge about solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) systems
and how to safely operate them over the long-term, placing a special focus on real-world operating environments.
Both the utilization and generation of real commercially available fuels are taken into consideration. Different
failure modes can appear during the system operation under real-world conditions and reduce the SOC lifetime,
an aspect that is extensively discussed in this review. Firstly, a detailed discussion of the difference between
carbon-free and carbon-containing fuels is presented, considering different impurities and their impacts on the
SOC performance, stability and lifetime. Secondly, unfavorable operating conditions are presented and possi
bilities for the early identification of different failure modes are explored. An overview of available conventional
and non-conventional diagnostic tools and their applications is provided here. Overall, this review paper presents
a guideline for all relevant degradation issues related to SOCs operated in a real-world environment, describing
(i) how these issues appear and how to understand them, (ii) how to predict them, (iii) how to identify them and
(iv) how to prevent them, as well as, if required, how to reverse them. To achieve this goal, individual chapters
specifically address failure modes, degradation prediction, degradation prevention and performance regenera
tion. The reader is provided with necessary knowledge about the long-term and short-term operating stability
and the degradation provoked in a compact summary. The available knowledge about specific process fre
quencies is summarized in one diagram, which is a novel contribution of this review. This enables researchers to
rapidly identify all occurring process mechanisms with SOFCs and SOECs. Moreover, suggestions for how to
accelerate degradation and how to regenerate performance are summarized in several tables.
1. Overview and scope of this review available energy system [1–5]. Solid oxide cells enable us to overcome
the second and third challenges. Firstly, they have an electrical effi
Solid oxide cells (SOCs) present a great solution for ensuring a sus ciency of more than 60% when used in real systems [6], resulting in a
tainable energy future, especially when they are compared with the significant emissions decrease. Secondly, they can be operated with a
available conventional technologies. To achieve a sustainable energy variety of fuels, such as conventional diesel fuel and natural gas, but also
future, three main technological challenges must be overcome: (i) en alternative biogas, biomass gasification products, ammonia, or
ergy demand savings, (ii) improving the efficiency of energy generation hydrogen. SOCs thus embody a synthesis of traditional and radically
technologies and (iii) implementing renewable energy and replacing new systems and principles. Among other available fuel cell types, SOCs
fossil fuels. Addressing these challenges means radically rethinking the feature the highest efficiency and fuel flexibility [7]. These features
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: vanja.subotic@tugraz.at (V. Subotić).
Received 6 October 2021; Received in revised form 11 March 2022; Accepted 30 April 2022
Available online 18 August 2022
0360-1285/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
indicate that they bridge the gap between conventional and alternative degradation mechanisms are summarized and discussed in Section 2.
technologies, leading us toward the leading future climate-friendly en Failure prediction and accelerated degradation tests - This section pro
ergy technologies. Moreover, SOCs offer a unique opportunity to employ vides more detailed insight into diverse strategies used to identify failure
a single unit to generate both (i) electricity and heat when operating in a modes that may occur within the SOC systems and to predict their
solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) mode and (ii) valuable fuels, such as impact on the performance behavior. The failure prediction can be based
hydrogen or syngas, when operating in the solid oxide electrolysis (SOE) on numerical data, experimental data or even a combination of these.
mode [8]. Therefore, in this section, we focus on: (i) model-driven and data-driven
Despite the great suitability and flexibility of solid oxide cells for real predictions tools and (ii) accelerating stress testing. Employing such
system applications, thus including both SOFCs and SOEs, several tools, it is possible to collect information about the expected SOCs life
challenges presented by degradation, possibilities to identify and reverse time and degradation mechanisms that can occur without having to
it, material suitability and general lifetime issues must still be addressed perform long-term real-life testing. Accelerating stress testing is of
to accelerate their commercialization and use in present and future crucial importance for the further development and commercialization
energy systems. It is important to fully understand their behavior and of SOC technology. This type of test has to be properly designed. The
operating issues and to discover options that can improve their opera topic of accelerated degradation testing for SOCs has not yet been
tion and lifetime, especially at the level of industrial-sized cells, stacks comprehensively addressed, and no review of the current literature was
and, ultimately, systems. This paper provides a comprehensive review previously available. Therefore, special attention is given to this topic in
that summarizes all of the possible failure modes and their impacts on Section 3.
SOC performance, suggestions for the early identification of undesired State-of-the-health (SoH) diagnostics for running SOCs - In this section,
failures and degradation mechanisms, their mitigation and performance we describe how researchers can identify failure modes and degradation
regeneration. Such a condensed presentation of all these relevant points mechanisms in the running SOC systems at an early stage, thus, pre
in a single paper has been lacking up until now, but is critically neces venting irreversible degradation. Once reliable online SoH estimate can
sary for members of the scientific community. be made, and the likely end of life can be anticipated, optimal mainte
This review was carried out to provide a comprehensive, reliable, nance actions can be planned to prevent damage to equipment and a loss
critical and accessible summary of information about SOCs, addressing of operability. No review of the current literature was previously
the most important issues that affect the improvement of the SOC life available to provide an insight into all available conventional tools for
time. This review paper combines comprehensive aspects of SOCs to SOC application and a comparison of their applications with those of
describe how (i) to recognize relevant characteristics of the operating SOC cells, stacks and systems. The results of this review are found in
environment regarding the SOC reliability and durability, (ii) to identify Section 4.
failure modes and all of the individual degradation mechanisms, (iii) to Degradation mitigation and performance regeneration - This section
apply appropriate SoH diagnostic tools and (iv) to provide strategies that contains a summary of strategies used to mitigate, limit and reverse SOC
can be employed to mitigate degradation and improve SOC stability degradation and extend their durability. Appropriate measures can be
throughout the entire lifetime. All of these aspects are addressed under applied to prolong the lifetime of the SOC systems. These, however,
real-system conditions. This review, therefore, is of great importance to differ in terms of their diverse degradation modes, operating modes and
the community, since it presents a preliminary SOC guideline for re the types of SOC employed; therefore, they must be carefully designed.
searchers, students, system applicants and operators, as well as other In Section 5, we analyze and summarize the strategies that have already
interested stakeholders. been used to mitigate, limit and reverse degradation as well as to
regenerate SOC performance.
1.1. Structure of this work This review enables the reader/SOC operator to prepare a suitable
operating environment, select an appropriate fuel, gain insight into
This review was carried out to summarize information about the possible failure modes, employ appropriate SoH tools to identify all
application of SOC single cells, and especially of industrial-sized cells changes that occur, and finally, to mitigate and reverse degradation.
and cells as they are used in stacks and real systems, under real-life This is also illustrated in Fig. 1. Here, we present four steps that were
operating conditions. We discuss the influence of the real system envi employed on the basis of the knowledge presented in the four sections:
ronment on the performance and morphological behavior of the cells, as (i) predicting SOC performance under specific operating conditions; (ii)
well as possible degradation mechanisms and the strategies that can be using performance data to prepare experimental design; (iii) using the
used to inhibit the undesired negative effects and to reverse degradation information available in the Section 4, to select appropriate diagnostic
that has already occurred. This paper begins with an introduction, ends tools; and (iv) selecting suitable mitigation and regeneration strategies
with a concluding discussion, and contains four main thematic sub- to prolong the SOC lifetime and enable stable long-term operation.
sections: Previous reviews reported only specific topics considered in the
present study. The results of an analysis of the SOFC suitability for
• Lifetime issues and failure modes encountered when running SOCs operation with carbon-based fuels and their impact on the performance
• Failure prediction and accelerated degradation tests degradation was reported by Gür [9], who focussed on methane fuel,
• State-of-the-health diagnostics for running SOCs and Lanzini et al. [10], who reviewed the impact of fuel contaminants in
• Degradation mitigation and performance regeneration biogas-fed SOFCs. Boldrin et al. [11] provided a comprehensive review
of strategies used with carbon- and sulfur-tolerant SOFC materials, thus
Lifetime issues and failure modes in running SOCs - The degradation of conducting a detailed examination of degradation effects and ap
electrochemical performance can have different causes, such as the proaches taken to increase electrode tolerance. Regarding
coarsening of catalytic particles, contamination of active sites by im high-temperature electrolysis operation, Mocoteguy et al. [12] and
purities, carbon deposition, electrode delamination and system Wang et al. [13] reviewed and analysed degradation mechanisms and
component degradation. The effects of most of these degradation causes phenomena in SOEs, while Chen and Jiang [14] reviewed material
are closely related to the (i) fuels used, such as the fuel composition, gas degradation processes in SOEs. For more information on recent ad
quality and impurities contained, and (ii) set operating conditions, vances in SOEs, we refer the reader to [15,16]. Huang et al. [17]
encompassing the operating temperature, degree of reactant utilization, reviewed AC impedance modeling and validation, while Fasmin and
operating current and other factors. Identification and quantification of Srinivasan [18] reported results of the nonlinear impedance spectros
diverse degradation processes at different levels is required to select copy, although these were not directly correlated with the SOC processes
optimal system operating conditions. To achieve this aim, different or mechanisms. In this study, we provide a detailed review of the
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 2. Effect of different impurities on the SOC morphology: (i) phosphine, reprinted from [29] and [30] with permission from Elsevier, (ii) chlorine, reprinted from
[31] and [32] with permission from Elsevier, (iii) sulfur, reprinted from [33] with permission from Elsevier, (iv) chromium, reprinted from [34] and [35] with
permission from Elsevier, and (v) siloxane, reprinted from [32] with permission from Elsevier.
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
following topics: (i) failure modes that occur during the SOC operation are optimized for SOFC operation, and their further optimization for use
under real-world operating conditions, (ii) options for failure prediction, in an SOE mode is necessary to further avoid undesired degradation.
(iii) accelerating degradation tests, (iv) state-of-the-health diagnostic Long-term degradation processes are beyond scope of this review and
tools, (v) degradation mitigation, and (vi) performance regeneration. are not further discussed.
Such a review has not appeared in the available literature until now, but In this section, we describe the effects of short-term degradation,
is critically necessary. which are mainly influenced by the operating conditions and for which
appropriate counteractions can be taken. Detailed descriptions are
2. Lifetime issues and failures encountered when running SOCs provided below.
In this chapter, we discuss SOC reliability and durability issues, 2.1. Contaminants and their impact on the SOC performance
which can be disturbed by different failure modes and the subsequent
performance and morphology degradation. Depending on the degrada The great advantage of SOCs is that variety of fuels can be used.
tion mechanisms, this can be identified as long-term or short-term However, a big challenge is still how to achieve long-term SOC operation
degradation. Long-term degradation is correlated with the perfor without experiencing undesired failure modes, which occur due to
mance losses over time that mainly occur as a result of the morphology multifuel capability. The first step is to provide contaminant-free fuels.
degradation. These cannot be significantly adjusted by the operating However, many conventional and alternative fuels appropriate for SOC
environment. This type of degradation still presents the main challenge operation, such as natural gas, diesel or biogas, contain impurities
regarding SOC development and requires improvements in the materials (phosphine, sulfur, siloxane). They mainly influence the fuel electrode.
used or development of new optimized materials. A short overview of On the air electrode, chromium is the most commonly-known contam
degradation rates observed in both SOFC and SOE operating modes for inant. Different impurities cause both performance and morphological
single-cells and stacks is presented in Table 1. The most recent material degradation of the running cells. The impact of the most common im
developments decreased the degradation rate for SOFCs down to 0.5%/ purities available in the relevant SOC fuels on the SOC performance is
1,000 h [14,19,20], while the lowest degradation rate for SOEs recorded described below and illustrated in Fig. 2. Moreover, the sources of
is 1.5%/1,000 h after 3,600 h at 1 A/cm2 [21], both of which were specific impurities and their impacts on specific electrodes are summa
observed for Forschungszentrum Jülich stacks. The materials employed rized in Table 2. Since all of these impurities cause significant perfor
mance degradation, which is often seen as irreversible, only the impact
on the SOC morphology is summarized in this table.
Table 1
Summary of selected reported degradation rates. 2.1.1. Sulfur poisoning
Operating Operating Degradation rate Operating Source Sulfur is the most commonly present impurity in a number of SOFC-
mode unit conditions relevant fuels, such as natural gas (>1%), coal syngas (100-300 ppm)
SOFC Fuel 3%/1,000 h 750∘ C, 0.7 V, and biogas (50-200 ppm)[36–38]. Sulfurous species are especially
electrode- 2,000 h, H2 /H2 O/ harmful for SOC fuel electrodes and cause detrimental performance
supported N2 =48.5/48.5/3
degradation [39–41]. Their presence accelerates Ni sintering and carbon
planar cell
SOFC Electrolyte- 0.64%/1,000 h 800∘ C at 0.5 A/ deposition [40,42] and even completely changes the electrode
[23] morphology, as shown in Fig. 2. For this reason, it is important to
supported cm2 , 120 h
button cell remove sulfur from the fuels used, which is possible by using desulfur
SOFC 4-cell fuel 0.2%/1,000 h 700∘ C, 0.5 A/cm2 , ization units. Nevertheless, although the amount of sulfur is significantly
electrode- 35,000 h, H2 /
reduced by using desulfurization technologies, residual concentrations
supported H2 O=80/20
stack still fall within the range of a few ppm [43]. Even such low concentra
SOFC 2-cell fuel 0.6%/1,000 h 700∘ C, 0.5 A/cm2 , tions can cause undesired degradation effects, since Ni-catalysts exhibit
electrode- 70,000 h, H2 / restricted tolerance toward sulfur [10]. Increasing concentrations of
supported H2 O=80/20, fuel sulfurous species result in rising degradation rates. In general, the
stack utilization 40%
presence of sulfur initially results in a rapid performance drop, which is
SOE Fuel 3.8%/1,000 h 778∘ C± 6∘ C, 1 A/ seen as the first degradation stage. In the second stage, initial degra
electrode- cm2 , 80% H2 O,
26] dation is followed either by stable performance without further degra
supported 36% H2 O
circular cell utilization, 9,000
dation, continuing degradation with a lower degradation rate for only a
h period of several hours, or further continuous degradation [44]. It is also
SOE Electrolyte- 4.26%/1,000 h 800∘ C, 0.5 A/cm2 , interesting to mention at this stage that, although several studies report
supported 300 h after initial that increasing the amount of sulfur carbon formation is enhanced,
button cell 120 h SOFC
Chattanathan et al. [45] reported contradictory results, namely, that the
SOE Metal- 2.1%/1,000 h 800∘ C, 0.3 A/cm2 ,
presence of H2 S in biogas prevents coking.
[27] Brightman et al. [46] reported that exposure of Ni/CGO electrodes to
supported after initial 1,000 2,000 h, H2 /
circular cell h, 3.9%/1,000h H2 O=57/43 up to 3 ppm H2 S for 90 min causes a rapid increase in losses but also that
after next 1,000 h this process is reversible. Sulfur poisoning as a reversible process under
SOE 2-cell fuel 1.5%/1,000 h 3,600 h, 0.875 A/
[21] short exposure times was also reported in [47,48]. In the recently pub
cm2 , H2 /H2 O=1,
supported H2 O utilization lished study by Pongratz et al. [48], synthetic product gas from wood
stack 44% steam gasification including 1–10 ppm H2 S was used as a fuel for SOFC,
SOE 10-cell 3.2%/1,000 h a 800∘ C, variation
while the operating temperature varied between 750∘ C and 800∘ C.
electrolyte between 0.25 A/ Although performance deterioration occurred during the operation,
supported cm2 and 0.317 A/
removing the sulfurous species from the fuel enabled the authors to
cm2 , 1,000 h,
H2 O=56% regenerate the overall performance and regain the initial performance.
SOE 5-cell fuel 8.9%/1,000 h a 800∘ C, 0.2 A/cm2 , This conclusion was reached for both fuel electrode- and
electrode- 1,000 h, electrolyte-supported SOFC. Appari et al. [49], however, reported, that
supported H2 O=56% sulfur poisoning is reversible only at higher temperatures such as 800∘ C,
while the operation at lower temperatures such as 700∘ C resulted in
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Table 2
Summary of relevant contaminants and their impacts on SOC based on references provided in Section 2.1.
