Draft National Quality Policy
Draft National Quality Policy
Draft National Quality Policy
Republic of Ghana
Table of Contents
ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS .........................................................................................................
1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................
1.1 Structure Of The Policy ..............................................................................................................
2.0 THE NATIONAL QUALITY INFRASTRUCTURE (NQI) ............................................................................
3.0 CONTEXT ...........................................................................................................................................
3.1General Context ...........................................................................................................................
3.2 Policy Context ..............................................................................................................................
3.2.1. The Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies
(CPESDP) (2017-2024) .................................................................................................................
3.2.2. National Export Strategy ..................................................................................................
3.3.3. National Food Safety Policy .............................................................................................
3.3.4. Ten Point Industrial Transformation Agenda ...............................................................
4.0 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE QUALITY POLICY ...................................................................................
4.1 Scope Of the Policy ...................................................................................................................
4.2 Rationale for the National Quality Policy ...............................................................................
4.3 Vision ..........................................................................................................................................
4.4 MISSION ...................................................................................................................................
4.5 Strategic Objectives ..................................................................................................................
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5.0 THEMATIC AREAS OF THE POLICY ...................................................................................................
5.1 Introduction ...............................................................................................................................
5.2 Metrology ...................................................................................................................................
5.3 Standardization .........................................................................................................................
5.4 Accreditation .............................................................................................................................
5.5 Conformity assessment .............................................................................................................
5.6 Technical Regulations and Good Regulatory Practice ..........................................................
6.0 CROSSCUTTING ISSUES ...................................................................................................................
6.1 Micro, Small, Medium and Enterprises (MSME) ..................................................................
6.2 Quality Promotion and Quality Culture .................................................................................
6.3 Education, Training and Human Resource Development .....................................................
6.4 Financing the NQI .....................................................................................................................
6.5 Information Network ................................................................................................................
6.6 Legal Framework for QI Institutions ......................................................................................
6.7 National Quality Awards ..........................................................................................................
6.8 Role of International Standards Setting Organizations ........................................................ 24
6.9 Stakeholders’ Dialogue ............................................................................................................. 24
7.0 INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF NQP ....................................... 25
7.1 Establishment of a National Quality Committee (NQC) ....................................................... 25
7.2 Objectives of the National Quality Committee ....................................................................... 25
8.0 TERMS AND DEFINITIONS ..............................................................................................................
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Globalization, characterized by significant increases in global flows of information, ideas,
factors of production and technology has brought about a deep and pervasive integration of the
world economy. Successive rounds of international agreements have systemically reduced
tariff barriers in developed countries while introducing non-tariff barriers like technical
regulations. Developing countries have followed suit, inspired by the success of several East
Asian economies.
Increased trade flows in manufactured goods provide increased opportunities. Hence, a
developing country seeking sustained growth needs to free itself from dependence on primary
products and diversify into manufacturing exports, whose added value translate into wealth.
However, in order to compete successfully in developed markets, enterprises face a formidable
array of challenges. Over and above the logistics, management and financial issues, one of the
major stumbling blocks is the attainment of demonstrable product and/or service quality as
demanded by authorities and purchasers in domestic and especially foreign markets.
In order to fully leverage the opportunities for trading with foreign markets, enterprises in an
economy need cost-effective access to an internationally recognized, and supportive National
Quality Infrastructure (NQI) that can provide the required independent evidence of product
compliance. Development and implementation of the right quality infrastructure has a
significant impact on the reduction of poverty and inequality. A functional Quality
Infrastructure (QI) is important to support the entry of small firms into supply chains.
Developing countries, especially those within Sub-Saharan Africa, must establish appropriate
quality infrastructure that can provide efficient standardization, metrology and conformity
assessment services to the manufacturing and processing industry. Fortunately, international
best practices have evolved and can be adopted by governments.
Africa, through the adoption of Agenda 2063, is expected to show improved standards of living;
transformed, inclusive and sustained economic growth and development through the
implementation of the Action Plan for Boosting Intra-African Trade (BIAT) under the African
Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). This requires a functional NQI which provides an
environment of trust, health and safety for both producers and consumers and drastically
reduces technical barriers to trade.
