Ics Form 201, Incident Briefing (v3)
Ics Form 201, Incident Briefing (v3)
Ics Form 201, Incident Briefing (v3)
5. Situation Summary and Health and Safety Briefing (for briefings or transfer of command): Recognize potential
incident Health and Safety Hazards and develop necessary measures (remove hazard, provide personal protective
equipment, warn people of the hazard) to protect responders from those hazards.
Liaison Officer
Incident Commander(s)
Safety Officer
Operations Section Chief Planning Section Chief Logistics Section Chief Finance/Admin Section Chief
Resource Date/Time
Resource Identifier Ordered ETA Notes (location/assignment/status)
Preparation. The briefing form is prepared by the Incident Commander for presentation to the incoming Incident
Commander along with a more detailed oral briefing.
Distribution. Ideally, the ICS 201 is duplicated and distributed before the initial briefing of the Command and General
Staffs or other responders as appropriate. The “Map/Sketch” and “Current and Planned Actions, Strategies, and Tactics”
sections (pages 1–2) of the briefing form are given to the Situation Unit, while the “Current Organization” and “Resource
Summary” sections (pages 3–4) are given to the Resources Unit.
• The ICS 201 can serve as part of the initial Incident Action Plan (IAP).
• If additional pages are needed for any form page, use a blank ICS 201 and repaginate as needed.
Block Title Instructions
1 Incident Name Enter the name assigned to the incident.
2 Incident Number Enter the number assigned to the incident.
3 Date/Time Initiated Enter date initiated (month/day/year) and time initiated (using the 24-
• Date, Time hour clock).
4 Map/Sketch (include sketch, Show perimeter and other graphics depicting situational status,
showing the total area of resource assignments, incident facilities, and other special information
operations, the incident on a map/sketch or with attached maps. Utilize commonly accepted
site/area, impacted and ICS map symbology.
threatened areas, overflight
results, trajectories, impacted If specific geospatial reference points are needed about the incident’s
shorelines, or other graphics location or area outside the ICS organization at the incident, that
depicting situational status and information should be submitted on the Incident Status Summary (ICS
resource assignment) 209).
North should be at the top of page unless noted otherwise.
5 Situation Summary and Self-explanatory.
Health and Safety Briefing (for
briefings or transfer of
command): Recognize potential
incident Health and Safety
Hazards and develop necessary
measures (remove hazard,
provide personal protective
equipment, warn people of the
hazard) to protect responders
from those hazards.
6 Prepared by Enter the name, ICS position/title, and signature of the person
• Name preparing the form. Enter date (month/day/year) and time prepared
(24-hour clock).
• Position/Title
• Signature
• Date/Time
7 Current and Planned Enter the objectives used on the incident and note any specific problem
Objectives areas.
Block Title Instructions
8 Current and Planned Actions, Enter the current and planned actions, strategies, and tactics and time
Strategies, and Tactics they may or did occur to attain the objectives. If additional pages are
• Time needed, use a blank sheet or another ICS 201 (Page 2), and adjust
• Actions page numbers accordingly.
9 Current Organization (fill in • Enter on the organization chart the names of the individuals
additional organization as assigned to each position.
• Modify the chart as necessary, and add any lines/spaces needed for
• Incident Commander(s) Command Staff Assistants, Agency Representatives, and the
• Liaison Officer organization of each of the General Staff Sections.
• Safety Officer • If Unified Command is being used, split the Incident Commander
• Public Information Officer box.
• Planning Section Chief • Indicate agency for each of the Incident Commanders listed if
• Operations Section Chief Unified Command is being used.
• Finance/Administration
Section Chief
• Logistics Section Chief
10 Resource Summary Enter the following information about the resources allocated to the
incident. If additional pages are needed, use a blank sheet or another
ICS 201 (Page 4), and adjust page numbers accordingly.
• Resource Enter the number and appropriate category, kind, or type of resource
• Resource Identifier Enter the relevant agency designator and/or resource designator (if
• Date/Time Ordered Enter the date (month/day/year) and time (24-hour clock) the resource
was ordered.
• ETA Enter the estimated time of arrival (ETA) to the incident (use 24-hour
• Arrived Enter an “X” or a checkmark upon arrival to the incident.
• Notes (location/ Enter notes such as the assigned location of the resource and/or the
assignment/status) actual assignment and status.