Impurity Operating Impurity source Threshold Affected component Observations
Sulfur SOFC Natural gas, syngas, ∼3 ppm Fuel electrode Irreversible Ni morphology changes, formation of Ni sulfides,
biogas, biomass accelerated Ni sintering and C deposition
Sulfur SOE Inlet CO2 gas ∼ppb Fuel electrode Locally increasing potential and as a consequence higher CO-
concentration and accelerated C deposition, covered Ni sites
Chlorine SOFC Coal gas, biogas, ∼5 ppm Fuel electrode Blocking the Ni catalyst, formation of Ni chlorides, irreversible
biomass morphology change, metal dusting
Chlorine SOE Inlet gas mixture for co- ∼10 ppm @OCV, ∼5 Fuel electrode Cl adsorption on Ni, reduction of the electrochemical activity
electrolysis ppm under and catalytic reactions
Phosphine SOFC Syngas, coal gas, ∼3 ppb Fuel electrode Formation of Ni phosphides, formation of secondary phases, Ni
biogas, biomass agglomeration
Siloxane/ SOFC Biogas, digester gas ∼ppb Fuel electrode SiO2 formation and deposition within electrode, Si deposition
silicon on fuel electrode support and contact layer, TPB, interconnects,
reduced fuel electrode porosity, Si deposition
Silicon/ SOE Glass sealing, water N/A Fuel electrode, Air Segregation on the electrolyte/fuel electrode interface, fuel
silica electrode, Electrolyte/ fuel electrode passivation, SiO2 deposition, Si deposition, SiO2 /Si
electrode interface inclusion into Ni particles
Chromium SOFC SOE Fe-Cr alloy metallic N/A Air electrode Formation of different secondary phases (e.g., SrCrO4 , CrO2.5 ,
interconnects Cr2 O3 ) on the air electrode and electrolyte, air electrode phase
decomposition, inhibited oxygen reduction reaction, inhibited
oxygen evolution reaction
Boron and SOFC SOE Metallic interconnects, N/A Air electrode Damaging influence on the air electrode stability, its
sulfur air stream, glass sealing disintegration and delamination, boron deposition at electrode/
electrolyte interface, interaction with air electrode materials,
accelerated Sr segregation, formation of secondary phases
irreversible degradation. The reversibility of the degradation, however, formation of nickel chloride compounds on the surface [58–60]. The
is mainly a function of the H2 S concentration and the SOFC exposure to nickel chloride and nickel sulfide compounds formed are volatile, and
it. their removal results in fuel electrode damage that cause metal dusting
Moreover, Brightman et al. [46] reported that increasing the oper [61]. Marina et al. [62] reported that reversible poisoning was observed
ating current further decreased the degradation rate. Other studies when the Ni/YSZ fuel electrodes of the fuel electrode-supported (FESC)
indicate that increasing the current density results in an increasing SOFC were exposed to coal gas containing up to 800 ppm HCl. The
sulfur coverage [46,50]. Hauch et al. [51] showed that reversible per magnitude of this poisoning decreased as the temperature increased.
formance losses occurred when operating at a low overpotential, while The authors reported that performance losses were observable up to
the microstructure remained unchanged in this case. However, in concentrations of approximately 100 ppm HCl, but no morphological
vestigations performed at high cell overpotential levels showed that changes could be observed due to the HCl poisoning. Moreover,
both reversible performance and irreversible morphological degrada increasing the HCl amount above 100 ppm resulted in no observable
tion can occur during the SOFC exposure to H2 S. Hagen et al. [52] and additional performance deterioration. Xu et al. [31] also reported a
Riegraf et al. [53] claimed that losses caused by sulfur are more severe at performance loss of approximately 3% for the Ni/YSZ fuel
high current densities. The authors identified sulfur as having the most electrode-supported SOFC fed with a syngas containing 100 ppm HCl,
pronounced impact on mass transfer/fuel reforming processes and but unlike to the previous study, this was followed by significant
charge transfer/TPB processes. morphological changes in the Ni catalyst. Moreover, stainless steel
When operating SOC in a CO2 electrolysis mode, even ppb concen exhaust tubing was used in this study, which was attacked by HCl,
trations of sulfur can have detrimental effects on the SOE performance leading to rust deposition on the cell. The study carried out by Reeping
[54]. Sulfur accelerates carbon deposition in this case and makes it and Walker [63] showed highly aggressive performance degradation
possible for carbon to occur outside the theoretically calculated range. with approximately 15%/hour when chlorine was combined with
The goal is to minimize the amount of sulfur deposited on the fuel methane (CH3 Cl/CH4 =110 sccm/20 sccm=5.5), while the degradation
electrode during the SOC operation and, if possible, to reduce it down to grade was very low for CH3 Cl/CH4 =110 sccm/100 sccm=1.1 mixture.
zero. Different purification methods for sulfur removal are available, The possible reason for these results could be significantly higher vol
including solvent absorption, biofiltration (biotrickling filter, biofilter, ume fraction of chlorine in methane than in hydrogen. Here, we must
bio scrubber), adsorption for primary (bulk) sulfur removal with a high also emphasize that dry methane significantly accelerates degradation,
capacity based on iron oxide, hot guard beds for achieving ultra-low since methane cracking and thus the carbon formation reaction is
amounts of sulfur contaminants, metal organic frameworks (MOFs) favored. The occurrence of a specific carbon peak observed when
and hydro-desulfurization beds (HDS). Discussing the principles un employing operando Raman spectroscopy became less stable when
derlying these specific purification technologies is beyond the scope of introducing CH3 Cl, and its intensity was reduced by 50% after 29 min.
this work, but detailed descriptions can be found in the review by When the operating time was increased up to approximately 174 min,
Lanzini et al. [10]. thus increasing the exposure to chlorine, the carbon intensity and
observable carbon accumulation decreased.
2.1.2. Chlorine poisoning The recently published study by Jeanmonod et al. [64] examined the
The effect of chlorine poisoning of the fuel electrode on the SOC impact of chlorine on performance during co-electrolysis operation. The
performance has been reported in several studies, most of which refer to authors reported that exposure of the Ni/YSZ electrode to biogas con
SOFC [55–57]. Available studies show that chlorine poisoning occurs in taining 10 ppm of HCl and at OCV did not impact the SOE performance,
two stages, as in the case of sulfur poisoning. The first stage is identified whereby the exposure to biogas containing 5 ppm HCl under polariza
as reversible adsorption and blocking of the nickel catalyst surface, tion resulted in a significant irreversible performance degradation.
while the second stage is observed to be irreversible degradation and Increasing operating current proportionally increased the losses.
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Moreover, durability tests performed at 0.5 A/cm2 under a biogas con results published, siloxanes have to be completely removed from the fuel
taining 1 ppmv showed that steadily increasing voltage resulting in a in order to protect the cell from the irreversible degradation.
high degradation rate. Cl was identified as reducing the electrochemical Another issue is presence of silica in glass sealing or the water during
activity and catalytic reaction of nickel, even causing Ni depletion. the steam electrolysis. Silica-containing impurities can segregate on the
interface between the fuel electrode and electrolyte thus inhibiting
2.1.3. Phosphine poisoning further electrochemical reactions and causing electrode passivation, as
Phosphine (PH3 ) is another contaminant that can impact the per presented in [79,80]. The cause for SiO2 deposition after its evaporation
formance of the fuel electrode. It is present in coal syngas at a concen from the glass sealing was found to be the high steam partial pressure.
tration of approximately 10 ppm. Its presence in an SOFC fuel even in The authors identified SiO2 depositions rather than Si deposition, which
very low concentrations of 1–10 ppm can be detrimental to the SOFC was identified only on the interconnects. How SiO2 is deposited on the
performance [65]. A number of studies reported observing morpholog nickel and how the inclusion of SiO2 /Si to Ni particles occurs are aspects
ical changes in the Ni/YSZ fuel electrodes in the presence of phosphine described and illustrated in [81]. Silica available in the glass sealing was
[66–69], all of which are related to the SOFC operation. This exposure further identified to cause the electrolysis deactivation and performance
resulted in the formation of new phases, mainly nickel phosphides loss by Schefold et al. [82]. Perz et al. [83] investigated the impact of
[70–72], but also nickel phosphates [73], which is identified as an silicon poisoning on the LSCF electrode and these authors reported that
irreversible change and negatively affects the overall performance. Xu even small amounts of silicon resulted in a strong deactivation of the
et al. [70] reported dramatic irreversible performance degradation as a oxygen reduction.
result of the functional damage of the Ni/YSZ fuel electrode and espe
cially the functional layer near the electrolyte. Operation at 10 ppm PH3 2.1.5. Chromium poisoning
caused a loss of porosity, Ni agglomeration and even Ni migration, as Chromium poisoning was reported in the literature as one of the
well as a loss of the TPB length. The authors claimed that even much main causes for the air electrode degradation, which is mainly generated
lower concentrations of < 2 ppm could lead to significant degradation. from the Fe-Cr alloy metallic interconnects [34,84]. The presence of
Marina et al. [29] reported observing a very strong interaction between steam in the air can accelerate the process of chromium evaporation
nickel and phosphine, even at very low concentrations of < 0.5 ppm. from the interconnect plates and their deposition onto the air electrode,
Further research by Haga et al. [74] showed that phosphine is detri thus accelerating undesired degradation mechanism, as reported by
mental even at ppb concentrations, defining a threshold as ∼3 ppb at Sitte et al. [85–87]. Many of the findings have been obtained under
800∘ C. The authors reported the formation of the secondary phase on SOFC operating conditions, during which different Cr phases are formed
both the Ni catalyst and current collector as well as subsequent Ni due to chromium evaporation from the interconnect, its diffusion into
agglomeration. They also observed that rapid and fatal degradation the porous air electrode and its eventual deposition [88]. The formation
occurs at higher operating temperatures, while gradual degradation was of such phases deteriorates the electrochemical and catalytic perfor
observed at lower operating temperatures. Moreover, if present in mance of the SOFC electrodes and may also prevent the diffusion of
higher concentrations, phosphine can cause immediate degradation, oxygen. Moreover, phase decomposition as a consequence of
while it can lead to slow performance and structural degradation at Cr-poisoning has been observed [89,90]. The deactivation of the elec
lower concentrations. The time required to cause the total system trode activity and performance degradation were observed for different
breakdown depends on the fuel electrode thickness and thus the avail electrode materials, LSM and LSF in [91] as well as LSCF [92]. More
ability of the catalyst, which means that it will appear earlier for over, Wang et al. [93] investigated the impact of operating temperature
electrolyte-supported (ESC) than for fuel electrode-supported cells [65]. on Cr deposition and Sr segregation in LSCF electrodes. The authors
Based on the observations reported in the previously available studies, observed that more chromium deposition and SrCrO4 phase was
phosphine is not suitable to be converted in SOFCs, but must definitively detected as the temperature increased. Chromium deposits inhibited the
be removed from fuel. diffusion processes and surface electrochemistry. Next, the authors
assumed that the decrease in chromium depositions that they observed
2.1.4. Silica poisoning as the temperature decreased can be correlated directly with the
Silicon based impurities represent another poison that can affect significantly decreasing Sr segregation.
both the fuel and air electrodes. In biogas or digester gas, siloxanes When taking into consideration SOE operation, chromium oxides
appear as the main impurities, but studies report that their impact on and strontium chromate have been reported in the literature as occur
SOFC performance is restricted. Moreover, silicon and/or silica are ring and depositing both on the electrode inner surface and on the
present in glass sealing and can also be found in water during the electrolyte [94]. Based upon the observed results, Chen et al. [94]
electrolysis, which may lead to a degradation in SOE performance. claimed that Cr deposition is a chemical process which results in for
Haga et al. [32] revealed in their study that operation under mation of many different secondary phases in the electrode and on the
3%-humidified hydrogen with 10 ppm siloxane resulted in strong fatal electrolyte surface. Placing a focus on the LSCF electrode during the SOE
degradation, independent of the operating temperature. Rapid degra operation, Wei et al. [95] identified the formation of SrCrO4 , CrO2.5 and
dation from the beginning of the operation appeared regardless of the Cr2 O3 phases and correlated these with the SrO segregation under air
operating temperature, namely, 800∘ C, 900∘ C and 1,000∘ C. Morpho electrode polarization conditions. The formation of such phases, in turn,
logical changes were observed as SiO2 deposition under and on the inhibits the oxygen evolution reaction.
porous fuel electrode surface. Madi et al. [75] observed high degrada In conclusion, the effect of chromium poisoning seems to be inde
tion rates even when fueling SOFC with biogas containing several ppb of pendent of the operation mode.
siloxanes. Si was deposited within the entire fuel side, and thus in Besides chromium, boron and sulfur, which can also be found in
terconnects, the fuel electrode contact layer, fuel electrode support and interconnects, the air stream, or glass sealing, were reported in the
TPB. Papurello and Lanzini also identified siloxane as reducing the fuel literature as having a damaging influence on the activity and stability of
electrode porosity and disturbing the fuel distribution within the cell the air electrode in both the SOFC [96–101] and SOE operating mode
[76]. This resulted in a strong increase in polarization losses. Si con [102].
denses and deposits everywhere within the fuel electrode, which was
also shown in [77]. The authors suggested that performance recovery is 2.2. Impact of carbonaceous species on fuel electrode degradation
much more effective at OCV than under polarized cell conditions. Tian
and Milcarek [78] also reported increasing losses and voltage degrada Specific impurities can cause detrimental SOC performance degra
tion rate as the siloxane concentration increased. Summarizing all the dation and strong morphological changes, as discussed above. However,
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
while impurities have an undesired impact on the SOC performance and Table 3
its microstructure, the main fuel components can also cause SOC Possible carbon formation reactions according [123–126].
degradation under specific operating environment. The best example of CH4 + H2 O⇌3H2 + CO (1)
such behavior is the impact of carbon-containing fuels, which can lead to
( )
1 (2)
Cn Hm + nH2 O⇌nCO + n + m H2
carbon deposition, thus damaging and completely destroying the elec 2
CH4 + CO2 ⇌2H2 + 2CO (3)
trode morphology and leading to irreversible performance deterioration
CO + H2 O⇌H2 + CO2 (4)
or even an abrupt performance decrease down to zero. C + 2H2 O⇌CO2 + 2H2 (5)
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 3. Different types of carbon formed as a function of different fuels: (i) CH4 due to dry and steam reforming, reprinted from [110] and [111] with permission
from Elsevier and [112] with the permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry, (ii) different fuel mixtures as syngas (reprinted from [113] with permission from
Elsevier), biomass gasification producer gas (reprinted from [114] with permission from Elsevier) and diesel reformate mixture (reprinted from [115] with
permission from the Journal of the Electrochemical Society), (iii) CO reprinted from [116] and [111] with permission from Elsevier.
formed, mainly as carbon nano-fibers. methane cracking and the Boudouard reaction is shown in Fig. 3. If the
Next, rapid degradation due to the presence of long chain hydro operating temperature is increased, a higher amount of carbon is ex
carbon was reported in [127]. In order to further discuss the impact of pected to occur due to methane cracking, while amount of carbon
the operating temperature on carbon formation, the equilibrium for formed due to Boudouard reaction is higher at lower operating tem
peratures. Such equilibrium calculations are also used as simple pre
diction tools, which enable the user to adjust the operating conditions to
prevent the undesired degradation effects. These are explained in more
detail in Section 5.
Regarding the electrolysis operation, Tao et al. [129] identified the
formation of carbon nanofibers at the electrode/electrolyte interface,
when operating SOE in an electrolysis mode and at operating current
densities of 2.0–2.5 A/cm2 . Carbon fiber deposition resulted in a sub
sequent interlayer delamination. In [130], the authors stated that car
bon forming during the CO2 electrolysis process could influence
performance, such as the voltage, gas composition and temperature
distribution, even before it is measured.
While increasing the operating current density during the SOFC
operation increases the number of oxygen ions available and, thus, in
hibits carbon formation, this increase has an opposite effect during the
SOE operation. While operating SOC in a co-electrolysis mode,
increasing the current density is reflected by the increasing fraction of
CO and possibly CH4 species, which are seen as the main carbon pre
Fig. 4. Calculated equilibrium for the Boudouard-reaction () and methane-
cracking (). Reprinted from [128] with permission from Elsevier. cursors, thus, accelerating carbon formation and its deposition at the
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
porous fuel electrode. stable at temperatures higher than 350 ∘ C; however, the metal dusting
phenomenon occurs between 350 and 1,100 ∘ C for Ni-based fuel elec
2.2.2. Metal dusting trodes. Since that study was not performed under polarized conditions,
The metal dusting process is as well-known as nickel corrosion and but under open circuit voltage, the knowledge gained is applicable to
this phenomenon has already been observed both in the fuel cell and both the SOFC and SOE operating modes. The gas compositions and Ni
electrolysis modes. Since carbon-containing fuels are indeed most surface orientation have strong impacts on the metal dusting process,
commonly used in SOC systems, the metal dusting phenomenon is firstly while the Ni surface orientation is especially relevant at the initial stage.
correlated with carbon. The reaction initially occurs between the tran For instance, the authors showed that surface graphite intercalates into
sition metals on the SOC fuel electrode, such as Ni, and carbon. During Ni particles at CO/H2 =25, causing undesired Ni corrosion. When the
this reaction the amorphous carbon is transformed into graphite, a CO/H2 ratio is reduced down to 1, carbon diffusion into the Ni lattice
process which is known as catalytic graphitization [131]. The phe and the subsequent graphite precipitation in the bulk material occur as
nomenon of catalytic graphitization is generally explained based on the an additional degradation mechanism. This excessive precipitation re
results reported in [132], namely, that carbon dissolves during a solu sults in subsequent Ni disintegration. Increasing the operating temper
tion precipitation mechanism and supersaturates nickel, eventually ature accelerates this degradation phenomenon.
precipitating as graphite. The overall Ni dusting reaction is driven by the
free energy difference between the amorphous and crystalline carbon
states. Chun et al. reports in [133] that nickel-carbide structures are not
Fig. 5. Different types of Ni electrode degradation: (i) Ni reoxidation after (1) SOE operation, reprinted from [134] with permission from Elsevier, (2) reversible SOC
operation, reprinted from [135] with permission from Elsevier, and (3) SOE operation, reprinted from [136] with permission from Elsevier, and (ii) Ni agglomeration
after (1) reversible SOC operation, reprinted from [135] with permission from Elsevier, (2) SOFC operation with biomass gasification producer gas, reprinted from
[114] with permission from Elsevier, and (3) SOE operation, reprinted from [137] with permission from Elsevier.
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
2.3. Instability of the Ni-based electrodes OCV of ESC, whereby a strong decrease in OCV was observed for FESC,
and a final and complete failure was observed after 50 cycles, which
Aside from the fact that different contaminants and carbon formation correlates with the thickness of the catalyst layer. Moreover, a decrease
have harmful impacts on the fuel electrodes, Ni reoxidation and in performance was observed after 1000 cycles for both cell types. It is
agglomeration are mechanisms that detrimentally effect the SOC per also important to mention here that a slight increase in performance
formance. While Ni reoxidation is partly reversible, Ni agglomeration may be observed after first redox cycle in specific cases. Moreover, in
represents an irreversible degradation phenomenon. [149], the authors reported that high fuel utilization and a subsequent
fuel starvation significantly accelerated Ni reoxidation.
2.3.1. Ni reoxidation Ni reoxidation under SOE operating conditions. Regarding the SOE
Ni reoxidation affects the fuel electrode structure, after which operation, the number of studies that refer to phenomenon of Ni reox
occurrence the initial performance and morphological state of the pre- idation is highly limited. Schefold et al. [82] reported a minor perfor
reduced electrode cannot be met. The phenomenon of Ni reoxidation mance loss after operating SOE at a reduced operating current density of
can occur due to (i) redox processes that present a circle of reduction and 0.18 A/cm2 for 66 h, which was correlated with a slight Ni reoxidation
oxidation processes of the fuel electrode or, (ii) an excessive number of at the rim of the fuel electrode. The Ni reoxidation phenomenon was not
oxidizing species on the fuel electrode (steam or air) that can diffuse to observed at higher operating current densities. In [136], SOE fuel
the electrode due to leakage, or be caused by high fuel utilization during electrode was supplied with a mixture of H2 /H2 O=20/80 during the
SOFC operation and/or low steam utilization during SOE operation. steam electrolysis operation, after which the Ni sites locally reoxidized.
