Izenice Technologies: A Study On Identification of Training Needs Done For
Izenice Technologies: A Study On Identification of Training Needs Done For
Izenice Technologies: A Study On Identification of Training Needs Done For
PROJECT REPORT Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of
Of Business Administration degree from KU, Warangal, and it has not been submitted previously in part of any university or institution.
Undertaking any project in life proves to be a milestone in more ways than one. Its successful completion reifies on a myriad of people & their priceless help. Project work in never the work of an individual, it is more of a combination of views, suggestions &contribution of many individuals. Thus one of the most pleasant parts of doing this project is the opportunity to thank all these who have contributed towards successful completion of this project. I take this opportunity to thank IZENICE TECHNOLOGIES to give me this chance to know about the back bone of the industry. It has been a pleasurable experience filled with knowledge & awareness to take part in this project. This project would not have been successful without the guidance of my industrial project guide Mr. Hari. Who has provided me time, out of his busy schedule. Further I would also like to thank whole team of IZENICE TECHNOLOGIES for their co operation & guidance at field. Without the support of these wonderful people I would never had completed my internship successfully & learning would never have turned interesting.
Personnel management:The renewed emphasis on the importance of human resources in the1980s and 90s drew attention to the way in which people management was organized. Specifically, this meant a critical review of the functions of personnel management. Personnel management has been a recognized function in the USA since NCR opened a personnel office in the 1890s. In other countries the function arrived more slowly and came through a variety of routes. This excerpt from Human Resource Management in a Business Context looks at Personnel management from a historical perspective. Specialist Personnel Functions Recruitment: advertising for new employees and liaising with employment agencies. Selection: determining the best candidates from those who apply, arranging interviews, tests, and references. Promotion: running similar selection procedures to determine progression within the organization. Pay: a minor or major role in pay negotiation, determination and administration. Performance assessment: co-coordinating staff appraisal and counseling systems to evaluate individual employee performance. Grading structures: as a basis for pay or development, comparing the relative difficulty and importance of functions. Training and development: coordinating or delivering programs to fit people for the roles required by the organization now and in the future. Welfare: providing or liaising with specialists in a staff care or counseling role for people with personal or domestic problems affecting their work. Communication: providing an internal information service, perhaps in the form of staff newspapers or magazines, handouts, booklets, videos.
Employee Relations: handling disputes, grievances and industrial action, often dealing with unions or staff representatives. Dismissal: on an individual basis as a result of failure to meet requirements or as part of a redundancy, downsizing or closure exercise, perhaps involving large numbers of people. Personnel administration: Record keeping and monitoring of legislative requirements related to equal opportunities and possibly pensions and tax.
An organization is nothing with out human resource. Since every organization is concerned with the people acquiring their services, developing their skills and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment in the organization are essential for achieving organizational goals. Organization and individual should develop and progress simultaneously for their survival and attainment of their mutual goals. So, every modern management has to develop the organization through human resource development. Employee training is the important subsystem of human resource development. Employee training is a specified function and is one of the fundamental operative functions of Human Resource Management. Organizations, which are capable to acquire, develop, stimulate and keep outstanding workers, would be both effective and efficient expending the least amount of resources necessary. Survival of an organization requires competent managers and workers coordinating their efforts towards an ultimate goal. Human resource management is a process consisting of four functions acquisition, development, motivation and maintenance. Acquisition function begins with planning. Relating to human resource requirements we need to know where we are going and how we are going to get there. Development function includes training with emphasis on skilled development and change of attitude among workers. Management development, which concerns conceptual efforts to match long term individual and organizational, needs. Motivation function begins with recognition that individuals are unique and that motivational technique must reflect the needs of each individual. Motivational function includes job satisfaction, performance appraisal and behavioral & structural technique for stimulating workers performance. Maintenance function is concerned with providing those working conditions that employees believe are necessary in order to maintain their commitment towards the organization.
Training and Development: Employee training is distinct from the management development and executive development. While the former refers to training given to the employees in the areas of technical, operations and allied areas, the latter refers to developing an employee in the areas of principles and techniques of management, administration, organization and allied areas. The following figure shows the difference between training and development: Area Content Training Technical knowledge skills Development and Managerial behavioral knowledge Purpose Duration For Whom Specific job-related Short-term Conceptual and general knowledge Long-term skills and and
Mostly technical and non- Mostly for managerial managerial Personnel Personnel
Management specifies the goal Training shows the path Man follows the path to reach the target
People are the greatest resource to the organization, but it is only true if their knowledge and skills are utilized and their potential harnessed and developed. William James of Harvard University estimated that employees could retain jobs by working at a mere 20-30 percent of their potential. His research led him to believe that if these same employees were properly motivated, they could work at 80-90 percent of their capabilities. Training could be one of the means used to achieve such improvements through the effective and efficient use of learning resources. Employee training tries to improve skills, or add to the existing level of knowledge so that the employee is better equipped to do his present job, or to prepare him for a higher position with increased responsibilities, However, individual growth is not an end in itself. Organizational growth needs to be meshed with the individuals growth. The concern is for the organizations viability, that it should adapt itself to a changing environment. The effective functioning of any organization requires that employees learn to perform their jobs at a satisfactory level of proficiency. An effective organization wishes to have amongst its ranks individuals who are qualified to accept increasing responsibilities. So much so that organizations need to provide opportunities for the continuous development of employees not only in their present jobs, but also to develop their capabilities for other jobs for which they might later be considered. Training refers to the teaching/learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes needed by that organization.
