Tutorial Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
Tutorial Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
Tutorial Tecnomatix Plant Simulation
-Due to software updates there might be some instruction deviations in the different Lessons. Instruction detail of the Lessons will reduce gradually.
Frantzn M., Aslam T., Source: UGS
It does not provide you with general guidelines of how to model different systems.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Modify structure
To add a new folder, frame or toolbar, right-click the folder and choose your item. Copy an item -> Duplicate Move item -> Drag & Drop Beware!!!
Changing the structure of existing items may cause malfunction
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Show Console
Icon Animation
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Are used to model the material flow in the model. Object types from, simple time consuming objects to complex assembly machines Three type of moveable objects:
Passive Passive carrier Active carrier
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Resource Objects
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Tools Objects
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The Entity
Icon: Is produced by the source, the material flow objects process it and the Container and Transport objects transports the entity. The Entity cannot load other parts.
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Frantzn M., Aslam T.
The Drain
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Frantzn M., Aslam T.
State of objects
The current state of an object is displayed by an LED along the top border of the icon. Each colour represents a specific state:
means that the object is failed. means that the object is paused. means that the object is working. means that the object is blocked. means that the object is setting-up (setUp).
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 1
1. 2. 3. Open Frame_1 in the folder Models. Name it Cylinder_block_plant. Insert the objects, see figure on the left, from the Toolbox and connect them.
4. 5. 6.
Define the type of MU: Open Source and select MU type to Bottom_Block. Open the EventController: In settings choose Delete MUs on reset. Click Reset first and then Start to start the simulation. Set the Processing time of the four machines to 30 s (0:30)
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 2
1. In the class library, right click on basis and create a new Folder and name it Exercises. Copy the contents of the Frame Cylinder_block_plant to a new frame in the folder Exercises. Practise different ways of displaying objects: zooming, rotating, and moving objects. Create non-straight connections, show and hide Names and Labels of objects.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 3
1. 2. 3. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant and name it Cylinder_block_plant_2. Set the Processing Time of the Drilling to 30s. Add a second milling machine (SingleProc) and name it Milling2. 4. Name the other milling machine to Milling1. 5. Select View > Options > Show Successors in the Frame. 6. Set Processing Time of the Milling machines to 60s. 7. Start the simulation and watch how the MUs move from station to station.
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The Chart
Icon: Displays statistics data and allows you to evaluate and present the results from the simulation runs.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 4
1. 2. 3. 4.
Run a simulation and check statistics of Milling1 and Milling2. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_2 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_3. Select Exit Strategy of the Drilling machine to Percentage and check the box blocking. Milling1 is to receive 37%, Milling2 63% of the MUs. Run simulation and check statistics of the milling machines.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 5
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Activate statistics collection (Resource statistics) for the two milling machines. Insert the object chart into the frame: Cylinder_block_plant_3. Drag Milling1 and Milling2 onto the chart and drop them there. Run a simulation and look at the statistics of the machines. Unpick the box blocking in the Drilling machines exit strategy and run one more time. How do the blocking option affect the behaviour of the transferring MUs. Try the other Strategies in the FlowControl.
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Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Duplicate Select by right-clicking a Frame. Creates a subclass in the Class Library and all inheritance relations between the class object and the duplicate object are severed.
Derive Select by right-clicking a Frame. Creates a subclass in the Class Library and the subclass inherits some of its properties from the class
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Inheritance - Example
Main Frame Inserting a new SingelProc into the Main Frame leads to:
The SingleProc is automatically inserted in the Derive Frame. While in the Duplicate Frame the inheritance relations are disconnected, no SingleProc is inserted
Duplicate Frame
Derive Frame
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Recognize Inheritance
A pressed toggle button (solid green) means that inheritance is activated, the object inherits the values from its parent object.
A released toggle button (crosshatched) means that inheritance is not activated. The values you enter only apply on the current object, not the class itself.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
The Interface
Icon: Models the connections between the frame.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 6a
1. In the class library, right click on basis and create a new folder and name it PlantComponents. Create a new frame in this folder and name it CompMilling. Copy the objects Milling1, Milling2, and Chart from Cylinder_block_plant_3. Insert two interface objects. Connect them according to the screenshot. The exit strategy for interface object In should be set to Start at successor 1.
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2. 3. 4. 5.