During the electrolysis operation, a high amount of steam is used After 80 h operation at 600 mA/cm2 , approximately 50% of the Ni
(>80%), which causes Ni reoxidation, if low operating currents are surface oxidized, while this surface seemed to be reduced after operation
employed. If the cell is operated at high operating currents in a fuel cell at 1,200 mA/cm2 . However, the re-oxidation that occurred did not
mode, high numbers of oxygen ions will be generated and conducted to significantly impact the electrode porosity, and the electrochemical re
the fuel electrode, which can accelerate the oxidation of the functional actions were thus not influenced. A strong Ni-reoxidation effect was
layer. Specific morphological changes and damage that occur as a reported for operation under H2 O/H2 ⩾90/10, even at the limit voltage
consequence of Ni reoxidation in both operating modes are illustrated in of 1.35 V, which presumes high operating currents [137].
Fig. 4. In conclusion, steam amount and operating current density present a
Ni reoxidation under SOFC operating conditions. After reoxidation, the decisive factor regarding Ni reoxidation process. Taking into consider
size of the Ni particles changes, and a significant increase in the volume ation the SOFC operating mode, increasing the operating current in
of nickel is observable, which happens as a result of the sintering and creases the steam concentration, which, in turn, can accelerate Ni
coalescing processes [138]. Consequently, the electrode porosity re reoxidation. In contrast, high operating current densities are considered
duces due to the increasing size of the nickel particles. The size of the to have a positive effect and enable to prevent Ni reoxidation when
dimensional change depends most notably on the operating tempera operating SOC under electrolysis conditions. Increasing operating cur
ture, as shown by Pihlatie et al. [139]. Reaction reversibility and rent density enables to convert steam into hydrogen, thus reducing the
re-gaining the initial state after reoxidation was possible at lower amount of the available steam and the propensity towards Ni
operating temperatures. For example, the authors observed that strong, reoxidation.
irreversible performance degradation occurred when supplying the fuel
electrode with 6% H2 O and a high p(H2 O)/p(H2 )-ratio at 850∘ C, while 2.3.2. Ni agglomeration or Ni coarsening
no negative effect could be identified at 600∘ C. The reversibility grade Ni agglomeration or Ni coarsening usually occurs as the operating
depends both on the electrode microstructure and the sintering tem time increases because material instability during the long-term opera
perature, requiring the microstructure optimization [140,141]. The tion and this degradation phenomenon cannot be prevented. However,
initial NiO-reduction temperature was also identified as having an specific operating conditions, such as temperature, steam concentration
impact on cell conductivity. For example, when reducing the substrates and, in general, fuel composition, can significantly accelerate Ni-
at 1,000∘ C, the conductivity was twice as high as for the substrates agglomeration [150]. Applying appropriate ionic conductors within
reduced at 800∘ C [142]. The reducing temperature also has a significant the fuel electrodes should limit Ni agglomeration at high operating
impact on the mechanical strain; increasing the temperature increases temperatures [151]. The undesired phenomenon of Ni agglomeration
the mechanical stress that arises during the reduction process [139]. deteriorates cell performance, since it reduces the available TPB surface
This can also be correlated with sintering processes and coarsening ef [152–154]. This also causes the appearance of inactive Ni/YSZ regions
fects observed at higher temperatures. Similar results were also [155]. The same negative effect was reported for operation in both the
observed for the oxidation temperature. Researchers have reported that SOFC [149,156] and SOE modes [137]. In general, Ni agglomeration
microscopic strain increases as the oxidizing temperature increases occurs independent of the operating mode as a consequence of high
[143–147]. Ettler et al. [148] employed Ni-8YSZ substrates to investi operating temperatures and the specific operating environment [157]. It
gate the effects of temperature, the time of reoxidation and the air-flux can appear even under OCV. Zou et al. [158,159] showed that Ni
on the reoxidation of half-cells. For the purpose of their study, they coarsening was observed after holding the SOC under OCV for 20 h,
varied only one parameter and held the other two parameters constant. which caused the deterioration of the Ni/YSZ interface. Other studies
Up to the reoxidation degree of 38%, no cracks were visible. Moreover, show that high steam partial pressure accelerates Ni agglomeration,
the authors reported that when reoxidation appeared at higher tem which is expected especially during the electrolysis operation [137,
peratures, a clear border between Ni and NiO was observable. This was 160–162]. The et al. [160] compared the microstructure of SOEs after
not the case at lower temperatures; after reoxidation at 600∘ C, no border operating for 6,100 h and 9,000 h, coming to the conclusion that the
between the Ni and NiO could be seen. Moreover, the authors observed humid atmosphere accelerates Ni coarsening. They also identified a
that the outside of the Ni was oxidized in samples that were re-oxidized direct correlation between nickel growth rates and H2 /H2 O.
only to a limited degree, while the core remained metallic nickel. If we Holzer et al. [163] quantified the growth of Ni particles after oper
examine studies that addressed the cell level, a significant difference can ating SOFC under both dry (H2 /N2 =3/97) and humidified atmospheric
be observed between the electrolyte- and fuel electrode-supported cells conditions (H2 O=60%, H2 /N2 varies) and compared these with each
[134]. While the reoxidation of FESC results in electrolyte cracking, and other. They showed that the initial growth rates in the humidified at
eventually the cell cracking, electrode delamination was only observed mosphere are high and account for 140%/100 h during the initial 200 h.
after the re-oxidation of ESC. Summarizing results from different Afterwards, during the long-term operation of more than 1,000 h, the
studies, the authors reported that redox cycling does not influence the
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
growth rate seemed to be almost zero for each 100 h. In contrast, operating current densities (i >0.5 A/cm2 ), at which oxygen electrode
operating under dry atmospheric conditions resulted in lower degra degradation seems to be dominant. They concluded that high current
dation rates of approximately 1%/100 h, but this degradation rate densities can significantly accelerate degradation of the air electrode.
remained unchanged over the 2,000 h operating time. Carrying out Two main degradation mechanisms were determined that deteriorate
simulations for Ni coarsening in both operating modes, Hubert et al. the performance and microstructure: the (i) delamination of the elec
[153] came to the conclusion that the coarsening rate seems to be trode/electrolyte interlayer and (ii) formation of the secondary phases.
slightly lower in the electrolysis mode, i.e., 25% in comparison to 30% in The intensity of these degradation mechanisms is partially influenced by
the SOFC mode, both at 850∘ C after 1,000-2,000 h of operating time. The the type of the electrode used.
microscopic changes that occur as a result of Ni agglomeration and Regarding the LSM electrode, increasing the oxygen partial pressure
different operating environments in both the SOFC and SOE modes are during the electrolysis operation is seen as critical parameter that can
illustrated in Fig. 4. accelerate electrode degradation; the appropriate tolerance is not
currently available [14,180]. Oxygen accumulates within the cavities
impacting both the electrolyte and the electrode [181,182]. Increasing
2.4. Air electrode degradation the oxygen partial pressure causes cracks/voids to form within the
electrolyte [183] and within the electrode/electrolyte interlayer [184,
Two air electrode types, LSM and LSCF, are the most common rep 185]. When these accumulate, the effects cause the delamination of the
resentatives among air electrodes. LSM electrodes are mainly employed electrode/electrolyte boundary layer. The LSM degradation is further
at higher operating temperatures (800-900∘ C), due to their thermal and accelerated by the high electromotive potential that occurs under the
chemical stability and acceptable performance. At lower operating high operating current when the concentration of oxygen decreases at
temperatures, LSCF electrodes are more appropriate, providing great the fuel electrode and increases at the air electrode [186]. Chen and
performance at intermediate temperatures[13,164,165]. Jiang [187] reported the effect of increasing the oxygen partial pressure,
Air electrode degradation under SOFC operating conditions. Tempera but also that the local disintegration of LSM particles and subsequent
ture, operating current density and air humidity have been shown to formation of nanoparticles can occur, causing interlayer delamination.
negatively affect the LSCF-based air electrodes leading to the undesired Regarding LSCF electrodes, their excellent electrical and catalytical
degradation mechanisms while operating in a fuel cell mode [166]. performance at intermediate temperatures is crucial for their applica
Increasing the operating temperature or increasing the air humidity can tion at these temperatures. Due to the LSCF’s propensity to react with
significantly accelerate surface segregation, which has been identified as YSZ, a barrier layer GDC is mainly used between the electrode and
a primary degradation mechanism that has a detrimental effect on the electrolyte [13,188]. Schefold et al. [25,82,160] carried out extensive
LSCF electrodes stability [34,167]. Niania et al. [168] examined the investigations of the SOE durability with different SOE types, all of
impact of the air electrode atmosphere on Sr segregation, comparing air, which contained LSCF electrode, and observed continuous degradation.
oxygen and pure steam. Steam significantly accelerated Sr segregation They identified the formation of a secondary phase SrZrO3 as the main
in comparison to the operation in air or pure oxygen atmosphere. degradation mechanism [189–191]. Another degradation phenomenon
Operation at high current densities and thus lower oxygen partial that has been observed in many studies is Sr segregation from the air
pressures resulted in accelerated performance degradation. This occurs electrode and diffusion through the GDC layer to the GDC/electrolyte
due to morphological changes that occur at the air electrode; thus, Sr interface, which causes morphological changes and performance dete
and Co segregation, the formation of SrCoOx phases from segregated Sr rioration [136,192,193]. In [192], the authors also reported that diffu
and Co and subsequently electrode agglomeration occur [169]. Besides sion of Co through the GDC/YSZ layer was observed. The authors
Sr and Co segregation, La depletion was also identified as a further explained that the Sr and Co diffusion was a consequence of the com
degradation phenomenon that occurs at LSCF air electrodes during the bined air electrode electric field and high p(O2 ). Similar results were
SOFC operation [170]. Next, Sr segregation, the formation of a Sr layer presented in [136], suggesting that increasing p(O2 ) by varying the air
on the air electrode, mainly between the electrolyte and the GDC layer electrode supply between air, O2 /N2 =50/50 and 100% O2 has an
was reported to occur. This happens even without polarization, and may electrode-protecting effect. In contrast, when increasing p(O2 ) in air by
appear as a function of the operating time and the operating temperature increasing the operating current density, this study revealed strong
[171,172]. However, the main reason for formation of a Sr-layer at the degradation of the air electrode and, thus, Sr segregation and diffusion
YSZ/GDC layer could be high sintering temperatures. During the sin as well as interlayer delamination. In addition, the authors observed the
tering process Sr can diffuse through the GDC, leading to the formation formation of a thin Sr layer between the GDC barrier layer and the
of the secondary layer [173,174]. Moreover, without presence of a electrolyte. The delamination types mentioned in the available literature
barrier layer, LSCF shows high propensity to chemically react with YSZ, as detected by post-mortem analysis are illustrated in Fig. 5.
forming SrZrO3 phases, which can further cause SOFC degradation
[175]. Taking into account LSM air electrodes while operating in SOFC
mode, the most frequently reported degradation mechanisms are the 2.5. Degradation induced by reversible operation
formation of LaZrO3 and SrZrO3 [176,177], formation of Mn oxides, air
electrode delamination, densification, or coarsening [177,178]. The Many investigations have been carried out to understand degrada
presence of steam has also been reported to have a detrimental effect on tion mechanisms that occur separately in either the fuel cell or elec
the SOFC performance, causing a continuous loss of the electrolyte/air trolysis mode. However, although no new kinds of degradation
electrode contact, an enhanced Mn removal from the LSM/YSZ interface mechanisms are expected to occur during the reversible operation,
and an eventual LSM decomposition [178]. Moreover, operating tem recent investigations devoted to reversibly operated SOCs came to two
perature is a further factor that significantly impacts the electrode opposite conclusions: (i) that electrodes and interfaces can be placed
degradation. The loss of the interface stability, both chemical and me under greater strain when operating in the reversible mode, and (ii) that
chanical, was more severe at lower temperatures, e.g. 750∘ C [177]. At degradation could even be reduced due to the reversible operation. The
850∘ C, the degradation effects were linked mainly to the grain coars available knowledge about degradation mechanisms that occur during
ening and element diffusion, but their intensity was rather low. [179] the reversible operation is based primarily on conditions under which
Air electrode degradation under SOE operating conditions. Regarding the fuel electrode is fed with H2 /H2 O mixtures, mainly with a 50/50
electrolysis operation, Graves et al. [180] reported in their study that ratio, while the air electrode is fed with air. While almost all of the
fuel electrode degradation was dominant during the SOE operation at studies available reported performance degradation as a consequence of
lower current densities (i <0.25Ȧ/cm2 ), while this changed at higher air electrode degradation [195], Morales-Zapata et al. [196] alluded to a
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V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
interconnect and sealing. This enabled to reduce the degradation rate 3. Failure prediction and accelerated degradation tests
from 50%/1,000 h down to 5%/1.000 h. A glass-ceramic sealant was
identified as the most critical part of a stack that accelerates degradation The broad commercialization of the SOC technology is still an issue,
due to thermal cycling in [214]. since unexpected degradation mechanisms can occur during the opera
If thermal cycling as described above happens in a controlled tion deteriorating the cell performance and significantly reducing the
manner, slight performance and material degradation are expected; system lifetime. In order to prevent unexpected system shut downs, (i)
these, however, do not lead to rigorous SOC degradation. In contrast, e. performance prediction and (ii) state-of-the-health monitoring appear as
g., the intermittent renewable energy and its coupling with SOE, could first choice solutions. By properly predicting the expected SOC behavior
pose irregular load changes, causing irregular thermal cycling, local and possible failure modes, appropriate countermeasures can be devel
temperature hot-spots and undesired degradation in SOEs. Kaur et al. oped and applied at precisely the right time point, reducing the necessity
[215] employed LSScM-GDC composite electrodes as fuel electrode for for maintenance. This means that we have to identify all the emergen
the purpose of CO2 electrolysis. In order to simulate volatile power cies before they occur by identifying the first signs of changes and un
supply, five thermal cycles were applied, varying the temperature be desired degradation. To date, performance degradation and lifetime
tween the ambient temperature and 800∘ C. This resulted in significant prediction is possible by employing (i) model-driven prediction, (ii)
cell degradation. Current collector coarsening and fuel electrode data-driven prediction approaches and (iii) accelerating stress testing
cracking were determined as major degradation mechanisms. The un (AST). The first approach involves the use and development of complex
desired changes in the operating environment and the previously numerical models to predict performance and degradation. The second
described degradation mechanisms are more heavily weighted to cause approach is more closely related to the experimentally observed data
thermal stress within SOCs than carefully-designed thermal cycles. and their classification when compared with a trained data set or a priori
Moreover, the degradation mechanisms mentioned in previous sections knowledge, thus enabling researchers to build behavior models[216].
can also lead to thermal stresses, especially formation of local hot-spots The combination of both previously mentioned models is known as
and crack nucleation, which are influenced by the changing electrode hybrid prognostic, which provides the advantages of both the model-
morphology and inhibited chemical and electrochemical reactions. and data-driven approach [217]. The latter tool is based on experi
mental investigations that employ accelerating aging tests. While much
effort has been invested to develop different prediction models and
2.7. Concluding remarks make them available to the scientific community, relatively limited
knowledge about the accelerating degradation is available. Neverthe
Summarizing the observations presented in this section, we can less, if all of the presented principles are applied in a holistic and inte
divide the failures that occur within cells into two main classes: (i) grated manner, the expected system lifetime can be precisely
physical failures that influence the cell performance, its resistance and determined, as illustrated in Fig. 6. In this section, both of these possi
losses and (ii) morphological failures that cause damage and irreversible bilities are discussed.
morphological changes. The second type of failure always results in
physical failure, visible as performance deterioration. The failures that 3.1. Model-driven prediction
occur depend on two main factors: the (i) materials employed and (ii)
operating environment. The first degradation type that depends on the When predicting the performance with model-driven fault systems,
materials used is intensified as the operating time increases and is 0D, 1D, 2D and 3D models are available. 0D-models provide information
irreversible. To reduce this degradation type or to slow it down, the about the expected cell performance which are based on simple calcu
development of improved new generation materials or adjustment of lations and consider, e.g., relevant reactions [218]. However, these do
operating conditions is needed. With regard to the latter, operating not consider the impact of the cell microstructure and kinetics. In
conditions and factors such as impurities, the steam concentration, contrast, 1D-models provide more detailed information about the het
concentration of carbonaceous species and operating temperature play a erogeneous chemistry, mass transport and porous media transport [219]
central role. Different impurities, such as sulfur, phosphine and chlorine and, thus, are also appropriate to illustrate dynamic SOFC behavior
can have a detrimental impact on the cell performance, even if present [220,221]. Nevertheless, the results gained depend strongly on the input
only in ppb concentrations. They increase the overall losses within both variables [222], which impact their quality. More precise information
SOFC and SOE, reduce the available catalytic active sites and block the about the system behavior can be gained when using 2D models, which
gas channel, thus reducing the electrode porosity. Therefore, their enable the user to simulate the spatial distribution of the relevant
removal from the fuel used is critically necessary in order to enable safe operating parameters, such as temperature, fuel and oxygen species,
long-term operation. Moreover, carbonaceous species in the fuel flow potential and current [223]. In addition, the precision of the information
increase the propensity of the Ni-based fuel electrodes to form carbon obtained can be increased when applying 3D modeling [224–227].
and to deposit it on and within the SOC fuel electrode. Ni instability, Schluckner et al. [228] showed that it is important to define the
such as Ni reoxidation and Ni agglomeration, should be prevented boundary conditions first, such as the testing environment and impact of
during the operation as discussed above. Thermal cycling is identified as the setup on the cell performance, before starting to examine SOC per
a further stress factor that can accelerate undesired degradation. Finally, formance, since these conditions can influence the cell performance and
regarding the reversible operation, the opposite conclusions have been behavior. The results reported were supported by both numerical and
reached. While researchers have reported that this can negatively affect experimental investigations. The most important parameters were
the operating SOC, a number of studies also reported their positive identified as the flow configuration and position of electrical contact,
impact on reducing or even completely eliminating degradation effects which have to be properly designed to avoid the formation of regions
in the SOE mode. with excessively high fuel or air starvation. Formation of such regions
While various sources can cause degradation on the cell level, can lead to an abrupt decrease in performance and eventually me
degradation can also occur in different system components, such as the chanically damaging the cell as well as lead to the formation of local hot
reforming unit, heat exchanger and steam generator; this influences the spots. Fig. 7a illustrates a comparison between the current density dis
stability of the overall system. However, such degradation types are tribution through the electrolyte for counter-flow and cross-flow con
beyond the scope of this study and are not described here. figurations, showing that cross-flow leads to the non-homogeneous
Different methods have already been developed to remove undesired profiles, which can cause undesired cell degradation. In comparison,
impurities and to mitigate subsequent SOC degradation. These are current density profile in the counter-flow is more homogeneous and
described in detail in Section 5. thus can be seen as more appropriate for a degradation-free operation.
