Reference Ethics and Police Community Relation
Reference Ethics and Police Community Relation
Reference Ethics and Police Community Relation
1. Prevention of Crime and Disorder- The basic mission for whom the police exist is to prevent
crime and disorder as an alternative to the repression of crime and disorder by police force and
severity of legal punishment.
2. Cooperation of Crime and Disorder - The police must secure the willing cooperation in the
voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect and support of
the community. The ability of the police to perform their duty is dependent upon community
support of police existence, actions, behavior and the ability of the police to secure and
maintain community and respect.
3. Unreasonable Force Reduce Community Cooperation- A police officer will never employ
unnecessary force or violence and will use only such force in the discharge of duty as in
reasonable in all circumstances. Force should be used only with the greatest restraint and only
after discussion, negotiation and persuasion have been found to be inappropriate or ineffective.
While the use of force is occasionally unavoidable, every police officer will refrain from applying
the unnecessary infliction of pain or suffering and will never engage in cruel, degrading of
inhuman treatment of any person.
4. Use of Reasonable Force when Persuasion Is Sufficient - The police should use reasonable force
to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the
exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to attain police objectives.
No violence or unnecessary force shall be subject to any greater restrain than is necessary for
his detention.
5. Impartial Enforcement of Laws - The police seek and preserve community favor, not by catering
to community opinion, but constantly demonstrating absolutely impartial enforcement of laws,
without regard to the justice and injustice of the substance of particular laws. In short, there
should be impartial enforcement of laws on all individual members of the, society without
regard to their race of social standing.
6. The Community is the Police - The police at all times should maintain relationship with the
community that gives really to the historic tradition that the police are the community are the
police. The police are the only members of the community who are pain to give full time
attention to maintain peace and order, which are incumbent on every citizen in the interest of
community welfare.
7. Police Should Not Usurp Judicial Powers - The police should always direct their actions strictly
toward their functions and never appear to usurp the powers of judiciary by averaging
individuals of the state of authoritative judging guilt of punishing the guilt.
8. Reduction of Crime and Disorder- The test of police efficiency is the reduction of crime and
disorder until totally eradicated, not by evidence of police present and action in dealing with the
10. Commitment to Public Interest - PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and
above personal interest. All government properties, resources and powers of their respective
offices must be employed and used effectively, honestly and efficiency, particularly to avoid
wastage of public fund and revenues.
11. Non-Partisanship - PNP members shall provide service to everyone without discrimination
regardless of Party affiliation in accordance with existing laws and regulations.
12. PNP Conduct during Labor Dispute - The involvement of PNP during strike, lockout, and labor
dispute in general shall limited to the maintenance of peace and order, enforcement of laws and
legal Orders of duly contributed authorities.
13. Physical Fitness and Health - All PNP members shall strive to be physically fit and in good health
at all times. Towards this end, they shall undergo regular exercise and annual medical
examination in any PNP hospital or medical facility.
14. Secrecy Discipline - All PNP Members shall guard the confidentiality of classified information
against unauthorized disclosure. This includes confidential aspect of official business special
orders, communication and other documents, roster or any portion thereof of the PNP, contents
of criminal records, identities of person who may have given information to the police in
confidence and other classified information on intelligence materials.
15. Social Awareness - All PNP members shall be actively involved in civic, religious, and other social
activities with the end purpose of increasing social awareness.
16. Proper Care and Use of Public Property - All PNP members shall be responsible for the security,
proper care and use of Public property issued to them and/or deposit under their care and
custody, unauthorized used of Public property for personal convenience of gain and that of their
family, friends, relatives is strictly prohibited.
17. Non-Solicitation of Patronage - All PNP members seeking self-improvement through career
development and shall not directly or indirectly solicit influence or recommendation from
politician, high ranking government officials, prominent citizens, persons affiliated with civic or
religious organization with regard to their assignment, promotion, transfer or related advantage.
18. Respect for Human Rights - In the performance of duty, PNP members shall respect human
dignity and uphold human rights of all persons. Every police officer shall not inflict, investigate,
or tolerate extra judicial killing, arbitrary arrest, any act of torture or other cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment and Punishment. Every members of the PNP shall not invoke superior
order or exceptional circumstances such as state of war, a threat to national security, internal
political instability or any committing such human rights.