Lesson 6b
1. 2. 3. Create a new frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestMilling. Insert a Source, a Drain and an EventController. Drag the frame CompMilling from the folder PlantComponents and drop it between the Source and the Drain. Connect the objects. Test the functionality. Run simulation, open the frame CompMilling and watch what happens there.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 7
1. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_3 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_4. Delete the chart and both milling machines, and insert the frame CompMilling from the folder PlantComponents. Connect the frame with the other components and start the simulation.
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The Buffer
Icon: Moves the MUs to succeeding stations according to Buffer type:
FIFO (Queue) LIFO (Stack)
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Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 8a
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create a new frame in the folder PlantComponents and name it CompWashing. Create a new frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestWashing. Insert objects so that these frames matches the screenshot. Set the Buffer Capacity to 5. Drag and drop the machine QualityControl onto the ShiftCalendar. Open the ShiftCalendar and take a look at Shift Times. Use the pre-defined values and close the window. Set the Processing time of all elements in the frame to 30s. Run simulation and see what happens, when you are using ShiftCalendar.
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6. 7.
Lesson 8b
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Open the MU Bottom_Block, click on the tab Custom Attributes in the dialog of the object. Click new to open a dialog. Name the Attribute to Quality. Select the data type to string. Enter the value good.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 8c
1. Open the FlowControl in CompWashing. Select the Strategy > MU Attribute and the Data type string in the FlowControl. Then click the Apply button and click Open List. Enter the attribute Quality in the table, as well as the value and the number of the successor to which the MU is going to move when it has the correct value.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 8d
1. Open the Source in the frame TestWashing. Select MU Selection > Sequence Cyclical in the Source and select ProductListTable. Select the check box Format table. Open the TableFile and enter or select the MU: Drag and drop the MU Bottom_Block from the class library. Number: Enter an integer number. Name: Assign a name of the MU. Attribute: Enter a name for the subtable by double-clicking it. Enter the custom attribute Quality and enter the string good. Repeat this step for bad Quality, but use bad instead of good. Run simulation and check functionality.
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2. 3. 4. 5.
Lesson 8e
1. 2. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_4 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_5. Replace the SingleProc with the frame CompWashing. Insert the ProductListTable that contains the production sequence into the frame, and enter the table as the table that controls the cyclical sequence in the Source.
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The Line
Icon: Represents a conveyor system. Length and Speed to determine the time MUs take to cover the line.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 9a
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create a frame in the folder PlantComponents and name it CompAssembly. Create a new frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestAssembly. Insert objects so that your model matches the screenshot. Duplicate the MU Bottom_Block and name it Complete_Block. Set the Processing time of all elements in the frame to 30s.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 9b
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Open Assembly in the frame CompAssembly. Set Assembly mode to Delete MUs. Set Exiting MU to New MU. Drag and drop the MU Complete_Block onto the MU field to choose MU. Open the source Source_Bottom_Block in the frame TestAssembly and choose the MU to Bottom_Block. Open the source Source_Top_Block in the frame TestAssembly and choose the MU to Top_Block. Run simulation in the frame TestAssembly.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 9c
1. 2. 3. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_5 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_6. Insert CompAssembly instead of the SingleProc Assembly. Add a Source in the frame Cylinder_block_plant_6 and name it Source_Top_Block. Drag and drop the MU Top_Block onto this source in order to choose it as the MU. Change the name of the other Source to Source_Bottom_Block. Add a line similar to the screenshot and set the speed to 0.2 m/s. Connect the CompAssembly. Run simulation and test functionality.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
4. 5. 6. 7.
Defining a Failure
Icon: The objects shows a red dot on the top border of the icon.
You can define failures on all material flow objects. Use the MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure) and MTTR(Mean Time To Repair) to calculate the time of a failure. Enter the % of the availability.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 10
1. 2. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_6 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_7. In the frame CompMilling change the exit strategy of the FlowControl to Start at Successor 1, Not blocking. Set Failures of Milling1 and Milling2. Set Availability to 80% in each of these stations. Set the Failure Mode to ProcessingTime. Run a simulation and test the functionality. Control %-failed in statistics of milling machines.