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 7. Model-driven and data-driven methods used to predict the SOC performance.
The same study suggested that the counter-flow configuration and lations enables users to identify boundaries of the critical operating
electrical contacts placed on the air electrode inlet side cause the most environments, the kinetics must be considered to obtain more detailed
uniform temperature and current density distribution along the fuel information about the expected system behavior. For instance, in [233],
electrode-supported SOFCs, making it the optimal setup combination for the authors examined the behavior of reversibly operated SOCs with
the specific SOFC operation. Therefore, we also suggest examining the both steam and syngas, reaching the conclusion that their work is mostly
impact of the cell setup as the first step before starting the SOC operation dominated by the gas diffusion and less by reaction kinetics. Moreover,
in order to identify its critical points. Considering the specific operating one relevant suggestion they provided is that the fuel composition
environments, equilibrium calculations should be carried out first to should not be changed at the mode-switching point, since it is
predict the expected SOC behavior, especially if carbon-based fuels are time-consuming to reach stable gas diffusion and co-redox reactions at
involved. If the user performs equilibrium calculations, however, they this point. A performance prediction for reversibly operated SOCs was
are assuming that the kinetics are sufficiently rapid, excluding the also presented in [234,235]. Knowing the spatial distribution of single
impact of the kinetics on the reactions that occur. Moreover, these are gaseous species along the cell, as well as the temperature and potential
mainly calculated for OCV conditions and do not consider impact of distribution, supports performance prediction and its optimization, as
electrochemistry. Sasaki et al. [229,230] carried out highly detailed shown in [224]. Based on the knowledge gained, the fuel composition
equilibrium calculations in 2003, in order to determine the boundary can be adjusted to achieve, e.g., more uniform temperature distribution
conditions for carbon formation as a function of the operating condi or higher power. The availability of such information enables the user to
tions, e.g., operating temperature and, fuel composition. The results determine the possible occurrence of different degradation mechanisms,
obtained can be used as a first assumption of the applicability in the as reported in [225]. The authors showed that the highest amount of
defined operating environment. Ten years after these published studies, carbon is expected to occur at the inlet, while the increasing current
in 2013, Lee et al. [231] performed highly detailed equilibrium calcu significantly reduces amount of the carbon formed, when operating
lations to investigate the impact of both methane dissociation (Eq. (6)) large industrial-sized SOFCs with carbon-based reformates. The risk that
and the Boudouard reaction (Eq. (14)) on carbon formation. They carbon will be formed when operating cells under high currents is also
extended the prediction for carbon formation by predicting not only the shown in [236]. Moreover, knowing the surface coverage and distribu
formation of graphitic carbon, but also of carbon nano-fibers. Focusing tion of all involved species along the cell surface can provide us further
on the equilibrium calculations given in the three previously mentioned information about distribution of occurring reactions and more impor
studies and extending them by considering reactions kinetics, major tantly, propensity of the cells towards specific degradation mechanisms,
carbon precursors in porous SOFC fuel electrodes were precisely iden e.g., Ni re-oxidation. Fuel electrode coverage with oxygen radicals and
tified in [226]. For S/C=0.5, CO was identified to be critical as a fuel at the magnitude of the adsorbed species are shown in 7 b. It is clearly
operating temperatures lower than 700 ∘ C, and CH4 , at operating tem visible that the coverage at the inlet is low, while it is significantly
peratures higher than 500 ∘ C. The temperature range at which carbon intensified at the outlet. This refers to the possibility of the enhanced Ni
nano-fibers could occur was shown to be smaller than the range at which re-oxidation on the fuel electrode outlet side. Wu et al. [237] employed a
graphite occurred. Moreover, when a CH4 /CO mixture is used, this least squares support vector machine (LS-SVM) classifier to design a
range is significantly extended, graphitic carbon can occur starting all up diagnosis model to predict different types of SOFC faults, such as
to approximately 850 ∘ C, whereas carbon nano-fibers can occur between Cl2 -poisoning of the fuel electrode and air electrode humidification by
500 and 1,000 ∘ C. Afterwards, in 2017, Sasaki and his research group using humidified air. In addition, the estimation of the remaining useful
[232] extended the equilibrium calculations to investigate the impact of lifetime as a function of the faults that occurred was enabled by
the operating pressure on the equilibrium state with different fuel employing two hidden semi-Markov models (HSMMs) and resulted in an
compositions. They reported that carbon depositions can be effectively accuracy of ±20%.
avoided under high pressure in the steam-reforming processes, whereby
partial oxidation was more suitable for coal gas to prevent carbon 3.1.1. Data-driven prediction
formation. Another way to predict the cell performance is to employ data-driven
However, although performing thermodynamic equilibrium calcu prediction methods. As could be seen in the previous section,
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 8. Model-driven prediction based on 3D modeling of SOFC performance as a function of flow conditions and SOFC surface coverage with oxygen.
performance prediction based on the physical models is extremely time- recently received more of attention. Training brain-inspired neural
consuming. This often requires the user to have very precise knowledge networks enables the representation and prediction of real-world
about the SOC microstructure, its porosity, electrode thickness, structure behavior, as proven by several Sillicon Valley giants for different pur
of the individual layers, and other factors. To simplify the prediction of poses. The applicability of ANNs to predict and control the performance
the SOC performance and reduce the necessary prediction time, artificial of SOFC in residential micro-cogeneration installations was confirmed
intelligence and the application of artificial neural networks (ANN) have by Milewski et al. [238]. The ANNs have also been used to predict SOFC
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
performance as a function of the microstructure, thus offering the pos accelerating stress testing for SOC technology. Employing the experi
sibility for microstructural optimization [239–241]. Moreover, the mental AST data and appropriate stochastic models, it is possible to
successful prediction of the SOFC performance, [242], SOE performance estimate the expected lifetime as a function of different operating
[243], or even the prediction of specific losses that can occur when parameters.
varying the operating temperature, fuel composition and the operating In 1990, Nelson [249] published a book entitled ”Accelerating
current [244] during the operation, verifies the applicability of ANNs for Testing”, which summarized the knowledge and available studies about
purposes of electrochemical performance prediction. Wu et al. [245] different products at that stage and discussed general principles of ac
employed Elman neural network to predict faults that can occur in the celeration and stress loading, statistical considerations, models for life
operating SOFC system, such as heat exchanger breakage and the tests and the graphical data analysis. The author claimed that it is
instable stack voltage, this enabled a multi-dynamic system response. important to plan the tests appropriately. All of the collected data should
Dolenc et al. [246] employed a hybrid approach on a 6 kW stack to be analyzed and presented, as well as compared to each other, correctly.
predict the remaining lifetime in non-stationary operating conditions. Moreover, the comparisons of the impacts of different accelerating pa
Collecting the performance data in-operando, they could predict the rameters and stressors, respectively, should be compared with each
future performance progress and estimate the stack area specific resis other. Varying stress is also considered as an important step, since the
tance. In another work, Dolenc et al. [247] presented an SoH approach different types of stress loading can be applied in various ways. These
based on the data-driven degradation model for SOFC performance include (i) the most common constant stress, (ii) step stress, in which the
prediction, which makes adjustment to new conditions possible. Zhang stress level successively increases, (iii) cyclic stress with a cyclic stress
et al. [248] presented the following steps as relevant for data-driven loading, which can e.g., be presented as a sine curve and (iv) random
approaches: data acquisition, data processing, feature selection and stress with randomly changing stress levels.
distribution, and finally, fault prognostics. To achieve this aim, it is In 2006, Escobar et al. [250] reviewed the general accelerated test
important to identify the healthy stage during the operation and to models that could be used for different products. As a possible method of
determine different degradation stages that occur. The last aspect is the acceleration they reported the increasing use of the following parame
critical stage, but before the critical stage occurs, it is important to ters: the use rate of the product, intensity of the exposure to radiation,
identify degradation at an early stage within the prognostic window. aging rate of the product and stress level (e.g., amplitude in voltage,
The illustration in Fig. 8 shows that different prediction approaches need pressure, temperature cycling). Among the accelerated testing forms,
to be combined using both the available measured data and the model they also differentiated among response types and listed the following:
parameters. Combining different prediction approaches enables the user accelerated binary tests (ABT), accelerated life tests (ALT) and acceler
to increase the reliability of the data obtained and, based on these to ated destructive degradation tests (ADDT). When considering tempera
prepare an appropriate experimental design. All of the steps shown in ture as an accelerating stressor, they suggested using the following
this illustration are important to ensure the safe long-term operation of Arrhenius based equation:
SOC systems. [ ( )]
EA 1 1
AF(T) = exp − (21)
kB T0 Ts
3.2. Accelerated stress testing
In the above-mentioned equation, EA represents the thermal degradation
One huge challenge is to achieve long lifetimes for SOC-based sys activation energy, kB the Boltzmann constant, T the temperature at the
tems in order to make them suitable for system level applications. nominal conditions T0 and under the impact of the specific stressor Ts
Nevertheless, it is also challenging, expensive and time-consuming to [250,251].
demonstrate the required long lifetimes to identify all the possible fail Moreover, when considering temperature cycling as an accelerating
ure modes and degradation mechanisms. As an alternative approach, stressor, the authors suggested using the following equation as a way to
degradation mechanisms can be provoked and accelerated by using determine the impact of the degradation type on the overall lifetime:
specifically designed operating conditions. In this way, the lifetime can ( )
N(ΔtempU ) Δtemp β1
be significantly shortened, the testing can be performed quickly, and the AF(Δtemp) = = (22)
N(Δtemp) ΔtempU
obtained data - when properly interpreted and analyzed - should deliver
the desired information about the expected lifetime. This means that the with Δtemp describing as the temperature range, N as the random
information that is usually gained over a period of months or years can number of cycles to failure, and β1 as property of the test setup and
be obtained in only a few hours, days, or weeks. To achieve this goal, materials used. Nelson [249] suggested defining β1 as two (2) for some
researchers are developing strategies for accelerating aging or metals. If we examine the literature addressing specific degradation in
high-temperature applications, Kang described the sintering, grain
growth and densification of Ni-particles, aspects relevant in SOC
manufacturing, in his book [252] published in 2005. In 2006, Sehestad
et al. [253] published a work that considered the effects of time, at
mosphere, temperature, nickel-carrier interactions and dopants on the
sintering of nickel catalysts.
Accelerated stress testing for SOFC. Summarizing the two above
mentioned studies, Ploner et al. [251] suggested considering the impact
of steam on the sintering processes as follows:
( )n
p(H2 O)s
AF(steam) = (23)
p(H2 O)0
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Temperature at high Temperature increase Increasing parameters such as electrode conductivity, fuel electrode TPB length and
steam partial from 700∘ C to 800∘ C temperature mean hydraulic pore radius. An SOFC performance model was also used
pressure accelerated coarsening in which already well-known equations and principles from other
of Ni-particles by a
studies were applied. The creation of such a model was, however,
factor of four at
p(H2 O)=0.5
necessary, to examine the impact of Ni-agglomeration on performance
degradation. The results observed are discussed in Table 4. Fitting the
Steam at low Degradation rate lower Steam partial
[251] results observed to an appropriate curve, the authors tried to find the
temperatures for the inlet steam pressure p(H2 O)>
pressure of p(H2 O)= 0.15 right transfer function to correlate the accelerating stressor and the
0.04 and p(H2 O)=0.15 degradation rate.
than for p(H2 O)=0.25 Accelerating stressors for the SOFC operation, their impact on the
and p(H2 O)=0.4
observable SOFC performance and especially the critical operating
S/C Very low S/C ratio S/C<0.1 [112, conditions are summarized and discussed in Table 4.
significantly accelerates 149] Accelerated stress testing for SOE. Although the number of available
studies that focus on accelerated degradation in SOFC is low, the number
blocking gas channels
and covering the of available studies related to the SOE operation is even more restricted.
catalytic active sites Nechache et al. [265] examined the impact of Si-containing impurities
Fuel utilization High fuel utilization FU>90% [149] on YSZ stability, increasing the operating current density up to 1.7
accelerates Ni- A/cm2 . They came to the conclusion that, when increasing the operating
reoxidation and Ni- current density to the values higher than 0.6 A/cm2 , the YSZ electrolyte
began to be electronic conductive, which is an undesired feature. This
Air utilization High air utilization AU>70% [149] occurs as a result of the formation of numerous micropores within the
accelerates air electrolyte. Moreover, cracks appeared and delamination in the
decomposition and
YDC/YSZ layer occurred. Such strong YSZ degradation was observed
interlayer delamination only after 350 operating hours. The impact of increasing operating
current density on accelerating degradation was also determined in
Operating time of Ni-agglomeration and not discussed
20,000 h at 800∘ C increase of Ni-particles
[259] [136]. Increasing the current density from 600 mA/cm2 up to 1,200
and 0.5 A/cm2 at: (i) fuel electrode mA/cm2 resulted in more pronounced morphological changes in the air
functional layer by electrode over a period of only 80 h. Those included intensified Sr
3.7%, (ii) fuel electrode
support by 0.8%, (iii)
segregation that was identified while operating at 600 mA/cm2 , but also
decrease in TPB length additional Sr deposition within the GDC layers and delamination of the
by 24%, (iv) decrease in GDC/LSCF interface. Besides the operating current density, a number of
the fuel electrode different parameters can accelerate degradation when using the elec
interlayer conductivity
trolysis mode, such as high steam partial pressure, load cycling, high
by 70%, (v) decrease in
the fuel electrode voltages, steam starvation and even reversible operation, as reported by
support conductivity by Königshofer at al. [137] in a study performed on 5 single-cells. The
18%, (vi) increase in authors provided accelerated stress test protocols for the SOE operation
ohmic and activation as a function of the previously mentioned parameters and supported
losses by 25%
them by morphological post-mortem analyses. They also showed that
Operating Increasing operating i>1.0 A/cm2 at different accelerating parameters result in different degrees of
temperature and temperature in a range 600∘ C; i>1.9 A/cm2 degradation.
current density 600–800∘ C and current at 650∘ C; i>3.0 A/
over 5,000 h density in a range 0-0.5 The knowledge gained on a single-cell level was further applied on
cm2 at 700∘ C; i>4.2
mA/cm2 accelerates A/cm2 at 750∘ C; the stack level in [266]. The results observed show that lower temper
voltage degradation as i>4.8 A/cm2 at atures and higher voltages as well as high steam conversion rates
follows: 1.04 mV/1000 800∘ C; accelerated degradation. In contrast to these results, operation under
h at 600∘ C, 1.63 mV/
high steam partial pressure resulted in a stable degradation rate. The
1000 h at 650∘ C, 2.41
mV/1000 h at 700∘ C, impact of high steam partial pressure on the performance and
3.45 mV/1000 h at morphology of both single-cell and stack is shown in Fig. 11. The data
750∘ C and 5.16 mV/ found regarding the AST for SOE, the observed results and the critical
1000 h at 800∘ C
conditions are summarized and discussed in detail in Table 5.
Fuel electrode and No impact of air lower fuel electrode
air electrode electrode pressure on pressure
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 12. Changes in electrochemical performance and microstructure of SOE under high steam amount (H2 O/H2 =95/5) and 835∘ C at 500 mA/cm2 for single-cells
and 800 mA/cm2 for stack. Single-cells and stack have same microstructure. Reprinted from Ref. [137,266] with permission from Elsevier.
