Biochem Lec Reviewer Complete
Biochem Lec Reviewer Complete
Biochem Lec Reviewer Complete
o •Triglycerides rich in
unsaturated fatty acids are
generally liquid at room
temperature and are called oils.
• Polar (hydrophilic) head groups are in contact • Found almost exclusively in plant and animal
with the aqueous environment. membranes, which typically consist of 40% -50%
phosphoacylglycerols and 50% - 60% proteins.
• The most abundant glycerophospholipids are acids.
derived from phosphatidic acid, a molecule in
• contributes to the fluidity of the plasma
which glycerol is esterified with two molecules
membrane by disrupting the London forces
of fatty acid and one of phosphoric acid.
between the carbon chains of the fatty acids. It
• The three most abundant fatty acids in disrupts the interactions similarly to a cis double
phosphatidic acids are palmitic (16:0), stearic bond, thus raising fluidity.
(18:0), and oleic (18:1).
• Cholesterol, along with fats, are transported by
• A phosphatidic acid
• The fatty acid on carbon 2 of glycerol is always
Lipoproteins are particles that contain
triacylglycerol, cholesterol, phospholipids, and
• Found in the coatings of nerve axons (myelin)
amphipathic proteins called apolipoproteins.
• Contain the long-chain aminoalcohol,
Lipoproteins can be differentiated on the basis of
their density, but also by the types of
from which this class of compounds is named.
apolipoproteins they contain. The degree of lipid
A sphingomyelin in a lipoprotein affects its density - the lower the
density of a lipoprotein, the more lipid it contains
relative to protein.
• the precursor of all steroid hormones and bile where cholesterol and cholesteryl esters are
released by enzymatic degradation of the LDL. the plasma because LDL cannot get into cells.
tissues to the liver and also transfer cholesterol • The serum cholesterol level controls
to LDL. cholesterol synthesis in the liver. When serum
cholesterol is high, its synthesis in the liver is low,
• While in the serum, free cholesterol in HDL is
and vice versa.
converted to cholesteryl esters.
The commonly used statin drugs inhibit the
• In the liver, HDL binds to the liver cell surface
synthesis of cholesterol by blocking HMG-CoA
and transfers its cholesteryl esters to the cell.
• These esters are used for the synthesis of
• Our cholesterol levels are an important
steroid hormones and bile acids.
measure of heart health. For HDL cholesterol, or
• After LDL has delivered its cholesteryl esters to "good" cholesterol, higher levels are better.
liver cells, it reenters circulation.
• High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is known as the
Levels of LDL and HDL "good" cholesterol because it helps remove other
forms of cholesterol from the bloodstream.
• Most of the cholesterol is carried by LDL.
Steroid Hormones
• Normal plasma level: 175 mg/100 mL
Androgens: male sex hormones
• If there are sufficient LDL receptors on the
surface of cells, LDL is removed from circulation • synthesized in the testes
and its concentration in blood plasma drops.
• responsible for the development of male
• The number of LDL receptors is controlled by a secondary sex characteristics
negative feedback mechanism.
• When the concentration of cholesterol inside ARE:
cells is high, the synthesis of LDL receptors is
• In the disease called hypercholesterolemia, ➢ 4-Androstene-3,17-dion
there are not enough LDL receptors and plasma
steroid hormones
levels of cholesterol may be as high as 680
mg/100 mL. Estrogens: female sex hormones
• a family of compounds that have the 20- • In this regard, they are 100 times more potent
than histamine.
carbon skeleton of prostanoic acid
• Several recently-developed anti-asthma drugs
are not stored in tissues as such, but are inhibit the synthesis of leukotrienes
synthesized frommembrane-bound 20-carbon
polyunsaturated fatty acids inresponse to specific
physiological triggers.
• One such polyunsaturated fatty acid is
arachidonic acid Proteins serve many functions. Among the most
COX enzymes
functions are:
• The COX (cyclooxygenase) enzyme occurs in
two forms: 1. Structure: collagen and keratin are the 2
important structural
• COX-1 catalyzes the normal physiological
production of prostaglandins. proteins, chief constituents of skin, bone, hair,
and nails;
• COX-2 is responsible for the production of
prostaglandins in inflammation. function for protection and support, forming
connective tissue,
When a tissue is injured or damaged, special
tendons, bone matrices, and muscle fiber.
inflammatory cells invade the injured tissue and
interact 2. Catalysts: virtually all reactions in living
systems are catalyzed
by proteins called enzymes, without enzymes – all down to the folding of the protein
reactions would occur so slowly as to be useless
Amino acid: a compound that
3. Movement: muscles are made up of proteins
contains both an amino group
called myosis and actin.