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A number of factors are influencing changes in technical barriers to trade. These include the
drive to liberalise and globalise international trade; the determination that trade should be
subject to rules which are transparent, non-discriminatory, and administered by a body which
can impose penalties for non-compliance; the emphasis on maximising private and civil society
involvement in setting standards and norms as against the earlier reliance on the state; the
growth of international best practices in all fields; and the need to be receptive to national and
international public opinion.
Most of the measures to reduce technical barriers can be related to the implementation of good
regulatory practices. The technical regulation regime should be simplified and rendered more
transparent and predictable. Market forces should be allowed to operate wherever possible
without compromising the safety and health of people and the environment. In most cases this
also means that the government would change its strategy from testing and approving products
before they are marketed to a post-marketing surveillance approach, placing the responsibility
for the integrity of products squarely on the shoulders of the suppliers.
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries have
recognized this reality and have developed a body of guidelines to effect better regulatory
practices1. A number of developing countries are in the process of reviewing their technical
regulation practices, e.g. Brazil, South Africa, Chile, Uganda, etc. Countries which are current
or aspiring members of the EU have had to radically transform their technical regulation
systems in order to comply with the EU’s acquis communautaire.
In all of these processes three (3) phases can be identified, namely deregulation, regulatory
quality improvement and regulatory management, which are progressively implemented. Many
countries start with a drive to deregulate, i.e. getting rid of obsolete regulations. The next
logical step would be to improve the performance of the institutions that are involved in
technical regulation. In addition, the decision-making mechanism as to when to implement
technical regulations is improved by utilising Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIA). But all
of these steps are to some extent tinkering with the current, normally fragmented system. It is
only when the system is addressed holistically, i.e. when regulatory management is considered,
that real progress is achieved. These phases are therefore interdependent, and all of them must
be considered in reducing technical barriers to trade.
Recognizing that industrial development and effective trade are hinged on a functional NQI,
ECOWAS, after adopting the West Africa Common Industrial Policy (WACIP) in 2010,
instituted measures to guide Member States in formulating National Quality Policies (NQPs).
Implementation of NQPs is expected to lead to the establishment of NQIs that will facilitate
trade within and among Member States in the sub-region, the continent (under the AfCFTA)
and with other trading partners and to meet the following targets by 2030:
• Contribution of manufacturing to Regional GDP increased from 7% to 20%;
Examples: Guiding Principles for Regulatory Quality and Performance and the OECD Reference
Checklist for Regulatory Decision-Making, OECD, 1995
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• Intra-Community trade increased from 12% to 40%; and
• Exports of goods manufactured in ECOWAS to the global market increased from 0.1%
to 1.0%
• Ensure consistent GDP growth of 7% and at least a third of all products/services
generated by local firms.
The Government of Ghana, as part of its transformational agenda has identified a functional
National Quality Infrastructure consistent with international best practices as key in supporting
industrialization toward accelerated economic growth.
There is therefore the need to have a National Quality Policy that streamlines the operations
of actors in the National Quality Infrastructure space and at the same time crowd-in private
sector investments to ensure that services provided remain affordable and competitive to
enhance the competitiveness of made-in-Ghana goods and services. This has been the
international best practice as it frees up resources for the most critical compliance and
enforcement activities which are the mandate of Government. The fundamental principle
underlying the Policy is that the private sector is the engine of growth, with Government
providing an enabling environment designed for the National Quality Infrastructure to thrive
over the long term.
1. Metrology
2. Standards
3. Accreditation
4. Conformity Assessment
To ensure clarity of presentation, each policy component within the five thematic areas, has
been analyzed on the basis of the policy context, policy objective and policy prescriptions. This
will ensure that the specific policy prescriptions to be adhered to, are not only clearly identified,
but also properly understood within the relevant context.
The National Quality Policy (NQP) presented in this document essentially provides the broad
guidelines and agreed framework for formulating and implementing a 5-year implementation
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programme. The NQP Implementation Programme will be a comprehensive set of related
projects, each with a defined plan of action, budget and objectively verifiable results to be
achieved within specific timelines. Provision will be made in the Programme, for a periodic
review by relevant stakeholders in order to assess impacts and make appropriate adjustments.
For the purposes of this Policy, the “National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) is taken as the
totality of the institutional framework (public or private) required to establish and implement
standardization, metrology (scientific, industrial and legal), accreditation and conformity
assessment services (inspection, testing, verification and validation, andcertification)
necessary to provide acceptable evidence that products and services meet defined
requirements, be it demanded by authorities (technical regulation) or the market place
(contractually or inferred).” Commented [RJ1]: Personally, this is a good definition.