3. 4. 5. 6.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
What is a Method
A Method is a small program, which can be compared to a procedure or function in the programming languages Basic, Pascal or C++. The programming language in Tecnomatix Plant Simulation is SimTalk which is based on the programming language Eiffel. A Method can:
React to events during a simulation run Get and set conditions Execute statements Modify and extend the behaviour of objects Prepare a model for new users with custom dialog
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Apply Changes(F7)
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SimTalk Operations
Assignment operators
Assignment Operator := Value to assign to a variable <variable> := <new value>
Arithmetic Operators
+, -, /, *, trigonometric functions, logarithms and exponential functions
Relational Operators
=, /=, >, >=, <, <=, == comparing two values. TRUE, FALSE, and, or, not.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Example code
Local variable Statement
Call Method M2 With arguments passed
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 11
1. 2. 3. 4. Create a frame in the folder Exercises and name it TestMethod. Insert two methods (M1, M2). Write the code on the screenshot. Start M1 and see what happens. Try also using the debugger to step through your code (F11 or debugger button). Look at the variable list at the bottom to see current values. Add a break point (F9) to make the execution to stop 55 at a specific line in the code.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Method Templates
Predefined templates of methods enables a very easy and secure way to insert control structures.
Lesson 12
1. 2. 3. 4. Duplicate Cylinder_block_plant_7 and name it Cylinder_block_plant_8. Open the Frame CompWashing. Delete the Drain, insert a SingleProc and a buffer. Name the SingleProc to Need_Rewash. Add a Method and name it M_To_good. Open the method and write the code in the screenshot on the left. Open Need_Rewash, under controls use the method as Entrance control. Connect the elements. Run a simulation in TestWashing to control that CompWashing works as wished. Then run simulation in Cylinder_block_plant_8. Finally: Comment out the line bell(5000,100) to shut off the bell.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
5. 6. 7.
Name Space
Name Space
All the objects on the same hierarchy level must have unique names. Within different name spaces objects can have the same names.
Name Space
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Relative Path: Calls the object when it is located in the same name space.
Example: .Milling2
Absolute Path: Calls the object when it is located on another hierarchy level.
Example: .Models.Plant_4.CompMilling.Milling2
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Self Returns the path of the current executed method. Example: self; (Exercises.TestMethod.M1) self.Name; (M1) ? is the control or material flow object that called the method. Example: ?.capacity := 100 (Set capacity of a buffer) See also: current, location, root by using Help->index in the Help menu.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 13
Executed from FrameInside
1. Add a frame named FrameOutside and a frame named FrameInside into the folder Exercises. Insert a method into the frame FrameInside and enter the source code from the screenshot above. Drag and drop the frame FrameInside into the frame FrameOutside. Execute the method from FrameInside and FrameOutside. Investigate the differences between the two frames when running the methods.
4. 5.
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Entrance Control
Exit Control
You can program and select an Entrance- and/or Exit control for each material flow object. It is possible to add a method to these controls that starts when an MU enters or exits the object. Theres a difference between location-oriented, i.e. SingleProc, and length-oriented, i.e. Conveyor, objects.
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Location-Oriented Objects
Front-activated Exit control is called when the MU intends to exit the object.
! When using Front-activated Exit control: You yourself are responsible for moving the MU.
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Location-Oriented Objects
Rear-Activated Entrance control is called once the entire length of the MU is located on the object.
Front-Activated Exit control is called once the MU wants to exit the object.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 14a
Add the frame Entrance_Exit into the folder Exercises. Enter five minutes intervals for the creation of MUs. Create and use the methods:
Mach1_Out: front activated exit control Mach2_In: entrance control Mach2 Mach2_Out: rear-activated exit control Mach2 Mach3_In: entrance control Mach3
Enter print self.name; into the methods and select controls for the objects. Use the command move whenever needed. (i.e. @.move(SP) (move MU to machine SP) Run a simulation and find out in which order the methods are executed.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 14b
1. Duplicate the frame Entrance_Exit in the folder Exercises and name it Entrance_Exit_2. Delete the machines and use the object Line. Add three lines/conveyors. Repeat the settings from Lesson 14a Run a simulation and find out in which order the methods are executed. Compare 14b with 14a to see the difference.
3. 4. 5.
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Lesson 15
1. 2.
Change the processing time of a machine by using a method. Use a variable here as well, but of another data type. Run the method to change capacity and processing time.
4. 5.
Replace the FlowControl with a method. Run a simulation to verify the methods functionality.
