General Chemistry 1 Qt. 2 Week 5
General Chemistry 1 Qt. 2 Week 5
General Chemistry 1 Qt. 2 Week 5
Learning Competency:
Specific Objectives:
1. Describe the major functional groups in organic chemistry and name organic compounds;
2. Recognize from the structural formula which class of organic compounds a certain molecule
belongs; and
3. Identify all the functional groups present in a molecule given its structural formula.
Key Concepts
Organic compounds are compounds containing one or more atoms of carbon EXCEPT oxides
of carbon (e.g., CO and CO2); carbides (e.g., CaC2, commonly known as “kalburo”); cyanides
(e.g., NaCN); carbonates (e.g., CaCO3); hydrogen carbonates or bicarbonates (e.g., NaHCO3); and
allotropes of carbon (e.g., diamond, graphite, graphene, and fullerenes such as
buckminsterfullerene, or C60).
Carbon can form four covalent bonds. It forms strong bonds with a variety of elements,
especially H, O, N, and the halogens. Carbon also has an exceptional ability to bond to another
carbon atom/s forming a variety of molecules made up of chains (straight/unbranched,
branched, or cyclic) of carbon atoms in endless arrays.
Molecular formula is a chemical formula that indicates the actual numbers of atoms present
in a molecule. For example, the molecular formula CH4 for methane tells us that methane has
one carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.
Structural formula displays the atoms of the molecule in the order they are bonded. It also
depicts how the atoms are bonded to one another. There are four types of structural formulas:
electron-dot formula, dash formula, condensed formula, and bond-line formula or skeletal formula.
Examples of these four types are shown below using 1-propanol as an example.
Although electron-dot formulas account explicitly for all the valence electrons in a molecule,
they are tedious and time-consuming to write. Dash, condensed, and bond-line formulas are
therefore used more often.
Dash formulas have lines that show bonding electron pairs and include elemental symbols for
all the atoms in a molecule.
If we look at Fig.1b-d, we find that the chain of atoms in those formulas is “straight.” Fig.1a
and Fig.1e correspond more accurately to the actual shape of the molecule where the chain
of atoms is “not at all straight.” A better description is unbranched.
Atoms joined by single bonds can rotate relatively freely with respect to one another.
The relatively free rotation of single bonds mean that the chain of atoms can assume a variety
of arrangements. Consider the dash formulas of 1-propanol.
Consider the compound called 2-propanol (or isopropyl alcohol), whose dash formula can be
written in a variety of ways:
In condensed formulas, all hydrogens that are attached to a particular carbon are usually
written immediately after that carbon. In fully condensed structural formulas, all of the atoms
that are attached to a particular carbon are usually written immediately after that carbon,
listing hydrogens first. Consider 2-chlorobutane as an example.
The condensed formulas for 2-propanol can be written in four different ways:
The most common type of structural formula used in organic chemistry, and the fastest to
draw, is the bond-line formula. Another term for bond-line formula is skeletal formula.
Bond-line formula lacks symbols that are explicitly shown in the dash and condensed
formulas. It allows us to more quickly interpret molecular connectivity and compare one
molecular formula with another.
In drawing bond-line formulas, we apply the following rules:
Each bend in a line and terminus of a line represents a carbon atom, unless another group
is shown explicitly.
No Cs are written for carbon atoms, except optionally for CH 3 groups at the end of a chain
or branch.
No Hs are shown for hydrogen atoms, unless they are needed to give a three-dimensional
The number of hydrogen atoms bonded to each carbon is inferred by assuming that as
many hydrogen atoms are present as needed to fill the valence shell of the carbon, unless
a charge is indicated.
When an atom other than carbon or hydrogen is present, the symbol for that element is
written at the appropriate location (i.e., in place of a bend or at the terminus of the line
leading to the atom).
Hydrogen atoms bonded to atoms other than carbon (e.g., oxygen or nitrogen) are written
explicitly such as the H in OH.
Bond-line formulas are easy to draw for molecules with multiple bonds and for cyclic
molecules, as well. The following are some examples.
Strategy and Answer: We outline the carbon skeleton including the OH group as follows:
Hydrocarbons are compounds that contain only carbon and hydrogen atoms. Hydrocarbons
are further classified into aliphatic hydrocarbons (those that do not contain benzene ring) and
aromatic hydrocarbons (those that contain benzene ring). Names of hydrocarbons end in -ane,
-ene, or -yne which then tell us what kinds of carbon–carbon bonds are present. The name of
the parent compound is determined by the number of carbon atoms in the longest chain.