4. State-of-the-health diagnostics for running SOC harmonic distortion analysis, are described and discussed in detail
below. Much attention is especially given to understanding the elec
The commercialization and long-term application of SOC-based trochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), since this provides a basis
systems in the future energy system will be possible, if their reliability for all further SoH tools. Its advanced distribution of relaxation times
and lifetime can be controlled and prolonged properly. These aspects are (DRT) methodology is also explained in detail, since this enables the
feasible, if important information about the system state of the health identification of specific frequencies to separate the ongoing processes
can be determined when undesired changes first occur that could be within SOCs. A comprehensive study on the available DRT was carried
fatal for the system operation. By performing reliable online state-of-the- out; these are summarized in Fig. 14 making a novel contribution to the
health (SoH) estimations, likely end of life as well as maintenance ac scientific community. This significantly helps researchers to easily
tions can be designed optimally, hence preventing equipment damage analyze the SOC processes.
and loss of operability. Much research has already been carried out to Before a detailed description of the above-mentioned SoH tools is
address this issue and much research is still ongoing. provided, it is important to mention that the criterion of reliability must
This section provides an overview of different available diagnostic be met both during the electrochemical measurement procedure and
tools that enable the identification of degradation at an early stage, thus data processing. In this context, e.g., the criterion of the stationary
preventing irreversible degradation. The most commonly used tools, system behavior must be met, which requires a specific testing speed to
parameters that can be identified using these tools and information they be used. Moreover, the operating conditions should not be changed at
provide are shortly summarized in Table 6. The most relevant current/ any time, e.g., during the running measurement. For more information
voltage-based conventional and non-conventional SoH tools that are (i) on this topic, we refer the reader to the work of Klotz et al. [286], which
applicable in both laboratory and real-operating environment, (ii) time- presents a guideline for making reliable electrochemical measurements.
and cost-efficient and (iii) can easily be implemented in systems,
namely, polarization curve, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy,
its advanced methodology distribution of relaxation times and total
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Table 5 Table 6
Accelerated stress testing for SOE. Summary of available in-operando diagnostic tools applicable for both operating
Accelerating Observed result Critical operating Source
modes and their application.
parameter conditions Diagnostic tool Parameter Information Source
Si-containing For i>0.6 mA/cm2 YSZ i > 0.6 A/cm2
impurities and becomes electronic Temperature monitoring via Temperature, Reactions [267–270]
operating conductive; appearance of thermocouples, temperature distribution
current density numerous micropores thermography, light imaging distribution along the cell,
within YSZ, cracks and heat losses,
delamination at the YDC/ endothermal
YSZ interface vs. exothermal
Increasing Increasing i from 600 mA/ i > 600 mA/cm2 reactions
operating cm2 up to 1,200 mA/cm2 Gas analysis, gas Gas Concentration [48,114,
current density intensified Sr-segregation chromatography components of specific gas 271]
and resulted in additional components,
degradation mechanisms: species
Sr deposition withing the distribution,
GDC interlayer and estimation of
damaging of the GDC/ chemical
LSCF interface reactions,
High steam partial Increase of cell voltage, H2 O/H2 ≥ 90/10, equilibrium
pressure inhibited diffusion of H2 O, V = Vmax (∼1.35 V), state
H2 T = Topt (835∘ C) Mass spectrometry Mass spectra Species [65,80]
Redistribution Ni, traces of t > 200 h of gases concentration,
Ni-agglomeration and Ni- species
reoxidation, Species distribution
deposition at air electrode Spectrochronopotentionmetry, Wavenumber Carbon [63,
structure Raman vibrational and Signal deposition, Ni- 272–274]
Load cycling Slightly unstable cell H2 O/H2 ⩾ 80/20, spectrometry intensity reoxidation,
(dynamic voltage, inhibited diffusion V = Vmax (∼1.35 V) degradation
operation) of H2 O, H2 Voltage and current monitoring DC voltage, Voltage and [75,267,
O2 , charge transfer and T = Topt (835∘ C), i1.0 system DC current current 275]
ionic transfer = i @ Vmax , i0.5 = distribution
i1.0 ⋅ 0.5 Polarization curve Voltage, Power, overall [276–278]
Redistribution of Ni, local Interval ≤ 1 h, t > current losses
[137] Electrochemical impedance AC voltage, Process [279,280]
Ni-agglomeration, surface- 200 h
segregation of Sr spectroscopy analyzer AC current, mechanisms,
High voltages Moderately unstable cell H2 O/H2 = 80/20, V impedance polarization
voltage, slight increase of > Vmax (∼1.35 V), T losses
ohmic resistance and high < Topt (835∘ C), i ⩾ Equivalent circuit model Current, Process [281–283]
frequency -800 mA/cm2 analysis voltage, mechanisms
Big Ni-grains, traces of Ni- t>200 h equivalent
[137] circuit
agglomeration, foam-like
layer on surface of LSM elements
Reversible Improvement of cell H2 O/H2 = 50/50, V Total harmonic distortion Higher System non- [112,149,
operation voltage, more stable = Vmax (∼1.35 V), T analysis harmonics, linearity, 284,285]
operation at lower = Topt (835∘ C) signal degradation
intervals, slight increase of distortion processes
impedance of steam
electrode related processes
Local occurrences of Ni- t ≤1 h, t>200 h When applying the second method, a fast hold time acquisition method
agglomeration/- is used. The aim of using this method is to avoid sensible temperature
variation, which requires a rapid increase in the current density, not
higher than 10 s. The guidelines for a correct measurement procedure of
4.1. Conventional characterization tools based on linear system analysis polarization curves is described in technical reports, as follows
The examination of electrochemical systems usually starts with an The shape of the characteristic polarization curves enables initial
application of conventional monitoring tools, such as voltage moni conclusions to be drawn about the loss mechanisms involved. However,
toring. Voltage monitoring provides information about cell performance further information is required to determine the exact distribution of
at a specific operating point. In order to obtain information about the losses, their origin, or even specific failure modes at their initial stage,
SOC behavior at different operating points, polarization curve mea which can be gained when employing more complex measuring prin
surement is usually employed. The polarization curve measurement is ciples such as linear and non-linear electrochemical impedance
the most widely used method for the electrochemical characterization of spectroscopy.
fuel and electrolysis cells. This measurement can be carried out either (i)
step by step by selecting individual points or (ii) by continuously
changing the specified value for the current or voltage. The choice of test 4.2. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS)
speed is mostly a question of a compromise and depends on the re
quirements to obtain relevant results. Two different methods are used to Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an established non-
obtain current density profiles, as reported in [287]. Employing the first destructive methodology used to analyze processes and mechanisms that
one, the current density is increased in specific steps from OCV to the occur in electrochemical systems [293]. It is also called impedance
maximum current density at 0.7 V. A stable measurement is carried out spectroscopy or AC impedance. For the purpose of EIS measurements, a
at each current density step with a typical holding time of approximately sinusoidal current or voltage perturbation is superimposed on the sys
10 minutes, after which the thermochemical equilibrium is reached. tem running under DC conditions, and the corresponding system
response is measured. The measurements are usually carried out in a
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
range of 1 MHz to 100 mHz. Depending on the processes that are ex 4.2.2. Equivalent circuit model (ECM) analysis
pected to occur, the frequency range can be adjusted. For instance, if Interpretation of the measured impedance data can be simplified by
very slow processes will be examined, the low frequency range is utilizing an equivalent circuit model (ECM) to fit the measured data. In
reduced down to 1 mHz. The high frequency range, however, depends an ECM, different elements are connected with each other to illustrate
on the system inductance, which can significantly decrease the upper the SOC behavior. The elements used illustrate physical and chemical
frequency limit. Eventually, impedance is calculated as a vector ratio of processes that occur, such as electrochemical reactions, electron and
the voltage and current for the specified frequency range (see Eq. 25). mass transfer and electrolyte resistance [17]. These elements used can
be classified into two groups: (i) the lumped element model resistance
u(t) U
Z(jω) = = exp(j(φ − ψ )) (25) (R), capacitance (C) and inductance (L) and (ii) frequency-dependent
i(t) I
elements such as the constant-phase element (CPE), Warburg element
Depending on the system boundaries, the system can be operated in (W), Gerisher element (G) and bounded frequency-dependent elements
(i) a pseudo potentionstatic mode in which the voltage is controlled and [17]. Ideal capacitances have rather rarely been observed to illustrate
the current is measured or in (ii) a pseudo galvanostatic mode, in which behavior for solid oxide cell-based electrochemical systems. This is
the current is controlled and the voltage is measured. For the SOC sys clearly seen in the measured EIS semi-circles that are depressed and thus
tems, the galvanostatic mode is commonly employed. When operating deviate from ideal 90∘ . The constant-phase element is an appropriate
the system in the potentiostatic mode, the voltage applied corresponds element to be used here, which presents a non-perfect capacitance built
to u = uDC + uAC , whereby the current response measured can be pre of resistance and capacitance elements and the arc observed is presented
sented as a Fourier series as follows [18]: at an angle of (n-1)⋅90∘ . Ricciardi et al. [312], who investigated the
SOFC air electrodes, reported that this element can be correlated with
i(t) = i0 + i1 sin(ωt + ψ 1 ) + i2 sin(2ωt + ψ 2 ) + … + in sin(nωt + ψ n ) (26)
the irregular electrode surface, and its roughness as well as distribution
of activation energy can be related to reduction processes. Nevertheless,
In the opposite case, when operating the system in a galvanostatic mode,
Lvovich [310] showed that, depending on the n value, the CPE element
the current applied is equal to i = iDC + iAC . The corresponding system
can depict a number of properties and processes in SOCs, e.g., electrode
voltage response can be obtained as follows [18]:
porosity and thickness, surface coating and its conductivity, slow
u(t) = u0 + u1 sin(ωt + ξ1 ) + u2 sin(2ωt + ξ2 ) + … + un sin(nωt + ξn ) (27) adsorption processes, crystal phases and grain boundaries of poly
crystalline electrodes, and even inhomogeneity in the current and po
4.2.1. Basic principles of the EIS measurement tential distribution along the electrode. If diffusion processes are
In order to carry out the impedance measurements correctly and to dominant, the Warburg element is used for their description instead of
ensure their quality, several requirements must be fulfilled, including: the CPE element [280]. The Warburg element is thus related to the
steady-state, causality, time-invariance, and linearity [294]. Before resistance to the current flow of electroactive species [310], and it is
taking the measurements, the criteria of stability and steady-state for especially employed for large planar electrodes. When these electro
both electrodes must be confirmed, which is achieved for the system in a active species undergo chemical reactions in the bulk, a Gerischer
thermochemical equilibrium state. If the measured signal response is a element is used. This is mainly related to homogeneous reactions and, at
sinusoidal waveform signal and directly corresponds to the applied very low frequencies, it reaches a constant value, which is inversely
input signal, the system is causal. A system function of the electro proportional to a kinetic rate constant [310]. The Gerischer element is
chemical systems under investigation is only indirectly dependent on the also often correlated with the air electrode oxygen surface exchange
time-domain, meaning that the system is assigned as time-invariant. kinetics and bulk diffusion of O2− [313]. A detailed description and
Eventually, the linearity criterion must be satisfied. In order to main mathematical explanations for different elements are provided by Lvo
tain system linearity, the signal amplitude must be low enough to attain vich [310], Barsoukov and Macdonald [295], and Stoynov and Vladi
the pseudo-linear system response [295,296]. However, amplitudes that kova [281].
are too small result in poor signal-noise ratio, indicating that a suffi To date, numerous equivalent circuit models have been developed in
ciently high amplitude value should be chosen to reduce the signal order to evaluate the SOC performance and gain better insights into the
noise. The criterion of system linearity cannot be violated as the processes that occur. The commonly used EC models are based on the
amplitude increases, because the well-known linear system theory needs complex nonlinear least squares (CNLS) principle. The EC presented in
to be applied in either the time or frequency domain [17]. If the linearity [314] contains five serially connected elements: (i) R0 ohmic losses, (ii)
criterion is disturbed and nonlinearity appears, a nonlinear analysis RQ-elements for gas diffusion and activation polarization in the fuel
must be applied. electrode functional layers, (iii) G-Gerischer elements to describe the air
As a perturbation signal both current and voltage can be employed. electrode activation polarization, (iv) the Warburg element W to illus
Different current amplitudes have already been applied for this purpose, trate the fuel electrode gas diffusion polarization, and (v) the RQ
e.g., 20 mA [297], 10–40 mA [296], 60 mA [298–301] and even 100 mA element, which has a significant impact when p(O2 ) is lower than 0.05
[302]. Recently, the measurements were performed with the atm on the air electrode. This model is shown in Fig. 12 a. An equivalent
AC-amplitude varied as a function of the DC-load, e.g., 4% of the DC load circuit that is exactly the same was presented in another work by the
without violating the system linearity [8,112]. Different AC voltage same research group [315]. However, in that study, the last RQ-unit was
amplitudes have also been suggested in the available literature: 10 mV associated with the processes that occur under reformate operation.
[303,304], 12 mV [305], 14 mV [304] and, 50 mV [306]. Besides the Sumi at al. [316] employed a different EC consisting of mainly R, C and
conventional principle of setting a constant amplitude while taking one Q elements as presented in Fig. 12 b. L-R depicts the large noise obtained
measurement, the random binary signal (RBS) has recently been at high frequencies for the lead wires, and the remaining R-Q elements
approved as a successful and time-efficient means of taking impedance present processes that take place in microtubular SOFCs. The same
measurements [307,308]. This principle is based on the amplitude model that was used by Sumi et al. [316] was used by Nielsen and
variation at random time instances and its adjustment for different Mogensen [178] to investigate degradation in LSM:YSZ air electrodes
frequencies. induced by steam.
A comprehensive description of the basic impedance principles, In addition to the fuel cell operation, the authors also analyzed
measurements, instrumentation, analysis, fitting procedures, modeling processes that occur in the electrolysis mode with the EC model as
and much more can be found in recent books published by Orazem shown in Fig. 12 c. Yang et al. [299] fitted two equivalent circuits using
[309], Barsoukov and MacDonald [295], Lvovich [310] and Lasia [311]. the CNLS method and the Ravdav software, both of which were based on
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 13. CNLS equivalent circuits used for SOCs used from different mentioned references with permission from Elsevier.
previously performed studies and a distribution of relaxation times re operated in a reversible mode [267].
sults. In the second EC variant, mentioned as B, an additional element Moreover, the cell impedance for reversibly operated SOCs was
consisting of the resistance R6 in series with inductance L6 describes illustrated by linearizing the fundamental equations and approaching
only the low frequency loop that was observable in specific cases at low the losses by creating a Taylor series [8]. In that simulation, the cell was
frequencies (f<0.5 Hz). The same EC as presented in [314] (Fig. 12 a) considered as both only one segment and as a unit consisting of several
was successfully implemented to examine the behavior of stacks segments: therefore, two different approaches were used to simulate
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
impedance losses. The first one is presented as a 1D-model for monitor changes that occur as a function of the operating time.
one-segment cell, as shown in Fig. 12 d, and the second one is suitable Impedance analysis of SOC operation in the SOFC mode. Zhu and Kee
for the 2D-model, in which one cell consists of several segments, as [323] simulated impedance spectra for the case of internal methane
presented in Fig. 12 e. Aside from the aforementioned complex equiv reforming, taking into consideration the fuel mixture of
alent circuits, simpler circuits that use solely R, L, C and/or Q elements CH4 /H2 O=90/10 and varying the current density between 0.2 A/cm2
have also been employed to reproduce the SOC behavior. When and 3 A/cm2 . Initially, two semi-circles were observed, both of which
increasing the complexity of the EC, thus increasing the number and had similar heights and lengths. Increasing the current density up to 1
diversity of the elements, better overlapping will be achieved. However, A/cm2 , the losses decreased, and it seemed as though the two
this is not the goal, because the number of the elements used should be semi-circles merged to form one semi-circle. However, when further
kept as low as possible, and the usage of the elements should be increasing the operating current density, the losses started to increase,
meaningful. This means that the processes that occur must be explain and the first semi-circle was larger than the second one, an event that
able with the elements used. In this sense, we suggest to initially can be correlated with the rising concentration losses. Barford et al.
compare the cells or stacks used with those available in the literature [301] studied losses that occur in fuel electrode-supported SOFCs as a
and to try to use the already proved ECMs. In the further steps, if these function of the operating time and the operating temperature. The
seem to be inappropriate for the system under investigation, the ele impedance spectra were measured before and after the change was
ments should be replaced and the new, more appropriate ECM should be carried out, thus calculating differences that occur in the impedance
created. values. These differences were mainly in the derivate with respect to the
However, before employing the ECM chosen for the process analysis, ln(f) of the real impedance part and were related to the specific fre
the measured and fitted data must be compared in order to verify and quencies. Such an analysis provided information that enabled the three
validate the circuit elements used. If such a step is neglected, the further peaks to be assigned to each electrode. Regarding the LSM/YSZ elec
suitability of the ECM data for the detailed analysis cannot be assessed. trode, peaks of 10 Hz, ∼ 300 Hz and ∼ 10 kHz were identified, and the
In [296], an interesting approach is proposed to validate the EC used. analysis results agreed closely with the results shown in [324].
Three different ECMs, (i) RL-RC-RC, (ii) RL-RC-RQ and (iii) RL-RQ-RQ, Regarding the Ni/YSZ electrode, the 0.1-10 Hz range was associated
were used to find the most appropriate one for the system under with a gas-conversion arc: the 10 Hz-1 kHz, to a gas-diffusion arc: and
investigation. After fitting, the values of the EC individual elements were 1–10 kHz, to a gas-solid or solid-solid arc. This association corresponds
calculated and further used to calculate the polarization curves. To with the results presented in [325–327]. The same principle of param
calculate the polarization curves from the data available, different ap eter variation used to obtain more information about the impedance
proaches were utilized for this purpose, such as Euler’s implicit nu alternations was applied in [296]. Three different fuel mixtures were
merical integration, Euler’s explicit numerical integration and used on the fuel electrode: (i) H2 /H2 O, (ii) H2 /H2 O/CO, and (iii)
trapezoidal function. After selecting the most suitable calculation H2 /H2 O/CO/CO2 /CH4 . When varying between the fuel components, the
methodology, the polarization curves were calculated using the ohmic most relevant changes occurred in the second arc, between approxi
values from the relevant elements of all three different ECs and even mately 50 Hz and 100 mHz, enabling these changes to be correlated with
tually compared with the measured data. Following this strategy, an the fuel electrode processes. Mogensen and other researchers from the
excellent choice of the correct EC can be made. same research team investigated both fuel electrode degradation [328,
329] and air electrode degradation [178] by means of electrochemical
4.2.3. Impedance analysis of SOC systems impedance spectroscopy. In [178], the impact of moisture on the air
An analysis of the solid oxide cell-based systems is currently un electrode degradation was identified as affecting the YSZ interface and
imaginable without using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. EIS causing LSM decomposition. Such morphological changes could be
is used to characterize SOCs at different levels, starting with the mate linked to the high frequency arc and increasing capacitance. Gas
rials, over individual electrodes, electrolytes and single-cells and up to cleaning procedures also have important impacts on the SOFC perfor
the stack level. In specific cases, the losses that occur cannot clearly be mance, e.g., H2 cleaning reduced performance losses even by a factor of
assigned to the individual electrodes, which, in turn, requires mea 2–3, which was observed by EIS measurement [328]. Moreover, in the
surements involving the reference electrode. However, measuring with same study, the EIS measurements enabled researchers to gain signifi
the reference electrode is a very challenging and thus non-trivial cant knowledge about the impact of p(H2 O) on the Ni/YSZ degradation
approach, since its position on the electrolyte can significantly affect and identify the most relevant parameter as the characteristic time.
the accuracy of the electrochemical measurements. Adler et al. [317, When increasing the p(H2 O) from 0.2 atm up to 0.4 atm, the degradation
318] examined impact of the reference electrode on the potential dis time was reduced from 134 h down to 17 h. Jensen et al. [330] also
tribution within a solid electrolyte and near the electrode, both exper varied operating parameters such as temperature and the partial pres
imentally and numerically. They came to the conclusion that, in order to sure of the reactants to monitor the changes that occurred and separate
avoid undesired potential gradients along the electrolyte, the distance the fuel electrode and air electrode processes that overlapped in the
between the reference electrode and each active electrode should be at Nyquist plot.
least three electrolyte thicknesses. Moreover, measuring on symmetric Impedance analysis of SOC operation in the SOE mode. Impedance
cells seem to be more easily done than measuring on the single-cells. monitoring has also often been used to control the performance degra
When employing single-cells, the electrolyte thickness should be dation as a function of the operating time. Yang et al. [299] examined
significantly increased. The same distance of at least three electrolyte SOE behavior under thermoneutral voltage of 1.29 V as a function of the
thicknesses was also confirmed in [319,320]. In contrast to the results of operating time of over 1,000 h and the operating temperature that was
those studies, another study [321] claimed that the necessary minimum varied between 700 ∘ C, 750 ∘ C and 800 ∘ C. Regardless of the operating
distance should account at least 50 electrolyte thicknesses in order to temperature, the impedance and thus the overall losses increased as the
avoid the potential difference along the electrolyte and, thus, the impact time increased. During the initial 300 h, strong degradation was
on the measurements. A discussion on the possible cell configuration for observed. After 300 operating hours, the cells operated at 750 ∘ C pro
performance evaluation in SOFCs is reported by Jian [322]. In a general vided the same performance as the cells operated at 800 ∘ C. This was,
sense, when starting to characterize SOCs by means of electrochemical however, even 74% higher than the cell performance observed at 700 ∘ C.
impedance spectroscopy, it is firstly important to perform a reference The results described are presented in Fig. 13. The EIS results observed
measurement in order to observe the initial performance and understand clearly indicate enhanced degradation as the time increased, which the
the SOC behavior under degradation-free conditions. Secondly, a spe authors correlated with the Ni/YSZ electrode in all the three cases.
cific time interval for repeating the measurements should be set to
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 14. EIS and the corresponding DRT for SOC. Reprinted from [299] with permission from Elsevier.