Though it is true that unplanned learning through job experiences elpsdevelopment, the experience of most organizations is that it is advantageous to plan systematic training programmes of various types as a regular part of an adequate personnel development programme. Such programmes are definite assets in helping managers to learn correct job methods, to achieve a satisfactory level of job performance, and to acquire capabilities that would be valuable in possible future jobs. Training and development is now taking a more center stage position in many organizations throughout the world. Either it is receiving a higher profile after many years of neglect, or it is evolving to meet the changing nature of society and organization life. As the workforce of organization comprises people who were educated entirely after the Second World War and whose expectations differ greatly from their predecessors. Definition of training: The manpower service commission, which was setup by the1973 Employment and Training Act until it was replaced in 1988, defined training as, A planned process to modify attitude knowledge or skills behavior through learning experience to achieve effective performance in an activity. Its purpose in the work situation is to develop the ability of the individuals and to satisfy the current and future needs of the organization. The training can be defined as The relatively systematic attempt to transfer knowledge or skills from one who knows or can do to one who does not or cannot do. Meaning: After an employee is selected, placed and introduced he or shemust be provided with training facilities. Training is an act of increasing the knowledge and skill of an employee for doing a particular job. This is a short-term educational process done through a systematic and organized procedure by which employees learn technical knowledge and skills for definite purpose.
Dale S. Beach defines training as The organized procedure by which people learn knowledge and/or skill for definite purpose. In other words training improves, changes, and moulds the employees knowledge,
skill, behavior, aptitude and attitude towards the requirement of the job and the organization. In this way training bridges the difference between job requirements and employee present specifications. Training is a short-term process utilizing a systematic & organized procedure by which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. NEED FOR TRAINING IN INDUSTRY? Organizational viability and the Transformation process: The primary concern of an organization is its viability, and hence its efficiency. There is continuous environmental pressure for efficiency, and if the organizations does not respond to this pressure it may find itself rapidly losing whatever share of the market it has. An organizations effectiveness is dependent on its ability to accomplish the Following three objectives: 1) To achieve its goals. 2) To maintain itself internally. 3) To adapt to its environment. If any organization achieves these, it is healthy and flexible. The three other factors, which could necessitate training activity: 1) Technological advances 2) Organizational complexity 3) Human relations.
ORGANIZATION PROBLEMS NOT RESOLVED BY TRAINING: Training may not necessarily solve organization problem for the problem could be germane to administrative action. Inefficiency may be the result of poor selection, poor
organizational controls or poor communication. Training cannot be an isolated exercise; it has it has to be seen as a part of the total management development plan. Besides ensuring that administrative practices are in line with the needs of the organization, organization structure have also to be made effective in terms of their relationship to organization objectives. Training activity should be an integrated part of the organization's total management development activities. Integration of management development activity would be dependent on the following variables: Performance appraisal, Manpower planning, Superior-subordinate relationship and work environment. The individuals adjustments dependent both on emotional factors and on the set expectations he has of his job, his superiors, peers and subordinates, and of the organization in general. This process is termed the socialization of an individual in an organizational context. The socialization process requires the individual to blend his personality, his views and self-expression in a manner that is acceptable to the organization. In this process, the individual also tries to find out more about himself-his likes, and his areas of satisfaction. This process of self-discovery, of understanding ones desires and aspirations is a complex one. The work environment, where the employee spends the bulk of his working time, certainly is a catalyst in the process. Work environments that provide opportunities for growth by allowing flexibility, mobility and discretion, are more conducive to learning and growth than rigid systems. The absence of such an environment in an organization, either real or perceived, would hardly be conducive to any training effort.
TRAINING INPUTS: The primary purpose of training is to establish a sound relationship a sound relationship
between the worker and his job-the optimum man-task relationship. Such a relationship is at its best when the workers attitude to the job is right, when the workers knowledge of the job is adequate, and he has developed the necessary skills. There are three basic types of inputs: 1. Skills 2. Attitudes 3. Knowledge Training activities in an industrial organization are aimed at making desired modifications in skills, attitudes and knowledge of employees so that they perform their jobs most efficiently and effectively. Skills: Training activities now a day encompass activities ranging from the acquisition of a simple motor skill to a complex administrative one. Training an employee for a particular skill is undertaken to enable him to be more effective on the job. For instance, new workers can be trained to achieve levels of output attained by experienced older workers. Similarly existing workers whose levels of output are par can be retained. Attitude: Through orientation (induction) programmes, organizations develop attitudes in new employees, which are favorable towards the achievement of organizational goals. Training programmes in industry are aimed at molding employee attitudes to achieve support for company activities, and to obtain better cooperation and greater loyalty.
Training aimed at imparting knowledge to employees in the organization provides for understanding of all the problems of modern industry. This knowledge for a modern worker is specific to his job, and related broadly to plant, machinery, material product, and quality and standard of product. Knowledge for managerial personnel may be related to complexity of problems in organizing, planning, staffing, directing and controlling. In general, training initiated for imparting knowledge to employees should consider three aspects: a) Knowledge in general about factory and work environment job context. b) Specific knowledge related to job job content. c) Knowledge related to quality and standards of product or quality of work. AREAS OF TRAINING: Areas of training can be classified into the following categories: 1) Training in company policies and procedures (induction training) 2) Training in particular skills. 3) Training in human relations. 4) Training in problem solving. 5) Managerial and supervisory training. 6) Apprentice training.