A. Alkanes contain only carbon-carbon single bond (C―C), and this is indicated in the family
name and in names for specific compounds by an -ane ending.
Alkanes, except cycloalkanes, have the general formula CnH2n+2 where n=1, 2, 3, ….
They are also known as saturated hydrocarbons because these compounds contain the
maximum number of hydrogen atoms that can bond to carbon atoms present; that is, they
are saturated with hydrogen atoms.
Alkyl groups are the groups that would be obtained by removing a hydrogen atom from an
alkane. These groups are identified for the purpose of naming compounds. These alkyl groups
have names that end in -yl.
When the alkane is unbranched, and the hydrogen atom that is removed is a terminal
hydrogen atom, the names are straight forward. Examples of unbranched alkyl groups are
methyl, ethyl, propyl and butyl.
Methyl group can be derived from methane by removing one H atom. Ethyl group can be
derived from ethane after the removal of one H atom attached from any of the two C atoms.
For alkanes with more than two carbon atoms, more than one alkyl groups can be derived.
Two alkyl groups can be derived from propane. (1) Removal of one terminal H atom forms an
unbranched alkyl called propyl group; (2) removal of one H atom from the middle C atom
forms a branched alkyl called 1-methylethyl (systematic name) or isopropyl group (common
Three-carbon groups
There are four alkyl groups can be derived from an alkane with 4 carbon atoms.
Four-carbon groups
There is one of the seven five-carbon groups with an IUPAC approved common name: the 2,2-
dimethylpropyl group, commonly called the neopentyl group.
Generally, the symbol R is used to represent any alkyl group. For example, R might be
methyl, ethyl, propyl, isopropyl, butyl, tert-butyl, etc.
Alkyl halides or haloalkanes are compounds in which halogens (fluorine, chlorine, bromine,
or iodine) replaces a hydrogen atom of an alkane.
Alkyl halides or haloalkanes have the general formula RX where X = F, Cl, Br, or I. In naming
compounds with halogen substituents, we use fluoro, chloro, bromo, and iodo.
Alkyl halides are classified as being primary (1°), secondary (2°), or tertiary (3°). (We do not
say first degree, second degree, or third degree, but rather we say primary, secondary, or
tertiary.) This classification is based on the carbon atom to which the halogen is
directly attached.
A. 1° Alkyl halide – If the carbon atom that bears the halogen is directly attached to only one
other carbon, the carbon atom is said to be a primary carbon and the alkyl halide is classified
as a primary alkyl halide.
B. 2° Alkyl halide – If the carbon that bears the halogen is itself directly attached to two
other carbon atoms, then the carbon is a secondary carbon and the alkyl halide is a
secondary alkyl halide.
C. 3° Alkyl halide - If the carbon that bears the halogen is directly attached to three other
carbon atoms, then the carbon is a tertiary carbon and the alkyl halide is a tertiary alkyl
Nomenclature of Alkanes
Today, chemists use a systematic nomenclature developed and updated by the International
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Underlying the IUPAC system is a fundamental
principle: each different compound should have a different and unambiguous name.
In IUPAC substitutive nomenclature a name may have as many as four features: locants,
prefixes, parent compound, and suffixes. Consider the following example:
The locant 4- tells that the substituent methyl group, named as a prefix, is attached to the
parent compound at C4. The parent compound contains six carbon atoms and no multiple
bonds, hence the parent name is hexane, and it is an alcohol; therefore it has the suffix -ol.
The locant 1- tells that C1 bears the hydroxyl group. In general, numbering of the chain
always begins at the end nearer the group named as a suffix.
The locant for a suffix (whether it is for an alcohol or another functional group) may be placed
before the parent name as in the above example or, according to a 1993 IUPAC revision of
the rules, immediately before the suffix. Both methods are IUPAC approved. Therefore, the
above compound could also be named 4-methylhexan-1-ol.
Naming unbranched alkane is very straight forward using the prefix that corresponds to the
number of carbon atoms and an ending -ane. The names for the first twenty unbranched
alkanes are listed in Table 2.
1. Locate the longest continuous chain of carbon atoms; this chain determines the parent
name for the alkane. We designate the following compound, for example, as a hexane because
the longest continuous chain contains six carbon atoms:
The longest continuous chain may not always be obvious from the way the formula is written.