However, the below is the official definition and aligned with
thew AQP, which caters for the technical regulatory and good
regulatory practices through the inclusion of market
QI is a system comprising the organizations (public and private) together with the policies, surveillance.
relevant legal and regulatory framework, and practices needed to support and enhance the
quality, safety and environmental soundness of goods, services and processes. The Quality
infrastructure is required for the effective operation of domestic markets, and its international
recognition is important to enable access to foreign markets. It is a critical element in
promoting and sustaining economic development, as well as environmental and social
wellbeing. It relies on metrology, standardization, accreditation, conformity assessment, and
market surveillance (Source: Definition adopted in June 2017 by INetQI) ;
This definition allows for NQI institutions to provide services to suppliers and consumers. The
NQI institutions can be in the public as well as the private domain and in many countries
conformity assessment services (i.e. inspection, testing, verification and validation and
certification) are progressively being provided by private industry rather than by government
entities, whereas governments retain the responsibility to ensure that the fundamentals, i.e.
standards, metrology and accreditation are maintained.
The optimum arrangement of the NQI at the national level is therefore as much a government
policy issue as well as a market-related service provision concern. The notion that two separate
systems are required, i.e. one for government authorities and one for the market place, is
outdated and leads to unnecessary duplication and inefficiency of the systems. In a modern
NQI, technical competency issues and the required legal checks and balances, can appropriately
be dealt with through elements such as accreditation and conformity assessment. Hence a
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single, coherent NQI can advantageously serve both government authorities and the market
Table 1 below provides a summary of the elements that make up the NQI, the typical
institutions and the services they should provide. These elements are interrelated and in most
cases the output of more than one will be required to provide the purchaser, user or the
authorities with the required information and confidence that a product, process or service
meets expectations and requirements. Figure 1 clearly illustrates the interrelationships of the
various elements of a NQI.
Ideally, each of the elements of the NQI would be an independent organization to avoid
overlapping mandates and conflicts of interest. However, the reality in some developing
economies is that inadequate financial and technical capacity causes the combination of some
of the elements. Some conflicts of interest have to be considered when combining the
NQI elements, namely:
• The accreditation function cannot be combined with the provision of conformity assessment
services i.e. inspection, testing and certification in the same organization.;
• The national standards body may also become the national accreditation body, but then it
cannot provide conformity assessment services (e.g. Canada or Malaysia);
• Regulatory agencies should allow suppliers to use the services of technically competent,
i.e. accredited conformity assessment service providers, and let market forces determine
the overall effectiveness and efficiency of such service provision.
Although fundamental metrology and accreditation is not per se a conflict of interest (as
defined by the BIPM, ILAC and the IAF) it is perceived to be close to being so, and hence
developing countries should rather shy away from such a construct;
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Table 1: National Quality Infrastructure Service Outputs and Institutions
Element Description of service Institution(s)
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Inspection The examination of a product design, • Import inspection
product, process or installation and agencies
determination of its conformity with specific • General inspection agen-
requirements or, on the basis of professional cies
judgement, with general requirements.
Inspection is often conducted on NOTE: These can be public or
consignments such as import inspection, to private agencies.
ensure that the whole consignment is Competition in the market
equivalent to the product sample tested. place is the norm.
Testing The determination of a product’s • General Testing
characteristics against the requirements of laboratories (including
the standard. Testing can vary from a environmental labs)
nondestructive evaluation (e.g. X-ray, ultra • Medical laboratory testing
sound, pressure testing, electrical, etc. where
after the test the product is still fit for use) to NOTE: These can be public or
a total destructive analysis (e.g. chemical, private laboratories.
mechanical, physical, microbiological, etc. Competition in the market
where after the test the product is no longer place is the norm.
fit for use), or any combination thereof.
Verification Verification is a confirmation of a claim (i.e.,
and information declared by the client), through • Validation Bodies Commented [RJ2]: The standards and recognition as a
Validation the provision of objective evidence, that conformity assessment activity is relatively new within the
• Verification Bodies ISO toolbox, thus this function is not address is most NQP’
specified requirements have been fulfilled. AQP etc.