Taking into consideration alternations on the air electrode, the LSM to the temperature dependent electrolyte resistance. Similar behavior
electrode delamination and formation of nanoparticles can be identified was observed as a function of the operating temperature. When per
as an increase in both ohmic and polarization resistance. This was pre formed on each single cell within the stack, an impedance analysis can
sented by Chen and Jiang in [187], in which they operated the elec provide useful information about the performance of single cells within
trodes for 48 h of at 500 mA/cm2 and employed an equivalent circuit for the stack, as reported by Yan et al. [333]. This enables researchers to
a subsequent analysis. The main conclusion drawn was that the HF arc is identify discrepancies between single cells and to make conclusions
solely correlated to the electrode/electrolyte interface and O2− migra about their state of the health.
tion from the electrolyte towards the electrode. The increase in both the
ohmic and polarization resistance was also correlated with the silica 4.2.4. Discussion and concluding remarks
segregation on the Ni/YSZ-surface by Hauch et al. [331]. The same ef Considering the studies available and comparing them to each other,
fect of increasing ohmic and polarization resistance was observed in the conclusion can be made that impedance simulations have primarily
[136] for the case of strong Sr-segregation within both the LSCF elec been designed for ideal systems. Nevertheless, the experimental setup
trode and GDC interlayer, which caused interlayer delamination and the plays a significant role when investigating system processes by means of
formation of a Sr-layer on the boundary with the electrolyte. This was EIS. In order to obtain the most representative results, we suggest to
caused by the operation under a high current density of 1.2 A/cm2 for carry out initial measurements for the system used and to vary relevant
80 h. Decreasing the operating current density down to 600 mA/cm2 , operating parameters, such as temperature, partial pressure of gaseous
degradation was reduced and resulted in the formation of the Sr-layer species and operating current. Analyzing variations related to the spe
between the electrolyte and the GDC-layer, which displayed the cific electrodes, process mechanisms can be identified and moreover
increasing polarization resistance, whereby the ohmic resistance correlated to the electrodes. In addition, the electrochemical impedance
remained constant. Knibbe et al. [186] also confirmed that higher cur spectra provide many overlapped processes and easily differentiating
rent densities (>1 A/cm2 ) result in intensified degradation and an between single electrodes and individual processes is a challenging
increased number of degradation mechanisms. This was illustrated by approach.
the increasing ohmic resistance presented as the increasing polarization Traditionally, impedance analysis is carried out employing electrical
drop across the oxygen electrode. The latter can be attributed to the O2 equivalent circuits; these make the fitting of the measured impedance
formation in YSZ grain boundaries near the oxygen electrode. Never possible. Specific groups of elements are assembled to illustrate the
theless, the polarization resistance did not show any systematic behavior of complex electrochemical processes, representing processes
behavior. in different frequency ranges. Nevertheless, although a fitting an ECM
Considering the stack level, several studies are available in the based on the mathematical model can always provide solutions, the
literature. When operating the 10-cell SOC stack consisting of meaning and relation to physical processes are not always completely
electrolyte-supported cells, as shown in [332], the electrolysis mode clear. Finding a correlation between the model parameters and SOFC
operation resulted in increasing losses - both ohmic and polarization - properties is a challenging task. It is also highly challenging to extract all
when increasing the H2 O/H2 ratio from 80/20, over 90/10 and up to the complex processes that occur on the microscopic level and their
95/5. As the operating current increased, the difference between the coefficients from the EIS spectra, in which different physical and
Nyquist plots reduced significantly for all the three H2 O/H2 -ratios. For chemical processes overlap, and to correlate them with the EC elements
the selected gas mixture of H2 O/H2 =90/10, the impedance spectra used. A number of different ECMs are presented in the available litera
remained unchanged over 40 h. This was indicative of the stable oper ture, which shows that different ECMs provide the same fitted spectra.
ation without visible degradation. For the same stack operated in a fuel Thus, employing the ECM principle presumes that number of processes
cell mode, the reformate mixture was used as a fuel, and several pa should be known and a priori defined, since increasing complexity of the
rameters were varied. This meant that when decreasing the fuel flow ECM can lead to either under- or over-fitting. In order to be able to
under a current density of 200 mA/cm2 , increasing polarization losses clearly differ between the single electrode processes without a necessary
and a significant increase in the second arc were observed. This was prior knowledge, distribution of relaxation times is gaining increasing
indicative of the increasing concentration losses. Varying the operating attention as a sophisticated analysis tool. Its basic principles and results
temperature only shifted the spectrum along the x-axis, which is linked observed for SOFCs and SOEs are presented in the following section.
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 15. Overview of the process mechanisms as a function of DRT frequency values summarized by the available literature: FE: fuel electrode, AE: air electrode, AE/
FE: both electrodes, FE/E: fuel electrode/electrolyte, red: temperature impact on the cell level. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
4.3. Distribution of relaxation times (DRT) [334], DRT analysis is of particular interest, because it excludes the
users’ subjectivity, as in the case of the ECM. Thus, it can be used as a
Distribution of relaxation times is a sophisticated complementary preliminary step in identifying an appropriate ECM. When making a
tool that enables researchers to extract the most dominant time con detailed comparison between the ECM and DRT, in [313], the authors
stants from the measured EIS data and to correlate them with the specific claim that two different approaches are applicable with regard to the
mechanisms. Employing the DRT principle, it is assumed that at each impedance data deconvolution. The first one focuses on employing the
measured frequency specific process can be identified, which is usually simple ECM containing a number of RC elements as a basis for DRT,
represented by a number of RC, or more recently, RQ elements which are without any previous knowledge regarding the physical behavior of the
connected in series. The optimization algorithm is applied to find the system under investigation. The second approach proposes the opposite
lowest number of elements that is appropriate to depict the processes tactic, which means that DRT combined with the experimentally
that occurs in a running SOC system. As reported by Nechahe et al. observed impedance spectra can be used to establish the appropriate
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
ECM for describing complex electrochemical processes. In conclusion, conventional interpretation of the Nyquist plots. The DRT tool can be
the DRT approach provides insight into specific physical quantities that readily used in different disciplines, such as medicine [342,343],
are not directly observable from the experimental measurements. biology [344,345], as well as in the technical field to analyze, e.g., solar
Compared to the traditional tools, it can provide more detailed insights cells [346,347], batteries [348,349], supercapacitors [350] and solid
into process mechanisms and depict the complexity of the systems under oxide cells. More detailed information about the applicability of the DRT
investigation. For this reason, it seems that DRT is becoming a new methodology to analyze the processes in SOCs is described in sections
standard in impedance data analysis. 4.3.2 and 4.3.3.
SOCs provide highly complex microstructures. In addition, due to
4.3.1. Basic principles of the DRT methodology their fuel flexibility and depending on the fuels used, the complexity of
Jürgen Weese described the basic principle of the DRT approach, up the process identification increases as the number of fuel components
on which the tools used to analyze the electromical systems are based, in increases. For this purpose, many studies begin with the DRT analysis,
1992 and provided this as a FTIKREG program [335,336]. The approach setting the focus on the application of simple fuels. In addition, the
presented by Weese employs Fredholm integral equations of the first analyses are carried out on different levels, starting with the electrodes
kind (see Eq. 28) based on the Tikhonov regularization. and symmetrical cells, extending to single-cells and on to stacks. When
∫b starting examination at the lowest level, researchers can gain an un
g(t) = K(t, s)f (s) ds + ai bi (t) (28) derstanding of fundamental processes and apply this to more complex
a i=1 systems. In Fig. 14, we summarized DRT-spectra for SOFC and SOE
based on the literature available. This can be very helpful to find
In this function, as expected in many electrochemical applications, a appropriate processes related to their specific applications. We sum
function f and m coefficients a1 , …, am have to be determined from the marize the results from different DRT based studies performed for both
experimentally observed data, which are described with the function g. solid oxide fuel and electrolysis cells to provide an overview of the
This function involves the known parameters b1 , …, bm and the Kernel processes and to shape a strategy for a simplified process analysis.
function K, which is known from theory. In addition, the data presented
in the function g are mainly noisy data, which should be smoothed for 4.3.2. DRT for SOFC
the purpose of further application. Since the Fredholm integral equation In order to fully understand the single processes in SOFC, the in
of the first kind intrinsically reflects an ill-posed problem, it means that a vestigations begin with the electrode or electrolyte level, proceed to
non-unique solution is available or it strongly depends on the system symmetric cells, and go on to include single cells and stacks. The in
errors. The author provided the developed code for further usage [335], fluence of different impurity contents in the polycrystalline proton-
which clearly underlines the fact that the calculation and demonstration conduction electrolyte was analyzed in [351]. The authors reported
of the correct DRT spectra is not an easy task. A number of parameters how effectively the DRT analysis could be used to differentiate between
that have to be chosen carefully, without violating the physical system bulk and grain boundary resistance. They noted that the formation of a
criteria. Among others, the most relevant parameter is the regularization silica-based phase between the grains resulted in a strong increase in the
parameter λ. DRT area observed for relaxation times lower than 1 s, indicating that
An application of the appropriate regularization method, e.g., ion transfer was inhibited. Applying the DRT analysis to the character
Tikhonov regularization [335,336], is necessary in order to provide a ization of LSCF-based symmetrical cells, other researchers showed that
correct problem solution. Regularization involves a process of both DRT can be used to identify the underlying processes, such as interfacial
solving an ill-posed problem and preventing overfitting by integrating effects and diffusion resistances [352]. Moreover, the application of
additional information into the problem under consideration [337]. SFCM as a potential air electrode material for proton conducting SOFC
Selecting the appropriate regularization parameter enables the was examined in [353] by carrying our the DRT analysis. In the latter
researcher to smooth the noisy measurement data and also affects the study, four specific peaks were observed. The low frequency peak
error of the results. In addition to the Tikhonov regularization used in observed for frequencies below 1 Hz was associated with a concentra
[335,336], different regularization methods can be employed for the tion polarization induced by the gas diffusion. The peak located between
same purpose. The Ciucci research group is actively involved in exam 10 and 100 Hz reflected the oxygen reduction and oxygen surface
ining different regularization and discretization approaches to address diffusion toward TPB, whereby the peak observed between 100 Hz and
the issue of DRT deconvolution interpretation. They confirmed that 1 kHz could be associated with the oxygen incorporation into the lattice.
different frameworks, such as Bayesian statistical frameworks [338] or In the same study, the authors reported that high-frequency peaks
Lasso regularization [337] can be successfully implemented instead of observed between 1 kHz and 10 kHz can be correlated with different
the Tikhonov regularization. A code developed in Matlab (DRTtools) by overlapped processes, such as coupled charge transfer and ionic trans
the same research group to calculate DRT spectra using the impedance port through the air electrode as well as the electrical contact between
data has been made available to researchers. Different parameters can electrolyte and grain boundaries, respectively, and electrode. These re
be selected for the purpose of performing detailed calculations [93,339]. sults are supported by several other studies [354–357]. Soltanizade et al.
Redirecting the focus toward the Tikhonov regularization, an [358] showed that DRT can be successfully employed to localize the
approach to find the optimal regularization parameter has already been impact of gas diffusion that inhibits oxygen reduction reaction. This was
presented in the literature. In order to identify the best appropriate not possible by solely applying electrochemical impedance spectros
regularization parameter, [340] proposes taking repetitive impedance copy. Clematis et al. [359] also highlighted the importance of DRT in
measurements and subsequently comparing the respective DRT data. their study on the catalytic activity of the BSCF- and LSCF-based air
The authors recommend generating synthetic datasets to reduce the electrodes. An analysis of the EIS data included in the DRT analysis
efforts needed to perform experimental investigations. Proceeding provided insight into two kinetic regimes regarding the electrocatalytic
further, in [341], the authors reported that the level of corrupted data activity of surface oxygen exchange and bulk diffusion, which could not
needs to be known to select an appropriate regularization method. be identified by applying a common EIS method.
Single-parameter regularization seems to be appropriate for slightly Sumi et al. [360] performed a highly detailed DRT analysis of
corrupted data, whereby a multi-parameter regularization approach is micro-tubular SOFCs manufactured as Ni-GDC/YSZ/GDC/LSCF to
favorable for the higher degree of data corruption. extract relevant electrode processes and, subsequently, the undesired
The interest inusing DRT methodology to analyze electrochemical degradation mechanisms. They identified five relevant frequency ranges
processes has increased recently, and especially because this method that should be monitored to learn more about the fuel electrode and air
ology provides detailed insight into separated processes unlike the electrode processes. These are assigned to (i) the air electrode specific
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
processes for the frequencies of 5–20 Hz and 10–100 kHz, and to (ii) the frequencies [367]. Operating large-sized cells with (i) reformate mix
fuel electrode related processes for the following specific frequencies: tures obtained from a methane-reforming unit containing H2 , H2 O, CO,
20 Hz-10 kHz 1–10 Hz and less than 1 Hz. In another work by the same CO2 , CH4 and N2 and (ii) humidified methane used for internal
research group [316], further relevant results were reported. The au reforming, four specific peaks were observed for the following specific
thors observed that the peaks placed at 0.37-5 kHz and 4.8-7.8 Hz frequencies: (i) 2 kHZ, (ii) 300–700 HZ, (iii) 30–100 Hz, and (iv) 1–10
changed due to the fuel electrode sintering processes and/or p(H2 ). HZ [368]. When diluting the reformate fuel mixture in nitrogen, two
Peaks changes in the range between 10 Hz and 10 kHz were ascribed to low-frequency peaks decreased and shifted towards higher frequencies,
the influence of the air electrode sintering temperature [361]. On the whereby two high frequency peaks remained unchanged. This result
other hand, gas diffusion processes occurring in the fuel electrode sub may be due to enhanced diffusion processes. Next, during the internal
strates could be identified at lower frequencies starting at 0.5 Hz and reforming, the CH4 fraction was increased, thus decreasing the H2 O
extending to 15 Hz [315]. This depends significantly on the fuel used fraction. Only the high-frequency peak observed between 1–10 kHz
and, e.g., for CO/CO2 , fuel diffusion peaks are observed between 0.5-1 remained unchanged. Three remaining peaks resulted in slight ampli
Hz, whereby the diffusion of H2 /H2 O fuel is ten times faster and thus tude increase and were shifted towards lower frequencies. However,
visible at frequencies of 5–10 Hz. when increasing the operating current, this difference was reduced.