19. Devotion to Duty - All PNP members shall perform their duties with dedication, efficiency
enthusiasm, determination and manifest concerned for public welfare. He shall refrain from
engaging in any activity, which shall in conflict with their duties as Public servant. He shall not
reign sickness or injury or physical incapacity to avoid performance of duty. He shall not leave
his assigned jurisdiction of official business, except by permission of his superior officer or other
competent authority, unless such permission is not practical as in pursuit of a criminal, in which
case a report must be made immediately thereafter.
20. Conservation of Natural Resources - All members of the PNP shall help in the development and
conservation of our natural resources for ecological balance and posterity. The natural resources
are considered inalienable heritage of our people.
21. Discipline - PNP policemen shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and
regulation of the organization. All policemen at all levels shall adhere to the eight tenets of
discipline, which include the following:
22. Loyalty - PNP members must be loyal to the constitution and the police service as manifested by
their loyalty to the superior peers and subordinates as well.
23. Obedience to Superior - PNP members shall obey lawful orders and to be courteous to superior
officers and other appropriate authorities within the chain of command. No members shall use
abusive, insulting or indecent language to another member.
25. Morality - All PNP members shall adhere to high standards of morality and decency and shall set
good example for others to follow.
26. Judicious use of Authority - All PNP members shall be permitted to apply for search warrant for
any evidence of assault against himself without reporting the case in writing to his superior
officer and Obtaining from his permission to apply for such warrant.
27. Justice - PNP members shall strive constantly to respect the rights of other so that they can fulfill
their duties and exercise their rights as human beings, parents, children, workers, leaders, of in
other capacities and to see to ensure that others do likewise.
28. Humility - All PNP members shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the
master of the people and toward this end, they should perform their duties without arrogance.
29. Orderliness - All PNP shall follow logical procedure in accomplishing task assigned to them to
minimize waste in the use of time, money and efforts.
30. Perseverance - Once a decision is made all PNP members shall take legitimate means to achieve
the goal even in the face of internal or external difficulties, and despite of anything which might
weaken their resolve in the course of time.
31. Integrity - PNP members shall not allow themselves to be victims of corruption and dishonest
practices in accordance with the provision of existing laws on corrupt practices.
32. Police Image - The image of any organization affects the esprit de corps, morale and welfare of
members and sense of pride to the organization. In view thereof, all members of the PNP
should conduct themselves in manner that would not place the PNP core values in vain and
possess the following virtue: Honor, Integrity, Valor, Justice, Honesty, Humility, Charity, and
Loyalty to the service.
33. Career Management the Key In Professionalism - The improper implementation of career
management greatly these prejudice the personnel professionalization process as regards to
procurement, promotion, all assignment, placement, training awards, and retirement.
34. Police Management Leadership - The effectiveness of the law enforcement is reflective of law
enforcement is reflective of the managerial capabilities and competent leadership of men and
women who run the PNP organization. It is therefore a must that this attribute be the primary
basis for consideration in the selection of personnel for employment purpose.
35. Equality in the Service - There shall be judicious equitable distribution of opportunity to prove
ones worth in the police service. The problem on inequality through class orientation and
factionalism, both real and perceived, precise on favored assignment, inequitable opportunity,
of training, unfair granting of promotion, and untimely awarding of achievements will create an
atmosphere of demoralization.
36. Police Lifestyle - The PNP shall endeavor to promote lifestyle for every member of the
organization that is acceptable and respectable in the eyes of the public. Further, its members
should set example to the subordinate and follow good example from the superiors. Police
officers will behave in a manner that does not bring discredit to their agencies or themselves.
37. Delicadeza - In consonance with the requirements o honor and integrity in the PNP, all members
must have the moral courage to sacrifice self-interest in keeping with the time-honored
principles of delicadeza. All members shall promptly discharge all debts and legal liabilities
incurred by them.
38. Political Patronage - All PNP members must inhibit themselves from soliciting political
patronage in matters pertaining to assignment, awards, training and promotion.
39. Human Rights - All PNP members must respect and protect human dignity and mens inalienable
rights to life, liberty and prosperity.
40. Salute - It is the usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon and recognizing person
entitled to salute.
41. Salute to National Color and Standards - PNP members stand at attention and salute the
national color and standard as it pass by them or when the national color is raised or lowered
during ceremony.
42. Address/Title - junior in rank address senior members who are entitled to salute with the word
43. Courtesy call - of newly assigned/ appointed members -PNP members who are newly appointed
or assigned in a unit or command, call on the Chief of the Unit or command and to other key
personnel for accounting, orientation and other purposes.