NOTE: These can be public or
Validation is a confirmation of a claim, private agencies.
through the provision of objective evidence,
that the requirements for a specific intended
future use or application have been fulfilled
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3.1General Context
A number of public institutions together with private organizations constitute the current
Ghanaian NQI landscape. Some major public organizations involved in NQI activities include
the Ghana Standards Authority (GSA), the Food and Drugs Authority (FDA), the Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA), The Ghana
National Accreditation Service (GhaNAS), and the Metropolitan, Municipal and District
Assemblies (MMDA) among others. Some private organisations also in the NQI landscape
include among others Bureau Veritas, SGS, Intertek, Cotecna. A number of Ministries and their
Agencies also undertake QI activities such as the development of normative documents and
technical regulations, testing and certification within their mandates.
It is known that the activities of Public institutions often overlap mostly due to inconsistencies
in legislations, leading to a lack of clarity regarding the division of labour. Such inconsistencies
exist for example between the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) and the Food and Drugs
Authority (FDA), etc. This lack of clarity is having a negative impact on the effectiveness and
efficiency of the system, leading to unnecessary and often acrimonious confrontations and is
therefore not in the best interest of the country.
Metrology functions are spread over a number of institutions such as the Ghana Standards
Authority (GSA), the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR-IIR), the National
Communications Authority (NCA) and the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) as
there is no National Metrology Institute (NMI). This policy seeks to consolidate the calibration
activities of these institutions into a national calibration system to comply with international
best practice.
Government has to take a leading role in establishing key NQI organizations. In developing
economies, the involvement of government in these early stages is necessary to provide the
NQI organizations with the requisite authority and to provide the required finances. Some NQI
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services will always be funded totally or in a large part by government, and these include:
fundamental metrology, standards development and promulgation and accreditation.
The National Quality Policy (NQP) is set within the context of relevant constitutional
provisions and the following key national policies: Commented [RJ3]: Please confirm it the additional two
added is applicable
1. The Coordinated Programme of Economic and Social Development Policies (CPESDP)
2. National Export Development Strategy
3. National Food Safety Policy
4. Ten Point Industrial Transformation Agenda
Within the CPESDP, government realizes that the main thrust of private sector development
policy is to establish Ghana as the most business friendly country in Africa. This will entail
creating an enabling environment to attract both domestic and foreign investors, with the aim
of growing businesses and expanding the private sector. To this end, Government will, as a
matter of priority, identify and address the systemic structural and institutional bottlenecks that
constrain the environment for business expansion and growth.
The NQP, therefore has been developed as a tool for addressing systemic structural and
institutional bottlenecks that constrain NQI institution with a consequent effect on private
sector investments.
One of the key strategic objectives of the National Export Development Strategy (NEDS) is to
strengthen and resource export development related institutions and networks of business
development service providers, policies and programmes for providing well-focused and
enhanced support services to enable export businesses to flourish. This objective is in line with
the general aim of an NQP.
Also aligned with the quality policy is the strategic output that emphasizes institutional capacity
and resources for export value chain infrastructure development and enhanced support service
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The vision of the National Food Safety Policy is a well-established and structured food safety
system that clearly outlines the roles of all relevant stakeholders for the management and
control of food safety. The mission of the National Food Safety Policy is to put in place a well-
coordinated management system to ensure food safety that guarantees consumer protection and
public health. The goal of the National Food Safety Policy is to provide for the management
and control of food safety to ensure public health and safety.
The scope of the policy covers the key elements of the NQI which are; Metrology
Standardization, Technical regulations and Good regulatory practices, Conformity assessment
and Accreditation.
The Government of Ghana plans, through its Trade Policy and its supporting Industrial
Transformation Agenda, to ensure the establishment of an environment that would help
Ghana’s society prosper in different economic, social and technological areas. This will take
into account the opportunities, potential and changes that are anticipated at the regional and
international levels in the upcoming era. Ghana is committed to re-orientate and re-engineer its
National Quality Infrastructure (NQI) in a holistic manner so as to become more effective and
efficient and to ensure that it meets international standards and recognition. Here, the
Government of Ghana will focus on quality and technical competency to ensure that the proper
environment exists for national goods and services to gain a competitive edge in international
markets, thereby leading to expanded exports and hence sustainable growth of Ghanaian
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In parallel with the re-engineering of the NQI, the Government of Ghana is committed to
develop and implement a common approach to technical regulation, i.e. a Technical Regulation
Framework (TRF), and ensure that the division of work between the NQI and the authorities
responsible for the administration of technical regulation is properly coordinated, so as to
ensure that the safety and health of its people, and the environment is not compromised.