(NH2) and a carboxyl group
4. Transport: hemoglobin, a protein in the blood,
transports oxygen from the lungs to cells; other (COOH).
proteins transport molecules across cell
membranes. • a- Amino acid: an amino acid
5. Regulation and control: many hormones are in which the amino group is on the carbon
proteins, among them adjacent to the carboxyl group.
enzymes in the body. The increased solubility of 1. All 20 are a-amino acids.
proteins is
2. For 19 of the 20, their -
3. With the exception of glycine, the -carbon of In 1902, Emil Fischer proposed: proteins are long
each is a stereocenter.
chains of amino acids joined by amide bonds.
4. Isoleucine and threonine
• peptide bond: The special name given to the
Each contain a second stereocenter. amide bond between
Writing Peptides
• Quaternary structure: the spatial relationship A low level results in greater urine production.
and interactions between subunits in a protein
• Oxytocin affects contractions of the uterus in
that has more than one polypeptide chain
childbirth and the muscles of the breast that aid
in the secretion of milk
Secondary structure: b-Pleated Sheet
• C=O groups of peptide bonds point in opposite • 30% of amino acids in each chain are: Pro and
L-hydroxyproline (Hyp); glycine also occurs
direction, also roughly parallel to the axis of the
• The 3 strands are held together by hydrogen
helix. bonding.
• The C=O group of each peptide bond is • With age, collagen helices become cross linked
hydrogen bonded to the N-H group of the by covalent bonds formed between side chains of
peptide bond 4 amino acid units away from Lys residues
ertiary structure
• Is the overall conformation of an entire structure.
polypeptide chain
Quaternary Structure
• Tertiary structure is stabilized in 4 ways:
• the arrangement of polypeptide chains into a
• Covalent bonds, as for example, the formation
noncovalently bonded aggregation; describes the
of disulfide bonds between cysteine side chains.
bonding between multiple polypeptides
• Hydrogen bonding between polar groups of
side chains, as for example between the -OH • The individual chains are held in together by
groups of serine and threonine.
hydrogen bonds, salt bridges, and hydrophobic
• Salt bridges, as for example, the attraction of interactions.
the -NH3+ group of lysine and the -COO- group of
aspartic acid. • Hemoglobin
• Hydrophobic interactions, as for example, • Adult hemoglobin: 2 alpha chains of 141 amino
between the nonpolar side chains of acids each and 2 beta chains of 146 amino acids
phenylalanine and isoleucine. each
The tertiary structure of a native conformation Each chain surrounds an iron- containing heme
refers to the 3- dimensional organization of all unit
the atoms - including side chain atom - in a • Fetal hemoglobin: 2 alpha chains and 2 gamma
chains; fetal hemoglobin has a greater affinity for
• Perhaps the best way to visualize what tertiary
structure looks like is to imagine taking an amino oxygen than does adult hemoglobin.
acid sequence with primary and secondary The 4° Structure of Hemoglobin
structure and crumpling it up into a ball. Just as
each type of protein has its own unique primary • The term for a completely and properly folded
and secondary structure, it also has its own up protein is called the proper conformation of a
unique tertiary structure protein.
• the process of destroying the native Heavy metal ions: transition metal ions such
conformation of a protein by chemical or physical
as Pb2+, Hg2+ and Cd2+ form water-insoluble
means. Some denaturations are reversible, while
others permanently damage the protein. salts with -SH groups; Hg2+ for example forms -
• Heat increases the kinetic energy and causes S-Hg-S-
the molecules to vibrate rapidly and violently so
that the hydrogen bonds and non-polar Salts: affect both salt bridges and hydrogen
hydrophobic interaction are broken. bonds of proteins
• proteins or nucleic acids lose the quaternary denaturating agents
structure, tertiary structure, and secondary
structure which is present in their native state, by Alcohol or Chloroform: 70% ethanol, e.g., which
application of some external stress or denaturing denatures proteins, is used to sterilize skin before
injections. An alcohol content greater than 60% is
• If proteins in a living cell are denatured, this
results in disruption of cell activity and possibly necessary to break down the envelope protein
cell death. wall of the bacteria and viruses.
