ILE p.8-18
ILE p.8-18
ILE p.8-18
LAW 121: Introduction to English law LAW 221 : Introduction to c ivil law
This course provides a general overview of More individuals in the world solve their legal
1.3 Complete the text on the next page contrasting civil law, common law and criminal
law using the words in the box.
The term 'civil law' contra$ts with both 'common law' and 'criminal law' . In the first
sense of the term, civil law refers to a body of law 1) ............. . ...... written legal codes
reference to this code, which has been arrived at through 3) ...... Judges are
In contrast, common law was originally developed through 6) H ." ••••• ,at a time
before laws were written down. Common law is based on 7) .................................. . created by
judicial decisions, which means that past 8) ...... are taken into consideration
when cases are decided. It should be noted that today common law is also
H . ,
In the second sense of the term, civil law is distinguished from criminal law, and refers
to the body of law dealing with 10) ..... matters, such as breach of contract.
1 .4 Which body of law is the basis of the legal system of your jurisdiction?
2 How does the way evidence in a trial is gathered and presented differ in the two
4 In your opinion, which system is best suited for arriving at the truth?
The inquisitorial system, which is employed in most civil-law jurisdictions, can be defined by comparison
with the adversarial system used in the United States and Great Britain. In the adversarial system, two or
more opposing parties gather evidence and present it, and their arguments, to a judge or jury.
The judge or jury knows nothing of the litigation until the parties present their cases to the decision-maker.
Furthermore, in a criminal trial, for example, the defendant is not required to give testimony.
In the inquisitorial system, the presiding judge is not a passive recipient of information. Rather, he or
she is primarily responsible for supervising the gathering of the evidence necessary to resolve the case.
He or she actively steers the search for evidence and questions the witnesses, including the respondent or
defendant. Attorneys playa more passive role, suggesting routes of inquiry for the presiding judge and
following the judge's questioning with questioning of their own. Attorney questioning is often brief because
the judge tries to ask all relevant questions. The goal of both the adversarial system and the inquisitorial
system is to find the truth. But the adversarial system seeks the truth by pitting the parties against each other
in the hope that competition will reveal it, whereas the inquisitorial system seeks the truth by questioning
those most familiar with the events in dispute. The adversarial system places a premium on the individual
rights of the accused, whereas the inquisitorial system places the rights ofthe accused secondary to the
search for truth.
2 .2 Underline the verbs in the text above that appear with the nouns below (1-3). Then
combine the verbs in the box with the three nouns to make word partnerships. Some
of the verbs go with more than one noun.
2.3 Make sentences about the role of the judge in the inquisitorial system and the role of
the attorney in the adversarial system using some of the verb-noun collocations from
Exercise 2.2.
1 2
The new EU Working Hours Directive is When a statute is plain and unambiguous, the
reported to be causing controversy amongst court must give effect to the intention of the
the medical profession. legislature as expressed, rather than determine
what the law should or should not be.
The purpose of this Ordinance1 is to 4
regulate traffic upon the Streets and Public These workplace safety and health
Places in the Town of Hanville, New regulations are deSigned to prevent
Hampshire, for the promotion of the safety personal injuries and illnesses from
and welfare of the public . occurring in the workplace.
Mr Speaker, I am pleased to have the opportunity to present the Dog Control
Amendment Bill to the House. It is a further milestone in meeting the changing
expectations we have about what is responsible dog ownership .
3.2 Find words in the extracts in Exercise 3.1 which match these definitions.
1 rules issued by a government agency to carry out the intent of the law; authorised 5
by a statute, and generally providing more detail on a subject than the statute
2 law enacted by a town , city or county government ordinance
3 draft document before it is made into law bill
4 legal device used by the European Union to establish pOliCies at the European level !
3.3 Complete the sentences below using the words in the box.
There are several ways to refer to what a law says. Look at these sentences:
The law stipulates that corporations must have three governing bodies.
The patent law specifies that the subject matter must be 'useful'.