Trainings Non-managerial personnel. Technical & mechanical operations Specific job-related purpose Short term. Training hall
Need for basic purposes of Training: 1. To increase productivity. 2. To improve quality. 3. To help a company fulfill its future personnel needs. 4. To improve organizational climate. 5. To improve health & safety. 6. Obsolescence prevention. 7. Personal growth.
The need for training arises from more than one reason: 1. An increase use of technology in production. 2. Labour turnover arises from normal separation due to death or physical incapacity, for accidents, diseases, superannuating voluntary retirement, promotion within the organization and change of occupation or job. 3. Need for additional hands to cope with an increased production of Goods & services. 4. Employment of inexperienced, new or badly labour requires detailed instructions for an effective performance of a job. 5. Old employees need refresher training to enable them to keep abreast of the changing methods, techniques & use of sophisticated tools & equipment. 6. Need for enabling employees to do the work in a more effective way to reduce learning time, reduce supervision time, reduce waste & spoilage of raw materials & produce quality goods and develop their potential. 7. Need for reducing grievances and minimizing accident rates. 8. Need for maintaining the validity of an organization as a whole & raising the morale of its employees. Responsibility for training: Training is the responsibility of 4 main groups: 1. The top management, which frames the training policy. 2. The personnel development department, which plans, establishes & evaluates instructional programmes. 3. Supervisors who implement and apply developmental procedures. 4. Employees who provide feedback, revision & suggestions for corporate educational endeavors.
Getting ready for the job. Preparation of operations and knowledge Preparation ofFollow-up the learner ntifying the training needs (Through organizational operations & manpower analysis) (Rewards & feedback) TRAINING POLICY: A companys training policy represents the commitment of its top management to training, and is expressed in the rules and procedures, which govern or influence the standard and scope of training in the organization. Training policies are necessary for the following organization: 1. To highlight the firms approach to the training function, provide guidance for design and execution, and to provide information regarding programmes to all employees. 2. Formulation of policy helps in identification of priority areas in training, and since resources are prioritized according to felt needs. 3. A training policy document helps to communicate the firms intent regarding an employees career development, and also gives the employee the opportunity o better his prospects through training. Steps in training programmes: Training programmes are a costly and a time consuming process. Therefore they need to be drafted very carefully. Usually in the organization of training programmes, the Following steps are considered necessary: -
Off-the-job method
1. On-job training method: This type of training, also know, as job instruction training is t he most commonly used method. Under this method, the individual is placed on a regular job and thought the skills necessary to perform that job. The trainee learns under the supervision and guidance of a qualified worker or instructor. On-the-job training has the advantage of giving first hand knowledge and experience under the actual working conditions. The problem of transfer of trainee is also minimized as the person learns On-the-job. (i) Job rotation: This type of training involves the moment of the trainee from one job to another. The trainee receives job knowledge and gains experience from his superior or trainer in each of the different job assignments. Through this method of training is common in training managers for general management position, trainees can also be rotated from job to job in workshops. This method gives an opportunity to the trainee to understand the problem of employees on other job and respect them.
(ii) Coaching: The trainee is placed under a particular supervisor who function as a coach in training the individual. The supervisor provides feedback to the trainee on his performance and offers him some suggestions for improvement. Often the trainee shares some of the duties and responsibilities of the coach and relieves him of his burden. A limitation of this method of training is that the trainee may not have the freedom or opportunity to express his own ideas. (iii) Job instructions: This method is also known as training through step by step. Under this method, the trainer explains to the trainee the way of doing the jobs, job knowledge and skills and allows him to do the job. The trainer appraises the performance of the trainee, provides feedback information and corrects the trainee. (iv) Committee Assignments: Under the committee assignments, a group of trainees are given and asked to solve an actual organizational problem. The trainees solve the problem jointly. It develops Teamwork.
2. Offthe-job method: Under this method of training, the trainee is separated from the job situation and his attention is focused upon learning the material related by job requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning the job requirements, he can place his entire concentration on learning rather spending his time in performing it. There is an opportunity for freedom of expression for the trainees. Companies have started using multimedia technology Off-the-job training methods are as follows. (i) Vestibule training: In this method actual work condition are simulated in a classroom. Material, files and equipment, which are used in actual job performance, are also used in training. This type of training commonly used for training personnel from clerical and semi-skilled. The duration of this training ranges from days to few weeks.
(ii) Lecture method: The lecture is a traditional and direct method of instruction. The instructor organizes the materials and gives it to a group trainee in the form of a task. To be effective, the lecture must motivate and create interest among the trainee. (iii) Conference: It is a method In training the clerical, professional and supervisory personnel. This method involves a group of people who pose ideas examine, all of which contribute to the improvement of job performance. (iv) Programmed instruction: In recent years this method has become popular. The subject matter to be learned is presented in a series of carefully planned sequential units. These units are arranged from simple to more complex levels of instructions.