44. New years call - PNP members pay a new years call on their commanders and /or key official in
their respective areas of responsibility.
45. Promotion Call - Newly promoted PNP members call on their unit head. On this occasion, they
are usually given during recognition and congratulations by their peers for such deserved
46. Exit Call - PNP members pays an exit call on their superiors in the unit or command when relieve
or reassigned out of the said unit or command.
47. Courtesy of the Post - The host unit extend hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to
the command or unit.
48. Rank has its own Privilege - PNP members recognize the practice that different rank carry with
them corresponding privilege.
49. Flag Raising Ceremony - PNP members honor the flag by raising it and singing the National
Anthem before the start of the official days work for the week.
50. Flag Retreat Ceremony - At the end of the Official days work to PNP members pause for a
moment to salute the lowering of the flag.
51. HalfMast - The flag is raised at half mast in difference to deceased uniform / civilian member of
the command.
52. Funeral Service and Honor - Departed uniformed members, retires, war veterans are given vigil,
necrological services and graveside honor as a gesture of farewell.
53. Ceremony rendered to Retirees - In recognition of their long, faithful and honorable service to
the PNP, a testimonial activity is tendered in their honor.
54. Honor Ceremony - Arrival and departure honor ceremonies are tendered to visiting dignitaries,
VIPs PNP officers of equivalent grade.
55. Turn Over Ceremony - The relinquishment and assumption of command key position is publicly
announced in a Turn Over Ceremony by the incoming outgoing officers in the presence of the
immediate superior or his representative and key officials.
56. Wedding Ceremony - During marriage of PNP members, a ceremony is conducted with
participants in uniform and sworn drawn.
58. Spiritual Beliefs - PNP members are traditionally religious and god loving person. They attend
religious service together with their family.
59. Valor - History attests that Filipino law-enforcers have exemplified the tradition of valor in
defending the country from aggression and oppression. They sacrifice their limbs and lives for
their countrymen they are pledged to serve.
60. Discipline - The discipline of PNP members manifested by instinctive obedience to lawful orders
and through and spontaneous actions within the bounds of ethical and legal norms.
61. Gentleman - PNP members are upright in character, polite in manners, dignified in appearance,
and sincere in their concern or their fellowmen.
62. Word of Honor - PNP members word is their hand; they stand by and commit to uphold it. PNP
members have historically exemplified themselves as dedicated public servants who perform
their duty with deep sense of responsibility and self sacrifice.
63. Loyalty - Police are traditionally loyal to the organization country people as borne out by history
and practice.
64. Camaraderie- The binding spirit that enhance teamwork and cooperation in the police
organization, extending to the people they serve, is manifested by the PNP members deep
commitment and concern for one another.
65. Police - a civil organization whose members are given special legal powers by the government
and whose task is to maintain public order and to solve and prevent crimes; or group of persons
established, maintained and organized for keeping order, safety, protection of lives and
properties and for prevention and detection of crimes.
66. Community - the public or society in general; it refers to the civilian populace in cities,
municipalities or public in general, and shall be used interchangeably with public, citizenry,
society, or private sector.
67. Police Ideal it refers to the expected standard of perfection or excellence in the personal, and
professional conduct of every member of the police; or the expected essence of perfection,
sympathetic, courteous intelligent, honest, and in control of his emotions and temper, at all
times. It also includes courage and highest sense of dedication to duty.
68. Personal Media - it is the means of communication used by the police as it deals with the
community such as the use of rallies, meetings, speeches and house to house visits to the
69. Barangay - is the basic political unit of the Filipino nation that implements the policies of the
national and local governments (1987 Phil. Constitution); sometimes referred to as the local
70. Propaganda- any information or publicity put out by an organization (i.e., police) or
government to spread and promote a policy, idea, doctrine, or cause.
71. Police Community Relation - the sum total of dealings between the police and the people it
serve and whose goodwill and cooperation it craves for the greatest possible efficiency in the
72. Public Information Program - This is designed to bridge any communication gap between the
police and public. This is the basic among the first four programs of community relation.
73. Public Relation Program - This is designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between
the police and the community.