Notice, for example, that the following alkane is designated as a heptane because the longest
chain contains seven carbon atoms:
2. Number the longest chain beginning with the end of the chain nearer the substituent.
Applying this rule, we number the two alkanes that we illustrated previously in the following
3. Use the numbers obtained by application of rule 2 to designate the location of the
substituent group. The parent name is placed last, and the substituent group, preceded by the
number designating its location on the chain, is placed first. Numbers are separated from words
by a hyphen. Our two examples are 2-methylhexane and 3-methylheptane, respectively:
4. When two or more substituents are present, give each substituent a number
corresponding to its location on the longest chain. For example, we designate the following
compound as 4-ethyl-2-methylhexane:
The substituent groups should be listed alphabetically (i.e., ethyl before methyl). In deciding on
alphabetical order, disregard multiplying prefixes such as “di” and “tri.”
5. When two substituents are present on the same carbon atom, use that number twice:
6. When two or more substituents are identical, indicate this by the use of the prefixes
di-, tri-, tetra-, and so on. Then make certain that each and every substituent has a number.
Commas are used to separate numbers from each other:
Application of these six rules allows us to name most of the alkanes that we shall encounter.
Two other rules, however, may be required occasionally:
7. When two chains of equal length compete for selection as the parent chain, choose the
chain with the greater number of substituents:
8. When branching first occurs at an equal distance from either end of the longest chain,
choose the name that gives the lower number at the first point of difference:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain (shown in blue) contains seven carbon atoms;
therefore, the parent name is heptane. There are two methyl substituents (shown in red). We
number the carbon atoms so as to give the first methyl group a lower number. The correct name,
therefore, is 3,4-dimethylheptane. Numbering the chain from the other end to give 4,5-
dimethylheptane would have been incorrect.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the systematic name for the following alkane
Strategy and Answer: We are given with the condensed formula of the alkane. The longest
continuous chain extends from the upper left CH3 group to the lower left CH3 group and is seven
C atoms long:
Answer: Molecules (a), (b), and (c) represent 2-methylpentane while molecule (d) represent 3-
Nomenclature of Cycloalkanes
Cycloalkanes are alkanes that form rings or cycles. The general formula is CnH2n.
1. Cycloalkanes with one ring and no substituents: Count the number of carbon atoms in
the ring, then add “cyclo” to the beginning of the name of the alkane with that number of
carbons. For example, cyclopropane has three carbons and cyclopentane has five carbons.
2. Cycloalkanes with one ring and one substituent: Add the name of the substituent to the
beginning of the parent name. For example, cyclohexane with an attached isopropyl group is
isopropylcyclohexane. For compounds with only one substituent, it is not necessary to specify
a number (locant) for the carbon bearing the substituent.
3. Cycloalkanes with one ring and two or more substituents: For a ring with two
substituents, begin by numbering the carbons in the ring, starting at the carbon with the
substituent that is first in the alphabet and number in the direction that gives the next
4. When a single ring system is attached to a single chain with a greater number of carbon
atoms, or when more than one ring system is attached to a single chain, then it is appropriate
to name the compounds as cycloalkylalkanes. For example,
SOLVED PROBLEM 4: Give the names for the following substituted alkanes:
1. Alkanes bearing halogen substituents are named in the IUPAC substitutive system as
2. When the parent chain has both a halo and an alkyl substituent attached to it, number the
chain from the end nearer the first substituent, regardless of whether it is halo or alkyl. If two
substituents are at equal distance from the end of the chain, then number the chain from the
end nearer the substituent that has alphabetical precedence:
3. Common names for many simple haloalkanes are still widely used, however. In this common
nomenclature system, called functional class nomenclature, haloalkanes are named as alkyl
halides. (The following names are also accepted by IUPAC.)
B. Alkenes contain at least one carbon-carbon double bond (C═C), and this is indicated in
the family name and in names for specific compounds by an -ene ending.
The IUPAC rules for naming alkenes are similar in many respects to those for naming
1. Determine the parent name by selecting the longest chain that contains the double bond and
change the ending of the name of the alkane of identical length from -ane to -ene. Thus, if the
longest chain contains five carbon atoms, the parent name for the alkene is pentene; if it
contains six carbon atoms, the parent name is hexene, and so on.
2. Number the chain so as to include both carbon atoms of the double bond and begin
numbering at the end of the chain nearer the double bond. Designate the location the double
bond by using the number of the first atom of the double bond as a prefix. The locant for the
alkene suffix may precede the parent name or be placed immediately before the suffix. We will
show examples of both styles:
3. Indicate the locations of the substituent groups by the numbers of the carbon atoms to which
they are attached:
Many older names for alkenes are still in common use. Ethene is often called ethylene, propene
is often called propylene, and 2-methylpropene is often called isobutylene.