POSITIVE OUTCOME OF TRAINING: The continued effectiveness and efficiency of an organization is to some extent dependent on the ability of its employees to produce at high levels of efficiency, and keep abreast with their changing job-role demands. Training will provide for an output in this direction. The several positive benefits of training are that: -Training helps employees to learn their jobs and attain desired levels of performance speedily thus cutting costs and contributing to better utilization of machines and materials for example in workers categories. -Training helps to reduce the cost of raw materials and products-reducing losses due to waste, poor quality products and damage to machinery-which would result if an untrained employee, were to learn on his own. -Employee motivation is enhanced when employees know that the firm would provide
them with training opportunities to increase their skills and knowledge, thus enabling them to develop and qualify for higher posts. -Finally, training aids in the development of individual skills, better methods, new equipments and sometimes new work places relationships such a process would also facilitate technological change by updating the versatility of employees.
BPO industry. India has an 8-12 hour time zone difference with respect to the US and other developed markets. Most of the Indian call centers servicing American customers have timings between 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 a.m. This time zone difference allows Indian companies BPOs to service American clients by working in the nights. Last, but not the least, India has a huge pool of English speaking workforce that provides excellent voice based services at extremely competitive costs resulting in huge savings for companies. Some of the leading BPO companies in India are: GE Capital, Convergys, Wipro Spectramind, WNS, Dell, Daksh e-Services, ICICI OneSource, and MphasiS. Some of the problems afflicting Indian BPO industry are high attrition rate, and backlash in developed countries against perceived job losses due to outsourcing to India. To tackle the problem of attrition companies are adopting measures such as good rewards, bonding programme, flexible working hours and stronger career path. As regards backlash against outsourcing, the backlash is mainly political. There is compelling economic logic for companies to outsource to India and also Indian BPO companies have taken initiatives allay fears of job loss. It is said that the Indian BPO Industry has come of age. This is very true if we analyze both the past and present scenarios. Defying all the permutations and combinations, the Indian outsourcing industry has registered a massive growth over the years. India has remained one of the most favorite offshore destinations for BPO/ITES activities. One of the most prominent reasons for the same is cheap labor. Over the past five years, the Indian BPO/ITES has been growing at a rate of about 50-60%. As per NASSCOM, the Indian BPO/ITES registered a growth rate of 46% and clocked revenue of UD$ 3.6 billion in 2006-07 up from UD$ 2.5 billion in 2005-06.This industry has contributed a great deal to the export revenues of the country and is expected to do that in future too. This industry is expected to generate one million jobs by 2011. HR management is one of the most critical areas in this industry, so important that it can be referred to as HR-enabled services rather than IT-enabled services. The reason for the same is that this industry is facing a very high rate of attrition of around 30-40%. Though this rate is not very high as compared to US which faces an attrition rate of around 70% though, our next main competitor in this area, China, is facing the attrition rate as low as 12-15%. The consequence of the same is that this results in higher costs to the company and so the companies may lose its main competitive edge which is
lower costs. Later on, we have explained why the cost of attrition is so high. This means that there is a very high need to control the attrition rate in the industry.
INDIAN BPO INDUSTRY 2009: The Indian IT-BPO industry has contributed significantly to the Indian economy, clocking 30 per cent growth year over year, over the last decade. While today, over two million individuals are directly employed by the industry another seven to eight million jobs have been created downstream. With exports of USD 40.4 billion in 2007-08, the industry today constitutes 25 per cent of the countrys exports. Over the years, this industry has continued to expand geographically, added new service lines and created new business models. Customers are serviced in over 80 countries and significant amount of intellectual property and new products and solutions have been created by the young and bright professionals. In some manners, the IT industry has also become the face of the new vibrant India. This growth has been contributed by Indian service providers, multinationals and a large number of the global companies, who set up their research, IT, back-office operations and centres of excellence in India. The industry has a large number of small and medium companies that are creating innovative solutions and new business models.
The recent global events which have led to an unprecedented economic crisis across the world will impact the Indian IT-BPO industry in the short-term. Over the years, the industry has helped improve the competitiveness of customers, worked with them to reduce time-to-market and provided them access to high-end skills and capabilities. These fundamentals have not changed. In fact, there would be an increased importance of these factors in the coming years, given the shortage of tech resources worldwide and the changing demographics. Every downturn brings its own concerns but also with it, opportunities. With the growth rate being moderate this year, companies would now focus on building domain expertise,
improving productivity and efficiency and finding ways and means of meeting increased customer expectations. As management teams work on this, employees need to get even more engaged, sharpen their own skills and help identify areas of improvement and value-add. Given that globally, there are a large number of markets and verticals that are under penetrated, the opportunity and scope is still large. The Indian domestic market is also growing and offers a unique untapped opportunity. Having said this, we still have inefficiencies in our system to overcome. The industry continues to take the burden of generating its own power, providing public services like transport and security as also huge training interventions for freshmen to make them employable. The government, both at central and state level, has a significant role to ensure that these inefficiencies are removed. There is need to build both physical and social infrastructure. Having seen Indias success, several alternate global locations like China, Philippines, Latin American and East European countries are vying for the same pie. We cannot let this opportunity go. Given the multiplier effect on the economy, providing tax concessions and other fiscal benefits would instill investor confidence and ensure India remains the preferred location.