74. Civic Action Program - This is designed to maintain and encourage community development
75. Psychological Program - This is designed to condition both friendly and hostile public thereby
insuring and facilitating the attainment of police objectives. This program is designed to
influence the opinions, emotions attitude and behavior of the community so that they will
behave in a manner beneficial to the police, either directly or indirectly. It will condition the
citizenry to adhere to the laws of the land and dissuade them in committing crime. These may
be in spoken, written, pictorial or musical form.
76. Community Information - these are activities utilizing the various forms of media directed
towards the public at large. These are designed to increase the publics consciousness and
knowledge of facts and issues for purpose of enhancing law enforcement, counter insurgency
and crime prevention efforts, increasing crime solution efficiency to include weakening of the
will of the criminal elements and insurgents and enlightening other groups of individual critical
to the government in general and the police organization in particular.
77. Institutional Information - These are activities utilizing the various forms of Media directed
towards the public at large designed to generate trust, confidence and popular support for the
police organization or simply enhancing public perception and knowledge about the police as an
institution of the government.
78. Community Assistance and Development - these are under taken upon the initiative of the
police unit or personnel for the purpose of enhancing life as a means of drawing the support,
appreciation and support of the public to wards the police organization
79. Community Inter-Relations - these are under taken upon the initiative of other government
agencies, non governmental organization, and or individual citizens whereby a police
organization or personnel actively contributes time, money and or service as a means of drawing
the support, appreciation, and cooperation of the public towards the police organization in
whole in or part.
80. Community Organization and Mobilization - these are activities revolving around the
accreditation of existing groups or creation of new ones with the end in view of having allies
within various sectors in the community who could be tapped to assist in the conduct of law
services, community works and the like.
81. Congress - Being the law making body, it is one of the vital governmental institutions that can
support the police organization. The police organization must muster enough support from
Congress so that laws needed to enhance its capabilities to safeguard peace and order of the
community and ensure public safety as well as laws on organizational development and
modernization maybe enacted.
82. The Media - This is unquestionably most powerful instrument in forming public opinion. Specific
activities to be taken with respect to this institution
83. The Church - The opinion of church leaders carries much weight among the religious. It need not
underscore that a pastoral letter read through out the country carries great impact.
84. On Internal Security - There shall be intensified information on evils of the ideology and actual
terrorist operations through regular issuance of press releases.
85. On Crime Prevention and law Enforcement - There shall be sustained information drive on how
the public can reach public assistance and the utilization of the tri-media on modus operandi
safety and the like.
86. Unit Visitation - involves the conduct of scheduled and run scheduled visits to check
performance, appearance, and behavior of police personnel and the state of police facilities and
87. Surveys- involves the conduct of random surveys by the PR (public relation) or private agencies
to determine the public perception of a particular police unit or office.
88. Records- involves the submission and analysis of periodic reports and special reports by police
units as required.
89. Interviews - involves the conduct of casual and or structured interviews of selected individuals
who can provide insight on the current state of police community relation.
90. Media Analysis - involves the monitoring of reports, stories commentaries printed or aired by
mass media practitioners to determine perception of individuals who are considered as effective
molders of public opinion.
91. Public Awareness Programs - familiarizing the public with the true nature of police operations.
92. Informational Programs - providing the public with information which is directly related to the
interest and needs of the community
93. Image Building Programs - promoting programs which are designated to create a more
favorable public image of the police.
94. Domestic Relations - This consist of a persons dealing with his family, parents and immediate
relatives, with whom he has to have good relationship in order to develop a respectable family
prestige as well as cordial community relations.
95. Neighborhood Relations - This consist of a persons dealing with neighbor who constitute a vital
link to good reputation in the community
96. Community Relations - This is made up of a persons dealing with the citizens of the community,
city or town where a person likes. These also include his membership or contributions to civil
undertakings and his membership or contribution to the civic organization or community
associations in the locality.
97. Church Relation - This consists of a persons dealing with religious affiliation that is necessary for
the stability of moral principles.
98. Government Relations - This is made up of the dealings, which a person has with the
government and its various instrumentalities. The recognition of government authorities, its
laws and ordinance, as well as other public responsibilities, are significant phases of an
individuals public relations.
99. Justice Community - Other police agencies, courts, and correctional departments existing at
many levels of government are a part of the justice community with which police must interact.
The nature of the relationship between police and members of the justice community has a
direct impact on police effectiveness in achieving their goals.
100. The Human Services Community - The human services umbrella includes many public
and private and social service resources, mental and health general services, media civic and
religious groups and educational services.