The document provides sample topics and questions for an IELTS Speaking Part 2 exam. It includes prompts to describe family members, hobbies, places, sports, languages, music, technologies, recent events, and shopping experiences. For each topic, it lists what aspects to discuss such as who, what, when, where, why.
The document provides sample topics and questions for an IELTS Speaking Part 2 exam. It includes prompts to describe family members, hobbies, places, sports, languages, music, technologies, recent events, and shopping experiences. For each topic, it lists what aspects to discuss such as who, what, when, where, why.
The document provides sample topics and questions for an IELTS Speaking Part 2 exam. It includes prompts to describe family members, hobbies, places, sports, languages, music, technologies, recent events, and shopping experiences. For each topic, it lists what aspects to discuss such as who, what, when, where, why.
The document provides sample topics and questions for an IELTS Speaking Part 2 exam. It includes prompts to describe family members, hobbies, places, sports, languages, music, technologies, recent events, and shopping experiences. For each topic, it lists what aspects to discuss such as who, what, when, where, why.
Describe someone in your family you Describe a place in your town/city that you admire. like.
You should say… You should say…
• who this person is. • what the place is. • what your relationship is with them. • what you can do there. • what they do and why you admire • why you like it and if you would them. recommend it to others.
Describe a hobby you enjoy. Describe a technology that you use.
You should say… You should say…
• what the hobby is. • what the technology is. • who you do it with. • what you use it for. • why you like it and how you feel • when you use it and how you feel about it. about it.
Describe an important event you went to
Describe something you bought at a shop. recently. You should say… You should say… • what it is. • what the event was. • why you bought it. • who you went with. • why is it is important and if you like • what you did and why it was it. important.
Describe a sport you know. Describe a place you have visited.
You should say… You should say… • what sport it is. • what place it was. • what people like it. • how you got there. • how it is played and where you can • who you went with and why you play it. went there.
Describe a language you speak. Describe your favourite music.
You should say… You should say…
• what language it is. • what type of music it is. • why you can speak it. • why you like it. • what is difficult about it and if you • where and when you listen to it and like it. who you listen to it with.
The Body in Theory - Essays After Lacan and Foucault - Becky R - McLaughlin (Editor), Eric Daffron (Editor) - 2021 - McFarland - 9781476678559 - Anna's Archive