ATTRITION IN BPO INDUSTRY: The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry in the country which is expected to employ around one million people by 2008 is facing the challenge of finding quality human resources given the current attrition rate of around 50 percent. Analysts say attrition rates vary by 20%-40% in some firms, while the top ones averages at least 15%. Nasscom in a report said the outsourcing industry was expected to face a shortage of 262,000 professionals by 2012. The size of the Indian BPO market is likely to be around $9-12 billion by 2006 and will employ around 400,000 people, ICRA said in its Indian BPO industry report. Mercer India said the industry should look beyond the traditional areas of recruitment and some thought should be given to employ physically challenged people and housewives. The reasons for the high rate of attrition was due to various factors like salary, work timings, other
career options, adding that there is always the danger of costs increasing while billing rates decline. With 245,100 people employed at the end of March 31, 2004 against 171,100 last year, the industry witnessed a hiring growth rate of about 40-42 percent. On the hiring front, the industry absorbed about 74,000 people in 2003 despite the attrition rate of 45-50 percent being a matter of concern. Attrition rates in IT-enabled business process outsourcing Sector has come down from the 30-33 per cent being witnessed of late to about 25 per cent now, according to statistics compiled by the National Human Resource Development Network.
US Australia Europe India Global Average
42% 29% 24% 18% 24%
If you compare attrition rates for a Voice and Non-voice process, then attrition rates are significantly lower in a non-voice process. As the industry moves up the value chain and becomes a full-scale BPO player, attrition rates will further decrease. For BPO service providers, moving up the value chain is critical, given the attrition rates in the industry, which are on an average higher in low value-added segments (in call centres) as compared to higher value-added segments like engineering. It will not be possible for the industry to arrive at a blanket agreement on poaching but bilateral agreements between companies are being signed. Basic norms are being put in place and code of ethics is being stressed upon by industry. Companies are being encouraged to adopt responsible behavior in order to ensure that the industry does not become a victim of its own actions. Industry needs to go aggressive but not cannibalistic. In order to ensure a consistent flow of trained manpower in the future, the industry needs
to work with the government to introduce courses at a school and college level, which are in line with the requirements of the ITES-BPO industry. India has one of the largest pool of English speaking graduate workforce. The challenge for the industry is not in employment but employability. The industry is also hiring professionals from outside the industry in order to meet its steady supply of manpower. Honest corporate managers will tell you that to make off shoring work; you need at least a 300% to 400% wage spread between American software writers, engineers, accountants, and call-center employees and their Indian and Chinese counterparts. Labor costs have to be very, very low overseas -- not just lower -- to compensate for time-shifting, managing over such long distances, and decreased productivity. High attrition rate, price wars, poor infrastructure and lack of data protection laws could derail India's booming outsourcing industry. This seemed to sum up the views of BPO fraternity at the Nasscom summit here.
About Izenice TechnologiesIzenice Technologies. We have experience of 5 years in different verticals different positions with multitude culture. of HR
services, BPO, Application Development and support. We have served many companies in Izenice Technologies blends the experience of its top-notch engineers with the state-of-the-art technology, to provide innovative solutions. Izenice Technologies has its corporate headquarters at Bangalore with development, training centers. It
has been our endeavor to provide tailor-made and quality services to our clients. As a result, we have an ever-growing list of satisfied clients
Izenice Technologies specialize in IT recruitments and out sourcing, of Software Engineers with relevant work experience. We have strong credibility for offering exciting careers in MNC and reputed start-up software houses in India. We are also actively engaged in sourcing for non-development requirements for many IT companies in recent past. Knowledge is that crucial aspect which separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Being in the field of HR consulting, we very well understand that without understanding the business of our clients, we cannot help them in their HR policies. ServicesAt Izenice, our services are broadly classified into 3 Business Divisions: Placements & Out sourcing BPO Application Development and support
Placements & Out sourcing: Building a powerful database of relevant applicants is a crucial issue, which can reduce your time-to-hire factor and minimizes your advertising costs. Acquiring a large database which is updated and filtered to hold relevant records is due to the sheer resourcefulness of our team and their hard work. Our strength lies in reaching across technical and functional domains right from back-end system maintenance to front office executives. We have built not only expertise in placing IT and BPO professionals, but also catered Medical staffing needs Our penetration in technical areas:
IT Domains: Embedded/ Application/ System/ Internet/ Graphics/ Multimedia Programming: C/ C++/ Visual Basic/ Unix/ PHP/ Cold Fusion/ ASP/ Java/ j2EE/ JSP/ EJB/ SERVLETS/ WEBLOGIC/ DSP/ RTOS
Database: Oracle/ SQL Server/ MS Access Networking/Administrators: CCNA/ MCSE/ CISCO/ Oracle DBA/ SQL DBA Hardware Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance
Our penetration in functional areas: o Marketing: Institutional Sales, Relationship Marketing, Tele-sales, Customer Support o Administration: Front Office, Secretary, Facility Managers, Security Guards, Office Assistants o Finance: Managers, Accountants, Tally Experts, o Human Resources: HR Managers, Recruiting Executives o Tech Space: Technical Support, Data Entry Operators o BPO sector: Customer service executives, o Medical sector: Doctors/Nurses/Pharmacists Our expertise in the field of IT HR consulting has helped us achieve a remarkable place in the IT industry. We provide well-qualified, pre-screened and tested staff for your temporary staffing needs. We provide resources on contractual basis for onsite maintenance, project management, project development and enhancement. We conduct a thorough search for top candidates and test, evaluate and screen them for you. We help you get your work done without investing in employee training and orientation. We also have the unique ability of combining Employee Utility Services, which can prove to be a great boon in rising productivity, enhance profits, motivate people, and raise the performance in your workplace. Some tangible benefits of our services are:
Minimized time-to-hire factor Reduced advertising and administration costs Verification of candidate's credentials Vast database of multi-skilled professionals
Reasonable: All said and done, finally the business proposition should also be financially feasible. One look at our figures will give the reassurance that we provide quality at value-formoney terms: Some of our esteemed Clients: MOTOROLA CISCO SYSTEMS ADVO EXON THOMAS-COOK PEPSI * GVK BIO * BSNL * ACCENTURE * SAPLABS * WIPRO * AIRCEL
BPO (Business Processing and Out sourcing): Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is one of the strategic tools used today by organizations worldwide to increase their efficiency and effectiveness and thereby become more competitive in their marketplaces. Organizations have renewed their interests to focus on their core-competencies while
outsourcing the non-core operations to BPO firms who offer specialized process strengths and economies of scale in those areas. Izenice Technologies BPO provides a broad range of services from customer relationship management, back office transaction processing to industry specific solutions. The key element of services delivery is an integrated approach towards providing increasing value over the entire course of our client relationships.