Lesson 16
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Animating icons
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Animating icons
Choose Edit icon Click on Tools->Clipart Library and choose the folder Training. Drag and drop millingpic onto the icon editor. Click on Animation mode. Click on Add/Remove animation point. Click on the tool of the first milling machine followed by the second.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Animating icons
Click on Link/Unlink animation point Click on the first animation point. Then click on Milling1. Do the same thing with Animation point 2/Milling2. Save the icon
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 17
1. Add an icon for the component CompMilling. Add an icon for the component CompAssembly. Run a simulation to see what happens. Save the simulation model.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
The Generator has the capability to call on methods at specific time intervals. An example: Orders are calculated each 24 hours beginning at time 0, and delivery from finished goods stock inventory is carried out each 24 hours beginning at time 12. This is possible to do by using Generator objects.
Time: 0 Order
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Generator - Dialog
Times Start: Set the time when the generator is to be called for the first time. Interval: Set the interval period of the Generator object.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 18
The number of Cylinder Blocks that has passed through the system are to be reported every 4 hours. It is enough to just print the number to the program console. Add the objects Generator and Method to the Cylinder_block_plant_X. If needed add also other objects that might be needed, i.e. Variable. The Generator shall call the method every 4 hours. The method will print out the number of produced products the last period of four hours each time it is executed.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 19a
Set Date, End-time and statistics as displayed in the screenshot on the left. Date means start date and start time End means the total time to run the simulation Statistics means the time of the warm-up time. Warm-up time means the time it takes to fill the simulation model with parts and until a steady state is reached.
Lesson 19b
Add the variables averageTHPerHour into the frame. Make sure that the averageTHPerHour gets the initial value 0 (zero).
Average Throughput per hour is the number of produced parts per hour (Average). You can find this information by looking at the statistics at the Drain.
Lesson 19c
1. Add a new method into the frame and name it Endsim.
By naming a method to Endsim it will automatically be called at the end of the simulation.
2. Use this method in order to set the value on the variable: averageTHPerHour. 3. Run a simulation. At the end of the simulation the variable averageTHPerHour will show the value of the number of produced products per hour.
Lesson 20
1. Add chart to the model frame and add all the machines to this chart. 2. By using the chart try to determine which machine that is the block the others. 3. Make a change to that machine and see if the results gets better, i.e. higher throughput per hour.
The Store
The Store stores any number of MUs you define. They remain in the Store until you remove them, for example by using a Method. Enter the number of storage places in a net of coordinates, using the attributes X-dimension and Y-dimension.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 21
In the menu click on Help->index Make the exercises for TransferStation
TransferStation->object in 2D->Load, Unload, and Reload Parts with the TransferStation:
Load Parts Reload Parts Unload Parts
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 22
In the menu click on Help->index Make the exercise for Worker:
Work, repair, importer, broker, exporter.
Model a Worker Who Works at a Machine Model a Worker Who Repairs a Machine Model Workers with Importer, Broker and Exporter
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
1. 2. 3.
Create a new test frame in the folder Exercises and name it Store. Add the objects from the sceenshot above. Connect the objects as seen above. Rename according to the figure. Do not connect the Store with MP1, MP2 or MP3.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Set the Sources MU Selection to Sequence cyclical and choose the table Sequence as the Table. Set the sequence in the sequence table Sequence to 1 red, 1 green, and 1 blue. Set the Processing time of M1 to 50s and M2 to 61s. Set the Processing time of MP1-MP3 to 180s. Set the buffer size of the Store to YD:5, XD:5. Set the buffer capacity of the Buffer to 4. Check that the EventController Deletes Mus on reset! 89
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2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Start the simulation and see that the Mus stops at the Store. Add method/methods that moves MUs to the machines (MP1-MP3). MP1 shall only produce Red MUs. MP2 shall only produce Green MUs. MP3 shall only produce Blue MUs. Use the attribute to find where the MU is to be moved. Implement method/methods that moves the MU to the correct MP-machine. Start with: Moving MUs to the stations (MP1, MP2, MP3) using a control interval using the Generator object. If the stations are empty/ready then move them to the station.
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Make sure that the implementation works for a long simulation time as well. Test this by running the simulation for a long time and if MUs still are moved to the stations even though they might be blocked by the buffer downstreams.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 24 (Optional)
Experiment Manager:
In the menu click on Help->index Go through the instructions for the Experiment Manager. In the index tab search for ExperimentManager.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.
Lesson 25 (Optional)
In info pages open Examples:
In the drop-down menus there are many different example models. Study these simulation models.
Frantzn M., Aslam T.