These measures will be pursued always taking into consideration the realities of the Ghanaian
situation, ensuring that no unnecessary barriers to trade are established, providing for a
common approach in dealing with imported and domestic products and services, and as far as
is possible, align the NQI and TRF with best practices found in current or future trading
The Policy will provide the necessary framework for the development of a National Quality
Infrastructure that encourages private sector participation while making Government resources
available for critical areas where the private sector is not capable of performing as well as
strengthening the regulatory framework.
The primary objective of the Quality Policy is to ensure that goods and services emanating
from or traded in Ghana are designed, manufactured and supplied in a manner that match the
needs, expectations and requirements of the purchasers and consumers as well as those of the
regulatory authorities in the local and in the export markets. In support of this, implementation
of the Quality Policy should raise the quality consciousness amongst both suppliers and
consumers. Furthermore, it is an undertaking by government to introduce and maintain a
quality culture in public life throughout society.
The immediate outcome of the implementation of the Quality Policy will be the reengineering
of the current situation to establish a world-class metrology, standardization, accreditation,
inspection, testing and certification infrastructure, i.e. the NQI, and to support the application
of its techniques, practices and service provision to demonstrably comply with international
In parallel with the streamlining of the NQI, the technical regulation regime of Ghana will be
reviewed and adjusted, including its related legislation, to meet regional and international
requirements such as the WTO TBT and SPS Agreements as well as international best
practices. This includes the development of effective cooperation amongst the NQI institutions
and their regional and international counterparts.
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The Government of Ghana is driven to purposefully provide industry-supportive standards,
metrology, accreditation and conformity assessment services that are accepted globally. In
doing so it is guided by the need of industry to have access to conformity assessment services
that are affordable and acceptable in all the target markets so that these products meet customer
requirements. Government has the desire and determination to efficiently and effectively
manage its regulatory responsibilities in order to fulfil its primary mandate, namely the safety
and health of its people and the protection of the environment. In this respect, those that are
being regulated should be subject to a transparent and steady state regulatory system without
having to navigate bureaucratic bottlenecks.
4.3 Vision
The National Quality Policy of Ghana (NQP) aims to develop an effective, efficient and
globally recognized National Quality Infrastructure.
The mission is “to coordinate all elements of the National Quality Infrastructure to ensure the
supply and usage of compliant goods and services”.
To achieve the vision and mission the National Quality Policy will establish a National Quality
Infrastructure to:
• develop and implement a common approach to technical regulation, i.e. Good
Regulatory Practice (GRP) including a Technical Regulation Framework (TRF) and
market surveillance;
• eliminate overlapping functions by ensuring that the activities of the NQI and regulators
are properly coordinated;
• ensure that the health & safety of citizens as well as the protection of the environment
are not compromised;
• ensure that non-tariff barriers do not impede trade;
• provide a common approach in dealing with imported and domestic products and
5.1 Introduction
The main thematic areas of the NQP are Metrology (Scientific, Legal and Industrial),
Standards, Accreditation, Conformity Assessment (Testing, Inspection, verification, validation
and Certification) and Technical Regulations.
5.2 Metrology
Policy Context
Currently, the legislation governing metrology in Ghana is outdated and does not meet the
needs of industry and consumers. Also, metrology functions are spread across various NQI
institutions creating overlaps and making coordination at the national level difficult.
To maximize the benefits derived from an efficient Metrology system, there is the need to
consolidate the current fragmented metrology service delivery in the country by establishing
an independent National Metrology Institute (NMI) in Ghana. Ghana Standards Authority
(GSA) will incubate the new NMI until it is matured enough to be weaned off as an independent
National Metrology Organisation for Ghana.
Policy objective
To increase the awareness of metrology and to establish a common metrological framework as
one of the fundamental building blocks of the quality infrastructure.
Policy Prescriptions
Government will:
• Consolidate the current fragmentation of metrology in the country by establishing an
independent National Metrology Institute.