Insurance Processing
Application Development and Support: Izenice Technologies Application Development and support Services include the development of new applications, features, extensions, enhancements, interfaces, and upgrades for existing and emerging business operations. We provide the framework for application development outsourcing plus the assurance that solutions meet customer specifications and are delivered on
time and within budget. Our associates are experts are experts in diverse development technologies and we can develop both host and distributed applications. We use state-of-the-art tools for our development efforts.
Java,J2ee and .Net Technologies with RDBMS backbends (Oracle, Sybase and SQL Server)
In-House Product Development: We have also developed some Vertical and Horizontal products in HR Management, School, College and Small-scale Industry Management.
Ethos of Izenice TechnologiesEmployee Recruiting: At Izenice Technologies, we strive to give the highest possible value to our clients while
promoting a quality and challenging work experience for our employees. Our goal is to continually enhance our position as a solutions provider. At Izenice Technologies, our employees are our most important resource. We are committed to providing opportunities for continuous learning and career growth while advocating a fun, team-oriented environment.
Izenice Technologies Quality Approach: Our approach to quality is a continuous journey, and its achievements and practices are all a part of this journey. We are commitment to improve process and to deliver products and services of the highest order, thereby satisfying our Clients. We encompass this through our overall approach to business, our Mission, Vision and Values. By adhering to these we lay the foundation of excellence in all that we do. Our consultants readily adhere to the quality practices of our customers with little or no additional training. Where our customers may lack in quality processes we (where empowered to) implement quality practices consistent with the challenges of the effort and industry recognized practices. Vision of Customer Satisfaction: At Izenice Technologies Our focus is customer driven and we understand each client is a different one. In order to assure the best quality, we first understand the customer requirements and drivers for the need and work closely with our customers to fully understand the skills capabilities needed both today and in the future. Our staffing consultants build client profiles for each Izenice Technologies Customer. Additionally, we have built an house skill database identifying the technical, process, industry, and management skills of all Izenice Technologies employees.
About Company: Izenice Technologies. We have experience of 5 years in different verticals different positions with multitude culture. of HR
services, BPO, Application Development and support. We have served many companies in Izenice Technologies blends the experience of its
top-notch engineers with the state-of-the-art technology, to provide innovative solutions. Izenice Technologies has its corporate headquarters at Bangalore with development, training centers. It has been our endeavor to provide tailor-made and quality services to our clients. As a result, we have an ever-growing list of satisfied clients Izenice Technologies specialize in IT recruitments and out sourcing, of Software Engineers with relevant work experience. We have strong credibility for offering exciting careers in MNC and reputed start-up software houses in India. We are also actively engaged in sourcing for non-development requirements for many IT companies in recent past. Knowledge is that crucial aspect which separates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Being in the field of HR consulting, we very well understand that without understanding the business of our clients, we cannot help them in their HR policies. Services- At Izenice, our services are broadly classified into 3 Business Divisions: Placements & Out sourcing BPO Application Development and support
Placements & Out sourcing: Building a powerful database of relevant applicants is a crucial issue, which can reduce your time-to-hire factor and minimizes your advertising costs. Acquiring a large database which is updated and filtered to hold relevant records is due to the sheer resourcefulness of our team and their hard work. Our strength lies in reaching across technical and functional domains right from back-end system maintenance to front office executives. We have built not only expertise in placing IT and BPO professionals, but also catered Medical staffing needs. Our penetration in technical areas:
IT Domains: Embedded/ Application/ System/ Internet/ Graphics/ Multimedia Programming: C/ C++/ Visual Basic/ Unix/ PHP/ Cold Fusion/ ASP/ Java/ j2EE/ JSP/ EJB/ SERVLETS/ WEBLOGIC/ DSP/ RTOS
Database: Oracle/ SQL Server/ MS Access Networking/Administrators: CCNA/ MCSE/ CISCO/ Oracle DBA/ SQL DBA Hardware Engineering Testing and Quality Assurance
Our penetration in functional areas: o Marketing: Institutional Sales, Relationship Marketing, Tele-sales, Customer Support o Administration: Front Office, Secretary, Facility Managers, Security Guards, Office Assistants o Finance: Managers, Accountants, Tally Experts, o Human Resources: HR Managers, Recruiting Executives o Tech Space: Technical Support, Data Entry Operators o BPO sector: Customer service executives, o Medical sector: Doctors/Nurses/Pharmacists Our expertise in the field of IT HR consulting has helped us achieve a remarkable place in the IT industry. We provide well-qualified, pre-screened and tested staff for your temporary staffing needs. We provide resources on contractual basis for onsite maintenance, project management, project development and enhancement. We conduct a thorough search for top candidates and test, evaluate and screen them for you. We help you get your work done without investing in employee training and orientation. We also have the unique ability of combining Employee Utility Services, which can prove to be a great boon in rising productivity, enhance profits, motivate people, and raise the performance in your workplace. Some tangible benefits of our services are:
Ready availability of candidates Minimized time-to-hire factor Reduced advertising and administration costs
Purpose of the Study: As we know no organization can allow employees to work without imparting training. Some of the organizations are using the training program in recruiting employees also. In such as a way training is playing vital role in todays organizations. This may be whether on-the-job or it may be off the job, this is used to enrich the skills of the employees of the organization. Such a training program will be of no use if it is not conducted properly. The training programme can be made meaningful if feedback of Trainer, Trainee and the Module leaders is considered before designing the module. Their observations also help us in designing the module towards productivity improvements. Therefore the study aims at finding out the deficiency in the training programme and helps the organization to develop a well-designed module.
Need of the Study: As started earlier, no organization can get the candidate who exactly matches the job and the organizational requirements. Hence training is important to develop the employee and make him suitable to the job. Therefore training is to be properly designed and conducted effectively to have a good impact. This study is useful in finding out the deficiencies of conducting the training program through which the methodology can be updated and improved. The Need of the Study is:
To check the impact of training on the productivity of the employees To check how the trainees are applying their skills (which are being imparted in the training program) in their job. To know how successfully the program is conducted. Objectives Of The Study The main objectives of this study are as follows: 1. To know whether all the employees are trained properly or not. 2. To check the suitability of the training methodology to the program. 3. Observing the arrangements made for the training program. 4. To know the way of selecting the faculty members. 5. Comparing the productivity of the employees before and after the training programs. 6. Collecting the employee views towards the program Limitations: I am pleased to say that all the employees of the organization especially of HR department give their full cooperation in the collection of the data. But I was not able meet every one personally to collect all the information from Primary Sources.
Research design A Research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. The researcher in this case has gone for descriptive approach. Descriptive research studies are those which are concerned with describing the characteristics of a particular individual or of a group. Here, researcher must be able to define clearly what we wants to measure and must find adequate methods for measuring it along with a
clear cit definition of the population and sample size to be studied. Primary Data This consists of original information gathered for a specific purpose. The normal procedure is to interview people individually and/or groups, to get required data. Here the data being sought on training and development through questionnaire. Secondary Data: This consists of information that already exists some where, having been collected for another purpose, which was in the form of company sources magazines etc.,
: : : : : : : :
It is descriptive in nature. Primary and secondary data. A well structured questionnaire. 75 50 Managers and Executives. Simple random sampling. SPSS
Executives, Non-Executives) SAMPLE SIZE: Considering the nature and extent of the study and time constraint the sample size is taken as 50 respondents.
Frequency 50
Percent 100.0
y c n u q e r F
0 Yes
ANALYSIS: From the above we refer that 100% of respondents agree that they have a separate Training and development to undertake the Training initiative.
Frequency 41 6 3 50
y c n u q e r F
ANALYSIS: The research brought that 80% felt they are evaluated on the basis of feedback forms. Where the 15% felt they are evaluated on the basis of Interview and 5% respondents fell that they are evaluated on the basis of Questionnaire.
Frequency 27 17 6 50
y c n u q e r F
10 5 0 Performance appraisal Induction Psychometric tools
ANALYSIS: From the above we infer that 45% of the respondent agree that training needs are identified by performance appraisal, 35% of respondent feel that identification of training needs are much part of induction programme and 10% feel that there are other methods of identifying training needs (assessment and development centers) Is training provided to all levels of employees?
N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Valid Missing 50 0 1.00 1.00 1 .000
y c n u q e r F
0 Yes
ANALYSIS: From the above inference 100% of the respondents agree that training is provided to all level of employees.
Variance Sum Frequency Valid On the job Off the job Lecture Vestibule Audio visual Total 4 23 5 7 11 50
1.835 148 Percent 8.0 46.0 10.0 14.0 22.0 100.0 Valid Percent 8.0 46.0 10.0 14.0 22.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 8.0 54.0 64.0 78.0 100.0
y c n u q e r F
ANALYSIS: The research brought that 8% felt they should be trained in a classroom. Where the 45% felt they should be On the job training. 10% and 15% employees felt that Audio-visual equipments and practical knowledge is the better way to gain knowledge. Where 22% agree on Off the job training method. How often training programs are conducted?