Choose a law in your jurisdiction that you are familiar with and explain what it says using
the verbs listed in the box above.
1 appellate court (or court of a This is where a person under the age of 18 would be tried.
appeals, appeals court) b This is the court of primary j urisdiction , where a case is
2 crown court heard for the first time.
3 high court c This is where small crimes are tried in the UK.
4 juvenile court d This is where law students argue hypothetical cases.
5 lower court (or court of first e This is where a case is reviewed which has already been
instance) heard in a lower court.
6 magistrates' court f This is where cases involving a limited amount of money are
7 moot court handled.
8 small-claims court g This is where serious criminal cases are heard by a judge
9 tribunal and a jury in the UK.
h This is where a group of specially chosen people examine
legal problems of a particular type, such as employment
This is usually the highest court in a jurisdiction, the court of
last resort.
claimant 1
2) ...... f
reasonably a
prudent person person who has
specialised knowledge
of a particular subject
e b who is called to
testify in court
employee who takes person who
records, files papers 6) ... d appeals a decision
and issues processes to a higher court
a expert witness
b appellanF
c person who is sued in a civil lawsuit
d officer of the court whose duties include keeping order and assisting the judge
and jurors
f hypothetical person who uses good judgment or common sense in han dling
practical matters; such a person's actions are the guide in determining whether an
Listening A: Documents in court
8 .1.c o Listen to a lawyer telling a client about some of the documents involved in his
case and answer these questions.
1 What claim has been filed against the client?
breach of contract
2 What does the lawyer need from the client to be able to prepare his defence?
information, from
3 Will the case go to trial?
unable to say the client
6 motion f proceeding
8.3 04 ~ Listen again and tick the documents that the lawyer mentions,
8.4 Match each verb used by the lawyer (1-5) with its definition (a-e).
1 to draft a document b a to deliver a legal document to someone, demanding
2 to issue a document e that they go to a court of law or that they obey an
3 to file a document with an authority d order
4 to serve a document on someone a b to produce a piece of writing or a plan that you
(or to serve someone with a document) intend to change later
5 to submit a document to an authority c c to deliver a document formally for a decision to be
made by others
d to officially record something, especially in a court
----- of law
e to produce something official
8.5 Decide which of the documents in Exercise 8.2 can go with these verbs. The first one
has been done for you.
1 draft ~ ~e.y, ~ b\"ie.f ~ wVYlf'I~l-tt, ~ I'\'\OtiOI-t, ~ p1e<ildi~
2 issue
3 file (with)
5 submit
Lawyers use Latin words and expressions when writing legal texts of every kind, from
statutes to emails. The excerpt below is from the legal document known as an 'answer'.
It was submitted to the court by the defendant from Listening A.
9.1 Underline the common Latin words and phrases in the excerpt. Do you know what
they mean?
The claim for breach of contract fails inter alia to state facts sufficient to constitute a cause
of action, is uncertain as to what contract plaintiffs are suing on, and is uncertain in that it
cannot be detennined whether the contract sued on is written, oral or implied by conduct.
The complaint alleges breach of contract as follows: 'At all times herein mentioned,
plaintiffs were a part [sic] to the Construction Contract, as well as intended beneficiaries
to each sub-contract for the construction of the house. In light of the facts set out above,
defendants, and each of them, have breached the Construction Contract. '
On its face, the claim alleges only that defendants 'breached the Construction Contract' .
But LongCo is not a patty to the Construction Contract. Therefore LongCo cannot be liable
for its breach. See e.g. GSI Enterprises, Inc. v. Warner (1993) .
9.2 Match each Latin word or expression (1-8) with its English equivalent and the
explanation of its use (a-h).