• Ensure that Ghana uses the International System of Units (SI) of measurements at the
national level and where applicable, other local or traditional units of measurements are
phased out gradually;
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• Establish and strengthen the NMI with the responsibility of acquiring and conserving
national measurement standards capable of providing accurate and reliable
measurements in the country
• Provide an enabling environment for the establishment of private calibration
• Ensure that all calibration laboratories are appropriately accredited against the relevant
international standards
• Ensure that a national calibration system is established, maintained and continuously
improved to diffuse the national measurement standards into industry, authorities and
• Ensure that no other Ministry or Agency shall establish legally enforceable metrology
requirements for measuring equipment unless in coordination and with the approval of
the NMI.
• Ensure that the NMI shall have the responsibility to type-approve measuring
equipment, have the same verified on placement into service and thereafter have them
regularly calibrated and verified.
• Ensure protection of consumers by controlling pre-packaging operations of products,
all of which to be based on relevant regional or international standards.
5.3 Standardization
Policy Context
There is limited in-house capacity by the GSA in drafting technical text for the development of
sector specific standards in new and emerging areas. Additionally, standards development is
capital intensive and this limits the GSA’s ability to develop new standards and review existing
Some regulatory agencies do not reference standards published by GSA, rather, reference other
international standards even though those standards have been adapted to suit the Ghanaian
Policy objectives
• To ensure that the standards development process continues to be an activity that
depends on achieving consensus amongst stakeholders, in a participatory and
transparent environment.
• To develop and promote appropriate standards for new and emerging sectors for
effective use by industry to improve productivity, quality and enhance competitiveness.
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Policy Prescriptions
Government will:
• Encourage the adoption of relevant international and regional standards based on the
needs of regulatory authorities, industry and consumers.
• Ensure that the development of national Standards remains the preserve of the Ghana
Standards Authority.
• Use national, regional and international harmonised standards as relevant basis for the
development of technical regulations.
• Ensure that all standards are developed and periodically reviewed to ensure continuous
conformity with technological developments, market trends and international
• Encourage the Ghana Standards Authority to provide the framework required to
develop and publish national standards and other normative documents on a national
level, and to regularly review and update same.
• Ensure that their standardizing bodies accept and follow the Code of Good Practice for
the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards as provided in Annex 3 of
WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade;
• Ensure that no other Ministry or Agency publishes normative documents that purport
to be Ghana Standards or references standards other than national standards, except in
cases where there are no national standards.
• Ensure that the Ghana Standards Authority participates in the process of developing
regional and international standards on behalf of Ghana.
• Ensure that, to develop national standards, the Ghana Standards Authority establishes
the relevant technical committees, in line with approved guidelines and rules based on
the WTO TBT Agreement requirements and ISO/IEC Directives.
• Encourage Ministries, academic and scientific institutions and industry to commit to
actively participate and/or sponsor technical committees.
5.4 Accreditation
Policy Context
Ghana is in the process of establishing a national accreditation body. Accreditation is an
independent third-party attestation of the technical capabilities of conformity assessment
service providers to carry out specific tasks. Public and private laboratories currently seek
accreditation from outside the country at exorbitant costs, hence the establishment of a national
accreditation body is timely.
Policy Objective
To establish an internationally recognised accreditation body providing accreditation services
in the subregion within the next 5 years.
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Policy Prescriptions
Government will
• Develop and promulgate legislation that would regularize the status of the Ghana
National Accreditation Service.
• Encourage the Ghana National Accreditation Service to work in accordance with
international standards and pursue international recognition.
• Ensure that no Ministry or Agency shall establish or be allowed to pursue activities that
are akin to the accreditation of conformity assessment bodies.
• Ensure that the governance of the Ghana National Accreditation Service shall be set up
in such a way to facilitate international recognition.
• Ensure that the Ghana National Accreditation Service shall establish the relevant
technical committees to handle all required sectors to be accredited, such as test
laboratories, calibration laboratories, bodies for the certification of products and
management systems, inspection bodies and bodies carrying out training and
certification of quality related personnel.
• Encourage the Ghana National Accreditation Service to cooperate closely with
Ministries and their Agencies in developing accreditation programmes.
Policy Context
A well-established conformity assessment infrastructure is made up of adequate numbers of
private and public conformity assessment bodies which have been accredited for specific tasks.
However, there is lack of incentives for private sector participation in conformity assessment
service provision.