hydrogen bonding; detergents generally 100% but it’s harder to obtain and is only used for
specific scientific purpose
affects the hydrophobic regions
Pure Ethanol Prevents Cell Death
Reducing agents: 2-Mercaptoethanol
Testing has been done to show that when pure
(HOCH2CH2SH) cleaves disulfide bonds by ethanol (at 100%) is
poured onto a single celled organism, it will • Keratin in human hair contains high % of
coagulate (clot) its protein.
disulfide bonds that are responsible for the
The ethanol penetrates its cellular wall in all
shape of the hair – straight/curly. A reducing
directions. The protein located just within the cell
wall is what coagulates. It’s much like a defense agent cleaves the S-S bonds, allowing molecules
to lose their rigid orientation and become more
This ring of coagulated protein actually prevents
the ethanol from penetrating deeper into the cell flexible. Oxidizing agent reverses the process.
wall of the organism. No more coagulation takes
Chemical Connections
Basically, this renders the organism dormant, but
doesn’t kill it. If the ethanol were to be washed • Aspartame (marketed under the trade name
away, then it’s possible the organism would come NutraSweet) – too
back to life. This process defeats the purpose of sweet peptide
using ethanol to kill microbes. Instead, scientists
have found a way to trick these microbes with a • The Use of Human Insulin
lower percentage of ethanol
• Sickle Cell Anemia
• Protein/Peptide Conformation-Dependent
What Microbes Can 70% Ethanol Kill? Diseases
• Serratia marcescens Soybeans: the only plant food that could serve as
a person's sole source of
• E. coli
protein because they contain all 8 essential
• Salmonella typhosa
amino acids.
• Staphylococcus aureus
Quinoa (keen-wah) is native to the Andes in
• Streptococcus pyogenes South America. Chenopodium
Pouring egg whites into a beaker of acetone will quinoa plant comes from the same botanical
family as sugar beets and
also turn egg whites translucent and solid.
spinach, and not the grass family like wheat, rice,
• The skin that forms on curdled milk is another and the other grains we
common example of denatured protein. typically think of as being cereals.
There are 8 essential amino acids (9 for children) • Ligases: the joining to two molecules
— essential in the sense that they cannot be
synthesized by the body so they must be supplied
by what we eat each day. Quinoa is a better
source of these amino acids than many other
grains. It contains more lysine than wheat or rice
does, and lysine is the amino acid most lacking in
these two major sources of dietary protein for Characteristics of Active Site
many people in the world. But the protein in soy
contains substantially more lysine than the • site where substrate binds to enzyme
protein in quinoa, and by some standards, quinoa • generally has groups that extend into the
falls just short of the lysine needed to be
classified as a complete provider of all 8 essential active site to help catalyze the reaction – often
amino acids. So quinoa is quite good when it histidine
comes to amino acids, but not quite as good as
• substrate “fits” into site
• substrate held by weak, noncovalent
ENZYMES interactions in binding site
What are enzymes? • site is very specific – only substrate that fits into
The cells in our body are chemical factories. site will undergo reaction
Only a few of the thousands of compounds • enzyme specificity is the ability of an enzyme to
necessary for the operation of the human bind only on one (or a very few) substrates and
organism are obtained from the diet. Instead, thus catalyze only one reaction
most of these substances are synthesized within
the cells, which means that hundreds of chemical
reactions take place in our cells very second of Levels of Specificity Absolute
our life. Nearly all of these reactions are catalyzed
•One substrate only Group
by enzymes, which are large molecules that
increase the rates of •Similar compounds (hexoses)
Enzymes are commonly named after thereaction Linkage Recognize bond
or reactions they catalyze Example : lactate
(linkage) types
dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase
The 6 Major Groups of Enzymes
•D- or L-isomer
• Oxidoreductases: oxidation-reduction reactions
Terms in Enzyme Chemistry
• Transferases: group transfer reactions
• Activation: any process that initiates or
• Hydrolases: hydrolysis reactions
increases the activity of an enzyme.
• Lyases: addition of groups to a double bond, or
• Inhibition: any process that makes an active
Removal of groups to create a double bond enzyme less active or inactive.
examples are metallic ions such as Zn2+ and The effect of enzyme concentration on the rate
of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction.
Substrate concentration, temperature, and pH
• Coenzyme: a nonprotein organic molecule, are constant. Keeping the concentration of
substrate constant while increasing the
frequently a B vitamin, that acts as a
concentration of enzymes will increase the rate
cofactor. linearly. That is, if the enzyme concentration
doubles, the rate doubles as well. If the enzyme
• Substrate: the compound or compounds
concentration triples, the rate also triples.
whose reaction an enzyme catalyzes.