In [362], the authors summarized several sources [363–366] for the The DRT diagnosis methodology has also been applied to investigate
fuel electrode-supported SOFCs and ascribed them to six different pro processes in stacks. Fang et al. [369,370] carried out a DRT analysis on a
cesses as follows: (i) P1 (f<1 Hz) for fuel electrode diffusion for refor two-layer, F10-design SOC stack consisting of Ni-YSZ/YSZ/LSCF elec
mate fuels and air electrode adsorption/desorption; (ii) P2 (f=1-10 Hz) trode-supported cells. For the stacks investigated, the authors reported
for gas conversion; (iii) two peaks P3 (f=10-100 Hz) and P4 (f=100-1, that the responses were similar for both operating modes, and a tem
000 Hz) for O2 and transport related processes in the fuel electrode; (iv) perature dependence was identified between 10 Hz and 10 kHz. In
P5 (f=1-10 kHz) for charge transfer in fuel electrode; and (v) P6 (f>10 comparison, for the frequencies lower than 10 Hz, no temperature
kHz) no corresponding processes identified. In general, the specific dependence could be recognized. Based on the results of the in
frequencies fall within a similar range as those summarized in Fig. 14. vestigations carried out, the main conclusions are that (i) impedance at
Taking into account the process analysis of fuel electrode-supported the air electrode is higher than at the fuel electrode and that (ii) both
single cells, two detailed studies based on the variation of several electrodes provide higher impedance in the SOE operating mode. In
operating parameters were found: the first one was published in 2018 [333], the authors showed that, within one stack containing of four cells,
[300] and the second one was published in 2019 [362]. In the first study different cells can provide different specific frequencies based on, e.g.,
[300], an FESC-SOFC with an active surface of 81 cm2 was employed, different stability, temperature and gas distribution.
and the following parameters were varied: partial pressure of nitrogen, In addition to O2− -conducting SOFCs, DRT has also been used to
partial pressure of steam, fuel volume flow, air volume flow, and oper investigate the behavior of proton-conducting SOFCs. Shi et al. [354]
ating current density. In addition, the phenomena of carbon deposition reported observing three main peaks and two additional peaks related to
and carbon removal were analyzed by employing the DRT tool. The the both electrodes of pSOFCs in the frequency range between 1 Hz and
impact of fuel dilution in nitrogen was mainly identified at low current 32 kHz. The proton diffusion is correlated to the high-frequencies be
densities and for the frequency range 1–10 Hz, which corresponds to the tween 630 Hz and 32 kHz, whereby the fuel electrode reactions can also
fuel diffusion in the fuel electrode. Taking into account the impact of be identified between 630 Hz and 4 kHz. At lower frequencies, O2−
steam partial pressure in the fuel, the frequency range was extended to incorporation in the electrolyte lattice is observed for the
the higher frequency of 1 kHz, which was also reported in [362]. middle-frequency range of 100–630 Hz. As expected, the O2 reduction
Moreover, the impact of fuel and air starvation was investigated; the was observable at lower frequencies between 15 and 100 Hz, while low
authors showed that fuel starvation could be identified between 1–10 frequencies of 1–15 Hz were ascribed to the impact of the partial pres
Hz, whereby frequencies lower than 0.5 Hz needed to be used to identify sure of both H2 and O2 species. The intensity of all the peaks except the
the air starvation. The second study was carried out to analyze 12.56 high frequency peak (f>4 kHz) increases as the temperature decreases,
cm2 FESC-SOFCs when varying the operating temperature, current whereby the intensity of the high-frequency peak, decreases in contrast
density, O2 partial pressure, H2 O partial pressure, fuel composition and and completely disappears at temperatures lower than 650 ∘ C. Wang
flow rates. The impact of the operating temperature was identified at et al. [355] compared two different proton conducting electrode types,
frequencies higher than 1 kHz, whereby altering the operating current namely, Ni-BZCY and Ni-LCO, employing the DRT tool. This enabled
resulted in changes in the entire frequency range. The reason for this is them to clearly differentiate between the rate-limiting polarization
clear, since increasing the current causes changes at both electrodes, processes of the two different electrode types. For the first electrode
influences the fuel compositions and triggers reduction processes at the type, similar values to those observed in [354] were reported. For the
air electrode, as well as eventually impacts the operating temperature. modified Ni-LCO electrodes, the author observed that internal
Taking into consideration more complex fuels, such as carbon short-circuit currents could be blocked, thus significantly improving the
containing-fuels, the literature review provides additional information. open-circuit voltage and the overall efficiency. In addition, the
Caliandro et al. [362] correlated processes related to both internal and proton-transfer number could be increased. This could clearly be
external reforming at frequencies lower than 1 Hz. For 50 x 50 mm recognized in the DRT spectra. Moreover, Chen et al. [371] applied DRT
Ni/8YSZ fuel electrode substrates Kromp et al. [305] claimed that all to examine the performance of a novel layered Nd(Ba0.4 Sr0.4 Ca0.2 )
reformate related processes could be identified with a new specific peak Co1.6 Fe0.4 O5+δ air electrode for proton-conducting SOFCs and identified
observed at relaxation frequencies lower than 1 Hz. When adding 0.1 five relevant processes for both electrodes altogether.
ppm H2 S to the fuel over an operating time of 100 h, no significant Based on the studies that have already been carried out to examine
changes in the DRT peaks could be observed, indicating that processes in both oxygen ion- and proton-conducting SOFCs and in
degradation-free operation was possible in an sulfur-containing fuel which the DRT analysis has been applied, we summarized the processes
atmosphere [315]. Nevertheless, when increasing the amount of sulfur as a function of the specific frequency ranges and illustrate these in
from 0.5 ppm to 1 ppm and on 15 ppm, the authors clearly observed a Fig. 14 for O2− -SOFC and in Fig. 14 b for p-SOFC.
strong increase in the polarization resistance and performance degra
dation. When the amount of sulfur in the H2 /H2 O/N2 fuel mixture used 4.3.3. DRT for SOE
was increased, other authors observed an increase in the amplitude of To date, many studies have been carried out with DRT methodology
the peak visible at 100–400 Hz, and this shifted toward lower to analyze the processes that occur in SOFCs. However, few studies have
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
solely analyzed electrolysis operation. Several studies that were carried layers, which prevented O2− conduction and subsequent oxygen evo
out during SOE operation have compared the relaxation times with lution. These phenomena could be identified by examining the changes
those observed for the SOFC, thus associating the processes with those in the peak observed at approximately 2 kHz.
occurring in SOFCs. In general, specific SOE processes were identified The data related to the specific frequencies and process mechanisms
for similar frequency ranges at those observed for the SOFC processes that occur during SOE operation were extracted from the available
(seen diagrams in Fig. 14). For instance, gas diffusion in the fuel elec studies and are summarized in Fig. 14 c.
trode substrate was identified to be visible between 0.1-50 Hz [191,372,
373,373,374] for the SOE mode in comparison to 0.7-10 Hz in the SOFC 4.3.4. Concluding remarks
mode. Moreover, regarding to overlapped processes such as gas diffu In conclusion, our review indicates that the DRT approach represents
sion, charge transfer and ionic transport, these processes are visible a highly relevant methodology that enables researchers to identify
between 500 Hz and 100 kHz for the SOE mode [333,369,375] and relevant processes in electrochemical systems that cannot be observed
between 700 Hz and 10 kHz for the SOFC mode. using other conventional monitoring tools. However, DRT peaks are not
The Ni-YSZ/YSZ/LSCF/CGO single cells with an active surface of 16 unambiguous, and the sufficient knowledge about the system under
cm2 were operated in an electrolysis mode in [299]. Initially, they were investigation is necessary to interpret the results properly. For example,
fueled with H2 /H2 O=50/50 at the fuel electrode and pure oxygen at the when changing the system geometry, the size of the cells used, fuels
air electrode. Five specific peaks could be identified: (i) 10–100 kHz used, or operating temperature, changes are expected to occur and,
associated with the ion conduction in the composite electrode; (ii) 1–10 therefore, these need to be associated correctly with the ongoing pro
kHz associated with the resistance related to the charge transfer re cesses. The information gained when employing both the DRT and EIS is
actions at the TPB; (iii) 100-1,000 kHz linked with the oxygen evolution of great importance, as it helps researchers to understand not only the
within the oxygen electrode; (iv) two peaks between 1–100 Hz associ fundamental processes on the microscopic level, but to employ these
ated with the mass transport process by gas conversion polarization and methods - representing the basis for cost-effective and practical SoH
gas diffusion. To increase long-term durability, the steam fraction was techniques - to monitor performance on a system level and to guide the
increased to 90% and the hydrogen amount was decreased to 10%. The control system. Overall, this enables the user to prolong the overall
air electrode was also supplied with the pure oxygen. The DRT analysis system lifetime.
resulted in five peaks, and the degradation effects that occurred as a
function of the operating time were most dominant for the peak
observed between 50–500 Hz at 800 ∘ C and 750 ∘ C, whereby additional 4.4. Unconventional diagnostic tools based on nonlinear system analysis
alternations between 1–10 Hz were observed at the operating temper
ature of 700 ∘ C. For the single cells of industrial size, i.e., 80 cm2 , only Under specific conditions, the system linearity can be disturbed,
two specific peaks at approximately 20 Hz and between 200–300 Hz moving the system towards nonlinear state. Two possible causes for the
were identified in the electrolysis mode [135]. These peaks changed as a nonlinear state can be identified: (i) large amplitude perturbation, and
function of the H2 /H2 O-ratio and the operating current density. When (ii) specific processes that cause SOC deactivation and morphological
the H2 fraction was increased, the processes observed shifted toward the changes, resulting in a distortion of the system response. In this case, the
higher time constants, but the resistance increased in parallel. Such linear system analysis is no longer applicable, and a nonlinear system
behavior was associated with the varying fuel diffusion resistance analysis must be applied to the acquired data to extract contributions
through the fuel electrode. from both the linear and higher harmonics. Both these can provide
Regarding the stack level, a 10-cell stack was investigated in [332]. valuable information about the nonlinear processes that occur in the
The low-frequency peak observed between 1–10 Hz changed as a electrochemical system [376]. This is of great importance for fully un
function of current density, indicating that diffusion losses occurred as a derstanding the system behavior, since the information gained by using
function of varying hydrogen content in the gas inlet. The peak observed linear impedance spectroscopy is insufficient to understand all the
between 100–300 Hz could be associated with air electrode processes, mechanisms in specific cases. For this reason, nonlinear impedance
such as O2− -bulk diffusion at the air electrode and the chemical surface spectroscopy (NLEIS) or total harmonic distortion (THD) analysis must
exchange of O2 . At lower current densities, only one peak was observed, sometimes be employed.
whereby it split into two peaks when increasing the current density Although NLEIS/THD can provide relevant information about the
above 100 mA/cm2 . Further peaks observed between 0.2-10 kHz could system behavior that is not contained in the conventional linear EIS,
be associated with fuel electrode processes, e.g., ionic transport in the only a few studies have used this methodology to date. These made a
functional layer and the charge transfer reaction. When considering the significant contribution towards (i) fully understanding the process
impact of the operating current, the investigation of 10-cell stacks in mechanisms and electrode kinetics, and (ii) enabling the rapid identi
[135] showed that an increase in the current resulted in a decrease in the fication of undesired, faulty system changes at a preliminary stage. The
peaks observed, and mainly their amplitude. However, if increasing the oxygen exchange kinetics and relation between the oxygen vacancies
operating current leads to an increase in amplitude, this is a clear and oxygen activity cause nonlinear effects at the oxygen electrode,
indication that fuel or steam starvation and concentration losses, phenomena that have been examined and explained in detail by Adler,
respectively, are occurring in the stack. Thus, the operating conditions Wilson and co-workers [284,376–378]. Back in 2006, they first isolated
have to be adjusted to prevent undesired degradation mechanisms. the nonlinear effects of O2 exchange on perovskite oxide with NLEIS
The identification of specific degradation mechanisms was also [377], revealing that the rate limiting O2 exchange steps at the LSC
demonstrated when employing the DRT tool. In [174], the authors electrode on Gd-doped ceria involve the dissociative adsorption of ox
examined the behavior of the air electrode in an accelerated degradation ygen ions at a limited number of vacant positions. The same conclusion
environment and correlated microscopic changes observed with the was reached for LSC air electrodes on Sm-doped ceria; an analysis of the
specific frequencies that appeared during the accelerated degradation third-order harmonic spectra revealed this relevant information, which
tests. They showed that Sr-enrichment on the LSCF grains, the micro was not contained in the first harmonic [376]. Such information was
scopic alternation of the LSCF/GDC boundary layer and LSCF decom gained by utilizing both models to predict higher harmonics and con
position could be measured in the frequency range of 100–300 Hz. By ducting an experimental analysis. In an experimental study, ten different
doubling the operating current density from 600 mA/cm2 up to 1,200 amplitudes were applied at the same frequency in the range between 0.1
mA/cm2 the degradation was significantly intensified and identified as Hz and 10 kHz.
LSCF decomposition and Sr-deposition both within the LSCF and GDC Taking into consideration single-cells of industrial size with an active
surface of 81 cm2 , the first results that revealed early identification of
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
the most relevant fault modes that occur in SOFCs, namely, fuel star
vation, air starvation and carbon depositions, were published in [112,
149,379]. In [149], the THD tool was demonstrated to be highly suc
cessful when identifying different failure modes in
fuel-electrode-supported SOFCs. At the air electrode, air starvation led
to LSCF decomposition, interlayer delamination and strong mechanical
damage. This phenomenon was observed for frequencies lower than 10
Hz, with a response signal distortion of 3–4% observed in the frequency
range of 0.5-10 Hz, and a higher distortion of approximately 8% at 0.1
Hz. At the fuel electrode, two failure modes were examined. Fuel star
vation resulted in Ni-reoxidation and Ni-agglomeration, and signal
distortion could be observed at frequencies lower than 50 Hz; 4% at 20
Hz, 3% between 1–10 Hz and 6% at 0.1 Hz.
Carbon depositions, which blocked the catalytic active surface and
gas channels were also visible at low frequencies. At 0.01 Hz, the signal
distortion accounted for several hundred percentages. However, unlike
the two previously mentioned degradation modes, the carbon deposition
phenomenon was also identified at higher frequencies of 2 kHz, 4 kHz
and 8 kHz, as illustrated in Fig. 16. This enables to perform measure
ments solely at higher frequencies, significantly reducing the required
measurement time. Carbon deposition and its removal from the
electrolyte-supported cells with the same active surface were reported in
[112]. Signal distortions were observed for the carbon deposition phe
nomenon at same high-frequency values and also at low frequencies. In
addition, carbon removal could be identified with THD, as shown in
Fig. 15 a.
Malafronte et al. [285] examined the impact of the stack fuel utili
zation on the THD index for a 6 kW SOFC demonstration system.
Increasing the fuel utilization resulted in an increase in THD distortion,
whereby the changes were most clearly visible in the frequency range
between 1 Hz and 0.01 Hz. The authors proposed to apply excitation
signal amplitude AC of 5% of the DC load to obtain better signal values.
This is illustrated in Fig. 15 b, showing that increasing the fuel utiliza
tion from 0.85 up to 0.9 increases the observed THD-index. This increase
is higher if the AC amplitude is higher; for example, a slight increase of
<1% is visible for AC=1%. In comparison, when increasing the AC from
1% up to 10%, the THD-index increased from 15% to 20%. The effect of
fuel starvation in a six-cell SOFC stack was also investigated by Mougin
and coauthors in [380]. They came to the same conclusion as authors of
previous studies, showing that the THD index increases as the fuel uti
lization increases, which is visible at frequencies lower than 1 Hz.
However, they proposed to use small AC amplitudes (<<10% of the DC
current) for this purpose.
Fig. 15 c refers to the results reported in [149], employing THD to
identify carbon deposition at its early stage. The x-axis presents the
operation duration, whereas the y-axis shows the frequency values. The
colors and their intensities are linked to the THD-index. Comparing the
two diagrams presented, we can conclude that the appropriate threshold
should be defined. This is seen as a boundary between a ”degrada
tion-free state” and a ”degradation state”. This means that, if the
threshold is set to 1%, we could consider that degradation occurs when
experiment begins. Nevertheless, when increasing the threshold up to
10%, we observe that the first signs of degradation can be identified
after approximately six operating hours. Thus, in order to define an
appropriate threshold, initial THD measurements must be made for
different fuels, as shown in Fig. 15 a. This clearly shows that a threshold
is a function of the fuel used.
The studies discussed above demonstrated the potential for applying
non-conventional tools for the rapid identification of undesired failure
modes, both on large single-cell and a stack level. This is a crucial step
towards employing these technologies on the system scale, which could
involve not only SOC monitoring, but also monitoring of the remaining
system components and their influence on the SOC performance.
Nevertheless, validation and recalibration of the presented SoH tools for Fig. 16. Possibilities to present the observed THD data.
the industrial environment would be necessary.
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 17. The identification of carbon deposits employing THD methodology. Reprinted and changed from [379] with permission from Elsevier.
4.5. Species and temperature monitoring approaches mixture, the application of Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy
(FTIR) is preferred [386,387]. Casteel et al. [388] proposed to use a
In addition to the techniques described above, other strategies are solution conductivity measurement system and a transpiration mea
available to identify the current state of the health of the cells. The most surement system to precisely measure chromia evaporation from SOFC
relevant are gas analysis and temperature monitoring, which can also be interconnect materials.
applied to industrial-sized cells and at a higher stack or system level. Optical in-situ methodology, including non-invasive characteriza
Combining different monitoring tools offers the possibility to reach the tion tools, shows a great potential for obtaining information about
most precise conclusion about reactions that occur [381,382]. The spatial species and temperature distribution [269,273,389]. Walker,
combination of, e.g., voltage monitoring, electrochemical impedance Kirtly, Owrutsky et al. performed much research to examine the impact
spectroscopy, gas analysis and temperature measurement at different of different species on SOFC performance and to identify different
points provides highly detailed information about the processes that degradation types [390–392]. In [274], they used in situ vibrational
occur and enable to identify different operating issues, [109,115,128, Raman scattering to successfully identify the NiO growth on SOFC
235,383,384]. If specific impurities are available in the fuel at low ppm Ni/YSZ electrodes. In their further study [393], the authors tried to
concentrations, a precise gas analysis is the first choice for their iden identify the impact of butanol on the SOFC performance. For this pur
tification. For instance, phosphine (PH3 ) present in ppm concentration pose they employed near-infrared thermal imaging to measure tem
in coal gas was identified by applying a mass spectrometer in [65]. In perature distribution and vibrational Raman spectroscopy to identify
[65], it was only possible to detect PH3 in a dry hydrogen, while in the carbon accumulation along and cross the surface. Moreover, the authors
presence of steam, it reacts if the pressure is higher than few torr at enable to investigate the effectiveness of different gaseous components
higher temperatures. Even for dry fuels, steam is generated due to on carbon removal from the Ni catalyst.
electrochemical reactions which enhance PH3 reactions. Phosphine re
actions in SOFCs do not generate the expected equilibrium products 5. Degradation mitigation and lifetime extension
such as P2 , HPO, HPO2 , or HPO3 , but its presence causes irreversible
degradation. In [63], electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), The use of appropriate measures can prolong the lifetime of the SOC
linear sweep voltammetry (LSV), which actually corresponds to the systems. These, however, differ according to the diverse degradation
polarization curve, and vibrational Raman spectroscopy were coupled to modes, operating modes and SOC types employed; therefore, they must
examine the impact of chlorine contamination on the SOFC perfor be carefully designed as soon as the first signs of degradation are iden
mance. The study showed highly aggressive degradation with approxi tified. In general, we differentiate between two key solutions used to
mately 15%/hour when combining chlorine with methane mitigate degradation and extend the SOC lifetime: the (i) material and
(CH3 Cl/CH4 =110 sccm/20 sccm=5.5), while the degradation grade was the (ii) operating environment. In this section we are mainly concerned
low for CH3 Cl/CH4 =110 sccm/100 sccm=1.1 mixture. If sulfur needs to with the latter one. Nevertheless, material solutions will also be dis
be detected, gas chromatography seems to be a good solution. Khan cussed here, but not in great detail, because this presents the only pos
et al. [385] employed a gas chromatograph outfitted with a sulfur sibility to mitigate irreversible degradation in specific degradation
chemiluminescence detector to measure extremely low sulfur concen modes.
trations in air. At the concentration of >2 ppb, precise measurements Initially, before starting the SOC operation, thermochemical equi
were possible, while at lower temperatures, larger measurement un librium calculations are recommended to be performed as the initial
certainties were observable. In order to identify ammonia in a fuel degradation mitigation step. They provide information about the
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Table 7 recirculation and fuel enclosure. However, the authors suggested that
Regeneration approaches provided in [383]. considering redox instability, passive solutions are desired and the
Parameters Value Unit number of redox cycles should be reduced. The second solution pro
posed by Wood et al. [140] is the material solution, described as more
H2 45 vol% elegant and less expensive with regard to overall system costs.
