IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Cards

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IELTS Speaking Part 2 – Topic Cards

Describe someone in your family you Describe a place in your town/city that you
admire. like.

You should say… You should say…

• who this person is. • what the place is.
• what your relationship is with them. • what you can do there.
• what they do and why you admire • why you like it and if you would
them. recommend it to others.

Describe a hobby you enjoy. Describe a technology that you use.

You should say… You should say…

• what the hobby is. • what the technology is.
• who you do it with. • what you use it for.
• why you like it and how you feel • when you use it and how you feel
about it. about it.

Describe an important event you went to

Describe something you bought at a shop.
You should say…
You should say…
• what it is.
• what the event was.
• why you bought it.
• who you went with.
• why is it is important and if you like
• what you did and why it was

Describe a sport you know. Describe a place you have visited.

You should say… You should say…
• what sport it is. • what place it was.
• what people like it. • how you got there.
• how it is played and where you can • who you went with and why you
play it. went there.

Describe a language you speak. Describe your favourite music.

You should say… You should say…

• what language it is. • what type of music it is.
• why you can speak it. • why you like it.
• what is difficult about it and if you • where and when you listen to it and
like it. who you listen to it with.

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