Many regulatory agencies maintain laboratories, however the capacity required to satisfy the
more developed markets or to test all products that have a bearing on the safety and health of
Ghanaian consumers, is still inadequate. A major challenge, is the maintenance and proper
calibration of test equipment. The infrastructure to provide these services are inadequate.
Policy objectives
To ensure that conformity assessment services demonstrate the quality of products and services
To ensure that conformity assessment services provision are transparent, non-discriminatory
and avoid unnecessary barriers to trade.
To create a level playing field to encourage the private sector to participate in conformity
assessment (testing, calibration, inspection, verification and validation or certification)
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Policy prescriptions
Government will
• Develop legislations to regulation for conformity assessment bodies to ensure their
operations are based on national standards and guidelines.
• Encourage conformity assessment bodies to obtain and maintain accreditation to
minimize the need for retesting or recertification.
• Ensure that conformity assessment services are provided by laboratories, inspection and
certification bodies both in the private and public domains that demonstrably fulfil the
requirements of the relevant international standards.
• Establish, maintain and continuously improve the conformity assessment service
provision and all quality infrastructure related institutions in the public domain.
• Create a policy environment that will not hinder, but facilitate the development of
private conformity assessment service providers, whiles enhancing the capacity of the
public institutions.
• Utilize the services of private conformity assessment bodies in public procurement and
the enforcement of technical regulations.
Policy Context
Ministries, Departments and Agencies are involved in the development and enforcement of
technical regulations. The mandates of some of the key QI Institutions are not clear enough to
eliminate overlapping functions. Currently, there is no specific regulatory framework for
technical regulations that coordinate the mechanism for developing and enforcing TRs in
Ghana. The use of a regulatory framework with guidelines for developing technical regulations
will bring about uniformity in the development process and enforcement procedures.
Collaboration of all stakeholders with a multi-sectoral approach, will create openness and
understanding of issues at stake to promote easy compliance. Market surveillance, an integral
part of enforcing technical regulations, is not effectively conducted.
Policy Objective
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Policy Prescriptions
Government will:
a) Develop, in line with international best practice, a technical regulatory framework that
will be the basis for coordinating the development and enforcement of technical
b) Improve the existing market surveillance regime to promote effective enforcement of
technical regulations.
c) Ensure that a transparent Regulatory Impact Assessment process and regime becomes
operationalized in MDAs and regulatory bodies.
The support provided by the government will consist of rebates offered to MSMEs once they
have demonstrably complied with quality requirements. These rebates will be made up of
initial percentage payback after certification, and further percentage payback after three years
if MSMEs maintained their certification.
In determining the scope of technical regulations the government will consider lowering the
requirements for micro enterprises or even waive them altogether if it can be shown that it will
not lead to widespread deceptive practices. Health and safety considerations will be excluded
from such considerations
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6.2 Precision Quality, Quality Promotion and Quality Culture
Precision quality highlights the value of precision industries and quality products and services
in job creation. It places focus on precision in industry, services and processes to ensure that
goods, services and products are of world-class quality. To guide the attainment of precision
quality for MSME’s standards and educational materials shall be developed. Government shall
ensure that precision quality is embedded in all industries, especially MSME’s.
It is therefore very important to create quality consciousness among public, consumers, traders,
manufacturers, trade and professional associations in the electronic and print media. This
makes all stakeholders and decision makers adequately aware of the importance and benefits
of a functional National Quality Infrastructure.
Quality conscious consumers will make demands that serve as catalyst to compel,
manufacturers, producers and traders to focus on quality. Accredited organisations will be
encouraged to lead the awareness creation.
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• Undertake awareness campaigns and trainings with the view to raising knowledge and
awareness of quality in society.
• Create and conduct capacity building programmes in QI institutions including preparation
and publication of technical brochures, manuals;
• Promote application of quality tools to improve products and services through training of
industry personnel.
• Support consumers and consumer organizations to disseminate knowledge and information
about standards and quality;
• Create national pools of experts in quality management to support producers and services to
apply quality management systems;
• Encourage close involvement of the private sector in all relevant initiatives.
The government shall be responsible for financing the development of, and upgrading and
restructuring, the existing NQI institutions within the public sector. Government will mobilize
resources from public funds, development partners and the private sector for the
implementation of the National Quality Policy.