N2 55 vol% Regarding the material solution, the authors proposed three different
solutions: the use of (i) alternative materials, e.g., an alloy to replace
H2 45 vol% nickel in the cermet fuel electrode and possibly all-ceramic fuel elec
H2 O 11 vol% trodes, (ii) microstructural modification to retain the great electro
N2 44 vol% chemical performance of the Ni/YSZ electrodes, but also to reduce the
R2var damage potential, e.g., graded nickel content and/or increased porosity
H2 30 vs. 45 vol% in the fuel electrode functional layer (AFL), and (iii) kinetics, applying
H2 O 40 vs. 20 vol% the knowledge available to reduce the oxidation kinetic, e.g., improved
N2 remainder vol%
sealing, oxidation barrier and lower operating temperatures.
R3 The novel material solutions are proposed to overcome the insta
i variable mA/cm2
bility issues facing the conventional Ni/YSZ electrodes. Employing
U variable V
H2 variable vol% perovskite-based electrodes, which have all-ceramic mixed ionic-
N2 remainder vol% electronic conductors (MIEC), results in enhanced redox stability, but
also improved chemical and thermal compatibility with other cell
CO2 variable vol% components. Adding metal nanoparticles to the porous electrodes en
H2 variable vol% ables researchers to significantly increase the active surface, which, in
H2 O variable vol% turn, enables them to enhance electrochemical performance. Alternative
N2 remainder vol%
solutions are to combine MIEC and impregnated metallic nanoparticles,
R4ov which has seemed to gain more attention in recent years [395–397]. A
CO2 25 vol% step toward the fully redox stable electrodes is achieved by replacing the
N2 75 vol%
U 1.4 V
Ni catalyst with noble metals, such as Ru, Rh, Pd, or Pt; this not only
increases redox tolerance, but also prevents catalyst agglomeration
O2 2 vs. 0.5 vol%
CO2 18.9 vs. 4.7 vol% Regarding the operating environment, the concentration of oxidizing
N2 remainder vol% species, such as steam and oxygen, the H2 O/H2 -ratio and the amount of
oxygen ions that result from the operating current are crucial parame
ters to prevent undesired reoxidation processes. The highly aggressive
expected degradation modes, such as carbon deposition or reoxidation effect of oxygen was reported in [401], and the authors showed that the
of the catalysts used, which can occur as a function of the designed entire fuel electrode surface can be oxidized at 800∘ C within only 150 s if
operating environment [394]. In the next step, if degradation occurs a high amount O2 or H2 O is available in the gas mixture. Therefore, they
during the operation, specific mitigation strategies can be applied to suggest avoiding H2 O/H2 >1 [383]. Baldinelli et al. [402] also provided
prevent further performance deterioration and morphological changes. a ternary diagram presenting the NiO area; based on the gas composition
In the final step, if reversible degradation has already occurred, specif used, researchers can use the diagram to easily calculate whether NiO is
ically designed regeneration strategies can be utilized to bring the expected to occur or not.
overall SOC state back to the initial state.
Taking into consideration different possible failure modes, many of
these, such as contamination due to impurities (e.g., sulfur, chlorine) 5.2. Solutions for carbon depositions
can be inhibited by applying the appropriate purification and fuel
preparation methods, which are beyond the scope of this paper and will Although nickel catalysts display great catalytic performance and
not be discussed here. The three main failure modes that can occur conductivity, they are prone to carbon deposition, which can have a
during both fuel cell and electrolysis operation are Ni reoxidation, car detrimental effect on the SOC performance, as discussed in detail in
bon deposition and air electrode degradation. Therefore, possible solu Section 2. For this reason, different solutions have been proposed in the
tions for their mitigation and subsequent performance regeneration are literature to mitigate degradation and regenerate deteriorated
discussed below. Moreover, based on our comprehensive literature re performance.
view, we summarize the available suggestions that address degradation The first solution is related to material development. Much research
mitigation and performance regeneration for the three selected degra has been devoted to the development of new carbon-tolerant electrodes.
dation modes and present them in Table 9. Xu et al. [403] attempted to develop high-catalytic-activity fuel elec
trode material with a high carbon tolerance that was appropriate for
5.1. Solutions for Ni reoxidation intermediate temperatures. To achieve this goal, they developed a new
material SFCoM, which they designed and prepared from perovskite
In 2006, Wood et al. [140] proposed two possible solutions for sys with additional in-situ exsolved Co nanoparticles. This novel material
tem redox instability that occur due to an unexpected shutdown: (i) an provided stable performance even after 200 h of operation under hu
improvement in the material redox limitations, and (ii) the safety im midified C3 H8 . Thus, it seems to be a promising candidate for electrode
plications of using the fuel gas, and especially hydrogen and carbon materials with high carbon tolerance. Next, a double perovskite SMM
monoxide. The authors also divided the system redox solutions into based hybrid catalyst synthetized with SM nanoparticles seems to be
active, passive and dependent concepts. The active solution concepts another promising carbon-tolerant material, as published by Peng et al.
involve the use of a partial oxidation reformer, the thermal cracking of [404]. However, the new materials have to be optimized to achieve
fuel components, a delayed purge of fuel or air, cell reversal, water higher performance. In [404], at the operating temperature of 800∘ C,
electrolysis and activated carbon. Passive solutions involve the use of the maximum power density of 245 mA/cm2 was achieved in humidified
hybrides, a steam purge, high temperature check valves and a reducing CH4 for 250 h, and 183 mW/cm2 for operation in humidified C2 H5 OH
gas cylinder. And dependent solutions involve the use of fuel gas for 70 h. Another proposed possibility to reduce the direct cracking of
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
hydrocarbons at Ni/YSZ fuel electrodes is to mix copper and nickel, agent used, Ni reoxidation occurred after carbon removal. Snoeck et al.
since copper prevents the Boudouard reaction from occurring [405, [416] examined the impact of H2 O, H2 and CO2 on the carbon gasifi
406]. Furthermore, Gavrielatos et al. [407] presented Ni-Au SOFC cation both numerically and experimentally. They reached the main
carbon-tolerant electrodes even when feeding with steam reforming. As conclusion that carbon gasification depends primarily on whether car
the most common solution, which has already been implemented in real bon is formed from methane or carbon monoxide. The same conclusion
case scenarios, the zirconia ionic conductor is replaced with ceria, which was also reached by Takenaka et al. [417–419], but they used only CO2
significantly reduces the cracking reaction and increased the carbon to remove the carbon formed. However, carbon gasification must not
tolerance [408]. only be ensured; the SOFC performance must be regenerated, and this
Despite all of the advantages offered by new generation materials, cannot be achieved by using pure CO2 .
their development requires a great deal of additional research and For this purpose, the effectiveness of different gaseous species in
several proposed solutions even present much higher costs. Therefore, combination with current and voltages for carbon removal and perfor
the most efficient solution when considering the maximum achievable mance regeneration was examined by Subotić et al. [115,122,383,420].
performance, durability, reliability and the costs seems to be to combine The goal was to regain the initial cell performance and morphology
the strategies described in the previous sections, i.e., to make predictions state. The regeneration approaches used are summarized in Table 8,
and, based on these, to optimize the operating environment, then to while their cell-protecting effects on performance regeneration are
conduct online-monitoring of the cell behavior and its state-of-the- shown in Table 8. In [122], the authors reported that carbon can be
health. This enables to identify all of the undesired changes early on removed from the porous Ni/YSZ structure, and the initial performance
and to take appropriate countermeasures. Initially, predicting the per can be regained after using both H2 /N2 and a H2 /H2 O/N2 -mixture for
formance and making the subsequent adjustments to the operating 44 h under OCV conditions. For the purpose of this study, carbon was
conditions, and thus the fuel compositions, S/C-ratio and the operating generated under a specific operating current, avoiding rapid carbon
temperature, seems to be the appropriate first steps. As an example, in formation under OCV conditions. In [420], in addition to carbon
[226], thermodynamic calculations were used to predict the impacts of deposition, Ni reoxidation and air electrode degradation - presented as
CO and CH4 on the graphite and carbon nanofibers formation across a the LSCF decomposition - were introduced to investigate the effective
wide temperature range. If humidified methane is used as fuel, the S/C ness of the carbon removal strategies when multiple degradation modes
must be higher than 1.5 to mitigate carbon formation at temperatures are present. Air electrode decomposition did not allow the initial cell
higher than 800 ∘ C. For S/C<1.5 large amounts of both graphite and performance to be regained, but regeneration was possible only up to a
carbon nanofibers are expected to be formed. Carbon nanofibers begin specific grade, whereby carbon could be completely removed with
to form at approximately 400 ∘ C, and the amount reaches a peak at parallel Ni reoxidation, which probably occurred due to the presence of
approximately 700 ∘ C. Graphitic carbon can be formed at much lower oxygen species.
temperatures. Its amount increases as the operating temperature in The authors went one step further in [115], utilizing CO2 to remove
creases, reaching a peak at 550 ∘ C. Afterwards, this amount slightly carbon and regenerate cell performance, but simultaneously applying an
decreases. In order to prevent the formation of different types of carbon overvoltage of 1.4 V. This is the first study to report both the regenerated
throughout the operating range, the S/C-ratio should be set to values electrochemical cell performance and its microstructure after employing
higher than 1.5, or, even better, higher than 2. This is important when the CO2 gasification agent for carbon removal over a short time-period,
unexpected system failures occur, which can, e.g., decrease the oper i.e., approximately 200 s. Cell-protecting carbon removal must be
ating temperature. Thus, the safe operation of the systems operated with possible; otherwise irreversible damage to the cell structure can occur.
humidified methane can be assured. On the other hand, when using For example, when utilizing a H2 /H2 O/N2 regeneration mixture with
carbon monoxide, more graphite will be formed if the operating tem 20% H2 O, regeneration can be achieved. However, increasing the steam
perature is lower. If S/C>2, carbon formation can be avoided. The amount up to 40%, Ni reoxidation will occur that can even cause irre
higher the operating temperature, the lower the S/C needed for this versible cell damage, as shown in [383]. Han et al. [421] also underlined
purpose. Moreover, if S/C>0.8, CNF formation can be inhibited the importance of cell-protecting fuel electrode regeneration and carbon
throughout the temperature range. Next, if the operating temperature is removal. In their study, oxygen ions generated as a result of oxygen
higher than 800 ∘ C, carbon is not expected to be formed, regardless of reduction were used to remove carbon, whereas hydrogen was utilized
the S/C ratio. to prevent undesired Ni reoxidation. Reeping et al. [422] also empha
Moving from the performance prediction to in-operando measures, sized the palliative effect of H2 during the operation with
several studies have described how to reverse carbon deposition and carbon-containing fuels. The authors reported that small amounts of
regain the initial SOC performance. Mermelstein et al. [409] suggested hydrogen effectively prevent the degradation of the Ni catalyst and even
increasing the operating current to generate an appropriate number of inhibit fuel cracking reactions. They also confirmed that, in addition to
oxygen ions to reduce carbon deposition on the fuel electrode. The same this advantage, hydrogen can also effectively remove adsorbed chlorine
conclusion was also reached in [410], where simulations showed that it from the Ni surface. Removing hydrogen from the
is important to exceed the critical operating current to prevent carbon chlorine-contaminated, carbon-containing fuel can lead to the immedi
formation. Alzate-Restrepo et al. [411] performed experimental exam ate chlorine poisoning and carbon deposition on the catalytic active
inations to induce carbon depositions, using low current densities of 0.1 sites.
mA/cm2 , 10 mA/cm2 and 50 mA/cm2 and varying the operating time
from 6 to 72 h. They came to the conclusion that as soon the current
Table 8
flowed through the cell, the amount of carbon formed was reduced by Effectiveness of different regeneration approaches provided in [383].
100 times as compared to the amount of carbon formed under OCV
Regeneration Regeneration Reus- Cell-protecting
approach time ability effect
Besides using higher operating currents, using a higher amount of
steam can also be advantageous to reduce the amount of the carbon R1 and R2 ∼ 44 h ✓ ✓
R mA and R2var 5–40 h ✓ ✓
formed, as shown in [412–414]. Increasing the amount of CO2 in the fuel 3,at100
mixture is another way to reduce carbon formation [415]. R1 and R3,overvoltage ∼ 12 h ✓ ✓
Considering the in-operando gasification of the carbon deposited, R4 1–10 min × ×
Kirtley et al. [272] examined the impact of H2 O, O2 and CO2 on carbon R4ov ∼ 200 s ✓ ✓
removal and identified H2 O as the most efficient species, followed by O2 R3,ov,aesupply 40 s 1–2 × ✓
R5var 30 s - 10 min
and CO2 . The authors also showed that, regardless of the gasification × ×
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
Fig. 18. Effects of CO2 and CO2 in combination with overvoltage on carbon gasification and performance regeneration: (i) effectiveness of CO2 with overvoltage on
both carbon gasification and performance regeneration, reprinted from [115] with permission from the Electrochemcial Society, (ii) effectiveness of CO2 on carbon
gasification, reprinted from [115] with permission from the Electrochemcial Society, and (iii) simulation of adsorbed and oxygenated species over electrode surface
with CO2 , reprinted from [401] with permission from Elsevier.
fuel electrode surface and within the porous gas channels. This happens With this knowledge about different failure modes and ways to
if S/C ratio is high. In the available literature, a value of S/C=2 is predict them, we analyzed the options for state-of-the-health identifi
accepted as a boundary value between the carbon-free and carbon- cation. The extensive literature review revealed that we can differentiate
inducing operating environment. However, many numerical and between conventional and unconventional strategies. The most
experimental studies show that this value can vary significantly as a commonly used conventional tool is electrochemical impedance spec
function of the fuel composition, operating temperature, operating troscopy. This has already been applied in numerous studies; however, it
current density and fuel utilization. The operating environment also is often not easy to interpret the results obtained. With this in mind, the
influences the structural impact of carbon formed, and the carbonaceous distribution of relaxation times obtained by using this sophisticated tool
fuel components (CO, CH4 , Cx Hy ) and their concentration play major is gaining increasing attention and provides more precise information
roles. The last issue that affects the real-system operation is Ni-oxidation about process mechanisms that occur during the operation. Using the
and Ni-agglomeration. Ni-oxidation occurs if the concentration of measurement data available in the literature that were obtained using
oxidizing species (H2 O, O2 , CO2 ) in the feed gas is too high as compared conventional SoH tools, we provided a frequency range for each process
to the fuel components (H2 , CO and CH4 ). High fuel utilization (>90%) mechanism that can occur in SOFC and SOE and illustrated these in a
and high operating current densities which are equal to the high amount form of diagram. This is an enormous advantage for the real system SOC
of O2− are causes of Ni-oxidation. The operating temperature of 300 ∘ C is operation as well as scientific research. Moreover, conventional tools
seen as a threshold value. However, since SOC are operated at temper seem to be more appropriate for analyzing processes in stationary and
atures >600 ∘ C, the tendency toward Ni-oxidation is usually high. fault-free systems. Regarding the fault status, when the system steady-
Moreover, another typical degradation mechanism that affects Ni- state and equilibrium are disturbed, unconventional methods seem to
electrodes is Ni-agglomeration, which appears as a consequence of the be more suitable for performance monitoring. The unconventional
high operating temperature and harsh operating conditions and seems to diagnostic tools require a nonlinear system analysis, and the most
be inevitable. frequently used method is the total harmonic distortion analysis. This
This study also provided a reader with (i) a way to understand pro can be used to collect the necessary data more quickly than conventional
cess mechanisms that occur in SOCs and (ii) to predict unexpected tools, thus reducing the measurement time by a factor >20. Neverthe
failures. Different approaches can be utilized for this purpose: (i) model- less, interpreting the obtained data is still challenging, and more
driven, (ii) data-driven and (iii) accelerated stress testing. Based on the research is needed in future to reach the full potential of the THD
comprehensive literature review results, we can assert that pure model- methodology that seems to be significant. In this review, we structured
based performance predictions are still inaccurate, since a number of the existing knowledge and reported how to reveal the most common
parameters have to be defined. These, however, cannot be determined SOC failures.
accurately. The accuracy of the SOC behavior prediction seems to in In the final step needed to ensure safe and long-term operation, we
crease when numerical and experimental approaches are combined. A reviewed the possibilities for degradation mitigation and lifetime
promising approach that can be taken is accelerating stress testing, extension, focusing on regeneration strategies. Impurities contained in
focusing on predicting the remaining useful lifetime. By taking this the fuel gas and air (e.g., Si, S) should be extracted before entering the
approach, different degradation modes are specifically induced (e.g., SOC, since they completely change the electrode morphology, cause
increasing the concentration of specific contaminants in the fuel gas) in permanent damage to the materials employed, and no regeneration
running SOC systems. In addition, the effective degradation impact can strategies are available here. The development of new-generation ma
be determined by employing the appropriate AST models. In this study, terials and coatings for conventional electrodes could be adequate so
we carefully summarized the available AST results for both SOFC and lutions to reduce undesired degradation, but this increases the costs. We
SOE operating modes, giving a detailed insight into accelerating provided practical solutions for the most common electrode damage. In
stressors and their impact on SOC behavior. order to prevent Ni-reoxidation, the H2 O and CO2 concentration in the
V. Subotić and C. Hochenauer Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 93 (2022) 101011
fuel gas should be minimized, while maintaining the concentration of molten carbonate fuel cell (mcfc) plants: degradation of catalytic and electro-
catalytic active surfaces and related gas purification methods. Prog Energy
H2 , CO and CH4 . Moreover, the presence of pure O2 , e.g., due to leak
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