N Mean Median Mode Valid Missing 50 0 2.40 2.50 1
1.294 1.673 120 Percent 40.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 100.0 Valid Percent 40.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 40.0 50.0 70.0 100.0
y c n u q e r F
5 0 Occasionally Regularly Monthly Annually
ANALYSIS: The reference shows that 40% of respondent feel that training programmes occasionally, 10% of respondents feel that training programmes regularly, 20% respondents feel that training programmes are conducted monthly and 30% respondents feel that training programme are conducted annually. Where does the training programme should be conducted?
N Mean Median Mode Valid Missing 50 0 2.70 2.00 4
1.249 1.561 135 Frequency 11 15 2 22 50 Percent 22.0 30.0 4.0 44.0 100.0 Valid Percent 22.0 30.0 4.0 44.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 22.0 52.0 56.0 100.0
In house Away from the work place Abroad In specialized institute with in country Total
y c n u q e r F
0 In house Away from the work place Abroad In specialized institute with in country
ANALYSIS: Majority 44% respondents felt training should be conducted in a specialized institution and also 30% of the employees felt training should be given at In-house and rest 4% felt training should be at abroad. How interested are you in attending the training program me?
N Mean Valid Missing 50 0 1.92
2.00 1 .877 .769 96 Percent 38.0 36.0 22.0 4.0 100.0 Valid Percent 38.0 36.0 22.0 4.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 38.0 74.0 96.0 100.0
y c n u q e r F
5 0 Greater Moderately Average Not interested
ANALYSIS: Majority 40% respondents felt that these has greater interests in attending training programme, where as 34% felt moderately, 22% felt average and rest 4% felt not interested to attend the training programmes.
Is training necessary?
N Valid 50
0 2.02 2.00 2 .795 .632 101 Percent 20.0 66.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 100.0 Valid Percent 20.0 66.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 20.0 86.0 94.0 98.0 100.0
Is training necessary?
y c n u q e r F
10 0 Strongly agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly disagree
Is training necessary?
ANALYSIS: From the above we infer that 65% of the respondents agree training is really necessary followed by Strongly agree, No Opinion, Disagree and Strongly disagree.
y c n u q e r F
10 5 0 Strongly agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly disagree
ANALYSIS: From the above we infer that 64% of the respondents are agreeing, followed by no opinion, disagree and strongly disagree.
y c n u q e r F
10 5 0 Organizational goals Personal goals Both No Idea
ANALYSIS: 55% of the employees felt that training is given achieving of organization goals followed by personal goals. Training is performance linked
Valid Missing
50 0 2.02 2.00 2 .869 .755 101 Frequency Percent 30.0 44.0 20.0 6.0 100.0 Valid Percent 30.0 44.0 20.0 6.0 100.0 94.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 30.0 74.0
15 22 10 3 50
y c n u q e r F
ANALISIS: 45% of the employees felt that training is performance linked as they get training to perform in their job field. These perceptions followed by strongly agree, no opinion and disagree.
y c n u q e r F
0 Improved communication skills Resulted in better personality Better understanding of people All of the above
ANALYSIS: 30% of respondent believe that training programme benefited them as an individual to develop their personality, 30% of respondent believe that training programme made them to better understanding of people, 20% of respondent believe that training programme improved
their communication skills. How do you rate overall training initiatives taken by the company?
N Mean Median Mode Std. Deviation Variance Sum Frequency Valid Outstanding Very good Good Average Poor Total 3 10 15 20 2 50 Valid Missing 50 0 3.16 3.00 4 .997 .994 158 Percent 6.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 4.0 100.0 Valid Percent 6.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 4.0 100.0 Cumulative Percent 6.0 26.0 56.0 96.0 100.0
y c n u q e r F
5 0 Outstanding Very good Good Average Poor
ANALYSIS: 40% of the respondents feel that overall training and development initiatives are taken by the company are good, 30% of the respondents feel that it is average, 20% feel that it is very good, 5% as outstanding and 5% as poor.
Study helps us to reach the star of the stars of our journey by showing us the best path 1. The supervisors are cooperative in giving the details of the trainees shifts. 2. The major problem of the organization is the duration of the training program. The majority of people are not satisfied with these durations. 3. Proper trainee involvement is not up to the mark in the training program. 4. PRS forms are also the basis for identifying the needs of the employee. 5. That means they also play a vital role in training programs. In such forms the weight age is given by general observation. performance of the employee. 6. Lack of discipline in trainees. 7. Some of the trainees are from other states so there is a communication gap between faculty and trainees because of the language used during the classes. 8. Maintenance DEPT is not maintaining the training hall properly. 9. The trainees are not able to pay concentration on the lecture because of the tiredness after performing their work in morning shift and attending the class in the afternoon. 10. The off-the-job training programme that should be conducted at the beginning of the training period is not conducted and the trainees are directly sent for on-the-job training. 11. Visual aids are provided for the faculty to display any important images to trainees. Because of this the company may not measure the exact
QUESTIONAIRE 1. Do you have a separate Training department to undertake the Training initiatives?
Yes No
2. How are the training programs evaluated?
Yes No
5. Which mode of training do you prefer?
Occasionally Regularly
Monthly Annuall
7. Where does the training programme should be conducted?
In house Away from the work place Abroad In specialized institute with in country
8. How interested are you in attending the training programme?
Improved communication skills Better understanding of people Resulted in better personality All of the above
14. How do you rate overall training initiatives taken by the company?
S.No 1 Title fo the book Publication Author Tony Port Year 1999
Personnel Management
Management Development.