In order not to distort the market, and to provide for a steady flow of internally generated
funds for the NQI institutions, government institutions that make use of the conformity
assessment services of the NQI, must pay for such services. Pricing shall be set by the NQI
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6.5 Information Network
Legislation on QI Institutions have to be specific and relevant at all times. Some of the existing
legislations are old and need review to allow concerned organisations to function effectively.
New legislation for a National Accreditation Body, a National Metrology Institute and Good
Regulatory Practice need to be developed in line with international best practices. Institutional
functions shall be clearly defined and aligned so as to eliminate the inherent overlapping of
6.7 Research and Development Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.02 cm, Hanging: 0.02 cm, No
bullets or numbering
Internal R&D will seek to address reducing waste; improving service delivery; identifying
and incubating new businesses; and researching into competitiveness and innovative matters.
External R&D will seek to address partnership and collaborative activities between academia
and other research institutions. QI institutions will serve as solution hubs for industry.
National Quality awards are marks of recognition conferred on organisations that have
performed excellently. Applicant’s performance is usually assessed in relation to a set of
criteria to determine awardees. The scheme for quality awards is meant to introduce
competition in quality promotion and it encourages organisations to continuously improve on
their performance. Government will continuously provide support for the National Quality
Awards Scheme
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International standards organizations play a major role in the effective operation of NQI. These
organizations are concerned with product, system and measurement standards as well as other
normative documents which are made available to members and encourage members to
participate. Memberships offer access to database of standards and other documents, and the
opportunity to make input into QI related matters.
a) Support and encourage the private sector to implement national standards and adopt quality
management systems.
b) Ensure that interests of consumers are represented at appropriate fora.
c) Improve the quality of products, hasten the introduction of international best practices in
the field of quality.
d) Encourage the private sector to participate actively in representative structures and
technical committees dealing with standardization, accreditation and conformity
e) Encourage the private sector to invest in the development of quality infrastructure.
f) Mobilize resources from public funds, international development partners, and the private
sector, for the implementation of the National Quality Policy.
The Ministry of Trade and Industry will set up a National Quality Committee made up of NQI
Institutions. The NQC will develop strategies and promote overall quality initiatives and
ensure that objectives in the Implementation Matrix of NQP are adequately achieved. The
structure of the NQC shall demonstrate a representation of key players from both the public
and private sectors.
The objective of the NQC is to Coordinate all NQI matters and ensure that the components of
NQI are properly established and made to collaborate and operate in an interrelated and
recognised manner.
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1. Accreditation: means a procedure by which an authoritative body gives formal recognition
that a body or person is competent to carry out specific tasks
2. Calibration: means a set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the
relationship between values of quantities indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring
system, or values represented by a material measure or a reference material, and the
corresponding values realized by standards.
3. Certification: means a procedure by which a third party gives written attestation that a
product; process or service meets specified requirements.
5. Inspection: means the examination of a product design, product, process or installation and
the determination of its conformity with specific requirements or, on the basis of
professional judgement, with general requirements.
6. Metrology: means the science of measurement and includes scientific, industrial and
metrology. No testing would be possible unless the characteristics of the product or service
in question can be measured in a way, which compares them against physical or chemical
reference of known values. Therefore, adequate methods for measuring the properties of
products and services are fundamental to the quality assessment process.
9. National Quality Policy (NQP): An official national document adopted at a highest level
of a Country (Government or National Assembly) which gives the general visions on
quality and technical regulation issues that are in coherence with the general national policy
adopted by the national authorities in all the areas. The NQP helps for the definition of
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objectives and results to be achieved, as well as the necessary resources to be mobilized in
the field of quality.
10. Quality means the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills requirement.
11. Regulator means authority that carries out the mandate given under the law to oversee
implementation and administration of technical regulations and includes national and
provincial government departments, local authorities and regulatory agencies established
by legislation.
12. Standard means a document established by consensus and approved by a recognized body
that provides for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for activities
or their results aimed at the achievement of the optimum degree of order in a given context.
13. Standardization means the activity of establishing, with regard to actual or potential
problems, provisions for common and repeated use, aimed at the achievement of the
optimum degree of order in a given context.
15. Technical Regulations means document that lays down product characteristics or their
related processes and production methods, including the applicable administrative
provisions, with which compliance is mandatory. It may also include or deal exclusively
with terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or labelling requirements as they apply to
a product, process or production method.
16. Testing means the determination of one or more characteristics of an object of conformity
assessment according to a specific procedure.
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