1 ad hoc a thus (used after a word to indicate the original, usually incorrect,
3 et cetera (etc.) b for example (used before one or more examples are given)
4 exempli gratia (e.g.) c for this purpose (often used as an adjective before a noun)
5 id est (i.e.) d against (abbreviated to 'v.' in case citations, but to 'vs.' in all other
6 per se instances)
7 sic e and others (usually used to shorten a list of people, often a list of
f and other things of the same kind (used to shorten a list of similar
g by itself (often used after a noun to indicate the thing itself)
h that is (used to signal an explanation or paraphrase of a word
preceding it)
9.3 Match each Latin term (1-10) with its English equivalent (a-j).
h as a matter of form
as follows
beyond the legal powers of a person or a body
Listening B: Lawyers
10. 1" ~ Listen to this discussion between Javier, a Spanish student taking part in a
university's summer school programme in the UK, and Robert, an English student. Match
the words to describe lawyers (1-5) with the definitions (a-c) and usage notes (d-f).
1 advocate DO 4 lawyer o 0
2 attorney o 0 5 solicitor D O
3 barrister DO
a general term for someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law
and speak for them in court
b more specific term for someone who is trained to prepare cases and give advice
on legal subjects and can represent people in lower courts
c more specific term for someone who is qualified to give specialist legal advice
and can argue a case in both higher and lower law courts
Usage notes
d mostly US term
e used in Scottish law
f mostly UK/Australian/Canadian term
10.2 Look up the terms counsel , counsellor and paralegal and their definitions and
usage. Complete this table that Javier drew up after talking to Robert.
10.3 Another type of lawyer found in many civil-law jurisdictions is called a notary. Below is
a brief comparison of the civil-law notary with its US counterpart, the notary public,
which appeared on the website of a law firm. Complete it using the verbs in the box.
10.5 Combine the nouns in the box with the verbs below (1-6) to make combinations to
describe the work lawyers do. Some of the verbs go with more than one noun.
1 advise
2 draft
3 litigate
4 practise
5 represent
6 research
10.6 Choose three 'verb + noun' pairs from Exercise 10.5 and write sentences using them.
10.7 Choose the words from the box which can be combined with the word lawyer to
describe different types of lawyer. Say what each one does.
13.2~ :: Listen again and complete this organigram of the firm using the words in the box.
( 1) . , Mr Michaels
l Senior Partners
Ms Graham , Mr Nichols
( 2)
3) """
" "__ Department
Salaried Partner
Secretary l I
J Debtor-4~r~~it~.~~~~artment Secretary )
, Associate (' -_ _5 )_
""" _ _ _----,-----')
,.-----_ _ _~ I
( 6)
~ ( Paralegal j------l
Associate ( Associate )
\ ,' -- - - - - - - - - , - ----'
, . - - - - -_____________~ I
14.2 USing the phrases in Exercise 14.1, describe the structu re of a law firm with which
you are familiar or the one just described in Listening D. Refer to the positions and
duties of the personnel.
Speaker 1 ...
1 has a few years' working experience. 0
2 works as a clerk at a mid-size commercial law firm. 0
3 will get to know other departments of the firm. 0
4 meets with clients regularly. 0
5 plans to specialise in commercial litigation. 0
Speaker 2 ...
1 is a sole practitioner. o
2 works in the area of employment law. o
3 deals with wage disputes. o
4 represents clients in mediation. o
5 has many clients who are small businesses. o
Speaker 3 ...
1 works in the area of secured transactions. 0
2 carries out trade-mark registrations. 0
3 assists clients who are in artistic professions. 0
4 serves as an expert witness in court. 0
5 is a partner in a large IP firm . 0
Speaker 4 ...
1 is a senior partner in a mid-size law firm . 0
2 specialises in competition law. 0
3 represents clients before the employment tribunal. 0
4 deals with infringements of the Competition Act. 0
5 has clients in the telecommunications sector. 0
Speaker 5 ...
1 owns shares in his firm. 0
2 argues cases in court. 0
3 works in the area of real property law. 0
4 represents landlords but not tenants. 0
5 teaches courses on litigation at the law university. 0
15.2 Discuss these questions.
1 Which kind of firm do you work in or would you like to work in?
2 Which areas of the law have you specialised in or would like to specialise in?