4. Number substituted cycloalkenes in the way that gives the carbon atoms of the double bond
the 1 and 2 positions and that also gives the substituent groups the lower numbers at the first
point of difference. With substituted cycloalkenes it is not necessary to specify the position of
the double bond since it will always begin with C1 and C2. The two examples shown here
illustrate the application of these rules:
5. Name compounds containing a double bond and an alcohol group as alkenols (or
cycloalkenols) and give the alcohol carbon the lower number:
6. Two frequently encountered alkenyl groups are the vinyl group and the allyl group:
Using substitutive nomenclature, the vinyl and allyl groups are called ethenyl and prop-2-en-1-
yl, respectively. The following examples illustrate how these names are employed:
7. If two identical or substantial groups are on the same side of the double bond, the compound
can be designated cis; if they are on opposite sides it can be designated trans:
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following alkene:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 7 carbon atoms; thus, the parent name is
heptene. The double bond is located at C3 (between C3 and C4, numbered from left to right),
hence the IUPAC name is 3-heptene.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following alkene:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 6 carbon atoms; thus, the parent name is
hexene. Substituents present are methyl, located at C2, and ethyl, located at C4. The double
bond is located at C1 (between C1 and C2, numbered from left to right), hence the IUPAC name
is 4-ethyl-2-methyl-1-hexene or 4-ethyl-2-methylhex-1-ene.
Strategy and Answer: We number the ring as shown below starting with the hydroxyl group so
as to give the double bond the lower possible number. We include in the name the substituent
(an ethenyl group) and the double bond (-ene-), and the hydroxyl group (-ol) with numbers for
their respective positions. Hence the IUPAC name is 3-ethenyl-2-cyclopenten-1-ol.
C. Alkynes contain at least one carbon-carbon triple bond (C≡C), and this is indicated in the
family name and in names for specific compounds by an -yne ending.
Nomenclature of Alkynes
2. When double and triple bonds are present, the direction of numbering is chosen so as to give
the lowest overall set of locants. In the face of equivalent options, then preference is given
to assigning lowest numbers to the double bonds.
3. The locations of substituent groups of branched alkynes and substituted alkynes are also
indicated with numbers. An −OH group has priority over the triple bond when numbering the
chain of an alkynol:
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following alkyne:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 7 carbon atoms and numbered as shown
below. Methyl substituent is located at C5 and the triple bond is located at C1 (between C1 and
C2). Hence, the name of the alkyne is 5-methyl-1-hexyne or 5-methylhex-1-yne.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following alkyne:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 5 carbon atoms and numbered as shown
below. Two methyl substituents are both located at C4 and the triple bond is located at C1
(between C1 and C2). Hence, the name of the alkyne is 4,4-dimethyl-1-pentyne or 4,4-
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the following alkyne:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 5 carbon atoms and numbered as shown
below so as to give -OH group the lower number. Methyl and -OH substituents are both located
at C2 and the triple bond is located at C1 (between C1 and C2). Hence, the name of the alkyne
is 2-methyl-4-pentyn-2-ol or 2-methylpent-4-yn-2-ol.
D. Aromatic hydrocarbons contain a special type of ring, the most common example of which
is a benzene ring. There is no special ending in names for the general family of aromatic
When a benzene ring is attached to some other group of atoms in a molecule, it is called a
phenyl group, and it is represented in several ways:
The combination of a phenyl group and a methylene group (−CH2−) is called a benzyl group:
Aryl halide is a compound with a halogen atom bonded to an aromatic ring such as a benzene
ring. If the aromatic ring is benzene, the aryl halide is called phenyl halide.
Functional groups are common and specific arrangements of atoms or bonds that impart
predictable reactivity and properties to a molecule.
The C═C double bonds in alkenes and C≡C triple bonds in alkynes are just two of the many
functional groups in organic molecules. The C―C single bonds and C―H in alkanes are not
considered functional groups because these bonds are present in molecules of almost all
organic compounds and are, in general, much less reactive than common functional groups.
Each kind of functional group often undergoes the same kinds of reactions in every molecule,
regardless of the size and complexity of the molecule. Thus, the chemistry of an organic
molecule is largely determined by the functional groups it contains.
Alcohols and phenols have the functional group ―OH called either the hydroxyl group or the
alcohol group which is attached to a sp3-hybridized carbon atom.
Alcohols have the general formula ROH.
The simplest alcohol is methanol, CH3OH. Another example of an alcohol is CH3CH2OH called
ethanol or ethyl alcohol.
Specific Example
Functional Compound
Suffix Systematic Name
Group Type or Class Structural Formula Ball-and-stick Model
(Common Name)
Two ways in viewing an alcohol structurally: (1) as hydroxyl derivative of alkanes and (2) as
alkyl derivatives of water. Ethyl alcohol, for example can be seen (1) as an ethane molecule
in which one hydrogen has been replaced by a hydroxyl group or (2) as a water molecule in
which one hydrogen has been replaced by an ethyl group.
As with alkyl halides, alcohols are classified into three groups: primary (1°), secondary (2°),
or tertiary (3°) alcohols. This classification is based on the degree of substitution of the
carbon to which the hydroxyl group is directly attached.
A. 1° alcohol – If the carbon atom bearing the hydroxyl group has only one other carbon
attached to it, the carbon is said to be a primary carbon and the alcohol is a primary
B. 2° alcohol – If the carbon atom bearing the hydroxyl group also has other two
carbon atoms attached to it, the carbon is said to be a secondary carbon and the
alcohol is a secondary alcohol.
C. 3° alcohol – If the carbon atom bearing the hydroxyl group has three other
carbons attached to it, this carbon is called a tertiary carbon and the alcohol is a
tertiary alcohol.
When a hydroxyl group is bonded to a benzene ring, the combination of the ring and the
hydroxyl group is called a phenol. Phenols differ significantly from alcohols in terms of their
relative acidity (phenols being relatively acidic than alcohols) and thus they are considered a
distinct functional group.
Nomenclature of Alcohols
The following procedure should be followed in giving alcohols IUPAC substitutive names:
1. Select the longest continuous carbon chain to which the hydroxyl is directly attached. Change
the name of the alkane corresponding to this chain by dropping the final -e and adding the
suffix -ol.
2. Number the longest continuous carbon chain so as to give the carbon atom bearing the
hydroxyl group the lower number. Indicate the position of the hydroxyl group by using this
number as a locant; indicate the positions of other substituents (as prefixes) by using the
numbers corresponding to their positions along the carbon chain as locants. The following
examples show how these rules are applied:
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following alcohol:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 3 carbon atoms and numbered as shown
below. A chlorine substituent is located at C3 and the hydroxyl group is located at C1. Hence,
the name of the alcohol is 3-chloro-1-propanol or 3-chloropropan-1-ol.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following alcohol:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 5 carbon atoms and numbered as shown
below. Two methyl substituents are both located at C4 and the hydroxyl group is located at C2.
Hence, the name of the alcohol is 4,4-dimethyl-2-pentanol or 4,4-dimethylpropan-2-ol.
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the compound shown:
Strategy and Answer: We find that the longest carbon chain (in red at right) has five carbons
and it bears a hydroxyl group on the first carbon. So, we name this part of the molecule as a 1-
pentanol. There is a phenyl group on C1 and a methyl group on C3, so the full name is 3-
methyl-1-phenyl-1-pentanol or 3-methyl-1-phenylpentan-1-ol.
Simple alcohols are often called by common functional class names that are also approved
by IUPAC. We have seen several examples already (Section 2.6). In addition to methyl alcohol,
ethyl alcohol, and isopropyl alcohol, there are several others, including the following:
Alcohols containing two hydroxyl groups are commonly called glycols. In the IUPAC
substitutive system, they are named as diols:
Ethers have the general formula ROR’ where R’ is an alkyl or phenyl group that may be same
or different from R.
Specific Example
Functional Compound
Suffix Systematic Name
Group Type or Class Structural Formula Ball-and-stick Model
(Common Name)
Ethers can be thought of as derivatives of water in which both hydrogen atoms have been
replaced by alkyl groups. The bond angle at the oxygen atom of an ether is only slightly larger
than that of water.
Examples of ethers are CH3OCH3 called methoxymethane ( or dimethyl ether) and
CH3CH2OCH3 called methoxyethane ( or ethyl methyl ether).
Nomenclature of Ethers
Simple ethers are frequently given common functional class names. One simply lists (in
alphabetical order) both groups that are attached to the oxygen atom and adds the word
IUPAC substitutive names should be used for complicated ethers, however, and for
compounds with more than one ether linkages.
1. In this IUPAC style, ethers are named as alkoxyalkanes, alkoxyalkenes, and alkoxyarenes.
The −OR group is an alkoxy group.
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following ether:
Strategy and Answer: The alkoxy group is methoxy group that is attached to C2 of the pentane
parent chain. Hence, the name of the ether is 2-methoxypentane.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following ether:
Strategy and Answer: Two methoxy groups are attached to each carbon of the ethane parent
chain. Hence, the name of the ether is 1,2-dimethoxyethane.
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the following ether:
Strategy and Answer: Ethoxy group is located at C1 and a methyl group is located at C4 of a
benzene ring. Hence, the name of the ether is 1-ethoxy-4-methylbenzene.
Specific Example
Functional Compound
Suffix Systematic Name
Group Type or Class Structural Formula Ball-and-stick Model
(Common Name)
The other two hydrogens in the amino (―NH2) group can be replaced by organic groups.
Amines are classified as primary (1°), secondary (2°), or tertiary (3°) amines. This
classification is based on the number of organic groups that are attached to the
nitrogen atom.
Nomenclature of Amines
1. In systematic nomenclature they are named by adding the suffix -amine to the name of the
chain or ring system to which the NH2 group is attached with replacement of the final -e.
Methanamine Ethanamine
2. Most secondary and tertiary amines are named in the same general way. In systematic
nomenclature we use the locant N to designate substituents attached to a nitrogen atom.
N-methylethanamine N,N-diethylethanamine
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following amine:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 3 carbon atoms. The methyl substituent is
located at C2 and the amino group is attached to C1. Hence, the name of the amine is 2-methyl-
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following amine:
Strategy and Answer: The parent chain contains 2 carbon atoms. One H in the -NH2 group is
replaced by an ethyl substituent. Hence, the name of the amine is N-ethylethanamine.
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the following amine:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 3 carbon atoms. Two Hs in the -NH2 group
are each replaced by methyl and ethyl substituents. Hence, the name of the amine is N-ethyl-
Aldehydes and ketones both contain the same functional group called the carbonyl group –
a group in which the carbon atom has a double bond to an oxygen atom.
The carbonyl group of an aldehyde is bonded to one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom
(except for formaldehyde, which is the only aldehyde bearing two hydrogen atoms).
Aldehydes have the general formula RCHO. For formaldehyde, R is replaced with H.
Examples of aldehydes are HCHO called methanal or formaldehyde and CH3CHO called
ethanal or acetaldehyde.
Specific Example
Functional Compound
Suffix Systematic Name
Group Type or Class Structural Formula Ball-and-stick Model
(Common Name)
Nomenclature of Aldehydes
Aliphatic aldehydes are named in the IUPAC substitutive system by replacing the final -e of
the name of the corresponding alkane with -al.
1. Since the aldehyde group must be at an end of the carbon chain, there is no need to indicate
its position. When other substituents are present, the carbonyl group carbon is assigned
position 1.
2. Aldehydes in which the −CHO group is attached to a ring system are named by adding the
suffix carbaldehyde.
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following aldehyde:
Strategy and Answer: The parent chain contains 5 carbon atoms thus the parent name is
pentanal. A chloro substituent is attached to C5. Hence, the name of the aldehyde is 5-
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following aldehyde:
Strategy and Answer: The parent chain contains 2 carbon atoms thus the parent name is
ethanal. There is a phenyl substituent attached to C2 but we do not need to indicate 2- as a
locant because there is no other way that the phenyl group can the attached to an ethanal. Also,
we do not name the compound as carbaldehyde because the ring substituent is not directly
attached to the carbonyl carbon atom. Hence, the name of the aldehyde is phenylethanal.
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the following aldehyde:
Strategy and Answer: The cyclohexane ring is directly attached to the carbonyl carbon atom,
hence the name of the aldehyde is cyclohexanecarbaldehyde.
Nomenclature of Ketones
Aliphatic ketones are named by replacing the final -e of the name of the corresponding alkane
with -one.
1. The chain is numbered in the way that gives the carbonyl carbon atom the lower possible
number, and this number is used to designate its position.
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following ketone:
Strategy and Answer: The parent chain contains 5 carbon atoms numbered so as to give the
ketone functional group the lowest possible number, that is at C2. A double bond is located at
C4 (between C4 and C5). Hence, the name of the ketone is 4-penten-2-one or pent-4-en-2-one,
and not 1-penten-4-one.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following ketone:
Strategy and Answer: The parent chain contains 2 carbon atoms and a phenyl substituent is
attached to C1, the carbonyl carbon atom. Hence, the name of the ketone is 1-phenylethanone.
Carboxylic acids, esters, and amides all contain a carbonyl group that is bonded to an oxygen
or nitrogen atom.
The functional group present in carboxylic acids is ―COOH called carboxyl group (carbonyl
+ hydroxyl) – a carbonyl group bonded to a hydroxyl group.
Examples of carboxylic acids are methanoic acid (or formic acid), ethanoic acid (or acetic acid),
and benzoic acid.
Formic acid is an irritating liquid produced by ants. (The sting of the ant is caused, in part,
by formic acid being injected under the skin. Formic is the Latin word for ant.) Acetic acid,
the substance responsible for the sour taste of vinegar, is produced when certain bacteria act
on the ethyl alcohol of wine and cause the ethyl alcohol to be oxidized by air.
Systematic or substitutive names for carboxylic acids are obtained by dropping the final -e of
the name of the alkane corresponding to the longest chain in the acid and by adding -oic acid.
The carboxyl carbon atom is assigned number 1.
Benzoic acid
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following carboxylic acid:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 6 carbon atoms thus the parent name is
hexanoic acid. A methyl substituent is located at C4 hence, the name is 4-methylhexanoic acid.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following carboxylic acid:
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the following compound.
Strategy and Answer: This chain contains six carbons with one double bond, so the base name
is hexenoic acid. Then we give the position of the double bond at C2, and a chloro substituent
at C5. The name, therefore, is 5-chloro-2-hexenoic acid.
Esters have the general formula RCOOR’ where the carbonyl group is bonded to an alkoxyl
group (―OR).
Example of an ester is ethyl ethanoate and pentyl butanoate (smells like apricots and pears).
Our body makes esters from long-chain carboxylic acids called “fatty acids” by combining
them with glycerol.
Nomenclature of Esters
The names of esters are derived from the names of the alcohol (with the ending -yl) and the
acid (with the ending -ate or -oate). The portion of the name derived from the alcohol comes
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following ester:
Strategy and Answer: The alcohol derivative is 3-methylbutyl or isopentyl, and the carboxylic
acid derivative contains 2 carbon atoms. Hence, the name of the ester is 3-methylbutyl
ethanoate or isopentyl ethanoate. Isopentyl ethanoate is used in synthetic banana flavor.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following ester:
Strategy and Answer: The alcohol derivative is 3-methylbutyl or isopentyl, and the portion that
is a carboxylic acid derivative contains 5 carbon atoms in straight-chain. Hence, the name of
the ester is 3-methylbutyl pentanoate or isopentyl pentanoate. Isopentyl pentanoate is used in
synthetic apple flavor.
SOLVED PROBLEM 3: Give the IUPAC name for the following ester:
Amides have the general formula RCONH2, RCONHR’, or RCONR’R” where a carbonyl group
is bonded to a nitrogen atom bearing (1) two hydrogens; (2) hydrogen and alkyl group; or (3)
two alkyl groups.
Nomenclature of Amides
1. Amides that have no substituent on nitrogen are named by dropping -ic acid from the
common name of the acid (or -oic acid from the substitutive name) and then adding -amide.
2. Alkyl groups on the nitrogen atom of amides are named as substituents, and the named
substituent is prefaced by N- or N,N-.
N-methylethanamide N,N-dimethylethanamide
SOLVED PROBLEM 1: Give the IUPAC name for the following amide:
Strategy and Answer: The longest chain contains 5 carbon atoms, and a methyl substituent is
located at C2. Hs in -NH2 group are not replaced by any substituent. Hence, the name of the
amide is 2-methylpentanamide.
SOLVED PROBLEM 2: Give the IUPAC name for the following amide:
Strategy and Answer: The parent chain contains 2 carbon atoms. Phenyl and propyl
substituents replace the Hs in -NH2 group. Hence, the name of the amide is N-phenyl-N-
Exercises / Activities
A. 4-Ethyl-2,6-diisopropylnonane
B. 6-Ethyl-4,8-diisopropylnonane
C. 6-Ethyl-4-isopropyl-8,9-dimethyldecane
D. 5-Ethyl-7-isopropyl-2,3-dimethyldecane
4. What is the IUPAC name for the compound whose bond-line structural formula is given
A. 5-Bromo-3-chloro-6-ethylheptane
B. 3-Bromo-5-chloro-2-ethylheptane
C. 4-Bromo-6-chloro-3-methyloctane
D. 1-Bromo-3-chloro-1-(1-Methylpropyl)pentane
5. What is the IUPAC name for the compound whose bond-line structural formula is given
A. 1-Chloro-2,4-dimethylcyclohexane
B. 4-Chloro-1,5-dimethylcyclohexane
C. 6-Chloro-1,3-dimethylcyclohexane
D. 1-Chloro-4,6-dimethylcyclohexane
A. 5-Isopropyl-2-hexene
B. 5,6-Dimethyl-2-heptene
C. 2,3-Dimethyl-5-heptene
D. 5,6,6-Trimethyl-2-hexene
A. 2-Octyne
B. 6-Octyne
C. 5,5-Dimethyl-2-hexyne
D. 2,2-Dimethyl-4-hexyne
A. 2,4-Dimethyl-5-pentanol
B. 2,4-Dimethyl-1-pentanol
C. 3-Isopropyl-2-methyl-1-propanol
D. 1-Isopropyl-2-methyl-3-propanol
A. Propoxyethane
A. N,N-Diethyl-2-ethyl-1-propanamine
B. N,N-Diethyl-2-methyl-1-butanamine
C. N,N-Dimethyl-2-ethyl-1-butanamine
D. N,N-Dimethyl-2-ethyl-1-propanamine
A. Butanal
B. Propanal
C. 3-Methylbutanal
D. 2-Methylpropanal
A. 6-Methyl-3-heptanone
B. 2-Methyl-5-heptanone
C. 5-isopropyl-3-hexanone
D. 6,6-Dimethyl-3-hexanone
13. What is the IUPAC name for the following carboxylic acid?
A. 1-Phenylhexanoic acid
B. 5-Phenylhexanoic acid
C. 1-Phenylpentanoic acid
D. 5-Phenylpentanoic acid
A. Ethyl benzoate
B. Propyl benzoate
C. Phenyl ethanoate
D. Phenyl propanoate
A. N-Cyclopropyl-5-methylhexanamide
B. N-Cyclopropyl-4-methylpentanamide
C. N-Cyclopropyl-4-isopropylbutanamide
D. N-Cyclopropyl-3-isopropylpropanamide
Activity 2 – What Am I?
What to do: Identify each of the following compounds as an alkane, alkene, alkyne, alcohol,
aldehyde, amine, and so forth.
***Note that the class of compound can be used to name the functional group present in a
compound. For example: for the class aldehydes and ketones, the functional group is carbonyl,
but when asked to identify functional groups present in a compound and it happens to have a
carbonyl, it is accepted to say aldehyde or ketone, instead of carbonyl, for specificity.
Reflection: Choose one organic compound that can be found in your household and provide the
following information:
a. Chemical Name and Chemical Formula of the organic compound
b. Structure of the organic compound and identify the functional group/s present
c. Use of the organic compound in everyday life
d. Effects of the organic compound to humans and other living things
Few of the required
elements are clearly Most of the required All of the required
Missing most or all
REQUIRED visible, organized and elements are clearly elements are clearly
of the required
ELEMENTS visible, organized visible, organized
elements. well placed. May be
and well placed. and well placed.
missing elements.
The project needs The project has an
The project has a
significant The project needs excellent design and
VISUAL CLARITY nice design and
improvement in improvement in design, layout. It is neat and
AND APPEAL layout. It is neat and
design, layout and layout or neatness. easy to understand
easy to read.
neatness. the content.
The student’s Few of the drawings Most drawings and Drawings and
DRAWINGS/ and graphics are clear
drawings are not graphics are clear graphics are clear
GRAPHICS and relevant.
clear or relevant. and relevant. and relevant.
Almost no
Many grammatical, A few grammatical, No grammatical,
grammatical, spelling
MECHANICS spelling or spelling or punctuation spelling or
or punctuation
punctuation errors. errors. punctuation errors.
e. Safety precautions in using the organic compound
Brown, T. L., LeMay, H. E., Bursten, B. E., Murphy, C. J., & Woodward, P. M.
(2012). Chemistry: The Central Science. (13th ed.) Pearson Prentice Hall.
Patalinghug, Wyona C., Vic Marie I. Camacho, Fortunato B. Sevilla III, and Maria Cristina D.
Singson. 2016. Teaching Guide for Senior High School General Chemistry 1. Quezon City:
Commission on Higher Education.
Solomons, G T.W., Fhryle, C. B., Synder, S. A. 2016. Organic Chemistry. (12th ed). Wiley.
Answer Key
Activity 1
1. C 6. B 11. D
2. B 7. C 12. A
3. D 8. B 13. D
4. C 9. B 14. D
5. A 10. B 15. B
Activity 2
a. Ketone d. Aldehyde
b. Alkyne e. Alcohol (2°)
c. Alcohol (2°) f. Alkene
Activity 3