This is practically the case in all enzyme reactions
• Active site: the specific portion of the enzyme because the molar
to which a substrate binds during reaction. concentration of enzyme is almost always much
lower than that of substrate.
• Holoenzyme: Active enzyme
➢ Keeping the concentration of enzyme
ACTIVATING ENZYMES constant while increasing the
concentration of substrate, we will get an
entirely different type of curve called
Coenzyme binds temporarily to catalytic site to saturation curve.
help catalyze reaction (often has vitamin
•the inhibitor binds to a site other than enzyme that must have part of its polypeptide
the active site, thereby changing the chain hydrolyzed and removed before it becomes
conformation of the active site. The substrate no
longer fits
• An example is trypsin, a digestive enzyme.
Mechanism of Action
• It is synthesized and stored as trypsinogen,
• Both the lock-and-key model and the induced-
fit model emphasize the shape of the active site. which has no enzyme activity.
• However, the chemistry of the active site is the • It becomes active only after cleaving off 6
most important.
amino acids (hydrolyzed & removed from N-
• Just five amino acids participate in the active
sites in more than 65% of the enzymes studies to terminal end of its chain)
date. • Removal of this small fragment changes in not
• These five are His > Cys > Asp > Arg > Glu. only the primary structure but also the tertiary
• Four of these amino acids have either structure, allowing the molecule to achieve its
acidic or basic side chains; the fifth has a active form.
sulfhydryl group (-SH) Enzyme Regulation
Enzymes provide an alternative pathway for occurring at a place other than the active site but
reaction, one with a significantly lower activation
creates a change in the active site.
energy and, therefore, a fast
• An enzyme regulated by this mechanism is
Enzyme Regulation called an allosteric enzyme.
Feedback control • Allosteric enzymes often have multiple
polypeptide chains.
•an enzyme-regulation process where the
• Negative modulation: inhibition of an allosteric
product of a series of enzyme-catalyzed
reactions inhibits an earlier reaction in the
• Positive modulation: stimulation of an allosteric Abzyme: an antibody that has catalytic activity
because it was created using a transition state
• Regulator: a substance that binds to an
analog as an immunogen.
allosteric enzyme
➢ the abzyme is then used as a catalys
The allosteric effect:
• H3M, H2M2, and HM3 also exist. • Agonist: a molecule that competes with a
natural messenger for a receptor site; it binds
• H4 is allosterically inhibited by high levels of to the receptor site and elicits the same
pyruvate while M4 is not. response as the natural messenger.
• H4 in serum correlates with the severity of • A drug may decrease or increase the
effective concentration of messenger.
heart attack.
Control of transmission (cont’d) • When Glu binds to the receptor, the ion
channel opens, Na+ and Ca2+ ions flow in,
• Another control is to modulate the action
and K+ ions flow out.
of the ACh receptor.
• The gate of this channel is closed by Mg2+
• Because ACh enables ion channels to open
and propagate signals, the channels
themselves are called ligand-gated ion Adrenergic Messengers
Monoamine messengers
• The binding of the ligand to the receptor is
• These monoamines transmit signals by a
critical to signaling.
mechanism whose beginning is similar to the
• Nicotine in low doses is a stimulant; it is an
agonist because it prolongs the receptor’s action of acetylcholine
biochemical response.
When norepinephrine is absorbed onto the
• Nicotine in large doses is an antagonist and receptor site,
blocks the action of the receptor.
• The active G-protein hydrolyzes GTP.
• The action of histamine is similar to that • Others such as vasopressin use membrane-
of other monoamines. It is synthesized derived phosphatidylinositol (PI) derivatives
from His by decarboxylation Steroid Messengers
• H1 receptors are found in the respiratory
tract where they affect the vascular, • A large number of hormones are steroids.
muscular, and secretory changes associated • These hormones are hydrophobic and,
with hay fever and asthma; antihistamines therefore, cross plasma membranes by
that block H1 receptors relieve these diffusion.
symptoms. • Steroid hormones interact inside cells with
• H2 receptors are found mainly in the protein receptors.
stomach and affect the secretion of HCl; • Most of these receptors are located in the
nucleus, but
small numbers also exist in the cytoplasm. • A nucleotide is composed of:
• a base, a monosaccharide, and a
• Once inside the nucleus, the steroid-
receptor complex can either bind directly to
DNA or combine with a transcription factor. PYRAMIDINE/PURINE BASE
Recombinant DNA: